#national university of colombia
totallynotcensorship · 5 months
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turkey halted trade with israel.
for context: trade between the two was worth 6.8 Billion dollars in 2023
KEEP SPEAKING, KEEP PROTESTING. push for your government to also cut ties with israel. this is what we need
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waledps · 2 months
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Hello, I am engineer Walid Al-Qatrawi. I am 34 years old. A Father for Adam, Hla, and Nay.
I have lived in the Gaza Strip since I was born. Recently, the Gaza Strip has been subjected to a war of genocide like no other. I am now looking to leave the Strip, me and my small family, to search for a life like living in peace. Away from wars, After losing all means of life in Gaza and everything I own, The only hope i have is your support so that I can get my family out of Gaza as quickly as possible to save my family again outside the Gaza Strip in peace.
The only thing im looking for is a happy and peaceful life for my children far away from war... Thank you in advance.
Link to support Walid and his family - PayPal click here
Link to support Walid and his family - buymeacoffee click here
- My little family:
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Verified by: @ 90-ghost
@straycatj @thunderstruck9 @haflacky @catasters @90-ghost
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historyforfuture · 5 months
The country of freedom and ridiculous democracy.
The moment of the violent arrest of the economics professor of Emory University Caroline Fohlinin in the state of Georgia
After these scenes, there must be a position for all universities around the world to stand with the people of Palestine in Gaza. All hypocritical authorities and rulers who support the Nazi terrorist Israelis must be confronted.
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waled-family · 2 months
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Hello, I am engineer Walid Al-Qatrawi. I am 34 years old. Father to Adam, Hala, and Nay. I have lived in the Gaza Strip since I was born.
Recently, the Gaza Strip was subjected to a war like no other. I am now looking forward to leaving the Gaza Strip, me and my young family, to search for a life that resembles living in peace. Away from the wars, after losing all means of life in Gaza and everything I own, the only hope I have is your support so that I can get my family out of Gaza as quickly as possible to save my family again outside of the Gaza Strip in peace.
The only thing I am looking for is a happy and peaceful life for my children away from war... Thank you in advance ❤️
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Don't Scroll Please ‼️‼️
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themakeupbrush · 2 years
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Miss Universe Colombia 2022 National Costume: The Phoenix Queen
Inspired by the beautiful landscapes Colombia has among them the sunsets of the coffee axis, which show the beauty of a sunset accompanied by the aroma of coffee. In turn she was inspired by the resilient way in which Colombians don’t stop growing and undertaking, like our Miss Universe Colombia 2022 Mafe  who is sure that second chances do exist, and that the most important thing to hit bottom is to emerge from the ashes and rise stronger with the certainty that dreams do come true. In this way her fans see her as a phoenix bird; example of life before the universe. Crafted with over a hundred thousand Swarovski crystals decorated in straws and beads in shades of yellow, orange and red, colors that represent fire. Embellished in rooster, goose and ostrich feathers.
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The economic indicators speak of nothing less than an economic catastrophe. Over 46,000 businesses have gone bankrupt, tourism has stopped, Israel’s credit rating was lowered, Israeli bonds are sold at the prices of almost “junk bonds” levels, and the foreign investments that have already dropped by 60% in the first quarter of 2023 (as a result of the policies of Israel’s far-right government before October 7) show no prospects of recovery. The majority of the money invested in Israeli investment funds was diverted to investments abroad because Israelis do not want their own pension funds and insurance funds or their own savings to be tied to the fate of the State of Israel. This has caused a surprising stability in the Israeli stock market because funds invested in foreign stocks and bonds generated profit in foreign currency, which was multiplied by the rise in the exchange rate between foreign currencies and the Israeli Shekel. But then Intel scuttled a $25 billion investment plan in Israel, the biggest BDS victory ever.  These are all financial indicators. But the crisis strikes deeper at the means of production of the Israeli economy. Israel’s power grid, which has largely switched to natural gas, still depends on coal to supply demand. The biggest supplier of coal to Israel is Colombia, which announced that it would suspend coal shipments to Israel as long as the genocide was ongoing. After Colombia, the next two biggest suppliers are South Africa and Russia. Without reliable and continuous electricity, Israel will no longer be able to pretend to be a developed economy. Server farms do not work without 24-hour power, and no one knows how many blackouts the Israeli high-tech sector could potentially survive. International tech companies have already started closing their branches in Israel. Israel’s reputation as a “startup nation” depends on its tech sector, which in turn depends on highly educated employees. Israeli academics report that joint research with universities abroad has declined sharply thanks to the efforts of student encampments. Israeli newspapers are full of articles about the exodus of educated Israelis. Prof. Dan Ben David, a famous economist, argued that the Israeli economy is held together by 300,000 people (the senior staff in universities, tech companies, and hospitals). Once a significant portion of these people leaves, he says, “We won’t become a third world country, we just won’t be anymore.” 
19 July 2024
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northern-passage · 10 months
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Read the full call to action here.
Tomorrow, November 29th, the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, the #BDS movement is calling for an all day social media storm. Our physical and digital actions can be used together to strengthen our demands: Permanent ceasefire and lifting the siege to stop Israel’s genocide in Gaza. Lawful sanctions on Israel, including a #MilitaryEmbargo. Pressure on the International Criminal Court (ICC) to issue arrest warrants for Israeli leaders. Click here for prepared messages and images to use for the social media storm. Over the last 7 weeks, millions of you have taken to the streets for the largest protests the world has seen in the last 20 years! We are grateful to each one of you who, through your voices and creative actions, have built up unprecedented grassroots power to end Israel’s genocidal war against 2.3 million Palestinians in Gaza. Yet, Western governments are continuing to arm, fund and provide political cover for Israel’s genocide. We must act urgently to end all state, corporate and institutional complicity with Israel’s genocidal apartheid regime. Palestinian lives and livelihoods literally depend on it. To this end, and as time has shown, BDS is the most effective form of solidarity with the Palestinian liberation struggle. Tomorrow, we call for escalating worldwide peaceful mobilizations and expressions of meaningful solidarity to stop the genocide including: 1. Whenever feasible, organizing peaceful disruptions, sit-ins, occupations, etc. targeting  policymakers, as well as the corporate enablers of genocide and apartheid (arms manufacturers, investment firms), and institutions (media, universities, cultural spaces, etc.). 2. Disrupting the transport of weapons, or weapon parts, to Israel, including in transit states, by supporting trade unions refusing to handle such shipments, as has been done in Belgium, US, and the Spanish State, and as expressed by trade unions in India, Turkey, Italy and Greece.  3. Pressuring parliaments and governments to cancel existing military contracts and agreements with Israel, as Colombia’s president publicly espoused, and as demanded by the BDS movement in Brazil, a demand supported by civil society and more than 60 parliamentarians in the country. 4. Intensifying all strategic economic boycott and divestment campaigns against complicit corporations, and escalating campaigns to cut all ties to apartheid Israel and its complicit academic and cultural institutions as well as sports teams. Mobilizing your community, trade union, association, church, social network, student government/union, city council, cultural center, or other organization to declare itself an Apartheid Free Zone (AFZ) on November 29th, if it hasn’t already, and organize a solidarity event or action on November 29th. 5. Pressuring your elected officials, where relevant, through direct communication or collective direct action, to demand real pressure on the International Criminal Court (ICC) to urgently prosecute Netanyahu and all other Israeli officials responsible for genocide, apartheid, and war crimes. If not now, when? In solidarity, The Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)
Cultural boycott guidelines
Economic boycott for consumers
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veryintricaterituals · 11 months
I am Jewish, what does that mean?
I was born in Colombia on the 49th anniversary of Hitler's suicide, I was raised here but I lived in Israel for about four years. I am not white, I don't look white, and my first language is Spanish. I came back to Colombia three years ago because of the pandemic.
I grew up Jewish and swallowed all the pro-Israel propaganda, I moved there looking for better opportunities and somewhere safe where I could come out of the closet. It took me less than a month to understand where I really had ended up in. It wasn't so different from my own colonized third world country filled with violence.
I did my best, I voted against the current Israeli government four separate times, I worked with and was great friends with many Palestinians and Arab Israelis (there unfortunately is a difference), I went to protests, I donated blood, I donated food and money. I fucking hate Netanyahu with all my heart.
For two years I taught English at a low income school in Jerusalem where all my students were mizrahi jews (from Arab countries) whose families had been kicked out of various surrounding countries in the 20th century. When I spoke to their parents and grandparents they talked about Iran, Morroco, Egypt, Yemen, with such longing and they brought me the most delicious foods. (Two of my students were killed two weeks ago, kids, barely 18 now, much younger when I taught them, I remember them).
My great grandmother on my mom's side was born in Jerusalem and raised in Egypt until all Jews were expelled and she had to flee with my newborn grandfather. They ended up in Colombia because she spoke ladino (Jewish dialect that is close to Spanish) they were undocumented, without a nationality because Egypt had rejected them, they had to lie and pay for falsified documents in order to get a passport, I still have a Red Cross passport in my house with my grandfather's name that determines he has no home country.
My great grandparents on my dad's side were born and raised in Bielorrusia and had to escape with my newborn paternal grandfather from the progroms after they destroyed their shtetl, they tried to make it to the US but they wouldn't take any more Jews so they ended up in Colombia.
My great grandmother on my paternal side was born in Romania, at the age of 12 she got on a boat with her 15 year old cousin, not knowing where it would take them. Her parents had both died and antisemitism was on the rise. She was so afraid that they were going to send her back that she threw her passport (that said JEW in capital letters) into the sea when they arrived at the port of a country she had never heard of, to this day we don't know when her birthday was.
My maternal grandmother is Colombian, she was born and raised here, Catholic until she converted to marry my grandfather, and yet when I went looking up our family tree I found we came from Sephardic Jews that had been expelled from Spain almost 500 years ago by the inquisition.
There are less than 400 Jews in my city that homes over 4 million people. My synagogue has been closed since October 12th, our president has equated all of Israel with Nazism on multiple occasions in the last few weeks. The kids that go to our tiny Jewish school have stopped wearing the uniform so that they cannot be identified. Ours is one of the countries with the least amount of antisemitism in the world. Someone in my university saw my Magen David necklace and screamed at me to go back where I came from. I went online and saw countless posts telling Israelis to do the same.
I am Jewish, I am latina, I am gay. My story is complicated, my relationship with my community is complicated, my relationship with my country is complicated. My relationship with G-d is complicated, my relationship with Israel is incredibly complicated. My history is complicated.
I am Jewish. What does that mean?
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Brazil’s Electric Bus Adoption Trails Other Latin American Nations, Says USP Professor
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According to the latest data from the E-BUS radar , the Brazilian electric bus fleet is behind other Latin American countries such as Chile, Colombia and Mexico. As one of the main alternatives for decarbonizing the automobile sector, the electrification of public transportation in Brazil guarantees the country more than 500 electric buses, but it is not enough to surpass the countries mentioned. In an interview with Jornal da USP no Ar 1ª Edição , Professor Adriana Marotti de Mello from the School of Economics, Administration, Accounting and Actuarial Science (FEA) at the University of São Paulo says that the replacement that many countries are making of internal combustion vehicles has to do with the dependence on oil imports, their energy sources and also the commitments that these countries have to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, such as improving energy efficiency.
“Here in Brazil, we have had a renewable fuel alternative since the 1970s, which is ethanol. That is why we do not have a more urgent need to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by replacing petroleum in vehicle use, nor are we heavily dependent on imports, since Brazil is an oil producer,” she says. According to her, this explains the lack of action by federal, state and municipal governments to seek a transition to vehicles — especially passenger vehicles — that use a lot of ethanol.
Continue reading.
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totallynotcensorship · 2 months
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waledps · 2 months
Hello, I am engineer Walid Al-Qatrawi. I am 34 years old. Father to Adam, Hala, and Nay. I have lived in the Gaza Strip since I was born.
Recently, the Gaza Strip was subjected to a war like no other. I am now looking forward to leaving the Gaza Strip, me and my young family, to search for a life that resembles living in peace. Away from the wars, after losing all means of life in Gaza and everything I own, the only hope I have is your support so that I can get my family out of Gaza as quickly as possible to save my family again outside of the Gaza Strip in peace.
The only thing I am looking for is a happy and peaceful life for my children away from war... Thank you in advance ❤️
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historyforfuture · 5 months
Signs of torture in occupation prisons on the body of prisoner Adib Alsamodi
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waled-family · 2 months
Hello, I am engineer Walid Al-Qatrawi. I am 34 years old. Father to Adam, Hla, and Nay. I have lived in the Gaza Strip since I was born.
Recently, the Gaza Strip was subjected to a war like no other. I am now looking forward to leaving the Gaza Strip, me and my young family, to search for a life that resembles living in peace. Away from the wars, after losing all means of life in Gaza and everything I own, the only hope I have is your support so that I can get my family out of Gaza as quickly as possible to save my family again outside of the Gaza Strip in peace.
The only thing I am looking for is a happy and peaceful life for my children away from war... Thank you in advance ❤️
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themakeupbrush · 11 months
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Miss Universe Colombia 2023 National Costume
This piece is inspired by the Rio Pauto, one of the most iconic and important rivers in the Colombian Llanera Region. The magic of his canal advances eternal like a magic ribbon through the immense savannah, which enchants, inspires and unites in the infinite with the glow of the magical sunrises that at dawn, swings celestial headbands with herds of white herons, flying airy all the day and stand tall over the white and leafy garceros in the sunsets of trees, when the singing harp throws to the wind its last tune at night.
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rjzimmerman · 2 months
Excerpt from this story from National Geographic:
Immigrants tend to migrate to neighborhoods that meet their cultural and linguistic needs, but the exodus of climate migrants to Buffalo wasn’t solely due to that established community. Months before Maria struck, the city’s mayor declared Buffalo a “climate refuge city,” noting that Buffalo has, “… a tremendous opportunity as our climate changes.”
Since then, the city has launched a relocation guide advertising the advantages to living in Buffalo, including how its average July temperature is a comfortable 71˚F. Anticipating a possible population uptick, the city revised zoning codes in 2017 to encourage development in existing city corridors and began upgrading its dated sewage infrastructure.
And Buffalo isn’t alone. Planners in cities such as Cleveland, Ohio; Ann Arbor, Michigan; Duluth, Minnesota; and elsewhere are beginning to map out what a future with thousands more residents could—and should—look like. 
The question of ‘climate havens’—places where extreme weather events are rare and which tend to be located in the northern regions of the U.S. close to bodies of freshwater—has gained currency in recent years, as deadly wildfires, record heat, and damaging hurricanes increasingly affect day-to-day life in the southern and western parts of the country. 
Last year, 675,000 people in the U.S. were displaced from their homes by disasters, second only to Colombia among all 35 countries in the Americas, according to the Internal Displacement Monitoring Center.
One academic has gone as far as labeling Buffalo and Duluth “climate proof” communities.
Many of these communities were once economically dependent on manufacturing, and are potentially well-placed to meet the needs of an influx of climate migrants: When factories started closed in the 1970s and residents moved elsewhere in search of work, they left behind homes and city spaces that today can be repurposed.
Cleveland, on the southern shore of Lake Erie, has around 30,000 vacant lots. Detroit, which has lost nearly two-thirds of its population since its industrial heyday in the 1950s, has more than 30 square miles of empty land inside its city limits. Duluth already has the infrastructure to accommodate tens of thousands more residents.
“We need to model various land use and development scenarios for population growth at the neighborhood, city-wide, county-wide, and regional scales,” says Terry Schwarz, director of the Cleveland Urban Design Initiative. “But at this point, we’re only getting started.”
While available land may be an advantage for some, other cities are examining how to modernize existing housing stock by fortifying them against cold in winter and heat in summer. 
“Thinking through ways of reinvigorating the urban core is going to be central to having a more climate-resilient region,” says Nicholas Rajkovich of the University at Buffalo’s School of Architecture and Planning.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 2 months
I’m semi shocked that the Colombia tour is later this week. I know people were floating a November date to compete with earth shot.
To be honest, they did it themselves. They told some sources November. Other sources were told August. It let them hedge their bets to see which got the more favorable attention.
I suspect there was backlash for November because of Earthshot so they went with August.
But you know how “Meghan plans, God laughs”? Okay, that’s not the real saying but you know what I mean - Meghan does this big thing expecting all the headlines and attention, but the universe delivers a karmic blow that drops her back to tomorrow’s fish paper where she belongs?
Well, looks like things are getting pretty tense over there in the Middle East, and something could be happening very soon:
I’ll check the Pizza Meter tonight.
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