#national tooth fairy day
murderousink23 · 1 month
08/22/2024 is Folklore Day 🇧🇷, National Flag Day 🇷🇺, National Bao Day 🇺🇸, National Pecan Torte Day 🇺🇸, National Tooth Fairy Day 🦷🧚‍♀️🇺🇸, National Take Your Cat to the Vet Day 🐈‍⬛️🇺🇸, National Rainbow Baby Day 🌈👶🇺🇸, International Day of Remembrance for Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief 🇺🇳
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subby-sab · 1 month
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Today is 22nd of August.
Today is National Tooth Fairy Day, National Bao Day, National Pecan Torte Day, World Folklore Day.
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reveluving · 7 months
cold little kisses ; yandere!singer x reader
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summary: Omar's love knows no bounds.
warnings: s~mut (minors DNI!) & tooth-rotting fluff!
a/n: I LOVE @oncomingnight 's OCs to BITS, but Omar has been haunting me for DAYS. OP if you're reading this, hi!! Quick question; is the man in the original post like someone someone? ‘Cause he now comes to mind whenever I think of him ✋🏼😔 Hope you don't mind me giving this sweetheart a go! ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ
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'But like the greedy man he was, he never stopped. Not even when the two of you returned to his cabin.' ;
Smut includes: unprotected sex (p in v), cockwarming, slight teasing & marking, drools & sweat, body worship, soft!dom!Omar!
Omar believed you were God's gift at its purest form, and to be the luckiest son of a gun when you bestowed before him that very day?
Absolute miracle.
There was no way he could have wiped the lovestruck smile off his face every morning, waking up to you in your most vulnerable.
The extravagant sight of Quebec was already a treat as it was, enjoying the spot with his wife was another. He was more than content to watch you marvel at the snowy night, eyes twinkling in the fairy lights as the snowflakes fell on you like an extraordinary being blessing the Earth, but that would be unceremonious of him.
“Omar, look.” You gasped for the umpteenth time tonight, bending down at the line of the nation's quintessential souvenirs, handcrafted in ways that would surely grab the attention of first-time tourists. Those familiar with the renowned singer were kind enough to leave him and his beloved be, going only as far as taking a picture of the two from a distance to share on their social media later and rake in OMGs or any other forms of awe.
That, and many were smart enough to stay away, having witnessed the more intimidating side of him online at the mere mention of you in manners that never sat right with him.
“Would you like that one?” He asked, his deep voice never failed to send shivers down your spine.
“Omar, we already have so much.” You raised the bags in your hands, plus motioning to the majority that he had offered to hold. Brows furrowing a little in a way that you feel guilty that he has to play tour guide for you, no matter how many times you have visited.
“Well, who else is going to beautify our new bookshelf, if not you?” He chuckled, languidly walking over to stand next to you. He briefly surveyed the souvenirs through the glass, only for his eyes to flit towards you within seconds, prompting your face to burn, despite the chilly air hitting you, “We're buying it.”
Omar ducking his head was a telltale sign of him wanting to steal a kiss, but rather than feeling his lips on yours, he pecked the cold tip of your nose. Embarrassed by the affectionate display in public, you hid your face in his chest, your giggles vibrating through him.
That didn't stop him from showering you with more, planting kisses after kisses on the top of your head while he rested his free hand on the small of your back.
But like the greedy man he was, he never stopped. Not even when the two of you returned to his cabin.
Your eyes were brimming with tears, glassy to the point where you couldn't pinpoint the nature on the other side of the window beyond silhouettes. Your mind was no better, your brain already in the midst of turning mush in favour of him prodding your cervix.
He cooed at you, akin to a delicate flower if not for the way one of his hands gripped at your ass tightly. Blunt nails leaving marks for him to appreciate in the next sunrise. His other hand lightly held the back of your head, leaving you no choice but to stare back at him in a drunken haze.
Omar welcomed your drools and tears dripping down his chest, occasionally leaving damp marks on his shirt, all unbuttoned but barely removed from his shoulders. The half-disheveled look on him was a sight to behold, the oh-so-put-together-singer nowhere to be seen.
You felt full, and you were full, the stretch around him evident when bouncing you up and down his cock required his aid. You would've fallen back or sagged in his arms if not for his own holding you snug against his chest. Although, that didn't mean he wasn't seconds away from losing himself into the feeling either—falling back into the velvet seat with one arm around you, chest heaving in shallow breaths and skin covered in a thin layer of sweat.
His body akin to a Greek God, created to worship his one and only with loyalty, riches and silk, and protect you from the dangers of humanity alone, or even the unforgiving weather that occured beyond the safety of his luxurious cabin.
Lost in the way you squeezed him each time he rolled his hips, he surged forward, wrapping his lips around one of your pebbled tits. You instinctively wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing his face further into your breasts as he shamelessly looked up at you through his lashes.
“Omar…” You hiccuped, brushing your lips against his forehead, moving your hips when he stilled you for a moment. It felt sickly sweet. something only he had the privilege of—of your body and soul, “Move, please…”
He couldn't say no to you, not now, not ever, even if he wanted nothing more than to listen to your pretty voice and hold you real close.
So long your lips, your mind, your you—could do nothing more than reciprocate his own desires, he'd only stop at his own expense when hell freezes over.
˚ · . f i n . · ˚
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» Bonus HC from the train pic on OP's post:
I love the thought of Omar, with his reading glasses as he writes the lyrics of his upcoming song on a journal and casually drinks his coffee. But he's also watching his beloved play a one-player card game in front of him with a warm smile. UGH.
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» deadass could not help it. this is one of those 'if I don't do something about it, no matter how short or quick it is, I'll sure as hell think about it for a LONG time.' ksjslsksls ;; tagging @firefly-graphics for the gorgeous divider ♡
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Happy national tooth fairy day from our slightly unhinged toothless queen! 😹💁‍♀️🧚‍♀️🦷
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bibliophilecats · 1 year
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22 August 2023: National Tooth Fairy Day
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By: Rosemary Neill
Published: Dec 2, 2022
In his bestseller The God Delusion, published in 2006, author Richard Dawkins famously wrote that the god of the Old Testament is “a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser” and “a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal … capriciously malevolent bully’’.
Not for nothing has Dawkins been described as “a poster boy for militant atheism”.
The former Oxford University professor and evolutionary biologist is also regarded as a brilliant and passionate science communicator: His 1976 book, The Selfish Gene, reframed our understanding of evolution and has been named by the Royal Society as the most inspiring science book of all time, while his latest volume, Flights of Fancy – a surprisingly lyrical work aimed at the over 12s – looks at how animals and humans have “learned to overcome the pull of gravity and take to the skies’’.
In 2013, Dawkins was voted the world’s top thinker in a Prospect magazine poll. Yet in recent years, his controversial tweets and remarks about everything from aborting Down’s syndrome foetuses to Islamic fundamentalism have provoked sharp criticism and threats of cancellation.
Now aged 81, the career controversialist will conduct a national speaking tour in Australia in February, addressing topics including the wonders of science, the importance of reason and his scepticism about religion. Ahead of his tour, which starts in Melbourne, the British author gave a typically forthright, sometimes combative interview to Review.
During this encounter, conducted over Zoom from his Oxford home, Dawkins oscillates between donnish erudition and a kind of pugnacious rationalism, as he argues that parents should not have the right to “indoctrinate” their children with their chosen religion; that human foetuses are “no more a person” than animal foetuses; that anti-vaxxers are selfish; and that transgenderism has become “a mimetic epidemic” among schoolchildren. He also warns that human beings could one day be obliterated by the same kind of meteorite that wiped out the dinosaurs.
You have been called a militant atheist, and you’ve argued that religion causes wars and entrenches bigotry. Yet you use the borrowed phrase “tooth fairy agnostic” to describe yourself. Tooth fairy agnostic – that’s right. We are all actually agnostic about anything you can’t actually disprove. You can’t disprove the tooth fairy; it’s trivial to bother about it, so that’s the way I am about gods.
Why do you oppose faith schools? I am not against education in religion. I think that’s important and that children should be taught about religion because it’s such an important part of history, politics, art and music. I’m against educating in a particular religion – I’m against a child being told, “You are a member of this church and therefore this is what you believe”. I like the child to be told, “There are people who call themselves Catholics and they believe this, and there are people who call themselves Muslims and they believe that” and so on. That’s important, but children should not be told what to believe.
Would banning faith schools amount to erosion of parental choice and authority? I think children have rights, and the right of a child not to be indoctrinated is important.
You get hate mail from evangelical Christians and you are also a trenchant critic of Islamic fundamentalism. As an outspoken public intellectual, what did you think of the recent attack on The Satanic Verses author Sir Salman Rushdie? It’s horrible. It’s irrational. It’s vicious. It was allegedly perpetrated by a very foolish person who doesn’t know what he’s doing. He has been indoctrinated by his Islamic upbringing and that’s one kind of reason why I find indoctrination so bad. (The suspect, Hadi Matar, has said that Ayatollah Khomeini, who issued a fatwa against Rushdie, is, “a great person”. Matar has pleaded not guilty to attempted murder and assault charges brought against him in the US.)
Many Christian fundamentalists in the US oppose abortion. What is your view of the US Supreme Court ruling that overturned the historic Roe v Wade decision? I deplore that.
You maintain that pro-choice activists in America are using the wrong tactics. Why? I think the pro-abortion lobby is tactically unsound when they say something like, “A woman’s body is her own to do what she likes with”. I happen to think that’s right, but that’s not going to cut any ice with somebody who thinks that an embryo is a baby, and they think therefore that abortion is murder. They’ll say, “Ah, but she contains another body which is not her own.” I think we should tackle that assumption. We should say, “A foetus is no more a person than, and no more has personal feelings … than the foetus of a cow or a pig, let alone an adult cow or pig.”
You dedicate your latest book, Flights of Fancy, to the billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk. Why does he impress you? He certainly is a high flyer and he certainly is a hero of our times. I do admire him and I think that he’s an appropriate dedicatee for a book about flight. He’s a man with immense imagination and he is a genius as an engineer, a genius as an entrepreneur.
In Flights of Fancy, you note how, just decades after the Wright brothers’ historic flight, we were in the era of supersonic and space flight. Does this constitute an extraordinary burst of progress within a short time? It is rather remarkable, isn’t it? I think it’s a very good century to have lived in for that reason. In a way it’s rather sad that things (to do with space flight) are only just taking off now after the 1960s, when men first stepped on the moon, and nothing much has happened since then, until quite recently. I’m glad things are getting going again.
In 2021, the American Humanist Society withdrew an award they had given you because of an old tweet. In that tweet, you called for a discussion about the vilification of those who deny transgender people “literally are what they identify as”. How did you feel about the award being cancelled? To be honest, I had actually forgotten that I ever had that award, but it is upsetting when your own side turn against you, of course. I’d never worried about religious fundamentalists disliking me, but when it’s your own team, it’s upsetting. It’s a remarkably foolish thing for them to do, because all I did was to raise a subject for discussion.
Has academe changed for the worse in terms of restrictions on freedom of speech since you first worked at the University of California, Berkeley, and Oxford University in the 1960s and ’70s? It’s not possible to imagine that we’re going to go on with this nonsense where you can’t even discuss something.
Why is the transgender debate so heated, and such a no-go area for many commentators? You’d have to ask a psychologist or a sociologist about that. It (the debate) seems to me to be utter nonsense. Of course, there are people who suffer from gender dysphoria, and one has to be sympathetic to them. But there clearly is a mimetic epidemic, especially among schoolchildren who get persuaded that somehow the cool thing to do is to be trans, and this is a very disturbing by-product of a very genuine phenomenon, which is gender dysphoria. That is quite a rare thing, but it’s being blown up into a kind of false, common thing.
With the recent closure of the Tavistock child gender clinic, it appears the UK is adopting a more cautious approach to hormonal and surgical treatments for trans-identifying children. How do you view this development? I think we’re seeing the beginnings of a very appropriate reversal of this trend.
You have 2.9 million followers on Twitter. Do your more contentious tweets scare your publishers? Possibly, but I’m not here to talk about Twitter.
Even so, why are you drawn to Twitter, given the nasty pile-ons that are a feature of the platform? I suppose, misguidedly, I thought it was rather a good way of raising discussion. That’s why I put “discuss” at the end of so many tweets, (as) a follow-on of the Oxford tutorials. I am afraid I rather over-estimated the intelligence of the Twitter audience.
You’ve said it would be fun to fly like a bird or go hang-gliding. Does your fear of heights hold you back? I certainly wouldn’t want to jump off a cliff.
No bungy-jumping for Richard Dawkins then? I might run down a hill, maybe.
Why do you believe there is merit in people establishing a colony on another planet? This, I think, is one of the motives of Elon Musk wanting to go to Mars. It’s interesting, by the way, that NASA has just succeeded in diverting or changing the orbit of a small asteroid. They need to do it for a much bigger asteroid in order to save us from the sort of catastrophe that hit the dinosaurs. But (the recent NASA diversion) is a very important first step. It’s a magnificent feat of engineering and science and mathematics.
During the Covid lockdowns, you wrote two nonfiction books and failed to complete a novel about bringing back Homo erectus, our ancient ancestor. Have you given up on writing fiction? I abandoned that, at least temporarily. It turned out to be much more difficult than I thought.
Why do you argue the Covid pandemic has been good for science? As soon as the genetic code sequence of the virus was decoded, which nowadays can be done very swiftly, several different teams of scientists got to work on making a vaccine, and they did it in double quick time; astonishingly quickly. I think that’s a great tribute to the genius of our species.
What about the rise of the anti-vaxxers? Has that surprised you? Tragically, really stupid opposition to vaccination has been whipped up, mostly in America, but it spread to other countries as well. A lot of people don’t understand that vaccination is not just about protecting yourself, it’s about protecting society as a whole, to get herd immunity so the epidemic doesn’t spread.
Is there a selfishness inherent in the anti-vaccination movement? Yes, they just think it’s a matter of individual liberty. They don’t realise that refraining from vaccination for no very good reason is rather like driving on the wrong side of the road …. We do owe a certain curtailment of individual liberty in the interests of society.
You invented the word “meme” (an idea or behaviour that spreads from person to person within a society.) We’ve seen Donald Trump turn memes into a political art form. Were you dismayed by that? He just lies and lies all the time, and unfortunately, I think it was Goebbels who said, “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” Huge numbers of Americans actually believe Trump’s lies and it’s a tragedy.
You live in Oxford and drive a Tesla. Are we all going to be driving electric cars in future? It looks like it, doesn’t it? I think that’s a very good thing.
Some detractors say your reputation as a fierce supporter of atheism is in danger of eclipsing your insights as a visionary evolutionary biologist. I hope not. I’ve only written two books about atheism and about 17 about science, so really science is by far the more important part of my life.
The God Delusion has sold millions of copies, but what do you regard as your most significant book? Probably The Extended Phenotype, which is one book that I wrote for my professional colleagues, although I like to think it’s readable by nonscientists as well. It’s the main book in which I propose something which I suppose is original; something that is all my own.
Scientists don’t know how the universe started. Isn’t that an argument in itself that a god or creator must have kicked things off? That’s a terrible idea! The idea that just because you don’t know what the answer to a question is, therefore god did it. I mean, that’s a ridiculous argument. By all means say we don’t know – that’s true, we don’t know – therefore it’s better to try to find out. We don’t just lie down and say, “Oh, god must have done it”.
Across the globe millions of people, including those without a financial safety net, find comfort in religion. Can you see how rubbishing their spiritual beliefs can be perceived as arrogance? Not arrogance. I mean, if they don’t want to read my books, they don’t have to. My books are about what I believe to be true and what evidence is. I’m not going to refrain from writing books for fear that it might upset people. I write books about what is supported by scientific evidence. That is what I try to do, and if the evidence changes, of course I change my mind. That’s about it, really. I’m a scientist who writes books about science.
[ Via: https://archive.vn/Se49o ]
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happy-tori-friends · 4 months
Birthday Headcanon List
As promised I finished the birthdays today. Somehow a lot of them ended up in the same months. RIP to December, not a single representive.
Flippy/Fliqpy: October 2nd, the day Party Animal aired, and the only date that will have a reasoning related to a specific episode. Fliq just considers it his own birthday as well. He doesn't really care though - having the same birthday is just more convenient for him, because he already sees himself as the same age as Flippy. It's just easier to keep track of.
(Some consider it to be in late May because of Hide and Seek's air date / Party Animal was uploaded to YouTube in late May too + it being said he was a gemini somewhere, but... it's my fic series I do what I want. I also. chose this because I jokingly made a Fire Emblem Awakening avatar of him and picked this date because I didn't know at the time. I have the gay mod. He married Lon'qu before I stopped playing.)
Lifty and Shifty: May 24th. You two can be late May geminis, juuust like me. (I love projecting onto the faves :]) This one's based off Vibes rather than anything else, but it does mean Oblivion started after this date because they're already 19. Probably starts right after their birthday? I know I have to do some editing already but when I get a concrete timeline I may have to edit one line in the first work? I might just edit it to where Shifty doesn't mention how old they are in the first place anyways.
Splendid and Splendont: April 28th, national superhero day! ...Yeah. This is the route I'm going, for the sillies.
Pop: May 16th, national barbecue day. Predestined to love doing it.
Cub: September 9th, national teddy bear day.
Cuddles: April 4th, international carrot day.
Giggles: August 19th, national bow day.
Toothy: August 22nd, the second national tooth fairy day. This was the last one I did and the first date is already someone else's birthday.
Petunia: March 21st, national flower day.
Handy: March 11th, national tool day.
Disco Bear: July 2nd, national disco day. In New Zealand. Doesn't matter where though, as long as it's somewhere. First one I noticed not being America specifically.
Flaky: June 10th, anxiety awareness day.
Nutty: November 4th, national candy day. I considered Halloween but I think this fits a teensy weensy bit better.
Sniffles: February 28th, national science day in India. Surprised there isn't one in the USA.
Lumpy: January 25th. Moose day.
Lammy: October 26th. I wanted more variety, haha... This is the date of hug a sheep day in 2024.
Mr Pickels: November 14th. That's national pickle day. I figured he could be included because why not.
Russell: September 19th, talk like a pirate day.
Mime: April 17th, world circus day. (According to some sources, at least. Some say the third Saturday in April, some say the 17th.)
Mole: February 2nd. Groundhog Day. It's not the same, but they made Resetti do it in Animal Crossing. He'll never see his shadow, though.
Cro-Marmot: January 1st. For some reason, I think this is funny.
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books-in-a-storm · 1 year
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National Tooth Fairy Day
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dragonbadgerbooks · 1 year
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Fun Day Book Photo Challenge: August 22, 2023 National Tooth Fairy Day
I haven't read this series, but I do love the movie!
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Be an Angel Day & National Tooth Fairy Day & Take Your Cat to the Vet Day (Late)
Person A is a pre-angel who works at a vet clinic during their observation period of humanity, before they can get their angel certification. Person B is their roommate and ex-tooth fairy who got their qualifications revoked for making disturbing art with the teeth they’d collected and selling it online, but since Person B’s art business was doing so well, they’re trying to find other ways to get teeth to keep making art, and suggests Person A help them acquire animal teeth from Person A’s vet clinic gig.
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murderousink23 · 7 months
02/28/2024 is Day of Finnish Culture 🇫🇮, National Science Day 🧪🇮🇳, National Chocolate Souffle Day 🇺🇸, National Floral Design Day 💐🇺🇸, National Public Sleeping Day 💤🇺🇸, National Tooth Fairy Day 🦷🧚‍♀️🇺🇸
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subby-sab · 1 year
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Today is 22nd August.
Today is National Tooth Fairy Day.
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oiseauclairbleu · 9 months
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17/12/2023, 02:51 a.m.
To my nearest and dearest,
Ups and downs. It was the year I thought a little less yet saw and spoke so more. Leaving the fairy tale and then viewing you all less blurry. More bodily. More soulful. Softer. Warmer. I would not be lying at all that I aspired to engrave you upon a core of my heart although P’Mamuang and P’Pla, with whom I had stayed together for 2 days, said that I had overused “perhaps’” or “maybe’s.”
(The Defence of Poesy, Sidney)
“They go very near to ungratefulness to seek to deface that which, in the noblest nations and languages that are known, hath been the first light-giver to ignorance, and first nurse, whose milk by little and little enabled them to feed afterwards of tougher knowledges.”
“Let learned Greece, in any of her manifold sciences, be able to show me one book before Musaeus, Homer, and Hesiod, all three nothing else but poets.”
Whoever praised my graces had to honour you one million times more than them, otherwise I consider them disrespectful to my being. You all were my first light to make me sensate to get the picture of the world. You all were the reason why I was aglow with liveliness. You all were what I was proud of most to have in my own life. I loved you with all my heart and soul because you were invaluable to me. You all were my personal poets creating unwritten manuscripts that I could not have guessed at all what would be next or following. The poets that were ahead of time. Natural. Human. I was so indebted to you for your memorable words guiding me out of misery and to merriness and wisdom.   
(Sonnet 55: Not marble nor the gilded monuments, Shakespeare)
“Not marble nor the gilded monuments Of princes shall outlive this powerful rhyme, But you shall shine more bright in these contents Than unswept stone besmeared with sluttish time.”
Many times, my mother, who seemed religious to me, told me, “Everything will not stay forever.” “Is this true?” I was sceptical of this. If it were so, how would we, Thais, still hear the unforgettable name Williams Shakespeare? It was my curiosity, and it was my fortune to then come across the one and only beloved vocalist Mariah Carey. “It’s why I gravitate toward enduring characters like Santa Clause, the Tooth Fairy, and Tinker Bell. They remind me we can be timeless,” she wrote in her memoir. In my view, if her “All I Want for Christmas Is You” can be timeless, I will make sure that my love for those who are close to me (either physically or mentally) shall forever be existential no matter how hard it is to do. No matter how long it takes for me to write in this Germanic language that is not even my mother tongue at all. No matter how sleepless it is for me to “think.” Let it be known that you are in my sight, and the words I conveyed, convey, and will convey to you are much of my gratefulness for you and my love for you.
Yours ever,
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National Tooth Fairy Day
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brookston · 1 year
Holidays 8.22
America’s Cup Day
Baltic Unity Day (Latvia)
Be An Angel Day
Chuck Brown Day
Dia do Folclore (Folklore Day; Brazil)
Exercise Day
Feast of the Queenship of Mary
Flag Day (Russia)
International Apostasy Day
International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion of Belief (UN)
International Museum Meme Day
Liquid Soap Day
Loch Ness Monster Day
Madras Day (India)
National Firefighters Day (Mexico)
National Pamela Day
National Punctuation Day
National Rainbow Baby Day
National Surgical Oncologist Day
National Tooth Fairy Day (also 2.28)
Never Bean Better Day
Pocketphone Day
Rumpleskunkskin’s Wedding (Goblin celebration)
Salmon Day (French Republic)
Southern Hemisphere Hoodie-Hoo Day
Take Your Cat to the Vet Day
Tunamint (Natural Chimneys, Virginia)
World Folklore Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Eat a Peach Day
National Bao Day
National Pecan Torte Day
World Jolly Rice Day
World Plant Milk Day
Independence Days
Arstotzkan Union (Declared, 2019) [unrecognized]
Wakamawabla (Declared, 2016) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Andrew (Christian; Saint)
Archibald Willard (Artology)
Double Seventh Festival (a.k.a. Qi Xi Festival, Chinese Valentine's Day or Feast of the Milky Way; China) [7th Day of 7th Month]
Fabrizio (Christian; Saint)
Feast of Hathor and Min (Ancient Egypt)
Guinefort (Christian; Saint)
Harrison (Positivist; Saint)
Hippolytus (Christian; Saint)
Ignatius Reilly Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Immaculate Heart of Mary (Roman Catholic)
Janmashtami (Festival celebrating birth of Krishna; India)
Philibert (Christian; Saint)
Queenship of Mary (Christian; Saint)
Symphorian (Christian; Saint)
Tarantula Teasing Day (Pastafarian)
Timotheus (Christian; Saint)
Virgo zodiac sign begins (Pagan)
The Weatherberries (Muppetism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Alice in the Big League (Disney Cartoon; 1927)
And Now For Something Completely Different (Film; 1972)
Another One Bites the Dust, by Queen (Song; 1980)
Bojack Horseman (Animated TV Series; 2014)
Bootle Beetle (Disney Cartoon; 1947)
The Cocktail Party, by T.S. Eliot (Play; 1949)
Dancing in the Streets, recorded by Martha and the Vandellas (Song; 1966)
Ghosts, by Henrik Ibsen (Play; 1883)
G.I. Jane (Film; 1997)
Hamlet 2 (Film; 2008)
High Plains Drifter (Film; 1973)
The House Bunny (Film; 2008)
If I Stay (Film; 2014)
Joy in the Morning, by P.G. Wodehouse (Novel; 1947) [Jeeves #8]
Jumpin’ at the Woodside, recorded by Count Basie (Song; 1938)
Plop Goes the Weasel (WB LT Cartoon; 1953)
Porky’s Poultry Plant (WB LT Cartoon; 1936)
The Saint, by Burt Barer (Film Novelization; 1997) [Saint #51]
Sin City: A Dame to Kill For (Film; 2014)
The Skeleton Dance (Disney Cartoon; 1929)
Stand By Me (Film; 1986)
Toby Tortoise Returns (Disney Cartoon; 1936)
Today’s Name Days
Regina, Siegfried (Austria)
Marija, Regina, Vladislava (Croatia)
Bohuslav (Czech Republic)
Symphorian (Denmark)
Iivo, Ivalo, Ivar, Ivari, Ivo (Estonia)
Iivari, Iivo (Finland)
Fabrice (France)
Maria Regina, Regina, Sigfried (Germany)
Menyhért, Mirjam (Hungary)
Fabrizio, Maria, Regina (Italy)
Nadīna, Rudīte (Latvia)
Ipolitas, Karijotas, Rimantė, Sigitas, Zygfridas (Lithuania)
Harriet, Harry (Norway)
Cezary, Dalegor, Fabrycjan, Fabrycy, Hipolit, Hipolita, Maria, Namysław, Oswald, Oswalda, Tymoteusz, Zygfryd (Poland)
Tichomír (Slovakia)
María, Timoteo (Spain)
Henrietta, Henrika (Sweden)
Florence, Florent (Ukraine)
Hayden, Hazel, Heath, Heather, Hector (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 234 of 2024; 131 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 34 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Coll (Hazel) [Day 15 of 28]
Chinese: Month 7 (Geng-Shen), Day 7 (Ren-Zi)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 5 Elul 5783
Islamic: 5 Safar 1445
J Cal: 24 Hasa; Threesday [24 of 30]
Julian: 9 August 2023
Moon: 32%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 10 Gutenberg (9th Month) [Harrison]
Runic Half Month: As (Gods) [Day 10 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 62 of 94)
Zodiac: Virgo (Day 1 of 32)
Calendar Changes
Virgo (The Virgin) begins [Zodiac Sign 6; thru 9.22]
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gnomeyflamingo · 1 year
✮ Just another day... ✮
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We return to find Atreo sleeping soundly. *Eerie sloshing style noises*
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Atreo: *jumps awake*  “What was that?”
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Atreo: “AHH a MONSTER! Go away!”
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Monster: “I wish I could little boy but the housing market is rough. I'm also going through an ugly divorce. Do you mind if I eat bits of your dead skin cells and hair? I’m starving.”
Atreo: "EW NO!"
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*Has trauma bath*
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Alejandro: “This is how you cook Acco. You handle your two knives simultaneously, chopping the watermelon with reckless abandon.”
Acco: “Wow!”
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Alejandro: “And then you let the bowl of fruit salad slide down your arm, like this…”
Acco: “Teach me Papi!”
Brielle: “Show off."
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Brielle comes home and receives amazing news; she has gotten promoted. She’s now a National Leader and all of her legacy goals have been completed, except for one! Brielle: “Woo I reached the top of my passionless, dead end job! I’m soaking in it, I have ARRIVED!”
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Atreo: “Congrats on your promotion Mum. So my birthday is coming up and I was thinking…”
Brielle: “We’re not leaving Acco at home.”
Atreo: “Come on! It’s MY birthday, I should get to invite sims I actually like.”
Brielle: "He's your brother."
Atreo: "And?"
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Brielle: “Atreo really hates Acco and I don’t know what to do about it. He’s the heir now, the battle is over. Your move.”
Alejandro: “We can't force anything. I mean Atreo's been calling me by my first name since he aged into a toddler. All we can hope for is a character arch."
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In true Atherstone fashion, Acco brought Helmuth home from school and they’ve become best friends forever.
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Helmuth: “And then when my teacher heard my name, she cried and hugged me, telling me to stay strong! I'm so changing my name!"
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Acco: "Ooh let's come up with name ideas!"
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Acco: “Dear diary, today I’ve become BFF’s with Helmuth. He's thinking of changing his name and we had a brainstorm session. He now wants to be known as Otto, after one of the cats on our lot.”
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Atreo: "Another scout promotion for me! Making those garlic wreaths is paying off!"
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Alejandro: “You can do this buddy. Draw those lines! You’re holding that crayon excellently.”
Atreo: “Thanks for the encouragement.” 
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Acco: “And then the tooth fairy-”
Atreo: “Shut up Acco, you're distracting me! I’m busy wiring this motherboard into my school project.”
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Kelsy: “What was that about? A knife through my neck? Seriously?!”
Alejandro: “I told you to move.”
Kelsy: “How am I still alive?”
Alejandro: “I’m a really good cook.”
Kelsy: "Then FEED ME!"
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Brielle's using her telescope for the first time, not realising I have WW installed.
Brielle: “Hehe I wonder what my neighbours are up to-OMW! Close the curtains! That’s not even the bedroom!”
As Brielle averts her eyes in embarrassment, the snow falls and Winterfest begins!
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In the early morning…
Helicopter pilot: “The prisoner is loose and is throwing glitter and glue into my eyes! Where did she even get it from- she just jumped out- mayday, mayday, helicopter is going down-”
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***Cool and dramatic explosion***
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Keahola: “Must. Heal. From. Third Degree. Burns. And. Broken. Bones. Must. Be.... Nanny!”
*smoke and fire clears*
Keohola: “Hey that worked! My immense passion has healed my injuries. Great. I’m coming Atherstone boys. Nanny is back!” 
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