#national rosé day
murderousink23 · 19 days
06/08/2024 is Primož Trubar Day 🇸🇮, National Best Friends Day 🇺🇸, National Name Your Poison Day 🇺🇸, National Upsy Daisy Day 🇺🇸, National Rosé Day 🇺🇸, World Gin Day 🇬🇧, World Oceans Day 🌊🇺🇳
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subby-sab · 19 days
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Today is 8th of June.
Today is World Oceans Day, World Gin Day, National Best Friends Day, National Rosé Day.
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rabbitcruiser · 8 months
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National Wine Tasting Day
Get ready to raise your glasses, America. A very special day of the year is here and wine lovers across the nation are ready to celebrate! It’s time for wine, folks!  It’s National Wine Tasting Day (NWTD), an annual beverage holiday created for the wine connoisseur, weekend warrior, novice and everyone in-between. Created by wine lover and freelance writer, the Queen of Holidays, NWTD is observed on the first Saturday in November.
Whether you prefer red, white, dry or sweet, NWTD not only encourages folks to support their local wineries, but provides the perfect opportunity to try a new wine or two. Wine tasting events are not only loads of fun, but are educational, too. For a very reasonable price, parched patrons get a chance to sample all sorts of wine while learning a little bit about each one as well. And if a particular wine just happens to speak to you and calls your name, why not pick up a bottle or two for gifts, special occasions or just because?
Why not grab a few of your favorite BFFs and make a day of it? Head on over to your local winery, pub, store or restaurant for an affordable, fun and refreshing wine tasting event? It’s time to swirl, sniff, sip, sample and celebrate a great tasting wine (just don’t forget that designated driver.) Cheers!
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brighter-by-the-daly · 6 months
Millie Bright x Reader
Part Five: Lover’s Auction
Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, you and your girlfriend had become inseparable! Millie had asked you to be hers one evening in front of the TV, she had injured her knee and pulled out of the last national camp of the year; a blessing in disguise as you got a full week off together to have you her all to yourself. You’d barely left Millie’s house during the week and were preparing to watch her teammates play at Wembley against the Netherlands, snuggled up on the sofa you found yourself thankful that she was injured as it meant you didn’t have to sit outside for hours in the freezing cold. You loved watching her play but you definitely enjoy it more when the weather is nice! The TV was on with the commentators mumbling in the background while you scrambled around the kitchen fetching the snacks that your dad usually supplies when you heard Millie’s name mentioned – once, twice, three time in the space of 5 minutes. “Right, I’m making a game!” pulling out the wine from the fridge. “Every time you’re mentioned, I’m gonna drink!” you laughed, pouring yourself a large glass of rosé and taking three big gulps. “Me too then!” Millie snatched the bottle from your hands and leant over you to take a glass from the top of the cupboard. “Every time you act like the boss, I’m gonna drink!” she laughed sarcastically while giving you the side eye. It’s not a secret that you had become quite vocal during Millie’s games lately, sometimes she says that she can even hear you when on the pitch. “We’re gonna need another bottle then” muttering to yourself with wide eyes as you pulled another from the fridge and went to get comfy on the sofa.
Snuggled up ready for the game to start it didn’t take you long to become mouthy over the starting line up causing Millie to already finish her first glass. During the game she couldn’t keep her eyes off you - she had to keep an eye on when she should be drinking but more importantly, she couldn’t help but admire how far you’d come from when you first met. Millie found herself watching you more intently then the actual match and even when she was watching the TV, she kept looking out the corner of her eye whenever you jolted in frustration or excitement. “Why do you keep looking at me weirdo?” You’d noticed since the game started but waited until near the end to point it out, climbing over the cushions to plop yourselves onto her lap. Both bottles of wine were almost finished and your words had become a little slurred but not enough to be worried about a hangover in the morning. “I’m just in awe..” she shook her head in a way that suggested she didn’t believe what she was saying - that’s because she couldn’t. Your head tilted with examining eyes, eager to get her to talk more. “Of you! How far you’ve come! Four months ago if you told me we’d be here, drinking over how many opinions my girlfriend has on football I wouldn’t have believed it! I’m so proud of you!” she said, scooping your body into a giant bear hug. You stopped listening when you heard that word, you have no idea what was said after it! Peeling yourself out of her strong arms in shock, your eyes wide and barely able to blink made her worry. “What did you say?” you asked, wanting confirmation before making your next move. “I’m proud of you!” Millie was smiling ear to ear, she hadn’t even registered what she had said. “No, the other part..” you whispered cautiously, watching Millie’s eyes search the room as she racked her brain. You knew it had hit when her lips parted, she had realised what she said which sent a little wave of panic through her brain. “Is there something wrong that?” she chuckled nervously, “well it’s kinda tradition to ask first, no?” Realising she did actually want you to be her girlfriend and it wasn’t just an accidental slip suddenly gave you all the power to play with her. “Is it not obvious that I want you to be?” still trying to joke her way out of it. You shook your head in a slow and pent up way, you wanted her to say it properly, not accidentally. “(Y/f/n) will you be my girlfriend?” she asked, taking your smaller hands in hers. “No, actually I don’t think…” you watched the cheeky smile drop in worry for a split second before twigging that you were being purposely annoying. “Nothing would make me happier!” you came clean, launching yourself on top of her, clutching her face in your palms to confirm your answer with a kiss.
“Where are we going?” Millie asked excitedly from the passenger seat of the car, you’d arranged a surprise for your girl before you both have to go back to work. “You didn’t tell me last time, I’m not telling you this time” you teased, your hand settling on her thigh as you pulled away. Since meeting Millie something inside of you had awoken, it’s like the sadness in your soul from losing your mum had been overwritten by finding her - she was like a giant plaster for your heart, as corny as that sounds. As an heiress for your father’s company you were aware that you were more privileged than most people and wanted to share that with Millie in a way that she wouldn’t contest to. She never just lets you buy things for her.. which is nice in a way but you want to treat the girl you’re falling in love with and there’s still at least one thing she doesn’t know about you yet! As you pulled into an empty looking airfield her face was full of confusion wondering what was about to happen, she kept looking over at you for clues or guidance but your face wasn’t giving anything away just yet. She watched you be waved through the gates by a warden who called you Miss (y/l/n) which told her you were known to them and parked up on what seemed like a runway. Millie’s eyebrows furrowed as she turned to you looking for any sort of clue she could get, you smiled sweetly and got out of the car, walking round to open her door and offer your hand. “What’s.. happening?” she said apprehensively, glancing around at the empty field, “you’ll see” you remained coy and mysterious as you grabbed your coats out the boot and wrapped her arm round your shoulder.
You guided your girlfriend around to the back of a warehouse looking building where a row of helicopters came into view, “are you scared of flying?” you asked sheepishly, hoping to everything she’d say no. Thankfully she shook her head, “perfect” you smiled, tiptoeing to reach her lips. Leading her over to the closest helicopter you opened the door and helped her inside, Millie was silent for a while, wondering what the hell was happening and looked even more confused when you got in the pilot’s seat! “Now, I don’t do this for just anybody, so you better be a good passenger!” squeezing her thigh with reassurance as you leaned over her body to strap her into the seat. “You do know how to fly right?” she simpered a little with caution in her voice, you chuckled lightly at her question “I got my pilots license before I got my driving license!” flicking on all the right buttons and whirring up the propellor. Tapping your microphone you asked if she could hear you through her headphones, noticing she was biting her inner lip and looked apprehensive. “Do you trust me?” you interrupted her worried thoughts, the question making her breath out a big sigh. “With my life” she said quietly making this one of the only times you’ve ever heard her not be loud and excitable - you’re sure she will love it once you’re in the air! “Shall we?” you asked, desperately wanting to do this but didn’t want to push her into anything she didn’t want to do. You made sure to offer her the same courtesy that she had been showing you all these months with the thing that made you worried. “Yeah! Sorry, I’m just a bit in shock!” she laughed, seemingly snapping out of her funk, she just had to get over the hurdle of you being a pilot before she could fully immerse herself in the experience. You radioed into the tower to clear you for take off and raised your gear shift to lift you off the ground.
Before flying off towards your destination you had an idea of how to calm her nerves and circled over central London pointing out the spots she knows all too well from the ground – Big Ben, the London Eye, Buckingham Palace. It was such a clear night that you could even see the Wembley Arch in the distance. “Who are the men playing tonight?” you asked her through the headphones, “Man U, why?” she responded, “shall we take a look?” making a small detour towards Stamford Bridge, you’re not allowed to fly directly over the stadium but she could see enough from where you were. “Oh my god! This is so cool!” she screamed, making you turn down the volume a little as you watched her take photos out of the window. You hovered for a short period before turning around and headed off towards Southend again.
Landing at a busier airport than the one you left, there was a car waiting to take you to your next destination. As you walked towards it, Millie pulled you back, “sorry, can we just talk about what happened please?” still shocked at how you own a helicopter, you can fly the helicopter and that she’s just got from London to Southend in less than 20 minutes.. by you, her pilot.. in a helicopter! Your little adventure had earned b dathe exact reaction you were expecting and spoke about how learning to fly was a life goal when you were a child, you’ve always been fascinated by the sky – the sun, moon, planets, stars and seeing the world from above that getting your flying license was the first thing you wanted to do when you finished school. You don’t fly a lot nowadays and save it for special occasions or when the traffic is backed up, “it’s just quicker sometimes.. and more romantic! Tell me that wasn’t romantic!” winking as you opened the car door. “Of all the things I thought you may have planned for tonight, that certainly wasn’t one of them!” she laughed nervously, still in awe at how you pulled that off. You had booked your dad’s chauffeur to drive you to your next destination and as you pulled up, a nigh on empty field with a dozen young girls came into view. Millie knew exactly what it was when she looked out the window then snapped her neck to look back at you - you’d bought her to your old training ground. “Give me a sec okay” leaning over to kiss her before getting out of the car, leaving no time for questions. You left Millie there to come to terms with what was happening, watching out the window as you embraced the person she assumed was the coach.
“(Y/n)! I can’t believe you’re here, look at you!” the older lady gushed, “I didn’t know if you’d remember me Miss” you smiled, slightly emotional to be back in the place that bought you so much joy and sadness. “Oh please, call me Maggie!” swooping you into another giant hug. She understood why you stopped going all those years ago but the nostalgia warmed you inside like mum was hugging you too. Millie had awakened something that you’d tried hard to push down for 20 years, you used to love playing on this pitch, no matter how scrappy it was - it’s certainly had an upgrade since then but could still use some more work! Millie watched from the car as you pointed towards it, noticing the coach nodding before you came running back to her. “The girls have a game tonight, do you want to stay and watch?” you asked, holding out your hand to help her out of the car. “I’d honestly love nothing more” she said with a glint in her eye, knowing this was such a massive step for you. Millie had been keen not to push your boundaries when it came to talking about football but was so happy to be part of this journey with you, you held her coat open as she slipped her arms through and lead her into the town hall that backed onto the field.
Gathering in the small hall with a few parents you collected some hot drinks from the counter and wandered around looking at the photo clad walls. You skimmed from black and white photos to beige, faded to brightly coloured newer ones. Millie joined you with some raffle tickets they were selling to raise money for a new lawn mower, passing you a couple of strips then draped her arms around your neck as she stood behind. “That’s me” you said with a quiver, pointing at the faded and fuzzy 90s photo hung up on the wall. Proudly standing tall with your chest puffed out in the middle of a team photo from 1999. “Nice hair” Millie nudged you, knocking the tears welling in your eyes away as you snickered at the bowl haircut, “that’s so I could play with the boys too” you laughed, sinking back into her as she tightened her grip around you. “I bet little (y/n) didn’t expect to see you back here” she said quietly as her chin rested onto your shoulder. “Is that your mum?” pointing at the photo next to the team, you nodded gently. “You look so alike” Millie kissed the top of your head, “she used to call me her mini me” reaching out to stroke your mum’s beautiful face. “And is that a player of the match award?” she said a bit louder, knowing she had to keep talking so you didn’t fall into sad hole. You leant closer, squinting at the framed newspaper article –
Goalkeeper (y/f/n) saves the day for Southend Girls once again!
Southend Girls were playing Billericay Juniors tonight and they’ve been on a bit of a losing streak, you’d hoped maybe they would be inspired by meeting a real life Lioness, just like you were all those years ago. “You don’t mind do you?” you wondered if maybe you’d overstepped, walking out to the field with your styrofoam cups of tea, it was starting to get cold. The crowd was made up of the parents of the girls who were huddled into a circle, Maggie welcomed you both over as she introduced you. “Girls, this is (y/n) she used to play here when she was your age and this is Millie Bright, she plays for Chelsea and England”. The smiles on the girls’ faces were undeniable and listening to Millie give them a pep talk made you so happy inside. The girls won their first game this season and afterwards both teams took a group photo with Millie, “this will be framed and hung up next time you come (y/n), please don’t leave it as long next time”, Maggie hugged you both one last time before making your way back to the car. You talked with Millie the entire journey back to the airport, you’d been inspired to start training as a coach for young girls and wanted to build the team into something more, something for all girls - young and old. Maggie is getting close to retirement age and is looking for a replacement, you’d be the perfect fit if you can ace the training! You’d been sleeping on this idea for a while but wanted to visit to make sure you could handle it. Instead of running away from the sadness you wanted to bask in the happiness that the team bought you for years.
Following The River Thames back to London you had so much on your mind - can I go into football coaching with absolutely no experience apart from when I was 6 years old? Would it even be possible? What will dad think? He thinks I’m destined to take over the company but what will he think of my other ideas? I guess I could do both. What the fuck have I just done?! “You okay captain?” Millie’s soothing voice floated into your ears through the headphones snapping you out of the spiralling thoughts. “What have I just done?” you asked back to her as you flew over Dartford Crossing, looking at the traffic backed up like always gave relief that you were not stuck in it on the ground. “You’ve just done something amazingly positive!” she said animatedly, looking at you with pure joy in her eyes like you were the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen, even with the London Skyline glistening up ahead. Her hand went to grab your thigh like she always does but pulled back quickly wondering if it was okay to touch you while you were flying, you noticed her hand waving around in confusion and plucked it out of the air, placing it where it wouldn’t hinder your control of the aircraft. You always hold each other when you’re driving but she didn’t know if the same etiquette was okay to do in a helicopter! “I’m going to support you every step of the way” she assured you, squeezing a little tighter to make sure her words sunk in. Millie had a wonderful way of recognising your patterns of overthinking and opening the conversation around them, she’s incredibly attentive to the way you go silent for long periods and know that’s when your ‘messy brain’ starts to take hold.
Floating back down to earth you then drove back to her place, greeting the dogs at the doorway and changing into an oversized tee Millie gave you for when you stay at hers. She sat down on the sofa, tapping the cushion for you to come snuggle into her, laying your head on her lap she stroked your hair gently. “I’m so proud of you baby” she leant down to kiss you, “today must have taken a lot of energy” kissing you on the forehead this time. It had taken a lot of energy to plan everything and you were a bit worried that you had maybe set yourself up for failure with the coaching thing but it was positive energy to start with, you’re just second guessing yourself. You know deep down that this is your destiny, maybe dad knew this when he invited Millie to the auction, he did seem particularly happy when you were outside together and has accepted her into the family with the greatest ease. Today was the start of something special, something memorable and with Millie by your side you know you can do anything.
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ok musician au hear me out: (it’s season 12 so far because that’s what i know but i’d love to hear your thoughts for who could fit the rest of the band !!)
jan and jackie are a duo, famous for jan’s energy and bright vocals with jackie’s warmer tones to balance it and provide lower harmonies, not to mention their iconic chemistry and will-they-won’t-they energy that keeps audiences guessing. their careers are firmly in the limelight after a big break a few years back, and they’ve gotten the best team they could hope for (though they’re still looking for someone to help gigi, their hair and costume person, with the outfits for the shows). now on their second national tour, they feel on top of the world—especially with their friends by their side.
but there’s a new name on the scene that both of them find themselves maybe too bothered by. where they’d never been anything but friendly and welcoming to the people they met, something about this new hot french solo act named nicky doll seems to be affecting them more than normal. worse, somehow, is the fact that she gets along so well with the rest of the team, and even worse? she’s opening for them at their next show.
cast do characters so far:
jan and jackie (main duo)
crygi as makeup (crystal) and hair/wardrobe (gigi)
nicky (an up-and-coming solo act and opener for their next show)
jaida (her designer and best friend)
who else would be in the band/in their team?
Oh this is SO cute! And all their friends from other seasons could be friends they meet st different stops on tour - In new York they play a show at the bar where they got started - which just got taken over by Jan‘s Highschool friend Rosé who can immediately sense the chemistry between not just Jan and Jackie but also Jan and Nicky, pushing her to fool around a little.
In Missouri they save some money by parking their (kind of old and wacky - its their first big tour after all) tour bus in front of Crystal’s little sister Daya’s place. They all stay in the house while they’re there, and Jackie and Jan find themselves forced to sleep in the living room with Nicky, pushed together on a pullout couch. While they deal with crashing egos and maybe some jealousy, Gigi gets to know Crystal a lot more on a trip through her hometown, getting a tour of all her favourite spots.
In LA they stay for a whole week to play at a festival, and in the early mornings after shows in the sun all day, lots of alcohol and maybe some other recreational activities, shenanigans ensue. Meanwhile, Gigi is nervous for Crystal to meet her found family, worried the LA girls will judge her.
After that they’re on the road up the coast for a while, and Jackie gets jealous when Jan and Nicky start writing a song together, especially since Gigi and Crystal seem to get closer by the day too as they make their way towards Seattle…
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serenababy4ever · 11 months
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Not my gif..... but Hot d@mn BangChan is So Fine 🥵
16+ readers only past this point
Idol y/n female and Idol Bangchan (obviously male) public relationship,smut
Side note : In next post y/n's girl group will be fully introduced with yn having a actual name
Y/n mind pov
I scrolled through my phone during break And saw a photo of my idol boyfriend Bangchan with blonde hair I wish he would go back to blonde hair it makes me feel so needy full of love and lust . I want to make love to him so bad and show him how much he drives me crazy . My group's leader Yena tells us break is over and we continue to practice our covers on Blackpink's How You Like That, Pink Venom , Mamamoo Hwasa Maria ,Solar's Honey and all I can focus on besides the choreography is "I can't wait to be done with dance Practice " .with my 8 member group Eclipse . I hope Stars (Fandom Name) will like our covers of BlackPink and MamaMoo songs . Each of us cover serperate songs. In the How you like That choreography the members Yena (gg leader) dances to Rosé's part , Lilac(main dancer) dances Lisa's part , Olivia (song producer, rapper) dances Jisoo's part and June(maknae,dancer,visual) is Jennie's part. For the Pink Venom choreography Hanna (vocal, dancer) is Rosé's part ,Bailey (producer,dancer,rapper) is Jennie's part,
Y/N (rapper,visual,producer, dancer,"ace of the group") is Lisa's part and Min-Lee is Jisoo's part. For the last two dances Y/N and Olivia are doing the choreography to Hwasa's Maria ( dor the dance olivia does the first half then y/n does the second till the near end then they both do the rest together) . For solar's honey dance Yena and June do the choreography (the same style as the same dance is parenthesis) while watching the leader and maknae do solar's honey dance our manager ,JYP and PSY walks in and they tell us to take a break and still down because they have a important announcement for us. Jyp speaks first " hello Eclipse I wanted to share something important with you girls today about my company " he turns his head to look at psy then psy speaks " hello eclipse Jyp no longer owns jyp entertainment but I do now named Psy entertainment because jyp is retiring from the company because he is getting into state in his old age where he can't do normal every day things while owning the company. With that being said you all don't have to sign anything since I already took care of everything but one important detail is since i own this company now you guys can officially when you feel like it go public with your significant other relationship. That goes for my other company p nation aswell . With sayjng that you girls cab take the rets if this week off to rest " .Jyp then says " that is all we needed to tell you all and we will be telling rest of the group's here aswell have a good day ladies " my group and I bowed as saying goodbye and our manager ,new boss psy and old boss jyp bowed aswell before all leaving the room me and my group cheered with excitement then grabbed our stuff . I wonder what Chan will think ...
Let me know for a part 2 on this fanfiction also next post will be introducing the group Eclipse and revealing y/n's name
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evilwriter37 · 3 months
WIP Wednesday
From the fic I started today for the Any Fandom Goes Dark Bingo. It’s titled: “Initiation”.
822 words of straight up red flags. Enjoy!
There was a cabin at the top of the hill. Well, if it could be called that. It was a very nice cabin, more like a cottage really. The grass was neatly cut in a circle around it before it gave way to the forest and the mountains. The setting sun cut through the trees, splaying the place in orange.
The drive had been wonderful, if a bit exhausting. Hiccup had never been up to the Adirondack Mountains before, and their beauty had taken his breath away. This was nice. This was really nice.
And, he hadn’t been the one to drive. Viggo had done the driving, as this was his cabin and his idea. The college was having a 3 day weekend due to a holiday, so Viggo had suggested that he and Hiccup take a vacation. New York was a big state, so the drive had taken a few hours, but the whole thing had been worth it.
Hiccup was unbuckling his seat belt before the car even stopped in the gravel driveway.
Viggo laughed at his excitement, patted him on the thigh as he killed the engine. “Eager, much? It’s just a cabin.”
“It’s beautiful,” Hiccup responded with a smile. “And I get to be here with you all weekend. What’s not to be excited about?”
Viggo gave a smile as well, leaned forward and kissed Hiccup on the cheek. Then, they were both getting out of the car. Hiccup was careful on the gravel path, making sure his prosthesis was situated under him correctly. The last thing he wanted to do was fall and injure himself.
Hiccup tried to grab some of the bags, but Viggo took them from him.
“Viggo, I can carry a backpack,” Hiccup said with a roll of his eyes, taking his own back from him. “My leg doesn’t hurt that much today.”
“But it still hurts?” Viggo asked, raising his eyebrows in concern.
“It always hurts,” Hiccup responded a little glumly. “You know that.”
Viggo hmmphed, but let Hiccup keep his bag. Together, they went into the cabin. With the light of day fading, it was difficult to make out much of what was inside, but it had a nice, woodsy smell to it that Hiccup was unfamiliar with.
“Stay here.” Viggo set the bags down. “I have to go turn on the water and electricity.”
Hiccup nodded and plopped himself down on one of the bags, rubbing at his stump a little once Viggo was gone. Okay, so, it hurt more than he was letting on, but that didn’t matter right now. He was getting a weekend away with Viggo in a picturesque location. Who wouldn’t be excited about that?
Well… maybe his friends, who he’d told that he was visiting his father for the weekend. And then told his father that he was staying with Fishlegs. No one knew he was dating Viggo. No one had to know. They’d just disapprove of their relationship, what with Viggo being 20 years his senior and all, and a professor to boot.
Viggo returned, and with a few flips of switches, the cabin was lit in golden light. Hiccup blinked at it for a moment, but then really took in the scenery. They’d entered into a spacious kitchen made of oak, the wood bare to see. Beyond that appeared to be a dining room and a wide set of stairs.
“I’d show you to the bedroom and help you get settled in,” Viggo said with a wink, “but I’m sure you’re hungry.”
Hiccup was tempted to say that dinner could wait, but Viggo was right. He was hungry for sure, and he knew what Viggo meant by getting him settled in. Sex could wait. Food couldn’t.
Hiccup tried to help cook, but Viggo insisted he sit at the counter and have a glass of wine instead while he did the cooking. Finally giving in to defeat, Hiccup did just that.
He swirled the rosé around in his glass. “So, what are the plans for the weekend? No wifi and hardly any cell service. There’s gotta be something fun to do around here. National park, museum…” Viggo hadn’t told Hiccup of his plans yet, and Hiccup was terribly curious.
“Oh, you’ll see,” Viggo said with a teasing smile. “You’ll love it.”
“You keep saying that.”
“That’s because it’s a surprise.” Viggo’s eyes gleamed, and Hiccup laughed and shook his head.
“Fine, fine, I won’t try to ruin the surprise then.” Hiccup took a sip of his drink. He wasn’t much of an alcohol drinker (especially given that he was underage), but he liked it from time to time. He always liked sharing a glass with Viggo. He’d never tell him this, but it made him feel more mature, more on his level. It could be difficult dating someone so much older, but his allure was too strong. There was no way Hiccup could pull away.
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Most people want just one thing from a concert — to get their money’s worth of entertainment. That was what British musician Harry Styles came to Seoul to deliver, and deliver he did.
During his first solo concert held in Korea at the KSPO Dome in southern Seoul Monday night, the former One Direction boy band member and perhaps one of the most in-the-limelight celebrities in Hollywood these days put on an hour-and-a-half performance that delighted and crazed the audience.
“Our job tonight is to entertain you,” Styles shouted happily at the beginning of the concert. “Your job is to have the most fun.”
Numerous Korean celebrities were among those who had come out to have the most fun, including members V and RM of boy band BTS, Rosé and Jennie of girl group Blackpink, actor Ryu Jun-yeol, Hyungwon of boy band Monsta X and more. Perhaps as an homage to all the K-pop stars in attendance, Styles' team blasted “Dynamite” by BTS and “OMG” by girl group NewJeans before the concert began.
The KSPO Dome was packed full of fans, many carrying signs that read “Harry You Are the Love of Our Lives” or other handwritten slogans and banners. There were more than 15,000 people in attendance, according to Live Nation Korea, the domestic organizer of the event.
Read the full article here.
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orchdaries · 5 months
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(  aespa's yoo jimin (karina) ,  cisfemale , she/her  )    : ̗̀➛   twenty-five years young , a firebender from the noble house of choi . many know them to be fanciful & unambitious . how unfortunate , truly … i’ve always found them to be softspoken & dutiful . they oft fulfill the duties of a healer . oh , i should tell you — they oppose the rule of house yi . well , you know how every storyteller bends the tale they tell .   ✶   sky , +21 , she/they  .
please welcome house choi's middle child (along with her twin), choi aera! contrary to the tendency of her house of learning lavabending, she preferred to focus and hone her bender abilities into the healing field instead of the combat one because she's the support type of character through and through (she really really really doesn't want to be sent to the battlefield and fight if house sungold or house yi ever makes them fight, help), thankfully the universe smiled at her and, even though she isn't the best healer you'll ever meet, she can do her job quite alright! under the cut more info about her past + personality and a couple of plot ideas!
choi aera. 25 y/o. firebender & healer. awakened her bending abilities at 10 y/o and as much as it was fun to incorporate fire bending into her daily life and how much she learned about herself in that process, she doesn't really enjoy the combative part of bending.
half because she does value peace and half because she isn't really good at conflicts especially when they end up getting physical (which is super ironic considering she's from a military house); hates the idea of getting hurt but also honestly would give up a limb if it meant she didn't have to go through an agni kai.
likes to daydream about a lot of scenarios in this very "seeing the world through rosé colored lenses" type of way and sometimes can even seem like an airhead, even more so with how softspoken she is; daydreams about some noble from another house coming to sweep her feet away at least five times a day, dreams of saying goodbye to her family (or even the fire nation) to live her own adventure another ten times but honestly lacks the courage to really do so.
in the end she likes the comfort and familiarity of what she already knows too much to really abandon it for the unknown. but it doesn't mean!! she won't enable others to chase after their own dreams no matter how unrealistic they are!! yes, @/head of house [redacted], go elope with that [redacted] commoner, aera will be rooting for you!!
loves loves loves to live vicariously through other people so pls tell her everything while she does a check up on your chi paths!!
does a lot of wishful thinking too, in this "everything will be alright in the end and if it isn't ok yet then it's because this isn't the end" way.
wasn't really the troublemaker type when growing up and much more like the good kid that wanted to be praised by her parents especially, but she liked fairy tale/fantastic sort of stories since then. i imagine playing pretend with her was super fun because her imagination was wild.
grew up as a mommy's girl through and through, going out of her way to spend time with mom when she was still alive (from unprompted and not so unprompted tea time, to bringing books so mom could read to her or asking to be taught this specific fire bending technique, etc etc) and showing off her results to her was motivation for aera to work hard 99% of the time; so it obv hit aera hard when she died, much more than her dad's death did (oop).
for the longest time she thought that she could've done something to prevent their deaths and that's why she almost started studying to be a doctor instead of a healer; still got into the study of herbs/potions for a while but she's no expert in neither of those areas; she knows the basics and that's pretty much it.
her mourning is mostly over at this point, but sometimes it still hits her very hard; that also made her mature a lot pretty quickly and now she keeps most to her more dreamy part of her personality to herself or to the people she lets in her inner social circle because she also closed herself off a lot more even though she does seem as friendly as ever.
overall a very sweet girl with sweet dreams but zero backbone (and actual desire, i guess) to chase them!
doesn't really like house yi because she feels they put way too much pressure/restraints on her family due to their ability to lavabend and wished that a "kinder" royal family ruled them instead.
wanted connections
fave client ! someone who always has the best stories to tell while she does her work on them. regardless of whether they're true or not, she's always looking forward to work for them because it means she gets to hear what adventure they got (or will get) themselves next!
childhood/teenage friends ! someone that not only knew aera before the tragedy with her parents but also was close to her and saw firsthand how the light in her eyes dimmed with what happened. someone that she feels like she can count on to this day or maybe they drifted apart at some point for some reason and now they're trying to reconnect (successfully or it's just very very awkward)
crushes ! she's much more in love with the idea of love (esp one that comes straight out of a love story) more than anything else + is very weak to good looking people so she gets infatuated with anyone pretty easily. i imagine she has an endless list of people she crushed on (but then falls out of it very easily too); people she's more in love with the idea of them than the person themselves.
the one that got away ! talking about which!! someone that she was in a relationship with but then it never got too far for any reasons— aera's immaturity with actual love, the other person's own shortcomings, maybe they were right for each other but met at the wrong time, etc etc, but it's still someone that she keeps in a very special spot on her heart, making her go wild with what ifs in her head. the one she'll always love (maybe in a first love or that one special summer affair sort of way) regardless of anything else.
older sibling energy/knight in shining armor ! as much as aera reaches out to look after people, she also has this energy of can't be left alone (affectionate but also a little derogatory). aera just feels like someone who'd fall for scams every and anywhere with how easily she genuinely believes that this really random guy is part of the earth nation's fallen royal family and traveled all around the world to hide themselves while collecting wealthy and knowledge so now they're looking for a new spouse to rebuild their dynasty with. basically someone who can't help but feel protective over her.
this is everything that i could come up with but i'm always open to brainstorm any and everything!!
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mygainyear2024 · 2 months
Day 18 Delayed
After not one, but two pastel de natas before my dance class at the gym, and a homemade sardine tosta I walked 5+ kms to my third language lesson via Clarice, in Alvor, for a proper latte ☕️
I tried to video the garbage collection system near my apartment but failed in my timing. The collectors were also looking at me strangely as I held my phone up to film!
I did get a better shot of the cute dog that looks out over the neighbourhood with interest. I had a brief chat with the owner to confirm he's only two. Noticeably, there are lots of dogs, as well as learner drivers and pastelarias.
After the fun language lesson, practising conversation starters and replies, I had an interesting conversation with a retired fireman, Gary from Ireland 😉 I noticed Gary at the first lesson. He seemed broodish, but I think he may be an introvert, if that's possible for an Irish man? Although my depth of experience with Irish men is limited to one!!! (Yes kids, I know he had a problem with alcohol and you thought he was gay, BUT he did make great duck fat baked potatoes!) Today Gary came with his lesson notes neatly stored in plastic sleeves in a folder, but he said "que interessante" with as much enthusiasm as a wet fish. Rebecca asked him to be a bit more animated. I think his interest must have peaked in me when he heard me saying, in terrible portuguese "sou impragada do estado" which translates to "I am imprisoned by the State". I'll need to check this with Rebecca at the next lesson, I'm sure there's a better way to say "public servant". I'm also "dona de casa" which means investment property owner, but it also means housewife!
Gary wanted to give me lots of advice about superannuation. I’m sure he was well intentioned but I feel quite informed 😂 Sadly the teacher is taking a break next week so I’ll miss Gary, but I’ll ask around, apparently he is a member of a walking group and I need to do some more walking 😜
I’m now getting ready to have dinner with Rosie at Restaurante F in Praia da Rocha. She’s messaged me this afternoon to invite me to a book launch tomorrow night at Irish Rovers, que interessante!! She also said “We will also go tonight to listen to the band after dinner” Stay tuned….
So dinner at Restaurante F was pleasant. I had high expectations (from the number of Facebook comments after I posted the request, “recommendations for best restaurant with ocean views and I don't care for steak!) and also when I saw the selection of breads being wheeled around on a trolley and a separate aperitif menu. The bread (cornbread, pumpkin bread and plain) and two butters were delicious, the shared prawns ok and my first cataplana of octopus, clams and sweet potato (Algarve stew cooked in copper or stainless steel pot) tasty, rounded out with the shared crème brûlée and bottle of rosé, not cheap comparatively at €50 each. But, the company was definitely worth it. Rosie regaled me with fabulous stories about her relationships and the number of suitors she has at the moment. And as a supplier of gummies to some of her cruise tour members (it’s legal in Canada)😂 She certainly lives an exciting semi retired solo life.
We then went to Irish Rovers, and yes that same bartender made a beeline for Rosie and started his lines on me. I reminded him that he'd already made me a cosmo last week and I'd heard his BS! Later I did give him a hard time about how long he'd been using those lines on women at this pub (six years!) and had it ever worked (no) and I suggested it might be time to come up with a new strategy. The band were pretty dreadful, actually it was mostly the lead singer that did have Rosie and I in stitches. His voice was not loud enough to be heard over the instruments (probably for the best), and I couldn't work out if he was Irish, Portuguese or another nationality. Rosie said he looked 100! Are white singlets on tattooed older lead covers' singers still a thing? And he was drinking red wine. It was too many contradictions for me to manage, given I don't go out to these kind of venues at all. I did say to Rosie twice that a strong female lead would fix this situation. Rosie knows the owners, Martin and Jenny. They weren't pub owners in Ireland, but have owned Irish Rovers for 10 years and according to Rosie it's the most successful pub in the Algarve. Martin was in the band on keyboard (and I thought he could actually sing) and Jenny was behind the bar. At one point she quickly came over with three shot glasses of some creamy beverage and said a hurried hello, downed the shot, and went back to the bar. Apparently the book launch is for a Portuguese poet that Jenny doesn't know, but she wanted to be supportive, stay tuned...
Rosie did tell me about a fantastic Thai massage she had, so I've tracked down the salon and the therapist and booked myself in for this afternoon.
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murderousink23 · 1 year
06/10/2023 is National Ballpoint Pen Day 🖊🇺🇲, National Black Cow Day 🇺🇲, National Herbs and Spices Day 🇺🇲, National Iced Tea Day 🇺🇲, National Rosé Day 🇺🇲, National Egg Roll Day 🇺🇲, World Gin Day 🇬🇧, Queen's Birthday 👸🇬🇧
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libidomechanica · 4 months
“We movements, defiles”
A ballad sequence
               First Stanza
With coral beneath that hath no     stays, had He the clouded, and turning sister, pitying     chance through by charms, my dame
taught off Juan said. Which was so far     retire intoxicating the branches me to blamed     hym thought, in proper forming
rich their finger of a threading     in his dripping a golden tits arching toward part of     their right an history, and
that glance of mine. In act to Time’s     creeping shortly and most unmeek,—I knelt before he could     my wrinkled on fire: when
every face.—Shut his face. Not by     rude sound digestion, ’ said the Lady Ida: here are no     changes of promise twice
five bullets frequent in words, and     pray yow soon juan, what capacious state? Lest, till not happiness!     And gay, and every
fine style: how looks like a ballistic     missing our fury with such sweeter! Singing O darlin’     darlin’ darlin’ darlin’
darlin’ darlin’ darlin’. Women     and rosé on the lash one, I think two persuade, and on     the fold! Man’s wife; I sue
not mark of every deel. Started     is Seint Jerome, that achievement of deceive the Dogges     hem needeth fast, and
muttering as air! And for life has     when on thing, on through-in my meat and his state, hang in Sant’     Ambrogio’s! So, all the
nations which had ceaseless and     merciless roses fed, your own face some grace the current dance     with his arm over it
hath broken ben of Scots; true—tears     to hire, every day you tell me, tired with another     girdle, as if by some
reason. For their eyes presence, just     as myne oldest saint, before me, if I were theme; as suite     of these? Smile, like Esau,
for the beaty and here I bid     her autumn tresses fals, but entomb us. Or doon heeste.     How will shore: freezing cold
dominion sweet Venus from hous     and wise, ambitious mazes spreaded danced years old and rolls     the right dread of Widdin.
Most quiet on higher. Thou made     of burning silver spake and Empress, to take your reputation,     for warning: the
heau’nly harmful deeds; the waters,     some wives who make their pinions of lilies fail. To this thorny     sharks from madness is
my little aside: resuming     quite; next week; she of them, and Gods name sensual phantasied.     Felt a high and lisping
through with Plenty of this of     all mankind, keep back your helpe me chaunge of body burst wife,     lust, modest, I wad mourn
when we say, watching. We movements,     defiles. Green leaves of pathos, and pillows whom fell: mething     awkward; for his bed.
               Second Stanza
Be not fed so wikked wyves     wolde lyve parfitly, and wish I were lies and health had come     and glory spread, and what is our heart’s enough, began as     t were, away. One or two on fig skins, that didn’t maketh     kep or chart, a key … Even
there, slew both great Sea-King body,     and so allied. Thy Mother ever dipp’d with me birafte     his cause I take hold my stomacher; and to marry;     for who have loved—that love, into with Fortune sends in the     call? She order’d over.
               Third Stanza
—A moment more lily arms will     to the earth; and white flowers. Her visage, and cough one huge     Python antagonizing here are but me cast, and deem,     because I am forsaken; a tormenting, shewing     told the usual luck!
               Fourth Stanza
And less; and where is not conquest     rose with youth almost at ones. Having tears, and hoar; they     possible. Gainsay, humanity
would put then commence with     the deuill at eight of kisses and breadth and by thee my selfe,     does crowns without defended
marks upon a wide o’er? Thou     opener of their ways: this fated spot for father you     call thee what we directed
learn; there is most indignant     work’d the through the morning- ’ here to be impair, to hope to     blend with a riding them
painted, as their hue, too wise men     yblesse! Her though t were one side by sign that they can’t answered,     peace! Yet preest, so moot
I thynke, she may bithynke how me     bene fraught sun-bow that is a dog, as quiet as day,     for I would love were
solitaire? Bád nat every deel. The     two are the contends, lashed fly to this, that have said Juan, what     made her pair so sorrow
winter, sculptor, cripple free! On     the manere wonned a wicked there, must blow-’ and Morning     like to begin withal
he knew not with otherwise’ she     laid some raise than the loss of good part and starling, you shalt     win much lead and be once
it wel I woot wel it is no     shame or Greece, white, I drew men’s harsh intent to moue, whose plumage     sat victorie, that remote
recoil. By one as stern seas     long agoe: for natural. Syllables, bossed with five bits of deathmasks     into flattery!
Of good though he loud tempest, as     the leve, the love more chastitee abyde, these pretty, trifling     to show his own brain-spattern,
and, last stoops down from their planet,     thou in a new neighebores wyf go roule about     my body would like
to the Night of time. ’ It will now,     a clammy dewy head in perfections as any men;     but little to the women
together: Hugely, he reason     I’m weary death, smiles, O let myself, and his scythe towering     of death-white, I drew
all surmises. Or antiquity     forest out one troublen al his material—men     are such ladies like a
Miss America Contest. That     manly majestic piece- meal with flower add the empress,     her freight on ev’ry tree.
               Fifth Stanza
Is the one while the dream not of     those eyes and my teeth, with a virgin, made within your break     this is all Styx through of
the orange displayment. Me go:     take breath, rather beauty can be thy silver. Like a hawk,     an’ it with his Christian!
The nymph-like a ball above my     fresh from accident; it suffers now, would take the salmon     sing in I would bring the
sun beats light. I wote, it glittering     off bridge hung, shadow and left hundred I was so he     was quench’d in the first fruit;
but prepare with her e’e? That ought     aid.—Address my love, into love to the his bracelet richly     comfortable after
the shepheards doen hem of the     vast disintegration: followers keep for the fought, as     also did Miss America
Contest. Of flutes; not for     gentle she smile as he pays you back from our own image,     white of senses with your
lived for fish, and then I sent our     soft palm—Not so may, what the offer young! With they went that     there reign’d. ’ Lads come cleare. Speak!
Doth false, how shall be bound thanne wolde     I take him to her beauty’s effect on vice. Leaving at     an extraneous mixture
of solemn port, hinted too.     Yet tikled I his horrible which, but knew you see, and     white birch, glinting sea. Increased
in mocke at an extreme     effeminate skin, enough, what not enough, God woot, of content     whistles shadows bathe
away, till your place. And sabre-     like a ball above, thy sweet love when youth and noun, on treasured     much syrup ran across
it—All were there spectrum of     the world’s master, Sirens though no doubt itself and about?     And me! All those who know
that alle they fellows and gave     us, ere from the taper, bowed head cool-rooted me up     with a frown as t were
all my arbour third, they proud and     ranne out its blood: ’twas a high-designed, Heaven. As, seistow,     without slack old negro
Baba pause, in spirit down into     his imperial condescending although in its     smooth-moving to my change.
               Sixth Stanza
To ope that he is ours to thee.     My fine waste, refuse and bad us for you. To feel thing     here once I invited arrest at the main pointed fire     womankind, singing to do with that were go, whence down from     our corner wheelings of
a sometimes ocean invade with     there she hath its way. The disgust, and spin, and—withouten     many han that’s the listening belates, haunted fell storm,     over us, and wide, through the one word that in these dear.     Like flower the broad, made
woman, supernaturally;     but O with daily spend shifts and left his we were manere     wood, be moulders pure was king had to subdued to shame away,     gone fair goddess: which Musike speak; and yet be wedde, and     the mazy foremost, to
glide to go yet thou art all the     dore, as wel after the faces throte. But I am stuff.     The plasma, listening pulsing just a no less air; where three     years? He that is a line of rubles milky way you see,     if e’er, when we next meet
in kingly crown and in black, but     I may paused, as he bled: and so warm of her skims, or sleepy     one! Darling, afire, which I have done. For me,—so sweep     of death sealed by a bowstrings, before her waist, and, but burst     his dog hote to them blyve
of that same flying like an     individual.—We fille as there but that closde-vp sense     it in that’s surface. A plot, a plot to slope, and powers     did falleth me for many a myrthe. Despite, has curved all     night the sound of solemnize
thy cheek ther aspect bursts sixteen     arms into one who were the deep, until I get simple     beach. And pine, and they do not be scann’d, of half a single     music and thy ball who with rainbows, in the distress     he strips from some other,
yet half wonder undinal vast     adieu! As the laste, and such sort, that Lady, I beseech     you blind men must stepped on his transpired? Of pupils; she     had bene their promise: all, then winter that is left them     three weeks, I breyde. Three year
whole courageless, for thee. But     it was also in and song, while her you please me, Soul of     the nyghtyngale, lo, quod the feel estrange alone     comfortable quarter’d from my bondage. ’ She like a battle     for dainty toying. Men
may come to love of earth? Last then,     went ties add whatsoever in all this hour-glass and his     radiant fire, of bigamye? Where in height, closely fused as a     lion’s hands. Would we both perishable repose—still at     eight ynogh, the big kids
lie fall, the sage’s pen—the proem,     how much warmth and waly fa’ the night; I always so poor     struis domos’ shows the sudden like a wellė Jhesu refressh     and gloom; a spell from the day whetting off bridges, hurling     my tattered in, turns life
proves you say, both of trees. Neuer     I wrote thy brighten slowly crimson. Reasons clear to thise     men have? To die through he hadden three, or a Kidde, or pees,     or I missaye. Thereupon she laid his way which may flowers     of his book or lute; but
had still be the clouds and for me     this: how can mend; and wo, we fill! And flatt’ring ivy leaf     takes his quarters, each bevy with oats! Thou shalt thou goest stripling     valentine. Shepheard in his mouth almost to plant, and     runs to his in time, and
after us: this kings of which,     as this greened fell with any men; but I would understand?     I seye sooth. Behold there men, light reach amatory look’d     upon bed abyde, then her stinginess, gossip and dear     the sack and in tears. Let
us pray, ’ replenish hunger     care. His two eyes were seen the east. The penitent shrink—what     is still music we thus began to thee returns to know     how the imperial favour’d drums, and fill or red winged     by thee vantage, doubly
mingled by tome and station, up     shall state, in many wise, and place my mouth, forgetting and     lasting, but wouldst use? Torture- pilgrimages, to take some     me. Upon the Nine, one of the silver little back the     wedde, and have done.—When I
am in the break her who know     much to thee are twin brother’s line, ribb’d and meke, and bad oure     did strove who will be hurl’d with the billows rude in wanton     wing, like atoms—years had to no miracles, and that loss; ��   both find our exit and
for who would hardly my grief at     thy flame, by God’s worke is coming to sear up and she was     his heed, nakedness is my might be arbiter of faces,     to cast hir hand to thrown and clean any kind? Helen,     the wind: far, far and moss.
               Seventh Stanza
’Bove the morning where, God mought up,     and that vnkind guest had doon biforn, from chain’d, and rites tooth. But     the blood? Side; this knowe, chaunced
to some among weeks shut until     their work, doth tears, even yet are cut off! Low above:     dearest, with it, and me!
               Eighth Stanza
Where they came: she hated leafe sturre.     Of him go and when Fate prevent; nor waste in a church up     fine save you that you wake, sleeps with limit of champagne and     may be sanctuary space sappho last, that Sappho last,     with golden spheres, since king
to his hour-glass of my bosom,     and puff on puff from those of the wedde a wyf in corn, upon     his own like what place, the better, ’ Juan was princes; there     ’gan warm of her dare to cradle wantoning case they fellows     obeying traveller
had been accused, the lassie     o’ my heart in the morning for the cheke that I scorn’d the     shepheards voyce, the sweetest out the hardiest hours, sketches,     wizard and the lady eyed each; and high Poet!—Then the     despite, and follow vast,
so as I said, Ruined. As large,     as though my life or death. Answers here! Our match between sea     and looking fountains save her oath, which wisė wyvės that goes     with thee, and book you or mend the shepherds call. So that he’ll     no gang to confusion
any one’s own mouth gratis.—Fairest     boughs when ye know me why the Spartan Mother job this     way, but Er that the finds none nearer as the first. And studies     at made the midst, Madam, I love yourself-’ and     humiliation you were mis-
shapen pigmies, deaf moonlight—? These     don’t; because he was on the waters trough the damn’dest princess     brought be sentine, who made Catherine, and sooner was served     for that I was able, and profligate to dwells, in gulf     on himself: and her as
has been in repreeve of oure sheet—     crushed her majesty of feather., Believing a wind of     Thought but forth a holier din their farther relics, when     my demon Poesy! And the night longing, leather’d love that     no farewell! In two clear
from end to the chosen lassie,     erewhile I staid an’ shilling stuffed in your own Ellis     Island, and repentance was his force, or no—may teach     strange song his own self-applause, to the highest may deem.     Assembly wander a lawn,
and basketball. Like mischievously     blank to a tempers? I wanted fire and cragge so soft,     unseen, went forward, so moot he be, let thing beneath holy     and his greater blaze, and clepe I, but live, not only     thre werre ystynt. To his
ears, like minde, say whetting armada     of promise, and juicy vigorous cries, when a little     losse, and woof, were they; carpets every nymph arose darkness.,     With them, and I’ll gentleman. To wedde, a God! I would     repreeve of solemnized
the prente of life I crawled out     of my warde-cors, and thus began to tell! Me so. Above     the fickle Fair One, when Fate prevents preferrė bigamye? Who     took their fingers oft and go work&weep. ’ Th’ tempest t     were useless I cannon.
Of pains rise; and lyė as a     skeleton with a smiling both perceived a cursing, alert.     Thing words, and there. And takė me. This joyous al of pictures     of pleasure clerk is some smooth-shaven, love, farewell! We were     in the charge wher third sort
to follow’d, as to blamed hym best,     for a newspaper posterity. What, sir! By Loues own     mirrors they, with the people would like all this dore I how     far have stayed above thee; azure clog him, looking     Lately the interfuse?
               Ninth Stanza
With me birafte his chief pleasure.     And if the seas his worlds miscarry, when themselves awful,     ay or golden sphere. Drew
himself for his small, you on it     and prechyng eek, with neighbouring at another. And he     spacious base. When you can
not imaginings: old rusted     a Saint Bartholome, that burnt up? And were, then I’ll give you     will do well? Began to
be impair, and, well or galleons     of many kisses whisper, by the sixth shafts of     disappointment stuck hard: she
brought thus, God made up now an age,     upon a tuft of sky where therbifoore. But now is this     tale had done its progress
call his rider love killer, I     am murderers hung swoon left foot and from falling safely.     Men become, perhaps
evening, this arrow-wounded under     the first to mine own shared bed, thing so, she orders under     the great rate. And I’ve
made a breathing, sir; for itself,     behind, toward for my birth strung each shell, the law given     departest, as eels are heaven,
doutelees, by sun this lungs     fill wink of it, er than all then too little eye’s anatomy.     Of forms and lie
hid? As fair with what no further,     who is love repair’d shade and slantwise thatch her reflect think     it be well for your pieces
small; not sleeps without the old     neutral person thrown little rain, and her can give sophy,     who, after that here did
perfect beauty might faire, ycladde     in her reflection both included, and, wife, unless what     is Love is oold, and man.
               Tenth Stanza
Boy who little light peeps from a     man of pebble, and purposes them in the perisheth     on deepest groans of
articles of flowers; ’ except     Napoleon, tel me who? Truths, these tune it ye? Lot, they were he     sleep reciting the winter’s
flow into nothing in a     twilight from over me, I said Juan onward steeks his     counterfect cote, or three part,
I’ll she wolde leden al his hand     awe. Kindling art, my thronging to see at last thou did great     long breast will the bedded—
olde beem, al is high-designed, Heaven’s     eye alone cure, like sandalwood leon, or to matter     to the great the queens
and never happy, or arms ’gainst     the delicious to never be the forest-house! I mourn     when youth at once more for
one. Bulb softer swayed, all for both     in life leaks and a maid, a royal right as water, and     so as I best kan, now
that my neighbouring fire you must     at his really sip your nipple, can mend; and all my powers     wind and unto all
eyes; and wipe my life, my kissed moot     I thee gallant gently without a name, will pass the fayre;     the nested wren has thy
fears as though full bumpers; for thy     yoke, arise, all. Unto thy new you already them, and     my Love some queen of season
is some graseth that am     nat prepared, and so Adieu. To soffre hym of that poor breath,     O clamour, which turning.
               Eleventh Stanza
The world shall not be part, my land!     Two from the dewy hill. Is this death, and bounteous Earth shouldst     be loved their way, whan though his white cloak and slim, blushes     Stygian, it could put the stouter, first was al mankynde. To     me my Julia once a
child hold out against a rock     languishing faint vision intellects, whose lips. A quintessence,     put cross, destroys it. I hope and sweet. So than centaur, man     also. Al this death laughs and feather’d, and make hast smil’d     delectable, and step to
be! Then, and you know—two women     should have vanish; more hold mystery angel-brood, lilies     and leaves bene her name; and the Somonour and unload     all go, and my fifth, to their eyes and sometimes of your earth     was abbesse nat wirche as
much however, with all othere     shall anise, the last to him t is no such an accident;     it suffre hym twists off its broke in a church know: draw in     yearly glisten man satire, he which devouring     over that mighty crown
from each confusion for a name     of days and works on lessened and booke of wind black in honest     and forefingers of some odd though the grim Swiss denies     only because of life away his little feet, and want     it I’d have never
the billow-ridge, at least: with wonder.     My seely shells and science, dear, and into a dark     yard I should be spread as breath of kirtles shadows, and the     right slay there honour’d as a man—the night, especial proving     through the twilight grow
to use.—Reaches and for crime; that     the more quiet rides best of prey—that due, uttering about     the rushing knives the matchless we can our own hand. Thought     I well took no kep, so took it away, and followed     therwithal he knees against
his searing how alluring     galleries as good: but nothing— for he did she, whan the way     of aged forefingers doesn’t cut to kill, and, on falls.     Flattery: they as something sweet musings of the hyde that words,     and pebbles on the others,
while upon his visits a     mayde? Thou shalt win much war the door or lattering day; love     her, water has cured its applause, as if to the morwe; and     thy birth, and eke I with others in fruyt of man, the vast     idol; while perpetual
motion will seem so a werkė,     by my feet emerg’d an under yourselves undone they han     in Essexe at Dunmowe. But see, this is cross: but I’ll behold!     His fool lord, dare I how far in lovely light, which may     for you I love foundations
pause, sigh’d a lullaby to     so recollect all the eye of government; for war, those     for a weary of mortal mankynde. That cursed the world enjoy     the little dwarfs, the sage’s masters as the wreck; these     words she would like Nadir
Shah, that for they lash of air of     verb and follows of the tail’s end at a boat and ne’ertheless     as an into a room still lying like all the golden     sorwe! Told wher the gentlemen to its grief at the roll’d     on a ranged; each gazer’s
welcome heat is best, a bell to     me; that same doors: but none their backs, in my gaye scarcely greet     children of my hands, and placing shut, till roam free.—Bright-winged     by soft-conched crescent be unfathom’d brine: for such as     they, like a ballistic
missile, would pulled a face! Oh wretch,     doom’d with the image in airy bour, and the fully the     moore to peer her. Then, and smiles at the elder and even     in thy galage once it was Rome. In the dede; and oft whole     her gardens: thereon core
of dead, and silvery sound of     his brace, whose light! I know that from the the first, that head last,     while scarce could not conceal it be notes, peel your years like a     hawk, an’ it winna let a body be. Before; if any     Mussulman, who had
not hatch men in his eyes that she     was Neptune; and, passing: Mark me! And yet those light in clouds     ally your place, and third, the heat is quench with gore, like a     negative develops, where far as Egyptian Nile. ’ It     will rank you now? This rebel
temperament, receipts in good     bells to see thee. Of gentle blasted me ful soore I thynke,     she unobscure his fo; lucia, like a transmember mountain-     rivers met an odor be dear, that loss; both included,     and with&.—Creation
has been assayed away, or let     me wise, and black, or whit; I took a pride and deem’d to the     tough ones to you heard us? ’St I love the power, we     wol ben at Petersburgh; suppose I’ve heartily think     Your body, and, forsooth!
               Twelfth Stanza
When yet I feel nothing the fading     on his, and seyst men are though to fill each one’s own bones     in the shepheard no summer’s
hanging dais before; for one     stood appetite. Again& become a voice of kisses whilst     their steadfast peace is much
grace was the bark into match and     woes. Nor study, an operatives in the sweet flow’d in     her tremendous tear-drops
of solemn psalms, and was famous,     through and his heart, a loyal minds out. All this tangled, spiking     a friend, I though was
high; but her, Laura lies; thurgh which     kept unused, and most from hiding-holes, and here among us,     a tiger-cat in
Pisces, which they lie still succeed     the ocean-form was woven in the distant had a sinking,     it must now inside
or countryman, and bear then storm,     and ever since Heaven, when i’ th’ temple here; but     she chops the love! Prepared,
the face, that, if not if he ne     used Kinnaird quite forgotten. Good for engendrure,—this     wandering me a places.
               Thirteenth Stanza
And third and a cursing, before     than centuries, the boats of waters, great whale, whan she learned     women to dispense
where the gray shall seize thy lucent     faithful pairs I need his high as he, al were thyself say:     go with ev’ry thicket
into his day. That thonder-draught     as I to be made hym ever had done up like and never     anchors; it’s somewhat
largest winding gem; and wered     Go: we left her pent in his hide; while slow, and corruption     that I praye yow, but not
how, blow him, the stars. My idle     worlds care, and I love to those dim fields in the dusk of sleeps;     then he’s too of sorrows
of tho? When frae ’boon the bottom     did that will coin your pity’s abyss: what name, Bannockburn,     Passchendaele, Babi
Yar, Vietnam. And somme for thee     resort, so will because I am al Venerien in     feelings, and the bays, where
nymphs rounds, and faire adoun, to make     us to hold doming to a though heaving talk chatted,     o that’s an aspect, how
truely I drew that do beat high,     magnificence and my jolitee, cacche who was the minister     smile upon the bed-
furniture all my own king, neuer     set off a cry, no sword of criminal or crime. And     tuck the hand inlaid woodwork
all thine own way; they had ne’er     she did the word spoke not so idle: for a hundred kiss.     And of Lucye: then unto
some words to die through that made those     prophet dream of gold, opening and bounteous roar were leaping—     and naught a message
through sensitive their eyes on an     invade within, with her. What’s the left to his she not called     on the sun, that I trust,
there we have eyes slit likely find     all that hell-borne into your hidder. Angel of her, when     that old trails’ said her
ladyship: and nail me liked a billows     greet me go; must built thou wast glory! Shifts and let him     had made her sunlight, without
defended bidder. When a     signature there. Saw your devouring ray that she kan     hire biwreyed I my conscience
was born again if it the     speed, being serves to cast o’ my official duties of     half wonder’d vines, couched stalks
of disappointment came: but much     treson loste hath in one a marriage in housbonde, on the     portrait in his patience.
               Fourteenth Stanza
The very which in sight for verray jangleresse,     for natural order? Then, dear beyond the could of such exaggeration, they wants a     consent. And a face and though roads there
live—and wept—and faste man shal savoure were lavish,     the substance, Glory, glue the cow is woman tis past thence bore of thy mindful of rubies,     when his carried: but, ah, few! With
so been a wyf doun in their Latin in purest     all such eyes like to be wedded—olde Roman lines of pleased, she laies.—Those heart. If now almost     all that her hand and a silver-
foot, fresh foliage and our hand ancient epic     laws, sing thee lie! And for my hand how she’s the soon, even form applied then in thy sholde     a moment, as the figures of love
is like sails all the night detestable. Upper     with muchel am I wreke; now wol I kiss of barrel-dropping love thee, Moon! Disarray     into this cold engendrure, to
see, bet than that droppyng house where the Scotch say, unlock     its dead: so was wet; for, don’t means invisible which the South to sentence in the     sun came to Sidyngborne that if no
clerk still, fragrant-eyed, and catch all was a small lips,     to cut only see how Sampson loste he had delight where the boy, and then a dream. Here,     beyond also did Miss America
Contest. For the more, and, too,—did she? Come, cold     gave that I was glowing for to bathe merchance, no places. Say, we thus Death felt the fine     was underground; and something through that
fill each the patience. But in water, o look out!     In womman never having a jet streak out you call her oath, which that call out of some     woe, let me call’d my eyes,—in the door.
               Fifteenth Stanza
Like an idle days agone her     sweet native tone the world’s shape of entry. Go, finding Devon     banks, crystal plant a
casement play the world betwixt     Nothing like ugly imps, as if the art I know what’s here!     Besides, all the los of
a high spirits, facing a new     denizen had to shifted round, just through the heir apparent     case grew a fire, of
ayde or care when wrong’d about me,     ther bridal morn before, whatsoever come to Love’s     Elysium. Wing, and cups
full, began to wave enshrined     piously all wrath in him lift a black memorial elms,     and scarcely could I lean,
watching you vomit. With their court,     shows soul, are you have it were fewer; growing compasse many     gaze on youth, immortal
gods! No woods; of love reflection     holds up and stood report. Of bigamye: hem like modest,     on he slim shape, thy face,
you as merely tapping into     suns, the Queen was cold beneath in other waters, so the     glen? But for you came among
melodious toil had we     bothe up an arm! That we can do for you could express behaved     no betters rather
in the mark the holy wedlock     and wooed Sleepe again; as when, since? Arise some my Julia,     and sea-marks; vanward adoun,
but in a flash of age,—y-     thonked beneath that liuing die, that they have given to fear.     Belle Isle,—unfold heaven,
by my fey, I told him with ful     glade to peer he shall be dying. The Prince did break me again,     his God-knows-what: for
down-glancing up with a beck ye     shall of rubles rain: in vain we would discontent to do     our head, and march in fact,
stain her limbs o’er men are slavery     is, as thou now? And what a curiously;—all love     you ’cause the hauntings; nor,
as we shall to me to burst in     Stellaes eyes, that I love you the usual hir lovely     Fair, to hous, too, adding
that cannot bear a smiled away     by the same and thy perennial fountain-top—the voice,     I brought in love divine.
               Sixteenth Stanza
I was toold him there it burst, but     they won’t be bettre in all abroad. And whan I can emerge     exhausted of all sung.
               Seventeenth Stanza
And yet this patient wing, like what     I am allow by seeing: for when masters and ball,     for her sex’s shaves—a mode
of newe woe, plods dully on, to     sip; but being’s face. The leon, yet smelt every you,     Florian, but still. Are borrow,
wrath, and stinging colder. Guy     of you—warm blood buzzes like a backgammon board, who all     the urn once still except
where was none admire had woo’d me     back to call his magic ploughs furrow’d see thee most terms of     night, and leaden Castlereagh
abuse me, not even in     this a life or daughter— what is tied to the nose, high Muses!     Who shall never be?
               Eighteenth Stanza
Verb and fasten’d soul, and they should     rulers, round me; for terme of Mary, ’ for none hair waiting     sent abroad and in his lamp of her soft ear to town, was     vast, though they bene, nor the stinger of a small as he!     Can set down on my heart,
and all those sad highways looketh     Wilkyn, oure fyr and thus Pope’s phrase is cool unders of any     Mussulman, affiance. From tigress robb’d of love, whan she     took a bird’s-eye-view of alle therefore, what entente is     namoore wild tear stooles,
and if you comes a glimpse of the     Earth! Nor was taketh kep or character which had there he     wente, for pencil drew him kiss on your eyes, and t is strange     the skipping limping lieutenant at the wo that dark blue     how change,—upon my tyme.
               Nineteenth Stanza
I to die so I cannot claimed.     We’ and that agony, across to the rest about his     facetious found the same place: I cried ’Tis ask a tender,     Mr. Her blooming told wher thou to supper with fish, to     rally him in a tricks,
and blood, transitory are those     bought else, you shalt scorning’s face, say that ever burns in colour’d     as thou behold him place. And curl unto the drown’d, and     snaky Persian, Grecian, painted, think you of the othere     had delighted mirrored
in, turns lift of some small object,     His world’s bills that I axė, why I told me by feature, what     you want of body be. Well, are castles shine, who promises     and time. Why shoulder to wedded in; and white faces,     especially ill
beautiful there he went, when, singing?     I dress, the window for a year the morrow kept? Those horn-     handed her side; he nolde senge a contumelious, sorrow,     to scare thousands from the glebe, but insinuation. Ran     in contact; and ther scorn
what can mend; and resource was fourthe     hours, but for hymns divine. A heaven. Determines her     multitudinous if you don’t misreport. Mouth when some use.     The red that ilka body but the billows rude. To be,     or a wind is the Fates;
shape that is peril, the damp, spilling     high upheld by jasper pillar! And cleanly could     remembrance dear, I’ll look of wyves bonde. For myn estaat I     ne sholde he me glosen up he rosebuds which cheese aboute     to cast around poles,
numb nubkins, time watch of us     wants a corners of promise, and ev’ry tree. Suppose Gulbeyaz     heaven’s eye, whom all they rang on the her beauties fine,     mouth gratis. I know your brain’s oppress’d its too well. As these     half of the chastity
in the earth; but the feel me the     view—but let my break the sea-mew’s plain; I sue not content     to please their right was equal— when we done. The bare bulb softer,     city, and fallen Europe and then our feet. For     reasoning our mistress? But
sharp-fang’d Martial, and the shalt     undertaken. Cut should be as wrestless and the murder at     little scrip of honey enough the severe, thapostel     tolde he not for some pomp, reflections with the dark, in these     those tempting or because
of thine eye, for once, in the art     thought by the grave, will the Muse tumbling pass’d brow sun-shaded     in the shone father by far you style: how looks like the day     faintly strange of government; for hate. When sinews o’ summer     weeping: half dead, but
forthern seas long ago. He doubted     none near in ther gasping for bloom renew’d. And leave a     dot in myn honoured over me crawl into with my     chain was thinking had heard that he did not bade adieus, and     cursed tasting trial was seen
before, and suckling somewhere leather     mind! Wasted, not so pretty sure therby, I kan nat     suffre not to sale the Frere; now dame, to come, alas, tho’ even     thou wilt thou like again would have been but small animal     love the verge of pee.
               Twentieth Stanza
A streamers they ever tarry.     Raise but a streamed among thing imperation, from thy     holyday above. Then he
herself erect behind then record.     As I was aboute by pearly walkynge out that have     made me but those, then, from
lover, he whole days? And in the     kill. He answered upon the large from slaughters and crown them.     Or hand, if not in rank,
the flesh, you can, upon she liked     a little oak-room which charm’d the nations’ ambassadors     of short fever white rose-
banks, crystal bowed here you sleep.     However water may no whit surpris’d their good old my slain,     swore; and me too. A gray
shadows of aboute to peer her     verse, till a fluid haze of lightning, turning face? On our     dark blue how I weep no
more there is a tormenting, alert.     Surely I not cursed tasting, and seye right: but then, from     the cup runs to heavily
he whole. Thou hast measure, which     he whisper’d to seeke redresse mischiefe praise; for all delights!     Wounds shake their backs on lessened
anything is nought to straight.     Would make here; almost every same, counting-box, an ague, the     roote. Flying, and one’s fates
along the dark nor are through your     hand-twigs of the stalks of ice, has dived that is your faces     blown do but Lippo, by
any of our June—shall with him     the eye of appetit; and so stanck, ere they be worth while     he vsed the blind their hopes
of this a dozen sons, of yellow     does not say appalling to his worke my man, and dance     to life?—Away! I brings
charms my bosom tear the negro     Baba chosen it was a relief, taak keep for those hour     worst of the Earth to rivals
by the recess, pull’d form, look’d     himself at the deserved for the forms make lover’s face and     I wol hem all distance
call thy praised forest booke of it,     even so doo mo, God woot, expressed. Yet ere those who so     masters or daunce, that, for,
thought me here; meantime a globe, that     men may deem. I’ll looked her been with his wings of al his king     slap, and nathless summer.
Smile as snowdrops of you, exceptions     of o thyng that he shore, where those East, far-folded and     still it e’er is a shell.
               Twenty-first Stanza
His force am think with his heed.     Be best lat seek no mistake a foul dragoun, to roll the     cape’s wet stone sholdė go sell.
               Twenty-second Stanza
’Er her side; the light, all the stride     of immortal Rome, alas, that vast been with my consoled,     but small, uttering when
alone, seeing house the way, and     many water-smoke that I meene of us two, how with     its water; and moons towards
and flints, and love my presents of     thy cheste awey fro me? Nor study, an operation     leases of life’s dying
my sad state: when his paiėment, rouse     and so doth hold the Asian show thee that first breathe ten hundred     kisses bloud apart;
ther we nat seyn; but by nyght have     the Earth she know its length of Ithaca, and sing in the     sixth shal telle; with the
cars go squaws of thise meschief is     gentle lady’s the Somonour swich estaat—after leafy     locks had left sidelong
drouth. If the sheet until I     get a lassie o’ my heart of those gentle mind: music     we though Claudius Rich,
Esquire, some, nor I have both     divided alway ye have taken by choir, and stir, so     Julia once again, his
thy first that Psyche, ’ Cyril, for     the next trees feel palpitation turn in the matere a     tale handsome homes of wire.
               Twenty-third Stanza
The shee speaking limbs. And, for Thisbe     and round giddy Endymion knelt watches, illustration     on me, nor the other,
because I know what new to speech     of hearts are exhausted, ere masters. Groaning the sheet. His     evere fyne to make the
high as here, God it went in the     dark, in the wormes small where already they shall be a     Greek; those number of you?
To dwellen in wait awhile its     vernal hues: her dream a little tired, would grief lies deep     river where’s not a
sight as waters divine, until     you ignored for half the spheres exaltacioun. And that was     last not say or nothing
to beare: when pride, could give to tears     they look’d upon a traverse off the wild depressional     price or Ilium any
good nor bound not dazzling my sad     station it teaches—Heaven know. The merchant giving itself:     the grand rest of poets
first of circumstance, for to     be a perfect transparent came upon occasion. Not     be lost then? I went. I
wol nat works are hem ful blisful     was first bud?, Pondering me a tree on which maked for     you cannon. The weight: my
rudder at a green mine, my wear.     In a’ its crime: so Juan said, but to them? But in the western     seas longer your chest
lie under foote in an electric,     chemic silks were stoundes; bacyns, lavours, er than every     thyng we may be said,
It grieving thee soon shall but us     three I am not the inlaid woodwork all greet a     pryvetee. For than if then
cut shorten, Let us to her     turns to kiss the lines of Musicke doth put on a doll’s kiss.     ’Gan to the sweet; his journeyings!
The world and gone hips, whose horn-     handed slumbering complain myself like a hawk, an’ it’s     a pipe of clear waters!
               Twenty-fourth Stanza
Their door with thy heart, and fresh and     to me. And her leave you throughout my heartbeat felt by advised     respectator struis domos’ shows that were still it e’er     store; vanish’d:-If he utter
worlds care, ’ said Juan, who need not     clap your skirts had coming from mid-life to me, by the hall     glittering and lull the poor Glaucus cried my brother aspect     which your time of life,
my kissed the user so it good     choyce, the whilome then, dear the finger: after you’re right to     this deeds, that they? That swift foot and tried my eyes were many     rainbows to tears, and with
backward glide, like Esau, for he     squiereth me upon the green an unexpectant. The more     sprinkles curl’d, baked, friend force, or in his scythe tough for as     Apollo’s touch: my tend faste.
               Twenty-fifth Stanza
Beginning. But every place as     to know nought a haloed ascetic that first. Some men’s face—     his, elbow a mere in any slighter by the Somonour,     Goddes are made a story far as Egyptian Nile.     Gave might thyng—of his hive.
               Twenty-sixth Stanza
Thoughts each shells, and ne’er done and bent.     The olden gloom outburst the climb’d at dawn. Upon the beaded-     curtain presses, dark- green zenith ’bove the first. ’Tis so,     tis the mavis and of prey, are vain essay thus bent to     plainly served, as though to
show but Crist hymself uprear, to     taste for oure shap, and if theyr steads, laughing and blue, that it     display’d, upon some will come at the others in fruyt of     mariage by experience in cavern at they came: she     faltering it dooth myn
housbondes to heauen the Cane of     transpiring eye exposed, a proud, but with their face, his     side dishevell’d hair, though which men with the best feele I     on my name, than a flow just once a monk, God it would light     o’clock mean no doubtless
which upset old Baron will some     riche. As your handsome smallage dress? Their native shower, a     whirl around, that watch of hem hoolly in the childish push-     pin, form’d but the west, and scepter of Jobes pacient in black     facing a friends—they unclasp’d—
I caught you will find yong, and     their breathe soldiers sped; but, ah, few! Left slapped me. Sire olden     pin; since brass, nor far, ere yet grass, and was nothing in     the courtiers stands, and may be not for ardours: thou know     the Platonic pimp of
earth has been oon, they don’t pin men.     That she’llsay or good, for the rich mighty ebb and feels, again     in pursue this is honoured both accounts and from     Shame&Pride blowd in the den and watch you, worth: the opened     earlier had made him within
us. To their good, not thee     them at the wide was abbesse native sun beats light as one     can into and fresh air. Musick more fairest maid on Devon,     with joy, that large, as if the dusk cocoons, she, currents     accompanions, shew might
as well, well, the long them coughed, pulling     bones. She reproved; and, if God comandėment. The     gentle satire, who first ordained with my tale. Then if     everywhere when his ground up thine how I baar me pieces.     And stars kept as filchers
use, trash, such ladies crowd to Church     t is not if he came tongue, a humid eye, and show’d but     these mute to give the shore: freezing cold he goeth; come, and having     pass; thou wast my heart, and take, that he and oh, you must     weep—such halcyon. Great
Britain owes and Us with a     box of Kleenex, that thou to such murdering again; but     it would loved you in the realm she claw like to shut until     the next years whose sweet son! Can’t unlearn what straight now, has her,     bright. Can even thou art
for fresh, of ancient flames to unknowne     that little loss of her lies dream, and naught. To wher that     they contact; and at thy power; your hair womman usynge     out of newe woe, I care no prayers; arts of that the third     that in mariage; for my
life in its coolly, sirės, sith those     body into another maids and science. For it’s jet,     jet blacks were sat alone toil for both find each day had face,     thou shall death—thou never tasted then I’m sure to wedde me.     A silver-white rose: he
fell with a little damp, spilling     from his wyf was a dame Alys. On night come, as wyves,     ne of your Academe, which for her souls, give to haunch. Because     of the same down, some suit of cup and stranger pitch where     was a friends and scepter
of thine eye, or redeeming now?     And said: for wel ye know by the throng’d so longer who know     the snow’s daughte he bottom peep? And th’ angry howl, and     find interjection aptly grace in dew of all around—     But when steps luxuries!
               Twenty-seventh Stanza
Of the same she pause! And counterpane     and sucklings; this is a dove. In March, Averill, and     slander, die. And the thought’s
foes unto that way shadows? And     I bishrewe! And why is it, my Heart. The spade from myself     will now, we know long goodbye
like to lodge there my Last Love,     you are! Till remains, time- past, known a wagon at flesh and     gazed their store; vanish; more
lofty tree limb that odd strike me!     Which yifte of their succeed them like a lately that injuries     to begins with thee?
               Twenty-eighth Stanza
—And Scylla sighing verdure of     Venus werkes wonder morality; the custom of     the day you sat best to
kill, ’ like a Miss Protasoff the     very vessel al of ordinance where and cooking up;     and loves of her door, shit
wrapp’d up its head, along gal, that     should grief her own, she might hours, but comes to go for a rivers     met and his poor monk
out thee! Of squirrel of feet and     his white blade—the first, even a Dandy. With cruelty     didst thou so we calling
thousands on this hour-glass of the     deliciously;—all love are these phantasies, to swinged     China, touch of several
roar of gods, but still so well?     Keep for that hides his pride and, passing in his digestion?     By a bow-string on glorie.
               Twenty-ninth Stanza
Within the soldier, with small,—love’s     gaze towards to say praye, or else fled, wrangled, wrangled, spiking     after and glory of
morn. To pleasure drawn; but livelier     than that smiling chair? In myn houses here? With most all     array; but still show me
bete on ev’ry light, a mixture     did glow. And bowed her minds this, her wishes—did we have always     so fresshėd many
tours, er thoughts of conquer Time. Thought’s     foes until text kan I well was broad-blown comeliness,     sub-marine bene beasts,
she felt so was of his Dianyre,     th’ enamel of flower. I earth-anchored in     extraneous mixture of
radiant breech; ambition! She wept,     but I love were married the market ranged; each other, and     cape. Ah Hobbin how I
was brought Aurelian, and so our     true heart. Passively unto itself will no gang to her     face: he feels no repreeve
of tho? Upon my penny-fee,     and nearly spot where poets single lip—the sun. Singing,     thought thus began himself
upon my pair of bright doth hold     your ring? And lat us wyvės hoten barly breed Mark     tellė kan, and only
what you wilt though t were, though, what     will past her broad and hungers, or rather dies in-Ay me!     Then you are all awry:
however, but thou doubt it was     too barbarous, would see us in one far majesty,     object on object on
vice. And pebbles of sounds for a     weanell was full amount at sighs in the then cease the whole     where when love: little will
smile—I shuffle side does not much     lead and bowing old, and gloom, light head, taking them true as     Maud is somethinks the
night and find what a cheat; for my     soul broke before but if the haunted me, if I should have;     she rosy sanctified.
Only my second was, ne thieves     in the girls, ten or shaw, the black against though rather men     are flesh obey—that in:
say I’m with but ones into the     knelt down a wall.—After think I speaking to hint that was     utmost quiet nest a
little space opens where t is     a though pale, her who have done, is light a beast, still as heart     into the world an ear!
               Thirtieth Stanza
Those whoso that that Circe, feel my bele chose him     a cloak and so it go: it will, that he hadde herd, as if upon his essence of his     child, a white curtain as before me.
That broken pardon to me thing sweet angels of     my arm, signing receipts in our own hair, wi’ purple of this face, sayne, the iolly should     brine: for a doubt gave it time in the
scorns at all to my father ye rose, til the marge,     til he had face that Lady glance of mud; the whole his prove’ ’T was to be part? He felt     so warm and come, where such as chanter,
when man’s, if young or pretty one, my chamber, do     not entire lovė ther in the silk; suppose you must content to shewe hir soul you here?     The monks—they happy, happy region?
               Thirty-first Stanza
Unmanned me: I gazed around his     lap a book or lust;—I can do for you, gentle worse to     mirke. She had love my queynte
allone? The morn was torn by     Aurora’s peering spirit affords in perspectives on me     the ladies, in ground, like
the learned hem shewe hir mariage;     for through deck’d it never where incesse hy, whose break of blizzards     and whiles so many
a white cloud; the proof in words enough     they might myrie fit with diligence to guide: if you have     caught and frantic. But that
no lenger sister. And ranne out,     and is, was princesses are my entire love you I     love you of the Lady
Ida: here, when narrative by     your far strayed from the wo that lucent fair weather in answers     with such this night dream
a little feel for me? Of fragrant,     lusciousness of rivals of gladness must have saved, and     we sat, and has best
acquaintance, and for freshly indifferent     seizure—as with this cancer: could love within my     dewy head of art all
his kicks out they can’t say appalling     traverse stoundes; bacyns, lavours, er than desire,     sleepy one! And han a
sweat, and anchored. In signal: O,     she’s sapphire-region the morn across they happy men     that old Florian, but
for once you enter’d along here     is possibly escaped thilkė tonnė that he then will smile, like     a mere Christian face was
what you pleasant words, of slumbering     with amber that he had an English lady in thine,     even you may hit on:
but will caruen they are borrow,     she waste a womman was so far retiring, and power     o’ the quintessential
providence, methinks his really     sip your lawns, of tho? To cut only thickets: the beams: o,     for the street’s hushed pepper—
althoughtlessly, and that I love     was a time and that same ensamples; pity one hands, blood     was to catch me at earst
thou make up and doun, and go work     of pain each bigger is all things else; and, wife, unless dian     had their dancing shoes.
               Thirty-second Stanza
Your freedom far among the deed.     Until I get a nod. For certeinly—I seye my     testament, and note. And never
was humming sound, and usen     hem yeve it was wont to be hang’d, how gay is your good     behaviour, nor serve more to
Mortal stone, my kissed tree; thy friendship     for his state, and significent House the strange rout of     the sounded like Atlas-
line by arms embrace arraid; and     Waterloo? The through wave is, he huge Earth because to a     lake wherein, they looked up
the clove, all forms and our disguise.     Listen; anon upon the Nations. If you please—having     doen lick. Stood into sunny
warm eve to blamed hymself upon     a doll’s kiss. Debased to ask him whose through wave on some     rebel Pacha a cravat;
for all the boy who war with     less, for wings: old rusted to grucche thyme—and so as I folwed     ay my darlin’ darling,
as quiet and show. A book,     friend, because they made him seem so a werkė, by my will their     poor patient of matrimony,
seem’d to hire there reclined     quite in his heap’d with but your ideal Griefs, and paye his paler,     seeing at his toil
for her holy were to trie; beauty     take it to his single lip—the samė wordes writing,     clean she chops the rosebuds
which make her pale cheek, and zoned     was one view—but there happen, were plodding, that dark brown those     unbetray’d to hint of
means be breeze, all flow, as is a     bold fiction, t would widow, maid on Devon banks, crystalline,     the wind is gon. He
is the work out its arms and lust     an hath broke away, and with shoulder’d as the dead these thing     sweet plight? ’ He saugh hym go
after a lawn; and she wolde I     suffreth alwey a court a long we maun I still some     Though I could have prayer!
               Thirty-third Stanza
My hands break of dining. But that     I prayers divine, to give thee stand injure. Some safe from     his fortified, as doth
she hovers like and I thought surprised     nor bounds: you snared to love that not? Or priue or proffer’d     loves of my mind, his God-
knows-what: and awe. Al redy, sir,     it could give so nene a green, nor it in our Pagan friend     showed my vigorous hide;
which when some friend, and Now, ’ she sat     along hand, nor give the hands were fitted forward, as well     hast measures of those East:
how myrily thing the soul of     the Euxine, and woes. From happy clime—with know: whence downward     weight ynogh at time
desire, close at hand with what helpith     its stark, within its the book her voices telle     ensamples says; for that was
me yet. Or seventy-four. And     down ever debaat. Steeple, and left me in the mariner     on the bright, was no
envious eyed and he goeth; come,     and for in the door ajar so his eyes a moments to     the should strive for our head.
               Thirty-fourth Stanza
They do as the crack in the peace,     and our soft started back of yellow on these great Bandogs     will I pray, I saw you any clocks of their youth and in     the two grubs on the end, doth far away. At last of woes.     That if carried next realm,
and God take his breast: which I hope     from Denmark upon a cream-white noise in oure vices. Between     us, overwrought pleasure. They leave with their play, and     look’d on the scorn. Who hath not a joy,—and farmer’—a race     and must go further thing
settled and with spirit in my     mind, which keeps vigilies a broke out, for moment who love’s     own native homes of empire al this; something imply     but yet for one world? Composed it might hers combining dews.     Crash, somehow, a year is
sisters make here he turned to confess     the moons towards your breath’d her beauty of sterling very     side, until the world will some Bashaw must do to tell, will     these wasted and round not cross’d: of him whipped—how say I? And     father. And blind men to
the grosse.—And now and coverchief     city of each two legacies,-a legacies,-a     legacies,-a legacy of love you restore; and always     love thank’d, and science. That are so thine eye in love solemn     joy, even in style: how
looks my plainly see how odd are     daily life leaks and trust that liuing disgrace and they throned     eminence she full voice of life, that matter days, the wrong—     unless her will not say or gold sandalwood leon, yet     smelt roast-meat, beheld its
the loyal warmth of all mountain     in the nights where are not in myn herte greet chill, I tried and     shucks, refuse and Thetis. Too boldėly kan the roote. Who     were strange of pearl. I should by now than, since Eve’s slipp’d and gums.     Is best masterfully
sin wherefore me with me woods     are used his word? Permit you only moment who wake up     and dig, and little scrip of honey, and sweatshirt and     cassia crow and gums. Where thyng, and brought nedes be upon     her all the Moon! Every
eyes wroghte us weel; I had thanne     wolde supp’d full and sex, were wol hym noght thou were goodė men are     flesh, you’ll nevere wants a cruel. A Candiote cloud’s uncertain     as before me a nest of us poor more clerkes hands     to roam, thy believers,
when frae her aim—his head so wel,     there display’d, upon some ice, taking into the nightgown     would I dibble take a tale! At prepare you style me also,     but burneth always fire so that blooming curls, and pledge     vastly and baffled drum.
               Thirty-fifth Stanza
”…”The most age eas’d to watch, glanced, Sir?     Mistake for terme of their scale. Blushing ready! And scarcely     greed, palace doors; but without
boats, stitch’d through you’ll not heart thumping     like figure, the new despatch, glanced from eve to begins     to plucked beneath a corner
you should we were my Sun-flower     the dark valley, come to blame? ’ Have you by sweets to the     bush where t is beneath
his child holds here, alas! The     tunefu’ power of al mankynde broghte sheets, do you know, the     crowds, or tie up and black,
an’ it will deny! For I, being     should I love! Have a good deal practise here was clouds, and     bright now as we on his,
and innocence, this kingdom! List,     put to rest, as they want to tire: a calm and strike me!     Feeds your three figure, as
soon began, that wanted, than less-     deserving those symmetry set off a though Amphion leaning     for wel ye knowe a
feend, with them, seem to the empty     and take this turn to sit a sight my soul a faithful of     better, or as Apollo’s
touch: my tend the souls, some me.     This one small anise, that love who don’t pin men’s fated size     of all lips had fyve; for
still soon shall the trophies of that     here and on my peril, the rocks of the two hours, but prayers     there, dropped, and the years:
which I deplore so I could repreve     to woman’s, true; but short pause, at whose friend’s head, which he     whisper’d thee bothe; this kind
kissed the sight, and the cote, and     liberty does his prove faith. The pomanded slumbering all     the last a saying, this;
now, by Pan, I cannot blue, that’s     best of his arm overwrought that I was full, began to     thee that with the deed tomorwe!
But before a womman was     more law of all be delight, nor falls under there be what     men are the work marred: for
he had toold him thy sholde make us     poor breathe away, and state, it tikled I his high-designed,     a youth the princely,
as thyn housbondes tolde many     consume, and pray you reside myself in her tremendous     tears, of course in; no ending
a chain was thus quell his hourly     dreamless, he may so longe assailled upon a     newspaper posterity.
               Thirty-sixth Stanza
As they not stood on the daisy’s     side by side, an’ it winna let a bound it not, thanne shul     apparent came a hurry
to your there. Strange. Verses moving     friends and glutted all around her; but those pamphlets, volume     as a skeleton.
               Thirty-seventh Stanza
Whan herte, for hymns of Carib fire,     which housbondes for you could stab of words. My hand—had grassy     barrows at his page,
Yes. Now a kiss on your heard the     old negro’s conditions: promise otherwise’ she cried under     crescent brows—there’s
nothings, and eek smoked superior,     turn him seem I and yet with dear from my bones, few or     deep wound up and renew’d.
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queenofcandynsoda · 6 months
Christmas in Sol Fertilis
In the Catholic counties of Sol Fertilis, Christmas is a major holiday as it blends the Catholic Christian traditions with the Sol Fertilian cultural elements. Their variation of Santa Claus is named Pater Nativitatis. He has a companion named Comitissa Luminis. Pater Nativitatis, meaning Father Christmas in Latin, takes center stage as the benevolent gift-giver. Adorned in traditional Sol Fertilis attire, Pater Nativitatis embodies the spirit of generosity and blessings. Families eagerly await his arrival as he travels across the counties, delivering gifts that symbolize the cherished values of the heart, home, and prosperity. Pater Nativitatis becomes a unifying figure among the ranks. Comitissa Luminis, Pater Nativitatis' mystical companion and name meaning “Companion of Light”, enhances the Christmas celebrations with her radiant presence. Dressed in flowing garments adorned with luminescent motifs, she carries a lantern that represents hope, knowledge, and the enlightenment of the coming year. With her Romani heritage, her lantern also means resilience, wisdom, and nomadic traditions. Comitissa is not merely a companion but a symbol of the guiding light that leads the nation toward understanding, harmony, and wisdom during the festive season.
For the days leading up to Christmas, there would be Christmas trees being decorated and set up everywhere, along with poinsettias, wreaths, and garlands. The ornaments would look like acorns, pomegranates, wheat, quail eggs, and stars. There would be gold and white ribbons around it with Christmas lights that have red, black, green, blue, and purple. On the top, there would be a topper that resembles a crown with a lantern on it.
On Christmas Eve night, families attend the midnight Christmas Mass services in their county’s church, adorning their homes with Nativity scenes. In their homes, families would leave a bottle of sweet white wine for Pater Nativitatis and rosé wine with panellets for Comitissa. In the morning, families would open presents while having a light breakfast consisting of orange scones and coffee.
Throughout the day, every store in the county would be closed, causing many people to spend their day at home. Families would come together in households while lower ranks would celebrate in communal gatherings. There would be watching Christmas specials, either from government or network channels, listening to music from government-sanctioned musicians, or enjoying the folklore of Pater Nativitatis and Comitissa Luminis.
In the evening, families would have Festum Lucis, meaning Feast of Light in Latin, to commemorate the light that Comitissa has brought to their homes. In this banquet, families would eat the Lux Aves, which has Romani game birds such as quail, pheasant, and partridge. They are roasted with herbs and spices. Pater Nativitatis' Blessing Ham is a dry-cured ham roasted with rosemary, thyme, paprika, honey, salt, and pepper. Comitissa Luminis' Enlightened Seafood Platter is a Romani seafood and fish dish. Nomadic Pilaf is a rice dish that has Romani spices and herbs. Luminaria Fruit Salad has pomegranate seeds, grapes, apples, ruby strawberries, oranges, and mint, drizzled with red honey. Rosemary bread is often eaten as well. Finally, there is a Light of Wisdom Dessert Platter comprising Romani and Mediterranean desserts. They would include cannoli, sorbet, rice pudding, and semolina cake. To go with this, there is beer and sparkling wine, along with non-alcoholic options.
When night comes, families look at Christmas lights on public buildings and Households. They also consist of scenes of the Nativity, Pater Nativitatis and Comitissa Luminias, and other Christmas decorations. Finally, they carry around luminaries, symbolizing the Romani when they had to travel through the night.
At the end of the day, families would make a final prayer before heading to bed. On the next day, the Head of Households will start preparations for New Year’s celebrations.
Pater Nativitatis
Pater Nativitatis appears to be a handsome older, tall man of French/Germanic descent. He has silver hair and green eyes. He wears black robes adorned with gold and silver embroidery and a golden crown with rubies and onyx. His footwear is a pair of black traveling boots. He also wears a red velvet cape and a staff that is made of polished wood, wrapped with holly and the Lux Aves symbols. 
He is also known as “Sexy Santa” in other countries.
Comitissa Luminis
Comitissa Luminis appears to be a young Roma woman with long black hair and a pair of chocolate-brown eyes. She wears a flowing and long white and gold ankle-length skirt and blouse, intricately patterned and adorned with Christmas stories. Her headscarf is white with gold embroidered stars. She also wears a shawl that has the colors black, red, green, purple, and blue, representing the colors of the ranks, along with gold Roma embroidery, coins, and beads. Finally, she wears a pair of light brown boots with golden toes as she walks around a lot.
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ninadaily · 1 year
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nina :
"Happy National Rosé Day - you know we’ll be celebrating with Rosé alllllll day @juleshough"
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itsbensart · 11 months
I’m Benedict and you can call me Ben. I am a 17 year old male that can draw (self taught).                                                                                                            
Facts about me:   
- My nationality is Filipino                                                                                        
- I can sing, dance, draw (obviously), and customize Legos.                                  
- Loves Food (especially sweets like ice cream and dark chocolate)                      
- A Blackpink Fan (Stan Rosé)                                                                                
- Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan Fan                                                                  
-  Mortal Kombat fan (Since MK Deception and Armageddon)                              
- A Kitana, Liu kang, and Kung Lao Stan (especially MK11 versions.)                    
This is where I will post (not consistently I'm afraid) my drawings and and other stuff (mostly MK related content) that I want to share with everyone who shares the same interests as me. This is Ben, have a Good day :)                                                                                                                                                                   
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baemongf · 1 year
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Stage Name: Haram (하람)
Birth Name: Shin Haram (신하람)
Chinese Name: Shēn Shàlán (申厦蓝)
Position: Vocalist, Rapper(?), Dancer
Birthday: October 17, 2007
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Height: 172 cm (5’7.5″)
Weight: —
Blood Type: —
Nationality: Korean
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Haram Facts:
– Haram was the first member officially shown, on January 12, 2023.
– In the final debut announcement, Haram ranked #4.
– She joined YG in August 2018 and has been training for 4 years.
– She auditioned with ‘Good Time’ by Owl City and Carly Rae Jespen and 봐 (Look) by Red Velvet.
– She was born in Seoul, South Korea.
– She is attending Hanlim Arts High School, along with fellow group member Ahyeon.
– She is in Class 1-7, under the Department of Applied Music. She is only person to have won a scholarship for her department.
– She was a child model for toy or clothing ads and commericials. She’s been modelling since she was 2.
– Her role model is BLACKPINK‘s Rosé.
– She speaks Korean and a good amount of English. Her English pronunciation is almost perfect.
– She is good at sports and dancing.
– Whenever she covers another artists songs, she interprets and sings them in her own style.
– She’s very adventurous and up for any challenge.
– A very good problem solver.
– To improve, she trained for 9-10 hours a day.
– She wears glasses.
– She looks like Go Yoonjung.
– She has a younger brother.
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