#national poetry month 2024
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sheshallfromtimetotime · 11 months ago
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National Poetry Month - Day Ten The More Loving One - W.H. Auden
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askatknits · 10 months ago
Thursday's are for Poetry | 4.25.24
Welcome to my favorite day of National Poetry Month — Poem In Your Pocket Day! Every April I like to add a new book to my Poetry Library… and this year, dear Ada Limón had the perfect collection with perfect timing! You Are Here Poetry in the Natural World was published April 2! I have been reading through it with delight! It is full of beautiful poems! The poem I have selected for you to tuck…
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marimuntanya · 11 months ago
Torso of AirBY OCEAN VUONGSuppose you do change your life.& the body is more thana portion of night––sealedwith bruises. Suppose you woke& found your shadow replacedby a black wolf. The boy, beautiful& gone. So you take the knife to the wallinstead. You carve & carveuntil a coin of light appears& you get to look in, at last,on happiness. The eyestaring back from the other side––waiting.Ocean Vuong, "Torso of Air" from Night Sky with Exit Wounds. Copyright © 2016 by Ocean Vuong. Reprinted by permission of Copper Canyon Press, www.coppercanyonpress.org.
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schuylerpeck · 11 months ago
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Woot woot!! It’s NAPOWRIMO time, babeeeyyy!! Pen a poem everyday for 30 days or browse around and write when you can—the choice is yours. ❤️ I’ve loved making prompt lists over the years and I’m excited to see what this years brings. Be silly! Write some bad poems! Write some okay poems! Enjoy ya’self. Love you. ❤️
instagram: hiitssky
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septembersung · 11 months ago
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jasminesuntrell · 11 months ago
No More Fucking Butterflies (19/30)
I have decided the next man I meet who makes me nervous is getting blocked, walked away from- I'll run if I have to. No conversation, no glances, no more whirlwind romances, I'm not giving chances. I'm through.
Who the hell decided butterflies in the tummy was something to romanticize in the first place? For me, I think it's my body trying to tell me to get as far as I can from this demonic creature who will only cause me harm but I kept thinking it's a good thing if his presence can make me stumble over words.
Hell no.
Neutrality is the way to go. The man you're mostly unaware of until he gives you good reasons to be. The one who doesn’t prey on the unbalanced chemical reaction that happens when you lay eyes on him.
And maybe the love story won't be the stuff of an indie romance film but it will be stable and real. It won't give you more material from which to heal. It will provide you with bliss more enduring than the intoxications of fleeting butterflies.
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spoke9 · 5 months ago
Cecilia Vicuña
Jungle Kill
I uproot & save
mental venture
I split the dream
of the slow
& neutral
& breathe
My little flask
Pointy wisp
Pubescent valve
the game
I smoke
& praise you
& raze you
your sierra
to ash
I wait
& wait
And you
where are you
your voice
In calm
In silence
the thirst
The weightless
the blood
& Stand
Go & go
Plant your will!
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awareness-and-healing · 10 months ago
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My dear followers, this April 2024 month posts are dedicated to two topics:
First, the aRt of Beautiful Words composed as Poetry as 'April is National Poetry Month '...📃🖋
Secondly, avoidant attachment style, a topic that is very dear to my heart personally and I hope that it can help and possibly contribute something to healing...❤️‍🩹❤️
Thank you for following, for your likes and feedbacks...
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poeticfawnbug · 11 months ago
escapril 2024 day one, change of state.
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it’s national poetry month and i’m so excited to join in with #escapril this year!
(@poeticfawnbug on ig)
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sheshallfromtimetotime · 11 months ago
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National Poetry Month - Day Four Storm, Lake Superior - Ethna McKiernan
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askatknits · 11 months ago
Thursday's are for poetry | 4.18.24
Welcome to Week Three of National Poetry Month! This week our theme is Color… and I was so excited about that! When I think of color and poetry, one beloved poet comes to my mind, Derek Walcott. I know of no other poet who has the thread of color weaving through so many of his poems and I have immersed myself deeply in his works… I don’t ever need an excuse to read any of his poetry, but a deep…
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rewritingkel · 3 months ago
Monday Meme Prompt
Resources on the Cheer Peppers page lead me to Monday Meme Prompts. I chose this prompt #167 from the prompts (dated September 16). So here is my attempt at all the prompt asks for. I hope I did well for camisarahpoetry and her #MondayMemePrompts Gleaming gold, ancient hues,A Snoopy statuette with its playful muse,Guarding laughter for eternity’s throne,Its cheer a guide when I’m alone. A…
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septembersung · 11 months ago
April as poetry month also means NaPoWriMo - write 30 poems in 30 days.
One complete set of prompts here
Daily prompts posted here
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spoke9 · 5 months ago
Xavier Villaurrutia
Nocturne: The Angels
You might say the streets flow sweetly through the night. The lights are dim so the secret will be kept, the secret known by the men who come and go, for they’re all in on the secret and why break it up in a thousand pieces when it’s so sweet to hold it close, and share it only with the one chosen person. If, at a given moment, everyone would say with one word what he is thinking, the six letters of DESIRE would form an enormous luminous scar, a constellation more ancient, more dazzling than any other. And that constellation would be like a burning sex in the deep body of night, like the Gemini, for the first time in their lives, looking each other in the eyes and embracing forever.
Suddenly the river of the street is filled with thirsty creatures; they walk, they pause, they move on. They exchange glances, they dare to smile, they form unpredictable couples…
There are nooks and benches in the shadows, riverbanks of dense indefinable shapes, sudden empty spaces of blinding light and doors that open at the slightest touch.
For a moment, the river of the street is deserted. Then it seems to replenish itself, eager to start again. It is paralyzed, mute, gasping moment, like a heart between two spasms.
But a new throbbing, a new pulsebeat launches new thirsty creatures on the river of the street. They cross, crisscross, fly up. They glide along the ground. They swim standing up, so miraculously no one would ever say they’re not really walking.
They are angels. They have come down to earth on invisible ladders. They come from the sea that is the mirror of the sky on ships of smoke and shadow, they come to fuse and be confused with men, to surrender their foreheads to the thighs of women, to let other hands anxiously touch their bodies and let other bodies search for their bodies till they’re found, like the closing lips of a single mouth, they come to exhaust their mouths, so long inactive, to set free their tongues of fire, to sing the songs, to swear, to say all the bad words in which men have concentrated the ancient mysteries of flesh, blood and desire. They have assumed names that are divinely simple. They call themselves Dick or John, Marvin or Louis. Only by their beauty are they distinguishable from men. They walk, they pause, they move on. They exchange glances, they dare to smile. They form unpredictable couples.
They smile maliciously going up in the elevators of hotels, where leisurely vertical flight is still practices. There are celestial marks on their naked bodies: blue signs, blue stars and letters. They let themselves fall into beds, they sink into pillows that make them think they’re still in the clouds. But they close their eyes to surrender to the pleasures of their mysterious incarnation, and when they sleep, they dream not of angels but of men.
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alixx-black · 10 months ago
Terminal (15): Beach
TERIMINAL: Beach - Chapter 15 - This project is an #epicpoem inspired by #escapril2024 prompts telling the story of a six-year-old with #childhoodcancer #napowrimo #letsescapril
An epic poem inspired by Escapril 2024’s prompts. Nobody ever talks about it, but when they let a kid wish for anything it is because they know that they’re not long for the world and they want the kid to have one last hurrah; but everyone in Aviana’s family tried to convince that it was a reward for how hard she’d been fighting during her three rounds of chemotherapy, but she knew the…
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thenerdsofcolor · 10 months ago
Get Lit Celebrates Poetry Month and its 13th Annual Classic Slam
We were invited to cover Get Lit's Annual Classic Slam for the second year in a row and have returned with the verdict...!
Student poets from Venice High School & Mark Kepple High School share the 1st Place trophy on stage. With the pre-Golden Hour sun higher up and a touch brighter than usual for 4:00 PM, the Wilshire Ebell Theatre was rolling out the literal red carpet for some of art’s unsung and most prolific offspring: GetLit’s Words Ignite Annual Classic Poetry Slam in its 13th incarnation, continuing to raise…
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