#national pension system scheme
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Why NPS | National Pension System Scheme
National Pension System (NPS) is one of the best retirement planning tool available in India today. NPS is a voluntary pension scheme, regulated by PFRDA.
#national pension scheme#NPS Scheme#nps pension#national pension system nps#new pension scheme nps#national pension system scheme
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Unified Pension Scheme (U.P.S.) की जानकारी-
केन्द्र सरकार द्वारा जारी UPS( एकीकृत पेंशन योजना) की श्रोतों द्वारा अर्जित की गई जानकारी निम्नलिखित है-
कैबिनेट ने केंद्र सरकार के कर्मचारियों के लिए राष्ट्रीय पेंशन प्रणाली (एनपीएस) में सुधार के लिए एकीकृत पेंशन योजना (UPS) की शुरुआत को मंजूरी दे दी है। सरकारी कर्मचारी मांग करते रहे हैं कि उन्हें अपनी पेंशन में निश्चितता की आवश्यकता है, विशेष रूप से पेंशन, पारिवारिक पेंशन और न्यूनतम पेंशन । जबकि सरकार इन चिंताओं को पूरी तरह समझती है, सरकार की आम नागरिक के हितों की रक्षा करने की भी जिम्मेदारी है ताकि भविष्य में पेंशन के कारण उन पर उच्च करों का भारी बोझ न पड़े। इसे ध्यान में रखते हुए, सरकार ने मौजूदा एनपीएस की समीक्षा करने और मामले में सिफारिशें करने के लिए वित्त सचिव की अध्यक्षता में एक समिति नियुक्त की थी। समिति ने राज्य सरकारों के साथ-साथ कर्मचारियों के प्रतिनिधियों से परामर्श किया और संघों, विशेषज्ञों आदि के सुझावों पर विचार किया। समिति ने अंतरराष्ट्रीय अनुभव को भी देखा और भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक से परामर्श किया। कमेटी ने अब अपनी रिपोर्ट सौंप दी है। यूपीएस समिति की सिफारिशों पर आधारित है और समिति की सिफारिशों पर राष्ट्रीय संयुक्त सलाहकार मशीनरी परिषद (जेसीएम) के कर्मचारी पक्ष के माध्यम से कर्मचारियों के प्रतिनिधियों के साथ चर्चा की गई। कर्मचारी प्रतिनिधियों ने व्यापक सहमति बनाने के लिए समिति को बहुमूल्य सुझाव दिये। यूपीएस की व्यापक रूपरेखा ��ें निम्नलिखित शामिल हैं:-
1-जिन कर्मचारियों के पास पर्याप्त सेवा है, उन्हें पेंशन के रूप में उनके पिछले 12 महीनों के मूल वेतन का औसत वेतन कम से कम 50% सुनिश्चित पेंशन मिलेगी।2-कम से कम 10 साल की सेवा वाले कार्मिकों को न्यूनतम 10,000 रुपये प्रति माह पेंशन दी जाएगी।
3- जीवनसाथी को पारिवारिक पेंशन पेंशन का 60% धनराशि के रूप में दिया जाएगा।
4-सुनिश्चित पेंशन, न्यूनतम पेंशन और पारिवारिक पेंशन पर महंगाई राहत दी जाएगी न कि मंहगाई भत्ता।
5-इसके अतिरिक्त, सेवानिवृत्ति के समय एकमुश्त धनराशि प्रदान की जाएगी।
6. स्वैच्छिक सेवानिवृत्ति (वीआरएस) के मामले में अभी नियम और इसका मूल ढांचा तैयार न होने तक स्थिति पूर्ण रूप से स्पष्ट नहीं हो पा रही है कि किसी कर्मचारी द्वारा VRS लेने के उपरांत उसे पेंशन तत्काल मिलना प्रारंभ होगा अथवा उसके वास्तविक सेवानिवृत की दिनांक के पश्चात अर्थात कितने वर्ष पश्चात उसे पेंशन देना प्रारंभ किया जाएगा।
7. कर्मचारियों के वेतन से दिया जा रहे अंशदान में कोई बढ़ोतरी नहीं होगी बल्कि केंद्र सरकार अपना अंशदान 18.5 % कर देगी, जो लोग एनपीएस के तहत पहले ही सेवानिवृत्त हो चुके हैं वे भी इस लाभ के पात्र होंगे। ऐसे पूर्व सेवानिवृत्त लोगों को उनके द्वारा पहले ही की गई निकासी को समायोजित करने के बाद बकाया का भुगतान किया जाएगा।
योजना का विवरण और पात्रताएं नीचे दी गई हैं-
1- कर्मचारी के योगदान (मूल वेतन + डीए) के 10% पर कटौती जारी रहेगी।
2- सरकारी योगदान वर्तमान 14% से बढ़कर 18.5% हो जाएगा।
पेंशन कोष दो फंडों में बांटा जाएगा-
2 (A) - एक व्यक्तिगत पेंशन निधि जिसमें कर्मचारी का योगदान (मूल वेतन और डीए का 10%) और समान सरकारी योगदान जमा किया जाएगा।
2(B) - अकेले अतिरिक्त सरकारी योगदान के साथ एक अलग पूल कॉर्पस (सभी कर्मचारियों के मूल और डीए का 8.5%)
2(C) -कर्मचारी अकेले व्यक्तिगत पेंशन कोष के लिए निवेश का विकल्प चुन सकता है। कर्मचारी सुनिश्चित पेंशन में आनुपातिक कटौती के साथ व्यक्तिगत पेंशन कोष का 60% तक निकाल सकता है।
2(D) -सुनिश्चित पेंशन पीएफआरडीए द्वारा अधिसूचित निवेश पैटर्न के 'डिफ़ॉल्ट मोड' पर आधारित होगी और व्यक्तिगत पेंशन कॉर्पस के पूर्ण वार्षिकीकरण पर विचार किया जाएगा। यदि बेंचमार्क वार्षिकी सुनिश्चित वार्षिकी से कम है, तो कमी को पूरा किया जाएगा। यदि व्यक्तिगत कर्मचारी कोष सुनिश्चित वार्षिकी (कर्मचारी द्वारा चुने गए निवेश विकल्प के आधार पर) से अधिक उत्पन्न करता है, तो कर्मचारी ऐसी उच्च वार्षिकी का हकदार होगा। हालाँकि, यदि उत्पन्न वार्षिकी ��िफ़ॉल्ट मोड से कम है, तो यूपीएस के माध्यम से सरकार द्वारा प्रदान किया गया टॉप अप बेंचमार्क वार्षिकी तक सीमित होगा।
2(E) - न्यूनतम 25 वर्ष की अर्हक सेवा के लिए पूर्ण सुनिश्चित पेंशन उपलब्ध होगी। कम सेवा के लिए, कम से कम 10 वर्षों से शुरू करके, आनुपातिक सुनिश्चित पेंशन दी जाएगी।
2(F) -कर्मचारियों के पास यूपीएस चुनने का विकल्प होगा। यदि कोई कर्मचारी चाहे तो एनपीएस को जारी रखना चुन सकता है।
यूपीएस 01.04.2025 से प्रभावी होगा। आवश्यक प्रशासनिक/कानूनी सहायता ढांचा स्थापित किया जाएगा, इस योजना को राज्य सरकारें भी अपना सकती हैं। इससे 90 लाख से अधिक कर्मचारियों (23 लाख केंद्र सरकार के कर्मचारी, केंद्रीय स्वायत्त निकायों के 3 लाख कर्मचारी और राज्य सरकारों के 56 लाख कर्मचारी और राज्य सरकारों द्वारा अपनाए जाने पर राज्य स्वायत्त निकायों के 10 लाख कर्मचारी) को लाभ होने की उम्मीद है कर्मचारियों को ला�� पहुंचाने के साथ-साथ यह आम नागरिकों के कल्याण की भी रक्षा करेगा क्योंकि यह योजना पूरी तरह से वित्त पोषित होगी, यानी सरकार हर साल अपना योगदान पूरी तरह से भुगतान करेगी और पेंशन व्यय को स्थगित नहीं करेगी, इस प्रकार नागरिकों की भावी पीढ़ियों के लिए वित्तीय कठिनाई को रोका जा सकेगा।
इस लेख की कुछ जानकारी श्रवण कुमार कुशवाहा जी के पत्र से भी ले गई है अतः उनका बहुत बहुत आभार
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Open NPS Account Online | NPS Account Opening | KFintech
National Pension Scheme (NPS) is a government-sponsored pension scheme to provide income security for all sector citizens. Apply for National Pension System Online at NPS KFintech.
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What Are the Challenges Investors Face When They Plan an Investment in Mutual Funds in Bhavnagar?
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Investing can be a journey of both excitement and confusion, especially for newcomers in Bhavnagar. The financial market offers various avenues, and mutual funds stand out as an excellent starting point. However, the road to choosing the right funds is often riddled with challenges. Let's explore the obstacles investors face as they begin their journey of investment in mutual funds in Bhavnagar.
Addressing Investor Challenges
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Grasping Fund Fees: Understanding various fees impacting returns, like management fees and sales loads, is key in assessing costs.
Emotional Decision-Making: Emotions often drive impulsive decisions, leading to short-term choices detrimental to long-term goals.
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National Pension System: जानिये क्या लाभ हैं NPS में निवेश करने के
National Pension Scheme (NPS): सरकार द्वारा चलाई जा रही पेंशन योजना नेशनल पेंशन स्कीम (NPS) तक अब गांवों या कस्बों में रह रहे लोगों की भी पहुंच आसान हो जाएगी। पेंशन फंड रेगुलेटरी एंड डेवलपमेंट अथॉरिटी (PFRDA) ने कहा है कि सभी की पेंशन योजना NPS तक आसानी से पहुंच हो, इसके सभी बैंक शाखाओं और पोस्ट ऑफिस में यह उपलब्ध कराने के प्रयास किए जा रहे हैं। PFRDA ने NPS के डिस्ट्रीब्यूशन के लिये…
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#Annuity Plan#Benefits#Interest#National Pension Scheme#National Pension System#New Pension Scheme#Return
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Naruto failure of hokage in every front like his ancestors
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Many things needed fair conclusions which were overlooked so what naruto did what kind of reform he enforced regarding clan laws and treatments because of uchiha tragedy, regarding reformation of child soldiers and anbu matters becuase of rin and itachi, regarding reforming continental laws and regulation if invasion of small coutries and villages happening and their rebuilding and reparation because of wrongdoings 5 NATIONS AND KAGE have caused in the past,
also how he gonna bind all shinobi villages and even countries in the mutual trust and common ground so that nothing unlawful conclusion happen like that of shikimaru shinden and who gonna maintain or correct it in future that's why you need solid effective laws that equally and equitably benefit and treat and question everyone( author only just blink of some years bring phone,computer and video games but still maintains feudal sytem does not have international laws we have under UN so that no one can easily go to war even israelis are condemned against by UN but in naruto we don't have any such organization,laws,platform for time to time problem which can connect all shinobi countries and villages on the continent, even villages can not oppose their daimyo's order meaning they have no alternative source of income so naruto did not find another way for complete econmical survival without shinobi missions on 80 percent level such as using chakra and exporting chakra tech not for warfare especially and chakra natures lol feels like he still wants to maintain system in 60 percent ground: pure bad writing to continue boruto),
also what about orphanage system for other villages especially orphan from small villages or destructive land or from remote area like that of ryogi and kabuto and kara children and ame child how did not naruto send no shadow clone or shinobi for such purpose as he always preach about how he understand everyone's pain so called messiah or any welfare like system for poor shinobi from impoverished village shinobi or even his own village especially their widows and orphans did not shown or pension like something for shinobi especially who lost their body parts such as guy or some especial payment for shinobi like kawaki's father and give him alternative employment becuase of being war hero could have saved kawaki feels like villages abandoned many remaining shinobi or why not give them alternative employment because of their past service (just simply dispose of them if they lost value so cruel, just how pain said), by checking all the shinobi they could have but becuase they don't have correct and effective database like system even without tech that's how inaffective their shinobi system is because it's only focus on deciphering stupid message that would do no good for average shinobi and their family, collect tax from people building hiring,build some stupid building, maintain shinobi academy and its doctrination and missions and ranks and secret non transparent scheme meaning they don't have any citizen or shinobi benefit only jonin and upper echelon have that luxury even nothing special fund for orphan that's why ryogi doest not send to kabuto nothing specific, only all connected to glrifying and worshipping their anscestor that's why they don't have effective database maintained because of that after the war they lost track many shinobi and who knows how their family survived not shown not even regarding the other villages saddening, also about their individual desire or dream for that can they stop being shinobi suddenly or leave the village, did not shown regarding such issues especially how they panicked when mitsuki left and send their kids to die really sad.
it seems they even don't have unique trade that could connect all in a way that not one can lie or go to war meaning kakashi did not create any trade system only how they can rebuild and maintain ninja system which was in threat because lack of manpower(losing most of the shinobi in the war) meaning focused mostly making buildings,transportation,long distant upgraded message device and sharing shinobi missions with other villages, so kakashi did not change any political,children curriculam,ideological and law related issues in the village, naruto not even focused on changing of dangerous social struture in kiri village and lack of resources problem in iwa country and village, even we did not see how sand village's lack of resouce problem and how they solved it under gaara, really half baked, so many things overlooked,
so even did not even focus on what law or regulation he would establish to maintain clan's inner environment and conflicts becuase hyuga slavery( ther are maybe no large clans left in konoha anymore because in boruto we never see any clan meeting like that of hyuga or many clan fighting together like sarutobi and akimichi only showed some yamanaka power but not said whether they are members of yamanaka or not that's likely most died in the war, ony maybe at bare minimum members around 20 to 30 and they maintain no more clan positive harmonious tradition like clan meeting and practice just stop the heritage as we are not shown, meaning some cultural genocide, naruto as hokage could have celebrated each clan's power as culture festival making it show in public like we see chinese,european cultures etc. in many carnival and festival, in this way he could have connected and create harmony and pleasure for these lost heritage clans because naruto was suppose to be a hope that connect people it seems he has forgotten his own theme in boruto cooperation through understanding and sharing pain lol he is not doing that kind of effort to maintain harmony,peace and love among village,clan and outsider instead he is busy in collecting more power and benefit from amado and eida and katasuke and even from kawaki, that's strategic why both kawaki and boruto remained in konoha and not in other village, so much for mutual trust lol.
This is why naruto as a hokage and MC is complete bulshite and loser especially kishimoto's false half baked writing surrounding lack of insight of political atmosphere felt so underserving and hypocritical because i felt so much ideological and behavioral difference between zabusa arc naruto and ending &boruto naruto, really dissapointing.
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'It’s not just consumer scams. Government agencies have adopted BankID to make it easy to set up legitimate businesses in Sweden, which has also enabled fraudsters. Some have used fake companies with phony payrolls to launder money. Through such schemes, organized criminals can turn income from fraud and drug sales into a tool to get bank loans and extract payments from the welfare system.
“That means you can generate profits from crime and then ultimately get a state pension based on that income,” said Larson, the Swedish prosecutor. “That is extremely offensive.”'
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KYIV — Ukrainian Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin resigned on Tuesday in the wake of a lurid scandal in which public officials allegedly usedbogus disability certificates to get more generous pensions from the state and possibly evade being drafted to fight Russian troops.
In Khmelnytskyi region in western Ukraine, for example, some 50 prosecutors reportedly obtained fraudulent disability certificates from an official with the state medical board, shielding them from induction into the country’s hard-pressed military. The official was arrested and charged with corruption — the draft-evasion scheme allegedly earned her hundreds of thousands of dollars.
After Ukrainian media broke the scandal last week, the Office of the General Prosecutor launched an internal investigation that led to a wave of inspections throughout Ukraine’s public sector.
The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), a domestic intelligence body, caught another medical official from Mykolaiv region with $450,000 in undeclared cash. She had also issued disability certificates to herself and to her son, who carried a Russian passport, the SBU said.
Overall, some 64 state medical commissioners have been issued with “notes of suspicion,” the Ukraine equivalent of criminal charges that have not yet been tried in court. Some 4,000 disability certificates were canceled after the audit, SBU head Vasyl Malyuk said Tuesday.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy demanded Kostin take political responsibility for the scandal. The prosecutor general duly threw himself under the proverbial bus.
“Many shameful facts of abuse have been established in the system of the prosecutor’s office of Ukraine,” Kostin said in a statement Tuesday. “The President is correct ... not only should all illegal decisions regarding the granting of disabilities, corresponding pensions and other payments be canceled. [But] clear legislative and organizational changes should [also] come, as well as political responsibility.
“I am grateful to the President of Ukraine and to the [parliament] of Ukraine for their trust. But in this situation, I think it is correct to announce [my] departure from the position of Prosecutor General,” he added.
Kostin resigned after a meeting of the National Security and Defense Council, at which Zelenskyy vowed scrutiny of all disability certificates as well as the process of granting disabilities.
“These decisions include the digitalization of procedures for all stages of medical and social expert commissions; a thorough inspection of the declarations of members of medical commissions; the verification and revision of unjustified decisions on the disability status of officials; and an audit of the relevant pension accruals,” Zelenskyy said.
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Col Rajyavardhan Rathore Outlines Vision for Rajasthan’s Sports Ecosystem
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Colonel Rajyavardhan Rathore, India’s first Olympic silver medalist in shooting and the current Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of Rajasthan, has embarked on a transformative journey to bolster Rajasthan’s sports ecosystem. His comprehensive vision focuses on infrastructure, grassroots talent, and a robust support system for athletes, aiming to establish Rajasthan as a hub for excellence in sports.
A Vision Rooted in Excellence
1. Prioritizing Grassroots Development
Rathore emphasizes that sports development begins at the grassroots.
“Every child in Rajasthan should have access to sports facilities,” he declared, introducing initiatives to identify and nurture young talent from rural and urban areas alike.
Key Pillars of the Sports Ecosystem Transformation
1. Upgraded Sports Infrastructure
Plans to build world-class training centers in Jaipur, Jodhpur, and Udaipur.
Existing stadiums and sports complexes are being modernized with state-of-the-art equipment.
2. Rural Talent Development Programs
Establishing sports academies in rural districts to provide coaching and resources.
A focus on traditional sports like kabaddi and kho-kho, which have deep roots in Rajasthan.
3. Incentives for Athletes
Scholarships, stipends, and healthcare programs for budding and professional athletes.
A special pension scheme for retired athletes who have represented Rajasthan at national or international levels.
Major Announcements by Col. Rathore
1. The Rajasthan Sports Academy Network
A network of academies to cater to various disciplines like athletics, wrestling, shooting, and cricket.
Collaboration with private entities and sports professionals to ensure quality training.
2. Annual Rajasthan Sports Summit
A platform for athletes, coaches, and policymakers to discuss the future of sports in the state.
The summit will include workshops, competitions, and networking opportunities with global sports experts.
3. Rajasthan’s First Esports Training Center
Recognizing the rise of Esports, Rathore announced the establishment of a dedicated Esports training facility in Jaipur.
Aims to prepare the younger generation for national and international Esports competitions.
Boosting Youth Engagement Through Sports
1. Campaigns to Promote Sports Culture
Initiatives like “Play Rajasthan” aim to make sports an integral part of everyday life.
Schools and colleges are being encouraged to integrate sports into their curriculums actively.
2. Women in Sports
Rathore is spearheading programs to increase the participation of women in sports.
Scholarships and special coaching programs for girls in underrepresented sports like boxing and weightlifting.
Partnerships for a Brighter Future
1. Collaborations with Global Entities
Strategic partnerships with international sports academies to bring best practices to Rajasthan.
Joint training programs with international athletes and coaches.
2. Corporate Investments in Sports
Encouraging private sector participation in funding infrastructure and sponsoring local talent.
Inspiring Words from Col. Rathore
On the role of sports in development:
“Sports isn’t just about medals; it’s about character building and creating a healthier society.”
2. On Rajasthan’s potential:
“Rajasthan’s youth have the talent and determination; all they need is the right platform.”
Achievements Under Rathore’s Leadership
1. Increased Medal Count
Rajasthan athletes have seen a notable rise in national and international competition medals since Rathore assumed office.
2. Revival of Traditional Sports
Programs like the “Rajasthan Rural Games” have brought traditional sports back into the limelight.
The Road Ahead
Colonel Rajyavardhan Rathore’s ambitious plans for Rajasthan’s sports ecosystem are already setting the stage for a new era. His emphasis on inclusivity, grassroots development, and modern infrastructure promises to make Rajasthan a beacon of excellence in India’s sports landscape.
With a clear vision and relentless passion, Col. Rathore is not just preparing athletes for the podium but also inspiring a generation to dream big and aim higher.
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Next up on the DC Comics read list is Arkham Aslyum: Living Hell.
I saw many positive reviews for it and that it’s primarily a comedy, so it’s one I’ve been wanting to read for quite a while.
Title: Arkham Aslyum: Living Hell
Author: Dan Slott
Artist: Ryan Sook
Year: 2003
Overall Opinion
-Fantastic comic. Loved it. It’s the most tightly written of all the comics I’ve read so far and the one I’m most likely to reread.
-Competent. It conveys what it’s intended to.
I like how the colors and style vary depending on the current thread of the story. Warren’s story, Blood’s story, and Humphrey’s are each very distinct.
-I could read an entire comic about the antics the inmates get up to and what the staff deals with.
I understand why people are disappointed by the hell arc. While enjoyable, the slice of life elements are the best part of the comi
-Inmates sharing cells at Arkham is canon!
Guard: “Thanks to some tax cutbacks, most inmates at Arkham have to share cells.”
-Moreover, Jonathan Crane and Edward Nygma are roommates!
I thought that was fanon. Love that it’s canon. And who the hell signed off on THAT combination?
-Arkham actually takes its security very seriously. The patients are just very, very dangerous.
Dr. Carver’s memorial service is held five times to avoid understaffing at the asylum.
If the card lock system is compromised, there’s a backup system using palm prints.
Knock out gas can be released through the asylum.
The emergency exit requires a palm scan, retinal scan, and voice print identification.
The last is probably a fire hazard, but I doubt Gotham’s fire department cares by this point.
-I was surprised at first that the card system is the primary security measure and the bio system the secondary.
Given that multiple patients had body parts to break through the bio system, however, I can see why. It encourages mutilating the staff.
-Dr. Arkham’s description of Arkham Aslyum sums it up well: “Arkham Asylum is not just any institution for the criminally insane. It’s the Ivy League of insanity. A ‘Harvard’ for Psychopaths.”
-It’s strongly implied that Dr. Arkham is keeping Warren in Arkham for revenge. He had a pension that Warren stole with his scheme.
-It’s implied Dr. Arkham may be able to help Humphrey more, but chooses not to since he’s useful to have around.
It’s also implied that the severity of Humphrey’s crimes means his release might not ever be approved, so it’s up for interpretation.
-The best way to inspire an Arkham guard to return is to promise them the ability to commit violence with impunity.
That’s… not desirable but I suppose Arkham is desperate.
Dr. Arkham to Cash after Killer Croc bit his hand off: “You can sit there and be a cripple… Or return to a job where it’s socially acceptable to cripple others.”
Cash to Greg after hell literally broke loose: “Way I see it, you can sit there and be a cripple. Or come back to a place where it’s all right to cripple others.”
-It’s repeatedly stated that nothing falls through the cracks at Arkham. Patients get a hold of the objects and will find a way to use them.
The best example of this is Cash’s left hand that Killer Croc bit off being preserved by a patient to use to break out when the emergency system is implemented.
Dr. Arkham: “Bits and pieces do not fall through the cracks here. They fall into the hands of the best, the brightest, and the sickest.”
-Of course Arkham has its own bat-signal.
And they can call on the National Guard for backup.
No one wants to deal with Arkham’s bullshit.
-There’s a parallel between Arkham Aslyum containing dangerous inmates and Akrham Aslyum containing demons.
On the mortal level Arkham Aslyum contains prisoners society rejects because they’re unfit (i.e., insane). The staff have great lee way to contain them by any means necessary.
On the immortal level, Arkham Aslyum contains demons hell rejects because they’re unfit (i.e., experience pity). Their warden (Etrigan) has great lee way to contain them by any means necessary.
At its core Arkham is always a prison. Something could be done with it being used to contain evil on the mortal level and good on the immortal level.
-This is a very well written story. There’s abundant foreshadowing and callbacks.
The plot does go Out There but within the context of the story it still makes sense.
-The judge can’t believe the insanity verdict for Warren.
It’s implied that an insanity plea in Gotham doesn’t automatically mean you go to Arkham; Warren’s lawyers react in shock when the judge specifies he’ll go there.
The judge just sent him to Arkham out of spite for (from his perspective) abusing the court system.
-How the hell did Warren not know what Arkham is before he plead insanity in Gotham? Why didn’t his lawyers warn him?
-I was completely fooled by Jane Doe! I started out liking Dr. Carver and was disappointed that she was corrupt.
Then she went to stab Warren and it was a WTF moment.
-And of course a key plot point is that some of the Arkham staff are corrupt. They’re willing to work with “Dr. Carver”, then later permit patients to visit each other after hours for bribes.
-When the riot occurs, most of the patients jut cut loose. (Why the hell does Edward swing from the ceiling light?)
Harvey and Joker, however, promptly break out. Very practical of them.
They’re also some of the rare patients to have their own cells. Coincidence?
-Dr. Arkham waking up because his night hasn’t been interrupted so far is funny.
It’s even funnier that he’s correct and there’s a riot occurring.
Apparently, taking a gun with him to Arkham when he’s suspicious is just SOP.
-Fantastic twist that the demons’ crime is that they weren’t pure evil. They pitied their prisoners and that’s why they were banished from Earth.
-Dr. Arkham refuses to believe hell literally broke loose and instead blames everything on Jonathan fear toxin (at Batman’s suggestion!).
Poor bastard gets three months in “the hole”.
-I love Dr. Arkham. He’s an asshole, but a competent one and doing his best to keep Arkham secure.
After Dr. Carver’s death: “You may be saddened by the loss of Dr. Anne Carver. Or angered that her murderer impersonated her for two months. Perhaps you’re embarrassed that this happened on our watch.
“While these feelings are understandable, they are not acceptable. An inmate was running our asylum. We cannot allow ourselves the luxury to pause for reflection.”
-When Dr. Arkham takes down Killer Croc with a tranquilizer he looks like a big game hunter.
-Dr. Arkham has a manipulative streak. He talked Cash back into his position as a guard, and when the power goes out he lets Cash leave through the vents to fix the generators before asking if anyone had a cell phone.
-Dr. Arkham uses Jonathan attempting to hang himself as an example one of the reasons why he’s been woken up at night. Has Jonathan actually attempted that? Or was it a feint as part of a break out attempt?
-Jonathan wanted to study Warren’s scream, so he stabs him with a fork to make him repeat it. Then he’s disappointed because it’s a scream of pain rather than fear.
He’s so awful. I love him.
-Patients are permitted to keep objects they need to function.
Edward keeps his mask – does he seriously need that or is that him just fucking with the system?
-Humphrey is very kind, and also incredibly broken.
Humphrey detailing his gradual breakdown: “But it was SOMETHING. And over time a little something can become that ONE thing. And you have to know WHY?!! Why does that happen to ME?!”
Humphrey to Warren after explaining how he took his grandmother apart and put her back together to fix her: “I think you’re the worst man I’ve ever met. And I just know if I give it my all, I can get in there and fix you!”
-Aaron Cash has a fantastic arc with overcoming his fear of Killer Croc and becoming the champion to save the Asylum. They even work in him coming to peace with the death of would-have-been love interest.
-Warren is a terrible person, and impressively stays one. His character arc is adapting to Arkham and establishing a place in it.
Nice twist on expectations – the obvious choice for an arc would have been making him a better person. Instead he literally makes a deal with Hell to ensure he’s not as poorly off as he could be when he inevitably goes there.
-Jason Blood/Etrigan is a fascinating character. Definitely not on the side of the angels, but his interests may at times align with humanity’s.
On the one hand he wants to prevent the demons from breaking out, which would be awful for the world.
On the other he’s willing to take extreme measures to do so, such as trapping the demons in people. Oh, and mind controlling people.
I’d like to see more of him.
-Poor Bullock. He was absolutely correct that Jason Blood/Etrigan was involved in murders – just not the murders he thought.
His reward was being mind controlled.
Note: Minor edits for formatting. Added Comic section.
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We have described for you the deplorable criminality which has gained access to our world through the British Government(s) and their collusion with the Holy Roman Empire -- the impersonation of people as different kinds of corporations, the illegal and unlawful direct taxation of civilians by private banks, the use of commercial corporations to usurp national governments, and we have touched upon the corruption of the courts, especially Admiralty Courts and the so-called King's Bench (Maritime Commerce) courts.
We have plainly stated that the courts are bonding court cases and presenting them as investment opportunities. The bond numbers are case numbers, and the odds of conviction and "commission returns" on these bonds run at 96% on average, so the Hired Jurists running these courts are highly motivated to secure convictions by any means possible ---- the courts and the court's officers share in the booty they collect.
Government "Investors" are also highly motivated to keep this gravy train running. Where else can you guarantee yourself a 96% rate of return on a short term bond investment?
When first confronted about this "Court Registry Investment System" court officials stonewalled and denied the existence of any such bond investment (and ultimately, payola) system by which they receive commissions, aka, "pension" payments from all the loot rolling in from the illegal confiscation of privately-held American assets and equally illegal betting on the rigged outcome of court cases controlled by Hired Jurists in the King's Service.
The Guilty Parties observe that there is no law against murdering corporations, stealing from corporations, impounding corporations, etc., but then, in the same token, corporations should have no ability to make unlimited political campaign contributions, should they?
Those responsible for the unconscionable contracts allowing them to create all these Puerto Rican shelf corporations, and the Roman Inferior Cestui Que Vie Trusts that result when the shelf corporations are bankrupted, should be paying all the charges and expenses of maintaining these corporations and should also be paying all taxes owed by these imaginary corporate franchises, too.
The living victims of this personage scheme should be held absolutely harmless from all charges and harm, but as everyone can see and attest, the Parent Corporations and Administrators have been evading their Usufructuary Duty and foisting their responsibility off onto the victims of their inland piracy.
The Admiralty Courts have been busy collecting booty belonging purportedly to "rebels" engaged in illegal commercial mercenary "wars", and salvage fees owed by foreign sovereigns, and managing the Estates of imaginary British Merchant Mariners, who all just happen to be "Taxpayers" --- Warrant Officers who are responsible for collecting tariffs for the King, who are all based out of Puerto Rico and all declared "missing, lost at sea".
The Maritime Commercial Courts operated by the British Crown have been fraudulently confusing themselves -- the so-called United States District Courts -- with district courts of the United States authorized under Article V of the Federal Constitutions. Under this guise of borrowed rectitude, they have been operated as "concessions" to take advantage of the Cestui Que Vie ESTATES purportedly belonging to Municipal "citizens of the United States".
Are we all beginning to get the drift of just how crooked all these operations are and the nature of the "courts" that have been foisted off on the people of this country, who have all suffered crimes of impersonation and identity theft and human trafficking, at the hands of men employed by them to protect their "persons" and who are obligated by contract and treaty to do so?
As mentioned in our International Public Notice: Impersonation, the British Territorial Rump Congress created by Abraham Lincoln changed the meaning of the word "person" to mean "corporation".
See 37th Congress, Second Session, Chapter 49, Section 68.
This was followed up on February 2nd 1871, when the 41st British Territorial U.S. Congress declared itself to be the Successor of all United States Corporations.
The "United States" being referenced is the American Federal Republic and its corporations.
This takeover was done with no Notice to the Public, no listing in the Congressional Record, and, most importantly, no Notice to the Federation of States. It failed all requirements of Due Process.
How is that even possible?
By February 2nd 1871, all the State Governments had been confused with State of State Governments, and the Brits had illegally included State assets as if they were American State of State assets, and rolled everything into "State" Trusts.
They had also demanded that the people of each State write new Constitutions allowing their own British Territorial State-of-State operations to take over.
The American States of States, such as The State of New York, were replaced by British Territorial counterparts calling themselves, for example, "the State of New York". The name change was so slight, a change from "The" to "the", that nobody but British Collaborators knew there had been any change at all.
The new "State" Constitutions enacted between 1863 and 1871 were equally vague and deceitful, appearing very similar to prior service contracts and calculated to hide what was actually going on from the American Public.
By February 2nd 1871, the assets of the actual Autochthonous Nation States had been illegally and illogically misidentified as assets of the Federal Republic and had been cashiered in covert State Trusts, like the Michigan State (Trust).
This is what gives rise to the grammatical nightmare of "the Michigan State Capitol" and "California State University".
As an analogy, if the company hired to mow your lawn went bankrupt, or for any reason failed to perform, would this justify an assumption that your property was part of their bankruptcy or incompetence? Would this scenario justify an assumption that your home was an asset of their bankrupt business? Or an unclaimed chattel of theirs?
Certainly not, yet this is precisely the "reasoning" employed to secretly latch upon the assets of the American States and cashier them in State Trusts controlled by the Perpetrators of this gigantic fraud scheme.
With the State assets illegally cashiered in trusts controlled by the Perpetrators under False Pretenses, the original American State of State organizations inoperable, and British Territorial States of States operating as franchises of the British Territorial corporation calling itself "the United States of America" --- Incorporated, there was nothing to stop the Perpetrators from bypassing Due Process owed to the actual States and People.
According to them and what they told the rest of the world, we had ceased to exist. Our lawful American Government was reportedly "in interregnum" and in the meantime, our British Territorial and Holy Roman Empire Federal Subcontractors were "assuming" a "custodial interest" in our assets.
In this way, the British Territorial Government under contract to our States, contrived to unlawfully convert our State assets into Public Trust assets controlled by their Agents, and to mothball and substitute their own "services" for both our Autochthonous American States-of-State organizations and our lawful State Governments.
This is all premeditated, malicious, self-interested legal chicanery and constructive fraud, by which our foreign employees have attempted to erase our national sovereignty, use our assets as collateral backing their debts, and ultimately, bring False Claims on Abandonment against our assets for their benefit.
We never abandoned anything, just like we never volunteered to act as "Taxpayers" and never knowingly adopted U.S. Citizenship, and were told nothing about the Roman Inferior Trust ESTATES established for us under the resoundingly False Presumption that we were ever "citizens of the United States", either.
These False Friends and False Representatives impersonated the American States and seized upon their assets, and have controlled our State assets by dint of secrecy, False Legal Presumptions, and False Claims dependent on similar names deceits.
Our original state-of-state entities doing business as, for example, The State of New York, were members of the failed Confederation.
Likewise, the stricken State Republics and Republics of State, such as the Texas Republic and Republic of Texas, were members of the failed Federal Republic.
Their assets might, arguably, be salvaged and secured by the British Territorial Federal Subcontractors doing business as the United States of America, Incorporated ---- but not the assets of our Autochthonous Nation-States.
Our Autochthonous unincorporated States of the Union are members of the unincorporated Federation of States.
There are no "United States Corporations" present for British Interests to seize upon or assume any custodial interest in.
In the same way, there is no excuse for them impersonating our States as State Trusts, substituting their state-of-state organizations for ours, nor any of the criminal impersonations and undisclosed registrations of individual Americans that have taken place.
There is no plausible excuse for them bringing their Admiralty and Maritime courts ashore and misaddressing American civilians as corporate franchises and foreign persons in their own country.
All of this is in direct violation of both The Constitution of the United States of America and The Constitution of the United States, Article IV, in its entirety.
These men and women are present in our country to provide us with essential government services in "good faith", not to practice crimes of personage against us and pretend that they are our "representatives", custodians, guardians, and trustees.
For those who cannot believe that the Admiralty and Maritime courts presently operating in this country have been used to promote illegal and immoral confiscation of Autochthonous American assets, to commit personage against average Americans, to create a rigged bond market and to provide commissions masked as "pension payments" to the men and women engaged in this criminal activity, we are attaching a 66 page pdf file that adequately explains the Court Registry Investment System (CRIS) and documents its receipts.
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In 2023, a significant demographic milestone emerged with broad social and economic impacts: the global population of adults aged 50 surpassed the number of children under 15 for the first time. Brunei Darussalam, a small, oil-rich Islamic country on the island of Borneo in Southeast Asia, faces challenges associated with this shift. Ranked as one of the world’s wealthiest nations due to its vast oil and gas reserves, Brunei’s population of 455,858 sees a contrast with a poverty rate of 5%, positioning it 11th out of 78 countries.
Hajah Nor Ashikin binti Haji Johari, Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports (MCYS), highlighted the profound economic impact of the aging global population, noting the substantial expenditures on health care, research and support services. Furthermore, Hajah pointed out the rapid growth of the aging population and its broad implications. During Brunei’s chairmanship of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in 2021, Johari emphasized Brunei’s leadership in endorsing the ASEAN Comprehensive Framework on Care Economy.
Additionally, in 2017, an action plan spanning five years was adopted to enhance elderly development, welfare and protection, aiming to create a senior-friendly support system and reduce elderly poverty in Brunei. Unfortunately, an aging demographic compounded by an ominous surge in noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) such as heart disease, cancer, chronic respiratory disease and diabetes challenges Brunei’s socio-economic development.
Addressing Poverty and Social Protection in Brunei
Bruneians who live in poverty prefer to use the phrasings “living in need” and “difficult life” over “poverty” and “poor.” This exchange of phrasings intends to protect an individual’s self-confidence and self-esteem. Yet this preference challenges officials’ attempts to accurately assess the severity of poverty and implement targeted interventions.
However, Brunei’s social protection schemes encounter challenges. These challenges include limited coverage, differential treatment between public and private sectors, exclusion of unemployed individuals and inadequate support for vulnerable groups such as divorcees, widows/widowers, single parents, orphans, the abused and disabled people.
The Dual Impact of an Ageing Society
Across developing countries, evidence showcases the productivity, creativity, vitality and participation of older adults in workplaces, communities, households and families. According to ageInternational, some of the pros of an aging society include:
Consumer Market: Older adults can create new opportunities in the consumer market with higher disposable incomes and specific needs that can drive economic growth.
Accumulated Knowledge: An aging population can possess a wealth of knowledge and experience, beneficial for education and mentorship.
Stable Workforce: Older individuals provide greater stability in employment as they switch jobs less frequently.
In addition, the aging population significantly impacts the labor market. The dependency ratio, which compares the number of economically inactive individuals to those who are economically active, is set to increase. According to the International Labour Organization, some of the cons of an aging society include:
Labor Shortages: Addressing the need to create jobs for young individuals and encourage lifelong learning for older individuals to acquire new skills.
Pension and Retirement Challenges: Ensuring adequate pensions and financial support for retirees.
Limited Social Support Systems: Establishing social support systems, including affordable housing and accessible transportation, to enhance the quality of life.
Health care Costs: Investing in health care infrastructure to meet the growing needs of an aging population and prioritizing preventive health care measures.
Brunei at a Demographic Crossroads
As Brunei Darussalam navigates through its complex demographic and health landscape, proactive and holistic measures become imperative for securing the future prosperity of its people. Moreover, by addressing the multifaceted challenges head-on, Brunei is poised to set a precedent for demographic resilience and health sustainability.
Above all, the nation’s commitment to comprehensive solutions promises not only to enhance the well-being of its aging population and reduce elderly poverty in Brunei but also to pave the way for long-term national growth. At this pivotal juncture, Brunei’s journey offers valuable insights into the power of foresight and action in shaping a thriving society.
– Pamela Fenton
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Maximizing Savings through Income Tax Planning Services in Jabalpur with Swaraj FinPro
Residing in Jabalpur and seeking avenues to reduce tax burdens? Implementing income tax planning strategies can serve as an investment avenue to retain a larger portion of your earnings.
Through astute financial management and capitalizing on available tax-saving avenues, you can curtail tax obligations and bolster your savings.
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Here's a breakdown of how you can minimize taxes through Income Tax lanning Services in Jabalpur:
Familiarizing Yourself with Tax Deductions and Exemptions: The Indian government offers various deductions and exemptions to individuals aiming to mitigate tax liabilities. By scrutinizing your expenditures and investments, you can pinpoint opportunities to claim deductions under sections such as 80C, 80D, 80CCD, etc., of the Income Tax Act. Contributions to schemes like PPF, EPF, life insurance premiums, home loan EMIs, and health insurance premiums are instrumental in reducing taxable income.
Harnessing Tax-Saving Investments: Allocating funds to tax-saving instruments like Equity Linked Savings Schemes (ELSS), National Pension System (NPS), and tax-saving fixed deposits not only aids in tax reduction but also fosters wealth accumulation over time. These investments offer the dual advantage of tax savings and potential returns, making them an appealing choice for individuals aiming to optimize tax planning.
Retirement Planning: Planning for retirement can yield significant tax benefits. Options such as the National Pension Scheme (NPS) and Public Provident Fund (PPF) facilitate systematic tax deductions, offering a tax-efficient approach to building a retirement corpus. These avenues ensure financial security during retirement and provide a steady income stream.
Seeking Guidance from Financial Advisors: Consulting with proficient Financial Advisors in Jabalpur is pivotal in formulating a comprehensive tax-saving strategy tailored to your unique financial scenario. Given the challenge individuals face in allocating a portion of their income to taxes, the Indian government provides diverse options to enhance income retention, secure retirement, and offer flexibility and diversification.
ELSS scheme : ELSS scheme is a great tax saving option under section 80c, allowed by Income tax department aims to save on tax and build wealth in longer term. A very important feature of the ELSS i.e. Equity Linked Saving Scheme is it has lowest lock in period for say only 3 years. If invested lumpsum or one time, it will be available to withdraw just after completing 36 months means complete 3 years. Another good point is it gives much better return than other tax saving options. Third very important aspect of ELSS fund is it's tax efficiency. It attracts Long Term Capital Gains Tax after completing 3 years tenure.
In such equity oriented schemes, Long Term Capital Gains rules are different from debt funds. In such cases, profit upto Rs 100000 is tax free and above Rs 1 Lakh profit, only 10% tax is applicable.
These all features make it a favourable case to save tax through ELSS.
In summary, income tax planning presents abundant opportunities for individuals to optimize tax liabilities and bolster savings. By staying abreast of tax-saving provisions, making prudent investment decisions, and soliciting professional advice, you can efficiently manage taxes while safeguarding your financial future.
Embark on your income tax planning journey today to pave the path for a financially secure tomorrow.
For personalized assistance and expert advice on income tax planning, don't hesitate to reach out to Swaraj Finpro, a premier financial services provider in Jabalpur.
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