#nathan arch jr
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the-real-nerevar · 6 months ago
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Day 31: The End
This was so fun to do aughhh !!!!!! I love drawing Wilson, it was so awesome getting creative to draw him with so many prompts :333 can’t wait for next years!!
(Proud of this piece!!! Reblogs appreciated)
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thatonecrookedsmile · 10 days ago
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Some simple stuff because why not. Sketches of other designs I cooked up in the past.
The Violinist: Made this one back in August-September last year,around the time I was re-reading DCTL. Thought would be nice to finally come up a design for her. I like how her hair turned out.
Aside from iron-out the design,I don't know when I'll draw her again,but it's good to have my own take on the Violinist already in case one day I end up having an idea involving her. (Now to figure out an name for her..)
Grant Cohen: Decided to try and make a updated Grant design after doing that one drawing involving him during the Ink Demonth. Similar to Norman,I just took his previous design and just sorta updated him,bring him to the current era/how I would draw him today. (I did change Grant's hair a bit,tho).
I am currently in a phase where it's very possible that I'm going to return to this design and change a couple of things,so I feel this design is more 90% finished than 100% finished. But with that in mind,I think that even if I don't go back and change anything about it,I think I'll be fine. I also like how he currently looks.
Nathan Arch Jr: A blast from the past,I believe. The other two were made around the second half of 2024,but this one was made around mid-2023 I believe. This was also another case of updating previously made designs. I came up with his back around late 2020/early 2021,during the wait and release of TIOL. I would go to update his design later down the line,and then once again in 2023.
I actually have no idea of what to do with this guy nowadays,ngl. After the release of BATDR,I still wanted to use this design for something,but in the present day,I geniually have no clue of what to do with him. Originally,I considered making him Wilson's brother in my AU,but idk if I really want do continue with this idea nowadays.
I guess since the Wilson we have in the final game is supossed to be a combination of the original henchman-Wilson and Nate Jr,I could reuse this design as a sort of Pre-BATDR/Young Wilson. Thing is,I don't think this design really fits Wilson in any way at all lol. So I don't think I'm going with this option. Maybe at the end I could just use this design for a OC. If it's a Bendy OC or an actual original character it's the question.
I'll figure it out one day. Currently I don't really think too much about this guy to be bothered to how I'll put him in my stuff.
But yeah,that's about it for now. Don't know if I'll do something like this again so soon but it's nice to just post some simple stuff sometimes.
It's cool.
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the-real-nerevar · 7 months ago
THE MEOWER look at him guys look look look look at him he’s so cute he’s so pretty what o my god o my god o my lord guys look he’s so pretty good lord good lord …<333 <3 :3 :3
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you should toooootally draw wilson someday .. eheh .. /nf
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i know what youre after
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mickeys-malarkey · 4 months ago
A Love Letter to TMATM + the Rest of Bendy by Domino Effect Part 3/8: “The Mug, the Witch, and the Danger”
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(Please excuse the occasional labelled silhouette people, ya gotta do whatcha gotta do when your wrist's angry… 😅)
1 • 2 • [You are here] • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8
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cosmic-frost-main · 2 years ago
Know the difference canon nathan wilson arch jr is not your cringe version of best villain of year
Making this public so others can laugh at you as well as I did :)
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fishymom-art · 2 years ago
Nathan Wilson arch jr meet starved wilson and died
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scarlet-cookie · 2 years ago
Day 5 Ink Demonth (late again) : Benevolent
BENDY : The Untrusted AU
“O, benevolent machine and ink. 
Hear this plead, from a poor soul crying out.
For this feeling buried deep within cannot be freed, for I cannot be who I truly am. I seek your aid and guide, and I swear on this oath that I will repay you as you have helped me. May your will be heard and done through those that have touched you and mine…”
‘Adam’ whispered this incantation softly at night, being careful to not wake up his father.
What a strange and complicated incantation, he wondered. It should work, though, according.. if Mister Gray’s notes weren’t lying.
He looked up at the old machine.
But he can hear something.
Suddenly, Adam felt a distorting feeling course through his entire body. It was as if he was being sucked into a whirlpool, deep, deep deep into the cold.. black..
“Hello?” The same voice repeated again, a strange, nearly ethereal voice, but sounded like many voices speaking on top of each other.
“Ah.. hah….” Adam panted, still shocked from the sensation. He blinked, his eyes scanning his environment.
Just. Nothing. Just darkness, all around.
“Hello?” Adam repeated again.
“You called me?” The voice spoke.
“Where.. are you?” Adam asked. It was a bit disconcerting to be making a conversation with something you can’t see, or know what it looked like.
Nothing replied, nor appeared.
“You..” The voice trailed off.
SWOOSH!!!! Hundreds of ink tendrils swept through the void, reaching for Adam. It grabbed and pinned the young man to what should’ve been emptiness earlier, now a solid wall.
“Ouch!!!” Adam groaned, hurt. What the hell is this thing doing?
A figure appeared from the darkness. Something.. someone deformed, unrecognizable, made out of ink, with the exception of its eyes of glowing, yellow vortexes. It still twisted and contorted as it staggered towards the restrained Adam, but it seemed to be trying its best to resemble.. a man in his early thirties.. someone Adam felt like he has seen before.
“You.. look familiar..” what Adam presumed to be the entity of the machine said. “Nathan Arch?” 
“My.. father.. right..” Adam tried to speak through the restraints. “What..”
“Oh.” The ink mumbled. “Alright then. Nathan Arch Jr? So you.. found the incantation? By how? My interest is piqued.” It seemed to be quite curt.
“..Alan Gray.” Adam whispered. He took lengths to find the man’s personal research, about the machine. It’s half a miracle he’s not dead right now.
“Alan?” Ink sounded nearly surprised. “You’re one skilled boy, then.”
“Thanks.” Adam sighed. 
“So, what were you hoping to say to me?” Ink asked. Although its voice made it seem like it was cheery, Adam could feel a twinge of sorrow in it. As if it was hopeless.
Adam thought.
Cut to the chase. Make it swift. 
He had an outline of his plan already.
“…Joey Drew Studios.”
Ink’s demeanor shifted faster than Adam has ever seen.
“Tell me about you, and Joey Drew Studios.” Adam spoke.
Ink went quiet.
“Why?” Its voice dropped low.
“I will use the knowledge.. to heed to your will.” He replied carefully. “I wish to devote myself to you as Alan Gray did.”
Ink stared at him.
“You have something else in mind too, don’t you?” Ink asked.
“…” Adam had nothing to say to that.
“Are you certain that this is the way to… prove yourself to your father?” It asked again.
“Positive.” Adam replied curtly. 
Ink stayed silent for long. So long Adam was starting to get afraid he might get rejected.. and.. what else could he do? This.. this is another level of desperation he held. He can’t even stay shameless in front of the entity.
“Alright, then.” The ink finally spoke. “I see. But are you aware of the consequences that’ll follow once you become one with me?” 
Adam thought about it.
Because this man called Nathan Arch Jr.. is a hollow shell of a person he should be.
What the ink may bring out, would not be out of his control.
He knew himself well.
Very well.
“And are you ready to accept them- of course you are..” Ink cut in the middle, reading straight through him.
“Mhm.” Adam nodded.
“Alright then.”
Adam nearly screamed. One of the ink tendrils grew into a thorn that had pierced through his right eye, or.. more like.. took it from him. He watched as his.. eyeball.. floated over to the entity.
“To seek answers and knowledge.” It said. “Your eye.. I’ll let you share a portion of my sight with me. Is that a first swell deal to start off with, since you’re looking for the truth?”
“Yes… it.. is” Adam was trying his best to keep his cries back. It hurt. It hurt so bad.
“Looking for” and took his eye. Is that supposed to be a figurative joke?
“It’s not a figurative joke.” Ink shot back. “Wait a day or two.. I don’t know. Time works weird here. But what you’re looking for, I’ll give you..”
“Thank.. you.” Adam mumbled through the pain.
Ink narrowed its ‘eyes’ at Adam.. or Nathan Arch Jr.. or.. whatever other aliases he might come up with. What an elusive figure.. it wasn’t everyday The Ink met someone like him.
Did it really trust.. this.. man again?
But beyond the vicinity of Joey Drew, it seemed like those he were close too seemed to know loyalty much better than him...
And, what else, has it got to lose?
If anything.. it means something new is about to happen. Something exciting. Something that will push this stalemate, that it’s on the losing side, forward.
“Alright then.” Ink said. “Off you go, my new disciple.. this machine and its secrets will be unveiled.. to you.”
(At first the art was gonna come before the writing, but I don’t have time to do it today. Please take this Wilson-and-how-he-lost-his-eye-fanfic in the meantime.)
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jo3ydr3w · 1 year ago
Bendy Fade to Black spoilers under cut.
🕹 & 🎥
Rose is talking to Wilson motherfucking Arch. He refers to himself as Wilson too! Which means that by 1953 he was using Wilson over Nathan Arch Jr. Why the fuck are we fanning over Wilson???
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the-real-nerevar · 7 months ago
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(Late) Day 16: Erase
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halfusek · 2 years ago
BATDR huh. (Wilson is so creepy)
GOD that whole fucking elevator scene is so STRANGER-DANGER
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owlclawstudios · 2 years ago
In my aus nathan arch sr is nathan arch's father Nathan arch inherited Steele and oil company but he wanted to own a film studio so in 1948 after the studio went bankrupt and he bought the building when he was in his mid to late 50s
In 1970 he changed the studio name to arch gate pictures
And a few weeks before joeys death he left a will for his older friend Nathan to own the bendy franchise he had survived a previous stroke but it was the second stroke that killsd him.
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mickeys-malarkey · 1 year ago
I love how as I've written my analyses I've transitioned from calling Nathan Arch Sr. "Nathan" when as far as we knew Junior had no significance, to "Nathan Sr." when Junior gained significance, to "Nate Sr." now that I hafta type both names a lot and just wanna go faster rofl (no, that doesn't mean I've started believing the "Wilson and Nate Jr. are 100% the same person and he's just excessively bitter towards his saintly dad for no good reason" idea lol).
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mwolf0epsilon · 3 years ago
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Three unfinished sketches of my Redeemed Joey AU I’ve been trying to finish some stuff I’ve had pending for a while, but I feel really unmotivated to work on some of it, so I might as well post it as it is rather than discard it.
In order we have: 
RJAU Charley!Shawn, Edgar!Grant and Bubbles!Lottie
Joey confronting Inked!Nathaniel
The aftermath of Joey sacrificing himself to free everyone once and for all
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realm-sweet-realm · 3 years ago
A Dark Revival, chapter 1
This is a story based on my theories about what Nathan’s role and motive will be in Bendy and the Dark Revival. I hope you all enjoy it. There will be one other chapter, showing a possible ending for the game.
Keep it together, Nathan. Whatever you do… just keep it together.
It couldn’t be long now before it was time for Nathan to give his speech, and then he could break, let his voice crack, maybe slip away and cry.
“We are gathered here today in memory of Nathanial Arch Junior, who passed away at the age of 29, dead of a car accident,” the preacher began.
Somehow, Nathan did manage to make his speech. It was a joke, really- a washed-clean version of what his son their relationship had been like. The congregation would never guess that the reason his girlfriend was the one to talk about his young adulthood was because Nathan knew barely anything about the man he’d become.
Looking back on it, the problem had started when Nathanial had been fifteen and his sister had run away from home. That had sparked some sort of rebellion in him that had never really settled. It shortly after that day that Nathan jr. had started to slowly cut his father out of his life.
Nathan hadn’t been overly surprised when his son had said he didn’t want to inherit his father’s business empire. It didn’t surprise him either that Nathanial had closed off from him emotionally. That was just typical teenage behaviour. He continued to try and teach Nathanial all he could about the business, “just in case he changed his mind.” They fought often about how Nathan treated his workers or spoke about women or how Nathanial had never wanted to be his heir and he should have given that honour to his big sister. It was another adolescent behaviour he was sure Nathanial would outgrow.
Graduation came, and Nathanial insisted on going to a university out of the state. Nathan had wanted to keep him in the city, living in his household where he would have any support he needed to get ahead. It had been a massive fight between the two of them and Nathan had only let his son have his way because he refused to go to university otherwise. At least it was a damn good university.
Let him get the rebelliousness out of his system now, Nathan had thought. It wasn’t a big deal- and maybe he was right, now might be a good time for him to learn some independence.
Over the years, visits became less and less frequent. They met at family gatherings sometimes, and Nathan had to watch Nathanial ramble about film and art to his other relatives with that adorable, childlike glee of his while Nathan could only get stiff, polite answers from him, or adolescent sullenness if he pushed too hard. Nathan caught Nathanial’s glare whenever he talked about his admittedly dodgy new investments or made jokes that were a little too off-colour for him. They felt more like distant relatives than father and son.
At the end of Nathanial’s four years at university, Nathan had come to Nathanial’s graduation. He gave him a generous loan to start a business with, told him he was still his son, and was there to guide him on whatever he chose to pursue. Nathanial had thanked him, and then they were right back to barely speaking. And that’s how it was up until now.
The whole funeral was a joke. “Dead of a car accident.” It wasn’t a lie, but it was certainly a joke. The paramedics had found his car rammed into a concrete wall perpendicular to a highway and miles away from any turn-off. By the shredded state of his car, he had been driving very quickly. There had been no alcohol in his system, his seat belt had been undone, and there had been no other passengers. It was very hard to interpret what had happened as an accident.
Nathan didn’t directly blame himself for his son’s death, of course. How could he have saved someone he had so little contact with? But he was ashamed- deeply ashamed- that he didn’t have the slightest clue as to why his son would do this. Hearing his girlfriend talk about him was like hearing about a stranger. He hadn’t even known her name- Natalie- until this death had brought them together. And given that one of his children had run away and the other had all but cut contact with him and committed suicide, he felt like an absolute failure as a parent.
Nathan spent the next few days trying to keep his mind off of things, which, since he’d only retired a year ago and wasn’t great at keeping himself busy at the best of times, wasn’t easy. Retirement itself had probably been a mistake for a busy mind like his. Once he’d watched all of Archgate Studio’s films, few of them as there were since the studio was barely six years old, he decided to give the studio itself a visit.
The secretary had been nice enough to give him a little tour of the studio, and a shocking revelation.
“He’s disbanding it?” Nathan had asked, more shocked than he ought to be.
“Uh-” The secretary was clearly confused, not knowing who Nathan was or why he cared so much. “The studio is going downhill, so after the release of the films we’re currently working on-”
“Oh, no,” Nathan stated darkly, “Take me to whoever is in charge around here, and I’ll cut him a deal.”
“He’s in a meeting.”
“Does this free him up?” Nathan handed the secretary a fifty-dollar bill.
“Right this way, sir.”
Nathan marched right into that office, displacing whatever schmuck the new owner of Archgate Studios had been meeting with. Showing far more aggression than he probably should have, he bought Archgate Studios and left a terrified ex-business owner in his wake. He was going to keep his son alive if it killed him.
The morning news was slow, and Joey was tempted to crawl back into bed for the day. Henry wasn’t due to finish his loop for days anyhow, and sometimes it was better to sleep than to stew over his past mistakes.
The phone rang, and Joey rolled his wheelchair over to pick it up.
“Who is it?” Joey asked irritably.
“Nathan Arch.”
Heavy sigh. Joey hadn’t spoken to Nathan since the studio went under, and he was the absolute last person that Joey wanted to know about the current state of his life. “What do you want, Nathan?"
“Look, I know I haven’t always been the best friend to you. But I could use your help. I just bought a studio as a passion project of sorts, and I need your help running it. It’s not in the worst shape financially- lord knows that I’ve patched up worse sinking ships- but I don’t know anything about art, and you do.”
On the other side of the line, Joey was stunned silent. Nathan had always been condescending to him- always just a bit better. He’d never asked him for help before.
“If you’re too busy, I understand.”
“Oh. Well, I...” Joey glanced at the storyboards that were now his primary occupation. “I could probably fit you in! So, are you thinking you’ll call me once or twice a week at certain time, or...” Joey could hear his voice perking up. From here on out, he’d have the opportunity to act like the old Joey now and again. This would be fun!
Joey died five years later, which surprised no one who considered his declining health. A letter arrived at Nathan’s doorstep a few days thereafter.
It was one of my parting wishes that this be sent to you. Within in this envolope are the rights to the intellectual property for the Bendy franchise. Do not take this as an honour. You were a horrible friend to me and I am doing this out of love for my franchise, not love for you.
I know that you won’t use the Bendy IP unless you think it’s advantageous. Nonetheless, I like the idea of someone putting my little devil on the screen again, and I know that this is the only chance I have for that.
-Joey Drew
P.S. Another gift for you is coming. If you wish, you can use it to learn from my failures and mistakes.
A few weeks later, a strange machine was dropped off at the edge of Nathan’s property. After he had it moved into his generously-sized study, he noticed a note attached to it.
Steps to open the sketch dimension
1. Draw a pentagram of at least two feet in diameter on any door (see sketch below). This symbol is several pentagrams in one. It will move the entrance to the dimension while also making you its controller.
Do not worry about the door’s original function. the door will act as a portal to the sketch dimension only when you want it to. Draw the pentagram properly- small subtleties could completely change its meaning and have disastrous results. DO NOT leave gaps in the outermost circle or the demons summoned by the pentagram could escape into our world.
2. Cut your finger, palm, or thumb and smear your blood in the center of the pentagram’s innermost star. It is very important that you use your own blood, or you will not become the controller of the dimension. After this step, the pentagram and blood will disappear. Bandage and thoroughly disinfect your cut (Trust me, you don’t want to skip this step!).
3. Draw while thinking of the dimension. It’s hard to explain what you’ll experience from this, but trust me, you’ll know it’s working.
“This is ridiculous,” Nathan muttered to himself, sitting down at his desk with a some #2 pencils and a stack of printer paper. “This isn’t happening.”
But it was. Nathan had opened and closed his study’s door several times to be sure. If he wanted to see the hallway, he saw the hallway. If he wanted to see into the dimension, he saw it: a place that was black, white, bathed in dim yellow light, and resembled an old cartoon workshop. Magic.
Nervously, Nathan put pencil to paper. His vision cut out instantly. Suddenly, he was seeing inside the dimension. A real, live, dog-like cartoon character was cooking soup over a stove. Nathan decided he wanted to move on from that, and looked at the corridors outside to find a projector-headed monster chasing after three small, mutilated cartoon creatures.
In their chase, one of them knocked a tape recorder to the ground. That’s when Nathan remembered the letter mentioning that he could control the dimension to an extent. He pressed “play” on the tape recorder and listened to its message- a nonsensical story from the studio’s janitor.
Nathan stopped drawing. Back to reality, he checked his watch and saw that he’d been drawing for an hour. several sheets of of printer paper depicted the wolf toon cooking, the monster chasing, and an audio log with the words “I’m Outta Here!” coming from it. They weren’t good drawings- barely readable, really. About what could be expected of an old man with no practice.
He... might have to try this again sometime.
It was several months later that Nathan made a startling discovery: a cartoon character resembling a rugged, well-built, and exhausted man in his fifties, stalking through a hall with axe in hand. Nathan had seen almost every character in Joey’s franchise by now in his efforts to make money off of them, but he’d never seen a character like that- while still obviously a cartoon, he looked far too realistic and almost heroic to blend in Bendy and his pals.
“Hello,” Nathan called out to him, “What is your name?”
The man showed shockingly little reaction to the voice coming from the ceiling. “Henry. My name is Henry Stein. You don’t sound like Joey. Who are you? Do you know why there are no loops anymore?”
“Yes. When I defeat Beast Bendy, the loop is supposed to repeat. But it isn’t anymore. What’s going on?”
Nathan hesitated. What would be most advantageous to tell this man? Should he just leave and let him wonder? It was then that Nathan thought of a tape that he’d found elsewhere in the sketchy studio. “It means, Henry, that your struggle is almost over. I’ll reward you however you like if you can answer one question for me. Joey has implied that he wants to cheat death. Well... did he? Tell me what he meant.”
“Wait- you’ll let me out? Y-you’ll let me go home?” The man was practically shaking from joy and relief. Nathan almost felt bad for lying to him.
“Thank you so much,” Henry cried. A tear trickled down his cheek. “As for your question, I suppose he did. There’s a book in here by a boy named Buddy Lewek. It says that he was turned into a cartoon right after his human body died. All Joey needed was a soul.”
Nathan dropped his pencil. Now back in reality, he grabbed the urn with his son’s ashes and, for the first time, entered the sketch dimension.
Nathan woke up at his desk in the sketch dimension. He attempted to wipe some of the ink from his face with one hand while reaching for an ink vial with the other, knocking over a stack of storyboards as he did so.
A few months had passed. Nathan had kept his pursuit of the ink machine’s secrets under control for the first bit, but lately he’d been spiralling into obsession. This room, created by him, for him by using the art supplies he’d picked up and his own power over the dimension.
He could stay here for days. When he’d first started to miss meals over his obsession, he’d conjured up food for himself, but since then he’d completely lost his appetite. Pure ink was the only thing that didn’t unsettle his stomach. He’d already been eating food made from ink, so how different could it be? That’s what he’d thought, at first. Now he held no illusions that he wasn’t addicted to it.
On some level, Nathan knew his health was deteriorating. But he didn’t care. He was building up new rooms and structures in the sketch dimension, each one representing some facet of Joey Drew, each one holding the possibility of figuring out how to raise his son from the dead. Once he was done, he could do the same to himself to fix his health problems.
It was so near, that goal. All he needed to do was figure out how to acquire his son’s soul. Then, he could show him how he’d kept the studio alive in his honour and they could have the relationship they were meant to have. And then it would all be okay.
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fishymom-art · 2 years ago
can you make sir wilton ( wilson varint ) in your comic I think it's be cool if nathan wilson arch jr become super creepy
First of all, no, I am literally 3 chapters away from finishing the comic
Second of all, who in the holy hell is it???
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