Anakin, Obi-Wan, Yoda, Rey, Kylo Ren, Hux :)
Push off a cliff: Yoda. I don’t like him.Kiss: Kylo Ren. Who doesn’t want to kiss those lips?Marry: Obi-Wan. Total husband material.Set on Fire: Anakin. Canon has shown us he can survive it.Wrap a Blanket around: Rey, especially after the end of TLJ. Be Roommates with: Hux. Aiming for a “omg they were roommates!” situation.
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octopuscato · 6 years
nathamuel replied to your post “aflyingcontradiction replied to your post “I’m really tired of this...”
It's probably a bit of both. Hence why I'm still checking discourse blogs even while swearing up and down that I'll keep my distance from them... >_>
Yeah, it probably is... You know what would be good for you, but following through with it is an entirely different thing. I should spend time with catatonic!Theon, not with online wank.
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ask-leo-and-vincent · 6 years
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Leo Caruso in outfits E2 and D3
Not gonna lie, Leo’s my favorite character in AWO... can you tell? :P
(Thanks anonymous and @nathamuel for the requests!) (Outfit meme here) (Outfit meme by: @mme-chouette)
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janiedean · 6 years
Good luck with your exam today! :)
thanks! it was the most unpleasant experience I ever had in uni tbqh but I passed it so who cares
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chucks-hansens · 6 years
Yeah I'm very particular to that one as well with "they don't have to self-detonate at all" as a close second alternate ending
Yes that one too! Honestly I accept any ending in which Chuck lives a long and happy life.
But on the flip side, there’s something so heartbreaking about his death and how it effects Herc that hurts so good
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blind-venerer · 7 years
Hirophant and strength pls :)
the hierophant: do you believe in ghosts?- Absolutely! Altough I’ve never had a personal experience - just heard some tales from my relatives - I’ve always believed in ghosts. Fact is I strongly believe that a powerful feeling or emotion can keep you “anchored” to the physical plan of existence. strength: what is your dream occupation? - My dream is to become an actress or an archaeologist, I’d like to follow a serious acting course maybe next year while I’ll continue my studies into the archaeological field after the degree. :)Thank you for the questions, dear. ❤︎
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feathersandblue · 7 years
nathamuel replied to your post “I’ve been reading a lot of older fanfic these days, and it’s honestly...”
I went through some older fics lately and what I noticed was: some of the content was more creative aka more obscure and sometimes weird AUs, more diverse kinks, more rapey that wasn't tagged as dubcon (at least) like omg so much of that. I like it tho. Give me the weird and creative and kinky stuff. What I don't care for I won't read but give me people who are obviously having fun in Fandom
Well, there’s a lot of non-negotiated kissing, which might nowadays be labeled as sexual assault, and there’s a lot of asshole behavior which might nowadays be considered “abusive” (such a lovely umbrella term, isn’t it, everything can be abusive, from yelling at each other to emotional manipulation), there are plenty of politically incorrect jokes, there’s lot of internalized or explicit this or that. Sometimes people even have sex when they are drunk and have the chuzpe not to feel guilty for taking advantage of their partner the morning after. 
I just liked it better when not everything had to be listed, warned for, and spelled out in advance. Still do; in fact, extensive tagging can be something that turns me off a certain fic. 
I’m currently reading House M.D. fic, and it’s basically House being an asshole to everyone around, and not giving a flying fuck. It’s glorious.
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karuoke · 7 years
Why can't people leave you along? Tumblr is a bad place for Fandom and any kind of discussion imo. It's all so open, web etiquette&common sense has flown out of the window, people (inside and outside your social circle) will shove their opinion down your throat and demand discussions and private information no matter if you feel like it or not, you have no control over your posts except to password-protect your whole blog. If there was a viable alternative I'd delete in a heartbeat, no regrets 1
2 I had a second reply but I forgot what it was about. Bottom line: I feel you on the anger and being just wholly fed up with everything 
the lack of any other alternative or limitation in public to your content in here is why i believe most of us are still here and still having issues. it is what it is at this point.
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garrulus · 7 years
Don't let the assholes get you down (ง •̀_•́)ง
assholes can’t touch me. i on he other hand am pretty good at getting myself down. but i’ll sleep it over hopefully and tomorrow is a new day. thanks mate
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amongthieves · 7 years
Frost and maple for the ask thing :)
frost - if you could give some advice to your younger self, what would you say
hmm i think i’d tell my younger self to be more self-aware and to overall pay more attention to the world around you and take time to think over things 
maple - is there a hobby / skill that you’ve always wanted to try but never did?
i really wish i would have learned how to play an instrument. I think playing the guitar would be so fun
autumnal asks
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Theon Greyjoy :)
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff - none. Theon is too complex, and too much at war with himself. The sorting hat would explode.best quality: stubborn fortitudeworst quality: his constant need for outside validation. Most of his really stupid decisions can be put down to that.ship them with: Robbbrotp them with: also Robb. needs to stay away from: The rest of his familymisc. thoughts: muffin and woobie extraordinaire. I think that once he realizes his own worth, he’ll be unstoppable. People who think Theon is weak make me angry, because honeybunch, you try going through what he’s been through and not kill yourself. Most people would be fucking catatonic from all the trauma.
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octopuscato · 6 years
48 & 49 ;)
48) What’s your favourite trope to write?
I don’t know if it has a name, so I’ll describe it: hurt/comfort between enemies, which then leads to love. It’s the best thing ever! xD It combines ‘enemies to lovers’ with hurt/comfort, and since I love both of those, it’s the perfect combination
49) Can you remember the first fic you read? What was it about?
Yes, vaguely. It was 2004 in HP fandom, and I think it was Snape/Lupin, with past Snape/Harry and Remus/Sirius. A post-war fic, something about moving on and dealing with losses and finding happiness regardless. The atmosphere was quiet and melancholy, but also lovely, and I knew I had to read more fanfic.
Send me fanfic asks from this list.
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thiefslegend-a · 7 years
Your Uncharted edits are so goddamn pretty! d(・ω・)b That is all. Have a lovely weekend :)
!!! thank you so much, i appreciate that you think so ! ♥ & thank you, you do the same, hun.
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janiedean · 6 years
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nathamuel ha risposto al tuo post “do you think that hbo is preventing grrm from releasing twow before...”
Didn't GRRM say at some point something along the lines of being fed up with the fans in the regard that no matter if he releases information and chapters there's a lot of whining and questions of when he'll be done with the next book? Like they'll not be happy wether or not he releases information/chapters unless he publishes the next book. I could be mistaken tho, but I doubt it has anything to do with the show personally.
yeah exactly, tbh I just wish he released it already bc he can’t please everyone
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Hey :) I'd love to participate, I just have one question: The prompt "Free Day" means Shiro and Keith have a day off or it's a day where we can choose our own prompt?
free day means you can choose your own prompt. go wild! :D
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blind-venerer · 7 years
snowflakes, cinnamon :)
snowflakes - what’s your least favourite genre of books or movies?- I’m not really into romantic/comedy movies, although for every genre there are always exceptions but generally for this one in particular I really have to be interested to watch it. As for books I think I dislike more or less the same genre, especially if it revolves around a teen protagonist. cinnamon - do you like your name? Would you change it if you could?- Aaah, my name has haunted my existence. I’ve always disliked it because it’s a very popular name and since I was a child in most cases I’ve always been called by surname because I had classes with 5-6 people with the same name EVERYTIME. Plus, my name has been chosen for no particular reason; it’s not related to a previous relative who had the same name for example and this has worsened my opinion as it was chosen probably because it was cool at the time and eventually didn’t define me at all. So, for the second question, yes, I’d definetely change it if I could. :)Thanks for the ask and sorry for keeping you waiting, dear. ❤︎
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