#natasha romanoff ship
perseephoneee · 1 year
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𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐟𝐨𝐫 @witchthewriter
-͟͟͞☆ want a ship?
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-͟͟͞☆ I ship you with Natasha Romanoff! I think Nat would understand you so well, and I appreciate all the quiet moments with you. She admires your intuitive nature, and you appreciate the fact that she'll never push you in a way that makes you uncomfortable. Nat is there to help you when you won't ask for it, and you too will be the Willow x Tara of the Avengers.
-͟͟͞☆ Headcanons:
Nat 100% loves having her cards read
Everytime she goes on a mission, she brings you back a new book for your evergrowing library
-͟͟͞☆ Tropes:
sunlight (you) x dark clouds (nat)
looks like they could kill you x cinnamonroll
-͟͟͞☆ Playlist:
under your spell buffy cast recording
season of the witch lana del rey ver.
gold rush taylor swift
songbird fleetwood mac
the only exception paramore
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-͟͟͞☆ I ship you with Dorian! I almost put you with Aedion but I feel like Dorian would understand your spiritual nature more. Additionally, picture all the cute book/date nights you guys can have together! Dorian appreciates someone who is smart and passionate, and you are exactly that.
-͟͟͞☆ Headcanons:
I mentioned book date nights right? don't be surprised when Aelin shows up and crashes the whole event
Remember that Dorian has his whole pack of dogs? Well you have for sure adopted many of them (and he's reluctantly let you)
-͟͟͞☆ Tropes:
friends to lovers
bookworm x popular guy
-͟͟͞☆ Playlist:
labyrinth taylor swift
fade into you mazzy star
iris goo goo dolls
little talks of monsters and men
all i really want alanis morisette
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-͟͟͞☆ I ship you with Elain! When I read your hobbies/likes, I knew immediately who would be perfect. Elain is still coming into her own, but you're someone who will nurture and encourage her to come out of her shell. You two definitely stay at home, baking and listening to the sounds of Velaris outside. Elain understands your heart perfectly, and relates to your intuitive nature.
-͟͟͞☆ Headcanons:
you two love to take naps after a long day of hanging out in the garden.
when you guys can't fall asleep, you'll take turns sharing stories that you've either made up or read.
-͟͟͞☆ Tropes:
green thumb x one who kills plants (you)
girl(s) next door
-͟͟͞☆ Playlist:
banana pancakes jack johnson
just like heaven the big bright (cover)
cardigan taylor swift
tee shirt birdy
sweet nothing taylor swift
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lefthandarm-man · 4 months
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Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanoff The Avengers (2012)
matching each others freak
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florateaa · 1 month
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Some buckynat, anyone? 👁️👁️
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marvelsgirl616 · 4 months
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wandanatsthings · 7 months
Hey guys so this post might contradict my last but this is something I struggled with and thought others might be able to relate So I thought i'd share. Hope you enjoy it, feedback is always welcomed. New writer. 
(P.s Im dyslexic i'm trying my best) 
Word count: 2.7k 
Warnings: Mentions of body type/weight (not specific #), not eating, speaks of being ambushed but does not go into detail. Working out, angst and fluff. Missing S/O. Cursing.  Panic attack maybe?/ breaking down sobbing. Stress. I think that’s it. Please let me know if I  miss anything :) 
Summary: Reader stressed out and doesn’t have an appetite while Wanda and Natasha are away on a mission. 
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Y/n Pov
You had just gotten home from a long day at work where nothing had gone your way. It started with the mission reports that you swore you had completed going missing. You had torn almost your whole office apart looking for them. You just could not find them. You had finally accepted the fact that your work day would be spent redoing mission reports. When you got word that you would be sent on a mission to receive some data from Hydra that SHIELD needed. You usually didn’t complain about going on missions but with the mission reports that needed to be redone on top of the report you were going to have to write for this mission to say you were dreading it would be the least, but you packed up, got on your suit and went outside to the landing pad where the quin-jet was right there waiting for you.
When you got there you were able to get the files you needed. The problem only came when you were trying to leave. The heater sensor on your suit detected hydra agents right where you needed to go to get to the jet and by your heat sensor flashing red like crazy you could tell that there were a lot of them. You took a deep breath and started to walk towards them. The closer you got you could count that it was a total of 10 of them. “I can do this,” you said to yourself. The agent closest to you was to the right with his back turned so he couldn’t see you. You decided that now would be a good time to try out your girlfriend's widow bites that she had given you weeks prior. You threw one out towards him and watched it take effect.
That went well you thought but as you went to do the same to the other agents that had their backs to you, You had been spotted. They all came running towards you, some with their weapons drawn, others ready to avenge you with their fist. Luckily after a long gruesome fight, you were able to get back to the jet with all the information Furry needed. You had some scrapes and bruises but honestly, you didn't care. All you wanted to do was get back to Nat and Wanda. After the long shitty day you had, you decided that the mission reports could wait until a later date. When you got back to the Avengers compound furry was already waiting for you at the landing pad with his hand out for the flash drive that contains all the information SHIELD required.
“Do you have the file and what the hell happened to you?” furry said with a curious look on his face. “Yes I have the files and to answer your question I was ambushed.” You said anxiously to get back to your living corridors to shower and finally be with your girlfriends. “Well are you okay?” he asked. Now furry wasn't the type to show his emotions but you had become his daughter much like Natasha so it didn’t surprise you when he voiced his concerns. “Yes I'm fine, just a couple of scrapes and bruises, nothing I can’t handle.” you reassured him. “Okay well, if it becomes anything more go see Dr. Banner and thank you.” With that, he walked away to go wherever furry goes and you headed to your floor where you hoped your lovers would be waiting for you.
When you got there though you were surprised to hear that the house was fully quiet. Are they home? You wondered. To answer your question, you walked farther into the kitchen and you saw a note on the counter. You grab the note, open it and what you read makes your heart sink. “Hi Detka, we're sorry we are not there to welcome you home. We got called on a short mission and should be back by the end of tonight to have dinner with you. Also, I (Wanda) made your favorite for lunch. It's in the fridge, heat it when you're ready. Xoxo Wands & Natty.” You put the note back down on the counter with a sigh. You understood how random missions could be. I mean you just went on an unexpected one yourself but you really wanted your girlfriends to hold you after the crappy day you had and they weren't here. Now you know that's not their fault but you couldn't help but feel just a little disappointed. You walked to the fridge to get the lunch your sweet witch had made for you and when you pulled it out you saw yet another note sitting on top of the cling wrap plate. You took the note off the plate and put it into the microwave so it could heat while you read the note. “Hi Detka, I hope you got our first note again we're sorry but I made your favorite. We love you!” You smiled at that. You love that they took the time to leave you notes. To you, it showed how much of a priority they thought you were.
By the time you finished reading the love-filled note, you heard the microwave beep. You got the food out, stopped by the drawer by the sink to grab yourself a spoon, and made your way to the dining room table to enjoy a meal that your wonderful girlfriend made. It made you chuckle when you thought back to how Wanda specified that it was her who made it. Both of you know that Natasha couldn’t cook to save her life. When You take the cling wrap off of the plate. Your stomach turned. It wasn’t the food. No, the food looked amazing. It was you. For some reason, you couldn’t bring yourself to eat it. Now this wasn’t new to you. Anytime you had a bad day or things felt out of your control you just wouldn’t have an appetite. It had gotten better when you met your girlfriends. They would always listen to your venting and be there when you needed them. You hadn’t had this problem in a while when they were around. But you were a 24 y/o woman. You were sure you could handle a little stress without your girlfriends coming to your rescue. So you put up the food to come back to it later. While you were waiting for your appetite to come back around you decided to go take a shower and start on all the mission reports you had to get done.
A few hours had passed and it was almost dinner time. You had gotten so caught up in doing your mission reports that you hadn’t even realized that your loves were not back yet. With that, you got up to go ask Tony where they were to see if he had any updates. On your way to Tony’s lab, you stopped at the kitchen to get a water bottle, When you opened the fridge you saw your lunch still sitting there untouched “I'm gonna eat it later.” You said to yourself. When you got to Tony's lab you saw him hunched over looking at what looked like to be floor plans, for what you had no idea but you learned early on in your time here to never ask.
“Hey Tony,” you said approaching him. He looks up from what he’s doing and acknowledges you. “Hey kid, whatcha up too?” “Nothing much, um I was wondering if you had any update on Nat and Wanda? They were supposed to be back by now.” You replied. “No, why do you guys have a hot date planned or something?” He said winking at you. “No, Tony was just wondering where they were.” You say annoyed. He laughs and says “Okay okay um maybe ask Steve? He should know.” “Okay, thank you asshole.” You say with a slight smile on your face as you walk away. “Your welcome ass-hat.” You hear him yell. Although he was a pain in your ass 90% of the time you love the red tin man. You got on the elevator to go find Steve only to realize you had no idea where he was so you asked Friday. “Hey Friday, where’s Steve?” “Steve Rogers is in the gym agent y/l/n.” they reply. “Thanks, Friday.” You say back as you push the gym floor button on the elevator. When you arrive you walk in to see him punching a punching bag. He immediately notices you. “Hey, y/l/n what can I do for you?” He says “Hey cap I was wondering if you had any update on Wanda and Natasha. They said they were going to be back by dinner time. Any idea on where they are?” He looks at you with a sad look on his face. “Yeah, I'm sorry y/n their mission turned out to be not as easy as we thought and they're gonna have to go undercover for a week. Maybe more.” When you hear this your heart drops for a second time this day. “Okay, thanks, Steve.” You say sadly. “You welcome y/n.” He says with a frown on his face knowing how hard it is for you when the 2 red heads are away. When you get back to your floor you decide to call it a night exhausted from the day you've had. As soon as your head hits the pillow you're asleep dreaming that your girlfriends are in the bed with you. While the meal in the fridge sat there waiting to be eaten.
2 weeks. 2 weeks had passed since you saw your girlfriends and since you had a full proper meal. With the stress of work and missing your lovers, you had barely eaten anything more than an apple here and there with some water. Along with that, you had been working out to try and keep your mind off of the fact you hadn’t even talked to them in 2 weeks since it was an undercover no-contact mission. So it was no surprise that that's where you were when they came home.
Wanda’s Pov
When we finally got home after 2 weeks of being undercover all we both wanted was you, food, and a shower. You being the main goal though but when we came into the house it was quiet. We called out to you but no one answered. It was rare that when we returned from the mission you didn’t come running into our arms so excited that we were home so we then decided to ask Friday where you were. “Hey Friday, where's y/n?” “Welcome home Ms. Maximoff and Ms. Romanov. Agent y/l/n is in the gym currently.” They said, “Okay thanks Friday.” I said looking towards Natasha “Let's shower and stuff and then we can go get her and have dinner together.” I say. She nods towards me and says. “Sounds like a plan.” We then make our way to our bathroom to shower.
Nats Pov
After Wands and I shower I headed into the kitchen to get some water while she put on lotion. When I went into the fridge I was surprised to see that the meal Wanda made you still sat in the fridge untouched beside the note being gone. I then looked around more in the fridge to find that nothing else had been touched either. Everything was in the same place as how we left it 2 weeks ago. I then looked around the entire kitchen to come up with the same results. So I called Wanda out here to tell her what I had found and with one look we both raced to the gym to find you. When we got there we could see you through glass, running on the treadmill but when we walked fully inside the sight we saw broke our hearts. You were thin. Like unhealthily thin. Now you weren't even overweight to begin with so with all the working out and barely eating it was enough that within 2 weeks you looked sickly. At the sound of Wanda's gasp when she saw you. You finally noticed them standing there.
Y/n Pov
I was running on the treadmill with my headphones on when I looked up and saw the women I had been longing for for the past 2 weeks. I quickly shut off the treadmill and ran towards them. When I finally reached them I just hugged them, they immediately both hugged me back but something felt off. When I looked up at their faces both of them had tears in their eyes. I let go a little and asked them “What's wrong, Is everything okay? Are you guys hurt?” I say checking over them frantically. When I'm satisfied with my check I look up to them and what comes out of Wanda’s mouth makes my stomach turn."Have you been eating?” she says shakily “What do you mean? Of course, I've been eating.” I say getting a little defensive. “No you haven't’ the meal Wanda left for you before we left is still there and nothing has been moved in the kitchen or the refrigerator. Is everything okay? Are you sick?” Natasha asks. As soon as she asks that You break down in tears. All of the stress of the weeks prior catching up with you all at once. “I'm sorry, I'm so sorry,” You say sobbing and falling to the floor. Wanda and Nat both catch you before you can reach the floor and bring you into their laps just holding you and whispering sweet nothings. When you've finally calmed down Natasha is the first one to speak. “Do you wanna tell us what's going on or would you like to talk about it later?” “No, we can talk about it now,” You say, your scratchy voice from crying.
While you're preparing yourself to tell them everything from the past weeks you feel both of them kiss your forehead and that's what gives you the strength to start talking. “Um before you guys left I had been having a rough day. My mission reports had gone missing and they were due soon and I had got sent on a mission that was supposed to be easy but then I got ambushed.” As you say that Wanda interrupts you and asks “Are you okay, did you need to go to medical?” while checking over you just like you had done minutes ago to the both of them.“I'm fine don’t worry,” You say kissing her hands you then continue. “As I was saying I was ambushed and all I wanted was you guys when I got home and you weren’t there. And don't apologize I can feel you both getting ready too. I understand unexpected missions happen and that is not your fault. When I realized you were not there I saw your first note on the counter which I love. When you leave me notes by the way but then I made my way to the fridge to get lunch. I had all intentions of eating it but when I sat down to eat it I just couldn’t.” You then go on to explain to them that when you're stressed out and when things get out of your control you lose your appetite.
After you're finished talking, Wanda begins to speak. “We are so sorry you had to go through that alone, but as long as we're your girlfriends you won’t ever again have to. Maybe we can talk to Bruce and find you some new coping skills to cope with the stress.” She says “Yeah, what do you think about that sweet girl?” Natasha asks you. You look up at them with so much love in your eyes. “I think that’s a great idea, thank you guys,” You said, giving each of them a kiss. “No problem zolotse,” Natasha says with a smile on her face. “How about we get some lunch?” says Wanda. You look up at them with a small bit of fear on your face having not eaten in 2 weeks you were scared of how your stomach would react. “Don't worry love, we’ll be right here with you.” You hear Wanda say. With that, you all start to make your way to your floor to enjoy lunch. With you thinking that no matter how stressed you got you will always have your girlfriends to make it better.
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bestboielectric · 6 months
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listen, i’m a sucker for height difference ships and this one ^^ is beautiful and delicious
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stasiachan14 · 22 days
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Clintasha is always the first thing I draw in a new sketchbook!! 😂😁
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lucky-bishova-42 · 3 months
Wanda: Oh no! I lost my pen.
Natasha: You can borrow mine.
Wanda, smiling: Thanks—
Kate, from the other room: OH MY GOD JUST KISS ALREADY!
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moonlight-ee · 7 days
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I wish this couple happened in the movies
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squilfmybeloved · 16 days
*during literally any avengers fight ever*
KAREN: Well done with the stitches, Peter. I'm reading significantly higher output, and your vitals look promising.
peter: god KAREN you snitch- yes, for the moment, i'm not dying, thank you!
tony, on comms: what do you mean, you're not dying? did you just say you were dying?
peter: that you, mr. stark? uhh- no! i'm not! not anymore!
rhodey, also on comms: what- what? what's going on?
tony: you were gonna tell me? you really were dying?
peter: well you didn't let me-
tony: why didn't you tell me that??
peter: i was gonna make you an omelette and tell you!
nat, yelling over comms: hey- hey, save it for at home! we have incoming over here, fight's bringing itself to us!
peter, groaning: great. mr. stark?
tony: well are you okay now?
peter: i am fine, don't be mad! i'll formally apologize-
tony, cutting him off: i am mad.
peter: -when we're not fighting aliens from outer space!
tony, sighing: fine.
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innoctemastra · 9 months
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Destined to never happen :(
still soulmates though
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loomontoia · 1 year
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but you are holding me like water in your hands
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(...) but you know the killer doesn't understand
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blazethecheeto · 9 months
no bc the implications of the hydra stomper being the variation of the winter soldier and peggy being the variation of captain america makes stucky canon???
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archivomeow · 1 month
Nat calling Maria — „Masha” is my fav blackhill hc so far, not that ik many, saw this in a fic and loved it.
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wandanatsthings · 6 months
𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐄𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡
Hey guys, this was a request that I got last week, I'm sorry it’s taken me so long to get it out for some reason I was struggling to write. I know this isn’t amazing but I hope you all enjoy it and feedback is always welcomed.
Disclaimer: This is set in the age of ultron but wanda and pietro are a little older. 
(P.s im dyslexic i'm trying my best) 
Warnings: Character death, cheating, cursing, grief, sneakiness, angst. I think this is it but please let me know if you see any more.  
Summary: Wanda cheats on reader because she feels they are responsible for her brother's death. 
Word count: 2.6k 
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“Bet you didn’t see that coming,” Pietro says with his signature smirk as he slowly falls to the ground. The bullets that were meant for you pierced through his skin. “No!” you screamed as you watched his body fall. You ran over to him in what felt like slow motion. “Pietro no come on stay with me.” You say with tears in your eyes while falling to the ground where he lay. “Come stay with me please Piet, please Wanda needs you.”
He looks up at you with his crystal blue eyes.
“My dear sister will be okay, for she has you her love.” He says slightly choking from the blood coming out of his mouth knowing that this was probably the end. “No I won't be enough, she needs her brother.” You say pleading with him to stay. “Yes you are and you better take care of her or I will haunt you.” He says jokingly.
You chuckle a little at that, finding it endearing that even in his last moments he was still cracking jokes like he normally would. “I- I will, I promise.” You say taking his right hand and squeezing it. You knew that he was tired. With all that he had been through with Hydra and losing his parents. You knew all he wanted was rest, but couldn’t until he knew his twin sister would be well taken care of. “I will do everything in my power.” He looks up at you nodding.
You nod back at him letting him know that it was okay for him to go to whatever afterlife he believed in. You watch his eyes close and wait for his last breath to leave his body. When you feel it, You hear this earth-shattering screaming. You knew it was Wanda.
With her powers and the strong bond she had with her twin, you knew that she would feel that they were no longer in this world together.
You're heartbroken at the sound, never ever wanting to hear the woman you loved scream in agony like that.
As you're collecting yourself trying to figure out what you should do about Pietro you hear Tony come on the comms. “Hey guys we’ve saved all we can here we have to leave.” You sigh knowing that he was too heavy for you to carry by yourself but not wanting to leave him there. You make the tough decision to leave. “I'm sorry, please forgive me.” You say walking away, your voice mixed with sadness and regret. Sadness because Wanda would never see her brother again and regret because it was all your fault.
You make your back to the heli-carrier all you can think about is Wanda. How were you gonna tell her that you were the reason her brother was dead? That just because you weren’t paying enough attention to your surroundings you didn’t see the bullets heading straight your way but her brother did and took them for himself? What kind of shit is that? You thought. You walk up the stairs into the cabin of the heil-carrier.
When you walk in you see Wanda sitting in the corner with an empty look in her eyes. You walk over and sit down next to her. As soon as you sit down she falls right into you sobbing. “What happened?” You hear her say as you wrap your arms around her. You sigh, deciding that it would be best to just tell her. “Um there were so many bots everywhere and we were both fighting some but I guessed one was getting ready to shoot me I had my back turned so I didn’t see…but he did and he ran in front of me.” You reply trying not to break down. Wanting to be strong for Wanda. “I'm so sorry, I tried to help him but there was nothing I could do.” You say grabbing her hands almost pleading with her not to be mad at you.
All she does is squeeze your hand back with a nod. You were about to say something else when Clint walked on board. “Hey, where's speedy?” Wanda breaks down crying again with the mention of the nickname the boy had been given. You look up at him through your glossy eyes as you hold Wanda tighter and shake your head. Feeling sorry for the man because you know he had taken a liking to the boy. He nodded his head, “I’ll let the others know.” He said as he walked away feeling heavier than he did when he approached you both.
A few weeks had passed since that mission. The atmosphere in the compound is still very heavy. Feeling the weight of not only a hero lost but the casualties as well. You tried to make Wanda feel any kind of “better” you could. Her routine was the same every day. She’d sleep til almost noon when she woke she would cry for a while and wouldn’t eat until you damn near forced her.
On occasion, she would talk about him with you or ask you to watch what were her and her twin's favorite sitcoms.
You would do it all if it meant that she would feel at least a little better. You didn’t want to be selfish but if you were telling the truth you just missed your old Wanda. You knew she would probably never be the exact same again but if you could you would give anything just to see her little nose squench up or to hear her little giggles again.
That’s exactly how you felt when you noticed her hanging around Natasha more. Wanda had always taken a liking to the widow so you didn’t find it weird when you found the 2 sitting at the kitchen table with smiles on their faces. You were very happy to see Wanda showing any other type of emotion besides sadness. It felt very good to see her smiling even if it wasn’t directed at you. As the weeks went on the two started to spend even more time together. Whether that was eating, movie nights, or training it just seemed like they were always together.
You were starting to feel a little jealous at the fact she was spending more and more time with the avenger and less time with you but she was starting to become brighter in a sense. Again you didn’t want to be selfish even though you were feeling a little jealous and missing your girlfriend, especially because she was finally starting to become more like herself again. You decide to bring it up though, not as accusing her of something you believed she wasn’t even capable of but just as she seemed like she was starting to feel more like herself.
When you walked up the stairs into your shared room. You saw her sitting on the bed smiling at her phone. “Hey, baby.” You said sitting down next to her and kissing her forehead. You realized when you sat down she quickly took her phone and put it under her thigh. “Hi, is there something you want?” She said, Her accent is still very strong, not having left her native country not that long ago. You were taken aback by the tone she spoke to you with, her not ever even raising her voice at you within the year you had been together.
“No not really, just wanted to talk, you know see how you’re doing with everything.” You said. She looked at you and nodded, “Well I’m doing fine, I’ve just been cleared to go on missions again, I’ll be going on one in a few days actually.”
You were surprised at that and a little worried not that you didn’t think she could take care of herself but thinking she would want to take a break after everything that had happened. “Are you sure? I mean are you ready?”
You questioned with nothing but concern for the woman you loved well being although she didn’t take it that way.
“Yes! God you’re always trying to smuggle me, I can take care of myself. I don’t need you besides Natasha’s coming with me.” Her harsh words hurt you but you didn’t let her know that thinking that it was her grief making her react this way.
“Okay, okay I was just asking, I know you can take care of yourself, I’m glad someone’s coming with you. You and Nat seem to be getting closer, that's good.” You say.
Wanda sighs, “Yeah she’s an amazing friend.” She says with a smile. Almost the same smile she used to give you.
“Well that’s good I’m glad you have another person in your circle.” You say walking away with a gnawing feeling in your chest.
A few days had gone by and it was time for the 2 to go on the mission together. To say you had a bad feeling about it would be an understatement. You didn’t know what it was, you just felt like something was going to go wrong within the couple of days they’d be out. Not necessarily with the mission but something.
As you walked up to the landing pad with Wanda to send her off. Natasha was already there waiting for her, as soon as Wanda saw her she quickly let go of your hand and almost ran to hug the Russian. This made you feel some kind of way but you didn’t bring it up right then, not wanting to upset the girl right before she left.
Before the 2 got on the plane you reached out to Wanda’s hand. You noticed that she seemed very eager to leave but you thought maybe she was just excited about the mission. “Be safe please, come home to me.” You say going in to kiss her but instead, she dodges it. “I will be okay bye.” She said as she got up into the jet with the help of Natasha.
Right before the door closed the spy winked at you.
When you made it back to the compound you decided that you would take a shower to try and get rid of the awful feeling you had. You got on the elevator and walked into your room. While you were getting your clothes and stuff for your shower. You heard someone’s phone go off. You knew it wasn’t yours because you always had your phone on vibrate. You looked around and saw the phone that rang was on the dresser. You realized that it was Wanda’s phone, she had always left her phone at the compound when she went on missions.
Now you knew that you shouldn’t look but you just couldn’t help but to check and see who or what it was. You picked that phone up and opened it, you saw that she had a few messages that were unread. When You clicked on them you saw most of them were from this person she had in her phone as “N” You clicked on her contact and your heart dropped to the bottom of your stomach at what you saw. There were multiple messages but not just any kind of message. They were flirty, there were pictures and voice messages of Wanda and whoever “N” was. You soon found out when you came across a photo of what looked like another bedroom in the compound. The picture was of just what you were guessing to be “N’s” chest. The woman had on a red push-up bra and when you looked closely you could see little red hairs. You looked even more closely at the photo, and that’s when you saw the little black widow emblem Natasha wears on her suit. That's when you knew your suspicions had been true.
It all made sense now. The two were spending more and more time together, and getting closer and closer. You couldn’t think of a reason why she would do something like this. You never even thought that she was capable of cheating. You were so upset you couldn’t even cry. You knew you needed to figure out what you wanted to do.
You decided that you would think more about it over the 2 days that she would be gone.
The two days had gone by and you finally knew what you were gonna do. You had it all planned out all you needed to do now was wait for her to arrive which by your calculations would be any minute now. You were in the common room when you heard laughter. It was time that your plan started.
You got up and walked over to them only acknowledging your girlfriend. “Hey love welcome home I have a surprise for you if you would just follow me.” You said reaching your hand to her. You see them both look at each other and only one of them speaks. “See you later?” Natasha says smirking at Wanda. “Yeah see you later,” she replies. Natasha walks off. “So what’s happening later?” You asked while leading her to where you have a nice dinner set up with her favorite Paprikash. “Oh nothing, we're just gonna do our mission reports together.” She replies. “Well isn’t that nice?” You say pulling her chair out for her to sit. “This all looks amazing.” She says already picking up her fork to dig in. “Thank you, I worked very hard.” You said smiling on the outside. On the inside, you were absolutely dying.
You were halfway through dinner even though you could barely stomach your food when it was time for the next part of your plan. “So I made up a little short film we could watch while we finish up eating.” She looks up from her plate and nods. “Okay play it.” You get up and grab your phone, having downloaded everything you need. You airplay your phone onto the TV and press play on the little video you made.
As she’s watching it you can see all the emotions on her face and not one of them is regret. When the video is over you unconnect your phone. “Well that was a good little film, wasn’t it?” You asked, the look on her face is priceless. “When’d you find out?” You chuckle a little at that. “That’s what you're worried about? Hmm interesting but to answer your question the day you left. You left your phone on the dresser-“ “So you looked through it!” She said yelling, cutting you off. “Yes as a matter of fact, I did, you have been acting off for weeks.” you say calmly back “Oh well maybe it had something to do with the fact my fucking brother died-“ “NO it has been more than that. In fact, you’ve been acting weird ever since you started hanging out with Natasha on the date.” “OH, what happy??!! I’ve been acting happy. That’s because she actually makes me happy because she’s not the one who killed my brother!” She cried.
You were stunned at that. You knew that she had to blame you at least a little bit because hell you blame yourself, but you didn’t think her resentment would lead to this. “So that’s what this is about.” You say almost crying yourself. “I’m sorry but I just can’t do this anymore, every time I look at you I just think about him and I just can't. I'm sorry I do love you, I do but just not enough anymore.” She walks away, with you feeling heartbroken and guilty but knowing what you knew to be true from the beginning, You wouldn’t be enough.
Comment if you want to I love reading them!!!
This was the request ☟︎☟︎☟︎
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bestboielectric · 7 months
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”come here, love”
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