#natasha litg
princesstutu · 2 months
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i need my poly route with them so bad it’s not fair idk who to choose, i can see them liking each other too it’s actually killing me
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shira000 · 1 month
the women in love island the game s9 rant
Often I see people comparing the women but the truth is, whether one is a hypocrite or a bitch in your face it doesn't make her a good pers. Kat gets defended because ''at least she is not a hypocrite like nat'' oh really? because imo she is, just in a different manner: She defends mc only when it's convenient to her, if her li dares to breathe near the mc she gets childish but if mc doesn't like the same same man or the man she's after is not after mc, then she is ok with u, and u don't see that as hypocrisy? and i'm not saying i wouldn't get angry if it was me-but the way kat handles things is super immature and hypocrite like when, she got angry at jude/lyle for the date w/us, like girl stfu, it happened before he met u, if she was in our place she'd say something like: well i cant help it if everyone likes me. During casa in order to make jude/lyle jealous she takes the guy you're close with for a chat and has the audacity to say u interrupted the, y did she choose the guy i wanted and not one from the others? she clearly wanted to hurt mc but instead says she wanted jude to get jealous. Melissa isn't any better, before she leaves she asks your li to meet outside the program-in a paid scene, so she's not straight forward like everyone paints her, especially because on that same chapter she tells mc she wanted to be friends but behind her back asks her li to meet outside. Nat is fucken annoying but the other women aren't less bitches. Don't let me start on uma and kelly is the least bad but fb still damaged her character by making her say: i wanted to have lunch with your fav li from Casa before you left-this is the same character that a second before said she didn't connect with anyone but everyone ignores this.
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willkimurashat · 2 months
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crimswnred · 4 months
no joking Natasha is the most beautiful LI we had in like ever she is absolutely gorgeous I think I'm in love
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cherryrohan · 3 months
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HQ cast photo for All Stars
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honey2hoochie · 2 months
The big 3 when it comes to face this season 😭 they’re so pretty!! Idk if it’s just me, but they look similar in a way. I’ve truly been having fun with this season lol 🤭
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makingthepeace · 2 months
Can we talk about how this volume ruined literally every current male li (besides hamish and finn)? If you stick, your li, after having spent the entirety of ca with Uma while staying loyal, all of a sudden decides he's more compatible with Uma. If you switch, your li immediately tries to jump ship after going on one date with another girl, including Stefan who like went on the show just for you.
Idk we've been through a lot of drama in litg, but I don't think I'll ever get over the ick from this emotional cheating. Like to endgame any of these guys, I'll have to purposely ignore all this happening and still I'll be tempted to take the money lol.
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netteloise · 3 months
♡"I was sad I never got to meet you in our season..."♡
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casualwriterssideblog · 2 months
Dating Jude on the Outside be like
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A/n requests are open for head cannons and moldboard/face claims etc <3
-When Jude and you left Love Island, the first thing you did was visit your guy's family. Of course, it was a long distance at first, but you both needed time to get back in the swing of things. 
-And oh my God, when you guys got back to normal, Jude was the first one to buy you a plane ticket to South Africa so you could visit his family. It wasn't just his family who wanted to meet you; it was also his rally car family too! You bet every day one of the Love Island episodes came out, Jude. Rally friends all came over to one of their houses and watched, supporting You both.
-This boy prayed and hoped they wouldn't tease him around you, but they were his best friends, and they worked together, so of course they did! They also loved and adored You thought you balanced Jude with his relaxed Demeter and you with that little spice.
-Jude would show you off to anyone; he was so proud to be your boyfriend. It was adorable. He would have his arm around your waist.
-He would never admit it, but he is possessive, but not in a crazy way. He will give one or two warnings before he finally does something, just like with Finn, when he gave him a warning.
-You moved in with Jude, and you bet your butt that when Hamish comes to South Africa for work or just to visit you two, he and Jude will stay up for hours, just talking and having the best bromance.
- One of the times Hamish spent the night over there, there was a smell. Was it burnt Bacon? Or was it just a dream walking to the kitchen and seeing Hamish freaking out about his burnt bacon? Jude was trying to hold in his laughter when you saw the half-drink bottle of whiskey. You were going to kill them both that night. You made both of them sleep in the living room because the two men were too heavy to get upstairs!!
- Alright Alright, he will always be nervous to have you in a rally car. It's not like you don't trust him to drive, but he will never want to hurt you if something goes wrong. But of course, you kept begging him, so he took you to the track. Of course, he made sure there was a rolling cage for protection. 
-Right there, he fell in love with you all over again, seeing you giggling in the cute gear and helmet you have to wear, enjoying the turns and speed he was going at.
- Any time you got overwhelmed with work or upset by some drama that was going on, he would always calm you down. He hugs you, running his fingers through your hair and whispering sweet things, of course, with jokes there and there. 
-You will always be his number one fan when he completes a rally race. You would be sitting there with his crew, watching from where you were. Of course you get scared for him. Rally races are dangerous and unpredictable, but you loved the rush of seeing Jude win, and when he did, you always ran over and jumped in his arms, saying how proud you are of him. Even if he won first place or got in last, it didn't matter. 
- When both of you want to relax and wind down from work and socializing, Jude has a vinyl player and puts one of the discs on. When you both dance or talk about your guys future together, 
-We also know the boy is the big spoon; he isn't that needy, but he always has his hand on your body, or when he feels extra needy, he is always the big spoon. 
-This man has so many pictures of you on his phone; it's just too cute to show you off again! He loves posting you on his social media, and when people ask if he has a girlfriend, he brings out his favorite selfie of you.
-He has always been romantic at heart, cliche rose petals and flowers every day. That is just his love language. 
- You both use nicknames; he uses babe, just the typical cliche nicknames. 
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justtuesdays · 1 month
you know those moments in reality tv, when production has nothing on a person so they exploit the little stuff. that’s fusebox with natasha.
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princesstutu · 2 months
literally my favs, my top 3 ! they’re so pretty to me ! i am having so much fun i seriously do not know who to pick but they’re literally all so sweet 😭
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loverbobby · 1 month
natasha deserves better and i will stand and DIE on that hill
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willkimurashat · 1 month
I don’t even know whatever that Stefan-Uma thing is at this point? Likeee?? Idk her plans at all, but Stefan? I mean, you’re coupled up with a literal GODDESS who is so NICE and KIND and BEAUTIFUL, and you’re over here grafting uh, Uma? Make it make sense please
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lasswithumor · 4 months
i want her so bad
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litgisabella · 1 month
shoutout to natasha for being the ONLY bitch to stick up for me during the dumping drama. kat and kelly, watch ya backs and uma u already know ur ass is on thin ice w me
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honey2hoochie · 2 months
Again Fusebox, this constant failed attempt to make Natasha snaky has not moved me 😭
I’m more irritated by Kat being upset about Lyle flirting, like girl you didn’t even know he existed 🙄
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