#nataša pantović
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natasa-pantovic · 19 days ago
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natasa-pantovic · 10 months ago
How to Practice Conscious Parenting
How to Practice Conscious Parenting
(via Practice Conscious Parenting)
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natasa-pantovic · 19 days ago
Systematic Methods Prisms Workshop in Bellavista Qaura Beyond the Individual #natašapantović @prisms.malta
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thepersonalwords · 1 month ago
The spectrum of possibilities is vast and our souls long to incorporate as many as they can... We are in a constant process of learning how to think, behave, or act understanding the manifestations of Tao, the manifestation of Qi within us.
Nataša Nuit Pantović, A-Ma Alchemy of Love
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readwriteclub-blog · 8 years ago
Art of 4 Elements by Nataša Nuit Pantović
Art of 4 Elements by Nataša Nuit Pantović
About Art of 4 Elements by Nataša Nuit Pantović: Art of 4 Elements Spiritual Poetry Book is an Alchemy of Love Mindfulness Training Book #1, Year: 2014, by Nataša Pantović Nuit, Jason Lu, Christine Cutajar, Jeni Caruana, Publisher: Artof4Elements. The spiritual poetry and art book with 120 poems written by Nuit. These acted as an inspiration for the work of 3 other artists. The book explores…
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natasa-pantovic · 10 months ago
A-Ma: Alchemy of Love by Ms Nataša Pantović
“Its miracle and its enigma are within the worlds of inner alchemy of the Age of Enlightenment.” Sunday Times A-Ma Alchemy of Love, is a Historical Novel set in the 17th century Chinese Macao, where History is like the Playing the Glass Bead Game with Pythagoras.
“A bridge builder between East and West, following ancient archaeological findings, she often dives into the historic settings more than 2,000 years back in time."
A beautiful mind (timesofmalta.com)
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Ama is finally out! Well worth the 10 years wait Must check!
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natasa-pantovic · 19 days ago
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akademijafotografija · 6 years ago
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Otvoritev razstave Ustvari delo, ki ni tvoje. / Create a work that’s not yours v galeriji Aksioma. 
Fotografska razstava študentov fotografije, OVK, UL ALUO v sodelovanju z Intellectual Property Institute IPI
Pobudnika razstave: Maja Bogataj Jančič in Janez Janša
Avtorji: Žiga Anderlič, Kaja Bogović, Manca Borštnar, Bor Cvetko, Rok Černezel, Tina Dernovšek, Nataša Ilec, Asiana Jurca Avci, Lea Jurčič, Aljaž Juren, Kristina Kokalj, Maja Kotar, Sampsa Laine, Jan Majstorović, Paula Malinowska, Matko Meštrović, Matko Mioč, Tilyen Mucik, Matic Pandel, Sara Pantović, Sara Rman, Markus Michael Röder, Lucija Rosc, Anja Seničar, Anja Smaka, Amadeja Smrekar, Jaka Stergar, Jernej Šimec, Jaka Teršek, Lea Topolovec, Mitja Vasič, Betsabea Vernik, Kristina Žetko
Mentorji: izr. prof. Peter Koštrun, doc. Emina Djukić, Peter Rauch, Miha Benedicic
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opulentquotes · 6 years ago
Materialized in a female body, with a life of an ordinary person, through centuries, She ascends to meet the ones that are ready for Her, that call Her, that have a wish to understand. She is the personification of the Universal Mother. She lives Love and Clarity and She dies at Will, when She decides that it is time to go.
A-Ma Alchemy of Love by Nataša Nuit Pantović
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natasa-pantovic · 10 months ago
«En transformant le visible en mots et les mots en images, nous sommes tombés sur les quatre éléments et sur l’expression de l’amour, de la joie, de la souffrance, de la compassion, de la curiosité et, surtout, de l’émerveillement envers les forces de la nature. La poésie, la photographie, les dessins, tous, tentent d'approfondir l'exploration du jeu infini de la vie… Nous vous invitons à faire de même. plongez dans votre Être et grandissez avec nous Inspiré… »
- Natasa Pantovic
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«En transformant le visible en mots et les mots en images, nous sommes tombés sur les quatre éléments et sur l’expression de l’amour, de la joie, de la souffrance, de la compassion, de la curiosité et, surtout, de l’émerveillement envers les forces de la nature. La poésie, la photographie, les dessins, tous, tentent d'approfondir l'exploration du jeu infini de la vie… Nous vous invitons à faire de même. plongez dans votre Être et grandissez avec nous Inspiré… »
- Natasa Pantovic
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natasa-pantovic · 19 days ago
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natasa-pantovic · 1 year ago
Conscious parenting course by Nataša Pantović MSc Economics and Ivana Milosavljevic MEdu Special Needs
Conscious parenting book quotes by Natasa Pantovic Nuit body mind soul, mindfulness, self-improvement, parenting exercises, tools, inspirations, kids growth
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akademijafotografija · 6 years ago
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Objavljene fotografije  so licencirane z  CC BY-NC-SA / Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike,
zine pa z CC BY-NC-ND / Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial- NoDerivatives in so del projekta:
Ustvari delo, ki ni tvoje. / Create a work that’s not yours.
Fotografska razstava študentov fotografije, OVK, UL ALUO v sodelovanju z Intellectual Property Institute IPI
Ponedeljek, 06. maj 2019 ob 20:00–22:00 / Aksioma, Komenskega 18, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia  
Pobudnika razstave: Maja Bogataj Jančič in Janez Janša
Avtorji: Žiga Anderlič, Kaja Bogović, Manca Borštnar, Bor Cvetko, Rok Černezel, Tina Dernovšek, Nataša Ilec, Asiana Jurca Avci, Lea Jurčič, Aljaž Juren, Kristina Kokalj, Maja Kotar, Sampsa Laine, Jan Majstorović, Paula Malinowska, Matko Meštrović, Matko Mioč, Tilyen Mucik, Matic Pandel, Sara Pantović, Sara Rman, Markus Michael Röder, Lucija Rosc, Anja Seničar, Anja Smaka, Amadeja Smrekar, Jaka Stergar, Jernej Šimec, Jaka Teršek, Lea Topolovec, Mitja Vasič, Betsabea Vernik, Kristina Žetko
Mentorji: izr. prof. Peter Koštrun, doc. Emina Djukić, Peter Rauch, Miha Benedicic
Gre za dva cikla študijskih del, ki so nastajala v letnem semestru 2018/19. V vseh delih gre za kolektivno delovanje vključenih študentov, BA in MA stopnje, smeri Fotografija, OVK.
Razstava po eni strani nagovarja obstoječe prepoznavno avtorstvo, na podlagi katerega se preko različnih nivojev poustvarjanja zgradi novo avtorsko delo. Po drugi strani pa se ustvarjanje začne z izvirnim avtorstvom, medtem, ko se vsa naslednja delovanja porajajo iz prejšnjega. Naslov razstave tako kot paradoks spodbuja premislek same ideje avtorstva in vpetosti umetniškega delovanja v polje vseprisotnih medsebojnih družbeno-kulturnih vplivov predhodnih in porajajočih se avtorskih del.
Avtorsko pravo, ki vzpostavlja režim “vse pravice pridržane”, velikokrat predstavlja omejitve pri ustvarjanju nove kulture, ki običajno gradi tudi na ramenih predhodnikov. Številni ustvarjalci zato želijo vzpostaviti drugačen režim, v katerem bodo lahko že vnaprej podelili dovoljenje za vse ali samo za določene uporabe svojih avtorskih del.
Ali avtorske pravice dajejo spodbude ali omejujejo ustvarjalnost in razširjanje del? To vprašanje so si zastavili študenti in v odgovor preizkusili, kako lahko te omejitve premikamo z licencami Creative Commons.
Fotografije so licencirane z CC BY-NC-SA, Zine pa z CC BY-NC-ND.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Users are free to reproduce, distribute, rent, communicate to the public, and transform the original and derivative copyrighted work for non-commercial purposes, under the condition that they recognize the authorship of the work and that they distribute the original and the derivative copyrighted work under the same conditions.
To delo je objavljeno pod licenco Creative Commons Priznanje avtorstva-Nekomercialno-Deljenje pod enakimi pogoji 4.0 Mednarodna (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Uporabnikom je dovoljeno reproduciranje, distribuiranje, dajanje v najem, javna priobčitev in predelava izvirnega oziroma derivativnega avtorskega dela, vendar samo v nekomercialne namene, pod pogojem, da navedejo avtorja dela in da širijo izvirno oziroma derivativno avtorsko delo pod istimi pogoji.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). Users are free to reproduce, distribute, rent, and communicate to the public the original copyrighted work for non-commercial purposes, under the condition that they recognize the authorship of the original work and that they do not transform the work.
To delo je objavljeno pod licenco Creative Commons Priznanje avtorstva-Nekomercialno-Brez predelav 4.0 Mednarodna (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). Uporabnikom je dovoljeno reproduciranje, distribuiranje, dajanje v najem in javna priobčitev izvirnega avtorskega dela, vendar samo v nekomercialne namene, pod pogojem, da navedejo avtorja izvirnega dela in da dela ne spreminjajo.
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opulentquotes · 6 years ago
She is the one that stands on a crescent moon with stars in her hair, pouring water from jars of her soul into lakes of emotions, awakening compassion for humankind and its Chaos, nourishing Earth and Her constant renewal.
A-Ma Alchemy of Love by Nataša Nuit Pantović
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natasa-pantovic · 10 months ago
About 4 Elements: Earth, Fire, Water and Air
“In an attempt to deeper explore the infinite game of Life, we explore: Earth that is fixed, rigid, static and quiet, and symbolizes your world of senses; Fire that is boundless and invisible, and is a parching heat that consumes all, or within its highest manifestation, becomes the expression of Divine Love. It is a symbol of your emotions. Water that is the primordial Chaos, is fluidity and flexibility, and symbolizes your subconscious mind; Intuition is a deeper perception. Without clear evidence or proof, intuition perceives the subtle inner relationships and underlying processes creatively, and imaginatively and Air that has no shape and is incapable of any fixed form. It symbolizes your world of thoughts. It is a rational, systematic process, it is our intellectual comprehension of things. All elements are bound by: Soul that stands at the center of the four elements as an Essence, an Observer, Consciousness coming forth to experience the magic of Life.” ― Natasa Pantovic Nuit, Mindful Being
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About 4 Elements: Earth, Fire, Water and Air
“In an attempt to deeper explore the infinite game of Life, we explore: Earth that is fixed, rigid, static and quiet, and symbolizes your world of senses; Fire that is boundless and invisible, and is a parching heat that consumes all, or within its highest manifestation, becomes the expression of Divine Love. It is a symbol of your emotions. Water that is the primordial Chaos, is fluidity and flexibility, and symbolizes your subconscious mind; Intuition is a deeper perception. Without clear evidence or proof, intuition perceives the subtle inner relationships and underlying processes creatively, and imaginatively and Air that has no shape and is incapable of any fixed form. It symbolizes your world of thoughts. It is a rational, systematic process, it is our intellectual comprehension of things. All elements are bound by: Soul that stands at the center of the four elements as an Essence, an Observer, Consciousness coming forth to experience the magic of Life.” ― Natasa Pantovic Nuit, Mindful Being
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best-quotes-top · 7 years ago
10 Best Cites - Dana Arcuri
Claire Legrand, Nataša Nuit Pantović, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Jerry B. Jenkins, Christian A. Dumais, Marcus Tullius Cicero, Ahmad Fuadi, Iris Johansen, Lauren Oliver, Dana Arcuri, best, motivation, quotes, success, top, inspiration, citation - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfq7BcmuuSkO9dao_g2ROlw
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