#nasir the film
indeedgoodman · 2 months
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inmyworldblr · 4 months
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Jab Pyar Kisi Se Hota Hai (1961) | dir. Nasir Hussain
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James Bradshaw filming Endeavour Series 4 film 3 (deleted scene)
© Nasir Hamid
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bollywoodirect · 3 months
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Remembering Prakash Mehra, a remarkable filmmaker in Hindi cinema, on his birth anniversary (13/07).
He was among the trailblazers of masala films, alongside Nasir Hussain and Manmohan Desai. His collaborations with the actor Amitabh Bachchan resulted in numerous sensational hits and timeless masterpieces.
Mehra commenced his journey in the late 1950s as a production controller. In 1968, he helmed Haseena Maan Jayegi, featuring Shashi Kapoor in a captivating double role. Then, in 1973, he ventured into production and direction with Zanjeer. This exceptional collaboration with Amitabh Bachchan marked the beginning of a long-lasting and fruitful partnership, spanning seven more films. Among them, six emerged as blockbuster sensations: Hera Pheri, Khoon Pasina, Muqaddar Ka Sikandar, Lawaaris, Namak Halaal, and Sharaabi.
Their final joint project, Jaadugar, unfortunately faced a setback, concluding their streak of triumphs. Zanjeer holds the distinction of launching Bachchan's career as a leading actor, while Jaadugar was released during a transitional phase in Bachchan's illustrious journey.
Prakash Mehra also stood as one of the early Bombay directors who aspired to explore Hollywood. In the late eighties, he embarked on a collaborative endeavor with Frank Yandolino to bring The God Connection to life. This ambitious project aimed to include acclaimed Hollywood actors like Charles Bronson, among others. Despite substantial initial funding, the project ultimately remained unrealized.
Today, we remember Prakash Mehra's invaluable contributions to the world of cinema, his pioneering spirit, and the indelible mark he left on the industry.
Prakash Mehra (L), with Amitabh Bachchan (M) and Manmohan Desai (R). Photo Courtesy- Raghu Rai.
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wrenaspun · 4 months
tagged by @princessniitza to answer several questions and tag five people!! Thank you frond 🥰 Let's go:
1. How did you get into writing fanfiction? A fanart blog! After I finished the HP series I was googling it passionately and in so doing found fanart, followed it to a wordpress art blog, and then upon an offhand comment about fanfiction googled 'harry potter fanfiction'. And the rest is history
2. How many fandoms have you written in? 7 that i've published on ao3! I think 9 if we count stuff I've posted elsewhere, and probably a few more if we count stuff I've written but not published
3. How many years have you been writing fanfiction? My first one was published in mid 2013.... 11 years. Good lord
4. Do you read or write more fanfiction? Oh read, for sure. I keep a spreadsheet for both reading and writing -- I'm nearly at 6million words read thus far this year, vs 80k written. A slight disparity !
5. What is one way you’ve improved as a writer? Loool is it cheating to say in every way?? I think if you compared any of my fics now to those of 11 years ago they would simply not be in the same league. But I'll say my command of language, and my ability to communicate emotions more subtly.
6. What’s the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project? Polythene growing tunnels, firewood growing and coppicing techniques, for one fic I read (bits of) the muqaddimah and the safarnama of nasir khusraw... I'm sure there are more but I tend not to end up using much from my more unhinged research holes lmao
7. What’s your favorite type of comment to receive on your work? All of them of course, but the ones that dive into specific lines or story elements they liked are a special gift
8. What’s the most fringe trope/topic you write about? I think amnesia and selkies are the 2 I've returned to across multiple fandoms :')
9. What is the hardest type of story for you to write? The long ones with lots of plot and moving plates, alas! I've been wrestling with the main longfic I'm working on for ages and ages, but we forge on
10. What is the easiest type? I don't know if there's anything that binds them, but there is a type of fic that just comes bubbling up from my id and demands to be written, and those tend to come out relatively quickly and smoothly! 'bathed in light' was one such fic, and 'send me a little word' was another
11. Where do you do your writing? What platform? When? Scrivener! But it's version 1.9 because the update to v3 made everything look different and frightening. And as for when/where it's usually late night, on my couch or in bed
12. What is something you’ve been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day? My beloved film reviews fic -- though it is less a case of intimidation and more a case of "but if i want to write fictional film reviews of 5 films that get made about the historical figures King Laurent and King Damianos I have to first sort out what the future film industry looks like and how it developed and did they have a Hays Code also? How did their censorship policies change over time? And when did three-strip technicolor get dropped in favour of eastmancolor, and were there any wars or geopolitical conflicts which shaped the production of contemporaneous films, and is there a 1948 New Artes v. Paramount antitrust case that breaks up the distribution channels and affects the way that independent productions are able to come onto the scene, and and and ----" SO basically you can tell I did film studies. And ALSO what DATES would I use for the speculative future of this secondary world fantasy ?? But I do hope that one day I will power thru my brain's panicked worldbuilding questions and write this fic!!
13. What made you choose your username? I was looking through the Hepcats Jive Talk Dictionary for reasons I no longer remember and saw the entry 'spin a wren = dance with a woman' which I thought was so cute that I made it my ao3 name. Wrenaspun is just a silly play on that :')
tagging without pressure @kybelles @sideraclara @folfar @thevorpalsword @penguinmerchant 🥳🥰
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marnifein · 10 months
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Grizzlies point guard Nasir Simmons is set to make his 2023-24 debut as early as Dec. 20 after serving a 30-game suspension issued by the ABA. Today, Simmons reflected on being away from the team and his journey back to eligibility in his first public press conference since the summer. 
"It was tough, I won’t lie. I had some horrible days," Simmons told reporters. "It was hard, but with the support that I had throughout this process, it helped me a lot. Obviously, basketball is something I've been doing my whole life. Taking that away, it makes life tougher, you know, a little bit harder. But I had the right people around me, from my family to the organization. They all helped me along in the process."  
In June, Simmons was suspended for the first 30 games of this season for repeatedly brandishing firearms. The first instance occurred in March when he was seen holding a gun at a strip club outside of Grove City. Simmons was suspended for eight games and went to a counseling program in Florida. On May 13, after his team was eliminated from the playoffs, Simmons again displayed a gun on a social media livestream.
The dynamic point guard says he has been keeping up with his team by watching footage on what they've been doing without him in the fold. 
"It's like film study for me," Simmons said. "Obviously, I've been with the majority of the players for a while now, obviously we've got some new pieces, so me being the point guard, there are guys I have to learn and find out where they want to be on the floor. As far as where we stand, I'm not worried at all."
The two-time All-Star has a point to prove with his return and acknowledged that there's a chip on his shoulder ahead of his first game back. 
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wangmiao · 9 months
Shipper Tag Game
thanks so much to @godotismissingx for tagging me again!
1. What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care anymore?
i'll be honest LOL i was oblivious in stuff like this when i was a teenager. yes, i'd drool over celebrities and characters, but i never knew shipping was a thing.
2. Which ship would you consider your first one?
i got into the fandom culture very late, so my first ship was joseph chandler x emerson kent from whitechapel
3. Your first fanfic belonged to which couple?
i honestly don't remember. i got into fanfic pretty late too. maybe whitechapel as well?
4. Do you remember the first couple you saw a fanart over?
5. Did you ever get into ship discourse?
i don't really do discourse most of the time.
6. Did you used to have any no-otp or have it currently?
i don't know how you define no-otp. like is it just something you don't ship, or you hate? there are ships that i don't like, and i just don't mention them at all on my blog. if you know that i've watched a show or film, but i never mention or reblog a popular ship from the show/film, that's probably my no-otp...
7. Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read?
LOL i'm predictable, shi qiang x wang miao (shiwang) from three-body. i'm especially into reading fanfic recently. one of the first things i check every morning is if there's new shiwang fic.
8. Currently, do you have any OTPs?
shiwang has been living in my mind rent free for an entire year now, and i haven't gotten tired of them yet...probably never will...
recently i'm into cheng bing x pan dahai from the lonely warrior and tang chuan x shi hong from the devotion of suspect x.
and just to name a few other otps: guang hongfeng x zhou xun in day and night, lee joongyeop x cha jaehwan from chimera, lee chang x youngshin in kingdom; cheng fengtai x shangxirui from winter begonia, agron x nasir from spartacus, jack x ianto from torchwood, and my first whitechapel ship is always very important to me.
9. Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
i'm used to not having ships be 100% canon. what can you do? sigh!
10. Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
can't really think of anything
11. Do you have any ship that, in the past, was considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
can't think of anything either...
12. What was your favorite crack ship?
i don't really have one...xD...
13. Who is the couple you read more fanfics of?
definitely shiwang...i kinda stopped reading fanfic in early 2019 due to the original sin/原生之罪 drama and a family incident...i might have tried some fanfic occasionally, but i generally wasn't in a mood for fanfic until three-body aired in 2023.
another reason is back then, most chinese fanfic writers don't really use ao3, so lots of fanfic for day and night and original sin was on lofter and weibo instead of ao3. and it's a pain in the ass trying to track fic on those sites. but now, most of the shiwang fic would be on ao3. and because shiwang is very loved in cfandom, new fic never stops coming.
i do read western fandom fanfic too, but definitely not as much as the chinese ones ever since i got back into cdramas in 2017.
14. What most of your ships usually have in common?
give me all of the dilfslove or dld (dilf loves dilf) LOL.
enemies to lover is something i always like. though how you define "enemy" would be very different in different ships. i also tend to ship work partners (detective duos; cop & some kind of consultant; villain duos)
15. What you absolutely hate in a ship?
maybe the lack of chemistry? if i can't feel the chemistry between the actors, no matter how romantic or hot the plot is between them, i probably won't ship them.
tagging @bahoreal @xinxiaojie @yohankang @zhivchik @a-very-fond-farewell @randomingoftherandomness only if you haven't done this and want to do it; also tagging any followers who want to do this.
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mogwai-movie-house · 3 months
50: Do you have a favourite version of Robin Hood for film or telly?
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Only homemade ones when I was a kid. Would be interesting to try out a professional one now, though I hear it's a lot more physically demanding than most people expect.
The greatest Robin Hood is still Errol Flynn from back in 1938. I've also a soft spot for Sean Connery as the aging Robin in Robin and Marian (1976), and the Disney animated version from 1973. I have very faint but fond memories of the TV show Robin of Sherwood, made in the 80s, with Michael Praed in the lead, which was a lot more mystical than any other version I've seen, but I'd expect it doesn't hold up so well today and will look very cheap. Ray Winstone was good in it as Will Scarlet and best of all was Mark Ryan as Nasir the Saracen.
Many folks would probably plump for Kevin Costner in Prince of Thieves, but it doesn't really sit right with me to have an American playing (a live-action) Robin Hood any more than it would be to have one playing James Bond or Gandalf or Harry Potter. It is a well-made and entertaining film, but I think people rate it just because of what a hit it was and how comparatively recent it is. Didn't think much of the Ridley Scott version with Russell Crowe, though I was accidentally present for some of it being filmed, somewhere by the sea down south (I forget where), when the boats coming ashore scenes were being filmed. I sat up on a cliff and watched them shoot it while having a picnic.
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i know this is random, but i ask bc you're a KoH expert: i never understood the choice to have Imad appear as the servant when he and Balian first meet? i guess it makes for a surprise when he returns (tho tbh would the scene be significantly different if we already knew Imad's true status?) but what even was the point of it narratively? was it just a misunderstanding on the christian side? did Imad himself promote the idea?? why?? for fun?? for the drama?? any ideas?
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Honestly I can only speculate here as well. I mean, the script is easily the worst part of KoH, and much as I love Imad as a character, he doesn't make much sense (or any at all) narratively.
Anyways, I did some digging and found this horrid little movie tie-in book on archive.org. The two measly paragraphs dedicated to Imad give no reasons for his weird game of hide-and-seek whatsoever, and, in my opinion, only make his character more contradictory:
"Another character invented for the story's purpose is the young Muslim knight Imad, Saladin's confidant and commander of his cavalry. He serves as a kind of Arab counterpart to Balian: similar in age, intelligent, honorable, and humane. He is the first person Balian encounters after the shipwreck that lands him on the shore of Palestine, and Imad escorts the Frenchman into Jerusalem. Although he hides his true identity from Balian then, it's revealed when they meet later in the story. While Imad is fictional, his name (and to some extent his character) is an homage to the eloquent Muslim chronicler Imad ad-Din, who accompanied Saladin on his expeditions and reported on the Battle of Hattin. In the screenplay Imad is described as 'scholarly' in appearance, and we might imagine that he will one day set down his own history of Saladin's campaigns."
What I gather from this is that Imad was mainly there for plot convenience reasons, both to provide a little narrative twist and to drive home the fact to sceptical Western post-9/11 audiences that such people as honourable Muslims do exist. *audible gasp*
So I'd say that in Imad's case, the features of the character and the film's ideological undercurrent probably took precedence over logic or narrative cohesion. Like, how would Imad even know that there was a Christian guy on his land when Balian, the way the movie frames it, only arrived via shipwreck perhaps a day ago? Do people report back to him that quickly so that he can think of unnecessarily elaborate ways to disguise himself? It's alllll for the drama, baby.
I suppose the whole thing was meant to show how crafty Imad is and how much foresight he possesses. But the levels of foresight needed to act like he did in that scene would probably equal prophetic powers, which is not what I imagine they were going for, lol. Like so many things in this film, this could have been handled much better.
But then again, the entire Imad character is just a baffling creation to me. I never understood why they didn't just make him entirely fictional, call him Nasir or Imad or some other cool name and keep the allusions to the historical figure out of it completely. Historical Imad ad-Din wasn't exactly a paragon of nicety, after all. Homie wrote about the mass rape of women and girls and made it sound like an achievement, so - dear Ridley Scott, my dude - I'm not sure this is the sort of guy one should be paying homage to in this day and age. On top of that, he was born in 1125, which means that by the time the events portrayed in KoH occurred, he would have been so old it would have made Salah ad-Din look like a spring chicken in comparison.
So yeah, the way I see it, logic really took a bit of a holiday here. As did historical accuracy (not that that is anything surprising in this dear trainwreck of a movie).
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ratcatcher0325 · 1 year
Greetings! This question is once again addressed at the most sophisticated and well mannered little gentleman. We all know his name by now.
I hope I'm right when I say that you've shown an interest in traveling the world or seeing new and foreign places. Where would you like to go one day, what parts of the world have piqued your interest the most and what place would you like to visit first, if given the chance? Perhaps Natalie could take you somewhere, someday? Thank you in advance.
Yours in curiosity,
your fellow supporter from far away, Lena
Well, I don't mind this style of address one bit. Will you do me a favor and instruct Natalie on how to flatter and impress, as you say, a sophisticated gentleman, such as myself? She's falling far behind you in every aspect.
Ah, yes, the magical allure of international travel: Something I've only experienced inside the rich imagination of my own mind. Believe me, I've read every tome I could get my hands on about foreign nations and their many wonders. I've whiled away many a quiet hour in the dark, isolated and alone, imagining myself immersed in some far-off vista.
You ask a deeply intriguing question. If you'd like the full breadth and depth of my many desired destinations, you'd surely grow tired of reading before the list was complete. However, I will endeavor to shorten this message to the essential highlights:
I'd very much like to see the Acropolis in Athens, the Pantheon in Rome, the Musée d'Orsay in Paris, Machu Picchu in Aguas Calientes, the Templo Mayor in México City, the Red Square in Moscow, the Taj Mahal in Agra, the Marienplatz in Munich, the Great Wall in Huairou, the Nasir al-Mulk Mosque in Shiraz, and... truth be told, and don't you dare make some snide remark in regards to this, I should like to visit some of the filming locations from The Lord of the Rings in Auckland.
I can see Natalie's face now as I provide her with a meticulous, itemized itinerary for such a cross-cultural trip. She'd most likely roll her eyes and remind me that such things cost 'money' which she 'doesn't have'. I've no patience for such excuses. Please, Lena, is it? Please petition Natalie to reconsider her priorities to accommodate my entirely reasonable requests for broadening my horizons.
Thank you for this thought provoking question, I will be sure to peruse a travel guide or two and satiate myself on daydreaming, for now.
A supporter from far-off, you say? Perhaps one day we won't be so far after all and I could fascinate you with tales of the many cases I, no doubt, will have won by that point.
Yours in wanderlust,
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doruk-alp08 · 5 months
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Part #1
Exploring the Legends of Rap/Hip-hop
Rap music has been a dominant force in the music industry for decades, with its rhythmic beats and powerful lyrics. In each decade, there are artists within the genre who have achieved immense popularity. They have also left an indelible mark on the cultural landscape which separates them from other artists. In this blog post, we're going to delve into the lives and careers of three of rap's most iconic artists from each decade starting from the '80s all the way to the '10s.
Nas: The Poet of Queensbridge
Nasir Jones, better known as Nas, emerged from the Queensbridge housing projects in New York City to become one of the most revered lyricists in hip-hop history. His 1994 debut album, Illmatic, is widely considered to be one of the greatest rap albums of all time. With its vivid storytelling and introspective themes, Illmatic captured the realities of hood life. It solidified Nas' reputation as a master of the language.
Throughout his career, Nas has pushed rap's boundaries, tackling social issues, politics and personal struggles with unparalleled depth and insight. From tracks like "The Message" to "N.Y. State of Mind" to "One Mic," Nas' catalogue is a testament to his storytelling ability and lyrical dexterity. Nas remains a pillar of the hip-hop community with multiple Grammy nominations and a loyal fan base that spans generations.
Ice Cube: From N.W.A to Hollywood
Ice Cube became famous as a member of the pioneering rap group N.W.A. The razor-sharp wit and unapologetic social commentary of N.W.A. and their landmark album "Straight Outta Compton" helped establish gangsta rap as a mainstream culture.
Cementing his status as one of the genre's most influential figures, Ice Cube continued to make waves with albums like Death Certificate and The Predator after leaving N.W.A. to pursue a solo career. But Ice Cube didn't stop there. He made a successful transition into acting, starring in iconic films such as Boyz n the Hood, Friday and Barbershop. These films showcased his versatility as an artist.
Today, as he continues to inspire new generations with his unapologetic authenticity and uncompromising vision, Ice Cube's impact on both music and film is undeniable.
Jay-Z: The Blueprint of Success
A true mogul of the rap game is Shawn Carter, better known as Jay-Z. From his humble beginnings in Brooklyn's Marcy Projects to his status as one of the world's richest musicians, Jay-Z's journey is remarkable. As both an artist and a savvy businessman, Jay-Z has redefined the rap industry in a career spanning more than three decades.
With classic albums such as 'Reasonable Doubt', 'The Blueprint' and 'The Black Album', Jay-Z has cemented his place as one of the greatest rappers of all time. His smooth delivery, clever wordplay, and entrepreneurial spirit have made him critically acclaimed and revered. Outside of music, Jay-Z' forays into fashion, sports management and streaming services have solidified his status as a cultural icon and business influencer.
To conclude, Nas, Ice Cube and Jay-Z are not only rap artists, they are cultural icons who have shaped the landscape of music and entertainment. Their contributions to the field cannot be overstated, and their legacy will continue to be felt by future generations of artists.
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inmyworldblr · 7 months
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Gunga Jumna (1961) // dir. Nitin Bose
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Shaun Evans and Abigail Thaw filming pickup shots for endeavour S5F1
© Nasir Hamid
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bollywoodirect · 8 months
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Remembering #KamalAmrohi on his 31st death anniversary (11/02/93).
As a director, he developed a style that combined a stylised direction with minimalist performances. This style was different from the one with expressive acting that was common in the Indian cinema of his period.
Kamal Amrohi was born in Amroha, which was part of British India and is now in Uttar Pradesh, India. He changed his name to Kamal Amrohi later. He was related to two Pakistani writers, Jaun Elia and Rais Amrohvi, as their first cousin. In 1938, Kamal left his hometown to study in Lahore, which is now in Pakistan. There, a singer named K. L. Saigal found him and brought him to Mumbai to work in films. He started his film career at Sohrab Modi's film company, Minerva Movietone, and worked on movies like "Jailor," "Pukar," and "Bharosa."
Kamal Amrohi became a film director in 1949 with his first movie "Mahal," which had famous actors Madhubala and Ashok Kumar. This movie was known for its music. He directed only four movies in total, including "Daaera" with Meena Kumari and Nasir Khan, and "Pakeezah," which took a long time to make and was released in 1972. "Pakeezah" is considered a special movie in India, even though it had some flaws. Meena Kumari, who was a famous actress and Kamal's wife, praised "Pakeezah" as Kamal's tribute to her. His last movie was "Razia Sultan" in 1983. He also started making a film called "Majnoon" but it was never finished.
Kamal Amrohi also wrote scripts for other directors and was one of the writers for the famous movie "Mughal-e-Azam" in 1960, which won him an award. His style of directing was known for being different and unique, focusing more on the visual style and less on dramatic acting.
In 1958, he opened a studio named Kamaal Studios, but it closed after three years. He had planned to make another movie called "Aakhri Mughal" but it was never made. Film maker J P Dutta wanted to make this movie in the late 1990s and again in 2007, but it didn't happen. Kamal Amrohi died on February 11, 1993, in Mumbai, 21 years after his wife, Meena Kumari, passed away. He was buried next to her in Mumbai.
Six days after he died, a newspaper in the UK called The Independent wrote about him, saying he was a big figure in the Hindi film industry for over 50 years.
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mycupofstars · 1 year
For the sleepover weekend thing Pick one: bunny or chicken? the untamed or word of honor? salad or soup? the sea or the mountain? bus or train? yesterday or tomorrow? cate blanchett or rachel weisz? ea nasir or goncharov?
Oooh thank you! These are fantastic!
Bunny or chicken: Bunnies!
The Untamed of Word of Honor: This is a terrible choice to have to make, but ultimately The Untamed wins out for checking more of my personal boxes with Xiyao and with the Twin Jades. God but Xie'er in WoH tho. God damn it. Damn it. I can't go off costumes either bc Lan Xichen and Zhao Jing are also a deadlock. Damn it.
Salad or soup: Salad in spring/summer and soup all fall/winter
Sea or mountains: I live in the Pacific Northwest, we have both at once. But the mountains for sure. You can see what lives in the bottom of mountains.
Bus or train: Train but like. Not the actual sad shit state of my garbage country's trains. What trains COULD be here.
Yesterday or tommorow: Tomorrow
Cate Blanchett or Rachel Weisz: Rachel Weisz no question. No question
Ea-Nasir or Goncharov: Goncharov bc despite it getting overdone v quickly I AM that pretentious film bitch so
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deviija · 2 years
Get To Know Me (A Little)
Tagged by the wonderful and lovely bestie @girlstandstill
Three ships: Mage Male Hawke (My Aelic) & Anders, Mage Male Adaar (My Red Bear) & Iron Bull, and Renegade FemShep (My Ayu) & Garrus
For non-OC ships: Caitlyn and Vi from Arcane, Nasir and Agron from Spartacus, and Willow and Tara from Buffy
First ever ship: Sailor Moon/Usagi and Sailor Star Fighter/Seiya is probably my real first, along with Xena and Gabrielle back in the day
Last film: Bullet Train (and it was great)
Currently reading: Skimming through gay romance novels to see an author I might like. It’ll be the FIRST time I’ve ever read a “real” romance novel.
Currently watching: Golden Girls (always on in my house), Willow, That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime, and just finished a rewatch of Harlots (love that show)
Currently consuming: Spring Water like a sophisticated gremlin
Currently craving: Massaman curry (with fried tofu) and mango fried rice
Tagging, well... anyone that wants to do it! I’m having a social anxiety day with the 4th coming up tomorrow, so I’m feeling extra ‘eeee I’m bothering people’ today. :)
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