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¿Cuál equipo ha ganado más partidos entre los Dallas Mavericks y los Golden State Warriors?
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¿Cuál equipo ha ganado más partidos entre los Dallas Mavericks y los Golden State Warriors?
Historial de victorias de los Dallas Mavericks
Los Dallas Mavericks son un equipo de baloncesto profesional con sede en Dallas, Texas. A lo largo de su historia en la NBA, los Mavericks han tenido una carrera impresionante con varias victorias destacadas.
Una de las victorias más significativas en la historia de los Dallas Mavericks fue su primer campeonato de la NBA en la temporada 2010-2011. Bajo el liderazgo de su estrella Dirk Nowitzki y el entrenador Rick Carlisle, los Mavericks derrotaron a los Miami Heat en las Finales de la NBA, logrando un hito histórico para la franquicia.
Además de su campeonato, los Mavericks han tenido numerosas victorias destacadas a lo largo de los años. Han sido campeones de división en varias ocasiones y han tenido múltiples temporadas exitosas en las que han llegado a los playoffs de la NBA.
A lo largo de los años, los Mavericks han contado con grandes jugadores que han dejado huella en la historia de la franquicia, como Dirk Nowitzki, Jason Kidd, Steve Nash y Rolando Blackman, entre otros.
En resumen, el historial de victorias de los Dallas Mavericks es rico en logros y momentos destacados que han dejado una marca imborrable en la historia de la NBA y en el corazón de sus aficionados.
Estadísticas de triunfos de los Golden State Warriors
Los Golden State Warriors son un equipo de baloncesto profesional que juega en la NBA y que ha conseguido numerosos éxitos a lo largo de su historia. Con sede en San Francisco, California, los Warriors han logrado ganar un total de seis campeonatos de la NBA, siendo uno de los equipos más exitosos de la liga.
El primer campeonato de los Warriors llegó en la temporada 1946-47 cuando todavía se encontraban en Philadelphia. Posteriormente, lograron dos campeonatos más en 1956 y 1975. Sin embargo, el verdadero éxito llegó en la década de 2010, cuando el equipo se convirtió en una potencia en la NBA.
Durante la temporada 2014-2015, los Warriors consiguieron su cuarto título de la NBA, liderados por estrellas como Stephen Curry, Klay Thompson y Draymond Green. Esta temporada fue especialmente memorable, ya que el equipo estableció un récord de 73 victorias en temporada regular, superando la marca de los legendarios Chicago Bulls de Michael Jordan.
En los años siguientes, los Warriors continuaron dominando la liga y consiguieron dos títulos más en las temporadas 2016-2017 y 2017-2018. Con un estilo de juego rápido y efectivo, los Warriors se convirtieron en un referente en la NBA y en una de las dinastías más exitosas de la historia reciente del baloncesto.
Con un legado de triunfos y una base de aficionados apasionados, los Golden State Warriors siguen siendo un equipo temido en la NBA y una fuerza a tener en cuenta en cada temporada.
Comparativa de partidos ganados entre Dallas Mavericks y Golden State Warriors
En esta comparativa de partidos ganados entre los Dallas Mavericks y los Golden State Warriors, dos equipos icónicos de la NBA, podemos observar la historia y el desempeño de ambas franquicias a lo largo de las temporadas.
Los Dallas Mavericks, fundados en 1980, han tenido momentos de gloria en la liga, especialmente con la histórica victoria en las Finales de la NBA en 2011. A lo largo de los años, los Mavericks han cosechado una impresionante cantidad de partidos ganados, estableciéndose como un equipo competitivo y respetado en la liga.
Por otro lado, los Golden State Warriors, con una larga historia desde su fundación en 1946, han experimentado un renacimiento en las últimas temporadas con la llegada de talentosos jugadores como Stephen Curry, Klay Thompson y Draymond Green. Los Warriors han dominado la NBA en los últimos años, ganando múltiples campeonatos y estableciendo récords en cuanto a partidos ganados en una temporada regular.
Al comparar el número de partidos ganados entre ambos equipos, podemos ver cómo los Warriors han tenido un desempeño sobresaliente en los últimos años, superando en ocasiones a los Mavericks en términos de victorias. Sin embargo, los Mavericks han demostrado a lo largo de su historia ser un equipo sólido y capaz de competir en la élite de la NBA.
En conclusión, la comparativa de partidos ganados entre los Dallas Mavericks y los Golden State Warriors refleja la importancia y el legado de ambos equipos en la liga, mostrando su dedicación al deporte y su capacidad para enfrentarse a los desafíos que se les presentan en la cancha.
Registro de victorias en enfrentamientos Dallas Mavericks vs Golden State Warriors
Los enfrentamientos entre los Dallas Mavericks y los Golden State Warriors han sido históricamente intensos y emocionantes dentro de la NBA. Ambos equipos han protagonizado batallas memorables en la cancha, dejando a los fanáticos al borde de sus asientos en cada encuentro.
Al analizar el registro de victorias en estos enfrentamientos, podemos observar una competencia reñida y equilibrada a lo largo de los años. Los Mavericks y los Warriors han demostrado ser rivales dignos, luchando con determinación por la victoria en cada partido.
En términos de victorias totales, ambas franquicias han logrado alcanzar triunfos significativos. Los Golden State Warriors han destacado por su dominio en ciertas temporadas, mientras que los Dallas Mavericks también han dejado su huella con victorias impresionantes en enfrentamientos clave.
Cada partido entre estos dos equipos es una oportunidad para presenciar un espectáculo deportivo de alto nivel, con jugadas magistrales y momentos emocionantes que mantienen a los espectadores al borde de sus asientos. La rivalidad entre los Dallas Mavericks y los Golden State Warriors ha dado lugar a enfrentamientos inolvidables que quedarán grabados en la memoria de los aficionados al baloncesto.
En resumen, el registro de victorias en los enfrentamientos entre los Dallas Mavericks y los Golden State Warriors refleja una competencia feroz y un espíritu de lucha indomable por parte de ambas franquicias, lo que ha convertido a estos enfrentamientos en algunos de los más emocionantes de la NBA.
Análisis histórico de victorias entre Dallas Mavericks y Golden State Warriors
Los Dallas Mavericks y los Golden State Warriors han sido equipos destacados en la NBA a lo largo de los años, lo que ha llevado a muchos emocionantes enfrentamientos entre ellos. Al realizar un análisis histórico de las victorias entre ambos equipos, podemos observar una rivalidad competitiva y llena de momentos memorables.
Los Mavericks y los Warriors se han enfrentado en numerosas ocasiones en la temporada regular y en los playoffs, generando intensos partidos que han mantenido a los aficionados al borde de sus asientos. Ambos equipos han contado con jugadores estrella que han dejado su huella en la historia de la NBA, como Dirk Nowitzki por parte de los Mavericks y Stephen Curry por los Warriors.
A lo largo de los años, hemos sido testigos de victorias emocionantes y derrotas sorprendentes entre estos dos equipos. Los Mavericks han demostrado su fuerza en ciertas temporadas, mientras que los Warriors han tenido rachas dominantes que los han llevado al éxito. Cada enfrentamiento entre Dallas y Golden State ha dejado una marca en la historia de la liga y ha contribuido a la emoción y rivalidad entre ambos equipos.
En resumen, el análisis histórico de las victorias entre los Dallas Mavericks y los Golden State Warriors nos muestra la importancia de esta rivalidad en la NBA. Con una larga historia de enfrentamientos competitivos, estos dos equipos han brindado a los aficionados momentos inolvidables y han contribuido a enriquecer la historia del baloncesto profesional.
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Greetings Xi Jinping Lee Hsien Loong Joe Tsai,
People who are Influenced by Jason Kidd (Starting 5):
Steve Nash (One of the Best Offenses in History and MVP)
Luka Dončić
Draymond Green (Dynasty Member)
LeBron James (Won a Ring)
Giannis Antetokounmpo (Won a Ring)
Adrian Blake-Trotman
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從去年季後賽看 Ricky Rubio,金童依然是金童
文/ 耗BOX
新人王Luka Doncic去年橫空出世,2018-2019球季上半季颳起一陣強烈旋風。球風十分全能的Doncic原本選秀前被譽為體能稍弱的歐洲Lebron James,讓人非常期待Doncic的降臨。但基於歐洲球員在選秀的失敗案例不少,諸如Andrea Bargnani(2006暴龍狀元)、Darko Milicic(2003活塞榜眼)、Rudy Fernandez(2007太陽第一輪24順位),因此媒體質疑的聲浪也不小,不過Doncic用他的驚人表現堵上了質疑者的嘴巴,成為小牛繼Nowitzki後新一代歐洲球員看板。
在此之前還有跟Doncic成長背景相像的第一代歐洲金童Ricky Rubio。比起Doncic,Rubio在國際賽的表現更為可怕。2006年在FIBA U16準決賽對上克羅埃西亞繳出大四喜19分10籃板13助攻11抄截,並且總決賽中對決俄羅斯直接統治了整場比賽,繳出51分24籃板12助攻7抄截技驚四座的可怕大三元,帶領西班牙獲得冠軍,從此「歐洲金童」的稱號不脛而走。自從2011年Rubio正式站上NBA舞台後,雖然比賽中偶有佳作,靈性的傳球、極高的籃球智商、穩定的防守、優秀的組織和不符年紀老練的比賽閱讀完全沒有愧對歐洲金童的稱號,但一直以來缺乏外線的弱點始終無法將他的表現再更上一層樓。
生涯早期在灰狼與Double Double魔人Kevin love合作,這是繼前兩代狼王Kevin Garnett跟Al Jefferson離開後灰狼重新獲得能夠代表門面的雙人組,且在曾帶過最強國王擅長普林斯頓戰術的老牌教練Rick Adelman的執教下,冀望能夠再次重返季後賽。但不管Love個人數據再怎麼漂亮,與Rubio的合作始終無法轉換成戰績,最後雙人組宣告���局,Love被交易換來騎士狀元公務員Andrew Wiggins。
在2015以狀元籤選入Karl Anthony-Towns後灰狼進入雙狀元時代,Rubio成為了球迷口中的灰狼隊長,帶領灰狼雙狀元Wiggins、Towns以及飛人後衛LaVine成長前進,這時因管理層的動盪、教練頻繁替換,雖然灰狼陣容看似前途光明,但依然擠不進西區8強的大門,最後Rubio因不符合教練Tom Thibodeau對於控衛的要求,最後也踏上被交易的路。雖然每年都在成長進步,得分、助攻一年比一年好,灰狼還是送走了陪伴了6年黑暗期的Rubio。Rubio來到爵士之後才終於一嚐季後賽的滋味,登上這個能夠發揮自身價值的舞台。
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整支爵士隊唯一令人驚艷的是Rubio在防守強度更高的季後賽裡繳出場均15.4分、3.2籃板、8.6助攻、2.4抄截,接近Double Double的數據,完全不遜於生涯最好的賽季數據,甚至為人詬病的得分也來到接近場均16分,組織進攻上Rubio在on court(在場上)的ORtg(球員每100次進攻回合下所能獲得的分數)為109.4跟off court(在場下)的ORtg 78.1比起來完全天差地別,爵士的eFG%(有效命中率)也在有Rubio時為0.512跟沒有Rubio時為0.332,可以說爵士隊有沒有Rubio顯然就是兩隻截然不同的球隊。原本爵士就是傳統防守強隊,進攻一直以來都缺乏穩定進攻點,因此在沒有一個穩定得分點的情況下球隊的組織進攻更顯得重要,越是好的控衛越能替隊友創造或是找到空檔機會,空檔越多命中率自然而然也會提升,Rubio一直以來才是爵士實質真正的領袖。
延伸閱讀: 在鹽湖城找回自我!重生的 Ricky Rubio 已準備綻放(上)
另外,從側面來看好的籃板率能更有效的控制比賽節奏,也就是所謂的「控制籃板就能控制比賽」,當然有護框能力優秀的內線自然籃板就更有優勢,但當內線差距不大時,控衛掌控比賽節奏的火侯可以看出一些端倪,Rubio on court狀況下能夠讓爵士TRB%(總籃板率)提升7.4,相較於身高比Rubio高一吋的Harden僅能增加1.8,同為控衛的Chris Paul則僅能增加2.4,由此可以看出Rubio組織上的造詣跟進攻端上的價值。然而Rubio在這塊已經完全做到他能夠做到的事了,如果不是隊友的熄火跟Snyder教練東施效顰的防守策略(公鹿機動性長人協防策略但爵士協防端缺乏長人因此成效不彰)和調度(Favors),系列戰不會輸的那麼慘烈,相信爵士是有能夠跟火箭一搏的實力。
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※GP:球員上場場次 DFGM:被此球員防守時,進攻球員場均投籃命中數 DFGA:被此球員防守時,進攻球員場均投籃出手數 DFG%:被此球員防守時,進攻球員場均投籃命中率 FREQ:防守佔比 FG%:進攻球員命中率 DIFF%:被此球員防守時,進攻球員偏離平常水平(正值為被防守者表現佳,負值為被防守者表現不佳)
Rubio 2018-2019例行賽防守數據
上表呈現的防守數據可以讓Rubio現在的防守到底好不好提供一個觀察點。在現今NBA高Pace的節奏下防守數據自然會膨脹,且目前防守數據也不像MLB來的完善(籃球變因太多),能夠影響防守數據的可能性非常多,防守策略、隊友之間的防守輪轉配合或傷病狀況之類的都會一定程度影響個人防守表現,因此不能將數據完全做為判斷球員好壞的標準(不管是win share、per、DRtg之類的),也很大程度需要觀看比賽內容,才能全面了解球員。
今年Rubio跟太陽簽下3年5100萬美元的合約,也才28歲的他即將邁入巔峰,目前的太陽就跟當初灰狼一樣,擁有極具潛力的中鋒、小前鋒終結者跟優秀的後衛,相信以Rubio的能力還有先前灰狼的經驗能夠讓太陽球迷再次看到曙光。雖然來到爵士後這幾年累積的經驗讓Rubio更趨成熟,但那種會讓人驚呼的傳球好像消失了,筆者希望Rubio能夠找回當初充滿靈性的自己,再次展開被限制住的羽翼,在這群雄割據時期重現當年Nash時代的風華。#Letsgo Ricky Rubio
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Aaron Gordon
Al Horford
Al Jefferson
Allen Iverson
Amar'e Stoudemire
Andre Drummond
Andre Iguodala
Antawn Jamison
Anthony Davis
Austin Rivers
Avery Bradley
Bam Adebayo
Baron Davis
Ben Simmons
Ben Wallace
Blake Griffin
Bradley Beal
Brandon Ingram
Brandon Jennings
Carmelo Anthony
Cedi Osman
Charles Barkley
Chauncey Billups
Chris Andersen
Chris Bosh
Chris Paul
Christian Wood
CJ McCollum
Clint Capela
Damian Lillard
D'Angelo Russell
Danilo Gallinari
Danny Green
Darren Collison
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DeMar DeRozan
DeMarcus Cousins
Dennis Rodman
Dennis Schröder
Dennis Smith Jr.
Derrick Rose
Deron Williams
Devin Booker
Dikembe Mutombo
Dion Waiters
Dirk Nowitzki
D. J. Augustin
Doc Rivers
Donovan Mitchell
Draymond Green
Dwight Howard
Dwyane Wade
Elfrid Payton
Enes Kanter
Eric Gordon
Evan Fournier
Frank Ntilikina
Gary Payton
George Hill
Gerald Green
Gerald Wallace
Giannis Antetokounmpo
Gilbert Arenas
Goran Dragic
Gordon Hayward
Greg Monroe
Hakeem Olajuwon
Hassan Whiteside
Iman Shumpert
Ja Morant
Jae Crowder
Jamal Crawford
Jamal Murray
James Harden
James Worthy
Jason Kidd
Jaylen Brown
Jayson Tatum
Jaxson Hayes
Jeff Teague
Jeremy Lin
Jermaine O'Neal
Jimmy Butler
JJ Redick
Joel Embiid
John Stockton
John Wall
Jordan Clarkson
Jose Calderon
Josh Smith
J. R. Smith
Julius Erving
Julius Randle
Jusuf Nurkic
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
Karl-Anthony Towns
Karl Malone
Kawhi Leonard
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Kent Bazemore
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Kenyon Martin
Kevin Durant
Kevin Garnett
Kevin Love
Klay Thompson
Kobe Bryant
Kristaps Porzingis
Kyle Kuzma
Kyle Lowry
Kyrie Irving
LaMarcus Aldridge
Larry Bird
Larry Johnson
Lauri Markkanen
LeBron James
Lonzo Ball
Lou Williams
Luka Doncic
Magic Johnson
Malcolm Brogdon
Manu Ginobili
Marc Gasol
Marcus Morris
Marcus Smart
Markelle Fultz
Markieff Morris
Michael Carter-Williams
Michael Jordan
Mike Bibby
Mike Scott
Monta Ellis
Montrezl Harrell
Nate Robinson
Nicolas Batum
Nikola Jokic
Nikola Vucevic
Pascal Siakam
Patrick Ewing
Pau Gasol
Paul George
Paul Millsap
Paul Pierce
Pete Maravich
P. J. Tucker
Rajon Rondo
Rashard Lewis
Rasheed Wallace
Ray Allen
Raymond Felton
Reggie Miller
Richard Hamilton
Ricky Rubio
RJ Barrett
Robert Covington
Rodney Hood
Rudy Gay
Russell Westbrook
Sam Cassell
Serge Ibaka
Shaquille O'Neal
Stephen Curry
Stephon Marbury
Steve Nash
Steven Adams
Tacko Fall
Taj Gibson
Terry Rozier
Tim Duncan
T. J. Warren
Tony Parker
Tracy McGrady
Trae Young
Tristan Thompson
Udonis Haslem
Victor Oladipo
Vince Carter
Wilson Chandler
Wilt Chamberlain
Xavier McDaniel
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– TNT predstavlja dve vezane utakmice prve večeri po 25-i put –
– ESPN i ABC obeležavaju 19-u sezonu prenosa utalmica koje se igraju za Božić –
NJUJORK, 19. decembar 2020. – NBA sezona 2020-21. počinje u utorak 22. decembra. Prepuna drame, uzbudljivog rivalstva i jedinstvenih ličnosti, NBA će tokom prve polovine sezone dospeti do svojih poklonika u 215 zemalja i teritorija na više od 50 jezika.
U okviru Kia NBA početka, NBA ohrabruje svoje fanove iz celog sveta da pokažu uzbuđenje zbog starta nove sezone tako što će obući dres svog omiljenog tima u okviru prvi put organizovane inicijative “NBA Jersey Day” – globalne proslave početka sezone među navijačima iz celog sveta.
Ispod i u prilogu možete pronaći niz zanimljivih podataka u vezi sa početkom NBA sezone 2020-21:
Opening Night: Tuesday, Dec. 22
In TNT’s opening-night doubleheader, the Golden State Warriors visit the Brooklyn Nets (7 p.m. ET) and the defending NBA champion Los Angeles Lakers take on the LA Clippers (10 p.m. ET).
· 1 – Opening night features four players who were selected No. 1 overall in the NBA Draft: the Lakers’ LeBron James (2003) and Anthony Davis (2012), the Nets’ Kyrie Irving (2011) and the Warriors’ Andrew Wiggins (2014).
· 2 – Brooklyn’s Kevin Durant, set for his first regular-season game since the 2018-19 season, won two NBA championships and two Bill Russell NBA Finals MVP awards with Golden State.
· 3 – 2019-20 Kia NBA Sixth Man Award winner Montrezl Harrell makes his Lakers debut against the Clippers, the team with whom he spent the previous three seasons.
· 5 – Steve Nash, who led the NBA in assists five times as a Hall of Fame player, makes his debut as an NBA head coach when he leads Brooklyn against Golden State.
· 17 – The Lakers will celebrate last season’s record-tying 17th NBA championship before facing the Clippers.
· 18 – James begins his 18th NBA season on opening night.
· 20 – During the First Half of the season, 20 games will air in primetime in Europe, the Middle East and Africa as part of the league’s “NBA Saturdays and NBA Sundays presented by NBA 2K21” primetime initiative.
· 25 – TNT will present an opening-night doubleheader for the 25th consecutive season, marking Turner Sports’ 37th straight year of NBA coverage.
· 50 – Davis and Irving are the last two players to score 50 points in the first game of a season for their team: Davis with the New Orleans Pelicans in 2016 and Irving with Brooklyn in 2019.
· 2016 – In 2016, new Clippers head coach Tyronn Lue was in his first season as head coach of the Cleveland Cavaliers when he led James and the Cavaliers to the NBA championship.
· 2,495 – Golden State’s Stephen Curry has made 2,495 career three-pointers, five away from becoming the third player in NBA history with 2,500.
Wednesday, Dec. 23
In the two national television games, the Boston Celtics host the Milwaukee Bucks (7:30 p.m. ET, TNT) and the Dallas Mavericks visit the Phoenix Suns (10:30 p.m. ET, ESPN).
· 6 – Boston has qualified for the NBA Playoffs in each of the last six seasons, including Eastern Conference Finals appearances in three of the last four seasons.
· 7 – Chris Paul, who will make his Suns debut Dec. 23, ranks seventh in NBA history in both career assists and career steals.
· 8 – The Suns won all eight “seeding games” during the 2019-20 season restart, the only one of the 22 participating teams to go undefeated.
· 17 – Dallas’ Luka Dončić led the NBA with 17 triple-doubles last season.
· 25 – Two-time reigning Kia NBA Most Valuable Player Giannis Antetokounmpo of Milwaukee is one of three players to win multiple MVP awards by the age of 25, joining James and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.
Christmas Day
The 73rd edition of the NBA on Christmas Day features five nationally televised games across ESPN and ABC: Pelicans at Miami Heat (12 p.m. ET, ESPN), Warriors at Bucks (2:30 p.m. ET, ABC), Nets at Celtics (5 p.m. ET, ABC), Mavericks at Lakers (8 p.m. ET, ABC/ESPN) and Clippers at Denver Nuggets (10:30 p.m. ET, ESPN).
· 4 – The four Conference Finalists from last season will be in action on Christmas Day: the Lakers and Nuggets from the Western Conference and the Heat and Celtics from the Eastern Conference.
· 5 – Five Kia NBA MVPs will compete on Christmas Day: the Bucks’ Antetokounmpo, the Warriors’ Curry, the Nets’ Durant, the Lakers’ James and Nets head coach Nash.
· 6 – Six players have recorded a triple-double in a game on Christmas Day: Draymond Green (2017), Russell Westbrook (2013), James (2010), Billy Cunningham (1970), John Havlicek (1967) and Oscar Robertson (1960, 1961, 1963, 1967).
· 7 – Miami head coach Erik Spoelstra has won all seven of his Christmas Day games as an NBA head coach, tied with Les Harrison for the most wins without a loss.
· 10 – Dwyane Wade has the most Christmas Day victories for a player with 10 – one more than James and Miami’s Udonis Haslem, who are tied for second place with nine each.
· 13 – The NBA will feature five games on Christmas Day for the 13th year in a row.
· 15 – James will play his 15th Christmas Day game, second most in NBA history behind Kobe Bryant (16).
· 19 – This marks ESPN’s 19th season of Christmas Day game coverage.
· 23 – The Lakers have the most wins on Christmas Day with 23.
· 25 – As part of NBA Cares Season of Giving, the league is highlighting across its digital platforms the efforts of 25 community organizations supporting health and wellness, food security, education, volunteerism and social justice work in communities around the world.
· 35 – This year marks the 35th anniversary of the classic 1985 Christmas Day game when rookie Patrick Ewing (32 points, 11 rebounds) and the New York Knicks rallied from a 25-point deficit to defeat the Boston Celtics 113-104 in double overtime.
· 43.3 – Hall of Famer Tracy McGrady averaged an NBA-record 43.3 points on Christmas Day, scoring at least 40 points in all three of his games.
· 60 – Bernard King scored a Christmas Day-record 60 points for the Knicks against the New Jersey Nets in 1984.
· 98 – Of the players on the current rosters of the 10 teams playing on Christmas Day, 27 have been named to an NBA All-Star team and they have combined for 98 All-Star selections.
· 215 – Christmas Day games will reach fans in 215 countries and territories in 56 languages.
· 361 – James ranks third on the career Christmas Day scoring list with 361 points, behind No. 1 Bryant (395) and No. 2 Robertson (377).
· 1947 – The NBA began playing games on Christmas Day in 1947 during the league’s second season.
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Warriors takeaways: What we learned in 130-111 shellacking vs. Lakers
Warriors takeaways: What we learned in 130-111 shellacking vs. Lakers originally appeared on nbcsportsbayarea.com
LOS ANGELES – The Warriors walked into Staples Center on Monday determined to get a few pounds of the Los Angeles Lakers' flesh. They pretty much got all of it.
Behind a 44-point night by Klay Thompson, the Warriors rolled to a 130-111 victory that avenged the 26-point drubbing they took at the hands of the Lakers on Christmas Day.
The Warriors (33-14) led by as much as 36. It was their eighth consecutive win, and also their seventh in a row on the road.
Los Angeles (25-23) was playing without its top three playmakers: LeBron James, Lonzo Ball and Rajon Rondo. All three are out of the lineup with injuries.
Here are three takeaways from a game that concluded a road sweep of the LA teams.
Klay's fireworks display
Thompson found his rhythm early and never lost it. It was one of those nights that come out of nowhere several times each season, when neither distance nor defender matter to the 6-foot-7 guard.
Thompson scored 44 points in 27 minutes. He was 17-of-20 the field. He was 10-of-11 from beyond the arc. He made his first 10 before missing one late in the third quarter.
With 23 third-quarter points, Thompson fell two short of LA's total of 25 in the quarter.
Thompson's scorching night pushed his career 3-pointers total to 1,693, zooming him past one Hall of Famer (Steve Nash, 1,685) and another future Hall of Famer (LeBron James, 1,684) on the all-time list for 3-pointers.
History has shown that when Thompson is shooting like this there isn't much an opponent can do, except hope he doesn't light it up in the next meeting.
Boogie's Night
Even though his conditioning is not where it will be in a couple weeks, DeMarcus Cousins is finding ways to make an impact, and not just by scoring.
Sure, he put in eight points on 2-of-9 shooting. Grabbed nine rebounds, passed for five assists. He played 21 minutes and finished plus-24.
But his non-scoring work stood out. He drew a charge in the first quarter, his second in two games. Cousins also picked his first floor burn of the season early in the second quarter, pursuing a loose ball, controlling it and flipping to Thompson for a 3-pointer.
There has been a perception, perhaps from his days in Sacramento, that Cousins doesn't rate particularly high on the hustle scale.
Two games into his Warriors career, there is no sign of such an issue.
[RELATED: Watch Steph slip and fall on wide-open dunk vs. Lakers]
Passing like it's hot
The Warriors registered 41 assists, a season high and their first 40-assist game of the season.
Moreover, they did it while committing only 12 turnovers.
Every starter had at least four assists except Thompson, who had an excellent excuse. Stephen Curry accounted for a game-high 12 – without a single turnover – and Draymond Green had seven.
The Warriors used 12 different players and all of them scored, with only three reaching double figures. Kevin Durant had 20 and Stephen Curry had 11.
Source: https://sports.yahoo.com/warriors-takeaways-learned-130-111-061159250.html?src=rss
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2 reasons your NBA team should tank: Zion Williamson and R.J. Barrett
Duke has a pair of stars that have the potential to flip an NBA team around instantly.
College basketball has a pair of exhilarating, hard-to-comprehend wunderkinds, and they’re on the same freaking team. R.J. Barrett and Zion Williamson are Duke’s — and the nation’s — top-two prospects, and they’re NBA-ready right now.
Barrett, a 6’7 scoring-minded guard with a 6’10 wingspan, and Williamson, a 6’7 brick unit with an otherworldly leap, are able to get anywhere they want on the floor, and proved it in a dominating 34-point win against the No. 2 Kentucky Wildcats. That in itself deserves a pause as we recognize how much more talented they are than the world’s next-best team. Barrett scored 33 points on 13-of-26 shooting, and Williamson scored 28 on 11-of-13.
On one play in the second half with the game approaching a blowout, Williamson caught a block, went full-steam towards the bucket, and threaded the needle to a cutting Barrett for an and-1. That was the moment that sent college basketball into a state of euphoria.
With all the hype top prospects get coming out of high school, it’s difficult to shock fans coming out of the gates. But both did, giving fans of tanking NBA teams a taste of what could be coming their way.
Zion is way more than just the dunking guy
We won’t stop hearing about the 1.8 million Instagram followers Williamson’s amassed with each high-flying slam through the hoop, but that’s not what makes him so special. Williamson takes the same explosiveness he uses for 360 dunks and channels it into energy conducive to winning basketball games.
If combining 285 pounds of pure muscle with Zach LaVine’s lift and Draymond Green’s do-it-all zest seems unfair, it’s because it is. A strong lefty, Williamson may never need to use his right hand at the college level because he can hop-step into the paint whenever he pleases, absorb whatever feint contact brushes against his steel core, and finish off the backboard.
Zion Williamson did not disappoint in his Duke debut: 28 PTS (11-13 FG) & 7 REB in a 34 PT win over Kentucky! (VIA @ESPN) pic.twitter.com/PmzdWrT9pg
— Ballislife.com (@Ballislife) November 7, 2018
Scoring is SO easy for this kid. It’s also obvious how hard he’s worked on improving his lone weakness: three-point shooting. In fact, his first career field goal was a deep-range swish. The shot may have been the same flat-footed one we’ve seen him take over the years, but it was fluent.
Zion Williamson's first shot at Duke: A swish from the 3-point line. pic.twitter.com/PFIIJDb4a9
— Kyle Boone (@Kyle__Boone) November 7, 2018
His efforts were replicated in every other aspect of the game, too. Williamson has owned the spotlight ever since he could dunk, but he isn’t too good to play defense, and he actively looks for teammates cutting to the hoop. He had a steal, a block, and two assists to show for it.
Barrett is the wing slasher the NBA craves
Barrett looks like the complete opposite of the physical wall Williamson is. He’s a thinner, lankier 6’7 with arms to get in passing lanes, shoot above defenders, and most impressively, take you off the dribble. He’s every bit Williamson’s foil and perfect complement.
Barrett, too, has owned the spotlight for life. Steve Nash’s godson first made his mark on national platform after he dropped 38 points on 12-of-24 shooting to upset Team USA in the 2017 U19 Basketball World Cup. (That American team featured talents like the Thunder’s Hamidou Diallo, the Wolves’ Josh Okogie, the Hawks’ Kevin Huerter, and Barrett’s Duke teammate Cameron Reddish.)
Yet against Kentucky in his college opener, when we all knew what to expect, he still amazed.
Barrett connected on 3-of-7 threes, got to the foul line eight times (only making four), and found impossible ways to finish around the rim. Getting into the paint and drawing contact may be his biggest strength, but his ability to finish through it is what separates him from the rest.
RJ Barrett really yelled "AND 1!" as he finished this and barrel rolled pic.twitter.com/wwgV7d6TzH
— ESPN (@espn) November 7, 2018
It’s time for your teams to tank
Last season’s draft was stacked with talent in the top-7 or so with no clear No. 1 pick, rewarding some of the middle-tier losers like the Mavs with Luka Doncic and Hawks with Trae Young. In 2019, there are two players worth throwing an entire season away for: Zion and R.J.
So, Wizards, maybe it is time to trade John Wall. Cavs, Kevin Love needs some rest after surgery. Knicks — keep doing you! Even with NBA Draft lottery reform flattening the odds of the absolute worst teams picking at the top of the draft, it still helps to be terrible.
Get your helmets on, it’s time to tank.
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Ideas for World Basketball Tour (WBT)
League differences from NBA
5 on 5 style of play
3 on 3 style of play
Game Show of Horse
Skills Competition & Camps for kids
League ideas
Model off of tennis tournaments
Tournaments are held in different countries and cities
Tournaments age requirement is 16
Teams creation: By random players names are drawn and that’s how teams are made
The average ranking between the 3 players determine team ranking
Individual point system for #1 ranking among players (offensive player: free throw (10), rebound, steal, block or assist (20), field goal (30), and foul or turnover (-10) earned points
Last Day events: skills competition, top 6 Or 10 ranked game, youth camps
Have a three-point contest to decide who gets ball for first for the fourth quarter before every game
Arguing rules (perform trick shots to challenge the ref’s call)
Awards: International Player of the Year, American of the Year, First-Team All American (offence and defence), First-Team All International (offence and defence), Performance of the Year award, Three-Point King
Playing Style
TSFB Basketball (Technical Skills and Fastbreak)
Focus on 3 things
Athletic Ability
Bodily Development for Explosive Pace of Play not Jumping Ability
Technical Skills
The abilities and knowledge needed to perform specific tasks
Technical skills in the sport of basketball are dribbling, passing, and shooting
The aim of technical preparation is to create and improve sports skills. Each sports skill has a given way of solving a motor task (contents of a sports skill) in accordance with the rules of a given sport, biomechanical rules and locomotive possibilities of the athlete which are referred to as technique.
Pre-game skills Competition for Home-Court Advantage
No time limit games are up to 50
Commercial Timeouts at the 10th, 20th, 30th, 40th, 50th points scored
Have a 4 point and 3 Point line If basket is scored within the line it’s 1 point
Under 15 second shot clock for fast break basketball
Must Play Half-Court Defence
Courts are wider and lesser in length than NBA courts
Joseph Tsai, I made Golden State Warriors playing style in High School through NBA 2K (and other players in the league). Draymond Green uses my playing style, Steph Curry and Klay Thompson are replaceable. This Gameplay is a mix of France National Football Team Playing Style & Steve Nash Phoenix Suns era
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籃球這項運動,因為非常吃身材和體能上的優勢,因此,自古以來都會用球員的特點劃分出位置,也就是傳統的控球後衛、得分後衛、小前鋒、大前鋒、中鋒。而NBA也和一般籃球一樣,有不少在球場位置上的根深蒂固觀念: 中鋒通常比其他球員高,控衛則是最矮,強壯體態的大前鋒,機動性高的小前鋒與得分後衛等等。這些觀念也會影響球隊在選秀會上或交易操作上的選擇,如當年一直傳出Kevin Garnett為了打大前鋒,把自己報矮到6呎11,甚至Kevin Durant那看起來完全不只6呎9吋的身高,都是為了讓自己在球隊中能打到自己舒服、適合的位置,而將自己的身高”加油添醋”。
延伸閱讀: Kevin Durant 自白:「我坦承其實我是七呎啦」
EX: Magic Johnson、Ben Simmons
而在80年代,就有過魔術強森這樣的奇才出現,他也被認為是灌籃高手阿牧的參考原型。身高6呎9吋的他,高大的身材配上靈活的移動和超乎常人的傳球視野,開創了湖人”Showtime”的強隊歷史,在80年代帶領湖人拿了5座冠軍。而身為史上最年輕的FMVP Magic Johnson生涯也是滿滿的成就,可惜在1991年因HIV被迫提早離開球場。
而目前來看,上季最佳新人Be Simmons相當有當年Magic Johnson的影子,有著更高的6呎10吋身材,Ben Simmons卻是從上大學就開始主打控球後衛,他有著其他同身高長人沒有的良好協調性和控球技巧外,他更有真正控球後衛所必備的傳球能力,且就算自己打,也能夠輕鬆把同位置的矮小防守者給硬吃掉,遇到協防又能用傳球能力送出一次次精彩的助攻。
延伸閱讀: LBJ?希臘怪物?B. Simmons?這世代的魔術強森出現了嗎?
當然,這樣的大型控球後衛可遇不可求,畢竟可能在成長過程中,身高較高的球員,可能會被要求去練更接近籃框的攻守技巧,即使現在延伸四號等投射能力的長人也很夯,但能結合控球和全場的籃球視野技術,則是更吃天分的事。而我們希望的是,未來Ben Simmons能長出他的外線威脅性,甚至是更好的罰球命中率而已,因為未來針對他的防守和戰術,只會越來越多。
EX: Larry Johnson、Draymond Green
禁區球員,尤其是中前鋒,早期的思維都會希望用身高取勝,畢竟”You can teach the ball, but can’t teach the tall.”身高永遠是潛力的象徵之一,有多少年輕球員當初及是身高被看上進入籃球這項運動的。但也有一些特別的NBA球員,即使沒有傳統禁區球員的身高,卻有著完全不輸禁區球員的內線攪和能力。
Larry Johnson在NCAA時,帶領UNLV大勝Duke時就頗富名氣,後來也以選秀狀元之姿進入NBA,那時的NBA不太會有像Larry這樣的矮壯型球員,僅6呎6吋卻擅長大前鋒的位置,那可是比一些得分後衛都還矮的身高。但禁區能強硬碰撞,能投外線能助攻,他在面對任何防守者都有一套應對方式而不吃虧。前期在黃蜂是能飛擅守的球隊主力,即使後來因傷病來到尼克隊,依然能穩定做出貢獻,並和紐約尼克在1999上演”老八傳奇”。
近幾年勇士奪冠功臣的Daymond Green,記得在進NBA前,甚至NBA初期,一直在各大網站是以”小前鋒”定位存在。直到2014-15球季,在Steve Kerr大膽調度下開始重用他扛下4號,6呎7吋的他在身高上吃虧不少,卻有著強悍的單防能力和靈活的補防、協防嗅覺,同時也具備三分能力拉開空間。之後多次入選明星球員的他,甚至在特定五小陣容能打到5號位,且也是勇士的防守核心。
當然,如果看看2013的狀元Anthony Bennett,就知道矮壯型前鋒要成功其實也並不容易,關鍵在於有沒有相對應的機動性,且越全能越好,如果身材劣勢下又只有單一化的功能,便很容易會被他人所取代。
EX: Rashard Lewis、Tobias Harris
Rashard Lewis第一次出名,是在04-05年他在超音速和Ray Allen的搭檔,入選了人生第一次明星賽,身高有6呎10吋的他,卻更喜愛在外圍遊走,生涯38.6%的三分命中率命中過1787顆三分球,生涯5.2顆籃板的他也不以護框見長。他在魔術隊時期,和另一名”不三不四”的控球前鋒Hedo Turkoglu成了絕配搭檔,在場上兩人常常三四號交替著防守,良好的機動性可減少他們錯位防守的情況,和魔獸Dwight Howard的配合也曾在東區掀起過一股浪潮。
而Tobias Harris,6呎9吋的身高搭配頗為精壯的身材,卻更擅長從外圍持球作戰,且在防守端較為無力的情況,常常造成守隊方小前鋒橫移速度過慢,守對方大前鋒卻又頂不過對方的窘境。但有著”小Melo”之稱的Harris,仍有相當強力的進攻天分,之前在活塞有也曾經執教過Rashard Lewis的Stan Van Gundy,讓Harris在三四號之間游移打機遇戰,而來到快艇後,他又和另一名性質很像的Danilo Gallinari一起扛下快艇的前場重擔。在下一季少了DeAndre Jordan在禁區坐鎮籃下防守,Tobias Harris將要面臨更重大的考驗。
延伸閱讀: 【天王一對一】Tobias Harris VS. Aaron Gordon
休賽季已進入尾聲 為何 Dwyane Wade 還沒和熱火簽約?
從來就無需打得像誰!Steve Nash 就是無與倫比的時代標竿
NBA 超��名控生死鬥?控球後衛終於迎來他們的「黃金時期」
見證明星的誕生!2018-19 賽季 5 大突破球員
可能跌破你的眼鏡!這 4 名明星告訴你「投籃?沒問題!」
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Milwaukee Bucks & Houston Rockets Swap Tyler Ennis & Michael Beasley
On September 22nd, 2016, the Houston Rockets traded forward Michael Beasley to the Milwaukee Bucks for guard Tyler Ennis.
The Milwaukee Bucks added Tyler Ennis from the Phoenix Suns in a three-team, five-player deal built around guards Brandon Knight and Michael Carter-Williams. Ennis had struggled to find his footing in the first half of his rookie season in Phoenix.
Ennis assumed a backup role behind starter Carter-Williams and guard Jerryd Bayless. He struggled through the rest of the 2014-15 season. In 25 games (1 start), Ennis produced 4.0 PPG on 35% from the field, 1.1 RPG, 2.4 APG and 0.7 SPG in 14.1 MPG.
Milwaukee finished the year 41-41 and earned the sixth seed in the East. They faced the 50-32 Chicago Bulls and gave them a fight, but still succumbed to a 4-2 first round series loss. Ennis only played in the series finale as Milwaukee emptied their bench in a 120-66 blowout loss.
During the 2015 offseason, the Bucks dealt veterans Jared Dudley and Zaza Pachulia to clear the cap space to sign center Greg Monroe. Ennis didn’t see much time for the Bucks during the start of the 2015-16 season with Carter-Williams, Bayless and Greivis Vasquez all vying for minutes at point guard.
Facing heightened expectations after the previous playoff appearance, the Bucks disappointed and finished just 33-49 and out of the postseason. As the season progressed, all three point guards went down with numerous injuries, and as Milwaukee fell out of the playoff race, Ennis finished out the year as a part of the rotation. Overall, he competed in 46 games (7 starts) and amassed 4.5 PPG, 1.6 RPG, 2.1 APG and 0.5 SPG in 14.2 MPG.
Around the start of 2016 training camp wing Khris Middleton went down with a hamstring injury that would cause him to miss much of the 2016-17 season. Lacking depth on the wing, Milwaukee decided to make a move around training camp with Houston. Ennis would be a victim of the numbers game and ended up in Houston.
Ennis finished up his time in Milwaukee with 4.3 PPG, 1.5 RPG, 2.2 APG and 0.6 SPG in 71 games. The 6′3″ guard shot 41% from the field, 30% from three and 72% from the charity stripe.
After a run in China that saw him compile 31.9 PPG and 13.2 RPG in 40 games for the Shandong Lions, Michael Beasley was a late mid-season signing for the Houston Rockets during the 2015-16 campaign. Beasley signed a deal for the rest of the season at the minimum, with a team-option for the 2016-17 season.
Overall, Beasley managed 12.8 PPG on 52.2% from the field, 4.9 RPG, 0.8 APG, 0.6 SPG and 0.5 BPG in 20 contests and 18.2 MPG. While Beasley’s individual numbers were impressive, his on-court numbers were troubling. Houston was outscored by 8.4 points per 100 possessions when Beasley was on the floor and the team was a plus-12.6 points per 100 possessions when he was on the bench.
Houston experienced a topsy turvy season as they hovered around .500 all year round. The Rockets won their final three games to sneak into the eighth and final playoff spot in the Western Conference.
The Rockets had the unenviable task of trying to take down the first seed Golden State Warriors who were fresh off of a historic, NBA record setting 73 regular season wins. As expected, the Warriors smashed Houston in the series opener, 104-78. Game Two was much more competitive, but the Warriors still prevailed 115-106 and took a 2-0 lead.
The third game was extremely close and Golden State took a late 96-95 lead after an Ian Clark layup with 10.6 seconds left. Rockets guard James Harden dribbled the ball up and nailed a stepback jumper over Andre Iguodala with 27 seconds left. Warriors forward Draymond Green turned the ball over with 1 second left to seal the game.
Game Four featured Warriors star Stephen Curry going down with a knee sprain, but the Warriors still pounced on Houston, using a 41-20 third quarter edge to win the fourth game 121-94. Golden State closed out the series in the fifth game with a 114-81 rout. For the series, Beasley contributed 10.4 PPG on 48% shooting, 4.2 RPG and 0.6 APG in 16.0 MPG.
After Houston added power forward Ryan Anderson in free agency, Houston had various players available to play the four and Beasley was the odd man out.
A knee injury to starter Patrick Beverley allowed Ennis to receive some playing time at the start of the season as the main ballhandler for Houston’s second unit. Ennis was ineffective in the playing time that he received and after 11 games Beverley returned, and Ennis was out of the rotation.
The former Syracuse point guard languished on the bench until the trade deadline when he was traded by the 40-18 Rockets in a cap clearing move to the Los Angeles Lakers for Marcelo Huertas. He finished his brief Rockets stint with 1.9 PPG, 0.6 RPG and 1.1 APG in 31 games and 6.3 MPG. A sign of his ineptitude on offense was Houston’s 99.3 points per 100 possessions when Ennis played versus their overall offense of 111.8 points per 100 possessions throughout the season.
Beasley maintained a reserve combo forward role in Milwaukee and continued to show gains in his offensive efficiency. He missed 17 games in March with a hyperextended left knee. For the season, Beasley amassed 9.4 PPG, 3.4 RPG, 0.9 APG, 0.5 SPG and 0.5 BPG in 16.7 MPG and 56 games.
The Bucks were a mild surprise in the East with All-Star Giannis Antetokounmpo sparking the team to a second half surge that propelled Milwaukee to a 42-40 record and the sixth seed.
In the postseason, the Bucks faced the third seed Toronto Raptors. Antetokounmpo put up 28 points and 8 rebounds as the Bucks captured the first game 97-83. Toronto evened the series at one game apiece after a 106-100 final score.
The Bucks routed Toronto in Game Three 104-77 before the Raptors took the next three games to win the series 4-2. Beasley saw action in four of the six first round games, and produced 4.3 PPG and 2.3 RPG in 12.0 MPG.
After the season, Beasley became a free agent and signed a one-year deal with the New York Knicks.
Tyler Ennis on feeling fortunate to be traded to Houston (via Houston Chronicle):
“I think I got pretty lucky coming here. I think this is the perfect opportunity for me. Being in Phoenix and Milwaukee, those were teams that guards-wise, we had a lot. I was able to learn from a lot of people.”
On his fit with the Rockets:
“It's the first day of training camp. Starters went over the sets. I wasn't too behind on that. Everything else is going out there and reading. That's pretty much what I'm good at, going out there, reading, making plays for others. That's what they told me to come in and do.
“Coach gives us a lot of freedom as far as playing the game on the offensive end, coming down, pushing the ball in transition and making the right plays. As I gain the guys' confidence, being able to find open guys, I think they'll learn to trust me more as the point guard.”
On the trade overall (via FOX 26):
"Excitement, to go to a team with a superstar player, a team that's been in the playoffs, you can't ask for much more than an opportunity and that's what I have here.”
On his game:
“Just a guy who's going to come in and make others better. That's what I'm being brought in to do and that's what I'm going to do — just get out there, get guys open shots, get guys easy baskets.”
On playing for Mike D’Antoni:
“Being a Canadian and a big Steve Nash fan growing up, I'm excited to get there and get to know him. If I can get a portion of what Steve did with him in his offense, then I think I'll be good.”
On playing with James Harden:
“A superstar that averages seven assists a game, that's not something you come by every day. I'm happy to get out there, get some chemistry and get things going.”
Michael Beasley on the trade (via Milwaukee Journal Sentinel):
“I was surprised. My agent and the organization kind of prepped me for it two days before it happened. When I first heard about it was more of a thought — 'hey man, there's a 25% chance this thing happens.' So when it happened I was surprised, but it's business.”
On his scoring prowess:
“God gave it to me. When I was two I cleaned up and put all the stuff in bins faster than all the other kids. I just got a knack for putting things in a bucket.”
What he can contribute:
“I'm going to come, I'm going to give my knowledge, give my experience. I've been around; this is my ninth year. I might not be the smartest but I've seen a lot.”
Milwaukee Bucks general manager John Hammond on acquiring Michael Beasley (via Bucks.com):
“We’re excited to add a player with Michael’s skill set to our team. He’s someone that we’ve kept our eye on the last few seasons and we’re looking forward to watching him compete throughout training camp and the season.”
On Tyler Ennis:
“We wish Tyler the best and thank him for his contributions to the Bucks, both on and off the court.”
How the trade happened around the time that it was announced that Khris Middleton would miss time due to injury (via Milwaukee Journal Sentinel):
“We were in discussions with Houston before Khris' [Middleton] injury, and we think [Beasley] can bring a scoring mentality off our bench.”
Bucks guard Jason Terry on Beasley (via Milwaukee Journal Sentinel):
“I’m very excited to have Michael here. Playing with him last season in Houston for the brief time I did he's a tremendous scorer, very explosive in the open court. He's a matchup nightmare. That's definitely what you need; off your bench you need a guy that can come in and score. Plain and simple. He provides that spark for you in any statistic and he does it every single night.
“For a while here in the league before he went to China and came back the perception of Michael was that he wasn't a hard worker. Well, you can get rid of that. He's another one of those guys that it's hard to beat to the gym.”
Related Tweets
I would like to thank the @Bucks for my time in Milwaukee. Great organization & great staff. Thanks for everything! Good Luck this season.
— Tyler Ennis (@TylerEnnis)
September 23, 2016
Wheels up to Houston! Can't wait to join my new teammates and coaches tomorrow with the @HoustonRockets excited for the season to start!
— Tyler Ennis (@TylerEnnis)
September 23, 2016
Image Credit:
Michael Beasley: via Danny Bollinger/NBAE
Tyler Ennis: via Getty Images/Garrett Ellwood
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Steph Curry expected to miss at least three more games
The Golden State Warriors are taking things slowly with Stephen Curry, but the former NBA MVP is getting closer to a return.
Curry has missed the Warriors’ last six games with a groin injury. He did practice on Tuesday, but Warriors head coach Steve Kerr said Curry would still be out through Saturday. That covers three games, meaning Curry will be missing at least nine games.
Steve Kerr said that while Stephen Curry will be re-evaluated Saturday, he will NOT play against the Kings. Kerr said Curry will not have an adequate amount of practice time in order to be back.
— Logan Murdock (@loganmmurdock) November 20, 2018
Curry was doing some shooting in practice and even felt well enough to goof off with some hacky sack-type moves.
Steph Curry still out to start this homestand, but groin strain clearly feeling better, out here doing normal shooting routine, ending it with some basketball hacky-sack, plus a Steve Nash cameo pic.twitter.com/334PCyH7i1
— Anthony Slater (@anthonyVslater) November 20, 2018
The Warriors have gone 2-4 without Curry. All four losses came on the road. Draymond Green has simultaneously been in and out of the lineup due to a toe injury.
from Larry Brown Sports https://ift.tt/2Tub5ue
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This was the dopest thing on the internet today. Steph & Play are Hall & Nash, KD is Hollywood Hogan, and Draymond is Scott Steiner 😂 LeBron moved to L.A. so he could become Crow Sting. 😂 Zion Williamson waitin' in the cut like Goldberg 😂
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Harden, James, Anthony Davis named MVP finalists
Houston Rockets guard James Harden, Cleveland Cavaliers forward LeBron James and New Orleans Pelicans forward Anthony Davis were named finalists for the NBA’s Most Valuable Player award, the league announced Wednesday.
May 8, 2018; Oakland, CA, USA; Golden State Warriors forward Draymond Green (23) and New Orleans Pelicans forward Anthony Davis (23) fight for a rebound during the second half in game five of the second round of the 2018 NBA Playoffs at Oracle Arena. The Warriors defeated the Pelicans 113-104. Mandatory Credit: Kyle Terada-USA TODAY Sports
The winner will be announced during the awards show on June 25, four days after the NBA draft.
Harden, who finished second in last year’s voting behind Russell Westbrook, and Davis are looking to win the award for the first time. Harden also finished second in 2014-15 behind Stephen Curry, three spots ahead of Davis.
Harden, 28, averaged a career-high and league-leading 30.4 points per game. He also contributed 8.8 assists and 5.4 rebounds per game while leading Houston to the league’s best record.
May 14, 2018; Houston, TX, USA; Houston Rockets guard James Harden (13) and Golden State Warriors forward Draymond Green (23) battle for a ball during the fourth quarter in game one of the Western conference finals of the 2018 NBA Playoffs at Toyota Center. Mandatory Credit: Troy Taormina-USA TODAY Sports
Davis, 25, averaged a career-high 28.1 points, 11.1 boards and 2.6 blocks, along with a personal-best 2.3 assists per game.
At 33, James would be the oldest player to win the award since a 35-year-old Karl Malone did so in 1998-99. Only one player in his 30s has won the award since then: Steve Nash did so at 30 and 31.
May 15, 2018; Boston, MA, USA; Cleveland Cavaliers forward LeBron James (23) watches the end of the fourth quarter against the Boston Celtics in game two of the Eastern conference finals of the 2018 NBA Playoffs at TD Garden. Mandatory Credit: Greg M. Cooper-USA TODAY Sports
A four-time winner of the award (‘08-09, ‘09-10, ‘11-12, ‘12-13), James will finish in the top five of MVP voting for the 13th consecutive season. He has finished second twice and third three times in that span, and he finished fourth last season. He finished the regular season with averages of 27.5 points, 9.1 assists and 8.6 rebounds per game, with the latter two figures equaling or exceeding career highs.
Davis was also named a finalist for Defensive Player of the Year, alongside Utah Jazz center Rudy Gobert and Philadelphia 76ers center Joel Embiid. Gobert finished second last year to Draymond Green.
The Sixers and Jazz also have representatives in the Rookie of the Year race, guards Ben Simmons and Donovan Mitchell, respectively. Boston Celtics forward Jayson Tatum is the third finalist in that category.
Dwane Casey, who was voted as the league’s coach of the year by his peers before being fired by the Toronto Raptors last week, was named a finalist for the official award voted on by sportswriters and broadcasters. He is joined by Utah’s Quin Snyder and Boston’s Brad Stevens.
Rockets guard Eric Gordon, Raptors guard Fred VanVleet and Los Angeles Clippers guard Lou Williams are finalists for Sixth Man of the Year, which Gordon won last year as Williams finished third. Williams won the award in 2014-15.
Houston’s Clint Capela, the Brooklyn Nets’ Spencer Dinwiddie and the Indiana Pacers’ Victor Oladipo are finalists for Most Improved Player.
—Field Level Media
The post Harden, James, Anthony Davis named MVP finalists appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2k1YnCj via Everyday News
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