#naruto the last 10th anniversary
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bornonthebreakofdawn · 2 months ago
I'm posting this for the #NarutoTheLast10th Anniversary Moon challenge! 🌕
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One of my favorite and memorable moments in the Naruto: The Last movie was the ointment scene with Naruto and Hinata while they were on the moon mission.
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It was funny and sweet at the same time, considering that Naruto could have easily put the ointment on himself by summoning a clone; but somehow it led to having Hinata helping him with the ointment instead 🀭
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naruhina-2024 · 2 months ago
Reminder that our contribution for Naruto The Last 10th anniversary will be tomorrow! Hosted by the amazing @lavenderaburame !! Hope to see you there! Link to discord in bio 🧡💜
NaruHina2024: Movie Night! 🧡💜
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Link to the discord in bio.
Come join us for the anniversary of Naruto: The Last! The event will be hosted by @lavenderaburame
Any questions, please feel free to send an ask to this page or @opal-chan
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jengxart · 2 months ago
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Happy 10th Anniversary Naruto: The Last Movie! 🥀✚
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shirii · 2 months ago
Happy 10th Anniversry to Naruto the last! I was commissioned by Widowwitchh on twitter to draw this animation for the 10th anniversary and then she had Cameo’d a special message for the anniversary from Michael Yurchak, Obito’s Voice actor. I’m still fangirling over being part of this 🥹🥰💜 Twitter link below for Michael’s full video!
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cherpring · 2 months ago
Day 6: 10th Anniversary Naruto: The Last Movie🍥☀🧣❄
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groundrunner100 · 3 months ago
With it being the 10th anniversary of The Last: Naruto The Movie, I thought I’d ask.
Be sure to reblog your reason for your vote!
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badgalsasuke · 1 month ago
Asahi Shimbun special feature November 11, 2014.
I got this from ガトヌのブログ (Gatou's Blog). Seems to be a person that collects toys and other items and posts about it on his blog and on top of that also posts transcriptions of interviews and articles.
Translated with Google Translate, Quillbot and DeepL
Asahi Shimbun, November 11, 2014 [Hokage Ninja] 15th Anniversary Special
The popular manga "NARUTO", which has been serialized in Shueisha's "Weekly Shonen Jump" since 1999, concluded on the 10th with its 700th episode. The epic story follows the protagonist Naruto, who aims to become the strongest ninja, as he meets friends, competes with rivals, grows, and confronts the threat of world destruction. We interviewed the author, Masashi Kishimoto, who has just finished the 15-year serialization.
(Interviewer: Ohara Atsushi)
岞本さん: 最埌の原皿を描き終えおからただ時間も経っおいないので、実感が䜕もない。もっず解攟された気持ちになるのかな、ず思ったけど、毎週締め切りが来る幎間の感芚が䜓に残っおいお、たた来週も締め切りがあるんじゃないか、そんな気分。終わったらあれをやろうこれをやろう、ずいろいろ考えおいたけど、いざ終わるず䜕から手を぀けおいいのか分からない。ᅵᅵᅵずは、仕事堎の掃陀かな。それからスポヌツずか、マンガ以倖のこずがしたい。あ、ちゃんずマンガも描きたすよ。来春、「」の番倖線ずなるお話を短期集䞭連茉で描く予定です。
"I still can't really feel it"
──How do you feel right now?
Kishimoto: It's been less than 12 hours since I finished the last manuscript, so I don't feel anything. I thought I would feel more liberated, but the sense of having weekly deadlines for 15 years still lingers in my body, and I feel like there will be a deadline next week too. I had all these plans for what to do after finishing, but now that it's over, I don't know where to start. First, maybe I'll clean my workspace. Then I want to do sports and other things besides manga. Oh, and I'll definitely continue drawing manga. Next spring, I'm planning to draw a short, intensive series of a spinoff of "NARUTO".
岞本さん: 䞻人公ナルトず、物語の始たりからずっずラむバルだったサスケ、人を察決させお終わりにしようずいうのは、連茉を始めた頃から決めおいた。ただ、友だちずしお戊うのか敵ずしお戊うのか、どういう気持ちで戊うか、どういうセリフを持っおくるか、連茉䞭にだんだんず具䜓的に固たっおいった。、幎くらい前から「完結に向かい始めたな」ず感じお、ようやく半幎ぐらい前に「あず䜕回で終わらせよう」ず決めた。 連茉を始めた時、担圓線集者に「幎は続けたしょうね」ず蚀われた。「マゞか 幎もやるの」ず思った。連茉を始めたら週刊連茉のスケゞュヌルのハヌドさがこたえお、「こんなにき぀いなら終わっちゃっおもいいかな」なんおチラッず思ったりもした。本圓はもちろんむダだけど。それにしおも、幎も続くずは考えおもみなかった。
"The characters persevered."
──How long have you been planning the ending?
Kishimoto: I had decided from the beginning of serialization that I would end the series by having the main character Naruto and Sasuke, who had been rivals since the beginning of the story, face off against each other. However, whether they would fight as friends or enemies, how they would fight, and what lines they would use became more and more concrete during serialization. I felt that I was beginning to approach the conclusion about two or three years ago, and finally about six months ago I decided how many more issues I would finish it in. When I started serialization, my editor told me, "Let's continue for five years." I thought, "Really? You're going to do five years?" When I started serialization, the weekly serialization schedule was tough, and I even thought, "If it's this hard, maybe I should just end it." Of course I didn't really want to. Even so, I never thought it would continue for 15 years.
The story has become this long because the characters are working hard and persevering. Even if I try to lead them to easy answers or solutions, they won't let me. They don't give up, they struggle and exhaust their strength, and only then, do they finally come to terms with things or become good people. If I were to manipulate the characters according to my own convenience, it would feel contrived. The characters would lose their realism. That's why it ends up taking about twice as many pages as I initially planned.
──䟋えば䞭盀の山堎の「ペむン線」では、敵を率いおいたペむンがナルトの蚀葉で玍埗し、戊いをやめる。どういう蚀葉ならペむンも、そしお読者も玍埗するのか そこぞたどり着くのが倧倉ずいうこずですね
岞本さん: ペむンのシリヌズは初め、戊っお終わるのか、話し合いで終わるのか決めおなかった。話し合いで、ず決めるたで時間がかかった。アクション堎面を描きながら考えおいった。それでも、キャラクタヌがそんなに玠盎じゃないんで、簡単にこっちが思ったように動かすこずはできない。それをやったら僕が気持ち悪い。
──For example, in the mid-story climax of the "Pain Arc," Pain, who was leading the enemy, is convinced by Naruto's words and decides to stop fighting. What kind of words would convince both Pain and the readers? Reaching that point is quite challenging, isn't it?
Kishimoto: At first, I hadn't decided whether the Pain series would end with a fight or a discussion. It took me a while to decide on a discussion. I thought about it while drawing the action scenes. Even so, the characters aren't that straightforward, so I can't easily make them act as I want. If I did that, it would feel weird to me.
岞本さん: あたり珟実の䞖界の「どこの囜ずどこの囜が」みたいに圓おはめお蚀いたくはないんだけど、暎力を振るっおくる敵偎も䜕か理由があっおそうなったんじゃないか、どんな理由があるかを理解しないず、ここで敵をやっ぀けるこずができおも結局同じこずの繰り返しになるんじゃないか、ず蚀いたかった。少幎マンガだからどうしおも暎力は出るので、そこに「暎力吊定」みたいなテヌマを持っおきたから解決が難しいこずになった。最埌に察話で解決、ずいう方向を思い切っお遞んだけど、少幎マンガ的にはタブヌに近いこずかも知れない。圓時「これでいいのか」ず脂汗を流しお悩んだ。ストヌリヌを考えようず机に座っおハッず気づいたら時間経っおいた、ずいうこずがあっお、「意識が飛ぶ」ずいう人生で初めおの䜓隓をした。これは粟神的にマズいな、ず思った。思い返すずあれが自分にずっおスランプず蚀えばスランプだったのかも。だいたいの少幎マンガっお、䞻人公が話目で成長を遂げお、あずはずっずブレずに自分の信念の通りに動いお、呚りに圱響を䞎えお、出䌚ったキャラクタヌたちを倉えおいく。途䞭たで「」もそれで進んでいった。でもナルトはペむン戊のあたりで、どうしたら争いのない䞖界ができるかずいう問題にぶ぀かっお悩む。䞻人公だからずっず匷いたたで迷わず進んでいく、ずいう道もあるけど僕はそれはちょっず違うなず思った。だからナルトは考える。僕も考えなきゃならない。すごくキツかった。担圓線集者ずも蚀い合いをした。「少幎誌なんだからここはぶん殎っおスッキリした方がいい」「いや、殎ったら暎力でしょ」ずいった具合に。でも人生っお、いろいろあるもの。壁にぶ぀かる䞻人公の方がリアルだず思う。
Challenging the "taboos of shonen manga"
──It might be a journalist's perspective, but is the theme of "the cycle of hatred born from violence" a reflection of the global situation after 9/11?
Kishimoto: I don't really want to apply it to the real world, like "which country and which country," but I wanted to say that the enemy who uses violence must have had some reason for doing so, and if you don't understand what that reason is, even if you defeat the enemy here, the same thing will end up happening again. Since it's a boys' manga, violence is inevitable, so bringing in a theme like "denial of violence" made it difficult to resolve. In the end, I boldly chose to resolve the issue through dialogue, which is probably taboo in shōnen manga terms. At the time, I was sweating and worrying, wondering "Is this okay?" I sat down at my desk to think of a story, and when I realized it, three hours had passed, and it was the first time in my life that I "lost consciousness." I thought that was bad for my mental health. Looking back, that was probably a slump for me. In most boys' manga, the main character grows in the first chapter, and then he acts according to his beliefs without wavering, influencing those around him and changing the characters he meets. That's how "NARUTO" progressed until halfway through. But around the time of his fight with Pain, Naruto is confronted with the problem of how to create a world without conflict, and he worries about it. As the protagonist, he could have remained strong and continued to move forward without wavering, but I thought that was not the way to go. So Naruto thinks. I have to think too. It was very tough. I argued with my editor. "This is a shonen magazine, so it would be better to punch him and feel better," "No, punching him would be violent," and so on. But life is full of things. I think a protagonist who hits a wall is more realistic.
岞本さん: そうですね。ニュアンスずしお忍者は軍隊、尟獣は栞兵噚ずいうむメヌゞで、尟獣でバランスを保っおいるけど、本圓に尟獣を䜿おうずすれば砎滅ぞいたる危険がある。「」にはそのバランスを厩し尟獣を䜿おうする『暁』ずいう組織が出おくる。「暁」は里に属さない、傭兵ようぞい組織のようなずころがあっお、筋立おずしおはリアルな䞖界でもあり埗るもの。長く連茉をやっおいるず、珟実䞖界からむンスピレヌションを受けるこずや、重ね合わせお考えおみるようなずころがでおくる。
──In the world of "NARUTO," five great nations maintain a balance of power by each possessing a military force called the "Shinobi Village" and a powerful energy source called the "Tailed Beast." This is reminiscent of nuclear powers.
Kishimoto: Yes, that's right. The nuance is that ninjas are like the military, and tailed beasts are like nuclear weapons. The tailed beasts maintain balance, but if one were to actually use them, there is a danger of leading to destruction. In "NARUTO," there is an organization called "Akatsuki" that disrupts this balance and tries to use the tailed beasts. "Akatsuki" is like a mercenary organization that does not belong to any village, and the storyline is something that could realistically happen in the real world.
岞本さん: 䞻人公だから䌌おるずころはある。ラヌメン奜きだし。ᅵᅵᅵちこがれのナルトは、勉匷が苊手で劣等感が匷かった自分を投圱しおいる。ナルトが「オレは火圱になる」ほかげナルトの属する里の長の称号ず蚀うず、「なれるわけないじゃん」ず呚りに笑われる。子䟛の頃から䜕の根拠もなく「マンガ家になる」ず蚀っおいた自分ず重なる。「なれるわけないじゃん」ず蚀われおも僕はナルトみたいに「絶察なる」ずは蚀い返せなくお、「でも、なれるかもしれないよ」ず心の奥で぀ぶやくくらいだったけど。それにしおも、あんなに囜語が苊手だった僕が、物語を䜜っおいろいろな登堎人物を描くマンガ家になるなんお信じられない。この堎面の登堎人物の心情を読み解いお答えなさいなんお問題は、テストで党然わかんなかったのに
Naruto, projecting oneself
──Is Naruto based on you, Kishimoto-san?
Kishimoto: There are some similarities since he's the main character. I like ramen, too. Naruto, the underachiever, is a projection of myself, who was bad at studying and had a strong inferiority complex. When Naruto says, "I'm going to be Hokage!" (Hokage is the title of the village chief to which Naruto belongs), people around him laugh and say, "There's no way you can do that." It overlaps with me, who said, "I'm going to be a manga artist!" since I was a child, without any basis. Even when people said, "There's no way you can do that," I couldn't say, "I'll definitely do it!" like Naruto did, and I would just mutter to myself, "But maybe I can do it." But even so, I can't believe that I, who was so bad at Japanese, would become a manga artist who writes stories and draws various characters. I couldn't understand a single question on a test that asked me to interpret the feelings of the characters in a scene!
──砂や虫を䜿うずいった倚圩な忍術のアむデアはどこから 有効範囲はこうで、発動条件はこうで、ずいった技の蚭定も现かいですね。
岞本さん: 技ずかは、今たで芋た映画ずかのむメヌゞがあるのかもしれないけど、担圓線集者ずの打ち合わせの䞭であれこれ考えお出おきたもの。技に぀いお现かい蚭定やルヌルを決めたのは、瞛りがあった方が面癜いから。瞛りがあった䞊で、駆け匕きや盞手をだたす匕っかけみたいなのをやりたいず思った。お話が進むずどんどん倧がかりになっちゃうけど。
──Where do the diverse ideas for ninjutsu using sand and insects come from? The details of the techniques, such as their effective range and activation conditions, are quite intricate.
Kishimoto: The techniques might be influenced by the images from movies I've seen before, but they came up during discussions with my editor. We decided on the detailed settings and rules for the techniques because having constraints makes it more interesting. With those constraints in place, I wanted to incorporate elements of strategy and deception. As the story progresses, it ends up becoming more and more elaborate.
岞本さん: すごい頭のいいキャラクタヌに蚭定したので、僕が苊劎した。僕が䞀生懞呜時間をかけお耇雑な段取りや䜕通りもの手順を考えお、マンガの䞭でシカマルがそれを䞀瞬のうちにやっおしたえば、頭がよく芋えるだろうずずいう感じで描いおいた。自分の胜力の範囲を超えたキャラクタヌはあたり出さない方がいいな、ずシカマルを描いお感じた。
──Shikamaru's strategies are fascinating, aren't they? They leave me in awe.
Kishimoto: I set him up as a really smart character, so I struggled. I spent a lot of time thinking about complex arrangements and multiple procedures, and if Shikamaru could do them in an instant in the manga, he would look smart! That's how I depicted him. I felt that it's better not to create characters that are beyond the scope of my abilities when drawing Shikamaru.
岞本さん: 無限月読ずいうのは「逃げ」なんです。「忍しのびずは耐え忍ぶ者」ずいうのが「」のテヌマ。䜕をやるにもガマンが倧切だけど、反察に、ガマンせず楜な方ぞ逃げたいずいう気持ちは誰にもある。僕も匱い人間なので、い぀い぀たでにこの仕事を終わらせなきゃいけないずいう時に぀いテレビやぞ逃げたくなる。そうしたリアルからの逃避が無限月読。逃げたい自分を戒める思いを蟌めお描いおいたずころがある。
Infinite Tsukuyomi is "escape"
──In the final act, the enemy deploys the "Infinite Tsukuyomi," a grand technique that traps all humans on the surface in a peaceful dream world. Naruto rejects it and resists.
Kishimoto: Infinite Tsukuyomi is about "escape." The theme of "NARUTO" is "忍 (shinobi) means those who endure". Patience is important in anything you do, but on the other hand, everyone has the desire to not endure and escape to the easier option. I'm a weak person myself, so when I have to finish a task by a certain date, I want to escape to the TV or a DVD. Infinite Tsukuyomi is an escape from that reality. In part, I drew it with the intention of admonishing myself for wanting to run away.
岞本さん: マンガ家っお、い぀も郚屋の䞭で机に向かっおばかりだから、人気があるず蚀われおも実感するこずはなかなかない。海倖からたくさんファンレタヌが来るようになっお、そうか海倖でも人気なのか、ず。どこの囜の蚀葉なᅵᅵᅵか分からない、ᅵᅵᅵらない蚀語で曞いおあるものも来るので、いろんな囜で読たれおいるんだなぁず感じる。ちっちゃい子がナルトの栌奜でポヌズを決めおいる写真なんかがファンレタヌに入っおるこずがあっお、そういうのを芋るず和みたすね。
──When do you feel the popularity of "NARUTO"?
Kishimoto: As a manga artist, I spend all my time at my desk in my room, so even when I'm told I'm popular, it's hard to really feel it. But now that I've started receiving a lot of fan letters from overseas, I realize that I'm popular abroad too. Sometimes I get letters written in languages I don't recognize, and it makes me feel like my work is being read in many different countries. There are even photos of little kids posing in Naruto costumes included in the fan letters, and seeing those really warms my heart.
──尟田栄䞀郎さんの『 』ず二枚看板で「少幎ゞャンプ」を匕っ匵っおきたしたが、意識しおいた
岞本さん: 意識しない方がおかしい。同じ雑誌でずっずトップを走っおいる䜜品だから。『ワンピ』があったからこれだけ『』を頑匵っおこられた。特別な存圚ずしお、感謝しおいる。競い合うラむバルがいるからこそ、お互い高め合い、成長しおいくこずができる。「友」ず曞いお「ラむバル」ず読む。「少幎ゞャンプ」の王道です。
──You and Eiichiro Oda's "ONE PIECE" have been the two main pillars of "Shonen Jump." Were you aware of that?
Kishimoto: It would be strange not to be aware of it. It's a work that has been at the top of the same magazine for so long. Because of "One Piece," I've been able to work hard on "Naruto." I am grateful for its special existence. It's because we have rivals to compete with that we can elevate each other and grow. "Friend" is written as "rival." This is the essence of "Shonen Jump."
岞本さん: 䞭身はガキです。連茉を始めた歳の頃ずちっずも倉わっおない。「人気が萜ちお、い぀連茉が打ち切りになるだろう」ずビクビクする気持ちはさすがに枛ったけど、いいマンガ、面癜いマンガを描かなきゃず机に向かっおきただけ。それでそのたた幎たっちゃった。昚日、サプラむズで初代の担圓さんが花束もっお来おくれお、泣きそうになるのをガマンしたけど、䞀瞬で新人のころに戻っちゃう。『』を始める前、䞀緒にストヌリヌやキャラクタヌを考えおいたころに。あ、新しいアシスタントが入っおきお、小孊生から『』読んでたしたっお蚀われた時は自分のトシを感じたしたね。
40 years old: "I'm just a kid inside"
──You turned 40 on November 8th (yes, you were still 39 at the time of the interview). How do you feel?
Kishimoto: I'm still a kid inside. I haven't changed at all since I started my series at 25. The anxiety of "What if my popularity drops and my series gets canceled?" has lessened, but I just kept sitting at my desk thinking I had to draw a good manga, an interesting manga. And that's how 15 years flew by. Yesterday, my first editor surprised me with a bouquet of flowers, and I had to hold back tears, but it instantly took me back to my rookie days, back to when we were brainstorming stories and characters together before we started "NARUTO". Oh, a new assistant came in and said, "I've been reading "NARUTO" since I was in elementary school!" I felt how old I am.
岞本さん: か歳の、実家の瞁偎でコピヌ甚玙に適圓にナルトのキャラクタヌを描いおた自分に蚀っおあげたい。「そい぀、倧事にしろよ そい぀で幎も連茉するんだぞ」っお。
──If you could send a message to your younger self, what would it be?
Kishimoto: I want to tell my 23 or 24-year-old self, who was casually drawing Naruto characters on copy paper on the porch of my parents' house, "Take good care of that! You'll be serializing it for 15 years!"
きしもず・たさし 岡山県出身。
Kishimoto Masashi, from Okayama Prefecture.
In 1995, he won an honorable mention in the Hop☆Step Award for new manga artists with Karakuri. In 1997, he made his debut with the one-shot Naruto in the Akamaru Jump special edition. In 1999, he began serializing Naruto. Interview by Obara Atsushi Photography by Uchida Hikaru, Sato Masato Production by Uemura Shinya, Kobayashi Yoshinori, Sakuma Morita, Nakanishi Kyoko, Kanzaki Chihiro, Kimura Madoka
Please let me know any corrections/observations you have.
So this is the interview for the Asahi Shimbun special printed on page 31 of the newspaper. The translation for the second part of the special, the People Column is available here.
Thank you so much to Gatou's blog for archiving this interview in their blog because Asahi Shimbun had deleted the special from their website and I couldn't find full pictures of the printed edition, only the picture interviewer Ohara Atsushi posted on their twitter account on nov. 10 back in 2014.
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sarahjtv · 7 months ago
My Hero Academia Chapter 429 Spoiler Talk: The Penultimate Chapter
So here it is. The second to last chapter of My Hero Academia. Unless Horikoshi gives us a sequel series like Naruto: Shippuden, this and the next chapter is the last we'll get manga content about MHA. Well, at least until Horikoshi gives us another Ultra Analysis book or an art book with extra information. It's still hard to believe honestly. I don't know if I'll be able to accept that our beloved series is ending until it actually does. Let's see what Horikoshi-sensei gives us until then. Also, my health isn't 100% today, so I apologize if my writing sounds messy:
First off is our last Weekly Shonen Jump and Chapter color pages! They are absolutely beautiful celebrating both the 10th anniversary and My Hero Academia as a whole. Everyone is smiling and it's a wonderful sight to see. I won't show them here because I think they deserve to be seen with your own two eyes. Let's just say that I love them and I can't wait to get the HQ versions of them when the official release comes out. Just know that you can tell Horikoshi put a lot of love into these pages.
From here on out, I think I'm just going to talk about what I thought of the chapter because I'm not 100% down to type everything out tonight. Sorry about this:
I think the chapter was another solid one, though it somehow still doesn't feel like the series is ending yet for me.
I'm glad we got to see Ochako and Deku talk about not being able to save their respective villains because we all know how badly this was haunting them. Neither of them would have been able to move on and genuinely smile again until they got that all out to someone who understood. Thankfully, they have each other 💚💖. I'm also really glad Deku told Ochako she was his hero and let her take her hand. This is the closest we'll probably get to an actual romantic confession from either of them unless Horikoshi does something for them in the last chapter. The thing is, it works because this wasn't the time for a love confession. This was a time for two broken people to talk their trauma out and get reassurance from someone close to them.
Really sad to hear that Himiko Toga did die. Granted it was from Ochako's dialogue and we didn't see any panel with her body drawn, but we can really only take her word for it now. Horikoshi could absolutely pull a fast one on us and show a glimpse of her alive in the final chapter. However, I think it's safe to say that she is dead and that honestly sucks.
I love the slice-of-life panels we get of the rest of the kids and seeing Aizawa smile is beautiful! He's so proud of his kids 🥹.
Monoma getting a statue at the school and bragging about it is fucking hilarious 🀣! He honestly deserves it though because the whole world would've been dead if not for him. Deku better get a statue too or else I'm going to throw hands.
Eri excitedly singing at Aoyama's farewell party is the most wholesome thing I've seen in a very long time and I truly hope she achieves her dream someday 🀍! Make her the best idol in the world, Horikoshi!
Finally, there's that mysterious man we saw a few chapters ago. We still don't know his name, but we're told he was abused and abandoned by his family because he has a mutant Quirk similar to how Eri's Quirk in the sense that neither of their Quirks were inherited by their family's DNA. He looked like he was going to walk down a similar path as Tenko, but the old lady who first ignored Tenko many years back found this new man and finally offered him a hand thanks to Izuku's inspiration. This is sort of a redemption for the old lady. I know that she was a catalyst for why Tenko became who he became, but I think this is a start for her to start over at least. Thankfully, I think this man is going to be ok.
I remember reading the interviews Horikoshi did over the past week and one of the things he said he wanted to express was that even someone having your back is heroism. Someone who can do something so simple as reaching their hand out when someone is in need is a hero to that person. You can tell that that is what Horikoshi is telling us here. He also said that making us cry was an important part of the story too because it's how he wants us to connect with it, so I expect to shed tears next week.
So, yeah. That's the second to last chapter of the main My Hero Academia manga. It still doesn't feel real to me. The final page of the chapter left things open-ended, so I would not be surprised if we got a time skip of some sort in the final chapter. I honestly thought that Horikoshi was setting up one more villain for the kids to fight with that mysterious man, but it was wrapped up in a very simple yet poignant way. I will agree that it feels rushed and that there's something missing, but I can't pinpoint what. Horikoshi's been writing and drawing this manga for 10+ years at this point, so I can't entirely blame him for wanting to finish things up. However, I'm a little more nervous about him sticking the landing for the ending. While I think he can still do it, I've seen too many mangaka end their story on a bad note for one reason or another. Our best bet is that he revises or adds some things to make the chapter better in the volume version. I'm going to do my best to keep my optimism alive for the next few weeks.
I honestly can't begin to accurately predict how the manga will end. I could see it ending with the kids continuing their lives at UA, at graduation, or as pro-hero adults maybe with families of their own. Honestly, anything goes. Part of me wants to be here when the chapter might get leaked next Wednesday, but another part of me wants to wait until next Sunday for the official VIz release so I can read and cry together with everyone else. I think I am going to try to do the latter and then write some kind tribute to honor the series, but I may or may not be out of town next week, so I'll have to see about that.
One more chapter left.
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melancholy-queen26 · 1 year ago
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Been drafting this poem back in December (I think?). Would’ve been a perfect opportunity to post this poem for the 10th Anniversary of The Last: Naruto The Movie but can’t resist in posting it; consider this as a very early anniversary post 😁.
Poem is titled Distance
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themattress · 9 months ago
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Very rarely should a manga series last for over a decade and past 50 volumes.
I say this because we're at the point where My Hero Academia only has its final volume worth of chapters left to serialize, just in time for its 10th anniversary. And while I have many issues with how the final saga has unfolded, I will commend Horikoshi for his good sense of timing. For the most part, I feel like narrative-based manga that go for longer than 10 years and 50 volumes overstay their welcome. Skip Beat!, The Prince of Tennis, Case Closed, Inuyasha, Naruto, Bleach, Fairy Tail, and dear lord One Piece....manga such as these drag to the point where anything that might have attracted me to their stories in the first place is usually just straight-up gone by the time they hit that 50th volume that they aren't going to end with. I get that mangaka need to make money, but there has to be a limit for artistic integrity's sake!
But with that said, there are three ways for there to be an exception.
The first is obviously if there is no narrative drive or character development to the series. Gag manga like Crayon Shin-chan or a perpetual procedural series such as Golgo 13 qualify here.
The second is if the manga is generational, with different narratives and new protagonists over the years. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and Pokémon Adventures are textbook examples.
And the third is if it's Gintama.
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15 1/2 years and 77 volumes, yet it never felt fatiguing! How did Hideaki Sorachi do that!?
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silentwolfkills · 1 year ago
Naruto Timeline and Birthdays: Part 3:
Year 49:
(Land of Wind)
Note: Sari said to be 15 in 3rd Databook Character detail list in Chapter 280 when Chiyo Revived Gaara.
Note: Hiruzen has a Flashback of Iruka as kid, in Chapter 122.
Iruka has Flashback at his parent’s grave with Hiruzen a year after their deaths on their anniversary which is the 10th of Oct, in Chapter 139.
Note: 1st Fanbook Page 144, it’s said in Shinobi Training Grounds, Konoha Academy History: Half the Buildings Destroyed in Nine-Tailed Fox Attack, Rebuilt One Year Later.
Year 50:
(Land of Fire)
Koji, Daichi, Nobori, Matsuri,
Note: Koji said to be 10 in 1st Databook.
Note: Daichi said to be 10 in 1st Databook.
Note: Nobori said to be 10 in 1st Databook.
Note: Matsuri said to be 10 in 1st Databook.
Note: Itachi Shinden: Book of Bright Light Novel Chapter 1 Section 3, Itachi at 6 starts Academy and it's stated after 6 months of starting the Academy, Itachi's fame spread through the school, and he excelled to such an extent that some teachers and students said his level of talent had never been at the school, and given the fact that the 1st year classes had nothing to teach him, his teachers gave him special homework and tests, but he easily mastered it all, and his teachers threw up their hands in defeat, he was more than advanced enough for the Genin level, and so just over four months after he started school, his teachers unanimously agreed on his graduation after his 1st year, and the Leaf Village exhausted from the 3rd Ninja War and the 9 tails attack, urgently needed ninja because of the selected number of Students judged by their teachers to be particularly gifted could take the graduation exam without waiting for their full term to be up, if they passed the exam, they would then attend the graduation ceremony with the older students, and be assigned duties as Genin, and Naturally Itachi passed the graduation exam, it was Clone Techniques, something he mastered with the instructions he got from Shisui before he started the Academy, Itachi has 6 months of school left, his graduation had already been settled. Danzo tossed the white file onto his desk which says Itachi Uchiha with and picture of him attached to it and that the academy has never before witnessed such genius, and he completed the graduation examination 4 months after he commenced his studies, and he is scheduled to graduate in the Springtime of the next Year.
If Itachi started Academy at 6 and its stated when he's been in academy for 6 months and will graduate in 6 months in the Springtime of the next year and will graduate after his 1st Year, which means he started Academy at 6 in Springtime likely April like Japanese Schools and turned 7 in June.
Note: tachi Shinden: Book of Bright Light Novel Chapter 1 Section 3 it's stated Itachi's been in Academy for 3 months in Page 35, and in Page 38 it's said it had been Just over a year since they moved to the new compound, and in Page 39 it's said Shisui started to draw attention as a Genin being called Shisui of the body flicker.
Note: Sasuke playing with his toys and Itachi returns from Ninja Academy and Sasuke jumps into his arms and they go play hide and seek, in Chapter 402.
Note: Chapter 619 Hiruzen Flashback of Itachi at 7 and says he thought quite like a Hokage.
Note: Kabuto leaves Orphanage with Danzo at 9 after spending 3 years at Orphanage, in Chapter 583.
Note: Orochimaru leaves leaf after Hiruzen finds out about his inhuman experiment's, it's Stated in Itachi Shinden: Book of Dark Night Chapter 6 Section 7, that when Itachi joins the Akatsuki and meets Orochimaru that they last saw each other 9 years which Itachi kills clan at 12 Turning 13 that year so they last saw each other when Itachi was 4 when the 3rd ninja war ended and Itachi says Orochimaru left the village 6 years ago which Itachi was 7, it’s 2 years after the 4th Hokage Minato died, in Chapter 121-122 it shows flashback of 3rd Hokage Hiruzen and his anbu trying to stop Orochimaru and trying to capture him, which Orochimaru states in Chapter 121 in the Decade since I left the Village I've struggled. In Chapter 237, Flashback of Jiraiya trying to stop Orochimaru when he's trying to leave the village.
Chapter 116 lbiki Explains Why Orochimaru Left the Leaf Village and says Back in the Day, when They were selecting the 4th Hokage, Orochimaru Supposedly put Forth his Own Name for Consideration, Though Ultimately he wasn't Chosen, Shortly After that he Ran from the Village, Orochimaru Probably Resented the 3rd Hokage Hiruzen ever Since.
Note: 1st Fanbook Page 144, it’s said in Shinobi Training Grounds, Konoha Academy History: 10 Years Ago, Third Expansion.
Year 51:
(Land of Fire)
Mukai Kohinata Child, Hibari, Futaba,
(Land of Lightning)
(Land of Waves)
Note: Mukai Child said to be 3 in Itachi Shinden: Book of Bright Light Novel Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 122, Itachi was 11 and Mukai their father was 34.
Note: Hibari said to be 9 in 1st Databook.
Note: Futaba said to be 9 in 1st Databook.
Note: Ponta said to be 14 in 4th Databook Character detail list in chapter 468, he's Sabuchan's partner.
Note: Akane said to be 9 in 1st Databook.
Note: Itachi Shinden: Book of Bright Light Novel Chapter 1 Section 4, Itachi reads the scroll in a sonorous voice before slowly rolling it back up, and then he turned his gaze out over the sea of graduates and current students, guardians and teachers, below him, Valedictorian, Itachi Uchiha, his grades had all been nothing but perfect from the day he started school until his graduation, he a had passed the graduation exam in his 4 month at the school, although there had been some exceptional graduates during the urgent days of the Great War, such as Kakashi Hatake, Itachi was the Youngest Post-War graduate and Valedictorian, the Majority of the graduate’s were 12 years old, there were some who, like Itachi, had managed excellent grades and were younger graduate’s, but at 7, Itachi was indeed far too Young. Even if he did have the Grades the thinking, and the ninja skills far beyond his 7 years, there was concern that he was simply too immature to hold up before the other graduate’s and there was one more thing, there were complaints about the facts that Itachi had been born into the Uchiha clan, mainly from the teachers with lineages connected to the Senju Clan, in the end, however they bowed before his overwhelming abilities and grades, and the way he excelled in all things, despite the issues of his age and the prejudice towards the Uchiha’s , there could be no other valedictorian.
If Itachi started Academy at 6 and its stated when he’s been in academy for 6 months and will graduate in 6 months in the Springtime of the next year and will graduate after his 1st Year, which means he Graduated at 7 in Springtime likely in mid-late March like Japanese school which he would turn 8 in June and he started Academy at 6 in Springtime likely April like Japanese Schools and turned 7 in June.
It’s also stated in 1st Databook, 2nd Databook and 3rd Databook that he Graduated at 7.
Note: Itachi Shinden: Book of Bright Light Novel Chapter 2 Section 1, Itachi at 7 turning 8 joins Team 2/ Yuki with Tenma and Shinko which Yuki is their Squad Leader.
Note: Itachi Shinden: Book of Bright Light Novel Chapter 2 Section 2, Team 2/ Yuki on a their 1st mission and it was discovered that one of the vegetable peddlers who came and went from Konoha was a spy for Iwagakure and Team 2/ Yuki had been given the order to dispose of him, and so they left the village to find him, normally it was Anbu’s job to eliminate intelligence agents from enemy nations, but the Anbu were all currently busy with the certain urgent mission, not one member remained in the village, the attempted kidnapping of Hinata Hyuga.
Note: Flashback of Neji getting Curse Mark at 4, when Hinata turned 3, in Chapter 102-103.
Note: Hyuga incident happened when Hinata was 3, Flashbacks From Chapter 102 and 105.
Note: Itachi Shinden: Book of Bright Light Novel Chapter 2 Section 2, Hyuga incidnet with the head ninja of the Village of Kumogakure attempted to kidnap Hianata Hyuga, which shortly after Itachi goes with Fugaku to his regular meetings and Fugaku says Itachi his son is 7 and says although he has the Genin status required to take part in the these meeting, he is still very much a novice, due to his admittedly selfish desire to have him learn about the Clan status from a young age, he has been allowed to take part, he appreciates there understanding and bowed his head, in response the clan members sitting before him bowed their heads simultaneously and then picked up where they left last time, and discuss the issues of the submission of a written opinion to the Hoakge, with regard to the segregation of the Clan’s Compound.
Which Itachi should be 8 When the Hyuga Incident Happened because it happened on her 3rd birthday which her birthday is in December and Itachi would’ve turned 8 in June and he Graduated at 7 in Springtime so he would be 8 when he went to Uchiha meeting with Fugaku not 7.
Year 52:
(Land of Fire)
Konohamaru Sarutobi 30th Dec, Moegi Kazamatsuri 8th of June, Udon Ise 3rd of April,
(Land of Waves)
Inari 25th of Dec,
(Land of Lightning)
Notes: Konohamaru said to be 12 During 4th War in 4th Databook Page 101 and would turn 13, 2 months after after 4th war which took place in Oct.
Said to be 8 in 1st Databook.
Said to be 9 in 2nd Databook.
Said to be 12 in 3rd Databook.
Konohamaru Datacard / Ninja Encyclopaedia Entry 11 in Boruto Chapter 13.
Was in a Team with Udon and Moegi in Team Ebisu.
Ninja Number 012707.
Rank Jonin.
Note: Moegi said to be 8 in 1st Databook.
Said to be 12 in 4th Databook Character detail list so during 4th war she's 13.
Moegi Datacard / Ninja Encyclopaedia Entry 12 in Boruto Chapter 14.
Was in a Team with Konohamaru and Udon in Tema Ebisu.
Note: Udon said to be 8 in 1st Databook.
Said to be 12 in 4th Databook Character detail list so during 4th war he's 13.
Was in a Team with Konohamaru and Moegi in Tema Ebisu.
Note: Inari said to be 12 in 4th Databook but doesn't turn 13 until after the 4th Ninja war so he would be turning 13 after the 4th war ends.
Said to be 8 in 1st Databook.
Said in Kakashi Hiden Novel Prologue Page 19, that Inari is Supposedly 14.
Said in Chapter 11 by Tazuna that his Grandson is 10 years old while the 1st Databook contradicts that and 4th Databook backs up the 1st Databook.
Note: King said to be 13 in 4th Databook character detail list chapter 492 when Naruto arrives to Land of lightning Turtle Island.
Note: Flashback of Choji meeting Shikamaru and Shinta not letting Choji play ninja, in Chapter 190.
Note: Itachi Shinden: Book of Bright Light Novel Chapter 2 Section 3, it coming up a year since Itachi had Graduated from the Academy and Itachi turned 8 and his career as ninja was going smoothly, and haven’t been sent on any particular difficult missions, and looking back on his his year, the mission 1st accomplished after becoming a Genin, that of taking care of the Iwagakure spy, was maybe the hardest he’d been on, and his relationship with team mates was the same as always, Tenma still wouldn’t accept him, and Shinko flared up, annoyed with Tenma’s attitude, Yuki watched over them half in panic, and Itachi didn’t do anything special, but simply stood there on his own, he thought he was a bit of an unnatural, warped team but even so, do the same thing over and over for a year, and it became the norm, even if they were still unable to really open up with each other, they somehow managed to execute their missions without a fuss, and Itachi was satisfied with that, he had no intentions of hanging around for that long, instead of spending his precious time worrying about his teammates or his Jonin supervisor, he poured his heart into polishing his own skills, so naturally, he had mastered ninjutsu to the extent that missions went almost too smoothly, if he had one bone to pick, it would be the fact Yuki hadn’t recommended him for the Chunin Selection Exams that year, Ostensibly, this was because Tenma and Shinko still hadn’t reached the level where they could take the Chunin exams, participation in the Chunin exams was based on the three person Cell/ Squad, when Itachi learned of this he pressed Yuki about it, and normally whatever was said to him he doesn’t bother to react but just this once Yuki pushed back against Itachi forcefully, he insisted it was, simply impossible that year, with a look on his face that was said he wasn’t the least bit interested in what Itachi had to say, Itachi had no choice but to give up, but even if he wasn’t allowed to take Chunin exams, he could still be promoted directly to Chunin if the Village administration and the Jonin recommend it, and looking at Team 2/ Yuki’s results, it was immediately obvious just how much Itachi contributed to the team, it was a fact that his judgement surpassed that of even his supervising Jonin, and he had reached the highest level in everything from ninja arts to fighting techniques, all of which had allowed him to rescue his team from danger any number of times, which Itachi has the belief firmly in his heart that the administration will definitely say something and he pushed on with the mission before him each day.
Since the Lands have all relaxed now that the War is over, so travel between countries is much safer now, which is why they can assign this sort of mission to a Genin cantered team, and the team gets a document on their mission to guard the Daimyo of the Land of Fire, which the Land of Fire’s Daimyo visits the Leaf Village annually, which is a regular event and was extremely important to both sides, one that had been faithfully held, even during the Great War, Team 2/ Yuki had been assigned to guard the Fire Daimyo on his trip, which there will also be a 4 person Anbu team behind the scenes keeping an eye from the shadows, and before that even, the Daimyo has his own 12 Guardian Ninja, an independent corps made up of only the most skilled ninja in the land, so they are like a formality, the roads are quite safe since the end of the Great War, so the with Genin who distinguished themselves the most during the year is selected to guard the Daimyo, which the assignment is a great honour, Yuki says they’ll meet tomorrow morning at 4, at the A-un main gates and don’t be late, Next Day guarding the daimyo he says he knows he says this every year but Konoha is so far and around him were 2 of the 12 Guardian Ninjas and a dozen or so attendants, and itachi’s team 2/ Yuki, spread out in loose circle, a main road led from the Capital of Land of Fire to Konoha, they had already covered half the distance, and the village was just up ahead , and then Itachi said to Yuki, the Daimyo which the 2, 12 Guardian Ninja grabbed the the Daimyo from either side and lifted him into the palanquin, and the 4 members of team 2/ Yuki stepped out in front of the Daimyo’s party and spread out in a Diamond formation with Yuki at the tip, and the 4 started at the mask man with a bizarre mask that the surface was blunt orange with horizontal black stripes at uneven intervals, and a jet black hollow around the right eye which allowed the man to see, which Itachi;s instints telling him there was something ominous about this man, Yuki asked the masked man how did he get on the road when it’s closed, and the masked man used Genjutsu, Yuki has frozen in place, the Daimyo and his close aides, and the 2 Guardian Ninjas had also been caught in the Genjutsu, and Itachi avoided being caught in the Genjutsu and Tenma charged at the man as he ran he glanced at Itachi and said his speciality is Genjutsu and that he can’t get him with that technique and he thrust a kunai into his throat and his arm was sucked into the mans throat and shot out the back of his head, his arm passed right through his body and Tenam his body flew up into the air and the fulcrum was the masked man’s arm, which pierced Tenma’s body, this time it was no illusion, as proof blood gushed from the boy’s torso, flowing to the ground like a waterfall, Tenma convulsed in tiny seizures, but gradually grew quieter, until he finally stopped moving completely and the man forcefully shook the arm that penetrated Tenma, and the corpse slid off and hit the ground, Masked Man sensed the Chakra of Kakashi Hatake and the Masked Man was sucked into a hole and disappeared, as Itachi was dumbfounded 4 figures dropped down from the sky above, they wore animal masks, the Anbu, an elite group under the direct control of the Hokage, the shortest of the 4 a boy with grey hair in a fox mask asked Iatchi if he was all right and shook him by the shoulders and asked what happened, the other 3 were going around releasing the Daimyo and the others from the Genjutsu, Itachi started vacantly at the fox mask boy, Kakashi Hatake, the boy said how do you know that name, Itachi instinctively knew that the boy in front of him was Kakashi, even with a warmth of a blanket around his body, he couldn’t stop shaking, the mans attack felt like a memory of a distant day, but it had only happened a few hours earlier, given the urgent nature of the situation.
The Daimyo’s visit was postponed, and he returned that day to the Land of Fire, after hearing reports from the Anbu and Yuki, The Hokage and other village officials decided to have Itachi report in a few days, he was sent home immediately after he returned to the village, he didn’t feel like doing anything, he couldn’t muster an interest in even easting supper, he just lay there under his blankets, despite the fact that it was still early in the evening, even Sasuke was awake, Itachi wrapped himself alone in his blankets, and endured the incessant shaking, in his heart was a disappointment with himself, Tenam died, right in front of him, he was the only one who could have saved Tenma and yet, he hadn’t been able to do anything, Itachi could heard his parents talking which his fathers words pushed through the warmth of the blankets and pierced his heart, he was lacking and he was not good enough yet, he wanted more power to defeat that Masked Man and go beyond him, and go beyond anyone in this world and he felt something beneath his tightly closed eyelids something hot and throbbing, he felt a pounding at the nape of his neck, and then something hot like fire shot through his body and concentrated around pounding, before pouring into his eyes, Itachi Finally realised that the source of this blazing power was chakra, those born into the Uchiha Clan were cloaked in a chakra with fire attributes, but he never before in his life experienced this kind of heat from his chakra, still he managed to coolly asses what was occurring within his own body, eyes closed, he pushed the blankets off and sat up in his futon, before gradually opening his eyes, Awakening, the world was coloured in red, everything was different from the scene of only moments ago, on the other side of the sliding doors, 3 flames of different sizes flickered, the lives of his father, mother and Sasuke and he slowly lifted his lids again the world had returned to normal, the sharigan and Itachi remembered the Mask Man the eye in that small hole in the mask, he remembered 3 magatama floating in that red iris and he said the Masked Man won’t beat him next time.
it’s said Itachi is 8 but he’s 8 turning 9 that year, it said it was coming up a year since Itachi had Graduated from the Academy and had his 1st mission which he Graduated at 7 turning 8 that year, which it must be Springtime, near March if it’s coming up to be a year.
Itachi Shinden: Book of Bright Light Novel Chapter 2 Section 4, Itachi is on a Mission to secure the man and put the fear of the ninja in him that was their mission, he’s from Land of Fire that sneaked into Konoha and can’t misrepresent his history just because he wants to be a ninja and Yuki says Itachi is 9 and Itachi meets his 2 new squad mates, Tenma’s death forced Shinko to confront the reality of the callous nature of the world of ninja, breaking her spirit, so she resigned as a ninja and now works in a tea shop in the village, it had been just over 3 months since they started doing nothing but D -Rank Missions and was training himself to master the Sharigan through these sort of missions, the new girl on his team Himuka called Itachi master even though she was 4 years older than him, the other new teammate was a boy, it had been three months since he joined team 2/ Yuki, but Itachi has never once see him talk, his name was Yoji, and he was from the the Aburame Clan, but so far Itachi hasn’t seen him use insects.
Itachi and shisui train and had been sparring seriously for 3 hours or so, as a way for Itachi to vent his anger with is assignments, they had already gone 15 rounds, with breaks of about 3 minutes after each one, resulting in 6 wins for Itachi and 9 for Shisui only rule was no Sharigan, everything else fair game, Sharigan was off limits because the visual technique uses up large amount of chakra and they wanted to spar for as long as possible and then Shisui says regretfully you win, in the end they sparred 35 mintues and the result was 11 wins for Itachi , and 24 wins for Shisui, and Shisui says to Itachi he’s beyond Genin level already, and is his Chunin Exam being put off again this year, Itachi replied saying yeah and then Shisui asks Itachi about Izumi awkwardly changing the topic and Itachi turned wide eyes on him, and Shisui says its hard to figure out what you’re thinking, but he guess this at least, is pretty easy, Itachi says what do you mean, Shisui says go look in the mirror, a playful smile spreading across his face, Itachi says he doesn’t have an opinion on her either way, Shisui says yet the minute he said her name Izumi you looked like you had a pretty strong opinion, Itachi thought maybe Izumi was different but whatever his feelings for her were they didn’t seem romantic, he didn’t know either so he changed to subject to Shisui’s father, and Shisui said don’t change the subject with a grin, and then says his had lost the leg in the last Ninja war which was the 3rd Ninja War and he had fallen ill because of that injury, and he was currently the bedridden, Shisui lived alone with his mother and father, and was the family breadwinner, his father has gotten weaker lately and he’s stopped recognising him, and he’s ready for his death.
Danzo says he saw the line-up for this years Chunin Exam says to Hiruzen it seems that Itachi Uchiha is not on the list once more, it is a loss for the village to make someone with such promising future waste several years, Hirzuen frowned saying but he can’t take the exams without the recommendation of his supervising Jonin, which Yuki is below average among Jonin and Dazno says he’s likely jealous of Itachi’s abilities and says perhaps your unaware of this Hiruzen but he’s sent back several Genin more talented than himself back to academy he cant do that this time, because Itachi is obviously excels, the boy’s name is known through the village, Hiruzen sighs and says if Yuki won’t recommend him, then we can simply promote Itachi to Chunin though an official decision, Danzo says its better for the village to have him take the exams, the Chunin exams is a place where the official’s from all the countries come together in the same room, which is to say, it’s an opportunity to display the future fighting potential of each Land, if we demonstrate Itachi’s abelites there, it will enhance the threat our village poses to other countries, Itachi returns home to 4 year old Sasuke standing in the hallway and patted his head, the door slides open his father’s room, with a sour look on his afce and stood in front of Itachi and said Lord Hokage called him in today to talk about you, on the recommendation of village official’s, he wants you to take the Chunin exams next year, the other examines will be working in groups, naturally, this will put you in a difficult situation, Fugaku closed his eyes and lowered his face for a moment before lifting it again to look straight at Itachi and said but he told Lord Hokage that he would take part, and the village official’s recommended him directly, instead of his supervising Jonin, so make sure you do it right and apparently it was Danzo Shimura who pushed hard for him to take the Chunin exams.
Year 53:
(Land of Fire)
Hanabi Hyuga 27th of March, Mukai Kohinata Child, Hinoko/Soku,
(Land of Waves)
Note: Hanabi said to be 7 in 1st Databook, Hinata is 12 making her 5 years younger than Hinata.
Note: Mukai Child said to be 1 in Itachi Shinden: Book of Bright Light Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 122, When itachi was eleven and when Mukai their father was 34.
Note: Hinoko said to be 14 in Bland Period Shikamaru Hiden: A Cloud Drifting in Silent Darkness Novel Chapter 1 Section 5 and Chapter 2 Section 2, when Shikamaru is 19.
Note: Ageha said to be 7 in 1st Databook.
Note: it's stated in Naruto the last: Naruto the Movie novel prologue in page 11, when Naruto met hinata and saved her from bullies in March when it was snowing when they were preparing to enter the academy, which in Chapter 75 Kiba states Naruto has been in Academy for 3 years and he's normally always with Akamaru which Akamaru isn't born until Kiba's 9 so Naruto must be 8 which means Naruto was 4 turning 5 when he met Hinata and preparing to enter the academy.
Note: Itachi Shinden: Book of Bright Light Novel Chapter 3 Section 1, Itachi takes the first stage of the Chunin Exam which is a written test the questions are intended to be difficult for genin to answer so they have to cheat without being caught, but Itachi thought the written test was easy so and had seen at the start the point was to use ninja techniques to cheat without getting caught by the examiner’s and had confidence in his strength of his memory, ever since he was little he had read books in between bouts of training to develop his ninja techniques, that habit never changed when he started the academy, or after becoming a Genin, so he had all kinds of knowledge ticked away in his brain, like the history of the ninja continuing from the Sage of 6 Paths and Alliances, treaties, laws of uniformity among the different lands, Fundamentals, advanced techniques, practical strategies in fighting, Theory on physical ninja arts, kekkei genkai, Introduction to chakra, Tailed beast, ninja beasts, Overview of sage barriers and natural energy fundamentals, and many other documents, books, theses, Thus, there was no need for him to cheat. completes the test on his own, Itachi after finishing his test observes the other examines as one after another was ordered to leave, suspected of cheating which they were using there best techniques they were best at to cheat, everyone was his enemy so he studied their skills, he would be able to choose the most advantageous circumstances when they fought, Itachi was on his own while everyone else were in 3 man squads, obtaining information now on his enemies was an important fight for him, in order to turn the tables in an unfavourable situation.
Note: Itachi Shinden: Book of Bright Light Novel Chapter 3 Section 2, Itachi ends up getting the 2nd Highest Score in the written Exams History only beaten by Minato the record holder.
Note: Itachi Shinden: Book of Bright Light Novel Chapter 3 Section 1, Itachi takes the 2nd Exam same day as 1st exam which teams have 5 days to reach centre of Forest of Death with two scrolls in their possession which being the Earth scroll and the Heaven scroll and when Exam starts, Itachi at 2nd Exam before it starts encounters a team of 3 Mist ninjas, which the boy that looks 15-16 says not like you can surround the 3 of us, with a grin on his face, Itachi dropped his eyes to the scroll in his hand, another boy behind him shouted taking the chunin Exam by yourself is suicide, then a girl started laughing, the 3 of them were Mist ninja, the boy had the scroll that paired with the one Itachi has in his hand, the scroll had Earth written on it.
On the 1st day he was suddenly attack by the enemy the mist ninja before him, Rather than making the foolish move of searching for the matching scroll, Itachi was heading straight for the tower. Just like he wanted the Earth scroll, his opponents wanted the Heaven scroll. If he moved toward the tower, his opponent would certainly come to him. It was just as he planned, and the Mist Ninja have already confirmed that Itachi has the heaven scroll, he deliberately carried his scroll openly to lure in another team into attacking him as he went to the tower and these 3 mist ninja fell for his trap and he is confronted by a team of 3 Mist ninjas, one of the boys names is Kiruru and he takes their scroll and knocks them out so they won’t follow him and he completes the 2nd Exam in 5hrs and 37mins a new Record.
Note: Itachi Shinden: Book of Bright Light Novel Chapter 3 Section 1, the 3rd Exam is the Final Exam and is a one on one matches between participants and Itachi is scheduled to fight a Konoha ninja in his 1st match but his opponent withdraws rather than face him, his 2nd match is against Nemui Shunmino a Cloud ninja which his ability to fight while sleeping enables him to instinctively dodge all attacks and his eyes closed prevents genjutsu after several minutes Nemui briefly wakes up to see how the fight is going and Itachi quickly uses sharigan to show him visions of his own gruesome death which he repeats every time he wakes up to the point Nemui is too frightened to fall asleep and forfeits and his wails of fear frightened the audience to a degree leaving Danzo only to applaud Itachi’s victory.
Itachi Shinden: Bright Light Chapter 3 Section 2 Itachi was scheduled to have a final 3rd match but the Exam officials decide his performance up to this point has more than qualified from promotion to Chunin at 10 and the Uchiha’s celebrate at their next meeting and the other Uchiha’s suggest Itachi to join the police force, Fugaku was no intention of letting Itachi in the police force and instead wants to break tradition instead of Itachi joining the Police Force he wants him to join the Anbu.
Itachi makes his way home making an appearance at the Hokage residence to take care of his procedures for his Chunin promotion, he hears a girl say master Itachi and standing before him is a girl he had seen before, older than he was, the girl who had been his teammate until 6 months earlier, Himuka Suzukage and she congratulated him on his promotion, and he asked if she was still on the team with Yoji, she said he transferred somewhere else, the same time it was decided that Itachi would be taking the Chunin exam, Itachi thought something felt weird about this and what kind of transfer happens so suddenly, only one thing he could think of the Anbu, but Yoji just made Genin and Itachi couldn’t remember him ever doing anything vaguely amazing when they were in missions, Himuka says she’s working hard with master Yuki and the team has 2 new teammates.
Year 54:
Note: Itachi Shinden: Book of Bright Light Novel Chapter 3 Section 3, Danzo and Hiruzen talking about Itachi and how he became Chunin 5 months ago and has carried out his missions almost too perfectly, Even on missions using Genin, he has such a grasp on each of their areas of specialisation, and gives such impeccable orders, it's hard to believe he's only 12, the reports he sends in, too, are very nicely in order, strictly following the format, Danzo says so those 2 years as Genin were a loss to both Itachi and the Village, Hiruzen says better to think of it as necessary experience, Hiruzen says Fugaku head of the military force made an interesting proposal, he sounded out the idea of Itachi joining the Anbu, and Fugaku said to him Itachi want be able to use his abilities to the fullest in the Military Police Force and so he came to him about the boy joining the Anbu, both Homura and Koharu opposed on this they said it’s preposterous to have an Uchiha in the Anbu, given its status as a special unit under the direct control of the Hokage, they asked him if he’s forgotten about how the 2nd Hokage established the Military Police Force, the Military Police Force was created to drive the Uchiha clan away from the central functions of the village, Homura and Koharu, of the Konoha Council, they were also acquaintances of his since childhood, old people with no great talent who had not stood out in any way during the harder times of the fierce Great War, when so many of their comrades died, they had managed to live such long lives through luck alone, but they had the self-awareness at least to know that they should gratefully accept the honorary positions on the Council, they didn't have the power to push their own opinions through without leaning on someone with a bigger, more authoritative, voice, and then Danzo didn’t oppose on Itachi joining the Anbu, Fugaku's proposal was a godsend, right from the start, he had planned for Itachi to join the Anbu, whatever he had to do to make it happen, Itachi Uchiha was an essential element in fulfilling Danzo's ambitions, so much so, that Danzo feared that Fugaku would harden in suspicion when he recommended the Anbu, the fact that the proposal had come from that side was nothing other than a windfall, and Danzo says Itachi is the sort of ninja you see maybe once every hundred years even if he’s an Uchiha we cannot afford to not take this advantage of everything he has to offer the village, Hiruzen says if you approve, then he has no objections to Itachi joining the Anbu, either, To eliminate this rivalry between the village and the Uchiha’s, they need to first win over the hearts of the young people, bringing Itachi into the centre of village life should be a good opportunity for that, but Itachi’s 11 they need to see he’s ready for the Anbu, so a mission to join the Anbu, it’s been 5 months since he’s been Chunin Itachi was order to take a longish break of a week and Fugaku also told him to take a break from training with Shisui that week.
It’s said Itachi is 11 and only been Chunin For 5 months but he’s only 10 when he became Chunin and the Exams normally start about July time, so he should be 10 turning 11 that year.
Note: Itachi Shinden: Book of Bright Light Novel Chapter 3 Section 3 Page 115, Itachi having no other choice he was force to kill time with playing with 6 year old Sasuke and helping him with his training before he started the Academy, after Itachi had spent three days watching over Sasuke like this, his father told him to go out and talk with someone his own age, You're tired, take some time and enjoy this vacation, If you do, you'll stop saying things like that, Izumi ask’s Itachi does he wanna take a break over there and pointed at a tea shop ahead of them, and left the Clan compound and come into the center of the village, Itachi wasn't worried about what people would think seeing them together like this, he was taking a walk with a friend, there was nothing else to it, Two, please Izumi called out, and sat down on a long bench in front of the shop, where a scarlet carpet was laid out, Itachi sat beside her, and Shinko who works there says to Itachi it’s been ages and asked is that his girlfriend, Itachi says they’re friends, and Shinko says she bet she’s all disappointed now, teasing Itachi, and congratulated him on becoming Chunin, then someone was calling for her in the shop, she said right then, can’t be lazing about here, she’ll be back when she’s got there order sorted and she disappeared into the shop, Itachi said to Izumi you’re going to graduate this year right, she was 11, so her graduation was about a year early, it wasn’t as if she didn’t have talent herself, Izumi said that doesn’t count as talent you know, she noted sadly, Itachi asked Izumi why she wanted to be a ninja, she says her dad was a ninja, Itachi said is that the only reason, Izumi replied in declaration, and he caught a glimpse of her anger, in her black eyes beneath her eye lashes, he didn’t know what it meant, walking down the same path as the person you like, she stood up and looked back at Itachi to smile and tears were spilling out her eyes, she turned around and didn’t look back again, Shinko teased Itachi about making his girl cry, having come to stand behind him at some point.
It’s Said Izumi is 11 and she will be graduating this year which is a year early so Itachi would be 10 turning 11 since, the Academy Graduation is in Springtime Mid-late March which Itachi would turn 11 in June.
Note: Itachi Shinden: Book of Bright Light Novel Chapter 3 Section 4, Itachi listening to Danzo, they are in the living room of the man, the leader of an organisation separate from the Hokage’s Anbu, the Foundation, the organisation ruled over by Danzo, it had affiliation with the Anbu, but a different command structure, the Foundation was an elite squad that recruited the finest in the village when they were still children, and faithfully carried out its work in the Shadows, to maintain peace from the darkness in the village, Itachi himself had only learned all of this after Danzo summoned him here, the majority of people in the village weren’t even aware of this existence of the foundation, Danzo had been Hiruzen’s right hand man since they were young, and most people thought of this man as something like an administrative official, who managed the surface of the Anbu, Danzo's rooms were in the depths of the building at the foot of the mountain with the Hokage Monument-the faces of previous Hokage-carved into it, located due north of the village. On the surface, the building was for the storage of documents and materials related to administration. Most people normally never went anywhere near it, the back gates, where the members of the Anbu slipped out of the village on missions, were nearby, It was a shadowed place, no light hitting it, even at midday. And this particular room was in the center of this dark place, so dark that although it was past noon, large candles burned in the four corners. In the flickering flames, Danzo appeared bewitchingly otherworldly, a statue of the Buddha in the middle of the night. Danzo says so you agree to join the Anbu, Itachi says yes, Bit by bit, he was starting to see clear signposts on the path he must walk in order to remove war from this world. First, he would join the Anbu. He would distinguish himself there, and establish himself as a central figure in the village, After that, Hokage, He would become Hokage, and get rid the village's prejudice toward the Uchihas, and Itachi's dreams didn't stop there, Once he was Hokage, he would be able to meet regularly with people of influence from other places, If he worked together with ninja from other villages, he should be able to eliminate ninja rivalry, Ninja would disappear from the world, Once there were no more ninja, the daimyos would lose their means of making war. What lay beyond that was a world without war or fighting, For Itachi's dreams, the Anbu, and becoming Hokage, were nothing more than checkpoints, First, step number one: join the Anbu, He had no time for the opposition of the village officials or the members of the Anbu.
He intended to overcome all resistance, Danzo says An achievement is required to show us whether or not you are suitable for the Anbu, Itachi says a mission, Danzo says precisely and I have been out in charge of giving you that mission, which means it will be a dark mission, Danzo says There is a man in the Anbu, age 34, and we have seen great talent in him, from the time he was a child, This man came up the ranks through genin and chunin without incident, and joined the Anbu at the same time as he was promoted to Jonin, But he cut himself off, and the flames in the four corners flickered together, Recently, we learned he has been colluding with Kirigakure, and those from the Anbu do the utmost to keep the village from learning their affiliation, on the surface this man lives an average life as a Jonin, he has a wife and 2 Children, ages 3 and 1, and Other than the fact that he was linked to Kirigakure, this man is capable, a great ninja, trusted by the Hokage himself, and Danzo instructed Itachi to kill this man and that family or no, gifted ninja or not, a traitor is a traitor. Danzo says  is likely obvious at this point, but he was convinced that the place he belong is the Anbu, he was permitted one comrade on this mission, he leaves the selection of that person to him, Take whoever he trust the most, and then Itachi tells Shisui about his mission and Itachi said When Danzo told me to take someone he trusted he thought of him and Mukai Kohinata is their target and his family are distantly related to the Hyuga Clan but they branch of several generations earlier, and Shisui tells Itachi that he was of the Anbu when the Masked Man attack the Daimyo and he was definitely following his Anbu orders, and that Mukai is good at physical techniques, and that if you follow his bloodline back, he would reach the Hyuga Clan, one of the most distinguished families in Konoha and if you trace the origins of the Hyuga he would arrive at the founder of the ninja, the Sage of 6 Paths, and the Byakugan Kekkai Genkai was visual justu on par with the Sharigan, the Hyuga can see the path of chakra circulating in the body and seal chakra by severing that pathway in someone who had became an enemy, their vision was said to reach out in all directions, with no blind spots, Once the pathway was sealed, the Hyuga clan used physical techniques, Their physical jutsu, known as Gentle Fist, aligned the flow of the user's chakra with the chakra extant in all living creatures, allowing the user to deliver a series of blows based on circular defensive movements, destroying anything inside their opponent's body, such as internal organs. Gentle Fist was a secret of the Hyuga clan, but given that they were a branch family, it was no stretch to imagine that at least some knowledge of it had been passed down to the Kohinata’s, Itachi says will you come with me, Shisui says of course and bumped his fist against Itachi’s chest, you got no one else you can trust right, Shisui says he’ll be Jonin of the Village and Itachi be Anbu, neither of them will join in the Military Police Force, they’ll be able to look at the Clan objectively, Shisui believed that Itachi will be the one to break through the hostile between the village and Clan as the 1st Uchiha Hokage, Itachi dream of being Hokage he never told anyone, a dream he never spoken of to his one and only friend Shisui, he hadn’t told anyone because he was afraid it would vanish in a cloud of smoke if he said it out loud.
Note: Itachi Shinden: Book of Bright Light Novel Chapter 3 Section 5, Itachi and Sasuke playing Hide and Seek for Itachi it was a game, for Sasuke it was a serious contest and it’s stated Sasuke just turned 6 and would be entering the Academy soon in a few days, and he was full enthusiastic and he insisted to get a the tiniest bit stronger as a ninja before he started school, Itachi hadn’t even been given the chance to take his shoes off after his mission was over, before Sasuke was dragging him into the grove surrounding Naka Shrine, Sasuke, who had been whirling around in all directions, froze, and a single large shudder ran through his body, He had felt his brother's aura, The faint smile on Itachi's lips grew more distinct, It had been a minute flicker of chakra, the sort that an ordinary child definitely wouldn't have caught, But Sasuke had clearly sensed it, His talent as a ninja was unquestionable, he’s here, Sasuke, said to himself once more, Footfalls came straight at him, As they got closer, the pace changed to something more like bouncing, His brother's small feet stepped on the dry leaves as he advanced, and yet, his feet didn't make a sound, He could join the academy at that moment, and he could probably beat the older students, Found you Sasuke cried, shooting a finger out at the crouching Itachi, His little brother looked down at him, eyes glittering brightly with dreams and hope, Not quite, Itachi said, and disappeared in a puff of smoke, Shadow Clone, The real Itachi was above Sasuke's head, Itachi says to Sasuke they should go back and Sasuke says come on, one more hide and seek and Itachi says for give me Sasuke and poke’s his forehead, the 1st time he poked his forehead Sasuke was 3 years old.
Note: Itachi Shinden: Book of Bright Light Novel Chapter 3 Section 5, Itachi working with 3 ninja teammates on a mission for the 1st time, he only knew one of them his target Mukai Kohinata, his target of Danzo’s assassination order, one member of the mixed Jonin/ Chunin team led by Mukai had been Injured in a day off, so there was suddenly an opening on the mission, and Itachi had been hurriedly brought in to help out, Itachi saw Danzo's shadow behind the chain of events that led to the chunin's injury, and his own selection, He could only assume that Danzo had used one of his own men to injure the chunin, and then intentionally had Itachi take his place, There was no other way the team his assassination target led would suddenly have a vacancy, and he himself would be brought in to fill it, Without a doubt, this was a silent message from Danzo to carefully study Mukai's skills, as they carried out the mission together, It's my fault, I'm sorry, the chunin to Itachi's immediate right said to Mukai's back, flying in front of him, Forget it, Mukai replied briefly, and moved indifferently through the trees, It was supposed to be a simple infiltration mission, Konoha had gotten a hold of the information that Sunagakure and Kirigakure were secretly trying to form a military alliance, In the event that Suna and Kiri went to war with the other villages, whatever the reason, they would be allies, In this time of peace, they would agree on the same hypothetical enemy, and cooperate to bring about the fall of the target village, A secret agreement, with the condition of war, The current peace was more or less maintained through the ninja villages, with each of the five great nations keeping each other in check, If two countries covertly joined hands and started to move toward a single fixed enemy, the peace would immediately crumble, and the days of war would return, To avoid this, Konoha absolutely had to prevent the secret treaty from being signed, Having learned that a Kirigakure representative would visit Sunagakure, Konohagakure ordered Mukai and his team to do reconnaissance on the meeting, They were to carefully investigate the details of the agreement, and report back. That was the whole mission, As long as the enemy didn't notice them, it was in no way difficult, Or at least, it shouldn't have been, Itachi and the others snuck into the residence of the 4th Kazekage, and watched over the meeting from the shadows, It ended with Suna and Kiri basically comparing their positions and making small moves toward each other, and Itachi's team moved to leave Sunagakure. But there, an unforeseen situation occurred, One of the chunin on their team was caught in a trap designed for intruders, Without a look back, the four started running, and now, they were somehow trying to escape their pursuers, The border's up ahead, Mukai noted, Now that they know Konoha knows about the secret agreement, the two countries can't move forward with things carelessly, The fact that we were found out is good for that, at least, he remarked to the chunin who had been fretting the whole time about being caught in the trap, The world opened up ahead of Itachi, They came out onto the plains and dropped from the trees to the ground, If they just kept running all the way to the border, they would definitely figure something out, Itachi stopped and turned around, Mukai was staring at the woods they had just slipped out of, He put a hand in his pocket, pulled out a cigarette, and lit the end of it, What are you doing, Itachi said, Ignoring Itachi, Mukai pulled a golden bottle from the back pocket of his trousers and brought it to his mouth, The sweet scent carried to Itachi by the wind told him that the bottle contained sake, Well, you just watch there, Mukai said, without looking back at Itachi, cigarette smouldering, The wild wind carried away the purple smoke, Even a village like Sunagakure, the majority of which was covered in sand, had a great deal of greenery near the border, Young grass stroked Mukai's legs as he braced himself,
We've already been found out, They're not going to let us get home unscathed, and He looked at Itachi over his shoulder, We do happen to have the famed Itachi Uchiha here with us, he’d like him to see what he can do, you know, Here they come, Mukai said, as several human forms danced out of the woods, There were more than twenty of them, Their pursuers quickly spotted Itachi and the others and formed a ring around them, Best not to touch them, Mukai put out his cigarette in a portable ashtray, and gulped back some sake, So you give up and resign yourselves, then, one of their pursuers said, The mark carved into his forehead protector was that of Sunagakure, You got some nerve, standing there drinking at a time like this, an enemy ninja remarked, Mukai says he’s got a weakness for alcohol and tobacco, It's how he get’s himself all psyched up before a fight, Their pursuers leapt at Mukai, Some shinobi turned toward Itachi and the rest of his team, With no other choice, Itachi braced himself, when his chunin teammates grabbed his shoulders and leapt up, Just don't get in the boss's way, the older chunin said, as they flew over the heads of their pursuers and escaped the circle, Mukai noticed that some pursuers were leaping up to follow them, Your fight's with me, He launched an incredibly fast kick that exploded in the stomach of an enemy flying up after Itachi and the others, Without so much as a cry, the man hit the ground and lost consciousness, Mukai dropped back down to earth, So, let's get started then, His chakra swelled up suddenly, His left pupil disappeared, and concentric circles radiated out from his eyelids, Byakugan, The kekkei genkai only passed down through the Hyuga clan, Shisui had said it was unthinkable that any Kohinata would have the Byakugan, given that their family had split off however many generations ago from the main Hyuga clan, But that impossible thing was happening at that moment, before his very eyes, Don't usually show this off, but today's special, Mukai said to their pursuers, and his eyes caught sight of Itachi for an instant, One person, one blow, Once Mukai had struck twenty or so times, only the enemy leader remained standing, then used Eight Trigrams Two Palms, Mukai placed his palm on the man's stomach, and launched two blows in succession, Eight Trigrams Four Palms, Four blows, The man opened his eyes wide in fear, Eight Trigrams Eight Palms, Eight blows, Blood shot out of the enemy's mouth, Eight Trigrams Sixteen Palms, Mukai's palms hit the enemy sixteen times, from his face to his legs, The man danced up lightly into the air like a dead leaf blown away by a strong wind, but there was already no light of consciousness in his eyes, it all happened in a blink of an eye, Mukai tucked his cigarette butt into his ashtray more than twenty Sunagakure shinobi sprawled out on the ground around him, As he walked leisurely toward Itachi, his left eye regained its light once more, It's what you call a throwback, he noted, The main family and the branch families might be separate in theory, but you can't separate the blood, If the element's in there, it'll show up on the surface like this, Don't run around telling people, He rested a hand on Itachi's head, and the boy shook his head to shake it off, Itachi and Shisui were going to kill this man by them selves which seems, it was shaping to be a difficult mission.
Fugaku says he has something to tell his Clan at the Shrine today, and tells them, Itachi’s Anbu entry is at hand, an Uchiha will join the Anbu, and is the most favourable opportunity they’ve ever had, taking advantage of Itachi’s entry into the Anbu, they will move towards a Coup d’état, the true objective of Itachi joining the Anbu is to investigate the particular of the situation in the village, and report back to them.
Note: Itachi Shinden Book of Dark Night Novel Chapter 4 Section 1, Mukai would be taking the following day off, his 1st in a month, once Itachi learned of this, fact from Danzo, he hardened his resolve, the arrangements were made soon, and Itachi and Shisui who was to accompany him, had their duties schedules changed, through Danzo’s agency, Itachi was going to kill a ninja living in his own village the following day.
Note: Sasuke is training with Itachi and Itachi says he has an important mission tomorrow which he has to study and Sasuke says he's a liar and gets Hurt and Itachi carry's him and says he's going start getting assigned missions and that Sasuke will start Academy tomorrow, in Chapter 220, 402, Itachi Shinden: Book of Dark Night Novel Chapter 4 Section 1.
Note: Itachi Shinden: Book of Dark Night Novel Chapter 4 Section 2, The three ninjas stood looking at each other, surrounded by more than ten Kirigakure ninja sprawled out on the ground, unconscious, They had all been defeated by Itachi and Shisui alone, Surrender quietly, Mukai Kohinata, Shisui said, from beside Itachi, The comma-shaped marks of the sharingan had already popped up in his eyes, The Hokage is lenient on those who turn themselves in, He probably won't kill him, and Mukai actives Byakugan, and they fight, Inside the domain of the Land of Fire, three or so hours to the north of Konohagakure, the three ninjas were fighting in a small basin surrounded by slightly elevated mountains, Not a single blade of grass grew on the rocky mountains, and there were any number of places for a lone person to hide, Itachi had slipped behind a convenient rock, and was watching over the other two as they fought, It had only been his Shadow Clone up against Mukai, Itachi hadn't moved from this place since the fight started, Just barely dodging Mukai's left thrust, Shisui threw his torso back, Given the perfect opportunity, Mukai pressed in on the younger man.
Shisui leapt backward, as if in flight, In that instant, Mukai's face was turned toward the rock Itachi was hiding behind, But their optical axes still had not intersected, Mukai turned his gaze toward Shisui as he landed, and then abruptly averted his eyes, The sharingan had been activated, Naturally, Shisui's sharingan had been a feint, The place toward which Mukai had turned his face was in the exact direction of the rock concealing Itachi, Itachi's gaze, his mind sharply focused on his enemy, and Mukai's gaze, unconsciously taking Itachi in, intersected, Or they should have, When they were a hair's breadth apart, Mukai kicked suddenly at the ground and flew upward, An incredible leap, When he landed, he kicked at another rock, and bounded into the sky again, Itachi's hiding spot had been found out, Mukai dodged Shisui’s kick and grabs Shisui’s neck lifting the sturdy body of the young man with one arm, being strangled like that Shisui struggled frantically, but the 5 fingers that snuck into his throat simply would not peel away, Itachi calls Mukai’s name and take a step forward, Mukai says do you want me to kill him, and Itachi keep moving towards Mukai which, he tightened his grip on Shisui’s throat and was going to crush Shisui’s Adam’s apple, Itachi shouted stop and activated Sharigan, Mukai says that won’t work on him, as he turned his face away from Itachi, before his eyes was Itachi’s friends face, the Mangekyo Sharigan/ MS, Shisui muttered, the eyes of Itachi’s friend now crimson took a shape unlike any other sharigan Itachi had ever seen, Most likely, the intersection of the gazes of Shisui and Mukai had lasted less than a thousandth of a second, For a normal sharingan, the user couldn't be certain of capturing his opponent in a moment that short, Shisui had not missed that fleeting instant, Mukai had definitely been ensnared in the genjutsu, Mukai, Shisui shouted, dumbfounded, the hand around his throat releasing him at last, Before his eyes, Mukai fell, a spray of blood shooting from his stomach, Mukai had cut his own stomach, The instant Shisui's sharingan had been activated, Mukai had stiffened slightly, and pulled a kunai from his pocket to slash a cross into his own belly, Hold on, Mukai, Shisui shouted, crouching down to cradle the ninja's head, he’s a spy for another village, Any interference with his brain, and a jutsu that makes him end his own life is executed, he can't save him, Mukai coughed, and blood spilled out of his mouth, he’s never seen anyone caught in a genjutsu in that short a time before, What the hell was that, Shisui didn’t answer, Itachi says to Mukai, Do you have anything you want to say, Mukai says so, this is where they’re at, he did what he did on his own, his wife and kid had nothing to do with it, So, he’s saying the crime of treason was his alone, Totally selfish, but, well, With a trembling hand, Mukai groped for something in his pocket, Itachi pushed aside Mukai’s fingers and pulled out an object he was fumbling for, he grabbed a charge from his package, and put it between Mukai’s lips, and Shisui pulled out the lighter from Mukai’s pocket and held the flame to the end of the cigarette Mukai took a long drag, letting smoke flow down the bottom of his lungs, before exhaling the smoke as though relating the taste, and says this is how a ninja dies you know, he will be waiting for him over there and his hand drops and his cigarette still between his fingers, he stopped moving, Shisui says it’s over, Shisui then asked Itachi could he keep quiet about his sharigan, the say the Mangekyo Shrigan, and showed it once again and says when the time comes I’ll tell you everything, just you, everything.
If Itachi’s an Anbu entry mission is same day as Itachi’s Ninja Academy Entry it means it’s April like when Japanese schools start, so Either Itachi was promoted to Anbu at 10 just before Turning 11, or he was promoted 2 months after when he turned 11.
Sasuke starts Academy when Itachi is 11 and gets his 1st Anbu assignment to see if he has what it takes to be accepted into the Anbu.
Sasuke starts Academy when Itachi is 11 and gets his 1st Anbu assignment to see if he has what it takes to be accepted into the Anbu.
If Itachi’s an Anbu entry mission is same day as Itachi’s Ninja Academy Entry it means it’s April like when Japanese schools start, so Either Itachi was promoted to Anbu at 10 just before Turning 11, or he was promoted 2 months after when he turned 11.
Note: Flashback of Sasuke Entering the Ninja Academy, in Chapter 221.
Note: Itachi Shinden: Book of Dark Night Novel Chapter 4 Section 3, Itachi in Danzo’s room of the Foundation, talking about team Ro which Kakashi Hatake is Team Leader of, Danzo prepares a transfer celebration for Itachi and that the Anbu in the Tiger Mask in the Room with him will also be on loan to Team Ro, Although Danzo's Foundation was also a part of the Anbu, it had a different chain of command and leadership from the Anbu, which was under the direct control of the third Hokage, the two organizations were completely separate, Itachi had heard that because of this, they didn't regularly exchange information or personnel, Danzo says Don't worry, he naturally obtained Hiruzen's permission, the Anbu in the White Tiger Mask says to Itachi, Nice to meet him, his name is Surgaru, he had a serious illness in his throat when he was young, and he hasn’t been able to speak that well since, Danzo says to Itachi you can use this man as your hands and feet and Itachi says hands and feet, Surgaru says yes he’s a member of Danzo’s foundation, Danzo’s orders are absolute if he’s order to be his hands and feet he’s prepared to give his life for him, even if Itachi is younger than him, he noted with a deadpan look that’s implied sarcasm, Danzo says Surgaru is to be a loan to Team Ro and the Team leader Jakashi doesn’t know about this and he needn’t even be aware of him, but will always be keeping him safe, Itachi says Keeping me safe, Are you saying that someone is targeting me, Danzo says The first Uchiha Anbu, a mere eleven years old, That position's plenty to inspire prejudice and jealousy, Itachi joins Team Ro, after finishing his report to Danzo, Itachi and joined the Anbu without incident and was in a small park in the Clan compound in the evening and at the Entrance of the compound he ran into Izumi, on her way home from a mission, without either of them inviting the other, they naturally turned to the park, Izumi got on a swing while Itachi got on a bench, Izumi says sorry about that time, Itachi says that time, Izumi says at the tea shop, and she apologised about getting mad and flying out the tea shop, he hadn’t talked just the two of them since then, and all kind of this happened since then o Itachi had completely forgotten about it, and Itachi said he should apologise, he didn’t think it would bother her that much, Itachi asked how her mission was, she said no big deal compared with him, and that they just use her however and she’s handy and taking care of the Fire Daimyo’s wife’s pets, or help the Land of Fire admin to a new office and stuff, Itachi was relieved she wasn’t on any dangerous mission, and tried not to show it, Izumi says she heard he joined the Anbu, everyone in the compound knows, The village also wished that the ninjas who belonged to it would not make themselves known, to the extent that that was possible, and yet, Itachi's posting to the Anbu was already spreading throughout the compound, The idea that this showed the strength of the solidarity of the clan was a nice one, but was it really all right for so much information to be leaked, The clan were so quick to mention a coup-d'état, Izumi says she’s scared and feels Itachi going further and further away, and rest her head in his chest asking to stay there longer, Itachi waited for her to calm down, and she says we’re 11 years old, but Itachi, you’re already, where are you going Itachi, Itachi said am not going anywhere, and was about to say probably but swallowed that last word.
Note: Itachi Shinden: Book of Dark Night Novel Chapter 4 Section 4, Itachi and the man in the Fox Mask Kakashi, Guarding the Hokage, Kakashi says because they are Anbu doesn’t means it’s all dangerous missions, Guarding the Hokage is a legitimate mission too, Itachi says he knows that, Kakashi was Anbu leader of Team Ro and Itachi’s direct supervisor, although he was still young, at 20 years old, and had already been a member of the village’s elite Anbu for 8 years, he was talented and the Hokage trusted him implicitly, Kakashi was a good supervisor, carefully considering the feelings of his young new subordinate,
Friend-killer, The phrase of choice for people looking to badmouth Kakashi. Itachi had heard it any number of times since he joined the Anbu, However, every time, it had been from someone older than Kakashi satisfied, with their subordinates, It was nothing more than an insult stemming from annoyance or jealousy, If it was to complete the mission, Team Leader Kakashi would even kill his friends, The faces of those uttering this ugly abuse were always mean.
But on a day-to-day basis, Itachi had never heard a single world against their comrades from Kakashi, In fact, it was actually notable how careful he was to pay his respect to the bonds he shared with them, At that very moment, Kakashi was being extra attentive to Itachi, who had only just joined the Anbu, he was intently searching for a way to start a conversation, Kakashi asked Itachi if he remembers the basic tactic of the Anbu, Itachi says he has the basics in his head, Kakashi says no surprise there, there clearly a reason why they called him a prodigy when he came to the Academy, Itachi says I don’t know if the Youngest Graduate can really say anything here, Kakashi says when he graduated it was in the middle of the Great War, and they needed ninjas, the situations different now, now that Kakashi mentioned it the current system at the academy was different from how it had been when Itachi graduated, the Great War and its after effects still lingered when he Graduated, because of that, once his actual abilities were recognised, he was skipped ahead, leading to his early graduation, but now is a time of peace, the Hokage was determined that ninjas must be carefully cultivated over a number of years an it was no longer possible to graduate in short time, as it had been, in the past, thus no matter how talent Sasuke was, he couldn’t become a ninja, until he was 11 years old, Kakashi says he’ll be fine and hopes that the Anbu will be a place of pride for him.
Itachi at the main building of the Shrine now that Izumi was Genin she will be attending the Meetings too, since she was the same age he was, Fugaku says it has been officially decided that his Son Itachi will join the Anbu, he has already began to carry out missions as a member, and now they have a pipeline connecting there Clan with the centre of the village, no longer will they simply receive from the village, they will also actively investigate, themselves, Fugaku asks Itachi has he noticed anything joining the Anbu, Itachi says it is a fact that the people of the village are wary of the Uchiha clan, and do not think well of them, but that said, he doesn’t feel any active hatred, no persecution of the clan, At best, he believe’s their feelings are the sort of worries and jealousies that anyone has, Fugaku says This worry and jealousy you mention can come together, and be twisted into a bigger emotion, and Itachi says If you add on backward predictions like that, anything can be reduced to a negative phenomenon, Fugaku says hey Itachi, You're really siding with the village here, aren't you, Whose ally are you anyway, the village's, or the clan's, Maybe your judgment's a bit dull after joining the Anbu, getting a little full of yourself, Itachi says It's better not to force things into a framework with words, Yashiro says what, enemy, ally, If you differentiate between things with the tool of words, you lose sight of the true situation, You're forced to step into places you shouldn't, he doesn’t have time for this incomprehensible back and forth, Whose ally is he, Itachi Uchiha, Itachi says it’s obvious isn’t it he’s a member of the Uchiha clan, after meeting Shisui asks to talk to Itachi for a minute and says he understands how he feels, and tells him Yashiro’s the leader of the group and pushing for a coup, to that man all the people of the village are enemies, Shisui says since it looked like he was going into the Anbu, he did some manoeuvring himself and takes directly to the Hokage and obtained the authority to independently investigate the true state of the affairs in the Clan, and that he’s been taken off his regular duties o make sure the Clan doesn’t get any more, riled up their dissatisfaction is going to explode, The Hokage promised that he could act at his own discretion to prevent that, and gave me a position in the Anbu, But that's just in name only, In the end, he reports directly to the Hokage, so Itachi’s dad and the others don't know about him joining the Anbu, Even inside, only a few people know, and hasn’t said anything about the coup, they’re gonna keep fighting to stop the clan from exploding, Itachi from inside the Anbu, and him as a ninja, reporting directly to the Lord Hokage, No matter what happens, he’ll never forget his promise with him, Shisui thrust a fist out, Itachi stuck his own out to touch it, Above all else, they have make them stop with the coup at least, Shisui says firmly and Itachi nodded in agreement.
Note: Itachi Shinden: Book of Dark Night Novel Chapter 4 Section 5, Itachi didn’t want to believe what he saw before his eyes, in a windowless room, in the basement of the building given to the Anbu, monitors were crowded together, their screens full of sights familiar to Itachi, the 9 Tails incident, The village officials suspected Uchiha involvement, Kakashi remarked, standing beside him, Itachi listened, staring at the monitors, Not satisfied with just isolating the Clan compound on the edge of the village, they started monitoring everything in the compound, 24/7, There was no way he could tell the Clan, If they found out that every corner of the compound was being monitored 24 hours a day, the rage his father and the others felt would become even more intense, It would simply add ample fuel to the fire for those who were clamoring for a coup, Itachi had been sent to the Anbu by his father as a spy to investigate the true, state of affairs in the village, If he were to faithfully fulfill that role, he should report this fact to the clan immediately, The moment he abandoned the idea of telling them, he abandoned the idea that he was a clan spy, from now on he’s going to be monitoring his Clan there all day, Itachi says you’re telling me to watch my Clan comrades, Kou the man in the Monkey mask says Whether they're his Clan comrades or not, a mission is a mission, his Clan drew in 9 Tails, So they're being monitored, Accept reality, newbie, Kou’s colleague in the Cat mask says Kou’s sister was killed in 9 tails attack so he doesn’t have the best impression of the Uchiha Clan, Kakashi says don’t involve your personal feelings in a mission, and Itachi and Sugaru took over monitoring the monitor and Kou and the Cat mask Anbu left, it had been just over 4 hrs since Kakashi left and time Itachi and Sugaru haven’t said a word, At one of these momentary fragments, he felt the faintest sense that something was off, and he stopped his hand, The composition he expected, from the gates of Naka Shrine, The stone paving of the path stretched straight out from the stone gates to the main building of the shrine, But the space precisely in the middle, between the gates and the main building, looked slightly twisted to Itachi's eyes, Just for a fraction of a second, The scene in the monitor had already regained its stillness, It had been a faint disturbance that Sugaru most likely hadn't noticed, If anyone else had seen it, they would no doubt have thought it was simply the wind shaking the camera, But Itachi had seen that disturbance before, The scene near the center of the stone paving had been disturbed by a vortex centered on one point, Almost like the surrounding space was being sucked into that point.
The man in the mask, The phenomenon shown on the monitor was exactly the same as the jutsu the man in the mask had used when he escaped after he attacked Itachi and his team, during the mission to guard the daimyo of the Land of Fire, Why would that man, Itachi muttered carelessly, before he noticed Sugaru's presence, and regretted it, But Sugaru's attention was focused on the monitor before him, and Itachi was sure the masked man’s right eye was a sharigan, which means he’s an Uchiha, Over 3 years had passed since that incident, From time to time, the scene of his teammate's death would come back to life in his mind, Tenma lost his life, an almost unsightly terror plastered on his face, looking as though he had no idea what was actually happening, Itachi had been astonished at the overwhelming difference in power that existed between himself and the man in the mask, He had despaired at his own powerlessness, and ended up activating his own sharingan, All of which meant that the man in the mask was the man who had awakened Itachi as a true Uchiha ninja, The murderer of his colleague, and yet, a person he was indebted to, He felt a strange connection with the man in the mask, Over the last 3 years, Itachi had wondered any number of times about the man's true identity, and Itachi think of who it could be, he narrowed it down to The first possibility was that a member of the Uchiha clan thought to have died in the Great War had survived, and become the man in the mask, It was a general rule that if a member of the Uchiha clan died in battle, their sharingan would be brought, home by another ninja. So, the man couldn't have stolen it from a corpse, In which case, it made sense to assume that someone thought to have died was alive, and coming to the compound with his sharingan still in his possession, The second possibility was that the man in the mask was someone who had broken away from the Uchiha clan, This was less likely than the first option, Because since the founding of Konoha, only one person had ever broken away from the clan and left the village, Uchiha Madara, The man who founded Konohagakure together with Hashirama of the Senju clan. He had left the village, and was said to have died in battle with Hashirama in a place called the Valley of the End, It wasn't possible for someone who had died to be alive, At this point, Itachi should have abandoned this second option, But for some reason, he couldn't completely put it aside, He had felt the man's overwhelming chakra, his powerful presence, for himself, and it had been stronger than that of any ninja Itachi had encountered up to that point, If a ninja like that had died in battle, then it should have gone down in history, However, nowhere in the records of the great battles of the past was the death of such a capable Uchiha ninja verified, In which case, Itachi could consider the idea that Madara was alive, Sugaru tells Itachi its time to switch shifts.
Itachi Shinden: Book of Dark Night Novel Chapter 4 Section 6, about 2 months have passed since Itachi has joined the Anbu, but his monotonous days continued unchanged, His main duties were guarding the Hokage's office and practicing with his comrades, he still hadn't been given any missions that would expose his life to danger, he couldn't exactly say the village was at peace if they were out on assassinations and dangerous missions all the time, The fact that they’ve got nothing to do is proof of peace, Kakashi had said, and laughed easily, and yet Itachi wondered If the village was supposed to be at peace, then why was his heart in such turmoil, Why did he feel like things were so urgent, Because of his clan, In the shadow of the tranquility of the village, the Uchiha brethren were seeking chaos, This was the main cause of the disquiet in Itachi's heart,
Whatever happened, he had to at least prevent a coup, But he couldn't come up with a concrete plan to do that, He had said he would move with Shisui, but the two of them could stand side by side with their arms spread out, and they still wouldn't be able to completely hold back the clan's eagerness for destruction, The fact that he couldn't find a way to break this deadlock had Itachi panicked.
Itachi on his way home from work, the little park ahead of him. It was already late in the day, evening. The sun had long ago slid off to the west, and a gloom was descending on the area.
A boy, likely the one who laughed, was standing on a swing, staring out at three human shadows running off, Probably his friends, the boy on the swing shouted, you guys don't have a chance against the great Naruto Uzumaki here, There was no one in the village who did not know Naruto Uzumaki, The boy before him had been involved in the 9 Tails incident that had terrified the people of the village, The child with the 9 Tails inside him, When he walked along the road, everyone lowered their voices, There was only one person who did not know that the 9 Tails lived within his body, That was Naruto himself, He was unaware of the calamity in the village, it was sealed up in his body, and he lived with people in fear of him, Naruto couldn't understand why people persecuted him, and both of his parents were already gone from this world, He had no one to shower him with unconditional love, Itachi turned his feet toward the park, He advanced quietly toward the swing with the boy, moving weakly back and forth, He sat down beside Naruto, whose face was turned to the ground, Naruto nearly fell off his swing when he noticed Itachi in surprise, Naruto says who are you, Itachi says who he is doesn’t matter, Naruto says his mother told him not to talk to strangers, Itachi says she’s gone though, and Naruto smiled with his right arm up to the back of his head saying so you know that, is he that famous, Itachi said in a sense, and says his friends ran off, Naruto says they don’t get his pranks and aren’t his pals and it was like he was trying desperately to act cheerful so that his loneliness wouldn't be seen, Everyone knew Naruto's true self, For the village, the Nine Tails incident had left a scar deeper than any other, Suspected of having controlled the Nine Tails, the Uchiha clan was also still trapped under that cloud, Itachi himself had been slandered more times than he could remember because of it, There was probably not a single person in the village willing to have any meaningful contact with the boy who housed the source of that trauma in his body, In other words, Naruto was the greatest victim of the 9 Tails incident, Itachi didn't know how the Nine Tails came to be sealed in the boy's body, But he thought that anyone who would seal the embodiment of disaster in a baby was not in their right mind, Perhaps they hadn't considered how the child would be persecuted, The details of the Nine Tails incident were a closely guarded secret in the village, The truth was hidden in darkness, and only Naruto was left, Naruto was one part of the darkness of the village, The village had been built sacrificing people like Naruto, The village officials had sealed the disaster in Naruto, and directed the dissatisfaction of the people somewhere else with their persecution of the Uchiha clan, in order to skillfully keep the village running, Itachi said It's probably time for you to be getting home, Naruto says he can go home, but it's not like there's anyone there, Naruto's mouth twisting downward, he put on a show of being tough, Itachi says then I’ll go home, Naruto says what and cried in exaggerated surprise when Itachi stood up, Itachi said keep fighting, But Naruto seemed happy, and chuckled to himself as he rubbed his nose with a finger, and then he leapt forcefully off the swing, stood tall, and pointed his index finger at Itachi, My name's Naruto Uzumaki, he’s gonna be Hokage someday, Itachi felt a flame blaze in his heart even if he carried the burden of the village’s darkness, his boy wasn’t giving up on his own destiny, not resenting the village, not hating people, he believed in his own dream, honestly and wholeheartedly, Itachi says he hope he is, Naruto says he’s totally going to be Hokage, Remember him 'til then.
Danzo called in Itachi next to him was Sugaru, how’s the Anbu he asks, Itachi says he doesn’t know, Danzo says honest answer, he’ll no doubt have any number of experiences from now on that he could only have in the Anbu, Until then, polish his skills, Danzo said, almost as if he were Itachi's boss, But Itachi was in the Anbu, which was under the direct control of the Hokage, with no connection with the Foundation, In terms of work, Danzo and Itachi basically had nothing to do with one another, Danzo says he called him their today for a reason, he’s heard that the Uchiha clan compound has been particularly strict with outsiders lately, it was true that in the last few months, the compound had taken on an air of exclusivity, It seemed that his father giving voice to the word coup had given the compound itself a will, they are also going to the regular meetings, Danzo asked, point-blank, The Uchiha clan was monitored 24 hours a day by the Anbu, It was only natural that Danzo would be aware of the meetings, Yes, Itachi answered honestly, preparing himself for the worst, knowing that there was no point in hiding anything, Danzo nodded deeply, seemingly satisfied, he’ll be frank, he wants him to report the details of those meetings to me, His voice slammed into Itachi, containing indescribable pressure, If things continue as they are, the Uchiha clan will fall, his power is needed to stop that from happening, Are you telling me to betray my clan, Itachi says,
He’s not betraying them, he’s saving them, Danzo says, Betrayal is an act that brings about a disadvantage to the betrayed, The act of reporting the details of the meetings to me is to prevent the explosion of your clan, and as such, it is advantageous to them, Thus, it cannot be said to be betrayal, Danzo likely intended to complicate his thinking and blind him, but Itachi was not fooled, No matter what the result was for his clan, telling Danzo what happened at the meetings was nothing other than betrayal,
Danzo had misread him, Itachi was not fixated on the word betrayal, Itachi said he understands, They had been able to gain the cooperation of the third Hokage, thanks to Shisui and Itachi's decision here might turn into an opportunity to use Danzo's power, He would prevent his clan's implosion by connecting it with the center of the village, he doesn’t want to do anything to rob his Clan of dignity, he leaves the selection of information he brings to him to Itachi, he’s counting on him, The fate of his Clan rests on his decisions, Danzo's voice weighed heavily on Itachi.
Note: Itachi Shinden: Book of Dark Night Novel Chapter 5 Section 1, The dead The dead bodies of his comrades lay in the valley ahead, Land of Frost ninjas had killed them, The two Lands had been on the verge of forming an alliance when it happened, The alliance was to be made official 10 days later, and they had been in the middle of a mission to exchange letters stating the final terms, when the ninjas from the Land of Frost suddenly bared their teeth, The enemy had been uninterested in an alliance from the start, 4 Konoha ninjas up against 10 from the Land of Frost, Outnumbered, In the blink of an eye, the Konoha ninjas tasked with the duty of receiving the letter had been killed, If they witnessed the breakdown of negotiations, they were to exterminate the enemy, that was the mission Itachi and his team had been given, In other words, they were not to move until the situation was clear, Thus, their initial response had been delayed, leading to the annihilation of their allies, The moment ten Land of Frost ninjas appeared, a suspiciously large force it had felt very much like a breakdown in the process, If the Anbu had leapt out at that point in time, their comrades might not have died, However, even if Itachi had been leading the team, he couldn't have moved until all 4 were wiped out, Ahead of him, Kakashi landed in the midst of the enemy, his right hand already piercing one of the ninjas, A stream of blue lightning enveloped his arm, Chidori, Kakashi's best technique, by the time his team leader was pulling his arm back out, Itachi had landed dead center among the enemy, There were two other Anbu with them, One was Sugaru, and the other was a ninja called Tenzo, He was a little younger than Kakashi, but his career in the Anbu had already been fairly long, Konoha Anbu, an enemy ninja shouted, In the next instant, a thick tree branch tangled up around the man's throat and tightened, like a snake, Unable to push back against the incredible force of it, the man expired, long tongue lolling from his mouth, It was Tenzo's jutsu, He was able to use Wood Style, a ninjutsu only the first Hokage, Hashirama, had been able to use, Konoha never had any intention of making an alliance with us, hm, another enemy said to Kakashi, You came at us first, Kakashi didn't wait for the other man to argue the fact, Chidori dug into the other ninja's stomach, Itachi heard a shriek from behind him, Looking over his shoulder, he saw an enemy hurtling toward him, a long sword held up above his head, Itachi turned around, The sword closed in on the top of his head, He quickly lifted his arm, and grabbed the wrist of the enemy's hand on the hilt, Give it up, Itachi advised, still clutching the man's wrist, Unable to bring the sword down on Itachi, the enemy glared at him, cold sweat popping up on his forehead, The sharingan, His enemy shuddered violently once, and then completely relaxed, Like a marionette with its strings cut, the man had started to droop and fall toward the ground, when his head rolled off into space before Itachi's eyes, A ninja blade glittered to the rear of the enemy.
Sugaru, The Mission from the Lord Hokage Is the Extermination of the Enemy, Sugaru murmured to Itachi, There was no need to exterminate the enemy. Whether their envoys returned or not, the incident here would soon be known to the Land of Frost, it was vengeance enough to take out the ones who had murdered the four Konoha ninjas, Letting the others live, and return home to relate the true power of Konoha, would be a more effective check against the Land of Frost, There were 4 enemy ninjas left, They had already lost the will to fight, Sugaru's blade flew toward the neck of one on his knees, begging for his life, Beyond him, Tenzo's Wood Style ninjutsu produced sharp branches that pierced the back of a female ninja trying to flee, This will make the Land of Frost and Konoha enemies, Your lives will prevent that, Kakashi said gently, as his arm ripped into the other man's solar plexus, Itachi caught sight of an enemy coming toward him with a grim look, prepared for death, Holding kunai in both hands, clenching his teeth as he raced toward Itachi, the boy was still not even 10 years old, The Land of Frost was small, Although the larger battles were no more, in a country that still had few ninjas and a national power that was immature, even a child like this had plenty of war potential, His battle cry already sounded like a sob, Itachi met the boy head-on, A sharp pain raced through his stomach, The boy's kunai had stabbed him, The slender shoulders shook fiercely as they touched Itachi's belly, The boy's terror had surpassed his limits, and tears began to fill his eyes, Itachi, Kakashi shouted, he’s all right, he replied calmly, and Kakashi and the others watched, surrounding him from a distance, Shaking like a leaf, the boy slowly lifted his face, Tears spilled out of the eyes that looked up at Itachi, His fear became sound, and slipped out of him, You're a proper ninja now, Be strong, Itachi told his enemy kindly, In his confusion and fear, the boy had no idea what was going on. He shook his head from side to side, and desperately tried to turn his eyes away from reality, You didn't run away, you came right at me, So, I want to treat you with the courtesy a full-fledged ninja deserves." Itachi grabbed his kunai from behind, so that the boy couldn't see. He ran his blade up from below into the slender nape of his crying enemy's neck, He gently pulled the kunai from his own stomach, and stepped back, A spray of blood shot out from the boy's neck, None of it splattered Itachi.
This, too, was etiquette for a ninja, The young body fell onto the pile of corpses, neither enemy nor ally, This is also a battlefield, Itachi murmured, not loud enough for anyone else to hear, just a ninja, If this is how it is, I want to just walk away from the village, the clan, the Anbu, and be free, He knew that this would never be allowed, The boy's eyes, devoid of light, stared endlessly at the troubled Itachi.
Make a list of the number of expected participants at the time of action, invasion routes, attack targets, and assassination targets, He’d like to decide on the crucial day of action at the next meeting, Put together your opinions before then, If they have any ideas, they can speak them at any time, Simply make sure to be careful of the eyes of the people of the village, When Fugaku finished speaking, the brethren relaxed for a moment, They were loosening up at the thought of the end of the meeting, But that easy calm was shattered by the tense voice of Yashiro, saying is Itachi here, Itachi felt a disgust at the voice calling his name, When he didn't answer, the voice called his name again in irritation, Itachi says am here and raises his heavy arm, Yashiro simply stared at him with cold eyes, Itachi was there at the breakdown of negotiations with the Land of Frost the other day, yes, and says answer him, Itachi says Anbu missions are not to be spoken of to outsiders, Yashiro says is he seriously saying that to him, For what purpose did you join the Anbu, To obtain a variety of information from a place close to the center of the village, and report to us, Yashiro says, Fugaku says Yashiro, Yashiro says What has he brought to them since joining the Anbu, Not once have they heard the secrets of the village from his mouth, Itachi says he just doesn’t know any, so he can't talk about them, Yashiro says is it really only that, next to Yashiro Inabi another of Fugaku’s trusted confidante says he’s turning against them aren’t, Fugaku says enough, You both understand exactly what this time means for the clan, We cannot follow through on these serious matters when we are at each other's throats, At any rate, the next meeting will decide our path, It will be an important meeting, Be aware that absences will not be tolerated.
Note: Flashbacks of Gaara's father Rasa trying to kill him at 6 in Chapter 97, 129-131, 547-548.
Year 55:
(Land of Fire)
(Land of Medicines)
Kina Kodan,
Note: Garuda said to be 10 in 4th Databook character detail list in chapter 477 when sasuke is fighting Danzo, he's sasuke's partner.
Note: Kina said to be an Infant during the Roen attack 10 years ago which got sealed in him by his father Tenma, stated in Sasuke Jinraiden Chapter 2 and 4.
Note: Itachi Shinden: Book of Dark Night Novel Chapter 5 Section 2, Danzo and Hiruzen talk alone in the Hokage office it’s been 6 months since Itachi has been in the Anbu and has carried out his duties faithfully and Danzo says it seems you have an Uchiha directly under you now, Hiruzen and has heard he removed Shisui Uchiha from his regular duties and given him permission to move at his own discretion and judgment and that in name at least we have another Uchiha in the Anbu, Hiruzen says Shisui wanted him to give him the freedom to act, he simply opened the road to him, Danzo said so now the Hokage is listening to the Whims of a mere ninja, Hiruzen says he simply took into consideration the feeling of someone worried about the Uchiha Clan, Dazno says Just as you have one of the Uchiha clan under your control, he should like one arranged for him, Hiruzen says You're saying give Itachi to the Foundation, Hiruzen says what are you thinking Danzo says why not promote him to Anbu Leader, Hiruzen says he’s only 11 and Anbu team leaders are to be 13 or older, Danzo says You do have that rule there somewhere, Hiruzen says The team leaders who rule over them must have sufficient judgment, Thus, the requirement that they be at least 13, Danzo says Sufficient judgment, Itachi already has that, Age and the like are meaningless before actual ability, are rules important Hiruzen, The dissatisfaction of the Uchiha clan is already a nearly untenable situation, In order to break through this status quo, we need someone in a position to make effective use of the will of the Foundation, and someone connected with you, A mere Anbu ninja won't be able to avoid the orders of his team leader, Promoting Itachi makes it easier for him to move, Hiruzen says You're saying put him between Danzo and him, without having Itachi belong to the Foundation, Danzo says That's exactly what he’s saying. No one in the Uchiha clan can match the abilities of Itachi and Shisui, If they can win those two over, it likely won't be difficult to prevent the explosion of their Clan, Just as he gave Shisui special privileges, it is necessary to give a certain amount of the same to Itachi, Hiruzen says But 11 is simply too young to lead a team, Danzo says Then, what if he were 12, Itachi's publicly disclosed age goes up a year, and that neatly takes care of the rule, don't you think, Hiruzen says let him think about it a little more, Danzo said understood he was certain Hiruzen would definitely consent.
Itachi asks Sasuke how’s school, Sasuke said it’s way better to train here like this with him, back when he had 1st started at the Academy, Itachi said the same sort of thing to Shisui, once again he felt keenly how alike him and his brother were alike, his mission finished early, so he decided to train with Sasuke, once he got home, because Itachi couldn’t spend much time with him normally, he actively tried to create opportunities, And the time he spent with Sasuke soothed Itachi more than anything else in his life. Sweating together with his little brother, he could escape his everyday troubles, Lately, whenever he saw Shisui, all they did was talk about where the clan was headed, It had been who knew how many years since they trained together, Even talking with Izumi, his attention ended up focused on her feelings, and he couldn't stay free of obstructive thoughts, He knew he was too involved there, but he couldn't help it, In the end, it was only when he was training with his brother that he could just be himself, without thinking about anything, Itachi asked Sasuke school boring and is it that his skills and thinking are too different, so things are going to well his friends, because it was like that for Itachi he was able to do everything better than everyone else, so the other students in his class seemed much like children, and there way of thinking and the way they faced things seemed to juvenile, and wouldn’t talk to them with the same sense of values, he wondered if it wasn’t the same for Sasuke, he felt his brother shared his same awkwardness he did when it came to interacting with people, Sasuke says he don't especially want it to go well or anything, he means, those guys, their ninjutsu and their schoolwork are just totally no good, Itachi says what about Naruto, a boy the same age as Sasuke with golden hair, Sasuke says He's a total disaster, no matter what they make them do, and he's always finding a reason to bug him, He's super annoying, he doesn’t think about him at all, but then he'll come over to him, and start complaining and stuff, if his little brother's position at school was no different from Itachi's when he had been there, then Itachi assumed the other students gave Sasuke a wide berth, While they acknowledged his abilities, none of them truly tried to befriend him, However, Naruto walked right up to Sasuke, The boy boasting he would be Hokage came back to life in Itachi's mind, That poor child with the 9 Tails in his body, no one wanted anything to do with him, Despite this, he had unshakeable faith in his big dreams, His bearing, his way of talking, everything about him was the polar opposite of Sasuke, But when Itachi imagined the 2 of them together, it seemed strangely fitting, He comes over to you because he's curious about you, Be nice to him, Itachi says, Sasuke Says He can't be nice to a kid like that, Itachi says It'd be nice if you could someday, placing the palm of his hand on Sasuke's head, Sasuke says There's totally no way, Sasuke shut his eyes tightly, his nose crinkling up, and gritted his teeth,
Unconsciously, Itachi burst out laughing at the funny expression, His little brother relaxed his face, and also started to laugh, The warm evening passed peacefully.
Note: Itachi Shinden: Book of Dark Night Chapter 5 Section 3, Fugaku says he heard you went to the park with Sasuke, Itachi said he did, He had seen the 2 come home covered in sweat, and called Itachi in after his bath, His younger son was sitting at the table, and talking with his mother, he has to prepare for his mission tomorrow. He’d appreciate it if he could be brief about his business, Itachi said, "Don't speak so stiffly," Fugaku said, and smiled. It was the best smile he could muster. In general, he rarely smiled. As the head of the Military Police Force, as the man who pulled together all the young people of the clan, he felt that he must not show reckless emotion, and then asks how’s Itachi’s work with the Anbu still smiling, Itachi says As long as he’s putting into practice the things he’s learned since graduating from the academy, there is no how, Fugaku says Yashiro and Inabi trying hard to keep his tone gentle, he’s his father, and he is his son, Those are the only people in this room, Itachi says Things haven't changed, really, from when he wasn't in the Anbu, Fugaku says you’re not doing any difficult work, Itachi says There is some of that, Given that he’s in the Anbu, no weakness can be tolerated, Fugaku says that’s my boy, Don't worry about things at the meeting, and It's not as though everyone in the clan thinks the same way, he has no intention of forcing their way of thinking on him, Rather than a stone drifting along with the strong current, he wants him to be a man, like a rock that stands against the current, and pierces it, You do not need to yield in your own thinking, If you cannot accept what Yashiro and the others say, then you can stand up, and proudly assert your own ideas, Itachi asks his father if he has different feelings from Yashiro and Inabi, Fugaku say he does not, and they are the same as theirs, and says "You should stay true to your thinking. Fight, be confused, be lost, and come through that to find your answer, and once he finds it, make his decision, and do not waver from it, Find his answer, and be ready to follow through. That is determination.
The formal meeting room at the Hokage residence the seat where budgetary policy for the governance of the village of Konohagakure was determined, In addition to Hiruzen and Danzo, the councilors Koharu and Homura were there, At this meeting, they would set the basic policy, and, taking that into consideration, Hiruzen would select the personnel in village government and the official budgets, About the budget for the Military Police Force, Hiruzen looked at the other 3, In his hand was their proposal, The basic idea is to significantly reduce the budget, but what exactly is the meaning of this, Koharu, Koharu says It's been 7 years since the end of the war, Life has gotten back to normal, for the most part, and it has become customary for the Anbu to investigate serious and brutal crimes, The current role of the Military Police Force is quite limited, There's no need for the same budget they've had in the past, is there, Hiruzen say That said, isn't cutting their budget by 40% a bit too abrupt, A cut like this will also have a significant effect on Military Police Force personnel, Homura says Rebuilding after the 9 Tails' attack is mostly complete, The urgent need now is for new facilities and wider roads, and now that early graduation has been abolished, the academy will need to expand soon, as well, they don't have the extra resources for a shrinking organisation, Hiruzen says knows that, but if they do this in such a way that we make the Military Police Force alone the enemy, it will be increasingly, Danzo says then, is there another division in this village that is growing smaller as obviously as the Military Police Force, The cause for the reduction is clear, peace in the village, and the expansion of Anbu duties, The Military Police Force can perform no other role than maintaining the peace, and given the negative feelings of dissatisfaction they harbor toward the village, it's doubtful as to whether or not they are faithfully performing even that role, he feels that maintaining their current budget is simply pampering them, Hiruzen says it’s not pampering it’s sheltering, Danzo says Why would people with no impediment to their work need to be sheltered, Hiruzen says Because the places where they can be active have been severely limited by people like you, who are prejudiced against that Clan, Danzo says So, you would shelter them because there is prejudice, Isn't that in and of itself an act of distancing and discrimination, It's precisely because they have the Military Police Force to work at, and because they are assured a more than ample budget from the village, that the Uchiha clan refuse contact with outsiders, and sneak around with people from their own circle, You distance them in the framework of the Military Police Force under the pretext of sheltering them, and so you allow them to grow this evil flower of dissatisfaction within themselves, Isn't that so, Hiruzen says The formation and management of the Military Police Force was the dying wish of the second Hokage, Danzo says don’t you feel that’s outdated way of thinking, Danzo, Koharu and Hours all agreed and the 3 had the same opinion of the matter of reducing the Military Police Force Budget, only Hiruzen disagreed and Hiruzen says what will we do when the Uchiha clan's dissatisfaction explodes, Danzo says he’s using Shisui to prevent that is he not, and that the reason you pulled the young ninja, so worried about his clan, from his regular missions, gave him a position in name only, and permitted him a certain level of independence, Hiruzen says 30% then, and was acting as how Danzo expected, Danzo didn’t believe a reduction of 40% was possible either, he anticipated 30% being the point of comparison.
Note: Itachi Shinden: Book of Dark Night Chapter 5 Section 4, Shisui called Itachi to their usual cliff, it was the middle of the night, the village and the compound were asleep, still the true of the Anbu still watching, over the compound, during Itachi’s time working monitoring the Clan he memorised the angels of the cameras watching them, and had already devised a route that allowed him be freely through the compound, slipping through gaps that rose up in the angles between cameras, he only told Shisui about the Anbu’s monitoring, and the route through their blind spots, he was the only ninja he could trust, no one knew their meeting, Itachi says he knows he said they’d work together, Sorry for always leaving things to him, Shisui says he can't do anything that would cause you to neglect your missions, they’re both in the Anbu, but he’s got permission from the Lord Hokage to move freely, It's only natural he’s be working, There's nothing for him to feel bad about, Shisui had gotten the right to act alone to dig into the clan's conspiracy, and was investigating their movements day and night, Unlike him, Itachi was always putting the clan off, swamped with his daily missions, Shisui says Before I get into it, there's something he wants to tell him, The Clan suspects him, and says a ninja of the Clan has been ordered to monitor him and the one that accepting this role was a ninja of the same Clan, his father and the one who has been given the task of watching him was Shisui himself, had ordered him to watch him, they’re using the fact he’s close with him, 3 senior officials from the Military Police Force came to order him to monitor him, Yashiro, Inabi and Tekka suspect him, and Yashiro has some fierce words at the meetings and it wasn’t his father, But his father was in the position to give orders to those 3, Even if Yashiro and the others were the ones who approached Shisui, Itachi didn't know exactly where that order had originated, Shisui says he’ll make some things up, and report back to them, Shisui says know what day tomorrow is, right, Itachi nodded, Last time, his father had said that this meeting would be critical, they would decide the schedule for the coup, In other words, at the meeting the following day, the consensus of opinion of the clan would be confirmed, and the resolve to act would become fixed, If everything goes as usual at the meeting tomorrow, we won't be able to stop things, Shisui says tomorrow he’s going to attack Itachi’s father Fugaku on his way to Naka Shrine, he’s not going to kill Lord Fugaku or anything, he’s just going to trap him in a genjutsu, like the Sharigan he used on Mukai, the Mangekyo Sharigan, After that day, Itachi had looked into this himself, In old Uchiha documents, only the existence of the Mangekyo sharingan was noted, the record stopped with the mention that its power far surpassed that of the normal sharingan, It further noted that the number of people who had activated this sharingan could be counted on both hands, perhaps, and that even for members of the clan, it was a visual jutsu with many unknowns, Shisui says when he awakened these eyes he awakened these eyes, he got a certain jutsu.
A jutsu called Kotoamatsukami, It puts the person trapped in the genjutsu into a state of total unawareness, then, you can make them do what you want, The advantage of this technique is that the effect and the duration are both multiplied because of the power of the Mangekyo sharingan, and he just has to look at his target's eyes, and he can pour his chakra in, even if they’re gazes aren't intersecting, and the amount of chakra is several times more than with normal sharingan, So the target falls into the visual jutsu instantly, They have no idea anything's even happened, Itachi says So you mean by the time the enemy sees you, they're already in the jutsu, Shisui says exactly, he can just get him in Kotoamatsukami, he can make Lord Fugaku tell everyone the coup is off, and he can make Fugaku himself believe from the bottom of his heart that it was his own idea, and the one who could execute this plan was Shisui, Shisui tells Itachi not to come to meeting tomorrow, the radical faction suspect him, If he makes Fugaku’s attitude change abruptly, they will point fingers at him and he doesn’t know what they will do if he’s at the meeting, and tells Itachi to wait here until the meetings over, and he’ll come to report the results of the meeting, just wait till then, next time they meet the Clan will have taken a step towards peace.
Note: Chapter 221, Itachi Shinden: Book of Dark Night Novel Chapter 5 Section 5, at night, Itachi tells his mother and Father he won’t be going to tomorrow’s meeting and Sasuke wakes up and is told by Itachi to go back to sleep and is told the same by his father Fugaku.
Note: Itachi Shinden: Book of Dark Night Novel Chapter 5 Section 6, the Day of the meeting, Shisui encounters Danzo and is poisoned by Sugaru a Anbu member with a White tiger mask from the Aburame Clan, and Danzo plucked out Shisui’s right eye, Danzo says he finally has the Mangekyo Sharigan, Shisui then disappeared, Danzo told Sugaru and his other subordinates to go after him, Itachi was at the cliff saying the meeting will end in 2 hours and had time to think what they were going to do from then on, Itachi sensed Shisui behind him, Shisui said sorry, Shisui says he couldn’t even make contact with Fugaku, the meeting is probably right now, and they probably decided the key parts of the coup meeting today, our plan failed, Shisui says one of Danzo’s subordinates uses insect he wears a white tiger mask and he died him with poison, Sugaru he was an Aburame, and it doesn’t look like there’s any way to stop the Uchiha coup now, if they start fighting Konoha other counties will attack, just when he was about to stop it with his MS and tells Itachi Danzo stole his right eye, and doesn’t trust him, he will protect the village in his own way regardless of how it looks, he would’ve gotten his left eye too, before he does he’s giving it to him, entrusting it to Itachi he was giving him permission to use the power lodged in it, and tells Itachi he’s his best friend, he’s the only one he can ask to protect this village, the Uchiha name protect them, Shisui kneaded his chakra, a single crow and and eye rest in his palm floated up covering the birds left eye, and merged with it, he could no longer see, he entrusted his eye to his friend, he says there’s one thing more he wants to give him, Shisui says he killed his good friend with his hand, it was a little before he met Itachi, he met a boy at the Academy he could call a friend, he fought alone side him, after he became Genin too, on the same team, back then he was his best friend, they trusted each other but that didn’t even last a year, This was right after the war ended, Missions were way harsher than they are now, they were in the middle of a mission with a few other teams to clean up after the war, and they ended up by ourselves in another Land, they’re luck was bad, they ran into more enemies than they could handle, they were staring right at death, this tale was from before Itachi became a ninja, Fortunately, some of the comrades they got separated from found them, They saved him, but his friend was slow to run, If he had just reached out to him, he wouldn't have had to die, The difference between life and death was determined by a slight difference in luck, and that bit of luck had divided the 2 boys, It definitely hadn't been his fault, But Shisui regretted his friend's death as if it were a crime he had committed, Shisui says he envied that friend, He was blessed with more talent than him, he was jealous of him, always running out in front of him, So that time, he could have reached out his hand, But he deliberately didn't he killed him, For several months, he was completely destroyed by the fact that he killed him, It was then, When he met Itachi, and Itachi thought back, Shisui says his friends death gave him new power that was the Mangekyo Sharigan, it’s called up by a power that comes from a fierce emotional blow, his was probably awakened by my regret over killing my friend, Shisui says kill me Itachi, then you’ll get Mangekyo Sharigan/ MS and then you’ll get even stronger, and says he’s dead either way, so it’s better he dies after leaving him that power, all right do it Itachi, he killed his friend, his hands on the ground where Shisui had stood, tears fell one after another from his eyes, everything felt numb, there where 2 sparks in each eye, in a blind of an eye those sparks became massive flames, and awakened MS.
Note: Shisui is killed which awakens Itachi's MS, next day after his death Itachi is accused of Killing Shisui by 3 clan members Yashiro, Inabi and Tekka Uchiha, the day after that Izumi comes by to tachi's house because of incident day before and talks to Fugaku, after she leaves Fugaku says to himself Itachi soon turns 12 soon it will be time.
Note: Itachi is accused of killing Shisui by Yashiro, Inabi and Tekka Uchiha, in Chapter 221-223, Itachi Shinden: Book of Dark Night Novel Chapter 6 Section 1.
Note: Flashback of Shisui when Itachi last saw him, Chapter 550.
Note: Itachi has flashback of Shisui's death and flashback back of leaf council discussing about Uchiha revolution and Itachi and Danzo discuss about the coup and make a deal for Itachi to kill clan and Sasuke will be spared, in Chapter 590.
Note: Itachi Shinden: Book of Dark Night Novel Chapter 6 Section 2, Itachi is now 12, Danzo wants Hiruzen to promote him now to Anbu Leader, with Shisui’s death, the only pawn they have against the Uchiha is Itachi, and raise his official age by a year, and the issue of the rule is resolved itself, Hiruzen says he can’t stop feeling sorry about Shisui’s death, a ninja of his abilities would commit suicide, Danzo was worried about the possibility Itachi known how Shisui died and the note Shisui left behind also bothered him, it was hard for him to believe Shisui had so much time that he had been able to leave a note in his room before throwing himself into the river, the most kill scenario was that Itachi had copied his handwriting and written the note, but still Danzo can use Itachi’s desire for peace to handle the situation, Danzo turns to the man who was meant to be his old friend, and says the Uchiha were quite for a time of Shisui’s death, but recently they’ve started to move again, we won’t be able to avoid an explosion, Hiruzen says he knows he’ll approve Itachi’s promotion.
In name, it's the establishment of a new team due to the increase in the number of Anbu missions, and with a new team comes a new team leader, A position he was selected for, Danzo sitting tall before Itachi in the office of the Foundation mansion, Sugaru was standing behind Danzo, in his usual white tiger mask, he’s asked that the members of this new team come from the Foundation, and he’s obtained Hiruzen's approval, Danzo says he won't be under the Hokage's direct command, nor will he belong to the Foundation, Let's just say this will be a special team, independent within the Anbu, the formation of a new team is just the official line, There are no new personnel, It's simply something they came up with, to allow him to move freely, Even so, he’s thinks they’ll give him a couple of men, the new members will be from the foundation, is also a means to keep the Anbu from becoming suspicious, Just like Shisui Uchiha worked for Hiruzen, he will work for him from now on, Itachi knew these 2 men in front of him killed Shisui, Itachi asks Danzo why he killed him, Danzo says so you know, Itachi says Shisui was trying to stop the clan's coup d'état for the sake of the village, Just as he was about to do that, you interfered, and he died, Danzo says you really think Shisui's actions could have stopped the coup, His actions would have gotten in the way of my own plan to prevent the coup, But Shisui of the Body Flicker, even if he had ordered him not to go forward, he doubt’s he would have been willing to listen, given that he’s not his superior, Danzo says killing me wont prevent the Clan from exploding and the moment he kills his a village official he will be made become a criminal, killing Danzo will solve nothing Itachi had bigger ambitions, that he will put ahead of his personal grudge, and his desire to get vengeance for his best friend and tucked his Kunai away in his vest, and then Itachi started to leave, Danzo said If someone from outside the clan did that, there would certainly be lingering ill will toward the village, Other clans would fear the Uchiha end, and one would inevitably become the next Uchiha, Which is exactly why, Someone from the clan must do it, mentally deranged young person of the clan, If this is what everyone believes, then peace can come to the village, You are the only one who can fulfill this role, Itachi left and walked out of the Foundation mansion, and walked along the village road at the foot of the Hokage Monument.
The sound of insects Itachi tells Sugaru to show himself, Sugaru says he wants to talk, on his own discretion, Itachi recognised his face before the boy who never spoke on team 2 and join their team after Tenma died and Shinko quit being a ninja, Yoji the Genin, Yoji says Monitoring, Separate from the Hokage’s Anbu, There Is a Monitoring Division through the Foundation solely for the Foundation, Total of 12 people are required to Monitor the People of the village, with just that number of personnel, they can know the movements of the village, and there is one more person who has been ordered to monitor, him ever since he started at the Academy, he has been Watching the person Known as Itachi Uchiha, Itachi wasn’t surprised he had a strange feeling since the day of his graduation Ceremony, when Danzo spoke to him, something like déjà-vu, the feeling that he'd known the man for a long time, If Danzo had started watching him when he entered the academy, then this feeling made sense, Yoji says Danzo has 12 people to monitor the village, the fact he was devoted to watch him soon is proof how much Danzo favours Itachi, Yoji continues to say his father was a terrible man, he was jealous of the fact his son excelled, he was a man who could only show his power by hating and causing pain, and assaulted him for any reason or for no reason, so he knew how to forget pain before he can remember, it was his 5th birthday he accidentally fell of his chair, and spilled juice, on the clothing of his father, sitting in front of him, that day his father was likely in a terrible bad mood, he said his apology sounded cheeky and skit his throat and it was then he killed someone for the 1st time, because of his father, he completely lost his voice, it was only after Danzo took his in that he learned how to speak by making the insects he keeps on his body to make a small noise in resonance, people have darkness within them, he learned that when he was 5 years old however, the darkness he carries is still slight, compared with Danzo, his darkness is a person darkness, but his darkness is the darkness of this village, if he killed him now the darkness that fills that body will spill out all at once, into the village and if that happens this village will not be able to remain sane, you are prepared to shoulder the darkness of your clan, Yoji says do you know Naruto, though imperfect he’s the son of the 4th Hokage, don’t you think it’s strange that because 9 tails is housed in that body, everybody treats him so cruelly, Itachi said Danzo, Yoji says yes Danzo did one thing, he simply made it known that the 9 tails that plunged the village into terror, was housed in the body of that child, the people of the village then made their own judgements, and decided t discriminate against Naruto, with this terrifying child, as their just cause, they shifted responsibility to someone else and now the people turn a cold shoulder to Naruto, and by looking down on the poor child, the main emotional equilibrium, your Clan fulfils a small role to Naruto, isn’t that so, Itachi says you’re saying Danzo is also pulling the strings behind the Uchiha discrimination too, Yoji says that is an enmity before Danzo was born, it’s not good to make everything his fault.
Note: Chapter 583 Kabuto says it's been 5 years since he left village and he's attacked by his mother Nono and killed her, making him 14.
Kabuto goes with Orochimaru in Chapter
583-584 and joins him.
Note: Sasuke Jinraiden Chapter 2 Kina states 10 years ago his and Reishi's father Tenma defeated an immortal monster that terrorised the village and consumed peoples chakra but Tenma died in the act and the Howling Wolf Village in Land of Medicines stopped being a ninja village for hire.
In Sasuke Jinraidem Chapter 4 Reishi explains that the Kodon clan sealed Roen into their shrine long ago. When his father broke that seal, he controlled it using his special saigenzai, but the control was broken during its attack on the village. Reishi's parents tried to seal it back into the shrine, but his mother was killed before they had the chance and his father wasn't able to do it alone. Doing what he could, he sealed Roen into the infant Kina at the cost of his life, which was 10 years ago.
Year 56:
(Land of Lightning)
Kintoki, Tomaru Minakura,
Note: Kintoki said to be 9 in 4th Databook Character detail list chapter 493 when Killer Bee is sparing with him on Land of lightning Turtle Island.
Note: Tomaru said to be 8 in 3rd Databook character detail list in chapter 247 when Naruto returned to Konoha a few days ago.
Note: Flashback of Naruto in Academy and Kiba and few other students get transferred to Naruto's class, which Iruka and Kiba state he's been in Academy for 3 years in Chapter 75. Which Naruto would be 8 or 7 turning 8 because Itachi speaks to Naruto at 11 turning 12 that year in Itachi Shinden: Book of Dark Night when Naruto was in Academy, which Naruto would be 6 turning 7, we also normally see Kiba with Akamaru but Akamaru isn't born until Kiba is 9, so if Naruto's been in academy for 3 years here's likely 8 or 7 turning 8 so he entered academy when he was 4 going to turn 5 since it's stated in Naruto the last: Naruto the movie novel prologue in page 11, that he was preparing to enter the academy in March.
Note: Itachi Shinden: Book of Dark Night Novel Chapter 6 Section 3, Itachi in a small dark room, a man in a monkey mask sitting indent of him, He carried out his duties matter-of-factly, processing the mountain of documents piled on the desk, Papers covered in dense text, papers that looked like blueprints, There were also some pages with photos of faces attached to them, All were documents related to the Uchiha clan, Itachi was in the room given to him in the Foundation mansion, It's been a year since then, Time flies, the man in the monkey mask said, His voice sounded like he was still just barely 20, Itachi had known the face under the mask since he was little, He had seen it any number of times since the Uchiha clan was forcibly moved to the compound on the edge of the village, Kagen Uchiha, Itachi had only learned his name once they started working together, Kagen was an unremarkable man, in a logistical operations division in the Military Police Force, His rank was genin, and he didn't have any particularly spectacular techniques, At the meetings, he never voiced his own thoughts, but rather, always followed the opinions of other people, The man before his eyes was a member of the Foundation, The real Kagen was dead, The man before him had a twin, a little brother with the same physique and chakra, The two had both been given Kagen's face, these twins were the Foundation members Sugaru had said were investigating the movements of the Clan, The fact that Kagen worked in a logistics division meant that he hadn't had any opportunities to activate the sharingan, Thus, due to the fact that during his lifetime, he had been thoroughly unremarkable, and the fact that he had no close relatives, no one suspected anything when he was secretly replaced, The roots of the village reached that deeply into the Uchiha Clan, The real name of the man in the monkey mask was Gozu.
His younger brother was Mezu, Gozu says Because Shisui died, the radical faction was forced to revise their plan, and postpone the day of action, So his death delayed the coup d'état, which is a bit of irony, The subordinates given to Itachi after Danzo made him an Anbu team leader were Gozu and Mezu, Isolated from the other Anbu teams, Itachi's role was to watch the Uchiha clan very closely, along with these two men, Gozu says They were going to use Shisui's teleportation to charge the Residence and abduct the 3rd Hokage, That was the basic idea, So, he suppose it is only natural that Shisui's death would slow their movements, Gozu had noted, one of the key elements of the plan put together by his father and the others was the abduction of the 3rd Hokage, The Military Police Force would strike a blow against the village ninjas by kidnapping their leader, Those ninjas would attack them, and they would fight back, buying time and forcing the village to accept the demands of the Clan, That was the overall concept of the coup, Their demands were four, Uchiha participation in the center of the village, dismantling of the compound, the freedom to choose where they lived, and Fugaku Uchiha named as the fifth Hokage, Itachi couldn't believe the village would accept such impossible demands, but the members of the radical faction seriously intended to push them, Mezu's face was a monkey mask just like Gozu's, The only difference was the color of the markings, Gozu's were red, while Mezu's were blue, In the compound, one of them would pretend to be Kagen, and watch over the Clan, Gozu being here meant that Mezu had to be in the compound, Mezu says There's a clan meeting today, and apparently, Fugaku's going to tell everyone the date of the action and their assignments, Mezu said to Gozu he’s the one going to the meeting right, Gozu nodded, Itachi goes to meeting so does Gozu as Kagen, Itachi says stop this foolishness and Yashiro and Inabi get mad at the meeting, Itachi asks his father does he really think he can win, Yashiro starts talking and Fugaku tells him to be quiet glared at him with his sharigan and says Winning or losing is secondary, the fact that they acted is key, When they act, the people of the village will know the discrimination they Uchihas have been subject to, Then they will fear them, and the village will change, Itachi says You are already feared, That's why the clan was gathered together in one place, and driven to the edge of the village, Fugaku says That was the vague fear of the 9 Tails' attack, this time, it will be a fear accompanied by real pain, The nature of it is different, People in meeting started saying Traitor talks big, get out, all the hatred focused on Itachi, Itachi turned his back to his father and then walked lifelessly towards the door he himself had left open, Izumi grabs him saying wait says it’s all right, if he doesn’t go back they’ll think he’s a traitor, Itachi says he doesn’t care what they think, he walked home alone on a road shrouded the darkness, the compound was quiet, since the majority of the Clan were taking part at the meeting, Itachi sees Mezu and he say end of the line huh that’s it, Itachi says I wonder how they they’re gonna pin down the 3rd Hokage aka the Professor, Mezu laughs and then says isn’t it about time they have to report the results of their investigation to the senior officials.
Note: Itachi Shinden: Book of Dark Night Novel Chapter 6 Section 4, Koharu says this can’t be tolerated after hearing Itachi’s report, an interrogation room in the Hokage residence, used when the 4 ninja’s who comprised the village executive were receiving critical reports, 4 black chairs re set up at the long table and seated in them from left to right, were Homura Mitokado, the 3rd Hokage Hiruzen, Koharu Utatane and Danzo Shimura, Itachi requested a emergency meeting to report the current Clan situation, which he had been investigating together with Gozu and Mezu, in the year since he had been made team leader as well as details of the incident at the meeting the previous day, according to Gozu, who had remained at the meeting after Itachi left, the details of the Plot had been made known, the date of coup d’état is 10 days from now, the plan was to begin with the Hokage attack team led by Yashiro, Koharu says If they are calling for revolution, and intending to usurp the government, then we will be forced to declare the Uchiha traitors to Konoha, Hiruzen says Koharu stop Don't get ahead of things, Danzo says But, Hiruzen, The Uchiha clan can no longer be stopped, In which case, in order to avoid chaos, we must strike as soon as possible, That also means the children, who know nothing of this plot, Hiruzen snapped saying That is not something to be said in front of Itachi, and if it comes to civil war with the Uchihas, it will be no simple matter, We must have some kind of plan, Danzo says we must strike first, before they can act, If Hiruzen and him join together, along with their Anbu, for a surprise attack from behind, it will soon be over, Hiruzen says The Uchiha were there comrades-in-arms, Rather than force, he’d like to try talking with them, he’ll think of a plan, Hiruzen might have said all that, but when push comes to shove, he'll protect Konoha, He's that kind of man, and when push does come to shove, he'll have to take firm measures as the Hokage.
Danzo told Itachi quietly, as they stood in the courtyard of the Foundation mansion, the coup, in 10 days, The time had come at last, He would finally be able to remove the biggest obstacle threatening the security of the village, Danzo trembled with glee at being able to personally put an end to the history of enmity that went back to the founding of Konoha, He had already grasped Danzo's true intentions, Or rather, the idea had sprouted in Itachi's own heart when his brethren accused him of the death of his good friend Shisui, That idea was now simply overlaid on the image Danzo had spent long years drawing, Yes, The two of them standing in that spot at the moment were of one mind, Whether it turns into a war or not, Danzo began calmly, looking at the silent Itachi, at the moment the coup occurs, the fate of the Uchihas will be annihilation, The plan the Uchihas had put together was simply too crude, Swept away in a flood of emotion, they overestimated their own power, To him, their plan was like a sad little poem written by a sentimentalist despairing of this world, and ending his own life, He did find it a little sad that the genius Itachi had been born into such a sorry Clan, But no one could escape fate, At the moment he was born an Uchiha, Itachi's path was set, The path of destruction, Danzo readied himself to scatter the bait, Including your little brother, who knows nothing of all this, But if it's before the coup, there is a way to save your brother, at least, Danzo was the sort of man who took every precaution, and Itachi's brother's life, in compensation for the extermination of the Uchiha, was too good of a deal, once it actually happens, your brother will learn about everything, If he sees his clan obliterated by the ninjas of Konoha, he will come to nurture a desire for vengeance on the village, First, focus Itachi's thoughts on Sasuke, Then turn Itachi's eyes away from his brethren's obliteration, and give him a just cause, in the name of saving his little brother's life, Once that happens, there'll be nothing left but to have his brother die, Or will he side with them in Konoha, and obliterate the Uchihas before the coup, leaving only your brother alive, This mission can only be given to a double agent for both Uchiha and Konoha, There is only you, Itachi, Itachi himself would have known that, If someone from outside the clan were put to the task of annihilating the Uchihas, the other clans in the village would be dissatisfied with the village officials, this is likely a painful mission for him, However, in exchange, he will be able to make sure his brother survives, Danzo says Will he accept this mission, and Itachi disappeared, 12 years of life in this world Itachi had almost no memories of crying, Itachi was thinking if Shisui was alive would be forgive him for obliterating the Clan, probably not he would have tried to protect the Clan to the end and in which cause they would’ve been enemies, maybe it was fortunate they parted that day as friends, Itachi had already made up his mind, He had had a feeling, somehow, that this time would come, from the moment his friend died a year earlier, and he lost hope in the clan-from the instant those evil feelings sprang up in his heart, The insurrection of the clan, chaos in the village, and then civil war, Other villages would invade to take advantage of the ruined Konoha, Fighting begat fighting, and a new Shinobi World War would break out, At the center of this chain of hatred was the Uchiha Clan, His father's words came back to life in his mind, Determination, The decision he was about to make was a parting from the Clan, Itachi says this is the best move, and he returned home that day his family was already asleep.
Note: Itachi Shinden: Book of Dark Night Novel Chapter 6 Section 5, Itachi at the Foundation mansion says to Danzo he will do it, Danzo says Don't worry about his brother, Even after he disappears, the village will take care of him, Itachi was going to slaughter his Clan, Even if it were a mission, it was the sort that could never be made public, To the outside world, Itachi would be a criminal who had gone mad, and murdered his entire Clan, Naturally, he would not be able to stay in the village, At that point, he had no choice but to believe even the words of a man like Danzo, Danzo says The day will be the day before the planned date of the coup, The mission this time was a surprise strike, A sneak attack, to wipe out a clan that suspected nothing. The night before the coup, the members of the clan would refrain from going out, in order to build up their courage and make their preparations. It was easy to see what they would do. Additionally, their thoughts would be full of the next day's action, so it shouldn't even occur to them that they would be ambushed, Itachi says understood, Danzo says he’ll tell Hiruzen he’s desperately trying to reconcile them with the village, after his mission he would take on the crime of murdering his clan for the sake of peace in the village, Itachi asks what will he do about Kagen the person from the Clan Goku and Mezu played, Danzo says one of them will have to die, if he sees Kagen go ahead and kill him, the ninjas of the Foundation do not fear even death for the sake of their missions, Gozu and Mezu would both gladly die, Do not hesitate, If anyone other than you is missing from the Uchiha Clan, his actions will have been for naught, At that time, he won't be able to guarantee his brother's life, Danzo added threateningly, He apparently had serious doubts about Itachi's determination, The almost pathetic suspicions of a man who did not know the word trust, Itachi says understood, Danzo says Best if they do not meet again before his mission is complete, This is the last time he will speak with him as a ninja of Konoha, be has worked hard for the village up to now, and he thanks him, Itachi walked through the doorway and as the door closed behind him, he said to himself he will be a Konoha ninja until he dies, the Coup d’état was drawing near, 3 more days, there was something Itachi had to take care of before then, Itachi had been watching over Naka Shrine, ever since he left Danzo, and he had the feeling he was about to seethe fruits of that labor, The door to the main building opened, and a man stepped out, and scanned the surrounding area, He had white hair, Yashiro, Without waiting for him to disappear, Itachi came to stand in front of the closed door, He easily opened the lock, and stepped inside so quickly the cameras couldn't see him, Don't go anywhere just yet, he prayed silently to the man who was his target.
He deftly pulled up the seventh tatami mat from the far right, revealing stairs that led to the basement, The secret meeting place, He ran down, and pulled open once more the door he had closed a few days earlier, the hateful voices of his brethren raining down on him, In the very back of the meeting hall, there was a stone monument with the history of the Uchiha clan carved into it, The man he was after was standing in front of it, A man in an orange mask, the Mask Man says Itachi it’s been a while, it was their first meeting since the time Tenma was killed, 4 years since then, You've grown quite a bit, the man in the mask said, spreading his arms, Itachi says what are you up to Madara Uchiha, Madled Man says You never know when someone's going to come down here, and the compound is watched by those fellows in the village, How about we go somewhere else, and talk a little, Follow me, The man climbed the stairs up to the main shrine, and went outside, Perhaps he knew the precise locations of the clearly hidden cameras, he headed straight out of the compound as if choosing a path in their blind spots, and then easily slipped past even the eyes watching the village, to step beyond it, Once they had gone a little ways from Konoha, the road that led to Sunagakure came into view, There was a small shrine in one corner, and a vast forest spread out as if to guard it, Once he had cloaked himself in these woods, the man stopped running, The moon hanging above the grove of cedar trees was slightly distorted, on the verge of being a perfect circle, Masked man says how does he know who he is, Itachi says he made it past the guards and was looking at the Uchiha tablet, only Uchiha’s know it’s location, and looked into himself d took the opportunity to investigate what kind of person he is and how he thought, as a result Itachi learned that the man before his eyes was Madara Uchiha, 70 years ago Madara had supposedly died after a fierce battle with Hashirama Senju the 1st Hokage, but no one confirmed that death, With the attack on the daimy of the Land of Fire 4 years earlier, and his sniffing around the clan compound, Itachi had sensed Madara had an attachment to the village that was related to the Uchihas. And then, that evening, he had learned that Yashiro was meeting with him, and Itachi's suspicion turned into certainty, Madara had harboured hatred for both Konoha and the Uchiha, Itachi could not allow him to take this revenge on Konoha, he has conditions, He cut through Madara's arrogant attitude, he can help him get revenge on the Uchiha Clan, and in exchange, he doesn’t lay a hand on the village, Or Uchiha Sasuke, too, He would force the point of the spear turned toward the village back toward the Clan, If you refuse this request, then him and Itachi are enemies, Mask Man says you have the wrong idea that brat Yashiro is not my friend or anything of the like, and says choosing him sounds more interesting than those small fry in the Village, he likes this tale he tells, he’ll come along for the ride.
It’s said Madara died 70 years ago, but the 1st Fanbook and 1st Databook both stated the village was founded 60 years ago which Naruto is 12 when this is stated.
Note: Itachi meets with Masked Man which he thinks is Madara which actually is Obito and asks him to help with Massacre and not to harm sasuke nor the leaf village, in Chapter 590, Itachi Shinden: Book of Dark Night Novel Chapter 6 Section 5.
Note: Uchiha Massacre happens a year after Shisui's death which Itachi was 11 turning 12 soon when he died, the massacre happens a year after his death, making Itachi 12 turning 13, also Sasuke states he's 7 in Chapter 145 & 224 he's 7 turning 8.
10 days before Massacre Itachi in Anbu with Root reading stuff on coup.
Note: Day of Uchiha Massacre, in Chapter 55, 127, 145-146, 223-225, 344, 385, 398-401, 403, 463, 590, Itachi Shinden: Book of Dark Night Novel Chapter 6 Section 6-7.
Note: Itachi Shinden: Book of Dark Night Novel Chapter 6 Section 6, Itachi starts at Izumi’s House and knocks Hazuki, Izumi’s mother out with his Sharigan and then use’s Tsuyukomi on Izumi the time pass in the Genjutsu was one 100th of one 1,000th of one 1,000,000th of the real world, and in the Genjutsu was peace and Itachi free from his troubles, Izumi becomes Chunin at that time Itachi was already Jonin, he then gives Izumi an engagement ring and Izumi marries has kids, and the kids setting out, Izumi grew old with Itachi 70 years since they met, the hair on both white, Izumi has an illness and Itachi takes care of her, her last year, the Mangekyo Sharigan consumes enormous amounts of chakra and places a burden on the user, before him Izumi knees gave out under her, and she collapsed smiling, Itachi sliding over held her, Izumi thanks him her voice sounded like that of an 80 year old women, and Itachi says me too, thank you, and Izumi took her last breath and Izumi died, after she died he gently laid her down and then killed Hazuki, Masked Man says so he has begun, he’ll take care of the women and children, he’ll take the west side of the compound and he can take the east, just like they planned at the start, Itachi is annoyed the masked man’s concern and tells him to shut up, Mask man says he’s too young and if he takes to much darkness it will break him, Itachi replies he’s been broken for a long time, and he doesn’t need to worry about him, and continue Massacre before Sasuke got back to compound, Itachi kills Inabi’s wife, then Inabi, then Tekka, then Itachi kills Mezu who is pretending to be Kagen, it been an 1hr since Izumi died many of his brethren to count but kept running, the targets of father, mothers, and then his wife, then a boy old enough to have just started the Academy, stopped moving, heard shriek behind him, it was Yashiro Itachi went after him and killed him, Itachi returned to the area near the entrance of the compound, there was one family left alive only, Fugaku’s family, Sasuke would be home soon, he saw both his parents sitting waiting for him and tells Itachi he’s proud of him, and killed both of his parents and waited for Sasuke to return home and see him.
Note: Itachi Shinden: Book of Dark Night Novel Chapter 6 Section 7, Not even an hr passed since Itachi’s departure, when the Anbu convened in the village to collect the bodies, Danzo walked down a road covered in corpses. He had just left Hiruzen. Upon learning of Itachi's evil act, the Hokage was furious, and he turned the brunt of that on Danzo. Before he made it out of the Hokage's office, he had been dismissed as councilor, and made to promise to dissolve the Foundation.
But now that the tragedy of the annihilation of the Uchiha clan had been achieved, there was no reason for him to cling to the role of councillor, and even if the Foundation were officially dismantled, it was still more than possible for them to go underground and manoeuvre in secret, away from Hiruzen's eyes, In the end, Danzo got what he wanted, Man in a mask with red markings says Danzo, Danzo says what’s wrong Gozu, his red eyes appeared it was Itachi, Danzo said you, Itachi says he’ll be watching If he lays a hand on Sasuke, he’ll leak all the village's secrets to enemy Lands, if you lay a hand on Sasuke, he will destroy him, Carve that into his soul, Itachi turned into countless crows, and vanished, Danzo says Don't take his eyes off of him, he muttered to no one, in his ears, he heard the sound of insect wings, Hiruzen says Sneaking all the way in here without anyone noticing, he really is a capable ninja, and smiled, so suppose you determined that no one will be able to hear then in here, Itachi said yes, Hiruzen says he’s already marked your name down in the Bingo Book as an S-rank criminal, he shouldn't be able to infiltrate the village, much less sneak all the way into his bedroom, Will he tell him what he wanted to talk with him about that he would go to such lengths, Itachi says Sasuke, Hiruzen says need to worry, That child's done nothing wrong, they will take care of him as one of the children of the village, no need to worry about Danzo, He's been formally dismissed as councilor, and he also ordered him to disband the Foundation, has already stepped down as councilor, The Foundation has been disbanded, on the surface, But he cannot deny the possibility that he is cultivating it in secret somewhere, he ordered the people who were watching the Uchiha clan to monitor him now, Hiruzen says what will he do now Itachi says there’s an organisation he’s interested in, he’ll watch them from the inside, and if it looks like they're going to act out, he will do whatever he has to stop them, Hiruzen asks the name of the Organisation, Itachi says the Akatsuki.
Itachi in the middle of the woods says show yourself, you’re here aren’t you Aburame man, Sugaru says his sharigan won’t work on him, Itachi says not you, and concentrated his chakra, and boosted his sharingan to the Mangekyo sharingan, He was conscious of the eyes of the insects in Sugaru's body, too many to count, He felt a dull pain in his right eye, It was because he had been overusing the sharingan ever since that night, By sharing his chakra, he assimilate what the insects have seen into his own experience, It's a more effective method than Shadow Clones, The sound of wings disappeared from within Sugaru, At the same time, his body, suddenly gaining gravity, was sucked down to the surface of the earth, Unable to control his body, Sugaru plunged into the ground headfirst, incapable of even landing, Sugaru’s injured vocal cords emitted a real groan, Itachi looked coldly and said this is for Shisui and used Amaterasu black flame sprouted on Sugaru's shoulder. The strange blaze spread, in the blink of an eye, to swallow his entire body. As if trying to abandon their burning host, the insects fled from every hole, but they were all caught up in the dark blaze, This fire will not go out until whatever he’s looking at has completely burned up, he won't let even one of the insects nesting in his escape, Sugaru's cries of agony rang out through the forest, Around him, insects buzzed and fluttered, shrouded in dark flames, They looked almost like black fireflies that bloomed in the daytime.
Shinko and Himuka couldn’t believe the news of the Uchiha massacre, that Itachi would do something like that, and Shinko says he might have been 6 years younger than her but he was more grownup and Himuka says she know what you mean she’s older than him and called him master Itachi.
Note: Itachi Shinden: Book of Dark Night Novel Chapter 6 Section 7, Itachi joins the Masked Man that goes by Madara aka Obito in the Akatsuki and meets Pain, and meets Orochimaru once again, Orochimaru says it’s been 9 years since they last met, Itachi says he left 6 years ago, Masked Man says welcome to the Akatsuki, Orochimaru says I’ll take my leave, we’ll meet again Itachi and disappeared, Masked man says shall we go, 1st to Amegakure the Hidden Rain Village where there base is.
Note: Flashback of Sasuke wakening up in Hospital after Uchiha Massacre and goes to the Uchiha living area which is closed off and sasuke goes in seeing it is empty and goes into his house and knees down Sobbing and goes under Naka shrine to see stone table and then goes to academy which Choji and Shikamaru are also there and Kato and a other student talk about the Uchiha incident and that Sasuke is the only survivor and then he goes to the dock, in Chapter 225.
Note: Chapter 64 it’s stated for the first time in 5 years we’ll be scheduling preliminary rounds for the third examination.
Note: Chapter 345 Flashback of Orochimaru in a 2 man squad with Itachi in Akatsuki and tries to take his body.
It’s stated in Chapter 238 Orochimaru left Akatsuki 7 years ago which Itachi is 18. Could be a round up cause Itachi shows up in leaf in Aug and when Naruto leaves leaf with jiraiya 3 months after Sasuke Retrieval mission which is Dec the Akatsuki state Orochimaru left Akatsuki 7 years ago which Itachi joined Akatsuki at 12 before June when he would turn 13 that year so could be 6 years going to 7 years after Dec so it’s a round up.
It’s stated in Chapter 353 Orochimaru left Akatsuki 10 years ago which Itachi would be 21 turning 22, it could be another round up.
4th Databook states Around 7 Years Ago: Confrontation with Orochimaru, targeting the Sharingan
!! Turning the tables on Orochimaru’s attack aiming for the Sharingan. Orochimaru withdrew from Akatsuki for that chance.
Note: In Chapter 353 Deidara asks Kisame, What kind of fellow is Suigetsu and Kisame says it’s been 10 years, he was a cute little kid, always smiling, and had this quaint little habit of chopping off the arms and legs of his opponents, before beheading them, he was being touted as a reincarnation of Zabuza, The Demon of the Hidden Mist, a real child prodigy. Which Itachi would be 21 turning 22, so the 10 years could be another round up.
Note: Chapter 507 Flashback of Kisame on a mission and Leaf Shinobi shows up with Biki and he kills his comrades and after it he returns to Mist and kills Fuguki and takes Samehada and Obito reveals he’s been controlling the 4th Mizukage Yagura and asks him to join him.
Note: Chapter 508 Flashback of Kisame partners up with Itachi.
Year 57:
(Land of Fire)
Akamaru 7th of July,
(Land of Lightning)
Note: Akamaru said to be 3 in 1st Databook.
Said to be 4 in 2nd Databook.
Said to be 7 in 3rd Databook.
Said to be 8 in 4th Databook.
Note: Fukuemon said to be 8 in 4th Databook Character detail list when Naruto was on Land of Lightning Turtle Island in Chapter 512.
Note: Naruto the last: Naruto the Movie novel prologue page in page 13, when Naruto is in Academy takes place when Naruto is 8 turning 9, because Sasuke has lost clan, which is why he writes no one’s name on bit of paper on who he would want to be with if the world was to end and instead staring out the window resting his chin on his hands, which he lost clan at 7 turning 8, also we don’t see Akamaru with Kiba when we normally see them always together which means he’s not born yet, also in chapter 75 when Kiba gets transferred to Naruto’s class, Iruka and Kiba state Naruto has been in academy for 3 years which we don’t see Akamaru cause he’s not born yet, which Naruto and Kiba would be 8 or 7 turning 8, also we see Sasuke in chapter 225 after Uchiha Massacre at 7 turning 8 which he’s in the same class Choji and Shikamaru and not in the same class as Naruto, which is why we don’t see Naruto in Sasuke’s class in chapter 224 and which is why we don’t see Sasuke in Naruto’s class in chapter 75 when Kiba and some other students transfer to Naruto’s class, so this takes place when Naruto is 8 turning 9 before Akamaru is born and this year is the year when Sasuke, Choji, Shikamaru and some other students got transferred to the same class as Naruto.
Note: Shikamaru Hiden Chapter 17 Gengo says he’s was originally a Shinobi from Kirigakure also Known as the Hidden Mist Village in Land of Water and he says Zabuza started a coup d’état in Kirigakure, his wish was to bring an ideal world, a world governed by Shinobi, but someone betrayed them and tipped the village off and the coup was exposed, which Zabuza became a missing-nin/ Rouge ninja, at that my younger self had been among those who followed him into exile, but then Zabuza, who needed gold realised his ideals, joined hands with a wealthy merchant, a sham of a mafia Gato and took disgraceful mission requests, which Zabuza said they were dirtying their hands for their ideals and cause, but many turned their backs on him, which he was among those that left his side, which almost 10 years have passed since then.
Note: 2nd Fanbook page 119 talks about the Hidden Mist Village, during it’s dark time when Yagure was 4th Mizukage and how he ruled with terror and how just in recent years Mei has just taken over as 5th Mizukage, but before Mei 5th Mizukage took over the Village was known as the the Village of Bloody Mist, which during Yagura’s rein Zabuza who came to reality of the situation in the village, plotted a coup and tried to kill him.
Note: Chapter 29, 31, 32 Haku Flashback of Zabuza saying he has bad news for him and that he’s leaving the Land tonight, but he’s worn an oath to return one day, as a conqueror who’ll crush them all beneath his feet and to do that, what he needs from him is neither love nor affection and support, what he requires is him being his weapon and tool.
Note: Chapter 30 Kakashi says the day Zabuza deserted the Land of Mist and became a turncoat and a renegade his name and actions were reported to Konoha and they know all about his failed coup and him and his followers staged and about the the attempt to assassinate the Mizukage, which he’s been trying to raise funds for a second attempt and barley staying a jump ahead of the shinobi hunters which brought him there, which is why he’s stoop to working for a parasite like Gato.
Note: Kakashi Hiden Novel Chapter 10 Page 118, Kahyo States Zabuza Momochi, The Man they called the Demon of Kirigakure. He is one of the people who got out the Village as soon as he could. I heard he was such a Gentle boy when he was a child.
Year 58:
(Land of Fire)
Rikumaru, Shu,
Note: Rikumaru said to be 6 in 3rd Databook character detail list in chapter 342, he's owned by the Nara clan.
Note: Shu said to be 3 in 2nd Databook in chapter 151.
Note: Chapter 20 Tazuna Flashback talking about how Inari his grandson met Kaiza the man known as The Hero of their city and Inari’s step father, he says it was about 3 years ago they met.
Year 59:
(Land of Fire)
Note: Tami said to be 6 in 4th Databook
Character detail list during pain attack in chapter 421, her grandmother Tame is 61 years older than her.
Note: Flashback of Naruto in Ninja Academy during hand to hand combat drills, in Chapter 538, 694.
Year 60:
(Land of Wind)
Note: Tobimaru said to be 5 in 4th Databook character detail list after Kage summit when 4th war is about to start in chapter 488, he is a messenger Hawk and his father is Takamaru.
Said in 4th Databook Takamaru is his father, while the ages don't make sense Takamaru would be 4 when 4th war is about to start while it's said his son Tobimaru is 5 in 4th Databook when 4th war is about to start.
Note: Chapter 20 Tazuna Flashback talking about Kaiza saying he was the man the city needed and he stopped Area D in Land of Waves from being flooded and then Kaiza was called a hero by the people of the city and Inari could not be more prouder of his step father but, Gato came to the city, Tazuna has a Flashback of Kaiza put to death in front of everyone by Gato.
Note: Chapter 11 Tazuna says Gato took control over Land of Waves about a year ago.
Note: Chapter 84, 86, 179-180 Flashback of Team Guy being Formed.
Note: Chapter 84, 668 Flashback of Lee training and Guy comes to talk to him says he wants to prove that a person that can’t use ninjutsu or genjutsu can still become a splendid ninja.
Note: Chapter 85 Guy Flashback of Lee on his Team and he teaches him the 8 inner gates.
Year 61: (Tsunade becomes Hokage)
(Land of Wind)
Note: Takamaru said to be 3 in 3rd Databook Character detail list chapter 250 when Gaara is kidnapped by Akatsuki and sand send him to send Leaf a message for help to send a team to help rescue Gaara the Kazekage.
Said in 4th Databook Tobimaru is his son, while the ages don’t make sense Takamaru would be 4 when 4th war is about to start while it’s said his son Tobimaru is 5 in 4th Databook when 4th war is about to start.
Note: In Chapter 1 Naruto gets into Trouble for vandalising the Hokage Face’s on Hokage Rock with paint and Iruka scolds him saying Tomorrow is the Shinobi Academy’s Graduation Exam and he’s failed it the last 2 times and this isn’t the time to cause trouble, which Iruka says time for Transformation Jutsu, everyone line up and transform perfectly, which instead Naruto does Sexy Jutsu, Which Iruka says don’t invent stupid skills, which then Naruto is made to clean off the paint on Hokage Rock, which Iruka says he won’t let him go until it’s all cleaned up and Naruto says as if he cares it’s not like he has anyone to go home to, which Iruka says if everything’s cleaned dup he’ll buy him some Ramen tonight, which Naruto says he’ll work hard as he can, and both go to Ichiraku Ramen’s for some Ramen, Iruka asked Naruto why was he doing that to the Hokage faces, doesn’t he know who they are, which Naruto says of course he knowns those who get the Hokage title are the strongest shinobi of this village and among them is the 4th Hoakge the hero who saved the village from a fox demon and one day he’s going to get the hokage title and then he will surpass all the previous Hokage’s and then make the village acknowledge his strength and then asks Iruka if he can borrow his head band, which Iruka says this is what you get after you graduate, it’s a symbol that you’ve come of age, maybe you’ll get one tomorrow.
Note: Chapter 13 Naruto Flashback asking Iruka can he borrow his headband.
Note: In Chapter 1 Naruto takes Graduation Exam, Iruka says to Gradute youll have to do the Clone Technique, which is a E Rank Jutsu, Iruka says when you’re called come to the next room, which Naruto goes to next room to perform but the clone is a dud and he fails, which Mizuki says this is his 3rd time and he did create a clone and should let him pass, which Iruka says no way Mizuki all the other students created two clones and Naruto only created one clone and it was a dud and can’t let him pass, then Naruro sits on his Swing watching his Classmates Graduate, Naruro talks with Mizuki as the sun sets and says he wish he Graduated which Mizuki says in that case I’ll tell you a secret, Naruto then sneaks into Hiruzen the 3rd Hokage’s House at night and knocks him out with Sexy Jutsu and steals the Forbidden Scroll of Seals and hides in the woods reading the Shadow Clone and Multi Shadow Clone jutsu’s.
Note: Naruto Gaiden Chapter 8 Naruto Flashback failing Academy Graduation and on swing watching his classmates graduate and Naruto talking to Mizuki as the sun sets.
Note: In Chapter 1 Mizuki goes to Iruka’s place telling him they must go to the 3rd Hokage’s place, Naruto has taken the scroll of the forbidden seals as a prank, other shinobi’s are mad and Hiruzen says yes that is a dangerous scroll forbidden by the pervious Hokage and if used in a certain way it could cause incredible danger and it’s been half a day since the scroll was taken they must hurry and find Naruto, which Iruka searched the woods and finds Naruto, which Naruto says he found him and he’s only learned one thing from the scroll and Iruka says you look all beaten up what were you doing and Naruto says he’s going to try an incredible jutsu if he does it let him graduate and Iruka asks where did he get the scroll, which Naruto says Mizuki told him about it and about this place too he said if he showed him this skill he’d definitely graduate and then Mizuki tries to kill Naruto and Iruka pushes him out the way taking the attack and Iruka sees what’s going on now, Mizuki tells Naruto to give him the Scroll, Iruka tells Naruto whatever happens don’t give Mizuki the scroll, it’s a dangerous scroll that has forbidden ninjutsu written in it and Mizuki used him to get his hands on it, which Mizuki says there’s no point in him having it and says 12 years ago you know about the demon fox being sealed right, since that day a speical rule was created for this village, but it was never meant to be told to you, the rile is that nobody is allowed to talk about the fact that he is the 9 tailed demon fox and doesn’t he think its odd how everyone hates him and Mizuki throws his Fuma Shuriken at Naruto and Iruka jumps in front of him and says Naruto must’ve been in a lot of pain he’s sorry if only he done a better job he wouldn’t have to feel like this, Mizuki talks about Naruto getting revenge and he’s a demon, Iruka says he’s not like that, Mizuki is transformed as Iruka and Iruka is transformed as Naruto and attack Mizuki, Mizuki says there’s now way that demon wouldn’t use the power of the scroll, Iruka says yeah the fox demon would do that but Naruto is different and has acknowledge him as one of his excellent students and he may not be the hardest worker and he’s clumsy and nobody accepts him and he already knows what it is to feel pain inside his heart but he isn’t the demon fox, he is a member of the Hidden Leaf Village and then Mizuki ties to kill Iruka and Naruto stops him by attacking him and Naruto says don’t touch Iruka sensei or he’ll kill him and then uses Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu with over 1,000 clones surrounding Mizuki and beats Mizuki, then Iruka says to Naruto come over here there’s something he wants to give to you and puts his headband on him saying congratulation on gradating lets celebrate and he’ll buy him a cup of Ramen.
Note: Naruto Gaiden Chapter 8 Naruto Flashback stealing Forbidden Scroll of Seals and him Graduating the Academy.
Note: Chapter 13 Naruto Flashback of Iruka giving him his headband and says Congratulations on Graduating.
Naruto Graduate’s in March since Japan schools Graduate in late March and it’s stated Naruto Graduated Academy at 12 in 1st, 2nd and 3rd Databooks which his Birthday is in October, also Chapter 3 Expired Milk Carton looks like it says Mr for March.
Note: In Chapter 2 Genzo takes Naruto picture for his Ninja registration and Hiruzen the 3rd Hokage sees it and Naruto says it took him ages to come up with a good face, 3 hours later he decided to make this one and Hiruzen says retake it and where’s his headband, Naruto says he’s saving it for tomorrow’s ceremony and he doesn’t want it scratch, Hiruzen says this is a Shinobi Registration Book lists all of the Shinobi of this village and their abilities this is a very important document so what’s up with the face.
Note: In Chapter 2 Then Konohamaru Charges in and falls and meets Naruto causing him of tripping him when he tripped over himself and Naruto is told by Ebisu to let go of him he’s the 3rd Hokage’s Grandson which Naruto says you think he give a damn and punches him on the head and leaves, which Konohamaru follows him and says he’ll make him his boss if he teaches him the sexy jutsu which defeated his grandpa and Naruto starts teaching him, Konohamaru says why he wants to beat his grandpa it’s cause people refer to him as lord 3rd’s grandson instead of calling him by his name he wants to be acknowledged so he wants the Hokage title, which Naruto says if he wants the title that bad then Beat him first.
Note: In Chapter 2 Iruka talks to Hiruzen saying did Naruto show up for his shinobi registration, he lectured Naruto at the Ramen place yesterday But he’s so bent on becoming a great shinobi and have the whole village acknowledge his strength, Hirzuen says Naruto’s dream may be impossible as you know the only people that know Naruto has 9 tailed demon fox inside of him are the shinobi that fought him 12 years ago and he made a law not to mention that to everyone and he’s severely punished those who’ve broken that law, so the children don’t know, this is the only thing Naruto has going for him, the 4th Hokage wanted the people of Konoha to see Naruto as a hero this was his last wish, the 4th sealed the 9 tails into a new born baby, Naruto became the container of the 9 tails demon fox but the adults of this village don’t see Naruto this way, not only that, but because of their attitude towards him the children act the same, when a person hates and doesn’t acknowledge someone’s existence their eyes when they look at him are frighteningly cold, Ebisu find Konohamaru and Konohamaru uses Sexy Jutsu on him and Naruto uses Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu and then uses Harem Jutsu, then Naruto says to Konohamaru he better prepare himself if he wants an incredible title like Hokage which everyone will acknowledge there aren’t going to be any shortcuts, which Konohamaru says from now on we’re rivals, Naruto says sorry but tomorrow he’s taking my first step as being a shinobi but one day he’ll fight him for the Hokage Title and will be looking forward to it.
Note: In Chapter 3 Naruto wakes up for his ninja graduation ceremony and has breakfast and Milk and then goes to his class for his ceremony and Naruro stands on table were Sasuke is siting and someone bumps into him making him fall and lean in kissing Sasuke which Sakura gets mad, Iruka says starting today all of you are real shinobi but you are still genin, the hard journey that lies ahead has just started, now they will soon receive missions to help the village so today they will create the 3 man teams and each will have a Jonin Sensei and they will follow their sensei’s instructions in order to successfully complete their missions and they try to balance team’s strength, Team 7 Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke, Naruto asks Iruka why he’s on Sasuke’s Team and Iruka says his grades were the best of all 27 Graduates and yours were dead last, they have to do this to balance the teams, then says this afternoon we’ll introduce your Jonin Sensei until then take a break, Naruto says only time Sasuke has an opening is when he’s eating so he sneaks behind him ties him up and uses Transformation Jutus to turn into Sasuke and pretends to be him with Sakura but he get the runs and runs to the toilet, then Sasuke unties himself and sees Sakura and says where’s Naruto, which she says don’t change the subject who cares about him all he does is start fights with him and he doesn’t have a normal childhood and doesn’t have parents he can do whatever he wants, if she acted like that her parents would ground her for months, he’s so lucky all alone, parents never saying what to do and what not to do, that’s why he always makes trouble, Sasuke gets annoyed and says the feelings of a parent yelling at is nowhere near what Naruto feels and calls Sakura annoying, then Naruto finishes with the toilet and runs into Sasuke, Hiruzen Shows Kakashi where Naruto lives and says Naruto isn’t smart but he thinks giving Naruto to him is the best he has a nose for these types plus his team will also have Sasuke of the Uchiha clan good luck, Kakashi notices the milk expired a couple of days ago and after hearing about his team he says this could be troublesome.
Note: In Chapter 4 Team 7 are still waiting for their Team Sensei which he’s late and all the other Teams have gone with their Sensei’s and Iruka also left, which Naruto does a prank for their Sensei being late which Kakashi gets caught in the trap, then Kakashi asks them to introduce themselves and gives them examples, Kakashi introduces himself, then Naruto and then Sasuke and lastly Sakura, Kakashi says Tomorrow they’ll start out duties as shinobi’s, first they are going to do something between the four of them, survival training and its not normal training this time their opponent is him, then Kakashi says out of the 27 Graduates only 9 will be chosen to become a Genin the rest will be sent back to the academy, this training is a very difficult exam it has a fail rate of over 66%, which Naruto says What was the point of Graduating which Kakashi says oh that, that was to select those who have the chance to become Genin, anyway tomorrow you have to show your skills in the training ground bring all the shinobi tools you have oh and skip breakfast you might throw up, the details are on this paper and don’t be late tomorrow, Naruto training that night with a motionless Kakashi doll in his bedroom.
Note: Chapter 675 Kakashi Flashback of asking Team 7 to Introduce themselves.
Note: In Chapter 4 Next day after Team 7 Introduction Kakashi shows up late and sets clock for noon there are two bells and their task is to take them from him before the time’s up, those who don’t have a bell by noon get’s no lunch and he’ll not only tie them to one of those stumps but he’ll also eat right in front of them, they only have to get one bell, there are only two so one of you will definitely be tied to the stump and the person who doesn’t take a bell fails so at least one of you will be sent back to the academy, if they want they can use shuriken’s and kunai’s and they won’t succeed unless they come at him intending to kills and then Naruto starts to attack before Kakashi has said they have started, then says Begin.
Note: Chapter 246 Kakashi Flashback of Naruto attacking him, before he says go to start the Bell test.
Note: In Chapter 5 Bell test starts only Naruto is fighting Kakashi while Sasuke and Sakura are hiding, Chapter 6 Bell test Naruto gets caught in a trap and then Sasuke starts to attack, Naruto breaks out trap and gets caught in another, Sakura is place under a genjutsu, Chapter 7 Bell test Sasuke attacks Kakashi and gets trap in the ground and Naruto finds the food and tries to eat it but is caught by Kakashi and the alarm starts ringing letting them know its noon which 10mins later Naruto is tied up to stump and Kakashi says you guys look really hungry, by the way something about the training, well there’s no need for you to go back to the academy, all three of you should quit as shinobi, Chapter 8 Bell test Iruka as Hiruzen about Team 7’s Jonin and Hiruzen gives him the list of his past students and their records, Kakashi says they seems like punks who don’t deserve to be ninja’s and Sasuke attacks him which he restrains him and says that’s why you’re a punk and says are you guys underestimating ninjas, why you think that you were divided into teams and are doing this training, basically you guys are not understanding the answer to this test, the answer that helps you pass this test, it’s team work, the three of you working together may have gotten the bells, Sakura says what do you mean by team work, there are only two bells, even if we work together and get the bells, one of us will still fail, what team work, that just makes us fight each other, then Kakashi says of course this test is purposely set up to make you fight amongst yourselves, the purpose is to see weather you can forget about your own interest and successfully work together , under these designed circumstances, yet you guys instead of Naruto who was right next to you, you were only thinking about Sasuke, who was far away, Naruto you were just running around by yourself, Sasuke you just assumed the others would get in your way and tried to do everything yourself, the duties are done but the Team of course superior individuals is important to a ninja but what’s even more important is Team work, Individual play that disrupts the Team can put your comrades in danger and even get you killed for example, Sakura kill Naruto or else Sasuke dies, you see if a hostage is taken you will have tough choices and then die, you will be risking your lives in these duties, look at this the numerous names carved on this stone, these are ninjas that are recognised as the hero’s of this village, which Naruto says he’s decided to get his name carved on that stone too, hero is what he will become, Kakashi says but they aren’t just normal heroes, they are all heroes who died while on duty, this is a memorial, my best friend’s name is also carved here, you guys he will give them one more chance, but after lunch he’ll make it even tougher to get the bells, those who still wish to challenge can eat lunch but don’t give any to Naruto, It’s punishment for trying to eat by yourself, if anyone gives him any food, they will fail immediately, he is the rules here, then Kakashi leaves and Naruto stomach rumbles, Sasuke and Sakura start eating and Sasuke offers Naruto his food and explains why which then Sakura offers her food to Naruto to, which Kakashi is watching from a far, then Iruka sees Kakashi’s past students and their records which they all have zeroes he has never passed anyone they all failed, Kakashi returns to stump where Naruto is tied up and says What is this, you guys pass, you guys are the first, everyone would just do whatever he told them, they were all just morons, a ninja must see underneath the underneath, those who break the rues and codes of the ninja world are call trash, but you know what, those who don’t take care of their comrades are lower than trash, that ends the training all of yous pass, Starting tomorrow Team 7 will begin it’s duties.
Note: Chapter 13 Naruto Flashback of Kakashi calling him, Sasuke and Sakura Punk, Who don’t deserve to be Ninja’s, and they will be risking their lives on missions.
Note: Chapter 218, Naruto Gaiden Chapter 4 Flashback of Bell test Sasuke and Sakura share their food with Naruto.
Note: Chapter 13 Flashback of Kakashi telling Team 7 that they have Passed the Bell test.
Note: Chapter 218, 227, 484, 675, 698 Flashback of Team 7 being Formed.
Note: Chapter 533 Choji Flashback becoming Genin and is outside the ninja academy.
Note: Chapter 328 Flashback of Team 10/ Team Asuma being formed and Team 10 members meeting Asuma.
Note: Chapter 78 Hinata Flashback of her going in Team 8/ Team Kurenai and Kurenai making sure this meet’s Hinata’s father Hiashi’s approval since she supposed to be the heir apparent of the Hyuga Main Branch, which he says do as you please.
Note: Chapter 328 Flashback of Asuma paying for Team 10’s meal.
Note: Chapter 328 Flashback of Asuma giving Shikamaru rules of Shogi so they can play.
Note: Chapter 533 Flashback of Asuma saying hush to Team 10.
Note: Chapter 533 Flashback of Asuma and Team 10 finish eating and Choji is stuffed.
Note: Konoha Shinden Chapter 10 Choji Flashback of Asuma.
Note: Chapter 90 Ebisu Flashback of Konohamaru doing push-ups and says there’s no shortcuts to being Hokage, that’s what Naruto said.
Note: Boruto Two Blue Vortex Chapter 18 Konohamaru Flashback of Moegi calling him Konohamaru-Chan, back when he was in the Academy.
Note: Chapter 10 Naruto Flashback doing sit-ups with his kakashi doll in the background and Flashback of him practicing jutsu’s everyday and balancing stuff on his head.
Note: Chapter 80 Kurenai Flashback of Hinata as a Genin training constantly and desperately.
Note: Chapter 54, 71 Flashback of Sakura and Ino as Genin and Sakura saying She’s on the same team as Sasuke and she’ll never beat her and Ino says that goes double for her and she doesn’t care what it takes, she’s not going to show her up and Sakura returns her ribbon to her.
Note: Chapter 229 Flashback of Naruto calling Sasuke a stupid idiot and Sasuke calling him the idiot.
Note: Chapter 132 Naruto Flashback of Iruka saying it’s been awhile, wan to go get Ramen and Naruto says yay he wants extra pork today.
Note: Chapter 132 Naruto Flashback of Sasuke saying you idiot, if you want to win against me, train harder and Naruto says shut up he won’t lose to him.
Note: Chapter 132 Naruto Flashback of Sakura saying to him What did Sasuke say about her and Naruto says didn’t really say anything to him, but hey don’t you want to know what he thinks about her.
Note: Chapter 218 Naruto Flashback of Sasuke blushing saying what did Sakura say to him.
Note: Chapter 132 Naruto Flashback of Kakashi telling Naruto if he keeps eating just Ramen and red bean soup, he really will die and if he’s going to be a ninja, he needs to eat vegetables and here’s a delivery and Naruto says he hates veggies.
Note: Chapter 132 Naruto Flashback of Team 7 and Iruka and running towards them.
Note: Chapter 229, Naruto Gaiden Chapter 8 Flashback Naruto challenging Sasuke at balancing stuff on his head in Team 7.
Note: Chapter 229 Flashback of Naruto with a grin saying to Sasuke what do ya say to that.
Note: Rin-No-Sho: Scroll of Facing: Konoha Gaiden Side Story: At the Ichiraku

Note: To-No-Sho: Chapter of Creation: Insect Collection
Note: Fu-No-Sho: Book of Wind: The Truth of His Face
Note: In Chapter 9 Team 7 on a mission to find and Capture Tora the Land of Fire Lord’s wife Madam Shijmi’s Cat, Hiruzen is about to give Team 7 their next duty on babysitting an elder’s grandson shopping in the neighbouring village and help with the potato digging, but Naruto says No thank you, he wants to do, you know more incredible missions, find us a better one, Iruka says you idiot you are just a rookie, everyone starts off with the simple duties and works their way up, Naruto says But they keep getting the crappest possible duties, Kakashi tells him to be quiet, Hiruzen says it seems he ahs to explain to him what these duties are about, listen everyday the village receives numerous request from babysitting to assassination, each request is written down on these lists and divided into an A, B, C, D Ranking based on difficulty, the village is also divided based on skill starting with him the Hoakge to Jonin, Chunin and Genins, the missions are then handed out by them at the top two ninjas based on their abilities and if the duty is completed successfully they receive payment from the client, you guys just recently became Genin, D-Rank Missions are perfect for you, Which Naruto isn’t listening telling his Team that last nigh he had pork ramen, so miso sounds good for, Which Hiruzen says Hey listen and Kakashi says He apologises and Naruto says all yo do is give lecture’s like that and says he’s not the troublemaking brat he still thinks he is, Which Hirzuen says if you want it that much, he’ll give them a C-Rank Mission, it’s a protection mission of a certain individual and Hiruzen introduces the client to them, his name is Tazuna and he’s a super expert bridge builder, which Tazuna expects them to provide him a super protection until he gets back to his country and completes the bridge.
Note: In Chapter 9 Team 7 take land of waves mission, Chapter 11 Kakashi states its spring, which is March-May, but since graduation in Japan is late March then it must be April or May. In Chapter 18 start training, Chapter 21 it’s been 6 mornings of training and then seventh day morning of training, In Chapter 22 next morning, Chapter 33 two weeks later, so was 2 weeks and 8 days.
Note: Chapter 218 Flashback of Naruto and Sasuke training at night in Land of Waves.
Note: Chapter 218, 680, Sasuke Retsuden Chapter 9 Flashback of Sasuke during Land of Waves Mission, Protecting Naruto.
Note: Kakashi has a flashback of Naruto on The Great Naruto Bridge in Land of Waves after Haku and Zabuza’s death in Chapter 524.
Note: Kakashi Hiden Novel Prologue Page 19, Naruto says it’s already been 6 Years since his Land of Waves Mission when he was 12 and was there first Job as Team 7, and that Kakashi, Sakura and even Sasuke were there, and Inari says just in 6 years the Land of Waves has Completely Changed.
Note: In Chapter 34 the sand siblings arrive to leaf and Team 7 meet them, In Chapter 35 on same day Hiruzen says to make it completely official I hereby announce seven days from now on 1st of July we shall begin conducting examination for the Chuin exam, Kakashi, Kurenai and Asuma put their teams forward for the Chunin exam, which makes it the 24th of June, in Chapter 36 Rock Lee says the Chunin exam are coming up and has heard for the 1st time in 5 years they’re going to let the rookies compete this year, Kakashi tell his team, team 7 that he’s nominated them for the Chunin exam and those who want to take exam have to sign the form and turn them in by 4:00 at room 301 Tomorrow afternoon, which makes it the 30th of June since it’s day before exam, next day they arrive to location and notice there being tricked by a surrounding created by a genjutsu and they go to the next floor, in Chapter 38 team 7 arrive to room 301 and meet Kakashi and enter the room, In Chapter 39 Team 7 meet the other rookie 9 and Kabuto, in Chapter 40 Exam examiner Ibiki and exam officers and proctors arrive and explain the rules and hand out the paper with the questions.
Note: Chapter 86 Guy Flashback of Lee training for the upcoming Chunin exams.
Note: Chunin Exams start on 1st of July in Chapter 41, 1st Exam is a written exam with 10 questions and the applicants have 1 hour to answer the questions and the 10th question is not be provided until 45 mins in the exam, if the 3 man squad get caught cheating 5 times they will be disqualified as a team and In Chapter 41 Naruto hasn’t written anything and the time is 55 mins passed and 10 seconds passed 4pm, in Chapter 42 the time is 3mins and 52 seconds passed 5pm then the time is 8mins and 48 seconds passed 5pm, the time is 14mins and 32 seconds pass 5pm, In Chapter 43 the 10 question which means it been 45 mins since exam started, In Chapter 43, 1st exam finished, In Chapter 44, 78 passed the 1st exam making it 26 teams passed.
Note: 2nd Exam starts in Chapter 45 on same day as 1st exam it takes place at training ground 44 also known as the Forest of Death it is a survival test 13 teams will start with a heaven scroll and the other 13 will start with a earth scroll but need both scrolls to pass, the objective is to get both scrolls and bring them to the tower at the centre, so 13 teams will fail they have 120 hour's to complete the exam which is exactly 5 days, teams must arrive to tower within the time as well with there 3 man squad and with both scrolls and it's forbidden to look at the scroll unit your at the tower, 2nd exam started at 3:33pm on 1st of July, In Chapter 44 Anko tells everyone in exam there’s no time to waste lest go follow her to next location and they arrive to Forest of death which, in Chapter 45 she hands out forms and explains exam and distribute’s the scrolls out and tells them to follow their proctor’s to their respective gates and when the signal sounds in half an hour the exam will begin, which the time says 2:32pm which isn’t correct cause it’s same day as 1st exam so it be a mistake the hr hand and min hand must have been mixed up so the time is 6:15pm, In Chapter 51 day after exam started it’s dawn Sakura has been up all night standing guard watching over Naruto and sasuke while they’re unconscious, In Chapter 57 it’s stated about 10 hours earlier than that around 8:00pm on first day in the Forest Anko tells anbu to take her to tower and she’ll explain why and ask lord Hokage Hiruzen to join them there as well and Anko arrives and is told to look at footage of timestamp a hour and 37mins which is 93mins after the exam exam began the 3 sand sibling have already finished 2nd exam which timestamp says 16:09, Which if there timestamp is 16:09 and it’s 1 hr and 37mins after exam started which means exam started at 14:32 which in Chapter 45 the watch shows it being starting at 14:32 but exam takes place after 1st exam which takes place after 5pm so the min and hr hand must’ve gotten mix up and the exam must have started at 18:15 and sand sibling finished exam at 19:52. In Chapter 57 when Kakashi and team Asuma and team guy are together it’s 6am day after exam start cause it’s stated In Chapter 57 about 10 hours earlier than that around 8pm on 1st day in the forest, In Chapter 58 it’s stated back tracking even earlier from the time indicated on the video surveillance tape day one of exam approximately 50mins after the start of the 2nd Exam Team Kurenai watch the 3 Sand Sibling encounter Rain village 3 man squad in Exam, In Chapter 59 Gaara kills Shigura, Midare and Baiu, In Chapter 60 Sakura states the 2nd exam is to last 5 days and 4 days have already passed and they had to split up from the rest of the teams from Konoha and had to spend 2 days letting their wounds heal, In Chapter 61 Team 7 team up with Kabuto and head to tower they get in view of the tower at night, In Chapter 63 Team 7 steal the heaven stroll form Rain village team Oboro, Mubi and Kagari, next day Team 7 go in tower and open seal door and are given instructions what to do with scrolls. The 2nd exam finished in Chapter 64, on the 6th of July with 7 teams passing meaning 21 applicants passing in accordance with the bylaws governing chunin exams for the 1st time in 5 years they'll be scheduling preliminary rounds for the 3rd Examination.
Note: Karin has flashback taking the 2nd exam in chunin exam in the forest of death, in Chapter 482.
Note: Preliminary Rounds start on same day the 2nd Exam finished on 6th of July.
Note: In Chapter 89, After the Preliminary Rounds finished Naruto went looking for Kakashi to train him and instead gets Ebisu, in Chapter 90 same day they start training and meet Jiraiya, in Chapter 91 Naruto is able to walk on water after Jiraiya fixes his seal, Jiraiya says he’ll start the training tomorrow, Chapter 92 Dosu is killed by Gaara on the night of the 6th of July and Baki kill’s Hayate, In chapter 93 Kakashi has flashback of earlier that day Hiruzen telling him and other leaf Shinobi that Hayate’s body was found this morning near Kikyo Castle which he died the night before, In Chapter 92 next day after Jiraiya meets Naruto he starts training Naruto and he summons a tadpole on 7th of July, in Chapter 93, 15 days pass by since the start of training and Naruto can still only summon a tadpole, which makes it the 22nd of July, in Chapter 94 three weeks since the start of training and Naruto is still Summoning a tadpole but this time it’s much bigger, Jiraiya says Naruto passed out and it’s to be expected for the last 21 days and Jiraiya says he’ll have to teach him the hard way and says forgive me 4th Hokage and he says to Naruto when he wakes up, his training will end today, which was on the 28th of July, In chapter 95 half a day earlier Baki and sand siblings return to Sand village to report to Kazekage and talk about mission on destroying Konoha, which is on 27th of July, In Chapter 95 Naruto’s last day of training Naruto summons Gamabunta, In Chapter 96 Gamabunta let’s Naruto rest in hospital, Naruto wakes up after being unconscious for 3 days, which is on the 31st of July.
Note: Chapter 143 Kakashi Flashback of meeting with Jiraiya and Jiraiya says he’ll look after Naruto, ever since Orochimaru left the village he’s been watching him, because he knew that someday he would come back to the village, so he was solely concerned about Orochimaru, which he then joined an Organisation, the Akatsuki and it consists of 9 ninjas and they are all wanted criminals and S rank rouge ninjas and they are collecting things jutsu related and because 9 tails is one of the strongest tailed beasts with most chakra it’s possible there after Naruto and someday Naruto will have to live always watching his back, that is his fate, so you look after Sasuke for now and teach him how to use the Sharigan, before the real Chunin Exam starts please leave Naruto to me.
Note: Chapter 99, 106, 125, 127-129 Flashback of Kakashi training Sasuke to use Chidori for upcoming tournament.
Note: The Final Round the Tournament will Commence in 1 month from the Preliminary Round, stated by Hiruzen in Chapter 89, making the tournament will start on 6th of August. The Final Round Lasted a Day on the same day the attack on the leaf happened by the sound and sand ninja, which Orochimaru fights Hiruzen for an hour and Hiruzen dies, his funeral takes place 2 days after the battle/his death and Itachi appears with Kisame, making Hiruzen's Funeral on the 8th of August.
Note: Chapter 218 Flashback of Sasuke during Konoha attack when fighting Gaara, Sasuke is in front of Naruto saying he’s already lost everything once before, he doesn’t ever want to watch his precious comrades die in front of him, from Chapter 133.
Note: Naruto leaves with Jiraiya to find Tsunade in Chapter 149 and Naruto starts his Rasengan training in Chapter 150, 4 weeks of searching and Training, it took Naruto 5 days to complete 1st Stage in chapter 150 he trains until dark, In Chapter 151 next day Jiraiya give Naruto hint, Naruto says it’s been 3 days since hint it’s late so he goes back to inn and then completed the 1st Stage of learning Rotation on the Rasengan which he shows Jiraya in the Morning, which he Completed 1st stage and In Chapter 152 shows Jiraiya next day in morning, so he Completed 1st Stage in 5 Days.
Note: Chapter 405 Naruto Flashback leaving with Jiraiya to go search for Tsunade.
Note: Chapter 405 Naruto Flashback of Rasengan 1st stage water balloon training.
Note: Second Stage, In Chapter 152 Same day Naruto shows he completed 1st stage he starts the 2nd Stage which is about power and trains all night trying to bust the Rubber Ball, next day he continues his training Jiraya says he told Naruto 3 weeks ago not to be a baby, next day he continues training and Naruto tries to make a single blast to try to make it bust and instead of busting it he puts a hole in it, In Chapter 153 Same day Jiraiya gives him tip after putting hole in Rubber ball he says focus on a point, In Chapter 154 Same day Naruto still training and busts the rubber Balloon Completing the 2nd Stage.
So took him 2 days and 3 weeks to complete 2nd stage, In Chapter 155 Naruto wants to start 3rd stage but Jiraiya says there going to meet Tsunade first but he’ll explain the 3rd stage on the way in Chapter 154 Second Stage Complete.
Note: Naruto and Jiraiya find Tsuande late at night in bar in Chapter 157 and In Chapter 159 Naruto makes a wager in a week/ 7 days from now on Monday to master Rasengan, Same day Naruto says he’s going to go train and start the 3rd stage in Chapter 160, Said to be the 2nd night since the wager he made with Tsunade he said he’ll get it tomorrow and then it’s said the morning of the 3rd day continues with his training then on the 6th next Tsunade says tomorrow is the day and Jiraiya says Naruto’s hardly been at the inn this whole time and Naruto’s still training saying he’s running out of time and went unconscious, Jiraiya says tomorrow is the promised 7th day of the wager In Chapter 161, which in Chapter 167 Naruto Mastered Rasengan and Won Wager and In Chapter 168 she puts the 1st Hokage necklace on him while he's unconscious, so it took him 5 weeks to Master Rasnegan, Making it September.
In Chapter 171 Tsunade says they'll sleep in town and when Naruto wakes up they'll head to Konoha, which when Naruto wakes up he learns Tsunade becomes the 5th Hokage today and they return to Konoha which Shikamaru gets promoted to Rank of Chunin In Chapter 172.
Naruto and Jiraiya left about the 8th of August and don't find Tsunade until 4 weeks/ month after leaving village and meet her on Monday night at a bar about 8th of September and then made a wager with Naruto to master Rasnegan in a week and on Monday about the 15th of Sptermber Naruto mastered it.
The Databook says Shikamaru was still 12 when he got promoted to Chunin and his birthday is on 22nd of September.
Note: Tsunade becomes Hokage at 51.
Note: Sasuke wakes up on the day when Tsuande came back to the village and Orochimaru sends sound 4 to Konoha, next day Naruto and Sasuke fight, same day sound ninja 4 are in Konoha, Kakashi ties Sasuke to tree all night and meets and fights the sound ninja 4 and they ask him to come with them, which that same night he decides to leaves with them and he knocks out Sakura and leaves the village, Sakura wakes up next day at 4am and Tsunade gets Shikamru and gives him his 1st mission to get sasuke which needs immediate action and odds are there will be trouble and most Jonin are away on missions so within the next half an hour gather as manay genin as he deems necessary and leave the village and there's one person she recommends him to include Naruto, so Shikamaru got Neji, Choji and Kiba as well the 5 of them became the Sasuke recovery team leave Konoha to get Sasuke before he crosses the border to the sound village and Rock Lee after surgery leaves village to help with Sasuke retrieval mission and Tsunade requested the sand for backup with mission which they sent the sand siblings and Naruto Catches up with Sasuke and they fight at final Valley, Kakashi is informed about Sasuke after he returns from a mission and wants to send him on another mission but he leaves to find Naruto and sasuke and sasuke beats naruto and leaves to go to orochimaru in sound village Kakashi finds Naruto unconscious at Valley of the end, Neji begin healed in operation by ninjas for 3 hours, Sakura wants to be Tsunade's apprentice and Jiraiya says Naruto is offically his apprentice and with 3 years he'll make him a full-fledge ninja.
Note: Chapter 328 Flashback of Asuma and his Team, Team 10 after Shikamaru get’s promoted to Chunin.
Note: Chapter 229, Naruto Gaiden Chapter 8 Naruto Flashback having Ramen with Iruka.
Note: Chapter 484 Sakura Flashback of Sasuke leaving the Leaf Village.
Note: Chapter 218 Flashback of Sasuke Recovery Team leaving the Leaf Village to rescue Sasuke.
Note: Chapter 352 Jugo Flashback of Kimimaro going to leave to Retrieve Sasuke for Orochimaru.
Note: Chapter 486, 695, Naruto Gaiden Chapter 8 Flashback of Naruto and Sasuke fighting at Final Valley when Sasuke leaves Village.
Note: Chapter 636 Kakashi Flashback of him, Naruto and Sakura saying Sasuke’s a Rouge Shinobi, standard operating procedure is to erase him and Naruto says he’ll bring back Sasuke for sure.
Note: Chapter 484 Flashback of Konoha 11.
Note: Boruto: School Trip Bloodwinds Records Novel 4, It’s Stated by Buntan that Naruto Killed her Father Raiga. Which happens when Naruto is 13 after Sasuke Retrieval Mission and before he leaves Village 3 Months after Sasuke Retrieval Mission.
Note: In Chapter 238, Tsunade says to progress this far in only 3 months of training this girl, she may be of a talent unseen since shizune, making it about 16th of December, Jiraiya says to Naruto they should get going and leave Konoha.
Note: Flashback of Naruto teaching Konohamaru Rasengan in Chapter 426-428.
Year 62:
Note: Sakura, Choji, Ino, Hinata, Kiba and Shino became Chunin at 14 and Neji, Lee and Tenten became Chunin at 15.
Note: After all of team 10 became Chunin, Asuma gave the team a pair of earrings as a present for becoming Chunin, Flashback in Chapter 328 and 533.
Note: Chapter 533 Choji Flashback of becoming a full fledged Shinobi and swears upon his Clan’s oath as the 16th head of his Clan.
Year 63:
Year 64:
(Land of Sound)
Manda II,
Note: Manda II said to be 1 in 4th Databook Character detail when Kabuto attacks Land of Lightning Turtle Island in Chapter 513.
Note: Akatsuki Attack and Kidnap the 5th Kazekage and extracted 1 tails from him killing him at 16. Chiyo used Transmigration giving her life to bring back Gaara the 5th Kazekage back to life and she died at 73.
Note: Sha-No-Sho: Scroll of People: Kakashi’s Face Revealed!
Year 65: (4th Nina War Started and Ended)
(Land of Fire)
Mirai Sarutobi Autumn so Sep or Oct, Eida,
(Land of Water)
Kagura Karatachi,
Note: Mirai said to be 2 in Bland Period Shikamaru Hiden: A Cloud Drifting in Silent Darkness Novel Chapter 1 Section 1, when Shikamaru is 19.
Stated to be born in the depths of Autumn in Naruto the Last: Naruto the Movie Novel.
Mirai birthday in Sep or Oct in Chapter 533
Shikamaru has flashbacks during 1st day of 4th war on the 8th of Oct fighting Asuma and we see Kurenai holding her born Child Mirai, Asuma's king he's entrusted to Shikamaru.
Note: Eida is said to be 16 in Chapter 76.
Note: Kagura is said to be not much older than Boruto’s Class and is Mizukage’s right hand, by Anko in Boruto Novel 4 Page 55.
Character Sheet says he’s 168cm in Height making him 15 in Boruto Novel 4.
It’s said the systems Yagura established, the buildings he made, the laws he created, everything he loved, his subordinates, his bloodline, it all became a symbol of fear, so Kagura took the Name Karatachi instead of Tachibana which was his Grandfather Yagura’s last name, everything related to Yagura is taboo, the fear of Yagura was also the hatred of his heritage, said by Chojuro in Boruto Novel 4 Page 173.
It’s Stated in Boruto Novel 4 Page 74, By Mitsuki that Kagura became a Chunin in the Village of the Mist 2 Years ago.
Rank Chunin.
Note: Chapter 332 Shikamaru Flashback of him and Asuma playing Shogi from Chapter 316.
Note: Chapter 533 Shikamaru Flashback of Asuma dying and tells him who the king is in Shogi from Chapter 328.
Note: Chapter 584 Kabuto Flashback of experimenting on himself after Orochimaru died so he can be more like Orochimaru, which Orochimaru was killed by Sasuke in Chapter 345.
Note: Suigetsu flashback of Karin and Sasuke in Naruto Chapter 700+7/ Naruto Gaiden Chapter 7 from Naruto Chapter 348.
Note: Chapter 584 Kabuto Flashback of experimenting on himself after Orochimaru died so he can be more like Orochimaru, which Orochimaru was killed by Sasuke in Chapter 345.
Note: Shikaku has flashback of Shikamaru saying he went to lecture Naruto not to be all depressed, in Chapter 443 which was because of Jiraiya’s death and he says Naruto’s going to become a very important shinobi to the village and when he’s with Naruto he makes him want to walk with him at his side, in Chapter 443, 649.
Note: Chapter 581 Sasuke Flashback of Leaf shinobi talking about Itachi’s death and crossing him out there Bingo Book.
Note: Sasuke Jinraiden: The Day the Wolf Howled Prologue Sasuke reflects on the battle with Sasuke and his submission to Orochimaru.
Sasuke Jinraiden: The Day the Wolf Howled Chapter 1 Sasuke leaves Tobi after being told the truth about Itachi and the Uchiha massacre.
Sasuke Jinraiden: The Day the Wolf Howled Chapter 2 Sasuke arrives at Howling Wolf Village 13 days after leaving Tobi and isn’t searching for Itachi’s eye medicine and finds it’s a store called Rengyodo which it’s midnight when he arrives there which it’s closed so he waits at an abandoned Kodon Shrine and meets Reishi and Kina and has breakfast with them in the morning and Kina ask Sasuke help with solving the mysterious murders that have been happening and Sasuke agrees so long as he receives food as payment for his services.
Sasuke Jinraiden: The Day the Wolf Howled Chapter 3 Sasuke and Kina have stakeouts during the nights for 3 nights then Sasuke takes Kina home, in the morning Kina informs Sasuke that there have been more murders from other night and convinces Sasuke to detour to the murder scene before he goes and Sasuke starts to get intense pain in his eyes, what he believes to be a symptom of his awakening MS Knowing that the Mangekyo Sharingan awakens from the death of a loved one, and that Itachi died twenty-two days earlier and Sasuke returns with Kina to Rengyodo for some medicine.
Sasuke arrives to village day before he starts stakeouts on the 3rd night of the stakeouts it’s stated Itachi died 22 days ago.
Sasuke Jinraiden: The Day the Wolf Howled Chapter 4 Sasuke and Kina continue their stakeouts on the 6 day Sasuke assumes Reishi was responsible When Kina informs him of the murders the next day, Sasuke realises later that Kina is the murderer, Reishi explains that the Kodon clan sealed Roen into their shrine long ago, When his father broke that seal, he controlled it using his special saigenzai, but the control was broken during its attack on the village and Reishi's parents tried to seal it back into the shrine, but his mother was killed before they had the chance and his father wasn't able to do it alone and Doing what he could, he sealed Roen into the infant Kina at the cost of his life and it was only recently that Kina started to attack people, they tried a number of times to leave the village in order to get away from the anger, but have never been able to, possibly because their parents' seal still binds Roen to the shrine, Reishi wipes Kina's memory after each attack to protect him from the knowledge of what he's done, Reishi asks for Sasuke's help by transforming into Kina and killing him in front of everyone else so that they will believe Kina is innocent of wrongdoing, which Sasuke agrees to follow his request after seeing his determination reminding him of Itachi and the crowd starts attacking Reishi and Sasuke prepares to play his role, but Kina emerges from Rengyodo to defend his brother and As the villagers start turning their attacks on him as well, Roen is released.
Sasuke 6 day stakeout next day informed of Murders.
Sasuke Jinraiden: The Day the Wolf Howled Chapter 5 Sasuke realises that his Mangekyo Sharingan has finally awakened, giving him the feeling that Itachi is with him. Empowered, Reishi asks for Sasuke's help performing the seal his parents tried to use years earlier and if Sasuke distracts Roen with a genjonly a few seconds, he can seal it back into the Kodon Shrine. Reishi will die in the attempt, so he asks that Sasuke tell everyone, Kina included, that he was the killer. Sasuke agrees, impressed by Reishi's dedication to his younger brother.
With only a few seconds remaining, Reishi throws what's left of his perfume into Roen's face to immobilise it while they get into position. He casts a genjutsu with his Mangekyo Sharingan and time slows down. The genjutsu plane fills with crows and the masked boy from Sasuke's dream appears, explaining that the seal Reishi is about to perform will only last for seven years, after which Roen will escape. Sasuke is unconcerned so long as he can save Kina here, today, and asks what the boy wants with him. The boy also wants to protect them, and always has. From the boy's words, Sasuke realises he is Itachi, and cannot hold back his tears at this realisation. Itachi removes his mask and starts to deliver a message. Before he can finish, however, Reishi completes the sealing and the genjutsu breaks.
Sasuke Jinraiden: The Day the Wolf Howled Chapter 6 A celebration is held five days after Roen's defeat and Kina is hailed as a hero by the whole village, who believe he sealed Roen back into the Kodon Shrine in order to stop his murderous older brother. Or at least that's the story told by Jiryu Sendo and Kina has his doubts since he can't remember anything about what actually happened and He escorts Sasuke from the village as he leaves and asks him what happened, but Sasuke avoids giving an answer and he used his Mangekyo Sharingan to alter Jiryu’s memory, fulfilling Reishi's last request to not let anything happen to Kina and As Sasuke is about to set sail he asks Kina to come with him, warning him that Roen will return in seven years.
Sasuke Arrives to village day before his 1st stake out and on his 3rd night stakeout it’s stated Itachi died 22 days ago and he has 6 days of stakeouts and defeats Roen next day he leaves 5 days after the defeat of Roen, so he was only there for 13 days which means Itachi died 31 days ago.
Sasuke Jinraiden: The Day the Wolf Howled Epilogue Sasuke stands on a rock by a beach, reflecting on Tobi's words about Itachi. After sitting there for three days, he is joined by Jugo who informs him the others will join them shortly. He thinks about Itachi some more until Suigetsu, Karin, and Tobi arrive and Sasuke states that their team shall no longer be Hebi but Taka instead, and that their mission from here on out will be to destroy Konoha.
Note: Chapter 528 Dauri Flashback of Ay 4th Raikage saying he has two right arms his own and him.
Note: Chapter 528 Dauri Flashback of Ay 4th Raikage making him, an Allied Forces Company Captain as his Right hand man.
Note: 4th Ninja War, Which started on 8th of October and ended on 10th of October.
Note: Naruto The Last: Naruto Movie Novel Chapter 3 Page 81, Toneri says Eventually, Shinobi even Resurrected the 10 Tails.
Note: Chapter 671 2nd Night of 4th Ninja War 9th of October, The prophecy comes true, just as Gamamaru prophesied a blue eyed youth who can name all tailed beasts and frolic among them, the day the child of prophecy shall change this world has arrived and managed to summon Hagoromo’s soul.
Note: Chapter 678 Infinite Tsukuyomi dreams.
Note: Kakashi Hiden Novel Prologue Page 17, States Kahyo’s Son Hakuhyo was stung by a giant hornet and brought to Hospital, but there was no Doctor there. Nor at the next Hospital, or the one after that, not a Doctor to be found in the Land. When some shady witch Doctor was finally tracked down, a man who could hardly be called a Doctor, the Boy was in Shock and on the Verge of dying. Naturally, the spells and all the rest were of no use at all. If that poor lad had gotten treatment right away, perhaps they could have saved him. But every last Doctor had Disappeared from the Land of Waves. Why do you think that is, Because they had all been bought by the 5 Great Countries to attend to wounded Ninja troops during the 4th Great Ninja War.
Note: Kakashi Hiden Novel Chapter 10 Page 120, Kahyo states her Son Hakuhyo inherited her Kekkei Genkai. One Day, When he was Playing with a friend, likley just fooling around, threw a rock at a Giant hornet’s nest. the Furious hornets attacked them. Hakuhyo’s only thought was to save his friend, and he unleashed Jutsu after Jutsu, things he couldn’t have been taught by anyone. He tried desperately to protect his friend. Hakuhyu produced the Ice Swords through the method written into his blood and protected his friend from the hornets. No matter how much he himself was stung, he tried to dispatch the hornets that came after his friend . Thanks to him, the friend managed to get through it with only a few stings. But Hakuhyo was stung all over. and what do you think happened after that. That friend abandoned Hakuuyo and ran off home by himself. When it grew dark and Hakuuhyo still hadn’t returned home, I went to this child’s house in search of him. And they looked at me with eyes wide like they were seeing a monster. Now that they knew Hakuhyo was the Child of a Rouge Ninja, they wouldn’t let him play with their child. The mother told me as much to my face. Even still, I managed to ask where the children had been Playing. The sun had set and the Moon was high by the time I found Hakuhyo. He, her Son had collapsed, alone in the woods. His entire body was swollen. His face so much so that he was almost unrecognisable.
Year 66: (Kakashi becomes Hokage)
Note: Kakashi Hatake becomes Hokage.
Note: Kakashi Hiden Novel Prologue Page 11, States it’s September a Year after the 4th Ninja War.
Note: Kakashi Hiden: Lightning in the Ice Sky Prologue, Chapter 1-14, Epilogue, takes place nearly a year after war and is before sasuke leaves Konoha.
Note: Sasuke leaves the Leaf Village to know the Shinobi world and how the world looks with the current him and it’s a journey of atonement too, Sasuke leaves the village and Naruto gives sasuke his headband back outside the village, in Chapter 699.
Year 67:
Note: Shikamaru Hiden: A Cloud Drifting in Silent Darkness Chapter 1-4, Takes place 2 years after the Great Ninja War, Shikamaru spends his days racing around, hands full as one of Konoha's key protectors. Then, large numbers of ninja from every region are reported missing. Even Sai disappears and the place where the missing shinobi end up is the mysterious empire, the Land of Silence. Shikamaru is sent with Ro and Hinoko/ Soku on an Anbu mission to find Sai.
Note: Naruto The last: Naruto the Movie Novel: Naruto The last: Naruto the Movie, 2 years after the Fourth Shinobi World War, Naruto must stop Toneri Otsutsuki, a descendant of Hamura Otsutsuki, after Toneri causes the moon to descend toward Earth. Which takes place in the depth of Autumn, stated in page 16 of Naruto the last: Naruto the Movie Novel, Which Autumn in Japan is September to November.
Note: Naruto The Last: Naruto the Movie Novel Chapter 3 Page 85, Toneri, a Descendant of the Branch Family, is Misusing Hamura’s Tensigan to try to Drop the Moon onto Earth. Hamura’s Tensigan must be Destroyed. Byakugan Princess, the Only one Who can do this is You. All at Once, the Soldiers bent down and Knelt. A tall Old Man walked in. Horns Extended from his long Blonde Hair. Hinata Thought he was the Sage of 6 Paths, Hagoromo Otsutsuki, But that was not the Case, My Name is Otsutsuki Hamura, Byakugan Princess, You must not allow the World that my Elder Brother created come to an End.
Note: Retsu-No-Sho: Naruto Special Extra Chapter: After the Last Movie, Naruto and Hinata go on a Date.
Note: Rai-No-Sho: Scroll of Lightning: The Beast that was Shot by Love, It is set during the events of the Blank Period after the events of The Last: Naruto Movie. The omake is unique as it is through Akamaru's point of view on his thoughts on master/partner Kiba Inuzuka.
Note: Sakura Hiden: Thoughts of love Riding Upon a Spring Breeze Prologue, Chapter 1-8, I'll see you soon." With those words, Sasuke left. Time has passed since Toneri Otsutsuki's attack, and spring has come once more. Sakura continues to develop her medical ninjutsu, her days busy but peaceful. But as she supports her friends through their own love lives, she can't help but wonder...how long must she wait? Then, he returns. But dark shadows follow him, and Sakura must face a new trial, as both the leading Medic Ninja of her time...and as a woman.
Note: Konoha Hiden: The Perfect Day for a Wedding Prologue, Chapter 1-8, Epilogue, Naruto’s and Hinata’s Wedding.
Year 68:
Note: Gaara Hiden: A sandstorm Mirage Chapter 1-5, is set a few months after the Naruto’s and Hinata’s wedding. Gaara has just turned twenty years old, so Sunagakure's elders think it's time for him get married. They have already found a wife for him, which he is going to meet shortly and so, Gaara's toughest battle yet begins...
Note: Akatsuki Hiden: Evil Flowering Full Bloom Prologue and Epilogue, Nearly Three years after the end of the Fourth Shinobi World War, Sasuke Uchiha travels through a forest. Despite having once been an international criminal, he was granted freedom and a new outlook because of the friendship of Naruto Uzumaki, the love of Sakura Haruno, and the trust of Kakashi Hatake.
Note: Sasuke Shinden: Book of Sunrise Prologue, Chapter 1-4, Epilogue, Nearly Three years after the Fourth Shinobi World War. As part of his redemption, Sasuke is still travelling around and protecting Konoha from afar. In his journey, Sasuke still tackles missions sent by Kakashi while dealing with his own personal problems.
Year 69:
(Land of Fire)
Boruto Uzumaki 27th of March, Sarada Uchiha 31st of March, Mitsuki 25th July, Inojin Yamanaka
5th of Dec, Shikadai Nara 23rd of Sep, Chocho Akimichi 8th of Aug, Metal Lee, Denki Kaminarimon, Houki Taketori, Renga Kokubou, Hako Kuroi, Sumire Kakei 12th of June, Wasabi Izuno, Namida Suzumeno, Doshu Goetsu, Tsuru Itoi, Enko Onikuma,
Note: Boruto is said to be Born a year after Naruto got Married at 19 when he was 19 Wedding is between Nov-Dec and Boruto was Born in March so he likely was conceived in June when Naruto was 19 then he turned 20 a month after in Oct, Boruto was Born in March when Naruto was 20 but was going to Become 21 that year in Oct.
Boruto said to be 5 in Naruto Last Epilogue in
Said in Chapter 80 by Eida, are you really 12 years old, to Boruto.
Boruto Datacard / Ninja Encyclopaedia Entry 1 in Boruto Chapter 1.
Boruto’s Birthday Column From Naruto Official Site.
Was in a Team with Mitsuki and Sarada in Team
3/ Team 7/ Team Konohamaru.
Rank Genin.
Note: Sarada said to be 11 in Naruto: The Seventh Hokage and the Scarlet Spring/ Naruto Chapter
700+1 which is 15 years after the 4th Ninja War.
In Naruto Gaiden: The Road Illuminated by the Full Moon/ Boruto Chapter 0 also known as Chapter 3.5, in Boruto-Fans No. 1 Introducing Boruto’s Friends it’s stated Sarada’s Birthday is on 31st of March, in V Jump Special Edition Boruto Database it’s stated Sarada’s Birthday is on 29th of March, which Naruto official Account on Twitter/ X that Run the Naruto official website posted a Public apology on Twitter/ X saying in V Jump Special Edition Boruto Database there was an Error with Sarada’s Birthday and that the 29th of March is incorrect and the 31st of March is correct.
In Boruto Chapter 40, she Awakened 3 Tomoe Sharigan.
In Boruto Chapter 80, she Awakened MS.
Sarada Datacard / Ninja Encyclopaedia Entry 2 in Boruto Chapter 2.
Sarada’s Birthday Column From Naruto Official Site.
Was in a Team with Boruto and Mitsuki in Team
3/ Team 7/ Team Konohamaru.
Rank Genin.
Note: Inojin
In Naruto Gaiden: The Road Illuminated by the Full Moon/ Boruto Chapter 0 also known as Chapter 3.5, in Boru-Fans No. 1 Introducing Boruto’s Friends it’s stated Inojin’s Birthday is on 5th of December.
Inojin Datacard / Ninja Encyclopaedia Entry 5 in Boruto Chapter 5.
Was in a Team with Shikadai and Chocho in Team 10 / Team Moegi.
Rank Genin.
Note: Shikadai
Shikamaru Hiden Novel Chapter 4 states Everyone kept living their lives, and time passed slowly and steadily, like a stream and then Shikadai was born, the Son of Shikamaru and Temari.
In Naruto Gaiden: The Road Illuminated by the Full Moon/ Boruto Chapter 0 also known as Chapter 3.5, in Boru-Fans No. 1 Introducing Boruto’s Friends it’s stated Shikadai’s Birthday is on 23 of September.
Shikadai Datacard / Ninja Encyclopaedia Entry 4 in Boruto Chapter 4.
Was in a Team with Inojin and Chocho in Team 10 / Team Moegi.
Note: Chocho
In Naruto Gaiden: The Road Illuminated by the Full Moon/ Boruto Chapter 0 also known as Chapter 3.5, in Boru-Fans No. 1 Introducing Boruto’s Friends it’s stated Chocho’s Birthday is on 8th of August.
Chocho Datacard / Ninja Encyclopaedia Entry 6 in Boruto Chapter 6.
Was in Team with Inojin and Shikadai in Team 10 / Team Moegi.
Rank Genin.
Note: Boruto Chapter 75 Naruto says Amado Mentioned his Daughter dying 12 Years ago, Boruto says 12 Years ago, that's Around When he was Born, Amado has Flashback of Akebi, his Daughter and says his Daughter Akebi Suffered From a Terrible Disease, it was an Unknown Cause, no Drug or Cure was Effective, it was a Fatal illness that Doctors had Given Up on, But he didn't Rail against them, because he'd already Discovered a way to Resolve the Situation, he's make a New Body Via Cloning, he didn't care about Ethics anymore, it seemed Logical to give her a totally New Shell, Rather than Fix up a Defective Product, After all this was a Field that he'd ling Tinkered in, The Bar was Significantly Easier than Developing New Meds, Akebi died a Short Time Later, yet he wasn't Sad, at Least no at that Point, He Plugged Away, in a Race Against Time, he Preserved Akebi’s Brain, and Succeeded in Extracting, Digitising, and Creating a Backup of her Memories.
Note: Boruto Chapter 75 Eida says Amado’s Daughter’s Name is Akebi Sanzu and she died at 24.
Year 70:
Boruto Chapter 75 Amado has Flashback of Delta the Clone of his Daughter Abeki and says about 9 Months after his Daughter Abeki’s Death, She was Abruptly Completed, She had Akebi’s Voice and her Exact Appearance, Plus Her Memories, but she was a Total Stranger, She Definitely Retained Akebi’s Memories in Full, yet she wasn't Akebi, it wasn't just her Personality, her Humanity, it's Difficult to Explain but, it seems a Human's Consciousness is more, than just an Aggregation of Memories, he Kept Remaking her but, Each Time she was someone other than Akebi, even if he could Create a New Person, it just was not Possible to Reproduce one who'd Existed Before, he Realised that this was the Domain of Gods, a World that Humans were not Meant to Step into, and it Finally, Hit Him, that his Daughter, No Longer Existed.
Boruto Chapter 75 When it Finally Hit Amado, that his Daughter, No Longer Existed, That's When he met Jigen, he Appeared to him and he said he'd Reunite Amado with his Daughter Akebi, if he Assisted Him, When Jigen / Isshiki's Objective were Achieved he'd Reward Amado by Reviving his Daughter, that was the deal, he Aligned with Kara as a Last Hope, not Knowing, that his Goal, The Chakra Fruit, Would Come at the Cost of this Planet's Life, he was Prepared to do Anything for his Daughter but, What's the Point if there's no Planet to Live On, but he hasn't given up on his Daughter at all, Jigen never Specified how he was Planning to Revive his Daughter, it's even Possible he may not have ever intended to do so, but as he worked towards taking him Down, he Discerned, The Mechanism of Karmic Resurrection, it's what Isshiki was trying to do through Vessels, and he attempted to Reproduce Akebi using a Clone, was almost Identical, his failed Efforts at Reproducing Personality, which crossed into the Domain of Gods, was Possible only with the Miracle of Godly Power, The Shiniutsu Karma, he Added Akebis Data to Kawakis Reconstructed karma, all Kawaki has to do is Implant Karma into a New Cloned Body that he'll Prepare, that should be Enough to Revive Akebi.
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bornonthebreakofdawn · 2 months ago
The NaruHina Fanzine is already live!!! 🧡💜
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You can read it here 👈
Main Rules for Readers:
• STRICTLY PROHIBITED reposting any content from this fanzine, whether without credit or even with credit.
• STRICTLY PROHIBITED to selling this fanzine in any form. Altaluna is a free digital fanzine created by NaruHina fans, for NaruHina fans 💜🧡
I'm so happy to see my poem included here 🥹🥹🥹
Thank you @iamdslr for the opportunity to collaborate with you! 🧡💜
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artisofthandy · 2 months ago
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It’s December 31st 2024, and that means it’s the last day of the year, 2024! It’s New Year’s Eve 2024! In all honesty 2024 was a alright year with its bumpy road of ups and downs, especially towards the many lives of many pop stars and icons that we we lost this year (Lynja, Carl Weathers, Akira Toriyama, Janice Burgess, Rachael Lillis, Liam Payne, Nick Dante, Quincy Jones, Jimmy Carter, BlackDevilX/Rob Lewis, James Earl Jones, and so many more) but 2024 was a alright year for me personally, since I got to meet so many people at my school, I’ve been more active in getting jobs, practicing my art and improving immensely, etc, plus 2024 was a year for so many 25th, 20th, 15th &, 12th, 10th etc anniversaries (Ed Edd n Eddy, SpongeBob, Naruto, Pico’s School, Family Guy, Mixels, Disney XD, Facebook, Futurama, Danny Phantom, MHA, Earthbound, The Simpsons, DreamWorks, The Incredibles, GameMaker etc). I’m excited for 2025 but at the same time curious and cautious since I don’t know what could happen, what’s gonna happen, who’s gonna pass away, and what will soon come to be, but I got New Year Resolutions to achieve and hope that I won’t mess it up soon, but let’s see in the first generation of the 21st century.
So overall enjoy New Years Eve 2024 and I wish you all good luck and a happy New Years Day in 2025. A very craftive and practical new year to add on!
-SomeCraftive-Art. :)
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muses-of-the-memory · 2 months ago
Happy 10th Anniversary, The Last: Naruto the Movie
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It has been a decade since The Last: Naruto the Movie has been released today.
This is by far my most favorite Naruto movie I ever watched. Naruto becoming a hero to the Hidden Leaf Village, rescuing Hinata Hyuga, the one who loves him,
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and especially when Sasuke came in saving the Hidden Leaf Village, despite I needed to catch up on the series.
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shirii · 2 months ago
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My piece for the Altaluna NaruHina fanzine! 💜🧡✚ Another awesome project I got to be apart of to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Naruto The Last.
Take a moment to view and support the other Naruhina artists and people behind this project 💜🫶🧡 http://altaluna.carrd.co
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kakairu-fest · 5 years ago
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We're excited to reveal the prompts for KakaIru Week 2020!
This is an open event. You do not need to sign up. Everyone is welcome to join!
You can write or draw something for one day or all eight! Create something for one prompt a day or both. Or combine both daily prompts in one work.
Feel free to interpret the prompts any way you'd like! But if you need some inspiration, check below the cut for more on each.
You can find the AO3 collection for this event here.
Rules and Guidelines
Works must be endgame KakaIru.
Art, fic, and all other works are welcome!
There’s no minimum word count for fics.
All works should be created for this event. Old works are not allowed.
There are no restrictions on rating or content, but be sure to tag your work appropriately.
Please make it clear which prompt you are filling by including it in your tags or notes.
Post on the designated day if you can, but if not, late posts are also okay.
We have an AO3 collection for the event here, and we encourage you to post your works to the collection.
If you are posting to AO3 or tumblr, use "KakaIru Week 2020" as a tag. If you are posting on Twitter, use #KakaIruWeek2020.
We will be reblogging and doing recap posts during the week. Works submitted to the AO3 collection and anything on tumblr tagged with "KakaIru Week 2020" and @kakairu_fest will be included. @ us on Twitter (KakaIru_Fest) if you post your work there. If we've missed your post, please let us know!
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!
We hope you'll participate and that there will be a lot of amazing fic and art created to celebrate KakaIru and Kakashi's birthday!
KakaIru Week 2020 Prompts
Like last year, the prompts are general themes instead of specific tropes, which should hopefully give you lots of room to play and mix in the things you like. Your Wedding fanart could be Royalty AU, or your Hobbies fic could led to some high quality Huddling for Warmth shenanigans. We can't wait to see you put your own spin on them!
There are dozens of ways you could take the prompts, but if you are struggling to come up with something, check out a few of our suggestions behind the cut.
Day One (September 8th) 
Hobbies – Kakashi claims to be a man of many hobbies, but what are they? Does he own every piece of Icha Icha merch available or have a bookshelf full of Icha Icha doujin? Does Iruka collect pamphlets from all the onsen he visits? Do they pick up any crazy hobbies after retirement? Today Kakashi and Iruka get to be extra geeky about their interests!
Weddings – Their own or someone else's. Maybe one of them catches Hinata's bouquet, or their friends drag them out for a stag night before their own big day. Do they have a quick Justice of Peace wedding, or do Team 7 make sure they have an elaborate affair whether they want one or not? How do they celebrate their wedding night? Here's your chance to give KakaIru the crazy ninja wedding they deserve!
Day Two (September 9th) 
Confessions – Love confessions, admitting to a guilty pleasure, telling a secret, owning up to something they did wrong. Maybe Iruka admits that he, too, loves Icha Icha, or Kakashi confesses to having a crush on Iruka for ages. What confessions will KakaIru make today?
Health – Who's more likely to catch a cold, and who's the worst patient when they are sick? What are their exercise routines and diets like? How do they deal with mental health? Whether it's recovering from injuries or staying in good physical condition, how do KakaIru do it?
Day Three (September 10th) 
Missions – Missions where they have to work together, missions where they are missing each other, or maybe something a little more unofficial. Does young Iruka make it his mission to prank that one ANBU with gray hair, or is Kakashi on a mission to get Iruka to read the entire Icha Icha series? Maybe they're both on a mission to get Naruto to eat his vegetables. Give KakaIru a mission to complete today!
Thanks – It's time for KakaIru to show their appreciation for the things and people around them! It could be as simple as Kakashi enjoying the view whenever Iruka bends over, or something more serious, like Iruka being grateful Kakashi makes it home alive after a dangerous mission. What are KakaIru thankful for?
Day Four (September 11th) 
Lessons – Classes, extracurricular activities, homework, grading. What did they learn when they were at the Academy or from their jounin sensei? Maybe they are in a night class together, or they have to help Naruto with his homework. Or maybe they learn something new from each other when they start working together or dating. What lessons do KakaIru learn today?
Dreams – What dreams did they have as kids? What do they dream about at night? Has one been having dirty dreams about the other? How do they get over nightmares or help each other achieve their dreams? Today, KakaIru get to dream big!
Day Five (September 12th) 
Pets – Are Kakashi's ninken up to trouble again? Does Iruka's homeroom have a classroom pet? What summons would Iruka have and would they get along with Kakashi's ninken? Summons or normal, what kind of animals do they have?
Hand-Me-Downs – What did they get from their parents or senpai? We know Iruka gave his forehead protector to Naruto, but what else do they pass on to Naruto and his children (or to children of their own)? What heirlooms are precious to KakaIru?
Day Six (September 13th) 
Letters – Love letters, letters from Naruto while he is away, postcards to each other when they are traveling or on missions. What sort of letters do Kakashi and Iruka write each other? Or if you are feeling ambitious, maybe you'd like to try your hand at an epistolary fic!
Anniversaries – Are they one of those couples that celebrate every tiny anniversary or do they forget even the important ones? How do they mark the anniversaries of their loved ones' deaths or Naruto becoming hokage? Do their friends throw them a massive 40th wedding anniversary when they are officially an old married couple, not just one that acts like it? Today it's time to celebrate all the important moments in Kakashi and Iruka's lives!
Day Seven (September 14th) 
Switch – Swap anything about them! Their jobs, bodies, ninjutsu, weapons, clans, or even just their hair color. Hokage Iruka and principal Kakashi, anyone? Or you could use something from other characters! Who wouldn't want to see Kakashi in Sai's crop top or Iruka in Anko's fishnet? Switch something up today!
Crossover – What Hogwarts house would they be in? Is Iruka the Watson to Kakashi's Sherlock? Or they could be members of the most popular idol group in the world. Now's the time to write or draw that KakaIru!!! on Ice idea you've been holding onto. Add in elements from your other fandoms and have fun!
Kakashi's Birthday 2020 (September 15th) 
Birthday – It's Kakashi's birthday! How does he celebrate? Are there surprise parties? Presents? A limited edition Icha Icha figurine waiting to be unwrapped? Or maybe an Iruka waiting to be unwrapped? Celebrate Kakashi's birthday KakaIru style!
Surprises – Maybe a guest shows up uninvited or KakaIru are interrupted by people who don't know how to knock. Maybe Iruka surprises Kakashi when he gives him a taste of his mischievous past, or maybe Kakashi likes to make surprise visits to Iruka's classroom while his students are on break. If you aren't feeling the birthday theme, how about surprising Kakashi and Iruka in general today?
(Banners by @squeakyninja.)
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