methvapes · 1 year
made this narto video
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setokaibapetty · 1 year
5 + 1 Fic Friday Roundup: Ruthless
Fics featuring characters willing to do what needs doing (or just what they believe needs doing) even if its immoral/unconventional. Or just characters who are amoral.
Ruthless (FF / AO3) - "James Potter casts his own spell to protect his only son; but he was never as good with Charms as Lily was. (A more ruthless Harry Potter grows up to confront Voldemort)."
The First Flower of Spring (FF) - "Because every ninja comes from somewhere. Lacking a presence in any ninja village, the Haruno are a clan just the same. Beholden to the traditions of her family, Sakura is changed, as are Team Seven's dynamics."
Revelations (AO3) - "Magnus Bane has been taken. Alec Lightwood is not merciful in his quest to take him back."
A Darker Path (SB) - "When Abbadon passed by all those years before, he left behind a present. Instead of Queen Administrator, Taylor Hebert is now host to another shard altogether. And everyone who ever wronged her is in deep trouble."
Business (AO3) - "The Dursleys didn't raise Harry Potter to be a very good boy."
Bonus: Compulsion (SB) - "Dr. Alex Mercer wakes up having gained powers but lost his memory, and is thrust into a world where heroes and villains are a deadly reality. Aspiring superhero Taylor Hebert mistakes Alex for a Case 53 and tries to help, but hides the fact that she can control his hive-mind of wormlike tendrils, just as he hides that he has become a cannibal. Their game of secrets will change everything."
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kenjo-arts · 11 months
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old c!Dream from around april 2021 and a newer c!Dream from a few weeks ago
and here's one of my first digital art from 2015 ! and one my oldest arts I could find from when I started getting more "serious" from 2013 !
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cartoonrival · 10 months
get buzzed hair naruto off my dash. the only time his hair can be shorter than it was in canon is in boruto, in which it looks like that specifically because it doesnt look good and thats important to understanding whats going on
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exocbxmp3 · 9 months
yeah can i get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh some anime recs?
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dreamingofstarslight · 2 months
How kookoo bananas of me would it be if i were to spend the time to update my gdoc of naruto fics (that has not been updated since i think 2020) with all of the naruto fics ive read since then?
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bougiebutchbitch · 1 year
comic concept from popular fandom that loads of people are interested in: this does not bring joy
comic concept from far less popular fandom that WAY fewer people are interested in: this one brings joy?????
why, brain. every time.
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bugprinz · 1 year
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missed him a little
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best-naruto-gifs · 2 years
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tomicaleto · 2 years
Share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.   
Thank you for tagging me @melli-chou​!
1. Windows of the soul, you should have knocked the door
Anakin stared at the costume on his bed. He was still unsure about the whole ‘Halloween party at the office’ thing Aayla had dragged him into but he was new at his office and he didn’t want to be put into the party-killer box so soon into his work.
“I got a VISA all on my own.” He told himself. “How hard can this be?”
2. Kiss me softly, love me roughly
It all started with a pair of cuffs. As Obi-Wan returned from his meeting, he found them laying on the ground, abandoned. He stared at them from his spot at the entrance of the room. Were those Anakin’s? It was unlike his padawan to leave things out of place, much less actual Jedi tools.
3. A hundred and one universes - chapter 8
 The war had only been over for a couple of months and the peace and recovery efforts were still going strong.
 The Republic’s political sphere had been completely turned into chaos as the reality of Chancellor Palpatine’s true identity and his actual role in the war was revealed. For the first week after his death, the Jedi order had withdrawn into their temple. For too long they had been forced to fight and die into a now pointless conflict and their first step before going out and helping fix the galaxy was to begin healing themselves.
4. But goddamn, you got me in love again
The music was loud all around him, Anakin could almost feel the drums beating in his own skin. The low, colourful lights jumped from greens and blues to reds that were almost pink and yellows. People on the dance floor laughed, drank and danced, adding to the chaotic picture painted by the lights.
5. Viridian afternoon
“Is this really  necessary?” Anakin asked, the sound of the bells tied to his curls jinggling as he turned to stare at the Radichet that was tying some see through fabric around his waist.
 He had been sent by the Jedi council to take part in the ritual that took place every ten years on the planet Achicor. The Radichet, an alien species very similar to humanoids (Anakin had yet to figure out where they were different), dressed up and celebrated for a week, burning particular dishes and incense in the name of their main god: Obi-Wan.
6. Michi, michi, miau
As soon as Obi-Wan had taken a seat on the bus on his way home, it had begun to rain. Hard. He sighed, already dreading the short walk from the bus stop to his house, nevermind that he had his umbrella with him.
 It had been a stressful day at work and he looked forward to finally putting on his slippers and drinking some warm tea. The beginning of spring, as it usually happened, had arrived with a chill and rain. Obi-Wan had taken to bringing his umbrella everywhere he went, at least when he saw the cloudy sky in the morning.
7.  More than one lifetime
 [Hyperspace. Coruscant to Lothal, 23BBY]
 "Master," Anakin broke the kiss with a whine. He was sitting on his master's lap, his upper robes on the floor of the cockpit and his padawan braid tangled in his master's right hand. "Please…" He begged, before Obi-Wan tugged his braid and kissed him again.
8. The right path is not often the clearest one
 The night Rin’s ghost appeared in his dreams, whatever plan Zetsu and Madara wanted Obito to follow became useless.
 At first, he thought she was only a nightmare, the hole in her chest and a bit of blood falling from her lips a haunting sight. Obito broke down crying and hugged her, blaming Kakashi, babbling at her how he would avenge her and create the perfect world for her. But then Rin shook her head and smiled sadly. He couldn’t stand watching her sad so he turned away and then he woke up.
9. Morning star, guide me home
“Mom, look!” Lady Alhue turned around to find her son excitedly holding several items floating around his head. She smiled and put down the knife she was using to fully turn and crouch down so Anakin could get closer. “I’ve managed to lift three more things this time!”      He was so bright, Darth Alhue couldn’t help but mourn the fact that he would soon have to be turned into the dark. It was the only option to keep him safe. She knew there were other Sith roaming around the galaxy, thirsty for power.  
10. Simple comforts
 The door opened and Obi-Wan stepped into the living room. Immediately he saw a lump of heavy blankets, Anakin’s seven year old sister buried in them, her cheeks flushed and lightly panting.
 In front of her, the TV was playing an old movie, one of Anakin’s childhood favourites, as he had mentioned once or twice during the first dates they had. Obi-Wan smiled at the picture and moved further in.
No pressure tags: @softieskywalker, @rexismycopilot, @sopherfly, @tennessoui
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themetalvirus · 2 years
BELIEVE in ur self (i had to do 5 captchas for this after i decided not to send it so im sendi g it ) NARTO!
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runaeveena · 1 year
nimona very good and i really like the adaptation from the comic :) two perfect overlayed mediums
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cartoonrival · 11 months
turns out that not only does a 2pm appointment really fuck up my ability to get anything done, but also if you dont do your homework that means it wont get done. PLUS, they WERE NOT LYING when they said you cant wear a binder that long if youre not used to it lest your ribs start screaming. ON TOP OF THAT, babys first blood test. arm hurt everything huurt im so tired bt i now i have to do HOMEWORK
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askaniritual · 1 year
i cant decide if i should post the next chapter of how can there be more tn or wait a couple days until i have more written of the last chapter....i never know if staring at it longer is gonna make it better or worse..........
the ending is just the most boring part of every story to me tbh like i think things can just end they dont have to End but unfortunately they kind of do. i kind of just want to be done w this story because i feel like i've said everything i have to say. ive given everybody the "hey wouldnt it be fucked up if this happened" and now im worried if i keep making myself write this its going to suck because it will be obviously hastily done
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dreamingofstarslight · 2 months
Hello would you happen to know the cannibal sakura fic you were talking about in the post below. Thanks!!
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Yes i do!!
Its called A Modest Proposal and its by Moron1 on ao3! https://archiveofourown.org/works/21161708/chapters/50367386?view_adult=true
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susie-dreemurr · 2 years
Life just hasn’t been the same ever since I stopped obsessing over mediocre shonen anime :(
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