#narcos elias
owlsnotes · 11 months
Guys, I understood something. I need a fic about Elias, from his point of view. Because we have absolutely nothing about him in season 3. I saw beautiful minies, but I need something a little longer.
What Elias thought about Pacho at the beginning, and how his feelings changed. What he said to Pacho, that Pacho made him so close to himself. And what Pacho said and did for Elias, that he became so loyal. I suppose it was not only about lust and Pacho's money. In season 3 they had really cute and playful conversation (and sooo short!), and Elias said that remark about Pacho's brother — Pacho allows him to speak that way.
Maybe even how Elias' life would change, if he would live longer life.
And I forgot, where would be Manuel in this scheme?
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enkeynetwork · 9 months
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foreveradreamlover · 4 years
I adored Pacho and Elias’ relationship. It ended so fast 😭😖 Elias was so cute and innocent. And Pacho was fabulous and handsome as always.
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queenielacy · 6 years
Imagine: Elias is Gilberto’s son.
He’s the youngest of Gilberto’s children, born to his first wife...or was it his second wife? It really didn’t matter, Gilberto didn’t differentiate based on their maternal lineage. He differentiated them based on their intellect, their wit, their resourcefulness and that made Elias his favorite child. He had a brilliant mind, graduated top of his class at the young age of 15. He went to the best University in Colombia and at twenty years old, he was in his second year of law school.
That surprised everyone. They were sure Gilberto would use the boy’s brains to build his empire, to expand and make even more money, but Gilberto was determined to keep Elias away from his life of crime. Gilberto decided that his favorite child would go down the straight and narrow path. He would become a lawyer, and help others stay out of trouble. If he was great at his craft, maybe he could become the district attorney. After that, the sky was the limit. He could go on to be a judge or go down the political path and become a congressman. Gilbert knew his baby could do anything, but he had to keep him out of trouble. That meant keeping him away from the thugs that looked at him with lustful eyes.
Elias came out as gay when he was 16 and Gilberto was fine with it. He never had an issue with homosexuals. Gilberto was never deeply religious and honestly didn’t care who other people fucked...but he did care who Elias fucked. Due to his position of power, Elias could live openly and didn’t have to worry about being attacked or hurt. That meant the other men that were gay or bisexual tried to seduce his son. He’d be damn if he would allow anyone his business to seduce his son. His son would commit to a nice young man, maybe a fellow lawyer or doctor. He wouldn’t be with a drug dealer, he wouldn’t be corrupted but Elias had other plans.
Elias looked at himself in the full-length mirror. He was dressed tight white jeans that hugged his behind and a tight white shirt. His hair was perfectly coiffed and his shoes shined. Once he was satisfied with his reflection, he went over to his dresser. He picked up his cologne bottle and sprayed some on. He grabbed the thin gold chain and placed it around his neck before grabbing his gold watch and bracelet. He placed them on before going over to the door and opening it. He could hear the band playing music in the backyard and conversations taking place. He smiled as he started down the staircase to join the rest of the party.
“Ah, there is my son!” Gilberto exclaimed as Elias came into the crowded foyer. Elias smiled as he dad grabbed him. He introduced him to some of his friend and Elias smiled and expressed pleasantries. Elias looked around the room and frowned.
“Where is Mr. Herrera?” Elias asked as he turned back to his father.
“He’ll be here soon. You know how Pacho is, he likes to make an entrance.” Gilberto said before going back to his conversation with his friend. Elias nodded. He really hoped Pacho would come tonight. Elias found the older man extremely attractive and had been cozying up to him and his lover, Manuel, for a while now. He wanted them and he was determined to have them.
The rumble of motorcycles brought Elias out of his thoughts. It was unusual because he didn’t think any of his father’s friends rode motorcycles. He looked toward the front door and waited for the riders to walk in. It didn’t take long for the door to open and people to file in. He smiled as he saw Mr. Herrera, Pacho, and Manuel walk in flanked by Pacho’s other sicarios. Elias smiled as he slipped away from his father and moved toward them. The Godfather was so suave as he walked in to the party, dressed to the nines in his leather jacket and perfect silk shirt. There wasn’t a hair out of place and Elias didn’t expect anything less from the man.
“Mr. Herrera, I’m happy you made it.” Elias greeted him as he sauntered up to the Cali Godfather. “Manuel, it’s nice to see you as well.” He added.
Pacho smirked as he looked the young man up and down. Pacho couldn’t deny it, Elias was extremely sexy. He would love to have the boy on his arm and in his bed. He had many fantasies about him and Manuel and how good they would look together, but he knew better than to approach Elias in that way. Gilberto made it very clear that his young son was off limits to him and the others within the Cartel. He respected Gilberto too much to go against his wishes. The older man was the only one to give him a chance, not even Gilberto’s brother originally wanted him to hold a high position within the Cartel. Gilberto stuck out his neck for him and he wouldn’t let the man down. He’d control his hormones no matter how hard it may be.   
“Pacho!” Gilberto exclaimed as he walked over to them. “I am glad you are here, please have fun. No business tonight, okay? This is party. I don’t want to see you huddled up with Chepe or my brother talking business.” He said with a chuckle. “I expect to see you drunk.” He joked.
Pacho smiled. “It will be a fun night.” He said as he turned away from Elias and looked at Gilberto.
“Elias.” Gilberto started. “Take them outside, get them something to eat.” He said before he was pulled away by his fourth wife, or was it his third wife?
Elias nodded before taking Pacho and Manuel’s hands. “Come on.” He said and then led the men outside to the backyard. It was decorated with fairy lights and candles. Flowers were placed in the middle of the tables and waiters moved around bring food and drinks to the party goers. Elias led them to an empty table and had them sit down before calling for items to be brought over. Elias slipped onto the seat between the two and smirked.
“It’s been a while.” Elias stated and Pacho nodded.
“It has.” Pacho added. He purposely stayed away from the young man. He didn’t trust himself to stay around him for too long.
“I would say you two have been avoiding me.” He smirked.
“Never.” Manuel spoke up. “We have just been really busy. We love to see your beautiful face.” He spoke and Elias chuckled as he moved to press against Manuel. Pacho watched as the two flirted with one another. Manuel was a bit looser than him, but Manuel knew the rules. It wouldn’t go beyond flirting. The two looked beautiful together. Elias blushed as Manuel whispered something to him before pressing his hand against Manuel’s thigh. The trio didn’t even notice that the workers brought over food and alcohol.
Pacho tore his eyes away from two before his emotions got the better of him. He grabbed a piece of fruit and bit into it. He noticed the music change and Elias gasped.
“I love this song.” He said and then stood up. “Come on, let’s dance.” He said and grabbed Manuel’s hand. Manuel looked over at Pacho and Pacho nodded. He was sure Gilberto wouldn’t care about a dance. Besides, he didn’t see the older man around. Manuel got up and followed Elias to the dance floor and the two started to dance. Manuel kept a bit of distance between the two, but the dance was still a sensual one. Pacho could feel the desire stirring inside of him as the two moved. He knew he should fight off this desire, but he told himself he would allow himself this one indulgence.
He saw Elias whisper something to Manuel and the notice the two starting to slip away. He raised his eyebrow at this. What did Elias say? Manuel knew better than this, but he couldn’t blame the man for getting caught up in his spell. “Fuck…” He cursed under his breath. He had to go save Manuel from making a mistake. At least, that’s what he was telling himself.
Pacho got up and pushed his way through the crowd of dancers and partygoers. He looked around and saw a Manuel’s backside before disappearing around the corner. He slowly followed the couple, making sure to not draw any attention to himself. He rounded the corner to the other section of the grand estate. He was blocked off from the other partygoers. He stepped over the barrier and continued walking. He rounded another corner and found Manuel and Elias sitting inside and beautiful white gazebo. Elias was sitting on Manuel’s lap, laughing about something. Pacho slowly approached the couple, trying to step softly, but Elias still heard him.
Elias smiled as he looked over at Pacho. “I told you he would follow.” Manuel said as he watched Pacho approach them.
“Manuel…” Pacho trailed off, giving Manuel a pointed look.
“Come sit.” Elias said and patted the place next to Manuel. Pacho went against his better judgement and sat down next to Manuel. Elias smiled as he slung an arm around Manuel. “I’ve been waiting to get this close to both of you. I’m glad I have you now.” He said before turning to Manuel. He leaned in and gave Manuel a kiss on the lips. Manuel gave in and kissed the younger man back. Pacho watched the two kiss and immediately felt his pants growing tighter. This sight was better than he ever imagined. The two slowly kissed, Manuel’s tongue pushing inside of Elias’ mouth. Elias let out a little moan before pulling back. He smirked before looking at Pacho. He reached up and grabbed Pacho by his silk shirt. He pulled Pacho close and Pacho allowed the younger man to guide him forward. Elias pressed his lips to Pacho and Pacho also gave in, kissing Elias softly at first and allowing Elias to control the kiss. Pacho let out a low growl before placing his hands on both sides of Elias’ face, deepening the kiss. He forced his tongue inside of Elias’ mouth as he roughly kissed him. Elias let out a whimper as his hands slid down Pacho’s tone torso. Pacho could hear Manuel swear beside him as he watched. The kiss was better than any of his dreams and fantasies. The younger man’s lips were perfect. He could get used to this, waking up to his kisses in the morning and kissing Elias goodnight...but he couldn’t have this.
Pacho pulled away slowly, causing Elias to whimper. The younger man chased Pacho’s lips but Pacho stopped him. “No, I...We can’t do this.” Pacho whispered before pulling away.
“Pacho, why?” Elias questioned. “...Is it me?” He asked, questioning if the man found him desirable.
“No, God no.” Pacho answered. The tent in his pants showed how much he desired Elias. “I made a promise to your father and I respect him too much to go back on that.” Pacho said before standing up. “Come on, Manuel.”
Elias frowned as Manuel gently coaxed him off his lap and placed him on the bench. He watched the two men walk out of the gazebo and disappear around the corner. He huffed before getting up. He walked through the yard and back into the house. He went over to the front door and noticed the motorcycles were gone.
Elias turned around and went back into the house, walking around the estate until he found his father. “I need to talk to you.” Elias rudely interrupted the conversation Gilberto was having. Gilberto excused himself before following Elias into an empty room. He closed the door behind him. “What do you need since you rudely interrupted me?” Gilberto asked his son.
“You told Pacho to stay away from me?” Elias questioned and Gilberto sighed.
“I told them all to stay away from you.” Gilberto answered and Elias scoffed.
“Why would yo-.”
“Why would I?” Gilberto started, cutting Elias off. “You can’t be serious. These are not good people. I will not allow them to corrupt you.”
“Corrupt me?” Elias questioned.
“Yes, they will corrupt you!” Gilberto yelled.
“I’m already corrupted by being your son!” Elias yelled and Gilberto’s face soften. “I may not be in the business but everyone knows I’m your son and everyone knows what you really do, so I’m guilty by association. I’ll get a law degree and I’ll be on the straight and narrow, but I’ll never be clean!” Elias yelled.
Gilberto sighed before moving closer to Elias. He patted his son’s cheek. “You’ll thank me for this one day, you’ll see.” Gilberto said, doubling down on his decision. “Those relationships always end in heartbreak.”
“Maybe so.” Elias answered. “But you raised a strong boy, I can handle the pain.” He said before pushing past his father and leaving the room. Gilberto sighed. He was sure his son would understand later. He just needed time to think. He would come to the right conclusion, at least he hoped.
I am probably going to write a part 2 to this. I liked this ‘verse more than I thought I would. I could go in a couple different directions...maybe I will write multiple parts that go down different paths. Thank you for reading!
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everknowing · 7 years
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Make the world your priority. Try to live your life ecologically. Play a part in a greater scheme. Try to live the dream on a wider scene. Let's come together right now. Oh yeah. In sweet harmony
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Christ and cocaine: Rio’s gangs of God blend faith and violence
In the city’s favelas, a new generation of ‘narco-pentecostals’ are embracing Christian symbols
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[Image description: a heavily armed drug trafficker stands near a mural that reads “Peace, faith, and love - God is in control” in a Rio de Janeiro favela.]
“Pastor, do you think we could hold a service at my house next Thursday?” the peroxide-haired gangster wondered, cradling an AK-47 in his lap as he took a seat beside the man of God.
A few months earlier, the 23-year-old had bought his first home with the fruits of his illegal work as a footsoldier for one of Rio de Janeiro’s drug factions. Now, he wanted to give thanks for the blessings he believed he had received from above.
“I’ve dodged death so many times. It was He who delivered me from evil,” the drug trafficker reflected as he began another 12-hour night shift on the frontline of the Brazilian city’s drug conflict.
That Christian conviction was echoed all around the young outlaw, on walls adorned with frescoes of the Old City of Jerusalem and an extract from the Epistle to the Galatians: “Walk by the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.”
The gangster’s body celebrated his religion, too. One wrist carried a tattoo of a cross and the words “Jesus lives”. The other featured the motto: “May my courage be greater than my fear and my strength as great as my faith”.
“They know theirs is a cut-throat world so they seek something to believe in,” said Elias Santana, a favela-based preacher who has made it his mission to save the souls of Rio’s ever more evangelical gangsters.
When Rio’s drug conflict exploded in the 1980s, Brazil’s evangelical revolution was still gathering pace and many gangsters looked to Afro-Brazilian deities such as Ogum, the God of war, for protection. Drug bosses frequented Afro-Brazilian temples, built shrines to Orixás and wore necklaces to show their devotion to the Umbanda and Candomblé faiths.
Four decades later, many of those sanctuaries have been replaced with sculptures of Bibles and murals of the Last Supper, as a new generation of born-again criminals takes power, influenced by a brotherhood of pentecostal preachers.
The sway those pastors hold over Rio’s so-called “narco-pentecostals” is unmissable in the hundreds of favelas controlled by gunmen from its three main gangs: the Red Command (CV), the Friends of the Friends (ADA) and, perhaps the most evangelical of all, the Pure Third Command (TCP).
Drug lords, some regular churchgoers, have incorporated Christian symbols into their ultra-violent trade. Packets of cocaine, handguns and uniforms are emblazoned with the Star of David – a reference to the Pentecostal belief that the return of Jews to Israel represents progress towards the second coming. Gang-commissioned graffiti offers spiritual guidance and heavenly praise.
Continue reading.
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absurdthirst · 4 years
Fun fact I’m dealing with the death of my father nine months ago and I’m like not okay tonight and I was just curious how the boys might help their girl through something like this, or if you have any literature on it.
***Hey honey. I am so sorry. I know that it takes so long to ever feel like you can move past the loss of a loved one. Three years after my grandfather passed, my mother still has those bad days. It’s a testament to the men they were. You have my condolences.
Helping You Through a Bad Day of Grief:
Javier: He’s not exactly the best with those outpouring of emotions. He’s quiet, bottled up. He would rather go catch a narco than dwell on his own burgeoning emotions. But that doesn’t mean he won’t help you through your own grief. Because he’s more of a phsyical, acts of servitiude type of man, he’s going make sure that you eat. That your coffee cup is filled. You are on desk duty today. No matter what anyone else says. He would rather you be at home, but there is no way they will let you. Besides, if you are there, he can make sure to pull you into the file room if you need to moment to collect yourself. 
Ezra: His prose is what he considers his greatest asset. But he also understands the value of silence. He gives you space, the quiet to process what you are feeling. Alwasy nearby in case you need him. His astute eyes watching you as you shuffle around the small tent that you share. Tinkering on some broken equiptment that he knew was beyond salvagable. It was more that you were trying to distract yourself. “Little bird.” You look over to where he is laying on the cot, his eyes sympathetic as he motions you closer. “Come and regale me with the tales of your father while we lay together.” 
Mando: Again another man of actions rather than words. However he is more than willing to listen. He could listen to you talk about whatever you wanted for hours on end. He will change the coordinates for the nearest planet that has a claming atmosphere. He can’t find the words to comfort you, but he can give you a view to gaze at. 
Catfish: Taking you for a drive. Getting you away from the hustle and bustle of life. A cool breeze flowing through the windows as he takes you out to ride along the country roads. The fields and trees passing by until you reach your destination. A little river that he found. The water flowing, with a silent trickle. Comforting in it’s continuous cycle. 
Tovar: He grunts and pats you on the back. The life you lead doesn’t allow you to dwell for too long on those lost. He tells you to pray, they are with God now.
Max Phillips: He is so uncomfortable. Like really, really uncomfortable. But he will let you sit on his lap and he won’t even make a dirty joke. He’ll just hold you while thinking the dirty jokes. 
Agent Whiskey: He knows exactly how you feel. But he is uncomfortable. He has wallowed in his grief for so long it has festered in his heart. He doesn’t want the same for you. He urges you to do what he should have, go to some grief counseling. 
Marcus Pike: Whatever you need. He will bet here to do it for you. Listen, he’s got plenty of time. And he will definitely make sure you that you are taken care of in your grief. You will have to worry about nothing, just concentrate on feeling better. 
Oberyn: He will take you for a walk among the water gardens. Talking about his own grief with losing Elia. He commiserates with you and sits with you while you pour out your grief. The Prince is a compassionate man and later he will distract you the best way he knows how. 
Max Lord: Shopping! You can’t be burdened by your grief if you are burning up a credit card. Practially running through stores in an almost manic frenzy, he will try his hardest to buy your way out of your grief. 
Marcus Moreno: He is the one that is the most sympathetic. Most likely will take you to your father’s graveside. Sit with you while you talk to him about the man he didn’t get to know well. Hold you while you cry and assure you that this is normal. A silent, strong comfort.
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thecurlsofgod · 3 years
- i probably can write for more people, these are just the ones i remember. if you want to know if i can write for/know of hte, just send me an ask :)
- i absolutely can not write smut for the life of me
- i am terrible at writing long fics, so what i write might not be that long
more under keep reading
who i write for
- chris evans
- jake gyllenhaal
- sebastian stan
- tom holland
- timothée chalamet
- henry cavill
- drew starkey
- ben hardy
- gwilym lee
- joe mazzello
- rami malek
- george mackay
- richard madden 
- taron egerton
- dylan o’brien
- bill skarsgård
- charlie hunnam
- oscar isaac
- pedro pascal
- tom hardy
- will poulter
vancouver canucks
- quinn hughes
- elias petterson
new jersey devils
- nico hischier
- jack hughes
- luke hughes
philadelphia flyers
- jamie drysdale
new york islanders
- mat barzal
new york rangers
- matt rempe
toronto maple leafs
- auston matthews
- william nylander
utah hockey club
- john marino
- rafe cameron (obx)
- mitch rapp (american assassin)
- bucky barnes (mcu)
- peter parker (mcu)
- steve rogers (mcu)
- ransom drysdale (knives out)
- mickey (villains)
- bruce wayne (dcu)
- nathan bateman (ex machina)
- santiago garcia (triple frontier)
- will miller (triple frontier)
- benny miller (triple frontier)
- frankie morales (triple frontier)
- javier peña (narcos)
- jack daniels/agent whiskey (kingsman: tgc)
- michael langdon (ahs: apocalypse)
- xavier plympton (ahs: 1984)
- kai anderson (ahs: cult)
- dandy mott (ahs: freakshow)
- eddie munson (stranger things)
- steve harrington (stranger things)
- carmy berzatto (the bear)
- lip gallagher (shameless u.s.)
- kevin ball (shameless u.s.)
- billy butcher (the boys)
- soldier boy (the boys)
- black noir (the boys s1-s3)
- kendall roy (succession)
- tom wambsgan (succession)
- stewy hosseini (succession)
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lasgalenn · 4 years
Pedro is in some really cool shit but his youngest sister is an incredible actress too, and in some awesome movies and shows! I really really recommend people to watch her work as well! Especially La Jauria really got to me, even tho episode 7 caught me off guard and had me ugly sobbing at 2am lol
Also her as Elias in Narcos 😭💛
Simping for Lux and Pedro by now lmfaooo
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The “Elias McPickle” gifset. G’bless.
I’ll literally never be over the way Pedro said McPickle in Narcos. I thought I was hallucinating the first time I watched it. I had zoned out, heard that, and rewound it to make sure I wasn’t imagining things. 
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Evak Fics - Dom/Sub
This list is for subby Isak. You may want to skip this if you don't like that characterization. I have included non smut and smut fics and I tried to put them into categories:
NO SMUT - Needy/Clingy, Soft/Shy, Stressed/Comfort, Protective/Possessive, Daddy Kink
SMUT - Stressed, Possessive/Protective, Daddy Kink, Gentle Dom, Dom/Sub, Bottom Isak, Others, Sugar Daddy, Long Fics
Here's a gifset of season 1 & 2 Isak by @jesyblack just for the heck of it.
Fics are under a read more:
********* NO SMUT **********
The Traffic Jam Conversation by dear_ida (1k words) - Isak and Even are stuck in traffic. Isak is a tad dramatic. Even is in love.
(Drunk) In Love by verlore_poplap (orphan_account) (1.5k words) - Isak falls in love at first sight. Too bad he's drunk off his ass when it happens.
take my hand (take my whole life too) by Anonymous (1.7k words) - Isak loves holding Even's hand. Light smut
I'll take care of you even if you're a brat by syubsyubsuga (1.8k words) - Isak is sick,Even takes care of him. He didn't know Isak could be a brat
Sweet by Lisforlove (1.9k words) - Isak is drunk and needy. Jonas pov
smoke in the air, binge drinking by boxesofflowers, Eeyoreneedsahug (2.3k words) - Isak accidentally gets wasted at a house party and Even is there for his boyfriend.
Sunshine in the Shade by MrsFredWeasley1996 (2.6k words) - sleepy Isak being all in love with Even
the kids are alright by Skamtrash (2.7k words) - Anxious Isak loses his friends at a music festival and starts panicking and crying. It's then that he meets Even.
too busy being yours to fall for somebody new by aestheticzjm (4.3k words) - light smut. the one in which 3rd year even sees 1st year isak at a party and is immediately transfixed.
Build Me Up Buttercup by sundaymournin (6.7k words) - isak turns nineteen and some stuff goes down with a familiar, blue eyed blonde
i have everything i need. here. with you by Skamtrash (6.9k words) - Isak and Even rely on each other for everything, they're dependent and clingy and very much meant to be. Everyone realizes it but them.
The Bartender Series by evak1isak (SERIES, 2 fics) - Isak is a bartender who wears crop tops
secrets i have held in my heart by aestheticzjm (SERIES, 3 fics) - Penetrator Even, cocky Even, soft boys
Hoodies Laced With Love by givemepizza (378 words) - Even's hoodies
My Ideal by givemepizza (1.4k words) - Isak considers his boyfriend Even to be the epitome of perfection, and He feels quite insecure and lacking because of that.
Waking Up with Your Enemy by evak1isak (1.6k words) - Isak can't remember what he did last night, but he's woken up with a hangover, in his underwear and in the bed of the boy he loathes the most
Neon Party: Redux by givemesumaurgravy (1.7k words) - Noora didn’t come home and interrupt Isak and Even
Covered In Gold by wyoheartsmusic (1.7k words) - In this universe, Isak is a little younger and a little less jaded when he meets Even.
Love in a Color by alijan (2k words) - One of Even's favorite activities is making Isak blush.
After Midnight by dear_ida (2.1k words) - Even's bitter about having to work New Year's Eve. Seeing his boy makes it better.
the only heaven i'll be sent to is when i'm alone with you by aestheticzjm (2.8k words) - isak and even ride the same bus home and isak develops a crush.
chanel by ohsusie (3k words) - isak likes skirts and pretty underwear. he's not sure even would be so happy about it.
Sharing beds by evak1isak (4.6k words) - Isak shares a bed with Jonas' flat mate, Even. And from that moment on he develops a crush
Safest With You (Green Curtains) by eavk (5.3k words) - Isak keeps staying up too late studying at the library, but luckily there's an escort service that gives students a buddy to walk with to keep safe at night.
closer to free by Skamtrash (7.7k words) - Even works at a coffee shop that Isak always studies in and Even has been crushing on him from afar for way too long so Elias makes them happen. Isak has a past. Light smut
I'll be there by Wolle19 (SERIES, 2 fics) - Mpreg. In the first fic, Even had to be away from Isak and their baby for a while
holding onto you for dear life by boxesofflowers, Eeyoreneedsahug (527 words) - Isak has a nightmare. Even cuddles him.
the sweetest thing by BeingAPartOfSomethingSpecial (555 words) - Isak hasn't been sleeping again. Even is in full soft-boyfriend mode.
bloom later by neptunebaby (1.2k words) - After a stressful day of work at the hospital, Isak comes home to unravel with Even
Now let me take care of you by Treehouse (1.4k words) - Isak is exhausted. Even gets to take care of him.
until we fall asleep by strangetowns (2.2k words) - Even and Isak stay up past midnight.
Well, What Did You Expect When You Told Me To Get My Shit? by LavenderWater (3.5k words) - Isak is stressed and exhausted from all of his school work and during a fight tells Even to get his shit and leave.
i'll defend your every breath by wolfsbanex (806 words) - a game of truth and dare escalates and Even defends his boyfriend.
citizen erased by theyellowcurtains (865 words) - What happened after Isak got punched
that boy is mine by orphan_account (1k words) - someone tries to touch Isak while he's drunk at a party. Angry, dangerous Even
spill yourself in fearing to be spilt by withoutwords (1k words) - someone flirts with Isak and Even gets jealous/possessive
Don't You Let Me Go Tonight by isakbeanie (1.1k words) - Isak gets tipsy at a party and Even gets jealous about some things that go down.
We are by ReadingDreams07 (1.4k words) - Isak starts to do more PDA because the first years wouldn’t stop looking at this boyfriend.
Don't touch Isak by radiantsilver (1.8k words) - Ex stripper Isak. Dangerous Even. Even is soft for Isak but he's not so soft when someone messes with Isak
The one with the narcos by radiantsilver (2.7k words) - Even is a narco lord. He's making a deal with a not so convincing man who's trying to bribe him with hookers, but he doesn't know about his husband Isak.
i can’t handle no liquor by boxesofflowers, Eeyoreneedsahug (3.1k words) - Isak trying to stay sober with Even goes wrong.
sixteen going on seventeen by sundaymournin (5.5k words) - “I don’t know why you always go after weird, older guys. You’re a baby.” “I’m sixteen. I’m not a baby.”
I'll Wait For You by photographer_of_thoughts (8.2k words) - The AU in which Isak and Even didn't get a chance to save each other at Nissen. But time is a funny thing.
Spank Me Patriarchy by nyicris (773 words) - What happens when the Feminist and Woke™ Noora finds –a blindfolded and tied up – Isak calling Even ‘daddy’?
Daddy's Tattoo by evak1isak (959 words) - Isak wants to get two tattoos, one of them designed by Even to mark him.
yayo by neptunebaby (1k words) - Isak wears panties and puts on a little show for Even. Lapdance
********** SMUT **********
soft by isaksforelsket (1.4k words) - Isak just wants Even to help him relax
Watching Over You by lavishsqualor (2k words) - In which Even knows exactly how to loosen his boy up. Daddy kink
i fill the tub up halfway then ride it with my surfboard by orphan_account (3.4k words) - “Take care of me,” Isak whispers
ivory by ohsusie (6k words) - Gentle Daddy, Isak has an oral fixation
ride it, my pony by LouisCutie (1.8k words) - Isak gets turned on by Even's protectiveness and gives him a strip tease
come again, get me excited by ourheartsintertwined (1.8k words) - Isak flirts with another guy and Even punishes him
i may be bad but i'm perfectly good at it by orphan_account (2.2k words) - Isak knows Even is mad. And he has the right to, Isak can’t deny that he would be mad too, if the roles were reversed. Isak dances with some other guy. Daddy kink, spanking
ride on you baby by LouisCutie (2.7k words) - Isak gets jealous and rides Even for the first time
taking care by orphan_account (4.9k words) - There's a new man in Isak's life. Even doesn't notice the signs until it's too late
give me gold by orphan_account (5k words) - Isak doesn’t realize how much Even actually does for him until he meets his friends from Bakka. It doesn't go as well as he'd hoped. Sugar Daddy. Even comforts Isak. Coming untouched
Baby boy by Violetsroses (1k words) - Isak is a lazy whore that needs to be fucked a lot (gotta love that summary). Subspace
Teddy Bear by evak1isak (1.3k words) - Even comes home to find Isak playing dirty games with the plus sized teddy bear he had gifted him
Cotton Candy Pink by riyku (1.4k words) - It's the kinda place where a seventeen year old boy in knee highs and a short schoolgirl skirt can belly up to the bar and order a beer for himself and another for his boyfriend, and the bartender won't say a word. Semi-public. Plug
can't keep my hands off by theyellowcurtains (1.7k words) - Riding. Spanking
Baby come light me up, and baby I'll let you on it by vildehellerad (1.8k words) - Even finds a pair of panties in Isak's laundry.
Hit it Like You Want it by Smallcandy (1.8k words) - Isak looked at Even over his shoulder and took two of his painted fingers to his mouth and started licking and sucking them.
you can be the boss by neptunebaby (2k words) - Isak likes for Even to take control in bed, and Even likes to take control for Isak. Pet names
baby kiss me thru the phone by LouisCutie (2.5k words) - Isak's horny and misses his boyfriend. He calls him. Dirty talk. Spanking
Starry Nights by sensualstalker (3.6k words) - Even and Isak go to the cabin to look at the stars and they have a bangin time that ends in cuddles. Hand and finger kink
you so bad boy, drive me mad boy by voidskam (3.9k words) - "You're so immature, and shameless," Isak says, rolling his eyes again and continuing to look through the fridge. "Is that all?" Even asks after blowing out smoke, "Or is there more?" Bad boy Even
slid the panties right to the side, ain't got the time to take draws off by orphan_account (4k words) - panties, pet names
Wanna be with you all alone, take me home, take me home by SkamLS (skamLS) (4.7k words) - Isak is horny. Even takes care of it
Gymslip by DiscoNight (6.5k words) - Isak wakes up grumpy and Even decides to teach him a lesson, which goes a little further than he expected. Exhibitionism, D/S, punishment, possessive Even, brief sexual harassment (by other people)
I’m Not That Innocent by orphan_account (6.9k words) - Halloween. Britney costume. Rimming
i won't deny it, i'm not trying to hide it by orphan_account (10k words) - Even buys Isak a choker. Featuring panties, choking
do you want me (dead)? by theyellowcurtains (13k words) - Isak broke Even’s number one rule and he needs to be punished for it. Featuring plugs, rimming, Jonas in chapter 3
you look pretty good down here by LouisCutie (2.2k words) - Isak is sick and Even is the most wonderful, caring boyfriend. Rimming
floating upon the surface by Misscaitlin_g (2.3k words) - Isak in subspace.
i need a man that makes it right by orphan_account (5.7k words) - Isak is just about to come, but then Even’s pulling out and kissing along his jaw, murmuring, “Don’t come yet, baby.” Edging, allusions to subspace, holding hands
melt me down (i'm like wax to your jokes) by empty_venom (6.1k words) - Part 2 of the cheerleader costume fic. Pet names, praising  
santa, baby by empty_venom (SERIES, 14 fics) - There's a lot in this series involving advent calendar. Spooning, panties, choker, remote-controlled butt plug, bratty Isak, sex tape, pet names, spanking, bath tub, dildo, boy squad
just a touch of your love by orphan_account (SERIES, 3/4 fics have smut) - 1st year Isak. 3rd year Even. Even calls Isak little one. belly bulging, car sex, public sex
Glorious We Transcend by verlore_poplap (orphan_account) (680 words) - Isak likes punishing himself for silly things. He likes it more when Even does it. Overstimulation. Subspace. After care
bodies on fire by neptunebaby (1.4k words) -  isak wants fast, but even teaches him slow  
Grumpy Isak (one shot) by allthespices (1.5k words) - Isak had been playing video games all day, but Even wants to have some fun.
when i'm alone with you by shadeandadidas (1.6k words) - Isak Valtersen was shy. Which is why it didn’t surprise Even at all when the shyness and softness and sweetness carried over into their bedroom activities. 
Playing video games by evak1isak (1.8k words) - Isak comes home horny to find Even playing video games with his friends. Needy Isak. Exhibitionism
Frisky by evaksskam (1.8k words) - “Officer, I know you’re frisking me and all, but what the fuck? Your hand is on my dick?” Isak asked, trying to keep calm.
Venus by Skamtrash (2k words) - Even buys Isak a buttplug and tells him to wear it all day in school. Isak's desperate, he's horny and Even fucks him into oblivion.
What up, glitter dick by Wrappedbubble (2k words) - Consensual non-con, light bondage, coming untouched, toys, role play
spoiled by orphan_account (2.3k words) - Sometimes, Isak can be a brat. Even knows just how to take care of him. Praise kink
recovery by Skamtrash (2.3k words) - After Isaks heated conversation with his dad and lashing out on Even, Even knows exactly what he needs to do. Spanking, fingering
I'm all yours by Skamtrash (2.7k words) - bad boy even + rough sex. bondage. controlling
Pour Some Sugar On Me by staylucky (2.7k words) - Isak's put on some Halloween weight and feels self-conscious about it until Even shows him just how much he loves Isak's body, whatever size. Rough sex, dirty talk, spanking
Small Death by Laika_the_husband (3.2k words) - Anonymous sex, unsafe sex, choking, rough sex. Isak wants the danger and Even obliges
Bad Boy Even by Skamtrash (3.5k words) -  Even is a scary bad boy who hates everyone and everything but Isak is cute and smol and he can't help but love him. Fruits, ice. Light dom
i will wrap you in my arms and you will know that you are saved by staylucky (3.5k words) - During a lazy morning in bed, Isak becomes transfixed by Even's teeth. Biting. Spanking. Dirty talk
fuck me & feed me by orphan_account (4.2k words) - Light d/s. Weight gain, body worship, praise kink, rimming
the furry fic by chokingonroses (4.2k words) - Kitten costume. Plug. Rimming
Silk Ties by TheFilthWithin (Flatfootmonster) (4.3k words) - Sensory play, blindfold, ice
on the verge, now submerge, i'm your church by orphan_account (4.5k words) - Even has a huge dick. They fuck in his parents' house. Light d/s. Belly bulging, overstimulation
Command by cami_soul (4.5k words) -  Even gets Isak alone and stripped down to his pink panties. Praise kink, rimming
the morning on the your skin and loved up light by staylucky (5k words) - Isak tries to take a creeper shot of the hot stranger on the tram, when his flash goes off. Barebacking, bratty Isak, rough sex
don't want you to get it on with nobody else but me (i'm selfish, i'm obscene) by empty_venom (5.4k words) - The thing is, Even really likes getting his dick wet. Deepthroating. Coming untouched. Snowballing. Dirty talk
we're lost in the heat of the moment (and i'm moving in you) by empty_venom (6.3k words) - Even fingers Isak in front of people. Isak in a cheerleader outfit
Jailbait by starlesspappillon (8.1k words) - make sure to read the warnings. one of the chapters have dubcon. different kinks
Beat that Record by Dutten (81k words) - First chapter is all smut (chapters 2 and 3 are plot heavy). Subspace, overstimulation, multiple orgasm, coming untouched
oh baby don't you know i suffer, oh baby can you hear me moan by theyellowcurtains (550 words) - Isak loves sucking Even off, Even loves doing filthy things to Isak after. Even also loves that Isak is crazy about being overstimulated.
from belly rubs to something else by vodkabunny (837 words) - Isak's new belly button piercing turns Even on.
Gag Order by riyku (1.4k words) - Dirty talk
someone who knows how to ride, without even falling off by orphan_account (1.5k words) - Isak rides Even in a hammock.
wreck me by Skamtrash (1.5k words) - Isak gets dicked down at 2am in his boyfriend's parents house. Belly bulging
after, definitely after. by yourelectriclove (1.6k words) - Pet names, riding, cum eating
I'm Gon' Ride on You Baby All Night by Dutten (2.3k words) - their friends walk in on them
poolside convo by ohsusie (2.4k words) - even fucks isak's thighs in a pool
stolt by isaksforelsket (2.5k words) - Birthday and pride month. Pet names
Back to the Backseat by sherllycolmpels (2.7k words) - Isak and Even are doing it in the backseat of their car
ride it, cowboy by orphan_account (2.7k words) - Even sees Isak ride a mechanical bull and then gets him to ride Even
just a little bit out of my limit by theyellowcurtains (3k words) - Isak is pissed about where he got placed for work experience, that is until he meets his fine ass supervisor. Belly bulging, overstimulation, multiple orgasms
that soft perfect spot by reasoniwantyoutostay (3.1k words) - Even is obsessed with a certain soft perfect spot that always makes Isak tremble.
can't take my eyes of you by orphan_account (3.1k words) - cute boyfriends in the morning who simply cant keep their hands of each other
i had the sexiest dream by reasoniwantyoutostay (3.2k words) - Even discovers Isak having a wet dream. Rimming, comeplay, pretty hole is said a lot
aren't you something to admire by orphan_account (3.4k words) - Even fucks Isak in front of a mirror. "Kitten", coming untouched, praising
You Think You Can Be Quiet, Baby? by Victory4 (3.8k words) - Isak think's he'll win a little sexual competition between him and Even, and discovers how truly wrong he is. Hand on mouth kink
show me with your body baby by yourelectriclove (4k words) - Balcony. That's all I'm saying
red by evak1isak (4k words) - Isak is obsessed with Even's red russ uniform. Featuring exhibitionism, riding, praise kink, no lube
baby won't you let me get it wet by orphan_account (5k words) - Isak gets eaten out for the first time.
mark me up (say I'm yours) by orphan_account (5.1k words) - Isak has never thought about getting choked and spanked until really its all he can think about. Pain kink
sweet dreams turns into fucking in the morning by orphan_account (5.3k words) - Even wakes up to a surprise on the morning of his graduation. crop top, riding
I Feel Your Skin (Smooth As Silk) by CouldBeBlue (5.6k words) - Isak shaves his legs. Praising
Yours Always by Skamtrash (6.3k words) - AU where deaf Isak loves everything about the universe and Even loves everything about Isak. Shy Isak
i tried to be strong but i lost it (i knew it was wrong, i’m beyond it) by orphan_account (6.3k words) - Even has a thing for his intern, Isak has a thing for his boss. Age difference
for him. by Skamtrash (7.4k  words) - Isak finds out the online relationship he's been having is with Oslo's biggest movie director, Even Bech Næsheim
Winter Cabin by alijan (7.5 words) - Isak and Even go to the winter cabin with the boys. Shy Isak. Cabin smut
When I See You, I Keep Getting Chills by plumclouds (8.8k words) - Isak is asked to be Even's tutor by his teachers. It doesn't go like anyone's expecting it to. Bad boy Even
RoadHead by Skamtrash (15k words) - Even and Isak are on a roadtrip to Even's cousins house to ring in the summer. roadhead, car sex, overstimulation, public sex
Rock Hard Paper Scissors by skamsnake (16k words) - second chapter has bottom Even. oral fixation, christmas
The Air Near My Fingers by riyku (1.1k words) - Spanking
Versatile by anaisanais (1.2k words) - Even is versatile
all he wants to do is party with his pretty baby by orphan_account (1.3k words) - Even and Isak attend Even's very first movie's premiere and Isak gets so needy. Rimming, fingering, blowjob
wanna feel your heart and soul inside of me by orphan_account (1.5k words) - Fisting
Heaven by Skamtrash (1.9k words) - Isak wants Even to finger him again
Lørdag 09:21 by unfancyandy (2k words) - Isak wakes up before Even one Saturday morning. Pet names
come undone by Skamtrash (2.2k words) - Four times Isak gets embarrassed in front of Even. Premature ejaculation
hot thoughts melting my mind by orphan_account (2.6k words) - Isak can't stop thinking about Even choking him. Even can't stop thinking about choking Isak.
let me work it by yourelectriclove (2.9k words) - even has stubble and isak loves it a little too much. stubble burn
Peep Show by riyku (3.5k words) - This might be the kinkiest thing Isak's ever done, the only kinky thing he's ever done, but he's committed to it by now, and screw it, he's gonna give this guy something worth watching. Voyeurism. Comeplay
Summer by DickAnderton (5.8k words) - Isak and Even have been crushing on each other for a whole year when their paths finally cross at a hipster music festival during summer break and they spend the night together.
The First day of Autumn by sherllycolmpels (8k words) - Isak and Even try to bake some apple and cinnamon muffins together, and let's say they're more making out and being soft boyfriends than baking. light smut
House Edge by panshambles, skamsnake (15k words) - Isak wants to try edging just because Even did it before. It's a competition. Light d/s.
life support by Skamtrash (12k words) - Isak is behind on rent, Eskild jokingly suggests a sugar daddy. He knows its a crazy idea but he's desperate and seeks one out but fate has other plans
Didn't See This Coming by givemesumaurgravy (26k words) - Isak is behind on his rent again and Eskild has the bright idea to sign him up for a Sugar Daddy dating website.
Club Avfall by RobronSugdenDingle (44k words) - Illegal drugs and strip clubs are Isak's life. Money from his boyfriend, the owner of Club Avfall who is also his sugar daddy can definitely complicate things.
I Don't Need Saving by Skamtrash (47k words) - Isak has a traumatic past. He's a stripper to pay for med school. When he meets Even after he pays for a private session for a night, they continue to see each other and Isak learns to fall in love. Lowkey sugar daddy
Old Money by twentyonetwentyone (100k words) - Pretty Woman au
Neko verse by Laika_the_husband (SERIES, 4 one shots, 1 long fic) - Tomcat!Even meets a scared Kitten!Isak and brings him home for hot sex.
Skamløs by Skamtrash (18k words) - Even is Isak's professor and they have a thing going on
Hard Knocks by DiscoNight (25k words) - Even's depressive episodes are difficult for both him and Isak to cope with. When a frightening experience leaves Isak unable to talk to his friends, and not wishing to impact further on Even's current state of mind, things go from bad to worse. Lot's of angst
We Found the Stars by Sabeley (39k words) - Call Me by Your Name AU
Red roses & cotton candy by dantetrieswriting (56k words) - A rose. He gave Isak a fucking red rose. Doesn't matter, Isak was still not interested. Or at least that's what he kept telling himself. Bad boy Even
Drowning in your love by depressed_mermaid_53 (62k words) - Even is captain of the swim team. Isak and the boy squad join the team. First year Isak
my sweet prince (you are the one) by isaksforelsket (67k words) - After meeting Isak, the younger brother of his friend Lea, Even becomes infatuated with the boy and no matter how hard he tries, he can't seem to stay away.
The Oceans Shall Freeze by DiscoNight, realityiwanted (121k words) - The viking au. Even the berserker sees Isak and immediately  wants him.
Smutty Tumblr Prompts and Drabbles by isaksforelsket (WIP) - A collection of fics 
let me be yours by isaksforelsket (WIP) - Penetrator Even, snarky Isak
"You don't know it yet, Isak Valtersen, but you're mine" // Secret Admirer AU by Jules_poupard (WIP) - Isak has a secret admirer. Possessive Even. Daddy kink
92 notes · View notes
cutulisci · 4 years
Romanzi Underworld – Don De Lillo Rumore Bianco – Don De Lillo Le Benevole – Jonathan Littell Zona – Mathias Enard Petrolio – Pierpaolo Pasolini Pastorale Americana – Philip Roth
Poesia Profitto domestico – Antonio Riccardi Millimetri – Milo De Angelis Poesie – Paul Celan Gli strumenti umani – Vittorio Sereni
Film Il padrino Wall-street La grande scommessa Money Monster Song to Song
Saggi Il capitale – Thomas Piketty Finanzcapitalismo – Luciano Gallino Mediocrazia – Alain Deneault L’economia dell’odio – Alain Deneault Le strategie fatali – Jean Baudrillard Della Seduzione – Jean Baudrillard Il sistema degli oggetti – Jean Baudrillard Lo scambio simbolico e la morte – Jean Baudrillard L’amore e l’occidente – Denis De Rougemont Frammenti di un discorso amoroso – Roland Barthes Il freddo e il crudele – Gilles Deleuze La persuasione e la rettorica – Carlo Michelstaedter La città dell’uomo – Adriano Olivetti Confessioni di un eco-peccatore – Fred Pearce Massa e Potere – Elias Canetti La provincia dell’uomo–Elias Canetti L’unico e la sua proprietà – Max Stirner Charles Baudelaire – Walter Benjamin L’uomo come fine – Alberto Moravia
Serie Tv The Wire McMafia Jack Ryan The Sopranos Narcos Heimat
3 notes · View notes
queenielacy · 7 years
Pacho and Manuel tell Elias the story of how they met:
Elias laid naked and sweaty between both of his lovers on a Saturday night. They decided to stay in and just enjoy one another’s company instead of going out. He could feel Manuel’s lips on his neck and Pacho playing with his ass. His boys were horny, but he really wasn’t in the mood for sex. His mind was on something else entirely. “You’ve never told me how you two met.” Elias blurted out. Pacho and Manuel looked at one another before looking to Elias. “We’ve talked about everything else except that.” “Can’t we talk about that later?” Pacho questioned as he grabbed Elias and pulled his ass against his hard cock. Elias shook his head. “No, I want to know.” Elias stated and turned so he was on his back. Pacho let out a groan because he no longer had access to Elias’ perfect ass. “It’s really not much...” Manuel started but Elias shook his head. “I still want to know....even if was something as boring as meeting in a coffee shop.” Elias explained. “It’s not a boring story.” Pacho added. “Tell me and then I’ll let you have your way with me.” Elias promised. Manuel nodded. “I used to work on the street...I sold myself to make money.” “Well, this isn’t boring at all.” Elias added. Manuel let out a chuckle before he began. “I was working one night when I met Pacho...”
Manuel let out a sigh as he looked at the measly forty bucks in his hand. He would have to get at least one more customer if he was going be able to buy food and pay his water bill. Manuel had just been kicked out of his family’s home for being gay, and this was his first time out in the world on his own. He had a job at the local grocery store, stocking shelves and mopping the floors, but it wasn’t enough to pay rent, utilities, and get food. He started selling himself to make ends meet. Sometimes he would make enough in one night to cover his bills for the month and then there were nights like tonight where he made little money. “You do okay tonight?” Another street worker asked him and he shook his head. “Only made forty bucks.” Manuel answered. “Yeah, me too. It’s a slow night. Weird for a Friday.” He responded. “Hey.” Another worker walked up to the them. “We’re going over to the club. Heard there were some high rollers in there tonight.” The boy said before walking off with his small group. “Wanna go?” Manuel asked the other man nodded. “Why not...” They headed a few blocks east to the club the others were talking about. They arrived just as the club was closing and people were coming out. Manuel stood under the street light with some of the other workers as people poured from the club. One by one the others around him were picked up, until there was only a couple workers left. Manuel was about to call it a night, and just go hungry tomorrow, when Pacho and his crew emerged from the club. Everyone knew Pacho Herrera, one of the Godfathers of the Cali Cartel. He ran Cali and everyone in it. Everyone knew how much he liked to show off his wealth and power, throwing money around like it was nothing. It wasn’t unusual for the man to pay for his men, laying thousands at their feet for one night in bed but Manuel didn’t need thousands, he just needed twenty dollars. Manuel watched as Pacho dismissed the other boys, one by one. He didn’t seem to be impressed with any of them. If he wasn’t impressed with them, how was he going to have a chance with the man? He took a deep breath before approaching The Godfather. The worse he could say was no, and Manuel was no stranger to rejection. Manuel started walking over to Pacho. As their eyes connected, Pacho smirked and Manuel couldn’t tell if that was a good thing or a bad thing. He kept walking, but something behind Pacho caught his eye. A man was coming up fast from behind him. His jacket opened a bit and Manuel could see the top of a silver gun. The man started to pull it out and Manuel gasped before running over to Pacho. “Gun!” Manuel yelled as he tackled Pacho. The gun went off and Manuel felt a lightning bolt of pain through his shoulder. He landed on top of Pacho with a groan but before he could get his completely process everything, Pacho rolled them over. The Godfather shielded Manuel with his own body and then reached for his own gun. Pulling it from his waist, he fired at the shooter and killed him. Manuel reached up with his right hand to hold his left shoulder. He felt the sticky blood on his hand, confirming he’d been shot. The pain was unimaginable. He had never felt anything like this before. “Fuck...” Manuel swore. He could feel himself becoming lightheaded, and he knew he would pass out soon. “Call the ambulance!” Pacho yelled and then looked down at the beauty beneath him. “I thought we’d be on my bed in this position, not on the sidewalk.” Pacho joked and beautiful man let out a chuckle. When Pacho saw the man approach him, he knew he had to have him. He had gorgeous brown skin, a sexy body, and eyes that drew him in. He wanted him laid out across his bed, legs wrapped around his waist, and the man calling out his name. “You want me? It’ll cost you.” Manuel responded. “Whatever you want baby.” Pacho promised. “Twenty dollars.” Manuel responded and then his eyes started to slip close. “No, no, no, no. Don’t close your eyes.” Pacho said and lightly shook Manuel. Manuel’s eyes popped back open and Pacho let out a sigh of relief. “You’re eyes are so beautiful. I want to look at them, please don’t close them.” “I don’t think I can keep them open.” Manuel explained. He felt so lightheaded and like he needed a nap. “I just need a nap.” “Don’t nap yet. Not on the sidewalk.” Pacho started. “You’ll nap on expensive silk sheets from now on or, would you perfect Egyptian cotton?” Manuel chuckled. “Cotton, silk gets too hot....too messy for sex.” He said and then let out a cough. “Cotton it is, on a king size bed.” Pacho said and smiled when he heard sirens. “Just a little more, and then I’ll let you sleep. Keep your eyes open and I’ll give you the twenty dollars and more.” He promised. “Just the twenty is fine.” Manuel added. Pacho smiled and leaned down to place a kiss on Manuel’s forehead. The boss covered Manuel until the paramedics arrived. The paramedics had to pull Pacho off Manuel so they could work on him. They got him stable before transporting him. They quickly loaded him into the back of the ambulance and Pacho rode in the back with him because, Who was going to tell a Godfather what he could and could not do? “You did well baby.” Pacho praised him. “You can rest now. I’ll make sure everything is okay.” Manuel nodded and closed his eyes, quickly succumbing to his lightheadedness and falling asleep.
“And that’s how we met.” Manuel finished. “Oh my God, that’s so romantic.” Elias cooed. “If you say so...” Pacho added and Manuel nodded. “Now come here.” Pacho said and grabbed Elias. “Wait!” Elias yelled. “What happened at the hospital?” “I lived, obviously.” Manuel answered. “I know that.” Elias started. “I mean the next morning, what did you say to Pacho? What did Pacho say to you?” Pacho let out a sigh before starting. “I said...
“Hey beautiful.” Pacho greeted Manuel as he woke up. “Your surgery was a success. You’ll be fine.” “You’re here.” Manuel stated as he looked over at Pacho. He was wearing different clothes from last night, which meant he went home and came back to see him. He couldn’t believe Pacho Herrera would take time out of his day to be here with him. “Where else would I be?” Pacho questioned. “You’re a busy man.” Manuel added. “Not that busy for the man who saved my life.” Pacho said and Manuel gave him a small smile. Pacho reached into his pocket and pulled out a twenty and handed it to Manuel. “I’m a man of my word.” Manuel chuckled as Pacho slipped the twenty into his hand. “You don’t have to. I didn’t...earn it.” Manuel said. They hadn’t had sex, so there was no reason for Pacho to pay him. “Are you kidding? You earned that and more.” He said and picked up Manuel’s hand. He pressed his lips to the back of his hand before smiling at him. “Don’t think I forgot about the sheets. I’m having them shipped in. They’ll be at the house by the time you get discharged.” He explained and Manuel’s eyes widened. “You seriously bought those sheets?” Manuel asked. “Yes and they’ll be on my king sized bed, waiting for you But first, when you get out of here, I’m gong to take you to dinner.” Pacho explained. “You’re going to woo me?” Manuel jokingly asked. “Something like that.” Pacho said and then leaned over and pressed a kiss to Manuel’s cheek. “Get some rest, I’ll be here when you wake up.”
“And that’s it.” Pacho finished. Elias turned to Manuel. “Was he there? When you woke up?” He asked and Manuel nodded. “Yes.” He answered and Elias kissed them both. “Okay. Now I’m ready.” “Finally.” Both men spoke as they flipped Elias onto his stomach. Elias let out a laugh before finally allowing his boys to get what they needed. “Next time.” Pacho began. “Ask these questions in the day time.”
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pachitoherrera · 4 years
Please write more for Pacho 😍 Maybe you can write about reader is like Pacho’s sister and he protects her anytime. Thanks for your writingss 😍
I will!! Pacho is my fave and honestly i love how he is present in ALL seasons even in narcos mexico ugh we stan a king. Also i love the idea of protective pacho 💞 especially considering the way he went full revenge on the norte del valle cartel  for what they did to alvaro (and elias probably)
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chonkychonkin · 5 years
Nine People You’d Like To Get To Know Better
Tagged by: @x-wingwarriorbbpoe8 @pascalisthepunkest and @whyisgmora
Favorite color: Pink 🌸
Top 3 ships:
Pisbon - Pike and Lisbon ( The Mentalist )
Chloe and Lucifer ( Lucifer )
Chise x Elias ( The Ancient Magus Bride ) yes I watch anime
Javier Peña x Steve Murphy ( Narcos ) ignore this 😂
Chapstick or lipstick: Lipstick 💄
Last song: Never Gonna Leave This Bed by Maroon 5
Last movie: John Wick 1 & 2
Currently reading: Harry Potter & The Prisoner of Askaban
Tagging: @otherthingsinhead @soylaprincessa @miller-benny @pedropascalpascal @goldenhour-goldenboy @maydaykoigo @glennrheeality @phantummmutt @ohhihandsome
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omegaplus · 6 years
# 2,770
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Omega Radio for January 12, 2019; #186.
Molly Nilsson “A Slice Of Lemon”
Lebanon Hanover “Babes Of The 80′s” (Tobias Bernstrup RMX)
Urochromes “Night Bully” (Boy Harsher RMX)
Electrosexual “Hot On The Heels Of Love” (ft. Hanin Elias)
Undertheskin “Cold”
Silent Servant “Death Of Decadence”
Body Of Light “Holding You”
Broken English Club “Channel 83″
White Ring “Leprosy”
Flesh & Peaki “Veiled”
Ghxst “Ride”
Grun Wasser “Limits For Limits”
Demdike Stare “Savage Distort”
Strahinja Arbutina “You Don’t Need This In Your Life”
Mirrors For Psychic Warfare “Tomb Puncher”
Drvg Cvltvre “I Look For Your Face In The Neon Lights”
Ron Morelli “Narco”, “Golden Oldies”
Azar Swan “Silent Like A Father”, “Jungle Law”
Soft Moon, The “Like A Father” (Imperial Black Unit RMX)
Adult. “Lick Out The Content”
Boy Harsher “Face The Fire”
Darkwave, synthwave, coldwave, witch, and industrial volume.
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