#nanon draws
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the-named-anon · 1 month ago
Any Hank enjoyers,,,?
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Not exactly based on a specific version, but mostly ‘97/TAS inspired with some various!comic elements
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just-bendy · 2 years ago
wow, seeing your first art post and seeing how your art style's developed now, amazing growth op! 👍
(( thank you!! 😂💜
it's so strange seeing how i used to draw bendy bc he went from this
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when i discovered that bendy doesn't have to be an innocent little bean and can be a charming little bastard toon i was so amazed...
being crazy about bendy also helped with improving my art style too 😊💜 ))
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beachsidecasper · 1 month ago
Okay I'm back to painting finally ! So naturally I started a brand new piece
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idlesugarpuff · 2 years ago
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Favourite scene
The difference between their arms is astonishing XD muscle vs noodle, awww.
(I'm still claiming it's PranPat, don't fight me I'm not equipped to defend myself)
A4, pencils
Just a quick one because I'm running a fever and the world is spinning and achy x__x
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lafcadiosadventures · 2 years ago
La grosse sylvie eyerolling at the narrator and everyone in maison vauquer losing it over how strong vautrin is when she can:
a) carry an unconscious vautrin to his room on the second floor
b) lace up ma vauquer’s grand corset
c) churn butter, do all the household chores
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emotionallychargedtowel · 2 years ago
Utsukushii Kare master post
With Utsukushii Kare: Eternal becoming available on streaming in Japan and rumors of international streaming distribution on the horizon, I thought this might be a good time to do a roundup post of all of my meta writing on the series so far. There's quite a bit of it. Between the complexity of the psychological themes in this series and my capacity for hyperfocus, I ended up with a lot to say.
In case it doesn't go without saying, this post is subject to change as I continue to post on this topic.
The psychological paradoxes of Utsukushii Kare
This is a series of posts (the current plan is to write three installments) about what it says on the tin: paradoxical psychological dynamics in Utsukushii Kare. These are things about the characters that may seem contradictory at first but can be accounted for by digging deeper into some psychological concepts. These posts are focused on the series (both seasons) but will draw from the movie and from the novel and related stories when they illustrate points about the series.
Part 1: Covert grandiosity and finding status through idealization - A pretty deep dive into 1) the subtle ways Hira shows that while his self-image can be highly negative in some ways, in other respects he feels superior to others and 2) how by elevating Kiyoi’s status and humbling himself in comparison, Hira attains a different kind of status.
An addendum of sorts to part 1: Hira's parents and his self-defeating tendencies - Some guesswork about how Hira's parents could have contributed to his self-defeating personality, with some further discussion of specific self-defeating strategies he uses in his relationship with Kiyoi and elsewhere.
Utsukushii Kare through the lens of pursuer-distancer dynamics and related psychological concepts:
The pursuer-distancer dyad & how it applies to the world of BL - a primer on this psychological concept and how it applies to BL generally, with a brief reference to how this concept applies to Utsukare (also touches on Semantic Error and talks in detail about an example from To My Star 2). This one isn't super focused on Utsukushii Kare but is pretty de rigeur for understanding my UK posts on this topic.
Paradoxical roles; or, I think I finally figured out the pursuer-distancer dynamic in Utsukushii Kare - This post comes after some of the posts listed below but I recommend reading it first as this is really where (I think) I cracked the code on this aspect of the story.
Pursuer-distancer roles & attachment style in Utsukushii Kare, Part 1: Hira - In-depth discussion of Hira's role in the pursuer-distancer dyad, his attachment style, and his personality
Pursuer-distancer roles and attachment style in Utsukushii Kare Part 2: Kiyoi - In-depth discussion of Kiyoi's role in the pursuer-distancer dyad, his attachment style, and his personality
Re-evaluating pursuing & distancing in Utsukushii Kare season 1 - super detailed post working out my thoughts about pursuing and distancing in season 1
On the way Sakai Mai (the series' director) uses seme left, uke right framing and its significance in BL and other Japanese media:
Using an example from the s2e1 with the girl who hits on Hira at a party (via a reblog of a gifset from @nanons)
On the way Sakai flips Hira's and Kiyoi's position in the frame in two versions of the same scene and what it tells us about its significance
How the persistent/cute trope plays out in Utsukushii Kare season 2, plus related overanalyses of the big season 2 finale kiss:
The persistent and the cute (how "persistent" and "cute" are code words with specific meanings in BL/yaoi/other drama and manga genres/Japanese culture more broadly)
Analyzing the season 2 finale kiss in light of seme left/uke right framing and the persistent/cute trope (in a reblog of a gif post by @nanons)
Reblogging @bl-bracket to lobby for the season 2 finale kiss, with more overanalysis
Fragrance nerd discussion:
This bittersweet fragrance - on the significance of osmanthus/tea olive in Utsukushii Kare season 2, with additional information on the possible significance of the fragrance of osmanthus and perfumes that are either osmanthus soliflores or feature prominent osmanthus notes
Posts on specific season 2 episodes:
initial thoughts about S2e1
Additional (informal) thoughts on s2e1
S2e1 rundown
Hira's incongruous/misaligned affect at the end of s2e1
S2e2 rundown
on S2e2, including pursuer-distancer dynamics and seme left, uke right
Utsukushii Kare S2E4: “face me straight on” (mostly discussing relationship dynamics pointed out in topic-specific metas)
on Utsukushii Kare: Eternal:
Kiyoi and Anna: on Kiyoi’s friendship with Anna and its significance for his personal growth
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telomeke-bbs · 2 years ago
The Our Skyy 2 Bad Buddy trailer has premiered, and quite honestly they're not giving us much to go on (so don't set too much store by it). What I gather:
Archi and Engine rivalry is very much a thing still – both faculties have to put on a play, but the auditorium is only available for one. So Ajahn Pichai makes them compete to see who gets it ("The faculty that's more prepared gets the auditorium."). Sweeping the exterior grounds with large brooms and construction drawings with truss frames are somehow involved.
Pat and Pran seem to be aware of each other's feelings but their relationship is beset by rivalry, so it looks like the episodes are set as predicted during the timeskip after the Beachside Bet of BBS Ep.6 [4/4] and their sophomore year of BBS Ep.7, in the early part of their "rivalry as courtship" era. But you never know! 🤷‍♂️
A lot of backstage shenanigans between Pat and Pran, and the red backdrop is everywhere.
Their friend groups don't seem aware that the two have embarked on something romantic (i.e., they seem to be seeing only rivalry and competition), which fits placing this in the timeskip.
Wai seems much less like a troublemaker here though.
Pat's hair looks even more hideous than in the earlier Our Skyy 2 trailer. Not easy to make Ohm look bad, but they're managing somehow.
Ohm lost weight after Bad Buddy and looked much leaner in the series he did post-BBS. Strangely he looks bigger in this trailer, almost Pat-sized again (maybe it's the hair and faculty jacket). Nanon looks much the same.
They've changed the filming location for their university, so the ambience is different.
Ink and Pa are in it! And Ink is feeding Pa with shrimp (again). It looks like another hotpot in someone's dorm.
But Pat calls himself "Nong Pat" and asks to be fed shrimp by Pran in front of Ink and Pa. What gives?
Pat and Pran bunk over in that same dorm room (it's not Tinidee), with a tent and Christmas lights – it looks like a planned romantic getaway, but one they're forced to hold indoors away from public view maybe. Their energy there is tender, softer and more vulnerable. And mutual.
They're also seen in a lift for the company Hightem Construction, not LogTech, but they're wearing "Visitor" tags all the same.
Pran wears The Watch, and his PP hobo bag puts in an appearance too.
There are cheek kisses but nothing on the scale of The Rooftop Kiss.
Pat and Pran do some sort of deal behind the scenes, in front of their laptops, sealed with a fistbump.
As noted before by @miscellar and @dribs-and-drabbles (see these links here and here 😍) you CAN'T trust a trailer by Director Aof, so we have six days to find out how much of the above holds true and how much of it turns out to be wool pulled over our eyes. 😂
Waiting on tenterhooks all the same! 😍 And counting down to 31 May 2023... 💖
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midnight museum writers room really was just: okay let's start with a plotline [spins wheel] reincarnation, cool but how about we add a twist it LOOKS like reincarnation but it's ACTUALLY... [gives it another spin] ...multiverse hell yeah! and also [at this point just spinning because it's fun] time travel! cuz why not! yolo amirite!
[throws darts at pictures of gmmtv actors] mike, you're gonna be *squints at smudged writing on hand* a werespider, bright a moth-eating stalker, view a mannequin who cuts off people's legs, and... looks like we don't have nearly enough actors. we're gonna have to have gun attaphan playing [rolls die] 3 roles and nanon korapat playing- that's a three AGAIN- yeah i said THREE note that down. we're also gonna sprinkle in some... [draws cards from a tarot deck] Real Housewives™️, aliens, and to top it all off, a biblical apocalypse. perfect.
and for the emotional piece de resistance... [slaughters lamb and squints at its guts] okay im not sure if it's trying to say it should be a bl or not. how bout we leave that up for interpretation-
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latenightcinephile · 4 months ago
Film #920: 'The Unknown', dir. Tod Browning, 1927.
Keeping track of the films on the list is often a complicated task, especially when you're trying to find films years in advance of any opportunities to watch them. The master spreadsheet I keep has about two dozen films that are still marked 'UNKNOWN' in orange, and ironically Tod Browning's The Unknown was among them for over a decade. Fortunately, a restoration was undertaken in 2022, and you can now find the Criterion version easily accessible.
Silent film is a fascinating subject after a century of sound pictures. It operated with a very limited palette of techniques, and as such needed to make the most of what it had available. People often complain that silent films are too 'theatrical', but the lack of synchronised sound meant that a silent film in fact had fewer tools at its disposal than the theatre did. While modern films can use realistic sound (or its lack thereof) to punctuate, draw attention to or minimise particular moments of a film, in silent films these tasks had to be shifted onto an actor's performance or onto the film's musical score. Even the use of a score was not foolproof, as theatre musicians would have to compare the requested music with what they had available. A larger toolbox available in contemporary cinema has evened out the workload, and it's less common to see a modern film rely so heavily on, say, performance. Tod Browning's film, though, is a stellar example of how films from before the advent of talking pictures honed these elements - to the point where you almost forget that you're watching something with no audible dialogue.
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The star attraction of a circus in Spain, Alonzo the Armless (Lon Chaney)'s main act is to use his feet to throw knives. He is smitten with his partner in this act, Nanon (Joan Crawford), who is also the daughter of the circus ringmaster, Zanzi. Nanon has a fear of being touched or held by men, which means that she easily finds solace in her friendship with Alonzo, and spurns the advances of the strongman, Malabar (Norman Kerry). Eager to further draw Nanon into his clutches, Alonzo encourages Malabar to display his strength to Nanon more and more. The situation is complicated when it is revealed that Alonzo actually still has his arms - he hides them in a corset to make his act more sensational. Alonzo's friendship with Nanon infuriates Zanzi and, after an altercation, Zanzi discovers that Alonzo still has his arms. Out of rage and fear, Alonzo strangles Zanzi to death. Nanon sees the strangling (and in particular, that the culprit has two thumbs on one hand) - but doesn't recognise Alonzo - and her fear is exacerbated. A cursory police investigation doesn't find the culprit, and when the circus moves on, Alonzo and Nanon stay in town, with Alonzo hoping that he might be able to draw Nanon's affections more.
Before long, Nanon embraces Alonzo - an act that alarms Alonzo's friend and servant, Cojo, who worries that Nanon will see through the deception. Realising that he is so accustomed to hiding his arms that he can get by without them, Alonzo hatches a plan to have both arms amputated, which will conveniently hide any evidence that it was he who killed Zanzi. He blackmails a doctor into performing the surgery, and hides from Nanon for the period of his recovery. During this time, ironically, Nanon overcomes her fear of "men and their hands", and kindles a romance with Malabar. Together, they plan a new theatrical show, built around Malabar's strongman skills.
When Alonzo has recovered, he visits Nanon and Malabar at the theatre (hilariously, Nanon notices that his torso is a lot thinner than it was before). They reveal their engagement to Alonzo, and describe the centrepiece of their new act, in which Malabar uses ropes to tether two horses running on treadmills in opposite directions. Alonzo is driven to hysterics by the news, especially because it was delivered in a way that got his hopes up tremendously, and plans to disrupt the performance so that Malabar is maimed in the process (as Malabar cheerfully admits, if a treadmill stops suddenly, "the horses would tear my arms from my body"). During the show, Alonzo locks away the technician who controls the treadmills, and abruptly slows the treadmills, panicking the horses. Nanon tries to calm the horses down to prevent them killing Malabar; Alonzo then pushes her to safety before he is fatally trampled by one of the horses. With Alonzo out of the picture, Malabar and Nanon can finally spend their lives together in security.
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This is a relatively brisk summary of the plot, but it's put in greater context when you realise that the film is only about fifty minutes long. There's a small pile of things in the plot that make no sense - why does Alonzo, who is certain Nanon would come to forgive him for having arms, elect to have them both amputated, and not just remove his extra thumb? Why doesn't Alonzo come up with any explanation for his absence while recovering? - but the film moves along at such a breakneck pace that there's no time to properly question any of them before the next complication arises. Characters are also very fond in this film of saying the most on-the-nose things imaginable, partly as a way of dispensing with any long and realistic exposition. It doesn't take Alonzo long to realise his plan at the end of the film, mostly because Malabar outright says the plan aloud for him. Nanon unintentionally rubs salt into Alonzo's (literal) wounds when she says "I used to be afraid of Malabar's hands, but I love them now."
This excessiveness is one of my favourite elements of The Unknown. It operates in both directions - the excess of comedy becoming farce, and the excess of violence. When the performance with the horses at the end of the film goes awry, Browning cuts rapidly and close, drawing attention to the strain on Malabar's shoulders through close-up shots (and the version of the soundtrack used in the Criterion release piles on the kettledrums at this moment to underscore the tension. It feels like we're moments away from witnessing some terrific gore effects, even though those would be decades away when the film was produced. There are moments, though, where the emotional effect is deflated through farce. The moment Zanzi discovers that Alonzo still has his arms, Alonzo deals with this by... immediately hiding his arms behind his back. These moments sell the horror even more by contrasting them against the absurd.
Lon Chaney's acting is the heart of this film. It's the thing that lets us look past the absurdities of the plot, and buy into the emotional veracity of the film. Although many of the scenes of more fine motion were done with a stunt double, Chaney learned to manipulate things with his feet for wider shots, and it's deeply believable. Audiences at the time would have known that Chaney was not a double-amputee, but the opening scenes of the film sell this so well that the audience I was with murmured in shock when his arms were revealed. Chaney throws the whole of himself into the more emotional scenes, too, so that the intertitles are often superfluous to understanding the direction of a conversation. The performance has to carry a lot of weight throughout the film, too: Alonzo is a murderer and a con artist, driven to extremes by unrequited love, who then descends into hysterics when it is revealed that his extreme measures were unnecessary. In two minutes, he needs to go from hope that Nanon might intend to marry him, to shock that she has fallen for Malabar, to frenzied laughter when he realises he has had his arms chopped off for nothing. Are the emotions overplayed? Sure. But they're in proportion to the scope of the film, and Chaney has an ability to move between these emotions lightning-quick without being abrupt.
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Browning does something really interesting with this film, though: he uses the cinematic tools to play into his themes. The best example of this is in the scene where Alonzo realises his plan to have his arms removed. Lost in thought over the idea that Nanon might reject him when she discovers he murdered her father, he absent-mindedly lights a cigarette with his feet. Cojo laughs at him, commenting that he's forgotten he has arms. Alonzo recoils at this, but in Chaney's performance, you can see the plan form (a slight widening of the eyes, a twitch at the mouth). A shift happens here: we move from a dialogue-heavy sequence to one where there are no intertitles at all. Alonzo continues to speak, giddy with realisation, but what he is saying is too horrifying for the intertitles. Cojo's expression turns to shock, and we do get an intertitle when he says "No, no, Alonzo! Not that! Never do that!", but the act itself cannot be spoken, or even written. In the very next scene, Alonzo and Cojo visit the surgeon, and once again there are no intertitles to describe the actual plan - the closest we get is a single ambiguous gesture Chaney makes at his left shoulder. You can sort of make out the words in the movement of his lips, but the audience never receives the confirmation of what has happened.
I find this fascinating. Usually, silent films don't have the luxury of holding anything back - they have to be repetitive and clear to the point of redundancy. Here, Browning has taken something shocking but admittedly rather mundane, and turned it into a taboo strong enough to abolish one of the tools normally at his disposal. The performances in these scenes, from Chaney, John George as Cojo and John St. Polis as the surgeon, are all so strong that it's easy to misremember the film as more explicit than it actually is. As a result, the film is far more subtle than a lot of Tod Browning's other collaborations with Chaney (ten in total), and probably the most restrained of all of Browning's horrors.
The Unknown is a genuine work of art, a film that moves from merely using its elements to portray a story to using its elements to enhance the story. I don't think it's quite like anything else from the silent era. Is it stagey and melodramatic? Yes, but those aren't bad things, and I'd argue they're necessary to make the film's more subtle elements work. This is a film that's well worth seeing; a little Halloween treat that I'm really glad has been rediscovered.
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aroceu · 2 years ago
patpran's matching outfits
this was originally part of a thread on twitter but i figured i should stick it here too!
over the course of bbs patpran wear some...interesting outfits, but as they get together their wardrobe is a lot more coordinated and matchy 🥰 in particular, i think brown/orange seems to be associated with their happiness and comfort; red/blue symbolizes them together; and black/white i think is a little bit more of a pat motif but in the same way that stripes are pran's—black and white stripes show up quite often for both of them.
episode 2
blue is pat's color and red is pran's; however, as soon as episode 2 we see that their night clothes have swapped this:
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episode 4 & episode 7 & episode 12
their most iconic redgreen moments—without a doubt i know this was intentional. (and also with pran's stripe motif weaved in all of them too!):
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yes, in the last pic pat is wearing matching socks to pran's sweater. can you believe it. UGH.
episode 5
i'm sure everyone and their (baseball) mom has pointed it out, but their color swap at the top of the roof—pran in pat's blue, pat in pran's red��remains to be iconic of them. chef's kiss:
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episode 6
patpran in blue and orange, which incidentally are ohm/nanon's colors (except ohm is orange and nanon is blue) in reverse! idk if this counts as matching but i wanted to point it out:
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episode 7
this is when we start to see both of them mingle the red and blues together equally/in the same scenes, which of course indicates that their feelings are starting to become knowingly mutual 🥰 also special note that pat's shirt does covertly make it look like it reads "your man," while he's talking to pran
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episode 7 & our skyy
this one is less matchy but instead evidence that they share clothes—because yes, the sweater pat wears at the end of ep 7 is the same one pran wears at the end of our skyy 2, which is only fitting as the scenes are parallel (patpran (almost) kissing over food and getting interrupted by pa):
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episode 8 & episode 12
the black/white/orange-brown motifs my beloveds!! it's so basic at first in episode 8—indicating the start and novelty of their relationship—but is very, very obvious in the episode 12 scenes if you look for it:
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episode 8
and of course we can't forget their iconic matching orange shirts in episode 8 too—this is what made me feel like orange in particular is supposed to indicate their comfort with each other:
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episode 10
we start really early on with patpran both in red and blue together—really symbolic in how easily they've adapted into their relationship and each other:
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i also found this really interesting—pat's shirt says "SUN SUN SUN" while pran's shirt has a rainbow on it (with "radiate positivity," lol) both of which definitely go together, however subtle this matching is!
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and then of course when they go to the high school. this is definitely one of the most visually standing out matching outfits between pat and pran, the red and blue and pran's tote bag and the necklace bag all blending beautifully together. pran carrying his necklace bag, a gift from pat, while pat carries pran's tote. pat in the blue and light red, and while pran is mostly wearing his red and white stripes, you can really notice in this shot how many things he has are shades of blue—shades of pat:
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not sure if i can draw a matching set from these two outfits but i still love them so i'm putting them here anyway:
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episode 12
we see pran in pink a lot even when pat is donning pink/red himself—so of course it makes sense for pran, in the last scene, to don some blue. also, together comes the return of the black/white/orange-brown color palette! and of course pat wearing the smiley face shirt we saw from a brief pan over in episode 1, which we know makes pat think of pran (that shot led right into the pond flashback)—it's also the same type of smiley face that was on pran's bag when he was in high school, and fits in with the rest of the smiley faces in pran's room, symbolizing that this is where pat has always belonged: with pran.
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special mention to:
pat at the beginning of episode 8! we can agree this is pran's shirt, right? pran's the one with the striped shirts with collars—pat definitely decided to wear his boyfriend's shirt after a very long night:
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the-named-anon · 9 months ago
That’s not my neighbor has consumed part of my brain (along with pokemn + some other media…) so here’s some drawing of neighbors and peach peach!!
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What? What do you mean there’s more? (Body horror + creepy stare warning)
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(Also, if you noticed there’s no beard on horror!peach peach, just know that I tried to put one and it looked bad.)
Let me know if you’d like to see someone else in my style!! (Currently only really intending on drawing characters from arcade mode… and for dopplegangers I’ll do a “friendly” and “horror” version)
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just-bendy · 2 years ago
Eyo bendy have u heard of a certain cup? Cuphead?
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If one more goddamn person asks me if I know Cuphead.....
I'mma start bitin' people.
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beachsidecasper · 5 months ago
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Update on my latest Nanon piece!
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idlesugarpuff · 1 year ago
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Tap for details.
Size 100x70 cm / 39.4x27.5 inch
It's taken me to the day (okay, one over..) a year to do this, and it still isn't exactly finished, but ever since my medication kicked in, I've been just numb.
I miss talking nonsense with people. And I will forever miss the happy OhmNanon days 🖤
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theflagscene · 3 months ago
GMMTV 2025 initial reactions 🏳️‍🌈
Dare To Death - Initial rating: 5/10 - Likelihood of watching it: mid - I was surprised by the blatant murder from GMMTV, normally they play it a little more safe. Looking forward to this one playing out, I’ll enjoy a bunch of idiot kids getting killed off. It admittedly didn’t come out the gate looking very strong, JoongDunk are decent but the push and pull is a tried trope and I don’t know if I believe either of them as a cop, but ya know, what can you do?
Head 2 Head - Initial rating: 3/10 - Likelihood of watching it: low - I feel like this is three series that I’ve already seen slapped together into one mess. It doesn’t know if it wants to repeat Bad Buddy’s childhood neighbours with a pointless grudge, the prophetic dreams of I Saw You In My Dreams as well as every rival uni student QL ever made. It looks like it’s going to be a mess in a less than fun way, also I’m not that interested in SeaKeen as a pairing.
Burnout Syndrome - Initial rating: 9/10 - Likelihood of watching it: very high - I am intrigued af, it’s been so long since we’ve seen Gun kiss another guy (on screen, he kisses dudes besides Off all the time). Last time that happened was in 2022 I think, in Club Sapan Fine season 2. This looks very messy and dark, plus there was so much naked Off in this pilot trailer! Artistic drawing of his dick even, I’m shooketh. It looks really mature and broody, which is exactly what I want for an OffGun piece, let them grow up please and thank you!
I Love “A Lot Of” You - Initial rating: 5/10 - Likelihood of watching it: mid - I’d ask if this was the only straight up (heh) hetero romance on the docket, but when I saw Junior show up I had a feeling that he might play a queer coworker so we shall see. Nanon looks amazing in this, he always looks amazing but that’s beside the point. This is a really interesting concept, although the idea of ‘curing’ DID that was mentioned a couple times didn’t sit well with me. That’s not exactly something you can fix, just control. I do love the visual of the alters talking to one another, having their own spaces. It kind of feels like how When Rabbit Howls was written, there’s a very clear and easy to understand spot for each alter and their unique personality. I’m tentatively looking forward to this one. Also Louis!! I will always watch something for him.
Whale Store xoxo - Initial rating: 4/10 - Likelihood of watching it: low-mid - I had a feeling MilkLove would get another headlining gig, it looks like a typical cute by the numbers basic QL that’s hitting a bunch of classic tropes. I could take it or leave it and not feel like I missed out on much, although I am disappointed that it seems like ViewJune is not going to become an official pairing.
Only Friends: Dream On - Initial rating: 7/10 - Likelihood of watching it: high - This one came completely out of left field for me, I was not expecting it whatsoever. Jojo is a hecka messy queer that I adore with all my heart, his stuff is always so much fun. I feel like I’ll probably like this one better than season one, because I seriously disliked so many of those characters and it just was kind of disappointing in a lot of ways, I mostly stuck around for FirstKhao. It’s nice to see EarthMix being messy and adult, OhmLeng are setting the groundwork to be a popular high heat couple and I have to admit, I was surprised JossGawin are sticking around for another series. I wasn’t sure if GMMTV was gonna keep them together, considering Gawin is kind of like Neo, in the fact that he has no issues being without a branded pairing. Speaking of Neo, having Boston show up to make things even more messy is fantastic. Jojo is chronically online, so I have no doubt he’s aware of the boy kissing spreadsheet that we have going, seems like he’s gonna get Neo into that number one spot for sure!
That Summer - Initial rating: 5/10 - Likelihood of watching it: mid-high - WinnySatang finally getting the headline chance the deserve, also seems like Mond is entering his era of boy kissing as well, after Only Friends it’s nice to see him still working in the QL sphere. Also more Neo, always a pleasure. The story admittedly seems very weak, but also extremely trope-y, which could be a good thing or a bad thing. But I will most likely end up enjoying it simply for the reasons stated above.
My Romance Scammer - Initial rating: 3/10 - Likelihood of watching it: low - I love seeing Ohm on my screen again, although him being partnered with a new Fluke just seems extremely on the nose lol. We see what you did there GMMTV. It’s nice to see not only a QL about marriage but also about divorce, especially now that it’s all legal in Thailand. That being said, this ain’t it for me. I don’t think this OhmFluke (😭) is gonna be very interesting, and I’ll just say it, I am so tired of JuniorMark. There, I said it! They were cute in Cherry Magic, but didn’t have enough of on screen chemistry to become a branded pairing, or at least I thought so. But what do I know? Either way, that’ll be a no from me dawg.
Melody Of Secrets - Initial rating: 5/10 - Likelihood of watching it: mid-high - I’m so over ForceBook! Yes, I said what I said. Get your pitchforks and come get me, it’s fine, I don’t mind. Not all pairings work for every viewer, and they’re one that just doesn’t work for me. I know they’ve known each other for like 25 years or something, which is why I’m always surprised at how dull they seem together. They’re clearly great friends, but their on screen romance is weak tit. That being said, this plot grabbed me right away. It’s again surprisingly gory looking for a GMMTV series, the story seems really interesting and dark. I am intrigued and will most likely watch it, ForceBook be damned, because I wanna know what’s happening.
Love You Teacher - Initial rating: 1/10 - Likelihood of watching it: nonexistent - Stop, no, just stop it right now. It went from what I thought was going to be a very cute concept, a couple that will be at odds because one wants kids and the other doesn’t, so he tries to figure out why his partner is so great with kids by becoming a preschool teacher at the say school at his partner. So cute, right!? But then the weird creepy swerve!? You cannot cut from them about to have teacher/student role play sex to one of them having a TBI that causes severe age regression! That is weird! Stop it right now GMMTV! Do not make a show about a couple where one has the mental capacity of a seven year old and tell me that’s romantic, what is wrong with you!? I get it, okay, taking care of his partner will teach him how he is capable of being not only a good teacher but also a good parent, and his partner will no doubt get an eleventh hour miracle cure that makes him no longer have the mind of a child. But everything up until that (hopefully inevitable ending) is just creepy and weird and PerthSanta deserve better than that!
MU-TE-LUV - Initial rating: 5/10 - Likelihood of watching it: mid - Anthology type series never really grab me, typically I only end up watching the episode about characters or actors I’m interested in and skipping the rest. Looks like a hot mess, which I may or may not enjoy. But I nearly died when Neo showed up as part of a the fabulous four queers, I am all here for that. Yatch is so pretty, he needs winged eyeliner all the time. Fluke has always been gorgeous, and I legit had no idea that was Lego at first, he’s prettier than half of the girls on the series. Neo is the only one who looks like a party city drag queen and for that I love him, tbh, they’re probably the only ones I give a damn about. Also if the man Fluke’s character gets isn’t played by Thor I am going to be very disappointed.
Cat For Cash - Initial rating: 7/10 - Likelihood of watching it: very high - Considering FirstKhao are the literal kitties of GMMTV 🐈‍⬛🐈 I think this was a stroke of marketing genius, adorably cute guys with equally cute cats? Sign me up! It seems like a very cut and dry romantic comedy, with a bit of family drama and some magic sprinkled in for fun. First being able to speak to cats is really cute, and making Khao cry in the pilot is unfair, they know we cannot withstand his tears! Also, side note, Cat For Cash would be a great name for a lesbian OnlyFans, just saying 😉
Girl Rules - Initial rating: 8/10 - Likelihood of watching it: very high - I did not have a messy lesbian ensemble QL on my bingo card and I have to say, I feel very stupid for not having it because damn if this looks like everything I want and more. MilkLove and NamtanFilm playing messy adult lesbians instead of cutesy lil school girls? Yes, sign me up! Again, disappointed the View is not working with June anymore, but her new acting partner looks like they’ll have some decent chemistry together. I also love that they blatantly said ‘lesbian’ and ‘I’m not straight’ in the pilot, like there’s no mistaking here, these gals are in it for the girls and the girls only. Bring on the bitchy cat fighting! Let’s got lesbians!!
Boys In Love - Initial rating: 6/10 - Likelihood of watching it: high mid - No idea who any of these boys are, they’re all adorable though and I wanna keep them all in my pocket! Even if they weren’t cute and the plot didn’t seem like a fun fluffy trope fest, I would still tune in for Papang and Podd. Please, for the love of God, let this be the thing that gets Papang out of second lead purgatory!! That man is too fine and too talented to constantly be riding the sidelines… so make him ride Podd instead. I know, I know, I’m terrible! But the joke was right there, I couldn’t not take it! 
My Magic Prophecy - Initial rating: 7/10 - Likelihood of watching it: high - So much magic in 2025! So many fortune tellers and tarot card readers. As someone who studied tarot for over a decade and can read tarot cards, I am going to be an absolute annoyance about the layouts and readings in all of these shows, just an FYI. JimmySea is always a pleasure to have on screen, even though Jimmy is so fucking overworked, the dude wants to spend time overseas getting some specialization training for his MD but I doubt that’s gonna happen in the new year with this series in the works. It’s nice to see the doctor playing an actual doctor, like he had the knowledge, use it. It’s like when they had Mix play a vet in Vice Versa, it’s a little bit of fourth wall breaking and I appreciate it.
A Dog and A Plane - Initial rating: 4/10 - Likelihood of watching: mid - Uh, wow, what can I say about this? I love TayNew and I love MarcPoon, so I’ll probably watch it. Although I’ve never been a huge fan of the series with exaggerated comedic reactions that is so popular in Thai and Japanese series, it’s just something I’ve come to accept over the years lol. Also tend to hate infidelity storylines, not my cup of tea. But that being said, I will probably at least skim it or binge it once it’s all aired, just for TayNew and MarcPoon.
Me and Thee - Initial rating: 3/10 - Likelihood of watching it: low - I love PondPhuwin together, they’re funny and adorable and Pond is the only person that Phuwin seems to be able to kiss without being super awkward about it. Also more PerthSanta, GMMTV is really pushing for them huh? They haven’t even had a complete series together yet, Perfect 10 Liners is still focusing on ForceBook and MarcPoon. Yet the company seems to be putting all their eggs in the PerthSanta basket, which, aright I guess. I want Perth to flourish, he deserves success. Anyway, that being said, this just seems… cringe. Like it gave me the ick and I can’t even explain why, the acting wasn’t bad, the comedy wasn’t too over the top, it even made me laugh a couple times. There’s just something off and I can’t quite put my finger on it, hopefully it’ll be better than I feel like it will be.
WU - Initial rating: 8/10 - Likelihood of watching it: very high - So are SkyNani finally gonna kiss? Cause it feels like they’ve really should’ve kissed by now, I mean in HSF it seems like they did and we all somehow missed it? Anyway, this one drew me in right away. Colour me intrigued as hell! More tarot, more magic, a red string of fate, seeing the future. Kicking ass a taking names? Fuck yeah, this looks really really interesting! Now kiss please!
Memoir of Rati - Initial rating: 7/10 - Likelihood of watching: mid - This one looks sad, GreatInn are fantastic on screen together so that has it going for it. Also AouBoom, although please GMMTV how much do I have to pay for you to take those two out of side couple hell!?!? I’m fucking begging you! Give them their own series, they can carry it, I know they can. It’s worth noting that Rati is the name of the Hindu goddess of sexual pleasure, lust and carnal desires. So I mean, take from that what you will 😉 Also, Inn speaking French just does something for me, damn. But again, I feel like this is gonna be sad and I don’t wanna be sad, so I’m unsure about if I’ll watch it or just skim it.
Ticket To Heaven - Initial rating: 10/10 - Likelihood of watching it: extremely high - I do not think I can even put into words how much this shook me to the core, 1996 in Thailand was not a safe place for queers, especially queer kids. Toss on top of that a colonizer religion known to spew hateful rhetoric, and you’ve got a boiling pot of drama. Whilst GeminiFourth are still stuck in the High School bubble, this is very much not what I was expecting for them. It looks amazing, they look fantastic and that short three minute trailer gave both of them so much space to shine that it was breathtaking. These two are so talented and I’m looking forward to them breaking my heart and hopefully mending it by the end.
And that’s it! Looking forward to what the other companies have to show up with their upcoming 2025 lineups, Idol Factory’s is coming up in January. Anyone know when DMD is showing their lineup?
Also, important side note: Fuck Foei! As much as I love Mark and Tay, I will not be tuning into The Feed, which is unfortunate because it looks like it might be interesting to hear the gossip around GMMTV’s talent. I would not trust a single queer person on that show with Foei, even with Tay and Mark there as buffers.
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hereforlou · 2 years ago
bad buddy fandom getting-to-know-you meme!
I was tagged by @dudeyuri to answer these BB related questions by @fiercynn Thank youuu <3 these are always fun but I often forget to do them u_u
note: i consider "fanworks" to pretty much everything people create related to a fandom, including but not limited to meta/analysis/discussion, gifs, fanvids/edits/fancams, filk, fanart, fanfic, fan food, fan crafts, etc. please include this note with the meme unless you have a different definition
name and whatever you want to share about yourself
I’m Maggie (Magui), from Argentina, in my 30s, just enjoying the creative burst this show (which I love very, very much) gave me until it petters out. I’ve been in a loOOooOOoot of fandoms under different usernames over the years and I tend to delete stuff from the internet without much warning, so save what you like (but don’t repost, please!)
when did you watch bad buddy/join the fandom?
I watched it from episode 1 as it aired and could feel the brain rot spreading week after week but didn’t write fic until the day after the last episode came out, and I don’t think I posted any drawings until one or two months later? But I have the first couple of doodles I made on an old sketchbook after the first ep! (note I needed to write their names to remember what they were)
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favorite ship(s)
PatPran and InkPa
favorite character(s)
I really can’t choose so I’ll say Nong Nao.
favorite episode(s)
I have a soft spot for ep 11 - running away together to a safe place, both trying to understand each other, the silly guy scene, Our Song, the imaginary montage at the end, the memory of watching it for the first time and being sucker punched by the ep 12 preview??? perfect all around x_x
favorite scene(s)
Off the top of my head (and in chronological order): the trashcan scene in ep 1, the bus stop role-play, rooftop kiss, the last scene/montage in ep 7, the simultaneous parent confrontation and rooftop meeting in ep 10, the silly guy convo at the beach, the last scene with the tin cans on ep 12 ;_;
one thing you would change about the show if you could
I think everyone answered the same thing but the whole Wai conflict and how they resolved it (including maybe Pat getting shot, though at this point would it really be BBS without Pat getting shot?)
what are your some of your favorite fanworks made by other people? 
I'll stick to people instead of particular fanworks, and only those I know for sure are on Tumblr so I can tag them, I'm really sorry if I forget someone!!
@architectxengineer @kit-teung @kornswasianguyswag @miscellar @dimplesandfierceeyes @yourunwiththewolves @icouldhyperfixatehim @fiercynn @charthanry @isaksbestpillow @pransobrave @faillen @jemmo @snickerdoodlles @alexshenry @nanons @mantrisanu
(if you create fanworks) what are your favorite fanworks that you’ve made?
Have I shown you the fridge magnets I made over a year ago? They’re pretty wonky but I think they're cute, considering I don’t know what I’m doing
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a song that makes you think of bbs (the ones in the show don’t count lol)
I'll tag the same people I mentioned above, if you haven't done it and want to:
@architectxengineer @kit-teung @kornswasianguyswag @miscellar @dimplesandfierceeyes @yourunwiththewolves @icouldhyperfixatehim @fiercynn @charthanry @isaksbestpillow @pransobrave @faillen @jemmo @snickerdoodlles @alexshenry @nanons @mantrisanu
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