#nanatsu no taizai theory
I have a theory about who Gawains mother is and how she is blood related to Arthur!
So in Chapter 57 of "Four Knights of the Apocalypse" Tristan says "Gawain, the fourth Knight, is related by blood to our nemesis, King Arthur"
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So at first I was confused and already had a theory about how that is possible.
Because in Nanatsu no Taizai we learn in the Extra Chapter 81.005 (the one where Arthur meets King Baltra) that he is adopted by a Knight aka Keis father. Therefore making Kei his older adoptive brother.
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He doesn't mention anyone else and we don't really see anything more about Arthurs past (except the shots where Merlin teaches him some stuff but that isn't important here)
In Arthurian Legend the number and names of Arthurs siblings can change depending on which version you read.
But most well known are his adoptive brother and his half-sister Morgana/Morgause.
Oh and look at Morgauses Wikipedia article :)
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I highlighted the important parts
And this was my first thought that Gawain was the daughter of Morgause and some random man. Not Arthur though otherwise we would have known she is his daughter from this moment on in Chapter 66 of 4KOTA.
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Thankfully hopefully the incest plot isn't in there and Orlondi calls her his niece!
We do know that Kei is Gawains father though.
In Chapter 76 (4KOTA) Arthur says to Gawain "How worried did you think my big step-brother would be?"
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So we now know that Kei is Gawains biological father and Morgause is most likely her biological mother.
So Arthur is her uncle on both sides (not in an illegal way though since Kei and Morgause aren't related)
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spacespheal · 3 months
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Forgot that yesterday was his birthday, so let me just post some doodles I did after the last 4koma chapters
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winterlogysblog · 4 months
4KOTA Theory
Nasiens is intentionally taken and hidden to never be found
Ever since Nasiens being Kiane's kid was being talked about. I always wondered who had the balls of steel to do this. I know fairies are tricksters but I don't think they're stupid enough to do something like this. Then, I realized something. I realized just how far away Echo Gorge is to the Forest.
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From what we learned from this week's chapter the portal to the Fairy Realm is in the Original Fairy King's Forest which is located at the most northern part of Britannia while the New Fairy Kings Forest is much closer to the Kingdom of Liones, there's still a possibility that there is also a portal in the New Forest. But, regardless of that it is still a massive distance from Echo Gorge which is quite close to the ruins of Camelot which is located at the most Southern part of Britannia. They're literally at the opposite ends of the map. Which makes me think that whoever took Nasiens made sure that he was never found and by the looks of things the fairy who took Nasiens never came back to the Fairy Realm or the Forest because if they did King would demand that Fairy to bring his child back.
I am lowkey suspecting that Camelot is behind this. There's a possibility that they manipulated a fairy to do this, we already saw that Arthur made a fairy to transform into Merlin just for his own satisfaction. I wouldn't put it past Camelot to do something like this.
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vosaem · 3 months
Okay, I have something to say. I can be wrong or not, but let's go.
There's a theory that Mertyl and Nasiens were victims of a prank (the changeling thing), but in the chapter 141
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In both cases, King says that maybe he was unconsciously looking after him.
No parent will stop looking after a child, no matter how long that child was lost. No matter how much years it's takes.
Unless is dead.
Unless the parents think his child is dead.
All this time, they thought that they child was dead.
This is why it take 2 years to tell Nasiens the truth. They were afraid of the truth (that they failed to find they child).
This is why they haven't told Mertyl about being adopted (one of the possible reasons).
They firstborn child "died" and no one's knew about that.
Maybe I am wrong. Maybe not. But it's a good reason to all of that have happened.
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autumnsorbet · 26 days
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I'm just wondering Arthur does look a bit older but I'm wondering if he's actually aging slowly do the chaos like chaos wouldn't want their house to die out too soon from older age it seems like he's just aging slowly like to me even though he does look older he looks like he could be in his 20s technically and not his 30s he's gotten a bit taller as well in 7 deadly sins he's 5.7 I believe but in 4 knights I think he's maybe 5.9 at best (I live that Arthur still where's high heels I guess he is shorter compared to most men around him )
🟠Mini rant about Arthur outfits
Hope he gets a new outfit but I now if he does it will just look similar to this maybe 😅
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Wish this had been his outfit in the final Arc
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or in the movie even in flash backs I just get sick of see the outfit with the crosses on it I see all the time now
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An outfit with his kingdoms flag on it would have been cooler and show it's true heart desires and him carrying a part of his lost kingdom with him
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But no we get this all the time
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nnthyperfixation · 1 year
So some of my thoughts on the uhhh infamous Jericho and Lancelot thingy
I hate it. I absolutely hate it, along with like 99% of the fandom, which is plausible and understandable. But I don't hate it becaus it's "pedobait" or something like that, for the narrative clearly does NOT condone her actions.
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First and foremost, she's treated seriously as traitor and enemy. Obviously because she has sided with Camelot, but we can still say that it means her motive aka her "feelings" for Lancelot isn't shown in a good light enough to justify her betrayal.
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Her falling for Lancelot is NOT normalized. When speaking of her relationship with Lancelot, everyone immediately thinks of that of a mentor-student and older sister/younger brother, that means it is considered totally not normal for Jericho to fall in love with a kid like Lancelot. The phrases "family", "master", "sister" and the likes are used repeatedly to highlighted the contrast between her actual feelings for Lancelot how she should feel towards him.
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It is clear that Jericho also expresses shame about that, as shown when she cut Guila off. She herself said that it was disgusting, and she ran away because she knew common sense and that "love" of her was inappropriate.
In conclusion, her inappropriate feelings are not condoned, she is shown under a bad light, and treated as an enemy. If you feel disgust reading this, then that is GOOD, because you are supposed to do that, the narrative wants you to be disgusted by this.
But then why do I hate it? Because it did Jericho so so so dirty.
Why must she fall for Lancelot? Her hopelessly gushing over Ban was not enough? Why must she be the pedophilic villain, fooled by Arthur and betray her comrades for a fictional world he promised her?
I used to like her so much! She's funny to read, she's compassionate, she also has flaws and that's what fleshes her out as a human. Her character arc was basically completed in 7DS: She got over her crush for Ban, kind of stopped arguing pointlessly with her brother (because he uhhh died), awoke to her magic, and with Gustav's death she could then see Ban as her brother figure just like how he saw her as his little sister. It was perfect.
There's literally no reason for Jericho to become like this. It's just so fucking sad.
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The best thing we can hope for right now is that Arthur probably brainwashed her into thinking she loved Lancelot romantically so she could become his pawn. Who knows what kind of fuckery he could pull with that chaos magic of his.
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toryhis · 8 months
All right, all right!
Hear me out first! I've had some thoughts about Lancelot.
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Okay, I think everyone's read the last chapter of SDS about Lance's disappearance and Jericho. At the end, there was a line about Lancelot returning under the moniker "prince of the lake."
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But the question was raised in some people's minds "how?" if Lance himself said that no one, after fighting him, was left alive.
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And now in the last chapter, Lancelot fights Nanashi, and when he saw Lance's magic, he realised its nature.
When the battle was over, Lance didn't kill Nanashi, they became friends.
So, my theory is that it's Nanashi who starts the rumour about Lancelot, which gives him the nickname "Lakeside".
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Hey wait a minute.
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Why isn't Nasien's being pulled by Arthur's magic
Is it that Nasien's distracted?
Or that he hasn't lost anybody?
Is it that he can't hear Arthur because he isn't
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annfirestar · 2 years
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Alexa, play Queen “We are the champions”, BECAUSE I’M CONTINUING WITH MY WINNING STREAK! 🎉
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(Okay but actually Nakaba already once just forgot what Percival’s eye colour was, but still he might have really changed it to be even more blunt with the idea of Gawain’s heritage)
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probablyaparadox · 2 years
Why Percival is Helbram (This is mostly a joke theory)
I So like I said. This is mostly A joke theory. That being said there is a freaky amount of evidence towards it that I see. 
1. Green
Let’s start simple, Percival and Helbram both have the same greenish hair. On top of that, Percivals dad (boo) looks a lot like the fairy hunter (double boo) in my opinion. 
2. Relationship with death OK SO HERE’S WHERE THIS GETS A BIT MORE INTERESTING. So first. We know Percival is the horseman of death. WHICH IS INTERESTING. So let’s examine Helbrams relationship with death for a minute. Here are some legend I think he parallels.
a) Green man. Green man is probably the most helbram like. Green man was a pagan diety with a strong connection with death and rebirth which makes sense since helbram died 3 times in the series (4 if you count his ghost.) and every time he was brought back in some way. Which is interesting, because he died the fourth time, and hasn’t come back yet. Iirc (Idk if this is right but I kinda remember it) but helbram said he’d be back. which makes sense if he’s the green man. It’s also interesting because percival has a symbol of reincarnation that he wears, a snake that eats itself, 
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This is double interesting cause. The og Percival doesn’t have that strong a relationship with death. Helbram really does.  b) the green knight. Ya know what? I could totally see Helbram coming back this way. Gawain and the green knight is a popular myth. that was until I thought about the connotations of this theory. Percival being the green knight would be a much more interesting situation. It would be a fight amongst allies that turned pretty bloody, and would involve some serious “power of love” to fix up.  3. The white rose. for those who haven’t read the wiki, helbram smells like white roses. not only that, but that was what King used to kill him the first time. It’s a very small detail, but it’s interesting to note that white roses symbolize innocence. It also for some means death, and if you were to look at the tarot card for death, some of them carry white roses, especially this one which is apparently popular for tarot
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4. Death To humanity. Lastly I wanna think about how this theory could change the series. We don’t really know how reincarnation properly works in the series. Could past feelings be revived? What would happen if Percival was given helbrams memories, with the knowledge that they were his past life? I think that would be a lot, especially given how much grief helbram had after hundreds of years. Imagine how much that would do to percival, after seeing all of it in a second. It’d be an interesting conflict.  5. Dorky helmet. I said this was probably not a true theory, and as such, I’m gonna end it on a joke. They both carry their dorky helmets as a reminder of their pain. 
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laliel · 2 years
I have a big theory about Gelda and Orlondi are brothers.
Has we know Gelda is clearly a vampire, but also Orlondi say it was a vampire behind being a floating eye or something else.
In one extra manga story we can see that both and some more vampires where close in some way, that makes me think that they hade some connection, even they were the only 2 vampires that survived, that's sus because Orlondi isn't a very important character, maybe is coincidence, but in the new film of Nanatsu no Taizai the trama go around Edinburg, the city attached for the vampires and it's possible that we will see some of orlondi and Geldas relation.
One least suport for the theory is that they have a similar palet color, like the hair and the eyes.
The only camera seconds whit Orlondi in his human form are in a cave, so the illumination and the enfocaron isn't so good, but we can see is quite similar to Gelda's
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Also, if we took the palette color from his eye form, we can see the similarity, but the illumination of orlondi's image is diferent so it looks more greeny
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Maybe they are just coincidences but I'm pretty sure that there is something between them, so i can't wait to see more of these two vampires.
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animalarte · 2 years
How do you explain your friends, who see Meliodas and say "A sexual abuser!", that NNT is an awsom series that you can love despite the weird actions of the main character?
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winterlogysblog · 4 months
What is Nasiens?
In light of what is currently going on in the manga. I'm gonna talk about this one.
So, if I'm being perfectly honest, at this point, I don't care about the Nasiens-is-a-girl theory. To me, Nasiens is Nasiens and I love him regardless of what his gender may be and after looking through the raws of Chapter 139, all will be revealed in Chapter 140.
So, here's the thing. The theory about Nasiens being a girl, makes sense, it has merit I'm not gonna deny that however the only reason why I had issues with the theory for so long now is because there's no reason for Nasiens to hide his true gender.
Characters hiding their identity always stems from the reason why they're hiding these things. The character's reason for hiding their true identity is so important that it bugged me to no end on why on earth nobody has ever spoken about the reason Nasiens is hiding his true gender.
Now, here's the deal. Nasiens' identity reveal can go two ways.
1. Nasiens is a girl (just like everyone assumes)
2. Nasiens is a fairy and has tiny wings on his back.
I don't think Nakaba will do both. (I'll be astounded if he did)
Now, with Nasiens being a fairy and has wings in my head actually makes sense and it follows the thought process of the first one.
Let me explain, as far as I know, the reason why people theorize that Nasiens is a girl is his refusal and embarrassment to be seen at least half naked by people (I don't really follow the theory it may not just be this) because you know Nasiens will be revealing his top and if Nasiens is a girl there will be two things that dudes shouldn't see.
Let's put that logic into this. Nasiens doesn't want people to see his body because he's hiding something. It may just be Fairy Wings, and here comes the why that the Nasiens-is-a-girl theory is missing.
Nasiens is raised in a forest filled with fairies. Fairies are known for two things, their wings and their ability to fly. If Nasiens is secretly a fairy and has tiny wings he would obviously suspect his own identity, they may just have sprouted recently, maybe along with his magic, who knows. But the point is, Nasiens has wings and he can't fly, this to him is an abnormality and he would obviously feel embarrassed to even talk about it let alone show anyone, especially now that he's literally in the Fairy Realm.
Even King has shown insecurity at the fact that he, The Fairy King doesn't have wings but hey at least he can fly. But Nasiens, for his entire life assumed that he's human just one day sprouting wings, Nasiens knows that he's adopted by Ordo and this phenomenon could very much help him learn what his true identity which I think did intrigued and made him feel a bit relieved that now he knows some truth about who he really is. But, ever heard of a fairy that can't fly, that's just ridiculous. Lancelot technically can fly, even if he has to transform to do it but hey can still do it.
But that's just me and my rambling mind. You know me when it comes to Fairies and my fav characters I'll talk and talk.
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vosaem · 3 months
Nasiens power is Mix Venon, right? And, that power can "kill" and "heal", right?
Just like King's Disaster.
That's means that Nasiens could be the next King of Fairies? Or he'll be the guardian of the fountain of the youth?
Or he'll be the guardian of the Drug of Yore?
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autumnsorbet · 4 days
Diodra is Mordred
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I really don't think that diodora is ironsides kid I think it's really Mordred Arthur had Margaret maybe sometime after Merlin left trying to fill a void since she went gone and he ended up having a kid
somehow maybe the mother passed away or maybe he did have a kid with his sister like in every other version of the King Arthur stories and he didn't know it at first and then he found out and that's probably what kind of maybe slowly drove
him crazy I don't know this is just a theory I have for now and Arthur may be switched out iron size dead child with his so that way they could be raised safely he's basically doing with his father deal with him having a knight he trust raise his kid but he
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didn't let this knight know that that's his kid he has that night believing that that's his son and it's not it's and if Arthur falls they're going to awaken maybe part of chaos that they've left with Mordred and they're going to continue Arthur's dream of separating the races and even if Arthur falls Mordred will succeed and separate them
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theoriesnnt · 5 months
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Hello losers, I am the administrator of this exquisite Nanatsu no Taizai blog. If you don't like Chandler naked, you're probably dead inside. And if you don't believe that Chandler and Percival are father and son, you are ignorant and pathetic, because Nakaba from the beginning left a lot of evidence that only mediocre people can't perceive. Wait for my first theory on this subject, and know that I will also talk about other characters and their real stories. Thank you losers for reading this far
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