#ironside 4kota
autumnsorbet · 2 months
Arthur will kill them
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Someone on Reddit asked how these two are going to die and I believe Arthur is going to kill them
Pellegarde well somehow be free from the fragment of chaos that's attached to him and he's going to go back to Camelot maybe even what Percy's group are even all four nights and Tristan's group and try to confront Arthur at some point and he's going to kill him and then he's going to take his corpse and turn him into a puppet or something and just use him to battle everyone
We already know that Ironside is going to die but I don't think it'll be with his other son that's in Camelot I think it'll be in front of Percy and Arthur is going to kill him because he just finds him a disappointment at this point and it's going to fuel Percy's drive to fight Arthur more
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yourcommissar · 8 months
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Find me a bride
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kimithesweetie · 6 months
I recently watched the 7ds Grudge of Edinburgh film and thought it was good. I really didn't mind the animation. Tristan Liones is definitely my favorite he's such a sweetheart. When watching both Lancelot and Tristan interact I couldn't help but feel like they reminded me of Jonathan Kent and Damien Wayne. Not in means of abilities but definitely in terms of how both duo's interact and behave around eachother.
Tristan Liones : Jonathan Kent Lancelot : Damien Wayne
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overlyimmersed · 1 year
So I'm back over 4KotA for a post and...
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first of all...sexist.
second of all, the loser says this while Guila is the "Vice-Great Holy Knight" of Liones. Frickin'...dude...
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nostalgicbookworm · 2 years
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Preview of ‘The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of The Apocalypse” anime.
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ac9129 · 3 months
Mortlach headcanons because i miss him 🧍
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• Mortlach takes very good care of his hair, and he is the one that takes care of Diodora’s hair as well as brushing out the knots in it.
• He makes dad jokes despite never being a father.
• While working with Tomintoul aka Nanashi he was embarrassingly curious about what his face looked like.
• lowkey acted like an uncle towards rosebank, but since he was on duty he never went overboard with it and limited himself to ask if she was okay or injured.
• He definitely had his many existencial crisis towards the new Camelot and its goal. But he brushed it off for Diodora’s sake.
• Ironside and Mortlach take turns on taking care of Diodora, their schedule took 3 solid hours to be decided.
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xjulixred45x · 7 months
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I was A LOT inspired by watching the 4kota anime (completely recommended by the way) so for old times' sake I decided to share these drawings of Jennifer, my version and @ultravioletqueen of Guinevere from the Arthurian legends :3
I have decided to change some things in the main Plot related to Jennifer that could be considered a "reboot" but I think it will be better structured than the previous Plot, Jennifer continues with the same bases but what she does in the work is different. we'll see:
💚during the events of the 4kota story, Jennifer went on an undercover mission on her own in Ubel, the enemy nation of Cameliard, taking advantage of the fact that no one knew what she looked like (unlike her brother Joshua who was recognized and regarded as their armies) and thus sabotage their defenses from within with her Magic Powers DISCORD(which alterates the luck and Space where the user is, is like a waayyy weaker version of Chaos).
💚Although Arthur authorized the idea, he made several guidelines established, such as that Jennifer would have to report from time to time in addition to not participating in the mutiny that Joshua would make in the near future. in general that Jennifer stay away from danger.
💚Jennifer followed this for quite some time, however there came a point where her mission was compromised and she could not be contacted, upsetting/worrying Arthur who sent Ironside to immediately go and get her out of Ubel.
💚what compromised Jennifer's Mission was probably her own discord magic that left her exposed, so she was constantly running away and being attacked. However, in her time in Ubel she had seen how the conflicts with Carmelide had negatively affected their people, giving her a moral conflict that would upset her more and generate more disorder with her magic.
💚 Fortunately she manages to escape unscathed thanks to Ironside, but not before feeling a bittersweet feeling to see the other side of the coin of the "change" that Carmelide would bring to Ubel. (I'll talk about that one day)
💚now with the drawings, we have Jennifer with her second casual dress (she normally wears it in camelot because it is not as cold as in her country), and several hairstyles that she usually uses in different situations, the first one is used more in situations of mourning in Carmelide or in any case at royal functions. The second is more for Camelot and has a crown that Arthur gave him, this is one of her favorites(and Arthur's).
💚a little drawing of Marcelo, Jennifer's original fiancé and Joshua's best friend before dying in a conflict with Ubel, left Jennifer very depressed and with her magic Unstable. He is Mariana's twin brother, although they did not usually have a good relationship unlike Joshua and Jenn. Jenn and Marce liked each other and Marce loved her, but I wouldn't say the feeling was mutual. She just didn't see him in that way.
💚Jennifer with Ironside! He is her personal bodyguard, and you could even say that they are friends, since Jennifer allows him to leave her alone for a while to see Diodra during his work hours, so Ironside (even if he doesn't admit it) appreciates her quite a bit and protects her. a lot. He has even taken Diodra to play with her.
💚Bride Jennifer. Thats it.
me inspire MUCHO viendo el anime de 4kota (completamente recomendable por cierto) asi que por los viejos tiempos decidi compartir estos dibujos de Jennifer, version mia y de @ultravioletqueen de Guinevere de las leyendas Arthuricas :3
he decidido cambiar algunas cosas del Plot principal relacionadas a Jennifer que podrían ser consideradas un "reboot" pero creo que estará mejor estructurado que el anterior Plot, Jennifer sigue con las mismas bases pero lo que hace en la obra es diferente. vamos a ver:
💚durante los eventos de la historia de 4kota, Jennifer fue a una misión por su cuenta de encubierto en Ubel, la nación enemiga de Cameliard, aprovechando que nadie sabía cómo se veía ella(a diferencia de su hermano Joshua que era reconocido y tenido por sus ejércitos) y así sabotear sus defensas desde adentro con su poder mágico DISCORDIA (que altera la suerte y el espacio donde se encuentra el usuario, es como una versión muuuuy más débil del Caos)
💚pese a que Arthur autorizó la idea hizo que varias pautas fueran marcadas, como que Jennifer tendría que reportarse cada cierto tiempo aparte de no participar en el motín que haría Joshua en el futuro cercano. en general que Jennifer se mantuviera lejos del peligro.
💚Jennifer siguio esto durante bastante tiempo, sin embargo llegó un punto dónde su misión resultó comprometida y no pudo contactarse, alterando a Arthur que mando a Ironside para que fuera de inmediato a sacarla de Ubel.
💚lo que comprometió la Misión de Jennifer fue probablemente su propia magia de discordia que la dejo descubierta, por lo que estaba huyendo constantemente y siendo atacada. sin embargo en su tiempo en Ubel había visto el como los conflictos con Carmelide habían afectado negativamente a su gente, dandole un conflicto moral que la alteraría más y generaría más desorden con su magia.
💚 Afortunadamente logra salir ilesa gracias a Ironside, pero no sin antes sentir una sensación agridulce por ver el otro lado de la moneda del "cambio" que Carmelide traería a Ubel.(hablaré de eso algún día)
💚ahora con los dibujos, tenemos a Jennifer con su segundo vestido casual(normalmente lo usa en camelot porque no hace tanto frio como en su pais), y varios peinados que ella suele usar en diferentes situaciones, el primero lo usa mas en situaciones de luto en Carmelide o en todo caso en funciones reales. el segundo es mas para Camelot y tiene una corona que le dio Arthur, este es uno de sus favoritos(y de Arthur).
💚un dibujito de Marcelo, el prometido original de Jennifer y el mejor amigo de Joshua antes de morir en un conflcito con Ubel, dejo a Jennifer muy deprimida y con su magia Inestable. es el hermano mellizo de Mariana, aunque ellos no solian tener una buena relacion a diferencia de Joshua y Jenn. Jenn y Marce se apreciaban mutuamente y Marce la amaba, pero no diria que el sentimiento era mutuo. simplemente no lo veia de esa forma.
💚¡Jennifer con Ironside! el es su guardaespaldas personal, e incluso podria decirse que son amigos, ya que Jennifer le permite dejarla sola un rato para ver a Diodra en su horario de trabajo, por lo que Ironside(aun si no lo admite) la aprecia bastante y la protege mucho. ha llegado a llevar a Diodra a jugar con ella.
💚 Jennifer en vestido de Novia, es todo.
Ojala les guste!
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somthing-lavender · 2 years
Can we talk about how sad Guinevere's character is. Like she already knows almost everything that will happen to her, including the bad and terrible. She knows how people around her will die (assuming she out lives them and learns how in the future).
There is nothing she could do about it.
One of these terrible events will happen when Lancelot is 23+, which is so bad she passes out thinking about it, and another one is getting kidnapped at 12-13 and not seeing her family and friends for who knows how long.
There is nothing she can do about it.
It seems like she's so obsessed with Lancelot cause he seems to be one of the few good things to look forward to in her future. Which is currently being stuck in Camelot with Arthur unstable murderous ass. But one day even her one eventual joy in life will leave, possibly tarnishing the good moments with him before they even happen, and say it with me...
There is nothing she can do about it.
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arjengelly · 1 year
This is probably not the case but:
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Imagine if Ironside took Diodra from Zeldris & Gelda (how ironic but still…)
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demonprincezeldris · 1 year
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Zeldris: He's my son now, bitch!
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isatris · 10 months
Mortlach already knew how to deal emotional damage with words before doing you-know-what to Percy, huh?
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On a quest to find yourself, then? Ah, youth...
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autumnsorbet · 3 months
Diodra is Mordred
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I really don't think that diodora is ironsides kid I think it's really Mordred Arthur had Margaret maybe sometime after Merlin left trying to fill a void since she went gone and he ended up having a kid
somehow maybe the mother passed away or maybe he did have a kid with his sister like in every other version of the King Arthur stories and he didn't know it at first and then he found out and that's probably what kind of maybe slowly drove
him crazy I don't know this is just a theory I have for now and Arthur may be switched out iron size dead child with his so that way they could be raised safely he's basically doing with his father deal with him having a knight he trust raise his kid but he
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didn't let this knight know that that's his kid he has that night believing that that's his son and it's not it's and if Arthur falls they're going to awaken maybe part of chaos that they've left with Mordred and they're going to continue Arthur's dream of separating the races and even if Arthur falls Mordred will succeed and separate them
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yourcommissar · 9 months
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kimithesweetie · 6 months
Arthur Pendragon of Camelot (7Deadly Sins) Head Canons
This is my first attempt at writing headcanons. I've recently been rewatching the anime Seven Deadly Sins and have grown fond of King Arthur. After giving his character some thought this is what I came up with.
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Has a strong passion for adventure. Likes to travel and find new discoveries.
Although he is very skilled with the sword and receives praise for it. He sometimes has doubts in his abilities and doesn't think he's all that great because he's yet to awaken his true potential.
Appreciates Merlin for her guidance, training, and staying by his side. Sometimes he wishes she'd let him have some space. He knows that she means well and is only looking out for his well being; but he wants the opportunity to be able to prove himself all on his own.
Looks up to Merlin for her wisdom, strength, feats, battle strategies, and abilities.
Cringes whenever others get the wrong idea about his relationship with Merlin. He has acknowledged her beauty and wit; however he just can't come to view her in a romantic or intimate light. It's simply because she's the only person he's ever had close to a maternal figure.
Has had a few moments where he almost had a slip of the tongue calling Merlin his Mother.
Is unaware of Escanor's jealousy towards him. Has tried to make small talk with him before but failed. When he finally got a break through he found delight in conversation and was given new combat tips.
He actually looks up to the Lion Sin in ways similar to how he looks up to Merlin.
Enjoys hearing Escanor recite his poetry during the evening time when ever the sins gather for drinks and food.
Secretly ships Merlin with Escanor. He has never seen her involved with any one before. However after seeing how fond the Lion Sin is of her, Arthur began to root for the tall, burly man in hopes that he'd win the Boar Sin over. If he wanted to see his mentor happy with anyone it would be Escanor.
Has nightmares about Cath from time to time. He's too proud to tell Merlin and sometimes has trouble going back to sleep when ever he has one.
Will get triggered when seeing a domestic cat walking towards him or within his vision in general. He's aware that their harmless, but the very sight of one reminds him of how Cath resembled an innocent animal and then transformed into a vicious bloodthirsty creature.
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So... I regret nothing
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toryhis · 2 years
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Ironside's speech seems a bit strange to me, very much like something he recited, by heart.
Are these, some special words for the Knights of Chaos...?
Is that their... song...? Or, something like that...?
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