#nami was an addition
dxc-95 · 6 months
Tenshi: Why in the world would I buy a 5,000 Beri sweater? When I can just buy over 22,000 Beris worth of yarn, and over 15,000 Beris worth of materials, and knit the sweater for myself for free? Nami: ... Tenshi: ✨ Knitter math ✨
original post https://www.youtube.com/shorts/A6bSXHCheTs
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dkettchen · 1 year
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More lesbian sanami was requested, so please have one of the many headcanons that live in my brain rent-free
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hylianane · 5 months
And when OPLA calls back to Zeff telling the crew to read stories to Zoro so he can hear their voices and recover faster, by having Sanji sit by his bedside on Thriller Bark and read him a book about the All Blue. What will you do then?
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snspice · 9 days
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ NA MINJUNG
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    ೃ⁀➷ NAMI is a member of south-korean fictional girl group SUGAR N' SPICE. she made her debut in the group on april 30th, 2024 under MYDOL ENTERTAINMENT after a previous member left the group to live a regular life. she has been in the public eye twice before, with her original experience coming from participating in the survival show IDOL SCHOOL, where she finished the show in 16th place. after the show she joined WM ENTERTAINMENT and then was sent on another survival show, PRODUCE 48. she finished this show ranked 11th and made her debut in the final temporary girl group, IZ*ONE, in 2018. after the group disbanded, she went back to training before the opportunity to redebut was given to her.
・❥・⠀ exploring the story of being a known but unknown face, never feeling like she fits in, found family, rough family life, constantly feeling inadequate, extreme jealousy, trying to overcome trauma, and wanting to show who she really is to the world.
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    ˚ ༘♡ BASICS
ღ BIRTH NAME :   na minjung⠀ [ 나민중 ] ⠀ ღ ENGLISH NAME :   maddie na ღ STAGE NAME :   nami⠀ [ 나미 ] 
ღ DATE OF BIRTH :   january 16th, 2000 ღ ZODIAC SIGN :   capricorn ღ CHINESE ZODIAC SIGN :   dragon
ღ ETHNICITY :   korean ღ NATIONALITY :   korean ღ LANGUAGES :    korean [ fluent / mother tongue ] .  english [ fluent ] . japanese  [ conversational ]
ღ HEIGHT :   168 cm  |  5'5   ღ BLOOD TYPE :   O+ ღ MBTI :   ENFP-T
ღ FACE CLAIM :   huh yunjin  [ le sserafim ]
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ღ BIRTHPLACE :   suwon, south korea  ღ HOMETOWN :  suwon, south korea
ღ BIRTH FAMILY :   na soojung [ mother / 76' ] . choi jitae [ uncle + adoptive father / 79' ] . na yoojung [ aunt + adoptive mother / 80' ] . choi junghee [ cousin + adoptive sister / 04' ]
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    ˚ ༘♡ CAREER
ღ PROFESSION :   idol .  model ღ COMPANY :   mydol entertainment  [ 2024 - present ] . wm entertainment [ 2017 - 2024 ] . off the record entertainment / axs  [ 2018 – 2021 ] ღ TRAINING PERIOD :   three years & two months  [ 2017 – 2018 , 2021 - 2024 ]
ღ GROUP :   sugar n' spice  [ 2024 – present ] . iz*one [ 2018 - 2021 ] ღ POSITION :   lead rapper .  lead vocalist . face of the group
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ღ PUBLIC INSTAGRAM :   @ nanamimi
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ღ PRIVATE INSTAGRAM :   @ jung___na
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joyish-little-boy · 11 months
You ever notice that it's only the crew members that shower every day that get a scene like this?
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I know correlation isn't causation but hear me out there might be something in the water-
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itzynabi · 1 year
survival show
summary: in which eve gets made an offer
set: late jan 2018
word count: 1.5k
warnings: mention of food
an: i feel like it’s been 1929283 years but i’m finally posting another scenario. more shineeve for your feed. words in bold are english. feedback and reblogs are much appreciated 💐
eve’s masterlist
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Eve poked her head through the office door. “You asked to see me?”
Jinyoung nodded, gesturing at the chair in front of his desk. When she sat down, she leaned back in his chair.
“How are you?” He asked.
“I’m fine,” she said.
“That’s good, that’s good.” He nodded. Clapping his hands, he leaned forward, placing his arms on the desk. “I don’t want to waste your time, so let me get right into it. There’s going to be another season of Produce 101 coming up and Mnet asked me if I had any trainees I’d like on the show and I thought of you.” He pointed at her.
“Um, that’s–”
“I know that you’ve been going through some stuff recently,” he interrupted, “and you probably don’t want to do a survival show, but–” he shrugged his shoulders, leaning back in his chair again– “I figured you could use a distraction.”
Eve nodded slowly, playing with her fingers. “When does it start shooting?”
“Sometime in February or March. It won’t start airing until later, though.” He played with his rings, staring at the trainee. “How about you think about it? Come back to me in… a week?”
“Yeah, okay.” She stood up from her chair. “Thank you,” she said, bowing before she left.
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“And what did you say?” Somi asked.
“Nothing,” Eve answered. “He said he’d give me a week to think about it. So, I’m going to think about it.”
The two girls were at a Korean BBQ place, having agreed to meet for dinner. Eve had just told her friend about the offer Jinyoung made her.
“Unnie, you have to do it!” Somi said, making herself another lettuce wrap. “You’d blow the roof off the place, you’re one of the most talented people I know.” She shoved the wrap into her mouth.
Eve watched over the meat as it cooked. “I don’t know.” She sighed. “I just don’t feel ready.”
Somi rolled her eyes exasperatedly. “That was your excuse for not going on Sixteen. I’m beginning to think you don’t want to debut.”
“Yes, I do! I just want to make sure that when I present myself to the world, I’m at my best.”
“Unnie, there’s no way you can be at your best as a trainee. You’re going to learn more as you’re in the industry,” Somi told her. “Have you told your brother?”
Eve shook her head. “I forgot to tell him yesterday and he’s in practises for SHINee’s upcoming concerts.” She said, assembling her own wrap. “I told my parents and they said they’ll support whatever I choose.” She stopped moving, staring Somi in the eye. “My dad very unsubtly said he wants me to say yes.”
Somi burst out laughing, clapping her hands. “Your dad knows what I’m talking about! Unnie, you are too talented to not make your debut.”
Eve hesitated to eat her wrap. “I… whatever!” She exclaimed, showing the wrap in her mouth. “Enough about me,” she said as she chewed. “What’s new with you?”
Somi groaned. “Just trying to negotiate with PD-nim about my solo debut. The usual.”
Eve chuckled, all too aware of her friends’ struggle with seeing eye-to-eye with their CEO. “I think you might just convince him one of these days.”
“You bet?” Somi asked, a hopeful glint in her eyes.
Eve nodded. “Yeah. And if he doesn’t budge, I’ll fight him for you,” she promised, causing the younger girl to smile.
“Thank you, unnie.”
Eve rolled her eyes, a smile gracing her face. “Yeah, yeah. Eat more.” She put more meat on Somi’s plate.
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The next day, Eve walked to the elevators of the SM Entertainment building, dragging her school bag as she walked and entered the first one that opened. She went to the floor that SHINee’s practice room was on, knocking on the door when she arrived. There was silence on the other end and then–
“Come in, princess!” Minho shouted.
She entered the room, letting go of her bag when she closed the room. “I’ve arrived,” she said, doing jazz hands. The four men were scattered in the room: Minho by the speakers, Taemin on the bench, Jinki lying starfish on the ground and Kibum staring at himself in the mirror, going over choreography. Her eyes roamed the room some more, looking for a fifth man, but stopped once she remembered.
“We see that.” Minho chuckled.
“Your hair’s so messy,” Taemin said, pointing at her sad excuse for a ballet bun.
She ran her hand through it. “We ran through every dance five times today and did extra strength and conditioning. Teacher Haeun wants us to do the dances in our sleep! Since it’s the senior’s last performance as students, she wants it to be our best one ever.”
“Right!” Taemin exclaimed. “You’re graduating this year!”
“Finally!” She groaned, making Taemin laugh.
“Make sure you don’t work too hard,” Jinki warned, raising his arm in warning.
Eve saluted. “You got it.” She chuckled as he laughed. Looking to Kibum, she shifted on her feet. “Oppa, can I talk to you?”
Kibum stopped going over the choreography, turned around and looked at her. “What’s up?” He asked, walking to her.
She shook her head. “Nothing major. I just need your advice.”
“I can also give you advice!” Minho shouted, walking to the siblings. The three of them sat down on the floor near the door.
“So,” she started, “JYP PD-nim said that he wants to put me on the upcoming season of Produce 48, but I don’t know if I should.”
“Do you want to?” Kibum asked her.
She shook her head. “I don’t know. I think about going on the show and I’m scared. I think about not going on the show, and I’m filled with regret.”
“When do you need to answer him?”
“Um…” She checked the date on her phone. “Three days.”
“I think you should do it,” Taemin spoke up from across the room. He walked to the trio, Jinki following behind him, and sat down with them. “You’ll obviously come in first place and debut.”
“You’re way too talented to still be a trainee,” Jinki added.
She pursed her lips in thought. “You think? Because Somi said the same thing, but I don’t know.”
Kibum lightly shoved her shoulder. “Yah! What’s the worst that could happen? And don’t take that as an invitation to start listing out bad things,” he said, stopping Eve from doing exactly that.
Minho squeezed her leg. “You’re just overthinking it.”
“That’s literally all I do,” she said.
“Close your eyes,” Jinki instructed, tapping her incessantly when she didn’t immediately obey. “Take a deep breath.” He waited for her to do as instructed. “Squeeze your hands. Now, roll your shoulders back. What’s your favourite colour?”
“Pink,” she answered.
“1 of 1.”
“Do you want to do the show?”
“Yes– Oh.” She opened her eyes, looking at the oldest member. “Oh.”
“Hyung, you’re like a wizard,” Kibum commented, shifting away from his member. “But now that you know, are you going to do the show?” He asked his sister.
Eve nodded slowly, thinking it through. “Yeah. I think I am.”
Taemin whooped. “Yeah!”
She sat on her heels, leant forward and wrapped the members in a hug. “Thank you ahjussi’s.”
Minho reached up, wrapping his hand around her wrist. “No problem, Nabi.”
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Eve knocked on Jinyoung’s office door, entering when he let her. Looking up from the papers on his desk, he smiled at her.
“I assume you thought it over?” He asked.
She nodded her head. “Yes, I did and I would like to do the show.”
His smile got bigger at her words. “That’s great news! I’ll tell the executives.” She nodded, turning to leave the room, but stopped at the sound of his voice. “This is really great. I’m… I’m planning on debuting a girl group,” he told her, “and I wanted you in it, but I wasn’t sure if you were ready. But this will be a good opportunity to test you — see if you’re ready.” He looked down at the papers on his desk. “Your debut in the group will depend on your performance on Produce 48,” he said, “so make sure to do a good job.”
“Yes, sir,” she said, gulping. She couldn’t deny the amount of pressure she felt too do good in order to debut in a permanent group.
He smiled at her once more. “You may go,” he dismissed.
Eve nodded, leaving his office. She walked to the elevator, going down to the practice rooms for her lesson. As she approached her room, she pulled out her phone.
[nabi’s ahjussi’s]
nabi [18:34] i told PD-nim i’d do the survival show
keybutt (ahjussi #3) [18:34] yeah!!!!!!!!!!! woohoo!!!!
taem (ahjussi #5) [18:34] fighting nabi fighting!!
flaming charisma (ahjussi #4) [18:34] we’ll make sure to support you!!!
Eve stifled a laugh when Jinki sent a dancing gif. She turned her phone off, putting it in her dance bag. As she entered the room with the other trainees, she told herself she’d work harder than anyone in the entire trainee system to secure her place in the new girl group.
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tagging: @seolboba // @ateezivy // @ateezjuliet // @cafemilk-tea // @smh-anon // @alixnsuperstxr
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©️ kim nabi
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jujutsustraycats · 4 months
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So it's all chill right? @soleilonthesun & @melodiclune don't know what we (you, me and @refrigeratedboombursts ) were upto last night... yet....right?
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arataka-reigen · 9 months
Can't wait for you to meet a certain Archeologist, i think you're going to love her :)
Well she did already show up (to kill Vivi's friend lmao) and I already love her!! I can't wait for her to become more important in the story!!
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bam-monsterhospital · 9 months
Most complaints about the one piece live action boil down to "this wasn't exactly like the anime/manga, therefore it's awful".
people complaining about how in the live action, sanji didn't see zoro's fight with mihawk, and making a big deal about how that's so awful that they didn't include that, like... why? why is that change negative in any way?
"oh because zoro getting his ass beat convinced sanji to join the crew!" how would that have convinced him to join? i know zeff was all like 'alright you lil shit fuckin watch this guy get got" but how would that convince him to join? "becaaaauuuuuse, it shows how all the strawhats are willing to die for their dreams!"
We got that in the live action though. We got that, and more:
sanji got to see the most important part of the zoro fight: the aftermath. He got to see that no one blamed zoro for it, no one was renouncing their dreams.
luffy's "i'd eat both arms and legs to save zoro's life" line. After a conversation about making tough decisions as a captain (ie: do you stand in the way of someone else's dream? what would you do for your crew?), after sanji tells luffy and usopp about his child starvation backstory and what zeff did for him. And you can see on sanji's face, you can SEE IT, after luffy's comment, how it warms his heart, and how he believes it, that luffy really would do everything for his crew and their dreams.
and what I think really tipped sanji over the edge into joining the strawhats in this series: when luffy decides to fight for the baratie. Again, you can see it in sanji's face after he asks luffy why he'd stick his neck out for the place and luffy replies "you fed us". You can see in his face how this wins him over.
So the "shows the strawhats are willing to die for their dreams/willing to fight" happens at least 3 times, then also add in the fact that sanji spends a lot of time with a luffy who has sincere complements and reasonings to accompany his "you should join my crew" suggestions (especially in contrast to the anime where he's just 'nope, you're on my crew. join. join now.), and you've got a series who better conveyed sanji's reason to join the crew than the anime did. Hmmm.
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thistlecrimes · 10 months
Things I've learned from getting covid for the first time in 2023
I wear an N95 in public spaces and I've managed to dodge it for a long time, but I finally got covid for the first time (to my knowledge) in mid-late November 2023. It was a weird experience especially because I feel like it used to be something everyone was talking about and sharing info on, so getting it for the first time now (when people generally seem averse to talking about covid) I found I needed to seek out a lot of info because I wasn't sure what to do. I put so much effort into prevention, I knew less about what to do when you have it. I'm experiencing a rebound right now so I'm currently isolating. So, I'm making a post in the hopes that if you get covid (it's pretty goddamn hard to avoid right now) this info will be helpful for you. It's a couple things I already knew and several things I learned. One part of it is based on my experience in Minnesota but some other states may have similar programs.
The World Health Organization states you should isolate for 10 days from first having symptoms plus 3 days after the end of symptoms.
At the time of my writing this post, in Minnesota, we have a test to treat program where you can call, report the result of your rapid test (no photo necessary) and be prescribed paxlovid over the phone to pick up from your pharmacy or have delivered to you. It is free and you do not need to have insurance. I found it by googling "Minnesota Test to Treat Covid"
Paxlovid decreases the risk of hospitalization and death, but it's also been shown to decrease the risk of Long Covid. Long Covid can occur even from mild or asymptomatic infections.
Covid rebound commonly occurs 2-8 days after apparent recovery. While many people associate Paxlovid with covid rebound, researchers say there is no strong evidence that Paxlovid causes covid rebound, and rebounds occur in infections that were not treated with Paxlovid as well. I knew rebounds could happen but did not know it could take 8 days. I had mine on day 7 and was completely surprised by it.
If you start experiencing new symptoms or test positive again, the CDC states that you should start your isolation period again at day zero. Covid rebound is still contagious. Personally I'd suggest wearing a high quality respirator around folks for an additional 8-9 days after you start to test negative in case of a rebound.
Positive results on a rapid test can be very faint, but even a very faint line is positive result. Make sure to look at your rapid test result under strong lighting. Also, false negatives are not uncommon. If you have symptoms but test negative taking multiple tests and trying different brands if you have them are not bad ideas. My ihealth tests picked up my covid, my binax now tests did not.
EDIT: I'd highly suggest spending time with friends online if you can, I previously had a link to the NAMI warmline directory in this post but I've since been informed that NAMI is very much funded by pharmaceutical companies and lobbies for policies that take autonomy away from disabled folks, so I've taken that off of here! Sorry, I had no idea, the People's CDC listed them as a resource so I just assumed they were legit! Feel free to reply/reblog this with other warmlines/support resources if you know of them! And please reblog this version!
I know that there is so much we can't control as individuals right now, and that's frightening. All we can do is try our best to reduce harm and to care for each other. I hope this info will be able to help folks.
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pyr0frnzy · 2 months
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East Blue Bug Crew with the addition of the chopperpilla🐞👒🐛
Originally the idea was something my friend and one of my moots came up with while we were drawing on magma!! We were assigning bugs to different straw hats and these were the ones we came up with. I drew all of them aside from brook and jimbei on magma but I’ll just say what they all are:
Luffy is a hercules beetle, Zoro is a praying mantis, Nami is a monarch butterfly, Usopp is a weevil, Sanji is a hornet, Chopper is a caterpillar (specifically a moth), Robin is a Hawk Wasp, Franky is a Thorn Bug, Brook is a stick bug, and i think Jimbei is a water bug!
Also here are the magma doodles! first one is low quality :( also i learned i cannot draw thorn bugs oops
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cozage · 1 year
congrats on 2k!! for the event, I was wondering for option one, with Sanji, zoro Luffy and laws reaction to their s/o covering their face with kisses, leaving lipstick marks?
Characters: gn reader x Sanji, Zoro, Luffy, Law Total word count: 730
Lipstick Stains
Oh you already know this man is inches within his life. Nothing gets him so weak in the knees like physical touch and affection. 
He relishes in your kisses during the moment, letting you go on as long as you want. You can never give him too many kisses, really. 
After the fact, any time he passes by a mirror, he stops to admire your love and your handiwork. He just stares at all the marks you left on him for a few minutes, his hands lightly passing over each one. 
Some of the crewmates (Zoro and Usopp) make fun of him, but he just smirks and says “What, boys? Jealous?”
He struggles to wash it off. He’s a very clean person, but he hates to wash his face after you’ve marked it all up. You can very often find light traces of your lipstick still across his face the next day because he scrubbed so gently while bathing. 
Whenever you cover his face with kisses, Zoro…tolerates it. He doesn’t love it, but he doesn’t hate it either. 
Unfortunately for him, he doesn’t look at himself in the mirror much, so he doesn’t notice the red-stained marks you had left all over his face in the process. 
A few things tipped him off when he went down to dinner, though. Sanji is stifling a laugh at him, which isn’t uncommon. But Robin is also giving him a cheeky grin. Usopp and Luffy are both looking anywhere but at him, trying not to burst into laughter. 
And you…your cheeks are flushed red with embarrassment. He rushes to the bathroom and looks at himself in horror. It took him a minute to realize exactly what was all over his face, and he let out a small string of curses as he grabbed a towel and desperately scrubbed at them. 
He comes back to dinner, his face beet red (from embarrassment and excessive scrubbing), and sits down next to you, pretending like nothing happened. 
After that, he always ALWAYS checks himself in the mirror after you come visit him. 
Luffy loves to battle with you on who can give the other person more kisses. Everything is always a game with him. 
He wears your kisses around without even knowing it for a while, until Nami says something about it. 
At her words, he rushes to the mirror and looks, admiring his face and all the proof of your love. He’s kind of jealous that you can mark your kisses so easily. 
That’s when he gets an idea. The next time you two have a kissing war, he offers to put on lipstick as well, that way you can tell for sure who won. 
And that way, you get to see proof of his love too. 
The two of you parade around the ship with your faces covered in shades of red and pink, showing off your new designs and laughing the entire time. 
Law is not a man who enjoys physical touch. But if you’re alone…he’ll allow it. Sometimes, he might even enjoy it. 
Especially if he’s in his study and you come in and curl up in his lap, softly kissing his face to try and get him to come to bed. You can be very persuasive. 
“Go on to bed,” he finally says, shutting his book. “I’m going to get some water and I’ll be in a minute.”
He doesn’t pass by a mirror, or else he would’ve noticed the new addition. Instead, Shachi, Penguin, and Bepo see it as he grabs water from the kitchen. 
“Love the new look, Captain!” Shachi teases, a mischievous smile plastered on his face. “You should keep it like that!”
Law reaches up to inspect his cheeks, but he can’t feel anything. He looks at Bepo, confused. 
“It’s kind of…everywhere,” Bepo says, trying his best not to crack a smile. 
Law quickly rushes to a mirror and finds his face covered in lip marks. He races out of the room without another word and back to you. 
“Y/N,” he says, trying not to get angry. “Next time, please inform me when you’ve…redecorated.”
You giggle and pull him into bed, adding another kiss mark to his forehead. Scrubbing it all off can be a problem for tomorrow.
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hylianane · 2 years
I want content of the crew telling Jinbe stories about their time together
How Luffy once battled a lightning god (he’s made of rubber!), and that the reason they met Franky in the first place was because the gang he used to lead robbed them out of 200 million berry (that he later used to build the ship they’re standing on). And the first time Luffy and Sanji met Chopper they tried to cook him (and sometimes Luffy looks like he still wants to cook him please protect him Jinbe). Robin was not asked to join the crew, she invited herself (and later used her powers of persuasion on Franky). Usopp was the one who designed their jolly roger, but Luffy’s og design is the one they graffitied onto reverse mountain’s whale. (Brook’s treasured friend. What do you mean they graffitied his whale!). Nami once tried to work under Buggy the Clown (did not get the job). Zoro thought Luffy already had a crew and a boat when he agreed to join him (and burst into somewhat hysterical laughter when he saw the dingy they’d be sailing on for the next several days).
There’s so much for this bitches to reminisce about, and there’s something really nice about letting someone new into these little parts of your life. Also I want to watch Jinbe’s respect for them as functional adults to exponentially drop while affection takes its place.
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grunklestanofficial · 2 years
The results of me sleeping 14 whole hours for no clear reason  is just me thinking up a reincarnation fic concept “But what if it was Sanji One Piece in Ranma 1/2″. Can you imagine this dude having to go though “Shitty Dad and Arranged Marriages 2: Electric Boogaloo”? Having to directly confront his whole gender situation with the Spring of the Drowned Girl? Never really going anywhere with any of the lady love interests but by god how much dynamics would change with his regular chugging of Respect Woman Juice? Zoro is also there as Ryoga but the two of them just jump right back into their usual shit
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itzynabi · 1 year
friends posts for eve’s birthday
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©️ kim nabi
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wtfforged · 2 months
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skypeia zs and catzoro thoughts from @/yellowistheraddest's magma a bit ago catzoro translation + additions under read more bc i crumpled the text accidentally and have more to say^^
etc etc typical zoro is turned into a cat for a bit via devil fruit au bs
usopp: there were some strays at syrup village that he would feed or play with as a kid, but he much prefers dogs. this version of zoro is much less intimidating, and usopp doesnt understand cat body language so he ends up getting scratched a lot, but not more than luffy does. his inventions are annoying/not very cat friendly, despite usopps insistance. catzoro is covered in soot and oil here
nami: i have a very specific vision that she loves cats to death, but shed never actually interacted with a cat before, so she didnt realize until now that she is grossly allergic to cats. i think itd be really funny and ironic- the cat burglar is allergic to cats. not often but will close her eyes and pretend its not zoro while threatening his debt to squeeze and pet him.
sanji: has never owned a pet before but would encounter customer's ship cats from time to time at the baratie. goes ballistic everytime his suits get covered in green hairs(constantly), and gets mad at zoro for scratching nami and making her allergies act up(even though he thinks a snotty nami is a very cute nami). zoro hides in the galley to hide from luffy and nami if theyre too annoying
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