#names but he wants to just go by faron
baileyboo2016 · 1 year
Lanayru: These are a few of my companion Dwellers. We got Lorelei, Raindrop, Kai, and Just Faron.
Faron: …. it’s ‘Faron.’ That’s it. Just Faron.
Lanayru: Exactly, Just Faron!
Faron: I will slap you.
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phoenixcatch7 · 2 months
It's always funny to me when in an lu fic the chain is offered bananas and don't accept them. Like, you're offering these high energy adventures free food?? Fruit they'll have never even heard of before??? A ridiculously expensive imported good at best?? AND it boosts your attack?
Not ONE of these idiots would ever turn down something new and interesting to eat at least once. They'd be all over those bananas and immediately get dubbed yiga and I'm honestly surprised no one has used it in a fic yet 🤭
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wild-dagon · 3 months
There is one amazing linked universe fanfiction on AO3 that I can’t remember the name of but it’s a Wild join the chain story.
Wild’s slate goes crazy and 8 of his shrines are different colors. He goes to investigate the one closest to Kakariko and finds Wind and a broken shrine. He then goes on a journey to find all the other members of the Chain through Hyrule (with a lot of Wild angst) I just can’t remember the name of it (it haunts me)
However it has birthed my own brain child. What if it’s not the chain that gets scattered across Wild’s Hyrule but their loved ones.
Botw has a lot of locations that call back to old games that could make this very fun.
Let’s say the Chain arrived in BOTW and Wild is so relieved because the step out of the portal just outside of Hateno village and he’s like “what a stock of luck” and takes everyone to his house. They are all able to relate and they think the goddess is giving them a break.
But while they are relaxing Wild’s slate starts beeping. He pulls it out only to see something weird. There is a new glowing symbol on his map. One he recognizes but shouldn’t be on his map. He calls Time over and shows him his slate, he wants to confirm what he’s seeing. Time looks at the slate to see Lon Lon Ranch’s little cow symbol flashing on Wild’s screen.
After a little bit of discussion (no that’s not supposed to be to be there. Yes it just appeared) they decided to go check it out. Wild can only teleport with one passanger and there is no way Time is letting him go alone (these are his kids) and the isn’t letting anyone else go (it has to do with Lon Lon ranch)
The two of them teleport over to the Wetland stables and start making their way over to the Ranch Ruins. Wild tells Time that they have to be cautious because there is a Guardian in the area. But as they approach they can see that the guardian is already on alert and the Bokoblins near by are also agitated.
Wild and Time pause to try and take in the situation when Time spots a flash of red hair. His heart drops because it can’t be. He points it out to Wild and asking him to use his slate to get a better look. As soon as Wild does he can see a terrified Malon hiding in the ruins of the ranch trying to stay as quiet and still as possible.
The two rush in to save her (wild handling the guardian with an ancient arrow and time quickly dispatching the Bokoblins). Malon is shaken but unharmed. She tells them that a portal opened up under her feet and dropped her into the ranch ruins.
They make their way back ti the stable. Time wants Wild to teleport her to Hateno immediately but Wild and Malon are both against leaving him alone in Wild’s Hyrule. They agree to make it back to the safety of the stables and then Wild will take Malon to Hateno before returning for time. (Deportation with passengers is also hard in his body and he doesn’t want to take the risk of passing out in a dangerous location when he’s their only way out).
They call Wind on the way back so the Chain is waiting for them at the Shrine. Wild’s exhausted from the teleporting and Twulight helps him back to the house as the boys lead Malon to Wilds home. They whole way there they are wonder why Malon is here? And more importantly will anyone else come through?
I think Ravio will come through for Legend (his little bunny symbol appearing in the map) he appears on Eventude Island because of course he does and Legeand is flipping out because that’s the name of HER island and he can’t lose anyone else (you could also have Marine appear here or just do the angst of Legend worrying about losing someone else to the island)
For Twilight you could do it one of two ways the Oridon symbol appears and they go to find Rusl (and maybe his whole family) if it’s them I would put them in one of four places: by the broken mirror by Lurelin village. Maybe in the Faron woods or the Damel forest as they are both in the Faron province. Or somewhere in Akkala because u want someone to go to Tarry town. But I think the best place to put them would be Arbiter’s ground just because it’s such an iconic place in TP. (You could also do Midna near the mirror)
For Sky it’s obviously Sun (his Zelda) and I would put her in the forgotten temple. It’s to perfect and almost tomb like plus with all the guardians it makes for a stressful place for her to be. Especially if you put the shrine on the fritz. Even if it’s not she probably would have triggered some of the guardians but trying to leave.
Wind would be Tetra or Aryll and I would put them near Lurelin village as it is the most like their game or you could throw them somewhere completely different and put them in the dessert. (I need a good place to put them)
For Hyrule you could put Dawn (the princess from his first game the red head (right I’ve never been sure which was which)) or Aurora (the Zelda from Link’s adventure the one who slept for 100 years, the brunette?) or both in to the Typhlo ruins (the island that is shrouded in darkness) I think they would be really freaked out by that place.
For Four you could do Dot (or maybe Shadow) I’m not sure where to put them. Maybe somewhere cold since Four struggles in cold environments or maybe they are the ones that go to Akkala.
For Warriors it’s either, Artemis, Lana, or Linkle and they are in the castle. Or the Garrison ruins but I think the castle is the worst location for them.
Basically the links are rushing to their loved ones side and Wild is tagging a long as guide and transport. The bigger the group the harder it is on Wild and they have to do some traveling to get to a safe place to teleport the group one at a time. Some will have more travel time than others.
You can also have Flora trying to help out and find loggings for everyone.
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cutthroatcarnival · 8 months
Revered Deity, Unknown Hero (1/10)
This is a special one! Thank you @bokettochild for allowing me to write a fic using your God of War!Warriors idea! It was super fun to write. :)
Read chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Find it on AO3 here!
Divine and Draconic Differences
The skies were clear and the weather was pleasant as the heroes congregated outside of Wild and Flora’s Hateno home. It was peaceful, a nice and welcomed reprieve from the era before.
Wind, a still growing teenager, was overflowing with energy, tugging around an equally as eager Hyrule, to explore everything possible. He had his spyglass out, sweeping across the vast land of the Wild Era. Every so often, he’d hand his spyglass over to the traveler to allow him a go.
His telescope was focused on a chasm far out, watching the remaining wisps of gloom fade into the air. Mesmerized by the red-purple, he didn’t fully register the white-blue on the edge until it had blocked his view.
“Wild! What the fuck is that?!” Keeping his focus on the serpentine creature in the sky, he heard Wild approach his side with the familiar sound of him activating his slate’s scope mode.
“That’s Naydra, one of the dragons.”
That… didn’t look like a dragon. Dropping his spyglass from his eye, Wind fixed Wild with a stare. The scarred hero stared back.
“Don’t look at me like that. There’s three dragons, they’re all servants of the springs. Naydra happens to be the servant of the Spring of Wisdom, which is,” he grabbed Wind’s shoulder and spun him around, pointing to a mountain peak covered in snow, “right on that peak over there.” Wind moved his gaze to the mountain peak, following Wild’s finger. He could see the vague shape of pillars.
“Huh… so you have dragons too? They look different from mine.” Wind began walking back to the rest of the group, who had been listening in on the conversation, no matter how hard they tried hiding it. Wild took a few seconds to decipher the information, and ran to catch up with the sailor.
“What do you mean “you too”? I didn’t know anyone else had dragons!” Wind shrugged.
“Like I said, mine are different, like Valoo. He was a sky spirit I met during my first adventure. And the only one that didn’t try to kill me.” He plopped down next to Warriors, who offered the young hero one of the apples he had.
“Still! Does anyone else have dragons?” All hands went up except for the smithy, who looked utterly confused as he mouthed dragons over and over, eyes swirling different colors.
“In my defense, all of my dragons wanted to kill me.” Hyrule exclaimed, being seconded by Time, Twilight, Warriors, and Legend.
The five heroes delved into further conversation about their draconic enemies. Wind wiggled into the group, chattering about the gleeoks he fought. Wild chimed in about having to fight gleeoks as well, explaining about the King Gleeoks residing in hard-to-reach locations.
“The dragons I know serve Hylia.” A few grimaced at the mention of the goddess, but the dislike was outweighed by the curiosity of Sky’s dragons.
“The three of them were assigned to watch over different provinces of the Surface. They also protected the sacred flames, and held parts of the Song of the Hero.”
Wild was immediately upon Sky, spitting out questions with very little breaths between, all centered on what they looked like, if they had any powers, and anything of the sort.
“Of course they have powers, they guard and protect the Triforce. Even the gods wouldn’t be able to reach it with them guarding the key to it.
Gods and Goddesses were a touchy subject. Some were openly hostile towards them, others in the middle, and some revered them. Yet, the topic always raised an interesting thought; just how many are there?
“Do you think there’s more than just Hylia?” Came Four’s voice, eyes shining a curious violet.
“There’s the light spirits in my era,” Twilight rested his chin in his palm, “Ordona, Lanayru, Eldin, and Faron. They protect the regions they share names with.”
“Oh, and the Golden Goddesses! They’re the ones that submerged Hyrule!” Wind piped up, leaning against Warriors, who grimaced as the sailor’s sharp elbow dug into his thigh.
A soft hum emitted from Time, who had been running his fingers along his markings, a pensive look across his face. Wild bounded off of Sky, and settled next to Twilight.
“I know of one! Legends talk about a Fierce Deity… they say that if one dons his armor and mask they gain godlike power.”
Time gave a sharp inhale, and his fingers dropped from his face.
Others shook their heads, either not having any other gods, goddesses, or deities in their time, or having the same ones as someone else.
“Not anymore.”
Eight heads turned towards Sky, who had found a stick and was whittling absentmindedly, a stormy look across his face. They all shared a few glances- curiosity, and a little bit of fear.
‘Not anymore’?
“Oh! There is another- the Deity of War.” Hyrule broke the silence, fingers tying blades of grass into circles while his gaze rested on the other heroes.
“Isn’t that the same as the Fierce Deity?” Twilight cocked his head.
Legend scoffed.
“Many think that, but”, he stood up and turned so he was facing all eight heroes, “they are different. He’s the Deity of War, exactly as his name implies; a powerhouse on the battlefield, calculated and quick. The Fierce Deity doesn’t focus on war, he focuses on ferocity, on power, on courage. It’s in their names, it really is that simple.”
The veteran launched further into an explanation about the two, pointing out the similarities and differences, both surface level and deeper. Pointed ears all upright, revealing without words how invested they were in this newly learned-about deity.
Wild shot up out of his seat and ran to the house, slamming the door open, sounds of rustling and clanging could be heard, and the heroes remaining shared concerned glances. The current era’s hero came racing back out- not bothering to shut the door- with a book in his grasp.
“Legends Throughout the Ages” read the title of the book in intricate gold. The book itself seemed to be in good condition, missing the normal wear and tear they had seen on other things in the champion’s era.
“I know about him! Flora was talking about some books she had found in the castle,” he thumbed through the pages, “and she thought I would like this one… Aha!” Wild smoothed the book to lay flat on pages marked with blue fabric scraps.
On the pages were long paragraphs of stories and legends of the deity, exploring where he originated from and what eras his legends came from. Taking up a sizable portion of the right page was an image.
“Hey, he kind of looks like Warriors!”
Wind grabbed the book from Wild and pranced back over to the captain, who only raised an eyebrow at him, his now finished apple set off to the side. The sailor raised the book next to Warriors and basked in the ‘oohs’ when they realized that their youngest was right.
The picture and the captain looked nearly identical; only differentiated by the gold and blue markings on the deity’s face, blank eyes, and the color of the armor- a vibrant gold- and the tunic- a pale cream.
Snatching the book, Warriors scanned over the page, lingering on the photo a little longer.
“I don’t see it.”
That caused an uproar, as Wind and Wild both pounced on the captain, claiming that he was wrong and everyone could very well see it, while Hyrule just looked at the captain like he had grown a second head. The others groaned quietly.
There goes the relaxing day they were hoping for.
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critical-birb · 2 months
Continued headcanon submissions (should I have just put it all in one post? That wall of text would have been enormous.)
Revali's version of rest and relaxation is flying out and wandering until he finds something that interests him. He's definitely been a boon in discovering new food sources for the Rito and detailing maps further than ever before, but it's also a good thing he's as fast as he is considering how far he wanders. He got all the way down to Faron once before thinking "shit I should probably turn around". He'll show up random local archery contests, try different foods just to declare that it's not as good as the stuff in Rito Village (he might not give such high praise if he was at home, lol), and occasionally he'll bring back presents for the little Rito (he's not heartless).
Basically if he had a car he would totally go on long night drives and take frequent road trips on a whim.
He just likes to fly about and explore. Casual cartography hobby like what an absolute secret nerd. I'm obsessed with him just bringing back little gifts for people.
There's so many fics where Revali is an antisocial lone wolf type character even around the other Rito - but it's clear they worked together, and he's very proud of being a Rito and able to compliment his own people. I like to think maybe even if he was standoffish around the other Champions, maybe he was actually really kinda loved in his community at home. A little up his own butt, sure, but he had friends. People liked him. He knew everyone's names, would randomly drop into people's huts to toss them some berries you can only get in a different region just because he knows they like them and he was down that way on a flight. Would pick up pretty seashells and interesting trinkets on his travels to give to the fledglings in the village. Would specifically head out to areas to pick up items people needed for cooking or sewing just because why not be useful?
He doesn't make a big deal about it. He's off doing his own thing but the other Rito are always in the back of his mind and secretly he enjoys helping people. It makes him feel good to give people gifts from his adventures.
He loves his people and they love him - even if he can be kind of an obnoxious twat sometimes. He's good inside. He'a grown up there, they know him even behind the mask of grandure he puts on.
Do you think, when he died, Rito brought little trinkets from their own adventures to leave at his grave? A tribute not to the great master Revali - but to their friend, who would sometimes disappear for days at a time and return and silently hand them a tropical fruit or an interesting book just to let them know he thought of them.
And they're still thinking of him - and want him to know that, wherever he is now.
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baileys-writing-desk · 7 months
The Afternoon Sun
Four was gravely injured in a monster attack, and it took everything Hyrule had to save him. Two days on, the smithy finally learns of the strange place he’s ended up in: Faron’s basin.
(This is concurrent with The Morning Sun, but it can be read on its own)
In Four’s brief moments of wakefulness, a strange blue creature towers over him…and there’s water all around…he’s in water. Why?
“Don’t worry, Link. You’re safe…”
He has no choice anyway, the smithy remembers as he floats in and out. He can’t leave…he doesn’t know what’s going on. Briefly he is met with the blurry face of the veteran standing in front of him, but even that doesn’t last long as his eyes slowly slip closed again.
“No- don’t fall asleep…yet…”
The next time he stirs, his body is still overcome with weakness, but he has gained just enough awareness to truly think, of what in Hylia’s name could have happened for him to end up here. He whines as his mind draws a blank.
Then a voice sounds from above.
“Ah! Back again, little Link. You with me, boy?”
Four slowly peels his eyes open. The familiar-looking giant blue creature from earlier- or at least a blurry distortion of it- peers down at him from above. He’s still partially submerged in water, with dark walls curving up over him in a circular shape.
Where…exactly am I?
What is that thing??
He grunts, trying and failing to blink the blurriness out of his vision. His body is still incredibly drained…although he must have been asleep for quite a while. The water drips and ripples slightly around him, as the creature extends her arm forward and dips what looks to be two fingers in. Testing the waters, he presumes. But why? Why is he in water?
Must not be regular water.
“Still warm enough…” it mutters, raising its arm back up. “Boy, please speak if you can hear me, will you? It does no good talking to myself.”
…But what kind of water is this?
Four hesitates. The creature wants him to speak; he must not leave it waiting.
“Wh- who are you…?” he croaks, voice incredibly dry. He tries to clear his throat but simply coughs instead. Damn…All this water around yet his mouth still feels like a desert.
“Ah, I suppose I have yet to introduce myself. Now that you seem coherent enough, I shall.” The creature’s blurry face begins to focus a little, showing dark eyes and purplish lips against the pale blue. Two long string-like antennae wave around the sides of her head. “I am Lady Faron, the Water Dragon and warden of the woods. You, young boy, are in my hall within the lake. Now don’t worry, you’re safe here with me.”
Faron…He��s heard that name before. But where…?
The smithy frowns, raising a hand out of the water to touch his forehead. “…And why am I-“
“In my basin, you ask?” Faron chuckles. “That one’s easy. It’s to heal you. In case you don’t remember, you were gravely injured.”
A faint memory drifts in, of his inability to parry a monster’s sharp blade. I was stabbed.
“I…I do.” Four groans, eyebrow furrowing as he starts to make out more of Faron’s features. “You…saved me?”
“Now, boy, don’t give me all the credit here. Another of your companions used all his magic to close your wounds. That is what saved you. But you were still far too weak….” She pauses. “The water you are lying in is my sacred water, which acts as a healing bath.”
Another of your companions…
Hyrule. It had to be Hyrule.
He drops his hand back into the water, noticing the tingling effects of the dragon’s magical substance.
“So tell me, little Link…how do you feel?”
“I’m…” The questions swim through his head. Where’s Rulie? Why does Faron sound so familiar? “…I’ve been better, just so tired…”
Is Rulie okay?
“Are you in any pain?”
Slowly and gently, he shakes his head, being mindful of the dull ache. “Where’s…Hyrule?”
“Oh, him? He’s resting with the Thunder Dragon in his domain. Don’t worry, he’s in very good hands. Lanayru’s grown quite attached to that boy.”
This must be Sky’s era, he realizes.
And something comes to mind about three guardian dragons…Lanayru, Eldin?…and Faron. Of course. Water Dragon. He blames his muddled brain for not putting the pieces together earlier.
“Is…anyone else here?” he manages. “…Legend?” Yes. The vet was here, right?
“I’m sorry, I don’t follow.” Faron frowns, glancing around the rest of the hall which Four cannot see from the basin. “It’s only you and me. Well…and my Kikwis.”
Your- what??
A small splash comes from his right. Slowly the confused smithy turns his head, as far as he can without dipping his face in the water. Something is there next to him. Something like…a very weird-looking- what?? It stares at him with cute eyes and chuckles, opening its bird-like beak slightly.
“Wh-“ Four startles. “-what the hell is that thing??”
Faron only laughs. “Ah, little Link, I assume it’s your first Kikwi encounter. Now don’t worry, he won’t harm you. If he does, boy, tell me and he’s dinner!”
He coughs from the effort of raising his voice, gazing at the little Kikwi playing in the shallow water. What even are those??
And what was that about dinner?
“No…I won’t eat that…whatever it is.” Four mutters, turning his head back to face Faron.
“Oh, you wouldn’t be eating him!” The Water Dragon grins mischievously. “I will.”
Suddenly it all clicks.
It’s her. Faron. That bitchy dragon who eats things smaller than her. And Four is quite a bit smaller—
Oh no.
This can’t be good.
Too weak to sit up fully, he flails his hands and attempts to scamper back, startling the poor Kikwi. “Nonono…” he squeaks out. “Donteatmedonteatmedonteatmedont-“
“Hey, relax!” Faron’s eyes widen. “Did I say I was going to eat you?”
“No, but…I’ve heard things-“
“Of course you have. My Link must have put that idea into your little head.” She scoffs. “Four, I won’t eat you. Take my word.”
The smithy takes a deep breath, laying back down into the water, exhausted from the energy he had just used. Beside him the Kikwi chortles.
“You promise?” he asks, almost in a whisper.
“On my life.”
Wow. She’s serious about this. He still doesn’t quite know if he can trust her…but it’s not like he has much of a choice. The walls of the basin are far too high for him to climb out, and she most likely wouldn’t let him leave in his condition.
He lets out a long sigh. “…Okay.”
I guess I’ll trust you.
“Well! I’m glad we got that sorted out.” The Water Dragon laughs, then pauses to think. “You’ve been in my hands for over a day, it would be a shame if we didn’t get along, now, wouldn’t it?”
Four slowly nods his head, feeling the sacred water continue to gradually lessen the ache. The Kikwi steps closer to him and taps his cheek.
“And me too! I’ve been by your side, kwee!”
Wait. Did that Kikwi just talk?!
He gasps in surprise, wide eyes staring at the small creature. “You…you can talk too??”
“Ah yes, they can.” Faron answers first. “I suppose that’s a detail I should have mentioned before.”
The Kikwi giggles. “Sorry to startle you, little Link. I’m Machi, kwee!”
Machi. What an interesting name.
“H-hi…Machi. It’s nice to meet you, um…” The smithy hesitates. “You can call me Four.”
“Like the number, I know! How peculiar. Where did that name come from, kwee?”
Oh Hylia…Four groans in displeasure. Now is not the best time to explain the whole story of the Four Sword and how he can split into four people, it's…Too much. Far too exhausting.
“Now Machi, don’t overwhelm him.” Faron’s voice, for once, relieves him. “He’s too weak for explaining, that can come later.”
Thank goodness.
“Oh…my apologies, kwee.” Machi’s eyes droop slightly, and Four briefly reaches out to pat its belly.
“It’s okay,” he mutters. The small Kikwi smiles before stepping back to glance up at Faron. Why do they say ‘kwee’ all the time?, he wonders. These little creatures are quite peculiar.
Four takes a deep breath, resting his eyes and letting his body relax once more. Normally he would be able to deal with all these new discoveries; he would be fascinated at Faron and the Kikwis and their ways of life. He would ask Faron why this basin is clearly made for her, and if she’s ever had to use it. He would leave the hall and take a swim for a while, studying the marine life in this unfamiliar region and telling Hyrule excitedly about his findings.
But he is far from strong enough…nowhere near his full self. That will all have to wait, too.
“Little Link, you still look quite drained.” Faron comments. Yep, sounds about right. “Perhaps I shall leave you some space. The more you rest, the quicker you will be healed, boy.”
He blinks his eyes back open, giving the Water Dragon a slight smile. “...Fair enough.”
“I’m sure Lanayru will come by soon. When you’re better, he can pick you up and take you back to your little friend…Hyrule.”
His heart flutters at her mention of the Traveler. Magic exhaustion, he remembers. Rulie has never been out for more than a couple days…he should be waking up soon, right? I hope he’s okay.
“How- how long will this take?” he mumbles. “...To heal, I mean.”
“I’ll be straight with you, Four, the wounds you sustained were severe. Your friend’s healing saved your life, but I estimate several more days before you can be up and around.”
Well, that’s just great. Looks like he won’t be leaving this basin anytime soon.
At least Faron and Machi are decent company. He’s heard scary stories about Faron and her threats to eat almost anything, but at this point she clearly won’t do it to him. The Kikwis, weird as they are, seem quite nice. And he can still hope for visits, from one of his brothers or Lanayru.
“...Okay,” he answers, nodding slowly. He can hear Machi playing in the water, still by his side, while Faron grins.
“You’re a strong hero, little Link,” she assures him. “I have faith in you. Now…I’ll be right back, boy. Please let yourself rest, and don’t go anywhere.”
Four chuckles at her comment. “I won’t, thanks.”
Unless someone comes to take him from the basin, he is most definitely not going anywhere.
He waits for her to disappear out of sight, listening to the sound of her diving underwater, before letting out a long sigh. The lingering tiredness is beginning to win over once again…
You’re safe now. You’re okay.
As he slowly drifts off, he pictures the day when he can finally reunite with Hyrule and the others.
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carrotsnake · 11 months
Botw/Totk headcanon: Sheikah NPCs beyond Kakariko
after impa being the Last of Her Kind for nearly 20 years, we were kind of spoiled with the era of wilds sheikah. still, kakariko is known for it's older population and botw makes a point to let us know paya isn't used to seeing people her age. this post is about asking 'where are they?' and filling in the gaps. being a peaceful farming village it makes sense the younger gens would want to leave as soon as they can for some adventure.
sheikah typically have hair on the grey-to-white scale (granté proves this isn't a requirement), and unlike the past games they have a greater diversity in eye colour. below is a list of hylian npcs that look too young to have greying hair that i hc are either from kakariko, or have some sheikah ancestry.
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from left to right: lecia, letty, mina, her brother mils by proxy, teli, juney, and baumar. i'll go into more detail about each under the cut, comparing them from the 2 games alongside some more headcanons. some of them i haven't found in totk yet, so i'll edit when i do.
pic on the left side is them in botw, totk on the right.
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Mina is a treasure hunter looking for loot with her brother by the exchange ruins outside the great plateau. the siblings also show up in the dlc. they're trying to steal a sheikah heirloom back from the yiga hideout, though they don't know it's purpose - they just wanna sell it. in totk she walks on the path between lakeside stable and lurelin. she says that even treasure hunters deserve some fun once in a while, so we can assume she's takin' it easy. Mils, meanwhile...
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...joined the zonai survey team, and moans about what tough work it is. he walks through pagos woods to the zonai ruins. he joined in the hopes it would lead him to treasure, but he hasn't had his lucky break yet. most hylians travel from stable to inn and can be assumed not to have a proper home due to the lasting effects of the calamity. this is my bias but i like to think he's talking about kakariko when he mentions home. let him grow some pumpkins and wrangle cuccos. he wishes to live a quiet life.
i find it sweet him and mina are both in faron. maybe they decided to split up and cover more ground? with mina off sunbathing and sipping mimosas in lurelin, mils got the short end of the stick again.
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'i hope you die': lazy, cliché, unrealistic. 'i hope your favourite botw npc gets mushroomed and bowlcutted': it's scary, it's possible, it's happening to me right now. such was the fate of our poor resident shield-surfer bro from botw. known for many hit quotes such as 'let's go bamboo! yahoo!', 'shield surfing is like, totally radical, dude', and my favourite:
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in botw he rides his horse on the path between serenne and snowfield stable. in totk he's part of the fashion tour-group that run around hateno village. maybe he went to hebra to show his 'wicked' surfing moves to selmie and she said 'kid, if i let you out on the slopes you'll die. sorry'. his world was completely shattered beneath him like a broken shield, so he turned to cravats and puffy short shorts to cope.
his name is similar to the hills of baumer above deya village ruins. maybe he's a descendent of the few survivors. i wonder what his ancestors are thinking now, watching what he does with the gift of life.
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Teli walks between fort hateno and hateno village. He sells ancient guardian parts and even mentions he trades them with Robbie. he has a high opinion of himself and tells you he's known across hyrule for his 'roguish good looks.' in totk he's one of the men in the 'Gourmets gone missing' Penn quest that gave himself food-poisoning by riverside stable. after which he scares away some cuccos and makes you wrangle them for a sidequest. just L after L for this dashing rogue.
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Juney, now famous for her rupee grinding sand seal minigame, i instantly recognised as the epic divorce woman from rito village. her attitude is just as surly as ever but they gave her a soft side. i like that every minigame location could not be further from hateno. you'll find that school someday queen.
she was a newly wed mad at her husband, jogo, for choosing a cold place for their honeymoon. he begs you to give him flint to cook some baked apples for her to save their already failing marriage.
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in totk they're not together, jogo inhabits a cabin in tabantha village ruins with another woman. he didn't give her enough baked apples.
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Letty walks along the path between lakeside stable and lurelin. she gives you cooking tips and that's pretty much it. i'm pretty sure i've met her as a yiga disguise more often than i've seen the real her. if anyone has found her in totk, please let me know.
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Lecia is a new character in totk. she's with the research team and plays a part in the foothill stable Penn quest. she kind of looks like a grown up Koko. maybe a distant relative? but maybe she's not sheikah. maybe the sight of all those pasty naked man nips traumatised her so bad she got marie-antoinette syndrome from the shock. i haven't seen her since.
thank you if you read to the end. to clarify i'm working on some fic stuff and that entails finding npcs across the overworld to give some more lore. it's a sheikah focused fic so i needed some characters other than the kakariko residents. it's also just fun fleshing out random npcs to make the world feel more lived in. again, i'm missing some details like what mina does before you save lurelin, so i'll edit this post in the future.
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thenmichael · 5 months
Hero of Twilight, ie Reaper
His name is Reaper cus, it's cool asf, and it has both connotations of farming and death (the tool and grim reaper etc etc) wolf go bark. He is stubborn, especially when it comes to people helping him, it's foreign to him ig, having ppl relay on him for stuff in a small village without giving anything in return does smth to a guy.
He is a perfectionist (after me :3) he is very VERY passionate about what he thinks is best for him, and he dislikes being criticised about something the other person doesn't know the full story to (This led to an argument he had with Shad during his adventure, i wont spoil tho).
Only him, Zelda and Midna know about wolfie, and its very isolating having to keep such a big thing secret from everyone. (Just listen to Bottom by McCafferty)
It took a WHILE for him to kind of accept that he will never see Midna again and to help with that he dates the only other ginger in Hyrule that's around his age, Shad !! (in this au Link is 19, Shad 21 so two years post game) At first their relationship was very much Reaper trying to grasp onto anything that could remind him of Midna, ie, ginger hair, and that got his mind off of it for a while, but he still felt empty, Shad began to realise and asked him about it, Reaper, reluctant the first few times he was asked, but eventually he had to come clean about SOME things. Still keeping it vague, like
"There was someone who I loved. She didn't see me that way, and she had to leave forever," yada yada. Shad, obviously is hurt after this, and steps away for a while (a week or so to gather his thoughts) this destroys Reaper, and so he uses the twilight crystal for the first time in a year or so and just runs, no goal in mind, he stays in Faron woods for a few days, specifically the spring of faron, and folks at ordon r like "oh shit, wheres Link? He normally says when he is leaving, what the hell"
Time goes on, Shad and Reaper make up I don't wanna have this whole thing just abt that situation, but I will say, Colin is the one to go out and try and find Link.
Zelda wanted to make Link a knight of Hyrule post game, and he refused, cus he already has a life, and goats.
Rusl is a Father figure to Reaper
Reaper is half ordonian, I was debating on making him fully ordonian, but I liked the ears. His ears are shorter than regular Hylians, fun stuff.
His face markings from when he is a wolf fade over time when he isn't constantly transforming, same with his teeth (sharper) but it's a slower process.
He has one Shad's bracelets on his left wrist, Shad gave it to him after they made up.
He is ambidextrous, I thought this was a cool way to link (get it) his Wii and gamecube/HD appearances, he uses his left hand to fight (switches between them on horse back), he can write with both, but he uses his left hand more, since he is left handed in the majority of games he's in (the versions of tp)
( @mosaixe )
+ doodles of him
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(More will come, I will link this, and others, to my pinned post)
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inkymers007 · 4 months
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Meet my Zelda BOTW/TORK oc! Sorry that the pic is kind blurry I'll try to draw him more down the line. I made him for an rp server and I decided to share him on here.
Name: Kalvet
Nicknames: Kal or Vet
Age: 26
Gender/Sex: Male
Sexuality: Pan
Species: Hylian/Shekiah 
Occupation: Traveling Merchant/ Thief
Body type: Skinny, but muscular
Height: 5’7
Weight: 159 lbs.
Skin: White
Hair color/style: Blackish blue. His hair is long and messy.
Eye color: Red
Scars: His right eye is scarred.
Accessories: N/A
Basic Personality: Kalvet appears to be a kind and smooth talking gentleman. Which is true, somewhat. He appears that way to get clients to purchase his wares. As well as to throw people off his scent of being a thief. On the job as a thief he’s silent and ruthless. Almost as if Kalvet’s a monster rather than a human. Yet despite this he isn’t heartless and will give support in some way or fashion. How much support he’ll give depends on how close he is with the person who needs it . If they’re a stranger or an acquaintance he'll give them the bare minimum. If they're friends then he’ll do whatever he can to help them. However, having someone that close to him is rarity since Kalvet has the belief that most people will just like him to get what they want. So he tends to be cordial with people at best. If he does find someone who he wants to get closer to then he will be more friendly with them, but he will still keep his wits about him. With those who he considers as friends he will playfully tease them and will open up to them a bit more. Once he recognizes them as a friend he will be loyal to them. More than willing to go through hell and back for them. This is especially the case if someone gives him a scale from one of the great dragons. Since he always looked up to them because of the stories that his family told him. Speaking of, Kalvet is a great story teller, and will tell stories that his parents told him or stories about his travels. 
Likes: Dragons, dragon scales, exploring, finding new places, hot springs, voltfruit, sweet foods, telling stories, campfires, the desert, sand seals, riding sand seals, zora’s domain, swords, Faron, myths and tales
Dislikes: The Yiga Clan, the Yiga Clan hideout, spicy foods, people asking about his eye, bows, the cold, Hebra, lairs, getting into Gerudo Town, getting up early, and being a burden to people
Strengths: Kalvet is a very skilled swordsman and even knows how to use two of them at the same time. In fact his main weapon is two hook swords. Kalvet is also very perspective and remembers little details about anyone he meets. 
Weaknesses: Isn’t trusting of people and will bottle up his emotions.
Mother and Father= Deceased
Gerudo Woman (haven't thought of her name yet)= Adoptive Mother
 Siblings: N/A
 Friends/Acquaintances: Link, Impa, Purah, Paya, Robbie, Jerrin, Granté, Beedle, Kass, Riju, Pritana, and Nali
Kalvet lived an average life in a small village. The village was small enough where everyone knew and got along with each other. He had parents who loved him as well as friends that cared for him. Despite being an only child, Kalvet had many children around his age that he could play with. He played with them so much that he considered them all as siblings. Every night before he went to bed his parents would tell him the stories of the great dragons. Kalvet was so fascinated by the dragons that he always dreamed of seeing one, or at least getting something from them like a scale. Kalvet swore that when got older he would take his parents to see the dragons. However when the boy was 12 his life changed for the worst. 
During the return of Calamity Kalvet's village was attacked. Not only by the Calamity itself, but by some Yiga Clan members. The once peaceful and beautiful village was now nothing more than ash and ruin. The fire roared throughout the village as he tried to save his parents, but unfortunately he couldn’t save them. Kalvet tried to find some of his other villagers. While doing so he found out that one of the older children joined the Yiga Clan. Feeling enraged and betrayed he went to attack him, but Kalvet couldn’t even come close to him as he was slashed in the eye, making him blind. Despite that he still tried to fight, it wasn’t until he was knocked out that he stopped.
When he woke up he saw that the Yiga Clan had been long gone, but his eye was patched up by some of the knights that had come over to check things out. Kalvet had explained everything that had happened, The knights swore that they would find and kill the Yiga who burned and killed everyone in his village. Well, almost everyone, that person who joined the Yiga might as well have been dead to Kalvet. As he residented him and resented everyone. Stealing from any and everyone for survival. It wasn’t until his teenage years where he started to trust people again. That was through his adoptive mother, a gerudo. It took him a while to trust her, but once he did the woman had taught her how to use swords. Particularly the hook swords. Still angry at the Yiga he vowed to steal any and everything from them just like they did to him. He would even make money off of them by selling their equipment to anyone who would buy it.
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skyward-floored · 1 year
LU Zelink marriages head canons, go!
Alright, let’s see...
Time and Twilight are excluded here because Time has Malon, and Twilight is heavily implied to be interested in Ilia (plus the whole Midna mess) so he’s not here either.
...And before anybody gets on my case, Legend and Fable aren’t siblings here! Them being siblings is just a headcanon! They’re not related here!
We good? Good.
Anyways, this got long so I’m putting it under the cut.
For Sky and Sun... I think Skyloft has a lot of traditions and things, so their wedding would have a lot of that. Everybody on Skyloft attends I’m sure, plus the handful of friends Sky and Sun made on the surface, the kikwi’s and mole guys (who’s names I’m not remembering at the moment) and all. They probably have the wedding somewhere in Faron, as the first wedding on the Surface Grooseland and it’s a very happy affair :)
Once Four is old enough to get married, I think his and Dot’s wedding is a lot like Sky’s: lots of tradition, but not too big of an event, lots of family and friends (and people they have to invite because it’s technically a royal wedding 🙄). The minish probably help in all sorts of little ways, with any food and little details on Dot’s dress. Her and Four probably aren’t nearly serious enough during the ceremony, and a couple of people are scandalized. They don’t care a bit.
Wind has a while to go before he’s old enough to really get married, but I think him and Tetra make it a pretty small deal. Tetra suggested eloping but she was mostly kidding. Mostly. They probably have the ceremony on the ship, but dock it at Outset so they can have the party afterwards there without running out of room. It takes them a while to find someone to officiate (you can’t officiate your own wedding, Tetra) Makar and Medli do the music, and Tingle probably invites himself.
Legend, after he accepts that Marin is gone and lets himself love again (...it probably takes a while), would probably prefer a pretty small wedding. Fable is all for it (I’m sure she’d hate a fuss), so they have a quiet wedding in the apple orchard by Legend’s house. Ravio somehow ends up making money off of it, and probably gives Legend one of his own items as a wedding gift.
Hyrule, no matter which Zelda it is that he’s in love with (I certainly don’t have any clue XD) does not want a big wedding. Of course, he somehow ends up with one anyways because he’s marrying a princess and especially if you add in the whole “destined to be king” thing he possibly has it’s probably a wedding and a coronation, so it’s a Big Deal. Poor Hyrule is an absolute mess of nerves.
Warriors and Artemis almost elope. They very much consider just booking it from the castle for a week or two to get married then come back, so they can skip the whole fuss and political nonsense that comes with a royal wedding, but Impa keeps giving them glares so she’d probably stop them. So they put up with the whole spectacle of everything, then very much enjoy a quiet honeymoon.
Wild... I’m a little hesitant to say much about since I haven’t played totk yet (no spoilers!!!) and am not quite sure how things have changed between him and Flora (if at all). But either way, I think they probably try to have a nice quiet wedding, then have a bigger party afterwards. Probably a little like Rhondson and Hudson’s wedding, it’s just a small affair. Then a big party and everything afterwards where they invite everyone they can, everybody Wild’s met and helped over the years.
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I’m gonna try making a fake tumblr dashboard post
Totk Hyrule tumblr dashboard simulator: begin
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🐎 hyrules-horsegirl Follow
Omg who was gonna tell me name portmanteaus are for shipping???? I named my wagon after a ship between me and some random guy who caught a horse for me I’m going to die of embarrassment
🍄 cecesleftkidney Follow
Bestie you can’t just say that then not tell us the details???
🐎 hyrules-horsegirl Follow
Uhhh idk he was kinda cute but really short and wearing a weird outfit? It was a while ago I don’t remember. His name was Link?
👁️ not-a-spy-eye-promise Follow
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(989 notes) #GIRL WHAT #hero sightings
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⛈️ Faron-explorer Follow
Just ran into Beedle and instead of talking about bugs he was talking about??? Some guy??? Like will all the enthusiasm as when he’s talking about bugs but it was about a Hylian Man
🧀 hatenocullinarymastermind Follow
Beedle gay arc????
🧗‍♂️ Linkheroofthisdick Follow
I should fucking hope so or else this is gonna be really awkward
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⛈️ faron-explorer Follow
🧗‍♂️linkheroofthisdick Follow
It’s our third anniversary next month like I know we’re both cryptic weirdos and really busy but surely we didn’t forget to tell everyone right
👩‍🔬researcher-purah-official Follow
🐉 thelastzelda Follow
Ok to be fair. He’s been busy.
Also the conversation has moved on but I didn’t think anyone was under the impression that Beedle was straight. There is no heterosexual explanation for that man.
🧀 hatenocullinarymastermind Follow
…that’s fair
(7536 notes)
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🐶dogsdogsdogsdogs Follow
@ thelastzelda why is that your account name?
🐉 thelastzelda Follow
I’m aroace! And even if I wasn’t, I don’t want to have kids of my own because I don’t want to force a goddesses bloodline onto a child who never asked for it. Plus with the whole dissolution of the monarchy thing it’s not like I have any real external motivation to get married. I’m perfectly happy with my work and my students, they’re more than enough for me!
But unfortunately the goddess bloodline has split off so many times in the past I doubt my refusal to take part will prevent someone else in the future from suffering because of it. But at least I can take control of ending this branch.
🐝 bee-kind Follow
Omg aroace zelda!!!!!!!!
(2013 notes) #i share my sexuality with THE Zelda how cool is that
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🦋 prettyscales Follow
Checkmate Yiga, you cant try to kill Link cause he’s bi and that makes you homophobic
(354 notes) #its true the goddess told me herself #i drank a fucked up elixer and we made out behind woodland stable at 3 am
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axewchao · 1 year
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A Surprisingly Soothing Sunrise
In which the Rito and the Hylian have another moment alone.
Revali had always rose with the sun.
He wasn't sure why, he just did. It didn't matter if he was exhausted the night before, sick with yet another cold or fever as a child, or simply wanted to sleep in, once the light hit his face, he would wake without fail.
And try as he might, he wouldn't be able to fall back asleep. By now he'd learned to accept such an odd habit, but by Medli's mercy did he want to sleep past sunrise right now.
It had been a few days since The Talk. Dalex had said his piece, and Revali believed him. Believed that he wasn't lying, at least. And he wasn't sure where to go from there. He doubted Dalex knew either.
During that time, Revali would often steal glances at the Hylian when no one was looking. Before The Talk, nothing would come of it. But now, he would catch Dalex staring right back, faded eyes (er, eye) full of an emotion Revali couldn't put a name to. Longing, maybe? The Talk had ended rather abruptly due to Revali's emotional exhaustion. There was still some things left to be said, that much was clear.
And as weird as it was to admit, it was nice to know that Revali wasn't the only one who wanted to continue The Talk.
If only either of them knew how. Then maybe things wouldn't feel so... complicated.
Revali could still feel Dalex's hand in his own as they left Faron Woods. He hadn't meant to hold it for so long, he just... didn't let go.
He wished it was a wing he was holding...
But he can't hold that wing anymore, can he?
"You don't have to worry about me using it anymore. The mask, I mean. I threw it away. Whoever finds it can have it, for all I care..."
Revali never worked up the nerve to say that he found it. Scooped it up from Satori Mountain before anyone else could get their grubby hands on it. He wasn't sure what would've happened if he did tell Dalex. Another look of shock, perhaps? Dalex did seem as though he was expecting the worst from their conversation.
Just like Revali himself. Believing that misery was all that awaited him in the end, and taken by surprise when it wasn't.
He looked up from the cheap stable bed he'd been lying in. The other Champions and the Princess were all sound asleep in their own beds with the exception of Daruk, who was curled in a ball with a small (for his size) blanket amusingly draped over him.
If that didn't give away that he was out cold, the snoring certainly did. Revali was surprised that everyone actually slept through that all night.
With a sigh, Revali sat up, running his hand through his crest. He wanted to just lay there and hopefully doze until the others woke, but he doubted that would work. Might as well get up and do... anything, really.
Maybe a walk would take his mind off things. Help him work up the energy he needed for the day.
As he got up to do just that, he failed to notice that one of the beds was vacant.
Revali told himself it would be just a walk, but in reality it felt more like a hike. Complete with a bit of climbing as he ascended to higher points of the plateau.
Sure, he could've just flown up, but for once, he didn't feel like it. Every bird has to land eventually, after all. They can't fly for eternity like a certain Divine Beast he knew.
...Wait, could Medoh fly forever? Or would she run out of... power? What the hell was even fueling Medoh in the first place? Or the other ancient technology for that matter? Maybe he should've paid more attention to Purah and Robbie's little seminars.
But then he'd be there for hours... Eh, he could just ask Medoh directly.
No, but then both Sheikah would hound him endlessly for answers. Purah never got over the fact that each Champion could literally communicate with their respective Beast...
Revali stopped beside a tree and pinched his brow. This "walk" was not helping. Instead of making him feel better, it just left him annoyed at two Sheikah scientists that weren't even here. And once again he threw himself into another mental back-and-forth. Gods, he did not need this so early in the morning.
He could just turn back...
...No. He started this, might as well see it through to the end. And by "see it through to the end," he meant "find a nice spot to watch the sunrise." Hopefully staring at a ball of light in the sky would make this nonsense in his head stop for a moment.
Just one. That's all he asks.
Stepping out from the trees, he rubbed his eyes, about to let out a yawn before immediately clamping his beak shut.
What is he doing here?!
Sitting at the edge of a pond, back turned to Revali and the water, was none other than Dalex. If it weren't for the fact that he and Revali hadn't spoken to each other since The Talk, Revali would've been convinced that the Hylian was following him around. It seemed that he also aimed to watch the sunrise, as he didn't appear to react to Revali's approach.
Not even his odd pointy ears twitched. Revali doubted that Dalex even heard anything just now.
They're still drooping...
Revali let a small amount of worry fill his chest. That dull hue that covered Dalex's entire body, even his clothes, was still there. Revali could see it, even in the warm light of the sun. His hair looked even more messy, though given the hour, Revali was willing to chalk that up to an untamed bedhead. And that weird bead thing at the end of his braid...
Gray. Revali distinctly remembered it being blue when... when...
When he was with me as the Starling.
The mere thought of him sent Revali back in time. When the two of them were sitting on a plateau much like this one, under the light of the full moon. Talking and laughing as fireflies and the occasional fairy gathered around them. 
Back then, Revali felt... 
Like he could say anything, feel anything. Like he had a real friend for the first time ever. A kindred spirit, in more ways than one.
What a lovely night that was. He missed those nights. He missed his friend.
He's right there, isn't he? The logical part of him asked. You made your choice. You decided that he was not some heartless liar that used you like a toy. If you want your friend that badly, what are you waiting for?
He hated how that part of him had a point. But... it was still different.
It... it just is, okay?! He can't just go up to Dalex and say hi anymore!
And why not?
...Wait a minute. That tone... 
...Medoh, is that you?
...What a shame. You caught me. There were no traces of guilt or resignation whatsoever from the Divine Beast.
Revali bit back the urge to growl. He was not in the mood for this. What do you want, Medoh?
A wonderful question, my Champion. I want you to go speak to your friend.
...We're not friends. Revali felt his throat tighten. Not anymore...
And who is the liar now, I wonder? Medoh chided, a hint of smugness in her voice.
Don't give me that, Medoh. It's complicated, you know this!!
It is only complicated because you are actively making it complicated.
Revali nearly squawked. I'M making it hard?! How?!
By not talking, you fool. Revali imagined Medoh shaking her head, You did well in Faron Woods, but you have not spoken to him since. I know you wish to speak with him again, do not try to deny it.
Damned Beast, reading his mind. Who knew that ancient technology could be so unbelievably nosy?
I heard that.
Oh, I know you did. Revali pouted, crossing his wings.
Revali... Medoh sighed, You cannot dance around him forever. Surely you realize this.
Don't pin all the blame on me, Medoh. He hasn't made any move to speak either.
Based on my observations, he likely will not speak to you until you have given him permission to do so.
Wha- Permission?? What are you talking about?
Think about it. Even after you had stopped avoiding him, he made no move to speak to you until you asked for a meeting in Faron Woods. He had plenty of opportunities to approach you, but he did not. Even after your talk, he has yet to say anything else, but he keeps looking at you the same way you have been looking at him. My best hypothesis? He is waiting for you to make the first move once again. You are the one that had been hurt, after all.
Revali's crest drooped. He... hadn't thought about that, actually...
You... you think he's just been giving me space?
I do. Would you not do the same if your roles were reversed?
No need to answer. I know you're conscientious enough to do so.
I... still can't just walk up to him like that, Medoh. I don't even know if that's... okay.
...'Okay'? Medoh echoed with a confused trill, Why would it not be?
After everything that's happened? Do you honestly believe that we'll be friends again THAT easily?!
You could start to.
Revali searched his mind for a rebuttal. He couldn't find one.
I understand that you are both hurting. Your friendship likely will not be the same. But there is nothing more you can do other than go forward.
Tell me, Revali... what do you want?
I don't know what you-
Do you want your friend back?
...Yes. The admission made a weight lift off his shoulders. Funny, he didn't notice it until it left.
Then go get him. He is right there.
But you just said-
It will not be the same, that is true. But is that truly a bad thing?
Medoh's logic was absurd. It was bad because... because...
If things do not work out, then they do not work out. But you will not know until you try.
Gods, Medoh... why do you keep pushing me like this?
I have told you before; I want to see you happy. And you were happy with him. Just as he was happy with you.
That final note didn't make Revali's heart jump. He swears it didn't.
Remember when you first retrieved his mask? You wanted him to prove you wrong. Give him a chance.
With a heavy sigh, Revali gave in. 
Fine, Medoh... you win. But if things go wrong, I'm blaming you and your incessant meddling.
I accept any and all consequences. Now stand up straight, he heard you.
...Wait, WHAT?!
Good luck, my Champion.
Sure enough, Dalex had turned to Revali, one ear raised to pick up the sound of him relenting to a mechanical bird. His visible eye was wide with surprise, and his whole body was tense, as though he expected an ambush.
A bit of a pointless action, considering that the sword that seals the darkness was nowhere to be seen.
"I..." Revali coughed, "Didn't expect you to be such an early riser." ...Really? The first thing he says after The Talk and that's what he comes up with?
Dalex opened his mouth to speak, but no sound came out. His eyes kept flicking back and forth, as if searching for anything to stare at that wasn't Revali.
He looks ready to run. Say something, already!
"...Is this seat taken?" Revali motioned toward a spot beside Dalex. When the Hylian shook his head, Revali brushed some dirt away with a talon before sitting down, his knees barely grazing the other's.
...This felt too close. But he can't scoot away now, that'd make things even more awkward, he knew it...
He stole what felt like the millionth glance at Dalex, who still seemed to be avoiding any form of eye contact. He turned his head further away from Revali, towards one of the distant mountains instead of the rising sun. 
"I... Have been meaning to talk to you for a while now."
One of Dalex's ears perked up.
"I know I ended our last talk rather... quickly. But I just..." Revali ran his wing through his crest, struggling to find his words.
"...You don't have to force yourself." Revali's feathers ruffled at the sound of the other's voice.
Dalex turned to him then, eyes glazed over with regret. "I know you don't want to see me right now. If I'd known you'd be up at this hour, I wouldn't have come up here at all."
He sounds so... defeated. Ironic, coming from Hyrule's "unbeatable" knight...
The thought sounded terribly wrong in Revali's mind. 
"I'll... I'll just go-"
"No." Without thinking, Revali reached out to Dalex's shoulder, stopping the Hylian from standing. At Dalex's surprised face, Revali fumbled for more words. "I-I mean... You can stay. If you want, that is."
A dull purple eye flicked back and forth between the wing on his shoulder and Revali's face. "...Are you sure?"
"Like I said, I've been meaning to... well... you heard me." Revali's crest drooped, "...I can't keep doing this."
"Doing... what?"
"Avoiding you." Dammit, he hadn't meant to blurt that out... "I just keep thinking about what you said and-... and what you said when you were him and... and I just..." Revali sighed, covering his eyes with a wing, "...I don't want things to end like this."
Dalex didn't respond, but Revali felt a small, featherless hand touch his. Right, he hadn't let go of Dalex's shoulder...
I don't want to let go...
"...He was... you were... my best friend. And when you took the mask off that night, I just... I panicked."
You were more than just my best friend. I thought... I thought I could-
"I thought it was all one big ruse. With how guilty you looked it seemed like you were about to confess to some horrid crime, and I... I thought you were just using me."
He heard Dalex's breath hitch. Did... did something just tap his feathers?
"And I was so scared. For once in my entire life, I was scared that I was absolutely right. That you were just toying with me, that it was all some sick joke."
He felt it again. Something fell on his feathers. It was... wet?
"But then we talked in the woods and... and you said all those things."
"I started to realize it still wasn't me. Not in your eyes. Could I really count as your friend when you didn't even know who I really was?"
"You deserve a real friend. Someone that can actually speak to you without needing to hide behind a mask the whole time."
"When I realized what I was doing, I had to stop it. I was being selfish and I was hurting you and..."
"And I'm so sorry."
"If..." Revali steeled his nerves, "If I'm right, you had better tell me this instant instead of stringing..." At the feeling of more wet things hitting his wing, Revali uncovered his eyes and turned to look at the Hylian. "me... along..."
Oh. That's what that wet stuff was. Dalex was crying.
...Wait, crying?
"I never meant for this to h-happen..." Dalex's head was down, his entire body shaking as he struggled to hold his sobs in.
Now Revali was the one silent. Of all the things that could come from this, he never expected the Hero of Hyrule to break down in tears like a child being scolded. He couldn't recall ever seeing Dalex cry like this before. Or cry at all, for that matter. When injured, all the Hylian would do was grit his teeth and bear the pain.
Even in Faron Woods he was able to keep himself together with only a few tears slipping, but now he's...
"I just- I wanted to- I-I mean I-" Dalex was nearly choking on his cries now. "I never wanted to hurt you, I swear I didn't! You don't deserve that, you never deserved that!!" He furiously rubbed his eyes, "This is what I get for being selfish..."
The way he said that word... it was dripping with venom. Like he despised the mere concept with every fiber of his being.
Like he despised himself with every fiber of his being.
"I should've just left you alone. I should've never used that damned mask. I wanted to be your friend, but all I did was hurt you!! I-" He covered his face with his hands, muffling whatever else he wanted to say.
Revali's ears strained to hear it. It sounded like another 'I'm sorry.' And another. And another.
I can't take this anymore.
His wings wrapped around Dalex before either of them could react.
Please don't cry, Starling...
The area around them was completely silent, save for the wind and Dalex's sobs. Revali made no move to release him, slowly running a wing up and down Dalex's back. The Hylian in question was shaking to his core, but eventually leaned into the embrace. Revali was sure that his scarf was getting soaked with tears now.
But he couldn't care less about a wet scarf. What he cared about was what was in his arms right in that moment.
The Hylian Champion, the Hero of Hyrule, the wielder of the sword that seals the darkness. This man went by many names, and was known from Hebra to Necluda and everywhere in between for silently bearing each and every burden that came his way. Nothing made his face rise or fall, nothing made him speak his mind, and nothing made him show signs of fear or misery.
He was said to be unbreakable. Unshakeable. Everything he did, he did it without a shred of remorse or uncertainty.
Yet here he was, crying his eyes out because of how his actions personally affected one person. Just one.
And that was enough for Revali to finally admit what he'd never thought he would:
...I was wrong.
No one asked any questions when they returned to the stable. Revali could tell such inquiries were on the tip of everyone's tongue, though.
He couldn't say that he blamed them. After all, it wasn't like any of them thought they'd wake up and see the Rito Champion carrying a sound asleep Hylian Champion on his back, taking slow steps as to avoid jostling his cargo.
For a moment, Revali wondered if letting Dalex literally cry himself to sleep was a good idea. But one look at the dark circles under his eye was enough to convince Revali to let the poor man rest. It was clear that Revali wasn't the only one who lost sleep over all of this...
After setting Dalex down in the bed Revali had used the previous night, he did a quick stretch, 'complaining' about how heavy the little knight was as he stepped back out into the sun. A brief moment was spent asking the stableman to leave Dalex undisturbed, even throwing a few extra rupees their way to be certain they'd do as asked.
He could feel the other Champions' eyes on him as he strapped his bow to his back. He ignored them, unleashing his Gale and taking to the skies.
The sunlight warmed his feathers, and the weight tied to his heart, while still present, felt much lighter. He flew east, searching for a suitable clearing to begin his training for the day.
A lone feather fluttered in the aftermath of Revali's Gale, drifting into the stable and landing beside the slumbering Hylian.
Said Hylian's expression was as blank as always, but his mind was more at ease than it had been in months.
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phoenixcatch7 · 2 months
The One Fact Pact
I want to see a fic where the chain is rigorously keeping their secrets and stories hidden, but they've all learned to trust one another. Like, it's past time they should probably be sharing things because it's beginning to get annoying, they all agree, but it's sorta become a habit by now? They kept those secrets and now no one really wants to share first?
So, to keep things interesting and get some momentum going, they make a deal.
Whenever they come across something that reminds them of their travels, their quest - be it an item, a familiar name, a location - they've got to share ONE fact or story about it.
But only! When they're in other people's time, because otherwise it'll just be a staged tour and one person infodumping and that's exactly what they're trying to avoid (and it won't be a fun competition they can make bets about).
And then either they go through worlds slowly building trust and understanding of each other through a long drawn out and incidental series of tidbits....
Or they immediately get stuck in wild's hyrule for ages.
Everyone's arguing over who the latest ruin belongs to. Time and wind are getting into an argument about the kokiri. No one can agree on the zonai. Wars is taking immense pleasure in pointing out anything someone else might have missed. Legend is resolutely ignoring eventide. Twilight claims the entire faron woods until they step into the hot and humid jungle for the first time.
Wild thinks he's immune because it's his world so he legally can't answer questions, but everywhere they visit there's a piece of his own story in the rubble or on the wind.
Wild: *happily making tea and checking his slate with the other hand* okay, looks like tomorrow we can reach the breach of demise and to new serenne stable. Just past that- Sky: *choking on his drink* the what?? Wild: the breach? Sky, weakly: Why's it uh, called that? Wild: oh, it's an old story. Apparently eons ago it's where a demon godking came up from underground to the surface world... *suspiciously* Why? Sky: gimme the slate. *squinting at the shape on the map*... I can neither confirm nor deny. Wild:... What do you mean? Sky, remembering the One Fact Pact: I can neither confirm nor deny. What's important is that I killed him. The entire chain, variously: YOU KILLED A DEMON GOD?!!? Sky *recalling the hardest fight of his life*: what, like it's hard?
And then he just refuses to elaborate.
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pelicanpig · 2 months
10 First Lines Challenge
Rules: Share the first line of your last ten published works or as many as you are able to and see if there are any patterns!
Thanks @mistresslrigtar for giving me a chance to play!
1. The Faron Airways app on Tetra’s phone pings with a notification the same moment the speakers overhead crackle to life. (Like the Ancient Stories)
2. Dear Diary, My name is Zelda, and I was once the princess of a powerful kingdom called Hyrule; however, so much has changed that, these days, I would say I am not much of a princess at all. (Seeds for her Future)
3. They land near Lon Lon Ranch just in time for some big festival. (The Reasons we are Heroes) (LU)
4. Midday sun beat relentlessly down on Castle Town. (On My Honor) (Pelican's Zelda AU)
5. Wispy white clouds looked like the spilled stuffing of a pillow spread across the brilliant blue sky. (Nobody and No Body)
6. Time stepped from the crisp morning air of an unknown Hyrule straight into the sweltering humidity of a forest. (A Glitch in Time) (LU)
7. The cuccos are loose when Malon returns from her trip into Castle Town. (Feast and Family) (LU)
8. Link pushed the door of the farmhouse open and was instantly greeted with chaos. (This Old Man, He Played Nine) (LU (with art!))
9. Link blinked awake to a brilliant azure sky. (Hello, Hello Again) (Loosely LU)
10. He is just a simple merchant - a salesman, if you will - who walks a path lost to time. (Drabble Drabble Drop) (Linktober Day 1)
I guess the theme is skies, maybe? Which tracks because I love the sky 🌌 anyway, I don't know who to tag 😬 uh, so if you see it and you want to play, go for it 🤷🏼‍♀️
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adrift-in-thyme · 1 year
Day 5: “That’s Gonna Scar” (Legend & Everyone)
Ao3 link
Cw for blood and injury, and electrocution
Legend swipes a hand across his forehead with a groan. The heroes have been stuck in Wild’s Hyrule for a week now, and it just keeps getting worse. First there was the Guardian attack, then the debacle with the Yiga, and now they’re stuck wandering around Faron Region, baking beneath the sun’s rays. He glares up at it past the towering palms.
“Hylia, is it always this muggy here?”
Wild casts a glance over his shoulder, grinning. “Yeah, pretty much.”
“Ah, don’t let it get you down, Vet,” Warriors says, slapping him on the back. “Besides, not wearing pants has to count for something.”
Legend levels him with an unimpressed look. “Well, when you die of heat stroke in that glorious scarf of yours, don’t come crying to me.”
The smirk the Captain sends his way is absolutely infuriating. “At least I’ll look good when I die. And they’ll put something poetic on my grave. For you they’d just say something like ‘here lies the Hero of Legend sans underpants.’”
A mosquito floats by and Legend swats viciously at it. He just happens to hit Warriors’ arm too. The Captain flinches away, his expression one of disbelieving woundedness.
Legend grins. “Oops.”
“I hate to break up the party,” Twilight says, drily, “but what in Hylia’s name is that?”
He points ahead of them to where a collection of ruins stands, strange forms hopping about atop them. Wild stops short and Legend nearly collides with his back.
“Shh!” The Champion slams his hand over Legend’s mouth, and Legend stumbles back, spluttering angrily. “Those are lizalfos. The ones in this area shoot shock arrows and trust me, you don’t wanna get hit with those.”
He slips his Sheikah Slate out from his belt and peers through it. “Looks like these are gold lizalfos too. They’re the toughest kind.”
“So, we go around them,” Warriors says, but Wild is already grinning.
“Or—” He takes out his bow and flicks the string a few times. “—we get some target practice. You wanted to practice shooting three arrows at once, right Vet?”
Legend lifts an eyebrow. “Yeah…”
“Well, this is the perfect time to do it!” And with that Wild is off scrambling up the hill.
Twilight watches him go, then exchanges a tired glance with Time. “Guess we’re doing target practice.”
Despite his exasperation with the Champion’s slightly…wild ways, once they start picking off the lizalfos, Legend can tell that the Rancher is having fun. He’s got the hero’s spirit too, after all, the Vet thinks with a wry smile, and he doesn't know of a Link who can deny a bit of light target practice.
Reaching into his quiver, Legend selects three arrows, notches them in his bow the way he’s seen Wild do, and with a steadying breath, releases them. They hit their target and the lizalfos falls with hardly a sound.
“You did it!” Wild whispers, excitedly, giving him a thumbs-up.
“Yeah, that was awesome!” Wind agrees and Legend can’t help but grin.
Between the nine of them, they make quick work of the monsters. And when the last one falls without a single shock arrow coming their way, they rise from their crouched positions. Legend secures his bow onto his back once more and stretches. A bead of sweat dribbles down his cheek, reminding him of the oppressive heat.
As if he’d forgotten.
“Are there any more monster camps ahead, Champion?” Time asks. He seems the most unbothered by the warmth of any of them. Still, Legend would be surprised if he wasn’t as eager to escape it as he is. He must be baking in that armor.
“Yeah,” he agrees, crossing his arms, “can we get a move on before we melt?”
Wild opens his mouth to answer but then Hyrule speaks up.
“Hey, is that a cave over there?”
He points and they all follow the direction of his finger. Sure enough there’s a small outcropping in the mountain, with a very damaged pathway leading into it. An ethereal light shines through the opening.
“Oh.” Wild huffs a laugh, and when Legend turns to him, he has a strange, almost pained expression on his face. But then he blinks, and it’s gone. “Yeah, that's the Spring of Courage. It’s pretty cool. Wanna go check it out?”
His question is met with a chorus of excited “yeah’s” and “of course’s,” and so Legend finds himself trumping down the hill after the rest of them. He doesn’t mind exploring the spring. In fact, he’s as interested in it as the other heroes. But the heat is only growing worse and heading into a place that’s likely to actively trap it doesn’t sound appealing.
He sighs as they start along the walkway, boots squishing in the many large puddles along their path. It’s even warmer down here, and more humid to boot. Breathing through the thickness is impossibly difficult. Still, the ruins are interesting enough—he can’t help wondering how long they’ve been here—and he does his best to focus on taking everything in.
They’ve just made it to the entrance to the spring when Twilight stops short. He looks behind them, forehead creased in a frown.
“Did anyone else hear that?”
Before anyone can reply, an arrow splits the sky in a wide arc, heading right toward the spot where Legend stands. He leaps back, trips over a stray piece of rubble, and hits the ground with a splash.
“Leg!” Wild yells. “You’re sitting in—”
But it’s already too late. The arrow lands not a foot away, right smack in the puddle he has fallen into. Legend has a split second to realize what’s about to happen. Then, his vision bleeds blinding white.
He jerks, back arching, breath stuttering as the current takes over his body. It sears his skin, burns through his veins and he wants to scream, wants to run. But he’s as paralyzed as he was that day on a tiny boat in the middle of the ocean, struggling against the massive storm, yet helpless to escape it.
Don’t let me wake up to another dream. Don’t let me—
Urgent voices surround him, forms move in his line of sight, but everything is muffled and blurred by the buzzing and the pain. And then another arrow buries itself in his shoulder and he hears nothing, knows nothing except agony. Finally, a scream breaks free, tearing his throat on its way out.
Darkness tinges his vision, and he fights desperately against it. He won’t let go again; he won’t fall asleep.
But the pain is lessening now, as the charge of the arrow runs out. And it must’ve only gone on for a moment, yet he feels like it lasted an eternity. He sags against the cold, hard stone, as his body continues to twitch and spasm.
“R-roolie,” he gasps, prying his eyes open to try and find his friend. If he can find him, he’ll be safe; if he can find him the pain will stop.
“I’m right here, Vet,” says a familiar voice, strained and drenched in worry. Legend has the insane urge to push himself up, show him that he’s fine, because Roolie should never have to worry about him.
All strength has fled him, however, and he can no longer hold back the darkness.
“Hold on, please, just hold on,” comes Roolie’s voice once more. “I’m gonna heal you, okay? You’re gonna be alright.”
It’s the last thing he hears before everything fades away.
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melonlemontea · 10 months
I'm probably going to publish my first fic tomorrow. I've already started working on the next, I'd say I'm about a quarter of the way there for the actual rough draft. The concept of it is Urbosa giving Link advice on looking out for Zelda while she's praying in the springs. Here's the basic roadmap:
Urbosa giving link advice 4 the springs
U: a little bird told me I would be accompanying her fulltime to the springs
U: make sure she gets something ahead of time- she might be very resistant but it's important
story flash: Zelda being mean to link about food begrudgingly takes elixir
U: Make sure she also eats after, she'll neglect herself but she won't argue afterwards
Story flash: More close relationship after, maybe warm meat bowl or fruitcake, maybe Zelda helps cook something
U: Make sure that she isn't in the waters for too long, make her take a break at minimum every three hours, try to get her to take a thirty minutes break (link thinks that this is silly, who would pray for three hours straight)
story flash: after yiga it's been longer than three hours, and it's cold, and he doesn't want to upset her she's just started being nice but he is really worried it's cold so first he tries to just splash rocks but she doesn't respond at all so then he calls her name and speaks for first time
U: Pay attention to her condition, she will not tell you if she is sick and she will pray and it will not be safe so be aware of that
???: Maybe Zelda on her period, maybe sick right b4 spring, maybe sick at castle and he doesn't let her do her daily prayers 
U: You also need to pay attention to your environment, be that monsters or weather
story flash: Monster attack??? idk idk idk
story flash: Or bad weather
EITHER faron thunderstorm and concerns over her bracelet or it's cold in akkala
U: She might lash out at you- I am not denying that will be difficult to hear, but do your best to be understanding and not take it personally. The springs are very taxing emotionally.
story flash: Zelda saying horrible things about herself but Link comforts her after
U: Above all else, support her
storyflash: Link and Zelda after it all visiting springs and she doesn't enter the waters or pray really and then they hug and maybe kiss
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