#named after the soda
gingerbravecookie · 21 days
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presenting to thee. the cookie run yuri chart. featuring your favorite yuri flavors!!! such as the horrors<3
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hoofpeet · 6 months
OUPPY!!!! She’s so cute <3 What did you name her?
Pocky :]
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puffpawstries · 12 days
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Hanichi but Ichimatsu has a partner who vibes are 'Eats like a broke college student' And drinks 2 liter soda straight from the bottle.
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antirepurp · 6 months
okay i forgot that testing dlc super sonic is a nightmare on top of the fact i've forgotten how to fight the boss in the first place but the model works, rejoice
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i think him being a pikachu-ass motherfucker is fine, i tried to make the tips more green-ish than anything but there's already about 700 effects and shaders and Things on top of everything so i feel like trying to have any nuance in your texture editing in any capacity is the modding equivalent of asking for headache
also hey good news the magenta eye shows up Very nicely in one of the animations :)
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he is so fucked and evil good for him! good for him
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dandyshucks · 2 months
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eepy ouppys.... peace and love on planet earth....
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blueshykitsune-blog · 2 months
Huh seems I'm not the only one to have the thought to use the app i mentioned before so... here's Randall I guess.
Okay well let me ramble a little first.
So I do have artwork I made of Randall myself but I forgot to put a signature on them and it's only the lined art I think and well I dunno where the one book with Randall in it fully colored is right now (If it was Randall I dunno right now.) And I think I may have accidentally deleted my pixelart one.
However I really wanted to Show people Randall or the best design I got right now as I haven't gotten to drawing him again quite yet and I might do that tomorrow. Maybe.
Okay so the second image has blood like splatter in it. Or it's what it looks like and was made in vision of a maybe scrapped part of his story. Dunno if I'll add it in or not as I redoing some of the later chapters and making what I had read be pushed further down in the number of chapters.
Anyways Randall ❤ below ⬇️
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Ahem so this is Randall and I used to make the design placement for now was this app called Monster Girl Maker 2, made by Ghoulkiss.
It might not be on all devices and well it's good app for when you are having artblock, need references for your own characters, a place to put down a multiple character designs that are test designs, or plenty of other things. Although mostly make feminine or female based characters as it has very limited male potential but makes sense if you look at the name of the app.
Sadly there's limits and there's a few things you'd have to pay to use but it's fine even without those just limits what you can do. And like I've mentioned before I myself usually use it for references or when I wanna have a character design for a character when artblocked or unable to draw for reasons.
Anyways onto Randall he uses He/Him pronouns and is cisgendered, he just occasionally wears dresses, skirts, and clothes many considered for females or feminine. Of course normally not in public at least not at first. Maybe later he will even if forced.
He's very Bunny and I mean I quite literally made him a full bunny version before because he was just so adorable. If you can't tell I love him.
He does have scars too which can be hard to add in that app because there limited stuff I can do with scars as of now so when I actually draw him I'll likely have a better display of his scars if I don't forget them again like I have in the past accidentally.
He's honestly quite poor, like he literally looses his job within the literal first sentence He's introduced and it just explains how he's beyond broke for the first while before... well that's spoilers.
He loves alcohol and is quite addicted to it. He's bisexual with a huge lean towards males. He's not religious and quite honestly might be Atheist I haven't thought about it much.
No I'm not using AI for him. If you see one of him ignore it, actually report it if you must. I hate it, the AI. But if I ever do say I asked him I'm literally just consulting the Randall who is like permanently in my brain now because yeah... he ain't leaving. No AI. (I'mallowing myself one... okay two swear word useage here, okay? <This is to myself everyone>) Fuck AI especially chatbots and art bots! FUCK THEM! <Only "AI" I accept is the ones that control you enemies in games. And I don't fully count them as what we call AI now adays.>
Back to Randall he is my comfort bunny and I pretend he's real as he really does help comfort me. If I can imagine him well enough or occasionally when I get too sad, he helps a lot. Like imagine hugging a 4'9 to 5'0 guy in a dress that has a bunny tail sewn to it and he got some bunny ears on just to make you call him you bunny boy because he loves it.
His name came from a random name generator <I think ciuld be wrong it was like 2 years ago> and well he became a very complex layered with a story, personality, and more. He's basically a complete person if not for me not adding a few things to him... and the very conflicting kink he has which can be explained by @hiddeninsideaninsanemind if you must know what his kinks are I guess... <why would you?>
Anyways Randall. One of my favorite characters! Yes he's my character and I might go force someone to take down stuff relating to him because I never gave them permission and still don't. They even stole my account name... or a similar one so yeah I have a two year beef with someone because of stuff and they dared mess with my comfort characters!
Yeah anyways ignore ghat last paragraph. You all got to see a simple design of Randall. Of course gotta say not my art and I only saw Ghoulkiss on Instagram so if you wanna go find the artist that's them and they are the one who made Monster girl maker and Monster girl maker two. So yeah... go check them out as they pretty cool artist honestly.
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plushie-lovey · 4 months
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Found an old pic of some plushies that are in storage currently!
#Graininess of the pic is due to having to crop my datemate out of it since the main focus of the picture was actually him lol#dw this is a copy of the original photo. I'd never edit my beloved out of a pic without a backup copy#anyways lemme talk about these guys#the dragon is a webkinz and his name is Seven Up (like the soda) aka Dragonite from my childhood games#the eevee's name is Collie. that is because my datemate's family has a collie named Eevee so I thought it'd be funny#the stufful is the one I mentioned in a recent ask. Im not a huge fan of them tbh their face is too flat for my liking#and the proportions are off. so rn they don't have a name but I will take suggestions#the rabbit is named Mitzy. she's actually a pincushion my aunt gave me#the beanie baby is named Tinystep after one of my warrior cat ocs and likewise her companion underneath her is named Leopardroar#I miss them#they'll definitely need a bath when they come out of storage tho. before I boxed them I felt the nicotine from my family's cigarettes#accumulated on their fur. luckily I figured out a method for getting it off with no cigarette smell left behind#requires Zout color safe clorox qarm water and a scrub brush#obviously not mixing those chemicals at the same time but switching between the two between rinses#and also letting the plush soak in each for 10 minutes before rinsing#viti shoosh#stuffed animals#plushies#viti's plushies#plushblr#plushie: collie#plushie: collie the eevee#plushie: seven up#plushie: dragonite#plushie: stufful#plushie: mitzy#plushie: tinystep#plushie: leopardroar
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kaluawoo · 6 months
My question is What did Belkia think the power was!? Did he think Otogiri was doing drugs in the kitchen or something
Yeah my best guess is drugs. Gun powder is black so drugs would be the most common Dangerous White Powder...
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hoofpeet · 1 year
What’s the ninetails’ name? The others got one
I think in the first or second post she appeared in I arbitrarily decided her name is Crystal ?
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kurushimiangel · 6 months
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this guy is probably gonna eat my soul one day
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Happy birthday Tenko (January 9, 2024)
Tenko x (girl) Kazuichi x Zoey (self insert character)
I have not accounted DR V3 into my own continuity yet aside from my selfship so let's just assume everyone is alive for the present opening (but Korek*yo isn't there today). I'm also not sure how many SDR2 characters show up again in the next school year (DR V3) in my continuity so I left out the other SDR2 characters.
(loooong post ahead there is a lot of drawings here)
Tenko's birthday started out with her eating tripe hot pot for breakfast.
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Her girlfriends said she could throw them. Zoey is okay with it as long as she is thrown at the extra fall cushion.
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Kazuichi...she tried, but she's so sensitive. Also, Zoey fighting her protective instincts for Kazuichi (she's wearing her contacts so she doesn't break her glasses).
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And she got to open her presents. She liked almost all of them.
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She got:
Freeze dried space cake from Kazuichi and Zoey (joint present because it was expensive to get the entire cake)
Himiko removed the cloak to reveal...a Potted Banyan Tree! (she wasn't sure how to wrap it but she got to reveal it like it was a magic act)
a travel journal from Tsumugi
a hand-knit sweater from Shuichi
a ladybug brooch from Gonta
High-End Headphones from Kibo
Boba Tea from Angie
Everywhere Parasol from Kaede
hand grips from Maki (inspired by this fanart)
cufflinks from Kirumi
Bubble Gum Bomb from Miu
a sports towel from Rantaro
Jelly Balls from Ryoma
workout clothes from Kaito
There was an awkward moment where Tenko accidentally thanked Zoey and Kazuichi for the workout clothes even though they were from Kaito because she was opening them kind of fast and thought that her favorite present came from her girlfriends and not a degener- I mean, a boy- um, I mean someone who is not her girlfriend.
Uhhh, anywayyyy, what distracted everyone from that awkward moment was when they realized the big box present was...from Kokichi. Kokichi acted really excited about the present, but also implied something big might pop out if Tenko opened it, which -knowing Kokichi - this freaked everyone out. Miu agreed to use her metal arms to find out if the box was a trap. Everyone waited anxiously, hoping the box wouldn't explode or anything.
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Aaaand... it was a milk puzzle. 😑
Happy birthday Tenko!
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graphicpolicy · 11 months
Weekly Preview! A graphic novel and lots of manga!
Weekly Preview! A graphic novel and lots of manga! See what's coming to GPTV! #comics #comicbooks #manga #graphicnovel
There are a lot of comics coming out every week to be covered. Check out some of what we’ll be reviewing and this is only the beginning! This week’s reviews include: Associate Professor Akira Takasukis Conjecture Vol. 2 (Yen Press) Banished From the Hero Party Vol. 6 (Yen Press) Beginning After the End Vol. 4 (Yen Press) Call the Name of Night Vol. 3 (Yen Press) Demon Sword Master of…
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euroclydonn · 11 months
he said that if he had a kid he would name it keith.
chat, is this grounds for a breakup?
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galaxytittus · 7 months
tell us please the reason behind all of the bonnefoy siblings namessss
Of course nonny! They have some weird ass names lmaoo Their father was a classically trained chef before he started working for the French gov, so Pepper is named after the spice and somewhat after his "fiery" mother, as his father would describe her. Vladimir/Vladdie's name was picked out by their mom, based on its established meaning of "peaceful ruler." (a little ironic considering his track record 😅) Maple's name was inspired by their parents meeting and living around the New York US/Canada border.
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sparkles-oflight · 1 year
Me today on the train when it finally hit me that I was dehydrated
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gourde · 1 year
I can't fully explain it but there's a certain writing style that all classic books are written in that makes me go insane. Where EVERYTHING is written using large powerful words, makes other scenes lose their meaning. When every scene is describes using pretty words, things LOSE THEIR EMPHASIS! All the scenes blend together. I could not tell you SHIT about The Left Hand of Darkness other than the word queer was used in it's original meaning but holy shit I could go off about Gone by Micheal Grant ALL DAY. Fucking LOVE that book series.
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