#nah this is sick af
recreationalfanfics · 2 years
Hello, I really love how you seem to have such a good read on RoR characters! Kinda shy asking this because I swore I read Record of Ragnarok for the action and backstories but it’s hard to contain my simping…. (๑꒪̇⌄꒪̇๑)
May I request some headcanons for Poseidon x a shy but kind human fem!MC? The idea I had in mind was that some thousands of years ago, Aphrodite, annoyed with Poseidon’s indifference to her charms, “cursed” him with a soulmate. This soulmate turned out to be MC who wasn’t even born yet back then. The plot will take place sometime before the actual human vs. gods battles start, so maybe during some preparation period where they’re setting up the stadium and all that? During this period, the human audience had already been “teleported” there (I don’t think they ever elaborated on how the humans all just end up watching the ragnarok) MC is one of these humans and coincidentally happened upon Poseidon during her stay. Of course, the soulmate stuff won’t magically make Poseidon have a complete change on humankind, but I was hoping he’d gradually soften up to her even if he won’t admit it.
As for what kind of soulmate AU, maybe the type where the first words your soulmate says to you is inscribed somewhere on your body? I think it’ll be fun to have her say something to him, he realizes but doesn’t say anything back so she just doesn’t know until much later.
Hopefully this isn’t too detailed or convoluted (๑•́‧̫•̀๑) And thank you so much in advance if you decide to write this! And if it’s not too much to ask, please don’t kill off Poseidon, but I also don’t want Sasaki to die either… maybe Poseidon will choose to forfeit (after fighting at first) because his soulmate is amongst the humans that will be eliminated if gods win? •ू(ᵒ̴̶̷᷄ωᵒ̴̶̷᷅*•ू) )੭ु⁾⁾
Either way, I hope I did well, this was my first time writing for Poseidon!
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- Consider how vain these two can be sometimes, it's only natural that they would butt heads often but when Poseidon dared to claim that Aphrodite truth wasn't as fair as she claimed herself- no, that she KNEW herself to be- she just couldn't allow this injustice to stand.
- He cherished absolutely nothing, he appreciated absolutely nothing. So she took it upon herself to change that. After all, it was HER who was the Goddess of Love. So she decided to pull a little trick
- Now, lets flashforward (to modern? ancient? Idk, man, heaven time??) and Poseidon has been summoned to his match. A match he felt was pointless but, whatever, who was he to deny his brother?
- Gracing the God's hall and going to his room to prepare and shield himself from sharing the same air as humans; imagine his surprise when he sees you.
- You're pathetic. Skittish, looking around like a confused mutt, and looking as disgusting as the rest of your kind. He knows your human alone and he's offended that you had the AUDACTIY to walk INTO THE AREA WHERE THE GOD'S RESIDE, AND EVEN STAND IN FRONT OF HIS DOOR.
- In reality, you weren't trying to piss anyone off. You had gotten separated from the rest of the humans and accidentally found yourself in a part of the arena you weren't familiar with.
- You were so relieved when you looked and saw another person in the hallway with you! Maybe you could ask them for directions. Poseidon did not know why you were approaching him so casually but he did NOT like it, like, AT ALL.
- Since your soulmates, maybe the reason why you don't feel his threatening aura like other gods and humans do is because some part of you just can't find it in you to fear him. He takes this as a sign of disrespect.
- You do feel anxious, however, he was such an attractive man but he absolutely did not look pleased to see you and you assumed he was just having a bad day.
- "H-Hello, I don't mean to trouble you!" You call out, your voice quiet and filled with uncertainty.
- He narrows his eyes at you, absolutely enraged by the idea of you approaching him so casually. You filthy little worm, he should destroy right-
- But then he takes a look at his wrist, he doesn't know why he does, a subconscious decision perhaps. But he side eyes you...odd, he makes sure to check his wrist. Oh well, he may as well grant you a few seconds of life.
- Then he checks his wrist and sees that the very first words you said to him...were on it. He looks from his wrist to you, who has no idea what's going on and honestly just wanted to find a way out of this big hallway.
- "U-Um, sir? I-I'm sorry, but do you know the way out?"
- He merely narrows his eyes at you before summoning his trident into his hands and thats when you realize; you're standing before a God. He says nothing to you and you instantly want to apologize but before you could, he just points in his trident into the direction he came from.
- You look at him, scared and confused, and he continues to stare at you with cold eyes. When he doesn't say or do anything for a few minutes you finally realized he was pointing the direction out.
- You apologize for the trouble and run like hell, his gaze following you.
- He observes you closely after that, believing this may be some kind of mistake. Thats why he didn't say anything to you, because a part of him was nervous. But he was mostly angry.
- It showed by when he barged into Aphrodite's room to DEMAND her what trickery she had stuped too and to undo it, she just smiles slyly and asks him: "What trickery?~"
- After some frustrating interrogation that goes NOWHERE...he finds himself staring at you quiet often, the mortals all cowering in fear when they feel his divine prescence. Not you, though, you never seem to notice him until you follow their stares and see his cold eyes, staring you down like you were gum under his new shoes.
- It's a very odd exchange, overall. Everyday, he'd show up at the most random of times and causing a stir among everyone else but yourself. Sometimes it'd even be multiple visits a day. Either way it confused you because the matches hadn't even started and already, you had somehow invoked a God's wrath.
- At least, that's what you thought at first until you noticed that he never did anything to really threaten your safety. Yes, watching you was a bit odd, but you find that you aren't really all that nervous about it anymore. Especially since with every visit, you believe that his gaze softens when they're set upon you.
- He kept his distance at first but then, once you started to take notice of him, you'd offer him to sit next to you as you sat in the beautiful fields that surrounded the arena or would be reading in one of the vast nearby libraries. Originally he would just walk away and as time went on he slowly began to warm up to you.
- Like a cat. tbh.
- He couldn't help it, at least, it FELT like he couldn't help it. He didn't know if it was your bond as soulmates, the unyielding kindness that he originally saw as foolish and niave, or overall just your quiet nature until you saw your friends.
- Either way, the more he began to see you, the more he could look past your flaws (which was being a human) and start to appreciate the things about you the made you beautiful.
- Don't get me wrong, he was definetly in denial for the longest time so he would kinda start off with small things. Like it goes from: "Oh, at least they bowed their head to my statue, thats a redeemable quality, at least." to "She is the epitome of perfection♡"
- You wouldn't really ever know that Poseidon's feelings towards you have grown, he hides it very well behind that stoic face that he wears and he hasn't even really spoken to you, yet. He doesn't know why but he feels like...the time isn't right. Despite his growing feelings, he truly isn't ready to accept a human as his soulmate yet.
- You just assumed he didn't talk much so you never pushed him too. Yeah, it mightve been a bit awkward at first but you appreciated his prescence, it brought you a new sense of comfort and peace that you never felt, not even when you were alive.
- When you made flower crowns in the gardens, you'd ask if you could decorate his trident for him and he gave you a deadpan stare before nodding his head in approval. He'd silently gesture you to follow him and show you a private pool whenever a say seemed a bit too hot for you and watch as you played in it, a soft smile growing on his face.
- He would even feel a bit of anger when he was with his fellow gods, listening to them generalize their hatred towards humanity. Usually Poseidon would join them but he couldn't bring himself too. After all, humanity was pesky and troublesome but some of them weren't that bad.
- They could be sweet, they could be unfailingly kindhearted and empathetic...They could be you. So he'd just glare distastefully but never say anything, but he didn't need to as everyone slowly stopped talking after sensing they somehow upset him.
- He spent a lot of his time with you during the days that led up to his match, you were unsure of who to root for; since it's true that humanity would be wiped out if the God's continued to win but at the same time, you didn't want to see Poseidon get hurt.
- He picked you out from the crowd immediately and made eye contact with you, not even acknowledging his opponent as he stepped into the ring.
- Did he still look down on humanity? Yes. But...he supposed there were some good aspects to it. Good aspects like you.
- As the mythical creatures and gods from his side cheered him on, shouting insults towards the humans, and telling him to destroy them like the ants they were: his eyes were locked on your (e/c) eyes before he finally made a decision. Internally, he had just lost a battle within himself in that moment...but he wasn't upset about it.
- So he interrupts Heimdall's introduction speeches as he addresses the whole crowd, "I FORFIET THIS MATCH!"
- Shock and bafflement was all that could be heard from both sides of the arena. They couldn't have possibly heard him right, though, after all: He was Poseidon, the beautiful God of the Sea, there was no way he would just-
- Then he looked at you and your heart leapt at hearing his voice for the first time. His eyes became gentle as they stared into yours, "I will fight for humanity. For some of you are worthy yet."
- You didn't respond for a bit, not noticing how the words "I will fight for humanity" appeared on your wrist, but he did. And he knew that even if Aphrodite had "cursed" him, that it truly didn't bother him. You were made for him. His perfect mortal♡
- This was only proven when you broke out of your shocked trance faster than anyone and cheered his name happily, your shyness lost as you joyfully cheered his name, causing him to visibly smile in front of everyone.
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hayaku14 · 6 months
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i'm caving and watching good omens
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Seeing the reddit moids seeeething over people (mainly women let's be real) liking lyney and freminet is so funny. I've seen multiple of them complain that the last couple of male characters were "a bdsm twink and a half naked shota" and that their outfits made them uncomfortable.
Like, oh, you're uncomfortable? You're uncomfortable over male characters wearing bike shorts and thigh highs? You think even just that is too revealing and sexualized? How do you think all the teen girls playing feel when they see all the female characters walking around with booty shorts, skintight bodysuits, or skirts that flip up when fighting and gliding and reveal their underwear (or lack there of if wearing sheer tights)?
They're literally just mad that they're designing characters for a variety of players' tastes and not just hetero males lol like ohhhh nooo, what do you mean these pretty boy characters weren't designed to appeal to straight men?? 😱
(Also how can they complain about freminet's outfit being revealing while they call hu tao conservatively dressed 🤦‍♀️ their clothes are the exact same size and length and they use the med girl and boy models...if he's a shota then she's a loli lmao)
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acircusfullofdemons · 2 years
yall omg I can do a Canon Vincent cosplay 😭
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sugusearrings · 11 months
so drained from talking with my mom about some serious shit and crying.
but on the other hand, my ex-situationship tried calling me miserable yet he waits till after aot to hit me back up when he hasn't hit me up in months.
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oglegoggle · 2 years
I legit cared about him deeply. I worked on myself so much to be a better partner to him and for him. He did not put in the same work to be better to me and for me. I fixed my fuckups in our relationship, he “forgot” about his in short order and guilt tripped me whenever I made him take accountability. He broke my $600 antique lamp. He broke my dryer. He broke six different bongs. He broke the washer too. He let his cat piss on everything and let the laundry mold in the basement. He let my $110 body pillow to keep my bones from hurting go moldy and put me on a guilt trip for the expense to replace it (the one singular thing of mine he destroyed I made him replace). He broke nice antique dishes he knew were important to me. He put a hole in a painting my friend did for me. He ran my car into the neighbor’s truck. He piled up months of old litter multiple times even after I told him to cut that shit out. He broke so many of my dishes fuck. He would not do chores on his own nor would he do them when told and the rare instances I could get him to actually do chores he would fuck them up and destroy my things in the act. We lived in absolute filth because he and his pets created so much mess it was too much for me to keep up with and he did not contribute to the cleaning literally at all.
My fuckups were getting his car stuck in the mud at the bottom of a shitty country road (which I was able to get back out after a couple hours when the mud solidified), not locking his bike to the fence and it got stolen (I gave him a new bike which he “forgot” about and continued to guilt me over for months and ultimately left in my basement (I ain’t giving it to him now lmfao)), I broke his dab rig (and bought him a new bong after), told him I hate his pets and they make my life worse (not a fuckup honestly, I was actively bleeding out of my literal eyeball from his out of control cat’s bullshit while we sat in the ER waiting room when I said this. His dog’s constant barking has given me seizures on multiple occasions. I’m justified in that one his pets are awful) and I complained about him here on Tumblr (my diary, which I’ve told him not to read if he can’t handle my unfiltered thoughts). I really put effort into fixing what I did wrong and making it right. I owned up to my mistakes. My ADHD certainly influenced these mistakes but it did not stop me from acknowledging my wrong doing, correcting them, and not doing them again.
He destroyed thousands of dollars worth of my things and guilted me over the expense of replacing exactly one of the things he ruined. Blamed his poor money management on dyscalculia. Blamed his absence of coordination on being partially deaf in one ear. Blamed his inability to remember to do anything on ADHD. Blamed his manipulative meltdowns over my hurt on BPD. Like dude…. They’re are all certainly things that influence your behavior, yes, but that does not mean that they get you off the hook for the consequences of your actions. They do not mean that you don’t have to take accountability and try to fix these mistakes, learn from them, and avoid them in the future.
What broke our relationship wasn’t even all these mistakes it was him telling me that he is incapable of doing better.
#this is goggles#I can also take the L for the moldy puke cups thing I know that’s gross af but it hasn’t been a thing at all since he moved out#like hmmmmm maybe I wouldn’t be so sick and puking all the time without a filthgremlin bf#maybe the exhaustion surrounding cleaning wouldn’t be so bad if I’m not having to clean up after an absolute dirt hole and his filthy pets#his bad habits definitely influenced mine and legit since he moved out the work I’ve put into myself is really starting to shine#I came out of our relationship a better stronger and more put together person#and while I can certainly acknowledge that his bs pushed me to this growth he was also holding me back#he does not get to enjoy the fruits of my growth in his own rot and decay#I am absolutely certain he’s gonna be like Marvel when he grows old#that fucker was 58 and living in his dad’s filthy basement in a garbage heap of his own making#complaining about the two years he was married and how much of a miserable nah his wife was before she divorced him#and threw a temper tantrum when the D&D group decided we wanted a fresh campaign with a different DM#manchild for sure#I know that Dude cites his ex-wife not being into him as he transitioned as why their marriage failed#but legit I’m absolutely certain that the filth and squalor played just as much of a part in the divorce considering what he’s told me#he couldn’t even remember to schedule couples counseling for us when I was actively wanting to save and improve our relationship#couldn’t be bothered to remember to care about me I fuckin guess
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aita for deceiving a psychiatrist with lies to get diagnosed with a psychological disorder so i could get attendance accommodations at school where it was really nazi strict and evil forced attendance and they would fail me for not going to class EVEN THO I DID EVERYTHING TO THE TOPS?????? Sick fucks tbh. May those “educators” burn in torment💖 i wasn’t allowed to have my anxiety/agoraphobia/aversion/truancy/YOUTHFUN absences excused bc of the fasc policies in place as a standard in our christofascist bluemaga joe biden hillary fucked bernie in the ass dry clinton fake woke coopting bullshit society. so because of their nazi policy i had to find a way to get accommodation bc clearly i couldnt be in class every day in a row and needed leniency, not academo nazi policy, i was like. Fuck it let me get my papers for that accommodations letter approval. Bc like i had already been going to the counselors for stress and general social bullshit So since i wasn’t allowed to use that for accommodation i hd to make sooo many months long appointments w this far af psych and i didnt have a car and what an added stress. They were like “we dont got a car to pick you up like a normal fucking doctors place. Take the bus!” Ok die first. Next fucking help me!!! I did the meds they really sucked bc i guess i didnt need it and it was all side effects, no benefits, and i was like FUCKING DIAGNOSE ME!!! after reading the DSM5 and “practicing whats wrong w me” so that they are like . Hm yeah that sounds bad. Then IN THE END IT WAS A FUCKING PERSONALITY INVENTORY THEY USED TO ASSESS MY ILLNESS. IT WAS A BAR GRAPH. It was bullshit service in the goddamn american healthcare system and then bullshit actual healthcare bc it was fucking fake. Dumb psych couldnt even tell i wasn a liar???? DUMBASS BITCH LOSER FAGGOT CUNT SCUM. I remember how they made me wait AND CHARGED ME WHEN I MISSED AN APP BC IT WAS SO FCKN FAR AND ANOTHER BC I TOOK A NAP. CHARGING UR POOR MENTALLY ILL CUSTOMERS??? They can explode forreal💖and so can the dumb school policy bitches who couldnt just let me get my A had to be like ohhh cant accomodate u even tho u hve a 98 u are gonna fail :/ DIE ON FIRE SCREAMING YOU SCUM BITCH!!!! <-me to that professor nazi. May she be tortured. ANNMYWAY im sorry to everyone who’s gone thru academic ableism and abuse by this bullshit system!!!!! my school ended up being transphobic and zionist so i transfered anyway bc i dont want that bullshit on my titles. I’m glad i got my classes accomodated tho! I only wonder if im legally beholden to that diagnosis or if we can just be like fuck that doctor. Hm. Like i lied 😂 ffbsjfbsjfbjsnfjekfnsjs FREE ATTENDANCEE THOOOOOOOOOO it should be like that always for everyone. Kill every nazi teacher forreal. And kill teachers who dont give free B’s. Fuck your grade curve bitch. Fuck your admin. FUCK IT ALL!!!!! And i know its possible bc ive had actually good teachers. Hmmm the nazis WISH they could hide!!!
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simpingforthemm · 3 months
Hello angel face 🌷
I fell so head over heels in love with your writing ^-^
I was wondering if I could request a headcanon on dating Isaac from My life with the walter boys?
Sending you lots of love ♡
~ 🧸
dating isaac garcia headcanons
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a/n: omg not you making me blush 🤭❤️ thank you so much ❤️❤️ and ofc! I really enjoyed writing this since Isaac is so asfjlskjk 😍 I hope you enjoy!
words: 1.4k
summary: what it would be like to date isaac garcia
• as we all know, Isaac is a total ladies man and he has girls all over town crushing on him
• but he's not searching for anything serious with any of them
• if he were to really get into a relationship, his girlfriend would have to stand out
• he wouldn't want to date someone who blindly falls for him without really knowing him
• he wants that slow-burn enemies to lovers typa shit 😌
• me personally I think Isaac would go for an outsider girl who's kinda mysterious
• also probably someone who has a good sense of style and an interest in fashion
• he wants a girl who doesn't just simply agree with everything he says or does, he wants her to call him out on his bullshit, scold him if he's being an asshole etc!
• bc even tho he loves all the attention he gets from girls and he loves when they swoon over him, that stuff can get boring real quick and he just wants someone to be real with him!
• when you first meet, you don't think much of Isaac
• you are of the opinion that he's arrogant af and extremely entitled
• he's the popular guy and you're just chilling with your small friend group, away from all the high school drama
• it's only when you're paired as lab partners in chemistry and have to sit next to each other that you're forced to talk more (forced proximity y'all 😌😌)
• you bicker for a few weeks, exchanging snarky comments
you: "you really have no idea what the periodic table is? fucking stupid ass himbo"
Isaac: "oh so you're saying I'm good looking? can't even insult me properly huh?"
you: "oh stfu"
• it's only until both of you burst out laughing at some stupid video the teacher showed you in class
• and both of you are looking at each other like ????
• "I didn't know you had a good sense of humor too?"
• then both of you find yourself more often than not laughing at the same things
• you start making jokes to each other in classes, still bickering with each other but the bickering turning more into play fighting??
• also now you don't despise having to work together as lab partners anymore
• sometimes you also purposely sit next to each other in different classes just because it's more fun together
• yet both of you would never admit that
• lots of people from school are surprised about your new acquaintance with Isaac bc what is this popular guy doing with this outsider girl?
• but Isaac doesn't care about what other people think bc you're actually really chill and fun to be around
• one day, Isaac decides he's sick of conversing with his admirers and finds that your bickering with him is far more interesting and also more intellectually stimulating (yes 😂) than just having a bunch of girls stare at him with heart eyes swooning over him and just nodding at everything he's saying
• so at lunch he goes over to your friend group's table (actually just you and your two friend's table 😌) and asks if he can sit with you
• your two friends are like : 🤨🤨🤨him?
• but you're like: nah nah guys he's cool
• so you guys are just chilling together for lunch and he realizes what he's been missing out on!!
• he actually gets along with you and your friends so well bc y'all are also fashion mfs like him and not football ppl like his other friends lmao (tho he mostly hangs out with his cousins)
• after lunch he asks you if you want to hang out after school sometime and chill just the two of you, which surprises you but ofc you say yes
• on your first hangout you go to get matcha 🍵 and talk about art (I could imagine that also being one of Isaac's interests) and fashion, also like your fav brands and stuff and how both of you want to model/design/study fashion etc. in your future
• you also deep talk about his dad a lil and how Isaac mostly grew up at the Walter's house bc his dad is in the army
• your hangouts get more frequent and soon you realize it's more than friendship for both of you and that you actually are like in love with each other
• both of you used to always chat during class and laugh together which you still do but now it's just with a little bit of tension and awkwardness bc you're now crushing on each other
"hahaha...yeah that was um... really funny😅haha"
• and somehow Isaac can't flirt with you like he does with other girls bc with the other girls it was never genuine, he didn't really care about them but with you it's like...
• he really likes you and he doesn't wanna f it up
• I think he would get a lil more touchy tho as he realizes he likes u
• for example: you're out at the cinema watching an indie movie together and he puts an arm around you
• you're like: you've never done that before 🤨🤨🤨
• but then you have to hide your blush bc omg!! 😳 he just put his arm around you
• I feel like Isaac is a scaredy cat so he tells you he loves you over text 😭
• he doesn't even tell you he likes you first, bro just goes all out with the L word
• you've just woken up, it's like 6am on a Sunday and you see a text from Isaac from like an hour ago 💀💀
• "I think I'm in love with you lmao"
• and you immediately call him bc wtf???
• you ask him: "is this one of your jokes?" bc ain't no way are you gonna confess too only to be told it's a prank
• "no, no... it's true"
• "and you decided to tell me this over text?? literally wtf Isaac"
• then you're silent for a while and just say "I can't believe I'm about to say this on the phone but...I feel the same"
• then you meet up that same day and the second you meet you're literally laughing saying: "literally wtf Isaac"
• "sorry I, uh.. didn't know how else to say it..", he says awkwardly, looking away bc he's blushingg
• "well, it's fine because.. I love you too"
• Isaac literally perks up even though you've already said you feel the same, it's different hearing you say it in front of him
• then you guys have your first kiss which is literally life changing for Isaac because so far he's only ever kissed girls like for fun and not because he's fallen for them
• so this is a very new experience for Isaac
• you show up as a couple at school the next day and walk the hallways holding hands 🫱🏻‍🫲🏼
• everybody is confused and asks Isaac: "really? her?"
• he answers: "yeah, why? she's cool af?? and I'm literally in love with her??!!"
• so let's talk about your relationship
• you both match fits often and are basically the most stylish couple at school
• you also go thrifting together!
• you guys have a very strong emotional bond and talk about anything and everything literally
• you're his rock and his best friend, he tells you everything
• and by that I mean literally everything
• he also tells you about every prank he plans / has done and he also tells you about the putting bleach in Jackie's shampoo bottle prank
• which you immediately scold him for bc why is he putting that poor girl through this when she's literally still adjusting to the new life in the Walter's house after having to leave her home because her parents died?
• at school you go to Jackie to apologize for Isaac's behavior and offer to help with her hair, which she gladly accepts
• this leads to you and Jackie becoming best friends and to her joining your little friend group with your 2 friends
• (you guys are a better influence on her than Skylar and Grace)
• you also get invited to Walter family events, for example Will's wedding or Thanksgiving
• you can be a bit shy so you always cling to Isaac and Jackie whenever you're there
• But Katherine makes you warm up quickly with her good-hearted nature and you find yourself feeling comfortable in the Walter's home pretty soon
• you get along with Lee pretty well and you just fit in perfectly with the whole bunch
• your parents also love him bc he's literally your prince charming 💕
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90sastroglam · 2 months
6th house synastry - my experience
This is honestly my LEAST favorite synastry to have with someone else, but only if I’m the 6th house person (which seems ironic, however it’s really true). I don’t know it this is due to the fact that I don’t have any 6th house placements on my chart…
Also I think this might depend on the sign it is in. In my case, it’s in Aries and they honestly get on my nerves. I’ve had this synastry with SO MANY people in my life. Friends AND family. My mom has her moon in my 6th house, my dad has his SUN and my sister has her MARS in my 6th house (guess who annoys me the most... cough cough mars, although sometimes it’s hard to tell who’s worse). I’ve also been gotten romantically involved with a man who’s mercury was in my 6th house, one of my longtime friends has her venus and one of my college friends has her ascendant in the same house.
Based on this, I would say the venus and ascendant synastry in this house is the easiest to deal with (and the moon in second). My problem with these people is that I often feel as though they’re like overly nitpicky, even cruel and unfair in their critiques - they’ll point things out unnecessarily thinking they’re “protecting me” when really they’re just making me doubt myself. I’ve found that they’ll also criticize me for things they do themselves ALL THE TIME - so they’re basically projecting onto me. And I would be lying if I said they don’t make me feel like shit sometimes. Oh and they’ll do it in public too…
Another detail - these critiques are never constructive… hell nah. They’ll just point out my flaws like no other. Then I try to tell them that they’re crossing boundaries and call them out, ask them to stop… yet they don’t stop and keep pushing ‘till I break. Oh and when I break they’ll literally stare at me like I’m the one who’s insane, even though they provoked everything (I also can’t act like them, ‘cause when I do I’m mean and harsh… they’re the only ones who can do it). To me, they just seem like hypocrites, who project onto me and then claim (as an excuse) they were doing it for me… when really they’re being selfish.
Just to give you an exemple… the guy I was romantically involved with began critiquing my looks soon after we started hanging out… he would often point out my break outs (which he knew were a sensitive topic for me and one of my biggest insecurities, as I was bullied for having a lot of acne when I was younger). Soon he started pointing out my stomach when I was bloated and my weight (I literally have a flat stomach and I’m skinny af… THESE ARE MY ORGANS SIR). As you can pretty much tell, it didn’t workout. I started getting sick of his BS and broke it off, as he would also be rude to me out of nowhere sometimes… then pretend he didn’t do anything And this guy is just a light case, as I was done way worse by both my family and some “friends” with placements in my 6th house.
To me, people with placements in my 6th house just seem rude, bitter and insensitive for NO REASON… no really…. NO REASON AT ALL. Yes they CAN be of service… but they can also be so invasive and even controlling. These are the people who have backstabbed me the most and I was so loyal and respectful towards them. See I would forgive them (yet call then out) so many times, but they really NEVER stop. Because they’re Aries placements they probably won’t be the ones who’ll serve you… I feel like depending on the sign this will work in different ways and let me tell you: aries will never be the submissive ones.
REMINDER: this is just my personal experience. This doesn’t mean aries placements are gonna treat everyone like shit either, it just depends on where they sit in your chart. Please tell me the experience with the sign of your 6th house and which sign it is.
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robinbuckleysfringe · 6 months
you are in love.
tom blyth social media au
pairing: tom blyth x reader
warnings: none
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6
*tomblyth has posted*
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tagged yninstagram
liked by rachelzegler, yninstagram, joshandresrivera, hunterschafer, tomholland2013 and others
tomblyth happy birthday my love. hope the next trip round the sun is just as amazing as the last ❤️😘🎂
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yninstagram aww, thanks so much babe. it'll be even better with you by my side ❤️🫶🏻😘
↪️ tomblyth ❤️
↪️ rachelzegler you guys are so cute it makes me sick 🤮 (happy day of birth y/n 🫶🏻)
↪️ yninstagram rach, you literally have josh??? (thanks bby 🫶🏻)
hunterschafer happy birthday y/n!!!! love you!!! 💕💕💕
↪️ yninstagram love you too hunter!!!! 💕💕💕
tomholland2013 happy birthday y/n xx
↪️ yninstagram thanks tom 🫶🏻xx
camillaluddington happy birthday!!!!! love you
↪️ yninstagram aww, love you too x
user they're so cute wtf
user it's not a want, it's a need. I need what they have immediately
user this is so sweet!!!!
user if a man doesn't post these sort of photos of me for my birthday, I don't want him
*yninstagram has posted*
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tagged florencepugh & haileesteinfeld
liked by josephquinn, tomblyth, zendaya, chrisevans and others
yninstagram back with my girls 💜🏹
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tomblyth proud af!! 💜😘
↪️ yninstagram love youuuuuu 💜😘😘
rachelzegler get it gurl!!!
↪️ yninstagram 💜
florencepugh goofy 🤪💜
↪️ yninstagram the goofiest 💜🤪
haileesteinfeld can't wait for the next few months 💜
↪️ yninstagram excited doesn't begin to cover it!! 💜
user 👀👀👀
user omg are you returning to the mcu???!!!
user hawkeye season 2???
user what does this mean???
user this is defo her announcing she's returning to the mcu
↪️ user either with a season 2 of hawkeye or some other project with both her series costars
↪️ user 100%
user is this real???
1 year later
*yninstagram has posted*
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tagged tomblyth
liked by tomholland2013, rachelzegler, joshandresrivera, hunterschafer and others
yninstagram excited to spend forever with you ❤️🥰😘
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tomblyth love you forever darling ❤️😘
↪️ yninstagram ❤️❤️❤️❤️
rachelzegler YOU GUYS OMG 🥹🥹🥹🥹😍😍😍😍
rachelzegler over the moon happy for you!!!! so so so so much love for the two of you!!
↪️ yninstagram 🥰🥰
hunterschafer congrats girly!!! ❤️
↪️ yninstagram thank you bestie!! xx
zendaya congrats lovely!! xxx
↪️ yninstagram thank you Z 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
joshandresrivera been waiting for this moment!!! btw you should've heard rach's scream when she got your text 😂 xx
↪️ yninstagram love you guys 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
↪️ rachelzegler listen, I'm just very excited for my two besties. okay?? 🤭😍
haileesteinfeld so happy for you!! congrats 💜🫶🏻
↪️ yninstagram thanks Hails, love you 💜🫶🏻
joekeery congrats!! ❤️ xx
↪️ yninstagram ❤️🫶🏻 xx
robertdowneyjr congrats y/n, can't believe you're all grown up and getting engaged 🥺. love you kiddo xxx
↪️ yninstagram aww, love you (3000) dad 🫶🏻🫶🏻❤️❤️
user mom and dad getting married???
user your honour, they're in love
user this is amazing news omg!!!
*yninstagram has posted*
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tagged tomblyth
liked by rachelzegler, jacobelordi, zendaya, tomblyth and others
yninstagram alexa, play "you're in love" by taylor swift 🥂😘
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tomblyth love you more than you know darling ❤️😘
↪️ yninstagram 🫶🏻🫶🏻❤️❤️
rachelzegler MY BEST FRIEND IS MARRIED!!!!!!!!!
rachelzegler wedding of the century 🥰🫶🏻
↪️ yninstagram nah, that'll be yours and josh's 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
↪️ rachelzegler that reminds me. @/joshandresrivera when will that be??
↪️ joshandresrivera 🤐🤫 well I can't tell you that, can I? 😂
↪️ yninstagram just saying, it better be soon or rachel will explode 😂😂
↪️ rachelzegler she's not wrong 🤭😂
hunterschafer the BIGGEST congratulations girl 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
↪️ yninstagram does this make us sisters in law??
↪️ hunterschafer through the world of tbosas, yes it does 🫶🏻💕
zendaya massive congrats from both me and tom xx
↪️ yninstagram aw, love you guys 💕💕💕
robertdowneyjr congrats kiddo. love you 3000 xx
↪️ yninstagram love you 3000 dad xx
florencepugh SHUT UP YOU'RE SO PRETTY 😍😍😍😍
↪️ florencepugh also, congrats on the wedding you two 🥹🥹🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
↪️ yninstagram love you flo!!!!!!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻💕💕💕💕
haileesteinfeld a moment for the dress please 😍😍😍😍
↪️ yninstagram can you believe it was the first one I tried??
user this is the best news omg!!!
user oh to have been a fly on the wall at that wedding 🥺🥹
user they're so pretty wtf
↪️ user for real!!! tom's suit and y/n's dress is everything!!!
user Y/N WHERE DID YOU GET THE DRESS??!!! its literally the most stunning thing I've seen
user mom and dad are married 🥹🥹🥹
user 100% here for them getting their happily ever after 🥹🥹🥹🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
the final part is here!!! as per usual, feel free to comment any feedback.
now that this series is over, I'm more free to write any requests in between editing my Steve Harrington fic 🩷
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cordeliawhohung · 13 days
Pup anon here, there’s just some backstory and yapping on this one followed up by a really sweet moment w him
It's definitely been a few days, I'll probably send different asks because I'll yap a lot lol, let's start with my job, I'm an OF manager, I edit the videos, the pictures, sometimes record the content, I manage the posts, the stories, the PPV, the sells, the lives, answer the texts, literally everything that goes down, I've worked with girls from several countries, but the last few months I worked with two from mine besides my usual girl that I've been working with for like two years now, they have huge platforms, like HUGE, so I said why not? that'll make me good money, boy did I know. One of them didn't work out, she wasn't mean or anything, but she wanted me to work every day from like 7 am to 12 pm for $160 every two weeks while I was making her thousands of dollars so that clearly didn't work out, with the third girl I was making good money, a lot, between all of them I was getting money like every week and a half, I always had money and living the good life, but the third girl was mean af, she always fucked something up and then called me to yell at me and call me names and to tell me to fix it up and that it was my fault (even if I wasn’t even working at the moment) at one point it became unbearable and I said nah we're done, now I'm just working with the usual one, she's an angel and I'm still making a good living.
Anyway, I'm autistic (this all sounds like a whole mess of information but I promise that it'll make sense) so it has never been easy for me to make friends since I was little, someone could be straight up bullying me and I would realize like a month later, and until today it stays the same lmao, but a few years ago I made some friends, never had problems with them, just one girl that we broke contact with like a year ago and she asked for forgiveness this year and everything went back to normal, in that meantime when we weren't talking to her me and the other girl became really close, like always together every single day, in that time my mom got cancer, she passed away a few months ago and even in that she was always there, that night she came to the hospital like at 12 am after my mom passed away for me to not be alone, spent the night at my house and helped me clean it after days on sleeping on the hospital, ordered food, etc, and even after that girl rejoined we stayed the same, I struggle way too much with expressing my affection with words, and she hates physical touch, so I was always giving her gifts to try to express it, we were always going out, exploring new places, having fun and I payed for everything, but when I ended up with just one job I couldn't do that anymore and she magically went back to being close to the other girl, always being at her house, not answering my texts anymore, she magically had money to spend with her but with me she never had any and we literally spent like two months without seeing each other (we live 5 minutes away) but she was always travelling to see the other girl so of course I got sad, felt conflicted because as I said earlier she hasn't been a bad friend, but of course the whole situation was hurting, on top of it I had been under a lot of stress, I had been sick a few days prior, my mom's birthday is coming up in a few days,I had an argument with my brother, my ex from a few years ago was leaking some old pics so yeah I just reached my limit at the time, I was (am) feeling a little used, I tried to talk with her about it but she brushed it off and simply said that I was misunderstanding and went back to keep being like that so I was sad and curled up in a ball for a few days, I didn't even check the phone, nothing, so here finally comes the main part lmao, I wasn't texting him back or asking him to meet or anything
He decided to come knock on my door after a few days, said that he was worried that something had happened to me or that he made something to upset me, when I opened it I was a mess, and as soon as he asked me if something was wrong I cried lol, couldn't even say anything so he just picked me up, closed the door and took me to the couch and sat me on his lap, letting me just cry and hug him, running his hand on my back, rocking me, kissing my head, after a while I finally told him what happened while still sniffling I looked awfulllllllll, he just listened to me, (the problem with my ex magically resolver itself, i’m not planning on asking) kissed my face and told me to go take a warm bath, I did, when I came out he had my favorite food ready, my favorite tv show ready, my favorite snacks, my cats snuggled up on the couch, a bat plushie, I don't even know where he got all that in an hour but I cried again lol, we spent the rest of the day / night together and he slept in for the first time, it was really sweet, we slept cuddled up with my cats, had breakfast together, still feels unreal
putting your other ask underneath the cut that way i can keep it all together for my brain
Now here’s the nasty stuff lol After all of that, that same next day he told me that he rented us an Airbnb on the mountain on a forest that I love for a few days, (I live in a very rural country, there's nature literally everywhere you look, but that forest it's just unreal with waterfalls and everything) Those were the best days of my whole life, the cabin was beautiful, it had a balcony on the room facing a river, it was just amazing, the first days I spent them getting calm and relaxed again, walking with him, watching animals, TV, anything, one of those nights we were kissing and stuff and after a while I was begging him to let me suck him off, I was dying to do that, I wanted to see, to everything, and he finally agreed, that ended up in me learning to deep throat a dick that was the size of my head, crying, a mess of drool, he made me ride his boot while I did it (that was the condition for him to let me) he talked about getting me a collar, of how pretty of a pet I would make, that I was made to just be dotted on and taken care of, that he would do just that, so many things that I can't even remember because my brain was all mush and not a single thought (I don't know how much to elaborate on it because I'm nervous that it'll be too much lmao, what a thing to be nervous about in a smut blog) I begged for him to fuck me but he told me that I wasn't ready for that yet, that he still needed to test my limits a little more, see how far he could go, get me ready for other things, etc, he did fuck my thighs and now I'm scared of fucking bc tell me why that thing reached my belly button, He also made me ride his face which I was terrified of but ended up being heaven, he spanked me, said he wanted to test how much I could take of it since I was begging so much for him to be rough, ended up in me once again crying, shaking, unable to stand from my jelly legs and the pain on them but hey I took it like a champ even if it was hurting like a bitch every single second and I still have bruises, I enjoyed that more than I thought I would and now he's agreeing to be a little rougher with me. When we went back home we went to my apartment to pick up some things that he left there, I was missing my cats so much, my brother had been feeding them and playing with them while I was gone, but tell me why I open the door and one of the little bastards goes straight past me while I'm saying hi to the others and goes to nuzzle on his leg? That was straight up betrayal. But to end this update and besides it, I just wanted to say that I read every single thing that you post and I wish that I could find the words to explain how your works make me feel, every single word that you write simply makes the most ethereal thing I have ever read, just leaves me with my mouth hanging every time, I had no idea that reading something could make me feel the things that are being described, to actually get immersed into it, your dark fics / series are like heaven to me, every single one of your works is, thank you for the simple fact of existing in the same timeline as me (And never be afraid of calling for me for updates, I sometimes forget, but for you I’ll become an entity that you can just summon on your blog every time you want)
okay first off, holy shit you've had a lot going on alsdkjf i'm so so sorry to hear about that weird stuff with your friend, situations like that is always so crazy complicated! like you have the right to be upset but you're right it's so hard to like, explain why you're hurting at the same time ): and i'm so sorry to hear about your mom. loss is so insanely difficult to deal with, and it always gets extra heavy around anniversaries like that too but i'm so glad he seemed to notice!!! (we gotta give him like, a code name to call him by or something lmfao) that's so crazy sweet of him to come over and check on you and be there for you, to like, make that effort. to not just be like "oh well she's not messaging me out of the blue fuck her i guess" but to ensure that you were alright )))): also, major green flag that he loves the cats and the cats love him haha.
girlllllll his pet kink is going WILD i fucking love that for you. wanting to collar you and everything oh my god. also, idk if this is just me personally, but it's like such a green flag imo when guys don't wanna have straight up sex right away. like just that anticipation and wanting to get comfortable? idk there's something about it and i love that for you so much. and it sounds like you're figuring out your a masochist a little bit LMFAO ( i get it i'm a bruise kink girly myself too) also don't be worried about like, sharing too much like whatever you are comfortable with of course! but the CATS DARTING PAST YOU oh the traitor. you're stronger than i am, i would've sobbed on the spot. but omg the fact he was like "let's get her out of the house to relax' is so crazy sweet of him ):
and you're crazy sweet ): i'm so glad you enjoy the works and i'm so glad to be able to interact with you like this! i feel like we are just like. sharing our dms with the world or something LMFAO i'm making you my familiar now, you're officially a cat in my mind i'll shake the box of treats to summon you lmfao. but eek! thank you so much for the update. so sorry to hear you were having a shitty time but i'm glad you have someone there to support and care for you (: (truly living your best Y/N dream lmao)
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darkbluekies · 2 years
Silas asks #3
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Previous one Next one
Concept: I've put multiple asks into one post to avoid too much loose posts on my account! This way, you have more to read too<3
Warnings: a little nswf indication, death, indication of suicide, torture,
— ☁️ SILAS AND HEDWIG...! i also thought of them 😌 yanderes that are ruthless to everyone but has a soft side for their darling >>> silas reminds me of a huge teddy bear tbh 😓 he's probably so touchy if only you allow him to. grrr... the thought of sitting on his lap and snuzzling on his chest 😡
Omg yes he does :(( He's so addicted to you, never keeping his hands to himself. He doesn't care if it's only holding your hand or making you his, he loves to be close. Sitting on his lap and cuddling into his chest would be the death of him. Oh, he'd love it so much :((
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— Y'know the urge to draw silas is cat ears is something brewing maybe even adding hedwig and jerry (small chance for dr.kry but its still there) to the list who knows not sure to go with my demons or nah
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— How would Silas feel about a motherly type of darling? When he comes home from missions injured she absolutely insists on attending his wounds. And when he's sick, she takes care of him, nursing him back to health. She can't just stand by and watch someone else suffer after all!
He'd love it so much! He'd fall for you so badly. If you had any chance to escape before, now there's none. He'll watch over you like a hawk. He knows he doesn't deserve a kind soul like you, but he's so selfish that he'll keep you for himself.
"Thank you so much, baby, but, ouch, you shouldn't ... shouldn't do this. You shouldn't patch me up. I know you want to take care of me, but that's my job! I should take care of you, baby. Not the other way around. But ... thank you so much ... I love you."
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— I just read your peice about attempting to escape Silas, and AHHHH Silas REALLY pisses me off!!!.......... And that's how you know you have a very well written villain!!! I thoroughly enjoyed reading that, and can't wait to read more in the future! Keep up the good work (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆~🥀
haha thank you so much!! there will be more of Silas stupid behaviour in the future, don't you worry!
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— What would happen if reader died or became seriously ill after Silas puts them in the basement for a while?
He'll be so sad and regret everything he's ever done. If you survive, he'll be much, much more careful. He'll never do that again. He nearly lost you! Silas can't imagine a life without you.
But if you died ... he'd break apart.
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— Gosh seeing how Silas reacted to darling being sick. But like when it comes to me. I can alread imagine how he would be. Cause my immune system sicks I get sick easily...Then there's the fact that I'm clumsy af, I always have random bruises or cuts and don't notice them until I'm in the bath.
Silas would be in constant stress, my friend. You'd give him a heart attack.
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— When Silas says he's gonna torture us as punishment at the end of "You Can't Hide From Me" What kind of torture? Like physical, psychological, etc?
I wanted to leave that up to the readers interpretation, but I thought maybe some kind of psychological. When he says that he'll make them know only him, he'll break them down until they don't remember anything but him. He'll destroy them.
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— Oh, I’m going to torture you. Badly. What did Silas do to us?
...next question.
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— What is Silas’ body count?
Let's say around ten. He's been out and about, tried different things here and there, but nowadays, he only wants you. And he makes sure you know that with how far beyond he'll take you :]
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— How many people has Silas killed?
Maybe around thirty? He does half the dirty work himself and half he sends out his men to do.
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pooks · 11 months
ootp but instead if accepting the promotion, Percy takes a sabbatical from the Ministry (he spent his whole first year as a working adult being deceived, manipulated, used, overworked and then made the scapegoat) because he's sick of their shit.
also he decides to go to a muggle university in London. it was first out of spite to the magic world (as they don't have universities),but then he found new friends who are just like him and share common ground.
he's so happy that nothing brings him down and now the twins, Ron and Ginny are low key (nah, high key) scared that he's gonna forget about them now.
"well, you said I was too boring for you guys, so now I'm going to my equally boring friends and we're gonna have boring activities in a boring pub close to my boring muggle university. so, cheerio!"
Fred, George, Ron and Ginny are moody af and tries to make sure Percy doesn't move away from home. Hermione is just annoyed with their antics and Harry is confused as heck.
background Sirius cause he lives for drama and just snacks on popcorn while he watches this going down
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wizardraziw · 1 year
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Why hello students! It has been some time, huh? Well, let's get into todays lesson!...Hm? Potions? Familiars? The history of old? No, no. Something far more interesting! Today we will be learning the Pythagorean Theorem! Now, let's all get out our mathematic textbooks and-
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Nah. No math today suckerz. It'z Cricket time.
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Well the crowd has spoken!!! So, you want some of mama Crickets wisdom, huh? Well I got plenty for you!!! ;) I for sure thought I was gonna get outclassed by my wonderful wife, but she's lame AF I don't blame you all for voting for me instead <3 Can I get a heyooo from all my Crystal Wizards out there? I'll be putting together a totes radical "lesson plan" for everyone. So if you got any questions about magic or whatnot, use the asks and I'll answer them at the end of the lesson. Just start them with "Madam Cricket," or just "Cricket". Aight, well, I think that's that. Class dismissed! XD
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randomgentlefolk · 8 months
Hm, I wonder how Leelathae writes in her diary? I mean, does she write them in just dialogue, or narrative, or what? Either she is writes in dialogue, or she described the witch pretty well for Gwen to recognize who the witch is.
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I mean, I didn't expect these ingredients, but sure. Does this imply there's a cemetery near The Pastel Kingdom? Cause Leelathae isn't allowed to be far from home, right? And I doubt she would ask someone to get dirt from cemetery for her...
I wonder what Leelathae plan was? Cause she didn't get the chance to execute it since her portrait was stolen by Leland. Or maybe she did execute it while in the Plaid Kingdom?
I agree with the witch so much. The painters fr did Leelathae dirty 💀
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Huh. How does the ingredient turn into a paint-like liquid?? None of the ingredients are liquid based. Maybe the dirt?
This whole spell thing is sick man. It's so dang cool!! I wonder if anyone notices Leelathae sparkling?? I mean, one of the maids has got to notice right?
Also I've never knew there's tea inside snickerdoodles (chai is tea, right?). Well, it's not like I've ever tried snickerdoodles, but last time I read the recipe, I don't remember tea being in the recipe. But that was years ago so it might just be my memory.
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Well, the mystery of the portrait is finally solved! And yet there's another mystery.. what writing did Leelathae put behind her portrait? Yes, the diary is one of them, but there are other things too. Like those brown and green papers. I'm guessing it's a message toward her kids?
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Ohh, that's why!! Leelathae was glowy because of the spell!
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BRUH SO WAS IT LIKE, A MISUNDERSTANDING THIS WHOLE TIME?? I did kinda predict it in my really old post, but I was joking T_T
Something's kinda bothering me about what Leelathae said in her 3rd wish. Why is she only talking about her daughters? What about Jamie? Or is there a hidden meaning that I am not getting here? If someone would enlighten me, that would be nice.
Aw. It's actually pretty sweet when you think about how they didn't even know how to speak to each other at first, but they still fell in love with each other <3
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Oh. Oohhh....okay. This doesn't justify what Leland is doing right now, but it sure give a big reason for it. Yikes. Damn. That must've hurt.
Okay okay, let me just remember the past episodes to realize all the causes here.
Leland's parents died due to tragic carriage accident (didn't a carriage accident happen more than once? Tho I can't remember to who besides Leland's parents)
His best friend, Jack, didn't arrive to Leland's parents' funeral, which is the moment he needed him the most (not Jack's fault though, since he was literally stranded in an island)
Leland obviously has a little crush on Jack, which is why it hurts him when he found out Jack brought Leelathae to Pastel Kingdom (again, not Jack's fault). I think this is where he jealousy starts, the point where Leland thinks he has to be better at every love things than Jack.
He overheard Jack saying he didn't need him, which is probably the nail in the coffin for Leland. I mean that monologue Leland has? That's kinda internal mental breakdown right there. (I gotta say, this scenario is kindaaa similar to Gwen overhearing Frederick calls her ugly. I wouldn't say it's the exact same thing of course. It's just the overhearing that makes it similar)
So! Looking at these 4 reasons, it is highly likely that Leland has some problems (no shit sherlock). HEAR ME OUT. I don't know what it is yet. I was thinking of abandonment issues, but I have yet to read much about it, so i'm not sure yet.
HAH! Glad Leelathae decided to haunt his dreams tho!
OH SHIT OH SHIT. NAH LELAND NAHHHH. HE BETTER NOT. ....well at the time i'm writing this the next episode is already out so.. guess we're gonna find out...IN THE NEXT REVIEW!!
Yeah I haven't read the episode yet lol. I bet it's gonna be chaotic though.
That's it for now, until next time.
Mono out! (But still in to hear your thoughts)
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