#naet practitioner
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Navigating the Journey ofAutism Therapy in Naperville with Dr. L. Partha
In the heart of Naperville, families touched by autism have found a guiding light in Dr. L. Partha. With over two decades of experience and a diverse array of training, Dr. Partha has dedicated her professional journey to helping children and adults on the autism spectrum, inspired by her own personal experience as a mother.
A Holistic Approach to Healing:
Educational Background: Dr. Partha’s foundation in Electrical Engineering, Biology, and Nutrition, combined with her Master’s degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, sets the stage for a holistic understanding of the body and its intricate connections. Her commitment to learning and growth is evident in her subsequent degrees as a Naturopathic Doctor and a Doctor of Homeopathy, both achieved with distinction.
Certifications and Training: Dr. Partha’s diverse certifications and training include renowned approaches like CEASE Therapy, D.A.N Protocols, NAET, Acutonics, Bio Vector Balance, and many more. This eclectic mix showcases her dedication to staying at the forefront of therapeutic advancements, offering her patients a rich tapestry of healing modalities.
A Personal Connection to Autism:
Dr. Partha’s journey took a poignant turn when her son was diagnosed with autism over a decade ago. Fueled by a mother’s determination, she embarked on a quest to explore various treatments, delving into everything from Biomedical treatments and Developmental Therapies to Auditory Integration Training and Energetic Therapies.
Shifting Perspectives: From DAN Protocols to a Holistic Paradigm:
Having been trained and certified in the Defeat Autism Now (DAN) Protocols, Dr. Partha made a conscientious decision to pivot her approach. She realized the limitations and financial strain these protocols imposed on families. Instead, she transitioned towards a more holistic model, focusing on natural stimulation and minimal intervention through Homeopathy, Acupuncture, and Energy Medicine.
A Guided Path to Treatment:
Homeopathy – The Gentle Touch: Dr. Partha begins the treatment journey with Homeopathy, a gentle and profound way to address impairments in the body and mind, especially those related to vaccine damage.
Auditory Integration Training (AIT): Recognizing the processing difficulties common in autistic patients, Dr. Partha incorporates AIT to address sensory disorders and correct auditory processing deficits.
Acupuncture – Harmony for Body and Mind: Acupuncture, complementing Homeopathy, becomes a cornerstone of the treatment plan. From scalp acupuncture to NAET for allergy elimination, Dr. Partha tailors each session to the individual’s needs.
Holistic Supplement Approach: Dr. Partha emphasizes the importance of clearing gut issues before introducing supplements. This approach, informed by her experience, aims to avoid overwhelming already compromised immune systems.
Professional Recognition and Membership:
Dr. L. Partha is not just a practitioner but a respected member of professional organizations such as the American Association Of Acupuncture, Illinois Association of Oriental Medicine, Illinois Homeopathic Medical Association, and the Renaissance Institute of Classical Homeopathy.
Dr. L. Partha’s autism therapy in Naperville is not just a professional endeavor; it’s a personal journey fueled by compassion and understanding. Families seeking her guidance find not only a skilled practitioner but a dedicated advocate for the well-being of those touched by autism. In Naperville, the path to healing is paved with a holistic approach, individualized care, and a nurturing environment created by Dr. L. Partha.
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kyliejohood · 6 years
Blog 4: Voodoo
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Voodoo is a religion and a verb. It can refer to a religion, or it can be used to describe something dark, mystic, and unknowable (Radford). For me, visiting a natural path was akin to voodoo stereotypes involving chickens, blood sacrifice, and raising zombies.  For many years, I was half-dead with the disease; thus I needed to resurrect my body, mind, and spirit. In the spirit of voudon, I sought out a witch doctor named Debra McIntyre who is a practicing natural path for over 25 years.
Unlike traditional Western medicine, naturopathic medicine treats not only the body but the mind and spirit as well. It also seeks to manage the “root cause” of illness versus the symptoms (Kiefer). Traditional naturopathic doctors (ND/NMD) “learn the same basic sciences as conventional medical doctors (MD), but also study nutrition, psychology, herbal medicine, and homeopathy (Kiefer). When I first became ill, Western medicine was the only choice. I had a long-standing relationship with doctors through my job in medical devices sales, and I considered anything outside of conventional medicine to be a fool’s errand.
Deb introduced me to several methods including NAET or Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique. NAET is “ a non-invasive, drug-free, natural solution to alleviate allergies” while using a “blend of selective energy balancing, testing and treatment procedures”(ROVI). NAET was discovered by Dr. Devi S. Nambudripad in 1983 and has over 12,000 practitioners worldwide (ROVI). While many practicing NAET and those undergoing treatment believe in its results there are many like Dr. David Stukus, M.D. who speak out against NAET as an unvalidated method without evidence (Broer). I consider this is a very narrow-minded view considering NAET is based on Chinese Medicine principles that have been in practice for thousands of years (Terwee).  
NAET is just an example of the many treatment methods that natural paths use to treat their patients. It also includes “herbs, massage, and acupuncture”(Kiefer). The types of treatments are overwhelming and I’m just scratching the surface. I plan on trying them all as I slowly wean off the prednisone and antibiotics. Gone are the years of guzzling pills while destroying my gut and liver. My journey will be slow and riddled with potholes, but it’s my journey. 
For years I was slowly poisoning myself on top of the autoimmune diseases, but when I started seeing Deb, it all changed. I went from a listless and lifeless zombie to a semi-functioning human being within 10 months. The cloud of fear surrounding the mystic naturopathy has left me. There is no voodoo here.  I am Lazarus returned from the dead. I am alive. 
Broer, Lisa. “NAET and Allergies: A Not so Neat Idea .” Medium, 23 Apr. 2018, medium.com/@Weresquirrel/naet-and-allergies-a-not-so-neat-idea-1ae02d8acc50. Accessed 10 Feb. 2019.
Kiefer, David. “Naturopathic Medicine: What It Is, Benefits, Risks.” WebMD, WebMD, www.webmd.com/balance/guide/what-is-naturopathic-medicine#1.
Radford, Benjamin. “Voodoo: Facts About Misunderstood Religion.” LiveScience, Purch, 30 Oct. 2013, www.livescience.com/40803-voodoo-facts.html.
Teitelbaum, Jacob. “NAET: A Breakthrough Treatment for Allergies.” Psychology Today, Sussex Publishers, 2009, www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/complementary-medicine/200910/naet-breakthrough-treatment-allergies. Accessed 10 Feb. 2019.
Terwee, Caroline B. “Successful Treatment of Food Allergy with Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques (NAET) in a 3-Year Old: A Case Report.” National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 5 Aug. 2008, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/.
“What Is NAET .” NAET, Rovi Corporation, 2018, web.archive.org/web/20180212142141/https://www.naet.com/about/what-is-naet/. Accessed 10 Feb. 2019.
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trenttrendspotter · 4 years
Discover What Your Body is Trying to Tell You
In these times, you can’t help but watch your health very closely. But going to the doctor is not without risks. Muscle testing may give you some assurances and answers.
On the other hand, have you been told to live with things because they are just a part of stress, or should you feel like there is a better answer?
Ever wonder what actually causes those pesky aches and pains, itches and twitches  and other symptoms that modern medicine thankfully is so good at getting rid of?
Muscle testing is a relatively newly researched technique that is evolving and expanding quickly since its inception in the 60s. Not many people know about it, and few practitioners specialize in it. Muscle testing is listening to your body as it tells you exactly what is wrong and what it wants to become healthy.  
Dr. Alicia Armitstead is one of the few experts practicing muscle testing in New York City at her health center, Healing Arts, and we got an explanation directly from her. She used it to cure her extreme asthma, after doctors said nothing could be done, at 16 years old. She is wiser than her years and looks even younger because of her lifestyle. She believes the same path is available to you. And she won’t stop till she gets you to your wellness goal.
"Muscle testing is a way to get biofeedback from the body. It can be used to help you figure out what organs need help, help the body detox, support the right nutrition for health and use food as medicine," explained Dr. Armitstead.  
Instead of simply treating symptoms, muscle testing gets right down to the bottom of what is causing you symptoms, discomfort or illnesses. Muscle testing will allow you to determine exactly what your body needs to holistically improve your health from conditions such as joint pain, skin issues, infertility, fatigue, bloating and so much more.
Each reflex tested represents a specific organ, tissue, or function and indicates the effect that energy or lack of energy is having on the body. By using this technique, Dr. Armitstead and her team are able to identify underlying stress or weakness in the body's systems and organs, which may be affecting overall health. They are looking for the underlying cause of symptoms, not merely trying to alleviate the symptoms.
Nutrition affects all of the body's functions in all states of health or ill-health. In fact, if you aren't feeling as well as you think you could, the answer probably lies in the way your body is handling food. Nutrition and other allergy testing utilizes special homeopathic glass vials which do not have pieces of glass in them, but they are glass vials with homeopathic solutions of toxins. This tool can help find nutritional and atmospheric weaknesses and strengths. Weaknesses from allergies may lead to a break down in resistance and immunity, leading to chronic symptoms like low energy, hot flashes, digestive issues, food cravings, and aches and pains. Each cell, tissue, and organ in your body is in the process of replacing itself every day, month and year. This means that you can improve your health.
It is important to know all there is to know about muscle testing. Although this technique is simple and efficient, there are a couple of different variations that can help you achieve holistic health and homeostasis.
As the technology of muscle testing evolves, different kinds of muscle testing are being developed.  Following are the time-tested basics.
1. Applied kinesiology - Started by George Goodheart, his idea was to find a weak muscle with muscle testing then fix it with chiropractic maneuvers. Chiropractors can do applied kinesiology which is one form of muscle testing. The main goal or idea is to find a weak muscle then fix it.
2. Nutrition response testing - Helps you identify your stressors by figuring out which organs are sensitive or hurt. Dr. Armitstead has special vials of broken glass that represent bad energy and she sees by putting them directly on various organs which need help
3. Psych-K - These are tests that limit beliefs by seeing your neurological responses when you are asked certain questions. Who knew you could muscle test for a glimpse into your mind and happiness? Psych-K testing limits by seeing the full expression of your potential in life.
4. Morphogenic Field Techniques - This is also known as MFT which was developed by Dr. Frank Springbob. We are able to look at stressors in your energy field. Some call this Chi or an Aura.
5. Emotional code – This technique uses muscle testing and NAET. NAET is a combination of muscle response and electromagnetic fields testing. This technique tests your body’s contact reflexes and analyzes them to configure your body’s allergies to eliminate them.
Einstein's theory of relativity, e=mc squared, measures energy and mass. Using these measurements, you can apply them to your everyday activities and health by determining what your body needs.
You can also go to Healing Arts NYC in New York City to get this muscle testing done, or they can teach you how! This fun and eye-opening experience will benefit your body and life.
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taihomeopathy-blog · 5 years
8 Go-To Resources About homeopathy
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All the therapy begins with the essential belief that allergy can be treated when a small particle of the allergen is left within the physique. The individualized nature of Homeopathic therapy by a practitioner begins by selecting treatments which fit the totality of the affected person, including not solely signs and prevailing health issues, however way of life, emotional, psychological and spiritual states, and different elements. The others causes are the genetic or hereditary factors. These factors embody food regimen, surroundings, society interactions and measures take for the prevention of a disease. People have turn out to be conscious about different measures that may adopt for holding good well being. Many individuals imagine in taking pure products as a result of they don't need to get any uncomfortable side effects. Like Ayurveda, homeopathy is pure, blessed with a hundred % natural components and hence has more credibility than different types of medical remedies. Many therapies are widespread place now, corresponding to Chiropractic, Acupuncture and Homeopathy.
Now, let's assume as soon as again that your spouse has a horrible chilly. If it is a mild case, then herbs will be curative. The dilutions may also be made right into a cream or spray. So lengthy because the treatment matches the person, it can be utilized. Lastly, the per remedy cost of homeopathic treatments is sort of less as compared to what individuals would spend for a parallel remedy by way of typical allopathic cures. But the several 1000's of people who have benefitted from this therapy stand testimonial that NAET works. The NAET or the Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Technique is good for individuals in search of a non invasive and drug free therapy. Within the early durations people used easy products comparable to cereals, fruits and green vegetables, train for remaining healthy. Nearly all of green stuff begin to launch their important oils at round 180⁰C to 200⁰C. It's at this point that they emit a vapor, which incorporates all the important oils but not one of the poisonous ones. Remedies are utilized in water, as this makes up nearly all of the human physique.
There are giant number of health and physique products discovered available in the market and over the internet and other people grow to be confused. Four minutes is the limit of time that most people might be deprived of oxygen and dwell. People with these type of circumstances feel better when they're inside the house in a cool room. D: How does it really feel while you don’t generate income? This was groundless as a result of if the house sold, they’d have cash. Talking when it comes to the holistic manner of life, different medicinal therapies like homeopathy, ayurveda, acupuncture and many others. have stamped their effectiveness since fairly a while now. Health has different homeopathy treatment which means in general and precise phrases. Other health merchandise include vitamin and mineral supplements that assist to boost up the immune system to forestall other diseases. The immune system is a fancy arrangement that entails the liver, spleen, thymus, the lymphatic system and bone marrow, which work in tandem to maintain resistance to illness. Since homeopathy is a holistic follow, the affected person's complete life-style, background and habits are thought of to diagnose a disease correctly.
Now for some cross questions aka side effects and unsuitable therapies, homeopathy is protected to the extent of being even practiced by infants and pregnant girls. You could be benefitted from homeopathic therapy to an incredible extent. For example, lack of sleep can contribute the digestive issues and emotional stress can trigger a tension headache. The commonest causes of this diabetes embody Hereditary or genetic issue, autoimmune issue, lack of proper eating regimen and exercise, obesity, stress. Other causes could also be utilizing HRT, use of steroids, over use of antibiotics, especially broad spectrum antibiotics which can kill the wholesome micro organism in the intestine. Even when different standard and different therapies are being taken, homeopathic medication can pitch in alongside. Job outlook is promising for a lot of reasons, together with that an increasing number of patients are turning to different and natural medicine versus standard therapies. The remedies are highly diluted natural substances and have been used throughout the world for over 200 years. Homeopathy has been the choice of mothers throughout the world for the final 200 years. You also begin to take away yourself from the social world as a result of it’s simply too painful to put on a “happy face” just so others don’t see what your going through.
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villagewellness · 5 years
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Meet our beloved Karin Tetlow, R.Ac., Dipl. Ac. Licensed Acupuncturist Originally from London, Karin became a US citizen in 1987. Karin is a wise and very caring individual and practitioner. She studied acupuncture at The Worsley Institute of Classical Acupuncture in England and The College of Traditional Acupuncture, where she graduated in 1996. Karin has been in practice for over 20 years and specializes in health maintenance, chronic problems, allergy elimination (NAET), pain alleviation, addictions treatment and facial rejuvenation. Karin is an avid rower and life long learner. When she is not practicing acupuncture or gliding down the Schuylkill river, she spends her time as a freelance reporter and researcher and sits on the board of the First Unitarian Church in Philadelphia. Learn more about Karin - https://villagewellness.net/practitioners/karin-tetlow-rac-licensed-acupuncturist 🌈 #ittakesavillage #acupuncturelove #villagewellness #acupuncture #communityacupuncture #cosmeticacupuncture #facialrejuvenationacupuncture #fertility #painfree #stessrelief #feelbetter #womenshealth #phillyacupuncture #bewellphilly #mainlinewellness #mainlineacupuncture #mainlineparent #mainlinepa #bestofthemainline #berwynpa #waynepa #devonpa #brynmawrpa #radnorpa #phoenixville #kimbertonpa #malvernpa (at Berwyn, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/B240rXpjq2t/?igshid=1h72p5e35w69m
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princetontv · 7 years
Navigate Autism, 7.17 from Princeton Community Television on Vimeo.
Say Goodbye to Allergies! We are all familiar with common allergies, like pollen, ragweed, gluten, etc. But did you know that your headache could be due to an allergy to the barometric pressure? Or your child's winter cough is an allergic reaction to the dry heat in your house?
Dr. Susan Ford, Chiropractor and Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Technique (NAET) Practitioner tells us what allergies really are, how they affect our body, and how to get RID of them naturally, without needles or medicine. She also demonstrates the NAET process on Jane Lynn to show how simple, quick, and painless it is.
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allergyarizona · 7 years
5 Wrong Methods for Child Food Allergy Testing
Here I am going to explain 5 most common types of child food allergy testing methods that must be avoided:
Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique:
This NAET technique tells that some foods are harmful for bodies can weak the body by blocking energy fields. This method is not identical but the practitioner tests the variation in the muscle by various testing methods.
Leukocyte Histamine Release Test:
This test checks whether some blood cells are activated during allergic reaction. A blood cell may be unprotected to some food allergens. The results from this test are very hard to understand. Although the study of these test is entirely inclined towards food allergy detection.
IgG Testing:
The blood is tested for IgG antibodies. The presence of serum IgG antibodies in some foods are used as tools to claim the allergic foods. The one most negative factor with this child food allergy testing is that it is attached with ‘memory antibodies’. There is no scientific proof that favors the IgG testing.
Patch Testing:
In this process, the allergen is taped on the back of person for 2 days. The body then undergoes for the examination for about 3-4 days after patch removal. This testing is basically taken into account for contact dermatitis diagnose. The results filtered from this test vary quire frequently.
Gastric Juice Analysis Test:
To diagnose the food protein that includes enterocolitis, this test is used. To complete this test, the patient is challenged with some foods then a feeding tube is placed to voice the gastric juices.
This blog post originally posted on:- http://asthmaallergycenter.blogspot.com/2017/12/5-wrong-methods-for-child-food-allergy.html
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NAET vs The Allergy Kit
Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique or NAET is the largest and most popular treatment protocol offered by practitioners. Dr. Nambudripad has trained thousands of practitioners worldwide. Only qualified practitioners can offer this therapy. For more: https://theallergykit.com/resources/the-allergy-kit-vs-naet/
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mills59noonan-blog · 7 years
Pets or animals Hack Nature's Treatments Cabinet WE OUGHT TO Too
Natural Treatments Journal's interviews with thought-leaders in neuro-scientific natural and integrative remedies dig deep into the main issues in the field. Whether it's a one-on-one with top experts in integrative drugs or a conversation with a practitioner about treating hard-to-tackle conditions, each event pledges to provide respected, cutting-edge, evidence-based understanding of natural drugs that you will not find somewhere else. This is when I found Joseph! I remember him revealing me on my first appt never to even be anxious. He said we've got this, we can do this, no problem. His positive attitude was relaxing, uplifting, and I walked out feeling more powerful then I ever endured. He had explained that we were going to get my body to a point that it might actually recover itself. I told him that my white blood cell count had been dangerously low for 5 years and no person has ever been able to get it up. Joseph gave me the light at the end of the tunnel. I noticed him once a week for six months and then here and there for the following 6 months. Each time I still left him I sensed mentally stronger which in turn my physical symptoms were dwindling. Alternative medicine is gaining floor as people are wary of the potential risks associated with lots of the traditional, Western medical procedures and medications. Individuals are looking to get more staff in this field. Search for your program below and contact straight the entrance office of the school of your choice by completing the lead form. Great post, Mari and one that makes a great deal sense. I've biofilm taking away supplements to consider between meals and had not been taking them regularly so I'm experiencing semester allergies with sleeplessness and exhaustion most of the day, where I used to jump out of bed. Just finishing a 2-week round of oregano oil caps and soon to start berberine, but will continue with the biofilm supplements which can be prteoilitic enzymes. A review in 2012 viewed 24 trials that used Chinese herbal medicines alongside chemotherapy for people with advanced pancreatic cancers. Any use of this site constitutes your arrangement to the Conditions and terms and Privacy Policy linked below. Neurological and muscular disorders such as head aches, neck and back pain, neuralgia, iced shoulder, tennis elbow, sciatica, and arthritis. I do try to work together with you in order to work through a manageable budget for you and value very much that it's not necessarily easy to juggle improving with financial constraints. Hi my father is suffering from Allergy, mainly cool and sneezing so often, we consulted numerous doctor but no results. Please advice some good doctor. My child and I have had positive results with NAET. We were both getting rid of about 30 food while she was nursing and before out treatment to avoid regular rashes, hives and patterns problems. We did many, many treatments with Jen and we can now eat everything!
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flexeasy-blog · 8 years
New Post has been published on Flex Easy
New Post has been published on http://flexeasy.net/index.php/2017/02/21/is-there-an-allergy-arthritis-connection/
Is There An Allergy Arthritis Connection?
Arthritis is one of the most debilitating conditions in the United States and a major cause of missed work. Unfortunately, traditional treatments are limited and almost solely focused on anti-inflammatory medications, not on eliminating the original trigger of that inflammation.
What Does “Arthritis” Mean?
The word “arthritis” simply means “joint inflammation.” There are basically two types: osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Osteoarthritis is inflammation caused by degeneration of the joint and is due to chronic wear and tear. Osteoarthritis is most commonly found in the knees.
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a more common term for inflammation, pain, and swelling of the joints. Rheumatoid arthritis is often seen in the hands, although it can affect just about any part in the body.
The Traditional Approach to Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis is considered by an autoimmune condition of unknown cause. This belief ignores a large volume of scientific evidence pointing to food allergies as a major cause of arthritis. The correlation between arthritis and allergies is found to be quite significant.
Dr. Theron G. Randolph of Illinois was the founder of environmental medicine. Over the course of his research, he tested over 1000 arthritis patients with commonly eaten foods and chemical substances. He tested substances ranging from natural gas, auto exhaust, paints, perfume, hair spray, insecticides, tobacco and smoke to find out which of these substances caused their symptoms.
Various other studies have shown that numerous foods, food additives, as well as foreign invaders like protozoa, bacteria, yeast,and fungus can trigger or aggravate arthritic symptoms. In the case of food allergies, eating too much of a certain food too often is another problem. “Most people eat the same few foods over and over again, sometimes quite literally ‘ad nauseam’, wrote Doctor Randolph.
In addition, Dr. Marshall Mandell, the author of, Dr. Mandell’s Allergy-Free Cookbook, tested over 6000 patients. He found that foods, chemicals, grasses, pollen, molds, and other airborne substances caused allergic reactions in the joints of nearly 85% of arthritics he tested.
The medical community has focused almost solely on treating arthritis with anti-inflammatory medications, either prescription or over-the-counter. These medications only offer temporary relief of the pain and swelling, but they never cure arthritis. Over the long term this type of treatment also comes with a host of side-effects.
Is It Possible to Eliminate the Inflammation Without Drugs?
Very often it is actually possible to eliminate the cause of the inflammation without resorting to drugs to suppress it. Inflammation is actually caused by the immune system. The important question is, “Why is the immune system creating inflammation?”
What Triggers the Immune System to Create Inflammation?

Anything that triggers an immune response also triggers inflammation. This includes allergies, foods that are incorrectly identified by the immune system as not belonging in the body. Therefore an allergic reaction to a food can result in inflammation of the joints and pain.
What Foods Cause Arthritis?
The body can be allergic to any food, therefore any food allergy is capable of causing inflammation and arthritis. This includes RA, juvenile arthritis, and undefined joint pains.
This is why it can be so difficult for one to recognize the relationship between their diet and their symptoms. Many times, there is a delay between eating the suspect food and the associated pain.
What can be done?
If we can erase the faulty programming and replace it with a program that doesn’t create inflammation, the pain will reduce and in many cases go away completely.
Programs like NAET have been very effective in treating joint pain and allergies. And if you don’t have the time or money to investigate this very successful allergy elimination treatment.
The Allergy Kit is another and I think your best option to eliminate the pain of RA. It’s a home treatment, similar to NAET and eliminates the allergic response permanently. It’s easy to do and much less expensive than seeing a practitioner.
Source by Herb Hoffman
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calandraacupuncture · 6 years
CCHW 1 Year Birthday Celebration: A Letter from Teri
What an amazing year!
Calandra Acupuncture was established nearly 8 years ago, almost 5 of which were spent in Dearborn Station. When the opportunity arose for greater expansion I couldn’t pass it up!
In January 2017 Calandra Center for Health & Wellness (CCHW) was born. However, CCHW did not take occupancy of 47 W. Polk St. Suite, M5, Chicago until August 1, 2017. From the very beginning CCHW strived to: create community, to offer classes for the public and continuing education for acupuncturists and other professionals, offer healing sessions in acupuncture, NAET Allergy Elimination, Reiki & energy medicine. Everyone already innately has the ability to heal; we offer the tools to help make that journey easier.
On August 7, 2017 the first patient was officially seen. What a week that was! Operating on bare minimums at the South Loop location, I saw over 30 people between Chicago and Arlington Heights. Truly, this feat could not have been achieved without the help from family & friends.
As time went on Lena Salonikas joined the team. Lena & I met almost 10 years ago at a networking event. Lena is a life/business/wellness coach and continues to learn more each day. She has been a gigantic contribution to CCHW. We continue to hold each other accountable and support each other’s growth. Lena’s role at CCHW has shifted to that of Director of Operations, and she is in the process of developing her own coaching company. You will see her fluttering about, and can catch her the third Tuesday of every month when she hosts the Essential Oils Events.
Recently, our family has grown. Charlotte Miller joins us on Mondays behind the desk, and Joan Wilschke joins us as our Resident Reiki Practitioner.
I am truly blessed to have such amazing talented women working as part of the CCHW team. However, none of this could have been possible without the support of all of the clients and students. You are what make up CCHW. As such we invite you to join us for our first birthday celebration at our South Loop location. This is a celebration of growth, joy, and healing. It has truly been a pleasure and honor to be part of your healing journey, and please know that each and every one of you has been a part of mine.
We look forward to continuing to create new classes/events, offer new therapies, and be a place of growth for other practitioners.
Other amazing news:
In August 2018, I will be published in the peer reviewed journal Acupuncture Today. The title of the article is “It’s All About That Ki,“ and focuses on the link between acupuncture and Reiki. Being published in Acupuncture Today is an honor, and a gift.
Another honor is CCHW became certified this year, through the NCCAOM, to offer Reiki Level 1 classes to Acupuncturists for continuing education credits.
We hope to see you at our Birthday Celebration on August 25th  (10am-3pm, please RSVP) as we celebrate how we have grown and what is yet to come.
Best Wishes & Good Health,
Teri Calandra, MSTOM, Dipl.Acu, L.Ac, LMT, RMT
The post CCHW 1 Year Birthday Celebration: A Letter from Teri appeared first on Calandra Acupuncture in Chicago & Arlington Heights.
from Calandra Acupuncture in Chicago & Arlington Heights http://calandraacupuncture.com/2018/07/cchw-1-year-birthday-celebration-a-letter-from-teri-acupuncture-reiki-chicago-arlingtonheights/
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calandraacupuncture · 7 years
Alternative Treatment Options for IBS
Alternative Treatment Options for IBS
Irritable Bowel Syndrome, IBS, is a common disorder that affects the colon and can cause disruption to everyday life. There are several ways to manage IBS ranging from pharmaceuticals to simple changes in diet and lifestyle. However, many do not realize that Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture, and NAET Allergy Elimination are also highly effective.
Symptoms of IBS may include: gas, bloat, alternating constipation and diarrhea, pain, mucus, abdominal cramping. For many these symptoms start to develop over time, and there are no anatomical changes that can be detected to determine the cause. Although the cause of IBS is unknown, most doctors agree that stress and diet could be triggers. Studies have shown that women suffer from IBS more frequently then men.
Traditional Chinese Medicine does not diagnose the same way as Western medicine does. You will never hear an acupuncturist tell you that you have IBS. However, you may hear “liver-spleen disharmony” due to stress. Remember, when a TCM practitioner refers to an organ system they do not mean the physiological organ system associated with Western medicine. Rather, they are referring to the energetics of the organ system and meridians associated to Traditional Chinese Medicine. The liver is in charge of the free flow of energy, blood and oxygen to the spleen and stomach. The spleen and stomach organ systems are responsible for digestion and taking the nutrients from the food to be transported back to the liver organ system which then makes the “blood”. This function of the spleen is commonly referred to transporting and transforming the food.
When the liver energy becomes stagnant through emotions such as stress, frustration, anger, moodiness, unresolved emotions, and tightness in the body (the liver is kind of a cranky organ system and is sensitive to these emotions), this hinders proper digestion and what can result is acid, belching, nausea, abdominal distention, and bloating. Diarrhea or constipation can occur, or alternating constipation and diarrhea. Other common symptoms of liver qi stagnation are PMS, cramping with clots and irregular menstruation. The most important part of the treatment plan to get to the root of the issue would be to decrease stress. Stress plays a huge role in so many pathologies. Regardless of if you choose acupuncture, reiki (or other energy work), yoga, meditation, or mindfulness certain lifestyle changes may be appropriate.
  Another common cause of IBS is food sensitivity. Eliminating trigger foods has been shown to help tremendously. NAET Allergy Elimination has been shown to be incredibly beneficial for most digestive issues including IBS. Here are some things to consider eliminating:
  Too many cold, raw vegetables: In order to properly digest raw foods your body must first bring it down to body temperature. This causes it to work harder than needed which can dampen the digestive fire and leads to malabsorption. Cook vegetables (steam) instead and eat them warm.
Cruciferous vegetables and legumes: These are healthy but can cause gas and bloating in sensitive individuals.
Dairy: Lactose intolerance can lead to digestive ailments. If you aren’t sure, try eliminating dairy such as milk, yogurt and cheese.
Eating fast, while angry or hurried: When you eat or drink quickly, you might be inhaling too much air and eating too much. Eat slowly and mindfully.
Other triggers: Sensitivities might include chocolate, carbonated drinks, artificial sweeteners, caffeine, greasy food or processed food. Hormonal changes could also be a factor in increased IBS symptoms.
  How to know for sure? It is always best to see your primary medical provider to see if you have IBS and not something more serious. Your TCM practitioner can help you by helping you to understand the pattern that you fall into according to Chinese medicine, administer acupuncture and perhaps recommend herbal medicine, and adjust your diet to eliminate triggers that are irritating for your particular constitution.
  Some recommendations for IBS include acupuncture to improve flow in the abdomen and ease stress, reiki (and other energy work) to aid in stress, NAET Allergy Elimination, herbs, increasing fiber (gradually, or it could worsen symptoms), abdominal massage, exercise (such as tai qi, qigong), and probiotics to increase good bacteria in the stomach. Peppermint, magnesium, and chamomile have also been found to help soothe and ease symptoms.
  Calandra Center for Health and Wellness offers a variety of modalities that have been shown to be beneficial for IBS including: Acupuncture, NAET Allergy Elimination, Reiki, Ayurvedic Medicine. Please contact us for your complementary 15 minute phone consultation.
CCHW is located in Chicago’s South Loop and in Arlington Heights Illinois.
  The post Alternative Treatment Options for IBS appeared first on Calandra Center for Health and Wellness | Acupuncture Chicago.
from Calandra Center for Health and Wellness | Acupuncture Chicago http://calandraacupuncture.com/2017/06/alternative-treatment-options-ibs/
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calandraacupuncture · 7 years
ACUPUNCTURE: So Much More Than Just Sticking People with Needles
ACUPUNCTURE: So much more than just sticking people with needles
  Acupuncture is becoming more main stream. However, many people still do not know the entire scope of Chinese medicine, which includes so much more than just inserting a needle.
The practice of Chinese medicine starts with a diagnosis. This is not the type of diagnosis that you would receive at your primary care office. You will never hear an acupuncturist say “you have Hashimoto’s”. The practitioner will ask you many questions. Some are about your chief complaint while others are not. You can expect to be asked questions around digestion, appetite, diet, sleep patterns, bowel movements, urination, pain, lifestyle, and stress level. It is important to note that during this detailed intake the practitioner will also be observing voice pitch, hair luster, skin color/tone, as well as posture, mood, and any type of abnormal odor (for example a sinus infection tends to give off a certain odor). Once the initial intake is finished your acupuncturist will do a pulse and tongue analysis, that will help to further differentiate what Chinese medicine pattern you fall into. Finally, blood pressure might be measured and other applicable tests might be done, including palpation of the body. Once all of this is done, a Traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment plan is determined. The acupuncturist will then review both with you, and answer any questions that you might have.
  Example of a Typical Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment Plan
Needles: Acupuncture needles are very fine, sterile, painless and safe. Some say that at most they may feel a sensation of a mosquito bite if anything at all.
The needles are the primary component of an acupuncture treatment. However, with NAET Allergy Elimination acupressure is also available.
They are placed into certain acupuncture points on the body, either locally (at the pain site) or distally (away from the pain). The needles are retained anywhere from 20 to 40 minutes and most find the treatment to be relaxing and calming. Many people take this opportunity to take a nap, regroup, and recharge.
  Herbal formulas: Chinese medicine includes could also include herbal formulas. The herbs and acupuncture needles work together to bring the body into harmony naturally.
Herbal formulas are a great way to continue healing at home.
Herbal formulas come in either patent formulas (pills), or the practitioner will make you your own formula.
Many herbal formulas were originally created thousands of years ago, and still apply today. The thing that makes them so unique is that they are specially designed to not overdo the amount of one herb that might cause harm in another part of the body. They are perfectly harmonized. It is for this reason that many herbalists cringe at the idea of someone taking a random herb, or many random herbs that someone read is good for one symptom. When someone does this they are not creating a harmonized formula. They are essentially throwing a dart at a board and hoping it will stick.
Here is an example: if you are trying to get drain damp, there will be herbs to drain damp (by promoting urination perhaps) but also herbs to mitigate the strong effects a damp-clearing herb might have on other organs. By draining to much damp you could cause dehydration. In this way, there is always a balance. Herbal formulas treat not only the symptoms but also the root cause.
  Nutritional counseling: In Chinese medicine food is medicine. It is very common that you will receive tailored dietary advice to help your specific constitution.
For example, if someone has a pale tongue with a white coating, and it is puffy with teeth marks on the side, and a slimy tongue coat, this might indicate this person has too much damp, which is hampering the digestion. This person would also have gas, bloating, belching, possibly acid reflux. Chinese medicine rates food according to its temperature, season, color, shape and whether it’s right for your individual body.
For this type of presentation, it would be recommended to limit cold raw foods (including iced drinks and smoothies). A food such as ginger might be a nice addition to one’s diet in this case.
  Cupping and Gua Sha: Cupping uses glass cups heated with a small flame to create a suction on the skin. This dissipates stagnation of blood and lymph fluid, promotes blood flow, eases stiffness, encourages better circulation to muscles and tissues, and feels great. It may leave a red to purple “cup” mark, only temporarily.
  Gua sha uses a flat edged tool that is scraped in one direction on the skin, usually on large areas such as the back. Gua sha is used for many ailments, but especially for pain and stiffness. It removes blood stagnation and promotes the smooth flow of oxygen and blood. Waste and toxins are removed, and the scraping helps circulate fluid and nutrients, encouraging microcirculation in soft tissue. Gua sha can be used on the face for health and beauty, as well.
  Moxibustion: Moxibustion is heated mugwort and comes in many forms. Usually this smoky herb is held over an area of the body to warm and circulate. It’s great for menstrual cramps and chronic pain.
As you can see, the wide practice of acupuncture is much more than just needles. In addition to the above mentioned supplements to treatment, some practitioners use massage techniques, a form of manipulation called Tui Na, or acupressure.
  Calandra Center for Health and Wellness is located in Chicago’s South loop and Arlington Heights Illinois. Call today to speak with one of our highly trained acupuncturists for a complementary 15 minute acupuncture phone consultation.
The post ACUPUNCTURE: So Much More Than Just Sticking People with Needles appeared first on Calandra Center for Health and Wellness | Acupuncture Chicago.
from Calandra Center for Health and Wellness | Acupuncture Chicago http://calandraacupuncture.com/2017/05/acupuncture-much-just-sticking-people-needles/
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calandraacupuncture · 7 years
Alternative Treatment Options for Allergies and Asthma- Using Traditional Chinese Medicine
Did you know that asthma and allergies are closely related? Asthma, which affects roughly one in 12 people according to the CDC, is characterized by spasms of the small airways and inflammation. Furthermore, about 90% of children under the age of 16 with asthma have allergies, while 70% of people between the ages of 16 and 30 have allergies, and 50% of adults over the age of 40 have allergies. These numbers are on the rise.
Many people rush to mask their symptoms with nasal sprays and antihistamines rather than seeking a treatment for the root cause. This may take care of the immediate solution, but may cause other issues in the long run.
Both asthma and allergies (in this case I am going to be referring to inhalant allergens only) involve an overreaction of the body’s immune system to what it believes is a foreign invader. When the body is exposed to an allergen (e.g. ragweed, pet dander, pollen, etc.) the immune system produces an abundance of inflammatory hormones, which subsequently cause the symptoms of allergies and asthma to manifest.
Alternative Treatment Options for Allergies
NAET Allergy Elimination:
Is a non-invasive, drug free, natural solution to eliminate allergies of all types and intensities using a blend of selective energy balancing, testing and treatment procedures from acupuncture/acupressure, and kinesiological disciplines of medicine.  NAET has been shown to be quantifiable through both IgE and IgG testing. Essentially, NAET is able to hit the reboot button on the body so it no longer recognizes items as an allergen.
Acupuncture has also been shown to improve the symptoms for outdoor allergies and asthma. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) involves stimulating the body’s life force (Qi) by placing small, thin needles directly under the skin. When a person’s Qi grows stagnant or experiences other problems, he or she is more susceptible to disease and illness. Therefore, correcting this problem through acupuncture will naturally deter allergies, asthma and other common problems.
Dietary & Lifestyle Changes   The lack of nutrients and increased intake of preservatives can disturb the immune system, causing greater sensitivity to allergens. A better choice is to consume a diet rich in lean meats, fresh fruits, and vegetables. It is important to avoid any known food sensitivities. According to Chinese Medicine items such as dairy, sugar, grains and soy have been known to cause increase phlegm. Which can exasperate any allergy or asthma symptoms. For more food options please visit “Dietary Recommendations for Lung Disorders”.
  Chinese Herbal Medicine herbal medicine is a time-tested alternative treatment for allergies and asthma. Herbs like stinging nettle, ginkgo biloba, green tea, and reichi all contain heavy concentrations of antioxidants. These antioxidants are believed to fight harmful chemicals in the body known as free radicals, which if left unchecked, may irritate existing conditions like allergies and asthma. Now, before you go rushing out to the store to buy these herbs it should be noted that not every herb is conducive to ever person. Please consult your trained herbalist prior to starting any herbal supplements. Your practitioner is trained to also determine the possibility of any herb/drug interactions.
  At Calandra Center for Health and Wellness we offer a number of different modalities that have been shown to help with allergies and asthma. Why suffer? We are conveniently located in Chicago’s South Loop and Arlington Heights Illinois.
Call today to learn how you can get back on track to better health!
  The post Alternative Treatment Options for Allergies and Asthma- Using Traditional Chinese Medicine appeared first on Calandra Center for Health and Wellness | Acupuncture Chicago.
from Calandra Center for Health and Wellness | Acupuncture Chicago http://calandraacupuncture.com/2017/05/alternative-treatment-options-allergies-asthma-using-traditional-chinese-medicine/
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