#nadia x sydney
juliareed · 10 months
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You're in the wind, I'm in the water Nobody's son, nobody's daughter
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sydneybristowvaughn · 13 days
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Sydney should be here soon. I can't wait to spend some time with Isabelle. I'm even looking forward to changing diapers in the middle of the night. – Nadia Santos (Alias, 5.13)
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I thought I'd make a post dedicated to my favorite sapphic ships because I want to.
Nancy and Robin - Stranger Things (non-canon)
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Tamar and Nadia - Shadow and Bone (Canon)
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Dana and Rachel - Mythic Quest (Canon. I think they're still together in the show I haven't seen the newest season yet.)
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Tara and Darcy - Heartstopper (Canon)
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Max and El - Stranger Things (non-canon)
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Anne and Diana - Anne with an E (non-canon)
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Sydney and Dina - I am not okay with this (canon? I don't really remember I need to do another rewatch.)
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Robin and Vickie - Stranger Things (canon I think. I haven't been led to believe otherwise.)
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alias-parody · 1 year
Nadia : Sydney, wake up! Sydney, barely awake : I'm not sleeping, I'm dead. Leave some pretty flowers and get out.
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drewsbuzzcut · 10 months
I really really wanna see a chaotic thanksgiving at the barzal’s. Like it’s baby Sloan’s first thanksgiving and she is the star of the show so AJ and Nolan pull some shenanigans to get the attention. I love love love the series and I hope you never end it!!!
Thanksgiving Shenanigans
mat barzal x model!fem!reader
a visceral in doses fic
warnings: alcohol consumption, a curse word or two, and I think that’s all (ALSO THIS ISNT EDITED SORRY)
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As you’re adding the finishing touches to your outfit, you hear a soft banging and hushed whispers as small footsteps bound up the stairs. Thinking it’s either Nadia or Liana, you dismiss it.
“Look at Miss Sloane, isn’t she beautiful? Just like her mommy,” Mat comes up behind you, Sloane in one arm as his other wraps around you, right under your boobs.
You lean into his chest, turning your head to see Sloane’s beautiful face. She’s dressed in a maroon and cream plaid dress, paired with dark tights and a white, furry vest.
“Oh my goodness! She is so very beautiful. The most gorgeous princess I’ve ever seen,” you coo, gliding your thumb over her cheek.
She coos back, her face scrunching up in delight and you instantly melt. She looks so much like Mat and you love it.
“Mommy!” When you and Mat turn at the sound of Nolan’s voice, both of your eyes widen in shock.
Nolan is standing at the entrance of your walk-in closet, barely holding AJ in his arms with one of the decorations from the dining table clutched in his hands. He has a shy smile on his face while AJ looks anything but pleased with his brother carrying him.
“Oh shit,” Mat blurts out without thinking about all the little ears around him.
“Don’t say that,” you say, moving away from him to pull Angel out of Nolan’s arms.
You bend down so you’re eye level with your oldest.
“Nols, you cannot carry AJ. He’s too heavy for you,” you softly reprimanded.
He looks at you with a pout and part of you feels guilty, but you know you have to right his wrongs. He hands you the fake foliage from your table setup, almost as an apology. You accept it, but you also let him know that she shouldn’t take things from your table because he can get seriously hurt. You don’t even know how he got up to the table without falling off the chair, or doing something else to hurt himself.
“But it’s pretty like you. We wanted to give you a surprise,” he explains, his R’s sounding like W’s.
“And that’s very nice of you and your brother, but I don’t need you guys to get hurt, so please don’t do that anymore. I love you,” you kiss his cheek.
“Love you,” he whispers, his head down as he walks away.
“Y/n, she’s so gorgeous,” Sydney says as she holds Sloane, sitting next to you on the couch.
Some of Mat’s teammates and their families, as well as his parents and sister, are here to have a little thanksgiving celebration. It’s an early one being that they have a roadie the next day. Everyone has just finished eating, and are now relaxing in various spots in your house.
“Thank you! She’s my precious girl. I was so excited for today because I just knew her outfit was going to look so adorable on her,” you exclaim, cheeks starting to hurt from all the smiling.
Right behind the couch, there’s a plotting Nolan, sitting with his little brother right next to him.
“Angel, we’re gonna go ‘RAHHH’ to, Lo,” he whispers to AJ. Lo is what Nolan calls Sloane.
Angel, who doesn’t have a clue about what his big brother is saying, just giggles but it’s enough for Nolan.
You don’t hear what your oldest is saying, just the soft murmurs and Angel’s giggle.
“What’s going on, handsome. What are you and your brother doing?” You are totally unaware of what Nolan is about to do as you look behind the couch.
“Nothing, mommy. Love you,” he says with his cute smile, blowing you a kiss afterwards.
He waits for you to turn around before he drags AJ by his hands, getting him to crawl with him on the floor. They both jump up in front of Sloane and roar like dinosaurs. Well, Angel just copies Nolan’s actions. Sloane jumps in fear, her eyes growing teary and her lips wobbling.
You’re surprised because Nolan is usually really nice and relatively quiet, so you have no idea why he did what he did.
Sloane’s piercing cries startle Mat, so he quickly makes his way over. You’re already attempting to console her in your arms, but her cries don’t seem like they’re going to stop anytime soon.
“What happened?” Mat asks, sitting next to you and rubbing his baby’s back.
“Nolan just scared her and well we all know that AJ loves to copy his big brother,” you inform him.
Mat calls out for Nolan and AJ follows him as well.
“Why did you scare your sister?”
Nolan just stays quiet.
“That was very mean of you, and you know better. You better not do that again,” Mat says, holding onto Nolan in a hug while caressing Angel’s hair.
You sit there, watching them and wondering why Nolan chose today of all days to act mischievous. Although you're continuing to discipline him, you can’t deny that his little expressions of determination are cute. He gets this little furrow in between his eyebrows and his little tongue pokes out from between his lips. He’s exactly like Mat.
The next time you get up to refill your drink, you see a blur of two shirtless boys rush into the living room with Nolan’s mini sticks in hand. Nolan is shouting as AJ tries to be just as loud. You take a few gulps as you watch them in amusement. You don’t think you’ve ever seen Nolan so hyper. You don’t even know when Nolan took off his shirt; you literally just took him to use the restroom. You’re also assuming he took off Angel’s.
When the group of hockey players come back inside- including your husband -they join your sons and start playing together. Nolan starts going crazy, though. He crawls through one of your husband’s teammates legs and then starts climbing up Mat, initiating a fake wrestling match that slightly annoys you. When AJ starts trying to reenact his brother’s moves, you put a stop to their activities.
“Hey, Barzal!” You shout and both Mat and Nolan look at you.
“This isn’t the ice and it sure as heck isn’t the ring, so stop the roughhousing. I don’t need you guys to wake up Sloane,” you chastised.
Nolan wiggles his way back down, running off again with his hands raised in the air. As expected, AJ follows in his footsteps.
You smile, finishing the rest of your wine. You’re going to need it with how lively your sons are- especially because you’re in heels.
“They’re so cute,” Mat whispers in your ear when he pulls you into a hug.
“They’re so hyper today. What did you feed them this morning?” You playfully ask, smacking at his ass to get him to squirm.
“Stop,” he warns you but you continue.
“Your ass is so smack-able, though,” you giggle until he starts tickling you. Now you’re the one squirming.
“Get used to it, it’s only going to get crazier as they get older,” he says, wrapping his arms completely around you.
“I can’t wait,” you say and you mean it.
“As long as we’re a team, we’ll be just fine,” he kisses your lips and you’re reminded that everything is perfect.
It���s not even an hour later that you hear Nolan’s and AJ’s loud giggles and soft hushes. When you go to find them, you see them in the kitchen and they’re both covered in cranberry sauce. They freeze when they notice you staring at them, their little eyes widen in shock. As you’re about to speak Nolan runs off with Angel following right behind him. You throw your head back, silently laughing at their antics. Not wanting a mess all over your floors and furniture, you chase after them. However, they’re good at crawling and moving through small spaces, so you end up losing them.
“Barzy, your two little spawns ran away from me and they’re covered in cranberry sauce,” you say a little out of breath and clinging to Mat.
Mat stifles a laugh but joins you in your search. After your husband almost slips in the kitchen, thanks to the mess left on the floor, Nadia meets you in the foyer with both of the messy boys in her arms.
“I think these little Mats belong to you,” she laughs.
“You’re so right, they are little Mats. This is the most crazy I’ve seen them,” you say, accepting AJ while Mat grabs Nolan.
“Hey! I was a good kid,” your husband defends himself.
You and Nadia bust out in laughter.
“Shit!” Nolan says, a hesitant smile on his face, waiting to see everyone’s reaction.
“It!” Angel copies to his best ability.
Everyone’s eyes widen and you can tell they want to laugh but know they shouldn’t.
“Yeah, definitely Mat’s sons,” Nadia confirms and you agree.
Later that night after your babies are bathed and tucked in, you sit beside Nolan and card through his hair. He’s very calm now, a completely different kid compared to how crazy he was earlier.
“Nols, you were really… active today. What was going on?” You ask softly, kissing his forehead so he knows you’re not upset with him.
“Missed you,” he mutters, eyes turning sad.
“What do you mean, buddy? I’ve been here all day.”
“You were with Lo! And you held her the entire day,” he explains and suddenly it all makes sense. He was trying to get your attention, and now you feel bad because clearly you aren’t meeting his needs.
“I’m sorry, little man. It’s your sister’s first thanksgiving and it’s so special to me, so I got really excited to dress her up. I love you, Nolan. You’re my first baby and no matter what I will always love you. All you have to do is ask for me to hold you, or cuddle you and I will. Do you want kisses?” You soothe him, bringing his body into your arms.
He nods his head and you give him kisses all over his face until he’s laughing. His precious giggles make your chaotic thanksgiving worth it, and even though your boys were being rascals today, you wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. Those are memories that you will look back and laugh at.
a/n: This was very hard for me to write and idk if you can tell, but I hope y’all enjoy! Thanks to whoever requested this cute idea<333
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ussgallifrey · 4 months
(She Moves With) Shameless Wonder | 25
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✦ Summary: Your badge clearly said SHIELD consultant, so you weren’t entirely sure where Fury was getting this whole make you an Avenger idea from. But you had a feeling it might have something to do with the recent discovery of an artifact at the bottom of the Arctic Sea.
✦ Pairing: Steve Rogers x Female Reader
✦ Warnings: Canon divergence, dialogue taken directly from Avengers: Age of Ultron, demisexuality on full display, language, mentions of minor character death, baby can you taste the foreshadowing in this chapter?
✦ Word Count: 5.2k
✦ Playlist: Here
✦ Cinematic Soundtrack: Here
[Master List]
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Tony has absconded your rotary phone and secluded himself in the living room, calling numerous numbers on a list he keeps waving around in his hand as he paces back and forth. You watch him go, catching only a few words of his rapid-fire conversation before you move to join the others at the back of the house.
The three rooms at the rear of the home had once been an office, a ladies��� parlor, and a dining area. You had them all converted to be one large library. While the archways remained in place, separating the three areas, they looked nearly identical. Emerald wallpaper covered the tiny slivers of walls that weren’t obscured by the floor-to-ceiling bookcases.
Clint is sitting on the chaise lounge with his legs kicked up over the powder blue fabric, his head dangles over the edge. Steve is respectfully listening along to whatever Bruce is working on. The doctor had found an old chalkboard of yours and was currently writing down several things with a small stub of white chalk.
Looking to your left, you see the assassin currently perusing the shelves in the first room - where your oldest items were held. While, ordinarily, you wouldn’t want anyone to be anywhere near those books and scrolls, you knew you could trust the redhead with the precious items. 
Wordlessly, you slide past the archer.
Natasha is hunched slightly as she stares at a framed document on the wall.
“Wow, an MA from Cornell?”
Her eyes flicker up as you move to stand beside her. Crossing your arms, you stare at the old degree.
“It’s a good forgery,” she comments. “Did you get Brandon or Nadia to do it?”
Back in your SHIELD agent days, those two were the best when it came to making forged documents: passports, ID cards, certificates, you name it.
But you merely shake your head, chuckling as you lean your weight down onto the edge of the small wooden desk, “No, that one’s legitimate.”
She’s silent for just a moment before she hums, “That makes sense.” And then she’s turning to look at you, snapping a ball of evergreen gum, “How many more you got hiding around here?”
“Oh,” you smile, easing up from your spot. 
Crossing the room, you bend down to pick up a stack of frames, all lying on the carpet beside an olive-green velvet armchair. You flip through them, old memories pulling up to the surface as you view the degrees for the first time in a long while.
“I have nine here,” you say as you hand them over to Natasha, one by one. “University of Sydney, Art Institute of Chicago, Royal College of Arts, University of London, uh… Bedford - that was my first medical degree, Göttingen, Washington University.”
She smiles that secretive little smile of hers as she inspects each one. Holding up the last frame, she states, “This looks pretty old.”
You snort, “Near ancient really. That was… Cronus, 1794? They started allowing women into their lectures just a few years before that. Actually! My oldest one is from Bologna, in Italy. That was…1431?”
Her brows arch, “They gave women degrees in the 15th century?”
“13th. Professoressa Gozzadini was one of the first to graduate and teach at the university. I sat in for a few of her lectures, but law was never really my interest.”
She lets out a low whistle, “Look at you. Probably the most educated out of the group.”
With a shrug, you take back the frames - returning them to their rightful spot in a pile on the floor, “I’m not the one who went to MIT, I don’t have any degrees in engineering or mathematics. I certainly wouldn’t call myself the most educated.”
She reclines back on the desk across from you, “Why did you bother?”
“Pursuit of knowledge, mostly. And, back then, before a government-appointed forgery artist, you had to have an MA to be a museum curator. I mean, once I started working for SHIELD, I had a few made up just to give me access to other places. It tends to raise a few brows when you show up with a degree marked thirty years older than what you look, you know?”
Natasha offers you a gentle laugh.
“I imagine so.”
“So, even though I have fake degrees from Yale, and Harvard, and U of M, and Cambridge, I’ve only ever actually attended about ten universities?”
“More than me. The KGB didn’t really hand out degrees for… my training.”
Your smile fades as you watch the flicker of something distant dance in her green eyes.
While you had checked in on everyone earlier that afternoon, Natasha had been with Clint when you came in. He had assured you that they were both fine then and she had nodded in agreement. But you could tell, there was far more under the surface than she was willing to let see the light of day.
“You doing okay?” you ask, voice hesitant as you move closer to her.
She glances up, back down, and then up again, “Mhmm.”
“Hey,” you draw closer, enough to gently nudge her arm with your elbow. “It’s honestly no one's business, but… if you did want to talk to someone other than Barton about it… I mean, we’re the only two women here and I imagine, even though you guys are friends, it might be harder to talk about some of these things. I don’t know, I’m not great at the whole friend thing these days.”
She snorts, a smile playing on her lips as she looks over at you.
“You’re doing fine, Seven. And you know, me and Clint aren’t just friends. I can tell him pretty much anything and he’ll listen. Even if he’s got his aids out.”
There’s a nod of understanding as you breathe out, “Yeah, I guess you two have been through a lot together. Budapest and all that, right? Hard to shake a friend like that.”
Natasha pauses, dropping a hand to your wrist as she meets your eyes.
“We’re more than friends. I mean, don’t go… talking about it to everyone. But, wow, I thought we were a little more transparent?”
Your line of thinking pauses, resets, and starts moving again before you’re able to get any words out that sound even remotely coherent.
“Oh… you’re… together?”
She nods, offering a little humming sound.
“I did not know that.”
The redhead laughs, “Well, welcome to the party. Everyone else has been pretty… respectful about it actually.”
You shake your head, “No, I honestly had no idea. That whole… realm? That’s kind of beyond me.”
She blinks.
Looking toward the wall of shelves where medieval manuscripts and musty age-worn books reside, you take a steadying breath.
“Romantic relationships. Eros, if you will.”
She lets the words sit for a minute before she says anything further.
“I mean, I didn’t want to perpetuate the virgin goddess stereotype, but…”
“Hey,” you shove her arm. “I got enough of that kind of talk from Sharon. I don’t need you jumping into it too.”
You hum in reply.
It may have only been a year since you last encountered the blonde agent. But your short time on Olympus with the humans had been cemented in your mind for some time now. You could recall the young woman’s words, her inquiries into your… past love life, or lack thereof.
Humans spoke so freely about that topic these days. But… that was not for you. And though you understood their curiosity when it came to you, they had to know that the way you existed was far different than the way they did when it came to love. 
You knew the worlds of agápē and philia. Even storge, philuatia, and xenia. But eros… that had always remained far from your reach, slipping through your fingers like wispy mist. And that was just the way it was; the way it had always been.
The way it would likely remain.
The two of you turn to see Clint resting in the doorway.
  “Whatcha talking about?” he grins.
You and the redhead share a look before simultaneously replying:
Your eyes seek out Natasha’s but she merely winks at you before returning her attention to the archer.
“Right…” he drawls, itching the back of his head for a moment before he continues, ”Stark says he can’t get through to Cho’s lab. He’s trying to get someone on Hill’s team to go look into it, but…” he ends with a vague shrug.
Feeling the pull of the previous conversation fall to the wayside, you blink, “She was working with regenerative tissues, right? Oh, that is so obvious I want to smack myself!”
“Okay?” Clint calls as you breeze past him into the central room of the library.
Steve stands from the lounge as soon as you walk in, moving to stand alongside Banner as you peer over his shoulder at the chalkboard.
“If I was looking to evolve, as an artificial intelligence, why would I need living tissue?”
Bruce nods, juggling the chalk between his hands, “Exactly what I was thinking. Vibranium is more than enough.”
“So, why would you want a humanesque body if you believe you are the superior life form?”
The others circle into the room as the two of you begin to brainstorm.
“Uhm… relatability? You know, a friendly face to the humans you’re trying to protect?”
You shake your head, “No, he’s artificial he can’t care about that. I’d say maybe he’s trying to circumvent the Laws of Robotics in some way, but that seems like a far fetch.”
Steve stands beside Bruce, tilting his head to look down at the current list of theories the doctor had written out.
“Would he be able to convert vibranium to be like a form of skin?” he wonders aloud.
You both let the idea simmer for a moment before reaching the same conclusion.
“Anything’s possible, I suppose,” Bruce admits, looking to you for a differing opinion.
With a nod, you add, “And if anyone could accomplish that, it would be Helen. Her work in the field is above anything else to date.”
“Bet she wouldn’t be doing it willingly,” Natasha points out as she browses through your literary collection.
The supersoldier lets out a breath, realization dawning, “That’s why he needed the scepter.”
“And a million distractions,” Clint huffs.
As the idea rests upon your consciousness, Tony finally makes an appearance. Surveying the gloomy atmosphere, he whistles.
“Wow, brainstorming without me. So… got in touch with my contacts at Nexus. Looks like we were right, someone’s been scrambling the launch codes. Faster than Ultron can figure them out, I might add.”
Natasha perks up, “We have an ally?”
You offer her a look, “Ultron has an enemy. We can’t assume that’s the same thing as an ally. All things considered.”
Your eyes land on Steve and he seems to give a small nod, agreeing with your sentiment.
“So,” Tony begins. “I think I want to head to Oslo, see what’s what.”
Steve crosses his arms, “And Dr. Cho?”
“I think we can safely assume we dropped the ball there as well,” the billionaire gestures a small explosion with his hands.
The supersoldier’s eyes harden.
“We’re not abandoning her.”
“Is that what I said?” Tony clips, squinting at Steve as he moves to cross the room.
Natasha knocks her head back against the bookshelves, “What happened to not splitting up?”
Tony turns to look at her, “What are we? The Mystery Gang? Zoinks, Scoob, let’s go fetch the metal man.”
“Hey, look,” Clint moves to stand between the two men. “No offense, but as someone who’s been on the other side of that damn scepter, I wish I had someone running to come undo it.”
Beside you, Bruce tugs off his glasses and gives a slight sigh.
Observing the room, watching the team begin to tear themselves apart once again in the span of a single evening, you finally step forward.
“If you - ” you address Tony, “ - head to Oslo and track down this entity or person or whatever, the rest of us can go to Helen and figure out what exactly Ultron might have needed from her.”
“Or, we can trust that Hill and her agents have it in hand and we figure out where the bastard is hiding out,” Tony suggests with a knowing smile.
Before you can even ask why he would consider that option, your landline begins ringing its shrill bell tone. You stare at the billionaire for a moment more before you push your way out of the room to answer the call.
“Hello?” you ask into the receiver.
“It’s Hill,” comes the instant reply. “Stark was right. I’ve got people at the labs right now and she’s still coming out of it. It sounds like Ultron made out with something of hers - hell if I know what, right now. Give me some time and we’ll get an answer out of her. She’s… pretty shaken.”
“But unharmed?” you question, glancing back as you notice someone coming down the hall.
“Luckily, yes.”
There’s a beat of silent static, but you sense there is something more she wants to say.
“What is it?”
“We… uhm, we intercepted an image before it was broadcast to every major news network.”
Tony’s, surprisingly, the one standing beside you. His eyes are wide and imploring, but you merely wave your hand at him.
“What was the picture?”
“Strucker. Dead.”
“His usefulness ran out,” you surmise.
“Pretty graphic stuff, honestly. But we’re keeping it from the airways for now, so.”
It made sense, of course. For the perfect peacekeeper to remove a threat once it was no longer helpful to him.
“Any idea on the location?”
“Funny you should ask,” she says. “It was taken in the mutants’ cells, back at his hideout.”
Now that, was interesting.
“Okay,” you sigh, rubbing your forehead as you glance back over at the billionaire. “Well, I’m going to hand you back to Tony before he forcefully rips this out of my hand.”
Before you can even hear her reply, Tony does in fact take the receiver out of your hand.
“Talk to me,” he says, offering you a wink as you shake your head before he dips into the living room to continue the call.
When you walk back to the library where the others are still conversing, Steve looks toward you with a questioning look.
“Well, I hate to say it,” you huff. “But Stark was right. She’s in good hands right now and yes, she’ll be fine. We might have a location though, for Ultron.”
Bruce’s eyes brighten as he looks over at you, “Where?”
You offer them all a tight smile.
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The house is bathed in the hushed tones of evening. The halls are painted with the cool hues of starlight and the feint ambiance of a lone lamp in the library. 
After Maria’s revelation, the team had a quick conversation before it was admitted that they would need at least a few hours of sleep before anyone was in any condition to go anywhere near a robot hell-bent on your collective destruction. So, you bid goodnight to Clint and Natasha - now understanding why the two were sharing a room. As well as Bruce, who was guided up to a room on the third floor.
Tony was determined to head to Oslo as soon as humanly possible. He had taken his suit and decided to fly to the internet hub after his last call with Hill.
That only left…
“Are you just incapable of sleeping?” you ponder as you lean against the wooden archway of the library’s main entrance.
Steve blinks up at you before offering a tired smile, “To be fair, I’m not sure if I could sleep even if I wanted to right now.”
He’s sitting on the blue lounge with a book in his lap. A black-bound story with lettering so faded on the cover you’re not immediately sure which book it is. You take a few steps into the room before you drop down beside him on the chaise.
“From fear of our possible demise or… from that vision?” you ask, tone soft as you begin to tread difficult waters.
The supersoldier’s mouth gapes before he snaps the book closed.
Ah, Treasure Island.
“Little of both?” he answers honestly.
You give him a nod before taking a breath for yourself.
“Do you, uhm, want to talk… about it?”
He looks at you before he drops his gaze to his hands. His silence makes you think you’ve waded out too far into the unknown, but after another stretch of quiet, he says:
“I saw my Ma, actually.”
With a nod, he places the book on the end table beside the lounge. Leaning against the back of the chaise, he entwines his hands into a fist in between his legs. His eyes are locked on the ceiling.
“Everything before that was… hell,” at that, he glances over at you, before almost immediately pulling his gaze away. “And then… I saw her. She looked just like she did before…” he gives a sigh.
“It didn’t feel like the beginning of the vision. That felt like I was completely at the mercy of the nightmare. This part, with her, it was… I don’t know, different.”
Your hand finds purchase on his right forearm, silently imploring him to continue.
“She verbally snapped me out of it, I guess you could say.”
“Must be one powerful woman,” you comment with a small smile.
Steve’s left hand rests comfortably over your own, his thumb rubs at the area just above your wrist. You find yourself leaning into his side, your head coming to rest on his shoulder.
“She was.”
And then, he gives a warm chuckle.
“She, uh, actually used to read me this,” his hand lifts from yours to gently pat the book on the table beside him.
“Oh, such a classic,” you smile.
You can feel him nod, “Honestly got me thinking I was going to grow up to be a pirate one day.”
Pulling back, you fix him with an incredulous expression, “You? Seriously?”
He grins, “What, can’t see it?”
“The rule-breaking and lawlessness? Oh, absolutely. Pillaging and treasure-taking, not so much. You don’t seem the type.”
Steve gives a low-belly laugh.
“I’ll concede to that.”
“Though, now that I think about it,” you pull away just to appraise him. “Captain Rogers does have a certain ring to it if we’re dealing in the realm of piracy.”
He shakes his head, looking down at the book for a long, quiet moment.
“God,” he says. “I don’t think I’ve read this since I was a kid, actually.”
“You want it?”
His head whips back to look at you, an immediate shake of dismissal, “Nah. No, Athena, it’s yours. And it looks, truth be told, older than even me.”
“Well, that’s not much, considering,” you schmooze.
Pushing up from the chaise lounge, you swipe up the book for yourself. The raised leather feels familiar in your hand as you trace your index finger over the embossed green letters.
“It’s a signed copy, you know.”
You flip open the front cover to reveal the signature.
He blinks.
“You’re shitting me.”
“No,” you laugh, collapsing back on the lounge next to him with your legs tucked in under you. Shoving the book in his direction, you point to the dedication.
To Minnie, Wishing you a wonderful adventure. - Robert Louis Stevenson
“I was his nurse for about three months in 1884. Real sweet guy once you got him relaxed and comfortable. I think I have his copy of Jekyll and Hyde around here somewhere…”
Steve’s still staring at the words written in ink, so you carefully deposit the book into his lap. You lean back onto the opposite end of the lounge, waiting for him to say something.
“Minnie?” is the only thing that comes out of his mouth, however.
“Oh, yeah. That.” Rubbing at your arm, you look toward the shelf of books across from you. “Athena’s not too common of a name for most of history. I ended up going by the name the Romans gave me: Minerva. Minerva Polias; Minnie, for short.”
He nods, still a little transfixed.
“Do you still go by that, or…?”
You drop a hand on his arm and he immediately turns his attention toward you with wide blue eyes.
“Steve. Please. Never call me Minnie. I gave you my real name three years ago with the intention that you would use it. There’s no need for aliases between friends.”
He lets out a small breath as a sweet smile comes to his lips.
“Good,” he settles on. “Almost had me worried for a minute there.”
“Hey,” you bump his shoulder with your own. “Can I convince you to try and get some sleep? It’s almost two in the morning and I’d like you to be in top condition if you’re throwing that shield around tomorrow. Don’t need to have you taking off Clint’s head.”
“I wouldn’t - ” he starts to say, but the look on your face settles him. “Okay, fine. You too though.”
“Me too what?” you question with a tilt of your head.
“Sleep. You have to sleep sometime, I’m sure of it.”
With a shrug, you stand from the couch and offer him your hands, “If it’ll get you to try, I’ll do it.”
Steve chuckles, setting the book back down on the table before he pulls the drawstring on the lamp, pulling you both down into the heavy darkness of night.
“Guess it’ll have to,” he says, voice low as the embers of light fade away.
His hands slip into yours and you don’t really have to pull him up, but he allows your fingers to stay entwined all the same. Up the stairs you go, walking slowly to avoid the creaking steps, a hand still held in his.
On the third floor, you can hear the very gentle breaths of Bruce’s snoring from down the hallway. In the sliver of moonlight drifting through the stairwell’s window, you can make out Steve’s features. They’re chiseled like Grecian marble, his eyes are ablaze with the lonely dots of shimmering starlight.
You stop outside of his room, your hand slipping free from his hold.
“It’s a deal then?” you ask in a hushed tone. “You’ll try and sleep if I do the same?”
He nods as he looks down at you. His hands are shoved into his jean pockets.
“Can’t make any promises,” he admits with something somber in his words.
Unable to help yourself, you reach out your hand to cup his cheek. His skin is warm under your touch and you can feel him dip his head down into your palm. Dark eyelashes flutter closed.
You offer the supersoldier a sad smile.
With everything that had happened today and everything that was still to come, it would surprise you if Steve was able to even drift into a light sleep, let alone keep his thoughts at bay long enough to fall asleep.
You’re a little surprised when the man in front of you turns his head ever so slightly. His lips gently press against your open palm before his eyes blink open to look down at your surprised face.
“Get some sleep, Rogers,” you murmur, letting your hand drift back to your side, feeling a ball of tension building in your stomach. “I’m just across the hall.”
His eyes lift from your face to peer at the door directly behind you. A small smile appears on his lips.
Without another word, but several long looks, Steve goes into his guest room and you move across the hall to the room you had long ago claimed as yours. Your door clicks closed first, followed a moment later by the sound of his.
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You do not sleep that night.
Your mind is a labyrinth of thoughts, and plans, and ideas that may or may not come to pass. Working through imaginary strategies well into the morning light. You do not feel the draw of exhaustion that you imagine your mortal friends do.
So, as the glimmer of orange and magenta light drifts over the horizon, you take hold of your pendant - still resting comfortably, if not heavily, against your bosom. You offer a silent prayer to whoever wishes to listen before you begin gathering your things.
Coffee is running in the pot for the others, though you have no real food to offer them. You knew Clint and Steve kept a well-stocked snack pouch in their go-bags; mostly granola bars and the like. But it would have to be enough for today.
The others emerge at their own pace, starting with Bruce and then Natasha. Followed by Clint and eventually Steve. The plan had been made the night before, when all six of you were still present, that no matter what, the five of you would leave on the quinjet this morning - regardless if Tony got into contact or not.
Which, he did, sometime just around 6:30.
“I found our ally. Had to pick up the pieces and reassemble him back together.”
“JARVIS?” someone had asked.
“He didn’t even know he was in there, that he was fighting back Ultron. He was still following protocols from within.”
“So, what’s the plan?”
“Still working on that,” he had said.
After placing the last coffee mug onto the drying rack, you take one final look around the house. It would be some time until you returned, you were sure of it.
Pallas is perched on the porch rails when you finally close the front door.
“Hey,” you coo with a soft sigh. “It’s gonna be a while till we see each other. I want you to head back home and stay there. Where we’re going is going be no place for you, bud.”
He bites your finger for good measure before he ruffles out his feathers and soars up into the early morning sky. Celestial blue starlight drifts behind him like a fluttering veil before he pops out of existence.
Steve’s waiting for you at the ramp, already dressed in his uniform - free of his helmet and shield for the time being.
“Once we’re twenty miles clear, we’ll open up the channels again,” Clint says, already behind the controls.
Tony had said there was a bag full of intel that Hill was waiting to tell you all. Settling into the seats behind Clint, you watch as the house grows smaller and smaller, and eventually, gives way to a projection of a forest canopy. And then you’re zipping across the landscape, ascending into the cloud coverage.
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Only ten minutes out and they get their call from Hill. Steve watches as you begin to pace the length of the jet.
Right now, you were still down two players. Tony was wrapping things up in Oslo and Thor was still… nowhere to be found.
The public’s understanding of the entire situation was about as bad as it could be. Marking the team as the true villains of the day with endless coverage looping clips of the Hulk destroying Johannesburg and the two Gods going blow to blow in a debris-ridden New York street.
There were countless interviews with eyewitnesses and civilians who had been in the crossfire who praised the help they received from the Ultron bots. There was no mention of you or Sam in London, or Tony’s efforts to aid the people in South Africa.
For all the world knew right now, Ultron was their promised savior.
“What else?” you had asked, voice clipped as your head lay heavy in your palm.
Hill reported CCTV footage of the mutants in multiple locations across Sokovia’s capital city - seemingly hiding in alleyways and shadowy areas. As if trying to avoid detection.
“They flip sides?” Clint had questioned with a note of hope in his voice.
“Unknown,” was all Maria could offer you.
At least they had an answer for what Ultron had been seeking from Dr. Cho. For better or worse.
“A living body?”
“Well, that’s fucking terrifying.”
While they had been split across two continents, fighting mindless battles, Ultron had entered South Korea, otherwise undetected. He had used the scepter on not only Helen Cho but her entire team. Her precious cradle had been corrupted for his nefarious means.
She reported that the mutants, Pietro and Wanda she recalled, had left quite suddenly. And that it had been the girl who released Helen from her forced state. Ultron had escaped with the cradle right after. Helen and her team had been left completely unharmed.
As they crossed the Atlantic, only more questions lay heavy in the air. Multiple unknowns for what they might be walking into. While everyone appeared for all the world to be ready to face whatever lay ahead, Steve knew that appearances could be deceiving.
Just getting the wings fixed, Sam had texted him. Give me some coordinates and I’ll be there.
Steve had shown you the message, noticing a look of relief drifting across your features. He had almost forgotten how close of a call it had been at the Tower, thanks to everything else going on at the time. Between his own nightmarish memories and his need to get you and the God of Thunder away from each other before the city was destroyed any further.
“Only the Abomination could destroy something made out of Adamantine,” you had said with a slight shake of your head.
But as they draw closer to the country, Steve can feel the physical tension hanging in the air. So, when Clint calls out an ETA, the supersoldier stands up to address the team. If not to quell the anxiety in them, then perhaps to help with his own.
“Ultron likely knows we’re coming,” he starts, letting his hand fall onto the back of your chair. “Odds are we’ll be riding into heavy fire. And that’s what we signed up for. But the people of Sokovia, they didn’t. So, our priority is getting them out. We find the cradle and we clear the field. Keep the fight between us.”
He pauses for a moment, collecting his thoughts.
“Ultron… he thinks we’re monsters. That we’re what’s wrong with the world. It’s not just about beating him. It’s about whether he’s right.”
His eyes drift over to your face.
They all had been rattled by Bruce’s confession last night. And that, perhaps, was the most terrifying part of it all. He completely understood where the doctor was coming from. They were a rag-tail group of people from supremely different backgrounds who were supposed to be the elite protective force for the entire Earth.
And yet, there they were arguing over dinner, in a helicarrier with a scepter three feet away, in the middle of Manhattan.
Steve wouldn’t deny the fact that the team wasn’t perfect.
But the fact that Ultron propped himself up as the better option. An inhuman supercomputer who could decide the fate of everyone on the planet. No, even with all their imperfections, the Avengers Initiative was the best - the only - true option out there.
You nod, darkened eyes meeting Steve’s. And then a smile twitches at the corner of your lips.
“I’m still not ghostwriting your speeches,” you mouth.
Steve looks down with a chuckle before he grips your shoulder. Staring out the window, he watches as the distant stretch of land peeks past the waves of rolling blue ocean.
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gorgeys · 1 year
Who I Write For
Maddy Perez
Cassie Howard
Lexi Howard
Rue Bennett
Jules Vaughn
Kat Hernandez
The Boys
Queen Maeve
Starlight/Annie January
Victoria Neuman
(seasons 1-3)
Scream 5-6
Sam Carpenter
Tara Carpenter
Mindy Meeks-Martin
Quinn Bailey
Jennifer’s Body
Jennifer Check
D.C. Universe
Harley Quinn
Selina Kyle/Catwoman
Pamela Isley/Poison Ivy
Diana Prince/Wonder Woman
Lena Luthor
Carla Roson
Nadia Shanaa
Rebeka Parrilla
Lucrecia Montesinos
Cayetana Grajera
La Casa de Papel/Money Heist
Wolf of Wall Street
Naomi Lapaglia
The Hunger Games
Katniss Everdeen
The Fall of the House of Usher
Camille L'espanye
Tamerlane Usher
Madeline Usher
Basically all the Barbies
Killing Eve
Eve Polastri
Santana Lopez
Quinn Fabray
Brittany S. Pierce
Mercedes Jones
Tina Cohen-Chang
Kitty Wilde
Marley Rose
Sex Education
Maeve Wiley
Olivia Hanan
Ruby Matthews
Aimee Gibbs
Emilia Alo
Andi Agosti
Jana Cohen
Dare Me
Addy Hanlon
Beth Cassidy
Collette French
Cher Horowitz
Dionne Davenport
Sarah Cameron
Kiara Carrera
Little Mix
Alexa Demie
Sydney Sweeney
Margot Robbie
Madison Beer
Dua Lipa
Megan Thee Stallion
Megan Fox
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tilthedayidice · 3 years
Name Palettes:
This is a list of names I've completed or are currently sitting in my ask box waiting for me to complete them! I've put them in alphabetical order so they're easier to find!
Please keep in mind that some names have both "masculine" and "feminine" versions and will have the same definitions.
Aarasha, Adastra, Adriana, Agni, Aisha, Alannah, Aleah, Alexandria, Alexis, Amanda, Amaris, Ambrose, Amelia, Angie, Annie, Ant, Apollo, Archer, Ari, Ariana, Ariel, Ashley, Aura, Avalon, Avery
Belinda, Bianca, Birgit, Bo, Breanna, Brittnay, Bryana
Caleb, Calliope, Calvin, Candy, Carakyn, Carly, Casanova, Cassandra, Cepheus, Chandler, Charolette, Claire, Cohen, Corynne,
Damien, Darby, Deanna, Dustin,
Edith, Ela, Elior, Elisabeth, Elliot, Elyan, Emily, Emrys, Espen, Evie
Finnigan, Fira, Flavia, Fletcher
Gaeylin, Gams, Gordon, Gracie, Griffin, Gwilym,
Hannah, Hex,
Icarus, Inga, Isaac, Isabel, Iska,
Jacquetta, Jackalope, Jade, Jana, Janus, Jasmine, Jasper,, Jeffery, Jordan, Julia, Justin,
Katarina, Katjia ,Kathryn, Katya, Kieran, Krista, Kymberly,
Lacey, Lane, Laura, Leander, Leo, Levi, Lew, Libby, Lilianna, Lilly, Liora, Logan, Luna, Lynn
Madelyn, Madison, Mallory, Marina, Maris, Marjolijm, Mars, Mercy, Mes, Micah, Mikaela, Miles, Mitchell, Molly, Morven
Nadia, Naosie, Neko, Nicola,
Peregrine, Pie, Puck,
Ray, Ratatoskr, Rebbeca, Reese, Rene, Rhys, Richard, Rio, Rose, Rowan, Ruben, Ryan,
Sabrina, Samantha, Saorise, Sarah, Seanus, Sean, Selen, Seph, Shiki, Sid, Sigrun, Silas, Siobhan, Soni, Spade, Steph, Sydney,
Tabith, Taylor, Tessa, Theo, Tiernan, Tim, Tine, Toby,
Valen, Valentine, Vene, Vexikos, Vinsar, Vitoria, Vivianne, Vos,
Wolfgang, Wyatt,
Zadkiel, Zephyr, Zoe,
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destinyc1020 · 3 years
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What on EARTH are you talking about ANON??  🥴
You must be confusing me with another blog girl.  🙄
I never even started blogging about Tomdaya until August 2020.  You can even go and check my blogging history PRIOR to August 2020 and see that I wasn’t really blogging much about Tomdaya or answering a bunch of asks in general prior to August 2020. 
In addition to that, while I LOVED Tom and Z together the first time, I NEVER went on Jacdaya blogs or other shipping blogs and  crammed Tomdaya down anyone’s throats, nor did I ever send in anonymous asks into other blogs shipping Tomdaya.... And I certainly NEVER did that LONG after they split up!  That’s CRAZY-making behavior!😒
I didn’t even talk badly about their other relationships or post negative stuff about them on my blog!  EVER!!! 
In fact, I even reblogged and commented THIS about Tadia back when Tom and N went “public”!!  
I sometimes reblogged stuff like this:  
But even after Tom and Z broke up, I was NEVER delusional about them no longer being together.  I ACCEPTED it, and MOVED ON.  
You can even check my archives and reblogs during the time that Tom and Nadia were dating, or even when the TomdayApocalypse happened in July 2019!  You can even check my archives and reblogs back when Z was spotted with JE in NYC back in Feb 2020!  I have NEVER posted anything negative about their SO’s while they were dating them.  NEVER.  And I never crammed Tomdaya down anyone’s throat after they broke up either.  
So you are HIGHLY mistaken and are definitely getting your facts mixed up completely.  
By the way, I don’t care if people want to playfully ship Hunterdaya, or Johndaya, or even Tom w/Jake, or  Tom and Ciara or whatever.  But when you all repeatedly come into my inbox trying to paint Tom as a CHEATER, try to link him with women like O and N who he has CLEARLY moved on from AGES ago, and try to link Tom with any RANDOM woman who he breathes within 2 feet with, you all are the ones being highly disrespectful.  Especially when Tom has a gf.  
Even when I didn’t really care for the Jacdaya relationship, I simply accepted it, and allowed things to unfold the way they were destined to unfold.   
It’s YOU TROLLS & ANTIS that make it your full-time job to come on Tomdaya blogs and harass them to no end with your silly nonsense because YOU all (for whatever reason🙄) can’t accept that Tom is dating Zendaya and HAS dated her for years in the past.  YOU all are the ones who are so toxic and bitter that you have to cram all sorts of other girls down our throats to link Tom with (ie. Sydney, Olivia, Nadia, Sophia, Ciara, [insert model x, y, z here], spider emoji girl, RANDOM girls in London, etc) because for some reason, it bothers and TRIGGERS you all SO MUCH that Tom is with Zendaya and LOVES Zendaya!  You all are the ones who are seriously unhinged.  😒
You are such a LIAR Anon! 😤 Why are you blatantly lying??
I can’t believe you have the audacity to try to come here on my blog and make blatant LIES about me AND my blog! 🙄
Get your nonsense out of my blog. 😤
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juliareed · 1 year
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Nadia, Nadia, it’s me. It’s Sydney. I don’t want to hurt you.
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sydneybristowvaughn · 27 days
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What is this, the flirting corner? 2.13 We're just flirting here if you don't mind. 4.07
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I love stories where it’s someone close to the main character who ends up being their villain, sadly: a friend, parent, sibling, or lover. It just brings so much more to the story and makes you care.
Final Fantasy X had the parent thing with Tidus and Jecht, as did Alias with Sydney and Irina, which is probably part of the reason I love both so much. Alias was also setting up a sibling betrayal with Sydney and Nadia (sisters) because of a prophecy though I’m actually glad it never got there. Or I hope that Sydney and Nadia could have risen above that destiny, like they wanted to.
Dark Angel was starting to do a “sibling” enemies thing with Max and Ames. Edit: And in the first season, her enemy, Lydecker, was essentially her father (and she saw him that way, even though she didn’t want to), so we also had tension there.
And Buffy the Vampire Slayer after season one... did most of these things, which is why it’s so amazing and so renowned. And why you really feel for Buffy and her battles, and they actually mean something.
I feel like there are quite a few examples of the friend thing. Clark and Lex in Smallville start out friends and become enemies. And then in Death Note, Light and L start off enemies and stay that way... but as they work together, the audience (and they, to an extent) get this sense that if they weren’t so stuck to their ideals, and if things had been different, they would have been friends, and it’s sad. And there are plenty other friend ones, of course (like a lot that I’m surely forgetting). The most famous probably being Caesar and Brutus, Jesus and Judas, etc. Edit: Shanna, how could you forget your favorite fandom of all? Kingdom Hearts with Sora and Riku in the first game, of course! And Neku and Joshua in the The World Ends With You.
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alias-parody · 3 years
Jack : So, um... I'm in love with her. Irina.
Sydney, incredulously : Irina? You mean my mom? Ex-KGB agent. That Irina?
Jack : Yeah. Thoughts?
Nadia : And prayers
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tessasocs · 4 years
wbw for annika?
full name: Annika Jacqueline Sloane
gender: female
sexuality: demisexual
pronouns: she/her
family: Arvin Sloane (father), Irina Derevko (mother), Jack Bristow (REDACTED), Sydney Bristow (sister), Nadia Santos (sister), Katya Derevko (Aunt), Elena Derevko (Aunt), Emily Sloane (step-mother), Jacqueline Sloane (sister, deceased)
birthplace: Bulgaria
job: SD-6 agent (formerly), CIA Agent (currently)
phobias: Drowning, Spiders, Torture
guilty pleasures: 2000s pop, Cinnamon Rolls
morality alignment?: Neutral Good
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
close minded/open-minded:
otp: Annika x Will Tippin
ot3: Annika x Will x Sydney (platonic!!!)
brotp: Annika x Sydney, Annika x Weiss, Annika x Nadia, Annika x Irina, Annika x Jack
notp: Annika x Sloane, Annika x Vaughn, Annika x Sark
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sofrpc · 6 years
in honor of returning to the rpc, i have created a masterlist of 400 unique and underused female names ! these are all listed in alphabetical order, and although i dont claim any of these as my own, please don’t copy and paste straight into another masterlist. feel free to use the names in any way you like, i hope this gives you muse for your characters (my faves are bolded) — also smash that like or reblog if you found this useful, thank you !
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aliyah, acacia, adabelle, adair, adelie, adelina, adley, adrienne, ainsley, alana, alaska, alessia, alfie, allora, amanita, amara, ambrosia, amelie, ambrosia, analia, anastasia, andrea, aneka, angelica, ana-marie, ana-sofia, anthea, ariel, arielle, arizona, asteria, astrid, atlanta, auburn, audrey, aurelia, aurora, autumn, avalee, avanelle, avery, aviana, axa
baila, bailey, baize, bambi, bardot, barry, beatrix, bee, benilde, bethia, beverly, bexley, billie, bindi, birdie, blake, blanche, blaze, blossom, blue, bonita, bonnie, braelyn, brielle, brinley, brinx, brona, bronte, brooke, bryce
cailin, calla, camila, camille, carmen, catalina, cecilia, celine, celestia, chanel, chantelle, chelsea, cheryl, claire, clara, claudia, clea, cleo, colette, corine, courtney, cynthia
dahlia, dakota, darlene, darodah, dawn, deidra, delaney, delilah, denise, desiree, destiny, dinah, dove, dylan
eden, effie, eileen, eiza, electra, elena, elise, ellie, elodie, eloise, elora, ember, emerson, esme, estelle, evelyn, evolee
farah, farren, faye, felicity, fern, finley, fleur, florence, frankie, freya, frieda
gaia, galiena, genie, gia, gianna, gigi, gisela, giselle, genesis, grecia, greer, greta, gwendolyn
hadlee, harlow, harlee, harlyn, harper, hayden, hazel, helena, heidi, holland
ida, ileana, imogen, indianna, indie, inessa, ingrid, inna, iris, irene, isabel, isadora, isla, ivana, ivory, ivy
jacinta, jadelyn, jamie, jamilla, jaylah, jenna, jersey, jocelyn, jodie, jolene, jordyn, juliana, july, juniper, juno
kaia, kalina, kalani, karina, katherine, kaya, kaylee, keegan, kelby, kelsey, kendall, kendra, kenna, kiara, kimberly, kinsley, kristina, kyra
lara, laurel, layla, leia, leighton, leilani, lena, lesley, leona, leticia, liberty, liliane, lilo, loraine, lorelei, lori, london, lorena, lucia, luisa, lumi, luna, lynn
maeve, maize, malia, marcella, mariana, marissa, margot, marisol, marjorie, marlene, matilde, mavis, mazikeen, melodie, merlia, micah, mikaela, mila, milena, miriam, mirielle, mona, myrsina
nadia, nadine, naomi, naressa, nathalia, naya, neila, neo, nicola, nikita, noelle, nora, nova, nur, nyla, nyx
octavia, odelia, odina, olena, olita, olive, olivia, olympia, opal, ophelia, oriana, orion, orla, orlena
paige, paislee, pandora, pearle, penelope, pepper, perrie, petra, peyton, phoebe, pilar, pip, piper, pippa, priscilla, priya, prudence
queenie, quella, quinn, quinta
raffa, rana, raven, regina, remi, rhea, rhiannon, river, robin, rome, rosabelle, rosalie, rosalyn, rosette, rowan
sable, sadie, sage, sahar, salem, samira, saoirse, saskia, savannah, scout, selina, serafin, seraphina, shani, shenae, sia, siobhan, sloane, solene, solstice, sonya, summer, suri, sydney, sylvia
tamara, tana, tasmin, tasha, tatiana, teagan, tessa, thalia, thea, tilda, toni, tove, tricia, trixie, tuesday
udelle, ulani, uri, urma, ursa
valerie, valentina, valentine, venus, vera, verona, vivian
weslyn, whitney, willa, willow, winnie, wynona, wynter
xahlia, xana, xandra, xanthi, xena, xylia
yara, yasmine, yana, yani, ysabel, yvette, yvonne
zada, zahara, zara, zariah, zaylee, zeina, zelda, zelena, zeriah, zoelle, zuri
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judgmental-eyebrows · 4 years
Just looked through your tags for something new, and... Hm. Sydney x Vaughn and pirates AU or royalty AU?
Thank you this is FUN. I’d say a royalty au for them. All that Bristow Family Drama? Gotta be royalty! As for my summary... hmm:
“Regime change and power plays are seen as normal in the land of Aypeo (get it? APO? no...?). The Bristow family is a dynasty that’s shrouded in mystery and betrayal. The oldest daughter, Sydney, is quite happy with her role as advisor to her father King Jack and head of the royal guards. While no longer officially queen, her mother Irina comes and goes from the castle at will while Sydney’s half sister Nadia has a special skill for diplomatic negotiations. Nadia’s biological father is King Arvin of the neighboring kingdom of Esdesix (SD-6) and has been planning a takeover for years. When Sydney uncovers his plot, she takes matters into her own hands: She plans to assassinate her sister’s father, her father’s old friend... the rival king. As she leaves the castle in the dead of night, she runs across an intruder from the very same kingdom she’s going to. He says his name is Michael Vaughn and he is seeking amnesty. He was married to a skilled assassin named Lauren, who told him of the king’s plot to overthrow King Jack. He’s come to warn Sydney’s family: Vaughn’s code of honor demands in. No one should be taken down in such an underhanded way. Vaughn is quickly welcomed into the Bristow family, but secrets still abound: Was Lauren the only tool in Arvin’s arsenal? Will he come for Nadia? And what about the draw that Sydney feels for Vaughn? She’s next in line for the throne... can she allow herself to fall in love with a commoner?”
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