#nadia fares
klarence4 · 2 years
Ce sera le 8 Mars sur France 2, la série qui denonce le harcèlement de rue.
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tinyreviews · 2 years
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The main issue, beside the ridiculous ending, is we care nothing for any of the characters.
On the Line is a 2022 thriller film directed by Romuald Boulanger and starring Mel Gibson, with Kevin Dillon, Enrique Arce, William Moseley, and Nadia Farès.
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thelivingdeceased · 6 months
hozier unheard ep changed my life guys
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romanticrota · 2 years
"Le cose veramente belle di questo mondo ti spettinano: viaggiare, volare, correre, tuffarsi in mare, fare l'amore, ridere a crepapelle. Perciò, se non si vuole perdere la bellezza, bisogna lasciare che la vita ci spettini".
-Nadia Toffa-
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stinkrascal · 2 months
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Yakov: Hurry, thrall, before my cup runs dry. Thrall: Yes, master.
Yakov: And didn't I tell you to bring some bottles for the table? Thrall: Of course, sir.
Nadia: A thrall who doesn't listen? [ chuckles ] Reminds me of someone.
Helena: Y'all are too harsh on 'em. Nadia: You are too lenient, darling.
Helena: You keep on breaking their bodies, pretty soon you won't have anyone left. Yakov: No matter. If its body breaks, I'll find a new body.
Yakov: Stop skulking. Come here. Breanna: ... Yakov: I'm speaking to you, girl. Breanna: Huh? Who? Me?
Yakov: I've never seen you before. Breanna: I'm... new. Yakov: Who are you? Breanna: Uh, Breanna. And you are? Yakov: I'm the one asking questions. Breanna: Well that's rude.
Helena: Don't be nasty. At least she got the memo to wear white. [ giggling ] His name is Yakov, and I'm Helena. We belong to headmaster Nadia's coven. Breanna, is it?
Yakov: Do not speak to the fledgling like we are equals. Nadia: Calm yourself. I know this one.
Nadia: You're Vladislaus's new spawn. I can tell. Breanna: You know Vlad? Nadia: [ giggles ] I must admit, you're exactly as I imagined you'd be. Breanna: What's that supposed to mean? Nadia: Oh, nothing.
Yakov: Ah, I see. So you are the pet's pet. Truthfully, I don't care who you are.
Yakov: You aren't welcome here. Leave, now—
Yakov: Ah... but you are such a cute little thing, aren't you?
Breanna: Huh? Yakov: Hurry, thrall. Bring the girl a bottle.
Yakov: Pretty girls deserve to drink only the finest wine. Isn't that right? Breanna: Shit, I won't argue with that. So what are we celebrating anyways?
Yakov: Go on, tell her your good news. Helena: ...I'm leading a hunt soon— Yakov: Soon, she will be the one who leads the hunt! Is it not delightful?
Breanna: Hell yeah man, that's delightful as fuck. Yakov: Please, you must join us. Nadia: An astute idea, Yakov. I agree. I'm eager to see how you fare.
Nadia: Perhaps you can teach Helena a thing or two.
Vladislaus: You are drunk if you believe I would allow such a thing.
Vladislaus: She has no business leaving the Hollow. Breanna: But I wanna go with them.
Vladislaus: It seems my mentor has corrupted your poor mind already. How unfortunate.
Nadia: You are so surly, my darling. Won't you join us for a drink? Vladislaus: No, we should leave. There is still much training to do. Nadia: You will attend the gala, won't you?
Vladislaus: If I must. Nadia: Good. You have no choice. Why don't you bring your little spawnling with you? Vladislaus: ...That is a great idea, headmaster.
Breanna: You know, you could ask first. Vladislaus: Come, Breanna. Let us be on our way. Breanna: [ sighs ] You really don't listen, huh?
Breanna: Bye y'all, I had a lot of fun!
Breanna: Thanks for the free wine! 💖
Yakov: [ groaning ] Ugh—that little bitch was in my head! Helena: Should we go after her?
Nadia: No. Leave her. I question if she even realizes what she's done.
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be-appy-71 · 3 months
"Vi prego non rimandate. Fate ogni cosa che vi sentite di fare. Date i baci che visentite di dare e gridate tutti quei “mi manchi” che nascondete! La vita, delle volte ci stravolge i piani e non ci da la possibilità di scegliere. Perciò evitate i rimorsi. Fatelo...agite...perché i rimorsi logorano il cuore!".. ♠️🔥
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(Nadia Toffa)
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bakuliwrites · 1 year
what dnd classes would the m6 be do you think
Excellent question. So, I think the game devs have answered this a couple different times, once here and then they posted some D&D character sheets on their gumroad. But I still have my own opinions of what I think they might be, so here we go!
Asra: Sorcerer
Sorcerer's draw from inherent magic either through a gift or lineage in their official description. Given that Asra comes from a family of magicians, I think this would be a fitting class for him.
High charisma, Asra is rather charming and eloquent, witty and confident. Quiet and enigmatic, sly and mischievous.
Nadia: Wizard (or Artificer)
Based off of classic dnd, I'd say Nadia would work well as a wizard. She is highly intelligent and scholarly. I could see her faring well with spells and learning new ones when she can.
But if we were to go based off of some of the later additions, Artificer would be a really cool class for her given her proficiency with inventing mechanical devices.
Julian: Bard
Julian would have a blast as a bard. He plays the vielle, he's got a quick wit. I would pay good money to see what sorts of quips he could come up with in a pinch. High charisma.
I could also see him faring well as a rogue, but his energy is just so bardic to me.
Portia: Rogue
Portia knows all the ins-and-outs of the Vesuvian palace. I think she'd do well as a rogue. Her mischievous nature would play nicely into the role.
She can keep a secret like no one else. I think she'd be a really fun and upbeat rogue.
Muriel: Druid/Fighter
I feel like for Muriel's story arc, he'd start out as an unwilling fighter and excel with his great strength.
But in his heart, I think Muriel is a druid. His love of animals and nature would work very well with the class. I think it would be neat if he could take animal form as well, perhaps as a bear.
Lucio: Fighter
Lucio grew up in the harshness of the South in a warrior tribe. I think he'd fair well as a fighter.
He'd be proficient in weaponry and fighting, high athletics, rather dexterous. Not much skill with magic, but able to use some minor cantrips.
Thank you for your question! My inbox is always open to questions and comments. I love getting them, so I truly appreciate you dropping in to ask this :) The BG3 and Arcana obsessions are real and chronically part of my personality now, so I was delighted to get this.
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couragescout · 9 months
Fare il recap di fine anno è sempre difficile. Tirare fuori quello che è successo, guardarsi indietro e cercare di trarne insegnamento.
Questo 2023 era iniziato male con il mio telefono che si distruggeva sulle scale della asl ed una settimana di panico in cui comunicare è stato difficile quindi diciamo che non mi aspettavo grandi cose. Durante questo anno sono accadute varie cose ma alla fine ho seguito più o meno una linea retta.
A livello lavorativo è stato il caos e ho raggiunto livelli di stress che non pensavo di poter raggiungere, il mio stato fisico ne ha più volte risentito ma nonostante questo giorno dopo giorno ho continuato ad alzarmi dal letto e ad andare in ufficio. Ho scoperto molte persone e di questo ne sono felice.
A livello scoutistico è stato un anno difficile, pieno di lacrime, di rabbia, di difficoltà ad esprimermi ma anche pieno di volti nuovi, di esperienze che mi hanno lasciato tanto, di gioia pura e di consapevolezza.
A livello di Nadia è stato tosto. Ho imparato a trovare il mio spazio, ho avuto nuove relazioni che mi hanno reso davvero felice e mi hanno dato modo di lavorare su di me, ho scoperto il mio amore per i parrucchieri, ho dedicato più tempo a me stessa nonostante io abbia continuato ad essere una trottola per tutto l’anno, ho fatto tanto shopping terapeutico e ho anche imparato a combattere con la burocrazia. Ho fatto cazzate di cui non mi pento, ho fatto scelte alle quali magari avrei dovuto prestare più tempo e più riflessione, ho imparato a lasciarmi scivolare addosso tanta cattiveria senza portare rancore, ho imparato a cavarmela da sola e sono cresciuta. Ho imparato a non mettermi in secondo piano, ho dedicato il tempo alle persone giuste, ho scoperto nuovi hobby (tipo la palestra!! Non ci credeva nessuno ma ci sono andata!), ho continuato a mettermi alla prova e ho continuato ed esserci per chi davvero lo merita e sono felice e grata per tutte le persone che hanno riempito questo anno.
Il 2023 è stato una linea più o meno retta e sono felice di averlo vissuto con un pizzico di leggerezza e tanti gin tonic.
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abr · 1 month
Ius Figae
Mi inserisco nel dibattito con una proposta bipartizan.
Premessa - Ce lo dicono le statistiche: l'Italì ha una partecipazione al lavoro delle donne più bassa della media occidentale; ce lo dicono anche le Olimpiadi in termini di trend: il rapporto tra medaglie vinte da donne vs. uomini italiani è stato di quattro a una.
Insomma, di donne abbiam bisogno; esse già ora trovano qui un ambiente adatto a sviluppare attitudini vincenti. In più non pisciano o cagano per strada, non bighellonano, non spacciano, non fan casini religiosi né degradano. E non credo di rivelare nulla di abominevole affermando che sarebbero ultra-felicissime di non trovar qui loro simili maschi.
Lo dice anche la parola stessa si cara ai Buonisti: "RISORSA" E' FEMMINILE.
Da cui lo IUS FIGAE.
Sei figa, qualunque colore e provenienza? Ecco la cittadinanza, vai e datti da fare come dove e quanto vuoi. Non sei figa, o l'oggetto autentico non ce l'hai proprio? Spiaze, non interessa come ti senti o credi: accomodarsi in Spagna Belgio Francia Germania o altri posti per sfigati testosteronici palle fraciche che qui abbiamo già dato.
Ad imperitura memoria delle prime compagne pioniere della libertà del corpo: Edvige davanti, Nadia dietro - Elodie scansate, si parla di cinquant'anni fa, il resto è pallidi tentativi di emulazione, oltretutto queste eran pure immigrate (oltre che fighe davvero).
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ofepiphxny · 1 month
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SAMARA & NADIA (@wordsofruin)
One step at a time. Take a breath. It is alright. These were lingering thoughts Samara had as of late, trying to calm the terror she’d been feeling. What would come of the creatures? Of the people? A few had unfortunately already been injured in the madness. But even in the fray, there was a sense of some solace as Samara caught sight of her friend from the Spring Court. “Nadia!” she blurted out of relief, realizing quickly afterward that her tone may have been a little louder than usual. A wave of sheepishness overcame her and she cast shy, apologetic looks to a few others passing by. Though regardless, Samara shuffled down the corridor. “It is so good to see you. I have been besides myself with worry. I—are you alright? How fare you?” Brows furrowed in genuine concern, an uncertain frown lingering upon her lips for the moment.
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rideretremando · 1 year
"Sì, ho deciso: dopo aver sentito l’omelia del vescovo, o arcivescovo di Milano, che non mi ricordo come si chiama, al funerale di Berlusconi – mi converto. Perché, io atea, ascoltando con sempre più grande meraviglia, via via che parlava, il suo discorso, ho capito, sì ho capito che i preti sono davvero buoni e bravi e non giudicano, e se uno si diverte tanto a fare i bunga bunga, magari con le varie nipotine magari minorenni di Mubarak; e se a uno gli va di frodare il fisco e lo fa; e gli va di comprarsi coi soldi, tanto ne ha tanti, un senatore o un onorevole che gli dà il voto, anche quello va bene; è ‘amore della vita’. È ‘amore della vita’ mentire, frodare, comprare il corpo di una donna, divertirsi a comandare…
Di ‘amore della vita’magari in eccesso, ha peccato forse Berlusconi, era la tesi dell’omelia: ma tale eccesso non preoccupa chi crede in Dio, perché proprio in Dio tale eccesso incontra un limite… Sulla volontà di potenza dell’uomo – specifico: dell’uomo maschio, di cui Berlusconi interpretava alla perfezione tutti i difetti, così dimostrando il suo ‘amore per la vita’ – su tale volontà Dio alla fine non può che prevalere, come si è dimostrato oggi; perché dell’amore della vita decide Lui quando decretare la fine.
Ma allora, se questo ‘è un uomo’, se è un uomo chi mette al primo posto l’ ‘amore della vita’, bene, dateci dentro, uomini. E non preoccupatevi delle leggi umane, della giustizia umana, tanto c’è quella di Dio che alla fine risolve tutto.
Quel tale vescovo l’ho davvero ammirato. Mi sono detta: ha letto il marchese de Sade e Bataille e Nietzsche, altro che il Vangelo. Lui sì che ha trovato la strada al di là del bene e del male.
L’ho detto: quasi quasi mi converto"
Nadia Fusini
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bluehairperson · 7 months
altro punto a sfavore dei Nadia defenders che vorrei precisare in quanto persona allagata irl: la bro è tanto brava buona e misericordiosa mentre Lucio e Valerius sono brutti e cattivi come se lei avesse fatto qualcosa per il quartiere progressivamente sempre più allagato 💀
tbh di questi tre quello con cui ce l'avrei di meno è Valerius per il semplice fatto che il poveraccio è praticamente salito al potere overnight ieri l'altro e nelle situazioni presenti di allagamento è difficile fare qualcosa (l'acqua è ormai alta in molte case, si può evacuare e cercare un modo per arginare i metri d'acqua)... ma in passato sarebbe stato facile sia prevenire sia gestire la situazione in letteralmente qualsiasi altro modo...
Spero abbia senso quello che sto dicendo perché è difficile metterlo a parole 💀
Ammetto di essere un po' arrugginit sull'argomento, ma specificano mai QUANDO nella timeline avvenga l'allagamento del distretto? Nel senso se durante Lucio o dopo la sua morte? Potrei sbagliarmi ma ho dei vaghi ricordi di Nadia al Lazzaretto che parla di come Valerius sia stato corrotto (da chi non si sa) per non sistemare delle infrastrutture. Ma appunto non ricordo benissimo, quindi non commento oltre.
Comunque sì, Nadia è comunque un'omertosa di merda. E se Valerius fosse effettivamente corrotto sarebbe un altro punto a suo sfavore come regnante per non averlo calciorotato fuori dal palazzo.
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the-fatty-frontier · 8 months
Dice of Gaining + d10 + pounds
For Nadia, mostly gut and butt, and fuck it, a gift from Wool!!!!
Rolled an 8, eighty pounds incoming!~)
Nadia blushed as she watched the gift box be placed in front of her, hoping it wasn’t what she thought it was. For the last couple of weeks her weight has ballooned out, her doorway had to be upgraded, she needed a new suit tailored, even her chair had to be replaced. But didn’t seem to be ending anytime soon, as once she opened the box she saw an array of heavenly looking pastries.
Without even thinking of the consequences, her sweet tooth kicked in as she grabbed an eclair and bit into it, blissfully enjoying its sweet flavor with each bite. She then helped herself to another, and another, her gluttony taking charge to make sure not a single one of the sweets went to waste. Regardless of the effect on her ever expanding waistline.
By the time she was done, Nadia knew her gluttony was a mistake. Sitting back and stifling a burp, the mercenary commander looked down to see her belly beginning to push out over her knees, even noticing a button missing from her shirt. Her pants weren’t faring any better, as a quick ripping noise revealed some of the stitches beginning to fail against the gradual tide of blubber. By this point Nadia had doubled in size over the couple weeks, going from slightly tubby to absolutely, without a doubt fat. And unfortunately, or fortunately depending on who’s asking, Nadia was sure this wasn’t ending anytime soon
450 pounds! Nadia is officially one of the largest members of the blog!~)
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ambrenoir · 8 months
"Vi prego non rimandate.
Fate ogni cosa
che vi sentite di fare.
Date i baci che vi
sentite di dare e
gridate tutti quei
“mi manchi” che
La vita, delle volte
ci stravolge i piani e
non ci da la possibilità di scegliere.
Perciò evitate i rimorsi.
Fatelo...Agite...Perché i rimorsi
logorano il cuore!"❤️
Nadia Toffa
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triviareads · 1 year
ARC Review of One Steamy Night & An Off-Limits Merger by Brenda Jackson; Naima Simone
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One Steamy Night by Brenda Jackson:
Okay first let me say I really do appreciate cover model. I assume this is Jaxon Ravnel and the hot modern cowboy look is doing a lot.
Jaxon Ravnel announces his intention to marry Nadia Novak except, well, he barely knows her. It's such a Harlequin hero-coded thing to do, so I didn't question it. I was into it. For her part, Nadia is obviously not amused or eager, but she slowly allows him to "court" (yes this is the word Jaxon uses; his plan is a "very serious courtship") her. Since this book is mostly set in a small town, that means escorting her to local events. Eventually, Nadia decides she wants to sleep with him, BUT still has no intention of marrying which was pretty funny to me, especially when Jaxon found out. Ultimately there wasn't much conflict or anything major stopping them from getting together; it was really a matter of of time.
In terms of sex, there are two sex scenes, and they were pretty standard Harlequin fare, though I feel like they were on the tamer end of Harlequin Desire books.
An Off-Limits Merger by Naima Simone
I'd been looking forward to Tatum and Bran's book ever since I read Her Best Kept Secret, so I was excited to get into it. Tatum is still recovering from finding out her fiancé was cheating on her when she died, and taking the Greer Motorcycle account is her chance to prove that she can be taken seriously again. Enter Greer co-owner Bran Holleran. Listen, if there's one thing you can count on a Harlequin hero for, it's an immediate proposition moment— and Naima Simone makes sure her heroes pull it off with this perfect combination of sexy straightforwardness while still leaving room for refusal, and Bran did not disappoint, particularly because he didn't know he was hitting on his a potential investor's daughter lolol. I also really love when heroes are tragically contemplating their bit o'rough-ness and how they're not fit to put their dirty hands on the heroine (or something like that) and once again, Bran did not disappoint.
Naima is really good with melding emotional and sexual chemistry so we got two pretty damn hot sex scenes that were also about Tatum taking charge of the situation after feeling pigeonholed as a victim for so long. And Bran did go "use me" at some point which I always appreciate in a romance novel hero.
Overall, I would recommend this book for anyone seeking a diverse duo of romances!
Thank you to Harlequin and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my review.
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biglisbonnews · 2 years
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Baobab Fare in Detroit, Michigan After husband-and-wife duo Hamissi Mamba and Nadia Nijimbere immigrated to Detroit, they launched a series of pop-ups serving dishes from their homeland, Burundi, in 2017. Their business quickly developed a strong local following, thanks to specialties such as nyumbani, tender braised beef in a tomato gravy served with peanut-stewed spinach and fried plantains. In 2021, the couple were able to put down brick-and-mortar roots.  Baobab Fare’s goal is to give other refugees and immigrants employment opportunities. Mamba and Nijimbere work directly with Freedom House, a local nonprofit dedicated to helping asylum-seekers. The couple believe in bringing the community together and making diners feel at home. It’s hard to miss the wall saying, ‘Baobab Fare is a gathering place where all are welcomed and embraced.’  A few must-try’s include the samaki, flash-fried fish filets, and the mbuzi, fork-tender goat shank served with fresh corn. The accompanying stewed yellow beans are full of flavor with a hint of spice. Don’t forget to order the tamu, a blend of creamy avocado and tangy passionfruit, for dessert. It goes perfectly with the strong coffee perfumed with cardamom.  Baobab Fare partners with city festivals, local farms, and other community groups to share their love of food. In addition, the restaurant sells East African products, including passionfruit juice, Burundian coffee, and clothing.   https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/baobab-fare
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