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yellowpodracer · 8 years ago
Meditative retreat. What a kriffing joke. Like he's going to stick around the Temple for two weeks meditating. At all. Does ANYONE actually use a meditative retreat for anything besides an excuse to take some time off from the demands of being a Jedi? Probably, Anakin realizes with a scowl. He's probably the only one who uses the time in any other way, the only one who has to resort to Lower Level trips and escapes to 500 Republica. It had been unexpected; the Council had read his latest mission report and for some reason decided he needed a break. He'd argued, of course - the LAST thing he needed was a break - but in the end, he'd been overruled. Again. As usual. He knows it's too much to hope for, heading towards Padme's apartment complex, for her to be home at this time of day. He hadn't waited to comm her, had hopped in his speeder and just left because he's a Knight now and he doesn't need anyone chaperoning his leave time. He doesn't need permission. (He tries to forget the look of concern on Obi-Wan's face). Threepio lets him in immediately, tutting and offering refreshment. Anakin thinks. "Ithorian Mist," he requests, finally. He's on leave. Ahsoka's not here. Padme certainly won't judge him. Meditative retreat, he scoffs. Meditation is the last thing he's planning to do, especially once he sees his wife again.
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stewjonianginger · 8 years ago
Private to Anakin
I’ve received word that an unknown yet non hostile communication came for me during a battle. I’m assuming it was you, Anakin. Is there something you needed from me? Is Padme all right?
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mortaem-a · 4 years ago
⸸      mace   windu   for   @nabooangels
“    i’m   glad   to   see   you   in   one   piece  ,    senator.      were   you   wounded   in   the   battle      --      has   master   che   seen   to   you   yet?    ”      clearly   favoring   one   leg  ,    wrist   carefully   cradled   to   his   chest  ,    mace   gives  her   a   once  -  over      --      but   other   than   the   red   marks   peeking   from   her   torn   shirt  ,    he   can   detect   nothing   too   terrible.      “    i   would   have   expected   you   to   return   to   the   senatorial   apartments   by   now.    ”
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thezabrakassassin · 4 years ago
 "You make me sad. Just looking at you…“
“Shut up!” Maul snapped as he turned the yellow, bloodshot eyes back at the queen. “I didn’t ask for a psychoanalysis.”
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jediincapax · 4 years ago
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@nabooangels - [ secret ] 
[ secret ] – for my muse to share a secret with yours
Affection Interaction
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VIBRANT MUSIC DANCED IN THE AIR. Even from a distance, he could see brilliant coloured cloaks swirled about amongst the luxurious halls, painting a sea of colours amidst the masquerade. An overwhelming stimulus of sights and sounds assaulted his five senses as the Jedi was subjected to the latest entertainment from the core worlds. 
Dangled similarly to a puppet, a polite smile stayed on his lips as he shook hands and spoke with politicians from hundreds of worlds. Such gusto soon became scarce and Obi-Wan found himself desperately longing for the quiet night. Like clockwork, his plan was set in motion as soon as the guests began seeking for a partner to dance and a few pair of eyes snapped his way. 
And so — he bid his farewell with a gentle bow before weaving into the shadows. With the prowess and mastery of a shrewd strategician; the Jedi made a tactical retreat to the gardens outside. All was silent save for the rustling trees as the gentle wind hummed and the distant sounds of couples deeply engaged in their trysts.
Obi-Wan paused near the tall hedges which obstructed his figure from sight. A congratulatory laugh escaped his lips. Yet before he could savour in his victory, he felt the presence of another tailing closely behind. Turning around, relief blossomed in his chest at the sight of Senator Amidala. 
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“ Oh, Padme. “ He let out an exhale. “ I’m glad it’s just you. Are you not dancing? “
“ I’m afraid I’m not much of a dancer. - ( Obi-Wan swept stray hair behind his head, chuckling sheepishly ) -  I have, in fact, caused a diplomatic spat as a Padawan. I’ll spare you the humiliating details but it did involve accidentally tearing a prince’s expensive cloak after I stepped on it. I believe I’m still prohibited from the palace. So, to spare the senate from yet another — I took my leave. “
His shy smile grew. “ Please don’t tell Anakin. This’ll be just between the two of us. “ 
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skywlkrr · 4 years ago
@nabooangels​ liked for a starter !
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𝐓𝐇𝐄   𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐘   𝐎𝐅   𝐇𝐈𝐒   𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒   𝐇𝐀𝐃   𝐒𝐎𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐃   as   they   always   did   when   he   saw   Padmé.   No   one   in   the   galaxy   had   a   power   over   his   heart,   his   soul,   and   his   very   being   like   she   did.   He   would   burn   everything   he   had   down   to   the   ground   should   she   say   the   word.   Anakin’s   heart   did   a   little   jump   of   excitement   as   he   walked   down   the   Senate   building   halls   and   saw   her   coming   his   way.   He   smiled   but   he   tried   to   hide   it   from   whichever   passerby   happened   to   be   near.   “Senator   Amidala.”   he   greeted   her   as   professionally   as   he   could   as   soon   as   they   were   within   speaking   distance,   “It’s   good   to   see   you.   It   feels   as   though   it   has   been   ages.”
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But   his   eyes   said   something   different.         ‘I’ve   missed   you   more   than   you   could   ever   know…’
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sabcrlost-a · 4 years ago
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bo - katan  had  never  done  well  with  following  orders.  she’d  always  had  a  rebellious  spirit,  always  had  a  fire  underneath  of  her  as  she’d  made  her  way  through  the  galaxy.  working  with  her  nite  owls,  she’d  easily  settled  into  her  place  as  their  leader.  but  somehow,  taking  directions  from  someone  else  had  never  been  her  cup  of  tea.  “ watch  what  you’re  doing!  you’re  going  to  get  yourself  killed  if  you’re  not  careful. ”  a  beat.  “ people  aren’t  exactly  always  that  friendly  around  here. ”  a  beat.  “ no  one  else  but  yourself  is  going  to  watch  your  back. ”      /       @nabooangels​ sc
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lstjedi · 4 years ago
@nabooangels starter !
“ mama ! ”  luke  yells ,  running  towards  his  mother  as  fast  as  his  little  six - year - old  legs  can  take  him.  the  young  boy  skids  to  a  stop  in  front  of  her ,  holding  a  particularly  shiny  rock  in  his  hands .  “ i  found  this  and  got  it  for  you  ‘cause  it’s  pretty  and  you’re  pretty ! ”
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rokias · 4 years ago
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“  i’m  not  overreacting  ,  mother  !!  i  think  i’m  reacting  the  appropriate  amount  .  ”  
/  @nabooangels​  for  a  wartime  au  starter
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generalani · 6 years ago
Anakin is in a decent enough mood now that his headache has lessened and is more than happy to follow Padmé up the stairs, Luke in his arms. To his consternation, Kamali follows after them. "Soooo, we're gonna change their diapers and trust me, you won't want to be in the room for it," he tells her. "Afterwards you can help us figure out how to dress them." Its an olive branch, and something Anakin is morbidly interested in seeing play out.
If Kamali says anything, he doesnt hear it as he closes the nursery door behind them. The changing goes plenty smoothly, but then Kamali is back and Anakin finds himself grinding his teeth as she asks, "You know what you should do? You should definitely be using oils on them. They make babies less fussy! My aunt uses them ALL the time and her babies are the quietest things you'll ever see."
It takes a little while, but soon Anakin is feeling considerably better. Enough that he agrees when Ahsoka suggests starting a project in the backyard, which he hadn’t expected. It’s a welcome distraction, and every couple hours he has another drink. Because it’s medicine. Because he doesn’t want to have another seizure. And because he kind of wants to get drunk. It hasn’t happened yet, he’s still mostly sober, but he wants it.
Padmé calls when he’s finishing up digging a waist-high hole in the yard at Ahsoka’s insistence. A fire pit, she’d suggested, had basically ordered. They have to go out and get some supplies, but that will wait until tomorrow. Right now he’s just eager to talk to Padmé again, especially now that he’s feeling better and isn’t in the middle of a post-seizure brain fog.
Anakin pulls himself out of the pit and sits on one of the lounge chairs. “I’ll go make dinner,” Ahsoka offers, leaving Anakin to his privacy.
“Hey Angel,” Anakin murmurs when he answers. “How are you doing?” He knows she’s in a difficult position too - pregnant, there’s far less leeway for her to drink, and he’s a little worried that she might feel even a fraction as bad as he had been.
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jediincapax · 4 years ago
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“ you’re hiding something from me… ” — @nabooangels
Secrets Prompt
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SHE WAS SMARTER THAN THIS. He knew that. But still — the visage of the Negotiator slipped and a careful smile played on his lips. 
“ Padme, I have no idea what you’re talking about. “ He answered her carefully. Words ROLLED coarsely against his tongue before it left. The smile remained but his sapphire eyes kept watch on hers. “ You know well that I hide nothing. “
A lie. 
Wide basin of secrets lay deep beneath the surface. He knew of her marriage, her love with Anakin. Extrapolation of their relationship was not difficult. Obi-Wan was many things but imperceptive was not one of them. Stolen glances, lingering touches. Once upon a time, he had been there too. 
“ Come, my dear. What has been bothering you? “
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generalani · 6 years ago
Anakin stops, mid-blow, when Padmé threatens to take herself and the babies away. Shes going to take them away from him. If he doesnt remove himself first, if he doesnt stop what he's doing and actually TRY, he really is going to lose everything. He turns, head lowered, the fight gone out of him. "I'm afraid," he murmurs, "that I'm never going to be what you deserve."
He drops to the floor beside the punching bag, one knee drawn up to his chest. "I'll meditate with you if you still want me to," he says, not looking up at her just yet. The idea of using the Force is a little anxiety inducing, but... this is important.
It takes a little while, but soon Anakin is feeling considerably better. Enough that he agrees when Ahsoka suggests starting a project in the backyard, which he hadn’t expected. It’s a welcome distraction, and every couple hours he has another drink. Because it’s medicine. Because he doesn’t want to have another seizure. And because he kind of wants to get drunk. It hasn’t happened yet, he’s still mostly sober, but he wants it.
Padmé calls when he’s finishing up digging a waist-high hole in the yard at Ahsoka’s insistence. A fire pit, she’d suggested, had basically ordered. They have to go out and get some supplies, but that will wait until tomorrow. Right now he’s just eager to talk to Padmé again, especially now that he’s feeling better and isn’t in the middle of a post-seizure brain fog.
Anakin pulls himself out of the pit and sits on one of the lounge chairs. “I’ll go make dinner,” Ahsoka offers, leaving Anakin to his privacy.
“Hey Angel,” Anakin murmurs when he answers. “How are you doing?” He knows she’s in a difficult position too - pregnant, there’s far less leeway for her to drink, and he’s a little worried that she might feel even a fraction as bad as he had been.
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generalani · 6 years ago
Ahsoka cant help smiling at the sight of Leia and Padmé snuggled together. Despite her upset over their choice of activities the previous night, Ahsoka really cant say it didnt have the intended impact. This is the calmest she has ever seen Leia, and for the longest duration of time on top of it. As long as she can stay on top of things... maybe this could work.
She doesnt voice any of that just yet, not wanting to put Padmé back on the defensive. "So. I dont know, it's a theory, I'm not an expert or anything, but... when a Jedi uses the Force, that's basically us subconciously telling our midichlorians to use the Force energy they have stored up. I think. There are... a few schools of thought on how this all works. Skyguy was never big into any of it. Anyway, the point is... if it does have to do with that... the fact he isnt burning off that energy might be hurting instead of helping the process."
It's entirely possible that Anakin doesnt even realize what he is or isnt doing. Its equally as possible that he's purposely holding off from using the Force. There's so much unknown about her former master's physiology, it seems like theres always some new surprise. "The point is, we should get him to try and use it later today and see if that helps the headache at all."
It takes a little while, but soon Anakin is feeling considerably better. Enough that he agrees when Ahsoka suggests starting a project in the backyard, which he hadn’t expected. It’s a welcome distraction, and every couple hours he has another drink. Because it’s medicine. Because he doesn’t want to have another seizure. And because he kind of wants to get drunk. It hasn’t happened yet, he’s still mostly sober, but he wants it.
Padmé calls when he’s finishing up digging a waist-high hole in the yard at Ahsoka’s insistence. A fire pit, she’d suggested, had basically ordered. They have to go out and get some supplies, but that will wait until tomorrow. Right now he’s just eager to talk to Padmé again, especially now that he’s feeling better and isn’t in the middle of a post-seizure brain fog.
Anakin pulls himself out of the pit and sits on one of the lounge chairs. “I’ll go make dinner,” Ahsoka offers, leaving Anakin to his privacy.
“Hey Angel,” Anakin murmurs when he answers. “How are you doing?” He knows she’s in a difficult position too - pregnant, there’s far less leeway for her to drink, and he’s a little worried that she might feel even a fraction as bad as he had been.
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generalani · 6 years ago
She feels a twinge of guilt, but she assumes this will make her point. "Look at it this way," she says, "you have the chance to make her never want to come over here again." Really, the Skywalkers are gracious hosts and easy enough to live with (when they're not... having issues), but she also knows that they're capable of being completely insufferable.
"I hate you so much right now," Anakin mutters, but it is without bite. He doesnt hate her, though he is pretty annoyed with her at the moment. "You get to deal with her." Still, he has no doubt Kamali will try and insert herself into everything they do for the next few days, try and live the kind of life she expects them to have.
"Itll be fun," she says, the sparkle of mischief in her eyes. Anakin simply growls at her, with no desire whatsoever to go back inside and play nice.
It takes a little while, but soon Anakin is feeling considerably better. Enough that he agrees when Ahsoka suggests starting a project in the backyard, which he hadn’t expected. It’s a welcome distraction, and every couple hours he has another drink. Because it’s medicine. Because he doesn’t want to have another seizure. And because he kind of wants to get drunk. It hasn’t happened yet, he’s still mostly sober, but he wants it.
Padmé calls when he’s finishing up digging a waist-high hole in the yard at Ahsoka’s insistence. A fire pit, she’d suggested, had basically ordered. They have to go out and get some supplies, but that will wait until tomorrow. Right now he’s just eager to talk to Padmé again, especially now that he’s feeling better and isn’t in the middle of a post-seizure brain fog.
Anakin pulls himself out of the pit and sits on one of the lounge chairs. “I’ll go make dinner,” Ahsoka offers, leaving Anakin to his privacy.
“Hey Angel,” Anakin murmurs when he answers. “How are you doing?” He knows she’s in a difficult position too - pregnant, there’s far less leeway for her to drink, and he’s a little worried that she might feel even a fraction as bad as he had been.
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generalani · 6 years ago
Anakin lets out a sigh and swipes his hand across his brow. He doesnt want to talk. He doesnt want to do anything. The bleak sense of... well, he isnt quite sure but it feels like an empty place inside of himself. He's felt it since the procedure, and was able to ignore it last night since that empty place was filled with alcohol. But now, the space and the headache are filling him up with misery.
"I dont want to bother you guys with it," he murmurs to Padmé. "I know it's just.. side effects." He isnt sure how else to describe it, really. "My head hurts," he adds finally. He doesnt know how to talk about the emotional part without it becoming A Thing. And he definitely doesnt want anyone thinking he WANTS Palpatine in his head. Because he doesnt.
It takes a little while, but soon Anakin is feeling considerably better. Enough that he agrees when Ahsoka suggests starting a project in the backyard, which he hadn’t expected. It’s a welcome distraction, and every couple hours he has another drink. Because it’s medicine. Because he doesn’t want to have another seizure. And because he kind of wants to get drunk. It hasn’t happened yet, he’s still mostly sober, but he wants it.
Padmé calls when he’s finishing up digging a waist-high hole in the yard at Ahsoka’s insistence. A fire pit, she’d suggested, had basically ordered. They have to go out and get some supplies, but that will wait until tomorrow. Right now he’s just eager to talk to Padmé again, especially now that he’s feeling better and isn’t in the middle of a post-seizure brain fog.
Anakin pulls himself out of the pit and sits on one of the lounge chairs. “I’ll go make dinner,” Ahsoka offers, leaving Anakin to his privacy.
“Hey Angel,” Anakin murmurs when he answers. “How are you doing?” He knows she’s in a difficult position too - pregnant, there’s far less leeway for her to drink, and he’s a little worried that she might feel even a fraction as bad as he had been.
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generalani · 6 years ago
"I assumed that was the case," Obi-Wan says blandly, leveling a look at Anakin that says he is entirely unimpressed with his former apprentice's antics. "I dont know if either of you realized it, but I DID hear you come in." His expression softens slightly, which gives Anakin a certain sense of relief. "But it looks like you're both alive and well, and the babies are happy, and that was our main concern."
Hes still looking at Anakin, though. "And the Senator is correct. I'm here to keep an eye on Anakin, but part of that is helping out where he is unable to. Heavy lifting for either of you is out of the question at the moment, so it was my pleasure to help."
Anakin rolls his eyes and helps himself to a taste of whatever it is Obi-Wan is cooking. "Yum," he says, his stomach growling in anticipation of the meal. "And I'm feeling fine, mostly. I could have done it." Still, he appreciates very much that he didnt have to. Because he's not actually feeling that great, even if he wasnt still a little hungover.
It takes a little while, but soon Anakin is feeling considerably better. Enough that he agrees when Ahsoka suggests starting a project in the backyard, which he hadn’t expected. It’s a welcome distraction, and every couple hours he has another drink. Because it’s medicine. Because he doesn’t want to have another seizure. And because he kind of wants to get drunk. It hasn’t happened yet, he’s still mostly sober, but he wants it.
Padmé calls when he’s finishing up digging a waist-high hole in the yard at Ahsoka’s insistence. A fire pit, she’d suggested, had basically ordered. They have to go out and get some supplies, but that will wait until tomorrow. Right now he’s just eager to talk to Padmé again, especially now that he’s feeling better and isn’t in the middle of a post-seizure brain fog.
Anakin pulls himself out of the pit and sits on one of the lounge chairs. “I’ll go make dinner,” Ahsoka offers, leaving Anakin to his privacy.
“Hey Angel,” Anakin murmurs when he answers. “How are you doing?” He knows she’s in a difficult position too - pregnant, there’s far less leeway for her to drink, and he’s a little worried that she might feel even a fraction as bad as he had been.
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