#n: aila what are you doing
moss-flesh · 29 days
9,18, and 26 for the DA asks?
Thank you so much for asking!! i missed talking about them yay
9. what is their love language? 
Ailas are probably quality time and acts of service. she really isnt open with her feelings so she tries to show them in round about ways like making special poultices, cooking, or just sitting next to alistair and continuing her studies.
Erynne is acts of service and physical touch, prob words of affirmation too tbh, shes very affectionate and open with her affections. shes very touchy and loud about how she feels, shes always got her arm slung around anders or holding hands and saying gross sappy/smutty stuff outloud for the entirety of the hanged man to hear
Adahlen has so much love inside her she probably does a lot of these all the time but i think its be mostly quality time and gifts. she doesnt think shes very good with her words, she still says affectionate things but shes often kind of embarrassed. but she loves just hanging out with solas and parallel studying rifts. and shes always picking up things on their travels that she gives to people or making things. a long time ago i said she makes little wooden creatures but i kind of feel like shed be more drawn to embroidery so she often embroiders and gives them to people.
18. do they have any irrational fears?
honestly im not sure if these are irrational or not so ill list them
aila- basically becoming tranquil or losing control over her choices and life, also i think deep water, she cant swim well
erynne- i mean shes just terrified of losing people which i think is pretty rational considering she lost most of them, but i think she probably freaked out by darkspawn, i know most people are but they forreal give her the ick like she generally is not scared by anything but shes like FUCKING DARKSPAWN EW NO MAKER FUCK THIS especially after the deep roads
adahlen honestly isnt scared of much? weirdly shes very optomistic so most things are a new friend
i guess shes scared of herself coz she was made using demon blood magic ??? n sometimes she loses control and does a blood magic crime lmao so shes scared of hurting people i guess, but nothing irrational? maybe her fear of herself is irrational
26. do they get a happy ending?
i think aila gets basically as good as it gets for a grey warden, she gets a lot of freedom i think being the hero of ferelden, she gets to live and travel with her warden husband. sure theyre still probably doing life threatening stuff but i think shes content.
Erynne….. in my main canon she gets left in the fade, it was very much her choice but yeah :( i still hold hope she survives
Adahlen! welp!! we gotta see what veilguard has in store but basically no lol, she becomes pretty obsessed with finding solas, she also has a lot of freedom to do what she wants but she doesn’t want a lot besides saving him. also being inquisitor just totally wore her out, she tries to enjoy her time with her friends n stuff after but shes got a looming dread
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I think if Nova ends up in the infirmary one more time Aila is going to start wrapping her in bubble wrap.
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mischiefmanaged71 · 2 years
Nocturne | Moon Knight (1/?)
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Summary: A series of unfortunate events tied together in a mysterious crescent bow leads our protagonists astray.
A/N: A Moon Knight series based following the show. This is an OC that I have created. I know its an OC, but I wanted to do something different.
Pairing: Marc Spector x OC / Slight Steven Grant x OC
Warnings: canon-level violence, slight angst
The air was stale at this depth as Aila walked through the tunnel, carefully stepping next to Marc by torchlight.
"Are you gonna keep staring at that or are there actual directions on that map?" Marc raised the torch, illuminating the pointed stare as he raised his eyebrows.
She mustered a glare, a retort on her tongue as she clicked against her teeth "A bit hard to see when you're the one holding the torch." 
He waved the light above the map, a grin she was unacquainted with to follow, "Better?" 
"Hold still." She whispered, eyes glossing over the mock layout of the tunnels. It was easy to lose your way and end up trapped if not for a knowledge of how to navigate the tunnels. Aila revised the layout countless times before their arrival, but it was a welcome assurance to hold the directions in her hand. And a comfort against overthinking.
"We're close, not much further either." Her hushed voice reached his ears. 
"Sure?" He exhaled, glancing down at her. 
"Positive." She nodded, ducking her eyes away from his intense stare. His deep brown eyes were the only thing she could properly source in the dark of the tunnel. Clenching the paper in her hand, she held out her palm. Marc glanced down and back at her face again, confusion furrowed in his brows. 
"You want me to hold your hand?" He smirked, flickering from her eyes to lips, "Just had to ask."
He always knew how to get right under her skin. It was the enticing smile as he revelled in the glare, clearly amused with the reaction he got in return. 
Aila rolled her eyes in response, jutting her hand out "The torch. I can't see in the dark to walk us through."
He shook his head, "I can guide us just fine. I'll take the lead, you instruct."
Something about giving orders struck a nerve in her mind as she sighed and agreed. 
Marc was handsome with his tan skin and brown curls, charming in the way that he held a person's attention with his intense gaze. It captivated her entirely if not for the lingering thought that snapped Aila back into focus. To remain on target and complete the job they came here for. That was the thought lingering in her mind as she refused to entertain him, despite his second glance around with that smirk on his lips. 
A cavern opening into a larger space caused the pair to halt. Aila's hand darted to Marc's bag, rustling around until her hand kissed what she was looking for. His eyes fell on the flare she grasped, the red light sparking in their vision. 
The cavern rounded heil ceilings above their heads as they scanned the cave. A gasp left her as Aila's eyes rested on a carving across the wall. Her hands brushed the engravings, skirting upward to the great heights. More importantly, the hieroglyphics beneath it. A ringing persisted in her ears, phasing all else out of focus as she found herself absorbed in the image of the lioness. 
Marc's voice brought her back, watching as she looked over her shoulder. His hand brushed against an inscription. A pedestal stood before it. Her feet carried her over to stand next to him. 
"This place was probably ransacked a long time ago. Who's to say it's already gone?"
She murmured, raising the flare higher. It has almost reached its end as she glared up at the image of the deity with the crow head below the moon. "Konshu." He exclaimed, drawing Aila’s intrigue.
"He's a moon god.” Marc clarified, “Protector of travellers at night and seeks vengeance for those who wrong the innocent." Tracing the minute engravings of the moon surrounding the wall. More interesting detail that caught her attention was the illustrations of a seemingly warrior below.
"Interesting.” her face scrunched.
“The fact that I knew that or the myth itself?” 
Aila smirked, not offering him much of an answer with a shrug before stamping out the flare.
“A bit unsettling." she straightened her posture, clasping her hands close to her body as a foreboding chill etched at her exposed neck and arms. 
"You can say that again." 
Her eyes trained on the carving of the figures beneath Konshu’s image, the detailed crescent catching her attention. She squinted to focus as a bout of familiarity crossed her at the scenery right as Marc ducked his head, his warm breath brushing her neck. Whipping around at the sound of approaching steps crunching against the dirt, he paused and glanced down the separate dark path before the flash of gunfire lit up the dark. 
Marc clutched her arm, dropping the torch without a thought and leaving it in the chaos. Her heart thundered in her chest as she tucked herself tightly behind the rock. Warm hands graced her arms, chasing her eyes back to meet him; filled with conviction. 
"Stay low." He urged, breathless as he grimaced at the harsh sounds hitting their cover.
"What I was thinking." She edged closer only to flinch from a bullet chipping the side of her view. Her chest heaved, adrenaline rushing through. The sounds of Marc busy with something in his hands drew her attention to a glock as he handed it to her. From there onward, all she remembered were the continual bursts of light and gunpowder choking her lungs, and the pungent smell of blood coating her hands as she pressed against Marc's chest to stop the blood from pouring out of his wounds. The stark image was imprinted in Aila's vision as she struggled between gasps to hold it off, after battering the last of the mercenaries in a feat. 
"Marc-you have to hold on, okay? I-I'm gonna fix you up, it'll be fine." She clenched her jaw, leaning over him as the dust settled and his shuddery breaths pushed against her hands. 
"It's okay, this is nothing-I can barely feel it." He sighed, gulping down the blood in his mouth. She scanned his face, exhaling sharply as the metallic stench consumed her senses. 
"I-I can't-I don't wanna die here." His whisper cut through into her ears, Aila's head darting to his normally captivating eyes that had lulled to a tired and vacant dream. 
"Y-you're not." She shook her head profusely, clenching her jaw to withhold the tears, "You are not gonna die here. You just need a few minutes."
Marc's hand fell over her's, blood coating over her forearm. If there wasn't already a part of her arms that wasn't covered in blood. He squeezed her hand, clenching his jaw as a wave of pain rushed over him. Aila opened her mouth, urging herself to speak, to say anything to comfort him-to tell him when his eyes spoke more than she could in the moment.
"I know..." He sighed, "I know."
Aila's eyes glistened with unfallen tears, all before Marc's hand dropped and her breath hitched. A gasp rocked her cavern as Aila reached out for him before he could depart. Aila wasn't alone in this as the silence crushed her, a breeze cutting through before consciousness finally escaped her. 
Standing over her desk, she stared at the burner phone for the third time that morning as the prospect of deciding against calling again returned. It had become a routine thing in the past year, picking up and placing it by her side as she stared at it through the rings and waited. Waited for an answer that would not come. It didn’t stop the hope rising through her each time the melody rang through, the feeling dropping so soon with the slam of her hand as she clutched it to her face. 
Aila wasn’t sure how today would be any different. It hadn’t stopped her many days or months before. Pressing the only number on the speed dial, she held it in her hand, staring at the screen with each ring spiking the nerves in her stomach. Her eyes widened as the person on the receiving end answered and the beeping ceased.
“Yeah?” his voice reaches her ears.
“Oh my god, you’re alive.” she gasped, clutching a hand on the chair.
Marc’s voice is hushed, “Yeah, alright.”
“That’s it? Why haven’t you been answering my calls? I’ve been trying to reach you for months now.” she sighed, rubbing her head “I thought something had happened to you. I thought you were…”
It was silence on the other end as she exhaled shakily, forcing back her frustrations to get an answer from him. “Where are you? Where’ve you been?”
“Uh…” he sighs on the other end, unsure of what answers to give.
“Hello?” Aila sighed, dropping her head down.
“Sorry, I-I just found this phone in my flat, and I’m just trying to figure out whose it is.”
“What’s with your accent? Why are you talking like that?" a bout of confusion rushed through her at the British accent reaching her instead of the familiar chicago-born.
A shaky breath escaped her as she asked “What is going on right now?”
“Sorry, who do you think I am?” His voice even sounded genuine, despite Aila’s logic fore fronting her thought process as she tried to understand. 
“What do you mean ‘who’? What’s wrong with you, Marc?” 
A pause fell on both lines, Aila waiting with bated breaths from his response. 
“What did you just call me?”
The line disconnected before she could capture the rest of his words. She stared at the phone with a new foreboding sense creeping over her shoulder as she caught a glimpse of the figure in the reflection. The drawing of those eyes that follow you around the room from within the lion’s den. 
Without a second thought, she wandered to her bed and reached beneath the loose board. The pillows of dust flying about were of no concern as she removed the lid, opening to the possessions - twin gauntlets encompassed by a curved arrow. Tucking both into her bag, the knowledge of something bigger ahead of this visit where the revels of the ancient gods were concerned.
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I'm a Demon Eater. What they call a Grey Man. But you may call me Mr. Edburt.
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August Benjamin Edward
Augerbently Eckerviel Edburt (Call me Edburt)
None ur business
None ur business
Human birth: August 20th
New birth: December 2nd
Demon eater
⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
Long black hair
Greyish white
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Apparently ice burgs
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Jelo (my son)
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⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
Non human, fictive, Persucutor
Very active
5th Jan 2021
Read ghost eyes :(
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If this alter is at front they usually have a task to do or are sitting through a mental breakdown
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⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
My son and husband
Looking after my child
⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
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┊ ┊ ┊∘ ∙✧
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✦ . ✫   . ˚ ✦ ·
. + · · ꕥ .
✦ ·
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A Really Long Essay on Lettow Pt. 1
So I was working on a thing. And you know how when you're writing sometimes a character decides to go off? And do something that is totally in-character but unexpected? And then you have to somehow work around it? Yeah, that happened to me b/c I was writing a thing and somehow made an accidental comparison b/n my Bloodlines PC, Beau, and Jasper Knowles. And it got me thinking. So Imma compile my thoughts together and see what people think. I feel like I'm reaching for some of it, but whatever.
Here's the link to Part 2 cause this one got too long: https://lots-of-little-pink-clouds.tumblr.com/post/642069117234462720/a-really-long-essay-on-lettow-pt-2
And here's Part 3: https://lots-of-little-pink-clouds.tumblr.com/post/642069120459948032/a-really-long-essay-on-lettow-pt-3
Tl;dr Lettow represses his emotions and has unhealthy coping mechanisms including, but not limited to: not believing he's worthy of love; having trouble letting people go; and harboring an extreme guilt complex. This mainly stems from Aila, but I'll also be looking at his relationships w/ some of the other named NPCs, specifically Dove and Jasper Knowles.
Aila's Lasting Impact
@robotslenderman made a really good point in one of their posts a while back about how Lettow represses his feelings (unfortunately I can't find it rn). This gist of it was that b/c of Aila's depression, Lettow started to put his own emotional needs aside to help w/ hers. And the reason they travelled so much was Lettow's way of keeping Aila interested in the world. We also see that when this failed and Aila went into torpor, Lettow settled down and eventually became Prince of Tucson.
This came w/ many benefits, but the most important one was the capability to protect Aila better. Lettow knows that the best way to keep him and Aila safe and alive is to have the resources to do so. Therefore, being a Prince is real handy.
But that doesn't change the fact that Aila chose to go into torpor (ignoring how she gets diablerized, that comes later). This event left such a large impression on Lettow that he chose to set down roots so he could stay close to her. Lettow talks about being like the Courier once and seems wistful to return to that sort of life. Or maybe he's pining for Aila. It's probably a bit of both.
We don't know when exactly Lettow found out about Aila's death - he could have known prior to the events in Night Road or found out during it - but I headcanon that the only reason he stayed in Tucson was b/c he was looking for her killer. And it's super coincidental that he stopped being Prince after confronting the ones responsible.
Either way, Aila left a huge impact on Lettow and this effects all of his other relationships.
Dove, Lettow's Right-Hand-Woman
Dove is a primary example of how Lettow treats his friends. Their relationship w/ each other not only introduces us to the kingpins of Tucson's Camarilla, but it also tells us exactly how Lettow treats the Kindred under his protection - compared to most Princes, he's fairly laid-back and approachable. But Dove is special.
B/c of their history together, Dove refers to Lettow by his first name - even the Courier typically calls him "Prince Lettow" in their internal monologue (I say "typically," since you can call him by his first name if you flirt w/ him). She talks back, makes quippy comments (the whole "Stop acting like you're made of money and pay the person" exchange), and is generally unafraid to inform him of her opinion. Basically, Lettow allows Dove a certain amount of leeway unless it directly affects his role as Prince.
As such, it makes sense that Lettow would turn to such a close and trusted friend to help him rule over Tucson.
But now we bring Aila into the equation. How does Lettow's relationship w/ Aila effect his friendship w/ Dove? Aside from all three of them having known each other for the same amount of time, what other connection is there?
Simple. We just need to look at Dove's Cadillac story.
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manggaeteokki · 4 years
Secret Garden || intro
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summary: for years and years, your mother whispered to you stories of the mythical secret garden, and for years, you thought they were just that: stories. but what happens when one day you stumble upon a place beyond your wildest imagination and not a clue how you got there?
come in and discover the legends of the Secret Garden.
pairing: ___ x reader, BTS x reader 
genre: fluff, romance, fantasy, alternate universe! au, smut (possibly?? *eyebrow wiggle*)
words: 1.7K
a/n: this is my first series and i’m super excited! this series will have a story in the garden for each member. please read the intro before delving into the stories!!! the intro sets up the stories, so its important to read, cuties. choose one to read or choose them all. either way, can’t wait to see you in the Garden!  (send an ask to be added to the taglist!!) 
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“Do you ever think there could be other worlds besides ours?” your friend, Aila, asks while shoving a fistful of buttery popcorn in her mouth. 
It was Movie Night in your shared apartment, and your friend and roommate, Aila’s, brilliant suggestion of Prometheus was gracing your T.V. screen. She loved movies about otherworldly creatures coming to Earth and especially loved when an invasion was involved. You often questioned her movie taste, and she would explain that she likes the idea of Earth “not being the only planet with viable and intelligent beings.” It sounded insane, but in some ways it made sense, you rationalized. 
You shifted on the comfy couch to look towards her. While you didn’t necessarily refute the point, you couldn’t be sure that you could answer such a question or even know where to begin with an explanation. 
“When I was younger,” you started, “my mom used to always tell me stories of this other world that had a garden.” 
“Sounds fucking boring,” she retorted. You hit her shoulder and she winced in fake pain. 
“Shut up. Like I was saying, before you so rudely interrupted, she would tell me stories of this place. The way she talked about the garden… it made it seem like it was real,” you smiled remembering. “She said that every flower in existence bloomed there, and that as soon as you entered, a wave of calmness immediately washed over your body. ‘A pure form of serenity,’ she said.” 
“No offense but it sounds like that time I got high at the Botanical Gardens with Nico last summer,” she laughed and you shortly followed suit. 
“Yeah, but she also talked about these beings that lived there. I think she said there were seven of them. She said that they looked like humans, but on a closer look, their beauty was too ethereal to be so,” you babbled. 
Aila’s face contorted into confusion and wonder as you recalled the stories your mother told you at bedtime each night. The movie long forgotten, Aila inquired more and more about your beloved stories until the music signaling the end credits began to play. Aila stood up and began clearing the popcorn strays from the couch while you walked over to turn on the lights in the living room. 
Your roommate let out a yawn paired with a sound that could easily be compared to a banshee, and let you know that she would be heading to sleep as she had work early in the morning. You nodded your head in acknowledgement and let her know that you would be staying a while in the living to catch up on a show you had been binge-watching that week. Her door to her room closed and you landed on your couch with a fwump! 
“Finally I get to watch this damn show!” you exclaimed, reaching for the bucket of popcorn Aila left out for you. The intro to Elite started rolling, and you snuggled deeper into the worn-in couch. You let out a sigh of relaxation, allowing yourself to get immersed in the show. 
Two episodes and about 3 hours later (you used one of the hours to mindlessly scroll through your social media), you decided, albeit belatedly, that you should head to bed due to work being in seven hours. Working in research wasn’t as taxing as you thought, but it still required you to be awake and not slobbering on a keyboard for eight hours, as great as it sounded. 
You started to head toward your own room when you heard a thump against one of the doors in the small hallway where the doors leading to the bedrooms existed. You decided that you were more tired than you felt and thought the result was auditory hallucinations; however, as you got closer to the middle door between you and Aila’s bedroom, you heard it once again and this time louder. 
“Aila, what the hell are you doing in there?” you called out but there was no response. 
When you and Aila first toured the apartment, the middle door did not go unnoticed. When asked about the door and why it was locked, the landlord simply said that he bought it that way and never received a key. Many jokes were made in terms of what lie beyond the door; moreso by Aila and her extraterrestrial fantasies than you, but they induced plenty of laughs nonetheless. 
The thumping occurred from the middle door again, and fear slowly crept into your veins making your body feel a rush of coolness in the process. You knew not to try to open the door, not that it was even possible, but you also knew that you wouldn’t be able to sleep with that incessant noise. You started banging on Aila’s door. 
“Aila, girl, I KNOW you hear that noise. Hurry up and come out! I’m scared,” you whined, but she still didn’t reply. You knew Aila was a heavy sleeper, but damn was she sleeping deep if she couldn’t hear you. 
You twisted the knob to her door and ran in expecting to see a lump on plump blankets in a human silhouette. Instead, you found her bed completely made, no human in sight. There was no way that Aila could have gone out the window, you guys were on the tenth floor. Things weren’t adding up, and you were on the verge of tears. 
A morbid curiosity suffused throughout your being as you slowly began walking towards the middle door. The thumping got louder with each step you took, and at some point, you couldn’t distinguish between the pounding of your heart in your eardrums and the perpetual beat against the mahogany entrance. You reached the door, and your hand encased the golden knob. You noted that it felt warm for a door that had supposedly not been used for a lengthy amount of time. With a twist of the knob, you were shocked to hear a click indicated the outdated door had been unlocked. You stood there for what seemed like forever, an array of questions racing through your mind. You finally gathered what little courage you had left and swung the door open. 
It was a bittersweet feeling when you listened to your mom. All those times when you wished you were spirited away from your life only to continue the mundane quickly taught you that stories were just stories. Myths were myths. Lies were lies. And gardens of every flower didn’t exist but in fairytales. 
So why, beyond a mysterious door in a crappy apartment, are the most beautiful meadows of flowers swaying in the wind, dancing a dance of entrancement, almost as if they were personally inviting you inside? Your eyes glassed over as you tried to process the view. It was as if your eyes were stuck in their place. 
You were frozen. 
It wasn’t until you heard the door shut behind you that realized you had moved inside. Your eyes whipped back, but you found yourself staring at acres and acres of flowers, not a door in sight. 
“Is there a reason you’re standing there like an idiot?” you heard a voice say. 
When you turned around, your eyes met your best friend and roommate. She donned a sheer ivory dress with golden acacias adorning her bodice and train. The silk threads shone in the sun almost as if the dress had been sewn by the heavens themselves. Her skin was as smooth as glass and possessed a beautiful brown pigment with a hint of olive. Champagne glitter bedecked the areas around her eyes, and her hair was tied up in a braid full of a different selection of flowers. Her eyebrow was raised and her arms were across her chest. You could hear her foot tapping against the ground in irritation. 
“Aila?” you whispered. 
“Who?” she practically yelled, “That is not my name, nor has it ever been.” 
You blushed, “then who are you?”
“Who am I?” she scoffed, “More like who are you? You’re the one who stood in the middle of the meadow as if you were waiting for someone to check you into a hotel.” 
Her tone was pissing you off, and if you had felt more comfortable in this situation, you would have told her exactly where she could have put it. Instead, you were too busy trying to figure out whether or not Aila put something in her popcorn. 
“I’m Y/N, and I don’t even know where I am or how I even got here,” you choked. 
The girl gave you a look then closed her eyes and sighed. She turned on her heel and began walking in the opposite direction without saying another word. Your eyebrows furrowed and your temper threatened to lose itself, but when she found that your footsteps were nowhere to be heard, she stopped in her tracks. 
“Are you coming or what?” she bleated. You nodded slightly and began walking quickly to catch up with her. 
You walked beside her for what seemed like forever, not sharing one word between each other, so you decided to take in your surroundings. 
You could see the flowers, yes, but you also saw little creatures you had never seen before participating in different tasks. Some were watering sections of plants, some were flitting and flying, sprinkling an unknown substance from the air that shone like diamonds, and some were simply laying down and napping in the sun. You walked further and found little manmade living spaces made from materials like twigs and leaves, and silently thought how adorable it all was. Just when you were counting your hundredth house, the girl suddenly stopped. 
“We’re here,” she stated. 
In front of you, seven paths diverged and outstretched throughout the pasture. Each one looked uniform at first glance, but the longer you looked, the more you could see the slight differences. With your lips slightly parted, you turned back towards the girl, however, the space she occupied was now taken up by a lanky, ginger, cat-like entity licking its paw. 
“What?” it spoke with the girl’s voice. 
You jumped back slightly but a calm hushed your body. You took a deep breath.
“What am I supposed to do now?” you asked.
“What do you normally do when you see multiple paths?” she snickered, continuing to lick her paw. You stayed silent and looked towards her. She stopped licking and instead arched her back gracefully. 
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viviskull · 4 years
repost. do not reblog.
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𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
FULL NAME. Vivi Aila Yukino
NICKNAME.  Vi, True Blue, Blueberry, Orchid, Blue lady, and puppy eyes. 
GENDER.  Nonbinary
HEIGHT.  5′3″ ft
AGE.  24 
ZODIAC. Gemini
SPOKEN LANGUAGES. English and Japanese
𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
EYE COLOR.  Light baby blue
SKIN TONE.  Pale white
BODY TYPE.  Muscular, but it isn’t seen very well due to what she wears. 
ACCENT.  Has a slight country accent, but that was mostly learned from her mother.
VOICE.  Haha Vivi said Fuck.
POSTURE. Average
SCARS.  She has a few old scars that lay on her hips, legs, and stomach.  Now, she’s got a couple that display on her face and just below her ribs.
BIRTHMARKS.  She’s got a snowflake looking mark on the bottom of her left heel.
MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S).  Her eyes and hair!  Blue is rare ya know!
𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 !
BIRTH HEIGHT.   prob 1′0″
FIRST WORDS.  Mystery!
SIBLINGS. She was born an only child.
PARENTS.  N/A, but her parents ARE alive lol
PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT.  Her family, alongside with her granny, were fairly involved in her life; especially her mom and grandmother.  Her father was the breadmaker of the family though, so sometimes there were periods where he was absent from her life at time.
𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 !
OCCUPATION.  Her main work is Tome Tomb, but she does run a side business “Mystery Skulls” as a paranormal investigation business with her closest friends and dog.  If she could, she would sometimes pick up random part time jobs to make ends meet.
CURRENT RESIDENCE. Lives in a small house with her dog and the gang.  
CLOSE FRIENDS.  Arthur and Lewis.  Can’t forgot her dog Mystery, too!
RELATIONSHIP STATUS. Taken, but open due to her polyamory sexuality.
FINANCIAL STATUS.  She middle class, but it can be unsteady some days.
DRIVER’S LICENSE. Has one, but isn’t allowed behind the way due to her almost crashing the van that one time.
CRIMINAL RECORD.  Has gotten arrested at least a few times, but nowadays she knows when to make herself scarce.
VICES.  Envy.
𝐬𝐞𝐱 & 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 !
SEXUAL ORIENTATION.   Pansexual af and she WILL steal your wife.  Also she’s polyamory too.
PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE.  submissive  | dominant | switch. 
PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE.       submissive |  dominant | switch. 
LIBIDO.  Pretty high, but just has the weird ability to turn it off and on when she likes too.
RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.  Is very flirtatious and affectionate towards those she’s taken a liking too.  Plus, she’s loyal to a fault.  She also tends to give her partners gifts when she gets the chance.
𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 !
HOBBIES TO PASS TIME.   Cryptid research, Watching urban exploration/paranormal investigation, writing, art, horseback riding, and she likes to sew from time to time too!
MENTAL ILLNESSES.  Autism, depression, and anxiety.  Just tends to repress the last two a lot.
PHOBIAS. Is afraid of tall heights.
SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL. Most confident person you could meet, but is also the most frail if you catch her on a bad day.
VULNERABILITIES.  Stubborn, little to no self preservation, and doesn’t sometimes know WHEN to give herself a break when she’s stretched herself thin from working and helping folks out.
tagged by. Lmao I stole it
tagging. u
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shellyscribbles · 3 years
Find the Word Tag
Thanks for the tags @sleepyowlwrites for the tags!
I got tagged twice, so I'm gonna try to find all the words.
[missing from all my stories]
[Also missing from all of my stories]
Root [The Shadow of Vale (D2)]
Zuriel looked at the book again. After a moment he spotted a knobby root that looked familiar, seeing it labeled as ginger he pointed at it. “Ginger, I know that one.”
“What is it for?”
His brief excitement evaporated as quickly as it had dawned. “Uh, I know the root is used for stuff. They serve it with sushi, I think it’s a palette cleanser, but I don’t think that has anything to do with healing potions.”
Rafael sighed again. “No, it doesn’t. Ginger aids in digestion. It interacts well with certain ores as well.”
“Is ogzeck anywhere near ginger?”
“Only if you plant them together.
Spot [The Shadow of Vale (D20]
They each froze, staring almost blankly at one another.
“Dance with me.” Aila finally said.
Half aware of her having taken one of his hands he tried to find a good reason to say no. “Okay.”
As he followed her into an empty spot on the dance floor the music shifted from a fast-driving song to the slow ebbing sounds which Zuriel knew immediately was for the Rio. Aila looked back at him rather distressed.
“I know this one.” He told her, smiling slightly. He suddenly felt like two people. One of him knew what a mistake it was, the rest of him did not care.
Wild [The Shadow of Vale (D2)]
Aila looked out over the field ahead. It would soon be dark enough soon to start across. She’d have to be quick. She had stayed in Lux too long. There was no food here and no useful supplies. She had gotten by on heirloom plants from gardens long left wild. It hadn’t been enough and now she faced fleeing across an open field in the dark weakened for want of food.
Stole(n) [Hallendrest/Vontis]
Kallias set down the last page and laid back on the pillows. He didn’t really ignore the deeds, but it had been years since he had read them with such attention. It was a soul deadening activity akin to watching the executions in a way. There was a sense of watching his identity be stolen as he read through these laws and decrees that had been issued in his name, many already having been carried out, which he was hearing of for the first time. His identity stolen and tarnished by a council of seven monsters parading in his name. And he was powerless to stop them.
Follow [Elker Rex]
“Yes, we would reach Viden in the evening if we weren’t passing the night at Baum’s.”
Audrey nodded and glanced at him over her shoulder. “Did they follow?”
She nodded again. “I didn’t think it would be this difficult.”
Edmund sighed. He understood precisely what she meant. Being beside her as she moved through her day was one thing but to be trapped in a carriage beside her, being jostled into her and surrounded with her scent was something else entirely.
Goodbye [The Shadow of Vale (D2)]
“Come here.” He opened his arms to her. She welcomed his embrace.
“You better not be saying goodbye. You’re going to beat him.” Aila said, feeling Zuriel trembling.
He pulled back, resting his forehead on hers. “I love you, Aila. With everything that I am.”
“Don’t.” She said, her voice shaking.
“If anything happens to me tomorrow,” he continued.
“Shut up, nothing is going to happen to you.”
“Let Halvar protect you. I’ve asked him to. Please don’t fight him, don’t argue. I need to know you’ll be safe.”
Nothing [The Shadow of Vale (D2)]
“Ah!” Zuriel cried out as he tripped backward. He laid on the ground a moment. “I have learned to do a lot with an hour.” Sitting up, he tried to see what he had tripped on, but saw nothing.
“It was a block.”
“What was?”
“What you tripped on. You tripped on a block.”
“You put a block behind my feet?”
“You weren’t paying attention to where you were stepping.”
“There was nothing there!” Zuriel cried, exasperated.
“But there could have been. You’ve gotten comfortable, I had to shake you up, remind you to watch your feet.”
Zuriel put his fits to his temples. “I can’t see a block, how am I supposed to watch for it?”
Bitter [The Shadow of Vale (D2)]
When he returned to his chambers, he found Chiron waiting with a few snacks. Zuriel couldn’t suppress a smile as he closed the door. “Hi Chiron.”
“Zuriel.” The wizard rose and nodded to him. “I ran into Michael; he says your sorcerer magic is rather remarkable. You can summon more water than he has seen seasoned sorcerers pull.” The wizard spoke quickly as he scooted the tray of snacks forward for Zuriel as he approached the table. “I brought a few foods that should help with your recovery from both the magic and physical exertion. This one here is a little bitter, but quite effective.”
Zuriel took a few of what appeared to be blue crackers. They were strangely crumbling and tasted the way he imagined a flower would. With a slight grimace he finished them and looked more glumly at the rest of the plate. “Thanks.”
Chiron shrugged. “Not the best tasting things, but they will help you get back to normal.”
And for my tags: @alcego, @lend-your-lungs-to-me, @lady-wintress, @teriwrites and @writingamongther0ses Plus anyone else who wishes to partake.
Words are: Beyond, Flower, Blanket, Star, and Flutter
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moss-flesh · 2 years
I'm incapable of choosing just 1 or 2 questions, oops! 💖
Aila/Alistair - 2, 7, 16 Adahlen/Solas - 3, 19, 31
i dont know what possessed me but i loves these questions so much i wrote a lot ! so here u go !! <3
aila x alistair
2. What would they do if the other woke in a manic state after a nightmare?
Grey wardens and their nightmares am i right ? Both of them had really bad nightmares before killing the archdemon, but Aila suffered from nightmares most of her life already. They morphed her fears of her father, of the circle, n everything she went through there, with the archdemon stuff n it rlly fucked her up. She’d toss and turn and scream herself awake, on these occasions Alistair wraps his arms around her and brings her to his chests, stroking her hair gently. He’d hush her and reassure her of where she was, safe with him.
when Aila was not able to sleep (which was most of the time), she would see alistair struggling in his sleep, and get as close as she could to him with her ear against his heart and hug him gently, listening as his heartbeat and breathing became calm again.
7. Would they build a pillow fort together just because?
yes !!! god of course, this is very them, and they would make it everyone elses problem too.
alistair: STEN! give me your pillows
sten: no.
alistair: but your kadan is my girlfriend!
sten: something i still do not understand.
aila: wow morrigan youre looking hotter than ever, new necklace?
morrigan: yes. you gave it to me. what do you want ?
aila: …… gimme ur blankeys….
morrigan: take them. i dont want to know.
16. Can they stay up all night just talking?
Thats like all they did the first few weeks of knowing eachother. they would move their cots a little closer to eachother and talk for hours staring at the stars. Alistair would mindlessly throw logs on the fire listening to Aila intently as she goes on about flowers, herbs, arcane histories and silly shit her few friends (jowan n anders) use to get up to. And she would stare at him wide eyed as he told her stories of duncan and his warden friends. They wouldve continued but wynne and zevran complained about losing sleep coz they wouldnt shut up. They continued once they started sharing a tent lmao.
adahlen x solas
3. Do they wear the other’s clothes? (sweatshirt, bandana, necklace, etc.)
oh yeah Adahlen is a little thief n she always takes Solas stuff lmao. she usually just likes to wear his necklace or sleep in his tunic. But the first time she wore his tunic as an undershirt everyone in skyhold was like
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Shes pretty small so he cant really fit in her clothes but he ALWAYS steals her fave blanket and uses it for naps.
19. How do they feel about PDA?
Solas is surprisingly fine with it as long as its not too inappropriate, sometimes even so he shocks her by how affectionate he actually is in front of others. Sera would say some shit about them to tease him and hed just grab Ada and smooch her. At first Adahlen was actually so nervous about it though, like she wants to do pda but shes like “oh no what if he doesnt, will he think im weird, oh gods oh fuck” coz sadness alert, solas is her first love, lonely baby. But while she’s distracted vibrating from anxiety, he would just grab her hand and kiss her head as hes really perceptive of her emotions.
31. Can they sit side by side without touching the other or are they handsy? (lacing fingers, touching knees, etc.)
absolutely not lmao, solas likes to think adahlen is the touchiest out of them but they both cant help mindlessly grabbing onto the other, neither of them even notice until varric is like “i gotta write that shit down” because it’s embarrassing, they practically stand on top of one another.
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kylorenfanfic · 5 years
Long Away - chapter 3
Kylo Ren x Female Reader
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A/N: there goes chapter 3 and well, I guess things are getting a little bit more interesting next, I hope you guys like it. Oh please, if you enjoyed reading it, share and like it, it gives me a lot of motivation to keep writing to see people enjoying my writing! Thanks a lot! ❤️
> If you want to be add on the taglist just let me know, so you can know when the next chapters come out :) Words: 2.6k “This is suicide!” Poe exclaimed when you asked him to take you to Corellia, after telling him your plan.
“That is none of your business... I can pay you if that’s what you want.” and while you were saying that you were starting to regret leaving your ship behind in Corusant. Stupid idea.
“Of course it is! I am not taking your money!”
“I don’t see how it is. And if you don’t want to, I will find another way.”
“Oh good luck with that.”
“You are a pain in the ass, Dameron.”
“Then you are stubborn and stupid.” He took a deep sigh. “Look, I can’t let you go into the First Order as a spy, especially when we need more people on our side, not spying out there. And also because Kylo Ren is going to figure it out in no time.”
“I can handle myself. Also, I have told you, I don’t want to fight.”
“You are a great fighter! I saw you with that trooper!” it was your turn to sigh
“Why you even care, Dameron?” you put your hand on your forehead like you were feeling a headache.
“You are my friend!”
“We barely know each other!”
“Isn’t that how friendships start?” he smiled at you, and you stared at him. You couldn’t really tell, you haven’t had a friend in so long. You smiled back.
“Look, trust me, ok? If things turn out bad, I will come back and fight aside the Resistance. It is just… something I have to do. My place is not here, I feel it and…” you felt the urge to tell him why you really wanted to go. You wanted to see Ren with your own eyes, wanted to see what really happened to Ben Solo and as a bonus, you could get inside information and help the Resistance. But you didn’t. He kept looking at you, you gave him a soft smile.
“I will take you to Corellia.” You largely smiled and hugged him.
“Thank you, Poe.”
 You stayed with the Resistance for a week and you got to know most of them, and you actually enjoyed it. More time you were having with them, the more you wanted to help and somehow they reminded you from the old training days in the new Jedi Temple.
You had the same clothes from Dantooine on, your lightsaber well hidden all the time and your staff on your shoulder. You said your goodbyes to the new people you have met. Leia just gave you a nod. She didn’t want to allow your mission, she needed more people and that was pretty much suicidal, but you didn’t join the Resistance, you just offered your help in return of their help, she couldn’t really do something about it.
“Ready?” Poe asked you turning the ship buttons on.
“Go ahead, Dameron.” You said and sat next to him as co-pilot.
The ship was in space in no time, finding its way to Corellia.
“So, what are you going to do to get into the First Order?” he asked
“Gonna act like a bounty hunter in their favor. They need it.”
“How you know that?”
“They always do.” you remembered Darth Vader hiring Boba Fett.
“I thought you weren’t a bounty hunter.”
“And I am not.” He shook his head with a small smirk on his lips.
 The ship landed in Coronet City. There were First Order emblems around. You put your hood on to cover your head.
“I need to go alone now. If they see me with you and recognize you as the Resistance, my plan is over” you said to Poe and he nodded. You two starred each other, he had a sad smile on.
“Come here, Lacer” he said with his arms open and you hugged him. “Good luck, (Y/N).” he gave you a kiss on the top of your head.
“Send them all my regards. I will see you soon, remember to be in Coruscant soon, so I can find someone to give the information.” He nodded again and you left, not looking back.
This was stupid but you were doing it anyway. You took a deep breath and walked straight forward into the direction of a few Stormtroopers that were marching.
“Freeze!” one of them shouted to you aiming the blaster in your direction. You didn’t freeze. You got your staff and with it you were hitting the lasers so they wouldn’t hit you. You came closer to the troopers and hit the first one with your staff, making him stumble behind while you’d hit the other in the face, making part of his mask break. You used your moves to dodge their movements and two more troopers were coming. You knew you could handle them, with effort, but you could, you didn’t though. You let yourself be caught and then one of them hit your head and you blacked out.
 You woke up in a prison cell. You didn’t have your staff with you, you checked your boots, your lightsaber was still there, luckily they didn’t check it there – they weren’t expecting someone to be hiding a lightsaber.
You stood up and looked around, you couldn’t see the cell next to you, only the hallway, you heard steeps coming and a door opening.
“I see you are awake” a man with red hair and First Order military uniform stood up right in front of your cell, talking to you. “It came to my knowledge that you willingly attacked our troopers. Why? Are you with the Resistance?” you stared at him.
“Answer!” he yelled.
“I am (Y/N) Lacer from Dantooine and I wanted to be captured.” You answered.
“Well, (Y/N) from Dantooine, you are quite far from home. Are you some sort of imbecile?”
“Are you?” you asked with a serious face.
“How dare you to talk to me in that way?”
“And you are…?”
“I’m General Armitage Hux of the First Order and I will have you killed if you disrespect me any more.”
“Oh, General Hux, you won’t.” you came closer to the prison cell exit – it was blocked with lasers that stopped you from going out. “I was willingly captured actually, I gave in. I wanted to be right here, right now.” You simply smiled, he tried to hide a confused look.
“I want to help,” you kept speaking “I want to be part of the First Order.” He laughed.
“You could just have signed up, you know? You really expect me to believe that?”
“Yes. I don’t want to start from bellow. I deserve better than that. I can be of a great help for the First Order.”
“What are your abilities?”
“I am a bounty hunter. I know you probably have many already, but believe me. None like me.”
“You are indeed an imbecile.” he turned away to leave
“You can give me a mission. I can prove myself loyal.” You spoke louder. He stopped, you got his attention.
“Do you take me as a fool? You will just run away.”
“No, I won’t. Insert a tracker in me, one I can’t remove without First Order’s tech. I will be back with whoever you want me to.”
“You want money?”
“No, I just want to be helpful to our Supreme Leader” Hux laughed sarcastically. You could tell he didn’t like Kylo. “And to you, General.” You approached even more the lasers, you gave him a seductive look, you knew it would work.
 You found yourself on a durasteel chair in some short of medcenter. They were indeed inserting the tracker in you. They had given you a mission, you had to capture Tyria Groman. Apparently, she worked inside the First Order with their technology and she deserted, having a big amount of knowledge on their ships and weapons. The Resistance had no idea about her existence and you should bring her back before it was too late. They couldn’t send their troopers after one single woman, people would know that something was wrong. A single bounty hunter was perfect for the job.
The last time they knew where Tyria was Corellia, she ran away in there, and now it was almost impossible to know where she could be. Hux gave you a ship and your staff back, you had a few days to bring her back to the First Order Cruiser. You thought about going back to Corellia to try to start tracking her there, it was the right place to start.
You landed on Corellia and got out of the ship. You looked around and saw that amount of people. You sighed, that was going to be hard. It was when you felt something, deep inside of you, trying to talk to you. And in a moment of pure despair, you felt it, you felt the Force inside of you, and for a long time you haven’t felt that good. The force guided you to a bar, it was empty, weirdly enough, and the bartender was a droid.
“Hello, I am T-M5, what can I help you?” it asked with the typical robotic voice of a droid.
“I am looking for Tyria.” You simply said, “I know no Tyria.” it answered.
“I believe she was here not long ago.”
“Is she a friend?”
“Yes, we are old friends and to be honest, I was quite worried about her, it’s been a long time since I’ve heard of her. She is tall, red hair and was using dark clothes.” You described the hologram that Hux showed you.
“Someone like this was here a few days ago. She didn’t stay.” a human voice showed up from behind the droid, it was a man.
“Did she say where she is going?” you asked him.
“Are you with the First Order?” he replied.
“Do I look like it?” he thought for a while. “I am just looking for my friend.” you simply said with a worried look.
“Can’t help you, sorry”, the man left again and you tried to follow him, T-M5 tried to stop you from going to behind the balcony.
“Sir, please. I am worried.” You begged.
“What’s your name?”
“Aila” you lied.
“Never heard of you.”
“So you do know her!”
“Leave before I call the troopers.” He angrily said
“You wouldn’t, because you hate them as much as I do.” He gave you a look. “Please.”
“Naboo.” He said and left, you didn’t follow him again.
You ran back to the ship, already thinking about the planet. You knew it was an important planet back in the Old Republic days and it was located in the Mid Rim, but you never been there.
You arrived in Theed and felt the sweet atmosphere. It was such a beautiful city and you couldn’t stop imagining how it used to look like in the golden days of the Old Republic. You had an entire planet to search for a single woman and you were no damn professional bounty hunter. Stars, you weren’t even a true bounty hunter. You tried to feel the Force again, but it didn’t come out naturally, you had shut it out for so long. You buffed, frustrated at yourself. There was no way back, even if you went back to Dantooine, the First Order would find you. Great idea you had, a tracker.
You started walking through the city; there was a market in there, people selling fabric, jewelry, some aliments. At the horizon, you saw the ruins of the old palace. What a beautiful place, one could easily fall in love in there. It was quite peaceful, you could almost think that there was no war out there. You spotted a child walking alone, it was a little girl and she wore a blue dress in a Nabooian tyle. You smiled at her and she smiled back and then you felt it again, the Force. Honestly, the Force trying to reach it back to you it was a great way to cheat in this whole bounty hunter thing, you weren’t sure if you wanted it back. Too much responsibility. You followed the way the child came from, and kept going until arriving in a food stand. There was a lady collecting fruits, you couldn’t see her face and her hair was dark, but you felt it.
“Tyria?” you called her. She looked and stared at you.
“Are you talking to me?” she replied.
“You are Tyria, aren’t you?”
“I am afraid you are mistaking me with someone else” she put the fruit back on the stand and turned her back to you, she was walking fast.
“I just want to talk to you” you yelled. She started to walk faster, almost running and you followed her. At that point you both were far of the market, almost in a desert street, and then she turned back to you and there was a blaster in her hand pointing at you.
“You are with the First Order, aren’t you?” it was her indeed. You could just get here there, or you could lie.
“Liar!” she screamed and held the trigger closer to her hand.
“You honestly believe I am with the First Order?” you yelled back at her.
“Anyone can be with the First Order. I was! I know they want me.”
“If I was here to kill you, don’t you think I would be trying to kill you, not talking to you?” she thought about it, her arm with the blaster going a bit down. You stepped closer.
“Stay where you are” the blaster was again in the same place. You sighed, you didn’t want to lose any more time. You stood your hand up and felt it coming to your way. The blaster, in her hand, came to your hand; you were using the Force. She had a shocked look on her face and ran, you right after her and you used it again, you made her stop.
“I can’t move!” she screamed.
“You will be fine.” You told her approaching and getting out handcuffs to hold her.
“No, I won’t!” she started to cry “I won’t be ok, they will kill me.” You remained in silence, that was probably true and you felt bad. You used the Force, after so long, to do something bad, to take someone to their death… but it was for a greater good… right?
 Back in the ship, with Tyria tided, you contacted Hux so he could sent you the coordinates where the First Order cruiser was. You had permission to enter it and when you got out, with the prisoner, Hux was there to receive you.
“You really did your work, huh?” he said looking at both of you.
“I told you.” You made Tyria go a step ahead. “Do you believe in me now?”
“Maybe…” he had a very serious look on his face. “Kill her.” he said to a trooper behind him and with no hesitation, the trooper shoot her right in front of you and her body dropped on the floor. You had a shock when that happened but you tried to not let it show. You had to prove yourself loyal, and you didn’t really kill anybody. It wasn’t your fault, right?
“Just one more thing…” Hux said.
“What now?” you angrily asked him.
“Come with me.”
You followed Hux inside the enormous ship, three Stormtroopers escorting you, many others, aside with droids, passing by. You could tell that he was taking you to the higher command part because there was more security. Both of you entered a large room, many people working a big viewport, it was the core of the First Order.
“Sir.” Hux called and then he turned, in all his glory, in front of you, it was the Supreme Leader, Kylo Ren.
Chapter 4
taglist: @shockwavee​ @sallyp-53​ @silverlambcaptain​ @lonesome-loser​ @little-girl-who-dream-too-much​ @delicatesleeper​ @ohmygoditsanthonyedwardstark​ @cynthianokamaria @moonlightsolo
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mischiefmanaged71 · 2 years
Nocturne (2/?) | Moon Knight
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Summary: A series of unfortunate events tied together in a mysterious crescent bow leads our protagonists astray.
A/N: Comment to be tagged.
Pairing: Marc Spector x OC / Implied Steven Grant x OC
Warning/s: slight angst
The streets were bustling with the traffic of London's morning life around her as Aila carefully watched her surroundings. Wet puddles spread across the pavement, retreating into this dull aura around the city streets. 
Her eyes darted up to the key picture of interest, the British Museum. At 9:34am, she would be at the top of the steps and a minute later, following behind the morning tour group. It had been a few days and she had settled into a place a few stops from here on her motorbike. Only the second trip was required as she skirted the corner and her eyes locked onto his profile at the counter. The same man - tan skin, brown curls. But something-there was something she couldn't put her finger on. Whether it was his posture, almost as if he'd rather slink into the background, or the kindness in his eyes. Aila was albeit intrigued despite that fury in her veins upon discovering his current location.
Beyond Aila’s better judgement, she has brought herself here, despite the countless missed calls and emails. A hopeless cause it seemed, right up until she finally got through to someone on the receiving end of that call. All of these events lead right up to the apartment she traced back to Marc. Her heart hammered in her chest loudly as she gently latched the window shut. Nerves were rushing to her stomach, stirring an uneasy sensation through her. The clink of a key in the lock triggered her eyes to the front as it swung open and she found herself vastly unprepared for the reunion. A shuddery breath escaped her mouth as Aila forced herself to breathe. 
She locked onto him and blinked, watching as he turned around completely and shut the door behind him. The image was albeit, inviting, a far cry from the memory in her mind. He flinched at the sight of her standing in his living room, stunned by her sudden appearance which she took as remorse for all of the ghosting he’d been doing since he disappeared abruptly. Marc was clearly dishevelled from a prior event from the dried blood on his hands and hidden beneath his jacket.
She watched him, unsure of where exactly to begin,
“What are you doing here?” he asked, frozen in his step.
She almost laughed, "What have you been doing? I've been looking for you and you've been hiding away here this whole time?" She stared at him, an incredulous look around the room.
"What you're talking about-how did you get in here?" His voice sounded almost confused, but the more perturbing fact was the British accent. 
"What is-Is that accent a part of your cover?" Her face scrunched, stepping forward just as Marc retreated back. “I know it’s not my part to follow you around, but the least you could do as my partner is give me a heads up. Let me know that you’re alive.”
"I-I don't know what you mean. Wh-Who are you?"
Her face dropped, halting in a step as she recognised the lack of recognition in his eyes. The danger sensed in her presence as she studied the confusion on his face, sending a pang through her chest. The man standing before her was a stranger if not the man she knew. 
"What happened to you, Marc?" she whispered, studying the difference in his mannerisms and the way he carried himself.
"You-" he breathed, "How do you know? You called me Marc before and now? That's not my name." 
About the voice in his head. The troubling voice that continued to haunt him. The dreams that resided in his mind on the cusp of consciousness and a subconscious master over him.
"How did I know your name or how did I find you?" She narrowed her eyes, "Whatever happened must've messed with your memories."
"Who is Marc?" he emphasised.
Steven knew nothing except for the inhuman abilities of his alter, the voice in his head.
"You are." She repeated calmly, watching as his face twitched - unnerved by the conversation. 
"My name is Steven Grant." He recited, "Not-not Marc. It's the name I was born with. The one my mum chose."
She stood firmly across, hands at her side "Your name is Marc Spector. I've known you for many years to forget it."
"Do you know what's wrong with me?" He exhaled deeply, eyes flickering around, "Am I crazy?"
She stared at him, the pure terror in this man's eyes, something she was entirely unfamiliar with. Marc was possibly the most strong-headed and tenacious person she knew. But this look in his eyes at the moment, it rose a feeling of empathy as she shook her head. She had seen and heard of vastly wilder things than hearing voices, what with the enormous tragedy of the blip and the underworld that rose in its ashes. 
"You're not." A warm expression crossed her face as she caught the uneasy expression in Steven's eyes. A silence fell over them before Steven finally stepped forward. “I’ll help you figure this out. 
“I know most of what happened right up until the change." She revised, rubbing her arms, "A year later and I lost contact. I've been tracking you ever since." 
"What exactly happened?" His features were softened, twisted in genuine confusion that stumped her.
She crossed to stand near his desk, glancing over all of the Egyptian books and imagery throughout his flat.
"We were tracking something when we were ambushed. Y-Marc was shot and we were in trouble." 
Steven studied her, the graceful image as her shoulders dropped and she brushed her fingers against the hieroglyphics of the open pages. "I couldn't do anything to help him."
She gulped down her anxiety and looked back at him, completely taking in his entirely different stance and mannerisms to the confidence she was used to. "And then that's when I lost consciousness. I woke up in an entirely different place, no memories of how I got there. Except for the blood."
Steven’s eyes shone in recognition, "I have a sleeping disorder. Recently found out all of it had nothing to do with me at all and rather..." he trailed off, thinking of the horrific week he had in discovering the voices in his mind.
"How long have you known about…" 
"About the voice in my head?" Steven's eyebrows raised. "Not enough time to process it, that's for sure."
"It'll be okay-" she stepped forward, reaching out for him.
His voice cut her off, "How is it going to be okay?! I hear and see things that no one else does? Can’t forget that I lose days at a time and now you're saying I'm some American named Marc?" 
She nodded, stepping back to allow him some space as he paced the floor. "I know." 
Steven halted in his steps, his hair a mess from tugging it. A hopeless look in his eyes, "How can you possibly know?"
Aila's hands leaned against the desk chair as she sighed, "Because...you're certainly not the only person who's gone through this." 
A beat passed as Steven watched her pause, "And you won't be the last." 
“I don’t know how much he’s told you, and I think he could explain it best. I won’t interfere there. But you are not alone.”
The creaking of footsteps brought Aila's head, a single glimpse bringing him into focus. From the confidence in his posture and the intensity of his stare alone, it clicked. The longing look behind his intense gaze.
"Marc?" She struggled to keep her voice level, the truth of a long time coming to fruition as she stepped toward him.
He nodded, almost reluctantly, "It's me."
She paused for a moment, taking his hesitance and pondered where exactly to begin, “What’ve you been doing here?” 
“It’s good to see you too.” he murmured, glossing over the subtle differences in her hair, the strong stance with the bag strapped to her back. “I’ve been working.”
An exasperated noise escaped her, “Working? I thought we discussed this ten times over. You can’t just run off and cut off all comms. What did you think would happen-”
“-I didn’t need to run it by you.” he huffed, “Konshu said this would be the last mission. I need to finish this and then it’ll be over.”
She stared at him indifferently, shaking her head “And you believe that?”
He blinked at her, clenching his jaw. He wanted to. Marc desperately wanted to believe that it would be the end after all he had to do since his awakening. A debt to be paid.
“I have to.”
“You know I understand this, better than anyone." Reminding him of her place as Sekhmet's Avatar.
“It’s too dangerous, easier to run things on my own.” he clenched his fists at his side.
A choked laugh escaped her, “Always a team player, aren’t you? There isn’t time to argue about this.” she sighed, averting her gaze. “I’ve been getting this feeling lately that something is going to happen. I couldn’t ignore it anymore.” 
She looked up at the sound of Marc’s voice as he tilted his head, “Is that why you came?” 
She shook her head, pursing her lips at his ignorance to her concern for him “Sekhmet is worried. Hasn’t said much about the specifics except for finding you and…Konshu.”
Aila sighed, closing her eyes, “How long have you been living like this?”
His face twisted slightly, confusion laced through his agape mouth.
“Have you-have you tried to get help?” she murmured.
Marc remained silent as they breathed, feeling the pressure of her eyes scanning his every move for an indication. But he couldn’t muster an answer as he felt the pressure of Steven as he locked eyes with him in the reflection of the glass tank.
She stepped toward him, drawing his attention “I have to make sure you’re okay.”
He finally found his voice, trying not to choke on his words as Konshu lingered in the back of his mind, “Take care of him.”
The comment caused Aila’s brows to furrow in confusion, “Steven. Make sure he’s okay.”
Aila’s eyes glistened with tears, but she nodded her head nonetheless.
“What are we looking for?”
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capricornus-rex · 5 years
Refuge in Sorgan (2)
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Cal Kestis x Reader
Him loving to hear you talk. He could listen to your voice for hours. [source]
Summary: Still on the run after bumping into some of Greez’s old friends, you charted a course to a remote planet in order to seek refuge and replenish some supplies.
Previous: Part 1 | Next: Part 3
2 of ? | Masterlist
The canoe came to a slow halt, you stopped at the end of the pool—not far from where you sat, you can see the light at the end of the path, and the faint chatter of the villagers was within earshot.
“You can step out now,” he said.
The two of you hopped out of the canoe and waited for the tandem to lead the way ahead. The man was the last to leave the boat, he tethers his humble vessel to a post pegged to the earth at the shore of the pool.
“So, what brings you to Sorgan?” the man initiated.
“Refuge,” you answered honestly.
“I hope the trouble didn’t follow you all the way here,” he teased.
You managed a small smile, sensing his trust in you, “I hope not.”
He and his boy lead you to the village itself. It was nearly the way you remembered it six years ago. The villagers were busying themselves with catching krill and transferring them to crates. You passed by one of the ponds and saw bright blue dots underwater. The man approached another man whose stature stood tall and strong despite his long, graying hair adorned in braids.
“Father,” you overheard. “These strangers met us by the marsh.”
He stepped to the side to show you and Cal before the leader. Your expression remains blank yet calm, the leader was familiar indeed—you seemed confident that this old man was Rodik, the same leader you met with your master all those years ago.
“The girl said they’re both Jedi. She also claims that you once knew her master, Aila Elris.”
The old man’s expression deepened, his gaze went over the boatman’s shoulder and stepped past him. He approaches the two of you. This old man must have seen better days. The passage of time, his wisdom and experiences were etched on the wrinkles of his face, yet the look in his eyes had a kind gaze.
Examining you from head to toe, then he fixates his eyes into yours—as if peering through your soul.
“Ah, I see now,” he softly muttered. “[y/n], dear child, look how much you’ve grown!”
He takes you by the shoulders, gave you a light shake and then bursts into laughter. You greeted him with a hug. Rodik announced that you and Cal are visitors and old friends. He invites you into his cottage. He gestures at the chairs as he seated himself.
“So, who is this strong young man you have brought with you, child?”
“Cal Kestis,” he introduces himself.
“Husband, I take it?”
Cal chuckled, “No… not yet.”
You angled your head to Cal, he looks back at you and winked at you.
Rodik smiled and chuckled along. He shook his finger at Cal while he shot a teasing look at you, “I like this boy!”
You lightly dismissed the teasing, explained the whole situation—highlighting the joint bounty that you and Cal have—and your dwindling supplies for the ship and for the crew such as food. Your awareness that the village has little to no technology was in your addendum. You hoped that Rodik or his men would provide intel on where you could pick up some spare parts in case of emergencies.
“You may stay here as long as you like until you have what you need for your travels,” Rodik reassured.
“Thank you, Rodik,” you smiled and gave a slight bow as a sign of thanks and respect.
“The only place you’re getting supplies for your ship is the shop right beside the cantina—another of those places where they hold those wrestling matches,” Rodik grumbled.
“By any chance, Rodik, could you spare us some food supplies?”
“I will have my servants check our main inventory,”
His attention went to the open window of his cottage where he had a full view of the sun. The sky was gradually turning into a deep indigo shade as the sun sets.
“Ah, it’s getting late. It’s dangerous to travel into the woods at night, will your crew be alright?”
“They have the ship to take shelter in. They know how to fight,” Cal answered.
“In that case, I insist that you stay here until morning, for your safety,”
He commanded one of his wardens to prepare a common house for the two of you. The same servant escorted the two of you to the house, it was across Rodik’s own cottage, and left you to your privacy to have yourselves settled. Cal reported everything that transpired just now to Cere, he also added that he will send the map with a waypoint to the village from BD-1’s memory to the ship.
“Have you made yourselves comfortable?” the same man who brought you to Rodik appeared at the open doorway.
“Yes very much, please send Rodik our thanks,”
“I hope my father didn’t overdo his welcome,”
“So you are his son?”
He confirmed and then introduces himself as Torin. Then the young boy comes running up to him.
“Papa, could you help us out with loading the crates?”
“Sure, I’ll be right there,” before the boy could leave, Torin puts his arm around him and introduces him on his behalf. “And you’ve met my son, Ezmer.”
“H-Hello,” he shyly said, somewhat embarrassed of his attitude earlier.
“Hello there,” you greeted with a friendly smile. “My name is [y/n], and this is my boyfriend, Cal,”
“Hi there,” Cal greeted back.
“It’s a pleasure for both of us. Now if you’ll excuse us, we have some work to do. Oh, I hope you could join us tonight for supper. We’re having a bonfire tonight to celebrate this month’s good harvest, I suppose you came at the right time!”
Without waiting for a response, Torin and his son Ezmer left you and Cal alone in the cottage. Checking out the rest of the house, you sat on the bed and eventually threw yourself down flat on your back. Cal sat by your side, leaning back and propping himself up on his elbows.
“Well, at least we got a breather,” Cal blurted and you groaned in agreement.
He tossed to the side, his one arm on your other side while fondly staring at you; you bring your hand to his face, brushing your finger across his cheek. He leans forward to plant a kiss on your forehead.
“I kind of missed this place—peaceful, quiet, simple,” you muttered while blindly fiddling with the loose locks of his hair with your eyes closed.
“Reminds you of home?”
The cottage also had a good view of the sunset, the bed was positioned next to the window so you propped your arms on the sill, rested your chin on them as you watched the sky change colors. Cal remained next to you, watching the sunset with you while holding you by the waist. The laughter of the children playing outside and the chatter of the village women while they catch krill washed you over with a certain calm. A breath of fresh air relaxed your muscles and it somehow made you forget your worry about the bounty on your head.
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sunflwrvolume6 · 3 years
plausible deniability [thirty-two]
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An enormous boxing ring takes up most of the space, and blue mats cover the floor around it. Bare light bulbs hang overhead, bright spots of white illuminating the scene. Metal scrapes against concrete, and Aila turns her head. Tania waves jauntily from her chair at the edge of the mats, and Zayn and Harry sit on either side of her.
[ao3 ☆ wattpad]
[previous ☆ next]
The courier comes back an hour later, this time bearing a message with only Terms accepted. Aila doesn’t bother responding. The meeting is set. It’s the worst decision she’s ever made, but Tania said it herself: Working with Irwin is their best bet at making sure he doesn’t wage a war.
Even if Aila wanted to reply, she has no chance. She has just reached the study when Liam appears at her side. He latches onto her arm and drags her down the corridor. She struggles against his hold.
“Excuse me, that’s my arm you’re ripping off my body.” Aila frowns when he stays silent. “Liam? What’s going on?”
“C’mon, we don’t have much time.”
“‘Time’? Time for what?”
Again with the not answering. So Aila shuts up and stumbles after him through the kitchen and down the stone staircase to the basement. He takes a right instead of straight ahead—away from the infirmary—and shoves her forward. Aila gapes at the set-up in front of her.
An enormous boxing ring takes up most of the space, and blue mats cover the floor around it. Bare light bulbs hang overhead, bright spots of white illuminating the scene. Metal scrapes against concrete, and Aila turns her head. Tania waves jauntily from her chair at the edge of the mats, and Zayn and Harry sit on either side of her.
Liam gestures her into the ring. As soon as she is within reach, he yanks her hands toward him and begins winding tape around her knuckles. “We have loads to teach you. Just in case, I mean. I highly doubt Irwin will try anything, he’s too intrigued by you. But we never know what could happen. Figure out who you’re gonna take?”
“N-not yet. You, maybe?”
“Can’t be me, love. Or Zayn. Irwin will think it’s an ambush.”
Aila gasps as he swings a moment later, barely managing to duck in time. His fist still grazes her ear. Cursing, she lashes out, but he blocks the blow easily. The next punch lands against her jaw. It’s evident he’s holding back, not letting loose with all of his might, but fuck, it hurts anyway.
“Pause.” Tania slithers under the ropes, sauntering to Aila’s side. “Hands up here, protect your chest and face. If not, you’re gonna end up as ugly as dumbass Styles.”
Harry splutters, “Oi! What did I do?”
Aila giggles even as she lets Tania move her into position. Once the woman is satisfied, Tania grips the ropes, slides under the bottom one, then takes her seat once more. Aila makes the mistake of not paying attention: Liam’s fist sinks solidly into her gut.
By the time Robert interrupts two hours later, Aila has a split lip and a ringing in her ears that won’t go away. Liam grins, blood dripping from his mouth, then climbs out of the ring. He holds tightly to his ribs as he walks away. She leans against the ropes and takes the towel Harry holds out to her.
“Miss Aila, Mister Niall wishes to speak with you.”
“Thanks, Robert.” Aila sits on the mat as the valet passes over the telephone. Her chest aches when she tries to inhale deeply. “Hey, love. Miss me already?”
“What’s going on?”
Aila frowns then realises what it must sound like, her wheezing breaths and voice that trembles. “No worries. Everything is fine. Just working out for the first time in forever. The only thing worrisome is maybe me dying from my lungs collapsing.”
“I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself,” Niall replies with a snort of amusement.
“I don’t think ‘enjoying’ is the proper word for it, but sure. What’s up?”
“I was just wanting to check in on you. I do miss you already.”
Aila turns away from the knowing look Tania throws her way. “I miss you, too. Oh! Before I forget,” she starts before swallowing. She has no idea how he is going to react. “I’m having lunch with a—a friend tomorrow. I won’t be able to talk to you until later.”
“I see.” Niall’s voice is tight, controlled. Measured. “Take your mobile in case it ends... early. I don’t want you to have to walk home. Going alone?”
“Nope. I want to do some shopping after, so Harry is gonna go with me. Someone has to carry all my stuff, and it certainly isn’t going to be me.”
“Wish I could be there,” murmurs Niall, and she closes her eyes. The unspoken meaning rings clear in his words: I wish I could protect you.
“Don’t worry so much, love. It’s only lunch. I’ll pester you as soon as I’m done.”
Aila doesn’t want to, but someone is trying to get his attention. So she ends the call after another reassurance that she’ll be smart about this. That she will be safe. She can’t monopolise his time, not when he’s meant to be fostering new connections.
When she climbs to her feet, Tania is right behind her. A pair of black ankle boots dangle from her fingertips, and Aila gapes at the length of the heels.
“What’s with the shoes?”
Tania smirks and shoves the boots into Aila’s hands. “Gotta learn to run in heels, babe.”
Aila spends hours following Tania’s ever command—walking on the mats, in the boxing ring, up and down the stairs, and even along the edge of the indoor pool. Running takes far more effort. She barely manages to not fall into the water, and that’s only because Liam yanks her back onto her feet.
Finally, Tania deems it ‘acceptable’. Aila can’t argue with the less-than-satisfactory assessment. She’s too tired and sore. Harry makes sure Aila’s wounds are superficial before letting her leave the infirmary. Her feet ache as she pads through the house barefooted; any shoes would be torture.
She doesn’t speak during dinner, but no one expects conversation from her. They must see her exhaustion, the winces whenever she moves. Sparring with Liam is quickly catching up with her. Lilyen clears her plate from the table with a bow, and Aila forces a smile before leaving the dining room.
Mera already has a hot bath drawn by the time Aila shuffles into the bedroom. “Allow me to help you, Miss.”
Aila does. A voice in her head tells her she should be mortified at the fact Mera is pulling her clothes off, that Mera helps her into the tub. Instead, it feels… nice, if awkward, to be taken care of like this. This is Mera’s job, but more than that, the woman has become a friend.
“Mera?” Aila groans as she sinks into the water. “Don’t let anyone tell you you’re not a miracle worker. You’re fucking amazing.”
Mera grins, ducking her head. “I’ll keep that in mind, Miss Aila. When you’re finished with your bath, Mister Niall has a salve he uses when he exerts himself too hard.”
“So… every day?”
“I will neither confirm nor deny that implication, Miss.”
“Every day,” laughs Aila before she submerges herself.
She falls asleep in the middle of Mera rubbing the cream into her back, calloused hands pressing firmly against the tension.
Tania drags Aila out of bed at the crack of dawn the next morning. While Aila eats breakfast, the other woman stays behind to pick out an outfit. Aila tries to protest at the clothes spread out on the bed, but Tania doesn’t budge. So with no small amount of reluctance, Aila dresses in what Tania chose.
Aila doesn’t see how the meeting this afternoon will go well when Irwin can see the subtle hint of the bra straps criss-crossing over her chest through the semi-sheer blouse or how the black slacks hug her legs and ass.
By the time Tania finishes with her, Aila hardly recognises herself: Dark eyeliner accentuates the blue of her eyes, and her blood-red lips look fuller. Mera pulls Aila’s hair into a sleek, severe bun. The ankle boots from last night complete the outfit, and Tania steps back to examine her handiwork.
“Good enough,” she finally announces.
“Do I really need—?”
“Yes. Look, I know what Irwin likes, okay? I know how he thinks.” Tania touches up her own makeup before catching Aila’s eye in the mirror. “He isn’t going to expect you looking like this, like one of us. He’ll be thinking you’ll be just as demure and innocent as you were in the club.”
“I just…”
“Do you trust me?”
“As terrifying as you are, yes.”
“Then shut the fuck up and get downstairs. We have less than three hours and shit to do.”
The ‘shit to do’ turns out to be a manicure—Tania explains it away with a quick Gotta treat yourself sometimes. Aila settles back in her chair and lets the nail tech do his job. At least it keeps her mind off of what’s coming.
Harry listens as Aila complains the entire drive to the warehouse. She whines about her body still hurting, the tight bun tugging at her scalp, even the too-bright sunlight. He doesn’t tell her to shut up, only watches her hands gesturing wildly. But the instant the car comes to a stop in the car park, Aila can’t speak. She stares out the window at the rusted metal walls, the enormous gaping hole where the doors should be.
“Hey, you’ll do great,” Harry whispers. “Just be as assertive and confident as you were at the club.”
She lets out a breathless laugh. “I’ll need liquor for that.”
Yuri opens the car door before she can change her mind about the meeting. About everything. Aila follows the guard, Harry follows Aila, and soon enough, they’re at the entrance. Aila lifts her chin and steels her spine. Be confident, she thinks to herself, hoping to inspire courage. Pretend you don’t want to run away.
Irwin sits at a table in the centre of the cavernous room. A man stands behind him, another at Irwin’s left. Aila ignores the guard and inspects Irwin’s second out of the corner of her eye. His bleached hair flops over his pale, round face, and his brow quirks in Harry’s direction. The door screeches as it slides shut. Yuri murmurs an apology for the noise.
Without the sunlight, the warehouse is colder, darker save for the bare bulbs hanging over the table. The concrete bears cracks of time and use, and plywood boards cover what Aila assumes were once windows. Something rustles in the rafters overhead.
“Ah, the blushing bride-to-be,” Irwin drawls, waving at the chair across from him. “Lovely even in the daylight. And shadows.”
Aila approaches the table with determined strides. She can’t let him see how terrified she is. She sits though she doesn’t want to. The chill of the chair seeps through the fabric of her slacks.
“Yes, thank you.”
“Styles, how wonderful to see you.” His voice is hard, icy. Lacking any sincerity.
“Piss off, Irwin.”
Irwin laughs then turns toward Aila. His cold, almost shark-like, eyes roam across her body. They’re so much like Harry’s—green with a touch of brown—but vastly different. Harry never looks at her like this, not even back in the beginning. She represses a shudder.
“Ashton Irwin. You are?” When Aila doesn’t respond, he chuckles. “I suppose we should begin. Does your dashing groom know you’ve come without him by your side?”
“He does.”
“And he still allowed you to come, even though he can’t protect you if I decide to take your life right now?”
“He trusts me,” she says instead of bolting from her chair. “He also trusts you aren’t stupid enough to start a war.”
“Ah, trust. Very rare in this line of work.”
“I suppose so.”
Ashton laughs again. It’s not the same as before—almost warm, lighter. Not kinder. Aila is taken aback at how different he looks when he’s truly amused.
“I’ll just have to earn your trust, then. Now, Miss Bride—” At this, he sits up straighter, elbows on the table and holds folded before him. “I meant what I said the other night. You and I will get on quite nicely.”
“That depends entirely on the reason for this meeting. And your behaviour.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll be a good boy.” He winks quickly before sobering. “Horan and I… We’ve been at odds for years. Consequence of inheriting ‘companies’, shall we say, from fathers and grandfathers hellbent on destroying each other. You understand how this works, yeah?”
Aila raises a brow and struggles to pretend her hands aren’t trembling under the table. “I like to think I’m not a complete moron, so yes.”
“I’m sure you aren’t. One thing Horan has going for him: He doesn’t suffer lightly fools and idiots. Anyway. The symbiotic relationship our families have, the peace, the lack of wars between us, only goes so far as to keep ourselves in power. I’ll admit, it’s been lucrative, then and now. Horan Senior certainly knows how to grow an empire, but my father taught me to do the same.”
“Yours has grown through espionage, shady infiltration, coercion, and brute force.”
Harry kicks her ankle, shooting her a sharp look. She ignores him, stays focused solely on Ashton. He stares back coolly, unblinkingly, for a long minute. To her surprise, the corner of his mouth twitches upward.
“I see you’ve heard of me. You aren’t wrong. Not really. Had to make my way up somehow, didn’t I?”
Aila rises to her feet in one graceful motion. She has no clue where this sudden confidence came from, but she clings to it. “If we’re here for a history lesson on your ‘company’, as you called it, then I think we’re done. I was under the impression this meeting was called for different reason. I really don’t like being lied to, Irwin.”
“Mm, feisty. Just like Horan to fall in love with someone who’s gorgeous and has such a smart mouth. No, sit, sit. I wanted to discuss a partnership.”
“’A partnership’?” she murmurs after a pregnant pause. “Between you and Niall?”
Ashton gestures toward her chair, remains silent. Aila sits again. “Yes. A partnership. A team. A chance to—what would you say, Mikey? Strengthen the truce between us. We’ll keep our own various holdings, obviously. I don’t trust your fiancé with financial aspects as far as I can throw him.”
“But we’d work together under an umbrella of sorts. We’ve teamed up before, I’m sure we can again.”
Aila exchanges a look with Harry, wondering what the Hell Ashton is talking about. Niall has never mentioned working with the Irwins before. Harry shakes his head minutely—he knows what Ashton means. He won’t tell her. Not here.
“Continue,” she demands as she looks back at Ashton, and he grins knowingly.
“When we’re having difficulties procuring our gains, we’ll rely on Horan and his employees for help. Same goes for him. He asks, we help. We ask, he helps. We can give support when needed.”
Harry’s foot presses against hers, a steady pressure that keeps her grounded. She swallows thickly and muses over what Ashton said. Even without knowing the depth of the history, she can imagine how horrible it would be if they refuse this offer. If she refuses. She doesn’t doubt that Ashton does not take rejection well. Finally, she clears her throat.
“And what exactly do you propose? If everything is being kept separate, wouldn’t it be exactly as it is now? And what kind of support would you demand of us? We don’t exactly strong-arm those we watch over into obeying us.”
“Of course you don’t,” he says, voice far too mocking and sardonic for Aila’s liking. He rolls his eyes. “You can’t really be this naive. No one obtains loyalty without force.”
“Loyalty with force isn’t loyalty at all,” she counters. “What you’re talking about is a dictatorship. Niall doesn’t do that. He works hard to earn the trust of our people. Yes, sometimes there are consequences, I won’t deny that. I’m not quite ignorant enough to believe otherwise. But he is fair. He punishes only the ones who deserve it. So I’ll ask once more. What kind of support do you want?”
Ashton’s eyes gleam with something Aila can’t quite read. He leans forward in his seat and gives her a slow, humourless smile. “Nothing much. Just presence, really. See, our side? We don’t do the whole ‘hold hands and chant prayers and love and rainbows’ thing. We do whatever is necessary to maintain control. Hear about that barricade at the docks last August?”
She thinks back then gasps. Her stomach lurches, her breakfast threatening to make a reappearance. She remembers the news reports as hospitals all over Primden—all three sections—filled with dying patients. Doctors begging for medication and food that could have saved them all.
“That was you?” She blinks rapidly; she can’t cry. It’s weakness. “You realise there was important cargo on those ships, don’t you? People died in the thousands because of that barricade.”
Ashton shrugs without remorse. “I don’t care. They weren’t obeying, so I made them. Moving on. I’m certain those refugees Horan seems to care so much about? Victims running from their abusers? And the homeless he provides with warm food and shelter? We can help.
“I know Tomlinson supplies them with documentation. Styles here allocates funding to the shelters. Horan runs a tight ship with his charity,” Ashton spits out as if the word is poison on his tongue, “but we can help relieve some of the load on resources. We own the docks your precious food is delivered to. We can stop it from coming in again.”
“You’d do that? Simply because we say no?”
Ashton smirks and checks his watch. “Think about it, Miss Bride. Talk to your fiancé and send Davenport with the answer.”
“When do you want a response?” she asks against her better judgement. She should say ‘no’. Right now. Open her mouth and tell him to fuck off.
He stands, planting his knuckles against the tabletop, and raises a brow. “Sooner rather than later. If I don’t hear anything by the end of next weekend, I’ll assume you’re rejecting my very generous proposal, and we’ll all go back to being at odds with each other. And Miss Bride? I’m not this cuddly with people who actively work against me.”
Aila watches Ashton and his two-member entourage leave. The door screams in its track, and she blows out a breath before turning to Harry. “How’d I do?”
“I almost believed you weren’t terrified,” he murmurs as he pats her hand.
She can only hope Ashton believed the same.
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existentialburden · 4 years
Tell us about your ocs 👀👀
i would lay down my life for you,,, ty,,,,,, gonna need a readmore link for this one
okay so first up we got Aila Daphne Delmira, like the only one with a middle name. brown hair, brown eyes, absolute baby. shes a fankid o mine- Page of Light who is emotionally a wreck and is pretty impulsive. shes so confused about everything but she does her best as team leader. she likes to gossip with the horrorterrors- her personal favorite to chat with is Thysnpall, who she affectionately calls Thea. shes very small so most of the team is in the Aila Protection Squad but she fights with Hope (which can get a little, uh, out of hand, because her weapon of choice is KNIFE) and is kind of a shithead sometimes because she thrives off of spite. she’s scared of thunder and is claustrophobic so rippp to her but one of her teammates’ lands is nothing but storms and caves so major f. shes also a hopeless romantic and is bi and ace!
then there’s Hope Jewell- fun fact her last name is the name of a road I saw once on a road trip (and also it’s on some sign outside a business I pass by a lot but that only clicked like a full year after I made her). ginger hair, blue eyes, still baby. she’s also a fankid- Thief of Hope (unsurprisingly) who acts as a slightly hot-headed team strategist. she’s smart as hell but when it comes to people skills she just… isn’t great at that. she says things and people get mad and she doesn’t know why they’re mad at her so she gets mad and Oh No She Does Not Understand People At All. she was more of a dick before but once she stopped over-performing toxic masculinity and came out as trans things got a lot smoother for her. she still doesn’t understand people but that’s okay neither do I. despite things being Better people still like to take Aila’s side when they fight because again, Aila is very small, but Hope is Very Tall and you can’t just hit the team leader with a spade smh. she likes action movies and superhero movies in particular and I love her very much and so do her girlfriends. she’s also terrified of dogs. she’s polyamorous and bi babey!
Fantra Datass. what more is there to say. nah but she’s a rustblood fantroll who’s an Heir of Heart. one day I’ll draw her because she has SUCH a fun hairstyle but it’s also a NIGHTMARE y’know?? she’s very flirty and deeply insecure. she’s honestly such a sucker for soft romance despite her more forward nature. she likes cryptids and horror and a t t e n t i o n. her kismesis is SO BAD FOR HER it’s awful and not in the good kismesis way. she has a rough time not overcorrecting when someone criticizes her and it’s a problem she’s trying to work on but it’s so hard. she HATESSS cats. they scare her a lil bit but she won’t admit it. one day she’s gonna get the whole world and I will finally be able to rest.
Dukkel Xobaie. Dukkel is, uh, pretty iffy. they’re a tealblood Witch of Rage and they’re manipulative as fuck. they like to have a hand in just about everything, for better or for worse, and they’re… protective over the people they like. they help, but in ways that make you wish they hadn’t been involved sometimes. on a lighter note, they like photography and are a fan of cuddlin! their whole deal is p sketch but they helped make Aila Not Grimdark and that’s good. even if their kismesitude with Fantra is Bad Very Bad Do Not Pass Go Do Not Collect 200 Boonbucks.
then there’s Enlightener “Enny” Delmirain’t! she’s Aila’s opposite, and looks around the same except with four arms and a stronger light aura now, though she wears a headband and every time I think about that I wince because she totally kins Rose Lalonde but nobody’s called her (or me, by extension) out on it. according to the game, she’s a Page of Light, but let’s be real she’s a Thief of Void. she’s also a wreck emotionally but like in the opposite direction because she’s so repressed it hurts. she’s good at deception and misdirection but if you stumble upon an emotional weak spot she dies instantly. that’s it for her. she’s her crew’s leader as well and there is No Question About That. she tried to overthrow the main timeline and it didn’t quite work out but hey that’s life. she’s a monsterfucker and likes horror stories. she absolutely had a creepypasta phase and tbh she never got out of that. she’s angry at the universe all the time but it’s cool she learns to chill out and cope with her trauma in a healthy way eventually. she’s also a space pirate and wrote all the laws for the ship and I love her. she understands how people work but refuses to acknowledge that people are her friends to those people. it’d be funny if it weren’t upsetting that she doesn’t know how to cope with meaningful human bonds BUT SHE GOES TO THERAPY NOW AND I’M SO PROUD OF MY BABY. she’s Aila but with an asshole dad. and also my favorite. I love her. also she flirts through cryptic puzzles and I think that’s very cool of her.
DEUUUUUUX TIME. Deux Jewell is Hope’s opposite but she looks nothing like her because she got Fucked Up by game mechanics and now she’s a seraphim. again, SBURB-assigned Thief of Hope, but her vibes are Page of Rage instead. she can’t fuckign eat because of her form and it makes her so upset (she has canonically cried over not being able to eat pancakes she made so that’s her mental state). she’s the captain of the space pirate ship and she is SO TIRED of it. stressed depressed and a mess babey. she likes cooking and likes experimenting with recipes! she likes memes and is honestly upset when old meme formats die because sometimes there’s things you can only express through a three-layer meme so nobody calls your therapist on you. she hates being captain. make it stop. she’s so tired. she’s scared of fucking up and getting people hurt.
other sessions in a reblog later bcause this is a lot
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mr-deblob · 5 years
M Quillucius bro. For the prompts I mean. The one where the prompt is storms n stuff! :D
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21133859/chapters/50293832
The sight of a storm on the horizon sent the Stormchaser’s crew into a frenzy. They worked quickly to secure cargo and pull in rigging, preparing it to weather the storm.
But as all of them worked diligently to their tasks, none of them noticed as Quill quietly slunk off to his quarters. Amid all the noise and movement, he headed into his room and started with his own preparations.
He drew a curtain over the window to his room, securing it in place to make sure it wouldn’t move. After that, he gathered up all his cartography tools and maps, putting some carefully and safely away in his trunk. Then finally, he laid himself down the bed, took his pillow, and held it tightly against his body.
Ever since he boarded the Stormchaser, he had always made sure to chart it so as to avoid any adverse weather conditions, both for the ship and mainly himself. But he couldn’t predict the unexpected storms of Aerosian skies, even with his recently-gifted eye.
As he steeped himself for the storm, the sudden shudders and creaks of the Stormchaser told him that they had entered the storm. The sound of heavy rainfall and the yells of the crew began growing gradually louder as the ship struggled to make it through, and Quill curled up even tighter against the pillow with each bright flash and stroke of thunder.
He hated this side of him, the coward who couldn’t even stand the sound of rumbling thunder, let alone the sight of a storm. Whenever he got like this, he always had someone with him, usually Sentry, to keep him calm and reassured during all this. But she was outside, working to guide the ship through the storm alongside the rest of the group.
Nova, ordering the Wolfpack around to repair any damage the ship had sustained, taking her role as Chief Engineer in stride.
Aila, keeping the crew in line and pulling her own weight against the storm, using her innate connections to it to help guide them through.
Sentry, bolstering everyone’s morale and stopping to heal those who had gotten hurt in the storm, taking their place when they couldn’t go on.
And Lucius, standing at the helm overseeing all that happened on the Stormchaser, being the leader and Captain it needs. Lucius, proud and confident at the stern, standing next to Oriya at the wheel. Lucius, facing the storm head on, brave and undaunted by its fierceness.
Lucius, being the person Quill was utterly failing to be.
When did he become so brave? When did he become this person? Aren’t I supposed to act as the leader? That’s what everyone told me to be. So why am I not… why am I such a failure?
At that, a great wind shifted the ship, causing Quill to hang on tight to his bed in order to not fall off. The curtain which he so diligently secured loosened from where it hung, sprawling onto the floor and exposing him to the bright flashes of lightning that brewed outside the ship. He threw the pillow tight over his head, trying to shield his eyes from the light and block out the sound of thunder. His nerves ran high, heightening his ever present fear.
Suddenly, he heard the door to his room quickly open and close. Acting on his fear, he felt himself tap into his newfound pool of magic and cast Light on his pillow and subsequently throwing it at whoever entered his room, hitting him square in the face.
Quill stared at the man, every part of him soaked from the rain. As the high elf held the pillow, the Aarakocra found himself focused on his hair clinging against his face and the way the light illuminated his features before dispelling the magical light from the pillow.
“Lucius?! What is- what are you doing here?”
“I came to check up on you. Sentry was worried about you when she didn’t see you on deck. I think she was worried you fell off, honestly. I knew better of course, but I must say,” He held up the pillow as the last of its light faded away. “I certainly wasn’t expecting to have this happen.”
Quill looked away from Lucius at that, facing the darkness that had once again overtaken his room. “Sorry about that. I’m just a bit freaked out right now to be honest.”
With a wave of his hand, Lucius cast out his Dancing Lights, chasing away the darkness. Sitting down next to him and placing down the pillow, he said, “I know that the storms unnerve you. I’ve seen you get flustered a few too many times for my liking over them.”
“Yeah… Sorry about that.”
Lucius looked surprised. “You’re sorry? What for, Birdie?”
A sudden flash of lightning painted the room in stark white, and Quill let out a scream. Immediately, he grabbed onto Lucius’ left arm, burying his face in his chest as he began his mantra of repeating Sentry’s name. All Lucius could do was wrap his arms around him, holding him gently through this wave of terror.
Slowly, Quill’s voice quieted to a whisper, and then to nothing. Only the muted sound of the storm broke the quiet that flooded the room. Gradually, the tension Quill held in disappeared in the comfort of his friend’s embrace. Lucius moved his right hand down, placing it gently on top of the claw gripping onto his arm in reassurance.
“What could you possibly be sorry for?”
Slowly, the Aarakocra began to pull back from him. In a quiet voice, he began saying, “I’m sorry that I’m not the leader you all wanted me to be. That I’ve not made the best decisions, that I haven’t helped any of you enough.” He let go and turned his head away from Lucius. “You can go and help everyone else. They probably need you more than I-”
He didn’t get a chance to finish his sentence, as Lucius suddenly pulled him back in and wrapped his arms tighter across his back. Quill’s face pressed further against the high elf’s chest, his face getting warmer as his feathers absorbed the heat.
In a nervous voice, he asked,“Lucius, don’t you need to help everyone outside first? I’m sure they need your help.”
“They don’t need me, Birdie. Oriya’s working with them. You know, the actual captain with much more experience than me. I can afford to stay here.” He moved his head down so that his chin rested on top of Quill’s head, taking solace in the softness of his down feathers. “You know, you make for a great pillow.”
Brushing that comment aside, Quill objected again. “But Oriya’s not their captain, you are. You’re the one supposed to be leading them through the storm. Outside. Not just stay in here with…” He let out a sigh. “...With someone like me.”
At that, Lucius lifted his head off of Quill’s and placed his hands on top of his friend’s soldiers, turning his face to look at him directly in the eyes. On his face, Lucius wore an expression of seriousness, something he ever rarely saw during their time together.
With an unexpected intensity in his voice, Lucius asked, “Do you know what you are to me, Quill?” That question rendered the Aarakocra silent, transfixed by his friend’s unwavering eyes. It took him a few seconds to even respond.
“I… I’m your best friend, right?”
Lucius smiled, then collapsed his head right onto Quill’s shoulder as if releasing a tiredness long held in. Wrapping his arms around him once more, he began to talk in a quieter, more vulnerable voice.
“You’re not just my best friend, Quill. You’re so much more than that. I don’t know if I could’ve made it this far without you, you know? You’ve done so much for me all this time. So please, just let me do something for you now. Just this once.”
Quill took in the quiet and even breathing of Lucius besides him, comforting in its steadiness. He felt the high elf’s body radiating warmth through his rain-soaked clothes, pressed up against his feathers which soaked it in gratefully. There was nothing Quill could say at that moment. Nothing that he really needed to say at all. Quietly, he wrapped his wing around Lucius, wanting to keep every bit of love the man offered him at this moment. Forgetting the storm outside, he let himself take solace in this moment between him and the person he loved.
No matter how hard the rain fell down or how bright the lightning raged across the sky, he could endure it so long as they were together.
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lethe-rpg · 5 years
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If you were to ask Aila about what she missed most about the fae realm, it wouldn’t be the people or the magic that came with the place. In truth, what was once her home, no longer meant anything to her. She’ll say it’s the scenery, even the coldest winters, but that’s because it reflected her demeanour. Born into a family of one of the fae realm’s elite guards, one could say her childhood was based off the fact that she’d view things from the outside looking in. She craved the life of luxury the royals had and yet, the closest thing she could get to that was the recognition of her parents. Her mother was an excellent fighter, but a true healer at heart. Her father excelled in wielding electrokinesis flawlessly. Their duty to serve the royals came first, even when Aila came into the picture, they adored her sure, but left her in the care of other commoners and guards. Being independent was what her parents taught her and so, she accepted her fate as a guards daughter–nothing more, nothing less.
To put a long story short, Thalia Sotomayor came to be prior to the birth of Fianait. Her father, Xenos, was not only exiled by the Queen Mother herself, but banished into the mortal world for good. This caused a divide among those in the fae realm as there were many who were devoted to their ‘king’. A bloodbath ensued, mostly out of Xenos’ broken ego and spite. Aila was sixteen when she lost her parents to protecting Xenos. Due to their loyalty and noble actions, he adopted her, along with the other fae children as his own and started a new life in the Earth realm. Just like her parents, she excelled in her fae abilities at a young age. Regardless, Xenos chose to assimilate into the mundane life to ensure they were going to stay alive in the long run. Therefore, Thalia and Giancarlo Sotomayor came to be. Through the years, they lived through history, before eventually settling down in Spain. He was her father, but that didn’t mean she respected him. The recognition of a royal-no more meant nothing to her. Her parents were pathetic for risking their lives for him. However, she wasn’t going to waste her life away by being vindictive. Instead, she followed Giancarlo as a daughter should, built his trust and bent him at her will. In return, she gained the life she wanted that she initially wanted from the fae realm–a life of luxury consisting of money and power.
With Giancarlo’s deceiving charisma and hunger for power, he became a prominent politician in Spain. From there, Thalia was known as the spoiled Sotomayor heiress of the bunch. She was good with money, especially when it came to Giancarlo’s corrupt ways. Excelling in accounting and finance, Thalia became the bookkeeper of the family and as much as she kept the numbers in check, it wasn’t enough for Giancarlo. He wanted her to do more because he wanted more and Thalia had enough. All it took was a tantrum and a couple of breakdowns here for her to face her kind of banishment. As Otherlanders knowing other Otherlanders, Giancarlo was advised of a small town in America that Thalia can be sent off to till she gets her head straight. Rumours has it that his daughter Fianait goes by the name of Katia Kjar and has been residing there for quite some time. Being opportunistic, Xenos sent Aila off to Lethe for a long term time out and to get in on the details of his long lost daughter. Currently, Thalia works as an accountant, mainly a bookkeeper for Ruslan Osmanoğlu’s lumberjack business. How she ended up with that gig remains a mystery to most, but the Sotomayor heiress clearly hit a rock bottom and prefers to keep her personal matters to herself. As for Katia, she hasn’t found the right time to confront her sister, but when she does, she doesn’t plan on holding back. Feisty, outspoken, and an all around spitfire, Thalia does not care about anything town related as she’s counting down the days till she gets out of there on the whole.
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