#n she makes deals to guide them home
terra-tortoise · 2 years
tell me some headcanons about the ice flight! its the only flight so far i havent fleshed out what life is like there yet </3
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girlrotterr · 6 months
But I'm a lesbian!
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ellie x abby x dina x fem!reader a/n: inspired by the movie, "but i'm a cheerleader" !! Did my own little spin on it. (This may have a part two!)
→ Part two! → Part three! → Part four! → Part five!  → Part six!
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Forced to a camp known as "True Directions," your arrival was no choice of your own. Your parents, upon discovering your sexuality, had made the decision to send you there. As you followed your guide towards the dormitories, someone caught your eye—a girl with auburn hair, casually puffing on a cigarette.
Noticing your presence, the girl glanced up and rolled her eyes. Your guide gestured towards her, prompting her to approach you. Extending her hand, she introduced herself, "Ellie."
"Hello," you responded, your voice betraying your nerves as you shook her hand, noting its soft yet firm grip.
With a sigh, Ellie remarked, "they sent new meat here again, huh?" She took another drag from her cigarette, casting a judgmental gaze in your direction.
"I’m sure to be out of the way," you said, trying to sound confident. "I’ll pass every trial here to get back home."
A smirk tugged at the corner of her lips. “Uh-huh..." she mused. “You’ll be here a while then."
“Ahem," the guide cleared her throat towards Ellie, who responded with an eye roll before retreating to her pink bed.  
"Very well then, I will leave you to unpack your things. This will be your dorm. You will share this space with three other roommates, feel free to report anything back to me," she said, her tall and commanding presence by her bouncing blond hair as she talked.
"Especially anything involving this one," she added, shooting a glance at Ellie. 
"Well," the guide grasped your arms, giving them a squeeze, "welcome to 'True Directions,' we'll fix you right up, dear!”
You gave a hesitant half-smile, trying to hide your discomfort. 
Returning your gesture with a bright smile, the guide nodded happily before leaving, closing the door behind her with a soft click.
Clutching onto your suitcases, the silence became increasingly awkward, and you debated whether to speak up. Should you ask where to put your belongings? But the fear of annoying or bothering Ellie made you hesitant.
Fuck it.
"Um, excuse me, where can I—"
"There," Ellie interrupted, her tone nonchalant as she pointed toward a corner of the room, her gaze still not meeting yours.
Your eyes followed her gesture to an empty white dresser tucked away, starkly different from the others that were already occupied. Making your way towards the dresser, you took in the room once more. The overwhelming femininity was hard to ignore—pink walls, beds, and shelves adorned with stuffed animals. Setting your suitcase down with a thud, you unzipped it, the sound of the zipper echoing loudly in the silent room.
Opening the drawer, the scent of brand new furniture wafted across your nose, tickling it and nearly causing you to sneeze.
Ellie got up from her bed, pulling open her drawer with a tug. In it were an assortment of items—makeup, hair accessories, and jewelry jumbled together. Rummaging through it, Ellie let out a sharp exhale, finally finding something from the depths of the drawer.
Without a glance in your direction, she held out a ribbon and a few hair clips. "Here," she muttered.
Your eyes widened at the adorable accessories as she tossed them over to you. "Put your hair up or something. It's better not to have it in the way, especially during our routines.”
"Ah, thank you," you expressed, catching them. "Are these.. yours?"
"Yeah... unfortunately," Ellie responded dryly.
With a nod, you started to arrange your hair with the clips.
As you styled your hair, the weight of Ellie's gaze pressed against your back like a physical force. Every subtle movement you made was studied, from the way you lifted strands of hair to the careful twisting of the ribbon around the ponytail. Even the simple act of tucking a stray lock behind your ear felt intense.
What’s this girl's deal?
The intensity of her stare became almost suffocating, leaving your hands trembling slightly as you worked. Despite her focus only on your hair, the sensation of being under her gaze felt like she was peering into your soul.
Finally, Ellie broke the silence with a quiet, husky voice, her words cutting through the tension. "You need a mirror?"
Her gaze remained fixed on you, relentless.
"No," you managed to reply, attempting to be confident.
But the moment her voice echoed throughout the room, heat began rising to your cheeks, and you couldn’t help but hesitate. Her presence felt overwhelming, a mix of nerves, fear, and desire swirling within you, all under her attention.
“Hm..” Ellie replied, seeming more curious now. She uncrossed her arms and slowly walked over to you. You could hear the way Ellie’s footsteps made the floor creak as she walked.
"Hm?" you managed to utter as Ellie closed in on you, her presence surrounding you with every step she took. The breath from her lips brushed against the nape of your neck as she leaned in.
"You're missing a strand," Ellie said, her voice softer than before.
The sensation of her being so close, her breath teasing your skin. You wanted to turn around and face her.
Her closeness was so overwhelming.
As Ellie's hand brushed against your hair, a sharp shiver coursed through your spine, setting your heartbeat into a quick rhythm. Her touch lingered, fingers twirling strands of your hair, as she leaned in even closer, so suffocatingly close. It felt as though Ellie was on the verge of whispering something, her breath agonizingly near-
"Yo, Ellie!"
The tension in the room broke as Dina and Abby burst in, causing Ellie to let go of your hair and step back.
Their expressions shifted abruptly from excitement to surprise as they noticed you. Dina's curious gaze looked over, her head tilting in confusion, while Abby's cold stare pierced through you.
"You must be the new one," Abby remarked, her tone icy, her eyes never leaving you as if dissecting your very being.
"Y-yeah.. I am," you responded, finally finishing your hair.
Abby simply nodded in acknowledgment, while Dina chuckled to herself.
"Aw, the new girl is all nervous!" Dina's teasing remark was followed by a smirk and a playful wave of her hand. She shifted her attention to Ellie, observing her growing annoyance. Dina seemed to catch on to something, finding the situation amusing.
"Ooooh! Ellie was hitting on ya!" Dina's snickering only added to Ellie's frustration as she clenched her jaw tightly, arms crossed.
Abby, maintaining her silent observation, continued to stare at the both of you.
"Ah! no..she was just helping me with my hair," you replied, attempting to stop the teasing.
"Awh. Is that so?" Dina's teasing tone persisted as she continued to giggle, her gaze towards Ellie who remained annoyed.
Abby's gaze suddenly shifted as she walked towards you, gently pushing a strand of hair behind your ear. Her touch was surprisingly tender.
"There," she remarked softly, a smile gracing her lips, the gesture catching you off guard. It was so unexpected. "You had missed a strand."
Abby looked back at Ellie, a smirk on her lips, her eyes flickering as she made a mocking glance with her.
Suddenly, the camp director barged in, her authoritative voice vibrating throughout the room. "Ladies!" she commanded, making all the girls snap their attention towards the door where the camp director now stood.
Ellie groaned as soon as she heard that familiar voice.
"All of you, get out for morning exercise," the director ordered, her stern gaze scanning everyone. "Now."
With a swift turn, the camp director walked out of the room, the echo of her clicking heels fading as she left. Abby, Dina, and Ellie all groaned in unison, knowing what was to come. They made their way to their designated dressers, preparing to change into their gym clothes.
Amidst the shuffling of clothing, you voiced your confusion. "W-what are we doing?"
Abby scoffed at your question, a smirk on her lips. "Did Ellie not go through the routines and rules with you?"
You shook your head.
"Not surprising," she remarked before chuckling, "she always seems to get distracted-"
“We're doing morning cardio and stretching routines,” Ellie cut in, her voice clear and assertive, pulling out her sports bra and short shorts. “Your gym clothes are in your dresser.”
Abby bit her lip, suppressing a laugh. "Well, there you go.”
You nodded in understanding, “thanks..”
Walking to your dresser, you pulled open the top drawer, revealing a variety of outfits and uniforms, all varying shades of pink. The sight left your head spinning a bit as you realized this would be your life for the next couple of months.
As you began changing, you felt a wave of self-consciousness wash over you. With hesitant movements, you peeled off your shirt and skirt, the fabric slipping from your skin with a soft rustle. All the while, you were aware of Abby and Ellie's eyes lingering on you.
 Abby's gaze, though subtle, was sharply observant, her eyes tracing up and down your body with an almost predatory glare. It was as if she was memorizing every curve and contour. Meanwhile, Ellie's attention was more focused, her gaze lingering on specific areas of your body, like your hips and chest. There was an intensity in her stare, a curiosity that was borderline intrusive.
With a sharp sting on your ass, a sudden jolt of surprise chilled through you, causing you to yelp. "You'll make us late at this pace!" Dina's voice rang out, her arm wrapping around you protectively, shielding you from the view of Abby and Ellie.
"Ah! You're right," you exclaimed, quickly slipping into your gym clothes.
Dina gave you a quick grin before turning her attention towards Abby and Ellie. Squinting her eyes playfully, she shook her head slowly, teasingly disappointed in the two of them. Abby hurriedly looked away, pretending to be preoccupied with tying her shoelaces, while Ellie rolled her eyes.
As you and the other girls made your way to the track, you found yourselves walking together in a small group. Ellie and Abby led the way, showing no signs of slowing down despite your struggle to keep up. Meanwhile, Dina’s pace was slower, occasionally glancing at you.
"So, how'd you get caught?" Dina asked slyly, a mischievous look in her eyes.
You turned to look at her, taken aback by the sudden question. "What?"
"You were sent here for a reason," Dina said curiously, making Abby and Ellie turn their heads, intrigued to hear your response.
"I..don't think I want to share," you said, avoiding eye contact from feeling a bit nervous.
"Oh, come on!" Dina urged, now walking next to you, realizing your hesitance. "Don't be so shy. How about we tell you ours? Will that make you less embarrassed?"
"Hmm..alright," you agreed. Maybe learning about their experiences would help get to know them.
Excitedly, Dina clapped her hands together. "Okay, okay! I'll go first." She moved closer to you, her shoulder practically bumping into yours. "I got caught watching lesbian porn."
A snicker escaped Ellie's lips as she tried to hold back her laughter.
Dina shot a playful glare. "You have no right to laugh, El's."
"Doesn't make it any less funny," Ellie retorted.
Dina scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Since it’s sooo funny, you go then."
Ellie's eyes locked onto yours, her voice embarrassed. "I ordered a strap online, and it got delivered to the wrong address. To my fucking neighbor, Seth. Dude went ballistic and sent me here, said I needed to be controlled."
A rush of heat flooded your cheeks as Ellie's words sank in, full of curiosity and intrigue. The mere idea of her wearing a strap sent a flow of sensations that pulsed throughout your body. Your throat became dry trying to visualize it. 
"Ab's! Your turn!" Dina interrupted excitedly, Abby's story was always her favorite.
Abby smirked, turning her gaze towards you. "Unlike Ellie, I got to use my strap," she remarked mischievously.
Ellie groaned at Abby'scomment, clearly unimpressed.
“I got caught fucking my father's assistant nurse with it.”
Dina squealed as she shook your arm excitedly. "Now THAT'S a coming out story!" she exclaimed.
Ellie shot Dina a glare, clearly annoyed by her reaction. With a scoff, she turned her head away, facing in the opposite direction.
Abby, on the other hand, smirked at Ellie's and playfully hit her back. "Aw, it's okay, El's," she said reassuringly.
"Okay, okay, tell us yours now," Dina urged eagerly, her and Abby's curious gazes fixed on you,
“Well..” you began, your hands fidgeting nervously as you mustered up the courage. “My parents walked in on me and my cheer captain…” You hesitated for a moment before continuing “...69’ing on the kitchen counter.” 
Ellie quickly snapped her head back to look at you. Dina and Abby’s eyes widened, completely startled.
“Y-yeah…” you confirmed, meeting the girls' shocked gazes. “Mid-squirt too…”
Ellie’s eyes widened as if they were going to pop. Dina’s jaw dropped, with her mouth slowly curving into a smirk, “You fucking win.”
"Alright, ladies," the head director announced, her voice carrying across the track, “forty-five minutes around the track, as per usual. Afterward, we hit the showers in preparation for cooking classes."
"Remember, ladies," she continued excitedly, "these skills aren't just beneficial, they also attract men! It's just another step closer to becoming 'normal'."
The moment the word "normal" left the director's lips, you noticed the collective eye rolls and groans from the other girls. Ellie's jaw tightened as she stared away, grumbling under her breath. Abby crossed her arms, completely unamused, while Dina couldn't help but snicker, lowering her face to hide her giggle.
With a sharp blow of the whistle, the director signaled the start of the morning run.
As you began your laps around the track, you couldn't help but notice the effortless speed and stamina of Ellie and the other girls. They seemed to glide around the track with ease.
Struggling to keep up, your legs began to burn. Your breath came in short, ragged gasps as you pushed yourself onward.
"Hey, you doing okay?" Abby asked.
"Ye..yeah..." you managed to reply between heavy breaths.
Abby arched an eyebrow, clearly seeing through you. "You do know we have about 20 more laps to go, right?"
Before you could respond, a sudden stumble sent you tumbling to the ground. Abby instinctively reached out to help, but her attempt only resulted in her losing her balance, causing her to trip and accidentally pull Ellie down with her.
Ellie hit the concrete hard, her knee taking the force of the fall. Gritting her teeth, she clenched her jaw tightly as pain shot through her scrapped knee. With all three of you on the ground, the sudden scene caused a chuckle from Dina. "Holy shit, you guys fell like bowling pins," she remarked.
"Shit, sorry El's-" Abby began to apologize.
“What the fuck is your problem?!” Ellie yelled, her tone cold as she glared up at Abby.
Abby glared back at Ellie, her expression tense. "What-"
“Watch where you’re fucking going. It’s not that hard,” Ellie snarled, gritting her teeth as she noticed the large scrape on her knee.
“T-that was on me-" you added, feeling guilty for the accident.
Abby suddenly got up, her face contorted with anger as she looked down at Ellie. “I didn’t mean to, I-"
Ellie suddenly stood up too, her height making her have to look up at Abby. “I’m so fucking sick of you trying to assert something. It’s fucking annoying.”
Abby scoffed, “Yeah? I’m tired of your pussy fucking attitude.” She then moved closer towards Ellie, the sudden bump causing Ellie to sway a bit.
Ellie chuckled, tilting her head to the side before locking eyes with Abby. “Pussy, huh?” 
“You are what you fucking eat,” Abby snapped back, her tone sharp.
You got up from the concrete floor, every inch of your body feeling the lingering sting from the sudden impact. “She didn’t mean to, I tripped and-” you tried to explain, but before you could finish, Ellie raised her fist. Her initial target being Abby, who managed to step back just in time to avoid the blow. Unfortunately, you stepped further, positioning yourself between them, but before you could react, Ellie's fist mistakenly met your nose.
“Holy shit!” Dina yelled, her hand covering her mouth in shock.
You felt the impact jolt through your body as you stumbled back, finding stability in Abby's embrace as her arms wrapped around you from behind.
“Fuck, I am so sorry-" Ellie began to apologize, her voice filled with remorse.
“Fucking really?!?” Abby yelled, frustrated as she stepped you to the side. “You fucking hit her!”
“I didn’t mean to!” Ellie yelled back, her tone defensive as she tried to explain herself.
“Didn’t mean to? You punched her!” 
“G-guys, I’m fine-" you said, your voice strained through the pain, attempting to step towards them again, holding your throbbing nose.
“I was clearly trying to punch your bitch ass!” Ellie yelled.
“Oh yeah?” Abby raised her fist, aiming for Ellie, her knuckles clenched as she intended to give her a piece of her mind for hurting you and being such a brat. However, as you stepped in between them once again, Abby's fist accidentally hit you, the impact shocking you and causing a blur in your vision.
“Oh my god!” Dina yelled, her eyes widening in horror as she flinched.
You stumbled backward, the world blurring around you as you tripped over your loose shoelace, your body rushing towards the concrete floor once again, jarring your senses and sending a wave of pain through your body.
Abby took her hands to her chest, her mouth covered in disbelief.
“fuck, fuck, fuck! Are you okay?” Ellie exclaimed, her voice filled with concern as she quickly knelt down beside you.
Your nose was now bleeding, droplets of blood scattering across the concrete floor like raindrops. The metallic tang of blood filled the air, mixing with the scent of sweat. You winced as pain shot through your face, throbbing relentlessly.
“I think my nose is broken…” you managed to say, your words muffled by the blood dripping down your face.
“Now nobody can sit on her face,” Dina groaned.
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rhenuvee · 1 month
Playing Animal Crossing New Horizons with HSR Men
Warnings: ugly villager slander, established relationship (can be platonic or romantic)
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Argenti: Your fellow knight of beauty grows quite fond of the game, immediately finding the freedom of creativity in decoration endearing. He always gives you compliments on your OOTD, and takes screenshots whenever you design a new area on your island. Argenti gave himself the gardening job- spending his bells on red rose seeds. He gets proficient in following the flower guide, and is very proud of himself if he ever gets a golden rose on your island. He loves the villagers, finding them each very cute, and even beauty in the "ugly" villagers. "Did you see the villagers wearing the red rose on their head? I must say I am flattered they love it so much. Though, I am more happy that they appreciate the beauty of our island." He enjoys documenting the beautiful places in your island with photos <3
Aventurine: From the beginning he points out the fact that Tom Nook is a capitalist, which makes you roll your eyes thinking he thinks this game is silly. However, it is quite the opposite as it doesn't take him long to get out of his home loan debt and is somehow extremely lucky. It's unfair to you that he could just log in on any given day and have the best deal for turnips. However because you are his favourite he says he’s willing to buy you whatever you want, he guesses. He happens to be able to catch rare species like the Coelacanth, and it infuriates you but you really can't be if it's helping the museum. "445 bells per turnip, sounds like music to my ears~" "What's that? You want this violin? Well I guess I could spare you a few bells... is one million okay?"
Blade: Let's not kid ourselves here- it takes a lot of convincing and help from Silver Wolf to get him to even be in the presence of Animal Crossing. He says he would much rather stand and look at the wall (SW: "You already do that everyday"). Eventually he sits himself next to you, and listens to your giddy rambling about what to do in the game while he puts on a serious face not saying anything. After the preliminary tutorial/startup gameplay, he finally says, “…why is this rat harassing me for money.” However, the loans aren't the worst but the villagers chasing him down are. He purposely ignores them and grumbles when you tell him to answer ):/. He prefers to watch you play, but because he sees you smile and laugh at his sarcastic comments, he thinks it's not so bad.
Boothill: He's definitely down to try it out, but he ends up being a bit of a troll. He doesn't really mind cute/ugly villagers, until he judges them for what they say. “That’s right, (y/n) did catch all those fish.” “Did he just ask me if he could call me Muffin.” “WHAT DO YOU MEAN I GOTTA PAY ANOTHER LOAN?!!?” Yeah… he quickly feels the grindy-ness, complaining that Tom Nook was working him like a forkin’ dog. A little bit of comical rage, but he won’t lie he is enjoying it. He also asks if there are any guns and he is disappointed, so he opts for the net. He's a little rough and rowdy, but he does it in style. That being said, he 100% spends his extra bells on a cowboy outfit.
Dan Heng: He agrees instantly- aw :(. He knows you (and March) have been begging him to play. He’s is fairly good at it- gets out of the tent quickly, masters catching creatures, a nicely organized house… He’s quite resourceful too, chopping down trees and going to mystery islands to farm the heck out of it. The villagers love him, both of you often seeing them run to him with the little sparkly flowers. And even though he's normally serious, you can't help but fawn over how sweet he is with the villagers. "...She wants to call me Shmoopy, do I-" "YES." Villagers asking him to catch a fish? He's immediately on it. He remembers their names and treats them like real people :(
Dr. Ratio: "Is it educational?" Bro is such a nerd. You deadpan at him, and sass him for expecting this to be IXL or something. He is also one to get through the tutorial part easily. You expected him to be overly critical of the game, but he finds appreciation in the museum: both the creatures and the art. Is it a farfetched idea that I think he'd know how to tell the reals and fakes right off the bat? "Do you really think Da Vinci spilled coffee on his work?" At least it saves you the troubles of wasting your bells and getting a fake. I think your island would not be a mess, and would have at least a few statues (you know the ones) which add his touch to it.
Gallagher: Honestly he's happy as long as he gets a little area for himself. Kind of a wild card this one- somehow calm and chaotic at the same time, and it's puzzling because how is he doing such weird things with a straight face? Trolls the villagers quite a bit (he's lucky ACNH villagers are nice) by hitting them with a net (just once though) and giving them different catchphrases every time they ask. "Why is Bob saying 'spaghettini' at the end of his sentences?" "Um, because I thought it'd be funny? Also I'm kinda hungry so-" "Gallagher ):/" Despite the randomness, he is wholesome at times. He is also one to compliment your new outfit, and stargaze with you on the new area you decorated.
Gepard: He's busy so you weren't expecting too much from him, but he takes pride in having a well-rounded island. He gets so excited when he catches a new species that you don't have yet- what a cutie. Also goes full throttle when there's a bug-off or fishing tourney. Despite being a video game, I feel like there will be some way he messes up taking care of plants. The flowers overgrow, the turnips rot, and he doesn't understand why the trees aren't growing? But with some tips from you along with your island designing skills, your island rank moves up and he is BEAMING. "Zucker asked about you." "...he did?" "Mhm, he asked how you were doing, and said he saw you laying out pathways on the island."
Jing Yuan: He finds it so cute when you ask him to play. Lowkey like Blade where he likes watching your happy expressions when playing. He's happy that this game provides him a way to relax while not getting bored. Secretly an enjoyer of villager drama: "Wolfgang wants to apologize to Audie with this present. What happens if I don't deliver it?" "Again? Ah, just give it to her quickly." "...what if I don't." "...Jing Yuan." Oddly I feel like he'd enjoy the group stretching (what an old man), and encourages you to join. Like the "Dozing General" he is, there will be times when he's inactive and gets the bed head.
Luocha: You weren't expecting him to enjoy the game, but he's surprisingly willing to be resourceful. His storage is full of materials, which you scold him for because this is the reason for his empty undecorated house. But he always has things you need so you can't exactly complain. Also one to be pretty smart with managing bells and resources, able to maximize their worth. When the island gets visitors like Label or Flick, he has items ready. "Luocha... where did you get that coat?" "This? It's a designer piece, from Miss Label." I'd say he does have a sense of beauty in design, so thankfully your island is gorgeous.
Sampo: Sympathizes with Redd like a true scammer. "Aw look, he just needs a bit of money to get started... he even gave us a 'cousin's discount'." However, a rivalry starts with Redd when Sampo's first art piece turned out to be fake (scammer gets scammed moment). He asks if he can be the salesman that he's supposed to be. When villagers run up to him to offer bells for an item he has, he accepts thinking it'll get him a deal along the way. Unfortunately friendship gets you nowhere in terms of home loans. I'd say he's pretty good with the turnip stonks, so there's a balance. Also TRASH ISLAND. I'm sorry, but your man is a hoarder, "But what if I need this?" (Literally me.)
Welt: When you ask him to play he asks why the animals are crossing. He finds the style and characters are so cute, and he can see why you enjoy it. This is definitely a way he gets in touch with his "youthful" side. He loves the creative freedom in the game, even getting indecisive about how to design your island, and thinking of what outfit to wear. He once made a simple t-shirt for fun, but was surprised when he saw a villager wearing it. It'd be so cute and funny when he learns new emotes- and he just spams them with a straight face. Not gameplay related, but I feel like in his free time he'd draw you both in villager form <3.
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If It All Fell (6)
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Pairing: Azriel x Reader
Summary: If it all fell apart—if you forgot who you were—would you love him again? Would the bond guide you back? Azriel doesn't know if that uncertainty is one he can bear.
Word count: 3.5k
Warnings: Angst, PINING
a/n: Sorryyyy for the wait <3 As a lot of you know I have been going through it lately, but I really enjoyed writing this and hope to post more immediately 🤜. Let me know what you think :))
Part 1 ♡ Part 2 ☆ Part 3 ✶ Part 4☼ Part 5 ☁ Part 7 ☆
Series Masterlist
Day Court was immeasurably beautiful—with all of its pristine columns reflecting orange light. Marble flooring shone with distorted images of acrylic brush strokes that hung on granite walls. Fountains billowed at the mouth of every doorway, sculpted fixtures at their bases. Warm wind kissed your skin and glistening waters welcomed you and Day Court was so incredibly beautiful. 
You were sure, if given the chance, you would think the same of its residents. 
Unfortunately, you were not given the chance to come to that conclusion. 
“The High Lord is in a meeting. He sends his apologies for not meeting you upon your arrival—the merchants of Day can get a bit rowdy,” the servant laughed. “I can show you to your rooms in the meantime.”
“Rooms?” Rhysand posed. You attempted to look over Azriel’s wing to gauge the conversation, but Cassian took another step to the side, halting your movement. 
“Yes, Helion informed us that the four of you would be here, so we prepared four rooms. If that’s not—”
“Three rooms will suffice, thank you,” your High Lord drawled. 
The servant squeaked, and you were sure if you could see her, her nerves would be evident. “Of—of course, High Lord. I assume Lady Y/n will be with—”
“We will deal with the division of our rooms on our own. Thank you…” 
“Amira,” the servant offered. “My name is Amira. I will be attending to you, Lady Y/n, during your time here.” 
You knocked your head to the side, brushing Cassian’s bicep as he stood beside you. You barely caught Amira’s mousey brown hair before the membrane of a wing flushed out and pushed you back. 
“She doesn’t need an attendant,” Azriel bit out, misplaced malice creating tension in the hall.
“Oh, it’s okay, I—” 
Apparently, not even your voice was allowed to be heard. Rhysand cut you off. “No attendant,” he confirmed, after sending his spymaster a sidelong glance laced with reproach. “No servants in our rooms, either. We are rather private, you understand.”
A pause. 
You wished you could see anyone’s expression. 
From beside you, Cassian offered you a pity smile, nudging you with his elbow in an act of comfort. 
“Anything you require,” Amira shakily responded. “Shall I walk you back, then? Just to show you where you will be staying?” 
“Lead the way.” 
Azriel immediately stepped back, his shadows scrambling past him to enclose you in dim light. You felt his presence, firm and tall, looming at your back as you took the first few steps down the hall. 
This all felt entirely misplaced, with the bleakness of your group extinguishing some of the vibrance of the court you walked through. Cassian kept close to your side, some of Azriel’s shadows drifting off and cloaking the red glow on his hands and chest. Rhys, ever the High Lord, took up the front, footsteps light but purposeful. 
Everyone looked grim. 
Except for you. 
This court held no negative connotations for you, no malicious undertones that impacted the rest of your family. It was simply beautiful, and your family was simply cloistering you. 
But you agreed to this; anything to make them feel better. 
To make Azriel feel better. 
You turned your head to the side as you walked, catching the shadowsinger in your peripheral. Tense, on-guard, unyielding; Azriel’s jaw was set in a firm clench, but it was different from what you were used to. When he was tense at home, it was almost out of… anticipation? Trepidation? 
Here though… here his posture was derived from rage. From practiced, honed fury. 
You turned your head away before you attempted to fix it, to comfort him. He wanted to be angry, told you as much before he winnowed you to Day in a flurry of his shadows. 
I’m going to be different, he had told you, I need to be different. It can’t be like the last time. I can’t let you get hurt. 
The fear in his eyes had melted away in the Day Court sun; the second your feet landed on meticulously carved cobblestone, Azriel was no longer just your friend. 
Amira led you to three doors along a wall, mumbled a few parting words, and bowed away before anyone could send her a second glance. You attempted to offer her a reassuring smile amidst her flee, but Azriel’s shadows were too dense. A hand on your back led you into a room and Amira was gone. 
“That went well,” Cassian breathed, a long sigh punctuating his descent into a loveseat by the bed. “She didn’t look terrified at all.” 
The bedroom door clicked shut. Rhys raised his brows. “She’ll thank us later.” The High Lord’s eyes drifted to the shadowsinger sulking by your side. “This isn’t exactly a leisurely visit.” 
Your gaze shot around the room in the following lapse of silence, analyzing the tense nature of each male. The air felt stagnant and stiff, the light somehow dimmer even with the open windows, and you weren’t sure if your voice would make it worse or ease some of the pressing emotions. 
Rhys took a seat in a chair by the door, and you decided speaking was better than leaning into the uncomfortable silence. 
“It’s so beautiful here,” you began, playing with your fingers, second-guessing your decision to stand. Azriel remained motionless at your side. “The sun feels different somehow. Brighter, maybe?” 
“The skies have an affinity for their namesake in the solar courts,” Rhys offered kindly. 
You hummed, rolling onto your toes and then rocking back on your heels. “I suppose that makes sense. The nights are incredible back home.” 
The use of that word—home—did not go unnoticed by the group. Not by you and certainly not by the male standing guard at your side. The replacement of the word had been relatively common since you woke up. 
Here in Velaris, there is…. 
When you came back here all those years ago…
Let’s go back to the house…
Never home.
But being in Day—being away from Velaris—just solidified what you already assumed. Velaris was your home. You were sick of letting your family dance around that truth. 
“Mother above, I was sure I would never see you again,” a strange voice tore your attention from Cassian’s vivid retelling of your first time flying with him, and although it was an interesting story, the man before you was even more enticing. 
With deep skin and an even deeper smile, white linen billowed around his confident figure. The man appeared to glisten as he walked toward your small group, golden sandals trailing up bronze calves. Even the air around him seemed to glow. 
Enticing didn’t seem to be the correct word. 
You’d been directed into a rather large study after a brief lunch and a “tour” of the grounds that only included the wing you were staying in. Rhys had chalked it up to Helion stalling for time. You’d tried to coax a more comprehensive tour out of the guard leading you around, but a sharp look from Azriel was enough to put that conversation to rest. 
“You look just as you did. Perhaps a bit gaunt but…” The man—Helion, you’d deduced—trailed off when the whisper of a shadow trailed at his neck. “I am Helion,” he smiled. “You have known me for many years. In love with me, as most are. But, alas, it is not fated.” 
Some of your awe shifted to shock. “I am—I’m sorry, I am in love with you?” 
In front of you, Cassian let out a long breath and fanned his wings out before letting them hang behind his chair. You sat straighter in your own seat, mortification creeping into your chest at the small laugh Rhys let slip across the room. What set your mouth into its flurry, however, was the raised brow you received from Helion. 
“I didn’t mean that to offend. I mean—what I meant was just that… Well, no one said I had a lover or even mentioned you in that way so it came as a shock. But I presume there is much about myself I have yet to learn so… you are a very beautiful man and I’m sure—” 
“Y/n, it’s alright,” came Azriel’s soothing voice from beside you, his scarred fingers pushing hair behind your ear halting your apologies. “He was only joking.” A pointed look in the High Lord’s direction. “He does that from time to time, unfortunately.” 
More mortification made an appearance. 
Helion’s raised brow had morphed into an unsure expression at some point amidst your rambling. “When they said you had no memory… You will have to excuse me, y/n. I assumed you’d have more… context. Especially with your abilities.” 
“We told you she remembered nothing and had no access to her magic,” Azriel defended, his fingers dropping to rest beside your thighs. 
“Well, yes, but often when magic tampers with the mind, the personality remains intact. Like a muscle memory.” 
“Oh, her personality is there,” Cassian retorted, a bittersweet smirk playing at his lips. “Just not when she’s met you five seconds ago and you’re revealing fake truths. Sarcasm doesn’t often work with strangers.” 
Helion nodded grimly, turning back to you. “I apologize.” 
“It’s really alright,” you comforted, attempting to calm some of the twisted guilt marring the High Lord’s face. “They worry too much. Right now everything I do is without context and I find myself embarrassed more often than not. It’s not your fault.” 
Helion did not look convinced or reassured. His eyes simply traveled to the corners of your face and tracked down to the patterns Azriel was drawing into the skirts of your dress. 
“Do you see now why we needed to come to you,” Rhys chimed in from above his crossed arms. 
Helion hummed. “Yes. Shall I get started then?” 
The room shuffled. You were informed that Helion had to be touching your head to assess the injury—unlike Rhys’s assessment—so you were sat atop a table to give him better access. Azriel followed by your side, his front pressed against the table, Cassian stood his ground behind Helion, and Rhys took up residence on your other side. 
“In Day, we have a type of healing that extends to magical wards and enchantments, was that explained to you?” Helion asked, kind eyes never leaving yours. Too kind—uncertain and full of reproach.
“Yes, they said maybe the witch put something in my mind. Like a blockage.” 
“Precisely. And I was informed about Rhysand’s unsuccessful attempt at entering your mind. That could be due to a spell, which is why I would be more useful.”
Rhys scoffed. 
You let a smile tug at your lips, but it was quickly extinguished when you considered the outcome of this process. “Will it feel the same? What you’re doing and what Rhys did?” 
You could almost hear the way Azriel ground his jaw. 
Helion glanced at him from the corner of his eye. “It will feel different. I am not in the business of thoughts or memories. I won’t be able to access anything other than any inflictions you may have.” 
“So it won’t hurt?” 
“I cannot promise anything.” 
The table beneath you shifted an inch, just to be caught by hands glowing with blue light.
I need to be different. It can’t be like the last time. I can’t let you get hurt.
“Still sure you can’t just beat the crap out of whatever’s going on in my head?” you posed to Cassian, tilting your head up to call over Helion’s shoulder. 
The general’s chuckle eased some of the tension in the room. “I would if I could.” 
With a resigned breath, you nodded to Helion. The High Lord’s hands glowed a golden white, he lifted them to your head, and then there was nothing. 
If he hadn’t shot his hand out when he did, Azriel was sure your head would have fallen out of Helion’s grasp and plummeted to the floor. 
You were limp. 
Eyes closed, neck bent—completely and utterly limp. 
Azriel took the liberty of tugging on the bond just to make sure you were still alive. He hadn’t done so since you woke up in the forest, remembering the fear in your eyes, but you looked so incredibly lifeless. 
“Helion,” he barked, his worried expression never turning from your face. 
Icy panic gripped his stomach, twisting it with fervor. 
Cassian took a step forward. 
“Why is she unconscious?” his brother gritted out. His tone was an empty threat; he couldn’t hurt a High Lord, and neither could Azriel, but Azriel would do much more for much less. 
His life had become a nightmare. 
On his worst nights, he relived the time you went missing and the subsequent loss of your memories over and over until he woke up screaming. His heart would beat so rapidly it seemed impossible to slow and he would be inconsolable for several minutes, but he always had you there. He would wake up from that nightmare and you would be there. 
He had that dream every night now, and he woke up to the same. The guestroom he occupied didn’t smell like you, and even though you were just on the other side of the wall, he couldn’t make out the sound of your breath enough to let it lull him back to sleep. Nothing you owned was in that room. Everything he owned was still in a pile by the door after Feyre had rushed to clear the evidence of him from your space. But why did that matter? What were books and trinkets and clothes in a room that was otherwise devoid of everything he loved? 
Leaving his room was worse. 
Gods, all he wanted to do was hold you. To really, truly hold you and for you to hold him back. But you looked at him cordially, the same way you looked at Cassian and Rhysand and Mor. 
When he left the house he had to deal with Feyre and Nesta’s constant questioning. Even Amren had taken an interest in your well-being, and while he appreciated the care for his mate, he couldn’t take it. 
He couldn’t take echoing the words, “She’s fine. Healthy. Less pain today,” over and over when he could tell what they really wanted to know were things you wouldn’t share with him. He couldn’t take the fact that you didn’t tell him you loved him—that he would whisper it at your back every time you turned around and you never heard. You were skittish at his touch and shy when you spoke and you were never the first to voice your opinion and he just couldn’t take it. 
With your head in his broken hand, Azriel felt another piece of him crack. 
“I did it.” Rhys broke the silence, a concentration twisting his brow. “Helion and I agreed it was the best way to go about this. It had to be sudden though—unexpected. We needed a moment where her mind was completely unexpecting.”
Cassian cursed. “You couldn’t have told us that before you made it look like she died, Rhysand?” 
“If y/n were dead no one would be standing here right now and you know that.” 
“Still,” Cassian mumbled. “Warn a guy.” 
“I’ve felt this before,” Helion said, shaking his head. “But that’s impossible. Rhysand, you would have—” 
“I would have, yes, but not if it was created through other means. It was a witch, not a daemati.” 
“She could have been both.” 
“Extremely unlikely. Keep going.” 
Azriel watched the way your lashes fluttered, counted the beats of your heart and pretended you knew who he was. 
“What’s happening?” he asked. “You’re both in her head. Talk.” 
“I couldn’t get through the wall myself because it wasn’t her magic,” Rhys explained. “I assumed it was the witch’s, but this signature is too similar. It’s exactly like it was before, just muted.” 
“Like it was before?” Azriel repeated, finally turning his head up. 
Rhysand looked grim. “Almost identical.” 
“That isn’t possible,” the shadowsinger immediately refuted. “I killed that bastard myself. There is no way he could have done anything to her.” 
“Azriel, I think it’s possible that—” 
But Azriel did not let the High Lord of Day finish his thought. “You don’t speak to me about her,” he seethed. “Not when she came to your court and one of your people did this to her. I trusted you with her. I sent my mate here and she has been paying the price for that ever since. This is your fault, so you do not tell me what you think. You tell me what is certain.”
The room went silent, and Helion looked back at you, eyes glazing as he continued his work. 
A strong, steady hand clapped against Azriel’s shoulder. It took Cassian three tugs before Azriel reluctantly let your head go, but only after Rhysand placed his own hand at your back. 
“Look, I get it,” Cassian comforted, hands on his brother's arms. “If this was Nesta I’d probably be tearing this room apart right now. But he’s all we have here. And you know it wasn’t his fault last time. You remember how hard he worked to get her back.” 
Azriel ignored him.
Cassian roughly shook his frame. 
“Hey, you know that. And you know y/n’s going to be pissed at you when she gets her memories back and hears how much of an ass you’re being to Helion. She’s going to be severely pissed if you start a war trying to kill the guy.” 
The small smile Cassian was sporting faltered. “What?” 
Azriel finally met his eyes. “If she gets her memories back. It was an if last time and it’s an if again.” 
The two High Lords discussed quietly in the back, their hands still on you. Azriel’s shadows refused to leave your side, weaving through your hair and your clothes and the fingers against your head. 
“Well last time she got them back, didn’t she?” 
“You truly believe that will happen twice? I was praying to the mother for luck the first time, Cassian. She won’t listen again. I guarantee she won’t.” 
“Az…” Cassian trailed off. There was no speech to formulate, not when defeat and resolution were so clear on his brother’s face. 
“She won’t love me a third time.” 
Your cough had Azriel bolting away from his brother’s concerned gaze in an instant. You were no longer in Helion’s grasp, instead leaning against Rhysand’s arm as the High Lord of Day scribbled something in a book.
“Ow.” You rubbed at your head with a pinched expression, squinting up at Azriel as he leaned down. “I think I passed out or something.” 
It was mostly out of hysterics, but a small laugh escaped the spymaster. “Or something.” 
Gods, you sent a spark of joy down the bond and it was all-consuming. You did that from time to time, unintentionally flooding Azriel with whatever emotion you felt the strongest. More than once he had to stop himself from opening his side completely just to relish in the reminisce you offered him. 
“What about this time? Did we figure it out?” you slurred, squeezing your eyes open just to have the drop closed once again. 
Azriel tucked his hand against the back of your head and looked expectantly at the two High Lords before him. 
When Helion spoke, Azriel let him, if only because he was still living on the high of his mate’s lingering amusement. “Whatever the witch did, it was a mimicry of the daemati that tore into her head all those years ago. I need to do more research, see if I am able to undo whatever it is she redid without irreparably damaging her mind. If I can’t, the only answer is the witch.” 
“Is that even possible? To mimic something like that?” Azriel asked, stepping forward so your drooping head would fall against his arm. 
“Witches draw power beyond their reserve and even beyond the cauldron. We know so little about them. Tamlin should not have been making deals with them,” Helion curtly replied. 
Any lightness in the room had very clearly disappeared. 
“Take your mate back to your room. We can discuss this when she no longer looks like she’s fighting to stay awake.” 
“I am awake,” you argued, trying and failing to haul yourself into an upright position. 
Rhysand huffed out a laugh. “I wouldn’t even be awake after having two high lords in my mind. Go rest. We will talk in the morning.” 
Azriel assisted as you stood on unsteady legs, but the attempt was futile. The shadowsinger gathered you into his arms as you sent an accusatory finger in Rhysand’s direction. “Liar.” 
It wasn’t until you were alone in the hallway, your head against Azriel’s shoulder, his arms beneath your body, that you spoke again.
He hummed in response. 
“What’s a mate?”
Part 7 ☆
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justmeinadaze · 6 months
Secret Underneath Part 2 (Steddie X Plus Size You)
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Warnings: Daddy Steddie (Businessman Steve/ Rockstar Eddie) & Plus Size Fem Sub Y/N, SMUT (just pure smut; me working on this may be why I'm so subby right now lol), light smacking, slight spit play( if you squint), spanking, LOTS of dirty talk.
SLIGHT ANGST, like very slight, mentions of insecurities when it comes to the reader and her now knowing who they are. Brief mentions of an ex (that I can use for angst fodder later because I'm me)
More than anything they are feeling each other out and setting up some boundaries.
Word Count: 4835
Part 1
“Y/N, honey, are you alright?”, your friend asks as she lightly touches your shoulder before becoming distracted herself. “Maggie! I swear to God you kids are going to get me to retire early.”
“Promise?”, one of the kids teases.
Blinking, you pull yourself back into the moment, remembering the anonymity everyone requested including you.
“Ok, guys, come on. I think we bothered the people up here enough. There’s a reason they make so much money and it’s because they don’t deal with kids like you.”, you joke as you usher them to follow the guide.
It takes all of your energy not to glance their way again but you can feel their eyes trail after you as you disappear with the class. 
After dropping off the kids on campus and making sure everyone gets home safe, you head back to your apartment. As soon as the door shuts you lean against the wood, sliding down to the floor as you cry. 
You enjoyed being with Mogul and Rockstar the other night but now you know who they were. Were they going to leave now that you did? They wanted their identities to be private but never said for how long. After what happened, you were willing to wait but now… now what happens?
You hadn’t even began to fully process that they were millionaire womanizer Steve Harrington and famous well known party bad boy rockstar Eddie Munson. Insecurities had already begun to seep into your brain and it killed you. 
Your phone vibrated causing you to roll your eyes and glance at the notification that danced across your screen. 
(5:15pm) Mogul/Rockstar has invited you for a video chat!
(5:16pm) CurvyBabyWAttitude declined your invitation for a video chat. 
(5:17pm) Accept the invitation.
(5:17pm) Please.
(5:18pm) Mogul/Rockstar has invited you for a video chat!
“Yes, Mr. Harrington and Mr. Munson, how can I help you?”, you answer in a short, annoyed tone. 
“You can let us see your face for starters. If I wanted to look at the wall I can turn around.”
“Of your penthouse I bet.”
“We’re still in my office. We wanted to reach out earlier but we thought you’d still be on your field trip or at the school.”
“We wanted to give you time to get home so we could talk properly. Are you crying? Why are you crying?”
“Are you fucking kidding me? Look, you don’t have to pander to me, ok? I know now this whole anonymity thing is ruined and you’d rather be with someone more suited to your lifestyle.”
“Define ‘our lifestyle’.”
“For you, Mr. Harrington, I imagine some blond girl with big tits who comes from money and can squeeze her itty-bitty body into the most expensive dress your money can buy. For bad boy Mr. Munson, I see you with more or less the same but she’s cool like Janis Joplin.”
“I do like Janis.”
“So…big tits, money, and blond. Is there a height requirement?”
Your hand covers your mouth as you breathily laugh at their joke.
“No, no height requirement but according to princess here there is a weight limit. I guess because rich men like us are super vain we only care about a woman’s appearance and not her personality.”
“Is that right, honey? Or is the curvy baby with attitude a bit self-conscious?”
“THIS is why we wanted anonymity. We aren’t what you read in the papers, sweetheart. I’d figure the other night would have gone in the category of proving that. If we only cared about what you claim we never would have come down to the hotel.”
After a long exhale, you tilt your phone to allow them to see your face. 
“I think you also forget, honey, we have seen you. Yeah, you were wearing that mask but we knew about your body, your hair, and your tits. We’ve had our hands on them, remember?”
“You just caught us off guard today because… now we regret making you wear that sleep mask thing. Your entire face is so fucking beautiful. I wonder if your real name is equally so.”
Leaning your head on your knees, you take in their demeanors on the other end of your screen. They did still seem to be in his office but they were both sitting on a couch within. Steve was still wearing his sleek suit and Eddie in a black shirt with jeans but their eyes were no longer reflecting surprise as they had earlier that day. Right now, they seemed to be displaying genuine concern. 
“My name is Y/N.”
Both men softly grinned making you do the same. 
“Beautiful… would, um, would you be willing to meet us in a couple of hours at that hotel? We’d like to talk to you some more. Maybe figure some things out when it comes to us three.”
“We’d invite you to our place but we feel like it might make you more comfortable for us to meet somewhere where there’s common ground…so speak.”
“You two live together?”
“Oh good. We can still keep some secrets!”, Eddie chuckles. “Yeah, no point for me to get my own place when I’m on tour a lot and Stevie here travels for work.”
“Ok.”, you nod as you rise to your feet. “I’ll, um, see you both in a couple of hours.”
Nerves float through you belly as you stand outside the hotel door, exhaling as you prepare for what may be on the other side. To your surprise both men are already there, Steve pacing by the window as he scrolls through his phone while Eddie lays on his back on top of the bed. 
As soon as the door closes, they come to attention, pausing as their eyes rake over your body. When you were here last time you had thrown on clothes not caring how you were dressed after your ordeal and today you weren’t expecting to see your two admirers so you were in your jeans and school t-shirt with a messy bun and sneakers. 
This time you wanted to show off with your off-shoulder butterfly sleeve green blouse and black skirt that accentuated your curves. The black heels helped fuel any confidence you were lacking and your hair flowed down around you giving you that extra layer of armor as well as hiding that still prominent bruise you had lingering on your skin. 
“Jesus Christ.”, Eddie breathed before clearing his throat and glancing towards Steve. “You know, seeing her now, Harrington, she doesn’t hit that height requirement we talked about.”
His friend rolled his eyes as you giggled. 
“This is so surreal.”
“What is?”, Steve asked.
“I just…I just read about you the other day. About how you just made a big financial move that made you 400 million dollars. And you…I’ve been listening to your voice for so long. I have your songs on my phone.”
“Yeah? And is that bad?”
“Ah, no, Munson. It’s those insecurities again which by the way I find totally amusing for a girl filled with so much sass.”, the pretty boy grins. “If I may ask, what are the other Daddies like? Why aren’t you like this with them?”
You scoff as you saunter to a nearby chair, place your purse down, and sit crossing your legs. Both men try to control their eyes from scanning along your limbs but Steve in particular struggles to focus on your face as his gaze constantly shifts to your heels.
“A lot of men on there have no idea what they are doing and the men that I have met up with are either trust fund babies or CEOs. They aren’t famous or really worked hard for anything. Personally, I think that’s why they struggle being dominate. They don’t know how to fight or work hard. They barely even know what they want let alone how to take care of me.”
“Goddamn, sweetheart, you are sexy.”, Eddie sighs almost excitedly. “You have no reason to be insecure at all, Y/N. I mean we get it. Like I said, this is part of the reason we wanted the anonymity. We want you to like us for us not our names or status.”
“Is that what happened with your last Baby?”
They glance towards each other again before answering. 
“No.”, Steve says again with more conviction. “No, that’s not what happened.”
“That’s all I get?”
“You get what we give you.”
Your breathing stutters a bit at the metalhead’s words as your pussy clenches at his casual yet confident tone. 
“Y/N, honey, can you do me a favor and uncross your legs?”  You do as he asks going the extra mile of opening them so they have a good view at your silk black panties underneath. “You have no idea how bad I want to throw those gorgeous high heeled legs over my shoulders and just fucking devour your little pussy till your shaking.”
A small moan escapes your lips but when you try to rub your thighs together for relief Eddie tuts loudly across from you. 
“Ah ah, baby. Keep your legs open till we’re done talking and you!”, he chuckles as he gestures towards his friend. “Stay focused.”
“Yes, Daddy.”
“When it comes to sex, princess, is there anything we should avoid? Any hard no’s or anything like that?”
“Nothing…too rough. I’m not into masochistic stuff like canes and flogs but you can hit me or spank me. You’ll probably be doing that a lot.”
“Oh, don’t worry, baby girl. We can handle the brat.”, Steve grins as he winks, taking off his suit jacket and tie, tossing them on the other chair beside him. 
“What about you two?”
That gives them pause before they smirk and the mogul continues rolling up his sleeves. 
“Would you believe you’re the first woman to ask us that?”, Eddie ask as he shakes his head. “No, pretty girl. As long as you’re vocal and tell us when or if you’re uncomfortable, we’re happy. That being said, do you have a safe word you prefer?”
“I’m alright with ‘red’, Daddy.”
Steve walks to your side and extends his hand out for you to take so he can guide you to the edge of the bed beside Eddie before descending to his knees. The long-haired boy brushes some of your hair back and his ringed fingers lightly trace your bruise.
“How does this feel? Still hurt?”
“Yes, sir, but not as much as before.”
“Fucking asshole putting his hands on our baby girl.”, he growled low as his lips kiss your skin. 
“That’s another thing, Y/N, because apparently we weren’t clear last time. You are ours. You belong to us and in turn we take care of you.”
“Are we still…still…keeping this a secret?”, you inquire trying to focus as Eddie’s kisses trailed to your neck while Steve’s mouth lingered on your thigh. 
“Is that alright? Till we get more comfortable with each other and the dynamic.”
“Y-Yes, Daddy. Please.”
“Please what, baby? What do you want?”, the rockstar breathes in your ear.
“I want Daddy to eat my pussy.”
You watch as Steve’s head disappears into your skirt making you groan when his nose presses against your panty covered core and you feel him inhale. 
“Fuck, she smells so fucking good.” His wide tongue flattens against the fabric and Eddie grins as your mouth falls open. “Jesus, Ed, and she tastes so sweet. Let’s get these off, honey.”
Nodding aggressively, you helped him pull down your panties and he tossed them towards his jacket. He licked a strip between your folds, wrapping his mouth around your clit, and repeating the process as his eyes watched your face. 
“Oh fuck, Daddy.”
Eddie’s hand cups your cheek as he brings your lips to his, open mouth kissing you as his own tongue caresses yours. Your body abruptly jostles as Steve bunches your skirt around your waist and throws your legs over his shoulders before pressing his face into your cunt as his tongue vigorously flicked your bundle of nerves.
Your fingers threaded through his hair as you fell back against the mattress and grinded your hips. His large palms glide up your stomach as the other man lifts off your shirt and throws it to the floor. You moan, gripping the mogul’s wrist as his digits pinch and roll your nipple between them. 
“Oh my God, yes, Daddy! I’m gonna cum!
Your orgasm crashes into you like a wave as Steve shakes his head from side to side helping you ride out your high. Refusing to slow down by any means, the man’s arms circle your hips, holding them down as he continues to run his tongue between you folds as he builds you back up. 
Feeling a warmth beside you, you shift your gaze to see a now naked Eddie on his knees stroking himself by your face.
“Do you want Daddy’s cock, pretty girl?” When you don’t respond, his palm lightly smacks your cheek, his eyes scanning yours for discomfort when they finally meet. “I asked you something.”
“M’sorry. Da-Daddy’s mouth feels sooooo good.”
“Maybe I should have him stop so you can pay attention.”
“NO! No, please. I’ll listen! I’ll listen. I’ll listen.” When he repeated his question, you nodded as your free hand started to reach for him. 
“No, baby. Just keep your hands on Steve. Fun fact, he kind of likes when you pull his hair while he’s making you feel good.”, Eddie grins as his palm pets your head. “Just keep your throat open for me, okay?”
“Okay, Daddy.”
A guttural moan left the rockstars lips when his cock slid through your parted ones. His girth overwhelmed you instantly but you loved the way he tasted as every vein dragged along your tongue. 
“Fuck, sweetheart. That’s it. God damn Steve, her mouth feels amazing.”
As the metalhead began subtly thrusting his hips, you did what he suggested, gripping the other man’s hair tightly in your fingers as you tried not to gag.
“Hey. Hey, hey, hey.”, Eddie panted as he pulled himself back and you collected some air. “It’s ok to gag and drool, baby. We don’t mind it messy, trust me, and the thought of this pretty face choking on my cock just…fuck. Oh, wait. You’re going to cum again aren’t you?”, he says in an almost mocking tone that has your pussy clenching. 
Almost abruptly, Steve climbs up your body and snake one of his hands behind your neck, lifting you just enough for your forehead to lean against his. Pushing his ring and middle finger into your core, the sound of your slick filled the room as he thrust them into you at a brutal pace. 
“Cum again, baby. Come on. Soak Daddy’s fingers.”, he chanted under his breath as one of your arms wrapped around his neck. “I gotchu, Y/N. Daddy’s right here. Cum, baby girl. Keep your eyes open and on me.”
You screamed as the coil snapped, panting as your hair was yanked back.
“Keep your eyes open, little girl!”
His large digits continue to pump into you, slowing their rhythm as you gradually come down from your high with both men murmuring praises as they hovered above you. 
Through heavy lidded eyes you see them smirk at each other as Eddie pats his shoulder as if to say thank you before he maneuvers around on the bed, flipping you onto your stomach, and pushing you up on all fours. 
Steve lays on his back and hastily adjusts you till your in-between his legs. With a hungry gaze, you watch as he unbuckles his belt and pushes down his pants just enough to free his cock, stroking it in front of you as you wait. 
“Go head, Y/N.”, Eddie permits making you smile as you tongue darts out to lick the precum off his tip. “Atta girl. Remember, it’s ok to be messy.”
“Just tap me twice if you need a minute, honey.”
“Ok, Daddy. Oh-Oh fuck.”
While you two were talking, the rockstar had placed himself behind you, collecting your arousal with his length before guiding himself into your entrance. You whimper at his size as your nails claw under Steve’s button up shirt down his abs. 
“Fuck me, baby. I know. I’m sorry. I’m trying—shit—I’m trying to go slow but your pussy is just pulling me in…squeezing Daddy so tight.”
The man underneath you bit his lip as your face scrunched in pleasure. 
“You’re so beautiful, Y/N. Such a good girl taking him so well.” Your hand wrapped around him as your mouth enveloped his cock, taking him as far down as you could. “Fuck, good-good girl.”
Once he was fully sheathed inside of you, Eddie waited, allowing you to get accustomed to him while you focused on his friend. Taking his recommendation, you lowered yourself as far down as you could, gagging around Steve’s massive size, and coming off him quickly leaving trail of spit that lingered on your chin. 
“There you go. God, Y/N, that felt amazing. Do you want Daddy to take control?”
“Please… I trust you.”
Almost too gently, he lifted your hair into a ponytail, caressing your lips with his thumb as they fell open while Eddie began thrusting into you. When his cock found its way into your mouth again, however, he was anything but.
His mushroom tip hit the back of your throat repeatedly as he guided your head lower and lower onto his lap.
“You’re doing so good, honey. Fuck! K-Keep your tongue flat. That’s it, baby. Just like that. Mmm get Daddy nice and wet. Yeah? Is Eddie fucking you nice and deep?”
Tears consistently fell at the euphoria you were feeling as Eddie’s cock hit all the right places inside of you and then some while Steve’s words and actions were making you clench the rockstar to an almost a painful degree. 
“Fuck, man!”, he blissfully shouted as he spanked your behind and slowed his pace as he watched his cock disappear inside you. “She fucking loves sucking your dick. Every time she gags, her cunt wraps tighter around me.”
The pretty boy grins as he pets your head and dries some of your tears. 
“You like sucking my cock, pretty girl?”
“Y-Yes, Daddy, I love it.
“Can Daddy fuck your tight your little throat till you both cum?”
“Yes, Daddy, please!”
Eddie stills long enough for his friend to rise to his knees and slide himself back into your mouth, matching his pace as they both thrust into you. Your orgasm takes you by surprise as you roughly tap on Steve’s body and he immediately pulls back as your upper body collapses on the mattress. The rockstar grunts as reaches over to grab your hair, bringing you flush against his chest as he chases his release. His arms circle around to your tummy and you place your own on top of his as he slams his seed inside of you. 
“Thank you.”, you whisper as you pant against his cheek and in response he tilts his head to kiss your lips. 
“Come here, baby girl.”, Steve coos, his head ticking to the side when you shake yours.
“I don’t want to ruin your suit, Daddy.”
Smiling softly, he takes you in his arms and you can’t help but inhale his scent as you nuzzle your face into his neck. After placing you on the pillows, he tugs his shirt over his head and removes the pants the rest of the way. 
“I don’t care about my clothes, honey. All that matters to me is that you’re comfortable and taken care of. Plus, it’s kind of sexy to me to have your gorgeous, naked, sweat covered body against my suit.”
Positioning himself between your legs, he brings one over his shoulder and lets out a long, pleasure filled sigh as he guides his cock into your somewhat overstimulated and dripping pussy. 
“God…fuck me.”
At this angle, it felt like he was splitting you in half but in the best possible way.
“Mmph, fuck, Daddy. You’re so big.”
“I know, Y/N. I know but you can take it. You’re doing so well already.” Steve’s lips kiss your ankle just below your high heel as he gradually began finding his rhythm. “Keep your eyes on me, baby.”
When you didn’t do what he told you to, you felt him lean over you as he pressed his palms into the mattress to steady himself. 
“Y/N, stop making us repeat ourselves. Now, open your eyes.”
“I-I’m sorry, Daddy. You feel—mmm—so good. I can’t—”
“Yes you can, little girl. Don’t let our kindness fool you. We can be mean when we need to be and have no problem punishing bad girls.”
Your eyes open to meet his dominate ones and just as Eddie had he scans your face for any signs of discomfort. When he found none, he rested his forehead on your own.
“This is the first time we’re really getting to see them.” Steve rolls his waist and you mewl as he roughly hits that sensitive spot inside you. “Right there? Ok, baby.”
His jaw goes slack as he pounds into you, slamming into you g-spot over and over again turning you into a moaning mess that drives him crazy. Pushing back on to his knees, you watch as a glob of spit falls from his mouth before he utilizes his thumb to rub it into your clit.
“FUCK! I’m gonna cum!”
The bed shakes underneath you as skin smacking skin loudly echoes through the room. The coil in your belly snaps for the final time that night and Steve’s lips crash to yours to capture every moan he can. After a few moments, his head dips to your side and his groans fill your ear as he empties himself inside you. 
You wince as the man tries to carefully pull out, murmuring apologies as he kisses your face. 
“Here, sweetheart, drink this.”, Eddie instructs in a gentle tone as he hands you a glass of water that you promptly chug back. “I’m going to go figure out how to turn the rocket ship they a call a tub into a bath so we can get you all clean.”
You giggle at his joke as Steve over exaggeratedly sighs as he presses his face into the pillow beside yours. 
“He’s just trying to impress you by seeming more ‘down to earth’. Our bathrooms at home are more or less the same.”
“I’m sure they are better than mine. It’s a 30 sq ft cube and I shower with the door open so I don’t feel like I’m actually IN the movie Cube.”
His eyes scan you over as you laugh at your circumstance.
“I hope this doesn’t come off as rude so if it is please tell me but…you don’t make enough with the website to get a better apartment?”
“I don’t think it’s rude. Um, no. I don’t deal with too many Daddies. I mean I deal with them but not enough to actually get anything going or keep them around long term. Either they can’t handle me or I can’t tolerate them.”
“Girl who knows what she wants?”
“Girl who’s been through enough and is tired of wasting her time.”
He nods as Eddie saunters back into the bedroom to tell you the bath is ready but as he casually comes around to pick you up, you stop him. 
“It’s ok. You don’t need to…”
As you start to climb out of bed, he places his palm on your chest and pushes you back down.
“I don’t need to what?”
“You don’t need to try and lift me.”
“Good to know.”, he responds sarcastically as he effortlessly lifts you in his arms. “Thankfully I don’t need to try. I already know what I can and can’t do.”
After removing your skirt and heels and placing you in the water, the metalhead climbs in behind you and begins cleaning your body as Steve, now donning boxers, places himself on the edge.
“Am I allowed to ask questions?”
“Of course, sweetheart, but we decide whether or not to answer.”
“I guess that’s fair.”
“Did you have a particular question in mind, honey or…?”
“Just some general things.”, you shrug. “Like I know you make a lot of money but I don’t actually understand what you do.”
“Um, the short answer would be I’m an investor, I guess. My father owned and ran an advertising firm that I took over. Then I utilized those funds to buy and resell properties. That business move you mentioned? I bought a building in Las Vegas and spruced it up. Since it was right on the strip it sold for a high dollar value.”
“Did that go right over your head?”, Eddie asked in jest.
“A bit.”, you smile shyly. 
“Those kids you brought…what do you teach that would bring them to my office?”
“Oh, that wasn’t my class. I was helping my friend with her field trip because another teacher called in sick. She teaches economics; I teach English.”
Both men make a subtle ah noise as they chuckle. 
“Almost all of students know you.”, you smile as you shift your focus to the rockstar. “They say you need to post more on social media.”
“Yeah, I have no idea how any of that works. I just post what they tell me and Gareth runs our band one. I’m an old man, sweetheart.”
“Oh my god. No, you aren’t.”, you laugh as you keen into his chest. 
You don’t see it but both men exchange another look before Eddie wraps his arms over your own and holds you tightly against him as he kisses your shoulder. 
“I’m, um, assuming that doesn’t bother you…that we are older?”
“Most sugar daddies are, honey.”
“That’s not what I asked.”, Steve scolds as he reaches out to lightly grip your chin.
“No, it doesn’t bother me.” Nodding at your answer, he releases you to take hold of your hand and help you to your feet to step onto the bathmat allowing the metalhead to do the same so he can dry you. “Do it bother you?”
“No, baby girl, it doesn’t.”
“Now if any younger guys are out here hitting on you—“ Eddie smiles when your loud belly laugh cuts him off. 
“Trust me, no one is hitting on me. I’m not saying that in like an insecure way. I’m just, usually my sarcasm gets in the way.”
After leading you back into the bedroom, you’re surprised when Steve grabs his shirt and puts it on you, falling to his knees as he closes the buttons.
“This material feels nice.” A sexy smirk paints his face as you watch his fingers move. “Smells like you.”
As soon as he completes his task, his face presses into your stomach as his hands tenderly trail up one of your legs. 
“I smell cigarettes to. Almost like my best friend insists on smoking around me.”
“Oh, sure, because you don’t smoke with me sometimes.”, Eddie teases as you both smile. “I like that you smell like us both though. Let’s people know you belong to someone already.”
Taking a hold of your bicep, he guides you under the covers and you immediately spoon your body into his as he circles his arm around you again.
“Should I…remove my profile from the site?”, you ask sleepily as Steve lays in front of you and brushes some of your hair away from your face.
“We would appreciate that. Tomorrow we can give you our number so we can talk directly on the phone and get some more information so we can send you money when you need it. I would also like to work on getting you a better place to stay. I don’t like you being in a small place where—”
“Steven.”, Eddie chuckles as he interrupts his friend. “Look at her.”
As his eyes glanced over you, he realized you had fallen asleep, your steady breathing and calm face making them swoon.
“Am I asking for too much? I hate the idea of her living somewhere she isn’t comfortable.”, the mogul inquires as he slides further under the covers and caresses your skin while the rockstar props up on his elbow. 
“She doesn’t seem like the kind of woman to do anything that would make her uncomfortable.”, he grins. “But no, I don’t think you’re going overboard.”
“You know how we are. That’s why women always took advantage of us.”
“That’s why we’re taking things a bit slower this time so we don’t have another incident like last time.”
Steve growled under his breath at the thought.
“I don’t think Y/N would be as vindictive as our ex was. Yeah she’s got a mouth but she seems up front and honest. I like that.”
“Me to.”
“I hope we aren’t wrong about this one, Ed.”
@aol19 @paradisepoisons @paleidiot @dashingdeb16
@lilaclazer @joannamuns9n @thwippyparker @emotionaldreamer
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love-that-we-were-in · 8 months
indelible scars, pivotal marks
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pairing: luke castellan x implied apollo!reader
summary: you might be the only person who actually knows luke castellan. you don't think anyone else is willing to try.
a/n: what if i told you i got yelled at a lot after writing this. enjoy! oh this is also my first x reader in the 5 years i've been writing who cheered. have fun !
Luke is fourteen the first time he can remember sleeping through the night. He’s barely been at Camp Half-Blood for three hours, skin still splotched purple and blue, Thalia’s yells echoing in his skull. There’s no silence, a steady hum of nature that’s leveled by the voices of people he doesn’t know, and he knows he shouldn’t sleep. They’ve lost Thalia, left her just beyond the borders of an unknown place, and it’s a risk to welcome the flimsy pillow they gave him. He does it anyway, eyes closing to the sound of Annabeth’s soft breaths. 
The respite lasts one night.
By morning, he’s recounted the last five years more than he ever wanted to. Annabeth clings to him then, a known comfort. She knows the broad strokes of the story, could recount them herself, but there’s gaps from before her time, and there’s things Thalia made him swear not to tell. If she notices, she doesn’t comment, just keeps her fingers close to her side. He knows that’s where she keeps her dagger - he wonders if Chiron can tell as well.
Chiron brings them to Thalia, explains what happened and how lucky it is. Luke looks at the tree, the first time Thalia has stood taller than him since they met - something she always swore she would do one day - and leans back against it as Annabeth sobs into his shoulder. 
Mr D sends Annabeth to the Athena cabin before lunch. Luke doesn’t need to be told to make his way to Cabin 11. He knows who his father is. His backpack is left at the base of a bed in the far corner of the room, a group of boys gathered around the area turning to watch him the second he walks in. They move away but they don’t stop their stares.
Sleep doesn’t come as easily to him that night.
You meet Luke Castellan when you’re fifteen, standing on the edge of the lake as a golden sun rises in the horizon. It’s your first morning at camp, your first morning admiring the sunrise in months, and you think you could find a home here. Within the hour, you’re sure the calm won’t be the same – too many kids in the same space, swords and satyrs and strawberries guiding the day along – but for now there’s sunlight. 
“Breakfast isn’t for two more hours,” someone says from behind you. It should be scarier than it is, put you on high alert with the way he creeps into the space without a sound. “Just in case someone forgot to mention that.”
He’s pretty. Strong chin, dark eyes. On most people you’ve met, that’s where pretty ends. Not him. There’s this way he stands in your periphery; comfortable in his worn camp t-shirt, like he was made to live in it, to have it define him for an eternity. Very few people are pretty in a way that speaks of forever.
“I like to watch the sunrise.” 
He hums. “I’m Luke.”
He waits, steps away, until you offer him a seat beside you on the grass. It was something you were told once, an eclectic art teacher draped in shawls and chunky jewelry, how the sun is only as beautiful as it is when shared with another. As Luke sits next to you, you enjoy the quiet you’re positive isn’t built to last.
Luke becomes a counselor that summer. Everyone saw it coming, the way he’s known to everyone and not just the Hermes kids. Whispers of a legacy, of a potential legend in the making, followed him already, two years at camp creating grand ideas for his future – counselor status just helps to further them. It’s not that big of a deal normally. It’s potentially defining when you’re the best swordsman in almost three hundred years.
You find him on his way back from the Big House that evening, heading in no particular direction but with a clear idea of where he doesn’t want to be. It’s something you’ve learnt to read in the last few weeks, the way Luke fluctuates. How he dips in and out of personas as if it’s possible to switch them out. It comes with renown, you suppose. 
“Counselor Castellan, is it?” 
He smiles something bitter. “So they tell me.”
Without hesitation, you take hold of his hand. It’s warmer than yours and you feel the difference in your bloodstream. Luke doesn’t look at you, doesn’t comment, and you lead him away from the cabins and down to the lake. 
There’s maybe an hour until sunset. You’re almost attuned to it now, mornings spent watching it with rapt attention. Luke normally joins you, sword dropped between you. Some mornings, the thud of metal onto stone is the only reason you know he’s arrived, still so silent in his arrival that you wonder if it’s on purpose. 
“Does it make you anxious?” You ask when the silence stretches on for too long, when Luke stares unblinkingly at the horizon for longer than he should. He blinks, irises shifting from a glassy bronze and back to muted brown as the film clears. “Did they even ask if it was something you wanted?” 
He scoffs and you wonder if this is where everything changes. Luke always has things he wants to say, balancing on the tip of his tongue until he figures out how to swallow them down and burn them. It’s like you can see it play out in real time, his jaw shifting, arm tensing.
“Mr D told me it was a great honor. Chiron told me it was long overdue.” 
“You weren’t given a chance to say no.”
It’s a pattern you’ve noticed, not just within camp but with all the Gods. Clarisse was sent a spear with no note, but everyone knew who had sent it. Annabeth’s hat was exactly the same. Gifts. All gifts. No receipts or return addresses provided. Life at camp was something to be grateful for, always, considering the alternative most of you had already been forced to live. To comment on it would make you an enemy of those too powerful to consider.
Looking at the tense set of Luke’s shoulders, you kind of want to say it anyway.
“I’m about to have all the glory Camp Half-Blood could offer me,” Luke says and the sun begins to dip below the surface of the lake. His palm is warm in yours again. “Why would I complain?”
There’s a flurry of new arrivals no one anticipated the next summer They come in pairs, mostly, with the odd trio. Always one unclaimed within the group. Always one who gets marched to Cabin 11 in the middle of the night, sometimes after hours of questioning.
You know the nights that it’s happened, taking in the way Luke’s movements are less sharp, the way he breathes more shallowly. A conservation of energy. It doesn’t affect you much until it does, the sharp sting of Luke’s sword on your arm as he loses his footing, turns too suddenly at the sound of your footsteps. 
“This is insane,” you say as you press your shirt into the cut. It’s not bad, something that will heal quickly and fade into nothingness, but Luke locks his gaze on the red dotting your skin as if he doesn’t understand how it got there. “They can’t keep waking you up in the middle of the night for this.”
“The only other place they can go is the med bay and none of them have been beaten up badly enough to be worth waking an Apollo kid.”
“I’ve seen some of the kids when they’ve gotten here, Luke,” you mutter, shirt hem dropping as the wound stops bleeding. You glance up at him. “They could do with being patched up.” 
He sinks down to the floor. You stay on your feet. “This is what I signed up for when I took the position.”
There’s this way Luke’s voice gets sometimes, sharp and low and just a little spiteful. A build-up of years with little mercy granted. That’s how it is now, speaking through clenched teeth, completely biting back the vitriol and pretending there’s no heat to his words. 
He’s always been pretty in the sunrise, from the day you met, but you think he might be prettiest right now – lying to himself more than he can lie to you in the moments before there’s any sunlight at all. When you would let darkness spill into itself, Luke forces light to filter in. If you caught him at the darkest hour, you wonder if that would remain.
Taking in the way he digs his nail into the fabric of his pants, you doubt even he would know how to stop himself then. 
You aren’t chosen for Luke’s quest. He finds you after the ceremony, face pulled taut and bag thrown over his shoulder already. There’s no regret in his eyes, no determination either. You stand straighter when you hear him approach, grateful that he cared enough not to take you by surprise for once. 
“Don’t be mad at me.” 
“Why would I be mad?” You say. It’s disingenuous to your own ears, the way it pitches, so you fold your arms across your chest. “Chris and Ethan will be great questmates. A band of brothers.”
Luke swallows. “Is that really what you think this is? That I wanted to make my quest a guys trip?”
“I don’t think anything of it, Luke.” 
In the middle of the day, you can see him clearest. See the golden boy of Camp Half-Blood the way everyone else does. In broad daylight, there’s few things more noticeable on Luke Castellan. The slope of his nose, the straightness of his back, the comfortable weight of his sword on his hip – almost a tether to who he proclaims himself to be. It’s your least favorite version of him.
“I would’ve chosen you. In a heartbeat, I would’ve chosen you,” he says, brown eyes shifting from dim to desperate in moments. A plea to be heard. You know you’re the only one to ever truly listen when he speaks.
“Doesn’t really seem that way.”
“I just needed a reason to come back when it’s over.”
It stills the air around you. The words tangle themselves together in your brain, drown out the archers in the distance, the birds overhead. They echo and twist and they maintain their tone, the low pitch Luke uses when he’s decided to say something he doesn’t want to be heard. They bury themselves in the corner with the other times he’s used it, forever ingrained, and you don’t know what to make of them. How to define them at all.
He waits, gaze firm, until you nod slightly. You keep your chin low, determined to give little satisfaction to the situation. To Hermes giving Luke a reused quest, to the possibility of losing him because you aren’t there. It curdles deep in your gut, refusing to remain unknown.
There’s a moment where Luke hesitates, his hand twitching slightly, arm moving minutely higher from where it hangs down by his waist. Instead, his fist clenches and he exhales long and low. 
“Promise to be here when I get back?” 
“I’ll be really annoyed if you’re not the one knocking on my cabin door.”
He turns back to face you after he joins Chris and Ethan at the border. They’re all capable, with a history of working together. They’ll succeed, return to praise and glory and everything they deserve to have. The sun beats down on Luke as he nods goodbye and you wonder if it shines on anyone else at all.
The scar becomes a part of him. 
It fades into his skin with time, going from raised and rotten to a streak of pale across his cheek. You overhear some of the Ares kids praising it as symbolic of his win, a prize of sorts, and some of the Aphrodite kids saying it makes him more appealing, makes him look stronger. You’re not sure what you think of it, tracing it with gentle fingers as it heals. 
It becomes a habit, running a knuckle down Luke’s cheek each morning. Feeling where the skin tied itself back together. He never comments. You want to ask if he minds, that you’ll stop if it’s too much. The first few times you did it, in the days right after his return, he had flinched, features pinching together. Your hand had dropped, all too aware of the matted skin, how it probably still ached but Luke had taken your hand and placed it back where it had been. 
His scar becomes a statement, a badge of skill that everyone at camp can recognise. There had been little debate on the truth of his swordsmanship before but now it hardly existed, undeniable proof the first thing people noticed when introduced to him. 
Most people don’t bother to ask Luke about it. Percy Jackson isn’t most people.
“You got attacked by a dragon?” 
It’s the first time in years that anyone has joined you and Luke at the lake this early. Annabeth used to, on the rare occasions the worst of her nightmares returned. It’s different with Percy, like being close to the water rewires him completely. It makes sense days later when you watch him push open the door to the empty Cabin 3.
“Last year,” Luke hums, one hand resting softly in yours and the other keeping a loose grip on the sword handle in his lap. Percy had wanted to see him in action after hearing the stories, so you’d both obliged. “I made a wrong call and I paid for it.”
“At least it looks pretty cool.” 
The way Percy says it is different to everyone else. It’s not ingrained with this odd lust, whether for adventure or the story or Luke himself. It’s more muted, a fact of life. He’s not saying it to make anyone feel better – he’s saying it to disregard. A scar is just a scar to Percy Jackson, as if he’s known too many to care.
“I guess it kind of is,” Luke says and the three of you listen to the morning begin.
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pinkiealexie · 7 months
Guardian Angel...?! ✟ Adam
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I haven't wrote in forevah so these are simple headcanons (pretty much a one shot just in bullet points) of Adam dealing with being the guardian angel of a modern day teenager. Our beloved reader! Reader is in high school and very much hispanic/latino coded. THIS IS PLATONIC!!!
WARNING(S) : Adam being his own warning, average teenager crap, short and messy, not proof read
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Adam was NOT thrilled to learn that he'd have to be 'babysitting' some loser named "Y/N". All he could do was try to bitch and moan his way out of it to Sera but his complaints fell on deaf ears as there was no getting out of it. I quote "All angels must do it at some point while they're in heaven." Sera spoke with a stern tone. Psshhhhh, he knew that, but he didn't think that meant it would also apply to him. Now he didn't have as much time to do his chicks and gigs but it is what it is. From what he remembers about being a guardian angel, all he had to do was...
1. Protect them
2. Get them to avoid sin
3. Guide them from Point A to Point B
That shouldn't be TOO hard.
✟ First time back down on Earth since he died and the first thing he sees is you screaming "KILL YOURSELF" at someone in voice chat. Damn did you scream louder than the bitch he fucked last week. Already he wanted to leave but he had to stay with you for at least a couple times a week. Not only that but your room was a MESS! Don't you know sloth is a sin?? Empty bottles of water are scattered everywhere and your desk was a mess, things were collecting dust, and your bed is so undone like you were just raw dogging someone or being raw dogged
✟ After the first day of watching over you he could already tell that you were far from the path of god and possibly make him go insane from boredom so his genius little mind thought that if he was going to do this, then he was going to make it fun for himself
✟ Adam began to purposely knock things over in your house, rearrange items around, and call your out your name only for you to see no one. He found it hilarious that your seemed to piss your pants and think your house was possessed, he especially loved doing these things after you decided to watch any type of horror media at night or if you were home by yourself
✟ The jokes and laughs got boring very quickly since your reaction was always the same. After a bit he remembered that there was no rule that he couldn't show himself to the kid. Sure it should be obvious and common sense to not reveal yourself as all the other guardian angels never did it but that's an imaginary rule so it's not an official rule. Therefore, he isn't breaking ANY of the rules
You grumbled in pain as you had woken up with a bad migraine in the morning, the only upside was that your mom let you stay home from school today. Speaking of your mother, she had made you some caldo de res before heading to work so you'd feel better along with a cold can of sprite. As you were about to eat some of the caldo you saw the vase of a plant slightly move from the corner of your eye which paused your eating. Ever since last month your house had some creepy ghost shit happening and you were sure that you'd end up in a padded white room if you told anyone anything.
You decided not to pay it any attention as you took one last bite of your warm caldo until the vase fell off the shelf and crashed onto the floor.
You felt silly for shouting at an empty space in your home but you had enough of whatever spirit was haunting you, and your headache was not making it any better.
After a few seconds of silence you heard an very offended voice from behind you "Okay first of all, I'm not a fucking demon, second, don't yell at empty spaces unless you want people to think that you're a schizophrenie."
Were you dreaming?! Was this you finally loosing your shit from those all nighters? You turned around and almost broke your neck to look up at this guy...this dude was like 3x your height if not more!
You were stunned, you blinked once then twice then just put your empty dish in the sink.
"I need to…nap."
As you walked upstairs, you brought two fingers to forehead, your stomach, your right left then right shoulder, and up to your lips in a prayer of “En el nombre del Padre y del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo. Amén.”
✟ You later confirmed that you weren't dreaming and this was in fact real after waking up to his smug toothy smile. It being day only a few hours ago and it now it was pitch black out side. His bright glowing neon yellow face being the only source of light in the room which also allowed you to see that his elbows were resting on the crinkled and wrinkled sheets of your bed as he held his face in his both of his hands.
"Sup kid, so is your mom single or what?"
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sunshineandspencer · 1 month
Cowboy hat rule, Part 2 (Tyler Owens, Twisters)
A/N: I wrote both this and the first one in one night, in the car on the way home from watching the movie. I was gripped, and there was nothing on AO3 so this was my only respite from getting nout from the general public. Enjoy, I was very tired when I wrote this.
Pairing: Tyler Owens x Fem!Reader.
Summary: In between butting heads with Javi’s team and running a successful YouTube channel based entirely around tornadoes, Tyler Owens is introduced to the most interesting woman he’s seen in a good while - and her sister.
Word Count: 680
Warnings: kind of suggestive (literally just flirting for two seconds), very limited knowledge of America (I’m English).
Parts: Part 1, Part 3, Part 4
I have redone the form for the taglist now that I’m apparently expanding from Criminal Minds
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That run had gone a lot smoother, her sister able to get the sensor set up without going into a panic attack that Javi conveniently doesn’t notice. 
He better just be completely ignorant of how panic attacks look, or else he’s ignoring her sister. 
And she’ll have to kill him. 
But then they drive into town, and it’s horrible. Houses completely wrecked - there’s barely a main road anymore but they make do. 
Before they’d even parked, she pulled her belt out and shoved the door open. 
Hurrying over to help lift a beam off an older woman. Suddenly being much more aware of the cut on her arm - damn tornado throwing shit everywhere. 
It’s Scott’s fault. Javi had put them together and it’s clear the man doesn’t like her in the slightest. So even after they’d put the sensor out, he had her driving and was stressing her out the entire time about the tornado despite the fact they were driving away from it.
Once she was out, she joined the people helping any survivors. 
Nearly running into Dexter, who laughed happily at seeing her and threw a heavy arm over her shoulder. Tugging her along to the team. 
Lily and the others - whose names she definitely knows - were handing out free shirts. Along with water and food. 
With a small nod, acknowledging what’s happening, she takes off at a brisk jog back to the car. 
Making sure Scott isn’t looking as she pulled the door open and reached in. Nicking the first aid kit from underneath the passenger seat and pulling away with a grin. 
Then the door closes by itself with a slam and she jumps, whipping to face the man of the hour himself. 
Tyler Owens, leaning against the car as if he owned the world and he was merely allowing her a place to stand upon it. 
“Sorry ‘bout that Alpine, didn’t mean to frighten you.”
“No big deal.” She can still feel her heart stretching against her ribs, letting her know she was scared shitless. “Thought you were Scott, I have a feeling he’d throw a fit if someone took something from the car without him knowing.”
Lifting the first aid kit with a grin, she went to walk around him. But he just softly kissed his teeth, quickly looking around to make sure no one was watching. 
Taking a gentle hand to her bicep, he guided her back to the car. Leaning her onto the door and stepping a little more into her personal space. Bracing a hand above her on the car roof and leaning in, flooded with thoughts of her in his cowboy hat all over again.
It’s kept him pretty distracted all day.. and all last night.
“Thought we’d have a quick conversation, now that we’re here.”
“Oh~ and do you frequently flirt with people after a natural disaster, or is it just me?”
Patting his chest, she walked away again and he let her. Knowing wherever she was going with that first aid kit was much more important than his flirting. 
Only just more important, but he’ll let it slide this time. Besides, he needs to get back to looking for that puppy. 
Leaning on the hood of the car, he watched her walk away, something gnawing at him at seeing the stain of red on her arm. Not the one he’d grabbed; but she should’ve said something. 
Unfortunately, head and heart don’t usually have control over what comes out his mouth. 
“Only you Alpine! No one else is pretty enough to distract me from the storms!”
Lifting her hand up, she didn’t bother looking back, clicking the button to lock the car and set the alarm. 
His pressure on the hood immediately setting it off and freaking him out. 
Hearing her laugh he looked around again, extremely glad that no one else had seen anything. Smoothing his fingers through wet hair and going back to looking for that puppy. 
He’ll take her a beer later, get back on track with their flirting when he has the upper hand again.
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Want more?! Good!
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babygirl-riley · 9 months
Hii so I got a request, could you do Dad!simon coming home and his wife thinks he’s alone but he came home with the task 141 and his daughter woke up going downstairs to go see her father she goes to his lap wondering why his mask is still on and falling asleep on his chest. Thank you!
Home Sweet Home
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Simon came clean with his team about having a family. Let alone having a family for 4 years. So why not visit since the holiday is coming up?
A/N: Just the thought of a small child in his arms with his mask on 😭 It’s just so sweet to think of! Hope you enjoy this one anon. 🖤
“What I was living for all along. What I’ve been waiting for.”
simon x reader guide
simon x reader family
Warnings: fluff, family things, just pure happiness, verrrry small angst, husband!simon, dad!simon
Simon was hesitant once he parked the truck into his driveway. Both of your driveway. He didn’t tell you, it was last minute. The boys shouldn’t have known about them wanted to selfishly keep you and the girls away. Other side is danger. The danger is there and he didn’t want to put more eyes and more pressure on the fact that you all could be in danger.
Yet here he is, getting out of his truck as Price, Gaz, and Soap walked up the driveway. “Damn Lt it’s a nice house,” Soap said looking at the home, the front had a decent size lawn with a tree in the middle. Simon huffed as his eyes caught a present in his hand, he turned to walk towards the door. “Never thought you would be a house man.”
“What did ya think I was?” Simon asked scoffing in amusement.
“Lone apartment Lt.” Soap quipped. “Oi I also got a present for the kiddos,” He paused. “Well I hope they will be able to use it.”
Before he reached the doorknob he turned to look at the lads. “What is it?”
Soap smirked with that devilish glint. “Oh ya like it Lt.”
Gaz chuckled. “That means you gonna hate it Ghost.”
Simon’s eyes narrowed before inhaling deeply. “Maybe ya will Simon.” Price commented smirking as he nodding to the door. “Probably shouldn’ keep her waitin’ mate.”
Simon sighed softly. “It might be there nap time so don’ be too crazy ya?”
Price smiled. “Well we can always meet them another time Simon.”
“Make sure Soap will be in line.” Gaz joked as Soap glared at him and smirked.
“Who else?” Gaz quipped back chuckling when Soap elbowed him.
Simon shook his head before looking at the door. God he hopes that this wasn’t a mistake, he inhaled deeply and opened the door. As he walked in he could smell the cookies that you and the girls to hand out during the holiday. He heard the dishes clatter before the faucet was turned off. “Si?” You said turning the corner that led to the kitchen.
“It’s me.” He responded as the boys clattered in behind him. “And others.”
You chuckled, giving a warm smile. I can see that, just in time for some cookies. Come on I can make some tea.” You looked at Simon, he could feel himself soften more. His chest heating up like it always does when you looked at him.
“Daddy?” Your head snapped towards the stairs that led to the other bedrooms. The middle child standing at the top. Once she processed that it was him she came running down the stairs.
Simon knelt down as she smashed into him hugging him. “Hey sweethear’ you should be in bed.”
“I can’ sleep.” She mumbled holding him tighter as he picked her up. She looked behind him to see the others. “Who are you?”
You chuckled quietly and walked over. You wanted her to take her nap but you also knew that once she saw Simon it was over. “Daddy’s friends, I’ll make a deal you can stay up if you go to bed early.”
She looked at you then Simon and nodded. “Okay.”
“Yes,” You looked behind Simon and saw the man with the mohawk smile huge. “S’rry ma’am just excited to meet ya. Johnny.” Switching the present over to another hand to lift his up to you, as the one in the cap shook his head and chuckled softly.
You smiled as you shook his hand. “You can put the present underneath the tree there.” You said pointing the direction with your head.
Simon going past you to talk quietly to Allison. Johnny heading to the tree to place it nicely next to the others. You looked at the one with the cap. “Kyle, beautiful home.”
“Thank you.” You said shaking his head as well then you turned to the man with an unusual facial hair.
“John,” He said smiling and shaking your hand. “Price is fine though.”
You smiled and nodded. “Good Johnny and John will be a good way to have my memory skills be tested.” Price chuckled and nodded. “Well come on then boys.” You said guiding them to the kitchen.
As they paraded behind you, Simon watch as Soap walked up to him and Allison. “My name is Johnny, what’s yours?”
Allison looked at Simon and smiled then to him. “Ya Soap! Daddy likes to talk about ya sometimes!”
Simon’s eyes widened and felt his face go red. Soap laughed and looked at Simon giving him the look of ‘oh you won’t hear the end of this.’ “Oh really now? Dats good to know.”
“In the kitchen Johnny.” Simon said grumbling. Johnny laughed again turning to the kitchen.
“I’ll save ya a seat Simon.” He said back his voice more like he sang it.
Before Simon took a step Allison tapped his cheek. Getting his attention. “Ya have ya mask on daddy.”
Simon looked down at her as she smiled up at him. He didn’t even register it, usually he takes it off before walking in the home. Before the girls he would wear it for a couple of hours of coming home, you understood never telling him to take it off. Never pried. So when Allison mentioned it he froze, he wanted to keep it on. “Daddy is gonna keep it on for a bit longer yeah?” She nodded and jumped a bit in his arms.
“Okay, I want to get mine!” She said excitedly.
Simon chuckled. “Not now, we don’ wanna wake ya sister.”
Allison sighed and leaned into him. “Fine after nap time?”
Simon headed to the kitchen and nodded once. “Yes after naptime.”
As Johnny promised there was a seat next to him. So Simon sat next to him still having Allison on his lap. It was an odd experience, everyone talking and laughing. Johnny would be talking about random things about what they do out in the field. Nothing over PG related at least. Allison would as questions about where they have been, what they do, and if they seen bunnies. Something a 4 year old would ask.
He would tell you about how Simon has this picture of you and the girls that ratted him out. You laughed at Johnny when he mentioned about how he panicked and tried to tell that it was just a picture. Then Gaz found out. Then Price did. Now they were here.
“Hope we didn’t intrude Mrs. Riley.” Price said adjusting in his chair as he took a bite out of a cookie.
You shrugged as you shook your head. “Not at all. We don’t get visitors often.” You smiled looking down at Simon who nodded. You noticed he still had his mask on, never took it off besides lifting it to take a drink out of his tea.
“Your cookies are amazing. How do you make them?” Gaz asked grabbing another cookie off a plate.
You laughed coming behind Simon to take a look at Allison. “That’s a secret Kyle,” When you made eye contact with a sleeping child you looked at Simon. Simon could smell your shampoo, something he missed, something that calmed him. “Simon?”
Simon looked at you, he noticed that you had said something and he didn’t know what you said. “Say that again.” He whispered.
You giggled. “Do you want to put sleeping beauty to bed or you okay with how she is?”
Simon didn’t even noticed that she was passed out. Mouth open, hands gripping his sweatshirt, snuggled deep onto him. Simon shook his head. “I’ll keep her here.”
You smiled and nodded. “I thought so.” You patted his shoulder tenderly.
Price smiled at this interaction, never has he seen his lieutenant so soft. He could even tell through his mask. Price watched as Simon held Allison closer to his chest once they noticed that she was indeed passed out. Price made eye contact with Simon who just gave a nod before getting back into the conversation.
“Ya have to let me know how the girls like the present.” Johnny said as Simon and you walked the boys out.
Simon, who was still holding the sleeping child, was about to say something snarky. Before you said something. “Whatever you got I’m sure it’s going to be loved.” You smiled as you looked at Simon.
Kyle chuckled. “Pretty sure the lieutenant is gonna love it as well.”
“You know what it is?” You asked looking at him.
“Nah just know Johnny likes to see how many buttons he can press.” Kyle said patting his shoulder as Price opened the door. “Thank you for having us again.” You thanked him for coming as he head out the door.
Johnny looked at his lieutenant. “Ya gonna love Lt. Just like ya how ya love me.”
Simon scoffed. “Tha’ really little Sargent.”
Johnny smirked before turning to head out the door. “That’s not what ya little one said.”
Simon glared as he left before Price placed a hand on your shoulder. “Thank you again, next time we will let you know when we come by.”
You smiled placing a hand on his. “It was enjoyable today. We have to do this again.”
Price smiled and nodded then looked at Simon. “See you later son.”
Simon nodded. “Yes sir.”
And with that they left, you shut the door and locked it. “They are kind men Simon.” You said looking over at him then at Allison. “Want to watch some movies while we wait for the monsters to wake up.”
Simon’s chest warmed up, he looked at you with your smile. Just your natural beauty would have him spiraling into a frenzy. “Hm, yeah but Alls might put me to sleep when we sit.”
You smirked. “I wouldn’t blame you, have a personal blanket,” You walked up to rub her back. “She missed you.”
Simon nodded and held her even tighter. He always misses his girls, always finds something that will remind him of one of them. Always tries to bring back some trinket. Something that tells them that even if he is gone for a while that he loves them. “I did too.”
You kissed his cheek. “I will grab blankets.”
It didn’t take long to grab blankets but once you came back Simon had Allison on his chest and was passed out with her. Simon had taken his mask off placing it underneath his head. You smiled and placed the blanket over the both of them. You placed a kiss on both their foreheads. You smiled and just thought of how lucky you were to have such a beautiful family.
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cameronspecial · 1 year
Some People Can Change
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings:  Swearing, Mentions of Drugs and Angst
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 1.3K
Summary: Rafe really does want to change, but what happens if nobody else believes he can?
A/N: Rafe isn't a murderer and doesn't hide dead bodies in this one-shot, but everything else he does in Canon happens.
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Y/N Y/L/N was only supposed to be a one-night stand. Rafe wasn’t planning on interacting with her after she left his bedroom. He was a Kook and she was a Pogue, who worked as a bartender at the club. However, when he woke up the next morning to the smell of frying bacon and the sound of “Dance The Night” accompanied by her dance moves, he knew she wasn’t really going to be leaving his life after today. Plus, her advice was life-saving. “I think I’m going to do something really bad,” he confessed to her, sitting at the kitchen island with coffee in hand. She looked at him in understanding, “Well, you said going to, which implies it has happened yet. And if it hasn’t happened, then you always have a chance to fix it. It’s up to you to own the fact that you recognize it isn’t good and to stop it.” This led to Rafe stopping the murder of his father that he put into action. 
Ever since that day, Rafe is not often seen without his arm around Y/N, looking at her like she is his world. Because she is. He knows she wouldn’t put up with the shit that he pulls on a normal basis, so he made an effort to stop his vices. He is just grateful she is relatively new to town and hasn’t had the chance yet to hear the gossip about him. This means he has a chance to turn his life around before she finds out. But no one in his life actually believes he can change. 
“I told you, Barry. I’m not dealing or using anymore. Not cocaine, not weed. I gotta go cold turkey,” Rafe reiterates, sliding the drugs and gun towards the pogue. “And I certainly don’t need this gun anymore.” Barry shakes his head and pushes the item back toward Rafe, “You really think you are going to last man? You aren’t going to be able to stay away from these just because of her. You can’t change man.” “You’re wrong. Every time I do drugs, I’m making the conscious decision to turn towards them. Y/N is helping me realize that I have other ways of coping with my issues,” he gestures his hand toward his chest to prove himself. “Come on, Country Club. Just take them back.” Rafe grows frustrated with this conversation. Instead of fighting back and yelling at the dealer, he tries to take deep breaths to calm himself. It sort of works, but nobody is perfect. So he storms out of the trailer with the loud clang of the front door closing behind him. 
He gets home from Barry’s storming into the living room with his anger clear on his face. “Love, what’s wrong?” Y/N poses, lowering the volume of the TV. Rafe gives her a harsh look, “WHAT THE F-!” He can’t finish his yelling because Y/N is already gently placing her hand on his sternum to guide his breathing. “I know you are angry about something, right now, but that gives you no right to displace that anger towards me. So if you feel the need to release this negative energy, then I would like for you to channel this feeling through working out, please. I’ll come to see you to talk after half an hour.” Rafe knows that she is correct and she probably got these ideas from a psychology book she bought. God, she’s so smart. 
Rafe heads up to the punching bag in his room and starts throwing punches at it. As promised, she comes to check on him after some time. “Now that we’ve calmed down, do you want to talk about it?” Y/N inquires, bringing his hands into her smaller ones and giving his bruised knuckles a kiss. He nods at her, “Yeah, I just went to give something back to a… uh… a friend and he insisted that I still needed it. It was frustrating.” His subconscious knew the problem was deeper than that and this caused tears to threaten to spill. Rafe is quick to hide his face behind his palms. 
“Somehow I don’t believe that this is the true root of your crying. Do you think you can talk about it?”
“Uhh, no. I don’t think I truly know what I’m feeling. Can we just cuddle and think instead?”
Y/N is happy to oblige, lying down on the bed and opening her arms so he can rest his head on her chest. 
“No, Rafe. I have to tell Y/N. She deserves to know,” Sarah argues, making her way back into the house from the back patio. Rafe is quick to follow her. At the same time, Y/N is heading towards the same door from the bathroom. “Tell me what?” Sarah turns towards the girl, ready to tell her about Rafe’s faults. 
“Rafe is a liar and thief and violent and a drug addict. He isn’t a good person, sweetie!” 
“I may not have been a good person and I admit to being everything you’ve said but I’m trying to change. Y/N helped me realize that I need to change.”
“Ooh, like you can change. Honestly, no offense Y/N, but we both know this road to redemption act is all going to go away once you get bored of her.” 
Rafe wants to yell that it isn’t true what Sarah is saying, but he remembers the breathing exercises Y/N taught to help calm down and puts those into practice. He knows adding more anger to this argument is just going to lead toward a slippery slope of words he will regret. 
“You may believe that, but I don’t. So I’m sorry I stole the cross and melted it down. I know that it can’t bring back the artifact for Pope. But I’ve already given the money I got from it to Pope and made a donation with my own money to the church.”
“Well good for you, doing one good thing to not feel guilty and to tell Y/N you are a good person.”
“I know about all of this already. Thank you for wanting to tell me, Sarah, but I already know everything and I would like to get the rest of the information straight from Rafe, now,” Y/N interrupts the argument before it becomes never-ending. Rafe’s palms are pressed into his eyes and she knows he is trying to hide his tears. She does not allow the conversation to continue; instead, brings him upstairs and moves his hands from his face. She wipes the tears away and presses a kiss to his forehead, “You don’t have to hide your tears away from me.”
“Why can’t anyone believe I can change? What if everyone is right?”
“Don’t say that. I believe that maybe not everyone can change, but some people can change. And you are definitely a part of some people.”
“How can you say that about me with everything you’ve known about all this time?”
“Because the Rafe that I was told about would’ve ended that argument with violence. He was violent, rude, a liar, stole and relied on drugs like it was water. The one before me approached that argument with recognition of his wrongdoing. He is working on his anger, is polite, tells me the truth, always pays for me and attends NA. He is one month sober. That is how I know you have changed.”
“Nobody else believes I can.”
“I know, love. I know it hurts. But right now let’s just focus on who does believe. You and Me. Then we can use this belief to prove everyone else wrong.”
“Okay, I can do that. I love you, Y/N/N.”
“ I love you too, love.”
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slytherweasley · 1 year
Bet (Regulus Black x reader)
Warnings: angst, smut, unprotected sex
Summary: Regulus makes a bet with his friends to take y/n’s virginity but things end up badly after he succeeds and y/n figures out it’s all a lie.
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As you walk past the group of Slytherin boys their heads follow you as you walk through the great hall and meet your friends at the Gryffindor table. “Can you believe she’s still a virgin?” One of the boys asks in disbelief “I still don’t believe the whole innocence act” “she’s a tease, I’d hardly call her innocent” Regulus says.
“Well someone’s going to be the lucky one, one day” “I bet I could be” Regulus says confidently “Alright, it’s a bet. You have three weeks” his friend challenges. “You’ve got a deal, three weeks.”
Most guys had tried but they never succeeded. However, Regulus knew how to gain your trust. He had three weeks yet he decided to take it slow.
You already knew him fairly well since you are good friends with his brother, Sirius and you’d visited the Black home before. Which meant it wasn’t unusual for him to make conversation with you and you wouldn’t suspect that anything was corrupt.
Everyday you’d see him more and more until you would be spending breakfast, lunch and dinner together talking and laughing. He was friendly but slightly flirtatious. Her tuck your hair behind your ear and maintain longing looks from across the room, he’d walk you to the common room and kiss your cheek before you left.
He’d been playing it slow but after 2 and a half weeks it was time for him to make a move. Sirius had his doubts about his brother’s intentions and he made it clear to you that you shouldn’t fully trust him or his intentions. However, you were captured by his charm and you didn’t notice any possible warning signs such as Regulus inviting you to his empty dorm room to hang out.
You walked with him after dinner, he let you into his dorm and the two of you sat close to each other on his bed. The conversation flowed and Regulus found the perfect moment to make his move. As you talk with a smile on your face he leans in and you go silent, he presses a kiss to your lips and you reciprocate.
The kiss starts off slow and passionate and he advances smoothly, his hand guides you onto his lap, his hand slides from your back to your bum squeezing softly. You were completely comfortable.
Shortly after you started to unbutton his shirt and he removes yours leaving you in your bra and school skirt. His lips leave yours and move down your neck to your chest placing a hickey on your breasts, still covered by your bra.
He removes your skirt and you fiddle with the button of his pants and unzip them, he gets out of them and kisses you again. You unclasp your bra while he kisses you and throw it to the ground. He lays you on his bed and his lips kiss down your stomach and removes your underwear.
A finger dips into your folds to find you’re incredibly wet. He palms himself over his underwear and removes them. He spreads your legs and you watch him, your eyes are filled with innocence.
“Please” you beg, he holds your hand up to his mouth and kisses it before he lines himself up with your entrance and pushes himself inside you. You grit your teeth, the feeling is foreign but not painful. He starts to move slowly then you start feeling more comfortable. Your body relaxes and Regulus senses that as he starts to find a good pace.
You hold onto his shoulder as you watch his face, he doesn’t even glance at you once. Your mouth parts and you let out moans as you feel a tightening in your stomach. You can see Regulus looks more concentrated and grunts leave his mouth. Your feelings are heightened and you feel you are close, for the first time he starts to watch you as you have your first orgasm.
He pulls out and finishes on your stomach as you try to catch your breath and collect your thoughts. He lays beside you in silence, you break the silence after minutes “that was really good thanks Reg” you lean over to kiss him but he dodges your kiss “I think you should go, I’m tired” he says “oh” you reply sitting up “I need to clean myself” he reaches beside the bed and passes you a tissue.
You wipe your stomach with a tissue and get dressed. “I’ll see you tomorrow” you say “maybe, just so you know this means nothing” in that moment you feel your heart break “I know” you say quietly “so don’t go around telling your friends we are together or whatever because we aren’t.”
You composed yourself until you made it out of the dungeons, immediately you started sobbing. You cried yourself to sleep knowing you were being played the whole time and you never wanted your first time to be a one time thing.
Regulus won the bet but he didn’t feel like a winner especially when he saw you walk into class with red puffy eyes as you made direct eye contact and you sat on the opposite side of the room. You could never forgive him.
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cal-flakes · 1 year
can you do the "moody to everyone but you" trope with rafe as the readers bf
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╰┈➤ “you’re such a grump rafe” (blurb)
warnings: just fluff tbh, implied drug dealing, mentions of almost-violence.
summary: y/n notices rafe being a party pooper.
“hey, you big party pooper!” she sang as she rounded the table, returning from the big bathroom. she grinned at him, giggling at the vast difference between her boyfriend and the rest of the table, full of her friends.
claiming her seat next to him once again, she smiled at her friends before turning to rafe. “turn that frown upside down sir” she joked, stroking his arm affectionately.
he sighed deeply, slinging his arm around her to pull her in. “when can we go home?” he muttered, his hot breath tickling her ear. “home?” she questioned, brows furrowed. “baby, we just got here..” she whined, tilting her head below him to bat her lashes.
“hmm, fine” he groaned, giving in almost immediately as she stared up at him, a sly grin on her face. “yay! okay, now if you’re not going to talk to my friends, at least smile at them, yeah?” she encouraged, pressing wet, frantic kisses to his showing bicep, overjoyed with her achievement of making him stay.
she knew he didn’t want to be there, and he knew that she knew, that he didn’t want to be there, but he was willing to put on a smile for her sake. rafe wasn’t a people person, at all. he was more like a y/n and barry kind of person, and he certainly didn’t like y/n’s friends. they were far to loud and obnoxious for his liking.
it wasn’t exactly a secret that if he wasn’t with y/n or barry, he was either at home, or stalking around kildare on his lonesome, looking like the most unapproachable man you’d ever meet.
“so rafe, how come you decided to tag along this time? we thought she’d made it up when she told us she was seeing you..” her friend asked from the opposite end of the table, a slimy undertone protruding through.
sucking in a deep breath, y/n squeezed his arm in an attempt to calm him, sensing the sly jab at rafe, just like he had already. “well, y’know, i’m a busy man..” rafe spoke coolly, glancing at y/n for approval. relief washed over him as she nodded along, taking control of the conversation.
“yeah, rafe’s got a busy schedule, so it’s hard to find a time he can come with me when we all go out..” she answered, grinning sweetly at her friend.
“sure, busy selling coke..” the other man muttered, turn away in hopes his snarky comment wasn’t heard.
y/n froze for a split second as she felt rafe’s arm tense, his vascular hand gripping the table. “what was that?” he spat, craning his neck to look her friend in the eyes. “huh?” he spoke sheepishly, turning back to the table, wide eyed.
“you said something?” rafe growled as his leg bounced against the floor, signalling to y/n he was about to get up if her friend kept going. “nah man, you must be hearing things again..” he chuckled awkwardly, another dig at rafe’s troubled past.
before she knew it, rafe was out of his seat, stalking round the table and grabbing a hold of her friend by his shirt. “you got somethin’ you wanna say to me? huh?” he snarled, pulling the man out of his seat as he trembled in anger.
“no, no of course not! it was just a joke man!” her friend pleaded, throwing his hands up in defence, attempting to put distance between himself and the taller, seething man.
y/n and the other girls followed suit, jumping from their seats to drag the two men away from eachother. y/n’s eyes widened as she slithered between the two, placing her hands on rafe’s chest, shoving him backwards.
his creases features softened as he saw the panic in her eyes, instinctively letting go of the man, letting him fall to the ground with a thud.
“come on, we’re going home” rafe stated, placing a protective arm around y/n’s waist before guiding her out of the restaurant, leaving behind an anxious huddle, surrounding the man he’d left almost shitting himself.
as they exited the building, he pulled her in closer as they walked together. “you are such a grump rafe..” she giggled, not at all upset with him. rafe’s reaction was valid, especially to such an unfair comment, she thought.
“i’m sorry angel, i really tried..” rafe sighed, stopping in the street to cup her cheeks. “i know baby, it’s okay. maybe friendly get together just aren’t for us huh?” she teased, leaning into his chest as he pressed a gentle kiss to the crown of her head.
“why don’t we go home? watch a film of your choosing? i’ll make some popcorn?” he offered, picking up on her slight disappointment, having wished for rafe and her friends to get along.
“sounds good to me” she hummed, leaning into him as they continued the journey to his car.
“okay princess..”
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suugarbabe · 1 year
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a little one shot based off this request
pairing: Mattheo Riddle x reader
word count: ~700
warnings: mentions of weight, ed tendencies
You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose at you looked at the envelope in your hands. Your mother made a habit of charming her letters to read allowed to you once they’ve opened and you just weren’t in the mood to hear what you were sure was only ridicule and critique about how disappointed you were making her. Your parent’s expectations were high to say the least. You thanked Merlin for your sorting into Slytherin, hoping that keeping that legacy would at least have them showing some sort of affection, but alas you were given a letter listing more expectations now that you’ve met a previous one. 
You swallowed, finally getting the courage to tear the seal. As soon as it was broken the letter finished opening on its own, folding into a pair of disapproving lips that strongly resembled your mum. You closed your eyes, ready to bar the message. “Y/n…hope you’re doing well,” your mother’s voice rang through the room as you rolled your eyes. “Your father and I got your most recent marks. We were disappointed to see you let that mudblood best you yet again, it really would be nice if you put in some effort with your studies.” You groaned, rubbing your hands over your face. You were second in your class, only behind Hermione Granger who, very obviously, was the smartest witch to come out of your generation. She was actually a sweet girl, and your mother’s use of the derogatory term turned your stomach. 
You had hoped that was the gist of the letter, but your mother’s voice continued, “Your father and I also received the latest Hogwarts Herald. The photo they used of you from the last quidditch match really was awful, seems like you’ve quite a bit…larger than when you left this fall. Please remember to pace yourself at meals, chew at least twenty times before you swallow. It’ll trick your mind to think you’re fully, trust me. You’ll thank me for it later. Also, please remember to pack your nicer clothing when you come home for Holiday. You know how important those parties are for your father.” With that the letter floated down to your desk, reverting back to a simple piece of parchment. 
You let out a shuttered breath, not even aware you were holding it in. Your eyes brimming with tears. “Y/n/n…” you turn your head at the sound of Mattheo’s voice, wiping your eyes with the back of your hand before standing up, trying to compose yourself. “Oh, hey Teo, what’s up?” He looked at you with sad eyes, “Was that your mum?” You nodded, putting on a smile the best you could, “Yeah, she’s, erm, just really passionate about her beliefs. No big deal, how much, uh, how much did you happen to hear?” Mattheo walked closer to you, “Heard that she wants you to starve yourself, why on earth would she say something like that?” 
He went to place his hands on your hips, but you pushed them away. You walked over to your bed, sitting on the edge. Mattheo turned in his spot, “You know what she says isn’t true, don’t you, love?” You shrugged your shoulders, unsure of yourself. “Princess, you are so absolutely breathtaking. You are so strong, one of the toughest beaters I know, you’re the reason we won the last five games, that’s why they took that photo of you.” He was standing in front of you now, holding your hands in his. He brought one up to his lips, kissing your palm, then the inside of your wrist before guiding you to wrap your hand around his neck. “Every curve of your body,” his hands roaming up your sides now, “Merlin, I’m so obsessed with you.” His forehead rested against yours, noses brushing, “Don’t listen to her cruel words, because if I had it my way I’d worship you, every part of you, every night, every day.” He tilted your chin up, connecting his lips to yours. The kiss was soft, gentle, like he was breathing you in. He broke apart, a little sooner than you would have liked. He then walked around, climbing onto the bed behind you, “C’mere, let’s lay down. I wanna keep telling you how perfect you are.” His arms stretched out and you immediately climbed into his embrace. You spent the rest of the night like that, wrapped in his arms.
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mindofharry · 8 months
Nothing Matters | matt sturniolo
in which Y/N and Matt are best friends and he wants to try something new.
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Y/N and Matt had been friends for years.
You never saw Y/N without Matt and vice versa. Everyone knew they were a package deal, if you wanted one, you’d get both. Most people in school thought they were together, because they were both equally possessive over each other. But no, nothing sexual had ever happened between them. Sure, there had been times when Matt wanted to take Y/N then and there, but he never acted on it.
Not until now.
It was a normal day for them. Y/N got home from college and went straight to Matt’s. She plopped down on his bed, like it was her own, while Matt was in the kitchen with his brothers filming a video for their youtube channel. She wasn’t wearing anything special, a tube top and leggings. But the outfit fit her in all the right places. When Matt walked into his room all he could stare at was her plump ass, just waiting to be spanked by him.
“You know, you’re starting to creep me out,” Y/N hummed, turning over onto her back. Matt felt his cock grow through his shorts, as her perky tits bounced.
“Har Har,” Matt teased, throwing his phone onto his desk and walking over to the side of the bed.
“Honestly, why are you looking at me like that?” Y/N questioned, leaning on her elbow. Matt shrugged, finding it hard to give her an answer because all he could think about was her tits moving as he ploughed into her from behind.
Y/N cleared her throat and sat up.
She wasn’t stupid. She could see the outline of his cock, strained against his shorts.
“Do you need help with that?” Y/N asked, her eyes wide with anything but innocence.
Matt groaned and threw his head back.
“This is not happening,”
Y/N shrugged, “What if it is?” She questioned, getting up onto her knees and placing her hands on his broad shoulders. His breath hitched.
“Do you want me?” She asked, her warm breath against his cheek.
“Do you want to feel my pussy, Matt?”
Matt groaned and placed his lips on hers, momentarily surprising her, but she quickly collected herself opening her mouth to let his tongue explore hers. A moan left her mouth, but Matt swallowed it, placing his hands on her ass. He slapped it and loved the sound it made.
Y/N sucked his bottom lip, nearly drawing blood.
“Take these off,” Matt ordered, tugging at her leggings. Y/N was more than willing to comply. She toed off her socks and then came her leggings, leaving her in a pink thong.
“Fuck,” Matt murmured, squeezing her ass cheeks.
“Let me make you feel good?” Y/N asked, her fingers dancing around the top of shorts. Matt nodded and helped Y/N drag his shorts down. His cock popped out, red and full of pre cum.
“You’re so big,” She whispered, her small hand wrapping around his huge length. Matt bit his lip, holding back a groan as Y/N admired his cock. She squeezed it and began to pump his length, still admiring how beautiful it was.
She swept her thumb over the tip of his cock and Matt placed a hand on her head.
Y/N did what she was told, swallowing the tip of his cock.
“Just like that,” Matt moaned, thrusting into her mouth. Y/N could feel him at the back of her throat as she guided more of his cock into her mouth.
He pulled her hair, making his cock pop out of her mouth. She whimpered, looking up at her best friend.
“Wanna taste you,” Matt said, pushing her down on to the bed. Y/N opened her legs for him and watched him as he peeled her drenched thong down her legs.
“Beautiful,” He murmured, kissing up her thigh.
Matt reached her clit.
“Please, Matty,” She begged.
He smirked and flicked his tongue over her clit, Y/N bit her lip so hard trying to contain the moans. But it was too much.
He continued his assault on her clit, wrapping his mouth around it. With one hard suck, Y/N could already feel her orgasm coming.
“Never, ever stop,”
“Don’t plan to,”
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the-froschamethyst4 · 6 months
Husband Of The Year
𖤐Pairing: Retired! Soap x Wife! Reader
𖤐Pronouns: She/Her
𖤐Warnings: Smut, fluff, language, Scottish slang, teasing, P in V, fingering, feminism, breadwinner Y/n, male wife Soap, kissing/making out, groping, nipple play, male masturbation,
𖤐Summary: Soap had retired from the Military a few years ago, and when he got married to his wife he started to become the best husband of their lives.
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Y/n was coming home and her husband Soap had just made dinner for the both of them. He poured out some red wine for Y/n and poured some whiskey in a glass for him. He saw headlights pull into his driveway knowing it was his wife.
He goes to the front door, opening it and then seeing Y/n get out of her car and sees her husband.
"Hi, mo luaidh (my darling)." Soap says, placing his hand on her waist. "Come on," he says guiding her into the house.
Once the door was opened and Soap moves down and removes Y/n's heels from her feet. His hands were gentle on her ankles and his fingers gently caressed her calves up to her thighs.
"What did you do?" She asked.
"Nothing...am I not allowed to cook for my wife?"
"You are allowed to," she smiles at him.
"I always cook for you, mo luaidh (my darling)." He kisses her knee and then stood back up.
"What did you fix?"
"Your favorite," he says, guiding her to the dinning room and showing her the meal he made for her. "Red wine too," he says.
"Thank you, John, I'm gonna change and come back down," she says. Soap nods and sits at the end of the table.
Y/n soon came downstairs in a light purple silk nightgown that stopped at her mid thigh, Soap's eyes widened as Y/n's hair was a bit messy as well, doing it on purpose teasing Soap.
He smirks leaning back in his chair, he stood up pulling her chair out for her to sit, she does and he pushed her closer to the table.
"You look gorgeous, mo luaidh (my darling)." He leans down and kissed her temple.
"Thank you," she smiles at him as Soap went to his chair.
"How was work?" He started to make small talk with his wife.
"A mess," she says.
"How so?"
"We have an employee that calls in almost everyday, her excuse is pulling the 'I'm sick' card when she isn't sick, it's because she doesn't want to work and it's very obvious, she has come to me many times complaining about work, and then saying she'll call in because 'she's stressed out'...stressed out about what? Watching videos on your phone? She doesn't work!" Y/n was an exclusive director for the company she works at.
If she could she would fire this woman, but it's not her call. It was obvious that the woman gets under Y/n's skin a lot. Even the General Manager has an issue with this woman and they've both talked to her and the CEO about her.
Soap usually hears a lot about this woman and how she is basically a problem for the company. All that woman has to do is order products make sure they come in on time and calls people to let them know their products come in, but she never does it half of the time and sales people have to do her job for her, which pisses them off.
"I bet, what number is this?"
"23 and counting," Y/n says annoyed by this woman. Y/n eats her dinner as Soap just listens her her rant and enjoy her company.
"You're lucky you don't have to deal with someone like her," Y/n says.
"Well, I dealt with people like that in the Military."
"Really, how come you never told me?"
"Just never brought it up," he chuckles. "But I can tell you about the one who was released early from duty."
"Tell me!" She says, leaning on her hand to listen to her husband talk.
Soap tells her about a new recruit coming to the Military and two days in was released from duty because of bad conduct making him go to court because of his stunt.
"Yeah, you never told me that," she giggles.
"Again, we've never talked about it," he says. "Not only that it was a while ago, when I went to Russia for a week, I kind of forgot about it till now," he says as he moves his fork to his mouth.
"I see."
"Anything else going on?" He asked her.
"We...fired a girl," Y/n says.
"Fired someone?! What happened?"
"Remember that one girl I talked about when I caught her in the bathroom with a male employee?"
"Oh yeah!"
"Well, she was caught in the male bathroom...masturbating and we called a meeting with her, with all managers and directors and...the CEO decided to fire her."
"H-How the hell did she get into the males bathroom without getting caught going in?"
"I'm not sure, the person who caught her doing it was the director of Marketing, she left the door unlocked and was caught."
"Holy shit-did you bring up the time you caught her?"
"I did in the meeting after we fired her, we discussed the times we caught her and how we hid it till we called a meeting with her," Y/n says.
"Your company is a shit show."
"Oh I know, we try our best to control it, and it seems like a shit show when the CEO leaves for anything, and his assistant tries to control everything when he's gone," she pokes at her food.
"Anyways enough work talk. You done, mo luaidh (my darling)?"
"Yes," she says as Soap stood up taking his and hers plate to the sink. She stood up and walked to her husband. Her arms go around his waist.
"Mo luaidh?"
"I'll be upstairs," she says, walking away and Soap watches her walk away.
Soap turns off the lights downstairs and walk upstairs through the hallway and at the end of the hall was his shared bedroom with the light on. He pushes the door open seeing his wife still in her silk nightgown, she was on her stomach reading one of her books, she looks over her shoulder and smiles at her husband before putting a bookmark in her book.
She rolls over and look at her husband placing her book on her nightstand.
"Come here," she says with her arms open and Soap crawls on top of her. She kissed the top of his head and he kisses her neck. "John?"
He starts to move down kissing her neck, chest, between her breasts, and then her stomach. His hands groped at her breasts, his hands move under her nightgown and his fingers played with her hard nipple.
She lets out a soft moan as he was gentle with her. Ever since Soap's retirement, he treats Y/n like she is the last thing on Earth, their sex was amazing because of Soap and how he would make her feel, and how he started to figure out what she liked during sex.
They tried new things they've never tried before, or they would do things they both knew they got off.
Soap then moves down pulling at her panties, pulling them down and off her ankles, he tosses them somewhere in the bedroom. He then starts licking his lips and then starts licking between her wet folds.
He kisses between her folds. He spits on her clit and rubs a few minutes earning moans from Y/n, her hand holds his wrist as he then shoves his middle and ring finger inside of her.
Her back arches with the pleasure overwhelming her. Soap smirks at her and then starts licking and sucking on her clit. His tongue flicked against her bud a few times, moans filled the room, he used his free hand and pulled his dick out.
He pumps himself a few times. He loves her moans, her back arching because of the pleasure. She used her hand to help him. He moans letting her do all the work.
He kept licking her and kissing her slit. Her hands pumping him quickly and teasingly slowly down. She'll pick up the pace just to hear him moan and the vibrations from his mouth against her clit made her feel good.
He then moves his mouth and fingers and she whines when he moves away. Her hand wasn't touching him anymore. He pulls his boxers off and then starts aligning himself up at her entrance.
She smiles placing her hands on his neck bring him close to her, lips touching as he first starts out slow and easy, them both rocking back and forth against each other.
Their make out session was soft and easy, but back rough with her biting at his bottom lip as he pulls away and groans when feeling her teeth pull at his lip.
His thrusts were rough and sloppy. The same with his kisses, they were sloppy and messy. Y/n's moans filled the room and skin slapping as well.
Soap kissed her neck, jawline and the back to her lips. Y/n's nails then dug into his muscular back. He groans when feeling the sudden pain digging into his back, but he ignored it, he was on a mission to make his wife feel good.
He looks down at her, her face all red and his ears were filled with moans. Y/n then dragged her fingers from his back to his shoulders and then down to his buff chest.
Y/n felt herself close to coming. She let's out another moan and then tightened around Soap's cock, he moans feeling her tighten around him.
"Come on, mo luaidh (my darling), cum for me," he groans as she did what he asked, she ended coming on his dick, he pulls out and watches as cum leak from her clit slowly.
He bends down and starts licking her clean. Her hands held the end of her silk nightgown lifting it up as Soap was cleaning her up.
The retired Sargent, sits up on his knees smiling down at his wife and picked her up taking her to the bathroom.
He places her on the sink and starts a bath. Making sure it was hot and then placed some bubbles in the bath, Y/n removes her silk nightgown placing it on the floor and Soap picks her up and placing her gently in the bath.
"I'll be right back," he says, kissing her lips and heading out of the bathroom, she could see him snatch a clean pair of boxers and hurried to put them on.
She messes with the bubbles in the tub and cupped them in her hands and placed it back on the bubbles. Soap comes back with two glasses and the red wine he poured before.
He gives her one and then held the other, he leans on the side of the tub to watch his wife, his head resting on his arm, she talks to him and he listens.
"Do you want wash you?" He asked.
"Yes," she says as he grabs a loofa and puts her body wash on it. He starts to gently rub it on her arms, shoulders, she gently stood up. He then washed her stomach, back, between her legs, thighs and butt.
30 Minutes Later
Y/n was on the bed with Soap holding her against his chest as she reads her book and Soap was watching TV on a low volume so Y/n could read her book.
She flips the pages with one hand and then other played with his arm hair as his left hand rested on her thigh and the other resting against her stomach and that hands rested close to her butt and he gently tapped her side to a random beat.
She closes her book, placing it on her nightstand and then looking at the TV to see what Soap was watching. Soap has been on a kick on watching old documentary's about old military planes, and wars that had happened in the past.
"What's this one about?" Y/n asked.
"Old planes and Vets stories about war," he says.
"Oh," was all she said as she cuddled up to Soap closing her eyes and falling asleep.
Next Morning (6:00AM)
Y/n had woken up to her alarm, groaning as she turns it off, she rolls over to face Soap, he was big spooning her, his eyes closed and he looks peacefully sleeping.
Y/n kissed Soap's lips and got out of his buff arms, she gets up like normal, brushing her hair, and starting her shower getting in and washing her body and hair.
As the water run, Soap wakes up and hears the water, he rolls over seeing the bathroom light on and the door cracked trying not to shine the light on him as he slept.
He stretched up and got out of bed. Heading downstairs to then make tea for Y/n and himself some as well, Soap doesn't drink tea as much as Y/n, she only drinks it to be calm before she works.
Y/n walks downstairs seeing her husband making the hot tea, she was in a towel around her body and another holding up her hair. Soap smiles seeing her.
"How was your shower?" He asked.
"Fine," she yawns as she was handed her mug taking a small sip. Soap walks behind her placing his hand on her hip kissing her temple as she sipped from her mug again.
"Go get dressed and I'll make you some breakfast," he says as she walks upstairs getting dressed and taking her damp hair out of the towel.
Soap had made her some waffles and she ate before going back upstairs to do her hair, make up and grabbing her purse and heels.
"Okay, I'll see you later, John."
"I'll see you, later mo luaidh (my darling)." He kissed her lips and he watched her leave for her work.
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pairing: spencer reid x reader
summary: on top of drowning from perpetual guilt, you see spencer for the first time in five years.
word count: 2697
warnings: withdrawal, vomiting, mentions of the reader drinking herself to sleep, feelings of loneliness, talks of brain cancer, hurt/comfort, and finally some fluff!
a/n: GUYS I WAS SO EXCITED TO WRITE THE CHAPTER!! as the story progresses i already have a loose idea of what i want to do, so there'll be a mix of flashbacks and the reader fixing the relationship between her, her mom, and spencer. i was unsure on how i wanted them to meet again at first, but i think i picked a good way ;] they're such awkward losers in this lord i love them already.
masterlist | series masterlist | AO3
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Sleep doesn’t come easy.
There were numerous things keeping you awake, but the main one was the cravings. Many nights in New York were spent drinking yourself to sleep, alcohol acting as your pacifier to curve the perpetual loneliness.
It wasn’t like your life then was bad; you had a loving fiancee who made sure you never had to work a day in your life, a nice apartment overlooking the Brooklyn Bridge, and even your own at home art studio. It had everything you could have wanted and yet nothing at all.
Nothing felt the same.
Your fiancee, Luke, often worked late, leaving early in the morning and coming back late into the night. The apartment was grand, yes, but it was big and lonely and had too much space. You had no friends, no incentive to go outside.
You didn’t have a job and didn’t go to college, your father was sick when you were in highschool, but his health absolutely fucking plummeted after you graduated. 
It was like one day he was standing over the stove flipping pancakes in the morning, your mom and you laughing at something he said because he was just that kind of guy. One moment he was making you smile so hard that your cheeks hurt, and then the next… he was… he was a shell of himself.
He couldn’t walk or even move without you and your mom’s help; he couldn’t eat or talk. The brain cancer was moving too fast for you to react, because all of a sudden you were giving a speech at his funeral and purchasing a one way ticket to the Big Apple.
Tears burned at the back of your eyelids and you pressed the heel of your palms into them.
You ran. You fucking ran and left your mom to mourn her husband alone. You left Spencer to deal with his struggling mother by himself.
Guilt, guilt, guilt.
The two most important people in your life needed you and you left like the coward you were. You chose fear over love and cracked under the pressure, the grief. Now, you have no one.
You shot up in bed.
Fuck, you were going to be sick.
You were quick on your feet, slamming open the bathroom door across the hall and falling to your feet before the porcelain.
The vomit exits you in waves, and it burns and tastes disgusting.
You have no idea when your mom had come inside or even woken up, but there was the sound of running water before a cool, wet towelette was pressed to the heated skin of your neck.
“Mom…” Your voice cracked. “Fuck – I didn’t mean to wake you up.” She just shook her head with a wobbly smile, rubbing your shoulders and back comfortingly.
“You’re okay.” She cooed, just like she had done when you scraped your knee falling off your first bike. You sniffled weakly, the feeling of being so small and so young was overwhelming.
“Let’s get up, yeah?” She questions quietly. All you could do was nod, fearing that if you opened your mouth, you would probably throw up again.
Your mom gently removes the towel, tossing it into the sink basin before flushing the toilet. She guides you up with an arm wrapped around your shoulders. “Here, rinse.” She fills up a disposable mouthwash cup and you take it from her gratefully, swishing it around in your mouth before spitting.
“Let’s go to bed.”
With an arm still around your shoulders, she walks you back to your room whose door is already ajar in your haste.
“God, it’s hot in here.” She grumbles as she sets you down on your bed.
You already start to get comfortable when she cracks open the window next to your bed. The weather had cooled significantly throughout the day. It made you excited for the fall for the first time in a long time.
“Do you need anything else?” She questions with hands on her robe covered hips. “No,” You grunt tiredly, “I’m good.”
She looks unsure for a moment, nibbling on her lip in an old anxious habit before reluctantly nodding. “Alright,” She relents, “But you’ll come get me?” You nod. “Yes, mom.” She looks like she wants to push but she decides against it.
“Okay.” She wants to say something else, like she wants to move, but instead she settles for a, “Good night.”
And just like that, you’re out.
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You wake up to the smell of coffee, your face digging into the pillow from where you’re lying on your stomach. You groan, cracking an eye open to face the 9:30 AM on your alarm clock. You don’t remember the last time you were up this early – willingly – at least.
You forgot that your mom was an early riser when you sat up. Fuck, you would actually love some coffee. The taste in your mouth is disgusting.
Seeing your mom positioned over the coffee maker was a welcome memory, the woman often being in charge in that department because she couldn’t cook to save her life.
“Morning sleepy head.” She greets with a soft smile. You feel a pang of guilt at the dark circles under her eyes. “Morning.” You grumble, taking a seat at the small circle dinner table. Your childhood home was quaint and cozy, nothing to write home about, but it was perfect for a family of three.
You lift a questioning brow at the plate of eggs and bacon she brings you, settling a cup of coffee next to it.
“Since when did you know how to make eggs and bacon?” You asked in amusement. “I had to learn eventually.” She jokes, taking a seat next to you with her own plate. “So, if I were to take a bite of these, I won’t get a mouth full of shell?” 
She huffs in faux irritation, “Shush and eat your food.” You just laughed.
Breakfast was nice, but your appetite was small. The withdrawal that you had faced last night was intense, so your stomach still felt kind of sensitive. You appreciate the smaller portions she had given you, like she’d known.
“I have to run some errands.” Your mom begins, “So, I’ll be out for the majority of the day.” You hum in acknowledgement, taking a sip of the creamer mixed liquid. “Cool. I think I’ll just stay here, try to get settled in.”
She sucks her teeth. “Are you sure you don’t want to go out exploring? I don’t want you cooped up in here all day.”
You know she’s just worrying about you, but her words feel like they have a double meaning.
What if I leave you alone and you relapse? What if I’m not here to stop you? What if I can’t put you back together? What if you leave again?
“I swear I’ll be fine here, I promise.” 
She hesitates for a moment before nodding.
You cast a look out to the window next to the front door and you purse your lips.
“Are the Reids still around?” You can’t help but ask. “Oh! You mean Spencer and Diana? I’m surprised you even remember them.” How could you not? “Haven’t really forgotten, just… I haven’t talked to them in a while.”
“Well, Spencer moved Diana into a care facility a year or two ago. I helped him settle during the transition and inevitably sell the house. He lives near his big government job in a well off area. It’s nice and humble.”
You nod, processing her words, but you can’t help the lump in your throat. He moved his mom into a care facility and you weren’t there. Holy fuck you feel like shit. 
“Do you still see him?” You push. She raises a brow at your questioning and a knowing smile starts to tug at the edge of her lips.
“Here and there. He comes to check up on me every now and again; brings me food or helps take care of the yard.” She sighs, “Though the last I heard he’s out of state working a case. Y’know, taking down criminals and saving the world and what not.” She waves the last part away in the air.
So he made it then. 
You remember him talking about becoming a FBI Agent back when you were younger, but he was afraid he couldn’t pass the physical since he’s always been a scrawny thing. You knew he’d find a way, he always did.
“I’m glad.” You say and you’re sure she knows the words that are unspoken. I’m glad you had someone here when I wasn’t.
It’s a strangely comforting feeling, knowing that they were still in contact and that he took care of her; and they said chivalry is dead.
“Me too.”
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It took some insistence and reassuring before sending her away to get dressed while you did the dishes. Taking care of the house was so small compared to what she was doing for you, but you were desperate to pay her back somehow.
You milled about, but mostly focused on unpacking and making the space more like you.
You refused to open your old sketchbook, let alone actually draw in it. You opted to shoving it away in a drawer somewhere, out of sight and out of mind.
You took down the old drawings on the walls, but you left your old posters up. It was emptier by the time you were done, but you were sure you’d find out what to put in here. Maybe that’d be something you and your mom could do together.
You were pulled out of your contemplation by a gentle knocking at the door.
Was your mom expecting someone today? 
You didn’t look all that presentable, still in your shirt and pajama shorts from last night. Well, shit.
The one thing you hated about your front door was that there wasn’t a peephole, but from what you could see from the glass window at the top of the door, the man was tall and had a strong head of hair.
“If you’re looking for my mom, she’s not in right –” Your words died on your throat at the sight of Spencer Reid standing there in all his glory.
He was no longer the scrawny twenty-four year old that you once knew him as. Sure he was still lithe, but his features were stronger, and he sprouted up like a beanstalk. His hair was longer and curled around the back of his ears.
“Now.” You finished with wide eyes.
He seemed to be in the same state that you were in, your name leaving his lips in a breathless, disbelieving whisper.
“Hi.” Your words were failing you in the most humiliating way possible. Your greeting seemed to snap him out of his dazed stupor. He repeats your name again, “I – hi, hey! I… when did you come back into town?” He stuttered.
“Uh, yesterday afternoon.” Things were silent for a moment. “Long time no see, yeah?” You question meekly. “Yeah.” You cast a glance behind you. “Shit, where are my manners? Do you wanna come in? It’s too hot to stand out here like this.”
You open the door wider and gesture him inside.
Spencer hesitates for a moment before coming back in, taking in the space like it had changed since the last time he was there now that you were back.
You sit on the couch and gesture to him to do the same. 
He does, but it’s a bit awkward, the man holding onto his messenger bag in his lap like a lifeline, a white-knuckle tight grip on the fabric.
“I… uh. How are you?” You ask unsurely. His eyes flicker up to yours and your heart nearly stops at the deep brown in his irises. Those damn puppy dog eyes, how could you ever forget?
“I’m… I’m doing alright.”
“Cool, cool.” You nod with pursed lips.
“How about you?”
“Ah,” You chuckle. “I’m going. Just trying to figure things out.” He nods this time too.
“You can ask, you know.” You say. “I just – I don’t want to be rude.” You wave him off. “Listen, Spencer. If I was you, I probably wouldn’t even want to talk to me, let alone come inside. It’s been five years. I owe you this much.”
He deflated slightly, fingers reaching to pick at his cuticles. “I’m not mad at you.” He starts. “You should be.”
“But I’m not.”
“Because I missed you.”
The words shot straight through your heart, and you felt nauseous again. There was so much you wanted to say, so much you wanted to apologize for, but it felt like you had run out of time. Would he even forgive you if you said as much?
“I missed you too, Spence.”
The skin of his cheeks flush a pretty pink hue, and you smile.
“You’re still as shy as ever.” You tease and he huffs, “No I’m not.” You laugh, indulging him. “Sure you’re not.” He glares at you playfully and the tension in the room eases significantly.
“I asked my mom about you.” You admit. “You did?” He asks with raised brows. “Yeah. I heard you’re a hot shot FBI agent now.”
He groans at your words, grinning slightly. “If you call mountains of paperwork and pictures of dead bodies being a hot shot, then clearly we have two different definitions.”
“Yeah but you get to save people, you know? I think that’s pretty fucking admirable.”
“I… thank you.”
“I also asked her about your mom. I heard she’s in a facility now. How… How is she? How are you?” You ask carefully. Spencer smiles softly at the question. “She’s good. It took her a while to adjust, but after she learned that they were trying to help her, she eased up on the nurses.”
“I bet she raised hell, huh?”
“Yep,” Spencer chuckles. “It was hard at first, you know? Having to get used to living without her. But I think it’s good for both of us. I’m not always able to be at home full time to take care of her, so knowing that she’s in good hands is comforting.” 
“I could imagine; but Spence, how are you? Seriously.”
“I’m okay. It’s been almost two years since she’s been there and I visit her as often as I can.”
“And my mom too.”
He blushes a deep scarlet. “What?”
“Don’t think I didn’t hear about you taking care of my mom, bringing her food and making sure she’s taking care of herself. I mean – that’s why you’re here now, right? To make sure she’s okay?” You stare deeply into his eyes, trapping him there. “Thank you, seriously. You don’t know how much that means to me.”
“It’s nothing.” Spencer says humbly. “It’s not and you know it. You had no reason to stick around and help her after I left. But you did, and I’m grateful.”
“I told you, ____. I wasn’t angry, and honestly, I’m not angry now even after I’ve seen you. I’m just worried. Why are you back?” 
You gulp, casting your gaze to the floor. “Some shit hit the fan back in New York. I – I’m not ready to talk about it just yet.”
“Hey,” He starts softly and you look up. “That’s fine. Tell me when you’re ready. But you’re… but you’re staying, right?”
“Yeah,” You breathe out. “I’m back.”
“Would,” He gulps and clears his throat. “Would you like to get lunch together tomorrow? I just got back from a case so I have a day off.”
“Oh uh…” No one else knew of your alcoholism besides your mom and Luke, so having to admit it to Spencer felt almost embarrassing. “I have an AA meeting tomorrow, but would dinner work? You know I’ve never been a morning person.”
If Spencer’s shocked at hearing you’re going to an AA meeting tomorrow he doesn’t show it, instead nodding and pursing his lips.
“Dinner sounds great.”
“Great.” You say softly.
For the first time in a long while you felt warm, so unbelievably warm.
“Can’t wait.” You add and he smiles softly.
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