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That Time I Got Drunk and Saved a Demon by Kimberly Lemming -- A Review
Trigger Warnings: Blood, gore, violence, decapitation, mentions of sexual harassment, BDSM, dubcon, sexually explicit content, kink exploration, mentions of drowning, mentions of death of a child, alcohol use, mentions of drug abuse, slavery, corrupt religion, cult, misogyny.
My Rating
7.5/10. I had so much fun reading this book. The adventure, the sex and the comedy. It was all so good, but there were a few awkward and/or cringy moments. I personally hate it when there is stuttering in a book. It takes me right out of it. I have suffered through my own many years of poorly written 2010s Wattpad fanfics (please understand this is not saying this is a Wattpad-level story, nor am I saying that Wattpad stories themselves are bad). I did find it to be a little vanilla and there could have been more sex scenes. This being said, sometimes you need to settle down with a cheesy, smutty book over the weekend.
Cinnamon Hotpepper lives in the small town of Boohail as your typical spice farmer. Destruction strikes when the handsome demon Fallon stumbles into her life one night, with the intent to kill the evil witch keeping his kind captive and enslaved in her grasp. Dragging Cin along on an unwanted adventure when all she wants is to live in peace on her family's farm. At least the handsome demon can’t keep his shirt on.
My Thoughts
The humour in this book was so good, it felt so easy and genuine. I find that some books try to be funny, but it can feel forced and not genuine. I thought it was so funny when Fallon attempted to kill someone and when Cin would bring it up he would just shrug and say “Semantics”. Just the way that he would deadpan answers was so comedic to me.
This is the first real book that has smut. I normally just read fanfiction smut instead of real published novels. It was good smut, however, I was expecting it to be more dirty. It was pretty tame, but it was enjoyable. It says at the beginning of the book that it is light BDSM, but I didn't realize it would be so light. It was mostly just binding her hands. Still hot, but I was hoping for some more.
I loved all the characters. Especially Felix, he really felt like an annoying best friend. With the accidental cock-blocking, the teasing, and his desire to know all the dirty details. After Cin and Fallons sexy night, Cin is imminently bombarded with questions from all of her new girl friends, with Felix slipping in and saying “Well, as Lichbane’s first demon friend, I call best-friend privileges, and I want to hear all the details … Spill” (pg. 174)
I loved the inclusion of the centaur, Holly. But I wished she had more depth, especially romantically. It was very nice, as a queer person, for her to outright say “Oh no, dear, I like women” (pg. 174). Sure, it is something so simple but just to have it said so plainly and just accepted is very nice to see. I do wish she had a girlfriend or found a girl attractive, I would have liked to see that. There is two more books, so I am hoping she shows up there.
As we went into the last battle, I loved the cool dragons. I mean, who doesn't love dragons right?! The battle between Cin and Myva was so fun, with Myva being a lich (one of the coolest fictional monsters) I loved the bubbling goo and the skeletons she could control. I do wish it was a little more graphic, but Fallon's decapitating someone certainly helped with that.
Despite my criticisms, I did enjoy this book. I mean, I finished it in 2 days. The stuttering and Cin’s odd obsession with cheese is certainly not for everyone, but if you are looking for a cozy, adventure, smutty, slightly cheese rom-com, then this is definitely for you. Sometimes you need an overly dramatic demon and a quirky spice trader who takes food very seriously.
#that time i got drunk and saved a demon#kimberly lemming#book review#books#review#adult fiction#fantasy#low fantasy#comedy#pwp#d&d vibes#soulmate au#dom/sub#kink exploration#Mead mishaps#book series#fated mates#tall man short woman
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Drowning: The Rescue of Flight 1421, di T. J. Newman (Inedito in italiano)
Da questo libro sarà presto tratto un film di Hollywood
Link: https://amzn.to/480cY8y
Trama: Sei minuti dopo il decollo, il volo 1421 si schianta nell'Oceano Pacifico. Durante l'evacuazione, un motore esplode e l'aereo viene allagato. Quelli ancora vivi sono costretti a chiudere le porte, ma è troppo tardi. L'aereo affonda sul fondo con dodici passeggeri intrappolati all'interno. Tra di loro ci sono anche l’ingegnere Will e sua figlia. E il rescue team altamente specializzato incaricato di provare a soccorrerli è guidato proprio dall’ex moglie di Will e madre di sua figlia che quindi è disposta a tutto pur di salvarli. Ma sarà Will grazie alle sue conoscenze tecniche che dovrà guadagnare il tempo necessario a permetterglielo.
There Is No Ethan, di Anna Akbari (Inedito in italiano)
How Three Women Caught America's Biggest Catfis
Questo libro non è un romanzo ma una storia vera, un reale fatto di cronaca, per quanto invece possa sembrare incredibile e senza alcun senso logico
Link: https://amzn.to/3YgvNkF
Trama: Nel 2011 tre donne di successo e altamente istruite si sono innamorate del brillante e affascinante Ethan Schuman. All'insaputa degli altri, ognuno ha scambiato innumerevoli messaggi con Ethan, rimanendo alzato fino a tarda sera per approfondire il proprio legame con quest'uomo affascinante. Le sue scuse dettagliate riguardo alle webcam rotte e ai complicati piani tariffari internazionali sembravano credibili, così come le cancellazioni dei viaggi dell'ultimo minuto. Dopotutto, perché dovrebbe mentire? Ethan non cercava i soldi: non ha mai convinto i suoi compagni a sborsare migliaia di dollari per qualche crisi immaginaria. Piuttosto, ha intrappolato queste donne in una rete di intensa intimità emotiva.
Il Fiume Incantato, di Rebecca Ross
Link: https://amzn.to/3YhVv8f
Trama: L’isola di Cadence è un luogo ricco di magia: le notizie vengono diffuse dal vento, gli scialli possono diventare resistenti come armature e ci sono lame che con un piccolo taglio possono instillare una paura profonda. Da tempo immemore, però, il territorio è diviso dal confine dei clan, una lunga catena di rocce che separa l’Est, dominato dai Tamerlaine, dall’Ovest, su cui regnano i Breccan. Sono passati dieci anni da quando Jack Tamerlaine ha lasciato Cadence per approdare sul continente, dove ha dedicato la sua vita allo studio della musica. Ma quando sull’isola alcune bambine scompaiono, Jack viene richiamato a casa per unirsi alle ricerche. Adaira, l’erede dell’Est, sa che gli spiriti che governano i quattro elementi rispondono solo alle melodie di un bardo e, credendo che siano coinvolti nelle sparizioni, è costretta a chiedere aiuto a Jack. I due non si vedono da quando erano piccoli e non facevano altro che bisticciare, ma ora, loro malgrado, devono collaborare. Canzone dopo canzone, Jack e Adaira imparano a conoscersi come se fosse la prima volta, mentre scoprono che le cause dietro ai dispetti degli spiriti sono più sinistre di quanto immaginassero. Un antico segreto giace sotto la superficie di Cadence, e potrebbe stravolgere il precario equilibrio dell’isola minacciando la sicurezza di tutti gli abitanti.
Quella volta che mi sono ubriacata e ho salvato un demone, di Kimberly Lemming
Link: https://amzn.to/4dGW53O
Trama: Niente avventure. È questo il mantra di Cinnamon Hotpepper, una semplice mercante di spezie del villaggio di Boohail. La sua unica aspirazione è vivere una vita tranquilla, lontano da qualsivoglia seccatura. Lei non è come gli altri al villaggio, giovani incoscienti pronti a imbarcarsi in viaggi assurdi per diventare eroi in nome della dea Myva. Le cose per un po' filano anche secondo i piani. Almeno fino alla notte in cui, la vista offuscata da una birra di troppo, Cinnamon si imbatte in uno strano viandante. Un demone, in realtà che, attratto e stordito dal potere della cannella nelle tasche di Cin, la segue e la costringe a partire insieme a lui per annientare Myva, la divinità che a quanto pare ha ingannato tutti, umani e demoni.
Le trafficanti di anime di Carmella Lowkis
Link: https://amzn.to/3BHImN5
Trama: Parigi, 1866. Una tiepida mattina di aprile, una donna si presenta nel salotto della baronessa Sylvie Devereux. C’è voluto molto coraggio per andare a bussare alla sua porta, e la donna l’ha fatto solo perché non ha scelta: il padre è malato e ha bisogno di medicine che da sola non può permettersi. Per Sylvie, è un tuffo in un passato che preferirebbe dimenticare. Non vuole tornare ai tempi in cui viveva di sotterfugi, sfruttando la moda dello spiritismo per estorcere denaro in cambio di una consulenza delle famose sorelle Mothe, medium e occultiste. Invece, ecco che sua sorella Charlotte la implora di aiutarla per un ultimo inganno: la nobile famiglia de Jacquinot ha promesso un lauto compenso per scacciare lo spirito di una prozia uccisa durante la Rivoluzione. Seppur riluttante, Sylvie accetta. Ben presto, però, strani fenomeni iniziano a verificarsi in casa de Jacquinot, eventi inquietanti che vanno ben oltre i soliti trucchi che le sorelle Mothe hanno preparato per spaventare i clienti. Possibile che ci sia davvero un fantasma? O qualcuno sta tramando nell’ombra per coglierle in fallo? Una cosa è certa: tra quelle mura si nascondono segreti che devono restare sepolti. A ogni costo…
A Substitute Wife for the Prizefighter, di Alice Coldbreath (inedito in italiano)
Serie romance vittoriana
Link: https://amzn.to/4eYHtxT
Trama: La non bellissima e rispettabile Lizzie Anderson è nei guai. Dopo aver notato qualcosa che non avrebbe dovuto vedere, tutta la sua famiglia è dilaniata dallo scandalo che ne deriva. I saldi principi di Lizzie fanno sì che non possa negare l’evidenza dei propri occhi e quando per colpa di questo si ritrova senza un tetto sopra la testa, il suo unico alleato è davvero inaspettato... Benedict Toomes ha a lungo considerato Lizzie una spina nel fianco, ma dopo aver visto la sua fermezza di fronte alle avversità, si ritrova a immaginarla in un modo totalmente ruolo diverso nella sua vita: la sostituta per la fidanzata che non vuole più sposare...
His forsaken bride, di Alice Coldbreath (inedito in italiano)
Serie Vawdrey Brothers romance medievale ambientata in una realtà alternativa simile alla nostra ma totalmente inventata con lievi tocchi di magia
Link: https://amzn.to/3Y2tGiT
Trama: Fenella Thane è una donna disperata. Il marito assente da otto anni le ha presentato i documenti per il divorzio e sembra probabile che lei perderà la sua amata casa e sarà costretta a entrare in convento. C'è solo una piccola possibilità per evitare questo destino: occorre che una persona di spicco a corte parli favorevolmente di lei al re. E l’unica persona influente che conosce purtroppo è Oswald Vawdrey, l'uomo che l'ha abbandonata quando lei era una quindicenne con gli occhi stellati e la testa piena di sogni romantici. Fen mette da parte il suo orgoglio e si reca alla corte del re ad Aphrany per implorare l'intercessione di Lord Vawdrey. Ma Lord Vawdrey non è il ragazzo affascinante che lei ricorda, e non ha alcun interesse a bloccare il suo divorzio. Invece, ha piani piuttosto diversi per la sua ex promessa sposa.
The unlovely bride, di Alice Coldbreath (inedito in italiano)
Serie Brides of Karadok romance medievale ambientata in una realtà alternativa simile alla nostra ma totalmente inventata con lievi tocchi di magia
Link: https://amzn.to/3A1Bv0j
Trama: Lenora Montmayne conduce una vita incantata come la donna più bella della corte di re Wymer, circondata da ammiratori. E poi arriva il disastro. Il vaiolo rosso spazza il palazzo estivo di Caer-Lyones e il bel viso di Lenora cade vittima delle sue devastazioni. Senza il suo aspetto, cosa le resta? Se mai c'è stato un cavaliere che la folla ama odiare, è Garman Orde. Anche la sua stessa famiglia lo disprezza. Poi una notte una signora pesantemente velata gli propone un patto straordinario. E scopre che Lenora Montmayne non è mai stata solo un bel viso.
Uscite de I Romanzi Mondadori – novembre 2024
Mary Jo PUTNEY – La dama d’argento (Silver Lady) Uno degli ultimi romanzi scritti dalla Putney che aggiunge ad un classico plot che riunisce temi ben noti del romance come amnesia+ contrabbando coste inglesi + pesante eredità/passato, anche il tema magico, o meglio soprannaturale donando ai protagonisti dei doni psichici, tipo una forte intuizione, che li aiuterà nelle loro indagini.
Anne GRACIE – Adorabile sconosciuto (The Perfect Stranger) terzo libro serie sorelle Merridew , un vero classico
Link: https://weirdesplinder.tumblr.com/post/685424678760857600/serie-romance-su-sorelle
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That moment your skeptical friend changes his whole life after watching ...
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altmer, bosmer and dunmer names from tes
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same thing but greater order
Aaremar Adlendir Adra Agafosi Ahalaril Airel Alea Alth Alvesa Alvi Amrevur Ancon Andelin Andinis Andrangil Andras Andrys Angarmia Angon Anne Antar Aracarene Aramen Archolrie Arener Arlare Arnum Arnus Arochel Arocilieth Arveso Arvyna Asantell Ashire Assutlaker Asteel Atharas Athrani Athredale Aundalas Aura Avalither Avan Avil Balithro Balun Banuls Barothas Bayel Beldam Beldus Bele Belebrooks Beranyedil Berondil Bevis Bilstari Bladande Bola Bolwe Borion Borwae Borymian Bravel Brellel Brethel Breyn Briledril Calo Cantar Carairam Caravus Carmolin Casi Celavel Celethi Cime Cirolon Codras Corrir Covenim Cyrer Cyreria Daen Dalmillin Dalyno Dasi Dathahan Dauntol Daval Delas Delosa Delythal Demen Destre Dire Direlynu Disselle Dols Dong Dongi Drar Drari Drarth Draryon Drava Dreso Drinwe Drisamsi Dronis Drulbor Ealdralion Earnisa Earril Edryniss Egrandyn Elama Elandrie Eldethalk Eldhel Eldras Elit Elsincar Elso Enaker Enalir Endrina Engaedas Engil Enginar Enlendu Eran Ereb Erebonel Eridil Erivah Erneldhon Esenandar Estell Estes Esulmo Ethon Faedas Faedirches Falvanni Fangor Fanu Faresa Farmolimil Farume Favil Feratchesa Fernurd Find Fols Fonalds Gabrim Gadsu Galdirre Galendobah Galinil Galona Galondrili Galthe Ganrelyn Garetha Gelaals Geldinarel Geleniast Girallow Glar Glaume Glaumeth Glaurengan Glen Gloria Glorn Golgentha Golvas Gomes Guilon Guldilen Gulvi Gundor Gwen Gwindirre Gwinia Gwino Hanre Hantashpi Heladhel Helbani Henos Herelrim Heromor Hlerara Hous Hyan Hyurm Icar Idda Iddanroth Idra Idraril Ilaasa Ilale Ilervale Ilman Ilrin Indraldil Inwalwen Iram Irenir Irveri Irwindil Issar Itel Ithil Kalar Kausil Kelker Koril Kril Lani Larindor Laye Legor Lendas Leneril Lidel Liiren Lila Linghorne Listaeniel Lithis Lladayni Lladnaldur Llar Llari Llathril Llavames Llenu Llir Llonah Lolit Lovil Macalmo Maer Malurist Mandarera Manelor Maneth Mansawen Marondorn Marvama Matus Meldiniel Melildur Menu Meronir Mirare Mirshuman Molithmama Mond Mormil Motha Munar Nalii Nanwe Nartolle Nedroth Nelanyeor Nelgor Nephona Nerai Nerdor Neth Nili Niri Nithollu Nithrenwe Nocerisse Noculvan Nold Nomaven Norranor Noth Nothys Nuulin Nydermobah Nyra Oakbroon Olenissa Ominepool Onahandil Ondaenlir Ondona Ongloril Orel Orne Orthan Othana Othrengor Othri Pando Pelia Penor Perale Pinethran Piryaiel R'enammu R'zambar Rafin Raldris Ramus Rane Rannewe Rath Reldegil Relos Rendia Rendol Riagaer Rider Rillaynnae Rina Rinfinahan Riveril Riverintur Riverlion Rolvyn Romoranor Ronu Rothran Rovor Rultara S'thor Sada Sailu Salandros Sale Salvis Samo Sandu Sanvyna Sara Sarandull Sararion Sare Saruth Sathri Sendelloe Seranyon Seth Sethyna Seval Shadesa Shalor Shas Sheranya Shuriil Siddak Sildanbah Silinwe Silis Silit Sinnod Sircil Sodrangor Sodriell Sonthiel Sorthi Suro Taal Talus Talvenar Tanamundil Tandoradan Tandrilion Tane Tarak Tavyne Tedale Teli Tenarara Tenilwatch Teram Terivos Teseth Thar Thel Thenladni Thil Thirildren Thovasa Thro Tidril Tilcil Tilea Tilenyemis Timir Tina Tinor Travur Trel Tril Tuin Tunen Tura Turquanon Ulamiril Ulila Umberiel Uraalith Uresti Uril Urilu Urshal Urvynon Uulan Vadus Valon Vamoriah Vanareth Varil Vatossen Vedros Velor Velos Ventoldsi Vera Vilarondas Vildas Vilu Vininion Vitoldan Vivur Volmorin Windul Wyndur Yaki Zababi Zainor Zana
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Saturday morning. Laszlo Coleco yawned as he walked into the flat’s main room. He had been up late the previous night, doing the same old stuff he usually did, and thus had slept in a bit this morning. Some new wave song he wasn’t familiar with was playing from the speaker system set up in the room. This meant his roommate, Callisto Mirda, was already awake (they usually got up bright and early), and indeed they were waiting for him in the kitchen area.
“Oraaaaa abi, Lasz!” they cheerfully greeted him. “Kowhi?” [Editor’s note: since most of you probably aren’t exactly fluid in Octoling, I will provide translations. “Goooood morning, Laz! Coffee?”]
Laszlo rubbed his eyes. Of course he wanted coffee this morning, like every morning. “Lakio, lakio. Vigo-pa wa?“ [”Naturally, naturally. What time is it?”]
Callisto looked at the microwave as they walked over to the coffee maker. “Abigo oqto-nu ta tani-o-isak-pa.“ [”It’s 10:55 AM”]
“Nakawhi-pasu,” [”I thought so.”] Laszlo yawned again and sat down at the counter.
The coffee boiled. Callisto cocked their head back towards Laszlo in the ever-so-slightly flirtatious manner they were known to do (does it mean anything? who knows?). “Keabi ni amo-pa wa?” they asked. [”How are you doing this morning?”]
“Myva, myva.” And then it actually dawned on him what time it was. ”Isu, po ni keabi punewhina-wa?” [”Good, good. Wait, you aren’t working today?”]
“Po!” [”Nope!”]. Callisto had a part-time job at the Tower Records shop near Inkopolis Square on weekends, but they were taking today off. The coffee was ready; Callisto got it and poured a cup for the both of them. ”La Turf War reiwhiga mapu, sa ni masuga!” [”I’m gonna do some Turf War later today, if you’d like!”]
“Po, la ea nesate oskuna,” Laszlo replied, and took a deep sip. He drank coffee a lot, but he still wasn’t quite used to how bitter it was. “Ri-imu kai kai masuna, nyvuska?“ [”No, I’m waiting for a package. I really, really want it, you know?”]
Callisto nodded their head in understanding. The doorbell rang. “Kea ri-pasqa when!” [”That must be it!”] They bounced over and opened the door. “Hello!” they brightly greeted the mail-Jellyfish in Inklish; that was the common language of Inkopolis, and even if they couldn’t speak it, the vast majority of Jellyfish could understand it. The Jellyfish just stood there, holding out a clipboard to sign. “Sign, please,” they said in that wavery voice many Jellyfish had.
“Thank you!” Callisto signed under Laszlo’s name (nobody really cared about that, and they didn’t want to bother him by making him get up). The Jellyfish took the clipboard back, and pulled out the package. “Do you know what it is?” Callisto asked.
The bioluminescent patches on the Jellyfish’s body ran a pattern of green, pink, and yellow, and they moved their left arm in a certain fashion. They were trying to communicate more in Jellian Visual - the common non-verbal language among Jellyfish, conveyed via body movements and bioluminescence. Few Inklings had any inkling how to understand it, and having been separated from Jellyfish for decades, even fewer Octolings did. (Luna Amiga might, since her family had always lived in Inkopolis, but she wasn’t here right now) Most Jellyfish were cnidarians of few words, and the mail delivery Jellyfish was no exception. They did manage to say one word, though: “Books.”
Callisto did a minor double-take - more books? But they took it and thanked them anyways. The Jellyfish waved goodbye, and Callisto closed the door.
“You ordered more books?” they yelled back towards the kitchen. They were cool with it, of course, just surprised at how much he had ordered recently.
Laszlo shrugged. “I like books,” he replied. This was the second shipment of books this week - and all of them were about humans. He was particularly interested in them currently. He had heard a pretty cool fact from Todaro Sagitta a couple weeks back. Apparently there was a fossil site somewhere in the desert that represented an abandoned human settlement. There were signs of lots of radioactive elements in the area, which seemed to explain why it had been abandoned. But there were plenty of fossils of other animals there - wild mammals, birds, and for some reason turtles. That had hooked his interest, and so he was on a bit of a spree, trying to learn what could be deduced about human history from the fossil record and recovered radio and TV broadcasts. To see if it was known whether that was caused by anything they did. Why? Because it was interesting to him.
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Tonight's #HarvestMoon over Wise VA. #WiseCounty #swva #myva #loveVA #moon #fullmoon #harvestmoon2017 (at Wise, Virginia)
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VA chaplain’s 33-year career dedicated to ministering to Veterans Women have made significant contributions to U.S history both through their military service and in caring for those who have served.
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Joining a Language group is SUPER BENEFICIAL ! I was able to get a lot more speaking practice done. Made really cool friends, learned a lot about different parts of where people came from in Japan and. I was able to excel a lot faster compared to when I was studying alone sometimes. It's good to be an introvert in studying, but after I came out of my shell. I had a definite advantage, I guided topics and I became very likeable in my community. I was also able to help a lot of students study. So it's a win win to join a language group.
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“Nikyani (and Myva)” is a somewhat popular TV show in Navyete about an Avirre’thel (vampire) fruit farmer/ produce and herb shop owner named Nikyani and his friend Myva (a cursed entity created by an ancient demon that has no true physical form (but usually manifests as a tall figure with red eyes, claws, ears, horns, and a tail sometimes) and is kind of just a glitchy dark mass)
Nikyani lives far out in the forests near the upper half of the Nanebae mountains and one day as he was taking his produce cart into town, he came across a strange injured creature in the woods that was eating rocks, and partially befriended him (though awkwardly). Eventually circumstances occur that lead to him bringing the creature (Myva) to come live on his farm with him, and a majority of the show just centers around the various odd and disastrous (yet still vaguely humorous) situations they get into. There are also a lot of smaller running side-conflicts in the series, such as minor issues with Myva constantly eating things that don’t belong to him/are not food (like stealing stone gardening pots from Nikyani’s garden and eating them), Nikyani’s ridiculous jealous neighbor that is always trying to sabotage his farm, a variety of problems caused by Myva’s “affliction” where he can’t interact with many things** (and also various side quests they go on to try to find a cure for him), having to hide Myva from the ancient demon who originally created him and is looking for him (who is a mostly generic over-dramatic over-powered intelligent antagonist yet somehow incredibly easy for Nikyani to outsmart due to his foolish exploitable flaws (like being easily distracted and having an intense love of bread)), Nikyani’s older brother having a weird crush on Myva, the nearby city where Nikyani sells his fruit being wild and full of absurd shop owners etc. etc. etc.
(** basically everything Myva physically touches seems to just turn into just a blotch of dark void material, which varies depending on the size of the item (and life-force strength, if it is living), so for example if he picked up a small marble it would almost immediately disintegrate into a poof of darkness, something larger like a chair might “rot” more slowly but would still turn into a pile of what looks like swirling ash if he maintained contact with it long enough. For living things like animals and creatures, it usually only affects the outer layer of their skin (so if Myva pet a dog it may get a hand-print splotch on top of it’s fur where the matter is seemingly breaking apart into a glitched darkness similar to whatever material Myva is made of, though it would gradually fade back to normal if left alone to regenerate), however if contact was kept for a long enough time even a living being would degrade into void matter, and presumably either die, or transform by rotting into exactly whatever sort of creature Myva is. So there are of course a lot of brief situations in the show where for some reason Myva has to hold something, or needs to interact with something, and can’t, so has to either find a creative (usually comedic) way of doing it, or has to just try and do it really fast (usually destroying part of the object) (like picking up a mug and the handle turns into glitchy void dust so the rest of the mug (now handle-less and being held up by nothing) just falls to the floor and shatters, etc.). Luckily Myva can float though, and spends most of his time not making contact with anything (not even the ground), unless he absolutely has to (or wants to.. though he's generally more of a pacifist than Nikyani is, it'd still give you some advantage in a theoretical fight to be able to just... dissolve your attacker's weapon or turn their arm into dust lol)
Nikyani is generally the fan favorite character and receives the most publicity, likely due to his silly and eccentric yet clever/reasonable demeanor, and the actor who plays him (Jaenha Kadi) has reached a significant amount of fame (at least as famous as people can get in Avirre’thel culture, which typically strongly disdains the concepts of fame/wealth/etc.) since taking the role, though a surprisingly sizable portion of the audience are very sympathetic to Myva as well, as for some reason many vampires in Navyete apparently think eating rocks is a cute and endearing trait (something perhaps they and Nikyani’s brother have in common).
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A few Octolingo phrases
Hello! -> Ora!
My name is [x] -> Rimu-aqu a [x]-pa
Nice meeting you! -> Rosabinowha-pa or Rosabinowha-satu
How are you? -> Ni amo-pa wa?
I’m doing well -> La myva-pa
Do you want to play Turf War? -> Ni Terwhu War rewhi masuna wa?
Yes! -> Uy!
No -> Po
We won! -> Wakusilanqa or Waku-pa
We lost -> Douwhisilanqa or Douwhi-pa
Goodbye! -> Omanga!
#I warned you about the conlanging bro#this is actually kinda fun. help.#octolingo#splatlangs#tangential speculation#oc
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I fOUnD A nEW WaY To DrAw EyES anD NoWW I'm HIgH oFF oF hAPPyNess and i should probably finish my homework crap-
YAAAAAS Yes you should do homework and myvae sleep? Idk it's a bit late here I don't know your time zone :P
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