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ohsalome · 1 year ago
Today, on August 23th, Ukraine celebrates our National Flag Day :) To celebrate the occasion, let me share a few fun facts about our flag 🇺🇦:
The most common symbolic interpretation of the colors is that blue stands for the clear sky and golden-yellow stands for the fields of wheat. This symbolism is important for us as we are largely an agricultural society and have some of the most fertile soil on Earth, making us an important grain exporter since the times of ancient history. There also once was a religious interpretation of the colors, but it didn't stick.
However, the origin of the colors is much more trivial: they come from the heraldic coat of arms of Lviv city, which became the capital of Rus'/Kyivan Rus'/Ruthenia* after Kyiv fell to the Golden Horde (I am oversimplifying for the sake of brevity), thus dating this color combo back to at least 1256). The founder of Lviv, king Danylo of Galicia, is also known to be the first and only Ruthenian* king crowned by the Pope, which was the conventional claim to legitemacy back then. Somehow he managed to achieve that without converting to catolicism nor contributing to the crusades.
There is a neverending popular debate about the proper order of the colors in the flag: blue on top or yellow on top. One of the most popular arguments is the XX century pictures that showcase what seems like a 🇺🇦 flag with yellow on top; however, this misunderstanding largely comes frome the fact that the black-and-white cameras of that time made yellow colors appear darker than blue. Some people also argue that the flag should be flipped over because of feng shui.
During the soviet times, owning a 🇺🇦 flag was a criminal offence that could lead you to up to 2 years of prison time.
In the current russo-ukrainian war the 🇺🇦 remains a symbol of freedom and resistance to russian occupation. During the occupation of Kherson region, people would tie blue and yellow ribbons in public spaces to showcase that they do not yield to ru occupants. Although this act seems small in the grand scale of things, even such resistance was extremely dangerous if caught - owning any ukrainian symbols is a reason enough for russians to accuse you of being a spy and send you to torture basement. The start of the popular movement is attributed to Nisar Akhmad - a ukrainian activist of Afgani origin.
Even before the full-scale invasion, the flag was used as a symbol of resisting russian occupation - back in 2019 on the Constitution Day a 🇺🇦 flag was raised in the center of occupied Donetsk - an act that would, simply put, doom you with a death sentence in the russia-orchestrated terrorist quasi-respublics. The willingness of the people to risk their life for this act of resistance showcases how empty the russian propaganda about ''russian Donbas'' really is. Donetsk waits for ukrainian liberation to this day.
One of the most worldwide famous ukrainian pictures, Reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks by Ilja Repin is full of ukrainian sybolism and "easter eggs"; including the ukrainian flag sneaked into the picture - you can see it in the top left quarter on one of the spears. This is historically accurate, as Zaporozhian Cossacks would often don the blue-and-yellow colors when going into battle. The picture itself is full of symbolism and political commentary, and, frankly said, deserves a full post of its own - but to put it short, Ilya Repin, who is often presented as a ''russian artist'' by russians, is actually a descendant of ukrainian cossacks, and has modeled all of the people on the picture on important Ukrainian political figers. And the picture itself was written in response to the Ems Decree - the law that banned ukrainian language from public use in the cultural sphere. If you haven't yet experienced the dramatic reading of the letter in question, narrated by one and only Peter Capaldi, please treat yourself and watch it today.
*Rus' (Русь) is the name of the medieval country in the Eastern Europe that was vaguely centered around the territory of modern Ukraine. If you are confused about the name and how is Rus' different from russia - this confusion is intentional. The chiefdom of muscowy, which was founded at least 400 years after the foundation of Kyivan Rus' and was the vassal of the Golden Horde for the most part, has appropriated the name (''Ρωσία'' is just a greek version of ''rus'') to falsify the inheritance of the high crown of Kyiv, which in actuality has gone to the western branch of the bloodline through Danylo of Galych to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (once again, oversimplifying very long and complex history for the sake of brevity). muscovies haven't been using the term ''russia'' to describe themselves before the 15th century, and all the earlier mentions of this term chronicled by foreign sources (e.g., the Byzantine empire) refer to the Kyivan Rus'.
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Betsy Allen - The Silver Secret - Tempo - 1966
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jesncin · 7 months ago
I have a question if you guys are okay answering! How do your individual styles differ? Like, do you both prefer to write/draw in different styles, and have there ever been any creative disagreements?
Totally fine to ask! We both have the same style with different very subtle nuances most people won't be able to detect. I'd compare it to two different animation studios hired to work on the same tv show. We aim to look like one consistent style and we're pretty successful with getting that across I think!
The biggest difference between our art styles is something most people won't ever get to see, and it's that Cin sketches very lightly (to the point of having to duplicate the sketch layer multiple times before it becomes legible) and Jes sketches like you're trying to murder the paper with a pencil.
For writing, our voices are pretty similar honestly! I don't think anyone here has noticed whenever a comic is written by one twin or is a chimera-style mix of both of us collaborating. While we can disagree, we both want to make the best story possible so we either compromise or explain how taking a story a certain direction is for the best. And then we agree lol
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guerrilla-operator · 2 months ago
Manilla Road // Mystification
An art revealed to no one Some say insanity A lesson from The Baron Master of mystery I'm mystified
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pechebeche · 11 months ago
i dont fw d20 anymore but that quiz about which bad kid you are and the only question is "what is your opinion on motorcycles?" was one of the funniest things i ever did
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angael-a · 6 months ago
'as russell mystified by mercedes' lack of pace' SORRY??
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shisogelee · 1 year ago
ok can i be real for a sec all people on this website do is get fixated on popular motifs and narratives and just take it to a point where it's soo corny... like obviously we all love the idea of love being this all consuming force that drives the universe etc etc but seeing people be like 'oh i would *never* go on a dating app bc i'm a poet and a romantic and dating apps are just dreadful unromantic flesh markets!! i need to meet my future so like a romcom scene or nothing!!! god forbid i meet them somewhere DESIGNED to meet people!!' ugghh idk let people have opinions and all but i'm so skeptic of this extreme mystification of love because people are literally just.... people.... whether you meet someone on tinder or you reach for the same book at your favourite indie bookshop that changes nothing about the concrete human aspects that you're going to face together as partners...romance can be evocative and mystic but ultimately it is just. people
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electoons · 1 year ago
absolutely LOVE when someone makes a post pointing out a shitty trend or habit common among an entire website or the internet as a whole and then someone in the notes decides to voluntarily out themself by getting defensive like they were called out by their full legal name. babygirl no one was talking about you specifically you didnt have to do that. no one asked you to do that
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panvani · 9 months ago
How Do We Relationship is like. At that perfect level of realism that produces the most ant like comments
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mokeymokey · 2 years ago
Once again like hate to hand it to them but the anti civs have a point you can justify so much alienation by using all these measurable statistics of general wellbeing. How dare you criticize the market system when it has brought so many out of poverty....like, ok, but you're seeing how it's making us all crazy too like you surely also get that. Adam Ragusea the food guy put out a podcast recently where he talks about a take by a bioethicist against (the modern-day model of) dog ownership on the basis that feral dogs seem to be happier by many measures. And like I neither oppose nor endorse the take cause I haven't checked it out myself but it's interesting to think about what kinds of opinions an alien bioethicist might have about what a human's best life is if they couldn't talk to us and could only measure like, biomarkers for happiness stress et cetera. At some point don't you have to relent and say, maybe what matters in life cannot be measured. Anyway I am of the opinion that utilitarianism sucks because it is fundamentally a market-ethics
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soulthom · 12 days ago
Le problème que posent Socrates et Platon dans la recherche du vrai qui n’aboutit jamais et qui permet de continuer indéfiniment, c’est qu’il y a quelque chose comme un savoir qui ne se déduit pas et qui est que pensées et actions non vitales servent à donner un sens à l’existence, un sens au temps : en pensant je justifie la situation et fabrique du sens dans la recherche même du sens. L’ego se construit dans la recherche du sens, sens qu’il pose comme préalable tout en perpétuant la recherche par des conclusions « intermédiaires ». Ce faisant il fabriquera des outils de navigation parfois réellement utiles au temps de la vie, éventuellement, de meilleures façons de traiter un problème, voire des créations utiles ou/et belles. Cependant c’est presque par accident, alors que la recherche de « la vérité » manque nécessairement son but et oublie qu’elle pose la plénitude dans l’avenir pour ne pas la vivre dans l’immobilité (par nature : durée infinitésimalement courte) du présent. Cette recherche est affirmation de la vie et il ne s’agit pas de nier son rôle, mais le chercheur reste un problème, et les questions passent à côté de cette question… au point où ça peut rendre la pensée absurde. C’est la vie, qui semble être une équation difficile à résoudre (parfois par manque d’affirmation), qui ne peut que créer et penser pour se donner une valeur, un intérêt, non la pensée qui va donner sens à la vie. La vie vécue va devoir se penser contre l’idée abstraite (et mystificatrice) de « la vie » vue comme un bien en soi, puisqu’elle permettrait de - voire serait faite pour - aller quelque part (1), alors qu’elle ne procède pas du temps, pensées, actions (et qu’elle n’a pas de but intrinsèque), mais qu’elle n’est que tout cela à la fois (se miroitant, certes au moins un peu nécessairement (2) au travers des concepts pré-cités).
(1) Alors qu’un lieu (ou état) par définition en sous-tend, génère, d’autres, donc le mouvement perpétuel vers…le même (présent) !
(2) D’où la part mécanique, et par là apparemment incontournable, qu’il y a dans la perpétuation de l’illusion-désillusion.
The problem posed by Socrates and Plato in the search for truth that never succeeds and that allows us to continue indefinitely is that there is something like knowledge that cannot be deduced and which is that non-vital thoughts and actions serve to give meaning to existence, a meaning to time: by thinking I justify the situation and make sense in the very search for meaning. The ego is built in the search for meaning, a sense that it poses as a prerequisite while perpetuating the research with "intermediate" conclusions. In doing so, he will make navigation tools that are sometimes really useful in life, possibly better ways to deal with a problem, or even useful or/and beautiful creations. However, it is almost by accident, while the search for "truth" necessarily misses its purpose and forgets that it poses fullness in the future so as not to live it in the immobility (by nature: infinitely short duration) of the present. This research is an affirmation of life and it is not a question of denying its role, but the researcher remains a problem, and the questions miss this question... to the point where it can make thinking absurd. It is life, which seems to be a difficult equation to solve (sometimes for lack of affirmation), which can only create and think to give itself a value, an interest, not the thought that will give meaning to life. The lived life will have to think against the abstract (and mystifying) idea of "life" seen as a good in itself, since it would allow - or even be made for - to - go somewhere (1), while it does not proceed from time, thoughts, actions (and it has no intrinsic purpose), but it is only all this at once (mirroring, certainly at least a little necessarily (2) through the aforementioned concepts).
(1) While a place (or state) by definition underlies it, generates, others, therefore the perpetual movement towards... the same (present) !
(2) Hence the mechanical part, and therefore apparently unavoidable, that there is in the perpetuation of illusion-disillusion.
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mplanetleaf · 2 months ago
Animal Sacrifice: Ritual Mystification and Mythical Demystification in Hinduism...
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tekoroneil · 4 months ago
I just posted a little thing here, saying I hadn't posted anything here before. I now think I quite likely did, but possibly then, as now, I have no idea where to go to read my own posts. Once I post this, it will probably be lost to me forever.
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hcdahlem · 5 months ago
La Bonne Nouvelle
Dans son nouveau roman, Jean-Baptiste de Froment met en scène un couple d'aristocrates provinciaux, Paul et Hermine de Larmencour. Après la « résurrection » du premier cité, son ex-veuve va tenter de faire la lumière sur ce soi-disant miracle.
En deux mots Trois jours après son enterrement, la tombe de Paul de Larmencour est vide. La pierre tombale a été déplacée et le défunt a été vu errant dans la campagne. Cette “résurrection” laisse Hermine, sa veuve, incrédule. Avec les autorités, l’envoyé du pape et les habitants de ce coin du boulonnais, elle va tenter de percer ce mystère. Ma note ★★★★ (j’ai adoré) Ma chronique Paul, revenu…
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dixvinsblog · 6 months ago
Almanach Vermot 1951 - Anecdote véridique : Mystification
Le docteur Hill, piqué de ce que la Société royale de Médecine de Londres avait refusé de l’admettre au nombre de ses membres, imagina pour s’en venger, de la mystifier. Dans ce but, il adressa, sous un nom supposé de médecin, le récit d’une cure merveilleuse opérée au moyen de l’eau de goudron, remède autrefois fort en vogue. ” Un matelot, disait-il, venait de se casser la jambe. Me trouvant…
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thearbourist · 7 months ago
Dictionary Erasing Females from the Language.
Post modern and critical theories rely on the misuse of words to mystify people. The downstream effects of this bullshittery are apparent as even the Merriam Webster dictionary is now having difficulty defining what a woman is. Always define your terms when you arguing with the woke – it is 9/10ths of their game. Demonstrate the linguistic tomfoolery and you might have a chance at a productive…
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