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4th day of creativepromptsforwriting’s Date Week with myRomance The Backrooms characters!
I want to write multiple ships for this one, so I’ll list them as we go!
1. Carla x Kalcal
“Do you want to be my date?” Carla asked Kalcal.
Kalcal leapt up in excitement and grabbed her hands. “Yes, yes, a thousand times yes!” he exclaimed. “I’ve been waiting for you to ask!”
Carla blushed. “R-Really?”
“Yeah!” Kalcal said, grinning. “I’ve loved you from the moment we met—why wouldn’t I want to date you?”
Carla blushed. Then, she took Kalcal’s hand and said, “Come on, let’s go in together.”
“Alright!” Kalcal agreed.
2. Carla x Glarence
“Do you want to be my date?” Carla asked Glarence nervously.
Glarence turned to her in surprise. Then, he shrugged. “Well, you're probably more fun than going alone," he replied.
“What?!” Carla exclaimed. “You’re so mean. . .”
“Ugh, don’t look at me with those pleading eyes!” Glarence exclaimed, blushing as he stared at Carla’s face. “Y-You’re so needy. . .”
“Because I like you, stupid,” Carla told him, folding her arms as she blushed. “Because I think you’re cute. . .”
Now it was Glarence who was blushing. “S-Shut up! You’re the one who’s cute!” he exclaimed. He held out his hand. “Come on! If you really want to be my date, human, then let’s go already!”
Carla smiled and took his hand. “I gladly accept.”
3. Carla x Uri
“Do you want to be my date?” Carla asked Uri shyly, sitting next to him.
Uri sighed. “I’m so sorry, but I can’t,” he replied softly.
“Why?” Carla asked, frowning.
“Because . . . I probably wouldn’t make a good date,” Uri said, turning away. “I’m not exactly an exciting person to be around. . .”
Carla put a hand on his knee, causing Uri to turn towards her. “I like you, and I want to be around you,” she reassured him with a smile. “I know you’d make a good date, Uri. What do you say?”
Uri blushed, his pale blue cheeks turning slightly darker. “Well . . . I guess we can try it out,” he replied.
“Great!” Carla exclaimed. “Let’s go!”
4. Carla x Zenobos
“Do you want to be my date?” Carla asked Zenobos.
Zenobos blushed, his light green cheeks turning yellow. “I mean, yes?” he squeaked. “And . . . not just this one time?”
Now Carla was blushing, too. “What do you mean?” she asked.
“Um, w-well, I mean that I want to date you tonight . . . and I want to keep dating you,” Zenobos replied, looking up at Carla. “Is that ok?”
Carla smiled. Then, she held out her hand. “Yes, it very much is.”
Zenobos grinned happily, and took her hand. “G-Great!”
5. Carla x Adiel
“Um, do you want to be my date?” Carla asked Adiel.
Adiel gave her a smile. “Weird timing to ask me that,” he teased. “We just survived a near-death encounter, and now you want to take me out on a date?”
“I mean . . . yes?” Carla squeaked.
Adiel nodded, thinking for a moment. Then, he said, “Well, in that case . . . what the heck? Why not?” He reached out for her hand. “Come on, Carla. Lead the way.”
Carla grinned and took his hand. “Ok! Let’s go!”
6. Glarence x Adiel
“Look . . . we got to have some kind of cover. So do you want to be my date or not?” Glarence snapped.
Adiel smirked and turned to his friend. “Well, I assumed we’d be dates already. Since we’re actually dating, after all.”
Glarence’s pale face darked with a deep blue blush. “W-WHAT?!” he exclaimed.
Adiel burst out laughing. “Oh man, your face!” he exclaimed. “I’m just joking, Glarence! Relax!”
Glarence let out a sigh of relief—but he was surprised to find out that part of him was a bit disappointed. “Good,” he said, refusing to acknowledge that side of him. “So, you’ll be my date, for our cover?”
“For our cover,” Adiel said, winking. “Riiiiight. . .”
“Stop messing with me!”
7. Kalcal x Zenobos
“Um, do you want to my my date?” Zenobos asked nervously.
Kalcal grinned. “What took ya so long to ask, little buddy? I’d love to!”
Zenobos blushed. “R-Really?”
“Yeah!” Kalcal took his friend’s hand. “I’m not one to be shy about my feelings, but I gotta admit that I’ve been holding myself back a little bit. I can’t wait to be your date—let’s go!” Zenobos smiled, catching up as Kalcal dragged him along.
Dialogue Responses
"Do you want to be my date?"
"I would really love to."
"I'm so sorry, but I can't."
"Yes. And not just this once."
"Weird timing to ask me that."
"What took you so long to ask?"
"Yes, yes, a thousand times yes!"
"I want to be much more if you'll have me."
"Well, you're probably more fun than going alone."
"Not the most romantic way to ask, but always yes."
"I assumed we would be dates already. Since we're actually dating."
All the Dialogue Responses can be found here.
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#dialogue responses#writing ideas#writeblr#writing prompts#writers on tumblr#romancethebackrooms#carla rtb#kalcal and zenobos#zalcal#kalcal rtb#uri rtb#glarla#gladiel#glarence rtb#adiel rtb#zenobos rtb#shipping#m/f ship#mlm#m/m romance#romance#first date#date#dating#love#love interest#date week#date week 2024#zarla#carcal
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Names generated from female Greek given names
Acana Acanditeris Acani Adoranna Adoristina Adoxi Aeodosta Afromela Afropi Afrosila Afrosyne Agalcyono Agaline Agaliothe Agalline Agaresa Agaria Agaroula Agate Agatea Agathaia Agattina Aikia Alano Aldocia Aldoranna Alekla Alektrisa Alemaresa Alemateria Alemiana Alena Alene Aleonoula Aleonstippe Alessa Alessia Aletzia Alewteria Alewthippa Alexana Alexane Alexia Althana Altheone Althyliaki Ambromedra Ambromia Ambrone Anara Anatonista Andia Andra Andrasilana Andrinia Andristaxis Androne Angelanthe Angelexi Angelia Angelika Angelinia Angen Angenie Annaia Anthaini Anthandra Anthe Anthena Antheni Antheodi Anthi Anthia Anthiani Anthoebe Anthoulana Antina Aphryssa Argia Argiope Argira Argiroula Ariania Ariantone Arina Arista Artea Arteris Arthy Aspine Atavroulane Athaia Athea Athemargiro Atheoni Atheopine Athila Athylia Athyliki...
Baraggelia Bargia Barina Barone Basina Bastines Calena Calia Calistala Calycacia Casine Casitia Caskevi Casta Castinia Chaedantha Chaida Chloi Chria Chriana Chrina Chrine Chrinia Chris Christa Chromelia Chronsta Chroulaia Chrounoula Chrysa Chryssa Chryssia Cleklana Clethena Clexana Creiakillia Cressia Cymaria Cympi Cympina Damarasta Damaria Damariaki Damarini Damatheris Dampi Danno Danthe Delexi Demali Demalia Demethaedra Demissia Demitsanna Desia Despi Dessa Dianaglenia Didanthalia Didorissa Didosoula Dimina Dimine Dimis Dimissa Dioula Domina Domitea Domiteria Drusi Drusia Effilini Effro Effrodosta Effrosyna Effroula Efpra Efpro Efthede Efthine Eftimothy Eiroula Ekassinis Ekata Ekatea Ekatina Ekatinaria Eleftha Eleia Elekla Elemeli Elene Elenis Eleonessia Eleope Eletrini Elewtea Elewterenia Elexi Elexia Elexinia Elikatera Eliky Eliopi Elippasiky Emarina Emateria Ereinia Erenia Erinasia Eriterista Eudoki Eudoria Eudositra Eudosoula Eugaris Euphea Euphia Euphippe Evaggeni Evagleki Evana Evanayitra Evane Evani Evannaea Evdora Evdorgiro Evdoxia Evgeli Evgelia Evgelina Eyagda Eyagdia Eyaggela Eyagia Eyaglekla Filia Filiky Fillianis Fotheni Gaedra Galiky Gallina Geope Giope Giopi Giopinica Gioula Gioullis Helanthi Helethi Helinia Hloebe Hlomis Iantha Ianthi Ioanthia Ioantia Ionsta Iphimia Iphryse Ireinia Irinia Juncede Kalane Kalanthe Kalcyoni Kalio Kaliseia Kalli Kalomna Kalyma Katea Kateria Katheorka Khlomenia Khlora Koris Korkathimia Kyria Kyrinia Kyris Lamfilissa Lexini Lexis Lilaia Lilikola Liline Lilla Liloe Lugarenia Lugargionia Lugela Lydinesa Lydinia Lyditia Maianoulana Mainasta Marbara Margate Marinia Maris Marisa Marosyna Marsili Medrinia Melanna Meleki Melena Melene Meletra Melexana Melexi Melexia Melexiadne Melia Meliki Meline Melio Meliopatea Melis Methantha Metra Metrassia Miraxia Mirope Myromeli Myrossia Nafsia Nafsini Nafsiteria Neoraxia Neria Nerianthi Neskevi Nessana Nikilia Nitra Olyca Olycachala Olycacia Olymareis Olympina Ophea Ophiani Ouragleki Pamattini Pamfie Pamfila Pamprisiky Panateris Panissa Pantheonsti Panthy Pareni Pargiope Pargirine Parini Paura Phalika Phantha Pharia Pharisa Phemotinia Phigela Phigora Philia Phillis Phippatea Phoula Prina Prine Rhemonia Selessa Selia Selinassa Smara Smareni Smarenia Smate Smatona Smattia Sopia Sotia Stamares Stamarsia Stantia Steftharia Stefthea Tasianna Tatea Thaed Thaida Thali Thalio Thanditeris Thandrona Thantheora Thara Thedra Thena Theodocia Theopi Theorana Theria Theriani Therini Therita Timia Timissania Timitra Timona Timono Timotina Tinia Tinisia Toulantacia Toulatra Toullana Toullio Vandrosilia Vanthara Vasia Vassa Vassia Vasta Vastia Xaniani Xantassa Xantharini Xanthektra Xanthemate Xenica Xylina Xylistippa Yandra Yandrosyne Yanthanta Yanthy Zachana Zeliki Zelippe Zenia Zoissa
Same thing but greater order
Acanta Acanthaia Acanthea Acanthina Acanthy Adoniki Adonisia Afrodite Afrodites Afrosia Afrosyni Agali Agalio Agalissilla Agathea Agathena Agatheni Agatheria Agatherini Agathia Agathippe Aikatea Aikateriaki Akilia Akilika Akiliki Akiliky Alalante Alalanthea Alalanthina Alalantina Alektra Alena Alene Aletha Alethe Alexandina Altha Althana Amaragdi Amaraskevi Amaris Ambrosyne Ambrosyni Anasia Anasilika Anasilla Anastandra Anastanthe Anastasilla Anatoliana Anatolianie Andra Andria Andriani Androme Andromela Andromeni Andronia Androullio Angelaina Angelandra Angelena Angelene Angelenia Angelenisia Angelia Angelina Angelis Angelissa Annaglethe Annagora Annayita Antha Anthaidra Anthe Antherine Anthi Anthia Anthimia Anthina Anthippe Antina Antippe Antoniki Antonise Aphrodites Aphroditi Argia Ariaki Ariane Arianie Arianthi Arisoula Arissa Aristina Artemia Artemitra Artemitria Aspasilia Aspasiliki Aspasiliky Aspasilla Atalassia Atalateria Atalaterine Athenaida Athenaidra Atheriadne Athia Athippe Barbaragdi Basia Basilia Basiliky Calana Calanie Calanta Calanthaia Calanthea Calassula Calateriani Calia Calianthano Calio Calistianna Calli Callis Cassini Cassithaia Cassula Charen Charene Charetzia Chariania Charistina Charite Chloristina Chris Chrissa Chrissi Christea Christia Christiana Christiani Chrysantha Chrysanthea Chryssia Chryssida Chryssini Clemata Clematine Cleophani Cleophano Cleophia Costa Costandra Costanthina Cresa Cressa Cynaragda Cynaragdi Cynaraskevi Damaragdi Damaristina Damata Damatina Danagora Deianta Demia Demis Demisia Demitra Denia Denisia Diani Diania Dimia Dimitria Dimitrianna Dionia Domini Drusiliki Drusiliky Effrodites Effrosia Effrossia Effrosyne Efthe Efthenia Eiren Ekatea Ekateria Ekateriana Ekaterinica Elefthe Elefthea Elefthena Elefthenia Elefthi Elefthia Elefthimia Elene Elenia Elewteriaki Elewterine Elewthe Elewthea Elewthena Elewthenia Elewtherini Elissa Elissandra Elissida Emaliana Emalisa Ereinica Erenia Eriaki Eriana Eriante Eugeni Eugenise Euphemis Euphrodite Euphrosia Euphrosyni Evaggele Evaggelenia Evaggeliki Evanta Evantha Evanthaia Evanthippa Evgeni Evgenise Eyaggela Eyaggelena Filana Filanagiota Filania Filantigone Filantina Fotinica Fotiria Georgiro Gioula Gioulla Helee Helenaida Helene Helenia Helianessa Helina Ianthi Ileka Ileki Ioannayita Ioannoula Ioannoullis Ioannounced Iphia Iphigeni Irenia Irine Irisoula Irissa Iristea Iristiana Iristianira Isaurania Isauranta Kalia Kaliope Kalistina Kalla Kallio Kalliopi Kallis Katea Kateria Kateriaki Katerini Katerinica Kateristini Katia Khloris Khloristine Konsta Konstasia Konstasilia Korene Korenia Kyntha Kynthea Kynthena Kynthi Kynthoullio Kyria Kyriadne Lamprina Lexis Liliki Lilina Lugarissa Margarene Margaretzia Mariadne Mariana Marini Maris Marissa Maristiani Maristina Marite Marites Maroulla Melania Melanta Melanthaia Melanthe Melanthena Melantheria Melia Meliki Melisa Melpome Melpomela Mirantippe Nafsikatea Nanae Nanagora Nanasiliki Neone Neria Neriana Nerina Nerine Nerini Odessini Ourantha Pamfiliky Pamfilina Panae Panagora Panastantha Panna Paragda Paragdi Parene Paretzia Parthe Parthea Phaia Phaida Philandra Philani Philanthy Philiki Philina Philome Philomenia Phylliopi Phyllisa Proniki Pronise Pronoula Rodanta Rodanthena Rodantigone Rodantina Salomede Salomeni Salomenia Selena Smara Smaraskevi Smarini Smaris Smaristea Sophana Sophania Sophano Sophigenia Sotina Sotiriana Soulla Stamara Stamarine Stamatiania Stefani Stefanira Stylia Tassa Tattia Tattiane Thala Thalania Thalaterini Thaleiana Thaleianta Thali Thanae Thano Tharetzia Tharites Theodosoula Theona Theophani Theria Therina Therine Therini Theris Timothe Timothena Timothenia Toulliopi Vasia Vasilippe Vasilla Vassa Vassini Vassula Xanta Xantha Xanthaia Xantherine Xantherini Xanthia Xanthimitra Xanthina Xanthoula Xantigone Xenagiota Xenaidra Xrisoullio Xristiana Xylianie Yanae Yiania Yianthe Zacharene Zenagiota
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Archive moodboard for @myromance
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My Person
You are my person, my favorite person.
You are my person, the only person i want to be with.
You are my person, the only person that genuinely makes me happy.
You are my person, forgiving, loving, tender and sweet.
You are my person, the one i can stare at all night as we lay together and i continue to fall in love with you.
You are my person, the person i look up to and admire.
You are my person, rough when you need to be but the most gentle when i need your loving.
You are my person, strong opinionated but willing to listen.
You are my person, the person i want to spend the rest of my life with.
You are my person, one of a kind, smart, honest and loyal.
You are my person, can i be your person? I promise i won’t let you down again.
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On a day where the Religious Right can congratulate themselves for hard work on years of flawed arguments, conflations, false equivalencies, deception & un-scientific dogma, I'd like to highlight my musical friend and colleague Dan Barker of the #FFRF. His organization is one of many secular orgs championing #freethought #reason #science & #religious education to ensure equality in the protection of #churchandstate.
In winter of 2022 I sang with Dan here in Wisconsin as we prepared for a new project called #GodlessGospel and we will continue to lend our voices and actions for a more just world, and in doing good for goodness sake. ❤️
www.FFRF.org ____________ Follow Rogiérs online at: Official Website: http://www.FibbyMusic.net/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Rogiers1 Instagram: http://www.Instagram.com/Rogiers1 http://rogiers.bandcamp.com http://www.iTunes.com/rogiérs FB Artist Page: https://www.facebook.com/Rogi%C3%A9rs... YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/FibbyMus... Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/user8906304
#ReligiousFreedom#Rogiérs#RogiérsFibby#FibbyMusic#Standards#MyRomance#Jazz#Piano#MaleVocals#SingerSongwriter#Freethought#Black Atheist#Black Freethought#DCCAH#Artist#Singer#TopBilling#BlackMusic#Black Music Month#FFRF#Freedom From Religion#Black Nonbelievers#Improv#Impromtu#MoralMajority#Black Secular#Secular
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an amazing picnic and 花見 with an amazing man #花見 #🌸 #myRomance https://www.instagram.com/p/CNQlmHhBcN6/?igshid=1017539as38ty
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I define my vision in style in brown Romance comestic lens with instant makeover for a radiant and sparkling effect that make my look more attractive. With the superior silicone hydrogel lens, the lenses have given my eyes with long lasting and superior comfort due to its high breathability & optimum water content. These lenses are really a perfect way of adding romance to my romantic date. The Romance cosmetic lenses are available exclusively at MOG Eyewear nationwide. For online purchase click this link: https://forms.gle/bn3KopBo8jBFCNbf6 #mogeyewear #myromance #modellomy (at Kuala Lumpur) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAfS_jKh3ey/?igshid=1qfp99kk4sglo
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I imagined a beach wedding but it happened in a church nearly 30 years ago. Let’s go check out the surf hand in hand. #stillmarried #romance #beaches #toesinthesand #myromance @bevilmunro (at Gold Coast, Queensland) https://www.instagram.com/donnadmunro/p/BvTUio8ganV/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=cmsh50gh46bx
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Reveste-se de força e dignidade; sorri diante do futuro. Provérbios 31:25
2017 começou e trouxe tantas expectativas (novas e velhas rsrs). E com essas expectativas vieram frios na barriga, um “tiquinho” de ansiedade e um desejo por fazer desse ano o melhor. O meu coração se encheu de esperança com o novo ano, mas já de início as coisas não saíram muito como eu planejei. Isso não fez meu coração perder a esperança, mas confesso, por um momento eu me senti sem saída. Foram tão raras as vezes em que eu me senti tão absolutamente de mãos atadas como neste momento. E olha, vou dizer uma coisa, eu não estava com saudade dessa sensação (nem um pouco).
Eu me lembro de um dia ter corrido pro banheiro chorando e, a única coisa que eu sabia dizer era “socorro! Não consigo mais.” E eu fiquei ali um tempo chorando até que me acalmei e fui ler umas anotações antigas, encontrei um trechinho que dizia: “o tempo mal é uma ponte para chegar ao tempo bom”. Aquilo mexeu comigo, porque era de quando eu estava estudando a história de José, e eu comecei a me lembrar de todas as coisas que eu aprendi com esse cara (que eu considero O cara). E novamente, estava eu cheia de esperança. Saí dali cheia de força e fé. Mesmo não entendendo nada, mais uma vez. E eu insisti em me lembrar que em todos os momentos difíceis que eu já passei, eu sempre mantive firme a certeza de que tinha uma saída, mesmo que eu não visse. De que o Senhor estava comigo. De que o significado do meu nome não é atoa. Eu só não conseguia entender por que nesse momento eu tive que teimar em me lembrar disso, antes era tão natural (mas quem foi que disse que eu tenho que entender alguma coisa mesmo????).
Nesse contexto o Senhor me lembrou do versículo que me marcou bem no início do ano (esse que tá ali em cima 👆). A mulher virtuosa sorria diante do futuro. No versículo não diz se o seu futuro era feliz, tranquilo ou triste e difícil. Era um futuro. Quem é que conhece o seu futuro? A gente nem mesmo sabe até quando viveremos. (Não digo na dimensão espiritual, afinal somos eternos). Ela não sabia o que viria. Mas sorria.
E por que ela sorria? Porque ela sabia nas mãos de quem estava o seu futuro. Ela sabia quem era o dono dos seus dias. A esperança dela estava no lugar certo.
Então o Senhor foi enchendo o meu coração de certezas, de alegria. Me lembrou do Salmo 139, e de que todos os meus dias estavam escritos antes de nenhum deles existir. E eu me senti segura. Os dias ficaram mais leves. Eu consegui voltar o meu coração pro lugar onde Ele se enche de fé.
Tudo bem, não tô aqui dizendo que agora tudo virou um mar de rosas e nem que tudo já está resolvido. Mas a certeza de que o meu caminhar é sustentado por um Deus que me ama e que não nega bem algum aos seus me dá força e resistência pra superar os desafios (ahhhh, me lembrei que orei pedindo resistência. Ele deve estar me treinando hahaha). A certeza que eu tenho é de que se há algo em que eu posso me fiar é no amor desse Deus. Desse Deus que é Pai. Meu Pai! Que me ama quando estou cansada, exausta. Que me ama nos meus momentos de aborrecimentos. Que não deixa de me amar quando estou perdendo a fé e querendo desistir. Que até nos meus piores dias continua a me amar. Um amor que me escolheu e, que de tão nobre, me deixou fazer a escolha de entregar meu coração para ser eternamente Seu.
E eis que Ele se tornou a minha escolha de todos dias. E eis que sorrir, para Ele e por Ele, se tornou a minha escolha de toda a vida.
Que a plantinha de esperança, que O Melhor Jardineiro do universo tem, seja plantada no seu coração. Acredite, independente de como o seu ano começou, ele será o melhor que você já viveu até hoje (soa clichê, mas será uma realidade se você acreditar). Já diz a Bíblia em Eclesiastes: Melhor é o fim das coisas do que o princípio delas.
Só confia!
Com amor,
Lorena T.
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From my collection: myROM00120
a ROM blank Cover commission from Al Milgrom, purchased at the 2018 North Texas Comic Book Show in Dallas @ComicsDallas
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3rd day of creativepromptsforwriting’s Date Week with myRomance The Backrooms characters!
Ship: Kalcal x Carla
“Our first date was in Level 89, with the ice cream,” Carla said, thinking back with a smile. “That was a really nice time. . .”
“Oh, I thought are first date was on Level 48!” Kalcal exclaimed with a goofy grin. “When we sat together on the beach, watching the sunset!”
Carla blushed. “You, um, considered that a date, huh?”
Kalcal giggled. “It was a special time with the person I love, just us together! Why wouldn’t it be a date?”
Carla’s blush got even deeper, and she smiled. “Thanks, Kalcal.”
Prompt #1106: IYO (19)
Imagine your OTP where both of them cannot agree on what their first date was.
#prompt 1106#imagine your otp#writeblr#writing inspiration#writers on tumblr#writing prompt#iyo#romancethebackrooms#kalcal rtb#carla rtb#romance#love#date#dating#cute#fluff#m/f ship#shipping#date week 2024#date week#carcal
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THOR: GOD OF THUNDER (2022) The Asylum's new mockbuster movie! Trailer and theatrical release news
THOR: GOD OF THUNDER (2022) The Asylum’s new mockbuster movie! Trailer and theatrical release news
‘The true Norse legend’ Thor: God of Thunder is a 2022 American fantasy action film and a mockbuster of Marvel’s Thor: Love and Thunder from The Asylum. Not to be confused with the video game of the same name. This is the second Thor movie The Asylum has made. The first was Almighty Thor, released in 2011 to coincide with the release of Marvel Studios’ first Thor movie. Directed by Noah Luke from…

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#2022#Eva Ceja#mockbuster#movie film#Myrom Kingery#Noah Luke#release news#The Asylum#Thor: God of Thunder#trailer#Tyler Albrecht#Vadim Brunell#Vaune Suitt#Vernon Wells
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apparently my omega ruby rom has a load bearing temp file
#deleted it to clear up space#restored it bc it was the only thing i coulf think of even tho idk what it does#and myrom works again#sightings
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My romance- #paintingmusic #music #drawing #painting #zen #space #ink #jazz #myromance #nohideaway
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