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aj-vosse · 5 years ago
Thursday Thought - Beauty... in the Eye of the Beholder
Thursday Thought – Beauty… in the Eye of the Beholder
On Tuesday afternoon, we took two of the grandsons down to our favourite beach. There was a smattering of folk about but as we walked further a different scene presented itself. A photo shoot was in progress. It was a bright day so the lighting equipment sort of stood out in it’s oddity.
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If you’re wondering about the pose… no, it’s not a pose – the young lady was brushing the sand off of her.…
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aj-vosse · 5 years ago
Calling Germany aka Friday Flapper Fun!
OK… so, yesterday I had a visitor here at the blog. Now – here come a few assumptions – the main one, this is the same person – from Germany, who has been calling around here at OMBH in last month or so. Not every day… to-date five big days… as seen below.
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Now… I really don’t mind these numbers because, as you can see… my numbers are low these days… a decline in hits. However, I’d love for the…
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aj-vosse · 5 years ago
Thursday Thought - Sunsets
Thursday Thought – Sunsets
So, here’s the thought… if I could momentarily transport myself three kilos away… would the sunset be a pretty at that spot as it was here? Yeah… I know I’m a confused individual.. but hey, if I wasn’t the strange one then maybe that sorry lot in life would’ve befallen you! Imagine!
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Here’s another thought… the folk who have contributed to this month’s magazineare going to be part of something…
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aj-vosse · 5 years ago
Life Diary - Friday Family Fact - Super Sexy!!
Life Diary – Friday Family Fact – Super Sexy!!
Tell you what… that lil visit to the Big Apple was special. I will do more posts as time goes by but for now… I have received international copyright approval to use today’s photo! So… how can I not enjoy the photo? My special lady posing… against the vista of that iconic backdrop!
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That brings to an end the month of diary posts. It didn’t quite work out how I envisaged it at the start… but I…
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aj-vosse · 5 years ago
Jet lag at the moment… today is a big day too… we came all this way to celebrate Senior Son’s birthday with him and his partner! Whooppee…
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aj-vosse · 5 years ago
Six Word Saturday - Steam Train Rides
Six Word Saturday – Steam Train Rides
Steam train rides… nostalgia in eyes!
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aj-vosse · 5 years ago
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Life Diary – Day 16 – Friday Fact… Blogging Bliss! I was about to go off on a different tangent but first needed to visit my initial post introducing this "life diary" series.
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aj-vosse · 5 years ago
Wordless Wednesday - Traffic Jam
Wordless Wednesday – Traffic Jam
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aj-vosse · 5 years ago
Life Diary - Day 12 - Monday Macro Moments
Life Diary – Day 12 – Monday Macro Moments
If I’m honest, macro’s play an important part in our lives, so… joining in with Irene’s Sunshine’s Macro Monday challenge is just fun!
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The good lady and me… we’ll stalk a flower, a butterfly, moth or other insect… to get as close as possible – just for our pleasure. So, does that make us selfish? Do we negatively impact our environment? No, I don’t really think so. I’ll give you one example. I…
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aj-vosse · 5 years ago
Seaside Saturday Sign...
Seaside Saturday Sign…
OK, I’ll be resting the life diary for a few days and get back with it early next week… so, even though I’ve shown you this sign before, I really enjoy the vista… that passing storm seems to force the focus onto the sign… drawing the eyes toward the focal point! But then, who am I to suggest such intricacies… me, I just point and shoot!
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aj-vosse · 5 years ago
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Life Diary – Day 9 – Family Fun! I have spoken quite a bit about family in the last few days so, why don't I carry on along those lines?
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aj-vosse · 5 years ago
Yes… a knotty subject – personal diaries. Knotty indeed. But, why? Because – I may have to tell you things about real life – not some of the fiction I occasionally post here in the land of OMBH!
So… why do a daily “life” diary? Indeed, why? I mean… my blog has long claimed to be daily diary of life… as witnessed by the strap-line above the blog’s banner –
Life according to one of life’s truly gifted naturally born wafflers… an open diary of a Saffer in a different land… life in the greater Dublin & Leinster area. 
So, what’s different here? Well, just days ago I got into a chat with Hester about making biltong and to do so, I have to build a biltong box! This is a project that is verrrry long in coming! I have, for years nagged that I want to make my own biltong. The stuff ain’t cheap and we have to drive quite far to get some… otherwise we have to get it delivered… and, just by the way, did I mention the stuff isn’t too cheap? OK… so, what’s the idea with the daily life diary? Well, Hester did a month’s worth of “life” diary posts so, why don’t I do so too?
OK… more later about biltong and other projects – for now, a bit of reality! I have to confess – I’ve been medically unfit for full-time work for a while. Really frustrating when it comes to the euros and cents bits of life. However, there are positives, like doing things that I’ve often had to put on the long-finger.
I’ll add a caveat – the medical condition is exacerbated by driving or even sometimes sleeping wrong – neck injuries can deteriorate and with time, so have all my spinal injuries – now combining to cause debilitating side effects, often leaving me so drained that it takes two days to feel vaguely human again. No, I’m not looking for sympathy or advice… I’m only explaining why I have to be careful in everything physical I do.
One day all will be well, I’ll do a few bits – like sawing some wood or pulling a few weeds – then, the next day I’ll try the same thing and something will click in the neck… and within a few hours I’ll be flat – left side lame and aching more than usual. OK, now you know… that’s the end of it, no further mention… apart from the fact that you should ALWAYS report work injuries in the correct fashion – yes, do so… because you never know how your body will react years later to bone bruising impacts.
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So, for today, I’ll begin by showing you a photo or two of a project that set me off on a path of happy discovery and fun! I’ve been the proud owner of a mitre saw for years. It was a Christmas gift from my good lady and remained in it’s box… because I never really had place to use it – or the desire to do so! It moved from storage to storage until earlier this year, it came home – no, not to roost. So… in preparation for the South African day that passed in early May, I coxed it out of hibernation, made a rough and ready work station and fired it up… and proceeded to build frames for a few large canvasses.
OK, so… what’s the moral of the story? Maybe just nothing – but you’ll have to keep visiting as I continue this random month’s “life” diary. Yep, as Hester suggested in her intro post… there are times when one begins wondering about it all… especially after hitting the magic six-0… and all the thoughts and ideas going with that!
Just by the way… the amount of thought-hours I put into the two pieces of “art” was really not rewarded by the end result – but hey, we suffer in the name of art, don’t we? I learned many lessons about the whole process… and will one day, do it all over again – using the lessens to get better results! I trust!
Wednesday’s Wondering? A Daily Diary? Why Knot? Yes... a knotty subject - personal diaries. Knotty indeed. But, why? Because - I may have to tell you things about real life - not some of the fiction I occasionally post here in the land of OMBH!
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aj-vosse · 5 years ago
Thursday Thought - Power... to the People!
Thursday Thought – Power… to the People!
Lines and wonders? No… only me wondering… about power – people power… or, are the elected officials working for the people… or are we serving their aims? Mind you… in some places the officials aren’t even elected. Too much to contemplate? As I often say… just asking…
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aj-vosse · 5 years ago
Day #11- the 30 Day CC - in the Workplace?
Day #11- the 30 Day CC – in the Workplace?
Do you take your creativity to the workplace? I do. Well, these days my work is this blog and the magazine, the website and other writing. Only problem with all the creativity of late is that it brings no financial rewards but that is what creativity often does… it brings fulfilment rather than money!
However… way back years ago, when this blog was in it’s infancy, a manager of mine caught me…
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aj-vosse · 5 years ago
Friday Fiction Fix...
Friday Fiction Fix…
Something different – why not? I mean… it seems many are bored with my blogging activities so I may as well do something different. Adding rapidly… maybe I don’t blame you if you are bored. I have sort of fell out a bit with blogging… after 3272 posts… a certain staleness could creep in. So… accept my apology and wish me luck… as I plod on into the indefinite future.
Right… enough whinging… so,…
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aj-vosse · 5 years ago
Tuesday Treat - Creativity Strikes...
Tuesday Treat – Creativity Strikes…
Some time ago… Raineeintroduced us to a 30 day creativity challenge. I said I would do it but I’ve had so many conflicting thoughts and ideas… basically because doing thirty consecutive days is nothing new… as I have been doing daily posts for many years. OK… so, why do I dither? Because a promise made must be a promise kept – even when Rainee let me off the hook by saying I don’t have to do the…
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