#myk news tv
mykaussie · 2 years
Talking CFL Elks at BC Lions, the teams I like/dislike, AFL Rd13 on NY's @SportsGridTV." @mykaussie
With hosts Gabe @sportsrage and @CamStewartLive along with Dave @SportbkConsig we are talking CFL Elks at BC Lions, the teams I like and dislike, CFL picks, AFL Rd 13 picks, some laughs on New York's @SportsGridTV, @SiriusXM Ch 159, etc." @MykAussie mykaussie.tv TotalCFL.com mykaussie.com
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myknewstv · 4 years
MYK News Tv world wide & Pakistan news channel. Coverage of urdu news, current affairs, talkshow, tiktok, infotainment videos, car reviews & articles.
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10boys · 4 years
♡ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━♡
*how they like their mouth action
Victor Kissing:
-Victor doesnt do “small pecks”, if your lips are on his he simply cannot just take a “peck”
-Even short kisses are deep and invading, his lips know exactly how to manipulate against yours
-He’ll kiss you where and when he wants and only where and when he wants
-He of course won’t oblige to a request from you
-But you rarely want to give him that satisfaction, he knows if he teases you with almost kisses you’ll start to whine which is what he wants
-His urge usually arises from admiring your face (canon bc of like...all his cards lol), the sunlight hits your eyes perfectly making them a glistening shade lighter, a sunkissed glow making your features appear softer. Your bright eyes accompanied by your long lashes shoot his way , catching him in his trance. He grins as a small blush creeps to his cheeks , knowing he’s seemingly been caught.
-Your tongue quickly made a lap over your lips, drawing his attention downward. Before you had time to wittily joke on him like he does you, his lips are pressed to yours.
-His kisses are deep. they’re possessive. they’re full of all the words he doesn’t say and all emotions he doesn’t show
-Saucy victor loves making you stick your tongue out so he can slowly lick and suck it ;)
-He doesnt think much about it, he just goes in.
- Favorite place to kiss is your lips and ear. He lovesss when you hug him with your head snuggled in his chest, it makes it easy for him nuzzle into your hair and leave small kisses and nibs on ur ear tips
-Loves being kissed on his chest (as tall as you can reach) and back on his shoulder mussels
-Keeps his hand in your hair for his comfort
-Definitely holds your jaw while he sucks
-Lucien loves to give you surprise kisses!
-You two are having one of your guys’ usual library dates
-You’ve been aimlessly wondering through the shelves for a while, collecting interesting finds as you go. After retrieving around 3 or 4 books you venture back to find lucien whos proudly holding down the fort (your guys’ fav spot)
-He leans aginst his seat leasurly holding a wide book infront of him, covering his face from view
-You set down your books and pull out the seat near him, beginning to pry the book away from his face
-“ You can’t see that badly? Did you bring your gla-“
-Suddenly he tugged your face closer to share his behind the book, creating a sensual secret space only occupied by the two of you
-His lavender eyes shares hypnotizing relaxation through with you, his soft smile sent your cheeks a blaze after realizing how near they were to your own. He took a moment sending suductive messages with his eyes, always so full of passion and interest. You watched his delicate eye lashes lower as his lips puckered.
-You instinctively copy his actions, closing the gap.
-Luciens favorite place to kiss is either your fingers or peppered kisses across your face
-Opposite of Victor, sultry lucien likes sticking his tongue out for you to lick and suck ;)
-He’s not afraid of pda, loves leaving kissing on your neck and ears when queued up for a new restaurant or in the line to get coffee
-He loves to build the moment up for your kisses too, sometimes he’ll just stare at your lips bluntly while caressing your face. Being under this intense analyzation brings heat to your cheeks as you try not to grin bashfully, he can’t help to lick his lips, you can only imagine what he’s thinking...
-Gavin gives u uwu kisses
-Usually kisses you when he thinks you’re doing something cute to hide his blushing face
-So yeah you get alottt of kisses
-Its usually a “grabs your whole face and mushes his agaisnt yours” type kiss. Butterfly kisses mixed with full-face
-Loves kissing your hand cause it makes him feel like your gentleman
-Loves getting kisses on his forhead and scars
-Sultry gavin loves getting kisses on his chest and nipples ;)
-He also likes to suck fingers ;)
- You were on your bed taking some last-minute notes off your laptop. Gavins head would usually be laying on your thigh at times like this, making it a bit difficult to focus and write
-Which is exactly why he’s across the room on the couch watching TV until you’re finished. He likes looking through the silly things you watch on Hulu and Youtube. You turn your head and catch a glimps of him, body leasurly laid across your sofa with one airm raised to support his head. The odd position causes his shirt to lift, showing his extremely toned V line.
-The view causes you to bite your lip as a malicious thought arises
-“Wahh~ Officer Gavin~ theirs a bug ~ come kill it ~ save me ~”
-He rolls from his previous position on the couch to foot of your bed.
-“Where? I dont see it”
-“Right there!!” you excitedly point to a corner across you, seemingly containing nothing
-He turns inspecting the area, beginning to confront you about its location
-“It just went under that box !! ewww get it”
-You watch as he bends over, searching between and under for said “spider” , but all you’re seatching for is the heart to stop him
-His shirt swings sways and rises as he bends and straightens out, his muscles tighten everytime he reaches while his thighs thicken with every squat
-“Baby im really not seeing it-” he begins before catching you in the middle of your daze. Your eyes are fixed on him but not his face, nor the so-called spider he was looking for
“You think you’re funny” he replies with a smile as he makes his way to the bed crawling on from the foot
-You playfully tease and squeeze his face, admiring his obedience
-He cups his hand over yours, eyes dazzling over a tinge of pink as you two share this loving and intimate moment. You poke a few silly kissy faces making him laugh, inching closer to close the gap. Your smiling faces press against each other, happiness is all you are with him.
-Wants the most kisses
-Or more properly, verbally and physically requests them the most
-Wake up kiss , good night kiss, ily kiss, you’re cute kiss, thank you kiss, I’ve just been stairing at you for 5 minutes kiss, convincing you not to leave kiss, jealous kiss, and many more
-He doesnt necessarily build up a moment every time either
-Ofc he stares lovingly into ur eyes with a sweet grin and blushy cheeks before he dives in intimately
-But most the time he just dives in wheneverr, He likes seeing you suprised and blushy over him. While you’re preparing a meal or finishing documents he’ll just run up to plant one on u, accompanied by a super hero kiro squeeze
-Loves to give cheek and face-mush kisses
-Loves to receive lip, face and eye kisses
-Loves kisses down his spine, when your attention is on him
-Honestly, sultry kiro will kiss and suck along the way to any and every area
-Give him a surprise lip kiss to unlock ‘weird’ kiro
-You sat across him watching as the food 10x bigger than his mouth goes down with ease, goku is that you?
-It seems he’s caught onto your intrigue, his bubbly blue eyes meet yours as a cheeky grin appears
-“Mmm this is so good! Here, try some!” He extends a cream puff twords you encouraging a bite
-You lower his hand as a respectable “no thank you” guesture, his half aten puff sadly falls back go the plate
-Although he’s easily the cutest boy in the world with squirrel stuffed cheeks, his messy left over just didn’t seem apatizing enough
-You reach out for a fresh puff and get swatted away just as quickly , you raise your gaze to kiros brows in a mighty furrow
-“And what was wrong with my puff?!?!” he exclaims pretending to be overwhelmed with offense. You giggle at his child-like energy and pettyness as you use the swatted hand to squeeze his puff-full cheeks.
-“Nothings wrong ! You were just enjoying them so well i wanted my own” you lie. He’s cute, but he’s no fool. His eyes pour into you, somehow letting you know he’s not biting that foney excuse. He smiles to himself although a lightbulb went off that only shined on him.
-“Of course not chip princess! Whats mine-” he begins placing a puff in his mouth
-“Is yours”. He closes his eyes and leans across the table, his lips wet and pink around the pale colored puff are inviting. His eyelashes cast a soft shadow on his cheeks , which seem to always have the slightest ting of pink when infront of you. His blonde locks shine like diamonds in the corner of the dimely-lit restaurant , you swear there are no circumstances that could make this man anything but beautiful.
-His eyes open, wet and dark as he pleads silently for you to finish the minastration. He knows how to charm you , and his cute ass is making it work, but not this time.
-You lean over the table taking the puff from his mouth, swiflty replacing it with a bold, blunt, but gentle kiss.
-A faint noise escapes his mouth at the sudden gesture, his now wide eyes find yours only inches away. The tips of his ears blush red before he pulls away.
“You’re bold miss chips ! If you thought i tasted better, why didn’t you just say so?”
Hi its been so long i missed writing :,) I have more shorter blurbs in the drafts so i should have more out soon !! Also requests are open ! Ty - myk
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fymagnificentwomcn · 5 years
Women of Ottoman make me so sad especially when people hate on them. Those women lived horrible lives. Most of them were kidnapped, sold, thrown under a psycho Padisah. How can you wait for them to care for your kingdom? Of course they were going to survive for themselves and for their children. None of them deserves the hate they get. I hope God put all of them in peace. No human should go through such terrible things.
Totally agree Anon.
Women from Ottoman Empire cannot be for example compared with women from the West – first and foremost, they were slaves that at the very beginning lost their families, homes and even had to change their name and religion to have any chance at making a new life. Some lost their families very early, and often it also affected them emotionally when they grew up without having familial bonds. Even as consorts, they were one of many, and they had no legal status outside their children, Even mothers of princes other than hasekis were referred to as “Mother of Prince X” in records, and mothers of daughters were even more invisible. They had a very limited access to outside world, there was no way a woman could ascend the throne as a ruler in her own reign, other than as regent. Not to mention all matters connected with fratricide and kafes, it was living in constant fear. It’s hard to compare them to European queens, who had more stable and safe position even if they also had to face misogyny and oppression .
It was no fairytale, even in the show that didn’t show a lot of atrocities involved in slave trade and focused on those women who still somewhat “succeeded”.
I will use this opportunity to discuss some double standards about those who succeeded vs. those who didn’t pertaining to the TV show, but will later come to the crux, I promise.
The faux feminism in this fandom is astounding to me,including the glaring obvious double standards depending on who fan favourite is - and fan favourite is often who is simply “the coolest”, “most victorious”, “most stylish”, “most lucky”, generally young, beautiful, badass, and successful, not sad or depressed. We all know reactions to Hürrem and Mahidevran doing the same things back in original MY - when Mahidevran did awful things to Hürrem, she was just pathetic jealous woman, but when Hürrem did multiple times the same or worse things to other women it was “yass queen” and she ‘fights for her love, so touching, so strong, so great, self defence”. Suddenly Hürrem is allowed to do so because she”s “not like other girls, so not like these pathetic dumb losers”. Hürrem was strong, cunning, and smart, but she also had one clear advantage over all her “enemies” - the love of the most powerful man in Ottoman history. She made multiple mistakes too, but could always count on Suleiman turning a blind eye or forgiving her - something that Mahidevran or others could never count on.
Frankly, even Hürrem vs. Mustafa was often treated more as Hürrem vs. all this “pathetic” women that fought for Mustafa’s case aka Mahidevran or Suleiman’s sisters in fandom. Suddenly Mustafa cannot even defend his own mother because he immediately had it coming for “choosing the wrong side”. Even if you disapprove of him defending/not abandoning his mother, e.g. choosing to poison him sounds a little disproportionate, don’t you think? I said it and I will repeat it again – Hürrem is a character very similar to Cersei – yes, she suffered a lot because of a system devaluing women and yes she’s a survivor and a strong woman who managed to make life for herself in that system – but she’s not a feminist character because she actually only uses the system to her own advantage (and often perpetuates it), and actually displays a lot of traits of internalised misogyny, voicing multiple times how she is different from other girls and this is why she must be the only one by Suleiman’s side, while other women aren’t even entitled to dream about such things. She condemns Mahidevran for wanting to be the only one and being jealous, but then when Suleiman is with other woman she’s all “I’m not like pathetic Mahidevran, I must be the only one”. Same with multiple comments that she often makes… Hürrem was sassy &sarcastic, and had many good comebacks, but it makes me sad how people often cheered on and applauded those worst ones that again display internalised misogyny, like her mocking Mahidevran why she cares about her appearance so much when she doesn’t have a man to share a bed with? Or her again being all “I will give birth to many boys, and you won’t even give birth to a girl”. Again, that whole society was misogynistic and other women also were influenced by it, like they all wanted to give birth to a boy mostly…but often it is about status and wanting to raise/maintain rank, while Hürrem boasts the fact that she gives birth to many boys as again a trait to show how special&strong she is, even part of her reaction to Mihrimah’s birth is her unable to accept the fact that she could give birth to a girl and being disgusted by the fact.. yes, she accepts her later on and her reaction does also stem from being aware of how misogynist the system is, but it shows precisely that – yes, she is influenced by the system and suffered because of it, but at the same time she begins to display same behaviour that she suffered from, tries to cut herself from others in disadvantaged position. And yes, not all characters had similar reactions to giving births to daughters, and mind you Hürrem already had a son&became sultana, plus was Suleiman’s clear fave that could hope for more children. She wasn’t in the worst situation, even Hafsa and Suleiman were very happy at birth of a girl and nobody criticised her for it. Conversely, in MYK Kösem states multiple times that she wants to give Ahmed both sons and daughters, and when she’s pregnant with her second child, she says she wants a girl now for a change. Even when Ayşe hopes for a boy so that Murad’s anger may be melted, she’s happy about Kaya’s birth&clearly loves the baby from the start & is distraught when she is taken from her. Hürrem was never intended to be viewed as feminist, always justified heroine.. this is why instead of making her first bad deed be a revenge on Mahidevran, who had treated her horribly and unfairly, she attacked the person who was most kind to her of them all and who recently went through the same exact shit. Some people hate Gülnihal, but then say Hürrem wasn’t a homewrecker because she had the right to make life for herself in harem.. true, but so did Gülnihal, and it’s not like she could refuse to go to Suleiman’s chambers pls. It wasn’t to be seen as right, it was clearly shown that Hürrem can be both the oppressed and oppressor at the same time from the start. If they had wanted to make her character only all about revenge, they would have again made her gone after Mahi, not innocent Gülnihal, her “best friend”. And people going how Mahi is irredeemable, but with Hürrem it’s so okay because she’s cool while she slays..eh. I admit I never liked Hürrem because personally she never appealed to me, but I totally get why people stan her because she’s an interesting, three-dimensional character (and yes she does have a softer side too), I’m just bothered by some making her some empowered heroine who is excused for everything by the fact that she was a slave and suffered a lot because of it – because you know she is not the only one who went through the same shit – the harem is full of such women, for start. Even statesmen like Ibrahim or Rüstem are slaves (of course as men they have more opportunities for a career etc.), eunuchs attending ladies are slaves… This whole system is based on slavery, yet she often behaves & talks like she’s the only one who lost her family, was kidnapped & mistreated.
And even Nurbanu becoming her successor was accidental because she actually wanted her dead later, though of course Nurbanu was still clearly inspired by her. She never intended for anyone to follow her example and to make her elevation become a permanent element of Ottoman system, and it’s symbolised by her decision to bury the “ring of power” (lol) with her (though of course what Nurbanu did with taking it anyway was plain disgusting).
I think that trying to examine why this character behaves like that is more interesting than simply go YASSS QUEEN.
Thus said, I hate these reductive“takes” calling these women “bitches” because yes there are complex reasons why some of them have become pretty cruel, so while there are no excuses for some of the behaviour, the simple word “bitch” does not cut it at all.
/Yes, I discussed Hürrem here because out of all MY/K characters she seems to be the least hated among major female characters & biggest fan favourite,/
Anyway, the point is that neither Hürrem nor Mahidevran are the villains of the story. The show makes it clear in its last episodes that Suleiman is the true villain – he was the most powerful man at that time, when the padisah’s position was truly strong, as Gülfem put it in the finale “even leaf cannot fall without your approval”. He’s not as dumb or passive as it may seem at first glance -of course he needs to pretend to be objective and just, but he has his own agenda just as everyone else. Moreover, he pretended to be the one trying to ease conflicts… yet he was often the one enhancing them. Even from the start when he gave the ring he had promised Mahidevran to Hürrem&and in many ways humiliated her… then he did the same with giving Isabella necklace he had promised Hürrem. Bah, it was clear he often enjoyed making Hürrem jealous because it flattered his ego. He ultimately even enhanced the conflict between Selim and Bayezid to get rid of the latter, who was “the more dangerous son”. He was always pulling the strings.. he allowed Selim to buy Bayezid from Tahmasp by the way he conducted negotiations because he knew Bayezid would get rid of his brother on the road. It’s practically what Gülfem says to him in last episode again. He knew what backlash was directed at him following Mustafa’s death and he didn’t want another son killed in front of him. As Mahidevran said in the final episode to Mihrimah “It was your father who chose the lives we lived for all of us”. He was the one that determined the fate for everyone. And even if Mihrimah did not want to admit it in any way in front of her mother’s enemy, she pretty much understood then that Selim was also her father’s puppet in a way and it’s my guess why she ultimately decides to leave the palace instead of plotting revenge for Bayezid (and we know she would eventually be back). It was Suleiman who was pulling strings all along throughout the whole show, even sometimes by choosing to refrain from acting.
In MYK, the situation is different that we deal with incompetent, weak or even tyrannical sultans, who are also sometimes danger to ordinary people or break the Imperial law. Kösem acts here like the protector of sultanate and again we see different standards. Can you imagine how criticised Kösem would be if she had used similar methods to Murad’s or even once had gone to on “night spree” and executed people for banning all these dumb prohibitions? Yet for many Murad is the “cool guy” and “poor misunderstood Murad”. Calling Kösem a tyrant.. please you have an actual tyrant here. Look how much criticism she gets for saying “I’m the state”, while Murad calls himself “shadow of God on Earth” , “sole owner of the Ottoman Empire”, “I’m the justice” , “true death” etc. all the time and he’s “badass”. Or how she’s criticised because she dared to try to influence the Divan to convince Murad to change punishment for his prohibitions. She’s an “usurper”, not the guy who enacts unjust law and oppresses his subjects.
And here we come to crux – look at how Suleiman is treated in MY, everyone is flattering him, he’s the one who for most time isn’t blamed for what is happening, everyone strives to be in his good graces, his sons step on their toes around him and idealise him even when he behaves like a total asshat. Even when he dies people try to remember him for his “magnificence”
Now look at Kösem, a female ruler, who was turned by scapegoat by people when something went bad and she had far less freedom to make choices and yet far more criticism, blame shifting and insults thrown her way. Suleiman is credited “for making sacrifices for the Empire”… but he really didn’t have to execute all the people he decided to kill, and his decisions truly affected everyone badly and led to further mess, starting from Ibrahim’s.. It was especially visible in case of Mustafa – he was obviously innocent and didn’t intend to rebel, but after what happened rebellions did begin.Conversely, each difficult decision that Kösem made led to stabilisation in Empire and prevented unrest, yet what she does is interpreted by some as “wanting power for sake of power” because woman cannot act in favour of state nation or dynasty – there’s only personal interest or power hunger. Her life is clearly framed as tragedy both by the “curse” of her witnessing the death of everyone she loved and her death being a parallel scene to her capture - because she was never truly free.
Interestingly, IMO Suleiman for all his talent and his achievements, fucked up the succession issue – succession by combat truly began to run its course during that period & no longer even fulfilled functions for which it was practiced – to put on the throne “the strongest” contender, one with the biggest support, also most successful military commander – while it’s true that era of conquest was naturally over and Empire had to become more sedentary, it still doesn’t make Selim the strongest or best suited candidate for the throne after Suleiman – his not going on campaigns etc. and being more of palace sultan had nothing to do with him recognising the transformation, but simply lack of interest in state matters and preferring to have fun than to rule. He wasn’t some demon, but he was terribly passive & lazy. And him not being a warrior was the least of his problems. Suleiman had extreme power and authority, he introduced first law reform after Mehmed the Conqueror – the fact that he allowed such contest (and well his sons didn’t even wait for his death to start a civil war) was a bad decision when it came to long-term planning. Some may say maybe he would have done something concerning move to seniority if one of Hürrem’s sons had been the eldest… maybe, but we will never know. Contrary, while all Ahmed’s sons died during Kösem’s lifetime, we know her legacy connected with anti-fratricide law lived on – after her death fratricide was a rare occurrence with only a few special exceptions in specific circumstances.
Of course there’s also the matter that Suleiman’s era and Kösem’s era were totally different – here it was even a success to manage to stabilise Empire. And here we need to stress how important context is – I always stress how important it is to assess historical figures in context – for me it’s hard to even compare, let’s say Kösem and Hürrem, because they lived in different ages and fulfilled different roles, let alone comparisons between historical figures from other parts of the world, perhaps even from different age. I can’t understand e.g. why Peirce compared Kösem and Turhan to Elizabeth I and Mary Stuart in Empress of the East – both situations were completely different, the only thing they had in common was that there was a power struggle between two powerful women, which ended with one of them executing the other (and we don’t even have 100% confirmation of Turhan ordering Kosem’s execution because such thing wasn’t officially in her power). I appreciate Peirce a lot, but TBH this comparison was just dumb for a professional historian.
Kösem’s case really shows how loss of innocence may be used as weapon against you – very early on, she gets the lesson even with Ahmed – the moment she first became involved with scheming following the death of her father, he got mad at her for the duration of her whole pregnancy – he didn’t ask why she had done it or any other details – she wasn’t his “ideal fantasy” from the portrait anymore and this was what mattered – and only then changed his mind when after so many futile attempts made by Kösem to talk to him, she finally forced him to listen to her explanations & motivations, and subsequently he became all “I will make everyone pay for every tear of yours & for making us endure pain of separation”. Ah okay, but don’t forget about yourself ;) And once Kösem stopped being “şehzade’s dream” with death of Ahmed and was truly her own political leader, she became to be more and more exposed to this with the passing of time and once she acquainted more and more power.
And don’t forget some male historians praising Turhan for “giving the power back to the rightful hands aka men”… it tells you all, and it’s false anyway, since it didn’t mean Turhan losing interest in state affairs and only caring about the harem (and honestly, “Köprülü was “her man”, she didn’t choose someone she had no influence upon). That was what she decided the Empire needed at that particular moment, not because she realised that politically involved women sucked lmao.
- Joanna
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icaruswalksnet · 4 years
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Saltnpaper / MYK (솔튼페이퍼) dropped a new demo! 🎶
Parallel Time Pass
#Saltnpaper #MYK #솔튼페이퍼
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newstvchannel-blog · 5 years
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CBSN News TV USA https://cbs.newstvchannel.com/myk-watford-in-the-kitchen-alabama-alerts/
Myk Watford in "The Kitchen" - Alabama Alerts
CBSN 24/7 Live TV Stream - Myk Watford in "The Kitchen" - Alabama Alerts - NewsTVChannel.com
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crystals-n-diamonds · 7 years
tagged by: @tensdreams (thank you!!)
rules: once you’ve been tagged you’re supposed to write a post with eighty-two truths and then tag twenty-five people
name: Crystal blood type: ???  nickname(s): son, Chris, Crissy/ Crissy girl, Chris Stall, sweet cheeks, Crystalini, sweets zodiac sign: Scorpio pronouns: she/her favorite tv shows: Empire and Jane the Virgin are good from what I’ve watched long or short hair: long, if straight. Otherwise: medium. Gotta love shrinkage height: 5′4″ do you have a crush on someone: Maybe? But I told @tensdreams to punch me in the throat if I catch feelings at the wrong time so I might get beat up soon lol what do you like about yourself: My singing usually, my hair and my eyebrows right or left handed: Right list of three favourite colors: Gold, purple and blue
eating: Nothing drinking: Water i’m about to: Procrastinate some more listening to: Love and Hate- Kero One ft. Myk kids: Ideally 2 (twins?) but I’d be cool with 3 get married: I’d like to one day career: Interpreting or translating for the UN sounds cool
drink: water phone call: the lady that’s supposed to make my prom dress song you listened to: well, now Oui by Jeremih is playing
dated someone twice: nope been cheated on: nope kissed someone and regretted it: nope lost someone special: yeah been depressed: idk if it was depression but there have been times I’ve been rlly low been drunk and thrown up: nope kissed a stranger: nope had glasses or contacts: nope had sex on the first date: nope broken someone’s heart: no?  turned someone down: Nope  someone date me so I can have experience to answer these questions pls thx cried when someone died: Hell yeah fallen for a friend: 😶
made a new friend: yeah ^-^ fallen out of love: wasn’t rlly in love  laughed until you cried: DEFINITELY met someone who changed you: Yup found out who your true friends were: yupp found out someone was talking about you: no kissed someone on your fb list: nope
lips or eyes: *panics* lips? hugs or kisses: once again, both seem pretty lit shorter or taller: gotta say taller romantic or spontaneous: romantic sensitive or loud: get a man that can do both hookup or relationship: relationship  troublemaker or hesitant: a mix of the two
best friend: Neighbour and schoolmate Keshaun  surgery: none sport i joined: cross-country at school  vacation: Jamaica
yourself: not as much as I should  miracles: yeah love at first sight: nah heaven: yeah
how many people from your fb list do you know irl: don’t have fb do you have any pets: fish back in the day do you want to change your name: nope what did you do for your last birthday: homework what time did you wake up today: 12ish what were you doing last night at midnight: looking for a job something you can’t wait for: grad last time you saw your mom: today before she went to bed what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: ONE THING? umm… my motivation levels (and consistency) have you ever talked to a person named tom: nope what’s getting on your nerves: just everything regarding the uni process… it’s stressing me out more than it should bc of my fam tbh (the adults at least)
i tag: @thoughtscommentscompliments, @princesszatana, @miraculyfe, @fcuk-you-dontjudge-me, @lingotango, @lasrtaj and @flowers-and-converse
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creampuff-earper · 8 years
Kate McKinnon Fanfiction. Foldingchairs and the city of dreams. Chapter 10
Hey guys, I’ve decided to post my fanfic about Kate McKinnon on here. You can find it on AO3 as well: 
Summary: This fanfiction tells the story of a fan, just like any of us, meeting Kate and everything that happens after that.It takes off at SNL, later on Nino will be there and Kate is the most amazing person in the world. What could one want more?
Rated M 
Chapter 10
I look at the text one more time, just waiting to be sent out to the person that had me in her grip ever since that phone call last week. I fiddle with my fingers and contemplate if it's the right thing to do. She’d hurt me so bad with something as simple as not texting back, if I let her back in that meant I was, once again, putting myself in a position where she could really hurt me. I wasn’t sure if I really wanted to feel that vulnerable, and risk getting hurt by her again.
I look up from my phone and spot the enormous Ghostbusters poster on my bedroom wall. I let my eyes wander over the paper and finally, they land on the character that had started this all. Holtzmann changed my life ever since I saw her on the big screen. After falling head over heels for this goofy weirdo, it wasn't long until I found out about the even goofier weirdo who had portrayed her. I was crazy if I didn't think that me meeting Kate, and actually getting to know her as she is in real life, was a gift that I shouldn't take for granted.  That weekend in New York had been one I had been dreaming about ever since I found out about Kate. But besides the amazing feeling of my dream of meeting her coming true, I had actually found someone who I could be myself with within a couple of moments, someone who had earned my trust ever since she admitted she had never done this before either, someone who had taken my breath away by just being herself.
Yeah... of course, it isn’t a question if I want to talk to Kate again, because I do, but it’s about daring to take a leap of faith and trusting her not to hurt me again. That’s what makes it so hard. I’ve already been hurt too many times in my life, I don’t really need any more pain or heartbreak. But she promised me. And I believe her.
Here goes to nothing....
20:12 M: Hey Kate, I am really sorry about drunk texting you last night... That wasn't supposed to happen... But I have thought about what you said on the phone and I really want to try again talking again... Not talking to you was very hard and I can't imagine my life rn without it... So that means I forgive you, but please, please promise me to never ditch me like that again...
I release a breath when the message is sent and shows to be delivered. I lock my phone and hook it up to the charger. Hopefully, in the morning, I’d wake up to a message that said something like ‘I’ve missed you too’ or ‘Thank you for forgiving me’ or maybe even ‘I’ll never hurt you again, now let’s get married and have 3 children’. Okay yeah, that’s probably never going to happen, but a girl can dream, right? Really, though, who am I kidding?
I fluff up my pillow and let my head sink into the soft fabric, closing my eyes and resting my still very hung over body. Just as I am about to drift off my phone buzzes and suddenly I’m upright again and reaching for my phone.
20:18 K: It's fine Mykah, I get it. You don't need to lie to me. I hope you and this girl are happy! You don't owe me anything. It was nice getting to know you. Bye.
My breathing starts to get uneven and I can practically feel my heart beating in my throat. What did she just say? Did she just say bye as in ‘We'll never talk again’ bye?! But I just told her I forgave her.... And how in the hell could she know about the girl...
And suddenly it hits me. Of course... How could I be that stupid? We’re Facebook friends. She saw the video of the karaoke bar when Alex tagged me in it... Fuckkkkkkk. I run my hands over my face and sigh. This isn’t how it was supposed to happen...
Something inside of me says I need to tell her it was nothing and that it didn't mean anything to me. But that’s a lie.. I loved spending the night with Alex and getting attention from someone who is actually interested in me. Just the thought of seeing her again is giving me goosebumps. That’s not really something I can just ignore..
Still, the thought of actually losing Kate forever makes me sick to my stomach. I couldn't just say goodbye to her after that phone conversation we just had, a conversation that had felt so real and honest, yet unbelievable at the same time. How on earth was I going to fix this…
------- 3 months later -------
"Hey babe"
"I'm going out with some friends tonight, is that alright?"
I look up and see my drop-dead gorgeous girlfriend changing into something that made my fingertips tingle.
"Again?" I ask, and as she catches my eyes I silently plead with her not to go and just stay in with me.
"Sorry babe, it's Tessa’s birthday and she decided last minute that we're going out, and she really expects me to come..." She says and continues getting ready.
"But we haven't seen each other all week and I thought I would have you for myself tonight... You know..." I plead and raise my eyebrows at the last part of the sentence.
She had been staying at her place all week because it was more convenient with her night shifts she took at the hospital. However, that also meant that when she worked I slept, and vice versa. I really, really hated the night shift weeks.
"I know babe, but I really can't bail on another party, Tessa and the others are counting on me to be there..."
I sigh as I feel myself giving up. There’s no way I was ever going to be able to convince her not to go to this party.
"I'll make it up to you, I promise!" She says and blows me a kiss from where she's standing in the bathroom, applying her make-up.
"You better... I'm about to blow over here..." I groan and get back to the book I was reading on my bed.
After a minute or two, my girlfriend emerges from the bathroom, almost causing me to choke on my own spit when I look at her. Ho-Ly shit.
She's wearing a tight, short dress that leaves nothing to the imagination. Her hair’s pinned up and the lipstick on her lips is a shade of red that makes my blood boil.
"You are not going out like that" I simply state and have to control the urge to rip that dress off her perfect body right then and there.
"Oh, aren't I?!" She grins as she slowly walks over to the bed.
"Nope... No way in hell..." I choke out and watch her intently gazing at me with a small smirk on her lips and a wicked shade in her eyes. She’s up to something...
"Says who?" She seductively responds, finally reaching the bed and motioning for me to sit on the edge.
I obey immediately, allowing her to step between my legs, her hands coming up to rest on my shoulders. This woman is going to be the death of me one day...
"That's what I thought..." She smirks and lets her hands roam down my neck.  
I’m at a loss for words. All I can see and feel is her beautiful body so close to mine. We haven’t been intimate for over a week and my body is reacting to her in an almost primal way. I feel her slowly bend toward me and pull my head towards her simultaneously. Just when I think she’s going to kiss me she tilts my head to the side and ghosts her lips over my ear.
"I'll make it up to you, I promise..." I shiver as her hot breath hits my skin and groan as I finally comprehend what she just said.
"Nooo nooo, please. Please, I only need 20 minutes... Please, Alex, you can't do this to me, looking all hot and bothered and then leave me to let other people look at you, it's not fair..."
"Mykah, I can't, I'm sorry I really have to leave... And you know I'm yours, let them watch, you'll be the one I'm going home to in the end"
I put my hands on her hips and get up from the bed. "You better make it up to me so good that I won’t be able to walk straight for a week.” I groan into her ear and now it's her turn to shiver.
"Deal... And now leave before my self-control falters and I'm gonna rip that dress of your body!" I say and give her a light peck on her cheek, making sure not to mess up her lipstick, being the considerate girlfriend I am.
"Thanks, babe, I'll try to be as silent as possible when I get home, kay? Have a good night!"
"You too! Have fun!" I say as she waves one last time at me and a second later I hear the front door close with a thump.
I sigh and slouch back onto the bed. Now what? It was 08:30 pm on a Saturday night and I had no plans. Usually, I didn't mind some alone time but ever since Alex and I started dating I really wanted to hang out with her all the time. I finally decide to text Alice, asking if she has any plans for tonight, and I get a simple reply that just said
Be there in 10 minutes’.
We spend the night watching TV-shows and drinking beer. By the time the credits of the 5th episode of How to get away with murder roll, we've finished 2 six-packs of beers and I'm starting to feel a bit light headed.
"Hey, Myk..." Alice starts and lingers when she spots Frank taking his shirt of very slowly.
"Yes, my dear hetero?" I ask and laugh at her as she continues to watch the show with a small smile on her face.
"Weird question, but have you maybe seen the news about Kate lately?" She finally says after the scene ends, and my fussy brain suddenly sobers up at the mention of her name. We haven’t really talked about her ever since Kate told me she didn’t want any contact anymore.
"Uhhh, no"
"Hmmmm" She hums and continues watching Frank making out with a way hotter Laurel.
"Why'd you ask?"
"Nah, nothing..." She mumbles and she takes another gulp of her beer.
"Alice, what the hell. Don't mention her and then say it's nothing..." I say, getting royally pissed off now. She knows how hard it’s been for me to accept that I fucked it up. Let alone try to forget about Kate when I started dating Alex 3 months ago. All in all, it hadn’t been easy.
"Alright alright, I'm sorry, I just happened to read it, and I thought maybe you had too..."
"Read what?!"
"That she's promoting her new movie and she's coming to Amsterdam next week..."
I don't know what happens exactly, but suddenly all of the color drains from my face, and my heart feels like it’s trying to beat out of my chest.
"Wh..., what" I stammer and Alice watches me with concern.
"Myk are you alright? You look like you've seen a ghost...”
"Al... Are you... Are you serious?!"
"I read it on her own page... So I think it's pretty serious, yeah..." She carefully says and watches me absorb the information.
"Holy shit" I breathe out and fall back into the couch. The realization of her being in the same country as me hits me, hard. What does this mean... Am I going to see her, does she want to see me, am I even allowed see her? Do I actually want to see her?
What would happen if I do see her… I’m with Alex now. Shit. Alex. I never told her about the whole Kate thing...
In my train of thoughts, I don't even hear my phone vibrating on the table. It isn't until Alice holds it in front of my face that I realize Alex is calling me.
I quickly answer the call and hold it to my ear.
"Hey, babe" I say and hear thumping music and loud chatter in the background.
"Baabyyyy!!! Alex yells and I have to keep the phone away from my ear.
"Hey you, Alex is everything alright? Why are you calling?" I say, not able to hide the concern in my voice. She usually never calls me when she’s out.
"Yeah yeah, all's cool... I just wanted to tell you that I really wish you were here! It's soo fun! I wanna dance with you and make everyone jealous that you’re my girlfriend...." She stammers, struggling with some of the words in her drunken state.
"That's sweet of you.... Next time I'll come with okay?"
"Alright baby, have fun and look after yourself okay?"
"Okay, you too! Love you!"
I say nothing and end the call.
If I wasn't already on the verge of dying already, I definitely am now...
I let the phone drop from my hands and turn around into the couch and yell my lungs out. Doc comes running over and starts barking, making me realize just how hard I’m yelling.
"Myk stop! What is it? What happened?!" Alice yells and pulls me from the cushions, pulling on my arm to get me to look at her.
I look at her with a defeated look on my face. How on earth is this evening happening? This is too much to handle at once.
"Talk to me, please." Alice softly says, knowing how I shut down when things are just too much for me to handle.
I clench my jaw and hit my head, just talk you stupid ass...
"Alex just said, she told me- well....she said ‘love you’. "
"And you didn't say it back..."
"Hmmm........ I shouldn't have said she was coming huh..."
"I don't know..."
"What are you going to do now?"
"I don't know... Dig a hole and never come out again? That seems most fitting in this situation."
"Yeah, that sounds about right..."
"Sorry, I'm trying to process this shit show the very best my compromised brain is capable of right now, give me a minute!"
"Maybe she just said it as a matter of saying... You know..."
"And she's drunk..."
"She probably just blabbed it out without thinking about it... I tell you I love you all the time and I never mean it..."
"Sometimes I wish you weren't such an asshole who has to joke about literally everything..." I sigh and put my head in my hands.
"And sometimes I wish you'd never met Kate, but hey, we can't all get what we want, can we?" Alice spits out, and it almost sounds bitter.
I tilt my head to look at her and she looks annoyed.
"What did you say?" I spit back, for some reason getting mad at her for saying that.
"I'm just saying that if you hadn't met her, it just would have been easier..."
I sense she is going somewhere with this, but I dare her to actually say it out loud...
"You know Myk, I think you know darn well that if Kate hadn't been in the picture, you wouldn't have freaked out about Alex saying those words just now because you would have said them right back. I know you... You don't do things halfway, but don't tell me you haven't doubted your relationship with Alex every time she gave you a reason to. You say you’ve let go of Kate, but deep down I know you are still hoping for a day where she is just going to show up and tell you she is sorry. And you know what the sad thing is, if she did, you'd take her back in a heartbeat... And for what? You saw her 1 day, 1 freaking day Mykah... You don't know her. You know someone on the other side of the world you happened to fall in bed with 8 months ago. That's not real... Alex is, and you are not being fair to her if you are going to keep this up...”
"Are you done?" I spit out after a second of silence from Al's side.
"Great, get out...." I state and point at the door.
"Mykah, what?"
"I said get out"
"Don't be ridiculous"
"Get the fuck out of my house Alice, now!" I'm practically breathing fire right now and the longer Alice stays in my sight the angrier I get. There is a second of shock on Al's face before it's replaced with a hatred. She shakes her head and gets up from the couch.
"You know what Mykah, fuck you. I'm always here for you and now you pull this... Fuck you and your problems, I'm done." She yells back and grabs her stuff and slams the door behind her.
The silence that overtakes my home if deafening.
I fall back into the couch and take a deep breath.
I fucked it all up....
When Alex returns in the dead of night and slips in the bed beside me, I pretend to be asleep. She softly kisses me on my cheek and slides her cold front against my warm back. "Goodnight Mykah" she whispers and within a couple of minutes I hear her doze off.
I feel sick to my stomach because of the guilt. Alice was right. After a couple of hours of cooling off after throwing Alice out, I had started to put what she said into perspective. I had convinced myself that I was over Kate, that I was really committed to this relationship with Alex.
I adored this girl and the physical attraction was through the roof with her. But thinking back now, that’s probably also what our relationship is built on.
After that night at the bar we got together for a couple of dates and at some point, we only needed to lock eyes to know we had to find a place where we could ravish each other.
It was exciting and thrilling to want somebody that much for the both of us, and because it was happening so often anyways we just decided being in a relationship was the logical thing to do.
Ever since that decision was made I felt that at some moments we weren't quite on the same page, but I had always thought that was just something that needed time to grow, especially after everything with Julie. A small tear escaped from the corner of my eye. If only she was still here... Things would have been so much easier. Kate would have stayed someone I could obsess over from across the ocean, and Alex and I had probably never met.
But she's not here. And that hurt like shit. She’s probably raging with anger up there because of how I’m behaving towards Alice. She has every right to. I shouldn't have snapped at Alice like that. But she made me realize the truth, something that been hard after months pretending everything was fine with Alex, and that I didn't miss Kate or wonder what was going on in her life. First thing this morning I was going to make it up to her. I couldn't figure this one out by myself, I needed her to do this with me, or I was going to lose my mind.
----------Tuesday evening--------------
So far Alice had slammed the door in my face 4 times, ignored all my calls and texts and made Josh come over to tell me she didn't want to hear anything from me. This was going to be harder than I had anticipated....
There’s also the fact that I’ve basically been ignoring Alex ever since she said those words, telling her that I was stressed out by work and didn’t have time to see her. Also, there was a constant nagging in the back of my head telling me I had to go to Amsterdam this weekend. So... I was definitely having a really awesome week so far...
I had told Alex not to come over tonight, but when she insisted, because she really wanted to watch MasterChef together, I eventually gave in. I didn't have the energy to keep fighting her on the matter and when she arrived that evening all cuddly and bubbly I had to try my best not to snap at her after only 10 minutes into the show.
She had done nothing wrong, so it wasn't fair. I just kept my mouth shut, watched the show and told her I was going to bed right after. Hoping she took it as a hint I wanted to sleep alone tonight, I pecked her lips and asked her if she would lock the door on her way out.
"But I was thinking of staying over tonight actually..."
I stop on my way to the bedroom and close my eyes; I had been dreading this moment ever since she convinced me to watch the show together. I swallow my chagrin about the matter and turn around to smile at her.
"Okay fine, but I'm going to sleep Al, I need to be up at 6 am tomorrow."
I see her face fall, but soon enough she is by my side grabbing my hand and walking with me to the bathroom. We brush our teeth in silence and I feel Alex glancing over at me every 5 seconds or so. When we finish she grabs my hand as I try to walk towards the bed and spins me around.
"Hey, I know work has you stressed, but you sure that's all? You've been really... I don't know... Ever since Saturday night you've been behaving weird..."
I look into her beautiful green eyes and see the pain flashing in them for a second.
"I'm sorry, Al. It's just I had this fight with Alice and she's not talking to me and it's just hard."
"Yeah, I know... I'm sorry about that..." She says softly and rubs my hand with her thumb.
I turn around again to continue my path towards the bed but when she speaks up again I stop and my heart breaks almost breaks.
"I know what I said that night on the phone Myk... Is that the reason you've been acting like this?"
I shrug my shoulders and sit down on the bed. With every second I feel myself closing up and if Alex isn't going to put a stop to it soon I wasn't going to be able to say anything at all.
I see Alex watching me with a hurt look in her eyes. "I knew it..." She walks over to take a seat next to me.
I close my eyes, finding it too hard to watch her being hurt by something I did.
"You didn't say it back..."
I slightly shake my head and clench my jaw, please don't ask, please don’t ask.
"Are you..."
No please Alex don’t, I plead with her in my head, but I know it's too late.
"Are you ever going to say it back?"
The silence that falls over us has so much tension it's almost suffocating.
"Please Mykah...."
I look up to her and see the tears form in her eyes and my heart breaks for the second time that night. I bring my hand up to wipe them away as they fall down her cheeks.
"I... I don't know...." I finally croak out.
"Why... what is it that makes you unsure?" She sobs, with wet cheeks and a runny nose.
"Please Al, it's not you okay? Please don't ever think that. You are an amazing woman and I do love you, just not in the way you want me to say it.... not yet"
I plead with her and rub her back, trying to soothe the sadness I caused.
"Is it because of Julie?"
"I don't... No... No this is not about Julie... I know for sure she would have approved of you. So no."
"Then what Mykah? Because I don't get it! The last 3 months have been amazing and now it feels like it has all gone to shit."
I look at the floor of my bedroom and try to figure out if telling Alex about Kate would be for the best, or if it would just make things worse... She deserves an answer, but I don't know if I have one.
"Tell me, please Mykah... Please..." She begs me and I take a deep breath.
“Okay, so uh… I went to New York in November. I went there by myself, to see SNL..."
"Huh, what?"
"Saturday Night Live, it's a comedy sketch show that airs every Saturday where comedians play out sketches about things that happened that week, like politics or just plain scenes that they've come up with. And they tape it live at the NBC studios in New York."
"Okay..." Alex breathes and is now facing me sideways on the bed. I keep my eyes focused on the floor, hoping to find some wisdom there about how on earth I was going to explain this to her.
"And I went there because I am a fan of one of the comedians who is part of the cast." I say and briefly glance at Alex who nods her head to make me continue.
"She's the same as the girl from Ghostbusters, the one where I have all the shirts of..."
"Yeah.... She's played by Kate McKinnon. So I went to New York to see her... And because of something that happened, I actually got to meet her after the show and we chatted for a bit and it was really amazing." I say and I try not to smile too much as I say it, my mind immediately going back to that night and replaying the moment I met Kate for about the millionth time.
"That's really nice Myk, but what does that have to do with us?" Alex asks and there's no turning back now. She should know.
"She contacted me after that night. She found me on Facebook and we texted for a bit, and then we went out to dinner, and from one thing came another and... I... I spent the night at her place..."
"Oh... But... It was one night, right? That doesn't mean anything..."
"It was a night, and a morning and when I got back we texted almost every possible hour of the day... And uhm... I know it's stupid and weird but I kinda... I fell for her that night and I have been falling for her ever since..."
I catch Alex closing her eyes and sigh in defeat in the corner of my eye and I know it's done...
"We haven't been texting anymore, not in the time that I have known you that is... Just so you know..."
She softly shakes her head and there's disbelieve in her eyes. Those beautiful green eyes that I wouldn't get tired of watching all day.
"So you’re telling me you can't do this because you are in love with someone you've seen 1 weekend? You do get that she's a celebrity and can take anyone home for that matter?"
"It was not like that Alex... At least, not for me."
She shakes her head and scoffs at me. "Mykah, I get that you are passionate about your TV shows and their actors but this is just ridiculous! Why are you holding on to something that never existed? And fucking up your real life because of it? I really don't believe you..."
I know I am not the victim in this situation but Alex's words hit me like a punch in the gut.
"I get that you don't get it..."
"So now what? You aren't even talking anymore, so what do you expect will happen. Because I’m not going to wait around for you to realize that I was right..."
The anger inside is starting to bubble up again and I clench my fists into the sheets from snapping once again. She didn't deserve that.
“I don't know what I want to happen Al. But I do know that I don't want to lose you.... and...."
"And that Kate is coming to Amsterdam this weekend..."
"She's promoting her new movie and Amsterdam is listed as a junket location."
Alice gets up from the bed and wipes her cheeks one last time before crossing her arms in front of her chest and looking at me.
"If you want to give us a chance Mykah, you don't go to Amsterdam this weekend.
If you do, you've made your decision and I'll pack my stuff and you will never see me again... I am not going to wait around until you get your head on straight and realize she’s a big mistake."
My eyes plead with her, silently asking her to please not force me to make this decision. It’s useless. She’s put her guard up and all I see are two cold green orbs boring right through me.
"Let me know" She bites back, and then rushes out of the room, slamming the front door behind her the same way Alice did last weekend.
I fall back onto the bed and sigh deeply. I’ve managed to make the two people who mean the most to me walk away from me in the timespan of 4 days.
And all that because someone on the other side of the world made me go crazy for her. This isn’t healthy, I can’t let my real life get influenced by something that was only real for one night and a morning.
I have to put a stop to this.
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comiccrusaders · 6 years
Star Cross Comics, publisher of The Last Dragoon, Propaganda Press, and the Spirits of Valor are proud to present the new sci-fi western comic series, FRONTERA: FLASH OF DAWN! Frontera exists in a time where we have freed ourselves from enslavement by an alien species and are now at the highest echelon in the Universe. We follow the exploits of a young woman, Makota, and her journey in that Universe.
Frontera: Flash of Dawn is written by A.J. Kinkade, pencils by Myk Emmshin, colors by Everardo Orozco, letters by Jon Zamar, cover pencils by Carlos Gomez, and edits are by Laurie Foster. Frontera: Flash of Dawn is Part 1 of a total of 10 books, and will also have spin-offs for other characters in the Frontera-verse.
“I have been wanting to create something like this for years.” Kinkade says, “I love science fiction and comics. I could also definitely see this adapted into a Netflix or movie series.” This will be Kinkade’s first comic writing credit, but he hopes that it will not be his last.
“I have always enjoyed comics, since I was a little kid.” Kinkade says. “I remember seeing and reading the first one, an Iron Man comic; I bought it because he was fighting with the Hulk underwater on the cover. The TV series is why I became a comic fan.” Kinkade points to movies such as 5th Element, Star Wars, Guardians of the Galaxy and TV series such as LEXX and Babylon 5 as influences, as well as comics such as Starstruck, Grim Jack, and Howard Chaykin’s AMERICAN FLAGG!.
“I just love great sci-fi.” Kinkade says.
Kinkade plans on spinning off Frontera: Flash of Dawn into other sci-fi comics, such as one about his devil-may care, cooler-than-cool swashbuckling character, Fess Frontera, called “The Fearslayer”, and one about the cantankerous and unruly Hannibal Lockhaven, once Frontera has taken off.
FRONTERA: FLASH OF DAWN’s Kickstarter is located here:     https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/74034106/frontera-flash-of-dawn
You can find out more about the comic on Instagram @ https://www.instagram.com/frontera_comikz and on Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/FronteraComic and on Twitter @ https://twitter.com/FronteraComikz?lang=en
STAR CROSS COMICS PRESENTS THE FRONTERA: FLASH OF DAWN KICKSTARTER! Star Cross Comics, publisher of The Last Dragoon, Propaganda Press, and the Spirits of Valor are proud to present the new sci-fi western comic series, FRONTERA: FLASH OF DAWN!
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freigaeist · 8 years
hi hey i was tagged by maya @cypherknj & vanessa @jeonggsk to do the Get to know me tag THANK YOU LOVES B^)tagging @yoongs-bitch @joohyuuk @j-cypher @lgbtae @02seok @gukhwabrdg @eatkooks @jeondiary @stigmafilm for both tags if you wanna don’t feel pressured tho<3
1. Countries i’ve lived in: germany so far
2.  Fave fandom: bts & got7/monsta x (the haikyuu fandom is super welcoming tho!!!!)
3. Languages you speak: english & german 
4. favorite flim of 2016: Don’t Breathe we watched that in cinema twice!!
5. Last Article I read: i rly don’t know? probably some article abt bts rocking 2k16 and continue doing so in 2k17
6. Shuffle your music library and put the first three songs here:  something good - alt-j / follow the flow - epik high ft. d-tox & MYK / the dream - the birthday massacre 
7. Last Thing you bought online: spotify premium i guess
8. any phobias or fears: heights, i don’t.. understand.. why clowns had to be smth creepy at some point i hate creepy clowns/dolls 
9. how would your friends describe you? see that kinda tall predendingly funny girl over there making odd faces laughing like a tea pot and yelling smth abt namjoon? yea that’s bea
10. how would your enemies describe you? see that kinda tall predendingly funny girl over there making odd faces laughing like a tea pot and yelling smth abt namjoon? yea that’s bea *kazoo kid voice* wAIT A MINUTE
11. who would you take a bullet for? my younger siblings &my parents i guess
12. if you had money to spare what would you buy first? a proper phone case and i once again crave new headphones though my current ones are fine but.. the heart.. wants.. what it wants :^//
nickname: bea (some still know me by cat but bea is short for tabea so)
starsign: capricorn (with taurus moon and aquaris rising)
height: 179cm-ish
time right now: 9:45pm
last thing i googled: particularly (i’m so anxious when typing on desktop lmao)
song stuck in my head: i’m still listening to music rn so alt-js the ripe&ruin
last movie watched: the bodyguard :’^)
last tv show watched: we started rewatching sailor moon but didn’t get to s1ep2....
what are you wearing right now: my pyjamas
when did you create your blog: this is my new acc so july 2013
what kind of stuff do you post: kpop aesthetics astrology music other fandoms like harry potter &anime/manga movies... everything??
do you have any other blogs: sideblogs for each member of bts /dropkicks self/ @hugs4joon @rosajin @pfeffer-min-ze @aquaseok @parkyourjimin @bfmataerial @jeonkeks then fashion @kimdailsan and a personal blog that is rather depressive @cataestrophe ^^ there’s still that odd anime/humour/weird stuff blog @d-i-sappear and a horror blog i started and never continued called @jinnibal .....i’m a sideblog hoe i’m so i’m.. sorry@myself 
do you get asks regularly: from myself@myself and maybe dad. ty dad.
why did you choose your url: joon is The Bfmaterial and i find it cute how jimin calls him ‘moni hyung(ie)’ *clenches fist* so...cute............
gender: fem
hogwarts house: hufflepuff
pokemon team: nop
favorite colors: black &organic colours like moss green whine red etc
average hours of sleep: 5-8
lucky number: 4 (its my favourite nr but just know that i do not have luck when it comes to games and numbers lmao)
favorite character(s): l lawliet, mello/mihael keehl, kieren walker, tsukishima kei, tetsuro kuroo, sam winchester, castiel, ron weasley, katara, marceline the vampire queen, percy the engine dUDE theres way too many?? but i sense a pattern its either the problematic or the underappreciated one damn it 
how many blankets do you sleep with: currently 2
dream job: mhh i thought maybe sticking in the social field but i’d like to work on my own/with individuals better than with a big group? it’s not that i’m not capable of keeping a big group together and focus on the big picture but i’d like it better to work 1on1 or maybe company/marriage advisory.. yea i’d like that ^^
following: i’m following 712 lovely people :’^)
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mykaussie · 2 years
Talking CFL week 2 inc picks and AFL Rd 14 on NY's @SportsGridTV." @mykaussie
With hosts Gabe @sportsrage and @CamStewartLive we are talking CFL Bombers at RedBlacks, Stamps at Ticats, Riders at Elks, Als vs Argos the missed field goal and AFL Rd 14 picks on New York's @SportsGridTV, @SiriusXM Ch 159, etc.. Gabe also mentioned the Banff World Media Festival that I was at this week." @MykAussie mykaussie.tv TotalCFL.com mykaussie.com
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smarnewvn · 5 years
Android tivi box có rất nhiều tính năng, chức năng mà người dùng chưa biết đến hoặc biết nhưng chưa làm được. Ở bài viết này, tôi sẽ hướng dẫn các bạn sử dụng 1 số chức năng của android tv box. Những chức năng này thường được quan tâm khá nhiều, bạn đọc và xem mình còn chưa sử dụng chức năng gì nữa nhé!
Hướng dẫn điều khiển Android Tivi Box Rom ATV bằng điện thoại
Bước 1: Tải ứng dụng điều khiển Android TV Remote Control về máy
Khách hàng khi mua hàng tại các cơ sở của Smart New VN, đều sẽ được chúng tôi đã cài sẵn ứng dụng này trên box. Nếu Android box của bạn chưa có, có thể tải tại đây:
Ứng dụng điều khiển Android TV Remote Control
Sau đó truy cập CH Play hoặc Appstore để tải ứng dụng này về điện thoại. Ứng dụng có giao diện như sau
Bước 2: Kết nối điện thoại và Android Tivi Box với cùng một mạng Wifi
Bước 3: Kết nối và sử dụng
Khi mở ứng dụng Android TV Remote Control trên điện thoại, bạn chọn Accept & Continute (Đồng ý và tiếp tục), sau đó màn hình sẽ hiển thị tên thiết bị cần kết nối, bạn chọn vào thiết bị đó (Thiết bị Android box để test ở đây là Magicsee N5)
Sau khi chọn thiết bị, trên màn hình tivi sẽ hiển thị Mã ghép nối, nhập mã ghép nối đó vào điện thoại của bạn là kết nối thành công
Như vậy là bạn đã kết nối thành công để biến chiếc điện thoại của mình thành một chiếc điều khiển thông minh trên Android tivi box rom ATV.
Các thao tác sử dụng điều khiển bằng điện thoại
Nhấn phím biểu tượng Míc trên màn hình điện thoại, sau đó nói kênh mà bạn muốn tìm kiếm để thực hiện chức năng điều khiển bằng giọng nói. Tính năng này sẽ được hỗ trợ tốt hơn trên Android Tivi Box rom ATV. 
Các phím điều hướng còn lại để điều khiển con trỏ chuột theo yêu cầu của bạn.
Để thay đổi tính năng điều khiển sang điều khiển như một con chuột:
Chọn vào biểu tượng 3 dấu gạch ngang ở góc trái màn hình, sau đó chọn “Bàn di chuột”. Khi đó, điện thoại được sử dụng để điều khiển đóng vai trò là một con chuột không dây.
Như vậy, qua bài viết này, Smart new Vn đã hướng dẫn các bạn cách kết nối và điều khiển Android Tivi Box bằng điện thoại. Bạn có thể hoàn toàn sử dụng nó để thay cho một chiếc điều khiển box, dùng để tăng giảm âm lượng, tìm kiếm giọng nói, mở ứng dụng, …
Sử dụng điều khiển box bằng điện thoại giúp bạn:
Thao tác dễ dàng trên Android box mà không cần điều khiển
Dễ dàng nhập chữ, số hơn so với từng nút bấm trên remote
Chúc các bạn có những trải nghiêm tuyệt vời bên chiếc tivi box nhà mình. Trong quá trình sử dụng xảy ra khó khăn gì có thể liên hệ với hotline của Smart New VN để được hỗ trợ. Hoặc để lại comment phía bên dưới bài viết, chúng tôi sẽ giải đáp!
Hướng dẫn truyền hình ảnh từ điện thoại lên Tivi
Bước 1: Tải và cài đặt phần mềm Air Screen trên Android Tivi box.
Tóm tắt nội dung
  Bước 1: Tải và cài đặt phần mềm Air Screen trên Android Tivi box.
Bước 2: Mở ứng dụng và chọn Start Now
Bước 3: Mở tính năng truyền hình ảnh trên điện thoại của bạn.
Ứng dụng này có sẵn trong CHPlay nên bạn chỉ cần tìm kiếm sẽ có.
Bước 2: Mở ứng dụng và chọn Start Now
Bước 3: Mở tính năng truyền hình ảnh trên điện thoại của bạn.
Với Iphone, bạn chỉ cần vào mục phản chiếu hình ảnh và chọn thiết bị:
Với điện thoại hệ điều hành Android thì các thao tác sẽ phức tạp hơn một chút.
Do tính năng này thường ít được sử dụng nên khá khó tìm phần cài đặt. Các bạn có thể tìm kiếm trong cài đặt phần kết nối không dây hoặc tải về phần mềm “Màn hình Wifi (Miracast)”. 
Sau khi tải hoàn tất, các bạn mở ứng dụng và chọn Start Wifi Display
Màn hình sẽ hiển thị thiết bị kết nối, các bạn ấn chọn thiết bị đó là xong.
Như vậy là bạn đã hoàn thành kết nối giữa điện thoại và Android Tivi Box nhà mình, bạn có thể trình chiếu bất cứ nội dung gì từ điện thoại lên tivi box. Khi dùng phần mềm “Màn hình wifi (Miracast)” sẽ có quảng cáo xuất hiện nên để tránh trường hợp này các bạn nên tìm phần truyền hình ảnh hoặc kết nối không dây trong điện thoại để có được trải nghiệm tốt nhất. Cảm ơn các bạn đã theo dõi bài viết. Chúc các bạn kết nối thành công và có những trải nghiệm tuyệt vời!
Hướng dẫn kích hoạt tài khoản MyK+ cho Android TV Box
Trước khi kích hoạt tài khoản MyK+ cho Android tv box quý khách hàng nếu như mua sản phẩm tv box tại các cơ sở của Smart New được tặng tài khoản MyK+ thì vui lòng gửi thông tin đăng kí tài khoản đến cho chúng tội fanpage của Smart New là : facebook.com/smartnewvn
MyK+ là phần mềm xem xem K+ trên android Box tốt nhất , đây là ứng dụng xem bóng đá tốt nhất hiện nay trên thị trường nhưng để dùng được ứng dụng này ta cần phải đăng kí tài khoản đồng thời gia hạn thuê bao cho tài khoản đó. Ở bài viết này Smart New sẽ hướng dẫn các bạn từng bước để kích hoạt tài khoản MyK+ khi mua Android box của Smart New
Sau khi nhận được thông báo kích hoạt thành công tài khoản MyK+ của Trung tâm Smart New quý khách có thể truy cập vào Gmail vào phần xác nhận tài khoản do MyK+ gửi đến để bấm xác nhận địa chỉ Email như hình bên dưới
Vào Email bạn dùng để đăng ký kích hoạt tài khoản :
Sau khi xác nhận bằng email cần xác nhận lại lần nữa bằng số điện thoại đăng kí :
Soạn tin nhắn với cú pháp hiển thị trong hình để kích hoạt tài khoản. Lưu ý mã số trong bài viết sẽ không giống với mã số kích hoạt của bạn, bạn cần soạn tin nhắn với mã kích hoạt hiển thị sau khi bạn kích hoạt bằng email đăng kí.
Khi nhận được tin nhắn như hình là bạn đã đăng kí thành công giờ có thể tiến hành đăng nhập để kiểm tra thông tin. Quý khách sẽ đăng nhập vào tài khoản MyK+ theo thông tin tài khoản là Email của quý khách , PASS là SĐT đăng kí MyK+ của quý khách . Chúc quý khách đăng kí thành công
Sau khi đăng nhập vào các bạn chọn vào mục Tài khoản của tôi để kiểm tra thông tin tài khoản :
Thông tin tài khoản của bạn sẽ hiện ra như hình
  Thông tin tài khoản
Tổng hợp các android tv box hỗ trợ xem MyK+ và đặng tặng tài khoản MyK+ tại Smart New Magicsee N5 , Magicsee N5 max , Magicsee Nova đây đều là những android box xem MyK+ tốt nhất Link mua tham khảo : smartnew.vn
Cài đặt chức năng GOOGLE ASSITTANT
Đầu tiên các bạn cần đăng nhập vào CH Play và update phiên bản mới nhất cho ứng dụng Google app for Android TV
Sau khi đã cập nhật xong ứng dụng Google app for Android Tv các bạn vào cài đặt của tv box chuyển ngôn ngữ sang English
Quay trở lại màn hình chính và chọn vào hình micro ở góc trái
Chọn Continue để bắt đầu thiết lập Google Assistant
Tiếp tục chọn Continue
Chọn Yes để kết thúc quá trình cài đặt và bạn có thể trải nghiệm Google Assistant
Như vậy chỉ với vài bước đơn giản các bạn dã có thể dễ dàng thiết lập được Google Assistant trên chiếc tv box.
Nếu các bạn đã thiết lập đúng các bước nhưng kết quả tìm kiếm không ra tiếng việt bạn cần xem lại tài khoản google của bạn đang để ngôn ngữ chính có phải là tiếng việt hay không.
Lỗi không nhận chuột
Khi bạn sử dụng các Tv box chạy rom ATV đôi khi sẽ xuất hiện tình trạng không hiện bàn phím ảo để nhập liệu hoặc hiện bàn phím nhưng không thể sử dụng chuột để chọn. Đó là do bàn phím đang sử dụng không hỗ trợ chuột hoặc bàn phím trên Tv box đang bị lỗi. Để khắc phục hiện tượng này ta cần tải lại một bàn phím khác để thay thế bàn phím cũ trong box.
Đầu tiên các bạn vào Ch Play tìm kiếm với từ khóa Leankey Keyboard và tải về bàn phím này.
Chọn cài đặt để cài đặt bàn phím lên box
Sau khi đã cài đặt xong ta vào Cài đặt tìm đến cài đặt Bàn phím
Đổi bàn phím hiện tại thành bàn phím Leankey Keyboard là các bạn sẽ khắc phục được lỗi này
Sau khi chuyển đổi xong ta có thể sử dụng chuột hoặc chuột bay để nhập liệu khi cần, bên cạnh đó vẫn có thể sử dụng các nút điều hướng trên điều khiển để có thể nhập liệu tùy thuộc vào thói quen sử dụng của các thành viên trong gia đình.
Hướng dẫn tải ứng dụng không có trong CH Play trên rom ATV
Với những ai đã quen sử dụng tv box chạy rom gốc (rom có ch play giống với điện thoại) hoặc những ai mới sử dụng tv box sẽ không quen với việc kho ứng dụng ch play của rom atv hạn chế ứng dụng hơn rom gốc. Với thói quen sử dụng chuột và tải các ứng dụng giống với trên điện thoại thì với rom atv nếu muốn sử dụng các ứng dụng ngoài ch play ta sẽ có 3 cách để cài đặt ứng dụng đó trên tv box.
Sử dụng kho ứng dụng như CH Play (trong bài này mình sử dụng kho ứng dụng Aptoide Tv).
Tải trực tiếp file apk từ trình duyệt trên tv box và cài đặt
Tải file apk trên máy tính hoặc điện thoại sau đó copy vào usb hoặc thẻ nhớ rồi cắm vào tv box để cài đặt
Trong bài viết này mình sẽ hướng dẫn các bạn chi tiết cách cài đặt ứng dụng của từng phương án.
Sử dụng trình duyệt trên box để tải file apk và cài đặt
Ở bài viết này mình sẽ sử dụng trình duyệt Puffin Tv – một trong những trình duyệt tốt nhất trên Tv Box. Với các bạn chưa có trình duyệt này các bạn vào Ch Play tìm kiếm Puffin Tv và cài đặt.
Sau khi cài đặt ta sử dụng tương tự như các trình duyệt web thông thường để tải và cài đặt ứng dụng từ file apk. Các bạn có thể tham khảo thêm qua bài viết này nhé.
Sử dụng kho ứng dụng Aptoide Tv
Đây là kho ứng dụng có số lượng cực kì lớn và phong phú, tuy không có nhiều ứng dụng như Ch Play nhưng hầu hết các ứng dụng người dùng Việt Nam thường sử dụng đều có trên kho ứng dụng này. Nếu Tv box của bạn chưa có ứng dụng này có thể tải bằng cách truy cập website : https://m.aptoide.com/installer-aptoide-tv?lang=vi
Giao diện của kho ứng dụng Aptoide Tv. Nhập ứng dụng cần tìm vào ô tìm kiếm để tìm trong kho ứng dụng.
  Chọn ứng dụng cần cài đặt ở màn hình hiển thị kết quả tìm kiếm.
Chọn ứng dụng cần cài đặt và bấm cài đặt
Chọn cài đặt để hoàn tất quá trình cài đặt ứng dụng
Cài đặt ứng dụng qua usb hoặc thẻ nhớ
Trên các tv đều sẽ có cài sẵn ứng dụng duyệt file. Ở bài viết này mình sẽ sử dụng ứng dụng ES File Brower
Giao diện khi mở ứng dụng
  Chọn ứng dụng cần cài đặt
  Chọn cài đặt để hoàn tất quá trình cài đặt.
Cách kết nối này sẽ giống với cách đầu tiên là tải file apk rồi cài đặt ứng dụng. Nhưng cách tìm file apk trên máy tính hoặc điện thoại sẽ nhanh hơn nhiều so với các bước thao tác trên box.
Trên đây là các cách để có thể tải và cài đặt các ứng dụng không có trong Ch Play.
Hướng dẫn kết nối tay cầm T3
Đầu tiên chúng ta cần chú ý đến các đèn báo trên tay cầm : mỗi đèn sẽ tương ứng cho 1 chế độ kết nối của tay cầm
Đèn 1: Chế độ kết nối với điện thoại Android
Đèn 2 : Chế độ kết nối với điện thoại Iphone
Đèn 3 : Chế độ sạc
Đèn 4 : Chế độ kết nối cho Android box, Pc
  Khi kết nối với thiết bị nào ta cần chuyển qua đúng chế độ đó mới có thể sử dụng được. Khi tay cầm chưa được kết nối với thiết bị nào thì đèn trên tay cầm sẽ nhấp nháy liên tục và dùng điện thoại hoặc máy tính có bluetooth ta có thể thấy được bluetooth của tay cầm phát ra có tên là T-3. Sau khi kết nối thành công với điện thoại hoặc máy tính đèn trên tay cầm sẽ sáng và không con nhấp nháy nữa còn trên điện thoại sẽ hiện đã kết nối.
  Để nối nối tay cầm với điện thoại Android ta cần chuyển sang chế độ đèn 1 bằng cách giữ cùng lúc phím Home và phím A trên tay cầm.
Với Iphone ta giữ phím Home và phím Y trên tay cầm để chuyển sang chế độ đèn 2 đồng thời dùng điện thoại kết nối với bluetooth của tay cầm. Đèn sáng không còn nhấp nháy là kết nối thành công.
Tương tự với 2 cách trên thì với Android box và máy tính ta cần chuyển tay cầm sang chế độ đèn 4 để kết nối bằng cách giữ cùng lúc phím Home và phím X
Với từng thiết bị ta cần chuyển đổi đúng chế độ đèn trên tay cầm mới có thể sử dụng được. Nếu các bạn chọn không đúng chế độ thì vẫn có thể kết nối được với blutooth của tay cầm nhưng sẽ không sử dụng được.
Kết nối tay cầm bằng đầu usb
Chế độ kết nối này dùng cho các thiết bị như android box, PC hoặc laptop còn trên điện thoại sẽ không có cổng usb nên không thể sử dụng. Để kết nối theo cách này ta cần chuyển tay cầm sang đúng chế độ bằng cách giữ cùng lúc phím LB và phím Home. Khi đó đèn 1 và đèn 2 sẽ sáng cùng lúc. Đèn sáng đều và không nháy là tay cầm đã kết nối thành công với thiết bị của bạn.
Nếu các bạn thấy 2 đèn cùng nháy tức là tay cầm chưa kết nối thành công, hãy rút đầu usb ra và cắm lại trên cổng khác nhé.
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fymagnificentwomcn · 5 years
Leyla Feray was a perfect "Ayşe Sultan", Farah Zeynep is not that pretty plus the role of a sultana didn't suit her and of course Farya as a character sucks ! Still bitter about Tims's casting for Turhan Hatice and for how they portrayed her and she only appeared in 3 episodes Ibrahim's reign deserved its own season
I agree Anon. Harem didn’t play an important role during Murad’s reign, so to be honest I would be satisfied with having only Ayşe as a developed character. Harem during Ibrahim’s role played a HUGE role and the fact that we didn’t get all the harem dynamics of that period explored properly is my huge regret and I can bet show’s creators feel the same because they obviously planned for Season 3 devoted wholly to Ibrahim’s reign.. but such is Turkish TV market now and they still delivered a story of Kösem’s life that made sense, which is more you can tell of many TV shows nowadays, even those with huge budget and safe position like Game of Thrones that HBO would have likely prolonged as much as they could, but D&D were certain they had enough time to wrap everything up properly lol. So in those conditions,not knowing when they may get axed (and Turkish shows are filmed like two weeks in advance only), I still appreciate what they did… Now that my initial expectations about whole season of Turhan/Kösem rivalry, Ibrahim’s harem, Turhan of my dreams are more in past, I’m more able to appreciate what we got in that conditions eh.
Devoting so much time to Farya and Murya was HUGE mistake, since it didn’t save the ratings by bringing FZA’s fanbase etc., and it truly stole a lot of precious screentime later. The pacing issues are in MYK from start – back in S1 they introduced Beren earlier than planned and then rushed to end S1 with Kösem becoming regent because they weren’t sure they would get renewed. Maybe it’s crying over spilt milk now, especially since they are obviously aware that they had made a huge mistake – Farya’s screentime was clearly strongly reduced after 10 episodes and after she was removed, she was practically never mentioned again, like they pretended she had never existed lol.
Mhm I don’t think actresses’ appearance is of importance here, sultanas were normal girls, I know it is often assumed that they had to be pretty to captivate the padişah, but it was not always the case - Hürrem apparently wasn’t that conventionally pretty, but managed to charm Suleiman so much regardless. And each sultan had his own preferences. There isn’t something like “a sultana look”. I hear people talking “this actress is too pretty to play a subject, not a sultana” and I’m like ???? Royal blood doesn’t make you pretty either.
I think Leyla was absolutely fine. I liked her cutesy image in contrast to Murad’s violent nature. You can see why this girl “brought him peace” and why he ultimately destroyed her… just episode before she makes the big mistake and helps Gülbahar out, Murad threatens her to become her nightmare after Farya told him about her suspicions. She was soo scared, she was willing to do everything just not to face Mu/rat’s /spelling intentional/ wrath. And then she regretted what had done so much when she heard about people who suffered in the fire and wanted to fight Gülbahar as mother of Murad’s kids and his woman… and poor thing ultimately got exposed for wanting to fix things… #AyseDeservedBetter
I’m not satisifed with the Turhan we got, but after reading more stuff about Kösem vs Turhan conflict I’m now against the “Turhan was innocent cookie, who only jumped to her son’s defence” thing – it’s a clear example of “history being written by winners” thing. Turhan was definitely very good at propaganda – relationship between her and Ibrahim was surely tense and full of mutual dislike, and Mehmed ascending the throne and Ibrahim being dethroned surely was a good thing for her – yet in correspondence to statesmen that she wanted to bring to her side she described herself “as poor suffering widow, who just wants to punish those who killed her beloved husband”, among which she meant Kösem. There was even an occurrence when one of statesmen supporting Turhan went to Kösem to accuse her of killing Sultan Ibrahim and putting all blame on her, which reportedly shook Kösem very much. While Kösem likely did make moves to dethrone Mehmed, it’s very possible that the poisoning thing was invented by Turhan and her people to rally support. Reports put blame on “misinformation” on Suleiman Aga, who was treated as person inciting the showdown, but we know Suleiman Aga served Turhan, and it was a natural thing that servants of Imperial figures were blamed because nobody dared to accuse the actual Valide.
Turhan as Valide Sultan did not only manage harem, but was involved in state matters and the double rule often made it harder for Kösem to stabilise Empire. Turhan wasn’t deprived of being Valide Sultan; Kosem’s position was simply new & unprecedented and allowed her to be regent. While mothers began to play the role of regent recently (Kösem for Murad, Halime unofficially for Mustafa, Handan as co-regent together with Ahmed’s lala, even Mehmed III leaving the affairs in Safiye’s hands when he went on campaign to Hungary), there was no law on this and previously e.g. there was more inclination for Grand Vizier in this role.
In the end, they were both morally grey because while Kösem likely didn’t plan to poison Mehmed, of course there was always risk of him losing his life if any problems ensued following deposition, as the Ibrahim case showed.
Still, the innocent cookie defender of her son Turhan vs. evil hag Kösem narrative is not the true one.
We also must remember that:
Discretion prevented Ottoman writers from criticizing royal mothers (they did not record the hostile barbs directed by Ottoman statesmen at queen mothers and favorites which made their way into European accounts), but they did not hesitate to employ invective in he case of lesser women of the sultan’s harem. Naima, so careful to defend the young queen mother Turhan, criticized other concubines of the “mad” İbrahim with relish.
Taken from: Leslie Peirce, The Imperial Harem: Women and Sovereignty in the Otoman Empire.
I’ve found some evidence for Turhan being groomed by Kösem and Turhan’s involvement in politics even during Ibrahim’s reign (namely in connection with the Crete war), so while we don’t know much about the relationship between the two women before Mehmed’s reign, there is some evidence supporting MYK’s direction. Leslie Peirce states that Kösem groomed Turhan and Thys-Senocak mentions that Atike chose and trained her.
However, as a new slave woman in the palace, a gift of Kör Süleyman Pasha to the valide sultan Kösem, she had been trained by Atike Sultan, a sister of Murad IV, and groomed by Kösem, who presented her to her son.
Taken from: Leslie Peirce, The Imperial Harem: Women and Sovereignty in the Otoman Empire. Peirce also reiterates that Kösem groomed Turhan in her short article entitled Gender and Sexual Propriety in Ottoman Royal Women’s Patronage.
Training by Atike could be also on Kösem’s request, though we cannot say for certain Atike was Kösem’s daughter, but yet again Kösem seemed to pretty much take care of whole dynasty, not only her own children. It is interesting because the position of the mother of eldest son’s gained importance due to switch to seniority and we know for certain Turhan wasn’t Ibrahim’s favourite consort – but maybe again he was attracted to her at first and the relationship deteriorated later. Due to her being mother of eldest son, Turhan had to be aware that being Valide is in store for her, and Kösem also had to accept the fact.
The fact is that with four episodes the showrunners decided to focus more on the already established characters and Turhan got pretty much sacrificed for it – after all, it was Kösem’s story. I get what they did for abridged story purposes, but what I saw on screen did not reflect my imaginations of historical Turhan.
In the end, MYK Turhan represented an extreme version of a person brought up in Ottoman harem. She was completely cold and almost entirely devoid of human emotions, save in some scenes with her children or her sadness upon Ibrahim preferring other concubines. She was truly unscrupulous and desperate to get to the highest top aka becoming regent for her son, which meant he had to become padişah while he was still a minor. She truly wanted to have it all, even if she had a lot compared to other harem girls – she was a chief haseki with high position given to her by her mother-in-law, who truly treated her exceptionally compared to other Valides we saw – she shared her power with her, taught her political stuff and introduced her to political world, involving her in her own affairs and even taking her to secret councils with her. Kösem was undoubtedly aware that  in light of Ibrahim’s illness she had to keep the mother of eldest prince satisifed&feeling safe because padişah like Ibrahim was an easy target for deposition. Not only Turhan had safe position due to seniority succession rules – Kösem clearly supported her and wanted her to be her successor, e.g. backed her up in the Zarife conflict. Yes, Ibrahim had other favourites, but he was a weak sultan and he wasn’t interested in this stuff at all – he just wanted to have fun with other girls and ignored Turhan, but he wasn’t politically involved enough to try to prevent Turhan from becoming next Valide because he simply didn’t give a damn most of the time.
Turhan’s going against Kösem was a huge & risky gamble, also for her son.  It’s one thing to never trust anyone fully and be on your guard, and another to go on removing everyone, so whole rule is in your hands. While we know that relations between Ibrahim&Turhan were tense, there wasn’t any repeated pattern of abuse against her or their son – Ibrahim’s outburst and throwing Mehmed justifiably shook Turhan up, but it was clear it was one-time incident that stemmed more from Ibrahim’s illness than any sort of malice or sadism. He mostly simply ignored Turhan and didn’t want to spend time in her company. Perhaps Ibrahim being a weak padişah was also why Turhan looked at him with contempt because she couldn’t accept how this man stood higher in hierarchy than her, which wounded her pride additionally. Thus said, if her primary motive had been as she said fear of Ibrahim, I don’t think she would have gone against Kösem. Kösem was after all the person who defended her to Ibrahim, tried to calm him down with regards to Turhan and she obviously supported Turhan as next Valide. Additionally, when Kösem actually controlled Ibrahim and his behaviour – later Atike didn’t care, people who were trying to use him and make him crazier for their purposes achieved their goal. Turhan purposefully wanted to make him crazier and crazier to dethrone him and now she was in the palace without her biggest former supporter. Ibrahim was definitely in far worse mental condition after Kösem’s exile and Kemankeş’ removal. We got the taste of the danger when Ibrahim threatened to strangle Mehmed during the coup – and then we finally saw fear in Turhan’s eyes. But it was she who allowed the situation to boil down to this. Turhan’s backstabbing to Kösem wasn’t only a betrayal to a person who always supported her&did a lot to her (and it was something even Ibrahim highlighted after Kemankeş’ “execution” and since he also had beef with his mother at that point, it’s hard to take his words as biased), but also her sacrificing whole nation due to striving to make Ibrahim’s reign fail so much that he would be undoubtedly deposed.
Turhan’s final win isn’t so much a triumph of very well-thought-out long-term strategy, but luck, totally unscrupulous nature, not taking into account that any bystanders might be harmed, and Kösem making a fatal mistake in the end. Until the last stand, Kösem always managed to ultimately outsmart her, and Turhan’s final victory is only due to raw force, Kösem making a fatal mistake&Kuşçu’s betrayal for reasons Kösem didn’t deserve.
 In the end, Turhan and her people represented raw power which adheres to no rules or honour. Not only did they kill so many  innocent people, but also showed no rules in the final stand – Kösem is strangled on the harem floor and her body is plundered (a historical fact, sadly), and Turhan only stays on balcony with devilish smile over the slaughtered palace. Köprülü does not face the elderly Kemankeş himself, but waits until his people defeat him to slice his throat. Haci is also murdered in unnecessarily cruel way by having his neck twisted in front of Tuhan bearing her stone cold face as she usually does. Turhan was presented as pretty much extreme product of that system – someone who is always coldly calculating, showing little human emotions (maybe only towards her kids) and only focused on achieving one’s goal without any scruples, and is unable to bond with anyone other than her kids. Same with people surrounding her, there are no strong, touching & genuine relationships like in Kösem’s team, which is based on loyalty that may mean even paying with death for it. There’s strong friendship between Haci & Kösem, same with Kemankeş and Deli Hüseyin, Kösem and Kemankeş deeply and truly love each other until the end, Hüseyin also prefers to die than to support Turhan. Even Lalezar’s “betrayal” is only about not letting an innocent child die, not wanting to support Turhan or switch sides for her personal gain. In a way, Turhan functions as some symbol of end of Empire, same with the depressing final shots, which is also accentuated in Kösem’s final monologue: ‘The lights have gone out, no right, no left, no death, no back, no forward, no top, no bottom (…) ” . I can see the rationale – it was first and foremost Kösem’s story, moreover a story that needed to be abridged.
However, as I said, Turhan is a real-life historical figure that actually did good things for the Empire, continued Kösem’s legacy and had her achievements, that’s why historical Turhan can never be simply a destructive force in my mind, and it’s probably the highest divergence between historical figure and show figure I have in my mind as far as MY&MYK are concerned.
We see some glimpses of Turhan actually taking her responsibilities seriously in the final episode – she decides to spare Mehmed’s brothers (which actually serves pretty much as plot twist taking into account how her character has been portrayed) and declares she intends to take care of the state. Ironically, while Kösem paid for politically training Turhan & introducing her to political world with her life, at least even her ultimate enemy wanted to honour her legacy & obey anti-fratricide law & was prepared for ruling. It was a posthumous win for Kösem here.
Of course the way historical Turhan took power from Kösem was questionable – it was full of brutality, purges, and it’s hard to imagine it was all without knowledge of her and her closest associates. /Still we know that Turhan likely didn’t kill harem girls that served Kösem, but got them married off instead as Kumrular writes in her Kösem biography/. However, she also proved capable in taking care of state and dynasty and since Mehmed was pretty much an obedient momma’s boy, she had much easier task than Kösem to for example persuade him not to kill his brothers.. honestly, try to control someone like Murad, it was a huge success Kösem managed to save Ibrahim.
I think that the portrayal of Turhan and her people may stem from not only brutal purges that followed Kösem’s death, but also from the period after Turhan appointed Köprülü the Grand Vizier – Peirce compares some of his methods to Murad’s and this period to Murad’s reign. While it was Köprülü who used bloody methods, we can guess that Turhan would have not let him stay GV if she had not accepted it. It is curious how Turhan/Murad emerged a pretty popular crackship in MYK… I was always like “they gave us Turhan who seems like a perfect match for Murad”.. just that her ruthlessness does not stem from anger, but more from cold detachment (fire and ice LMAO). I know some like to refer to Turhan as “Iron Lady”, so I suppose it was  what MYK creators intended. /There is of course some anger in her too - when Ibrahim told her that she was just a coward hiding under his mother’s skirts… you just knew she would NEVER let it slide and prove to him & the rest of the world she didn’t need Kösem to stay on top./
The more I think the more I’d really love to see Müge Boz as Turhan, since Turhan wasdescribed as pretty unassuming and that was also why she was able to rally supporters. It would be cool to see Kösem facing a girl looking like young her, but not innocent… yet using her innocent image. And again we should have seen more of her showing care for state. I’m actually glad we didn’t get the simple Kösem turns into Safye and encounters an innocent Anastasia that we all expected. Now I think we needed something more complex, and as I mentioned it Kösem truly didn’t turn into Safiye, while many of Turhan’s actions (like mass slaughter in harem) resemble Safiye more – yet later her son is truly in danger, so there’s some rationale in that and we see some of Kösem’s legacy in her declaration to spare Mehmed’s brothers and take care of the state. 
Likely it was intentional to make Turhan so much like the opposite of innocent Nasya.
But in the end, while there are hints of Kösem legacy being preserved (Turhan clearly wants to obey anti-fratricide law), Turhan pretty much served as a symbol of future fall of Empire because the final images of slaughtered people and her smirking on balcony in her slay kween (pretty pretentious) attire, accompanied by the above mentioned monologue, pretty much give a glimpse of apocalypse. /And LBR she claimed she had started the whole conflict for her son… then why the fuck she stands shouting to “bend the knee or die” & “show no mercy” or grins on the balcony instead of sitting with her son or at least checking up on him?/
It’s kinda fitting end for Kösem story, where she was the protagonist, especially when we see how yellow filter & fairytale elements from first episodes of MYK (which gradually become less bright) to the total darkness and atmosphere of doom of final episode. Still, as I said, Turhan Sultan is a historical figure that deserves more.
In a way, we were by default robbed of a satisfying depiction of Turhan by the mere fact that Ibrahim’s regin was abridged to 4 episodes – we should have got her early days in harem, her growing up etc., but I think at this point I decided to stop crying over spilt milk, I think, even though the mere fact that some fake princess got 22 episodes and Turhan 4 is always gonna hurt.
- Joanna
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Stiff competition forces pay-TV service providers to lower fees
VietNamNet Bridge – Television services are reducing service fees  as they face stiff competition among themselves and with OTT (over the top) TV.
The revenue of the pay-TV market was VND7.5 trillion in 2017
With 14 million TV subscribers in 2017, the total revenue of the pay-TV market was VND7.5 trillion. 
In 2016, Vietnam had only 12.5 million subscribers, but the revenue was high at VND12 trillion. Five years ago, television services had revenue of VND5.8 trillion with the number of subscribers just half of that in 2017.
In 2014, SCTV, one of the best known television services, had 2.8 million subscribers and earned VND3.6 trillion in revenue. 
In 2017, the number of subscribers increased to 4.5 million, while revenue decreased to VND3.42 trillion. 
Analysts say the current situation is the result of the price war which began in 2014.
In that year, big players in the pay-TV market, including VTVcab, SCTV, AVG, VTC, HTVC, Hanoicab, VNPT, Viettel and K+, all rushed to restructure service packages and cut service fees to scramble for subscribers.
The most expensive service package of K+ in 2013 had a subscription fee of VND300,000 a month. 
In 2017, K+, SCTV, VTVcab and Viettel began developing OTT pay-TV service. K+ has myK+Now (VND125,000 a month), while SCTV has SCTV VOD (VND30,000-50,000 and VTVcab has VTVcab ON (VND40,000-50,000).
In 2016, K+ provided one service package at the fee of VND125,000. With a fee reduction campaign, K+ increased its number of subscribers from 600,000 in 2014 to 1 million in 2017.
Commenting that the price war is ‘driving television to an abyss’, analysts noted that the monthly subscription fee have dropped to VND20,000 at times.
As a result, some television services have reported losses and have had to change hands.
The challenges for broadcasters are expected to be even bigger in 2018, because they will not only compete with each other, but also with OTT TV.
In 2017, K+, SCTV, VTVcab and Viettel began developing OTT pay-TV service. K+ has myK+Now (VND125,000 a month), while SCTV has SCTV VOD (VND30,000-50,000 and VTVcab has VTVcab ON (VND40,000-50,000).
SCTV’s deputy CEO Luong Quoc Huy said the shifting to OTT service is a big threat to the pay-TV industry, especially in countries with high speed and reasonable internet fees.
He said to attract subscribers, Vietnam’s television services need to be more creative in producing content to attracting viewers, especially youth.
K+, FPT Telecom and MobiFone have begun investing in online internet-based TV products. 
Meanwhile, the service fee of online TV packages is nearly the same as the fee of traditional TV services.
Pay TV revenue hits US$527.3 million this year
Internet TV: copyright infringement remains a problem in Vietnam
Mai Chi
The post Stiff competition forces pay-TV service providers to lower fees appeared first on Sports News, Transfers, Scores | Watch Live Sport.
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🆕s 🆕s Tulin will be playing in new tv series named Ufak Tefek Cinayetler along with Aslihan Gurbuz ( Halime Sultan MYK ) #ufaktefekcinayetler #newdizi #startv #tulinozen #ozentulin #tulinist #aslihangurbuz #gurbuzasli #handansultan #halimesultan #myk #myedit #l4l
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mykaussie · 2 years
"Talking CFL week 3 inc picks and AFL Rd 15, my dead set ringer on NY's @SportsGridTV." @mykaussie
"With hosts Gabe @sportsrage, @CamStewartLive and Dave @sportsbkConsig we're talking CFL Ticats at Bombers, Elks at Stamps, Argos at BC Lions, AFL Rd 15 picks, Garth Brooks in Edmonton, Tony Schiavone the wrestling commentator and some laughs on New York's @SportsGridTV, @SiriusXM Ch 159, etc." @MykAussie mykaussie.tv TotalCFL.com mykaussie.com
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