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tranny punk fit check UWU
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Fuel Your Day with Myfitness Peanut Butter
Looking for a delicious and nutritious way to power your day? Myfitness Peanut Butter is the perfect choice! Made from high-quality, roasted peanuts, this creamy spread is packed with protein and healthy fats, making it ideal for fueling your workouts and satisfying your cravings. Whether you enjoy it on toast, in smoothies, or straight from the jar, Myfitness Peanut Butter offers a rich, natural flavor that elevates any meal.
With no added sugars or preservatives, you can indulge guilt-free while supporting your fitness goals. It's not just a snack; it’s a versatile ingredient that enhances your diet. Plus, Myfitness Peanut Butter is great for those looking to maintain lean muscle mass and boost energy levels.
Experience the goodness of Myfitness Peanut Butter today and make it a staple in your pantry. Shop now to discover why it's a favorite among health enthusiasts!
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The Nutty Goodness: Myfitness Peanut Butter Distributors Fueling Your Fitness Journey
In the world of health and fitness, one constant remains - the significance of nutrition. Among the various food items that have gained a prominent spot in the diets of fitness enthusiasts, peanut butter stands out as a beloved and versatile option. And when it comes to sourcing high-quality peanut butter products, Myfitness Peanut Butter Distributors emerge as a trusted name that fuels both taste buds and fitness goals.
The Peanut Butter Craze
Peanut butter has transcended its role as a mere sandwich spread. It has become an essential ingredient in protein-packed shakes, smoothies, energy bars, and even as a dip for fruits and vegetables. Packed with healthy fats, protein, and essential nutrients, peanut butter has gained a cult-like following among fitness enthusiasts, athletes, and health-conscious individuals.
The Myfitness Peanut Butter Difference
Amidst the plethora of peanut butter brands, Myfitness Peanut Butter Distributors have carved a niche for themselves by prioritising quality and taste. Their commitment to sourcing the finest ingredients reflects in their product range, which caters to a diverse audience with varying dietary preferences and fitness goals.
1. Nutrient-Rich Options
Myfitness Peanut Butter Distributors offer a range of peanut butter products that cater to different dietary needs. From classic creamy and crunchy varieties to innovative options like organic, sugar-free, and protein-enriched peanut butter, they have something for everyone. This versatility ensures that customers can choose products that align with their nutritional requirements without compromising on taste.
2. Uncompromising Quality
One of the hallmarks of Myfitness Peanut Butter Distributors is their unwavering commitment to quality. They source peanuts from trusted suppliers and follow rigorous quality control processes to ensure that each jar of peanut butter is free from additives and preservatives. This dedication to purity and quality sets them apart in an industry where shortcuts are often taken.
3. Fueling Fitness Journeys
For those on a fitness journey, peanut butter is a boon. Its combination of healthy fats and protein not only provides sustained energy but also aids in muscle recovery and growth. Myfitness Peanut Butter Distributors recognize this and have tailored some of their products to cater specifically to the needs of athletes and fitness enthusiasts. Whether it's a pre-workout boost or a post-workout refuel, their peanut butter products offer a delicious and nutritious solution.
4. A Sustainable Choice
Beyond their focus on health and fitness, Myfitness Peanut Butter Distributors are committed to sustainability. They embrace eco-friendly practices throughout their supply chain, from sourcing peanuts from sustainable farms to using recyclable packaging. This commitment to the environment resonates with consumers who seek products that align with their values.
The Perfect Partner for Your Fitness Regimen
In a world where finding trustworthy and high-quality food products can be challenging, Myfitness Peanut Butter Distributors shine as a beacon of reliability. Their dedication to delivering peanut butter that not only tantalizes taste buds but also supports fitness goals is a testament to their customer-centric approach.
Whether you're a seasoned athlete, a fitness novice, or simply someone who appreciates good food, Myfitness Peanut Butter Distributors have a product that will cater to your needs. With their range of nutrient-rich, high-quality peanut butter options, they are indeed the perfect partner for anyone looking to infuse their fitness journey with a dose of nutty goodness. So, go ahead, spread it, blend it, dip it – enjoy the wholesome goodness that Myfitness Peanut Butter Distributors bring to your plate. Your body will thank you, and your taste buds will applaud you.
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Can someone recommend me a good app to use to count calories. I used to use myfitness pal a long time and today I re-download it and saw it sucks now.
#thin$po#i wanna be thinner#anorex14#i need to lose this weight#disordered eating thoughts#ana trigger#tw ana diary#pro4n4#tw disordered eating#disorderd eating#tw ed diet
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Daily Calorie Count
Fail = days I went over 1200
X = days with no exercising
Tracker - MyFitness Pal
12/04 - 736 X
11/04 - 693
10/4 - 1135 X
09/04 - FAIL (Easter)
08/04 - 1176
07/04 - FAIL (Restaurant)
06/04 - 1005
05/04 - 911
04/04 - 1063
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If y’all want a good tracking app, Cronometer is what I use. I’ve never liked Myfitness pal
#tw ana shit#an0r3c1a#orthorexx#tw ana diary#ana trigger#tw restrictive ed#4norexi4#3dtumblr#3d f4st#c4lories#ed not ed sheeran#tw ed rant#tw 3d vent#4n0r3xia#4norexia
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Eesti jõuksi tüdruk? Mustamäe myfit mostly?
Jah myfit küll, aga asukoha jätan saladuseks :)
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Choosing Recovery Daily
There are so many days that I wanna redownload MyFitness Pal. Anyone else crave calorie restriction?
The anorexic high seemed so big compared to the recovery wins.
My therapist said it's the equivalency of craving an "Easy Button"
Media and society tell me if I am losing weight then I am admired, beautiful, loved, brave, disciplined, envied, superior, happy
Who doesn't want those things?
Cognitively, I know that weight loss doesnt bring me those things. It never has. But my brain wants the simple answer. The easy out, that isn't doing the recovery work. Facing the feelings. Making another dinner.
Therapist : "It's natural to want an Easy Button. It's very human to want a quick fix." It's not weak.
Every day I don't hit the button is hard. I chose everyday not to hit the button.
#ed recovery#eating disoder recovery#body image#intuitive eating#body dismorphia#edrecovery#therapy#recovery
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ミツビシテツロウダイエット日記 part2
2024/1/30 82kg 27% 体脂肪率が減っているが体重が変わっていない・・・!? ということは筋肉がついている・・・!?と驚く。
それにしても全然体重が減らない。減ったぞ!と喜ぶとその後止まる。なんだこりゃ・・・ 色々調べてみると身体は摂取カロリーが低いとそれに慣れてしまうそう。 そんなこと言われても、、とチートデイを初めて導入してみるも1kg減っただけでそこまで変わらず。
仕方なしに筋トレ動画を見ていて存在は知っていたが、あまりにもキツそうなので避けていたケトジェニックダイエットに突入。 これは低糖質ではなくゼロ糖質ダイエット。中タンパク、高脂質の食事に一気に切り替える方法。 正直ダイエットというか、駆け込んで痩せる最終手段では・・・という圧倒的ストイックさを求められるため、めちゃくちゃ尻込みする。 3:6:1の割合にPFCを変更、1日の摂取カロリーこの段階で1700kcalくらいに制限。あんまりよくないかも?
あすけんがケトジェニックに対応してないのでMyfitness palに移行。 また課金。こっち年間六千円だ!?たっけぇー!!!!
電動歯ブラシ使うもヤニ汚れが落ちないので歯医者行ったらすごい綺麗にし���くれた。 健康になりたいとは別に思ってないけど、歯が綺麗なのは嬉しいので定期検診することにする。
2024/2/5 80kg 26% 減るねぇ!!!!減るねぇ!!!筋肉が減っているねぇ!!! ケトジェニックは本当にキツい。 エネルギーに変わりやすく脂質摂取にも役立つMCTオイルを投入。 毎日50gアブラ飲めって二郎より多くねぇか!?
朝食:卵3つオムレツ、マヨネーズ、くるみ、MCTオイル 昼食:サラダチキン、サラダ、サバ水煮 MCTオイル 夕食:鳥もも肉、チーズ類、バター MCTオイル
鳥もも肉が余りにも旨すぎるので毎日調子に乗って300g摂取する。めっちゃ美味い。泣きそうになる。 アボカド食えっていろんなとこに書いてあるけど高いんだよアボカド、、、
どこに行っても痩せたねぇって言われるようになる。 着れ��かった服が着れるようになる。 ダイエットのメリットを享受し始める。4ヶ月で20kg減ってんだと思うと結構ハードなことやってる気がしてきた。
2024/2/15 77kg 24.9% もはや記念日。ケト成功か!?と思うも炭水化物抜いてるから水分抜けただけかも・・・ ただ体脂肪率ガンと落ちたのでもしかしたら効いてるかもしれない! 3kg落ちて体脂肪率1%減ったらもう記念日
2/20 75kg 23% ケトジェニックマジですごい、みるみる落ちていく。 1ヶ月で体脂肪率3%落ちてる。多分だけど、多分だけど測定ミス。 2ー3週間で体重自体も5kg落ちる。
そしてケトジェニックの最大のデメリット “体調悪化”が襲ってきた。 上手にやると体調悪くならないらしいんだけど、やっぱ最初だから上手くいかず体調不良。 とにかく筋肉痛からの戻りが遅いし、筋トレの精度も下がる。 昼間体力がもたない、毎日飲まないといけない水分量が圧倒的に増えるのでトイレの回数が異常に増える(2時間に1回は最低行く) 目標が見えてきた。あと12kgだ。終わったら絶対に二郎とゴーゴーカレーハシゴしてやる。 予測だと70kg切る前に2回くらい停滞しそうなのであんまり期待しすぎないようにする。 70kg切ったらもうそれは普通の人よ。
2/26 入院 痔ろう一歩手前肛門周囲膿漏になる。 人生で一番痛い思い出が更新される。 モルヒネ転売してる人いないですか!!!って叫ぶレベル。 痛くて眠れないので睡眠薬類投入で昨日まではなんとかなったけど、入院前日はそれでも痛すぎて眠れず。 様子見ましょうって言われた期間長すぎ。限界を迎えるも週末で対応してもらえない。 mizuirono_inuライブ中に痛すぎて叫ぶ。Changeの言えないよーのところで痛みが爆発。初サーキットイベントの思い出。痔。
2/27 73kg 23% 2/26から入院したせいでダイエット一時中断。 痩せる痩せないの前に痛い死ぬが前に来る。 いてぇーーーーーーーーーー 一旦ダイエットはおいといて、治療優先。
3/4 入院後の諸々がやっと終わりましたのでダイエット再開。 怖いので体重測らず。。。
3/6 77kg 24% ギャー!!!!!助けて!!!!死んじゃう!!!!増えた!!! 代謝がめっちゃ落ちてる感じがするのでケトジェニックは完全終了してローファットへ移行。 ローファット��と大福とか食べられます! それにしても普通の食事akaデブ飯に戻すだけで一気にここまで増えるのはおかしい。 これがリバウンドってやつか。まぁいいわい!すぐ落とす!!!
3/10 77kg 24% ローファットへの移行もだいたい完了ということで、次は落ちた代謝を元に戻します。 勢いに任せてチーティング。4000kcal摂取。 ダイエット始めてから一番つらかった思い出はこのチートデーでした。 4000kcal摂取するのって結構大変で、食べないより食べるの方がしんどくなるとは流石に思わなかった。 朝:松屋のカレー、焼肉弁当、サプリ 昼:回転寿司、ドーナツ、コンビニスイーツ 夜:バーガーキングのセット、コンビニスイーツ 深夜:プロテイン、サプリ
3/11 76kg 24% なんで昨日のアレで減るんだ??? 兎にも角にもローファット PFCバランスは タンパク質4 脂肪1 炭水化物5でお送りしております。
3/12 74kg 22% はーい!!!チートの効果出てまーす!!!減ってまーす!!! 代謝戻ったのかな!
厳密に言えば74.2kgの22.8なので実質的には誤差なんだけど22%に足を突っ込む。 体脂肪率的には10%台前半を目指したいので15%を目標値へ。 体重は63kg目標なんであと11kg 体重先にゴールしそうなので、体脂肪だけ落として筋肉つけるフェーズが来るなと予感。 ダイエット始めて5ヶ月、半年に突入します。多分ここからが本番。
3/30 75kg 24% なんか増えた・・・・ 食事全く変えてないのに増えてしまうのはおそらく代謝落ちてるからだなーーーー 基礎体温低すぎて代謝測りづらいのが欠点です。 やるか・・・・ケトジェニック・・・
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I've set my kcal on myfitness pal to 1000 today. Yesterday I came across a tiktok saying: imagine living a life and most of it you spend like a fat pig. I used to be much, much smaller, and I felt that sentence through my bones. I'm tired of my clothes not fitting, I'm tired of health problems due to my weight, I'm tired of my thighs rubbing, I'm tired of being the ugly fat one. I'm marking my sw: 102.9kg and I'll never return.
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Logging cals into myfitness before I even eat so I can feel extra disgusted with myself xoxo
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2am me is so confident for no reason, tell my why i downloaded the myfitness pal app and completely forgot about it till now
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My boyfriend bought me a food scale today.
Now I feel unstoppable. I've got MyFitness Pal, my food scale, my exercise bike, awesome music and healthy goodies to stay within my goals.
Restricting is going well. And I feel light and great. I think the healthy food choices have played a part in feeling so good.
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More Startups on Profit Track as Investors Tighten the Screw
A notable transition towards profitability is occurring within the startup ecosystem due to the reduction of venture capital and private equity investments. Due to the shift in investor perception, businesses are now prioritising sustainable growth over rapid expansion. Notable unicorns that have achieved profitability in FY24 include Oyo, Zomato, and Mamaearth from Honasa Consumer.
Rising Profitability Among Startups
Numerous firms have made the shift to profitability in the last year with success. Among them are the food tech behemoth Zomato, the consumer goods company Mamaearth, and the travel tech startup Oyo. Furthermore, Mensa Brands’ MyFitness and Lendingkart have also reached profitability at the EBITDA level. This is a considerable increase over prior years, when only two unicorns turned profitable in FY22 and one in FY23, according to Tracxn data.
Broader Trends in Profitability
In addition to these unicorns, eight other startups turned a profit in Q3 or Q4 of FY24, and one more turned a profit in Q1 of FY25. Among these unicorns making significant progress are Delhivery, Myntra, MobiKwik, Meesho, and Urban Company. Myntra reported gains in Q3 and Q4, while Delhivery and PB Fintech generated a profit in Q3. Meesho in Q2, Awfis and Sugar Cosmetics in Q4, MobiKwik in the first half of the year, Practo at the EBITDA level in Q4, and Meesho in Q2. Urban Company made a profit at the beginning of the current fiscal year.
Investor Perspectives
Partner at Khaitan & Co. Prasenjit Chakravarti predicts that by FY25/26, 20–30% of the top domestic startups will be profitable. He sees the recent trend of Indian startups being profitable as an indication of a larger movement towards financial sustainability. According to Anurag Ramdasan, a partner at venture capital company 3one4 Capital, over 40% of growth-stage businesses should achieve profitability milestones in the following two to three years. He does, however, issue a warning that such expectations are unreal for startups, since growth and product-market fit continue to be the fundamental measures of wealth generation.
Shift in Startup Strategies
The emphasis has clearly shifted from “growth at all costs” to operational efficiency, according to analysts. Earning a profit is becoming a crucial lever for entrepreneurs, especially those aiming to go public, says Karan Taurani, senior vice president and research analyst at Elara Capital. According to founder and CEO Abhishek Kumar, this transformation is visible in the strategic choices made by businesses like MyGate, which set out to achieve cash break-even by December 2023 and 0% cash burn.
Operational Efficiencies and Economies of Scale
According to Taurani, increased operating efficiencies and economies of scale are helping startups become more profitable. Analysts caution that startups’ long-term viability and general health should not be jeopardised by this emphasis on profitability. Cost-cutting strategies that compromise customer happiness and product quality should be avoided by businesses since they might result in a decline in customer loyalty and service standards.
Stay tuned with Atom News for more updates on startup profitability trends, venture capital insights, and industry-changing innovations.
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Navigating the Nutty Terrain: Peanut Butter Companies in India
In recent years, the demand for peanut butter has surged in India, with consumers embracing this creamy spread as a versatile pantry staple. As a result, a multitude of peanut butter companies have emerged, offering a diverse range of options to tantalize taste buds across the nation. In this exploration, we uncover the top peanut butter companies in India, shedding light on the brands that are making waves in the nutty landscape. Two Brothers Organic Farms is a leading peanut butter company in India.
Homegrown Heroes
One of the frontrunners in India's peanut butter scene is Pintola. With its focus on quality ingredients and innovative flavors, Pintola has carved a niche for itself among health-conscious consumers. From classic creamy to exotic blends like chocolate and almond, Pintola offers a diverse range of options to cater to varied preferences.
Alpino is another homegrown brand that has captured the hearts—and taste buds—of peanut butter aficionados across India. Renowned for its smooth texture and rich flavor, Alpino offers a wide array of peanut butter variants, including crunchy, chocolate, and even spicy options for the adventurous palate.
International Influences
The Butternut Co.
While based in India, The Butternut Co. draws inspiration from global culinary trends to create its range of artisanal peanut butter spreads. With a focus on natural ingredients and innovative flavors, The Butternut Co. offers a gourmet experience that's sure to delight discerning consumers seeking a taste of the extraordinary.
Sundrop, a household name in India, has also ventured into the realm of peanut butter, bringing its legacy of quality and trust to the table. With its creamy consistency and rich taste, Sundrop peanut butter offers a familiar yet satisfying option for those craving a taste of nostalgia.
Health-Conscious Choices
For health-conscious individuals looking to fuel their active lifestyles, MyFitness offers a range of peanut butter options fortified with essential nutrients like protein and omega-3 fatty acids. With flavors tailored to suit fitness enthusiasts, MyFitness peanut butter is a guilt-free indulgence that doesn't compromise on taste.
Pintola All Natural
Building on its reputation for quality, Pintola also offers an all-natural peanut butter variant that's free from added sugars and preservatives. Made from just two simple ingredients—peanuts and a pinch of salt—Pintola All Natural peanut butter is a wholesome choice for those seeking a pure and authentic spread.
As the popularity of peanut butter continues to soar in India, the market is abuzz with an array of tantalizing options from homegrown heroes to international influences. Whether you prefer the innovative flavors of Pintola, the gourmet experience of The Butternut Co., or the trusted quality of Sundrop, there's a peanut butter company in India ready to satisfy your nutty cravings. So go ahead, spread the love—and the peanut butter—because when it comes to indulgence, India's peanut butter companies are raising the bar.
Q: Is peanut butter healthy?
A: Peanut butter can be part of a healthy diet when consumed in moderation. It's a good source of protein, healthy fats, and essential nutrients like vitamin E and magnesium. However, it's important to choose brands with minimal added sugars and oils.
Q: Do people with allergies have any alternatives to peanut butter?
A: Yes, there are several alternatives for individuals with peanut allergies, including almond butter, cashew butter, and sunflower seed butter. These options provide similar creamy textures and nutty flavors without the risk of triggering allergic reactions.
Q: Can I use peanut butter in cooking and baking?
A: Absolutely! Peanut butter adds richness and flavor to a variety of dishes, from savory sauces and dressings to sweet treats like cookies, brownies, and smoothies. Just be sure to choose the right consistency (creamy or crunchy) based on your recipe's requirements.
Further Reading:
Peanut Butter: Is It Good for You?
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