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𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐙𝐮𝐤𝐨 & 𝐔𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐫𝐨𝐡 | 𝐀𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐫: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐀𝐢𝐫𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫
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enaelyork · 1 year
I watched Rogue One for the 50,000th time last night and we need to talk.
Those who believe that Krennic is an unsentimental, cruel and unscrupulous man are somewhat mistaken.
Yes, he is egocentric. Yes, he will prioritize his interests first, yes he needs to be recognized for his work regardless of the collateral damage, but his friendship towards Galen is sincere. I am sure.
I can't believe these two men have been friends since they were teenagers just because Krennic was planning to use him. I also can't believe that he doesn't act a little in Galen's interest (even though it obviously does him a great service). It gives more the impression that he wants the best for himself and that this obviously includes his weapon of mass destruction project. Krennic only sees this option to have both peace and the unconditional esteem of the world. (But I will develop all of this in my headcanon on his background because I am going to write it).
Of course, he places his pawns in order to get his way and what he does is clearly immoral. But the way he perpetually includes Galen in his projects doesn't just involve using him as an object. He wants Galen to work with him like they always did until their ideals diverged.
Not convinced yet? Watch the way he reacts when Tarkin tells him that the betrayal comes from the base where Galen works. How much the idea that his friend betrayed him tears at his soul. That moment in the ship when he walks towards Eadu and the last look he gives to his friend's lifeless body are unmistakable.
I could also elaborate on how he hates Lyra deeply from the moment she interferes with the bond he has with Galen. But I think you're all already convinced, right?
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kidatheartsam · 4 months
"I was caught up in the idea of you."
The Queen Anne Hathaway starred in this romantic Amazon Prime movie, so I just had to see it.
Currently finishing it up as I am typing this, and mann I know of the age gap is kind of icky, but why are they so cute together?! 🥺
Like mid 20's and just 40 is okay, they are both adults right?! I'm I just a hopeless romantic and just get suck in the romance part that it doesn't matter how old you are, it matters how you are treated.
Also can we just say Nicholas Galitizine has such an amazing singing voice?
I want what Solene and Hayes has. 😭😍
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doll-poetry · 5 months
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My Feelings ©️Doll2024
Little miss misunderstood~ soon as I got older & was made with a unknown voice that I discovered once I grew; never knew misunderstood would be my name
Creative Tagling & Link♡ All in this link》》my book Poetry Of Life A With Me🌸{POL} is available for purchase on Amazon & on hand, my Tumblr Blog{doll-poetry}, my Buzzsprout Podcast{Poet Archives🌸🎧} & my socials
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dongfangxunfeng · 2 years
in my anger era
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hrts4hanniehae · 10 months
was feeling quite deep ngl
i recently got rejected by the guy i liked, who a lot of my friends feel "led me on" and it reminded me of something i wrote a long time ago when i was going through a phase of heartbreak (over NOTHING)
No. He was out of my reach again. I thought he, of all people, would have understood that I couldn't cope with another person leaving. He said he loved me but where was he when I was crying on my bathroom floor. Where was he when my "best friend" left me? I should have known this day was coming. He said he'd always choose me… "If you really loved me, there wouldn't have to be a choice. Choose her." How I regretted saying that. I should have begged him to stay. Now I'm falling apart. The thread is fraying and I'm being pulled apart. He was my favourite form of loving. But I wasn't his. The hardest part of walking away from someone is that they'll be busy chasing after someone else no matter how slow you walk away rather than turning back to chase you again.
i dont expect this to get a lot of attention, i'm just throwing down my thoughts and drabble writing things.
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fyeahbangtaned · 2 years
Group hug ARMYs 💜 he’ll be fine, we’ll be fine. Let’s all continue to support the six other members in their upcoming projects 💜 we’ll see them again together soon enough 🥰
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drc111093 · 2 years
I’m not perfect and I’ll always say sorry when I harmed someone or done something wrong but I know sorry isn’t enough sometimes. I think a part of me is just hyper focusing on how I might have hurt someone’s feelings due to my ignorance. I might not be able to fix things but I do need to learn from this. Every error in my life has taught me something and while most are hard lessons, they were needed for me to grow.
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animejunki5 · 1 year
Got caught in my Lord Of The Rings feels watching this. It's so beautiful
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anonym-potato · 2 years
Veth: Makes a summer camp for young adventurers.
Me: Assembled a DnD campaign centered on young adventurers at a summer camp through a CR discord 2 1/2 years ago, that’s now waiting on it’s final session.
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since-2022 · 2 years
Frequência Cardíaca.
A vida precisa ter altos e baixos, se não tiver, ela estará em uma linha reta e você sabe o que isso significa? Significa que você esta morto! Portanto não desanime se você tiver dias ruins, dias ruins fazem parte da vida, faz parte de estar vivo.
O meu ponto mais baixo se iniciou no dia 29 de julho de 2021 (que foi quando eu soube que tinha depressão), na verdade já tinha se iniciado a bastante tempo, quando? Eu não sei, mas foi nessa data que eu tive o diagnóstico, que eu soube o que realmente estava acontecendo e por isso considero a data de inicio, pois foi ali que eu tive a consciência do que eu realmente estava passando e que poderia fazer algo a respeito.
Receber esse diagnóstico não foi fácil, levei um tempo para conseguir absorver isso, mas eu sabia que tinha que fazer algo a respeito o quanto antes, e por isso eu me dei uns dias para conseguir absorver o que estava acontecendo e logo procurei ajuda, então no dia 5 de agosto eu já fui em uma consulta médica e iniciei nesse mesmo dia o meu tratamento, apesar de ter tido pouco suporte psicológico nessa etapa da minha vida, eu sempre lembrava de uma frase da minha psicóloga: isso é só uma fase e vai passar. Eu sabia que ia passar, nada nessa vida é permanente, mas isso não significa que o trajeto é fácil.
Por muito tempo me senti estagnada, não me sentia melhor e nem pior, era como a cada passo que eu dava para frente, logo eu dava outro para trás, eu sabia que tinha que fazer algo a respeito, mas eu não sabia o que. Até que no dia 01 de janeiro de 2022 mesmo não tendo certeza eu meio que soube o que eu precisava fazer, era muito incerto, meus pensamentos não estavam bem alinhados, mas quando um carro passou perto de mim e eu imaginei me jogando na frente dele eu percebi que não era isso que eu queria, por mais que eu estava me sentindo cansada de tudo, eu queria continuar e por isso mesmo não tendo certeza eu agi, e encerrei um ciclo que já não me fazia bem a bastante tempo, eu só não conseguia enxergar. Mesmo sabendo que aquele era um passo para eu me sentir melhor eu me vi jogada no chão sem saber como seria dali para frente.
Por isso eu digo com convicção que esse ano de 2022 foi o ano que eu me senti mais viva, foram tantos altos e baixos, tantos dias ruins, pensamentos ruins, mas também teve coisas boas, pessoas boas, e eu pude ver o quanto a decisão mais incerta da minha vida me fez bem. Eu fui capaz de abrir as portas novamente e permitir que pessoas novas entrassem na minha vida, e o mais importante, que saíssem também. Sem contar as coisas que fiz por mim, lugares que fui, e que fui porque eu queria isso, eu estava no controle da minha vida, das minhas vontades, e perceber isso foi algo surreal.
E hoje dia 06 de novembro de 2022 não posso dizer que estou em um dos meus melhores dias, mas consegui refletir sobre tudo que passei durante esse ano, e sabe que o que eu percebi, que hoje é só um dia ruim, e nós devemos nos permitir a ter dias ruins porque faz parte dos altos e baixos lembra? Faz parte da vida, faz parte de estar vivo, e por isso que eu me sinto bem, porque sei que não me fechei para a vida, não me fechei para sentimentos, e isso me faz querer continuar vivendo.
E o que faz eu me sentir ainda mais viva é estar viva, é saber que ainda terei dias ruins, mas terei também dias bons, eu terei os meus altos e baixos que me manterá viva.
— Natália Morais.
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kommunistkaitou · 2 years
any animorph and/or riliane for bingo?
ALRIGHT I chose Tobias for my Animorph bc he is my OG Blorbo. My tobias one turned out very similar to your marco one, with the same bingo as well
tobias in orange, riliane in black:
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exploresmallworlds · 11 months
Nano day 11
Today is Remembrance Day. It seems fitting that I am writing a lot about what I went through and transposing it in space. I am enjoying the challenge. I thought that my scattered brain had actually lost all motivation. But then I hit 2k (which doesn't get me to the recommended word count) and I'm really happy to get three scenes completed.
A lot of what the characters say are versions of what I felt and what I think, but there is a wonderful feeling that in fiction you get to say it out loud and not keep them to myself because there is reality I wasn't able to say many of these things, and even if I had said them it wouldn't have mattered. I say this because I wrote about consent today, and it was the crystallisation of all the things that I have learnt in the ten years since I was just starting my adult journey and the strangeness that has been around since leaving Christianity and all its cultural accouremonts.
If this goes further than being posted on my other blog: @bitsandpiecesaworkinprogress (which if you want to check please do so). I do want my writing to hopefully resonate with people who might be in there or see a resonance that reminds them that there are other people who have thought some of the same things as them.
I haven't yet tackled another writing exercise but keen for that. I am really feeling that my writing has actually gotten better in combination of the actual writing, writing exercises and the interminable job applications that I'm writing.
29% (14,572 out of 50,000 words)
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kidatheartsam · 4 months
It bugged me today when I saw my best friend and she told me she thinks she hasn't been a good friend lately. We've been friends for 7 years going on 8, and it's seriously the longest one I've had.
All my friends disappeared on me throughout my childhood, and she was the one who stuck around. I am so, so grateful for her and I tell her that every time I see her.
I hope telling her she means the world to me today helped her see sense that I love her, and she is my day 1.
✨Nothing is ever gonna change that. Guaranteed. ✨
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ellisdeeland · 1 year
I cried like a furious toddler because I felt ignored by my boyfriend via text, slapping the fuck out of my legs and screaming bloody murder but only for like 5 seconds this time and my cats still went to hide and now I’m EXTRA alone. I hate my reactions :(
I wonder if it will end soon, I mean these episodes of extreme upset where I burst out. I started lamictal 3 days ago… maybe this post can serve as reference one day to see my progress 🙁
I was previously trying to harden my heart to avoid the feeling of abandonment and hurt that lingers within me night after night when homework is the priority. Hardening was working until I felt too just so empty and like I was training myself to be a mean gf.
But in reality, being reserved with your feelings is hurt. Being cold is hurting me.
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rye-know · 2 years
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Ryno - My Feelings Is Now Available Everywhere! Check It Out! 😎👇🏻 https://www.traxsource.com/track/10733413/my-feelings-original-mix https://www.beatport.com/track/my-feelings/17368083 #ryno #ryanrauert #myfeelings #sonambulos #sonambulosmuzic #josevilches #palmademallorca #spain #housemusic #techhousemusic #housemusicalllifelong #house #music #ibiza #mmw #miamimusicweek (at Ibiza) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpp2Gcaut9B/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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