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eclectic-sassycoweyes · 11 months ago
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Thanks for the tags @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad, @lemonlyman-dotcom, @carlos-in-glasses and @carlos-tk !!
This is from Ranch Fic, a new thing that happened when @thisbuildinghasfeelings asked me what was the number thing I wanted to see in s5 and then just kept happening and here we are :):)
(More than, sorry) seven sentences from a much needed conversation between Carlos, who has a big decision to make, and Luisa:
Somehow the feeling of Luisa’s warm and caring hand in his allows the next words on Carlos tongue to spill just as gently from his lips.
“And then just.. coming here all those times with dad..”
His voice cracks on the last word and suddenly the tears are flowing freely, unrestrained by the tight string Carlos usually has on his emotions.
Carlos is surprised by this. In all his adult life he has rarely cried without it being accompanied by the feeling of that string sitting somewhere in his throat and pressing painfully on his glands, working hard to keep even more tears from coming, to keep the floodgates as hermetically closed as possible. He still seldomly does, and only ever with TK.
He suddenly feels like a child again, taken back to a time and an age before anybody ever told him that real boys don’t cry.
Crying uninhibited by and completely unaware of the idea of that being some sort of violation of The Rules Of Being A Man. Back when he could be soft, before he even knew that there could be any bad association with that word. Before that word was even a part of his vocabulary to describe anything other than the fur of his favorite stuffed koala. Getting comforted by the safe presence of his big sister because someone teased him at school or he fell and scraped his knee playing in the yard with his cool, older sisters.
Tags under the cut!
Tagging @welcometololaland, @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut, @lightningboltreader, @never-blooms, @heartstringsduet,
@herefortarlos , @paperstorm , @lightningboltreader @lemonlyman-dotcom
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tommystummy · 1 year ago
Seven Sentence Sunday
Tagged by my beloveds @wildlife4life @wh0re-behavi0r and @hoodie-buck tysm babes!! đŸ©”đŸ©”đŸ©”đŸ©”
Here's a little bit of a buddie childhood friends to lovers au that I started months ago but I wanna go back on it
Evan doesn't really have friends his age.  But that's okay because he has Maddie, the best sister in the entire world and his bestest best friend.  He also has books. And not the ones he has to read in school – he has a hard time focusing on those – but the ones he picks out from the library whenever Maddie takes him. Plus there's his favorite CD's he loves to listen to drown out the loud silence whenever Maddie's working. He also likes to skateboard.  He's got plenty to do. He doesn't need friends.  But the thing is, he wants them. He tried to befriend his old classmates but they always give him these looks like he's not wanted, the same ones his parents give him during those times he doesn't get himself hurt. And when he tries to get hurt in front of them like he does with his parents, they just make fun of him.  He just wants a friend. And that's why he's determined to make friends at his new school.
It feels like everybody's done this and I don't remember all who writes but I'm gonna tag: @lover-of-mine @elvensorceress @honestlydarkprincess @kxsslikerealpeopledo @barbiediaz anyone else who wants to do this!
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kittynomsdeplume · 3 years ago
Ooh, what's "Cullen and Shale?" ":D
You're not the first to ask about this and before everyone goes wild - IT IS NOT SMUT! đŸ€Ł I started thinking about this on my last play-through of Inquisition, when Cullen mentions that he grew up in Honnleath. I thought about how as a child, he would have seen Shale frozen in the village square getting pooped on by birds. I imagine that the town legend of the mage Wilhelm, and his golem - whom Wilhelm allegedly took great delight in frightening and intimidating other villagers with and that eventually went berserk and killed him - could have played a large part in Cullen's desire to become a Templar. To protect people from magic gone awry, and the abuse of it, as occurred in Honnleath. I envision a young Cullen - wanting to escape his boisterous siblings and coming to talk to the golem, telling it about his dreams to be a shining knight and practicing his swordplay against it with a wooden stick. I imagine Shale, recognising the boy - now a tortured man - many years later at the Circle Tower.
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peanutbutterjelly-pie · 3 years ago
Just a little heads-up for anyone who's following my WIP "Any Other Day":
Due to RL stuff and also me being sick for the better part of the week I'm a bit behind with my writing and editing, therefore the new chapter won't be up today but Thursday instead!
Just so you know 💗
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darter-blue · 4 years ago
👀 Ressurection / Body worship...
Thanks for jumping into my inbox, lovely 😍😍
Oh this is one of my favourite things I've ever written, this fic was a combination of the resurrection square on my bucky bingo card, and a body worship prompt from kinktober for @martelldoran and it turned into sort of a Frankensteinian epic.
Here is a snippet for you:
‘Don’t look at me like this Steve. Please,’ Bucky is beseeching him, the storm in his blue-grey eyes brewing ever closer to the surface, ‘I’m broken, I’m ruined
 a monster like this, Stevie.’ He whispers it, like a shameful secret.
And Steve can’t have that. Bucky, as tortured as he has been, these scars, they are a testament to his strength. They are evidence of what he has survived. They are beautiful, in their own way, and if this is what Steve can give him. If this is the way that Steve can begin to atone for his sins, by proving their beauty, Bucky’s beauty, to him, then Steve will make it his mission to do so.
Anyway. I'm looking forward to getting back to it at some stage in the new year đŸ„°
TYSM for playing, Maddie 😘😘
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littlemisso · 4 years ago
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A little snippet from one of my many WIP’s.....
The only thing that Bernie can think of, the only rational thought that enters her head as Serena’s intention becomes clear, is how grateful she is that the desk is a solid, sturdy antique piece and not an Ikea self build number - because she doesn’t think that it would stand up to what Serena has planned if it was.
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teaandatale · 6 years ago
Steggy Week Day 7 (Sunday): Free choice
My Theme: Previews & Support
1. Previews: Okay, work has been brutal, the muse hasn’t been kind to me, so I didn’t finish the couple other works I thought I would for Steggy Week. Instead, I’m going to share previews of 5 fics I’ve been working on (new and old), as a amuse bouche of an end to Steggy Week.
2. Support: Then for the rest of today, I will be checking out all the Steggy goodness created this past week and commenting about how brilliant this fandom is, as much as possible, because I know just how much feedback feeds the muse.
If anyone doesn’t have anything finished for today, might I suggest you tease us with your own preview of Steggyness to come :D
Previews of fics in the works below the cut.
1.     Untitled Agent Carter S2 AU
Summary: Steve is found in 1947, while Peggy’s still in Los Angeles.
“Howard what is going on?”
“We’re almost there. I’ll tell you then.”
He’s in some sort of mood, and acting shifty. She eyes him suspiciously as they follow along through several turns into alleys and side streets. She knows the destination three blocks from the building and the second she realizes, Peggy grabs Howard by the collar of his shirt.
“Easy pal!”
“What the hell are we going there for Howard?”
His eyes shift from hers in a rush, and he rubs at the back of his neck.
“It seemed like the right place,” he mutters under his breath and then ignores her demanding expression and continues walking.
She’d never avoided this street, but for all her time in New York since the end of the war, she’d never ended up back here.
“You found him,” she whispers like a prayer.
And for Howard to keep this information from her
 It was cruel.
“How could you not say anything? How could you not tell me? Me! Of all people Stark!”
“That’s exactly why I had to figure out exactly what it is I found Peggy!”
“And what the bloody hell is that supposed to mean?!”
He bites his lip and then heads to the glass where the observation looked over a transformation of Steve Rogers once upon a time.
” Phillips trails off in a soft voice she’s only heard a handful of times in her time with him. “There’s a bit more.”
Howard pulls the screen away from the glass revealing not an abandoned lab, but a whole slew of people and machinery working below them.
“He’s not dead Peg.”
 She’s gone insane. She’s finally gone insane. She’d wondered if it would come. If all the incredible disasters in her life would lead her to a complete loss of reality. And it’s finally happened.
 “He’s alive. Steve Rogers is alive,” Phillips confirms.
“We’ve been trying to wake him. But he’s been frozen so long it’s causing some problems. He’s thoroughly thawed out, so we’re not really sure what the trouble is. There’s not a lot of experience I have to work with here. But I’ll figure it out. I know I will.”
She is no longer interested in anything further that Howard Stark has to say.
Peggy flies out of the observation room, wrenching the way to the stairs open, even as medics and attendants swing their heads away from the body laying in the cot to her stomping on the steps.
  2.     Play Like a Girl
Summary: Peggy recently moved to Brooklyn where she happens to run into Brooklyn’s golden boy Steve Rogers on more occasions than she cares for. Her first real interaction with Steve, a recently retired MLB shortstop, leaves much to be desired. And yet somehow she finds herself helping him coach a girls’ baseball team for the summer.
 A baseball lands with a loud smack against her hardwood floors. Winston lifts his head, looks at her briefly with a tilt of his head before he runs off to chase after the rolling baseball.
            Peggy stands staring dumbfounded at her broken window, the faint sound of screeches coming from outside. After a few moments, she finally comes to her senses, outrage pouring out of her as she starts to stomp towards her front door to chase down the culprit. The second she pulls her front door open, her doorbell sounds simultaneously, and there he is standing in front oh her, Mr. Hometown Hero himself.
            Steve Rogers stands with a sheepish expression. Of course its him. Recently retired Dodgers’ shortstop, the hometown rookie of the year that led the Mets to the World Series during his second season in the major leagues, the attractive dog walker she’d been running into at the park directly across the street from her house.
            “Oh,” is the first thing he says, his eyes widening a bit. “Hi again.”
            He fiddles with his stupid backwards cap and she wants to rip it off his head.
            “Hi again? That’s all you have to say to me after hurling a baseball through my window?!”
            Winston decides this is the time to come bounding in with the stupid baseball in question. He drops it at their feet, more interesting at sniffing at Steve. He bounds up, front paws on Steve’s legs who immediately drops down to scratch at his ears.
            “Winston no! Down!”
            Winston withdraws, albeit reluctantly, looking back at her with that head tilt of confusion. She refuses to let her dog fraternize with this jerk of a jock.
“Great job today ladies,” Steve calls out. “Now all of you have a wonderful weekend. Be kind. Have lots of fun. And rest up for more on Monday.”
           “Bye Coach Steve! Bye Peggy!” They shout as they give the dogs last pats.
           “It’s coming along,” she notes. “And they’re having fun.”
           Steve nods. “They’re definitely more focused than I had expected. But then again they are much more mature than I was at their age.”
            “Or now,” she jokes. She regrets it for a moment, realizing that they’re not really friendly enough for that kind of teasing comment.
            But Steve, to her surprise, snorts out a surprised chuckle.
           “Well you’re probably right about that,” he agrees with easily. “Hey, thank you again for the snacks and breaks. Obviously they need more of that.”
            She bites her lip but then it comes out of her anyway.
            “I work from home a couple times during the week. So I’m free a few mornings,” she says. “I could perhaps lend a hand on those mornings.”
            She watches his face brighten but the smile is cautious.
            “You’re always more than welcome, you’ve made this even more fun,” he starts, rocking back on his heels, “but I’m sure you’re very busy. So no pressure. Really.”
            “I am busy,” she agrees, “but hell if I’m not already invested in seeing these girls grown as a team.”
            She thought she’d seen the extent of his happy expression, but the look on her face now transcends even his earlier joy with Rodger. It’s blindingly pure and she swears she feels butterflies kicking through her with a force she cannot reckon.

            Oh shit indeed.
  3.     Of Gold & Something More – Chapter 2 Dreams That You Dare to Dream
Summary: Peggy’s family moves to New York when she’s young. While she’s able to keep up her ballet lessons with the transcontinental move, it’s when her brother starts playing hockey that she gets interest in ice skating. There at the local rink, she meets her first (and only) skating partner.
 Michael takes her hand and helps her with her skates. “How was your lesson?”
            “Wonderful!” she sighs. “I didn’t fall once. I bet I’m the best one in the class.”
           He snorts. “It’s your third lesson Peg. Don’t go dreaming about the Olympics just yet.”
           “Why not?” She plants her hands at her hips. “I can do whatever I want to Michael. Even the Olympics.”
            He laughs and she pouts at him. “Alright you win darling. Now come on I’m starving.”
            Peggy turns back over her shoulder to watch the skaters still on the ice. She watches two boys, one with blond hair, the other with brown chasing each other up and down the middle, gliding with perfect ease. One day she was going to be able to skate so fast it would feel like flying. One of these days.
“Lessons are on the other end, Peggy,” the boy named Bucky he says with so wide a grin it makes her a little warm inside.
 “Lessons are boring,” she shoots back. “I can already skate backwards. And I already know how to balance you know since I’m a ballerina.”
His friend stays quiet behind Bucky, smoothing kicked up ice off his pants. She tilted her head at him. She wondered if he was shy. He didn’t seem shy when he was tearing up the ice with Bucky or some of the other hockey boys. But then she thinks back to the boys’ lessons she watched him skate during. The other boys would goof off between exercises, but he seemed to stay focused and quiet.
“Hear that Steve? She’s a ballerina.” The blond boy named Steve nodded and shoved his hands into his pockets. She notices that his cheeks are a little pink but she doesn’t know why. “I don’t know about ballet, but I can dance a little too you know.”
“Oh yeah?”
 “Uh huh! I started ice dance lessons with my cousin a couple of months ago.”
“Ice dance?” Her eyes grow wide and the bubbly feeling comes back. “You can dance on the ice? Show me!”
He laughs but it doesn’t make her bristle. He doesn’t seem to be making fun of her. She thinks.
 “I can’t right now. I don’t have a partner.”
 “I’ll be your partner.”
 He gives her his signature grin but shakes his head. “Sorry Peggy you’re too little to be my partner. You and Steve could be partners, he’s not that much taller than you.” She sees Steve turns red and kicks at the ice with his left skate.
  4.     ‘S Wonderful ‘S Marvelous – Untitled Sequel #1
Summary: Steve and Peggy make good on their promise to keep in touch and see each other in person before the end of the year.
 “I don’t snore!”
            Steve hums. “Maybe snore is the wrong word. It’s sort of a mix of a soft snore and a snuffle,” he tells her, his voice gone so soft and tender she feels something tighten in her stomach. “It’s cute. It made it feel like you were right here next to me for a moment.”
           Peggy turns onto her back staring up at the ceiling in the darkness, her free hand running across her bedsheets as if her body’s automatically searching for his.
           “I wish I was,” she whispers back.
            “Soon,” he promises in his whisper. “Time for you to go to sleep for real Peggy.”
            She grunts out her disapproval. “No I’m awake.”
           He chuckles. “It’s late. We’ve been on the phone for hours.”
           She glances over at her alarm clock, her eyes widening at the single digits. Hours indeed.
           “Time has a strange sense of humor then because I swear I just called you.” 
           “And yet time also makes it feel like I haven’t seen in you in months when it was just six days ago.”
            I don’t remember having this before
 Just talking. Wanting to share more and more the longer we talk.”
            He hums in response. “It feels special.”
            “It is special.”
           He lets out a long exhale. “I can’t wait to see you.”
            “Me too. It’s soon. Soon. Even if it doesn’t feel like it right now.”
            He laughs again. “You got that right. Bedtime Peggy.”
            She hums sleepily. “Good night Steve. I’ll see you soon.”
            “Sleep well Peggy.” His voice is a lullaby and though her whole body aches with missing him, she turns over with a smile and falls back to sleep.
Her stomach flutters with butterflies as the train starts to slow into the station. Peggy pulls out her phone and rereads the text she received just a few minutes ago.
 Waiting at the station. I can’t wait to see you.
            She reads it one more time, stomach filling with anticipation. Had it really only been just over three weeks since she’d last seen Steve? It felt like months. And that hunger she had been feeling was finally going to be satisfied. She feels her body buzzing as she collects her luggage and sets off for the platform with the rest of the passengers making their way to their destinations. The station’s lights are a bright glow against the dark winter evening. She’s aware of the chill biting at her exposed skin but she can only think about who she is meeting.
           Once through the station’s lobby, with the parking lot in plain view, there she sees Steve leaning against his truck, his eyes already on her, his face breaking out in such a warm smile that it touches her even from the hundred feet still between them. As soon as the path is clear in front of her, Peggy races towards him.
  5.     Layer on Layer – Chapter 16 Epilogue Part 1
Summary: The one-year anniversary of meeting Peggy looms near. But anniversary celebrations are put on hold when the whole world goes to shit. 
He’s deep in concentration getting her warm brown eyes just right, the right shade, the touch of a knowing glimmer in them. He remembers the first time they locked eyes, across her bedroom, just down the hall from where he stood right then.
            He’s so deep in concentration, he doesn’t think twice at the sound of the front door opening and then when he hears footsteps approaching.
            “Hey Peg, aren’t you late?” he asks distractedly without looking up.
            “She sure is,” a voice that’s not Peggy’s startles him. He nearly drops his palette, tipping it over and paint gets on his bare chest.
            He looks up and sees Angie.
            “Sorry!” she cries out, and he notices she’s not looking at his face when he sets the palette down, trying to wipe at the pint on his skin. “Wow. This is a look. Go English!”
            Steve blushes, grabbing his rag and using it as a make-shift cover for at least part of his bare torso.
            “I thought you two were meeting at your hotel for drinks,” Steve said, reaching over to the couch for his shirt. Angie is still staring when he slips it on.
            “We were but she was running late. And so when she didn’t show I thought I’d see if we got our wires crossed and see if she was here. Sorry for scaring you. I still had my key, and I wasn’t thinking. I didn’t realize you’d be here.”
            “It’s okay,” he said. “I’m sure Peggy just got caught up or stuck in traffic. You know how her work is.”
            Angie nodded. “Yeah, she’s always going at a hundred miles a minute.” She stepped further into the room until she was right in front of the canvas. “You’re painting Peggy! You’ve been painting a perfect portrait of her half-naked looking like a Greek God. Unreal.”
            Steve blushed further. “It’s hot but I wanted the breeze and the sunlight filtering in so I turned the air conditioning off.”
            “Oh don’t apologize, Steve. This has been the best surprise to walk into. I can’t imagine how Peg handles coming home to this every day. You’re an amazing artist. That looks just like Peggy, down to that spark in her eye. I might need to hire you to paint me.”
            He laughed. “Free of charge Angie. Friends and family plan.”
            “You’re as sweet as a button, you know that?” She grins. “Must be some hell of a meeting English is stuck in for her to respond to my texts for like five hours.”
            Steve hummed, checking his phone.
            “Wait. What did you say? You haven’t heard from her in that long?”
             Something didn’t feel right to Steve. She hadn’t responded in that many hours? She always sent him responses if short ones within an hour or so, even at her busiest.
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ibelieveinturtles · 6 years ago
I have a problem
In preparation for Camp Nano next month I went and counted the words in all my wip's... with individual counts ranging from 10,000+ to 47, the total comes in at around 60,000.
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nightskywriter · 6 years ago
Tag List!
Hey guys and gals, I’m building tag lists for my WIP’s: Playing with Fire, Ice’s Land, and To Assassinate the Thief.  If you would like to be added to any of these tag lists please DM me, send an ask, or comment below! 
Types of Tag list: General: Snippets, character posts, moodboards, worldbuilding, etc Snippets: Snippets from the WIP only Characters: Only posts that are character related (please specify if you only want to hear about certain characters) Moodboards: Only moodboards Worldbuilding: Only posts about worldbuilding 
Please say which WIP(’s) tag list you would like to be added to and what type!
If you wish to be added or removed, feel free to contact me at anytime! (No explanations are necessary and I won’t be offended.) Also, this is a pressure-free tag list, meaning if you don’t want to read or look at a post then don’t! Tags aren’t a responsibility, they’re just notifications!
Thank you!
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drabbleitout · 6 years ago
My List of WIP’s
I talk a lot about The Womb, and a little about Shadow & Fire, but I wanted to make a post about all of my main focus WIP’s that I’ve had over the years. So, here they are! My big hitters and really crappy synopsis of each. (Disclaimer: Long Post)
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The Womb:               Stand Alone               NA Sci-Fi/ Fantasy
Humans have been enslaved, too violent to be set loose among the stars. Earth is empty and the universe is fading out like a cloth unraveling from the edges. As refugees race for living stars, the tyrannical Cities do nothing. They believe their leader, their Chosen One, will find a way to save them. But the Nuclei, the power source of the universe, is refusing the Chosen One. Against all prophecies and word from the gods, an enslaved Human and an exiled Cite are sent to steal the Nuclei and restore the universe in exchange for their freedom.
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Shadow & Fire:               Tetralogy               Fantasy/ Victorian Gothic
Mankind is reestablished after Nuclear War forced them underground for a century. In the Free Country of the seven Oras, the capital of Dresoft has lost their king to a mysterious faction only known as The Trenchers. Until the young Prince Regent can be crowned, Erinan Bribey and his band of mercenaries are called in to protect the superstitious capital of Dresoft. But when one of the band goes missing the Trenchers may be the only help for Bribey, Dresoft, and all of Free Country.
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Watchers:               Novella               WW2 Historical Fiction/ Religious/ Horror Gothic
It’s 1943 in occupied France, and lend-lease pilot turned spy, Michael Trevino, has just been shot down and taken into German custody. Yet trying to interrogate this smart mouthed Mexican-American isn’t the strangest thing this Wehrmacht detachment will deal with. A mysterious explosion leaves Trevino and Egon Ritter, a captive German Army defector, the only survivors. Trevino is forced at gunpoint to help this feral German who is hellbent on getting a young, Norwegian girl out of Europe. With the help of a fellow French spy, Clara Audet, Ritter and Trevino scramble to keep this girl from SS detection.
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The Last of Her Kind:               Stand Alone               Post-Apocalyptic/ Dieselpunk
It took sixty seconds for the bombs to wipe out 83% of life. It took a hundred years to rebuild enough for war to start again. With little land left unaffected by lingering radiation, the smaller country of Bretwalda rose up against wealthy Anglia for land. The fighting became bloody as Bretwaldans targeted females hoping of bending Anglia to their will. Decades since the last female was lost, Anglia has signed a treaty with their southern neighbors, the Roman Alliance. They both seek to end the Bretwaldans and swap a number of military officers. Bright and optimistic Roman clerk, Rune Klein is assigned to cold and war hardened Anglian officer Walram Becker, as an assistant on the Bretwaldan front. While struggling to understand one another and make the alliance work, Becker stumbles upon the realization that there may be females left –that Rune may be the last of her kind.
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Operation Heads:               Trilogy               WW2 Historical Fiction/ Action/ Thriller
A Russian, a Grecian, and a German walk into a bar. It’s not the beginning to a bad joke. They’re there hiding from the SS , and along the way meet up with a bounty hunter and they all end up working in Poland as resistant fighters. As a ragtag team, struggling to work together, not to mention stay alive, they volunteer for the more dangerous missions. You know, like jumping SS officers in the street, or setting off bombs during their holiday galas. But the misfits start to turn into a family, and as the Germans close in, it’s a fight to keep together and stay alive.
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The Missing Illusion:               Stand Alone               Science Fiction
Space was ruled by technological advanced race that knew the secrets of time, stars, and the essence of life. They were known as Humans. They’ve been gone for hundreds of years, vanished from existence in what is known as the Great Collapse. Only their creations are left behind, the Cyberians. There are few who know how to control this essence, who have it in their genetic code. They are called Watchers, highly respected guardians of galaxies. Yet those jealous and power hungry have created a serum that gives one artificial powers similar to that of the Watchers. This discovery caused an outrage, and its founders were exiled by the Cyberian Council. Those who were against such a sentence left their native planet, following these scientists and took on the name Lilithains. With the serum, they created synthetic Watchers, known and Druids, and destroyed their home planet, killing almost all Cyberians in the process. Now it’s a race between Watchers and Druids, to overcome each other in search of a new home.
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The Cup Bearer:               Stand Alone               Sci-Fi/ Military/ Action/ Romance
Aquarid was discovered in 2059 40 light years from Earth. With growing climate change and limited resources, Humans make the leap to a new home. Yet, it isn’t empty. It’s occupied by a shape shifting, humanoid race called the Huldra, who recently concurred the planet, destroying its native species in search of their own new home. Now the exoplanet is sectioned off with vast stretches of jungled no-man’s land in between. Aiden has just arrived from Earth, hand picked to be a Special Forces aircraft gunner, and horrified to find his pilot is Huldran. Yet, all joking that the War Council is out to kill him starts to ring too true seeing how he and his pilot are treated. Aiden wants to know why his pilot is being harbored, why his superiors are trying to get them killed, and what the Huldra really want.
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House of Romanov:               Stand Alone               Sci-Fi/ Alternate History/ Dystopian
At the end of WW2, when Germany was divided, and a larger section was given to the Soviet Union. However, the Russians turned them into their own personal army using them to fight in a war that didn’t remain the Cold War. Mirk is a soldier, a loyal one, part of a detachment known as Hounds. Alongside his closest comrades, Bruns -a lightweight knife wielder, and Sigi -a gangly sniper, he fights for the Red Army in it’s conquest across Europe. Yet when Alexandra Omerovic becomes their new commanding officer things begin to change. Secrets have been kept, history has been altered, and rumors spread that there is an uprising behind the Iron Curtain. There is a White Army on the rise, a revolution starting in the heart of Moscow, and a Romanov may still be alive.
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sleepywinchester · 8 years ago
I've been lacking on uploads and the reason is finals, they killin’ me.
I’m currently working on a new hella angsty + fluffly series for @waywardlullabies 12 Days Of Countdown Challenge. Is going to be Dean x Caroline (OFC). Later this week I’ll post a summary and open a new the tag list for the series.
 I also have some other works in progress like:
God Have Mercy Sequel - Negan x Catalina [OFC] 
Sequel for Written On Me. 
@jensen-jarpad christmas song challenge fic. 
Season 2 of Behind The Scenes. 
New chapter for Unusual. 
And some other more stuff.... 2017 is gonna be an exciting year!
So, yeah.... I’ll be back to post more fics soon this finals go away. <3
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eomer · 9 years ago
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lilttle wip of Eorl trying to tame Felaróf; after the stallion killed his father, Léod
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tommystummy · 1 year ago
WIP Tag Game
Tagged by my beloved @honestlydarkprincess tysm babe 💙💙💙💙💙💙
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
I have way to many old WIP's, so I'm just gonna do some of them (and this time I'm adding other fandom fics as well)
buddie vampire + witch au
Buddie and Madney Married I'm Vegas
Buddie "Platonic" Big Family AU
Buddie Double Date S7
Dad!Buck S7
Buddie Ghost Angst
Madney Speak Now AU
two ghosts standing in the place of you and me
King Henry
Firstprince P&P AU
Lokius Family Meets Thorjane Family
Lokius Modern Royalty AU
No pressure taggging: @wh0re-behavi0r @monsterrae1 @eddiediazisascorpio @elvensorceress @hoodie-buck @wildlife4life @giddyupbuck @lover-of-mine @housewifebuck @theheartofthe118 @madneyslifeline @barbiediaz and anyone else who wants to do it!
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peanutbutterjelly-pie · 5 years ago
The latest news for “In These Arms”:
Since I felt bad for leaving you with such an evil cliffhanger last time -- (okay, no, that’s a lie, I’m not sorry at all, but all your pain and misery fueled my inspiration beyond measure ;D) -- the next chapter will be posted tonight đŸ€—
A last hooray before the epilogue!!
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darter-blue · 4 years ago
⭐ New writers game! Describe a current wip only using gifs, then pass this along to 5 other writers! ⭐
Thanks for the tag @hbalbat this was actually kind if helpful for me atm đŸ€ŁđŸ’™
Okay let see...
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Can you guess what I'm working on next?
Tagging @greyhavensking @thewaythatwerust @buckyandthejets @dreadlockholiday-01 @martelldoran and @allegedlyann
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lizzy-lovegood · 9 years ago
Post the last complete sentence for each of your WIPs
So I was tagged to do this by both the wonderful @tenroseforeverandever and @julibellule. Thank you, and sorry for getting to this so late! I don’t usually have too many WIPs going at once but here are a few fragments...
“In deference to his display of manliness, Rose waited twenty minutes before calling first a tow service and then a cab.” -Week 3 of the Fall Fic Fest
“Setting the roses down in a green glass vase - much prettier than the one on the ship - the princess flounced with a huff onto her bed.” -Doctor/Rose Fairytale AU
“But she didn’t.” -Other Attempt at Doctor/Rose Fairytale AU (that will probably be abandoned in favor of the first version which is flowing much easier). Seriously, that’s the last complete sentence.
“’That is the last time,’ Rose gritted out between heaves, ‘the last time we go to the seventeenth century for dinner.’” -Ten/Rose Subvert the Trope fic that might be finished...someday?
“Rose never passed her driving test.” -Latest chapter of Domestics
This has been sitting in my drafts for foreverrr, I don’t doubt it’s made the rounds by now. But if you do see this, feel free to share a bit of whatever works-in-progress you have going. I’d love to see them. :)
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