#my what big teeth youve got
lulublack90 · 2 months
Prompt 19 - Fairytale
@wolfstarmicrofic July 19, word count 995
CW - Murder, blood
Once upon a time, there was a young man named Sirius. Sirius lived with his parents and brother. They drove him mad. One morning, his mother ordered him to take a basket of cakes and buns to his grandmother. 
“Why can’t Kreacher do it?” He asked sullenly. He did not enjoy visiting his grand-mère. 
“Because I told you to,” Was all that Walburga said to him before pushing him out of the house and shoving the heavily ladened basket into his hands. 
He grumbled and stuck his fingers up at the house as he walked away. He decided to go the long way around to his grandmother’s house through the woods. 
Sirius loved the woods. He could have skipped down the lane, but he restrained himself. If he messed up the treats in the basket, he’d never hear the end of it. 
He was about halfway to his grandmother’s house when he spotted a figure in the distance. The hairs on his arms and the back of his neck stuck up and his entire body tensed. Something wasn’t right. 
“Hello,” The man smiled when Sirius was almost to him. “Beautiful day isn’t it?”
“I suppose,” Sirius answered. He’d slowed his pace but didn’t fully stop, just kept walking past the strange man. 
“Where are you going?” The man asked, moving to walk beside him. 
“To my grandmother’s house,” Sirius answered, hoping the man would leave him alone if he answered his questions. 
“And where does grandmother live?” The man questioned further. Sirius stopped in his tracks. 
“That really isn’t any of your business, now please leave me alone,” He glared at the man, hoping he’d just leave him alone. The man dipped his head to him. 
“Apologies,” He smiled unnervingly and backed into the trees. Sirius shivered, glad he was gone. Sirius put him out of his mind. He needed his wits about him to deal with his grandmother. 
The house loomed before him as he cleared the trees. As he approached, he noticed the gate was open. His grandmother would never allow that. He walked through it, closing the iron gate behind him. 
The front door was ajar. Alarm bells started ringing in his head. Something wasn’t right. He crept into the house. 
“Grand-mère?” Normally, by this time, she’d be sitting in her wing-backed chair, squinting at her book because she refused to accept that she needed glasses. 
A bang came from upstairs. “Grand-mère, I’m coming upstairs,” He called. He felt a chill creep down his spine as he climbed. He stood on the landing and called out again. 
“In here, my dear,” A sweet voice called out. That alone was enough for Sirius to know things were not as they should be. Irma Black had never used the word dear in her life. 
He pushed open her bedroom door and spotted a figure in her bed. 
“Good afternoon Grand-mère, are you alright?” He asked pleasantly. Whoever was in her bed was at least twice the size of his grandmother. 
“Yes, my dear, just a slight sniffle. Come closer to your old Granny,” Admitting weakness and calling herself Granny two more red flags to add to the already large collection. Against his better judgement, he neared the bed. 
“My what big eyes you’ve got Granny,” He had to stop himself from sounding sarcastic. 
“All the better to see you with, my dear,” Sirius realised pretty quickly that his ‘Granny’ was the stranger he’d met in the woods. 
“And my, what big ears you’ve got,” He’d play the game for a bit longer before calling him out. 
“All the better to hear you with, my dear,” The sweet voice was becoming gruffer. 
“And my, what big teeth you’ve got,” He couldn’t help the smile that crept into his voice. His ‘Granny’ narrowed her eyes. 
“All the better to eat you with!” The man growled and leapt out of bed faster than Sirius had expected. Sirius fell to the floor and rolled out of the man’s way. He jumped to his feet and ran for it. 
“Help!” He screamed as he ran through the house. “Help!” The man was chasing him and was closing in. Sirius got to the bottom of the staircase and grabbed for the front door. The man flew past him and blocked the exit. He had a nasty, blood-soaked blade in his hand. Sirius didn’t stop to ask whose blood it was. He already knew. 
He knew this house well and headed to what had been his grandfather’s office. It had double doors leading into the garden. “Help!” He shouted once he was in the garden, he knew the man wouldn’t let him live. He was getting tired, but the man just kept coming. “Help!” He shouted as loud as his protesting lungs could manage as the man closed in. 
He ran for the tree line at the edge of the garden and blew through them. “Help!” He called again. The man was right on his heels as he ran past a leaning fir tree. He caught the flash of steel out of the corner of his eye and heard a dull thunk. He looked over his shoulder and a tall, strong woodcutter stood over the body of his pursuer. 
“Are you alright?” The man asked as he pulled his axe from the body. 
“Yeah,” Sirius said hoarsely. "I don't know who he is, but he wanted to kill me," 
“His name’s Fenrir Greyback. He's wanted for murder.” The woodcutter told him. “I’m Remus by the way,” He held out his hand and Sirius took it, shaking it thankfully.
“Sirius,” He told him. “Want some cake?” Sirius asked. Somehow he’d managed to hold onto the basket as he fled. Remus laughed at him. 
“Yeah, sure,” He answered. “We can deal with him later,” He pointed at Greyback. 
They shared the cakes and buns between them and chatted merrily for the rest of the afternoon, totally forgetting what had brought them together.
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moonstruckme · 4 months
hi mae!! how are you?
i recently burned my thigh with my iron curler and it formed a big scar. it started slowly bubbling up and i accidentally popped it like 2 days ago so now i have fresh skin open 🥲 it’s extra sensitive and i have to patch it up. and when i let the wound breath it HURTS 😭
i was wondering if you could write about this with emt!marauders? or maybe just james? idk lol whatever you feel like writing it about.
Hi lovely, I'm good! I'm really sorry this happened, it sounds awful!! Hope it's feeling a bit better by now <3
cw: severe burn (no details)
James Potter x fem!reader ♡ 786 words
“I don’t think we should do this.”  
“I mean,” says James, sitting patiently opposite you on the bed, “I don’t love it either.” 
“Then let’s not,” you bargain.
 He gives you a sorry smile. “What do you think we should do instead, angel?” 
You take a deep breath. “Leave it,” you say on the exhale. “It’ll heal eventually. Or it won’t, and the bandage will become my new skin. I could be fine with that.” 
“I’m somewhat attached to your real skin.” 
“We all have to make sacrifices, James.” 
Your boyfriend gives you an amused look, but there’s worry beneath it. You feel guilty for putting him through this. It’s bad enough that he has to change your bandages for you because you’re too squeamish to do it yourself, but now you’re also making him convince you as if it were his idea. 
You blow out a long breath, tilting your face up toward the ceiling. “I can’t see it.” 
“You don’t have to,” he reassures you. “You can close your eyes, baby.”
“How bad is a little infection really?” you ask, but you’re already laying back, succumbing to the plushness of your pillow. 
“I had a dog bite get infected once,” James says, pulling your leg into his lap. Strong, gentle fingers on the underside of your thigh. “I didn’t enjoy it.” 
“You got bitten by a dog?” You turn your head to see him, but he shoots you a look and you sigh, covering your eyes with your hands. “When was that?” 
“When I was little.” One of his hands stays cradling your leg, but you feel the fingers of the other probing carefully at the edges of your bandage. Apprehension climbs up your throat, mingling with the ache of affection that’s already there. You appreciate how delicate James is with you, peeling the bandage up gingerly by one corner instead of ripping it off like some might. “It wasn’t really the dog’s fault, it was just spooked and I didn’t know enough to stay away.” 
You hiss as the bandage sticks to a tender bit of skin, and James coos an apology, stroking the unharmed skin beside it soothingly. Then the whole thing comes off, air hitting the wound and making you tense all over. 
“What happened with the bite?” Your voice is somewhat strained. 
James hesitates. “There was a lot of puss involved,” he says. “You won’t want to hear the details.” 
“Mm, thanks.” 
He chuckles. You can hear him twisting the cap off the antibiotic ointment. Your fingertips press harder into your brow bone. 
“You alright?” he asks softly. 
“Mhm. I’m ready.” 
You still gasp through your teeth when the ointment makes contact with your skin, and James grips your leg more firmly to keep you from flinching away. 
“Sorry,” he hisses, working fast as he can with gentle, caring fingers. “Sorry, baby.” 
“Not your fault,” you squeak out, keeping your own fingers pressed tightly over your eyes. “Thank you for doing this.” 
James doesn’t seem to want to accept your thanks, and you let the silence sit. When he’s done, you both sigh. 
“Thanks,” you say again. For good measure. “Couldn’t have done it without you.” 
“Definitely not,” James agrees. “I’ve no idea what we’re going to do when I’m hurt someday and neither of us can look at it.” 
You drop your hands from your eyes and sit up on your elbows, careful to look only at James and not down at your leg. It’s not hard. He’s a lovely sight, even with that sympathetic pinch to his mouth and worry tightening the muscles around his eyes. You reach for his hand, and his expression lightens. He wipes his fingertips off on his jeans before giving it to you. 
“We’ll have to call Remus,” you say, squeezing his fingers. 
A laugh startles out of him. “I thought you were going to say you’d put your squeamishness aside for me. Or that it wouldn’t be gross because you love me, or something.” 
“I would if it were true,” you reply, “but I’m afraid I won’t be much help if I’m gagging over you the entire time. I’ll hold your hand while we both don’t look, though.” 
“Mm, fair enough.” He scoots closer on the bed. His hand finds your opposite hip, rubbing a slow back-and-forth. “And you’ll distract me with kisses while I’m nursed back to health?” 
“If it’ll help.” Your voice is soft. “Though I should point out that I haven’t received any kisses.” 
Twin dimples appear on either side of James mouth as he leans over you, careful to avoid your hurt leg. “Patience, angel,” he murmurs as his lips brush yours. “I’m not done with you yet.” 
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flowerfreya · 3 months
No Knock Raid
I kinda have an obsession with mafia!141 and it's my fave dark romance trope
Pairing: John Price / Reader
No mention of name or description of reader
About this: SWAT performs a no knock raid on the readers and Johns room.
This whole day tasted like it was off , it was way too hot , the air was  stagnant and you knew that tonight it was going to storm . John had been away on business since yesterday.  He’s texted on telegram multiple times just updating you on what's he’s doing and you the same 
The kids started summer about two weeks ago and you have officially run out of stuff to do. 
You know you have wonderful children but they have so much energy , sadly and with “daddy” gone they have gone a little crazy. Youve been to the pool , water balloons and a pillow fort that is still up. 
It's bath time and you can see the storm clouds rolling in and hoping you can get the kids to bed so they won't beg to sleep with you. 
You hear a crack of thunder as you fall asleep.
You wake up to the sound of more thunder or so  you think until men in SWAT gear are yelling at you with flashlights and guns to “GET , UP” and your first thought it that you need to get your kids and call John. You push the button on the backside of the night stand as you get led out of the bedroom and into the living room where your two children on their knees with the hands behind their head and one of the swat members holding your youngest.
“Mommy” the little cries reaching his little arms out for you.
“Can I grab him?”, you ask the agent.
“No”, he says.
“Please”, you beg. You think about what will happen once you tell him about the agent that refused to let you hold your children. Hearing your children cry and you not being able to do anything is hurting you in ways that you can’t even fathom.
“No”, he says again with a little more authority 
You think you start to disassociate seeing them take your kids away in a separate car with tears rolling down everyone's cheeks. At the precinct you are immediately taken to the integration room and you wait… and…. wait and ….wait some more. When the agent finally comes in, he looks tired but you see the smirk in his eye thinking he finally got John Price.
“Do you want some water or coffee?”, he ask.
“I want my phone call you”, say quietly.
“You sure you want to call your husband” he ask 
“I want my phone call”
He sighs ,“okay” and comes back with a flip phone 
You call your sister , she answers on the third ring 
“Can you come to the 18th precinct and pick up the kids”
“Can you please come the 18th precinct and pick up the kids” 
“Yes , I will be there in thirty minutes” she hangs up after. You are worried about your children , they had guns pointed at them, woken up in the middle of the night with big men yelling at them, and you can't comfort them and it's making you go crazy. 
The lights in the integration room are starting to give you a headache , your stomach is rolling around, and you have picked off all your nails and started doing cuticle work with your teeth. You know the agent is asking you questions 
“Do you know what your husband does for a living “ 
“How often is he gone ? “
“What does 141 mean to you” 
You answered none of them , didn't even acknowledge the questions being asked. You just wanted to go home and hug your children. 
Agent number 2 walks in says something to Agent number 1 ears  he purses his lips rises out of his chair and says “Well Ms.Price your good to go” 
You relax your shoulders in relief and stand to your feet and follow them out the door. 
“-IF YOU DONT GET MY WIFE RIGHT KNOW ,HEADS WILL FUCKING ROLL” you hear him before you see him and the voice brings you so much joy you quicken your steps and round the corner and you see him. You walk towards him bumping into almost every desk and banging your head into his chest , grabbing his hand and squeezing as hard as you can. 
“My love , I’m so sorry” he whispers against your forehead.
“The children?” you ask just as quietly.
“Safe at home , with your sister” 
“Is home really safe?”
He is quiet and doesn’t answer but his eyes narrow and looks around and zones in at the Chief and stalks over 
“You got a lot of nerve doing a fucking no knock raid on my home” he’s standing toe to toe with him looking him directly in eyes. The Chief face pales and tries to back up and when sees that he runs into a wall , he sputters “I-I didn’t kno-” 
John somehow gets closer and rears his fist back “You didn’t know that your agents were going to raid my house”, he ask almost rhetorically. He says underneath his breath to him , “You will regret this and will be dealt with later” 
He then looks at you and walks toward you, puts his hand on the same of your back and leads you out the building and into the car.
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bunnyscrypt · 7 months
begging u to write the first time sarah takes your strap omg
as oomfie once said: you need to fuck the fake gay outta her!!!
warnings: 18+, strap on usage (sarah receiving), cheating (topper fuck you MOVE), dirty talk
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another sleepover, sarah once again pacing around her room, going off about how terrible topper is at sex —still not knowing how to please her, his stroke game is weak, only focusing on himself. you disliked him but you envied him also. you wanted to be the only one to take care of her, to kiss her whenever, the only one to make her cum and he can’t even do that right.
scrolling on your phone, letting out a few hums of acknowledgment to show her you’re listening —barely, you’re just so over it, words coming out before you could stop them.
“you wouldn’t have that problem with me”
she stops in her tracks. “you- what?”. shrugging, you act like its no big deal. “you heard me. i mean you know how i feel about that loser anyway, i tell you all the time you deserve better, deserve someone who knows how to make you cum. i could take care of you..besides it could be fun..”
you get up to stand in front of her— bottom lip caught between her teeth as she stares intensely into your eyes. the look on her face making your cunt throb. she’s always heard stories about how you really know how to keep a girl satisfied. sarahs always been infatuated with you, wnted you to slut her out.
“okay..” she started. “..yeah show me”
“show you what?” head tilted to the side.
“show me how i deserve to be fucked.”
fuck yes.
you lean forward, kissing her roughly. “lay back on the bed, pretty girl.” she giggles as she immediately scampers to the bed, laying against the pillows, already taking off her pj’s. mesmerized by her body, you trail your fingers down her chest, to her stomach, and thighs before straddling her waist. pressing your lips to hers once more, you caress her cheek as you pull away.
“oh, baby. i can’t wait to ruin you.”
‎ ᰍ︵ꪒꪒ‎ ‎ "fuck! baby slow down!.. you're gonna make me cum.."
face smushed into her pillow as you deep stroke her in doggystyle with your strap. biting down on it with how good you're giving it to her. she was a whining and whimpering mess as you pounded in to her. "taking me so well baby" breathless as your hand collides with her ass, smacking it twice before gripping her hips again. handing her better than any man ever could. "like when i fuck this pussy like this huh.." she nods, barely any time to speak before you hand settles on her neck, squeezing down. "fuck. oh fuck" sarah whined as her orgasm quickly approached. you slowed down, helping her ride it out, hand leaving her neck to caress her back. you pulled out of her, grabbing her by the hips to flip her body over on to her back. lining the silicone coke to her cunt and pushing back in making her whimper. "youve got one more in you, baby. i know you do.' starting to thrust, you grab her jaw. "open your mouth" squeezing slightly. she does as you command, sticking her tongue out as she opens wide for you. spitting in to it, you fuck her harder as she swallows immediately. "such a good girl for me. you're my slut now, yeah? only gonna come to me when you wanna come, right?" her pretty eyes blink up at you as she nods. "o-only you. i-i'm y-yours. i'm only yours!" she cries out, breasts jiggling from the way your pounding into her. "topper could never fuck you like this, huh.. my poor girl never got to cum" you tease, hand going down to rub her clit. "no! never! he never made me feel as good as you do.. fuck! you fuck me so good baby. please..make me cum, make me cum again" she babbles dumbly until, for the third time that night, you have her cumming again, making a mess all over you -your name rolling off her tongue like music. slowly you pull out of her and get up to get a towel as she lays limp, breathing heavy. you cleaned her up, kissing her body as you did so before laying down beside her, pulling her body close. kissing her forehead, you both lay in comfortable silence before she broke it "so.." she looks up at, grinning sweetly. "wanna go again?"
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
Can I have a one shot if sanji x black plus size reader where she pregnant with triplets and she wakes up horny and ask sanji to relieve her since he is her husband
Triplets gah lee bro i may do just one baby 💀 but I just seen this video and it SCREAMS Sanji w his pregnant wife so i gotchu.
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“Needy” Sanji x Pregnant! Plus Sized Black Fem Reader (NSFW)
CW: Reader is mentioned to have braids, Soft!Dom Sanji, Cunnilings, Praise, Sensual Massage, Fingering, Creampie, More of the reader being called "mama" don't hate me rn, Reader has sensitive breasts WC: 1.4k
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You’re only 2 months pregnant and you’re already ready for your baby to just come out. Its constant back pains, constant mood swings, and you don’t even know when your cravings became so distorted.
As happy as being parents made you both you also had alot of issues trying to keep yourself in good spirits, you tummy has began to already poke out more, now only wearing dresses and other loose clothing to cover how big you’re rapidly getting. Your husband of course notices how much MORE clothing you started to wear and it bothered him a bit. Only because he seen the sorrow in your face.
It was a tinge of guilt he felt knowing you were going through this, and though you both have throughly talked about having kids and becoming parents he couldn’t help but to want to make sure your pleasure and comfort was his number one priority for you.
No matter what it was.
You have recently been reading more on pregnancy and youve seen where sometimes women’s libido can sky rocket. And tonight was just the prime example of it.
You were cuddled soundly in Sanji’s strong arms, his hand now always softly rubbing the sides of your belly. But your thighs just kept rubbing, his scent was more pungent and he felt so much bigger to you right now and it was a small ache in your lower body that was starting to annoy you.
You felt embarrassed, this morning you told Sanji he didn’t have to take a break from cooking to pleasure you when you felt a bit needy, using the “I’ll be fine” excuse, he even offered again before bed but you said no.
Your body was changing so much you just didn’t want to see the look of disgust when Sanji sees your poking belly, your stretch marks, your cellulite.
But you needed it. You needed some release.
You wiggle out of his grasp, unfortunately your husband has became accustomed to being a light sleeper for you. When you wake him for snacks, needing to use the bathroom, or anything he is woke to almost any subtle movements.
“You okay, sweetheart?” Sanji’s tired rasped voice, you felt instant regret hearing him sound so sleepy, you grimaced at yourself in his neck.
"I'm fine.."
Sanji couldn't explain how annoyed he got when he kept hearing your "I'm fine" excuse, he knew in an instant you weren't. So he got up, holding himself up on his side to look at your face, "Tell me."
It was eating you up inside, waking him up for such foolery, you played with the hem of your his night shirt while laying on your back and that's when your pretty blonde man cupped your cheeks to look at him.
"Talk to me, baby."
"....I..I'm...I..I need..."
By the looks of your thighs rubbing and the gloss under your eyes he caught on, his eyes softened on you figure leaning in to kiss you with his hand rubbing your tummy, making you flinch, "Did I press too hard? I'm so--"
"No, it's not that I....."You sigh, " I...been wanting you all day, but I was afraid to ask because...I didn't...want you to..."
"Didn't want me to what?" His eyes searched for yours in concern, afraid of what you may spill, "Baby--"
"I'm afraid you won't find me attractive anymore." You turn away from his gaze, "I'm only 2 months pregnant and look at me, I'm swollen all over my arms, my legs, my breast, my stomach and I'm no longer attractive to you! And it sucks because I--Mmmm!"
Sanji couldn't take hearing anymore slander fall through your teeth. Such lies! Kissing you oh so slowly he cages you in his arms as he rolls on top of you, looking down at your teary eyes about to cry himself, "Don't you ever speak that way about yourself again, you hear me? You are as beautiful as the day we met, your skin is glowing, your body is so supple and perfect I couldn't have it any other way....you're carrying OUR child. OUR baby is growing inside you and I couldn't find you any more perfect because of it and I don't want you to ever feel anything less than beautiful because I am here to serve you,so ...please...allow me..."
His lips attached to your neck, your hand pushing back your braids to get more access to you, "You taste so good, mama.." Humming into your skin you then gasp feeling his hand creep under your shirt, smirking at the sweet surprise of you not only wearing no bra, but,
"Y/n..where'd your panties go? I saw you put them on before we went to bed..."
His voice was nothing, but a tease, seeing you turn your head in embarrassment he playfully tsk'ed at you, "Vilaine fille..."
The corner of your lips curl, damn.. him speaking that language is what got you pregnant with his child now, you giggle at the thought as your watch him rub your inner thigh to ghosted his hand over your body, leaving you goosebumps at his gentle touch, taking off your shirt, exposing your body to him as his sits on his knees between your legs.
"Ji..." You cover your face, he chuckles lowly before rubbing your sides, "C'monnn.."
"Oh nowww you're impatient." Sanji smiles leaning over you to kiss both breast, as quick as he licked your sensitive nipple you threw your hand in his hair, "mmhmm.."
Wasn't long until he finally gave your clit some attention as well as your aching wet slit altogether, he toyed with your pussy with his index and middle finger as he sucked on one of your supple breast.
"All f'me..." Sanji popped off your breast to smile as your blissful face, "This body is all mine....remember? This sexy body is all mine.."
he peppered kisses all your over nude state not missing an area where you bad talked it just before he finally reached the area where you needed him most, his warm hands held your thighs down and he quickly came to suck on your lower lips and then clit.
"O-oh!" your back arched, you wanted to feel grossed out that your small belly hill was nearly covering Sanji's face, but you were already too fucked out on his tongue that slithered inside you. The tip of his tonge wiggling on the hood of your clit before suckling, you whimpered his name, "Ji...!"
The orgasm you felt just from his mouth alone had you so sleepy, even coming down from the high though, tasting yourself on his mouth as he left wet kisses on you, you still wanted more,
and your husband of course read your body perfectly.
He slide off his underwear, climbing back on top or you leaving open mouthed kisses on your neck, sliding his cock inside you with ease, you clenched down on him so quickly you heard a gasp of your named from his lips on your ear.
"I...love you.." Sanji strained out a moan, holding one of your hands and his other hand rubbing and holding your hip carefully, not to hurt you, "I love you."
You couldn't even respond, the sting of overtsimulation just had you hold him against your body closer as he did deep long strokes inside you, with each pump came out another moan from you both.
It has been a while since you both had sex, so sensitive wasn't even the right word to describe how you both were. It didn't take long for that same familiar knot arise inside your tummy, wrapping your legs around his damp hips to keep Sanji inside you, as a warning you were close.
Nothing but your moans and his cries of your name filled the hot room, you felt his cum nearly overflow inside you so much you whined at the sensation of being so full.
You wanted him to stay inside you, but your blonde didn't want to lay on top of your of course so he pulled you atop him, his hot hands rubbing your lower back.
"..thank you, Ji.." You kissed his scruffy beard making him giggle, as he looked at the blank ceiling, "I love you."
"Always come to me...for whatever you need okay? I'll always be ready to make this pregnancy easier for you." You hum in agreement at his stern words, "I love you, too mama...I love you."
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emmyrosee · 2 years
Random thoughts #736 (22:32)
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Kiyoomi wonders where your obsessions come from.
Sure, the show you’ve been binging has a community where you can really get absorbed into the lore, that makes sense. And yes, maybe your collecting of stuffed animals is slightly unhealthy, but he supports it none the less.
But more importantly, he doesn’t know where you’re obsession with him comes into play.
The jackals constantly tease him for the cheesy cheek kisses you give him after you drop off his lunch (which he totally forgot on accident, and not so you’d come give him said kiss), he’s always finding affectionate sticky notes littered around his stuff, and your nose always ends up being buried somewhere against his body when you cuddle.
“Babe, I need to pee-“
“No. I’m not done getting my kiyoomi fix.”
If he’s learned anything, it’s that you’re never really ever done from getting your Kiyoomi fix.
In the morning, he’s not allowed to leave youve covered his face in as many kisses as you deem necessary, on his nose, on his eyebrows, the precious moles above his left eye, and especially on his lips- he tries to get you to stop so he can leave for practice, but who is he trying to kid, he loves your enthusiasm of affection, and he knows you know.
You do have a cute aggression problem, somewhere in the biting genre- (“don’t bite my nose, it’s still marked from the last time you fuckin’ sank your teeth into it.” “Well it’s a cute nose, what else am I supposed to do?” “You could just not, that is an option.”) but otherwise, he’s content with it. Despite his pouts, he knows you know he doesn’t mind you nibbling his ear, or sinking your teeth into his shoulder when you’re intimate, it’s just part of your love language, and he thrives on it.
(Usually, anyways- the other night, he grabbed your cheeks in one of his hands as you went to bite him, his brows furrowed as he snarls out a firm “if I feel one fuckin’ gnasher on me, you’re sleeping on the couch.”
He’s full of shit, as if he doesn’t love you pushing his buttons a lil.)
You have to be touching him, and if you’re not, your leg bounces anxiously, or your eyes dart for him, and may god help him if he’s having a conversation that you’re not involved in; pawing for his hand like a needy puppy, just wanting some acknowledgment from your man.
Surprisingly, he doesn’t mind. He simply smiles and turns to face your shy pout. “Hey you,” he finally says, and he watches your face light up as an arm comes down to wrap around your waist. “How are you doin’? Let me introduce you…”
He’s okay with it though. Sure, it was jarring when you’d first got together, the need to be close and touching was an absolute 180 from his life before you, but now, he can’t imagine a life without you smothering him with all the love you can muster.
He’ll never tell you this, but he’s happy he’s found someone to absolutely adore him, enjoy his company and want to be close to him, be it in complete silence or with a group of friends. He wears it like a badge of honor, you being obsessed and in love with him keeps him at peace- he knows when he comes home, no matter what, you’re there with open arms and ready to hold him from the big bad world.
Sure, he may not know where your obsession with him stemmed from, but what he does know is he’s happy to indulge you, because that smile on your face will forever be worth it.
tldr: marry me Omi 💍
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sagefurry · 7 months
so me and two friends were deciding what monster hunter monsters would post on facebook
Rathalos: posts "I hate my wife" memes everyday and tries to recapture his lost glory, because he still thinks he runs the architectural company he made with his wife and is very self-centered about the fact he's still technically the face of the company, even though he chose to not go on with the times when his wife did, leading to him not helping the company at all nowadays and everyone just tolerating him so they can enjoy his wife's presence (and her flips)
Rathian: posts about her architectural achievements and is the kind of person that posts live laugh love posts unironically. nobody really knows why she still tolerates Rathalos, but she really thinks she can fix him and that there's something beautiful inside him that if she just tries, she can get through to his good parts. thinks all the "I hate my wife" memes are just jokes. really fun at parties
Zinogre: posts about going to the gym and pictures of him flexing everyday, is super into cars because he can power his electric cars by himself. he's also very big into entomology. will go on rants about the "cars" movies if you let him because he hates how unrealistic it is
Gammoth: doesn't post anything on her own facebook page and doesn't check what any of her friends are doing on it but but runs the lesbian monster community page
Tigrex: posts conservative far-right propaganda and the wildest conspiracy theories youve ever heard, and is also every type of -phobe you can think of. posts pictures of him that have sunglasses and really big jeeps badly photoshopped onto them
Mizutsune: posts almost exclusively about anything gay pride related and uses his page as a curated gay art gallery. dunks on tigrex's posts whenever he can. takes pictures of himself while hes taking a bubble bath and reposts bath bomb videos.
Glavenus: was an edgelord sword-lover when he was a kid and posted about swords and skulls and motorcycles n shit. he took a break from social media in his teens to become an apprentice blacksmith. now middle-aged and is an accomplished blacksmith that posts about his craft whenever he can. still also posts about swords a lot.
Astalos: uses his personal facebook page for curating like a music gallery for music he likes, of any genre. hes a beginner guitar player that posts himself playing a lot. hes not very good but hes trying goddammit. also runs a music sharing community page.
Seregios: uses his page exclusively to provoke people and to post inflammatory stuff. especially likes getting a rise out of rathalos and tigrex, and also astalos because all you have to say to astalos to get him angry is tell him his taste in music sucks
Yian Garuga: self-proclaimed "metrosexual". posts dick pics and gym selfies of himself that no one wants to see except nargacuga. gasses up nargacuga's posts and sees it like a "bro thing" when he does it. he's very confused sexually and everyone knows that except him
Nargacuga: the resident gamer. posts videos of him playing video games extremely well and also posts pictures of himself in thigh highs and has a very e-girl kinda energy. very openly flirts with yian garuga under his posts but yian garuga doesnt get it
The Greats and the Dromes: all of them exclusively post in an nsfw community where all they do is share nsfw around. they use facebook for nothing else
Zamtrios: is a very successful mukbang and asmr creator. at the end of every mukbang hes inflated and he uses his inflated state to make asmr videos with the sounds coming from it. this was very weird to type out
Deviljho: dentist that reposts his tiktoks about dental health on his facebook page. his videos give out a very sinister and uncomfortable vibe even though he just sincerely wants to help people with their dental health. he also wants their teeth but he tries to fight that urge
Diablos: ex-trucker with anger issues that has a very thick southern american accent and got fired after wasting millions of dollars in company assets and causing one of the worst pile-ups in history. posts mainly about trucks, guns, and pretending he still has a job. surprisingly not as right-wing as you might think. probably has a grindr
Gold Rathian and Silver Rathalos: its them after couples therapy. they run their architectural facebook page together now after rathalos got over his inferiority complex. youd think him being silver and her being gold wouldve made his inferiority complex worse but the story about it is that he chose silver so rathian could get gold and thats his way of saying he wants his wife to be in the spotlight willingly this time
Ahtal-Ka: shes just a very sweet tailor that posts about her sewing and knitting projects to her facebook page and posts tutorials for stuff. big fan of kaiju movies and also bionicles, and she posts about her custom bionicles a lot too
Lagiacrus: has a huge catalog of fish she's fished up and streams herself fishing every day. has multiple world records in fishing achievements
Teostra, Amatsu, and Bazelgeuse: all of them use their facebook pages for furthering their political agendas for becoming president. teostra is far-right, amatsu is like centrist left, and bazelgeuse is the communist party
Seltas and Seltas Queen: seltas queen is a dommy mommy that posts bdsm videos with like 30 different seltas on a regular basis. the seltas dont actually do anything related to the account but they get paid to be there so theyre technically part of it
Valstrax: facebook comedian. has incredible comedic timing. is Jerma985 (bullfango-kelbi hybrid mix)
Nakarkos: really fucking old dude that talks about war history too much and posts videos of like american wars talking about how "kids nowadays with their darn phones that arent dying for our country"
Brachydios: owner of a very prolific demolition company who films buildings going down for clout on facebook. pays his employees surprisingly well. definitely got into legal trouble for demolishing non-condemned buildings before
Chameleos: runs one of those life hack content farms that post incredibly unhelpful, possibly untrue, sometimes dangerous life hacks for clout. no one actually knows he runs the account though. he definitely does it just because he thinks its funny
Nerscylla: really old lady that doesnt know how to use electronics and types her google searches into facebook and reposts videos of plants while saying something like "These are so wonderful!" to everything she sees that she likes
Shagaru Magala: christian parent thats a megachurch pastor and a televangelist. posts nothing but bible verses on her account and tells you that youre going to hell every single day of their life. gave her kid religious trauma
Gore Magala: depressed zoomer that listens to hyperpop and breakcore and lives off of monster energy and weed. got fucked up from shagaru constantly telling them that if they dont grow up right theyre gonna end up a chaotic gore and that has stuck with them for the rest of their life. just posts a lot of self-deprecating humor and vaguely worrying memes.
Kushala Daora: oppenheimer/amatsu's biggest fan. self proclaimed "centrist political analyst" that just so happens to agree with like every dictator and warmonger in history. will go out of their way to argue under the posts of like anyone thats left-leaning. loves seeing other people in pain.
Malfestio: blue-collar office worker that has no dreams in its life. posts like hypnosis videos on facebook that like are actually super popular but he doesnt feel like he can make a living off of it so he hasn't even tried yet
Duramboros: the activist. goes out and protests like every good cause out there. posts about charities and parades that are going on around. grows vegetables on its back to feed homeless people
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smolweeblets · 1 year
Would you be willing to write either headcanons or a oneshot about working out with Yelena. My gay little brain wants scenarios to think of when exercising
Minor Injuries
Yelena AOT x Reader
Going to the gym was nice. The atmosphere was nice, not that many people at the time you usually went and everything was kept clean. The people at your gym were nice too, offering help when you seemed like you needed it, sometimes you even found the occasional sticky not stuck on some of the machines with little motivational quotes.
Yet yourself found one teensy little problem… Which was that you found yourself always being stared at by another member, a tall and lanky blonde that was always by the treadmills.
You could always catch glimpses of her, and her turning away quickly after you catch her. Honestly, you dont know why she was just… looming over you like that. Was she judging you? You really cant tell. It was very creepy.
After your initial impression, you tended to avoid her. She took the hint and left you alone for the most part but you still couldnt shake off the weird feeling when she was around.
You two never interacted, until one day you find yourself in a small accident.
It wasnt anything big really, you just accidentally dropped a weight in your foot. Yelena found you hopping on one leg like a maniac and you wanted nothing more than to melt into the ground.
“Are… you okay?” She hesitantly asks.
“Yep! Im- uh- just a small accident!” You grit through your teeth.
“Do you need help-?”
You suck in a breath before responding. “No, I swear im all good!”
“I insist, at least just sit down for now. Hopping help with the pain at all.”
Having no reason to object, you calm yourself down just enough to take a seat on the nearest bench.
The woman takes your foot and winces when she sees the area.
“Is it that bad?” You sigh.
“Its gonna bruise pretty bad. Wait there a bit, ill get some things to help with the pain.” Before you could object, she was already out the room, leaving you to your own devices.
“Here, this should be able to help. Try to bear with it for the moment yeah?”
[insert procedure on minor blunt force trauma im not knowledgeable enough to write]
“Ah- I do have to admit, I feel somewhat better, thank you” You offer a grateful smile to the woman.
“No problem, whats your name by the way? We seem to always go here at the same time, I notice you struggling sometimes.” You heat up at the mention that shes been looking at you.
“Yeah,” You chuckle awkwardly. “I see you staring at me sometimes, honestly found it a little creepy, but im glad to know youre actually nice. My name is Y/n, nice to meet you” You offer your hand to shake, she takes it but you can see shes also flustered to hear that youve noticed her staring.
“Likewise. I didnt realize that my staring could be seen as creepy, I apologize for that. I can see why youd be weirded out. My name is Yelena.” She shook your hand, and you couldnt help but notice how smooth her hand felt against your own.
That was the start of a peaceful little friendship between the two of you.
She helped you out and gave you tips as much as she could. And in turn you gave her a reason to do something other than run on the treadmills.
You both loved to talk about trivial topics, how your days have been going, something funny you saw, or even what you had for breakfast that morning. She was a nice company to be around, and she was around a lot.
Despite your first impression of her getting off on the wrong foot, you find yourself quite attracted to her, you push the feeling down as best as you can, but thoughts linger in the back of your head during each interaction with her.
“Gah, im tired. Im gonna go now, you have fun.” You sighed as you started to tidy your stuff.
“Nah, leaving soon too. You got anywhere to be later?” Yelena took a sip out of her water bottle and slumped on a nearby bench.
“Thats kinda random, but no, why do you ask?” You paused and and looked at her.
“Wanna get some drinks together? Weve been friends for a while but havent seen each other anywhere other than the gym.” Yelena smiled softly to herself.
“Sure, sounds lovely!” You grinned.
A/n: This is not my best work so I apologize for the quality, i hope you still enjoy 😭❤️
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swifty-fox · 6 months
Still mota hockey au
Do you know who esle is on the team? You were sepaking of Curt (and Crosby?) But is there any other 100th with them
Croz is second string left ( bit of a grocery stick til he gets bumped from third to second with Douglass, then becomes a real Grinder)
Rosie's on first string with Buck (plays hard, passes well just an all around good guy)
Curt, final member of the first string trio (certified goon despite his height, sick dangle, nasty slapshot and his uppercut has claimed many a mans teeth)
^ original post of the AU but since this is no longer just a throwaway post lets talk about what these guys DO and also who else we got.
*cracks knuckles* its education time
So hockey is a pretty wild sport. it's fast paced as hell, few real breaks or stoppages. You can be playing for 17 minutes straight sometimes and this is active play. you are RUNNING (well, skating)
Basic setup of a team:
You've got your starting Goaltender. usually the older more experienced of the two and then a backup. Usually the starting goalie plays the whole game sometimes they switch off halfway through. backup tendy is there in case and injury happens or the starting tendy is playing a shit game. Usually they'll have extra reserves they can call up (One year Penguins had to pull their 4th level backup dude was literally away at college and had to be flown in. he was good but mad inconsistent)
Bucky is starting goaltender, his backup is Jack Kidd.
Then you have your defensemen. All hockey players are big bois usually. these guys are the big boys of the big boys. total number of D-men per play is 2 and usually a team will run the same combos of two because some guys have better chemistry than others. Usually theres 3-4 sets (or strings) of defensemen. They're categorized by skill level. So first string are the best, fourth would be worst/the new guys. Sometimes they'll switch it up and throw a new guy with first or second string so he can get some schooling
I think for Dmen first string we've got Alex and Demarco They're a solid set-up and Demarco plays REALLY well off Bucky they know where each other is instinctually.
Forwards First string are USUALLy the star players of any team. they're generally the faces of the franchise though sometimes the goaltenders fill that role too. Forwards also are a set of 3 instead of 2. Like I said above that trip is Buck, Rosie and Curt. Buck and Rosie are pretty standard forwards but Curt is a little unusual as he's also kind of the team goon (brawler)
generally D-men are the fighters. they don't tend to be high-scorers and yes Curt isn't as high scoring as Rosie or Buck but he's got a high assist score and is in a very respectable spot
(moment of appreciation for my fave Goon Reavo)
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youve got two types of fights in a hockey game usually. one is very hot headed spur of the moment brawl. usually this is after a dirty hit and the refs try to break it up. What Reavo is doing here is more of a gentleman's fight. it's something both parties agree too and as you can see the refs still call and end to it but more when sensing when the guys are done. It's conducted in a certain way (holding the other guys shoulder) and hits are really only to the face. Fights are used to motivate the team and the crowd, to settle some tension or to warn a guy off of targeting a teammate.
I like Reaves cause he's a beast but he does it the right way, hes not trying to truly hurt anyone like some guys do.
Thats Curts job on top of scoring. he defends Gale a LOT
So Crosby is also a forward. His narrative is similar where he struggles a lot to find his groove and so he's third string with Bubbles and Murph at first. But part of hocky is knowing how to slot guys together so it's Gales idea to bump Crosby up to second string (so second in skill only to first string rosie curt and buck) and he does better there. He's with Douglas and Blakely
third string is Bubbles, Murph and Brady.
I think Babyface and Quinn are the two rookie defensemen
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blubushie · 1 year
whats the worst thing youve ever done?
I've been staring at this question for just under an hour now.
There's a few things. No one here (or anyone, even) will ever hear a word of them. They're between me and my conscience.
But a story I will tell you...
This is a dingo. Notice his body shape. The long muzzle, the small eyes that are built for the desert sun, the straight back, the slim head, the wide ears, the white tail tip and white toes that hint of a purebred. I shoot these.
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This is not a dingo. Don't mind the pelt--there's black dingos too, especially further south. No, look at his body shape. His muzzle is too short, his eyes are too big, his skull is too wide, he has a dip in his back. This isn't a dingo, but it's not a dog either. This is a hybrid. I shoot these.
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This is a dog. Not at dingo at all. Through-and-through, a domestic dog. Not a hint of wild ancenstry.
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I shoot those too.
I don't like it, but money is money, and meat is meat, and I can't have favourites.
This was about an hour’s drive from the nearest town. All of these animals got out here over generations of domestic breeds mating with the dingos. These are wild animals at this point, not pets. A pet would never get this far from town on his own.
I spoke to a stationhand and he’d said he’d seen cars out here, on rare occasions, and that he thinks someone was dumping dogs. I figured it was bullshit, figured no one would be that big of an arsehole to leave a dog out there to die, but I decided that I’d test that theory. I didn’t do any long-range shooting that day. I’d spot a dog, get as close as I could, and I’d whistle. Most stopped, looked at me with confusion, and I’d shoot them. Wild animals.
But the last hour of light in the day, I see this dog in the distance, and this one didn’t look like a dingo. Thick tail like Misty’s, flopped ears, some kinda bitzer but definitely a dog. For those of you that don’t know: erect ears is a dominant trait in dogs. Floppy ears is recessive. That means both parents have to have the gene. That means it’s almost a certainty this dog didn’t have dingo blood.
Which means this dog didn’t have wild ancestors. He wasn’t feral, and there’s only one way he could’ve gotten all the way out here.
I got this sick feeling in my stomach and repeated what I’d been doing. I whistle. His head shoots up, tail raised, and my stomach plummets when he wags his tail. I whistle again, he looks at me, and I raise my rifle the second he comes running toward me. Just in case.
He was a sweetheart. Rushing to me, head lowered and tail wagging, whining like I was some angel sent from the heavens to deliver him from this hellish place. He licked my boots, he didn’t jump up. Well-behaved. I lay my rifle against the rocks and he starts licking my hands, my arms, whining all the while, wheezing and sneezing and I’ve never seen a dog so happy except when I brought Misty back to Australia and picked her up after she spent ten days alone in a M*lbourne quarantine facility.
He rolls over. Neutered male. “Good boy,” I praised, and I rubbed his stomach. He never stopped wagging. “Good boy.”
I grab my rifle, shoulder it, and make the walk back to Matilda. The dog follows me all the while. We finally get back after maybe a half-hour of walking, and I go about making dinner. I’ve got some pork. I cook it for us, we have dinner outside, I let him lick my plate. I figure I’ve just got myself a new pet. I call him Bitz, because us Aussies aren’t very creative, and he’s a bitzer. I bring out my swag, I lie down for bed, and the dog lies next to me.
The next morning I wake up to a pain in my left foot, and there’s Bitz with a fire in his eyes, currently trying to eat my foot. I don’t mean this in a funny “haha nibble” way, I mean he had his jaws locked around my ankle, he’s thrashing and snarling, and he’s trying to maul me. I kick him away with my right foot, he stares at me for a second, bares his teeth, and then he lunges at me. We’re wrestling in the dirt, he’s biting my legs and if I weren’t wearing jeans his teeth would’ve ripped right through. I’m yelling at him to stop, he’s not stopping, and finally I kick him with the heel of my boot and he jumps back and starts whimpering.
We both catch our breath.
When he approaches me again, I’ve got my knife ready. This time he doesn’t bite. He keeps his head low, ears back, haunches dropped and tail thumping, and he licks my arms. His behaviour says he’s sorry, that he doesn’t know what got into him, that the bush changed him the same way it changed me.
It hits me like a brick.
Someone loved this dog, once. At one point in his life, this dog knew the touch of his person. He knew the flavour of good food he didn’t have to fight for, he knew the comfort of his human stroking his ears. He might’ve played fetch, or tug of war, and someone loved him enough to teach him how to walk at my side, keeping pace with me, and not leave it. His lead manners were better than Misty’s.
Someone loved this dog once, and then one day they just… didn’t.
So they brought him out here, to the middle of fucking nowhere, and condemned him to death. Snakebite, or disease, or the elements, or starvation, or dogger’s bullet. They brought him here, and took off his collar, and they left him somewhere on the track, and they got back in their car, and they drove off and never looked back. Did he chase the car? Pursue it until his paws bled? Did he just stand there and watch, certain that they’d return for him? How long did he sit on the track and wait for them to come back? How long did it take him to realise they never would?
And here he was now, walking at my side as if he hadn’t just attacked me and tried to rip my foot off. Tongue out, tail wagging, looking at me like I’m the one what raises the sun. But he’d bitten me, and I can’t trust him not to do it again. I can’t trust him not to attack me in my sleep. If he attacks someone else, they’ll kill him. And they probably won’t be as merciful about it as I would.
So I led him over to a tree, and I sat down on the log, and he sat next to me. I put my rifle down, and when the tears came he licked them away because that’s just what dogs do. They’re always so fucking trusting. You can leave them to die in the middle of the bush, and they’ll trust the first person they see because dogs have too much love in their hearts to hold grudges.
I stopped crying, and he laid back down, facing away from me because he trusted me, more than I trusted him. We watched the sunrise together, and his ears swivelled to me when he heard me load my rifle, but he didn’t turn to look at me. He leant his weight on my foot, and he laid down, and he closed his eyes, and I stroked his ears because he’s a good boy.
The worst thing I ever did was put a bullet in a dog that trusted me.
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kenmacel · 3 months
hey aya im sorry youve been going through it... i also was majorly going through it at that age (for different reasons) but like. man. im sorry. it didnt really... get better super fast. i feel like it got worse first, so much worse i wasnt sure i could survive it. but i did. it did get better and you just have to hold on until it does. but even when it sucks more than anything still try to find the joy in small things. thats what got me through at least. idk what to say aya im sorry it sucks. giving u such a big hug rn. it will get better ok? i promise it will.
Thank you Ocean 🫂 your support means the world, and just knowing that you felt the same way and got through it gives me hope that I will too. Things are weird right now. So I think I'll grit my teeth and try to glean as much joy from this life as I can :')
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tagged by @ragnarokhound <3
name: kai (yes im a trans man named kai, its a good name, okay?)
pronouns: he/they
where do you call home: eh the general answer is west of england, midlands and up. theres a sentimental answer but its a pretty small area so im not gonna potentially dox myself in a tag game dhdjsjs
favourite animal: walrus all the way, baby! although my url is actually unrelated to my love of walruses. theyre just the best animals, theyre big old chunky boys with two big front teeth that can grow to over 3ft in length. when on land, they huddle together in cuddle piles. AND mama walruses can use their flippers to pick up their babies and cuddle them to their chest; tell me thats not the cutest thing youve heard today.
cereal of choice: im not really a cereal person or like a breakfast person at all, but if im having it, golden nuggets or nothin'
visual, auditory or kinesthetic learner: ...all of them? idk, it depends on what im learning. auditory probably less so than the others just because my auditory processing isnt just trash, its trash the binmen wont take.
first pet: my parents had four cats before they had me and my brother so i guess them? they were thomas, alfred, cally and misty. my uncle, who incidentally doesnt believe in seatbelts, named alfred.
favourite scent:
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no but seriously i have a very strong scent of smell which is part of why im such a picky eater like im yet to meet a food that smelt bad and tasted good, but i just,,,, dont have a favourite scent?
my brother gave me a lynx body spray of his he didnt want pretty soon after i came out the third time, as trans this time, and its definitely a he got the spirit moment so i guess that.
do you believe in astrology: nah, its not my thing really. all the more to you if its yours as long as you dont try to ascribe my behaviour to me being a taurus, thats the mental illness or the autism or the adhd or the neurological disorder thats pushing my eyes out of my skull very slowly.
how many playlists on spotify/apple music: 28 which is more than i thought i had. right now, theres only like 3 im cycling through named dead reckoning, the old swan, and dutch angle / danish pastry.
sharpies or highlighters: yeah so like, we could never afford sharpies in my house so its highlighters my default. sharpies are like mega expensive in the uk and by mega expensive, i mean unaffordable for a child of a working class single parent.
songs that make you cry: hmm. thats kinda difficult because whether i cry depends almost entirely on my mood. if i had to name some, i guess id go with:
a little fall of rain, turning and empty chairs at empty tables from the london cast recording of les mis (its vital to specify this, okay?); george blagdens secret? recording of drink with me; breathe from in the heights; flowers, doubt comes in, promises, gone im gone, and we raise our cups from hadestown (are you sensing a theme yet?); unruly heart from the prom; here i go again specifically from the rock of ages musical (and NOT the tom cruise movie, i saw this musical live and i cried); i know where ive been by queen latifah, and also from pretty much any hairspray cast recording; if i met myself again, ugly in this ugly world and hes my boy from everybodys talking about jaime and i have sobbed at all three of these songs.
and finally: grandmas song, deep into the ground, he could be a star and once we were kids from billy elliot, and yes i cry at most of act 2, i was raised working class in a working class area that was once revered for its industry and has since been forgotten and left to drown in poverty, how am i meant to not cry at it?
songs that make you happy: hmm again. throw the entirety of the first mamma mia soundtrack onto the list. then welcome to paradise & coming clean by green day (when i was a very depressed teenager, listening to green day always made me feel better, both about the world and about myself); the irony of choking of a lifesaver by all time low because its moms favourite song of theirs and weve gone to see them live five times together; merry christmas maggie thatcher from billy elliot because fuck that bitch; legend of coco chanel from everybodys talking about jaime; sexy from the mean girls musical; do it for your lover by manel navarro; strangers & i dont want to talk about me by stereo jane (the strangers music video is so fucking bisexual yall); king of my heart by sub-radio; ghost ship of cannibal rats by billy talent; carpe diem by joker out; who the hell is edgar by teya and salena; let me entertain you by robbie williams because i sang it in karaoke as a 7 year old who did not know the words and then proceeded to get obsessed with robbie fucking williams for a while; slipping away by materia; and 68 guns by the alarm which is a funny little one because it reminds me of my dad but i still enjoy the song and ive made a conscious choice not to limit my music taste just because some asshole whos not even a good hobby ghost hunter likes it too, you know?
do you write/draw/create: all three! granted i havent done much of the first two in a while, but on my defense, losing 7-8 months worth of your memories kind of fucks you up and its oddly time consuming. also developing fainting attacks and spending a week in hospital while they fail to figure out whats wrong with you other than weirdly low blood pressure does not help. but i do have a drawing planned out to do and while i went a little too much detail on one small detail (i will justify it as soon as i actually finish it), im going to finish it. i also do origami pretty often as well as baking, and i am currently building a wooden replica of the titanic AND LISTEN, i started before the titan submersible stuff happened and i havent touched it yet because it just feels weird to, you know? also, i didnt even want to do the titanic, but like, good luck finding any starter kits that arent a) titanic and b) upwards of a £100. i would love to do a ss malolo or a mts stockholm but that aint happening and while i might be able to find an ss normandy or ss united states, im not gonna be able to afford. its titanic or bust which sucks.
tagging but no pressure: @bottlesandbarricades @vaellusvitutus @rad-roach
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sagemoderocklee · 2 years
For the fic asks, any or all of 37, 48, and/or 50 ☺️
37. Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it?
a fic I personally feel very proud of and that didn't take off much is Stolen Glances. I think this fic is actually quite good, especially considering how old it is. Most of my older works I find I'm a lot less proud of and when I do reread them I always want to edit them, but this fic not only holds up well from a technical standpoint, but is also just a fun, cute fic. I've found my niche is more canon-verse political dramas, but every so often it's nice to take a break with something light, and this is definitely that.
48. What’s the last fic you read? Do you recommend it? Tsuru no Danna by @ghoste-catte Highly recommend it. As usual, it's a stunning work by someone who's writing has always been stellar and who i greatly respect as a writer. an absolutely top notch piece of folk horror with absolutely beautiful pros
50. Answer any question of your choice, or talk about anything you want to talk about!
Can't think of any questions off the top of my head, so I'm gonna pick one of the questions I like from the list: 3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
I think this question kinda answers itself if youve read more any of my work. I'm a big canon-verse writer and I heavily favor drama, politics, and worldbuilding. My preference for stories is always a big, meaty plot that you can really sink your teeth into. I like a good combination of plot-driven and character-driven stories, and I usually prefer a plot revolving around politics and culture.
Worldbuilding is definitely my specialty, and i think is another hallmark of my writing. if im not worldbuilding, im not having nearly as much fun lol worldbuilding does tend to slow me down as a writer, but it's honestly the thing that brings me the most joy in writing.
the final hallmark of my writing is definitely large word counts lmao currently the longest fic i have, Alliance, is 270K, but i suspect that once The Art of Love is done it will be over 300K (which is great news for anyone who loves that fic and likes a long story lol)
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nightsky-edits · 1 year
(man im sorry i really tried splitting this up to make it legible feel free to ignore like everything until the tldr)
do you think id be able to get a sprite edit for a dave lalonde? rose-swapped specifically i guess (im pretty sure, at least, but what do i know? lol) with like a muted grungy/comfy/emo? sorta fashion (think hoodies, flannel-prints and leggings. if youve seen art of any dave lalonde-rose swap you can just kinda base it off that, if that makes it any easier for you to comprehend what im throwin at you for any like, specific details: i kinda have really pointy teeth? like wayyyy too pointy. its like theres a whole fucking serrated knife in my mouth. so if you CAN maybe? try add that in? in some way? idk man do what you want lmao
hair-wise though maybe make it more of a Mess tm, and its a liiitttle bit longer than what youd see in dave lalonde art (like, shoulder length/neck length). yk with layers and stuff. and MAYBE if youre down for it you could,, idk make an alt version with a middle parting? if you could include some accessories that reference tmnt (Rise specifically but go nuts) or music thatd be Super cool of you
but like other than that Typical Dave Stuff (maybe with the dirk shades though, instead of the typical Dave Shades)
tl;dr: dave lalonde sprite edit with grungy-comfy-emo fashion, pointy-ass teeth (if you can), layered, messy-ish hair and like, halfway down the neck (with potential middle-parting alt), dirk's type of glasses, and MAYBE some accessories referencing music and Rottmnt if you can, please
big thanks my guy + feel free to take Literally as much time as you want with it if you still wanna chill and Not Do Sprite Edits i totally get it dude /gen
-dave l.
queued! Im not sure if i got everything but i tried sorry if theres anything missing :P
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dxsturbia · 1 year
I live here. I have never in my life heard of sirens going off for epilepsy or any other condition I’m not going to hurt your kid there’s very little of anything getting in the vents
Despite what you may feel about the poor and nicotine vapor is not actually smoke it’s oil or some kind of petroleum
If I already did I’m sorry I didn’t know how bad it was that’s over now
But youve enable the system and people are hollering at me
I understand why that is annoying as fuck
But this is not a crime out in the world this is not a crime all you need is an ID yes it’s like going to pick up a bottle of wine or a pack of cigarettes
Everybody’s got a vice and I get that there is a price to pay I’m not the queen of Sheba but this is gone too far now too long
You’ve been dragging your feet on filing because there is no reason to file
I’m in compliance with smoke-free I’m not completely in compliance with the clean air act apparently give somebody a break let them live at their house
You are not going to tell me what I can and cannot do you inside the privacy of my own home
You made a big to do about it and then accommodated my lease and you know why you did that because you were in the wrong this happened on your property you were responsible for it my trauma surrounding it it’s not gonna go away
You don’t know me it’s possible that you do know that this is normal for me but I pay my rent and I leave that office I do not bother you people I barely make maintenance request because my dad is an HVAC tech I leave you alone please leave me alone
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xgryffinwhore · 4 years
september nights
request:  i was wondering if you could write another soft bill smut? i don’t really have a specific plot in mind, we’re just really lacking content on tumblr rn :( in some really precarious place where they don’t want to get caught
Tumblr media
warnings: soft smut, like i mean very soft.
word count: 2118
before your lips met bill denbrough’s, love was always, to say the least, a conundrum. lets be real for second, boys wasted your time, and you let them. only the cute ones of course. you are a hopeless romantic, drunk off of molly ringwald and john travolta films. you wanted any relationship you had to be just like the movies.
through your heart breaks, your best friends stood by you, your losers. eddie, richie, bev, stan, ben, and bill. for each tear you shed a punch was thrown to the man who caused it, they were protective over you. bill the most though, he always got so defensive when you were in the mix. all throughout middle & high school, bill has had to deal with every guy who even dares to think about breaking your heart.
“its not fair bill” you wailed into your pillow. he stroked your back and hushed you, his eyes welling with tears. “im never fucking good enough for any guy and its so fucking sad!” your complaints being cut off mid sentence by a choked out cry. “y-y/n. all of y-your boyfriend are i-idiots. anyone w-who would d-d-do this to you isnt w-worth your t-time. anyone w-would be the luckiest in the w-world to have y-you in their life” you picked your head up and looked at him with swollen lips and blood shot eyes “there no one out there for me bill, no one.” 
he bit his lip, fighting back any tears dripping from his eyes “they j-just dont see how p-pretty you are. how g-gentle and caring and s-s-sweet, and h-how your face c-can light up any room. theyre f-fucking idiots, and you d-deserve m-more.” you clearly thought he was being nice, because you could take a MOTHER FUCKING GOD DAMN hint, so you replied “i wish there was someone out there like you, for me, that thinks of me the way you do.” 
he furrowed his brows, tossing his head back and running his fingers furiously through his hair. “d-dammit y/n!” he cursed “cant you s-see what ive b-been trying to say? w-w-what ive been t-trying to say f-for the last f-five years!?!” your expression was bewildered, your brain was going a mile a minute trying to figure out what he meant. his frustration got the best of him, he got up and stormed out the door,  feeling embarrassed and stupid for trying to make you understand how he felt.
he was half way out your front door, fuming for his keys lodged deep into his front pocket; when suddenly:
his head turned at the call of his name, “y-y/n please i d-”
your lips locked with his, he rain pouring heavily outside. bills lips stilled at the contact, but this lasted briefly, he deepened this kiss by pulling you in to his abdomen by your mid back. your bunched the front of his base ball t shirt with your fists, and he did the same but with your hair.
the rest is basically history.
now six months later, and you couldnt have been happier. bill knew how to treat you, nights out twice a week (you always wanted to pay but bill insisted,) holding your hand to and from classes, he let you borrow have his varsity baseball jacket, which smelt just like him and was a little too big for you. 
when he would drop you off and your classes, he would always grab your hand and transfer a tiny piece of paper into your palm. when you got into class to unfold it, it was always a cute little message about his love for you. 
bill had it bad for you, everyone knew that, and you loved every minute of it. he met every and any standard you had, and exceeded your expectations. 
it was september, still warm enough in derry to wear shorts, so you and your friends thought of a last hurrah for the ending of the summery weather.
“camp out, its nearly perfect” Richie exclaimed. eddie rolled his eyes “like youve ever been near anything perfect toizer, do you even know what perfect means?” richie shoved eddie “yeah eddie i actually have. have you seen amanda’s tits?”
 you tuned out richie and eddies bickering as you’re boyfriend cleared his throat. “you g-gonna go?” he said into your ear, “only if you promise to wear bug spray bill, you know how bad-” he cut you off with a kiss, his mouth forming a small smile at how cute you were. “get a room, honestly” stan poked, pda wasn’t his favorite... “at least i h-have something to k-kiss aye s-stannie”
you arrived at the edge of the forest, parking your car at the last parking ish space. you walked toward the sounds of ben and richie fighting, and came to see that richie really went all out. three tents, sticks for a fire, and more snacks than anyone needed. 
you all spent the remanence of the daylight dancing in the light sky, sharing stories, and eating waaaay too many chips. it was dark now, you all huddled in a circle near the fire; making small talk and trying not to admit you were all very tired.
“ok folks, im off to bed” richie yawned “me stan eddie n’ mike will take the green tent, bev and ben in the red.” richie paused and smirked over at you and bill, you were tangled in his limbs, golfed in his navy blue pull over. “and uh- heh- billy boy and y/n in the yellow tent eh?” you could practically feel bills eye roll, god richie was so immature.
“w-we dont have to s-sleep in the s-s-same tent, i c-can ask ben if he’d s-switch” you look up at bill and reassure him “bill no- its not a big deal, right?” he tucks your hair behind your ear and kisses the side of your temple “c-course not.”
you both went into the tent, bill began to unroll the blankets you both had packed tightly into your bags. You both set up your makeshift bed, bill leaned against a pile of pillows while you hugged his side, your face buried in his neck. his smell was absolutely intoxicating; his skin had remanence of his milk and honey body wash, but it was slightly overpowered by wintergreen, clove, and his bourbon cologne. 
you were like this for around an hour, the orange crank-powered lantern being the only source of light. you switch positions though, you now laid your head on his lap, reading a magazine you stole from the hair salon. he watched your eyes scan every letter, when you read something funny you’d huff to yourself, and when something was intresting you stuck your tongue out from between your teeth. he adored you.
“d-dont stay up t-too late” he stroked your hair off your shoulder “we have t-to have you w-well r-r-rested.” you sat up from beside him, as he adjusted the pillows and took off his pull over, then his pants. he got under the covers and waited for you.
“nice donut boxers” you laughed. “s-shut up” he blushed and regreted not changing them when he had the chance. you turned around took off your shirt, you were shy about how you looked, but it was just bill. it was just bill. you heard his breath hitch, his eagerness radiating off his body onto yours. the air became tense as you unzipped your pants and threw them to the corner. you turned around, bills pupils growing until you were completely facing him.
“yeah i know. mine are boring” you laugh nervously, brushing your hair behind your ear and getting under the covers next to him. he didnt respond, he couldnt take his eyes off of you.you began to sit up again “i can go put back on-” “n-no!” he interrupts, his blush taking up his entire face.
“i j-j-just cant b-believe i g-get to see something s-so special” he gulped “s-so b-b-b-beautiful.”
you grabbed him by his shoulders and kissed him, hard. youve been with boys before, i mean youve dated plenty of people. but no one ever called your body special. hot, yeah. nice, yeah. beautiful, sure. but no one ever thought that it was special. 
bill was a kind boy, the most you two have ever done is get each other off with your hands, always clothed. bill never asked to see more, he felt lucky enough just to make you feel good, and that was enough for him. so when you felt the heat of his hands hovering over your body but not touching it, you new you’d have to call the shots tonight.
“bill,” you laid down “just touch me everywhere, please.” he crawled in between your legs, kneeling so that he could lean over your face “m-my pleasure.”
he traced your collar, leaving small, delicate, kisses to make up for what his fingers left behind as they trailed. he kissed the valley between your breasts, licking slow striped down your skin. he picked up your upper back a little and cocked his head to the side, you nodded and he unclipped your bra. he sat their with his mouth open, taking in the view. you blushed and muttered “hey, keep that mouth to good use.” he dipped down and sucked on your nipples, his mouth felt so good against your skin grazed with goosebumps. he was gingerly with his tongue, it was sexy, it was romantic. he kissed down your stomach, his fingers sweeping down your sides. you could see his member pressing against his boxers, the pressure made him wince every once in a while. his fingers met your panties and he hooked them. again, he looked up for permission, you nodded once again. 
he brought your underwear down your legs and off, looking back to see what he had relieved. he licked his lips, getting ready to please you more than he already did. but you felt bad, bill always gave gave and gave. “its ok, im ready right now.” bill looked up at you in shock, he wasnt expecting you’d want to go all the way. “y/n, y-youre sure?” you lean up and kiss his lips, swiping your tongue against his bottom lip “please.”
he pulled down his boxers eagerly, his member sprung out to hit his stomach. he lined up with you, checking once more that it was ok. then he pushed in, bottoming out. he felt bigger than you thought, of course he was well endowed, but he filled you up so well. you mewled, the pain and pleasure making a delicious feeling that made your toes curl.
he waited, but began slowly moving after a bit. he grunted, feeling you wrapped around him was something he’d never be able to get out of his head he thought to himself. he grunted “f-fuck this feels g-good’ he grunted, his breath becoming heavy and full of lust. with every stroke, you felt yourself get more and more lost in the bliss he made you feel. “youre making me feel so good  bill” you moan, the sound of his name coming out of your mouth driving him absolutely crazy. he speeds up, loving the view of your face contorting in pleasure and your body moving with his. 
he couldnt help but feel admiration to you, your hair formed a halo around your head, and the sweat that coated your skin made you glisten in the orange light. “im t-the luckiest in the world” he husks, holding your cheek. 
you felt the knot in your core coming undone, “bill im close” you strain, trying not to be too loud so you dont wake your friends. he moved your leg up to his shoulder, hitting you from a different, deeper angle. his fingers went to your clit, making you bite your had to stop you from screaming. “you l-look so p-pretty y/n, t-taking me s-so well. making y-you feel so good.” “so good bill” you repeat, drunken off his cock and fingers. 
without warning, you came came, your legs spazzing as you moaned “fuck bill” he followed, his hips stuttering, as he cried out into your shoulder. he pulled out and laid next to you, both of you breathing heavily and coming off your highs. 
“y/n” he looked at you “t-that was really j-just wow- thank y-you.” you kissed him, chaste and sweet “that was great yeah?” “it w-was perfect babe. t-thank you f-for t-that. i love you y-y/n.”
“i love you too bill.”
he sat up, his fingers dancing on your inner thigh.
“c-can we p-please do t-that again?”
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