#my warband
roach40khobby · 26 days
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Nurgle Blessed Desecrator class Knight.....Rebirth Part 1
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risrielthron · 2 months
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The girls in the band
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wyldblunt · 1 year
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just the portrait on its own too ⚙
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kottkrig · 2 months
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A cult family picnic...
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praise-joko · 3 months
Craval Havockeeper
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He / Him | Havoc Warband | Legionnaire | Guardian
As Havoc Warband's Legionnaire, Craval keeps his friends on task and stops them from getting into any trouble that may be too risky. Although he comes off as stern, Craval is happy to indulge in a bit of mischief making himself, though he has more interest in planning and watching it all play out than in getting his hands dirty.
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spartalabouche · 6 months
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my newest flame legion girl (blaze) and her warband yayyyy
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jet-teeth · 11 months
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I gotta start tossing all the weird lil guys I finally got around to scanning out on here...! Anyway, staring with some face/head design explorations for the False Ravens (their lore pretty much lets me do whatever funny eldritch nonsense I want tho in their "revealed" states, so that's super fun)
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theomaru · 2 years
We pull up in the fahrar like
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foxmallow · 29 days
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The Shade Warband, as it currently stands.
Love this feature of Janthir Wilds, though it could definitely be easier xD Wish I could just pick them up and move them around like the items, I spent ages trying to get them positioned. Top row, left to right are: Cassia Burnshade, Weaver; Maelstrom Iceshade, Tempest; Tanis Shadesight, Spectre; Lux Shattershade, Virtuoso; Gnaeus Crookedshade, Dragonhunter. Bottom row, left to right: Astor Sandshade, Scourge; Valeria Cloudshade, Bladestorm; Qara Paleshade, Renegade; Nona Aldershade, Soulbeast; Vesta Greyshade, Firebrand.
Quick little description; Qara is the leader and founder of the warband. She recruited Nona after her original warband were killed in combat, and Nona is her second-in-command. Cassia, Vesta, and Valeria were recruited shortly afterwards, with Valeria quickly becoming a core part of the warband, and assisting Qara and Nona with the day-to-day running of things. Maelstrom was picked up as a gladium- as a long-time rival of Cassia, this was not well recieved. Astor, Lux, Tanis, and Gnaeus were all recruited from the fahrar, though not all at the same time. Gnaeus is the youngest of the warband.
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mistfallengw2 · 6 months
Charr warband ask game
Which Legion does the warband belong to?
How and when was the warband formed?
Why did they pick that particular name?
What's the warband's specialization?
What is the warband known for?
What are their usual assignments?
What's their motto, goal or motivation?
Who is the Legionnaire and how did they become it?
Is anyone else aiming for the position of Legionnaire?
How many members are in the warband?
Is anyone in the warband an ex-gladium?
Did they lose anyone?
Would the warband accept new entries?
Did any member of the warband join an external organization (Orders, Pact, etc)?
How has the warband changed over the years?
Do all members follow orders exactly or are they a bunch of loose cannons?
Have they ever gotten in big trouble with superiors?
For warbands that are no longer a thing (broke up or mostly dead): how did it happen?
What's the overall social dynamic in the warband like? (chill and friendly, harsh and hierarchical, like family, etc)
Is there drama between members or are they tight-knit?
Did any relationship bloom between members of the warband?
What do they like about themselves as a warband?
What do they dislike/would change about themselves as a warband?
What's the warband's opinion on humans and the treaty?
What's the warband's opinion on the Flame Legion?
What's the warband's opinion on other races?
What's the warband's opinion on their Imperator?
What's the warband's opinion on the Legions?
What's the warband's opinion on the Pact and the Pact Commander?
Did the warband follow Bangar into Dominion and Frost Legion, or did they stay with the United Legions?
How did the warband take the civil war?
What's the warband up to, currently?
Bonus question: trivia time!
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aurianavaloria · 5 months
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A few of my screenshots from Sands of Faith, a Kingdom of Heaven-inspired total conversion mod for Mount&Blade: Warband. Currently playing as King Baldwin IV in the Kingdom of Jerusalem faction and totally ignoring the fact there's no possible way he could have engaged in physical battle in 1185 (when the mod is set), but that's part of what makes it so much fun. You can customize his appearance in chargen, but, due to the game's graphics, even with texture enhancements and my best efforts he kinda looks like a potato. So we're keeping the mask on, lol.
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roach40khobby · 2 months
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War Dog of Nurgle in progress
((Yes, there is a lot of blood on it...but..that's what it was blessed to do..rip and tear!!! Slime and rust...coming soon.))
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taryn40k · 4 days
It would be some time after Haertloch’s confrontation that the dark skinned psyker would enter his room, a somber, thoughtful look in his eyes. He notes the particularly intact state of the room, and the bowl of incense and finds himself more concerned.
“Hello Taryn, I…hope you are recovering well.” He murmurs gently, pointedly avoiding his usual friendly utterance of ‘sibling’ for the wounded man’s sake. “…I do not know what he said, as he has pointedly refused to speak with us while performing his duties, but…I want to apologize…” he pauses “…no. I cannot speak for him, only myself.” He corrects, shaking his head as he draws closer, taking the chair that was used to barricade the door and instead coming to take a place by his bed. “Haertloch has a good heart. He is a steadfast man that…cares deeply for us. We were together in chains, and in the shit.” He explains softly “…but that also means that his tolerance for outsiders is….not.” He finally settles, head bowed. “I hope he was not…too hurtful, with his words believing he was protecting. But I want to reiterate that I have no regrets aiding you, even if we find ourselves on the end of inquisitorial scrutiny. I consider you a fast friend, and an amazing example of humanity.” He affirms, a hand tentatively coming to his shoulder.
“No one decides whom I choose to save but me, and The Emperor.”
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"I'm a mediocre soldier, a poor strategist, and now a cripple.... Amongst other things. Honestly I'd be surprised if they even took the time to slap a prosthetic onto me at all. I like to think that I have... potential, maybe. Sometimes Harken seems to think so too. But the world will not wait for me to grow before it tries to crush me. The device didn't get me, thank to you and Meli, but something else will. I'm like a guardsman, saving me is pointless, I will immediately be sent into some other hell to die over there instead. That's just the fate of regular people, isn't it? But your group actually does some good, you survive things, you make things move forward. So I understand Haertloch's anger, at you all putting yourselves in danger for me. Nevermind that I would never have let anything happen to you all. None of you were ever in danger with me. And... I'm stupid and stubborn, so I'm going to keep living as long as the world fails to crush me. But I'm probably running out of gas after this one. I was a convinient soldier, now I'm probably not gonna be much. Hey don't cry for me if you come across me as a servitor in the halls one day, ok? Just keep Ock away..."
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praise-joko · 3 months
Selara Havocmaker
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She / Her | Havoc Warband | Scrapper | Playlist
Despite being one of the biggest troublemakers in the bunch, Selara was always good at presenting an innocent image. She was never suspected for any misdoings except by those in the know, and even her name, Havocmaker, was presumed to have been chosen for her engineering skills. The very skills she gained by sneaking into Iron Legion trainings. Selara has a love for chaos, and is always happy to clear the way with the help of explosives. When she gets a break from fighting, you can find her hanging out in bars and music venues.
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mycenana · 4 days
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commander-soup · 1 year
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Careful cubs, someone's gonna get an eye put out with those little horns!!
These are Muriel's triplets from this doodle a while ago! Left to right their names are Ripkin, Patronia, and Miran.
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