Tamrielic Thedosian of Faerûn
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Auri | ♀ | INTJ | Lawful Good/Lawful Neutral This is a multi-fandom blog for posting my various projects and anything else I like. I frequently reblog faves. Favorite Fandoms: Dragon Age, The Elder Scrolls, Forgotten Realms D&D (3.5e Only), Star Trek: Voyager, Kingdom of Heaven
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aurianavaloria · 3 days ago
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✨ Sicut In Cælo Et In Terra - Chapter 12 ✨
SICEIT has been updated! Check out the new chapter on Ao3 here or at Wattpad here!
“You see what I mean, Tabs? There’s a reason Baldwin was able to govern as well as he did in the Prime Universe, and it looks like his counterpart here inherited the same talent.” A smirk pulled at the corner of the engineer’s mouth. “He’s been in the habit of running circles around his family and his courtiers for years. And now look – he just played both you and his physicians at the same time.” “What makes you think that?” she asked around her food, brow furrowing a little at the suggestion. He snorted. “Tabs, there’s no way he brought all those men in the same room for them to ‘learn’ from you. He probably knew how they would react to the news and wanted to see it in person. Not only that, but he also saw how you reacted to them. He set up a situation that neither party could prepare for ahead of time, and I guarantee you he was taking notes on both.” Her brow furrowed more deeply then, and she continued to chew as she glanced away, sifting through her recent memories. Her gaze was focused on the corner of a nearby cushion, even as she spoke, “Come to think of it, he was watching them all rather closely. Even to the point of ignoring me.” “You weren’t the threat at the moment,” Ned supplied. “He trusts you, but he’s also testing you. Everything you say and do, he will remember. And so will everyone else.” He caught her gaze as it returned to him. “You can’t forget that.”
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aurianavaloria · 1 month ago
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👑 "I am Jerusalem..." 👑
Slightly more historical take on King Baldwin IV, based on my own concept of a more obviously Frankish-styled armor than what we see in the film. If anyone wants me to geek out on the choices I made, just let me know in the comments, lol.
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aurianavaloria · 1 month ago
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✨ Sicut In Cælo Et In Terra - Chapter 11 ✨
SICEIT has been updated! Check out the new chapter on Ao3 here or at Wattpad here!
They’d only been residents of this medieval holy city for roughly three weeks, and already Tabitha had made quite the impression on the local populace. But where she had ideas to do help those in need – no matter where they lived around the city or where they fell on the ladder of social hierarchy, apparently – Ned was more than willing to keep everything on the down-low for now, satisfied to restrict his good deeds to those who had done him a favor in turn; as far as he was concerned, at the present moment, his primary debt was to the Sarkisyans, and as long as they enabled him to remain sheltered and fed, it would stay that way. As such, he wasn’t too enamored with all the attention Tabitha’s work had brought them both, even though he simultaneously understood her motivations. The last thing they needed was to be overly-scrutinized, which would undoubtedly result in being picked apart by a superstitious mob… And yet, even so, he had to admit that a cured King of Jerusalem meant better security for them in the long run. Such thoughts made him pause in his stride. The long run. He wondered if it was as difficult for Tabitha to believe as it was for him. That this was their home, now. If you just hadn’t invited her to the holodeck… Again he shook his head, attempting to force those thoughts back as he continued on the small side alley towards – what was it again? The Gate of Sion Street? Something like that, anyway. The sheer number of gates Jerusalem possessed was something he found a little astonishing. Yet he supposed it made sense for a city that served as a hub of religion, culture, and trade… receiving and distributing all three in every direction of the compass. If this were a settlement on a Class M planet in the Delta Quadrant, he could imagine Captain Janeway being very interested in speaking to the locals and exploring here. But living here? Ned wasn’t the best history student in the world, but he did know there was a marked difference between immersing oneself in a safe approximation of this ancient time on the holodeck and actually living the real deal. And though he’d been more than willing to dive right into the former with both feet, the latter – if he was being honest with himself – nearly scared him silly. Hence his pounding heart and sweaty palms at the mere prospects of engaging with anyone beyond his kindly benefactors, who were the only ones thus far who had earned his trust. These weren’t holograms coded with responses and restricted by safety protocols. This wasn’t a program that could be terminated if things went wrong. Oh the irony that it was one such coded program that had sent them here.
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aurianavaloria · 1 month ago
Hi Auri! Do you think you’ll write more Baldwin x Reader in the future? I loved your previous stories 💖
Hi Nonny!
I might if inspiration strikes. Right now I'm primarily focused on my longfic, though.
Still, I'm glad you enjoy them!
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aurianavaloria · 2 months ago
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✨ Sicut In Cælo Et In Terra - Chapter 10 ✨
SICEIT has been updated! Check out the new chapter on Ao3 here or at Wattpad here!
“You do realize she has done this in order to gain your trust?” was the Count’s eventual reply, his voice low and growling as it usually was. Baldwin resisted the urge to roll his eyes at his cousin’s perhaps unintentional belittling of his intelligence. “Of course she has. And I trust her.” “Your Majesty…” The king’s hand flashed upwards at the wrist, forestalling Raymond’s imminent objection. “Her pain treatment has done more for me in a day’s time than any of my physicians thus far have accomplished in eleven years.” Raymond brow furrowed even as his growl softened. “And you have no idea that it will do anything more.” Baldwin met the Count’s gaze knowingly. Though Raymond had a point – he always did – his complaints were bound up in his conviction that there was more to this Evangeline than met the eye. He had been as vocal as the rest during recent meetings of the court, though, and the king had little patience to entertain his protesting further. All those against the idea of Baldwin taking Evangeline’s treatment feared the woman was a mere charlatan attempting to gain a foothold in the court, and these objectors included Raymond, Baldwin’s mother and his elder sister, as well as her new husband, Guy. On the other hand, the two Lords Ibelin, Baldwin and Balian, both supported his taking of the cure, as did his uncle and seneschal, Joscelin, and his constable, Aimery. Lady Stephanie of Kerak, speaking on behalf of her absent husband, Raynald, insisted that he would support the idea as well. As such, the court, though divided, still leaned towards the possibility, rather than away from it. But not by much. After a moment, Baldwin took a breath. “Up until this point, everyone on your side of the argument would have insisted that I take what treatment my physicians pushed upon me. Now you say that I should decline it. Either you wish for me to be treated for my condition, or you do not. Which is it?” “My lord, surely you understand that this looks entirely too good to be true and likely is!” Raymond leaned forward in his chair. “The girl’s leprosy was caught early, but-” “She regained feeling in her feet less than two days after her treatment,” Baldwin interjected, his ire beginning to rise in a way only his cousin could provoke. “Don’t you understand, Raymond? I don’t expect to be made whole again. Of course that is entirely too presumptuous of a notion to even consider. But if I could simply buy myself more time by stopping the progress… ten years at the most…”
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aurianavaloria · 2 months ago
My boy Baldwin again! Wait-
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aurianavaloria · 2 months ago
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Platinum and gold ornate Edwardian necklace, filled with old mine cut diamonds, with four pearls, two are teardrop shaped. The design is swirls and flowers,very typical of the period. One interesting aspect from that time was the fact that it breaks down into a pin and also can be worn as a pendant. So you really get three pieces for the price of one!
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aurianavaloria · 2 months ago
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12 different poses at multiple angles! Reference sheets included Download the free pack on my Patreon
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aurianavaloria · 2 months ago
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Oh well… I was trying to capture the skyrim atmosphere in a drawing, and the nordic ruins are the quintessence of it, imo :) I just came by to say I love this game! I've spent a lot of time in it.
Yeah, it's Arvel the Swift and he's not having much luck in my playthroughs :ʼD
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aurianavaloria · 3 months ago
@crimsonsairina, @savvyscribblin, @baudouinette, @arislukewarmiced-coffee, @arioloyal, @zomnommbie, @missagna, @myst3ry-man, @gaudybaudy,@iiseult, @nebbyy, @thedragonkween, @knightessofjerusalem, @eatmeandbirthmeagain, @incorrect-koh-posts, @trobairitzdedia, @prompted-wordsmith, @skywings855, @secretviewer10, @murinedreams, @battlefairies and all my mutuals!
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@ollie-arts67 @thebritishdragon @lemonboywriter @daydreamnightshade @monsterartt @ashmeertheimp @bl0si @oddlyvoid @echofall @lemonboywriter @lost-terrorzz @psychoaddison @dynamicsimp @pittdpeaches @keykittygirl @kyri45 @peasantflour @all my moots :3
Idc if I dropped this in your ask box yet :3
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aurianavaloria · 3 months ago
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✨ Sicut In Cælo Et In Terra - Chapter 9 ✨
SICEIT has been updated! Check out the new chapter on Ao3 here or at Wattpad here!
“You do realize we can’t talk about this outside the house, right?” Ned said seriously once they’d all finished dinner, during which Mariam had explained to her husband what had happened. “Ned’s right,” Tabitha added. “For one, we don’t know what the king really wants. For another, I don’t want to give anyone any false hopes…” “Not only that, but it looks like to me he’s being fairly discreet about it,” Ned went on. “Both times you’ve been summoned, you’ve gotten very few details from the messengers.” “And no room for questions beforehand,” Tabitha noted. Ned’s lips pressed together. “Something tells me he wouldn’t like it if that discretion wasn’t returned.” Mikayel sat back in his chair, rubbing his hand over his mouth. “Yes… it would not do for the city to suffer the same kind of upset as the palace.” “This may very well be what has caused the upset at the palace,” Adalet remarked. “Thanks, Adalet,” Tabitha said dryly, putting her head in her hands. The housekeeper merely shrugged. Mariam reached across the table, grasping Tabitha’s arm gently. “We will never believe you have done anything wrong, my dear. But it is only natural that it would cause something of a stir in the court of a leper king. And as long as you are in that king’s good graces, which you appear to be, then there is little to fear.” “By all accounts, His Majesty is a good and just man – a man of God,” Mikayel added. “Not even in my time in the royal army did I hear an ill word breathed of him… only of his dread affliction, and even those words were few. Trust that he will do what is right, and thus do right by you.”
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aurianavaloria · 3 months ago
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✦Flower Sword✦
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aurianavaloria · 3 months ago
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Ciri from the latest Witcher game trailer. I'm glad she's the next main character in the series :)
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aurianavaloria · 3 months ago
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There are no gods here... only monsters.
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aurianavaloria · 3 months ago
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aurianavaloria · 3 months ago
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aurianavaloria · 3 months ago
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Edwardian Moonstone and Diamond Bracelet by Black, Starr & Frost
Source: Lang Antiques
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