#my unpolished work
julesyoufool · 1 year
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There is no one left in the world that I can hold onto
There is really no one left at all
There is only you
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louismygf · 5 months
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some louis tomlinsons i never posted ^_^
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quirkle2 · 8 months
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no matter how hard i tried i couldn't get this piece to work w full color and lighting so ur just gettin this instead </3 reigen's somewhere off-camera with his head in his hands wondering who FUCKING hurt his kids
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vanhelsingapologist · 8 months
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I started working on a big Rahadin piece and realized I couldn’t just throw a blue shirt on him and call it a day, so I did a quick mock-up— even though you see NONE of it in the piece.
My DM just had a throwaway line about wearing his armor under a vest during one appearance so I went with it. Cape under the cut.
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bluastro-yellow · 11 months
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everyone Noticed but nobody dares to speak because this might actually keep him in check
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pushing500 · 5 months
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Behold!! The first cups of coffee we have produced in the colony!!! This is probably one of the happiest days of Mechi's life. Now we can really get started on this playthrough! his hair is so fun to draw
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Mechi's ideology has one relic: a laser sword. He probably read about it in ancient surveys of this planet and decided he absolutely had to have it despite only having a melee skill of 2.
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Randy decided that our mechanoid-centric colony didn't need something as trivial as electricity, so it looks like Mechi will be mining and stonecutting for a little while until this passes.
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Oh, and studying The Monolith, of course.
He might hate people, but I wonder if he ever wishes there was someone to talk to about his research that wasn't an itty-bitty mechanoid.
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magical-art-blog · 1 year
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Hey. If you like this. Plz look at my other works. Or at least reblog. Please
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hoofpeet · 2 years
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Guy having a rough time
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The first days (part 1)
After the portal closed, they walked. They didn't really know where, it's not like either Kai or Bonzle had a map for this dimension, but they kept walking. Kai just hoped they wouldn't randomly meet with on of the forbidden five, or four, since one of them swapped places with Kai after all. He didn't like to admit his own weakness, but if the storys about them were true, then there was no way for Kai to beat the four or even just one of them on his own. Especially when he would probably need to protect Bonzle in a fight as well.
"Do you have a plan?", Bonzle asked, pulling him out of his thoughts.
"Find a portal somehow, I guess. Or create a new one. Either way, we should check out how this place works. Aside from the random gravity rules."
Though, to call that a plan was probably to much. More like a general idea to get back to if the chance for it ever comes. Lloyd and the others would be able to deal with the one of the five that escaped, right? So they would be fine eventually, it was all that mattered.
But he wouldn't tell Bonzle that he basically gave up hope to get out of this place. Not after he just told her that 'Ninja never quit' and everything. Just like he never told Nya when they didn't have enough food for the two fo them, or couldn't afford her school materials, after telling her that he earned good money that month.
Lying wasn't very hard for Kai if it meant not making others worry. The situation may be vastly different, but he would adapt. Eventually.
A little voice in his head, honestly sounding a lot like his sister, tried screaming at him how this was one of his many bad habits he should get rid off. But ignoring that voice was another thing he just learned over the years.
He would just have to deal with this situation live gave him. He always did. One way or the other.
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potpourrifandoms · 3 months
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I've not been feeling well lately, and I've been alternating between watching old Disney movies and reading to take my mind off being sick.
Today in my reading, I re-read my favourite Warhammer 40k story, Voice of Experience, and I was inspired to draw some of my favourite scenes. Behold my silly scribbles of Gue'vesa'vres Kalice Arkady and Por'ui Kau'kartyr. Spoilers under the cut! :D
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I love t'au so much
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I subscribe to the "t'au have blue blood" side of the debate.
I also coincidentally subscribe to the "boy t'au have 'i' nose, girl t'au have 'y' nose" side of the debate, but the author of Voice of Experience has stated that Kartyr has a "y" nose despite being a boy. Who am I to disagree? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Badass buddy cop duo
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I wish there was a whole series of novels about themmmm
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olligane · 1 year
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haha i haven't used this account in so long. doodle dump time. mostly Dante Devilmaycry cause he's been on my mind. hugs and kisses.
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squeakadeeks · 2 years
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this is still a DEEP wip (for example everything on this is currently just pinned in place) but heres an update on how millions knives is going. this project has been driving me completely and utterly insane 
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wispmotherr · 6 months
Vessel/II as Achilles/Patroclus? My wrath at your loss will etch both of our names indelibly into history? In turning divine we tangle endlessly?? Is this anything?
OH ITS SOMETHING ANON. (this is likely not what you were hoping for probably but im just do some word vom because i shit you not i have a weird fantasy au wip that run really close to this idea/concept so now you just get whatever is going on down there sorry sorry sorry) --- In the space left by the absence of name and station, a single vestige of the life torn down by an angry, dying god remains in the bond between Vessel and Two. The shadow of who Vessel might have been Before only exists where Two is; where his unflinching loyalty to the man hints at what might have once been, what might still come back to them. Two offered his devotion to Vessel long ago, long before their journey began, long before the curse and the Sea and her; before he could have even possibly understood what he gave and the depth and solemnity of his promise yet he gave it all the same and never once faltered. Because to his mind there was no other path to follow, no other fate he would rather entwine himself into than to follow where Vessel would lead: to be his hound and his hawk, his guardian and companion. In Vessel he saw all that was absent in himself; softness and kindness and gentleness and he longed to preserve those things, to see them take root in Vessel and bloom; would have offered his devotion again and again, would live a hundred, a thousand lives if it meant Vessel remained. Vessel knows he doesn't deserve this devotion. He knows, viscerally, that he is unworthy of the other man. Two is steadfast and honorable and strong and beautiful and would lay down his life for Vessel and that fact alone destroys and rebuilds the man every time he is reminded of it. To know that Two would hand his own blade to Vessel, would expose his neck, would show him where to press the sharp edge to let him spill crimson like too much wine, like roses and rubies and ink that's yet to dry if it meant keeping Vessel safe, keeping him alive, giving him whatever chance he needed to break his curse is a power Vessel cannot bear to hold. And yet Two presses it into his hands with every lingering glance, every gentle, idle touch, and stolen, fervent kiss. So what else can he do but match this fidelity, this devotion and loyalty that runs deeper than he can explain, that means more to him than his own life? Vessel would drink the Sea and set the sky alight for Two, would defy an angry, dying god and give all of himself, if he had to. He would do whatever it took to earn him.
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shamera · 1 year
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Mysterious Lotus Casebook, ep.14 aka Li Lianhua and Fang Duobing teaming up in snark
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krbk-notebook · 22 days
hey @real-life-cloud @thatsgaybro @lyricalvicki @tempestaurora @sweetietenya @greyladyblue @moumjn
we‘re either mutuals on my main (@pecuirlig), on here, or you follow this blog ��� and it looks like we all like krbk ! :‘)
first of all, feel free to decline <3
would anyone be interested in making a little krbk discord group or something? :‘)
as a casual fun hangout spot for people of similar ages (i think we‘re all 20+, most early 20s?), for talking about krbk (& maybe other ships/characters/shows etc too), sharing or talking about fics, or art, or whatever we want :‘)
i know i‘ve wanted to have a space like that for years tbh lol, since i haven‘t had the luck to meet anyone irl who‘s also into fandom or specifically krbk, back when tumblr group chats were a thing they weren’t very lively lol, and the krbk discord groups i‘ve checked out so far haven‘t had active members my own age.
i would be super happy if any of you might be interested too ! :‘) but i will continue to suffer alone lmao if you should not <3 (/lighthearted)
(btw— i‘m super open to other people joining this too, so please do feel invited if you are 20+ and you want something like this too ! i just only @'ed these people because there‘s been Some interaction between us already. not having @'ed you doesn‘t mean you‘re not welcome :‘) !)
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vurrart · 2 years
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kaiju sketchpage!!
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