Potpourri Fandoms
123 posts
I'm Gracie (she/her)! I like lots of things and I draw lots of fan art. They're a kaleidoscope of fandoms that don't really seem to fit together, but I have a lot of fun! If you're interested in my original artwork, please check out my other blog @pushing500!
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potpourrifandoms · 25 days ago
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It's what he wears to every Rushwater City Police Department charity gala :)
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When Steve Clark says he's going to slip into something more comfortable
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potpourrifandoms · 1 month ago
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More Pete Complete fanart I've done for his last two videos on the Sea Ice in RimWorld.
Elpis, the colony leader, is such a fun lil' void-provoking teenager. I love him to bits (as you can tell from the fact that I draw him almost exclusively, lmao).
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potpourrifandoms · 3 months ago
Gracie's Ridiculous T'au Comic, Part 4 (the end of "Episode 1")
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This was supposed to be the end of the comic when I first drew it waaay back in 2019 when I was first learning about Warhammer 40k... then I got too attached to the characters and now I have three sketchbooks of this nonsense (the later stuff is a lot better than this I swear).
But, uh... yeah. That's "Episode 1" done. Let me know if you wanna see any more, I guess?
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potpourrifandoms · 3 months ago
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Out-of-context bits and pieces of my Ridiculous T'au Comic, part five! (Here's part one, two, three, and four)
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potpourrifandoms · 4 months ago
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I drew more fanart of 'Voice of Experience' because it's canon that Kartyr's XR-0 drone is named Zero. It's true, the author told me.
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No, really. The author told me!
So a while back, I posted some fanart of my favourite Warhammer 40k story, 'Voice of Experience', here on Tumblr and also on Reddit, and the author of the story saw it and liked it??? And also, now I have an extra bit of lore that I can draw??? AMAZING!! I want more of these characters soooooo badly 😭
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potpourrifandoms · 4 months ago
Hell yeah I loved tactical breach wizards and your telling me I get to see cool Gracie fan art of it hell yeah
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Well... I don't know if I'd go so far as to call it "cool", but I definitely have been drawing Steve and Bori a lot lately. Not in their in-game clothes (those look too hot/difficult to draw), but I mean... I gave them comfy PJs, so that's something. They can have a slumber party while holed up in a safehouse waiting for Liv to finish doing her Big Important Liv Things.
It's such a fun game, though. I did not expect the story part to punch me in the gut as much as it did!!
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potpourrifandoms · 4 months ago
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I have been playing the funny haha wizard spec ops game and getting overly attached to all the wrong characters. Steve Clark, Traffic Warlock, my beloved
Also, it's coming up to summertime here in Australia, and every time I go to try and draw Steve, I can't bring myself to finish it because—as adorable as it is—his high-vis robe looks like it'd be unbearably hot to wear. So I did what I do best and drew him some clothes he could wear in warmer weather.
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Didn't realise until after I started colouring it that my new sketchbook has shit paper and the pencils don't work properly, which made me sad because it looked very cool when it was just the line art but oh well. Maybe I'll try again someday with a better sketchbook.
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potpourrifandoms · 5 months ago
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A collection of Pete Complete fanart that I realised I hadn't posted yet. If you like RimWorld, I can't recommend his channel enough! This is all from his most recent series, The Paragons of Pandroth.
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potpourrifandoms · 6 months ago
Gracie's Ridiculous T'au Comic, Part 3 (there's no t'au in this bit, though)
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I don't know too much about the Eldar, and what I know of Necrons is limited to what I learned from The Infinite and The Divine, Twice Dead King, and Severed. Oh, and all the Ciaphas Cain books up until The Greater Good. I have excellent taste in WH40K literature
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potpourrifandoms · 6 months ago
Gracie's Ridiculous T'au Comic, Part 2
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Nobody said they hated the last part, so... Here you go! More of my old t'au comic. I was drawing the latest pages and thought perhaps I could do a weekly update or something. Enjoy! <3
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potpourrifandoms · 6 months ago
I gotta say: I love Vanic!! (Especially the way you draw him, I had no idea it was possible to make githyanki cute) Also, since I saw you do requests... Would you be willing to draw any of the origin characters from bg3? I just think it would be cool haha
The whole reason Vanic exists was because I wanted to see if cute gith boys were possible, and I like to think I succeeded in my efforts. It might have something to do with how tiny and squishy I draw him, but... Eh.
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I love him <3
As for the other origin characters... Well, I gave it my best shot!
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First up was Stari and Lae'zel! (keeping them in the same style as I draw Vanic, for consistency)
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I managed to fit Gale, Shadowheart, and Wyll all on one page. They were very fun to draw. I don't like drawing ornate armour, though, lol. Can you tell?
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Then Karlach, the best girl!! Her clothes were a pain to draw, too, but that's what I get for trying to draw at 11pm on a work night 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Bonus "origin characters" in the forms of my two Dark Urge people!
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Alulin, my half-gnome, half-illithid bard who's doing her darndest to resist her urges while pumping every stray illithid parasite she finds into her head. She must have one hell of a headache, but that doesn't stop her from getting down and dirty with Bears and Mind Flayers at every chance she gets (which is two so far, but it never hurts to hope). she was much easier on the eye at the start of the run, but Halsin still gives her kisses whenever she asks (which is frequently 👀), so she can't be that bad.
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Then there's T'uin, a half-drow sorcerer, who is embracing his dark urges with enthusiasm. I can't play with him for too long at once because I always feel so bad doing the mean stuff. He is very pretty, though, so I can put up with him for short periods. He's currently being fought over by Minthara and Lae'zel.
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potpourrifandoms · 6 months ago
Gracie's Ridiculous T'au Comic, Part 1
So, I've posted little out-of-context bits and pieces of my T'au comic passion project on this blog before (here, here, and here, with character introductions and stuff here), and I thought that maybe I should post some in-context pages of the comic.
Please bear in mind that these were drawn about six years ago now (how time flies!!), and they're not as good as my more recent art. They're also extremely unpolished and not lore-accurate, but they make me laugh, so perhaps someone else out there will like them, too. This was also before I had much of the plot worked out, so I promise it gets better later on.
Anyway, without further ado...
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there are like three sketchbooks of this if anybody wants more lmao
First (this is the first) | Next
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potpourrifandoms · 6 months ago
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An incident in camp means that Vanic now has one pretty blue-ish eye, and one scarlet eye (which is what they both looked like before Volo got involved). I think it suits him, but I think everything suits him, because I'm biased.
Wyll says they're in the one-eyed club together now, though, so that's sweet! <3
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Volo has such a deft hand in these matters...
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Lae'zel and Vanic continue to not really get along, sadly. She's mad that Vanic stole her pants, and she even called him a traitor because he was nice(ish) to Omeluum in the Underdark. Vanic can't help it if Omeluum and Blurg are my favourite characters!! Blame me, not him, Lae'zel!
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He does look fetching with a knife under his chin, tho...
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Finally found another outfit I liked for him, too. He looks so proud of himself.
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A compilation of Vanic expressions. They're not really that different, but I just like his face.
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potpourrifandoms · 6 months ago
I find it funny Vanic is such a SKINNY barbarian. Is he using githyanki mind tricks to be so strong or is he just a lean mean machine? Guess Barbarians Rage is a little magic.
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He's built like a toothpick, and it's beautiful.
I get a good chuckle every time he does something absurd that's strength related—he freed Shadowheart in the nautiloid by just ripping the lid off her pod, and it seemed so dumb because, I mean... look at him! He looks like his arms would break if you tried to shake his hand, but no. Stronk boi.
He can probably chalk up a lot of it to magic, though, if we want to discount the "sinewy-muscle-that's-strong-like-industrial-wire-cables" idea. He's a Wild Magic barbarian, so he's a Magical Girl Gith, really.
More Vanic becos prettyyyy
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The next big Boy Band™ from Baldur's Gate
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There's something so attractive about a character covered in blood from a recent battle (he smashed the mirror with a rock because he doesn't have time for magic shenanigans unless he's causing them)
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He has really nice collarbones ngl
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The Boy Band™ again, this time with Astarion hiding in the background (he's camera shy, I guess). Vanic looks even more like a twig standing next to all the other characters lol. I also love Wyll's good boi stance with the neatly folded hands here. Gets me every time <3
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I like his unimpressed face <3
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potpourrifandoms · 7 months ago
Lowkey interested in seeing more Vanic. He my Vanic Githyanki Dream Boi. Does he have any favorites among the bg3 origins yet?
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Ahh!! He's great, isn't he?? I love him so much <3
Currently, he's trapped indecisively between Gale and Astarion, who both seem quite taken with him (because who wouldn't be?). Things have progressed further with Astarion than Gale for the time being, but we'll see where things go in future. Maybe he'll manage to woo Lae'zel someday, maybe not. She doesn't seem to like him very much at the moment :(
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More Vanic pics under here coz I'm love him <3 <3
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Vanic was NOT impressed with Raphael and ignored him in favour of stealing food.
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He's cute when he's nervous.
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Album cover lookin' ass
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Pouty face puppydog eyes. I'd never be able to say no to that face!! Just look at him!!!
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*squints suspiciously at the goblin making fun of his nose*
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potpourrifandoms · 7 months ago
Do you ever plan to do more of chibi Warhammer drawings? I like those fun little shenanigans.
Especially the Poshmarines.
The Adorable Warhammer stuff? Oh, dude, I draw them all the time! I just kind of thought nobody liked them, so I don't post them anymore. They feel very silly. 😅
But, here are some of my random doodles! To peruse at your leisure.
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Poshmarines (and a swolemarine) actually doing their jobs for once...
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The Poshmarines' mascot is a goose named Petunia. She's very lovely and quite the opposite of their polite, posh, gentlemanly-ness. She craves violence in the name of The Emperor!! Also, the Poshmarines hang out with the T'au Ethereal Oracle, who lives amongst the tea plantations on Paxona Prime. He's weird, but he likes tea, so they get along well enough.
More doodles here 👇
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Commander Dignified, Commissar Owo, and Inquisitor Paperwork often feature prominently in my doodling. They have a fun bestie-group thing going. And yes, Owo's real name is Roderick "Rory" Reginald-Bartholemew. I thought it'd be funny if he had a name he couldn't pronounce- sorry, "pwonounce" :3
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Dignified and Owo are perfectly capable of doing their actual jobs, but seeing as most of the xenos and cultists on Paxona Prime seem more interested in sitcom shenanigans than any warmongering, the opportunities to fight are few and far between.
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Paperwork enjoys doing his job, too, but as an administrator, that doesn't mean much fighting. Luckily he has Servitor Paperweight to keep an eye on him when he gets too caught up to take breaks.
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Commissar Owo has an unfortunate admirer in the form of Slaaneshi cultist Seductive, though her seductions are not as seductive as she seems to believe, and Owo remains thoroughly un-seduced.
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Speaking of cultists, Genestealer Cultist Teeth and their roommate, Khorne Cultist Blood, get up to lots of crazy hijinks, too. Mostly bickering with each other or doing their best to avoid Nurgle Cultist Hypochondriac, who lives across the hall from them in the same apartment building.
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Genestealer Cultist Teeth's worst enemy is Sister Karen, who likes to act like a total Karen at the grocery store where they work. Luckily they have manager powers and a third arm with claws, so she's pretty easy to shoo away.
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Cryptid Bob, who lives as a stowaway on an Aelderi Craftworld, often utilises his latent psyker powers to cause problems for the hapless Eldar who are still struggling to find him and send him back to the Imperium of Man (one of his powers is that people forget seeing him almost as soon as they look away from him, so he can have full conversations with the Eldar and then slip away when they're distracted and they won't remember to catch him).
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My favourite character to draw, though, is the humble T'au Merchant, Por'La Det'ermined.
Aha! Had you fooled, didn't I? He's actually an Ambassador!
Aha, fooled you again!! He's actually actually a T'au Super Spy!!! He mostly just spends his days chilling in the marketplace on Paxona Prime, though, handing out Greater Good pamphlets to anybody who'll take them. There's not a lot of badass espionage to be done on a planet as silly as this... :/
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potpourrifandoms · 7 months ago
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Scribbling cutesy t'au comics (instead of painting my miniatures) because none of the Games Workshop official t'au content scratches that itch, so I've resorted to making my own incomprehensible propaganda stories.
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Bonus water caste and earth caste team up to try and figure out human technology, with no success.
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