#my two first loves mc x ava
modern-day-bard · 8 months
Other Duties As Assigned: A Joel Miller Fanfiction
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Guinevere Russell is the sole heir to the multimedia conglomerate, Russell Corp. After obtaining her MBA and moving home to New York City, she’s been forced to return to a tumultuous relationship with her father and the rest of the board. Gwen would prefer to run off with her friends and see just how far she can take a distraction, and she’s perfectly happy doing so. That is, until her father hires a bodyguard to keep a watchful eye on her. She just can’t figure out if he was hired for her safety, or to uncover the secrets no one else knows she possesses…
Joel Miller is a personal security officer on leave from his last assignment, where he worked abroad for a U.S. embassy. He has avoided private security detail for years after a life-changing accident, but when he gets this call, the money is too good to pass up. But Joel has never met a client with such an aversion to being protected. Regardless of the paycheck, Joel will soon realize this is his biggest challenge yet, but not for the reason he thinks…
When their secrets, both past and present, collide in a mixture of tension and new-found feelings, the results can be catastrophic. Now, Gwen’s safety is put at risk more than ever before, and the two of them have to get to the bottom of the mystery, and what they mean to each other, before it’s too late.
Content Warning: 18+ This story includes mature themes such as drinking, stalking, violence, and explicit smut. Minors, do not interact.
a/n: This is a WIP! I’m writing more chapters while editing before I post. I hope to post on a consistent basis. I’m also posting this story on ao3 and Wattpad. Tumblr tends to take me the longest to post from, but I’m determined to make it happen!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Worth The Feeling: A Javi Gutierrez Fanfiction
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Summary: Ava Cohen is a 26-year-old production assistant working tirelessly to achieve her dream of one day becoming a film director. As hiatus from her last project comes to a close, she returns to set with Norwick Productions, whom she has worked with for the past four years. After a major fo paux on the first day of work, Ava is worried she has offended the star of this next production: Javi Gutierrez. She will soon come to realize, this couldn’t be further from the truth. When the cast and crew travel to Italy to film on location, the seriousness of what Ava is feeling becomes all too real, just as a new career opportunity lands in her lap. As tensions run high, watchful eyes set in, and her career is put at stake, can all of this be worth it in the end?
Content Warning: 18+
This story includes explicit smut, intimidation, and an age gap relationship (MC is 26, Javi is in his 40s). Minors, do not interact.
a/n: The full story is available on AO3 and on Wattpad as well for anyone who is interested. Thank you to anyone who reads my story! ����
Total word count: 93,547
Pairing: javi gutierrez x f!reader. No physical descriptors of the MC, except for her being shorter than Javi.
Pairing Disclaimer: the original pairing was Pedro x reader but after everything was released I felt very uncomfortable with that. If I was a celebrity, I wouldn’t want people to write that about me. I was creating a character as I wrote this story that was separate to Pedro, and after posting, I regretted my choice. I have edited all chapters to reflect this, as Javi’s love of movies and cheerful disposition makes sense for the character I created. Reblogged posts may still have the original pairing, as I’m unable to update them. Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
112 notes · View notes
narcolini · 1 year
in his shadow - pt. 4
ez reyes x oc: ava gomez (& bonus angel), 3072 words
for day 26 of whumpril, using alternative prompt: words that can’t be taken back
a/n: ahh i love making drama for the sake of drama, it’s so good for the soul
tagging: @cositapreciosa @drabbles-mc​ (let me know if u want to be tagged!)
previous part here
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It’s been a week, well, a weekend and a day, and EZ still hasn’t heard from Ava. The last he saw of her, she was leaving the trailer, hair a mess, jacket and near-empty tequila bottle stuffed into her bag. It’d been good. Real fucking good. Nice, like they were dating, or something. Like there was a genuine connection between them. And then, nothing.
No text, no call.
He’s trying to be chilled about it. No biggie, because they aren’t dating, are they? They barely even know each other. Well, that’s a lie, even if it does make him feel better to think it. They’d gotten close fast enough to feel like he’s known her as long as the rest of the guys have. Longer, even. Maybe. He knows things she’s never told them. Heard the shit that goes on behind that doe-eyed expression, that endless look of kindness. It sits in her features even when she’s swearing, or chatting shit with liquor on her breath. Just endless, endless, kindness. Like she’d been drawn up by Disney or some shit.
‘The fuck you smiling about?’ Angel asks, lips tweaking like he’s in on it, catching his brother’s attention.
They’re parked up outside the sandwich place they can’t get enough of, waiting for the food coma to settle before they leave again. Angel’s reclined on his bike, head against the handle bars, EZ’s standing on the sidewalk, shoulder to the nearest pole.  
‘Nothing.’ EZ shrugs. ‘Just thinking.’
‘Bout what?’
‘You want a list or something? Stuff, things.’
Angel slides the shades up from his face, into his hair. He’s scrutinising him like he knows something, or is about to. Like he can read the thoughts in EZ’s head. ‘Did you get laid?’ he asks, uncertain of his guess until he sees EZ’s chin dip in response. ‘Ho—ly fuck. Little bro finally got his dick wet.’
‘Shut up, man.’
‘Who’s the lucky princess?’ He smirks. ‘I know her?’
EZ’s head shakes. He hates when Angel’s like this, hates even more when he’s right about it too. ‘I’m not telling you when you’re being a dick about it.’
He sits up, boots planting on the ground either side of his bike. ‘Shit, it’s that serious? Why am I only just hearing about it now?’
How does he answer that? Logically, he know’s it not serious, not by their standards. Not by Ava’s either, probably. But he has to physically stop himself from saying yes, because that’s the answer that tries to fly out. Yeah, kinda. Yeah, I hope so.
‘I don’t know,’ he says instead. ‘Maybe.’
‘Maybe?’ Angel’s teetering on a laugh, pure glee at his brothers uncertainty sitting behind his eyes. He could do this for hours. ‘You gotta give me a name, Romeo. Who’s got you all caught up like this?’
EZ sighs. He’s got two options, a long death, drawn out and real fucking annoying, or the short, merciful one. Sure to sting, but quicker to fade. ‘Well,’ he starts, hanging his thumbs in his jean pockets, ‘me and Ava have kind of…’
‘Kind of…’ Angel winds his head in EZ’s vision, trying to lure the rest of it out of him. ‘Started a bookclub, or what? The fuck is it, bro?’
‘We’ve been hanging out.’
He squints, then his eyes go wide. ‘Oh, come on, Ezekiel.’
‘There it is.’ He shouldn’t have said anything. Should’ve lied and said he was smiling about his fucking sandwich.
‘You slept with her?’ Angel’s voice pitches up, like he can’t believe it. ‘Damn, bro, it’s like you fucking hate happiness. My God.’
He’s shaking his head at him, but EZ’s no idea why. Honestly, he hasn’t a fucking clue. What was so bad about it? They’re both adults, they’re both single. He know’s Ava’s baggage as well as anyone, better even, than Angel himself. If anything, spending time with her had made him happier than he’s been in years. The first real good thing to happen since getting out.
‘The fuck does that mean, Angel?’
He ignores the question, muttering to himself, as he toys with the helmet in his lap. ‘That’s so fucked up, man.’
‘Why is it?’ EZ's back straightens, a defensive response. He’s starting to get irritated. ‘It was her idea.’
‘Yeah,’ Angel nods, ‘and now you’re all up in your feelings, falling in love with her, while she’s out, acting all new and sexy and shit, thanks to your dumbass self.’
‘What’s wrong with that?’
‘What’s wrong with…’ He scoffs, looking up again. ‘You realise she’s about to go out and get a man that isn’t in a fucking MC now? Probably on Tinder already. You’re a rebound, boy-scout.’
EZ bristles, jaw clenching. He tries to shake it off afterwards, like Angel’s words are nothing at all, just noise without weight. It isn’t convincing, even he can tell that. He’s got a face like a scolded child. ‘You don’t know that,’ he says.
‘Don’t I?’ Angel laughs. ‘Been in this club way fucking longer than you, and I ain’t never seen a widow go for a Mayan twice.’
He’s right, EZ knows that. Even though he’s not seen it himself, he can recognise why. One death would put you off for good, but it isn’t like that, is it? Ava hadn’t used him as the jumping point for the return of her love life. Wouldn’t mess him about for the sake of messing about. And it wasn’t like he was in love with her, or falling, even. They were just hanging out. It was fun, mutually. It still is. It can be as simple as that, no matter what Angel puts into his head.
‘You spoken to her since?’ Angel asks.
He doesn’t answer, which says all Angel needs to hear. Tutting, laughing, head shaking like EZ is utterly clueless.
‘You’re full of shit, Angel,’ he snarks, pulling his own helmet from the seat of his bike. ‘You don’t know what you’re talking about.’
‘Yeah, cause you’re the expert on women.’
I know her, he wants to say, clicking the strap under his chin. I know her, and you don’t, even with all the years you had to get there. Maybe it was rebound, maybe he’s the rebound, but so what, right? That doesn’t mean he’s fucked up, or ruined whatever they’d started. Ava had wanted someone to treat her like a normal fucking woman, and he’d done that, that’s all.
That’s all, isn’t it?
‘There’s someone out front for you, Ava.’
‘Really?’ She looks up from her work, hand mid-wipe over the leather seat. ‘I’ve not booked anyone in for the afternoon.’
Her colleague shrugs, not lingering long enough to explain beyond, ‘He said he’s here to see you.’
She only has a handful of male clients—eyebrows, botox, lip-filler—but none of them are due anytime soon. If one of them’s back already, then it can only be a bad thing. A complaint, maybe, a mistake on her part. God. She hates dealing with that. The guilt over it, no matter how small, is enough to knock her confidence for weeks. To make her doubt her qualifications entirely. She chucks the cloth on the side, peeling the gloves from her hands to toss them in the trash on the way past. It’ll be okay, really, she doesn’t have any clients that would hold it against her. I mean, she’s an aesthetician, not a robot. Mistakes happen. Bodies react in different ways, even if you’ve had the treatment before.
She rounds the corner, into the small shop front that acts as a greeting desk and waiting room all in one, and finds it’s not a client at all. It’s EZ, full leathers and helmet, standing dark against the blinding pink of the walls.
‘Oh,’ she can’t help but feel relieved, ‘it’s you.’
He smiles, looking shy from her reaction. ‘Yeah, hey.’
‘D’you need something?’ She pauses behind the desk, waiting as he dawdles forward. It’s obvious he isn’t comfortable here. He looks seconds from sprinting out the door, knocking fake palms trees and magazine stands on his way. ‘Did you call me?’
‘Nah, I figured I’d just stop buy. Speak to you in person.’ He puts his elbow on the desk in front of her, leaning like he’s comfortable. Or trying to be. ‘You got a minute?’
She has an entire afternoon, technically, but she also has a shit load of paperwork to catch up on. Expenses to list, lash in-fills to count. ‘Sure, I got a window.’ An hour, for him, is nothing.
She nods toward the back, inviting him to follow. They could talk here, sure, but he looks like he wants privacy. And, well, she doesn’t really want her colleagues to see them chatting in the first place. She’d got this job after Seb had died, unable to go back to her last one. So the shock of a man in a kutte, lingering in the middle of the shop, might send a gossip shockwave strong enough to unsettle her peace forever. The questions would never stop—and God knows, she doesn’t have the patience for that.
‘You been good?’ he asks, walking behind her.
‘Yeah, busy.’
‘Though I might’ve heard from you.’
She lets him into her room, and shuts the door behind. He looks just as out of place here, standing by the reclining seat, under the white lights, as he did out front. ‘I know,’ she sighs, ‘I haven’t had a minute to stop.’
He nods but doesn’t look convinced. It’s not like she’s lying, not like she has any reason too. They’d made up, she thought, more than made up. The last time they hung out, they’d ended the day on a high she’d never even imagined. Swollen lips, fresh spirit, an electricity under her skin that she’d forgotten the feeling of. She didn’t think they had any more catching up to do. Let’s call it even, he said, and then sweeten the deal on top of it.
‘Is something the matter?’ she asks, because he clearly isn’t going to start himself. He’s standing like he’s scared to move, one thigh against the leg-rest.
‘Nah.’ His head shakes, brow pinching. ‘Not really.’
He sighs, settling his hands on the edges of his cut, fists over his chest. ‘Honestly, Angel got in my head about something,’ he confesses. ‘Thought I could talk to you about it.’
Now it’s her turn to frown, because she never got the impression Angel had the ability. EZ’s the brainy one, the logical one. Angel surely had no way of twisting his thoughts away from himself.
‘Oh boy.’ She lets out a breath, moving to lean against the nearest counter. ‘Should I be worried?’
He smiles slightly, just enough to put it into the creases of his eyes. ‘Depends,’ he says, ‘on whether I’m a rebound or not.’
‘Angel thinks you’ve, I don’t know. Shit.’ He sighs. ‘Can we start that again?’
‘A rebound?’ How could he be, how could he or Angel even think that? For starters, it’s been three fucking years since Sebastian died. If he was a rebound, it was less of a bounce and more like a delayed crack, a skimmed stone that made one fucking ripple, way out into the bay. ‘As in, what? I used you to make myself feel better?’
He’s exhaling through his teeth, rubbing the back of his head. ‘That came out wrong, was trying to make a dumb joke, lighten the mood. Sorry.’
But it came from somewhere, out his lips like he’d been wondering it his whole way here. ‘No, go on. What did Angel think?’
‘You don’t want to know.’
‘Well someone’s gonna have to explain that rebound line, EZ.’
He looks like he wants the ground to eat him, whole and scrambling, but he carries on. To his credit, he carries on. ‘He thinks us sleeping together was a mistake.’
She doesn’t comment on the fact that telling Angel in the first place, is the real mistake, but from the looks of him he’s knows it already. Like he regrets it enough to make her overlook it, focusing on the next problem. ‘And that matters because…?'
‘Like I said, he got in my head about it.’
‘How what?’
‘How did he get in your fucking head?’ she stresses, almost laughing at the absurdity of it. They’re parroting each others words like they’re speaking a different language. ‘Angel thinks a lot of dumb shit, and you never take notice of that. Why does it matter now?’
Why is it any of his business? How can something like that even be a mistake, when it’s just fun, just two people enjoying themselves. If Angel’s said she’s using EZ as a rebound, to propel herself forward in some way, why would he care, why would he—
‘Oh my god,’ she breathes, ‘you believe him, don’t you? You think I’m using you?’
‘What?’ His face scrunches, disgust showing in the kiss of his teeth. ‘No, course not.’
‘Well, you believe something, EZ. What the fuck is it? A rebound or a mistake?’
‘Neither.’ His voice is sharper now, words hardening into annoyance. ‘I just want to know what the fuck the plan is from here,’ he says. ‘Cause, you know, I’ve not heard from you at all since it happened.’
‘So, naturally, I have to have been using you?’
If she’d known he’d be this concerned, this paranoid about five days of quiet, she’d have never bothered. Honestly, she’d have never let it get past kissing in the first place. Some people can’t do just sex—Hell, she used to be one of them—if she’d known that was the case with him, she’d have stopped that train long ago. Saved them both the stress.
‘You know,’ he says carefully, like he’s holding something back, ‘you know, I wouldn’t think that.’
She flaps her arms up. ‘You near enough said it yourself, EZ. The fuck am I meant to do? Read minds?’
He turns away, just for a moment, to take a breath big enough to lift his shoulders. She watches them go up, down, up again. When he’s facing her afterwards, he looks calmer. Not believably so, but in the conscious, put on like a mask, way. He’s trying, at least. She appreciates that, as much as it does nothing for the sourness in her stomach. The quiet anger beneath her ribcage.
‘Look, I just, really didn’t know what the fuck to think, okay?’
She nods. Carry on, keep digging.
‘Angel said all this shit, and I hadn’t heard from you.’ His voice lowers a fraction. ‘And I know the stuff with Seb is always gonna be there.’
‘Make your point, EZ.’ She tries to sound commanding, but it comes out too quiet, almost like a plea. The mention of Sebastian now, right now, in relation to whatever she’s started between them, is the last thing either of them need. It doesn’t help his argument in the way he thinks it does.
‘I don’t care,’ he says, ‘if this goes no where. I don’t care if we never fucking touch each other again.’ He’s closer now, eyes intense on hers. ‘But if your plan is to avoid me forever—’
She cuts him off. ‘When have I said that?’
He waits, searching her expression.
‘I’ve been busy,’ she says, for what feels like the hundredth time, true or not. ‘I didn’t think sex came with a contract, y’know? One fuck equals three texts a day.’
He laughs, but it’s dry as anything, stripped of all humour. ‘Come on, Ava. If you don’t wanna talk like adults, I don’t know why I’m even here.’
‘Yeah, me and you both.’ This wasn’t even an issue before Angel had spoken to him, wouldn’t be something worth talking about at all, if she’d just been allowed to come back to him in her time. Of her own accord. ‘I had no intentions of blowing you off, EZ,’ she says, putting it like an insult somehow. Too highly strung to use it as the mediator she intended it to be. ‘If anything, I was really fucking happy with, y’know, whatever we’ve got going on.’
It still works, though. Words tight, or not, they land all the same, softening EZ’s shoulders. Putting a lighter breath into his throat.
‘Yeah, sure,’ she continues, ‘I’m not planning on having a relationship any time soon—but that doesn’t mean I’m using you.’
‘I know.’
‘I wouldn’t do that.’
He sighs, repeating it. ‘I know.’
‘I should’ve text you,’ she admits. ‘But I didn’t think you’d be taking advice from Angel, of all people.’
He catches the slight smile she’s offering, doubling it himself, and partnering it with a half-laugh. ‘Shit,’ he says, ‘I might kill him, actually. Think that’s probably the best solution.’
‘That or sewing his mouth shut.’
He snorts, head twitching sideways with he force of it. ‘That’d solve half my fucking problems in one.’
‘Yeah,’ she agrees, ‘me too.’ Someone should’ve thought of that sooner. ‘So, are we good? No pressure and no panic either, right?’
He doesn’t want it to be just sex, doesn’t want that to signal the end of them hanging out at all, but she equally doesn’t want it to be a promise of anything more. If he can’t meet her in the middle, then a clean break is all they have left. Back to how it was, with her as the widow, and him as the prospect. Nothing more, nothing less. Two people with one foot in the ring.
But he nods, and she sighs like the alternative would’ve made her collapse.
‘I really gotta stop saying shit without thinking,’ he says, smiling faintly.
She mirrors him. ‘True, but I have to stop saying nothing at all. Keep forgetting you you aren’t as old and fucked up as me.’
‘Woah,’ he frowns, ‘old? Come on, you got at least ten years before retirement.’
She laughs, too caught off guard to be offended. She’s got six years on him, max, but it’s not worth fighting over it now. ‘I like how you’re fine with the fucked up part.’
‘Oh, you’re definitely wrong there too. Fucked up beyond imagination, really.’
‘Mhm,’ she nods, matching his tease, ‘keep going. Your chances of never touching me again are really starting to sky-rocket.’
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korgbelmont · 2 years
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Noah Harris x Gabriela Adalhard
Part 1
An AU set a couple of years after the events of both My Two First Loves and Immortal Desires that sees Noah meet a very unique young woman.
Written in the present tense
Warnings: Blood
Word Count: 1370
Notes: I don’t own these characters, they are the property of Pixelberry Studios.
Harris part of title made on photoshop
In this, Immortal Desires MC (Charlie) is with Cassius Harlow while My Two First Loves MC (Emma) is with Mason and Ava is with an original character called Sarah
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Trying his best to run through the forest, Noah clutches at his side as blood runs down. He falls to his knees as the heavy footsteps of his hunter grow ever closer.
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Pulling up to a parking spot, Noah kills the engine of his car and jumps out. He grabs his bag from the bag seat before locking it and heading over to the diner. Inside, he takes a small table out the way, taking his phone from his pocket and dialling while he looks over the menu. After a few rings, a friendly, familiar voice comes over.
Ava - Hey, Noah.
Noah - Hi, Ava. How're things going?
Ava - Hazel is doing fine, dude. You don't need to check in everyday.
Noah - You know me.
Ava - Yes, I do. But I promise you, she's doing okay.
Noah - Thanks.
Ava - Where are you at the moment?
Noah - Just arrived in a town called Crimson Beech. Think I might stop for a couple days before I get going again.
Ava - Fair enough. A trip like yours can't be taken too lightly. Anyway, I need to get going, got a lesson in a bit. I'll speak to you soon.
Noah - Have fun.
The line goes dead and Noah concentrates on the menu properly.
Noah - Okay, what looks good...
Voice - Try the burger. They're legendary.
Noah looks over to see a young woman approaching him while a couple watches from another table as one of the diner workers stands at the table.
Noah - Guess I'll take a burger and a water.
The girl takes a seat opposite him.
Noah - Thanks for the rec...
Gabriela - Gabriela. Adalhard.
Noah - Noah Harris.
He extends a hand to her and she shakes it with a smile.
Gabriela - What brings you to Crimson Beech?
Noah - Just passing through. Doing a little bit of travelling. But this looks like the kind of place I could stop for a couple of days before I get going.
Gabriela - I can vouch that.
They both laugh as his food is brought to the table.
Cas - You ditching us, Golden Girl?
The two look over to the other couple.
Gabriela - Just being friendly, Cas.
Cas rolls his eyes while the person sat with him gives his arm a playful slap.
Charlie - Don't mind him.
Cas and the other person get up and join Noah and Gabriela.
Charlie - I'm Charlie. And this is Cas.
Cas - Hi.
Noah - I'm sensing history.
Charlie - We all met in high school. These two used to be at each other's throats.
Cas - I had my reasons.
They spend a couple hours digging into their food and giving Noah a slight background on their past as well as Crimson Beech. After paying, Cas and Charlie take their leave while Gabriela walks with Noah to his car.
Gabriela - Got a place to stay?
Noah - That's my next stop. Find a motel or something. Where's the closest?
Gabriela - Well, actually, I was thinking you could crash at mine. I have a spare room and it'll be uber cheap. Like zero cheap. I only have one condition.
Noah - I appreciate, but I don't want to intrude.
Gabriela - Noah, I'm inviting you. I wouldn't call that intruding. Besides, I've got a good enough idea of you to trust you at mine.
Noah sighs with a smile.
Noah - Alright. What's the condition?
Gabriela - There is a party happening in the woods.
Noah - You want me to come.
Gabriela - Yes.
Noah nods in agreement and the two head back to Gabriela's place. Once there, Noah notices how everything is set out. One coaster on the coffee table, one at the computer desk. One plate in the washing up.
Noah - You on your own here?
Gabriela seems to pause and something in her tone tells Noah how she feels.
Gabriela - Yeah. Just me.
Noah - I didn't mean to sound--
Gabriela - It's okay. And before you ask, yeah, it can get a little bit lonely.
Noah - I'm sorry.
Gabriela - I promise, it's fine. I'm used to it.
Taking a deep breath, Gabriela puts a smile back on.
Gabriela - Come on, your room is this way.
Later, they sit on the couch with some take out.
Gabriela - So tell me, Noah. Is there anyone in your life?
Noah - No. No, I'm on my own in that department. There was someone, but she chose someone else.
Gabriela - I'm sorry. I know the feeling.
Noah - Charlie?
Gabriela - I've moved past it.
Noah - After I graduated, I just kept working at the garage. Then I decided this year to travel the country a bit, and here I am.
Gabriela - You glossed over a lot of info there.
Noah - It's the basics.
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Arriving at the party in the woods, Gabriela takes Noah over to Charlie. Charlie and Gabriela embrace in a quick hug. Over at the edge, Noah notices Cas talking to a dark haired guy.
Charlie - So how did Gabriela talk you into joining her here.
Gabriela - I gave him a place to stay.
As the night goes on, Noah keeps to the edge as he doesn't know anyone apart from Gabriela, Cas, and Charlie. Charlie joins him, handing him a drink.
Charlie - You're worse than Cas with the whole brooding at the edge thing you got going on here.
Noah - I'm not brooding. I just don't know anyone. Apart from you, Gabriela, and Cas.
He motions to the two with Cas talking to a dark haired guy while Gabriela talks with some of her friends. She looks over at Noah with a smile that he returns.
Charlie - You two obviously got to know each other.
Noah - She is letting me stay with her.
Charlie - Fair enough, but that's not what I meant.
Noah - I'm not gracing that with a reply.
Charlie - You just did.
Before either can say anything, a snapping sound from behind draws their attention as they whip around. Noah looks to Charlie and they shrug.
Charlie - Might just be--
A low growling cuts them off. Remaining cautious, Noah takes a few steps closer to see if he can find the source of the growling, but has no luck. Charlie puts their hand on Noah's shoulder to stop him.
Charlie - Lets leave it. More than likely just nature.
Charlie leaves Noah and heads over to Cas, and Noah can see that they are telling him about what just happened as they point to guide Cas in the direction of the noise. Gabriela re-joins him.
Gabriela - Having fun?
Noah - As much as I can when I don't know anyone.
Gabriela - Don't worry. I'll keep my eye on y--
The growling draws his attention again, and Gabriela looks round in interest as well.
Gabriela - Never heard anything like that before. Wait here.
She heads into the woods and Noah ignores Gabriela, following her.
Gabriela - I said to wait!
Noah - Yup.
Gabriela rolls her eyes.
Gabriela - Stay close.
They delve further and further into the woods, away from the party as the music becomes quieter. Now there's only the sound of crickets and the occasional growl.
Noah - Sounds like a wolf.
Gabriela - We don't get wolves.
Stepping out into a clearing, they find themselves face to face with a yellow eyed wolf on the other side and it sets it sights on Gabriela.
Gabriela - Something isn't right here.
Noah - We might be in it's territory.
Gabriela - No. It's in ours.
Noah - What?
The wolf changes into a humanoid wolf creature, growing taller.
Wolf - A challenge.
Gabriela - Noah, get out of here and find Cas and Charlie!
She turns to face him and he sees that her eyes have changed to silver and fangs on display.
Noah - What...
Noah steps back as he looks between Gabriela and the wolf creature. His world has just changed forever.
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mxcameronrose · 5 months
Super quick introduction
Hello! I'm Atlas and I decided to make another sideblog, but this time, it's for my Choices art and I'll repost Choices stuff here!
Here's some quick things about me:
- I use they/them
- I'm 24 and my birthday is May 26th
- I mostly draw WLW ships or just feminine bodies in general
- My main/multifandom account is @atlasgoodwin !
Favorite books: Mother of the Year, Crimes of Passion and Murder at Homecoming
Favorite love interests: Hana Lee and Trystan Thorne
Favorite character that is not a LI: Atlas Ernhardt
I also have Instagram for Choices: @/mxcameronrose
Books I've read so far, MCs and my love interests:
A Courtesan of Rome (Arin (MC)) (Currently Reading)
America's Most Elligible (Jamie (MC) (Love Interest is to be changed))
Bachelorette Party
Big Sky Country (Only Book 1)
Bloodbound (Amy (F!MC) and Kamilah (LI))
Crimes of Passion (Cameron Rose (NB!MC) and Trystan Thorne (F!LI))
The Deadliest Game
The Elementalists (Eli (F!MC) and Aster (LI))
Endless Summer (Madison (F!MC) and Quinn (LI))
First Comes Love
The Freshman Series (Ella (F!MC) and Becca (LI))
The Haunting of Braidwood Manor
The Heist: Monaco (Lee (F!MC) x Sonia or Tillie)
High School Story Series (Amy (F!MC) and Emma (LI), Bailey (F!MC) and Skye (LI))
Immortal Desires (Parker (NB!MC), Cas (F!LI) and Gabriella (F!LI))
It Lives Anthology (Devon (F!MC) and Stacy or Ava)
Most Wanted
Mother of the Year (Tara (MC), Zoey (Tara's kid) and Eiko (LI))
Murder at Homecoming (Blake (NB!LI) and Stevie (LI))
My Two First Loves
Open Heart (Casey (F!MC) and Jackie (LI))
Perfect Match
Terror Fest (Lucy (NB!MC) and Lucky)
The Princess Swap (Currently Reading)
Queen B
Ride-or-die: A Bad Boy Romance
Rising Tides
The Royal Romance (Krystal (F!MC) and Hana (LI))
Save the Date
Veil of Secrets (Amy (F!MC) and Kate (LI))
Wishful Thinking
Witness: A Bodyguard Romance
Note: If I didn't add a MC, I don't remember their name :(
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openheartfanfics · 8 months
Sienna x M!OC: One Shots
🎭 Angst  |  🦚 Angsty Fluff  |  🛸 AU  |  ☁ Fluff  |  ♥ NSFW  |  📚 Series  |  📷 Edit  |  📱 TextFic  |  Ⓜ Mature
One Shots: N - #
New York Moment - @liaromancewriter ☁ Max and Sienna get cast as extras on a movie set, and funny antics soon follow.
Night Adventures - @liaromancewriter ☁ Busy with work and raising their son, Max and Sienna struggle to get alone time as a couple.
Not My Bestie! - @liaromancewriter 📱 Cassie drills Max about his friendship with Sienna.
Not Too Late - @liaromancewriter 🎭Ⓜ When a former flame comes back into the picture, Max discovers that Sienna isn’t always Little Miss Sunshine.
Of Supply Closets and Winter Warmth - @gryffindordaughterofathena There are days when Sienna Trinh can forget about the attack and it’s consequences and there are days when that’s the only thing she can think about.
Ours - @liaromancewriter ☁Ⓜ When Sienna moves in with Max, the couple try to figure out the new rhythm of their relationship.
Prangry Sienna - @rafasgirl23415 📸 Sienna is struggling to be happy as she struggles with her pregnancy hunger and raging hormones.
Pardon The Pun - @liaromancewriter 📱 Max and Sienna text each other punny memes.
Peekaboo At You Two - @rafasgirl23415 📸 Sienna goes for her first scan since the gender reveal.
Perfectly Imperfect - @liaromancewriter ☁ Sienna teaches Max the fine art of making a grilled cheese sandwich.
Public & Private - @liaromancewriter 📷📱 Three public moments captured on Picta burn up private chats. Feat. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC; Sienna Trinh x M!OC
Pumpkin Pie - @liaromancewriter 📱 Sienna and Max talk pumpkins and pumpkin pies.
Puppy Play date - @rafasgirl23415 📸 Sienna posts a cute picture that Lucas sends her when he is out walking with Meredith to let her rest.
Ready To Go Home - @rafasgirl23415 📸 Sienna is finally discharged five days after her caesarean & takes Ava & Rafa home to meet their big sister.
Ready To Pop & Fed Up - @rafasgirl23415 📸 Sienna is almost as miserable as Casey & desperate for the babies to come.
Regrets - @liaromancewriter 🎭 When Max agrees to date other people, Sienna can’t help but wish for what could have been.
Relaxation - @rafasgirl23415 📸 Sienna tries her best to take her own mind off the accident and Luc’s surgery as she joins Casey to get their nails done.
Resolve - @liaromancewriter 🎭 Giving in to Operation Fake Tea is harder than he thought it would be, but it only makes Max more determined to win in the end.
Reunions - @liaromancewriter 📱📸 Cassie visits Max and Sienna for some much-needed 'Bestie Time.' Feat. Ethan x F!MC
Romantic, Much? - @liaromancewriter 📱 Pinterest inspires a romantic gesture.
Santa Baby - @liaromancewriter  ☁🎄 When Sienna takes her daughter to meet Santa, things take a turn for the bizarre.
Sexy Times - @liaromancewriter 📱Ⓜ Sienna is in the mood to spice things up on text.
Sienna's Dream Kitchen - @liaromancewriter 📱📸 Max and Sienna expand their home, but Sienna's more excited about the kitchen.
Sienna’s Worries - @rafasgirl23415 📸 Sienna is becoming nervous that something could go wrong in her last weeks of pregnancy.
Small Blessings - @liaromancewriter ☁ Five times Sienna was thankful on social media for having love in her life.
So Blessed - @rafasgirl23415 📸 Sienna has her 34 week scan to check on the twins.
Somewhere With You - @liaromancewriter 🎭 After Sienna puts a pause on their friendship, Max realizes that his feelings run deeper and wonders if it’s too late for take backs.
Spring in Monaco - @liaromancewriter 📷 Max and Sienna mix business and pleasure in Monaco for the Grand Prix formula 1 race.
Stay A Little Longer - @liaromancewriter ☁ Max hadn’t expected to like Cassie’s fellow dolphin, but fate had other plans.
Summer Getaway - @liaromancewriter 📸📱 Sienna spends a relaxing weekend with her sister.
Summer Vibes - @liaromancewriter  📷📱 Max and Sienna host a summer cookout and game night for their friends.
Sweet Cravings - @liaromancewriter ☁ Sienna’s late-night cravings won’t leave her alone.
That Funny Feeling - @liaromancewriter  ☁ Three nights in Sienna’s life when she felt something deep in her soul.
The Bees Knees - @liaromancewriter ☁ As Max and Cassie prepare to celebrate their birthday, the evening takes an unexpected turn.
The Compatibility Hypothesis - @liaromancewriter  ☁Ⓜ After an eventful morning, Sienna surprises Max at work with an important question.
The Competition - @liaromancewriter ☁💘 As another Valentine’s Day approaches, Max and Sienna get competitive about which of them is better at seduction.
The Love Language Test - @liaromancewriter ☁ Sienna and Max explore which of the five love languages works for them.
The Other Valentine Twin - @liaromancewriter ☁ Max learns about a surprising incident from Sienna’s past.
The Reluctant Valentine - @liaromancewriter ☁💘 It’s Valentine’s Day, and Max can’t say no to his favorite girl.
The Santa Ultimatum - @liaromancewriter 📱🎄 Sienna gives the group an ultimatum about not telling the truth.  Feat. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
The Unexpected - @gryffindordaughterofathena ☁ Dan starts his paediatric residency at Edenbrook
This Little Bunny - @liaromancewriter ☁ The kids are out trick-or-treating, but there’s one bunny too many for Max to handle.
Three’s a Crowd - @liaromancewriter 📷 Max, Sienna and Cassie end up in the tabloids after a night out on the town.
Tourist in DC - @liaromancewriter 📷 After Sienna moves to DC, she and Max play tourist.
Under the Stars - @liaromancewriter  💘📱📷 Sienna’s first Valentine’s Day with Max doesn’t go exactly the way she had expected.
Unlikely Adventures - @liaromancewriter 📱 There's only one person who can convince Sienna to take a chance on a life of adventure.
Wedding Ring Mishap - @liaromancewriter 📱 Max loses his wedding ring and everyone's on the case.
Wedding Traditions - @liaromancewriter 📷 Cassie shares memories from Max and Sienna's big day.
Welcome to the Family - @liaromancewriter 📷📱 Max and Sienna add a new member to their family and it has Cassie buzzing.
What Goes Around - @liaromancewriter ☁ Max and Sienna enjoy some downtime immediately following their engagement, but a chance meeting with Sienna’s ex threatens to ruin their peace.
When I’m With You - @liaromancewriter ☁ A few weeks after his accident, Sienna continues to have bad dreams and Max does his best to cheer her up.
Wishing For Comfy Clothes - @rafasgirl23415 📸 Sienna pines for her old clothes.
Yin and Yang - @liaromancewriter 📱Ⓜ Sienna proposes a bold idea to mark her and Max's anniversary.
You Complete Me - @rafasgirl23415 📸 Sienna celebrates Harry & Tommy turning 1 week old.
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jeiontheworks · 4 years
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Ava stans we won! Our girl is finally an official LI! 
I couldn’t decide which ava I wanted to draw, so I drew all versions lmao
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monaownsmyass · 4 years
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As an Ava stan and a Zoey stan, today (and every day, let’s be real) was not it for me 😔
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WLW players: It really sucks how PB invalidates us by constantly forcing male love interests on us without our consent.
Cishet players: Um well it really isn’t a big deal, you’re just sensitive gays so back the fuck up and take a seat sweatie. Jesus. The ungratefulness of these gays...I fucking swear...need to learn their damn place...sensitive ass bitches...what a buncha babies wah wah wah...grrr...fucking whiny ass gays...
MTFL: *makes MC and Ava fall in love and kiss, the only time a female LI is even remotely forced, after Noah and Mason were forced the entire damn book*
Cishet players:
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honourlight · 4 years
guys, i know mason is just a teen and doesn’t know any better, but from a standpoint of someone trying to figure out who they want to be with like mc’s, here are all the reasons why mason as a dating prospect is a huge red flag:
mason is selfish
after ALLL these years of liking mc, he only does smth about it when he feels threatened. why does it have to take mc being happy with someone else for you to finally try?🤔 he claims he didn’t say anything before bc he didn’t want to risk their friendship, but none of that seemed to matter as soon as noah was in the picture... i’m sorry but the reason that mason only fights for you out of jealousy is not cute
mason is a coward
this is gonna sound cheesy but you deserve to be with someone who isn’t afraid to be with you. someone who sees how great you are and seizes the opportunity to be with you. mason has been a coward for YEARS due to fear. whereas for noah, despite the fear you very well could reject him for mason knowing that you liked mason, noah knows you’re worth it and shows he’s interested in you ASAP (sounds like the kind of person you’d want to me👀!)
mason is dumb
despite being well aware that dating ava could complicate your friendship or any chance of dating you in the future, he still does it. if mason really wanted to see if he can be with you before he dated ava, mans boy could have waited until you both cooled off after your fight. oh wait! but he didn’t. he couldn’t wait even ONE DAY after for you. and actually, i’m realizing that whole “don’t wanna risk our friendship” excuse sounds like BULL if he was willing to risk it by dating ava w/o talking to you
mason is insensitive
god this one infuriates me... there are so many examples of this, let’s quick fire a few:
is constantly rude to noah
admits he left ava for mc in front of ava (and mc and noah)
shoots his shot with mc right after he just humilated and broke up with her bff
idk guys he just has no awareness nor respect for others’ feelings, or worse, he does and frankly just doesn’t care
mason is possessive
starts a fight with noah over mc & tries to control who she hangs with? BIIIIGGG YIKES
tl;dr: if you want someone who respects/appreciates you and your happiness properly, mason is not the one sweetie!
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somewillwin · 4 years
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Here it is @chilichloes ! Hope you like it hgfhgfhgfhgf
Also congrats to all Ava stans! You are the real MVPs. Going through 77 chapters of forced hetero nonsense.... and then deal with the fandoms homophobia! 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼
Also I used @zigsnose edit of Ava cause it was better than her outfit.
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ellezelindraws · 4 years
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I don't have any idea what's happening with MTFL anymore and this is already late for day 14 but Team Ava! 💕
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beastlyinstrument · 4 years
The real love triangle here is with MC, Noah & Ava.
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Mason who? we don't know him.
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rachelbigpeep · 4 years
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I’m taking the crumbs and making a sandwich
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korgbelmont · 1 year
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Noah Harris x Gabriela Adalhard
Five years have passed since Noah became a Vampire, and in that time, he and Gabriela have married and had a daughter, Sky. But Sky's birth presents a new threat to the couple.
Written in the present tense
Warnings: Threat against an infant
Word Count: 2462
Notes: I don’t own these characters, they are the property of Pixelberry Studios.
Harris part of title made on photoshop
In this, Immortal Desires MC (Charlie) is with Cassius Harlow while My Two First Loves MC (Emma) is with Mason and Ava is with an original character called Sarah.
Hazel is now aware that Noah is a Vampire.
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Setting Sky down in her cot, Gabriela gives her a smile.
Gabriela - I love you.
Noah joins her, holding his daughter's hand for a bit.
Noah - Love you, Sky.
They leave their daughter to sleep and head out to the lounge, where Nicole gives them both a somber look as they grab their jackets.
Nicole - Good luck.
Noah - Thanks for watching her.
Nicole - Of course.
They leave and head to the car.
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At the Nexus, Noah and Gabriela stand before Lewyn, Astoria, and the Elders of Crimson Beech while Cas leans against the wall at the edge of the seats.
Astoria - What were you two thinking? There hasn't been a natural born Vampire since the time of the Creators.
Lewyn - She presents a threat to all Vampires.
Noah - She's just a baby!
Astoria - She's a threat!
Gabriela - Not if she's raised right!
Lewyn - We will do what we must. And if you stand in our way...
Noah takes a step forward, closing his hands into fists. Gabriela places a hand on his arm, stopping him from doing anything that could put them more at risk.
Gabriela - We'll do what we have to to keep her safe.
Astoria - You don't want us as enemies.
Cas - And you don't want her as an enemy.
Cas steps out from where he was, joining them.
Cas - Sure, the kid could be a threat. But given who her parents are, I highly doubt that. Besides, what are you actually planning to do with her?
The room goes silent as Astoria glares at Cas.
Cas - That's what I thought. Then if you're done being paranoid, I think we may as well call it a night.
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Later, Noah lies in bed wide awake, as does Gabriela, both staring up at the ceiling as they think about what happened at the Nexus.
Gabriela - We have to accept that Crimson Beech isn't safe anymore. We can't have a normal family life here.
Noah - I know. But there's something that does worry me about moving our lives elsewhere.
She looks over at him as he turns to lie on his side.
Noah - Sky. She's a natural born Vampire inside Leylines. What could happen to her outside of them?
There is only silence as they both know that they have no idea what the answer to that is.
Gabriela - We need a map to see where we could move that is within Leylines. At least then there's a chance we can keep her safe.
Noah - Which we won't get from the Nexus.
Gabriela - My ancestors may have picked up something.
With the beginning of a plan forming, they both know they won't sleep and so get out of bed and head up into the loft, digging through some of the items that the Adalhard's had gathered over the years. Noah looks at the chest he's searching in surprise.
Noah - There is... a lot of silver in this chest.
Gabriela - Probably why we've never gone through them.
Noah - Yeah. What do you want to do with it all? When we go.
Gabriela - I'll leave it with Cas and Charlie. They're the only ones I trust with this. Plus we don't know how things could play out with Lewyn and Astoria, so...
Noah - Yeah.
Gabriela - Here we go. A Leyline map.
Noah goes to join her, and they look over the map. Noah points to a familiar area enclosed by the lines.
Noah - We got Hunt's Peak as an option.
Gabriela - It does look to be the closest, but how likely is the Pack there to let a family of Vampires live in their territory. It was one thing you going there as a human for help, but what we need...
Noah - I guess we only have one way to find out.
Gabriela - In the morning, though.
Noah - In the morning.
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The following morning, Noah sits at his laptop, searching social media for any of the Pack members whose names he can remember. Thankfully, one stuck with him and he soon finds a Selene Russet, and her profile picture matches who he remembers.
Noah - I found one of them!
He opens up the messenger and begins typing.
Noah (DM) - Hi there. We met a few years ago, I came from Crimson Beech and your Pack told me about the Exile. Hope you are doing well.
He gets up, but before he can go anywhere, a reply comes in.
Selene (DM) - I remember you. Difficult to forget the guy who revealed a whole new part of the world 😛
He sits down as another message comes in.
Selene (DM) - What's up???
He explains about what has happened with the Elders and how he and Gabriela need somewhere new to call home, hoping the Pack will let them into Hunt's Peak.
Selene (DM) - I am so sorry this has happened to you.
Selene (DM) - I'll talk with the Pack immediately, leave this open.
Noah (DM) - Thank you, Selene.
Knowing it may take a bit of time, Noah heads to the kitchen, where Gabriela is talking with Cas.
Cas - ...the Elders view me and Charlie the same way they view you two.
Noah - Minus the having a baby thing.
Cas - Even so, they seem determined to keep me out of the loop.
Gabriela - I'm sorry to put you and Charlie in this position.
She looks over at Charlie, who is keeping Sky entertained.
Cas - Don't worry about it. If needs be, we can skip town.
Gabriela - How'd it go with the Pack?
Noah - Selene's gonna speak to them.
Cas - Found somewhere, then?
Noah - Hunt's Peak. In theory.
Cas - Clever. Doubt that they want to risk going against a Werewolf Pack.
Noah - It depends if they'll let us there though.
Gabriela - We should let Ava and Elijah know as well.
Noah nods in agreement. The morning passes quick as the four try to keep things as normal as possible, but they are all on edge as they wonder what Lewyn and Astoria have planned. As midday nears, the computer sounds with a message and Gabriela checks it.
Gabriela - It's Selene. She's spoken with the Pack and...
She breaths a sigh of relief.
Gabriela - She has somewhere we can stay.
Noah - Guess we should get packing then.
The computer sounds again as another message comes in.
Selene (DM) - Can you guys travel in daylight outside of the leylines? Because if not, I have a caravan I can black out the windows on and come and get you myself.
Passing Sky to Noah, Gabriela begins to type out a message.
Gabriela (DM) - Hi, Selene. This is Gabriela Harris, we can for a bit but there is the risk of sun poisoning.
Selene (DM) - I'll come and get you then. I'll need a couple of days.
Gabriela (DM) - See you then.
Selene's active symbol turns to inactive and Gabriela leans back in the chair, relieved that they have a chance at a normal life as a family.
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Those two days pass quick as they have now packed all they feel they need to take with them and the morning of moving, Selene arrives with a blacked out caravan in tow while Noah, Gabriela, Cas, Charlie, along with Nicole and Seth load up a van. Stepping out, Selene heads over to Noah, and the two shake hands.
Selene - You okay?
Noah - Glad to finally be able to get out of here. There's already a van on it's way to the address you gave us, we just need to load up a few bits here and we should be good.
They both look over to see everyone else staring.
Noah - Right, introductions. Everyone, this is Selene. Selene, this is Cas, Charlie, Nicole, and Seth. And this is Gabriela.
The two women shake hands.
Gabriela - Thank you.
Cas - So you're a Werewolf.
Selene - I am. And don't worry, your friends will be safe in Hunt's Peak. I've made sure that the Pack won't try anything.
They all work to get the last van loaded as quickly as possible, and once the last box is loaded, Noah sends the van off before heading inside to grab a rucksack. He finds Gabriela with Sky in her arms, looking around the now empty lounge.
Noah - You alright?
Gabriela - I've lived here my entire life, and now...
He places a hand on the small of her back, kissing her temple.
Noah - I know.
Gabriela takes a deep breath, steeling herself as she turns to face Noah.
Gabriela - But we're doing the right thing. I don't want our daughter to spend her life looking over her shoulder.
Noah - And on that we agree. She deserves as normal a life as possible.
They share a quick kiss before turning to leave. Noah picks up another rucksack on his way out and they go over to say their goodbyes. Gabriela and Charlie wrap each other in a hug while Noah and Cas shake hands.
Noah - Good luck.
Cas - They should settle down once you're out of the area.
Charlie - We'll keep you up to date.
Gabriela - Thank you.
Nicole - Good luck with the new life.
Seth - Ditto.
With the goodbyes said, Noah and Gabriela enter the blacked out caravan while Selene returns to her car. Taking a seat, Noah takes Sky from Gabriela as she rests against him. They wobble a bit as Selene gets going.
Noah - This is really happening.
Gabriela - It really is.
After a few minutes, they slow to a stop and Noah's phone rings. He presses to answer Selene's call, putting her on speaker.
Noah - What's up??
Selene - We're about to cross the lines.
Gabriela places a hand on Sky, touching her forehead to her daughters.
Noah - Let's do this.
They get moving again, and after a few minutes, Gabriela moves her head, noticing that she is still asleep. Nothing has happened, being born in the leylines has not changed her in someway. Both breathing a sigh of relief, they share a quick kiss.
Gabriela - She's okay.
They both hear Selene's relieved sigh before she speaks.
Selene - You two may as well rest up, it's going to be a long drive.
Noah - Thank you, Selene.
Selene - No worries.
Hanging up, Noah lies down and Gabriela joins him, Sky still sleeping soundly between them. Gabriela rests her hand on top of Noah's as he keeps a hand on Sky, and she can only smile at her husband.
Gabriela - I love you.
Noah - I love you too.
They soon close their eyes, deciding to get a bit of sleep as a way to pass the time.
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Unsure of how long has passed, Noah and Gabriela are woken by the cries of their daughter as they both go into panic mode. But a couple of sniffs soon relax them.
Gabriela - She just needs changing.
Noah - I'll take this one. You did it last time.
Gabriela - Okay.
Taking Sky, Noah goes over to a more suitable area to change her while Gabriela closes her eyes again. The crying soon stops and Gabriela feels the dip of the bed next to her as Noah returns.
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Once again, they're woken, but this time by a phone ringing. Realising it's his, Noah takes it from his pocket to find Selene ringing and he answers, putting it on speaker.
Noah - Hey, Selene.
Selene - Just wanted to let you know we're in Hunt's Peak. You're safe to let the sun in. Also the ride will get a bit bumpy in a few minutes, but it'll mean we're near the end.
Gabriela - Thanks for letting us know.
After a few minutes, the ride does indeed become quite bumpy, and while Noah and Gabriela work to keep themselves balanced, Sky laughs. The couple share a look and can't help but have a slight laugh at it.
The drive soon comes to an end and know they have the all clear once Selene steps inside.
Selene - Welcome to your new home.
They step out to the sight of a large cabin.
Gabriela - This is ours?
Selene - It belonged to my uncle, but I inherited it. Never knew what to do with it. Until now.
She holds out a set of keys to Gabriela, dropping them into the Vampire's hand.
Noah - Thank you. For everything.
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Now settled into their new home, Noah and Gabriela bring Ava and Hazel up to date on everything on a video call.
Ava - I'm sorry that you got forced out of Crimson Beech.
Gabriela - Lewyn and Astoria made it clear on where they stand.
Noah - Luckily the trip over wasn't as bad as we had built in our minds. Nothing happened to Sky once she crossed the leylines.
Ava - That's a relief.
Hazel - What's the new place like?
Gabriela - Big. Much bigger than we were expecting.
Ava - And the Pack is okay with family of Vampires living on their turf?
Gabriela - Selene convinced them into being okay with it. And advised us to keep our doors locked on full moons.
Ava - Well that's an interesting one. So what's next for you?
Gabriela - Theoretically, a quiet life.
Ava - We'll come visit soon. Once this one is on break from school.
She gives Hazel a playful hug.
Noah - We'll make sure things are set up for you.
Hazel - Looking forward to it!
Ava - In the meantime, you have homework to get on with. We'll let you get on with things.
Gabriela - Alright. See you, Ava. Bye, Hazel.
Noah - Have fun.
The screen changes as Ava hangs up. Gabriela gets up to grab a coffee while Noah closes the laptop.
Noah - How do you think things are going back at Crimson Beech?
Gabriela - I imagine Cas and Charlie are lying low. I'm confident we don't have to worry about Lewyn and Astoria though. But we should probably speak to the Pack, just to make sure of things.
Noah - I'm with you there.
She sits back down and kisses his cheek. Although there are some things that will need to be finalised with the Pack, Noah and Gabriela know that they have a chance at a quiet life as a family.
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casharlow · 3 years
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ava lawrence by @all-eternity !
she was payed dust by pb but i will continue to be one of like three ava stans <3
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jmojellybae · 4 years
After 77 chapters, we finally got to kiss Ava (for free) and confess our love (also free!)
And it wasn’t optional. Whew!
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