#my tumblr dead af
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dersehorror · 6 months ago
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daryl-dixon-daydreams · 1 month ago
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A/N: uggggh a little pre-apocalypse Daryl drabble with a role reversal that is *chef's kiss* You were tempted to flip the middle finger at the cops gathered behind you as you left the station, taking quick steps to keep up with Daryl's hurried long strides.
"Where'd you get the money to bail me out?"
"Dun ask me..." he drawled.
"Too late. I just did," you said, following him out into the sunshine.
"S'Merle's stash so 'm prob'ly gonna get my ass beat for this," he said, shooting a sideways glance at you.
You shot him a worried look and then shook your head. "No you won't. We'll replace it before he even knows it's gone. No way you're taking a single hit on my account," you said.
"How?" he asked, stopping beside his bike and grabbing the helmet. "How the hell are we gonna do that?" He held it out to you and you accepted it with a smirk.
"Did you already forget what I was just in there for?" you laughed.
He rolled his eyes. "Why'd ya have to steal his goddamn watch anyway?"
"He was being an asshole!"
"Yeah, he was... but didn't ya think picking that off the fucking Chief of Police was a bad idea? Prick is gonna throw the book at ya." He pushed your hands away to adjust the chin strap on the helmet for you. You couldn't help the wash of heat and butterflies that rose up in your chest from the sweet action.
"So, let him throw it," you said carelessly. "We both know I'm quick on my feet and he can't aim."
"Christ, yer too much damn trouble. Maybe I shoulda left ya in there a bit longer."
"Daryl!" you snapped, swatting at his arm playfully.
" 'M just kiddin'! Calm down," he laughed. "Get on the damn bike so we can get outta here before ya do anymore damage." Prompt: "Why'd you have to steal his goddamn watch anyway?" / "He was being an asshole!" / "Yeah, he was. But didn't you think stealing that off the fucking Chief of Police was a bad idea?
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x-heesy · 1 year ago
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𝚄𝙿 𝙽 𝙳𝙾𝚆𝙽 𝚋𝚢 𝙸𝚣𝚣𝚢 𝙲𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚊 🎧
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potatodater300 · 1 year ago
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skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull
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burntblueberrywaffles · 4 months ago
November is hell AND none of my besties are online, what a terrible time to be alive 🥲🥺
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finally free from artfight hell
here's a highlight reel of some of the attacks im most proud of!
Character by @kerfufflepuff
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Character by powerlinecowboy on Instagram
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Character by @hyodinary on Instagram
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Character by @swiminthunder
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Character by viladee16 on Instagram
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Characters by ssalted2 on Twitter
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Character by @xparkrangerx
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please please PLEASE go follow all of these amazing artists on their social media cause these were mostly revenges and their art is amazing!!!!
If you want to see more of my art for artfight this year, check out my profile!
now time to get back on that professor layton grind
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possiblycringe · 2 years ago
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Big attack!
from left to right:
Tsuna by Marker
Malachi by @very-very-dizzy
Mike by IcyGlaceon
Popsicles, that’s me!
Firefly by SpacialRift
Ori by @thelastloneraver
Abby by Abby_Splatty
and finally, SolFish and Scraps by @solar-sparky
extra versions under the cut
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pityroad · 2 years ago
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the National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh, on 35mm // April 2023
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aesfocus · 1 year ago
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x-heesy · 11 months ago
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* 𝕱𝖔𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝖔𝖋 𝕲𝖔𝖉 𝖇𝖞 𝕯𝖆𝖒𝖎𝖊𝖓 𝕳𝖎𝖗𝖘𝖙 {2007}
#xheesy #glitchmylife #glitchmafia #artsyfartsy #artfuckery #expressyouself #iphoneart #popart #appforthat #punksarentdead #newcontemporary #worldoffmusicon #trallala #Digitaloriginal #photoart #photoartist #photoartwork @jadeseadragon @invincible-selfxmade-punk @bigbonzo #photoartistic #photoarts #blissfulphotoart #photoartistique #photoarte #photoartistry #contemporaryphotoart #photoartists #photoarty #photoartgallery #photoartspirit #urbanphotoart #darkphotoart #photooftheday #photographylovers #aesthetic #photographylover #ilovephotography #photographyart
Soundtrack: 𝑨 𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒆𝒄𝒕 & 𝑰𝒎𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝑴𝒂𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝒃𝒚 𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝑪𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒔𝒖𝒔
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pearlsuade · 2 years ago
does anyone have any good microphone and interface recommendations for under $250?
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doneffect64 · 6 days ago
You ever just unhealthily hyperfocus for hours welllll into the night makin an illustration, thinking it’s turning out SOOO well— only to wake up the next day and witness the absolute crime scene that is your ✨”midnight masterpiece”✨ .. and you sit there flabbers-be-gasted like—
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“What the fuck was I on?”
Anyway feel free to reblog with your art “crime scenes” if you’re daring 🤷🏻
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teacups-and-cyanidee · 3 months ago
*dusts off dirt* sooo is tumblr back up and running?
#ogtumblr #backfromthedead #2016tonow #oldaf
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theinfinitedivides · 1 year ago
the best decision i ever made was to bite the bullet and download a dark mode extension for my browser to force every website i visit to not f*ck around with my eyes. Tumblr is so beautiful now fr fr
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potatodater300 · 1 year ago
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alt lad
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purple-plum-petals · 4 months ago
Pleaseeee can you fo more homicipher reaction to mc who is very cheerful in every situation like shes either giggling or smiling, she's so unserious and oblivious af too.
⊱ Homicipher Characters’ Reactions to an MC Who Is Cheerful and Oblivious ⊰ || Multiple Character Headcanons
╭─━━━━━━━━━━━━─╮ Character(s): Mr. Crawling, Mr. Chopped, Mr. Machete, Mr. Hood, Mr. Scarletella (Homicipher/文字化化) Reader Type: Human (Gender-Neutral Pronouns) Warning(s): Minor Spoilers for Homicipher (Mr. Scarletella’s Part), Minor Canon-typical Mentions of Violence. Genre: Headcanons, Fluff, Romantic or Platonic Relationship (It’s Complicated, honestly). Word Count: ~2,100 words. Request: “Pleaseeee can you fo more homicipher reaction to mc who is very cheerful in every situation like shes either giggling or smiling, she's so unserious and oblivious af too.” Author’s Note: This was such a fun request to think about since a human like this existing within the other world would pretty much be a living, walking target – like, you’d probably be dead so quickly if you were oblivious or naïve or too trusting (like me when I first played through the game and was smiling every time a hot monster man talked to me 😭). Since you didn’t specify any characters, I just picked a handful that I thought would have varying reactions to the type of reader you requested. I hope you enjoy! 
→ If you enjoyed my work, please reblog it if you can! Exposure on Tumblr is based on reblogging content rather than liking it, so your support would be much appreciated!  ♡
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👣: Mr. Crawling loves your cheerful and friendly personality, finding it a breath of fresh air within the other world. It draws him to you even more, like a moth to a bright flame. He likes how you sometimes just randomly giggle or laugh. He does it, too, so it’s nice to meet someone so similar to him! He definitely feels this sense of kinship with you when he notices all the similarities you two share. Mr. Crawling does everything in his power to keep you safe, wanting to protect you from everything or everyone attempting to harm you in the hopes you don’t lose that sparkle – that light within you.
👣: He’s already very protective of you, and your obliviousness to the other world and its residents makes that feeling even stronger. He is aware that your friendly and trusting nature will be taken advantage of in the world he calls his home, so he somehow manages to take a more proactive role when it comes to keeping you safe… if that was even possible (it’s ON SITE if he sees Mr. Stitch near you. Mr. Crawling knows how that particular resident acts, and he would prefer not to have him kidnap or try to eat you…). 
👣: Whenever you laugh, he also laughs – you do the same thing with him, too, so you both kind of bounce off of each other and act like the other’s personal echo. Any other resident who sees the two of you kind of thinks you have a few screws loose, watching from afar while you both just randomly laugh together without a care in the world. Honestly, Mr. Crawling thinks it’s nice to be able to laugh with someone else like this. 
👣: Overall, your personality manages to make him love you even more (if that was even possible). Mr. Crawling does everything in his power to make sure you never stop smiling, never once making you feel like you’re not supposed to laugh even if it may not be seen as appropriate in the situation. He doesn’t care that sometimes your obliviousness results in both of you finding yourselves between a rock and a hard place. He will be there by your side until the day you tell him to leave – his love for you is unconditional, and that’s just a fact no matter what kind of person you are. 
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🗣️: Much like Mr. Crawling, Mr. Chopped also finds himself immensely endeared to you and your personality. He loves how happy you are all the time, and he finds his mood improving whenever you’re around, too! It’s wonderful to have someone like you around, someone who is always so cheerful and upbeat, especially considering the place you have found yourself trapped in. He appreciates it – appreciates you, as a whole – but that doesn’t mean he has no reservations about your personality… 
🗣️: His anxiety spikes whenever he thinks too much about what you were potentially getting up to whenever he wasn’t around, worried about you getting taken advantage of or giggling at the wrong question and ending up injured, or worse, dead. He really enjoys spending time with you, you’re like a ray of sunlight in such a dark place, and the thought of that being gone after having just experienced it is… quite an unpleasant thought (he doesn’t know what sunlight is, but he can vaguely remember a yellow warmth from a time long forgotten that you remind him of). If he had a body, he’d probably be ripping his beloved hair out just because of how oblivious you can be. 
🗣️: Mr. Chopped is definitely the type to just start scolding you point-blank, telling you that you need to be more careful – his beautiful hair is going to turn grey at this point with how often he worries about you! Please don’t make him worry… It’s not good for his metaphorical heart. He even lectures you about how he typically tells the difference between people he can trust (like you, Mr. Silvair, the Hairdresser) versus people he knows he can’t trust (like the Hooded Child or Mr. Stitch) in the hopes it will have you thinking about your safety more. 
🗣️: Sometimes he feels a sense of helplessness whenever he thinks about you and the fact he can’t do anything to keep you safe; it’s something he opens up about to Mr. Silvair whenever you’re not around. Mr. Chopped finds himself wishing that he had a body, even though you had assured him he was perfectly fine in your eyes without one. He just wants to help and protect you the way that others you knew were capable of doing. Whenever you sense he’s feeling down, though, your bright smile is enough to wash away his worries about your well-being, even if only for a moment. 
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🔪: Doesn’t understand why you’re so chipper all the time. Honestly, I feel like Mr. Machete would find it annoying, the fact you’re always smiling or giggling at one thing or another. He’ll purposefully chuck his sword at you in the hopes that it will scare you, make you wipe that stupid smile off your face, but it never does… It falters a bit, sure, but it never fully goes away, and that just pisses him off more.  
🔪: He kind of makes it his mission to try and break you, to see how or what he can do to finally make you get angry or upset. After all, you never really fight back when he tries to start things with you, and that’s boring. He wants you to get frustrated at him, wants to see you throw a punch or try to hit him after another attempt at making your smile disappear, yet you never do. You remain smiling, and you’re oh-so blinding whenever you do, and he hates it. He hates you (or does he? He isn’t even sure himself… emotions are too complicated).
🔪: Overall, Mr. Machete has mixed feelings toward you. He can respect the strength it takes to keep a smile on your face, to remain positive and happy in a place filled to the brim with violence and death… That doesn’t mean he likes it, though, hearing your laughter whenever he does something you find endearing or if you see something you find amusing. It’s a sound that's headache-inducing, yet it also makes him want to pick you up and squeeze you (I’m a firm believer that he would have cuteness aggression). He has a love-hate relationship with you. 
🔪: Mr. Machete also finds himself fed up with your obliviousness and naïvety, especially regarding other residents. He’s getting sick and tired of you finding yourself in trouble and, when it finally sets in you’re in danger, you call to him for help. Why the hell are you calling for him? You got yourself into this mess, and you’ll figure out a way to get out of it… Well, that’s what he says, but he usually takes care of whatever resident you found yourself in a conflict with, or he tosses you effortlessly over one shoulder and absconds if he doesn’t think it’s a fight he can win (don’t ask him why he even bothers saving you – he doesn’t know the answer, either). 
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🪓: Your cheerful and peppy attitude, the way you’re always smiling brightly and warmly at everyone you meet, makes Mr. Hood feel both endeared to you and worried about you. You do realize you just agreed to give that resident your heart, right? If he wasn’t here, you most certainly would have died, and that’s not exactly a thought he wants to entertain. He felt protective over you since the first moment you met, and that feeling had not died down once (even if looking after you had made him feel like he’d aged a century). 
🪓: Always places himself between you and other residents when you attempt to communicate with them, using himself as a shield just in case you accidentally agree to something absurd or laugh at the wrong thing. Mr. Hood really shifts into teaching mode after cases like these, making sure you know exactly what certain words mean and when not to laugh, smile, or blindly agree to things. Honestly, if you were oblivious and overly trusting, he would feel it was his duty to stay by your side at all times and would be worried about what would happen if he left you alone.  
🪓: However, despite the persisting feeling of worry your personality and some of your traits bring him when watching you interacting with most of the other residents, he can’t help but enjoy your presence. It’s new, and he surprisingly likes hearing the sound of your laughter. He finds your personality and behaviors to be cute, even though they bring you trouble more often than not. Most of the time, sometimes unconsciously, Mr. Hood finds himself resting his hand on the top of your head, patting it softly whenever you look up and smile at him so brightly. 
🪓: Mr. Hood, despite finding that your obliviousness and your inability to take most things seriously typically ends up with you winding up in troublesome situations that could have been easily avoided, he still wouldn’t change a single thing about you (he has no problem staining his hands with more blood to keep you safe – killing residents while protecting you at the same time is something he’s good at, after all). Your smile is just too bright, your laugh almost infectious, and all he wants to do is make sure it never fades. He feels a strange ache in his chest whenever you take his hands into yours and tug him along, laughing all the way. He doesn’t understand it, but he also doesn’t have the desire to understand it, either.  
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🩸: Your personality intrigues him, and he finds himself desiring to know what you’re thinking about. What makes you so happy? How can you continue to travel through the other world, facing one traumatic event after another, with a smile constantly plastered on your face? A person like you is new to Mr. Scarletella, and he wants to be around you more. He wants to figure out how he can be the person making you smile and laugh in such a way – he wants to be able to bathe in the warmth and brightness your aura radiates. 
🩸: Mr. Scarletella doesn’t make his presence known most of the time throughout your journey, but he watches you from afar, keeping an eye on you. However, if he does need to step in to keep you from harm, he will. Your reaction to him is unlike anyone else he's met, though. Most people who saw the man with the red umbrella would scream and run the other way, terrified of the story that was intertwined with his existence, but you didn’t. Honestly, it makes him want you more – you’re new, you’re different – and he likes it… likes you. There’s something about the sound of your laughter and your happy-go-lucky nature that makes him feel alive, in a way. 
🩸: However, because of your obliviousness and naïvety, when he asks for your name and you just give it to him without a second thought… well, it makes his goal a lot easier. If I’m being 100% honest, being oblivious or overly trusting around Mr. Scarletella is not a good mix. Because he finds you interesting and different from other humans he’s seen before, he’s pleased that you’re his now – heart, body, and soul. You forget everything about yourself after, though, and he doesn’t find you as appealing as he once did (he low-key kind of regrets asking for your name). 
🩸: For feel-good purposes, though, we’ll just ignore the last point and continue with the fluff… So, overall, Mr. Scarletella would find you fascinating and would find himself wanting to be near you in any capacity, whether it be as your master or your servant, he wouldn’t care so long as he got to be with you. He honestly wonders how you’ve managed to live for as long as you have considering your general attitude towards most things, but he’s glad that you did. Being with you makes his lungs feel like they’re full of fresh air, and he gets a pleasant tingling sensation in his body whenever he hears your laughter echo through the dilapidated hallways of the other world. 
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