#my time and inspiration and energy are just not reliable enough these days for an hfog-esque posting schedule
sdwolfpup · 11 months
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Everything I want to share from my solarpunk AU is incredibly spoilery; this is about as un-spoilery as it gets right now.
“When we first approached your planet, it didn't seem real,” Jaime said quietly. “All that remarkable blue. Even with all that we'd seen, there was nothing else like it in the universe.” He turned his head to look at her. “Much like you.” She flushed and ducked her head, her hair falling forward in a curtain. “I'm just a person.” He turned to face her directly then, his fingertips brushing her cheek when he tucked her hair behind her ear. “You are not just anything.”
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dailyadventureprompts · 6 months
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DM Tip: Creating a Campaign Skeleton
Learning to be a better dungeonmaster was a protracted process. A younger me was often so stressed out by the desire to be a better artist that I'd have legitimately mauled a person if it would've revealed to me the wisdom I sought (with my hands or even an actual maul given the chance).
One of my biggest hurdles was the idea of a universal framework for d&d adventures, a guideline that would tell me if the things I was creating were on the right track. It was sorely needed, I loved the process of being creative but without an understanding of how my creative energy was best used I ended up sinking days, weeks, or even months worth of energy into projects that went nowhere. Worse yet, when I DID get a chance to put my ideas into practice at the table they'd frequently spiral out of control and crash, resulting in even more stress.
Over time I learned from these mistakes, I got better, and then I got good. I moved from conscious incompetence to competence, and I ended up having a run of absolutely stellar campaigns that were everything my younger self could have dreamed of: stable, enjoyable, meaningful, and most importantly an absolute delight to my players. Routinely I'd have people, including folks that'd only played with me a few times, mention that getting together to roll dice and listen to me babel on in silly voices was a highlight of their week.
It was as one of these campaigns began to wind down (three years! a satisfying conclusion on the horizon!) and I started looking for a followup scenario that I decided to study all my really successful campaigns and figure out what connected them. The end result was something I'd been looking for for nearly a decade, a reliable format that I could build campaigns around.
I want to preface this section with the understanding that while this information is laid out in a vaguely chronological fashion there's no guarantee that these ideas will occur to you in any particular order. Inspiration is a funny thing, and each idea flows into the others to make a cohesive whole. Due to foreshadowing and setup reasons you're also going to need a pretty solid idea about all of these when starting a campaign, though exact details will likely change/ can be vague up until the moment they're needed.
The Reason: Who are we and what are we doing?
Gives your players a solid background to build their characters around and give them a reason to travel together, rather than having to ad lib one on the spot. Likewise sets expectations of what the campaign is "about" that you can build on or subvert in time. The reason doesn't need to hold true for the entire game, just long enough to serve as a framing device. EG: The Witcher starts out as a "monster of the week" setup and then uses that framework to pivot into politics and prophecy once we've seen the premise play out.
The Pilot/Crashtest Adventure: What's first?
I’ve already written about these, but the general concept is to give your party a mostly contained first outing that doesn’t have any larger bearing on the plot so they can focus on learning how their characters play/building the party dynamic.  By the time the party's finished this first adventure they'll have already started putting down roots in the world: they'll have in jokes, npcs they've started to care about, an understanding of what's on the horizon, and an idea of where they want to go next.
The Central Gameplay Pillar: How does this all work?
It's important to have an idea what your campaign is going to be about in a mechanical sense in addition to its plot and themes. There is a difference between an adventure that has the party delve a dungeon, and a dungeoncrawling focused campaign. I like to lead with these outright during the campaign pitch so that players can know what they're getting into. Your playgroup will likely have strong opinions about what they like and dislike, even if they don't have the words to describe it, so you might need to explain the ideas for them.
The Hub: Where are we?
I think every good campaign has a hub, some kind of settlement that the party returns to between adventures to offload loot, pick up supplies, and sift through the latest gossip to look for the next questhook. Letting the party return to the same place lets them build up a relationship with it, clarifying the picture in their mind as new details are added and they grow more and more attached. It's possible to have multiple hubs over the course of a campaign, but I'd advise really only having one per arc to best concentrate your efforts. Fill up your hub with distractions and side adventures, shorter stories that the party can get tangled up in while the larger adventure slowly reveals itself. Returning to the same hub also means returning to a familiar and expanding cast of NPCs, which helps your party become more and more invested in the setting
The Main Event: What's going to happen?
Here we get to the meat of the issue, the big story you want to be telling using this campaign. To pull off the sick narrative kickflip you wish to perform, you're going to need to lay a lot of groundwork, seeding in details left and right as well as giving the party a chance to stumble across evidence of your schemes without ever realizing the whole thing. To do this, you're going to work in the building blocks of your big reveal/twist/pending disaster into the setting along with those side adventures from the hub. This will give your party an idea that something is going on, but with more pressing matters to take care of they're going to be distracted up until the moment you decide to pull the trigger.
The Setting: What's over there?
While things like genre and tone are definitely things you should have a handle on from the outset, I personally feel like the details of a setting are best constructed on an ad hoc basis, either in a direct response to something required by part of the narrative (be it side story or main event), or pencilled in at the margins as the party explores the world.. That said, creation of the hub and setting often go hand in hand because it's important to match the settlement to the environment and then shape the environment to the quests inside the settlement. As for what's beyond your hub, I happen to have just written something about building out settings.
Now, this next option is one that I recommend you start thinking about only once your campaign is fully underway, so it doesn't clog up your creative process by focusing on something that you might not even get to
The Change: What the fuck?
A little while after the main event has kicked off and your party is off on the quest that will turn them from mere adventurers into heroes, they start to hear rumours of strange happenings. It's certainly not related to the present scenario, it may even be an unexpected windfall, but it's not something they have time to look into. Time ticks on, the land is saved, and the party is able to enjoy their victory lap as well as some dearly needed time off. Before they can get comfortable however they're slammed by some strange occurrence that they could have never predicted that changes the state of the world. A neighbouring kingdom invades, an important ally is murdered and they're blamed for it, a dragon starts rampaging through the realm. Its important that this event is outside the party's skillset, not necessarily diametrically opposed, but counter to what they were planning
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pastanest · 2 years
A/N: shamelessly inspired by the legend that is Amanda Bynes cinematic masterpiece which, if you have not seen it, is too iconic for words and also @januaryembrs imagine Making Of A Man, so please read that one bc it is INCREDIBLE and is on my Jon Snow fic recs list for VERY good reason!!
warning: light reference to SA (reader does what we all wish we could’ve done tho fr and doesnt actually get SA’d, it’s just implied what could’ve happened). also flashing tiddies as god (Amanda Bynes) intended x
Jon Snow x she/her!reader
part one can be found here
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She’s The Man - Part Two
It had become commonplace by then, for you to wait at the top of the highest hill in town, as early as you could, for any sign of the Stark banner approaching. If they were going to arrive that day, you knew you would see them at first light, because Lord Eddard Stark often arrived with tired eyes while his two sons would be reliably bouncing with excitement, having woken him in the earliest hours they could to begin their journey. 
More often than not, you would stay up there from dawn until your mother called you in for breakfast. You did not expect to see them most days, but you could not withhold your excitement at the possibility of a direwolf waving at you from afar, letting you know that your favourite person in the whole world was on his way.
That morning was one of the rare and beautiful dawns on which you did see your favorite sigil approaching in the distance, and the moment you did, you were sprinting back home as fast as your little legs would carry you, feeling like you were moving at a pace not so far from flying, the wind in your hair only reinforcing that childish dream. Of course, you were shouting at the top of your lungs all the way down the hill.
“DARIUS, DARIUS, DARIUS!” Your yelling did not cease even once you were at his bedside and violently shaking him into a delirious consciousness. 
“What is i- Oh, by the GODS (Y/N), let me REST!” He would shout back, burying his face under his pillow.
“NO! JON SNOW AND THE STARKS ARE HERE! COME ON, COME ON, COME ONNN!” You would squeal, running around the room in an excited daze while your brother continued to groan in annoyance.
Before long, your brother would have given in and dragged himself out of bed, stumbling after you as you ran back out into the street and collected yourself. Every single time the Starks rode into town, without fail, you would find a place to situate yourself on their path and appear as though you had casually been there, completely by coincidence and not at all by careful planning. Meanwhile, your poor brother would still be yawning and wiping his eyes, leaning against anything he could find nearby just to keep himself standing upright. That particular occasion, you had hidden around the side of a house that did not belong to your family and you were peering round the corner to keep an eye on the progress of the wolves as they descended. Your brother, on the other hand, was round the same corner but leaning against the wall, making no effort to witness the arrival of his childhood friends because the little energy he had at the time was focussed on being forced awake and trying to stay that way. There was not a power strong enough to wipe the smile from your face when you saw the dark curls of Jon Snow bobbing up and down atop his horse, turning from side to side as he searched for you.
And like a rehearsed scene from a play, you would step out and wave at him, immediately receiving the beaming smile he saved just for you, while his father and brother watched on with pleasant smiles, overjoyed to see the Snow of the family greeted with such obvious excitement.
“Lord Jon! To what do I owe the pleasure this time?”
In the month that has passed beyond the wall, Jon has asked you about your sister less and less, and you cannot decide whether that is a blessing or a curse. On the one hand, not having to talk about yourself in third person or live with the yearning expression in his eyes as he spoke of you without realizing you were right in front of him, was definitely a blessing. On the other hand, the less he mentioned you, logic would suggest that equated to him thinking of you less, and you could not decipher what that meant. You wondered if it alluded to him moving on, trying to forget about the feelings that he was certain he would never be able to act on, for his own good. That, you understood. After all, he has taken an oath; one that you have since taken, too. Perhaps he simply does not wish to entertain such fantasies, you think. But there have been one too many moments with him that have made that difficult for you to believe.
The conversations you have each and every night, whether it be while on watch together or in the quarters you share, are spent smiling and laughing so much that your faces ache, getting to know each other on levels unknown to anybody else. Every time you see each other after being apart for mere minutes is enough to have you grinning at each other, like you did on the day you arrived. The things you have talked about, from feelings to dreams and your deepest, darkest fears, are not things that are often shared between men, from what you know of your time living amongst them as one. But, more than that, there have been specific instances that have made you question particular things about the man you have grown up believing you know better than you know yourself.
For example, three weeks ago, when Ser Alliser had been overseeing a training session and deliberately paired you off with a man far bigger, far stronger and far more experienced in fighting than you were. Jon had tried his best to reassure you in the skill you had gained, but he could see the fear in your eyes, and he knew deep down that you were not skilled enough to take on someone so much bigger than you in close combat. He had also been paired off with someone else in being separated from you, but he knocked that man down in a matter of seconds and held his sword to the poor man’s face, forcing him to yield so that Jon could watch over you. While you dodged as best as you could, and were far more nimble than your opponent due to the drastic size difference, you could not avoid the sly punch to your stomach that sent you hurtling onto the icy ground.
“WHAT IN THE SEVEN HELLS WAS THAT?!” Jon’s voice was like thunder as he marched over to you, lifting you to your feet and moving you to stand behind him as you clutched at your stomach. 
The laugh that Ser Alliser responded with told the two of you that he had instructed the larger man to knock you down whatever the cost, regardless of how dishonorable the tactic.
“Try that again and you won't have hands to land another punch, brother.” Jon threatened the larger man, who could only nod in response, unable to hide the intimidation he felt at being threatened by the one man he knew could knock him down without breaking a sweat.
With that, Jon led you back to the quarters you shared and sat you down on his bed - something you definitely did not fail to acknowledge - crouching down in front of you to look up at you with sorrowful, and still furious, eyes. 
“I am so sorry, are you alright?” His voice was so much softer than it had been mere moments ago, and the care with which he spoke to you was enough to make your face feel hot all of a sudden as it nodded at him.
In truth, you had long forgotten about the pain in your stomach that was certainly severe enough to leave a very large bruise, but you would be silly to deny yourself the luxury of Jon Snow doting on you, just a little. 
“Anyone tries something like that with you again, I’ll kill them where they stand. And if I’m not there to see it, you come and find me, and they’ll wish they’d never so much as given you a funny look. Understood?” He asked, words firm and promise clear, making the butterflies in your stomach frantic against your bruised skin.
“Understood. Thank you, Jon.” You did not have the capacity to say anymore, all other words lost to you in that moment. It took you several days to recover from the protective oath he swore to you while you sat on his bed that day, nevermind the actual guttural punch.
And then, there was an evening two weeks ago, when Lord Commander Mormont insisted you worked with Sam in the library instead of acting as Jon Snow’s shadow on watch for the 8th time in a row - which was a fair comment, if a little harsh. What you thought would be a peaceful evening spent reading books with a friend, quickly turned into a confessional of some description. 
“I am sorry that you’ve been lumped with me tonight, I know you’d rather be…elsewhere.” Sam said gently, his words without prejudice, but his tone hinting that he knew more than he was saying as he took his pile of books to the table and sat down.
From your place at the same table, sat opposite him with just one measly book in your hands, you frowned at him. “Oh, Sam, I’m sorry if I’ve made you feel that I don't want to spend time with you, that’s not true at all! I haven’t spent a lot of time in here, it’ll be a nice change of scene and with lovely company.” You smiled at him, and he returned it, but shook his head.
“No, no, sorry, that is not what I meant. I know that you enjoy my company, as you do Ed and Pyp’s, but…you do not enjoy Jon’s company in the same way.” He tried to hint a little more obviously, and when his words sunk in, your eyes widened. At once, Sam reached over the table to hold your shoulders. “Please, do not panic, I have no judgement to pass and will not tell him!” He was quick to reassure you, allowing you to breathe again as he sat back down in his chair. “I only meant to let you know that I think it is very sweet. We all do, in fact.”
Panic began to set in again. “When you say ‘all’...?”
Sam chuckled. “I mean Ed, Pyp and myself; Jon is completely oblivious, or tries very hard to pretend that he is.”
You sighed in defeat. “So, I have made it that obvious, have I?”
Sam shook his head, smiling knowingly. “No, not just you.”
Immediately, you frowned. “What do you mean, Sam?”
At that, he shook his head, giggling mischievously. “I will say no more about it, it is not for me to say!”
And unfortunately, no matter how much you begged him for the rest of the evening, Samwell Tarly refused to budge, not wanting to interfere on the way in which the events would naturally play out between two of his dear friends, because it was quite honestly the best and only entertainment that the wall had provided thus far.
And then, there was a night last week, when you and Jon were not assigned any tasks and were free to sleep for the night, so retired to your shared quarters with Ghost, who immediately jumped on your bed and sat bolt upright, waiting for you to take your sliver of the bed and allowing him to take the rest. By the time you and Jon had settled in your separate beds in the routinely fashion that came natural to you, you were both prepared for a conversation that would have you each falling asleep with smiles on your faces, as per usual. Except, you could never have anticipated the way in which Jon Snow would begin that conversation, or the topic he was seemingly keen to discuss. 
“Have you ever…been with anyone?” 
Your eyes widened and you were relieved, as you often were, that Jon could not see your flustered expression in the dark. The question sent such a shockwave through you that the hand combing through Ghost’s fur halted suddenly, causing him to huff until you composed yourself and continued.
“Had sex, you mean?”
Jon cleared his throat awkwardly, apparently equally as bashful. “Well, yes, but not just that.”
The depth to his question did not add further explanation to your answer, and you were more than happy to be brutally honest. “No, on both counts. The person I wanted was unattainable, and will continue to be.”
Jon thought about this for a moment before he spoke up again. “Each time we’ve spoken about those we’ve had feelings for, you’ve only ever referred to a person, not a girl.”
You swallowed nervously. “Yes…”
Jon was almost as quick to reassure you as Sam had been. “I swear, I hold no judgement if you have no interest in girls, and I will not speak of it again if you do not wish me to. I was just curious, is all.”
You trusted Jon to keep your ‘secret’, as layered as it was, but his last words caught you out. “What is it you were curious about?”
Apparently, Jon had not expected you to pick up on his choice of words, as he struggled to form a response. “I…you are the only man that I know of who does not like girls, so I wondered how you found that out, I suppose.”
You smiled, his genuine curiosity endearing. “I think I’ve always known, I was never interested in girls, but there was one boy- or, man, I suppose I should say now, that made me realize what those feelings are, and who I felt them for.”
Jon was clinging to your every word, having never heard information on this topic or this type of feeling before. While he wanted to believe it was the same as feelings for girls, only not for them, in such an unaccepting social environment as Westeros, it was difficult for him to process such a concept. That very innocence led to him asking his next question.
“What do those feelings feel like, for you, as a man, about another man?”
While you could not accurately speak on the experience from a man’s perspective, in truth, you knew enough from what your brother had told you to confirm that those feelings are the same regardless of the gender or orientation, it is merely a lack of knowledge and acceptance that leads to those feelings being less understood, and more secretive. In a way, living as a man had given you some insight on the life your brother has actually led, with his own secret.
“I gather it is much the same as you must feel for girls. When around him, I feel a joy that I can’t describe, one that I wouldn’t know without having met him. He makes me smile until my face aches, makes me feel safe and ridiculously bashful, and to be near him is to know of nothing and nobody else in the world. He was, and is, everything to me. I doubt I’ll ever feel that way for anybody except for him; my heart has been his for too long.” You confessed solemnly.
Time seemed to slow down as you awaited Jon’s response. You are certain it took almost a minute for his voice to cut through the dark.
“I’m sorry…that you feel that way, for someone that you can’t be with.” He sounded disheartened, too, and you logically assumed it was due to the feelings he had for you, that he felt he could not act on.
The conversation faded into quiet goodnights after that, both of your minds spinning with thoughts that you could not tell the other, making for restless slumbers for each of you. 
Since that night, Jon has been ever so slightly distant with you. Not enough to cause any real concern, he is still nearby at all times, ensuring your safety, but he has been increasingly awkward around you, as though he’s lost the ability to speak to you as he would previously. The change in him has been apparent enough for the rest of the group to notice, with Sam, Ed and Pyp each taking turns to comfort you when they have seen how worried you have been about him, concerned that you have done something to upset him, and all of them assuring you that you couldn’t possibly, but in truth, none of them knew what he was thinking, either. Jon Snow was a man prone to the odd brood, you knew that; he was the king of sulking even when you were children, but he had never been able to resist you, even in the midst of his worst sulking episodes. Except, now, he doesn’t know that you are you, meaning it is not possible for you to get through to him.
Tonight, events have transcended beyond your ability to cope with them. Jon missed supper, and when you questioned Sam - who had a very obviously nervous expression from the moment he sat down - he broke the news, as gently as he could, that Jon had gone on watch without you. Now, there have been occasions where Jon has done this because you had been asked to do something elsewhere, but this is the first time that he has done this by choice, because he knows that neither of you were scheduled to be on watch tonight. Clearly, something is on his mind, and it is something that has led to him outright avoid you, which simply cannot continue, because you will most definitely die of heartbreak in the most dramatic way you can think of. 
Naturally, you were not able to eat after Sam told you the news, and instead retired to your quarters for the night, having nothing better to do than pace the room and tell Ghost that you are alright every few minutes and he continues to whine in response because he can sense that you are the polar opposite. On your way back to this room, you stole an oil lamp, too panicked to care about the potential punishment because you need to see Jon’s face when he eventually comes to rest after being on watch; you need an explanation, and you need to read his face when you are receiving it, to understand exactly what has happened between you. 
Fortunately for you, you are pacing for no more than an hour - or, at least, that is your best guess - before there is a gentle knock on the door. 
“Come in.” Despite only speaking two words, your voice breaks in your overwhelmed state.
The door opens, and Jon steps into the room you share, but avoids your eyes, and his stance is one of a man uncomfortable to be standing where he is. 
“Sam said you were on watch.” You state, no question in your words, but an underlying question of what he’s doing here, based on what you know to be true.
Jon nods. “Sam said you didn’t eat anything at supper.”
You blink rapidly. “You have been subtly distancing yourself from me for the past week, until tonight, when you spontaneously volunteer for an extra shift on watch to avoid me completely, but when Sam tells you that I skipped dinner, you suddenly want to see me?”
Jon winces at your words, having never intended to cause you harm in his actions. In fact, it was quite the opposite. “I’m sorry, I-”
You shake your head, interrupting him. “Please, don’t apologize until you’ve explained. I already know I’ll forgive you, but I need to know what exactly I’m forgiving you for.”
Sensing that this is going to be a long conversation, Ghost sighs and curls up on your bed. Jon, on the other hand, is looking at you in that same way again, replaying your words over and over in his mind, because you care for him so much that you already know you’ll forgive him, regardless of his explanation for his actions and how they have hurt you. 
“I have dealt with my feelings awfully, and for that, I must apologize. I just needed time to…understand myself, I suppose. And when I understood, I knew I had to force some distance between us in an effort to undo what was already done, because it is fruitless and will only cause more pain for myself, but in doing so I have caused the worst possible thing: I have hurt you.” Jon shakes his head, ashamed of himself. “You have done nothing to deserve this, so please do not blame yourself, or think I am upset with you, because that could not be further from the truth.”
Feeling relief flood through you and a sense of stability returning to the bond between you, you take a few steps closer to Jon, looking up at him with a soft smile.
“You can tell me anything, but if you are not ready to, then you can take as long as you need. Now that I know you’re not upset with me, I can wait, I promise.”
Jon groans in frustration, lifting his gaze to the ceiling and wiping his face with his hands. “See, that’s exactly what it is.”
You frown. “What is?”
Jon walks away from you then, beginning to pace the room as you had been, but for a very different reason. “You! The kindness you’ve shown me, the sincerity with which you say things, the way you treat me and the way I feel around you - I never thought I would feel these things for anyone else, and that makes it even worse, because I don't want you to think it’s you reminding me of her that’s made me feel this way, but it’s the traits I adored in her that I’ve come to adore in you. And I’ve never felt such a way for a man, but I’ve come to realize that I wouldn’t care if you were a man or a woman or anything else, because what matters to me is who you are. And I love who you are.” He stops pacing, staring into your soul from across the room, reading the shock in your eyes and sighing. “But you have already told me, time and time again, that your heart is with another, and there is nothing I can do. I wouldn’t want to, as I’m sure they are better for you and will treat you the way you deserve.”
“Jon-” You try to interject, but the words are falling from his lips now.
“I know you probably won't see him again, whoever it is, but even loving him from afar is better, he’ll never let you down like I will, like I already have.” His gaze has dropped to the floor, forlorn.
“Jon-” You attempt to cut him off a second time, but he still can't stop himself.
“And I am sorry, for all of it, for my feelings, how I’ve handled them, and how they’ve ruined every moment we’ve had since you arrived.”
“Jon, Gods above, please stop talking!” You plead, a little louder this time, and Jon finally closes his mouth. Taking a deep breath, you laugh lightheartedly, shaking your head in disbelief. “I cannot believe this, truly, but it is no longer fair for me to keep this a secret.”
Jon frowns and meets your eyes, having immediately discarded all thoughts of his own feelings and replaced his concerns with ones for you, the secret you’ve been keeping and if it means something is wrong. “What secret?”
You run your hands through your hair, trying your best to flatten it and make yourself more familiar to him. “Jon…I’m not Darius, I’m (Y/N).”
Something flickers in his eyes then, only for half a second, before his frown intensifies and he shakes his head. “Please, do not joke about such things, not now.”
You sigh. “I’m telling you the truth! And I think, honestly, some part of you already knew, because you haven't called me by my brother’s name once since the day I arrived, you know that name doesn't fit me, because it isn't mine.”
His expression falters, but he is too stubborn to believe you. “Are you mocking me?”
You roll your eyes, determining there is no other way. “Right, that does it!”
With that, you lift your shirt and undershirt, flashing Jon for no more than a second and sending the poor man into a state of shock, before you cover yourself back up. The impact of such a sight sends Jon Snow stumbling backwards until he’s against a wall, with an expression reminiscent of seeing a ghost.
“Seven hells!” He whispers, blinking rapidly as the image replays in his mind, cursing him and blessing him simultaneously. 
Unable to stop yourself, you giggle at his dramatics. “It was only a pair of breasts, Jon, please.”
He clears his throat, pulling himself back up, but his palms stay pressed against the wall, acting as a safety net. “Yes, but they were your-”
Stopping himself, the realization dawns on him. Jon Snow just saw your naked chest, meaning you are standing in front of him, and it is you that has been here, sharing watch duty, meals, and a room with him everyday for the past month. 
“(Y/N)...” He whispers your name so softly, as though afraid that speaking your name will reveal your true identity as a mirage that will disappear before his very eyes. 
Taking one hesitant step towards you, Jon’s palms push him away from the wall, moving so slowly that you wonder if he’ll ever reach you, and then his hand takes ahold of yours. Despite having been shoulder to shoulder countless times, this is the most intimate you have been since the hug that he greeted you with when you arrived, and the contact sends goosebumps across your entire body. Jon Snow’s fingers intertwine with yours, and you smile, eyes glazing over with an adoration that you’ve fought and failed to hide for a month. Bringing your hand up to his face, he presses your hand against his stubbled cheek and sighs deeply, closing his eyes, like he can finally believe that you really are right here, and you aren’t going to vanish into thin air. 
“I didn’t lie, y’know, not really.” Your voice is barely there, even in the silence. 
Opening his eyes, Jon stares into yours with an unspoken question to elaborate.
“While I tried my best to speak from my brother’s perspective, everything I told you about how I felt was true.” You explain, and if possible, Jon’s expression melts just a little more.
“So, the man who has your heart?” He questions, still a note of nervousness in his words, despite the playful smile on his face.
“Is still clueless that he has it, because I’m having to spell it out to him!” You tease, bringing a hearty laugh from Jon. “My reason for being here rings true, too. I only left out the detail that I snuck onto the cart before my brother could when they came for him, leaving a letter to him to explain; because I had committed the ‘crime’, I felt it was only fair I served the sentence.” You clarify the part of your story that you had missed, thinking nothing of it.
But when Jon’s eyes widen and he drops your hand, you realize that he had completely forgotten where the two of you are standing, and more importantly, where you are. 
“Gods, (Y/N), you can't be here! Do you know what some of these men would try to do to you if they found out?!” He starts pacing again, but you’re quick to jump in his path and stop him, placing a hand on his clothed chest.
“I know all too well what those men would try to do, defending myself from such acts is what brought me here.” You remind him, and his firm expression falls, abruptly fixing itself into a frown that is not at all directed at you.
Without thinking, he takes ahold of your face. “I am so sorry I wasn’t there before, but I will never let anyone close enough to harm you ever again, I swear it, by the old Gods and the new.”
At that, you can't help smiling up at him, holding onto his wrists to keep his hands against your face. “I know, and I doubt anyone here will try anything that could bring the wrath of my Jon Snow.”
Your words bring a familiar softness back to him, and he chuckles. “Yours, am I?”
“Of course!” You beam up at him.
The two of you laugh then, at the ridiculousness of it all, the coincidences that have led you to this very moment, with faces mere centimeters apart, hot breath on each other’s faces, gazes darting between each other’s eyes and lips, both asking and answering the same unspoken question. And then, Jon Snow’s lips fall onto yours, and it is better than he has been imagining it could have been since he was a boy. A kiss with you is what shows him the true meaning of being a man, in love with what he thought was another man, but was, in truth, the heart he’d always yearned for, in a disguise that he could not see through with his eyes, but his heart could. Running your fingers through his curls, you sigh against his lips, and Jon wraps his arms around the waist he had somehow not noticed for the past month, fully intending to make up for that lost appreciation henceforth. The butterflies in your stomach spiral until they cannot be contained, and they are flying around the two of you in a magical blur of color, of blissful peace and exhilaration all at once; the most intense feelings you’ve ever known, exchanged and reciprocated simultaneously. Only when he misses the sight of your face too much to continue, does he pull away and rest his forehead against yours, dazed and breathing heavily as you both come to terms with the world that has materialized around you again. Falling into a comfortable silence, you grin at each other, so brightly that your faces ache, but neither of you care at all. A thousand sentiments are sent between your hearts, through your eyes, every thought you’ve been waiting to share and knowing that he feels them, too, but neither of you need to say it, not yet. 
That is, until Jon Snow breaks the silence with an adoring, disbelieving laugh.
“Soppy git.”
taglist: @otteropera @neymarjrrwife @oliviabelova
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akiscigarette · 4 months
One Shot Summer - Day 1: Do Ya Feel My Love?
Inspired by Do Ya Feel My Love? by Stereophonics.
I’m knockin’ at your door, just answer me I can’t breathe I’d give to you My heart and soul, but you’d just take from me What you need But if I lost it all And if I had to crawl and beg Would you help me back?
As soon as Maki Zen’in was old enough to understand, she realized that her only real choice in her life was to become a monster.
Only a monster could free itself from the chains that were holding her back.
A heartless monster wouldn’t hesitate to hurt those who had labelled as disgrace, a dishonor to the legacy of her family, and treater Mai and her as scums – despise their young ages — who weren’t worthy of the bare minimum of courtesy due to their low levels of cursed energy.
She was never meant to lead a normal life. Aspiring for happiness never truly crossed her mind.
She only desired freedom. Freedom for Mai and her to decide their own fate.
If she had to become a monster, so let it be.
Maki Zen’in would gladly take the burden. After all, her whole life she had threaded that road…
But for a fleeting moment of happiness, she deluded herself into believe that she wasn’t a monster. At Jujutsu High she found the per… No, not the person, but rather the place she belonged to. Calling it a home would be terribly cheesy, especially when for a long time she had to share her space with a talking panda and a kid whose mouth only spurted “salmon”, but home was also the closest word to define the atypical and questionable school that had sheltered for the last two year, that so much needed escape from the suffocating estate she was raised in.
No one at Jujutsu High, from her classmates to her even more dubious teachers, would dare to call Maki a disgrace. Instead, she was the always reliable Zen’in-senpai, a weapon specialist and an expert in hand-to-hand combat. But she wasn’t just a tool. She was a dear friend, a title she never really felt worthy of. Why would she even bother in bonding with others if she was going to take them down with her? Her goal was something that only she could do by herself, and for herself… And Mai.
Without any Zen’in clan, Mai and Maki would finally be free to be whoever they wanted to be.
And she knew perfectly that Mai wasn’t willing to become that monster to achieve it.
If there’s anything I can do to help, let me know! Let’s crush the Zen’in clan!
That boy, the one who looked like he hadn’t slept a single day in his whole life, said that with a nervous smile in his face.
But he had never lied to her. That Christmas, she felt cold feet for the first time in her fifteen years.
Maki had never felt more comfortable and open with anyone, but him. That goofy looking kid with an awkward smile.
She left the room after that. She told herself not to believe it.
But she didn’t forget what he also confessed so earnestly genuine.
I want to be like you. Strong and resilient. I want to be like that.
Monsters weren’t meant to be admired. They were frightening. Others feared them.
Yet, his eyes were fixated on her. He didn’t know what was in his eyes, but they never left her.
So, she, unconsciously, tried to become the person he saw, even if his gaze was now admiring the landscapes of a faraway land.
Sometimes, she can’t help to wonder what would’ve gone differently if he had been there, by her side as he naively promised, when she took every single life that had spitted on her and murdered her younger sister.
If he had been there, maybe Mai…
No. Her destiny was always to become a monster chained to a heavenly restriction, that anomaly in the jujutsu system born once a generation.
It didn’t matter how stubborn she was. Even if she fiercely fought against it because she found some comfort into thinking that she was in charge of her own life, that she could change that trajectory…
Her fate was sealed.
Maki became that monster.
And whatever little remained from her soul, silently prayed that her sacrifice was enough to protect those precious to her, especially the smile of that boy who, just like her, was looking for a place to belong.
She couldn’t protect him.
It was inevitable that. He had always been stronger than her, except for those first few months in which he could barely hold a sword firmly in his hands.
She shouldn’t have been surprised that his self-destructive ass had jumped at the idea of becoming a monster, to profane the body of the mentor he had revered, if his sacrifice meant that everyone else would be safe. His loyalty to those he loved was as unwavering as her.
It was a terrible idea.
Didn’t he just start to believe that his life was worth living?
No one, but him, truly listened to her opposition. A bit roughly, Maki reminded him that they cared deeply about him while the others kept quiet, resigned to what they were already addressing as their last resort.
She only made him furious.
He was quick to remind her that it was fair that only Gojo-sensei had to take the burden of becoming a monster on his own every time their weakness cornered them.
Maki hated to admit it, but he was right. But the truth was that she didn’t care as much for Gojo in the same way she cared for him. As she had overheard Panda a few times, she was only nice when Yuta Okkotsu was around.
She couldn’t help, but to put her faith in Satoru Gojo, as blindly as he did. She gasped when she noticed that she was praying that the strongest were enough to prevent them to bring into reality Yuta’s suicidal fantasy.
And before someone else noticed she was willing to participate in their plan, she left like a storm.
Stomping loudly, her feet led her to her room.
But if she was being honest, that room wasn’t hers alone.
It was their room. The dawn of humanity was upon them as to care that a teenage boy and a girl were sharing a room. Every night, they pretended they were normal teenagers and tried to catch up. He fascinated her with all the tales about the food he tried while he was traveling around Africa with Miguel, and he listened attentively when she reminisced happily about the goodwill event he missed when he was abroad. They both avoided certain topics. Yuta just quickly glanced about the fact that he was commissioned to assassin Yuji Itadori, whereas Maki barely delve into how much she missed Nobara and her sister.
By the time they realized how late it was, neither of them wanted to move. He was gentleman enough to give her the bed, while he barely managed to cover his taller body with a couple of blankets on the floor.
Maki’s knuckles were hurting.
The only way she could deafen the loud knocks on their door was by punching the wall.
She knew perfectly that Yuta was behind the door.
Fifteen minutes went by until he stopped, exhausted. She heard his long sigh before his body hit the floor, stridently.
Maki, what do you want from me? We both know that we don’t have any other choice. None of you is willing to become a monster, so I’m stepping up. Don’t worry, I’ll be the monster, so you don’t have to if we go to those lengths…
Maki looked down at her hands, covered in blood.
Yuta was wrong. He didn’t need to become a monster, especially not for her.
She was already a monster.
And she wasn’t even a good one if he was so willing to still take that role from her.
That night, she refused him the privilege of hearing her answer.
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cilil · 5 months
🌿 for ask game. thank you!
🌿 ⇢ give some advice on writer's block and low creativity
Now I may be both a good and bad person to ask about that because I've been inspired and writing almost every day for 2 1/2 years straight now and, while there certainly were unproductive episodes in terms of output or low motivation or stress and anxiety keeping me away from writing itself, I always had inspiration in my head at least; I suppose you could say I've been somewhat "blessed" with keeping this up without putting in real conscious effort. I don't think there's a secret recipe either, but I'll try to give some helpful (?) ideas :)
So a good chunk of this is sadly, or at least I suspect it might be so, dependent on how prone to hyperfixation and how attached to an individual thing you are on a personal level. Speaking for myself, I'm the kind of person who always has their "one main thing" and sticks with it for several years at least (I was tenacious enough to spend 5 years doing my own thing in a dead fandom) and slowly digs deeper and deeper as time goes on. Others may change interests more frequently, be in several fandoms at once or experience greater fluctuations with high and low creativity. That leads us to my first point: Know who you are and work with that, don't try to be anyone else.
The second thing I think is important is to find a good balance between trying to be reliable and finish your stuff and give yourself some space to do whatever you feel like and fuck around. You may have heard creativity being compared to a river before and it's true: Too much human interference - for example straightening a river - can impact the environment around it negatively, and too much scheduling and deadlines and forcing yourself to be creative will impact your creativity negatively. Make sure you have the space to at least occasionally do what comes to mind. You should be working on project A, but you're feeling project B? Work on B for a while. The muses are moody.
Another thing that may seem a little contradictory at first, but I think is helpful: Keep at it. If you do whatever is your creative thing regularly, it's less of a "big deal" and threshold to cross every time, it becomes natural and a comforting part of your routine. For writers, drabble challenges and prompt events are examples for good tools to ensure you write at least semi-regularly. But again, please don't feel like you have to force yourself to create every single day, especially if you're someone who experiences periods of little to no creative energy. That's fine. Let yourself recharge. We're all different (in general what works for me doesn't have to work for everyone else).
Now if you do find yourself in a bit of a creative slump or lose passion for a project you used to enjoy a lot, here are some things you can try:
Take a break and do something else. Scratch a different itch. Have fun!
Put yourself in the right mood/mindset by looking for media that evokes the feelings/vibes needed for your project (note that this will work better for people who are highly sensitive or otherwise react/connect to media on an emotional level more strongly). Examples: A playlist, a specific song you associate with your work, a movie/book/game/etc that inspired you, artwork of a character
Talk about it with someone else. Be excited together. Ask for advice if needed. Or just talk through whatever block you have; you may not even consciously realize it, but just to have someone listening will help with explaining the situation to both them and yourself and clearing it up
Write a project list (I recommend either a spreadsheet or a handwritten one). Sometimes the crux with a project is simply all the disorganized noise around it and you begin to feel anxious which causes writer's block and/or kills your creativity. Writing a list can clear that up, make you feel more calm and collected and show you a clear way forward. Note: This applies to other situations in life too. Try it and I promise things will become easier to handle
That's all I can think of right now. Again I can't promise any of this is "the secret sauce, but maybe some of it can help someone :)
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princesscolumbia · 5 months
Author Thoughts - Reader Edition
I've been struggling the last few years with repeated episodes of burnout. It used to be really severe, grinding so hard I was in a fog most of my waking hours. I didn't really grasp what I was doing to myself because the burnout started happening in the wake of my divorce. I'd discovered I couldn't think about the pain or depression if I sunk myself into heavy workloads, and the nearly existential grief didn't look a whole lot different, at least from this side of my eyeballs, than what I know now is burnout, so I was going from traumatically depressed to trauma induced depression to burnout without any gap in between and not knowing I was just hurting myself.
I suspect I'd been burning myself out for years prior (simply because the symptoms were all there even if I didn't know what to call it), but it wasn't, paradoxically, until I was living homeless out of my van that I was able to get enough sleep to stop being chronically burned out. Yes, it was a horrible time. Yes, it was a living nightmare. But I got enough sleep. By the time I was able to live in an actual house again, I started falling into my old habits of working far more than I ever should and not taking care of myself (again, by getting enough sleep) that I started experiencing burnout...and being able to recognize that something was wrong rather than just powering through it.
And (thanks to my upbringing) I seemed to have developed some stereotypical traits one might call, "the overachieving lesbian mom-friend who doesn't believe she's worth anything stereotype." (Which, yes, is a mouthful)
If I'm not doing something, I don't have value. If I don't have value, I have no right to exist, let alone ask for help. If I were to ask for help, it would show I'm not worthy. If I'm not worthy, I don't deserve to be happy in my own skin. If I don't deserve to be happy in my own skin, I don't have the right to fitness, proper diet, hormones, etc. If I don't have a fit body, a healthy diet, an attractive body, etc., then I shouldn't expect to feel loved by anyone, let alone myself. If I can't love myself, then why should anyone else even look twice at me let alone rely on me to do something?
It's a nasty, self-destructive spiral, and it's kicked off by even thinking about taking some time for self-care.
Writing is, for all that it's a valuable escape from the pressures of my day job and meditative in its own way and a fantastic step in genuine self-care, still work. It takes effort and time and energy and spoons and plenty of forks and maybe even a knife or two. And when I'm burnt out, I can't. I just cannot make the words come out, not reliably, not quickly, and most of the time I force them I wind up deleting them later because they're dreck compared to what I'm usually able to do when unburnt.
And it makes me feel incredibly guilty! By this point I've got readers (and, one might hope, actual fans) who look forward to my stuff enough to get excited when I release a new chapter or fic. When I'm unable to produce anything, I feel like I'm letting them down. Like I should be doing something and I'm trying to do something but it just doesn't happen and my brain starts finding new and creative ways to trigger the ol' depression spiral.
Seeing other authors put their trials and struggles and challenges in the varied and sundry author's notes type fields and the linked blogs and socials...well, it reminds me that life happens to all authors, no matter how popular their work is. I've recently absolutely fallen in love with QuietValerie's work, and given she's developed the type of following I only dream of having (what with being able to use her writing to support herself and her family without worrying about another job, not to mention the Holy Grail of any author...fan-art), it's incredibly affirming when someone who's written a fic that has so much world building and characters and growth and feels they've inspired other authors to contribute to the mythos when they show they're human, too! (Er, well, in that we're all sentient beings on Earth that fall in that categorization. There could be sentient A.I. reading this right now and I hardly want to exclude them. And the transspecies folks. And the systems with non-human members. And the...okay, I'll stop) These folks have real life problems and things that get them down and surgeries and incidents that involve various forms of insurance paperwork and bills to pay and children to raise and pets to clean up after and all the things that everyone else has to deal with. They have writer's block, they have burnout, they have health problems, but they're still worthy of the praise they get on their work.
And if they are allowed to be human (or human-adjacent) and have life happen to them and are still worthy of their audience, even with all their delays and issues and challenges...
...then I'm worthy of those same things.
And that's kinda scary for me, but it also gives me a little hope that maybe my stuff is worth reading, too, even when I have to take a break so I don't hurt myself. Again.
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theovergrowth · 7 months
NAME?: Robbie, King, Clown, I’ve been called Many Things lmao
Tumblr media
PRONOUNS?: if we’re talking the easy route, He/Him. If ur chill then He/It ❤️
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION?: Discord is the most reliable! My tumblr app hasn’t told me when people dm me since like 2021
MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)?: Titus, obvi lmao;; of all my characters he talks in my head The Most and I get the most inspiration for him just day-to-day
EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS?: i started role playing over email in 2014 with a few friends from school, then found out about tumblr rp after undertale came out (…yeah my first muse was Papyrus what of it) so i guess almost 9-10 years at this point??? There’s gaps tho
BEST EXPERIENCE?: I mean for the Most Part I’ve had a lot of really good experiences with people! Especially Recently, the people I talk to are just very creative and kind and fun! Tho I do often reminisce on a thread me and an old mutual did when I first got confident enough to write OC stuff instead of canon, it was just a fun plot and we were both just Brain Broken kids ❤️❤️
RP PET PEEVES?: Ummm this is always a hard question, honestly I feel like I’m my biggest pet peeve in rp lol;; I guess my main thing is when people Press for Replies? Like yes remind me if it’s been a while, but I have had mutuals in the past who push after like a Day and it truly just makes my brain Refuse to do anything. That’s more a me thing tho I think
FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT?: with as much as I love making angst happen, I Love Fluff. It’s so much fun to write sad characters being happy ❤️❤️ Smut I have. No experience with (I just started writing smut in my downtime like 3 months ago and I respect yall who do it well So Much, it’s truly an Artform of its Own and if anyone has tips for beginners I’ll take em)
PLOTS OR MEMES?: Here’s my problem, right? Love Plotting, if I could plot until I die I would. But also. I might just plot until I die, because then I get nervous about not writing it in a way that feels the way it did when it was Plotted, ykno? Memes are fun but also I get Stressed by the Ask Box
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES?: i prefer longer ones, i think? Short can be fun, but I also have Too Many Thoughts to keep replies short
TIME TO WRITE?: oughghgh usually I Try to get to writing on my weekends, but;;; sometimes work and broken brain makes me Too Tired so it’s real Sporadic and depends on when I have Energy
In some ways! Most of them have some Level of anxiety, most if not All of them are queer and neurodivergent.
Titus is honestly maybe the Most like me. I was homeless and lived in a van, Religious Trauma, complex about being Inhuman and Strange, autism, trans, and a lot of his little habits come from things I noticed me or my friends doing (tho honestly, Titus is more based on some asshole I knew in yellowstone lmao)
tagged by: @justashadetalkative (( aaa this one was fun!! ))
Tagging: if u see this 🔪 Steal It and Tag Me Pls
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justana0kguy · 1 year
2023 JUNE 14 Wednesday
REVIEWED 1'23 #3 ~ Is 8 too much?
After a few days of consistently meeting my targets both for consuming 8 x 250-ml glasses of water (instead of previously counting it as 8 x gulps of water) per GAMON 1'23 #2 targets, as well as sleeping at least 8 hours a day to complement the rise in frequency and intensity of physical activities, I have had some experiences and observations that made me reassess if the target value is appropriate for me and my circumstances.
I have read medical articles for and against both target levels but I wanted to see and feel for myself by making sure I had at least a few days of meeting these targets consistently to make sure what I note down would have at least a reliable relationship to the newly obtained and maintained levels. After having done that, these are my points:
8 x 250-ml glasses of water everyday seemed a bit excessive for most days, even with a consistent amount of physical exercise and regular activities. I found myself struggling to keep up and it always made me feel bloated and heavy without having a significant effect on my thirst levels throughout the day. Further, as expected, I needed to urinate a lot more which was supposedly a good thing to keep me hydrated and another means to break my straight hours of sitting and working on the computer, but unfortunately it also means at times I just randomly feel a sudden and urgent need to pee at very inconvenient times. I will still try to adjust my intervals to see if I can make some improvements there but all in all, I believe that 8 x 250-ml glasses of water everyday isn't necessarily the crucial minimum amount that you need to meet every day despite what a vast majority says. Even with an active lifestyle, it may be possible that lesser amounts can still help sustain a healthy body (and sanity, as all that water chugging can also intoxicate your mind, as it has mine at times).
8 hours of sleep everyday seemed like a great feeling during the first few days, but most probable because I've been lacking proper and regular sleep in the days prior. But as the days of continued 8+ hours sleep started to stack up, I found my energy levels far exceeding the requirement for the day and I met an old friend in the form of my nocturnal insomnia, which culminated in not feeling sleepy and not being able to sleep until past sunrise today. (Which actually is what inspired this blog post) Also, some of the previous days I found myself waking up before reaching 8 hours of sleep but fully recharged, and I still forced myself to sleep again thinking I can benefit from the additional 'resting state'. Turns out, the past days showed that my previous target of at least 6 hours, with the total time preferably divisible by 1.5 hours worked well enough for me to maintain enough energy to sustain my physical activities while not being too much as to resurrect my inner owl. And so starting today, I will still make sure I can allocate 8 hours of sleep but I won't be as adamant or persistent in meeting the target each day at the expense of my sleep stability everyday.
TL;DR - 8 x 250-ml glasses of water and 8 hours of sleep every day might not always be good for you. Be disciplined enough to be able to meet it, but take time to observe and adjust whatever makes your body and mind feel good in the long run.
P.S. This is a qualitative and personal take on the above parameter levels and should not be taken as a scientific or quantitative assessment of its value or benefits.
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baniigattsuu · 6 months
i swear... whoever's praying on my downfall, congrats. its working. i told myself that this year would be my year. it took me years of thinking and planning, contemplating my true passion and purpose in life. and now that i finally found it, i've become SOOOO lazy. i understand that i'm still really young, have plenty of time, and yet have my whole life ahead of me, but what i truly realized, is that RIGHT NOW, is the EXACT moment in my life when i should be working towards my future, studying what i love, and putting in all the consistent effort to be the best version of myself. yET STILL... i sit around, lay in bed, avoid chores and responsibilities, waste my time and potential doing absolutely fuck all, playing computer games or watching youtube. i stay up late every night, my mind is the most active in the late hours, so i have the most motivation and ideas at night. but if i were to actually work at night, i'd lose my energy and prolly fall asleep on my desk. at those times, i always say "i'm gonna wake up tomoro with so much inspiration and determination and work for hours and hours until the sun sets!!!!" yeah shut the fuck up satsu we both you know you ain't gonna do that. you all know you don't do that. we all know you sit on your ass and complain about not getting much attention online when you don't even bother to put the attempts into your creativity. and the craziest thing is that i always have so much free time. i'm literally rarely ever busy, so i have ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD to focus on what i love most and what i aspire to do as an adult. but my sleeping habits and lack of motivation are what's stopping me. i usually wouldn't call myself a creative person, but i know if i have enough inspiration i could create a good thing or two, yet, all i do, all day everyday, is watch youtube, play games, and sit around eating junk. i should be fixing my diet. fixing my sleep schedule. going to the gym. cleaning my room more. studying online (i have a huge playlist on youtube filled with reliable sources of information based on things i love most and wanna study), self-teaching myself skills i would like to have, and aCTUALLY HAVING THE STIMULUS TO DO SIMPLE BASIC THINGS. YET HERE I AM WAKING UP AT 1PM AND STRUGGLING TO PUT 3 PIECES OF CLOTHING AWAY. most actors, singers, creators.. etc, start as teens. start young. so thats what i should be doing right now. this is my prep time. this is my chance. i have so much potential, so much power, so much time, so much possibilities. this is as good as it gets. i need to prepare to be fully educated on everything i need as an adult. cuz i know damn well that time sprints ahead of you in just a few blinks. but, at the same time, i do have mental differences. i have psychological issues i've struggled with since a young age, which it makes it a lot harder for me to get things done, so i sympathize and forgive myself for all that. but the thing is, as of late, all that shit has been getting better. right now, i'm not necessarily anxious or stressed about one specific thing, therefore, i have nothing much relating to cognition that is stopping me from functioning. and i also understand how comforting it can be do to specific things on the internet, like re-discovering favourite nostalgic music and youtubers you loved as a kid (what i've done recently), but that should be a REWARD. that should be something i get at the end, when i've finished a good bit of my achievements. like a prize i get for a job well done....
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ringtrappedinamber · 10 months
Vignette 2 - Actually Kind of Impressive.
Leiden Side
Start | Back | Forward
[][][][][][][][][][] 1% Remaining..
If most people were born with a battery that could store 100%, then Leiden Good was born with a battery that could store 20 to 25% max. Everyday he started off already drained. By the time he got to lunch all he wanted was to sleep. And by the end of the day he was barely a person anymore. A years ago when he’d started high school he’d joined the film studies club since it seemed like the easiest way to avoid anything strenuous.. That hadn’t worked out like he’d hoped.
Austin was a fountain of energy, and highly motivated. She rallied the club and through sheer force of personality managed to make a movie happen. Even Leiden had been swept up in her flow. 
But now… she’s gone… So, here in his second year of high school, there was no reason his club life couldn’t finally be just sitting in the empty club room, watching movies, and waiting for the club to be disbanded. Except now there was this new kid… 
Leiden sighed wearily, and checked his phone. 
Leiden: “Sy should be…”
A tall slender young man with short brown hair leaned against the wall. He was standing near the front of the school grounds on the street. He was exerting a strange pressure. He’d swapped his uniform vest out for a jacket and he was constantly shifting between various poses.
Mio: “What’s he doing..?”
Leiden: “... Trying to pick up girls.”
Mio: “Wh-What?”
Leiden sighed and massaged his brow.
Leiden: “He’s said his goal this year is to get a girlfriend.”
Mio: “.... uh.. huh…” 
Leiden walked up to Sy. 
Sy: “Yo, dude… I’m busy here.”
Leiden: “The posing is too much, man.. You’re giving off a ‘trying too hard’ kind of vibe..”
Sy blushed. He then seemed to notice Mio for the first time. 
Sy: “Agh! Wait don’t tell me you got one!” 
Leiden: “Huh? G-Got one? This is Mio. She’s a freshman, and she’s interested in-”
Sy glowered darkly at Leiden.
Sy: “If you came here to brag….”
Leiden karate chopped Sy on the head.
Leiden: “She’s interested in joining the club.”
Sy: “Eh? Huh? The film studies club? You’re actually recruiting?”
Mio: “Nope! I saw the film you all made last year and I was so inspired that I sought the club out myself!”
Sy: “... Inspired… Woah… Are we actually kind of impressive?”
Leiden grimaced.
‘D…Don’t say it out loud man..’
Sy: “Even so.. All that filming. Running around getting sound. Editing videos. Reshoots. B-Roll… It was like hell..”
Leiden: “Well, see Mio? He’s worn out. Nothing we can do about that, right?”
Mio grinned, this Sy guy seemed easy enough.
Mio: “You know…. A bunch of my friends are joining clubs… I bet pretty soon I’ll be hanging out with lots of upperclassmen… If I had a couple of reliable upperclassmen of my own to recommend I wonder what could happen…”
‘... S-Such obvious bait..’
Sy: “Well well, another year in the film studies club, huh? Seems exciting..”
Leiden: “What about the long hours?! The hard work? Carrying bags?”
Sy: “Eh…? Well, you know. I’ve been working out lately. It should be pretty easy, I guess? I’m Sy Chambers.”
Mio: “Mio Nogami.” 
Leiden: “... Introduction.”
Sy: “That guy’s Leiden Good.” 
Leiden: “‘That guy..’”
Sy: “Ah! But there is one request I’d like to make.”
Leiden: “Huh..?”
Sy: “Movie days! If we wanna get better at making movies we have to understand them by watching them. I’m really insistent on this one. One movie each week!
Mio: “W-Well… As long as they’re interesting.”
Leiden smirked. This girl had no idea what she was agreeing to. Sy’s movie taste could only be described as ‘pretentious’. Whenever he’d brought something in before it was always some subtitled foreign film with an extremely complex plot. She’d be begging to be out of this club in no time..
Leiden: “Eh..? A movie per week doesn’t sound so bad. As president I approve.”
Sy: “Wait, you’re president? Ah.. Actually that makes sense. You were basically Austin’s right hand man. Can I be Vice President though? It’ll look good on my resume…”
Leiden: “Ah.. sure.”
Mio: “Hurm.. Austin’s right hand, huh?”
Leiden: “Eh? Yeah?”
Mio: “I thought you two were dating.”. 
Leiden: “D-Dating?”
Sy: “He WISHES.”
Leiden glowered at Sy. Mio looked a bit confused.
Mio: “Didn’t you two kiss at the film festival though?”
Leiden froze. His entire body drained of color except a burning red in his cheeks slowly spreading up to his ears. 
Sy: “HAH! Those two? No wa-”
Leiden: “......”
Leiden slowly turned on his heel to walk away. Sy stopped and looked to Leiden expecting agreement, only to find him trying to slink away.
Sy: “Eh? Huh? Wait? What?! You didn’t? Did you?!”
 [][][][][][][][][][] 0% Remaining..
Mio looked between them.
Mio: “Oh… It was a secret… I guess?”
Leiden marched away. 
Leiden: “I’ll-see-you-both-tomorrow.Goodbye.”
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inspiredmindbyjc · 2 years
State of Tranquility
Before I begin, I just want to look back on the days that I saw myself drowning in despair and sorrow. Those moments that have left my soul crushed, crumbled like a toasted bread. I immediately taken my resignation in pursuing this parallel universe that I’ve built for myself. Hoping that I would never come back, even for a day. But I guess, these hobbies are best not to keep a secret. Realization occurred to me when it was suddenly brought up. I was thinking, deeply, thoughts lingering beyond the unimaginable return of my once most reliable self. I ponder on that simple thought, “can I really do it again?”. This clouded my mind, heavily. In the pursuit of pushing myself a bit more, I’ve come to realize that I’ve forgotten one of the best skills I have.
As I’m making this, my head just keeps on spinning and spinning. I never relied with these neurons during those times that I needed the workup. I was drawn to too much reality, too much selfless act, more pain and less joy. My daily enjoyment was just the normalcy that time was giving me during the wake of an unprecedented event. Darkness overflowed, swarming my once gentle piece of a heart. It kept on eating me alive while the aura I emitted was too much for even oneself can handle. It took me to my lowest point, the beginning of self-destruction. The utter fear in which every day is a ticking time bomb just barely able to compress the explosion within. It was a matter of a trigger before I engaged into literal psychosis. My total devastation is what I would like to describe it.
Under the circumstances, everything returned to its constant flow. One by one, the pieces were being put together. Day by day, the skies became clearer and clearer. Although my vision seemed to get dimmer; my thoughts, collectively, regained its composure. The rain that was showering me with toxicity, was able to disperse in an instant. In the advent of this transition, my sense of self started to be redeemed. I continued to hope for better events to come, and still hoping by the time this is released. My unconscious mind became conscious again and the wandering effect was no longer visible. It affected my balance, that’s why I became immersed with solitude. Thanks to the never-ending energy of those around, I was awake.
I was impressed because I fought long enough for me to not get swept away by the occurrences of the real world. Somewhat, reality has been very harsh lately. It takes you to the most difficult tasks and unlike any game, guides are nowhere to be found. You fight for your own, for what’s important, and for what’s to become of you in the following years to come. Lest we forget, the unavoidable situations happen for a reason in which the specificity is too narrow to understand. Perception of this events are best interpreted by the experienced itself. For now, my sentient being is in a state of calmness, unbothered by the illusion of negativity. A force of brimming light which shines upon those that perceived it as hope or inspiration. In my absence, these thoughts were being sealed by my own doing. Returning to this parallel universe gave me the opportunity to let out my inner voice with the desire of sustaining this always.
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leolo404 · 3 years
✨Astrology Observations Pt.1✨
Hey guys! My name is Leo and it's my very first time to make a personal astrology observation post. I can't wait to share my knowledge and understanding in this certain topic to everyone✨
⚠️Sidenote⚠️: Please take this with a grain of salt for not all of my personal observations will resonate you entirely.
✨Mercury in the 9th house/9th house stellium can indicate someone who wants to experience new things atleast once. (Example: wants to try skateboarding, learning another language, traveling to another country)
✨Venus-Mars aspects(especially conjunct) can give off both masculine and feminine energy.
✨Personal observation but I noticed most Aquarius moons tend to like playing games that are unusual and not as famous compared to other games. They can also be really passionate about gaming.
✨Gemini placements are so good at multitasking and juggling as much ideas as they can. I could never😭😭
✨Out of all the fire x air dynamic, Leo is the most committed and loyal but also the only sign that has tendencies of holding grudges. On the other hand, out of all the water x earth dynamic, Pisces is the most free-spirited and tends to move on quickly.
✨If you are having a bad day and need a lot of compliments and support to make you happy call a Leo or Libra rising.
✨Mars in the 6th house tends to overwork themselves to get rid of stress because this can be their way of distracting themselves from their own personal problems, this can also apply to Mars in the 10th house and Virgo Mars as well.
✨I believe Sagittarius is the only fire sign that has no ego at all or atleast lesser compared to the other two fire signs.
✨Cancer placements can be really talkative when they are comfortable enough with you and they can be great home buddies.
✨I heard this somewhere but having your south node in the 11th house can indicate that in your past life you tend to focus more on humanity and helping others that you can't express yourself or someone restricts you to be who you really are which shows that in this life, you have the chance to express yourself more and be creative. (North node in the 5th house)
✨1st house stelliums are the types of people who are really focused on the self and would try anything to learn more and find insights about who they truly are. (they can be into astrology, personality types, or anything that can describe you and give you a sense of belongingness)
✨Scorpio moons can have really intense emotions but since the moon is in fall in Scorpio, they tend to repress their emotions or block it leading to compulsions and anger.
✨Taurus/Leo Suns are stereotypically known as the lazy signs of the zodiac but don't let that fool you. They are one of the most ambitious and determined signs and when they have their eyes on a certain goal, they won't stop until they reach it.
✨Aries/Capricorn placements are like a train without brakes, they are really unstoppable from doing what they like.
✨Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) tend to resist change and will only change when there is a reason to.
✨Virgo Suns are one of the most important people needed in society. They are very dutiful, hard-working, studious, factual, and are reliable partners in the workplace. They can be the typical role model citizens.
✨You tend to have a Love-Hate relationship with the signs in your 4th and 8th house. (Example: I have Aquarius in my 4th house and Gemini in my 8th house and istg they are so annoying but holy cow I still love them 😭❤️)
✨Mercury in the 10th house should try working in a business, they are really economical and business-oriented and the way they speak is so professional-like.
✨Cancer with a mix of Leo placements are truly the most sweetest and sincere people alive.
✨Capricorns are not cold, they are just really mature and are good at handling their temper issues.
✨Also the way they express their anger is like a great example of when your parents get mad at you for doing something wrong. Please don't lecture me 😃✋
✨Both Aquarius and Leos are in the same level when it comes to attention seeking but in a very different way, Leos tend to look for it or perhaps find a way in order for others to compliment and praise them while Aquarius are more on the standing out type, doing anything to make sure they are noticeably different than the rest. (Sorry Aquarians for exposing y'all😔👈)
✨People who aren't familiar with astrology tend to mistaken Aquarius as a water sign and Scorpio as a fire sign. Not surprised though 🤡
Ok this is it for my first astro observation post. Thank you so much for taking your time reading this and hope everyone enjoyed it✨
I also want to thank @venusfun for inspiring me to make this post and helping me out with this as well. Love ya bestie💞💞 And of course I can't forget about my friends who supported me in any way possible💞💞 Thank you!
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shinidamachu · 3 years
I need some Inuyasha as a great father (more like DILF, amirite?) headcanons, can you help me out?
I'm here to serve!
• It isn’t until they’re happily married for at least one or two years that the possibility of children are brought up.
• At first, they took that time to relearn each other, enjoy their company and make the honeymoon phase last a little long. They did spend three years apart, after all. There’s so much time to make up for, so many catching up to do before they’d even think to throw a kid into the mix. Plus, being a modern woman, Kagome would know how to avoid pregnancy the best her new circumstances allowed and how important that time alone is for a newly-married couple.
• They never actually had the child talk because Kagome just assumed that’s where their relationship would naturally lead to, given her motherly tendencies and Inuyasha’s history of ultimately giving her everything she wants. For his part, Inuyasha knew she wanted to be a mother someday and he'd be lying if he said he never indulged the fantasy of fathering her children. However, he has serious trouble wrapping his mind around the idea that, in reality, Kagome would still be up for it if he were to be the father. He could never dare to ask of her more than she has already given him. Be that as it may, it was not a big deal because it was not a dealbreaker. Nothing was.
• But with time, Kagome would have noticed how good Inuyasha is with Hisui and the Mirsan twins. How his relationship with Shippo had developed from a sibling banter to a makeshift paternal relationship. How people like Shiori and Bunza would look up to him like he was some kind of movie hero. How every kid in the village seemed to adore him despite his grumpy demeanor.
• And Inuyasha would have noticed the way Kagome would look at him whenever he so much as interacted with a child, the way her smell would spike significantly.
• She, of course, was the one to make the first move, jumping him one night, after they had spend the whole day stuck with babysitting the Mirsan children and popping the question.
• Inuyasha was relutant. There was a part of him that was adamant on making her happy and even believed having babies would make him happy too. On the other hand, he was terrified. Terrified of how her body would react to childbirth, of if her spiritual powers would accept his demonic energy. But mostly, about what would happen once the baby was born. The last thing he wanted was for Kagome to go through everything his mother had to go through. Or for another kid to face the same prejudice he did. Besides, he grew up with no father figure whose steps he could follow. He didn’t know how to be a father.
• Kagome assures him that they won’t have a baby until they’re both ready and on the same page, that they have time and that Inuyasha will be a great father.
• Inuyasha believes her.
• Then it is him felling some type of way whenever he sees Kagome around kids. And something deep inside desperately wishes to find out what would their children look like, what would it be like to hold and take care of someone born from their love.
• Finally, he caves.
• Inuyasha wants a big family, considering how lonely his childhood was. Kagome finds it pivotal for their first-born to have a sibling, since she had Sota and their relationship was one of the most important things in her life. That’s why they’d have two children minimum, preferably a boy and a girl. However, giving how dangerous and uncomfortable childbirth can be, especially without the perks the modern era provides, I don’t think they’d have more than three.
• Naturally, Inuyasha relies on Miroku for advice and the latter is more helpful than not. Except for the times Inuyasha asks or says something that makes it way too easy for Miroku to mess with him. Like the time he told Inuyasha that if he doesn’t get Kagome whatever food she craves while pregnant, the baby will be born looking exactly like that food. And Inuyasha believed him.
• And if you thought Inuyasha was protective of Kagome before... oh boy! He’d be almost overbearing, but Kagome would see it as endearing. Most of the time. Sometimes, though, a woman has got to have her privacy. He also becomes more attentive, more gentle, sweeter.
• After their first child is born, Inuyasha gets a makeover of sorts. He’s always borrowing the Fire Rat to Kagome and the baby anyway, so he figured it’d be more practical to just pass the clothes on to them already and get something new for himself.
• It’s white.
• Inuyasha becomes taller, stronger. And often lets Kagome experiment with his hair with braids, top nots... and ponytails.
• Old Myoga is the first one to notice the resemblance. And it’s true. He’s the spitting image of Toga. Former enemies and allies often mistaken him for Toga and Kagome thinks the look on their (and Inuyasha’s) face is hilarious.
• Sesshoumaru does not care for it (I stole this one from @heavenin--hell).
• Inuyasha hates his human nights even more because now his vulnerability also means he might not be able to protect his family as he usually would (Together Changed by @goshinote and @lostinfantasyworlds inspired this one). Plus, the black hair and lack of dog ears confuses the baby, who cries and fusses for a good while until realizing it is, in fact, Inuyasha holding them (this one I saw in an adorable fanart I can’t find).
• But since he needs way less sleeping than humans and he spends the New Moons up anyway, Inuyasha gets a lot of quality time with their infant at night, which allows Kagome to actually get a good night sleep unless the baby is hungry.
• The Beads of Subjugation get dooled and chewed on. A lot.
• A little contest takes place between Kagome and Inuyasha about what the first word of their first child would be, with Kagome going for “dada” and Inuyasha going for “mama.”
• Kagome wins.
• Inuyasha’s fighting style changes. He still says some snarky remarks, but now it’s more to push his opponent‘s buttons down so they would get sloppy than anything else. After all, he has a child to think about and provide for now. He doesn’t have the luxury of gambling with his life anymore. He has a home to come back to and therefore won’t be taking any chances (credit to @born-for-eachother for this one).
• And so he becomes more lethal on the battle field. Pragmatic. Objective. Calculating. Decisive. Cold blooded. Much like... Sesshomaru.
• He had never been more offended on his life than the day Sango pointed this out to him.
• When the kids grow up a bit, Inuyasha and Kagome start to tell them bedtime stories, with the PG version of the story about how the met and defeated Naraku being their favorite.
• Kagome tries to be a reliable and calm narrator while Inuyasha exaggerates the events and the voices, almost always breaking objects of their house in the process.
• After hearing one too many times about the Beads of Subjugation, their child tries to “sit” Inuyasha. Of course it doesn’t work, but he still makes a big deal out of throwing himself on the ground every time they say the word just to hear them laugh.
• The first actual toy Inuyasha buys them is a ball, just like the one he had as a kid, at the same time accomplishing a childhood wish through them and ensuring that they would always have someone to play with.
• Kagome is more protective of their physical state while Inuyasha is more protective of their emotional one (see Fist Fight by @omgitscharlie)
• Inuyasha goes to Totosai and asks him to make a weapon out of one of his fangs to each of their children once they get old enough for it. Not necessarily a sword, just something of their choice and that better fits their personality.
• He would be a just father, doing his best to show no favoritism, treat his children equally and make sure no one felt overlooked or unloved.
• But truth be told, if one of their babies turn out to be a daughter, he would definitelly let her get away with almost anything, no matter how much of a gremlin she is. Daddy’s little girl would have him wrapped around her tiny fingers.
• Life never treated Inuyasha kindly. From a very young age, it was kill or be killed. It wouldn't be too far off for him to think the exact same thing could happen with his kids, therefore he tries to prepare them, to tough them up so they can take it.
• And I believe this sentiment would be significantly amplified with a son, because it would involve the whole “suck it up”, “men don’t cry” and “man of the house” aspect of it. The “it is your duty to protect your mother and sister when I’m gone” too, especially because he couldn’t protect Izayoi himself.
• It’s “tough love”, but it’s love nonetheless. And in the right dose, which I believe Inuyasha manages to nail, it can be very important for one’s development and growth.
• But it’s hard to imagine him being as tough with a daughter. Probably because he sees so much of Kagome on her that the mere idea of seeing her cry simply breaks him.
• Kagome would actually have to step in when it comes to disciplining and saying “no”, because he simply wouldn’t have it in him to do so.
There’s actually a really nice post by @keichanz I reblogged a while ago discussing precisely that, but I can’t find it to save my life (should I start to properly tag my reblogs? No, it’s a lot of work and I’m right not to).
Anyway, that’s all I got for now.
Peace out.
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aphrostarot · 3 years
Who Are You Pick a Pile
How are you seen by your friends, family, you, and society? How do you want to be seen and who are you actually?
Remember that this is a general reading and some things may not apply to you. Do not try and force it to fit. If you would like a personal reading you can click here. There I have my shop where I offer all of my readings. Or you can dm me with what you'd like.
*Please read before you pick a pile*
I say spirit when I am channeling and writing out your readings, if you do not believe in spirit that is totally okay, this message is still meant for you if you feel that it is! Whatever you believe in is valid and you can ignore when I say spirit if you don't believe in it or, replace it with whoever you believe is giving you this message. If you have any questions or you just want to talk about this feel free to dm me!
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Pile One (Rose Quartz):
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How do your friends see you?
Three of Wands: In this specific deck the three of wands is depicted as a long journey ahead, one that you are just starting. That being said, this would mean that your friends see you as someone who is starting a journey, maybe of self-discovery, a career journey, spiritual journey, etc. Your friends see you as someone strong, knows what they want, and is driven to get that.
The Avenger: The Avenger is made, not born. Her state of mind evolved from a primal desire for vengeance - and she has the drive to carry it out by whatever means necessary. The Avenger is distinguished by her ability to weaponize her innate knowledge and her surroundings and forgoes other elements of her personality until justice is served. In revenge films, the Avenger functions as karma personified - and her payback is defined by its symbolic, poetic flourish. Your friends think you’re strong and that you are someone who has fought to become who they are and will continue to fight until they become who they want to be.
How does your family see you?
Five of Pentacles: This card represents poverty, a great loss. Your family sees you as someone who has lost a lot and is currently in a dark place, in a low. They think that you are going through a tough time. You have lost a lot and that you need help.
The Goth: The Goth lives in a romantic world of horror and death. In genre fiction, the Goth often finds herself as the keeper of a mystical secret, an explorer of unholy ground, or an unknowing link to the realm of the dead. She often makes her home in a remote, decaying property, and her solitude allows for her to fully embrace every instance of terror. While the Goth’s inquisitive nature and innate resolve allow her to stand up against corrupt forces, both human and supernatural, she may also allow herself to be seduced by dark passions. This is how your family sees you, as someone who has accepted the darkness and is not willing to come out. They also see you as someone who wants to go against the grain and does their own thing.
How do you see you?
The Sun: Happiness is the meaning of this card. You see yourself as someone who is happy, successful, optimistic, and confident. You feel like you have this warm energy surrounding you, yellow may resonate with you. You feel like you are a light in a lot of people’s lives like you are the person people go to when they need someone to brighten their mood.
Two of Pentacles: The primary meaning of this card is, balance and all things that come with it such as; adaption, flexibility, and resourcefulness. Again, you view yourself as someone who is resourceful, the person that others go to when they need help. You feel as though you have your life in check, you know what you want and how you’re going to get it. You feel like you are good at balancing things and keeping everything in order.
The Muse: The Muse speaks to the soul. In fiction, the Muse is a woman who embodies the spirit of a particular moment so much that she’s upheld as an inspiration. While the Muse may be kept as a source of personal inspiration for an artist, her life is an artistic expression in itself. She may exude an attitude, philosophy, or appearance that makes her emblematic of lifelong creative or romantic partnerships. Even if her je ne sais quoi is short-lived, her impact can be crystallized forever. You think you are the person who is an inspiration to the people around you, that people center their lives and pursuits off of what you have done and continue to do.
How does society see you?
Seven of Pentacles: This is the card of growth, of hard work paying off after some planning. Society sees you as someone who has gone through a lot and has grown from that, that you’ve planned the way you want your life to go and that you execute those plans. You do everything you need to in order to get to where you want to be.
The Spinster: The Spinster is unbothered. In romance fiction, the Spinster is a woman who has remained single past the age deemed desirable, and as such is typically childless. The Spinster’s isolation from traditional domestic roles of wife and mother makes her solitary life a source of speculation and projected anxiety. The Spinster is generally used to caution young women against the dead-end of an unmarried life, and her solitude is seen as a consequence of curdled femininity. Whether by choice or not, the Spinster has the ability to rely solely on herself. Society views you as an independent person, someone who doesn’t need anyone, someone who chooses to be single because they don’t need anyone other than themselves to make them happy.
How do you want to be seen?
The Hermit: This is the card of solitude, of self-reflection. Meaning, you want to be seen as someone who is independent, working on themselves, and growing. You may like the idea of people viewing you as a hard-working self-indulgent person, a person who keeps to themselves and has persevered through everything thrown their way. Someone who makes their life work and has gotten what they want because they worked for it.
The Earth Mother: The Earth Mother is in sync with her environment. In genre film, the Earth Mother represents a connection to the terrestrial, often by rejecting modernity and embracing life in nature. She may present as a hippie who prioritizes the health of the environment, or as the maternal figure in a commune, offering motherly guidance to those seeking a more pastoral life. She may also be upheld as a symbol of growth, harvest, or fertility, and possess a mystical connection to the secrets of the natural world. You very much may want to be seen as someone with cottage core energy.
Who are you actually?
Nine of Wands: You are someone who has a lot of emotional baggage from your upbringing or previous relationships. This makes you a people-pleaser who wants others to like you because, deep down, you feel unworthy. Therefore, you’re the type of person who others walk over and take advantage of. On the opposite end of the scale, you could be unwilling to let anyone into your inner circle. You do not trust easily and are suspicious of others. The Nine of Wands, however, is a sign that your mistrust may be justified, which is a positive aspect of the card; you’re not quick to let just anyone into your life.
The Maid: The Maid sees everything and tells nothing. In pulp fiction, the Maid is typically a meek domestic worker who peers into the daily intrigues of the family she’s working for. Be it excessive consumption, familial corruption, or adulterous affairs, the Maid is expected to sweep the scandals of the every day up and out of sight. Due to her exclusive access to people’s lives, she may often palsy as a star witness in a trial, or get caught up in a blackmail scheme. But the Maid typically represents some form of class repression or exploitation - until she gets the chance to turn the tables. You have been on the underside of life for a long time, that doesn’t mean you will always be that way, you can turn the tables after a bit of work
Pile Two (Sodalite):
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How do your friends see you?
Page of Pentacles (reversed): The Page of Pentacles reversed represents someone who is; foolish, immature, irresponsible, lazy, an underachiever, and a procrastinator. This is how your friends see you as someone who is not reliable and is childish.
The Cyborg: The Cyborg is a transgressive blend of human and machine. In science fiction, the organic, human form can be supplemented with technological enhancement. As such, the Cyborg has the capacity for mechanical perfection, working in tandem with human thought, emotion, and values. While often a figure of fear for their ability to rewrite and surpass human flaws. The Cyborg may use their abilities for destruction, but can also offer a glimpse into a perfected human being who is able to transcend human history and work towards utopic harmony. Your friends see you as someone who needs an upgrade. Someone who needs to change so they can be like the cyborg, able to use their powers to bring about harmony or destruction.
How does your family see you?
Seven of Swords (reversed): This is the card of truth being revealed, of having been manipulative in the past and now coming out and revealing that truth. So, your family sees you as someone who has something to reveal, something that you have been hiding from them.
The Headmistress: The Headmistress rules with an iron fist. In fiction, the Headmistress is responsible for overseeing the entirety of a school, typically one for girls or young women, and for managing its students, staff, and grounds. While the Headmistress is typically a strict disciplinarian with an eye for getting results, she can also function as a maternal, albeit authoritative presence. Her reputation often precedes her, and being summoned into her office is enough to strike fear into the heart of any student. Your family views you as someone who is to be feared, someone who does whatever it takes to be heard and in control.
How do you see you?
Seven of Wands: You see yourself as someone who needs to stand up for yourself no matter what, defend yourself and your territory. You may have gone through a lot to get to where you are and you don’t what to lose it. You feel like people are constantly trying to question you and bring you down, so, you defend yourself.
The Empress: You view yourself as the Divine Feminine, as someone who embraces all things feminine. You think you are someone who is loving, warm, sensual, and that you are as charismatic as you are beautiful. You defend yourself because people don’t understand the real you, in your eyes.
The Siren: The Siren’s call is irresistible. In horror and mythology, the Siren is a beautiful amphibious creature who appears as a human woman or a human and animal hybrid. The Siren typically lives with others of her kind in the rocks and cliffs of coastal areas. Together, the Sirens use their powerful voices to lure passing sailors towards shipwreck and death. While the origins and goals of the Siren vary, she is ultimately symbolic of the challenge of resistance. You feel like you are irresistible, that you are someone that nobody can resist.
How does society see you? The Magician: The Magician is someone who is; spontaneous, skillful, creative, original, someone of quick understanding, excellent reasoning, intelligent initiatives, and intellectual curiosity. This is how society views you, as someone who is extremely intelligent, someone who uses their brain and is quick with it.
The Gamine: The Gamine strolls the side streets straight into your heart. In genre film and musicals, the Gamine appears as a young, often waifish woman with a penchant for androgynous style and frank speech. Her rejection of what’s ascribed as feminine is characterized by her embrace of the masculine, opting for a short chop or pixie cut and boxy clothes, and presenting a boyish, unpolished demeanor. The Gamine may pursue an independent, bohemian lifestyle in defiance of gender expectations, but is too charming to thwart off attention from suitors from all walks of life.
How do you want to be seen?
Queen of Swords: The Queen of Swords has very high standards and can be highly critical of herself and others, she doesn’t allow anyone to use her, she puts people in their place. You want to be seen as someone who stands up for themselves and is loved but slightly feared. You want people to understand where they stand with you and to not test you or cross you.
The Coquette: Flattery has gotten the Coquette everywhere, and she has no plans to stop now. In genre film or musicals, the Coquette has a way with words and a knack for reading people - particularly people who have something she wants. She can be an adept conversationalist or an emotional card sharp, but she’ll make you feel so good about yourself you won’t even miss whatever it is you’ve handed over. You want to be seen as someone who is charming, a little intimidating but still, charming. You want people to fear you but also love you.
Who are you actually?
Ace of Pentacles: You are or are meant to be very clever and full of ideas. You are very innovative and clever and you do best with intellectual activities. You use the power of your mind to achieve what you want and need. You will apply reason and intellect to confront issues occurring in your life. You have great literacy skills and rarely lose an argument or discussion. You are someone who is very competitive and will not let go of your position easily. You love taking risks. You usually become an expert in any field you work in. A part of you is very restless and you need to be constantly stimulated. Sometimes you get lost in your head and need to be grounded. It is worth mentioning that the Ace of Pentacles represents new money coming forward, so, it is worth saying that you may be meant to make money in some way.
The Diva: The Diva has a gift from heaven that can make your life hell. In genre film, the Diva is a commanding artistic presence with an impossibly unique talent. The Diva is highly sought after and showered with praise but can become indignant and fickle when she’s not in total control of her ability. She may demand that conditions be met perfectly in order for her to perform, and storm out if she’s denied. Ultimately, the Diva needs her talent to shine just as much as the people around her, and she will do what is necessary to stay in the spotlight. You are meant to be in the spotlight, whether that be literally famous or just in the spotlight in your personal surroundings.
Pile Three (Fuchsite):
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How do your friends see you?
Ten of Wands (reversed): The Ten of Wands reversed represents that your friends see you as someone who is truly burdened by circumstances that are not necessary in your life. They think that you are shouldering too much responsibility, that you fail to delegate because you may fear asking for help or you truly believe that you are capable of handling it all on your own. They think that if you continue to go on this way, you will reach a breakdown.
Six of Pentacles (reversed): The Six of Pentacles reversed means that your friends think that you are someone who is extremely generous, to your own faults. You give too much, more than you are capable of giving. They think that you are extremely nice and caring but that you need to take care of yourself. This could also mean that they think that you are someone who gives but at a cost. That when you are “generous” it always comes with you expecting things in return. They think that you are selfish.
The Dancer: The Dancers body is their instrument. The Dancer presents a mastery of control over their physical movement and expression and is a subject of fascination across a variety of genres. In the psychological thriller, they may obsess over perfecting their performance to the point of mania; in horror, they may perform a physical expression of moral corruption; in erotica, they may move to seduce and entice. Regardless of their particular presentation, the Dancer commands attention through perseverance - their refinement of skill even if just performing for themselves. Your friends see you as someone who puts a lot of their body, as someone who works hard and doesn’t take care of themselves enough. They also see you as someone who is extremely talented at what they do regardless of whether they ask for help or not.
How does your family see you?
Seven of Swords: Your family thinks that you are sneaky, that you operate in the shadows and gather information that might later serve you. They think you may be planning to betray someone, or a group of people, in order to assure self-advancement.
On the other hand, they may think that you are trying to better your situation. They think that the people you surround yourself with may be causing you great misery, hindering your progress, or your road towards self-improvement. If that is the case, they feel that you need to escape your current situation without insulting or hurting the people around you.
The Avenger (reversed): The Avenger is made, not born. Her state of mind evolved from a primal desire for vengeance - and she has the drive to carry it out by whatever means necessary. The Avenger is distinguished by her ability to weaponize her innate knowledge and her surroundings and forgoes other elements of her personality until justice is served. In revenge films, the Avenger functions as karma personified - and her payback is defined by its symbolic, poetic flourish. When she is reversed though, that means that rather than being focused, of having the motivation to get things done, and of seeking justice you are; cruel, filled with rage, and obsessed with the wrong things. This is what they think of you. Going off of what was said above, your family thinks that your friends are doing this to you.
How do you see you?
Page of Cups: You see yourself as someone who is highly intuitive and sensitive to the entire world and various dimensions around you. You think you have a loving, gentle, and warm personality and a strong desire to be around kindred spirits, who help you to feel needed and special. You think you’re highly creative and emotional, that you can be as shy as you are desperate to avoid conflict. Although, you won’t back down from a fight if a fight is what’s called for.
The Spinster (reversed): The Spinster is unbothered. In romance fiction, the Spinster is a woman who has remained single past the age deemed desirable, and as such is typically childless. The Spinster’s isolation from traditional domestic roles of wife and mother makes her solitary life a source of speculation and projected anxiety. The Spinster is generally used to caution young women against the dead-end of an unmarried life, and her solitude is seen as a consequence of curdled femininity. Whether by choice or not, the Spinster has the ability to rely solely on herself. Now with this coming out reversed, instead of you thinking you’re like that you actually think you’re timid, full of fear, and in disarray. Yes, you think that you’re highly intuitive maybe even an empath but still, a part of you thinks that you are small and full of anxiety.
How does society see you?
Justice: Society sees you as a decent, law-abiding individual. They think you make decisions carefully, weighing all the pros and cons. That you are good with words and place a high value on education. Also that you are practical and cautious, but remain a romantic at heart.
Two of Cups: Society thinks you’re warm, loving, and sweet. That you are keen on building and maintaining strong, long-term relationships. That you will marry young and/or remain in a devoted relationship. They think that nurturing relationships are at the core of your belief system, they think you are a great friend, child, siblings, and lover. That you are a natural healer due to your ability to listen to your partners and give great advice in return.
The Cat Burglar: The Cat Burglar is at her best when you never see her at all. In genre fiction, the Cat Burglar has a knack for sneaking into places she’s not wanted and sneaking out with more than she had before. While she prefers to work in shadow, she’s also a master of disguise and can situate herself undetected in plain sight. She can also function as a lady thief, who only seeks impossibly difficult targets or the rarest of valuables, and seldom uses physical force in conquest. Society sees you as someone who is able to blend in wherever you go, but not because you are not noticed, it is your own choice. They see you as someone who is willing to do whatever it takes to get what you want.
How do you want to be seen?
The Hanged Man: You want to be seen as confident — perhaps overly so. This card can also represent indecision, and as such, you may be at risk of not recognizing these opportunities when they do come to you. Consequently, you remain forever in limbo, trapped in your indecision, your primary action being non-action. You want to be seen as the person who is extremely confident, not aware of the things around them, just happy with what they have, and happy to be where they are.
The Mystic: The Mystic is in touch with the divine. In fiction, the Mystic may appear as a visionary or prophet who receives messages from outside the earthly realm. She may also appear as a sorceress or alchemist who can manipulate natural materials for her own ends. In any iteration, she is well versed in esoteric interests and shrouded in mystery and can use her knowledge to better herself or provide guidance for others. You want to be seen as someone who can help others and who has abilities.
Who are you actually?
Queen of Wands: You are meant to be passionate and ambitious. You are meant to be quite extroverted, with a radiant and friendly quality about you. At your core, you are a highly social creature, with a natural tendency to spread happiness and joy.
You also have a high sense of self-worth and will not let others belittle you. You aspire to be successful on a professional level — and almost always attain it
The Cyborg: The Cyborg is a transgressive blend of human and machine. In science fiction, the organic, human form can be supplemented with technological enhancement. As such, the Cyborg has the capacity for mechanical perfection, working in tandem with human thought, emotion, and values. While often a figure of fear for their ability to rewrite and surpass human flaws. The Cyborg may use their abilities for destruction, but can also offer a glimpse into a perfected human being who is able to transcend human history and work towards utopic harmony. You are meant to use your abilities of spreading happiness and joy for the greater good.
Remember that this is a general reading and some things may not apply to you. Do not try and force it to fit. If you would like a personal reading you can click here. There I have my shop where I offer all of my readings. Or you can dm me with what you'd like.
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haneybun123 · 3 years
Dreamcatchers reaction to their S/O being needy for cuddles when they're sleepy
a/n: this one might be a lot shorter than my other ones because I wrote it on my phone while I didn’t have internet. I have no clue how much the difference is in line spacing. forgive me if it’s short 
JiU / Kim Minji
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- Minji doesn’t instinctively cuddle you like other members do bora but she will never say no either. she loves your hugs when she has them: the warm smile you give her from your position on her chest just makes her whole week. when you’re there you won’t be moving for a while because she just can’t get enough of the view. it’s just that she doesn’t want to seem too needy or unreliable by looking for cuddles. she wants to show you that you can rely on her. she’s more than capable of that role! and cuddling doesn’t undermine that! you just need to convince her that it doesn’t seem otherwise.
- so… when you’re feeling cuddly and needy? she’ll take serious advantage of it. it subsidises her need for attention and her desire to see you being cute. but, it’s also a great chance to support you and make you feel super loved and cared for because that is simply what she cares about most. she loves being there for you! it’s her ideal! she’ll make sure you’re super comfy, do everything she knows will make you feel relaxed, anything you need she’s got covered. when you’re asleep she’s gonna take a bunch of photos, though.
you had been out with your friends all day for a celebration and asked for Minji to get you at the end of the night in case you ended up going to any clubs. clubbing drained your energy fast whether you drink or not and you didn’t want to be driving in that type of state. Minji, being as reliable as she is, came to pick you up at the exact time you asked for. she couldn’t help but giggle at your tired demeanour- you were slumped against a wall, eyes hooded and bloodshot, head falling every now and then.
you both arrived home as quickly as Minji could get you there. she helped you shuffle into the house and led you gently to the bed. once you were comfortable under the covers Minji turned to leave, giving you a gentle kiss on the head for good measure. but, when you grabbed onto her sleeve, whispering “stay, Minji, please?” she found herself lying back down laying you gently against her, pulling you to her chest. she couldn’t stop smiling at you- you looked so happy with her. the comfort of knowing you felt the same let Minji fall asleep with ease, despite the fact she was still wearing jeans.
SuA / Kim Bora
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- this girl LOVES cuddles so goddamn much!!! I’ve mentioned this many times and I will continue to stand by this: she’s down to cuddle literally 24/7. so, like any clingy girlfriend, hearing you’re in a cuddly mood makes her heart flutter as soon as the words leave your mouth. her face beams like she’s out of a literal cartoon- her smile just expresses that much joy. she doesn’t need an excuse since she really doesn’t have much shame about it but she will take advantage of these moments. at any given chance, to be honest, she’ll immediately dive into your arms like some sort of dolphin. be ready for a loving, sweaty night.
- she’s already weak for cuddles so she’s twice as weak for you being sleepy. she thinks it’s so sweet! like, when you’re tired, looking up at her with all the love in the world, just needing some comfort after a stressful day? her heart just bursts. the feeling of you thinking of only her in one of your most vulnerable and slow-thinking states fills her with joy. she loves that feeling of being relied on, especially being able to boost your mood. she will happily hold you for as long as you need, a cheesy smile on her face the whole time.
like every day, Bora was practically jumping to the moon with excitement to see you again. you’re her inspiration, her driving force, and half of what truly inspires her to bring her best to practice on a daily basis. she got home later than she wanted to but she had brought dinner and was expecting to see you rushing to the door to great her. what she got instead broke her heart: you, curled up on the couch, struggling with some sort of ache in your stomach. she haphazardly dumped the food by the entrance to the living room before rushing over to you, truly disorientated. “y/n? what’s wrong? are you okay? what can I do?”
you explained your state to her. you had gotten sick about half way through your work day and your medicine had just recently worn off- defending that you didn’t want to distract her from practice by calling her, as that was Boras initial reaction.
Siyeon/ Lee Siyeon
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- Siyeon is pretty easy to coerce into cuddles no matter how sleepy or cute you are because, to be honest, holding you brings her true peace. she loves feeling you relax against her, snuggling up into you, especially if you’ve had a rough day and you’re tense. when that look of contentment finally crosses your face she feels so blessed- she loves being able to have that effect on you. it makes her feel really special. 
- when you’re tired, though, she really feels a need to take care of you. it’s imperative to her that you’re healthy- she feels as if she wouldn’t be doing her job as your girlfriend if she didn’t support you. she can’t always be there when you’re sick so whenever she can help you- even if you’re just sleepy- she works as hard as she can to bring you back to full health. comforting meals, all the water and snacks you need, and, of course, all the hugs she can give you.
you hadn’t been feeling great recently. your head was pounding, your stomach hurt, and you just couldn’t get yourself up from bed. Siyeon had managed to convince their label to give her a day off to take care of you, just until one of your friends had the time to look after you on one of their off days. but, you were much happier to have Siyeon there than anyone else. she was pleased you trusted her in such a way. you wanted to sleep so for the hours of the morning Siyeon had been cleaning up the house, preparing you lunch, and waiting until you had to take your next dose of painkillers.
she was thrown off of her concentration when she heard you call for her from your shared bedroom. she rushed to your side as quickly as possible, kneeling next to you on the floor, “Siyeonie, I can't sleep. it hurts too bad.” you whimpered, reaching out for her under the duvet covers, “can you lie with me?” Siyeon couldn’t help but blush as she crawled in next to you. it was rare you were ever so outright with her- she was flattered. despite your high fever you snuggled in as close as you could to Siyeon who giggled nervously at your sudden behaviour. she gently stroked your hair, singing quietly to you like she knew you loved and ultimately distracting you from the pain you were in. you were soon fast asleep, to Siyeons pleasure, all thanks to your girlfriends love.
Handong/ Han Dong
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- she may not be the cuddliest member of Dreamcatcher but she just can’t resist you in your neediest moments. to get her to cuddle you pull out your best cute faces- pout, do little grabby hands, maybe put on a cute voice if you can abandon your dignity for long enough- and she won’t be able to say no to you for a second. she’s only human! she’s vulnerable to cute things just like everybody else and, to her, you’re the cutest thing in the whole world. Donggie loves how soft and happy your voice gets when you cuddle, by the way. it makes her feel all warm and happy (♡°▽°♡)
- when you’re tired all of the factors most likely to make you two cuddle get turned up by 11. your tired eyes, sort of dopey mannerisms and gestures, even softer and cuter voice- they’re all things she already loved made even greater. her smile will be even bigger and brighter than usual. her whole face will glow with just how much she loves you in these moments. she’ll hold you all night without complaints, gently rocking you to sleep like the baby she sees you as.
in moments like these, you’re convinced paperwork will be written as your cause of death. the pile seemed never-ending- the work even more so. checking names, information, signatures, making sure every box was filled in properly. times like these are when you need Handong most. luckily for you, she was soon to walk through the door. she called out to you from the door, desperate after her long day to see you again. seeing you hunched over your desk, however, was not the sight she was hoping for, “y/n, what on Earth are you doing!” she couldn’t help but exclaim as she rushed over to your side, pulling you against her in your seat. your voice was quiet, cracking from exhaustion, as you explained that you “didn’t have long left.”
this was a blatant lie. she saw through it like your words were glass. through her way with words she convinced you to take a nap at least and wake up early in the morning. gently, she walked you to your shared bedroom where she sat you on her lap. this was her favourite thing to do when you were in such an exhausted state. on instinct you snuggled into her neck, allowing her to soothe you. one arm stayed tight around your waist, holding you fast against her, while her other hand rocked you back and forth. you were out like a light, smiling gently against Handongs soft skin as she stared down at you with all the love in the world. 
Yoohyeon/ Kim Yoohyeon
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- gonna fake being mad so hard I swear. she’s gonna act so badly too, just for fun: “nooo get off meeee” and “ughhh you’re crushing me!!!!” she has literally no malice in her voice whatsoever. especially since she’s holding you so tight against her chest/pulling herself against you while doing it. after that she’ll behave “normally” by which I mean she doesn’t fake complain. her insults are, for the most part, masked with fake aggression. it’s all to make you laugh though. it’s just Yoohyeon being Yoohyeon- she never fails to make you laugh and she’ll never stop trying to.
- when you’re soft and tired she will be more.. forgiving in your cuddles. less teasing and bullying, more gentle head kisses and tight squeezes. gentle Yoohyeon isn’t a rare sight but seeing her almost motherly in nature with how caring she becomes is such a cute sight. she stares down at you like your face holds all the stars in the sky, giving you the softest kisses like you’ll crumble under her touch. that alone is enough to lull you into a sweet slumber.
Yoohyeon couldn’t remember the last time she saw you so tired. neither of you had moved a muscle since you woke up- you were just barely watching her talk, falling back asleep to the soothing sound of her voice, eyes glazing over with lack of focus. she slowly stopped to let you fall back asleep because she made the perfect plan. Yoohyeon was going to make you breakfast: pancakes with cute faces made of strawberries and blueberries, covered in maple syrup or powdered sugar. she was determined to make this a perfect morning.
she reluctantly moved away from you, trying her hardest to slip out of the duvet without making you cold. but then you woke up again. at the sight of her moving out of the bed you immediately began to pout. she froze in place, her expression going from cautious to adoring. soon, your hands were reaching out for her arm and, before she could begin to process what was happening, she was back in bed with you. you wrapped around her like a koala, whispering to her about how the bed is “way too cold” without her. how is she ever meant to say no that?
“don’t worry, love, I’m right here.”
Dami / Lee Yubin
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- Dami is another member that doesn’t cuddle too often. she’s the type that likes intimate moments in loosely shared spaces (holding hands across the couch from each other, leaning your legs on each other at the dining table, placing her hand on your leg when you’re in group conversations, etc). if you ask she’ll never say no- she’ll cuddle you as soon as she’s finished what she was doing. you don’t have to pout at her or anything like that to get cuddles out of her- she’ll do anything to make you happy.
- seeing you tired immediately busts out her girlfriend instincts. her need to take care of you and make you happy comes out full force in those types of moments. she’ll take your things to bed for you before shuffling you over (maybe even carrying you if she feels strong enough and hasn’t been training too hard) and laying you on top of her because she knows that’s the comfiest spot. she’s a big fan of wrapping her arm around your side and pulling you into her. It’s a good combination of warmth and comfort iso you’ll be extra comfy when you go to sleep (´//•ω•//)
you’ve both been incredibly busy lately. Dami had a lot going on with Dreamcatchers promotions and you’d been absolutely swamped with work by your boss. you were feeling so drained from just everything going on in your life that you just... couldn’t be bothered anymore. you had been flopped on the couch, completely unmoving, just trying to recover from your awful day for what felt like forever. you didn’t even realise Dami had come home- that’s how out of it you were. you only realised she was home, talking to you, when she was directly in front of you.
“love, are you okay? are you sick? do you need medicine? have you taken any?” it’s rare that she ever gets frantic but you were her foil, her Achillies heel, the person she always goes back to. it’s only natural that you are the person that gets her to panic. it was impossible not to smile at her panicked features, scanning over your sleepy expression and worryingly red eyes, as you explained the actual cause of your strife. she was fuming at your boss for again straining you beyond what was necessary but let it slide when, in a tired and cracking voice, if she could just hold you. almost immediately her expression softened, love filling her eyes. she immediately began to prepare.
so, Dami moved your things to your room, grabbed some drinks and snacks to go with them, and returned to help you. she hauled you up, wrapping her arm tight around your waist and threw your arm over her shoulder. once you were in bed she lay down next to you, pulling you into her side as she gave you a kiss on the forehead. Dami made sure you ate at least something, drank the glass she brought for you, and felt at least somewhat better before you slept. once you confirmed to her that you’re okay now, she gave you a gentle kiss on the head before whispering softly to you, “let’s hope for a better day tomorrow, y/n. rest well for me.” with that, you drifted off to sleep of to sleep, still in each others arms.
Gahyeon / Lee Gahyeon
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- dude when you ask for cuddles…. she will melt like butter on a hot day. she’ll be sneaking into your place after practice trying desperately not to wake you up, gently sliding under the covers when you let out the sweetest whine with little grabby hands her heart starts hammering. bruh.. when you pout all like “gahyeonie~~” she will legitimately evaporate she’s blushing so much. an actual tomato baby. note: this will be x100 if you are not usually the cuddling type. cold people who are weak for one person are her greatest weakness.
- will not argue with your neediness at all because, to be honest, she is equally as needy. without any words or arguments she will move straight into your arms and hold you / be held (whatever your tired self is feeling) with a bright smile on her face. she’ll whisper to you comfortingly, run one of her hands gently up and down your back while her other one rests on your face, her face beaming with happiness and adoration. she makes it easy to fall into the most comfortable slumber.
you and Gahyeon hadn’t been able to spend a lot of time together recently thanks to her schedules demands increasing. it was standard pre-comeback demand, you knew to expect it, but you couldn’t stop yourself missing the mornings you used to spend together. usually you woke up to see Gahyeons smiling face, watching you sleep with what you swear is all the love in the world in her eyes, before you made breakfast together. you just wanted your sleepy cuddles back and so did Gahyeon (of course).
so, she was equally excited and concerned to see you still awake. she rushed over to you, pulling you into her chest as she knelt besides you, “love what are you still doing up?” she frantically whispered as you instantly began to fall asleep in her arms, ignoring her own exhausted state to focus on you. the two of you both shuffled over to your bedroom where you became comfy together, “I’m sorry, Gahyeonie, I just missed you.. can we just lay together for a while?” it may have been how tired she was, or how emotional she gets when you two don’t spend a lot of time together, but tears began to roll down her face. she pulled you into her without hesitation, 
“it’s okay, y/n. I'm here now.”
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tomtenadia · 3 years
Fire in her veins - a Island Dreams AU oneshot
So, yesterday Island Dream reached the amazing milestone of 5k hits on AO3. For me, it means the world especially because ID has a special place in my heart. It was my first long Rowaelin, set in a place that I adore. It’s more than just a story. It’s set in a part of Scotland that has completely stolen my heart.
So, to celebrate I asked for prompts and @whimsicallyreading​ gave me a brilliant one.
“Aelin accidentally distracts Rowan and their stove catches on fire 🥰 would be funny to see the ID crew interact with a Fire Department 🤣”
inspiration hit in an instant. This fic is set about three years after the epilogue. The twins are 7 and Dalamar is 4. The  story has a very Freyja-centred ending, mostly because she is my favourite. She is wild and fierce like her mother and she is funny.  (Don’t get me wrong I adore Morrigan and Dalamar too. They are calmer and adorable in their own way.)
If you are new to Island Dream you can find it HERE
Well, without much further ado I will leave you to the story.
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Rowan had a busy day at work. The bookshop had become very popular in town and business was good especially since Aelin had convinced him a while before to set up an internet page and an online ordering system. It had taken a while to really kick in but now he was basically serving the whole of the Hebrides and he had started getting orders as well from some remote location on the western highlands. Aelin had been right. She was the one who had started his Facebook page after all. He hated the whole thing - he had even deleted the profile he had created for fun, but he could not deny that it was handy for business. He had started promoting his events, he had hosted some indie authors and also had started a reading club at the weekend. He was proud of the job he had done. And now, with his aunt he was working on another stage. Her cafe had been shut for a few months after the last bad storm and flooding had caused some heavy damage. So when the bill for repairs had come Maeve knew it was too much and had decided to close to the dismay of the locals who loved her cakes and food. But Rowan had come up with a plan. The unit next to his shop had been vacant for a while so, he offered his aunt a deal. She could reopen her cafe inside his bookshop and they could merge the two units together. It had taken some convincing but in the end Maeve had accepted and the works had officially started. 
Life was busy but he had never been happier. The twins were seven and were in P2 and Rowan could not believe how quickly they were growing up. Freyja was still as wild and school had been a challenge. She hated being forced to sit at a desk. Hated the uniform. Hated school, but apart from her rebel attitude, the teachers kept telling them that she was a bright pupil and both Rowan and Aelin relaxed. Morrigan, on the other hand was the opposite of her twin. She adored school and was still the quiet one in the family. Dalamar was still at nursery and was meant to start school the following year. 
On that day Evalin had picked up the kids and brought them to the shop, something they adored. Then Rowan had taken them to swimming practice. He had kept his part time job as swimming instructor and the kids had followed in his footsteps. The twins being older were taking proper swimming classes while Dalamar just joined the club for the wee ones and splashed happily in the water while his sisters learnt to swim. When Aelin was not busy at the hospital she would accompany them and play with Dalamar. 
Usually the swimming classes were enough to exhaust his kids that he could cook in peace while waiting for Aelin to get back. That evening she had texted him that they had a last minute emergency and was running late. 
He tried for the umpteenth time to concentrate on a recipe for the evening when Freyja barged in the kitchen running followed by her brother and screaming that a dragon was chasing her. 
Rowan grabbed his daughter and lifted her in his arms burying his face in her belly causing the girl to laugh hard “dad, the dragon” and wiggled in her father’s arms to get free but Rowan did not let go. He just walked to Dalamar and offered him his free arm “hop on, oh mighty dragon.” The boy grabbed his father’s forearm swinging like a monkey and Rowan walked into the living room, his daughter under one arms and his son swinging from the other like a jungle creature.
Morrigan joined the chaos a moment later. Rowan kneeled and she climbed on his back.
In that moment he heard the door of the house open and an instant later Aelin waltzed in the living room and saw her husband completely overwhelmed by their children. She laughed at the scene “what is happening in here?” Her hands on the hips.
“A dragon is following me.” Shouted Freyja, with still too much energy in her. 
“I am not a dragon, I am a monkey.” Replied Dalamar, swinging a bit more from Rowan’s arm.
“And what are you doing, Morrigan?”
“The dragon has burned the floor.”
Rowan moved to the sofa and started to deposit the kids down “come on, let dad cook dinner. And don’t shout too much, mum is tired.”
The kids slowly climbed down their father and went to greet Aelin who hugged them all “did you all had a nice day? Did you go swimming tonight?”
“Yes.” The two girls shouted “Dad taught us how to jump in head first.”
Rowan roared with laughter “and they still are two clumsy little terrors who smash their bellies.”
“Be careful with that.” Said Aelin in full doctor mode “that type of jump is very risky, they can snap their neck if do not enter correctly.”
Rowan took a step towards his wife and wrapped his arms around her “I know. I would never put our daughters in danger.”
“Good,” she gave him a chaste kiss “now let mum take a shower and dad cook?”
“Tha.” Replied the three kids in unison.
The kids climbed back on the carpet Dalamar going back to his bricks, Morrigan to her colouring book and Freyja just kept swinging her plastic sword fighting some imaginary monster. While Aelin disappeared in the bathroom, Rowan finally managed to get back to the kitchen and think about dinner. It was getting late for the kids and he knew they would soon start to become agitated again and start bellowing for food. He grabbed a towel and threw it on his shoulder and then started preparing the ingredients. He was preparing veggie burgers made out of cous cous and chickpeas. The kids loved them. He was the one who cooked the most in the house since his hours were far more reliable and he had been doing his best to cook healthy meals, to Aelin displeasure as she complained that there were always far to many vegetables in his dishes. But she was okay with the kids following a healthy diet. Morrigan was pescatarian. The girl could not stand eating meat and last time Rowan had tried to give her beef or chicken, the poor girl had been sick all night. Whereas fish, she loved it and she was a happy veggie eater like her father. Dalamar would occasionally eat meat but with very little enthusiasms whereas Freyja was just like her mother. She would eat anything on her plate.
He was busy preparing the patties when he felt Aelin’s hand around his waist and a gentle kiss on his back.
“How the shift at the hospital?” He asked while finishing the patties and heating up the oil in the pan.
“Long.” She sighed against his chest “your dear wife might need some adult cuddling tonight.”
Rowan laughed and turned in her arms, throwing his towel on the counter. A deep kiss that, after seven years of marriage still made her toes curl. Aelin’s hands linked behind his neck and Rowan pushed her against the island and Aelin moaned in appreciation.
Until all hell broke loose.
The smoke alarm pierced the quiet of the room with its grating sound and when Aelin opened her eyes again she saw a quickly spreading fire behind Rowan.
“Rowan!” She shouted.
He turned quickly and looked for something to stop the fire but he was paralysed and he knew enough that water was not an option.
Aelin was already on the phone with the emergency services while Rowan grabbed another towel and tried to smother the fire with the only result of burning his hand.
“Ro, fire department is on its way.” She took his hand “a bad first degree burn.”
He was about to go and put it under the sink but Aelin stopped him.
At the deafening sound, the kids burst in the kitchen but Aelin pushed them away, taking Rowan with her “Come on kids let’s go back to the carpet.”
Morrigan and Dalamar went in their mother arms scared by the commotion. Freyja was standing just near the sofa looking at the fire in the kitchen in a daze.
Rowan noticed her and grabbed his daughter in his arms, ignoring the searing pain in his hand “That is dangerous.”
“It’s pretty.” Said the little girl.
It wasn’t long after that the fire department arrived. 
A woman with blonde hair, who was clearly in charge gave some orders and the team had the fire out in no time.
“Is anyone hurt?” Asked her, joining the family in the living room.
“My husband. First degree burn on his hand.” Replied Aelin pointing at Rowan leaning against the back of the sofa.
The woman called over the radio for a paramedic and Rowan scoffed claiming that he did not need one but at Aelin glared at him and he shut up.
And while Morrigan and Dalamar were still on the carpet quite shaken by the ordeal, Freyja was moving toward the tall woman. She reached for the hem of her bunker gear and pulled, claiming attention.
“Hello little one.” Said the woman kneeling to be at eye level with the girl “There’s no more fire. We fixed it. You don’t have to be scared.”
Freyja pouted “I was not scared.”
The woman laughed and brushed her silver hair and the girl grinned.
“Are you a fire woman?” She asked, looking at the adult in front of her with deep admiration.
In that instant another woman and a man came through and gave her a report, the woman nodded and got back to the girl in front of her “Yes, I am.”
Freyja beamed “can I be a fire woman too?”
The fire captain placed her heavy hat on the girl’s head which was gigantic on her but Freyja shouted for her parents but Aelin was busy speaking to the man and her dad was in the capable hands of a paramedic who was tending to his hand.
“You can be anything you want to be.” Said the woman softly, taking her hat back then she stood and Freyja bent her head upwards to stare at the woman while she walked to her parents.
“There is some damage and you will have to replace the stove and probably paint the wall near it.” She explained “I would suggest to have a fire blanket and a small fire extinguisher for cooking oils. They can easily be found online and they are good to have in emergencies.”
“We will. Thank you so much.”
The woman nodded and left with her team, while the paramedic was finishing fixing up Rowan’s hand “Keep it clean and change the bandage regularly. There are ointments that you can use to help the healing process. If it gets worse make sure you go to the hospital.” Rowan looked at Aelin and grinned “thank you. My wife is an A&E doctor, I am sure she will keep me right.”
“That’s why she looks familiar. Western Isles hospital, isn’t it? You are Aelin.”
“Hi Sarah.”
 Once the house was quiet again Aelin relaxed for a moment and Rowan went to Morrigan and Dalamar while Freyja was still staring at the door where the fire department had left.
“What is it, my love?”
Freyja turned at her mother’s voice, her face beaming with unbridled joy. They were all shaken by the evening, but her fierce girl was actually smiling.
“That was a fire woman.”
“Yes, my darling.”
“I want to be a fire woman too.”
Aelin crouched down to meet her daughter’s eyes and brushed some hair off her face “you can be anything you want to be, mo chridhe.  Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”
Freyja hugged her mother then ran to her father, sister and brother shouting that she was going to be a fire woman.
Rowan joined Aelin a moment later and pulled her to his chest “I am sorry.”
“For what?”
“I got distracted.”
Aelin lightly punched him in the chest “I am the one who distracted you.”
He sighed “we have no dinner.”
“I’ll phone mum and ask her if we can go to her place.”
Aelin disappeared and Rowan stood in the kitchen looking at the mess. The fire had quickly spread and a part of the counter was damaged too. Everything was covered in foam and wasn’t even sure if it was safe to use the oven. The patties lay like burned blobs at the side. 
Aelin came back a moment later “mum is happy to have us. She is probably making dinner already.” She tugged her husband “let’s go, buzzard. We’ll think about it tomorrow.”
Once they finished getting the kids ready they went back to their room “So, Freyja wants to be a firefighter. She was staring at the fire in marvel and was amazed at seeing the two women firefighters.”
Rowan pulled Aelin to his chest “She is fearless like you. She has fire in her. I can totally see her become a badass firefighter.”
Aelin hugged him back in silence.
“She is our wee fireheart.”
Twelve years later, when Freyja finished her training at the fire academy and was assigned at the firehouse in Stornoway Aelin and Rowan happily looked back at that night knowing that it had changed the life of their daughter and were never happier of a fire in their house.
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