#my tastes in music are strange...
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muramaripentragost · 4 months ago
when you get this, list 5 songs you like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers!<3
Aah, it's hard >< Okay, okay! I can handle it!!!
Five songs:
N.I.B. - Black Sabbath
Heaven and Hell 2009 Remaster - Black Sabbath
I Wanna Rock - Twisted Sister
Army of the Night - Powerwolf
Venom of Venus - Powerwolf
I chose it from English songs… If I chose from Russian (because it is my native language)… 90% of the list would be songs by the band "The King and the Fool" :D
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anemonet · 7 months ago
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pro tip: you can always put the bugs in little outfits :thumbsup:
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icharchivist · 2 months ago
ultimate call out moment but
one of my irl bestfriends of over 15 years, one of the people who knows me the most in this world, who has only played DAO and only knows Solas from my deranged rambles on my private twitter account,
has posted a meme on BlueSky of "mutual, like this post and i'll link you a song from my spotify wrapped that makes me think of you/that has your vibes", which i liked because last year i discovered a banger thanks to it
.... only for the song I got to be a song that is already in my Solas' playlist and that i have been looping a huge part of the year.
i'm a parody of myself.
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itsjustasimplechaos · 5 months ago
*listening to lemon dmeon*
omg this is my favorite song
omg this is my favorite song
omg this is my favorite song
omg this is my favorite song
omg this is my favorite song
omg this is my
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sapphicseasapphire · 1 year ago
More of Cryptid Time please? I've always been a sucker for God Time and you do him so much justice, I'm obsessed /lh
Hmmmmm I don’t want to say too much. I have Time’s origin like 80% written and the art is done so I plan on posting it later today (of course, now that I’ve said that, I’ve jinxed myself and It won’t happen). But I can give a little more haha!
I don’t have a full playlist, but I’ve tried to find music that I think fits the Cryptid Au Links. I challenged myself to look beyond Zelda music! But I fell back into Zelda music anyway…
For Time, I have two pieces that I think could be his theme! They are: The Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary Orchestra: Gerudo Valley (honestly one of my favorite pieces of all time) and Shenandoah by Frank Ticheli . They’re very different pieces haha, but Time’s a pretty complex guy I think.
Time is a great leader! He puts the others first and always seems to know what he’s doing (even if he’s actually clueless). Even back before the others knew he was a God, it was hard to deny his authority. He’s strong and steadfast, fully committed to whatever he decides is worth his attention.
That being said, he’s far from perfect. He may know a lot, but he doesn’t know everything, and that can lead to a lot of mistakes on his end. He just genuinely does his best… even if it’s not good enough. With dominion over the flow of time, he knows that there are some things that just can’t be helped. Lives will be lost. Friend will disappear. And even as a God, there’s nothing he can do to escape that.
… sometimes, he just feels so useless.
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an-ivy-covered-summer · 3 months ago
feeling embarrassed about your music taste is so sad. like, it’s literally what you like. do you hate your own happiness? are you embarrassed about feeling joy? so weird
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sweet-tragedys-stuff · 7 months ago
I want to post my Almost Human drawing on Instagram, but my friends follow me there and they really won't be very nice when I go back to school.
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svnflowermoon · 9 months ago
people who stop liking things just because it gets popular are the most shallow people ever no one cares if you like something popular like what you want to like art is made to be celebrated
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icarrymany · 10 months ago
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YES I DO THINK. i hc that skully has their own rlly weird music taste however if you play a song one of the many loved they would feel feelings abt it. if you throw a bass at them they could pluck out something.
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mrsmiroir · 8 months ago
sometimes i don’t think ive changed all that much and then i show ppl pictures of myself in hs and they do a double take and it’s all very funny. for example i used to dress like this.
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and i was also blonde. so. looking at these is surreal for me also.
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fangjuexias · 2 months ago
Live-Action Murder Mystery Audio Drama S1 || Promotional Song "Goodbye, God"
制作人:kami@Kami-kkkk、红泥小火炉@一梦还江月 策划/作词:红泥小火炉@一梦还江月 演唱:呈安Bryan@呈安Bryan 和声:呈安Bryan@呈安Bryan 作曲/编曲/混音:Kami@Kami-kkkk 吉他:汤林潮 pv:鸣筝误拂弦@_冰镇甜酒 合唱团:多纳音乐艺术团 合唱团声乐指导:汤寒琪@寒琪oo 童声合唱:阮路尧 、郝悦彤、陈楚樾、尤骞瞳、朱熙媛、张涵芮、刘铭宇、胡亦嘉、刘琬祺、周曼秋、叶婵枢、罗婉瑜、张霁月、郑梓宸、王漠羽(排名不分先后)
神明初张一双眼 罪与罚诞生于此间 投入命运线 审判开始上演
天空挂上太阳的假面 钟声在雾气弥漫之前 于风中倒悬 倾听 最真挚的谎言
等啊,救赎何时出现 看啊,黑暗在蛰潜 吞噬 竭力 呐喊的誓言 博不过原罪深渊
绕上命运的丝线 于时间尽头搁浅 向自由说艳羡 与腐朽长眠
天真、肤浅 填充被选中的瞬间 发愿、夙愿 热衷虔诚祭奠 胆怯、沦陷 交织在生与死时限 思念、千言 妄想祈求垂怜
忘川倒映平静两张脸 火光于彼岸四处蔓延 与死亡擦肩 赢下胜利者的桂冕
等啊,救赎从不出现 看啊,黑暗在蛰潜 吞噬竭力呐喊的誓言 不过是再博一遍
挣开缠绕的丝线 在爱与欲的交界 向神明说抱歉 与光明再见
敷衍、欺骗 濒临在规则的界限 发愿、夙愿 不等神明成全 冒险、信念 坠入被撕开的明天 白夜、芒焰 与神明说再见
神明冷漠一双眼 端坐于世间最高点 操控命运线 审判轮番上演
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polychaeteworm · 6 months ago
Oh no not Linkin Park embodying the "came back wrong" Trope. Like that looks like your friend but I don't think he's in there anymore man. I don't want this on my bingo card.
Ok it's a good song objectively. But it's not Linkin Park. Just as New Order is not Joy Division without Ian Curtis and No Talking, Just Head is not The Talking Heads without David Bryne.
I would feel so much better if they rebranded. This is like reanimating the body without the soul. It's so obviously a choice made out of greed. The only way I could see this being ok is if Chester wanted this explicitly but I mean correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think that's the case.
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waitineedaname · 5 months ago
hi lily!! i am here to ask if you have discovered any good music lately
I have!! I'll collect some of my recent discoveries
I've fallen down a bit of a Mal Blum rabbit hole because spotify keeps tossing them into playlists alongside The Mountain Goats and AJJ, and I'm not mad about it. I really like their music, and I especially like Better Go!
my roommate and I made a playlist together and her music taste tends to be really funky in a way I enjoy, and one of the songs she introduced me to was Mixer by Amber Mark and I can't help but wiggle in my seat while listening to it
earlier this month I went to a concert with a bunch of local bands, and I recommend all of them: Teenage Art Scene, Rashdale, Corduroy Aspect, and The Sylvia Platters! Corduroy Aspect unfortunately does not seem to have their music posted anywhere, but the others have a couple songs on spotify. I recommend Trouble With the Art Scene by Teenage Art Scene, Glass Floor by Rashdale, and Creased Sneaker by The Sylvia Platters! they were all so fun to see live, and none of them have many listeners on spotify so you should check them out!!
and finally for one more, Things Are Getting Better by N.E.R.D! my stepsister queued this song up when we were all at the beach and I immediately had to add it to my spotify lol I've been discovering my preferred niche in hip-hop is like. kinda funk-flavored east coast hip-hop from the 90s (this song is from 2002 but y'know) and I really need to listen to the rest of this album tbh
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outlying-hyppocrate · 6 months ago
one day, i'm going to have everything figured out
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chickensoupleg · 2 years ago
2 random aus since I got in a mood.
Eddie living near a lake that had rumours of mermaids living in there. The lake being huge and deep, so deep that Eddie would joke it's just a mini ocean in his own backyard. He and his uncle Wayne would go fishing there all the time, and so it was a very comforting place. Especially with the mermaid rumours. Eddie even would put the 'mermaid lake' into some of his campaigns, just for fun. Sometimes it was an important feature, where he would encourage his players to visit it, or maybe even have the big bad appear there. Then suddenly the rumours come true, when he's just writing and playing songs by the lake and hears singing coming from it. He would look out to the lake and see eyes staring back at him before disappearing into the deep. Of course, nobody believes him, because sure. The rumours are popular, but it doesn't mean people actually believe anyone would actually see them. Eddie is persistent though and keeps visiting. Even if he doesn't see whatever he saw that day, he gets to be by the lake, which is just added perk. Then he sees the mermaid for real, and turns out mermaids know English. He also learns that mermaids can be dudes, even if it's far more popular for them to be female. His mermaid friend finds it hilarious, because if mermaids were only girls than how would they procreate? Like bacteria? Which, when he puts it like that, does sound kind of stupid. Anyways, he learns the mermaid is named Billy, and that he's not actually from here at all. Which, obviously, sounds insane to Eddie, because where else would he have come from? It's a lake, and as far as Eddie is aware, not connected to the ocean in the slightest. It is a sole standing body of water as far as he's aware. Billy, the prick, laughs at him. Apparently it is connected to other bodies of water, it's just not feasible by human standards. There's a hidden underground tunnel apparently, and Billy just sort of... migrated there. Accidentally. The tunnel is somehow a powerful current, and only works one way. So he's been stuck there for years. There are a handful of other mermaids in the lake, but they don't come up since they can breathe underwater just fine despite appearing human. Ergo, they never interact with humans much either. The only reason Billy even showed up was because he liked the music Eddie was playing. Which launches Eddie into a whole plethora of questions, because this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Billy only answers some of them freely, and makes Eddie work to get other answers. They grow close, and since then Eddie makes it his mission to continually visit his new friend. Billy isn't much of a nerd as Eddie is, but they connect with their shared appreciation for the metal genre, even if Eddie has to be the one to supply it. In return, Billy gives him cool shells and rocks he finds. And a crab once. Which was weird, because Eddie didn't know the lake had crabs. They get close, and maybe even a little affectionate. Who knows.
Basically just centaur Harringroveson AU. Steve is a cervitaur, Eddie is a centaur, and Billy is a bariaur. They're just vibing honestly. Maybe Eddie gets the fun time of watching Steve and Billy fight by antler/horns. And then help them because they got stuck to each other. Which happens a lot, because something in their hindbrains wants to just slam their antlers/horns against each other. Dominance, or whatever it is supposed to be. Eddie certainly isn't up for the task. Fun times when Steve casually shed his antlers. Or shed his velvet, where Eddie has to go hide because it is a gory sight. He finds it metal, but also his stomach can only take so much. Billy finds it equally as gross, but his stomach is much stronger for this. Eddie is probably like... a black thoroughbred horse. Or a mustang. Just... a runner of a guy. Steve is either a common white-tailed deer or a red deer. Just for the idea of the red deer being huge and the whole King Steve kind of idea. Billy is a rambouillet ram or a rocky mountain bighorn. Just... stocky but also has a sort of glamour to him. Of course just to make it fair everyone gets the fun perk of being centaur hybrid things. Maybe El can be a unicorn centaur, as a psychic treat. (Oh my gosh unicorn Vecna.... Dark crispy unicorn Vecna.... Flesh monster...) Also I don't think cars exist in this universe, because it would be very awkward trying to fit in one, unless they were very specifically built and long to accommodate the rest of them. Oh they'd be so long. So either it is long cars, or everyone walks everywhere. Alternatively, wagons for passengers. Just for extra fun (mostly just for me) Robin is also a cervitaur, and she jokes that she stole Steve's antlers when hers come in when Steve's falls off. She'd be a reindeer, which is why it works. It also means they can put trinkets on their antlers year round. When Steve's falls off they go right on Robin's. Fun fact, sheeps can swim. Billy is not banned from his water. However, sheep can also sink because wool is a thing. Billy has to shave. Extra treat: Demotaurs. Why not.
#stranger things#stranger things 4#steve harrington#robin buckley#eddie munson#billy hargrove#platonic with a capital p#harringroveson#mungrove#eddie parades around with steve's old antlers for fun#eddie's internet history: is it weird to hang up my boyfriends antlers on the wall like a prize#sad idea: billy was polled as a kid because his dad decided he didn't need them (and therefore couldn't protect himself)#this version he gets to keep them because it makes him 'manly' which billy's fine with#eddie feeds billy fish scraps every time he fishes because hey why not#one year there was a fishing competition in the lake and billy helped eddie cheat#he would swim around and catch a decent sized fish and after a reasonable amount of time passed he'd hook the fish and tug on the line#once jason thought he saw eddie mingling with a strange man in the lake and tried to say eddie was fraternizing with the devil#which frankly was weird because what if that was just a regular man jason#jason is just generally off-put by eddie in general though especially with his music taste#eddie introduces chrissy to billy and they hit it off immediately#and then billy introduces her to heather (fellow mermaid) and now they're all besties#centaurs come in all shapes and forms like cats/rhinos/dogs/cows/goats/etc. they got four legs? use them#a guy can be a frog centaur... as a treat#the possibilities are endless#weird thought: if billy produces wool does that mean people can use it#because theoretically its usable like any sheep wool would be#so does that mean people can... make yarn out of billy#steve has a pillow stuffed with billy's wool and its a comfort object when he's away#max being another horned/antlered centaur and she and billy literally butt heads#eddie teasingly calls billy 'billy goat' even though he's not a goat
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fuckingstrange · 1 year ago
I think it's real unfair that you should put him there. All we did is kiss, on my grave, I swear! Where did you find his shoes? A lock of my hair? All we did is KISS, on my grave, I SWEAR! I think it's real unfair that you should put him there!! ALL WE DID IS KISS, ON MY GRAVE, I SWEAR!! WHERE DID YOU FIND HIS SHOES? A LOCK OF MY HAIR?
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