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realitys-ex · 2 months ago
A Mediocre review of 'Fourth Wing' by Rebecca Yarros
I'm going to be up front: It was awful, if you loved the book and don't want to be frustrated by someone who 'doesn't get it', all the power to you, and stop reading!
My review will only aggravate you to no purpose.
Also, I will be fully spoiling the book, so fair warning.
That aside...This book was bad. It checked off every trope on the list of 'shitty generic fantasy book with smut tropes' and wasn't even well written.
But hey, why don't we delve into why it sucked?
The writing itself was poor. I could barely make through the first 10 pages, and though it was better for the majority, it is some of the worst I've ever read for the back 10-20.
Next, the setting. Your M.C. is the daughter of the general of the Dragon portion of the Army, and though she was training to be a scribe, last minute her mother forces her to attempt to become a Dragon rider which is terribly physically difficult.
Oh, also like....50%+ of dragon rider trainees die.
Why? To prove that they will be tough enough to ride dragons. Would it work just as well if at every occasion they would 'die' they just... got drummed out instead? Probably! Would that save your best and brightest for other rolls in the military? Sure! Will they do that? No! Why? BECAUSE! (like, obv. there is the in world explanation that this way only the most dedicated apply, but.... that is clearly post fact. An excuse to allow there to be stakes rather than a true reason)
Next our fearless (or rather, fearful) lead runs into her romantic interests: The law abiding dude from her youth, and the edgy, sexy son of a rebel who has a tattoo marking him as such! (all the rebels children have these marks)
Why do they have these marks, and why are so many of them in the Dragon Riding School? Because they were allowed to live only if they watched their parents die, got these marks, and entered the school, which if they survived would turn them into some of the most powerful and dangerous people in the country.
But, w/e, she will stay away from this sexy bad boy because he is 'toxic' and she doesn't do 'toxic'. the implication should be that she was in a terrible relationship before, which would give some fun character building.... but nope never addressed.
Against all odds she survives to dragon selection day, dodging classmates who are attempting to kill, which is more or less fine with everyone!
And she gets selected by the mythical Feather Tail! Now, dragons are divided along to axis: Colour and Tail type. Colour gives you your standard mixes, which says certain things about the dragons temperament (how to aproach it, intelligence, etc.). Tail type says.... also something about fight type? I'll be honest I was slightly zoned out there. But like there are club tails, sword tails, etc.
Now feather tails are crazy rare, and don't do combat, so she saves it from some of her classmates who were going to kill it b/c it was so weak, and b/c of this she gets selected by a Black Dragon (one of the best ones!) and also the feather tail!
Bonding two dragons, unheard of!
(TBH, this bit I was ok with, she isn't super special or anything, the black dragon was just 'oh, you saved a weak dragon, I like you. Lets bond' and the feathertail was 'oh, you saved me. Lets bond')
Now it turns out that Feathertails aren't rare! They are just children/babies. So aren't allowed to bond (also their magic works funky, but I'll get to that later).
Why aren't the dragons open about this? Fuck if I know!
Anyway, she continues to dodge murderous colleges who think there is a chance if she dies the dragon will bond with them instead (which apparently happens? wtf?).
And because her dragon is the mate of the dragon bonded to dark and sexy, they are bonded also!
So when their dragons are fucking, they both get super horny, but dark and sexy turns her down b/c she can't really consent.
Oh, and now DarkandSexy needs her to stay alive b/c there is a chance if she dies her dragon dies, if her dragon dies his dragon will die (b/c mated pair), and if his dragon dies, he dies.
Don't worry everyone, they fuck and it is awesome for everyone!
Anyway. That is the book, there is actual plot of world politics, but eh. As shitty as that was, I am sure the sequels make it less stupid then it appears from the get go.
But yeah, 1, maybe 2 redeeming features from the whole book.
(The dragon bonds overall are actually kinda interesting, it's just with relation to everything else they become dumb. Like, ok. If you are unbonded and look at a dragon the wrong way, your'e dead. Fair enough. But... that still applies once you bond? Like Dragons see the bonded of other dragons as fair play? It seems that after a month it is pretty emotionally devistating for their humans to die. Why wouldn't there be social rules about that?
Oh and.... no one invented harnesess for dragons yet. You need to stay on your dragon via thigh grip. Sure makes for decent sex acrobatics... but wtf?)
Cons: -The first and last parts of the book(Arguablly the most important) are *terribly* written -The 'Constant risk of death' doesn't actually make sense -Everything done with 'children of the traitors' seems designed to set up a coup in like 10 years (which... if that was by design of someone who wanted a coup in world, 10/10, but I am not reading more to find out) -The secrecy around the young dragons makes no sense (like, there is a pseudo in world explanation to do with magic, but the dragons could said 'oh they are our young. no bonding.' and skipped the bit about magic) -NO ONE THOUGHT ABOUT HARNESSES? I was legit confused about that the entire book! -The 'romance' in its entirety was awful -The way dragons interact with bonded, and students interact with bonded was illogical at best
Pros: -The magic system (such as it was) was actually kinda cool -The bonding system was decent -'Why main character is so special' was actually good!
Overall.... there were about 100/450 pages I enjoyed it. So I'll give it a 4/10.
I will not pick up a book suggested by this friend ever again.
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o-i-w-u · 1 year ago
i wanna draw angst with thought but
with other drawing rn smh
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words-and-writing · 2 years ago
Devil: "Hey god? Remember when we were doing the design plan, realised that torture has diminishing returns and would only work for like, 100 years per person at most?" God: "Yeah?" Devil: "And you told me not to worry about it, cause true Hell is other people, and if we simply let them interact they will inflict more psychological damage by accident than we could on purpose?" God: "Uhu? I am omniscient. Of course I remember." Devil: "It is a speech argumentitve device. I am learning it from the human that is here. Human. Singular. BECAUSE THERE ARE ONLY 100 PEOPLE ON EARTH, YOU GAVE THEM STUPIDLY LONG LIVES, AND HE AND I HAVE BEEN ALONE FOR 200 YEARS NOW! DID YOU THINK ABOUT THAT WHEN WE PLANNED? HOW LONG THE RAMP UP WOULD TAKE UNTIL THIS PLACE WAS EFFECTIVE? I HAVE BEEN STUCK ALONE MAKING SMALL TALK SINCE THE PHYSICAL STUFF STOPPED WORKING 90 YEARS AGO! IT IS PURE TORTURE!"
God: *covering up laughter* "Would you say that it's...literally Hell for you?"
Devil: "FUCK YOU!"
God, to the Angel Gabriel: "And he wonders why I stuck him down there."
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pommancy · 1 year ago
nvm im gooood i may still got it
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yaay-mimi · 7 months ago
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I'm sorry for my inactivity. 💀 I forgot I have a Tumblr + lack of motivation + other stuuff... BUT ANYWAY!! The other character u see is one of my ocs, and they're sadly related to Nightmare but I can't say moooree. Nightmare Sans belongs to Joku "Unknown" belongs to me...sadly.
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pinkmoondoll9shihtzu · 16 days ago
People like and reblog my posts a lot but I have very little followers, is it normal?
Well, idk, I cant rly say what's /normal/ cus I Can only speak from my own perspective as a bloggar. . .But judging by the way tumblr operates, I assume yes it Is the averrage experience (?) (Anyone can feel free to chime in on that one.) Yeah Idk i'd say like 95% of ppl who interact w my posts Don't follow me Cus once stuff gets reblogged It gets further & further removed from source it gets Passed down the line, to circles of tumblr U Never even knew existed And we don't even have anything in common besides one vague image or text post
also Based on my own habits: whenever i reblog stuff I rarely check OP's blog Unless I seen them come up A buncha times, Like their name is showing up frequently Maybe then i'll take a peek but often ill just let it remain a mystery
depends what kinda stuuff ur posting but overall i see tumblr's atmosphere as something ephemeral , distant, no one is trying to hold on too anything too tight, Or lay claim to a strong presence, For a lot of ppl That's Why we use tumblr , to be part of the soupy void, And just kind of bee nothingg , float around, enjoy the sights, no attachment, that is the nature of the website i sense
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realitys-ex · 10 months ago
Both eggplant and walnut cause my mouth to itch/hurt.
I thought that it was just because they were acidic, turns out: mildly allergic. (as is, like half my family, they just didn't realize, or they found the tradeoff worth it)
Also, once I was taking an uber, and it was a long one, so we got to chatting: first about hot sauce, then about about spice tolerance in general.
And he mentioned that his wife's family (who was....from mexico? while his fam was pretty classically "white" when it came to spice) found it funny that he could eat habaneros, scotch bonnets, etc. but couldn't handle jalapeño at all.
I asked him to describe his reaction to Jalapeño (b/c like any reasonable person I found that story is bizarre).
And after his description I was like: "Dude sounds like you are mildly allergic to jalapeño, and the way your tongue reacts makes you way more reactive to capsaicin."
I then described how anything acidic was way worse if eaten with eggplant or walnut.
He seemed to think that it matched p.well, and was going to get it checked out.
I'm kinda curious how that went, it was an uber, so obv. we never spoke again.
I've said this here before but if there is a food that is painful for you to eat or that is spicy to you but you have never heard anyone (except possibly family members) genuinely describe it that way, then you might be ⭐~ allergic ~⭐ to it.
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lostuniversalfiles · 6 months ago
ILL BE WORKIGN ON ALL MY LMK AU STUUFF ON A NEW BLOG pleas follow the blog below if you want to keep up with my AU, oc's, and other's
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@monsterartt @mylittlemonkiearts @sin1039 @brave-little-rat-girl
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realitys-ex · 5 months ago
A Mediocre Review of Shangri-La Frontier
I don't know why I like it so much.
I .. really really don't. Like, I get *part* of it, but not the entirety.
On to the description and review!
Basic Plot: Fully Immersive VR Exists! Wow, that's never been done before!
The MC actively seeks out shitty, glitchy, broken games (or really any ones that most other people would avoid), to play. And he is good at them!
Looking for something new, he grabs the game Shangri-La frontier (the most popular one that exists). Aside from first being shocked at how good it feels to play a non-shitty game, he finds that playing broken games has given him good experience for non broken ones.
Fighting enemies that are invisible due to a glitch makes ones that are invisible by design wayyy easier type of deal.
The world of Shangri-La frontier is intricately designed, and a lot of the lore and unique monsters haven't been discovered yet. Due to luck, his unique play style, and friends from other games, he manages to quickly punch through stuff that the player base hasn't touched yet!
Ok, I know, it sounds... mediocre.
But I *love* it. There are no real stakes except for various characters pride. They jump to other games and real-world so it doesn't feel too bogged down. The MC does have some 'plot armor' for most of the major battles, but in between he is shown falling to mobs not infrequently!
While he has some bonkers unique shit, it isn't shown as being overpowered, rather just "he managed to make a very weird build that he can exploit, but others will have trouble and has a shit ton of flaws" Along with other players also having unique weapons or fight styles or w/e that blows him out of the water.
And when other games are shown, he is demonstrated to be 'top tier', but there are others that can knock him on his ass cause they love it.
So, just, the combo of 'no stakes', 'other characters make fun the MC', and 'MC fails the right amount' just make it like... pure popcorn to me.
I can just keep consuming it, and I don't fill up.
I have legitimately re read and re watched it more in one year than I have anything before
But yeah, nothing unique inside it, but somehow a massive fav.
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lilyyx0 · 2 months ago
hii. do you have any caitvi headcanons you'd like to share? also, what were your favorite scenes from arcane this season?
!!!!Arcane season 2 spoiler warning!!!!
omg these are great questions, thank you anon!
I have some caitvi headcanons in mind, these are my favorites
-I guess Caitlyn often corrects Vi when she makes grammatical mistakes, I saw that one on tiktok and thought it was so cute!
-Both of them are really vulnerable, but they're trying not to show it, they're trying to be all tough
(-Caitlyn is a dom, but I think Vi is a switch :3)
-Vi's love languages are physical touch, and WORDS OF AFFIRMATION, I'm so sure she compliments Cait 24/7, and she's seeking physical contact from her every time
-Caitlyn's love languages are gifts (she'd make cute little things for Vi 'just because'), words of affirmation (complimenting Vi while she's at the gym and stuuff :3) and acts of service!
aaand only these came to my mind rn sooo
my favorite scenes from Arcane, S2:
Sevika's new haircut omg :3
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THE sesbian lex scene, the gentleness, but the passion in it.. I was bawling my eyes out while watching it, the whole scene was so gorgeous.
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the first kiss scene, of course (let's ignore what happened after.)
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this.. when Caitlyn let herself fall into Vi's arms, and this little eye contact, seeing their eyes soften ☹️☹️
honestly, I loved every scene, this show was so beautiful, though I'd be happy to see a 3rd season, but I know there won't be a 3rd season ☹️
I'm really really glad I started watching Arcane, and I'm so happy I can be in the 'arcane community' because I met someone here who's really important to me ♡
thank you for your questions, anon!
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its-haughty · 11 months ago
o new breakout character dropped what
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Meet Trapeze! A big elaborate joke character for a small spin-off story for my story: Breakout Civilisation!
(Lore stuuff)
Having been experimented on- once the security breach occured Trapeze took any chance to escape the laboratory.... Amongst the chaos and desperation to escape, they would find Grayson and letting out all their Rage- would maul him to death as revenge for the horrible things he's done. (horray!!)
Trapeze would manage to escape the labs and would run to a carnival to stay in hiding. Fortunately for her, a circus crew would find her and take her under their wing!
Now Trapeze learns to channel her Rage and uses her ability to transform into a Cassowary as a means to entertain audiences! Not only bringing entertainment but managing to find some comfort in herself... Maybe being half-human/half-animal had its perks that she could take advantage of.
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aita-alternia · 1 year ago
seadweller drama is always kind of horrifyingly interesting in a ‘what the fuuck’ kind of sense, even thouugh I’ve been overexposed to it by virtuue of my job
aside from the fuuschia debacle, there was an incident where the host of the party had one of his guuest’s luusuus killed, cooked and served at the party. he then annouunced what all the partygoers there had just eaten. the guuy who inadvertently ate his own luusuus went for the throat of the host
also the time that a buunch of stoned seadwellers tried to wander into the daylight
other than that kind of stuuff the parties are uusuually a combo of really fuucking boring and uunnervingly terrifying becauuse:
1. neither I or any of my coworkers are seadwellers (I’m in the indigo range, most of our company is bluue to teal with a couple of olives) and a solid quuarter of the people there will say the most heinouus shit to youur face
2. non-zero chance of being cuulled (we’re all armed and our boss is terrifyingly intimidating buut still)
3. half the events are partially uunderwater and then ouur landdwelling asses have to swim for it
buut ouur boss is really well paying and protects uus so I really don’t mind it as muuch
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itzpris · 10 months ago
For some reason I imagine some of the LPS characters meeting the Hazbin Hotel ones, also, if you know some more of Hazbin, which interactions would you like of the LPS with the HH characters??? For me it would be The Biskit Twins with Velvette and Sunil and Vinnie with Husk and Angel help(Some roles of my two LPS+HH AUs)
Oo alright! Interactions? Interactions!
The Biskit Twins and Velvette? That’d be funny. Given how bratty the twins can get sometimes, I imagine Velvette would get annoyed by them pretty easily. Meanwhile the Biskit Twins want to know everything she knows about being an influencer online, so they can use it to become famous themselves back home.
One funny thought I’ve had is basically a parody of Respectless. Maybe featuring Eliza and Fisher in Carmilla and Zestial’s place. Maybe it’s a meeting over Largest Ever Pet Shop stuuff. And Blythe- or an LPS ally- is there for some reason. Singing as Velvette. A little out of character? A little nonsensical? Maybe. But it could be interesting!
Vinnie singing Poison? Honestly, even though the scenario is beyond less than ideal, I can somewhat see it?? It’s like when two characters have not a lot in common, but they give off similar vibes. That’s what I get from Vin and Angel over here.
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videostak · 1 year ago
rly strange weird thing happened last night that kinda has me in a idk just CYCLICAL feeling cause some1 who ghosted me like 4 years ago (i knew them from high school and they ghosted me like a year or so after it ended) and last night they texted me acting like nothing happened and just started up a conversation. well they said sorry but u kno just on the side like as if it hadnt been like 4 years.. this was like at 11 at night too so i dont kno i entertained the idea of conversation thinking she'd like kinda go more into why she hasnt contacted me these past 4 years. she's not one of the people i was particularly closee close to or even connected particularly well so it didnt even hurt me too bad when she ghosted me so like i dont even or cant even summon up the energy to like call her out on it cause i dont feel too strong abt it but it is v strange and .... weird. actually got a text in like idk 2020 or 2021 from a random number presumed someone i removed from my contacts apologizing for being m i a saying theyd make it up to me but when i asked who it was and that i mustve removed them from my contacts they didnt respond lol. i wonder if that was her. but also there were like 2 other people it also couldve been i wished i remembereed exactly what the text said cause if that previous text said m i a it couldve been the same person cause she also said m i a in reference to it . anyways i talked for a bit about how things were n stuuff but feel very dirty abt it . just letting someone treat me like shit and walk all over me again with no regards to my feelings like its been a long time since ive even talked to someone i kno irl so it feels so cyclical again and also my fault the way i act like completeley ok w/ ppl just treating me however and picking things back up whenever they want to. and also like idk the nerve of ghosting someone for 4 years and not even saying who u are when u do text them back like assuming theyd still have u in their contacts lol.. tho idk she did say that it wasnt just me and that she hadnt messaged any1 for like the past few years idk its v strange to not give any further explanation when it was getting later at night i texted that i was gonna go to sleep n stuff and she didnt respond and she hasnt texted today yet but its still p early i kinda hope she doesnt like idk we literally dont even have a single thing in common and i def feel like we have less in common now than back then. i also like idk dont rly kno what to do. im hoping she doesnt message again but i guess if she continues to ill be like umm hey lol. idk its so easy for ppl to walk all over me and make me do whatever like idk i think i really am easily manipulated as dumb as it sounds. like i v rarely object to being made to do things but theres no reason for me to even attempt to rekindle a friendship andthe fact that she message presumably intending to do so has to mean she like mustve gotten into a argument or smthn w/ her friends or smthn or that theres something idk. just made me feel so dirty and gross last night texting pretending
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vellichorsdesire · 1 year ago
🎊, 💟, and 🎀 for the f/o ask game? :0 you dont have to answer all of these but!! :D
TYY FOR THE ASK !!!!<333 super duper appreciated i will absolutely do all of them. love talking about me nd my f/o super duper much.
> 🎊 - Who makes a big deal out of every little anniversary?
s/i most definitely… and f/o is very glad to celebrate as well honestly LOL it’s just that s/i is waaay more into it
>💟 - What’s a non verbal way they say I love you?
s/i likes affections through actions most definitely, so when f/o is fine with it he’ll do some small comforting stuuff like holding hands is the biggest thing i can think of. silly thing but i can definitely imagine s/i just. Sitting there and staring at f/o when they’re working. like i like to think he does it quite often and the softness in his eyes is enough to convey his love actually LOL
f/o will do touching too, but not as common as s/i… the most common one being headpatting the other methinks… but they are very aware of his love for affection and will give surprise hugs nd kisses. f/o’s love language is mainly through words so it’s kind of tricky, and both of them aren’t much of acts of serrvice or gift givers under the love languages so…
>🎀 - Do they wear the other’s clothes? {Sweatshirt, bandana, necklace, etc.}
s/i loves f/o’s jacket too much it’s basically his now at this point… and their scarf. f/o wears s/i’s cardigan sometimes! most of the time they use his hairties since it’s quite helpful
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lostuniversalfiles · 6 months ago
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