#my starry angel <3
thexie-and-stars · 3 days
[totally not because I need the advice] GUYS
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astrxealis · 2 years
sorry (not really) guys if you see me return to my obsessed w final fantasy (all), ivalice ffxiv voicelines, bloodborne era rn
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#i'm such a NERD !!!!!#i know a lot but i still need to know MORE.#but ya ivalice voicelines... <333#tbh ivalice as a whole i am SO interested in. not just bcs of ffxiv or ff#the stuff between ramza and delita yes?#iirc. ivalice in ff is like the worlds of tactics + ffxii !! i might actually be wrong but i've been sure about this for years LOL ??#so yeah. REAAAALLY intrigued about both tactics and xii. xiv gets a lot of refs from xii#so i'm aware of the scions of light and the scions of darkness a lot and i find the correlations w the ascians super interesting#and yes. the fact that Emet-Selch is the Angel of Truth makes me very very very sad. it's so good :((#bloodborne on the other hand okay i may have not properly played much. i always chicken out#but a lot of the times i did try it out wanting to get far are really bcs of ludwig and lady maria#other themes i was in lov w too but mostly ^^ but now i reaaally want to more now bcs The First Hunter !!! and other songs too <3#also bcs i'm older and hopefully less cowardly... (if you must know. okay i'm literally srsly a coward w scary stuff in games#as in ffxv daemons terrified me for the longest time until a while into act 2? and automata. a simple cave made me so scared <//3)#speaking of cave i miss ac odyssey... i want to play that more sometime! very fun game. i havent even got to do sailing or shit yet tbh#yea. so tjat's that. and on ff as a whole i am always so in lov w ff but ever since fulgur talked abt it more aaaaaa#I SHOULD ASK MY TITA FOR. ff8 soon... says me but i shld finish x and ix SOBBING. she also has xii so WAHHHHH#but time to eat now <3
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thedeadthree · 2 years
for the couple’s & their kids asks, how about 5, 8 and 11 for una and aegon? <3
NICO DEAR ! hi ty ty so much and i hope ur doing well! theyve been on the brain again &lt;3
5. how did they feel when they met their child for the first time?  
una was caught off guard at first? as she was not aware until VERY VERY late that she was with child? and twins for that matter? i do think it is a moment for her where she realizes that in all she has sacrificed and will that it will all be worthwhile for them. and now the stakes are much higher now for her? she'll tear the world down for them! and her dragon the cannibal is right there with her! i think that surprisingly enough to her she falls in love with them at first sight!
8. are there any interests that they share with their kids? if not, how do they nurture their kids’ interests? 
vaelor and helaenya (named after his best friend baelor iovannas son and his first wife and una's closest friend!) both shared una's love for dragonriding! as the twins had twin dragons of their own! the twins naslaarum and vaslaarum ! the dragons, a gift from vilemyr as una's mother being a scion of house maedhros. though vaelor was a more solitary child and preferred to take to the skies on his own, hela and una would fly together! hela also had a fascination with the arcane much like her grandmother (and totally not her mother hehe) and that was something they shared! vaelor, much like the namesake that inspired his, aspired and became a knight and was actually a member of aegon iii's kingsguard for a brief period, and though una was hesitant given his parentage she would offer wisdom on what knighthood meant and required!
11. how do they celebrate their kids birthdays? who goes overboard with the gift giving?
i would say that i think aeggy would be the most likely to gift the most? like anything they had their eyes on and took interest in that he could recall he would send to be found and gift them to the twins! she wanted to offer them a bit of normalcy in the midst of the dance and after the dance so a soiree or two would be something I could see her having for them! <3
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causenessus · 3 months
love notes
“can i see you tonight? can i see you tomorrow? i want to be your friend. i wanna be more than that. will you love me tomorrow?”
from can i see you tonight? by eyedress, left at calmaart, sakai
° ᡣ𐭩 . ° . present day. ° ᡣ𐭩 . ° .
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extras <3
i'm sorry i feel like the pacing of everything is a little convoluted,, there's not really a lot of timeskips. basically everything after this chapter is also in present day but i just wanted to make that clear <3 and hopefully the intros really clarifies how everyone's relationships changed, for example suna and y/n going from never talking to hanging out more <3
calmaart is a place in japan for street art supplies and clothing with a legal graffiti wall <3
both y/n and suna are typically people that use their priv accounts for the majority of their tweets. yn uses her public account for mostly photography to maintain an image of professionalism and suna mainly uses his public account for pictures of art and volleyball related things
suna is on yn's private because she lets all of her close friends onto it but she isn't on suna's because he told her it's mainly just the volleyball boys cursing each other out (which is true but most of all he was just scared to have her on it in case he tweeted about her)
y/n definitely skips school to have more available openings in her schedule for photography bookings
whenever she's taking pictures of a couple and they're not looking, she'll take a picture of them and send it to a groupchat with akaashi and kenma and ask if they think the couple's gonna make it or not
they'll spend hours analyzing the red and green flags
omi's the captain of the msby vball team BC I SAID SO
suna asked if he could leave practice early "to study for a test"
they have the same major and omi was like "we don't have an upcoming test."
suna played it off as retaking a previous test he hadn't done well on and omi could no longer be bothered and let him go
suna often stays until closing when he visits y/n at work and will walk her home <3
atsumu and oikawa work together well but in the beginning they had a bit of a rivalry, both being well known setters and they've just kind of continued to be slightly passive aggressive towards each other but get along for the most part
atsumu was locked in the bathroom for an hour until bokuto asked oikawa if they could let him out so he could shower
also not sure if i've said this but everyone is in their second year of college (not super important but just to avoid future plot holes)
taglist: @0moonii @iluvmang @bluebeanbee @wyrcan @oyasumeii @gyuijns @nbcvs @milkteade @eggyrocks @guitarstringed-scars @makkir0ll @mylahrins @cherrypieyourface @vivian-555 @sharkerino @r0seandth0rns @staileykout @lunavixia @thvvluvr @elliott0o0 @wolffmaiden @rockleeisbaeeee @toges-cough-syrup @cnnmairoll @ryeyeyer @hibernatinghamster @localgaytrainwreck @lemonocity @bows4life @sereniteav @madiexuberant @eclecticeggknightpsychic @phoenix-eclipses @sonicsolos @httpakkeiji @brkfclub @snail-squasher @starry-magicshop @cr4yolaas @kitnootkat @zzzlevislothzzz @iluv-ace @iluvaquaphor @stayyyyyyyyyyyy21 @applepi25 @twiishaa @girlkissersco @sleepystrwbrryy @encrypta
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myownwholewildworld · 2 months
wherever you go (a joel miller's ff) - chapter 3
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chapter 2 | series masterlist | main asterlist | chapter 4
pairing: outbreak!2003!joel x f!reader.
summary: you're at your wits' end with joel. so you have to do something about it.
warnings: 18+. nsfw. mdni. mention of sarah's death. probably absolute filth. some slapping. explicit smut with a plot. softdom!joel. biting. masturbation (m and f). finger sucking. unprotected piv. a bit of ass play. pet names (darling, sweetheart). sir kink. a slight breeding kink. some violence towards the end. reader is female, no other description given. reader is mid-late 20s, joel is 36. no use of y/n. joel's and reader's pov.
a/n: buckle up, my friends. i apologise in advance, but this has been coming for the last two chapters lmao. who am i to deny them? no one. all interactions welcome! enjoy and thank you all for reading! <3
w/c: ~3k.
It had been a week since Joel almost lost his mind, and he still couldn’t comprehend what had possessed him to do such a thing. For a split second he had lost control of his own actions and gave in to his yearning. A yearning for human connection he did not know he had. The last few months had been living hell, to say the least.
Every time he closed his eyes to try and sleep, Joel could only see Sarah’s face. Her smile, her warm hugs, her giggles, her vivacity. And then, the light abandoning her eyes, her blank expression, her limp limbs as he would press her dearly against his chest. The desperation he felt then had still not deserted him. He had been a man of God because that was what his family had imparted him, but since Sarah’s death his faith was wavering. Why would God take her away from him? Sarah was an angel sent from above, she should have not suffered such demise. So, either God was a cruel entity, or an imaginary one.
That night Joel did not even attempt to get some rest so decided to do the first night shift instead. They were still at the same cave as it had proved to be a good spot to rest up and plan what their next steps would be. Tommy had suggested they checked out the quarantine zones the government had set up in big cities, but Joel was not so keen on the idea. In the last nine months since the outbreak, they had been witness to too many ungodly acts ― all committed by the living, not so many by the dead.
That was why they were in Ouachita National Forest, further north than what they were a few months ago. They were still debating whether they should head towards Kansas City, Chicago or remain in the wilderness. Although resources were scarcer, so were the clickers. They had not encountered too many people either, which, considering their past experiences, it was a good thing. No one could be trusted anymore.
Joel sat down on a tree stump by the entrance of the cave, rifle on hand. He had his worn-out, unbuttoned military jacket on as temperatures dropped considerably after sunset. The night was so quiet it felt eerie. He could not see anything when he looked up as the treetops fully covered the night sky. He assumed it would be a starry night, clear of clouds. He kept his mind occupied with made-up scenarios to avoid drifting away into Morpheus’ world.
Hours had gone by when Joel heard the slight twitch of a branch from behind him. He rapidly stood up, gripping the rifle with tension. When he turned around and saw you, he clicked his tongue with disdain.
You were too sleepy to pick up on his rude gesture. You stretched your back, which hurt like hell. You had tried to fashion some sort of cushioned bed with leaves and grass, but your makeshift bed was still hard as a rock.
“What time is it?”, you asked grumpily.
“Not sure, around four in the morning?”, he answered without looking at you while he sat back down.
“You have a wristwatch, don’t you know how to read the time?”, you said sneeringly to get some sort of reaction out of him.
“Huh, you’re so fucking funny I’d laugh if I could”, he rolled his eyes in annoyance. “It’s broken”.
You looked at him in silence, as you had done many times in the last week. You didn’t understand how this man could kiss you like the world was ending and then, a second later, he would pretend you were nothing more than an annoying moth flying around him.
It infuriated you. He infuriated you.
He was there as if nothing had happened between the two of you, while you just woke up because of a very realistic dream. Or should you say a nightmare? Your body had some unreleased, built-up tension that was damn hard to ignore. You blamed Tommy for interrupting you ― had it not been for him, you might have known what it felt like to be under Joel. Or on top of him.
You shook your head, angry at yourself and at the man in front of you.
“Sure is, I bet they didn’t teach you how to read the time when you went to school, hmmm, when? Back in the 50s?”, you teased again.
He stood up, leaving the rifle on the ground, leaned against the stump.
“Seriously, what is your fucking problem?”, he growled, his fists tightly closed on his sides.
Finally ― a breakthrough.
“My problem?”, you chuckled. “You are my problem, Joel Miller. Are you telling me you have forgotten about what happened a week ago, huh?”, you ventured.
“What happened a week ago was a mistake, that is what it was. I don’t even know what kind of demon possessed me, because I wouldn’t even touch you with a ten-foot pole”, you could almost hear his teeth grinding against each other.
His words hurt you, but they made you even madder. Who did he think he was anyway?
“You are a fucking mistake. And what you say is complete bullshit. Do you think I have not noticed how you look at me when you believe I’m not paying attention? You pretend you are not interested, but you need a goddamn reality check if you really think so”, you snapped back, the palms of your hands tingling ― you wanted to punch him so bad.
“You are frigging delusional, darlin’. You are the only woman I have seen in the last few months, it’s not like I have much to choose from, do I? It was a desperate move, nothing else. Stop imagining things―”.
That was it. He had crossed a line. So you slapped him to shut him up. His rugged face turned ninety degrees with the force of your blow. His cheek reddened slightly.
And then you grabbed him by the neck of his flannel shirt, forcing down his face towards you so he would not have time to react. You were going to prove him who was right ― and it wasn’t him.
You kissed him, separating his lips with your tongue. You outlined his top teeth with the tip of your tongue and then he let you in. You would have smirked if you could. You mapped out his whole mouth with quick but insisting twirls, Joel following your lead. You helped him remove his jacket.
One of your hands was still holding onto his plaid shirt while the other travelled south. You could swear Joel had stopped breathing, but you distracted him by breaking the kiss and looking at him with intent. His lips were parted and wet with your spit, slightly red. You grazed the prominent bulge on his jeans with the palm of your hand, biting your bottom lip down when he heavily sighed with some relief before he trapped your mouth with his again.
You let go of the flannel shirt to work on the buckle of his belt, unfastening it with some difficulty. Joel groaned loudly when you pulled down from the brim of his jeans to bring them down just below his ass, giving you plenty of access. One of Joel’s hands darted to your neck, circling your throat with the span of his fingers and squeezing lightly. Not to the point where you couldn’t breathe, but to the point where it made the whole experience even more pleasurable.
You moaned while your hand trespassed the elastic of his underwear and dipped your fingers down. You grabbed his manhood, already hard and leaking from the tip. You smiled as your thumb rubbed the precum against his sensitive skin and then slowly started to pump him. You had not seen his cock yet, but judging by the girth of it, you were not to be disappointed. You put some pressure on his shaft before upping the rhythm of the pumps.
“Fuck it, fuck this”, Joel wailed as he broke off the kiss.
For a second, you thought he was going to push you away.
His mind was spinning like a Ferris wheel coming off its hinges. He was mad, utterly mad. He shouldn’t but wouldn’t stop. Not now when you had enticed him this far. His dick was pulsing in your hand, and he was panting like a thirsty dog which had not tasted water in days.
He grabbed your adventurous hand and forced you to take it out of his briefs. Then he pushed you towards a fallen tree nearby. Joel was right behind you, his manhood hard pressed against your ass as he bit your neck, then pecking it where he had marked you. He took off your shirt before you could complain. You wore no bra, so when the cold air touched your sensitive nipples, you sighed. Joel’s hands were resting on your hips, but both quickly moved upwards until they gently cupped both of your breasts. He massaged them with care while he left a path of kisses on the side of your neck.
Then his left hand ventured south at the same time he twirled your right nipple between his fingers. You whimpered audibly when he dunked two fingers in your wet slit. He traced you up and down, your knees trembling with delight. Your cunt was so soft with your own fluids that it felt like velvet. Joel wondered how it would taste if he flattened his tongue against the damp skin and fucked you with his tongue. He groaned at the thought, and instead he paid special attention to your clit with his dextrous fingers. Your back arched, your ass touching his bulge ― you unconsciously wiggled your hips to grind on his cock. Then he tested your entrance with one fingertip, circling it slowly, while your bottom lip was quivering.
“You want this?”, he said in a coarse voice.
You nodded.
“Speak up, sweetheart”, he demanded.
“Yes, please, sir”, you whispered.
You closed your eyes and suspired loudly when his ring finger got greedily engulfed by your dripping hole. He started slowly, then fingered you relentlessly with two digits, to the point where you had to grasp his wrist to steady yourself. He curved them towards the front of your insides, stroking the right spot. You couldn’t help but watch as his fingers disappeared between your soaked folds. Your mouth shaped a perfect ‘O’ before you let go and came violently on his fingers. But Joel gave you no truce, he carried on masturbating you until you orgasmed twice more in quick succession with tears in your eyes. Your cunt was gushing for him ― you could feel the trickle of your cum going down your inner thighs. Your knees bended and you almost fell to the floor, but Joel held you by your hips with the firm embrace of his right arm.
“Good girl”, he purred in your ear, offering you his wet left hand.
You wrapped both of your hands around his wrist to hold it in place and sucked on his fingers with wanton need, his digits touching the back of your throat. You showed him explicitly what you would do to his throbbing dick if you had the chance. You licked him clean, tasting yourself on him.
Joel understood exactly what you were doing, feeling the tip of his cock touching his lower belly. He pushed down your trousers and underwear in one swift movement. Joel placed one hand on your back to make you go down on your knees. You kneeled on the ground, and he did so behind you. You put your hands down on the fallen trunk and looked over your shoulder for a minute. Joel had freed his dick, and he was holding it from the base. For a moment you wondered if it would fit, and you bit down your lip at the idea. You felt hypnotised by the sight, pondering how it would feel against your tongue, its glans pushing past your uvula, suffocating you.
“Lean forward for me, darlin’”, he muttered, and you happily obliged with dreamy eyes.
You rested your left cheek against the fallen log in between your hands, ass up in the air. You heard the rustling of leaves as Joel positioned himself right behind you. He placed his hands on your butt cheeks and cracked them open to have a peek. Joel groaned at such blissful picture. He could see your pussy literally throbbing for him, beckoning him like a siren a sailor. What a sight to see, he thought. With a pained huff, he let go of your buttocks and guided the tip of his dick to kiss your entrance. You hissed with pleasure. Finally, you thought. But he didn’t go in ― instead he trailed the tip of his cock along your slick cunt a few times.
“Joel, please, I beg―”.
“Shh”, he hummed at the exact time he went back down to your needy hole and pushed in his tip. Your flesh parted to make way. Your pussy was aching for him, burning to feel him inside. You have never felt this aroused in your life.
He took his sweet time, caressing your clit again as he went in inch by inch until his whole length was inside you. He stayed there for a long minute, letting you get used to him filling you up entirely. Your pussy choked his manhood at irregular intervals ― you just couldn’t control your own muscles anymore. It felt like heaven for both of you.
Then he moved back slowly, his shaft almost slipping out before he pushed back in with brute force. Joel freed your clit from his touch to grab your hips and started fucking you mercilessly. He found a devilish rhythm and you just went along with it. Both of your moans could be heard from yards away, as well as the squelching sounds coming from where you two connected ― luckily for you, Tommy slept like a log.
The roughness of the wood scratched the skin on your cheek, but you didn’t care. It felt too good. Your fingers clutched, trying to hold on to something as your body was being rocked by Joel’s thrusts, an orgasm creeping up on you. And then you came again, almost screaming into the dead of night, like you never came before. You could feel your whole cunt squeezing him uncontrollably, your clit burning with electricity. You felt extremely overstimulated, but you let Joel ride you to find his own release.
Joel’s eyes had rolled to the back of his head ― he had never felt this horny before. This damn woman ―you― was doing something to him, albeit he didn’t know what. He felt your inner walls tightened firmly around his cock and he almost lost it. Every time he locked eyes on where you two met, seeing his shiny dick pulling out of you, he thought you the most beautiful woman in the whole world.
His balls were so tense he feared he was going to spill his seed in you. But he found the last bit of sanity within him ― as much as he would love to claim you for himself, he couldn’t. And so, he pulled out just in time, lodging his shaft between your buttocks. He put his hands on each side of your ass to squeeze his manhood in the fold of your skin. He leaned forward, his chest against your back, to bite you between your shoulder blades before straightening himself again. Joel pumped himself a couple of times in between your buttocks and came on you abundantly. What a waste, you thought out of nowhere.
Both of you stayed in the same exact position for a hot minute, breathing heavily with effort. You were the first one to move, although your limbs felt like jelly. You grabbed some leaves and cleaned the cum off your lower back as Joel watched you avidly.
Joel stood up and pulled up his briefs and jeans, while his mind was racing with doubt. He shouldn’t have done it, shouldn’t have let it go this far. What was meant to be a lesson for you, ended up being a lesson for himself too. Concealing his concern, he offered a hand to help you get up. You gladly took it and proceeded to clothe yourself again, being fully conscious of Joel’s hungry gaze.
You smiled at him.
“That was fun―”.
“A mistake”, he cut you off before you could say anything else.
You were left speechless. What did he just say?
“Are you fucking shitting me right now, Joel?”, you shouted at him. “Because if you are joking, I swear to God I will―”, your anger was raising up fast.
“No, I ain’t joking, we shouldn’t have done this. You don’t understand, I’ll just get you k―”.
“JOEL!”, you screamed at the top of your lungs when you suddenly saw a man a few yards behind him.
Before Joel could grab the rifle, a gunshot was heard and impacted on Joel’s right shoulder. He fell to the ground in agony, and you hastened to kneel beside him. Blood was quickly soaking his flannel shirt.
“No, Joel, please―”, then you felt someone pulling your hair back and yelled in pain. “Let go of me, you jerk!”. It was a different man.
The first man who had shot at Joel came towards you. Joel tried to sit up to fight back, but the man with the gun hit him in the head with the grip of the weapon and Joel fell back down on the dirt.
He was not moving. Was he dead? No, he couldn’t be. You felt the bile rise up in your throat but managed to hold it.
“Joel, Joel―”, you said with tears running down your cheeks.
“Shut up, bitch”, said the second man before slapping you.
You fought them back with all you had, but in the end, they hit you in the head too, rendering you unconscious, and dragging you away.
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ohimsummer · 6 months
Gojo 🤩
— fluff, established rs, ik the emoji has stars but…..ocean-eyed satoru <3, going nuts over my beautiful, amazing, starry-eyed, angel boy, i went crazy w the metaphors and descriptions but this was my excuse to be insane about his eyes :3
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Surely Satoru knows you’re staring at him right now. He always knows when he’s being watched, but the both of you facing each other, inches apart, does make things a bit more obvious.
You can’t help it, it’s easy to get lost in him—his eyes, specifically. In the dark, with only the moonlight as illumination, they shine and glimmer, playful waves of blue sweeping you farther and farther out to sea. While Satoru is distracted on his phone, supposedly paying you no notice as he writes a caption for the post about you two he’s making, you are safe from drowning in the blue of his eyes. They are docile when he wants them to be, calming like a quiet lake—gentle as they allow you to float carefully on the surface.
Other times, like when he’s frustrated or angry or maybe if he wants something out of you, they are bright, and hypnotizing. They are a burning blue storm, trapping you in the eye of a whirlwind. Once you’re caught, it’s almost impossible to pull away, and when you’re in, you’re in. Try as you might, those eyes will hold your gaze, glue you to the spot. And they will turn you loose when and only when he feels ready.
“Stop staring.”, Satoru huffs out a laugh. “Creep.”
His words snap you out of a trance. The danger of getting lost in those eyes.
“Fine.” You pout, glaring playfully at him. “I’ll never look at you ever again.”
Satoru jolts up, flabbergasted at your resolution. “Now, now, wait a minute, don’t do that!“
He is casting twinkling eyes at you again, and they are not the calming waters of a lake, but a swirling, cerulean cyclone. Therefore, it is an easy decision to do what Satoru says, or else he may keep you trapped in those same blues forever.
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tagz: @anthoosies @staryukis @hellkaiserinphoenix @lxnarphase @cinnamoneve @sabrinexx @rosso-seta @sapphireandange @rxddxvotion @venusiansilk @biscuitsngravie @babytoshiii @kissesfrombelle @v0ctin @purplegemadventures @luvvforliaa @apatauaia @sataraxia @leilalilox @kayleegomez @satoruxx @manyno
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kentopedia · 1 year
starry silence
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dazai x reader my lil contribution to the chaos that was today's episode <3 not quite a reunion, but the aftermath of one ෆ. i'm happy he's safe & sound, but he must be so tired. :( sfw !! kind of sad bc i’m also dealing w jjk leaks i love being in pain (i don’t)
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as dazai slept, moonlight cut across his face, highlighting the contours of his skin, the dark maroon cuts and bruises that had been littered across his face. though he seemed the image of a soldier home from war, his freshly washed hair and soft breaths turned him into something much more gentle. dark strands fell in soft waves over his head, shifting as he stirred, his inhale just a skip before his breathing evened out once more. 
you traced his jaw, watching the steady streams of air flow through his chest, out his nose. he looked so angelic, so tender in that waxy moonlight, comprised of something otherworldly and earthly all at once. 
a soft sigh left his lips as you traced his chin, and something about that sound of relief, of him relaxing completely under your palm, had you choking up. tears pricked at the edge of your waterline like sharp needles, each one filled with something poisonous. 
dazai didn’t move, but you curled into a ball, squeezing your legs to your chest as he slept on.
he’d been out for hours, ever since he’d gotten out of the shower, collapsing in a pile of long limbs stretched toward every corner of the room.
the blankets were much kinder to him than the steel bed he’d slept on at meursault, where he’d always kept one eye open. now, though, even his own clothes fit him poorly, like the white prison pants that had hung so loosely off his waist. 
under his t-shirt, the angles of his collarbone had become sharper, the planes of his stomach much flatter than you remembered. though his features had never been soft, even the skin of his cheeks had thinned, stress taking more of a toll on him than he'd admitted.
it was peaceful night outside, no sounds of screams to be heard in yokohama. you were certain that you’d absorbed every ounce of turmoil that had lingered in the city beyond your doorstep, and it gathered up in your chest like a bundle of fiery energy. something that you weren’t sure how to get rid of without bending over the porcelain toilet. 
everything had resolved itself, hadn’t it? yet, you couldn’t shake the twisted anxiety that lingered in your chest, even when dazai was right beside you, sleeping soundly with no lasting injuries. 
you rested your chin on your knees, letting that emptiness swallow you whole, disappearing somewhere that wasn’t entirely there. the steady rise and fall of dazai’s chest was the only thing that kept you grounded, kept you from drifting away, lost in a spiral of every possibility that hadn’t come to be. 
a small sound of misery left your lips, and you bit down hard, tasting blood as two salty drops rolled down your cheeks. though the cry had been nearly inaudible, dazai heard it nonetheless, alway attuned to you, even the simple fluctuation of your heartbeat a beacon for him across the universe. 
“what’s wrong, darling?” his words were quiet, like he was hesitant to break the atmosphere, in fear that he might startle you. 
you blinked, not sure when your vision had become so blurry, and twisted your neck, letting your jaw rest against your shoulder. “nothing,” you said, but your smile was weak, and the word was hardly a sound at all.
dazai had tucked his cheek under his hands, blinking up at you with sleepy brown eyes that so resembled a child's. it hurt you all over again, that this aching soul who had never seen the beauty in himself had almost been taken away from you. 
your lips parted, but the words halted at your tongue as you pinched your eyebrows together, trying to explain what exactly was within you. it wasn't quite sadness, but it wasn’t relief either, a cumulation of everything you’d ever felt, and something entirely new. 
though, as always, dazai seemed to understand. he reached a hand out, fingers slender and delicate, placing them on your wrist. “it's not good to hold back your tears, my love.” 
as if you’d just been waiting for dazai’s permission, you shook once more, silently, the tears rolling down your cheeks faster, harder. he sat up, bringing you closer with every moment, until you were wrapped in his warm arms. ones that were battered and bruised, but still the safest place in the world. 
he smelled clean, more like himself than he had when you had reunited with him, and that fact alone sent another nauseating wave of emotion over you. you gripped his shoulders, his chest, unable to get any closer, even as you tried to fuse yourself into his being, turn yourselves into one whole that could never again be separated.
dazai kissed your temple, holding you as you cried, saying nothing until you could form the words to explain the ache that in the deepest part of your stomach, stretching to the back of your throat. 
“i was so close to losing you, osamu,” you said, and even if dazai denied it, even if he said he’d always had it under control, you knew that wasn’t true. one slip up, one miscalculation, and you never would’ve seen him again. a single error by chuuya, by ango, by yourself… 
dazai’s fingers twitched against your spine, and he, for once, was faced with uncertainty. like he hadn’t considered what would’ve been ahead of you when he was gone for good, even if his death would always be a possibility. even if you'd always known that if the world wouldn’t kill him, maybe he’d do it himself.
“i’m here,” dazai said, and it wasn’t a promise, but it wasn’t a lie, and you'd accept it for what it was woth. “I’ll be here.” 
there was no way to predict how long that would hold true, but you’d grasp that last spark of hope tightly nevertheless. you'd shelter it away in your loving embrace until the universe clawed it from your bloody palms, stealing the very last light that it had dropped down from heaven into your life.
and that would have to be enough.
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"i probably won't write anything abt the episode, i really need to work on—" … rylie is such a silly liar (´。• ◡ •。`) ♡
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The Pumpkin Patch.
masterlist || ask me anything <3
my blurb masterlist is here, huns!
authors note - in honour of finally approaching october, enjoy this little mess that my brain magically comes up with when i’m bored…and lhh as a dad because that is simply girl dinner.
word count - 2k
in which, you and harry decide to take your son teddy to the pumpkin patch in honour of it finally hitting october, the three of you decide to make a day of things, and let’s just say the day doesn’t exactly turn out how you all expected it, a series of unfortunate events occur and that all starts out with your fiancé getting annoyed that the sat nav isn’t helping him very much.
trope: fiancé!harry x reader
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October holds a special place in your heart, like no other month ever could. It was the month when you first embarked on a life-changing journey, leaving your homeland to pursue higher education in the United States. It was a time of excitement and trepidation, but little did you know that it would mark the beginning of countless beautiful memories.
During those university years, October became a symbol of friendship and camaraderie. It was when you met your lifelong friends, people who would stand by your side through thick and thin. Together, you navigated the challenges of academia, celebrated achievements, and forged bonds that would last a lifetime.
One particular October stands out vividly in your memory. It was the month of your graduation, a momentous occasion that your family didn't want to miss. They flew out to share in your joy and celebrate your accomplishments. Their presence made the milestone even more meaningful, filling your heart with warmth and love.
But the most extraordinary chapter of your life was written in the pages of an October. It was in Los Angeles, while browsing through a record shop, that you first laid eyes on Harry Styles. The connection was instant, as if fate had brought you together. In the midst of music and conversation, your love story began to unfold.
It was in October when he first whispered those three magical words, "I love you," after a night of watching a scary movie that left you clinging to his chest, finding comfort in his embrace. That moment of vulnerability deepened your bond and solidified your love for each other.
During a serene picnic in the park, surrounded by the beauty of autumn, Harry surprised you with a question that would change your lives forever. He asked you to move in with him, a gesture that symbolized commitment and a future together.
The circle of life continued to expand in October when your son, Theodore, affectionately known as Teddy, was born. The joy of parenthood brought immeasurable happiness and completeness to your lives, and the autumn leaves seemed to dance in celebration.
And then, in an enchanting October evening, Harry knelt down on one knee and proposed to you. Under the starry sky, he presented you with a ring, promising a lifetime of love, happiness, and adventures together. Tears of joy welled up in your eyes as you said yes, feeling like the luckiest person in the world.
October, with its vibrant colors and meaningful milestones, had become more than just a month on the calendar; it was a testament to the beauty of life, love, and the incredible journey you had embarked upon. It was safe to say that October had etched its place as your favorite month, forever holding the key to cherished memories and boundless love.
As you, Harry, and your almost two-year-old son Teddy set out for the pumpkin patch in Harry's sleek black Range Rover, there was an air of excitement in the car. The vibrant colours of autumn and the promise of pumpkin picking had everyone in high spirits. However, it didn't take long for things to take an unexpected turn.
Teddy, safely strapped into his car seat, began to cry, his little arms reaching out for his father. Seeing as Harry had been up all night comforting his baby boy who appeared to be getting his molars growing, he had tried everything, and the only thing that seemed to help the poor boy was to be cuddled up with both parents in their bed, with a teething toy in his grasp.
So, when the two of you woke up this morning, you had decided to take everyone’s tired minds off of things and have a fun little day out, but that didn’t seem to be going the way you had originally planned.
Harry couldn't easily comfort him, as he was engrossed in a battle with the aggravating sat nav system that seemed determined to make the journey anything but smooth.
You turned round in your seat and leaned over to Teddy, offering him a soothing voice, "Hey, ted. Daddy's driving right now, but he'll be with you soon. Look out the window, see the pretty leaves?"
Harry, growing increasingly frustrated, muttered, "S’thing is driving m’nuts. S’like a maze."
Teddy's cries persisted, and you rummaged in the bag for a toy to distract him. "Teddy, how about this colourful toy? Can you play with it?"
Harry let out another exasperated sigh, his eyes fixed on the sat nav screen. "All I want is t’find that pumpkin patch."
The journey went on like that for about another ten minutes before Harry finally got the hang of where the sat nav was trying to take him, and Theodore succumbed to silent sniffles when your fiancé reached his hand back and let his son hold onto his finger like he was a newborn all over again.
Theodore Styles was born just a year into the two of you officially dating, on October 18th, 2013. You and Harry were only nineteen. Although both of you were only young, you both had support from your family and friends and even though Harry’s job was a very demanding one, he always made sure to put the two of you first, so fast forward to October 2016 you were the perfect family unit and you were one step closer to becoming a Styles just like your other two boys.
As you, Harry, and Teddy finally pulled into the sprawling pumpkin patch, a sense of excitement filled the air. The fields were covered in a sea of vibrant orange, and the prospect of a fun-filled day lay ahead.
Driving through the muddy terrain, Teddy was securely strapped into his car seat, but his little face was pressed against the window. His bright eyes were wide with curiosity, and he couldn't contain his delight as he pointed at everything in his limited vocabulary, his baby talk filling the car.
"Look, Teddy," you exclaimed with enthusiasm, "those pumpkins are huge, aren't they?"
Teddy responded with bursts of infectious laughter, his tiny finger continuing to point at the pumpkins, each one seemingly more fascinating than the last. His joy was like a contagious wave that washed over the car.
Harry, his long hair falling in front of his eyes, expertly navigated the muddy path. He drove with one hand on the steering wheel and the other resting on your thigh, occasionally glancing at Teddy's adorable antics.
"That's right, Teddy-Bear," Harry chimed in, his voice filled with affection, "those pumpkins are as big as y’are!"
The car rolled on, winding through the pumpkin-filled fields. Teddy's laughter and baby talk were a constant source of amusement, brightening the atmosphere in the car.
You couldn't help but join in the excitement. "Teddy, do you see those scarecrows over there? They're guarding the pumpkins!"
Teddy's laughter escalated as he looked at the scarecrows, his tiny hands reaching out toward them. His innocent joy made the entire journey worthwhile.
Harry put the car into park and turned to you. "Alrigh’ m’love,"
As you worked on getting Teddy out of his car seat, Harry made his way to the trunk. He looked at you, holding the baby bag, and asked, "Do y’think we'll need t’stroller?"
You considered for a moment, remembering that Teddy hadn't slept well during the night. You nodded, knowing that he might get tired later. "Yeah, H, I think it's a good idea. Just in case."
Harry nodded in agreement and began setting up the stroller while you gently unstrapped Teddy from his car seat. He wriggled out of your arms, his little welly boots and beanie adding to his adorable appearance.
With Teddy on the ground, you smiled down at him. "Look at you, ready for some pumpkin picking, little man!"
Harry, now with his hair tied into a man bun to keep it out of his face, locked up the car. He glanced at Teddy and then at you. "Alrigh’, s’make some pumpkin memories."
As the three of you approached the entrance to the patch, The stroller stood empty as Harry navigated it through the muddy pumpkin fields.
Teddy, in his infectious excitement, was far too eager to explore on his own. Instead, you held onto his tiny hands, and he practically pulled you along, his chubby legs wading through the mud, creating tiny boot imprints with each step.
The pumpkin patch sprawled before you, a vast sea of orange and green. Teddy's eyes danced with wonder as he darted from one pumpkin to another, each one seemingly more fascinating than the last. His little voice bubbled with delight, even though his words were a jumble of baby talk and giggles.
Harry manoeuvred the stroller skillfully, occasionally glancing over to check on Teddy's progress. Teddy's tiny boots splashed through puddles, his beanie bobbing atop his head as he explored this pumpkin wonderland.
You marvelled at the sheer joy radiating from your son. Holding his hands, you let him lead the way, following his excited tugs and twirls. The mud-splattered boots and the occasional stumble didn't dampen Teddy's enthusiasm in the slightest.
About fifteen minutes into your visit to the pumpkin patch, you found yourselves standing in front of a scarecrow, admiring its rustic charm. Teddy, so far, had been on a mission to pick up every pumpkin he walked by, not quite grasping the concept of a pumpkin patch and getting upset when you told him that you needed to find the perfect pumpkin before heading home.
As you were enjoying this quaint moment, a friendly woman from another family who was passing by noticed your trio. She offered with a warm smile, "Would you like a photo of the three of you by the scarecrow?"
Harry didn't hesitate for a moment. He beamed and said,
"Yes, please!" as he quickly handed the woman his phone, which was already open on the camera. He gently scooped Teddy into his arms, holding him on his hip, and then wrapped his free arm around your shoulder.
The woman skillfully captured the moment, ensuring you were all framed by the scarecrow and the vibrant pumpkin patch behind you. Teddy, still clutching a small pumpkin in his chubby hand, looked at the camera with curiosity, and his innocent smile added an extra layer of charm to the photo.
After the picture was taken, you thanked the kind stranger, and Harry, still holding Teddy, shared a grateful smile with her.
Ten minutes after Teddy's encounter with the scarecrow, the pumpkin patch adventure continued, with Teddy now running ahead of you and Harry. His tiny legs carried him with an uncontainable exuberance as he darted between pumpkins, each one a new discovery in his eyes.
You pushed the stroller, its wheels rolling through the earthy paths, while Harry walked beside you, holding your hand. Both of you watched Teddy with hearts full of fondness as he explored this autumn wonderland. His laughter was a symphony of joy, filling the air and brightening your day even more.
The pumpkin patch seemed to be Teddy's playground, a place where he could express his boundless curiosity and energy.
About five meters ahead of both you and Harry, Teddy suddenly stopped in his tracks, captivated by a rather large pumpkin. It seemed to be the biggest one he had seen so far, and his little hands eagerly reached out to try and pick it up. However, it was a challenge even for his determined efforts.
Harry and you shared a chuckle at Teddy's determined endeavour. He didn't give up, though, and instead, he called out to Harry in his adorable baby talk, "Dada, hep! Hep, Dada!"
Harry couldn't resist the plea, and with a playful grin, he made his way over to Teddy. Together, father and son wrestled with the pumpkin, their laughter filling the crisp autumn air.
While they worked on the perfect pumpkin, you put the brakes on the stroller and crouched down in front of your little boy. You asked in a sweet baby talk, "Is this the pumpkin you definitely want, Teddy?"
Teddy nodded his head vigorously, a bright smile on his face. He wrapped his little arm around your neck, expressing his delight and contentment with the choice
“S’settled then,” Harry grinned up at you, holding the pumpkin in his tattooed arms. “Fancy grabbing a coffee at the lil’hut before heading off? God knows we need it.”
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ribbonswrld · 11 months
clingy bada while shes drunk, yk
idk if this is what u wanted but for now i'll write as if reader & bada arent dating yet although there is mutual pining!! <3
bada lee as a clingy drunk!!
cw: drunk bada, pure fluff!! not really proofread either >_< OH and english isnt my first language so go easy on me <3
so for context u nd bada have been close friends for a while!! and ur both mutually pining ^_^ and ur roomma OH MY GOD THEY WERE ROOMMATES‼️‼️
anywho, you were all cozy on your appartment couch reading a book when bada came back from her get together with her old dance friends !!
the sound of the door opening made u grin rlly wide and u promptly closed your book!
and then. there she is. looking gorgeous and thoroughly... flushed?
and she just. she just lays her eyes on you and immediately breaks into a goofy smile, a small giggle escaping her lips
and ur just!!! shes so cute!!! but i think shes drunk!!! onno!!!
and before you even have a chance of getting up this tall puppy is clumsily throwing herself onto you!!
and GOD!! ure SO FLUSTERED?$:??).$
because usually YOU'RE!! the one boldly initiating physical affection like this!!
nontheless u cant help but giggle in delight albeit the fact that ur heart is just going WILD!!
"did u have fun!"
she just. hums and repositions herself so that she can look at u... in silence
and god. shes all starry eyed all gooey mushy lovey dovey looking at you, cheeks flushed and shy smile...
ur heart SQUEEZES.
"mh... would'a been more fun with you.." she mumbles, taking back her place in the crook of your neck and she!! just rubs her face there affectionately just like a kitten omfgbsjfh
a little dazed laugh escapes you cuz holy shit shes being so fucking cute?$:! and u just start petting her hair..
"sure, sure, because i wouldve fit in soo well with you dance people..." you joke: u actually cannot dance for shit LMFAO but its ok!!
and then she just she just grunts, curling up on you.. which is kind of silly looking because shes just so long and tall but god if it isnt heart squeezing!
"but i want'd to show my prett' baby off..."
might aswell justve created a new shade of red with the way your cheeks were looking at this point because JESUS.
"im- you-" and then she just hushes you and holds your face in her hands so gently...
"shh. my pretty baby... love you so much..." she mumbles, pressing a fat kiss on your forehead :((
" 'm so sad when 'm not with u... should jus' keep you in my arms always... nev'ah let you escape... sweet angel..." she just rambles, caressing ur cheeks with her thumbs and still holding ur face
her gaze is so sleepy but so warm and loving and ;(((
she gives you one last forehead smooch and goes back to curling up against you sleepily and contently...
u actually feel like crying!!! because how can she be so sweet like);$/?:$-$ 😭😭
oh boy do u both have to talk in the morning..!! but for now, you've got a sleepy giant to take care of <3
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rileysluvr · 1 year
fun fact i actually did write this on valentine’s day so just ignore how late it is and eat up ily all <3 könig nsfw!!
“So perfect,” he groaned deeply in your ear, though still with the desperation of a tired working man that drove you wild. Your body was slack against his brooding frame, on his lap and legs spread in front of you while he loomed behind you, supporting your exhausted, finger-fucked out form. With your head tucked under his chin, eyes closed, the side of your face on his chest like you were embracing the last man on Earth.
He remained fully clothed while you had abandoned all but your white and pink-accented panties of which his hand was down, the thin necklace that had a small, pink heart he had gotten you for Valentine’s Day resting so delicately on your collarbone. Your sundress was discarded somewhere on the floor near you, one of his favorites you wore to dinner. His other arm wrapped tightly around your waist, sleeves of his black dress shirt rolled up and palm massaging at your tits, and you had both hands clung to it in an attempt to fight the overwhelming sense of it all, nails digging into his exposed forearm in the way he loved most.
A tall mirror in front of you so you could watch yourself unravel, watch the man who was doing it to you. Who had suggested it in the first place was something you had already forgotten, but the words and excitement in his voice for you to finally be able to see, understand just how gorgeous you were when you made love, will forever be engraved in your brain. The flowers he surprised you with were visible on the nightstand in the back, as well as the box of chocolates you had already gotten into; it was cliche as hell, and he knew it, but you adored it more than anything. Floor-to-ceiling glass behind you overlooking the bright, lively city that contrasted with the pitched, starry night. Like a scene straight from a favorite romance film.
Your breathing was erratic, in and out through your agape mouth almost like you were deprived beforehand. His broad shoulders engulfed your smaller figure, consuming and guarding like a predator's freshly-caught prey, except the loving dynamic was nothing of the sort. He’d always protect you, he’d always keep you safe no matter the circumstances.
“You’re doing so good, my darling- scheisse, do you see yourself? Right there in the mirror? Such a beautiful sight, yes? It’s like you were made for me, Angel.”
Between his words, he brought his hand up under your chin to turn you, to fix your eyes on the mirror in front of you, before returning to your belly.
There was definitely something about it you couldn’t ignore, that made the experience all the more intimate. He would worship you like a goddess and treat you as such in every pathway of life, and while you didn’t quite understand the reasoning for his strong aptitude in it, you happily gave yourself to him every time nonetheless. Two fingers buried in your cunt while the heel of his palm provided friction to your clit in all the ways you needed the most, every once in a while your hips bucking up to chase his hand, though to no avail with the gentle strength and grip he had on you.
“König, baby—please, I’m gonna—…m’fuck fuck fuck!”
“It’s okay, my love, you don’t have to beg. You know I’ll give you anything you want. Can you do the same for me, Hase? Can you cum on my fingers for me?”
You bit down on your bottom lip and locked eyes with his through the mirror, glassy and big and his filled with lust and drunkenness. Nodding frantically before your lids were forced shut again, you did your best in relaxing your body, having not even noticed when you tried to push further back into his body. His big and dangerously comfortable, warm body that he graciously offered to you every night since you first met.
“That’s right, Hase. My best girl, always so perfect, so pretty like this. Let go, for me. Just like that…wunderschön, my love…it’s absolutely perfect. My little showstopper, eh, always so cute.”
You braced onto his arms and came hard with a long moan, followed by a string of swears directed at nothing and nobody. You grit your teeth as the pressure in your lower belly shot directly to your head and refused to dissipate. Breathing with long-lost rhythm, the skin on your face felt ten-times heavier, and you slumped back impossibly closer against his shoulder.
He cooed you through your high with continued, light pressure from his fingers and small praises against your scalp, peppering kisses between almost every word. You tried to catch your breath as he held you, then kissing every square inch of your hot neck and face. You’d be squirming and giggling in his arms, pushing him away and maybe even fighting back in a ticklish fit if you weren’t so fucked out and exhausted from his treatment. You almost did fall asleep in his hold, interrupted by his
“Did that feel good, my love? Can you do another for me, sweetheart? Please? Just one more and we can rest, I promise. We will sleep in as late as you like, and I will bring you breakfast in bed. I will make your favorite. Would you like that, meine Perle?”
He assigned you practically every petname in the book, and each gave you that all familiar fuzzy feeling in your heart and gut. You’d hope you never get used to it, because it’s just so sweet it’s damn-near tooth rotting.
“God, you…always take…such good care of me,” you managed to get out, smiling and turning your head to see him with doe eyes and without the help of the mirror. You took a hand and brought it to his farthest cheek, leaning up to kiss the bump of his jaw the best you could with the awkward angle and your weakened, trembling limbs you could only blame him for. “But I don't know if I’ve got another one in me, König... You said the same thing last time,” you breathily laughed.
He melted at your words, very noticeably so, and your smile drove him even further insane. He pulled you tighter to him, like how he does each time he makes a vow to never leave you hungry or broken for more.
“I know, I’m sorry, my love. I just can’t get enough of you.”
He thought you somehow became prettier with each time you came on his fingers, or his mouth or thigh. On his cock, even your own hand as he watched—with every second that passed of you being louder, whinier, and downright messy, he never wanted it to end. And you made him feel pretty, and worth something, just by being next to him, being on him. You lost in your pleasure, and him lost in yours as well. He got drunk off every moment he spent with you because—well, why him? What did he do to deserve you, your ravishing body and clever mind and beyond ethereal company? It spun his head around, and in the best possible way because your reassurance was all he lived for, and he wanted to be sure to return the gift in full.
“I mean—…what about you? I wanna make you feel good, too,” you pouted. You really mean it; you’ve been waiting all day for your chance. He looks at you with utter love and adoration, and you the same to him.
“Oh, trust me, my dear. You do plenty,” he returned with a gentle kiss to your temple, holding your gaze through the mirror. He spoke so nonchalantly for a man who just tore through you and turned your brain to thoughtless mush several times like it was nothing. Like it was just another activity, another hobby of his that granted him unending and radiating joy. “Your pleasure is mine.” He takes your hand in his, an overbearing difference in size having you dizzy once again, and he kisses your knuckles. “You know that, don’t you?”
You could never bring yourself to deny him or what he wants.
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theomniplayer · 23 days
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A Ghost, A Lil Guy, A Warrior of Light and a Hyjacked Boss - Player Prophecy 3
Continuing my series of player fan arts in the style of the Deltarune prophecy.
This time featuring from left to right: @starry-waffles007 , @ithinkishouldchooseabettername , @justyourcasualundertalefan and @dustykether
I plan on doing a few of the ones from my last big fanart in this style and possibly my sona again when I get a redesign for her sorted out (plus the few I wasn’t happy with my first attempt at drawing
Part 1 - A Demon, A God, A Guardian Spirit and a The Sad Player
Part 2 - A Hero, An Angel, A Vessel and a Lightner Princess
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astrxealis · 2 years
thinkin abt parallels between my FAVES from DIFF FANDOMS (i mean lucisan and wolgraha)
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#i want to cry#i didn't mean to type that but actually yeah. yeah. wolgraha ALWAYS. FUCKING GETS ME. it's peak#the whole . the whole buildup there ... and the FAREWELL. THE FAREWELL. and then that FUCKIGN ASSHOLE#okay no spoilers ^___^ but yeah. idk#idk where i was going w this post but yeah when they said farewell that shit makes me cry#and idk uhm. idk. RIGHT. okay. i think sandy and raha being my favs is really obvious of me and#the person who indirectly got me into liking graha sm. i liked him since hearing his voice and then when i found out who he was#it was thru this gbf twt i used to follow (not anymore bcs i didnt realize they were 18+ </3) AND. AND. THEY HAD A FFXIV OTHER TWT#N I SAW RAHA THERE AND THE YK CLICKED. IT CLICKED TOGETHER. so yeah thanks sandalphon for helping me w my love for raha yeah#but yeah they both are good people at heart (though at the start they kinda aren't really mhm. wait nvm)#but the thing is they both have their 'villain' moments. i relate more to sandy w his bcs i think if i got so yeah i'd be the same :')#but then raha... he is such a good person... even if i really really really despise lies bcs of my childhood </3#both of them are so. ejhbgajha. one of them yeahs to my liking of angels and the other to my childhood obsession w crystals!#both have really beautiful themes and something to do w the color red!!!!#lucifer in this reminds me of wol in how they kinda just. yk. they just care for raha/sandy#even after all they've done mhm ^^#actually idk i ws mostly thinking of sandy in 000 going yeah i'll head off now! and it just reminds me of raha w the farewell#and then later on with the promise. also YEAH THE THEMES OF PROMISES.#ehgbhjabejg i want to cry over raha again gods......... he is so. he is SO. SOWHBAJGJHSDBJGH. our promises always keep us together..........#that cat breaks my heart so many times but he makes me so unbelievably happy man
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garoujo · 2 years
✩ ˛˚ . NAGI SEISHIRO ; — nagi’s never seeked out situations that made him feel anxious until it involved being under you.
warnings: f!reader, all characters written 22+, inexperienced!nagi, ‘just the tip’, im in love w him. note: hello i am adding 2 my nagi library w more of him.. my bad <;3
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nagi seishiro never got nervous, he was unmotivated as is and to actually put himself in a situation that gave him any form of anxiety wasn’t something that ever appealed to him. he thought atleast, until you pulled away from your most recent makeout session with swollen lips and asked so sweetly if he wanted to go further.
he’s already a little kiss drunk, starry eyed and rock fucking hard as you press yourself onto his lap and grind your slick cunt along the length of him. you’d be lying if you said it wasn’t daunting, the thick spread of his cock when you feel it graze through your folds, heavy and throbbing — the way you bump your slick across the shaft only emphasising how big he is.
“does it feel good, sei?” you breathe and nagi can barely remember how to fucking breathe nevermind speak as he nods, fingers twitching to squeeze in your skin while he pants softly.
“yeah.. feels sooo good, keep doin’ that, pretty thing.” it’s insane, the way you arch at his touch — the way you make him feel with just the slightest grind of your pussy against him. his palms are clammy where they grip at your waist, heat bursting along your skin at the squeeze of his hands where he grabs you — palms and paws at your skin a little clumsily as he tries to ground himself.
nagi feels his heart kick at his chest when he feels the head of his cock finally press at entrance to your pussy, like you’re teasing with the warm, slick walls between them and he swallows heavy as you look at him. he’s flushed to his chest and your fingers push the snowy bangs from his gaze before you’re pressing a sweet kiss to the tip of his nose that makes him whimper.
“can just start with the tip since you’re so big.. kay, sei? lemme know if you wanna stop.” he’s nervous, he feels sweaty and anxious but you’re beautiful and soothing so he nods before he lets himself rest back into the couch cushions.
nagi’s eyes flutter closed in bliss when you rest yourself down and he finally begins to sink into you, whining when you pull him forward into you so he can rest his face in the crook of your neck. just the tip, that’s what you agreed but he can’t help the way the first press and squeeze of your walls around his sensitive cock pulls him deeper, his hips stuttering as he pushes more of himself into your heat.
“shit—angel. ‘s it always this good? y’re so warm, can give you more, come on—please.” he curses softly with a mixture of need and delight as he continues to push into you, smearing drool and wet kisses along the dip of your shoulder when he feels you squeeze at his own. your thighs twitch when he grazes past your swollen sweet spot, making him groan when your walls reward the stretch of his cock with another needy squeeze around him as you hiss.
“sei, slow down—ah! you’re s’ big.” you gasp as your head drops back to moan, fingers squeezing and scratching along nagi’s skin as you try to ground yourself. you can barely breathe with how deep it feels like he reaches, accompanied by the way his hands squeeze at your figure like he’s afraid you’ll disappear completely, he’s drunk on his own arousal and every soft squeeze of your walls around him the deeper he goes makes him shudder and tremble.
“can take it, know you can take it, pretty thing. ‘ts so good, feel like ‘m g’nna cum already.” he’s babbling as he buries himself in you but your thighs only spread wider, to allow him to sink deeper with a sound that’s nothing more than a needy, breathless whine when you feel him bottom out with a low moan.
nagi blinks up at you as you let him adjust to the new feeling, his eyes are glassy and starry-eyed and he’s flushed to his chest as his cheek smooshes against you. “take your time, sei.”
you feel his fingers flex even tighter into your skin when you shuffle above him after a few moments, your pussy pulsing around his cock eagerly. but the movement pulls a more breathless whine from the striker beneath you before hes burying himself back in the crook of your neck, already fucked out as his heavy cock twitches dangerously inside of you.
“don’t move yet, angel—come on, no fair. don’t wanna cum yet, that’d be so cringe.”
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© 2023 GAROUJO. do not copy any of my layouts / writing + translate / repost onto any other sites.
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causenessus · 2 months
love notes
"if you won't notice, how can I show you all of your worries, have all gone away just be my angel, if you love me."
from be my angel by mazzy star, left at nagisa park, otsu, shiga
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extras <3
i am SORRY for how long this chapter is i literally went feral and eggy and wyr were hyping me up so 😭😭😭
(but thank u to them <3 i wouldn't have it any other way <3 the mbb plugs continue!!!!)
not very many extras i've kept u guys here long enough LMAO
obvious rin got y/n a camera for christmas <3 and he was texting akaashi and kenma about it sm bc he was like "what's dslr??? is that good??? i get one that uses 35 mm right???"
it was kind of cute tbh and they were like "aw he's so in love he's willing to spend so much on her how tf are they still just friends"
and they helped him get a discount on the camera too through their many connections bc cameras are EXPENSIVE
y/n could not be happier rn it's like her passion for photography has been renewed
she was also freaking out at the coffee shop (possibly new grounds? i didn't want to plug my own smau though 😭) about what suna's question could be
she was talking with mbb y/n like "OMG MAYBE HE'S GONNA ASK ME OUT???"
then she went silent when she read "what do you think about osamu's hair"
dreams = crushed
i'm not sure how ur gonna come back from that one king
this chapter was SO chaotic i hope u enjoyed
we have four chapters left </3
taglist: @0moonii @iluvmang @bluebeanbee @wyrcan @oyasumeii @froyaoya @gyuijns @nbcvs @milkteade @eggyrocks @guitarstringed-scars @makkir0ll @mylahrins @cherrypieyourface @vivian-555 @sharkerino @r0seandth0rns @staileykout @lunavixia @thvvluvr @elliott0o0 @wolffmaiden @rockleeisbaeeee @toges-cough-syrup @cnnmairoll @ryeyeyer @hibernatinghamster @localgaytrainwreck @lemonocity @bows4life @sereniteav @madiexuberant @eclecticeggknightpsychic @phoenix-eclipses @sonicsolos @httpakkeiji @brkfclub @snail-squasher @starry-magicshop @cr4yolaas @kitnootkat @zzzlevislothzzz @iluv-ace @iluvaquaphor @stayyyyyyyyyyyy21 @applepi25 @twiishaa @girlkissersco @sleepystrwbrryy @encrypta
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kyaroscuro · 10 months
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It's not hard to be close to Hyunjae, on the contrary, it's as easy as being in love and god knows how much you love each other. Then why are you so shy?
pairing : boyfriend!hyunjae x gn!reader genre : established relationship, fluff, first love, discovering each other warnings : a bit suggestive? notes : hi hello, my name is what you want it to (yes i'm obsessed), this is the very first work i'm posting here and i hope my feelings will be conveyed. everything came from this post and i oops! writing this was a breath of fresh air and i'm even more in love now (sigh). anyway, let me know what you think about it <3 there might be a smut part 2 one day... words count : 1246
You've been dating Hyunjae for 3 months now and you've never been intimate with him. Intimate in the sense that you've never seen each other's skin, you don't change in the same room nor take showers together and god you've never done anything sexual (although you do tease each other a lot).
And it's not that you don't want to be intimate with him, oh you want it more than anything, probably since you met him, his pretty eyes and goofy smile. But you're both kind of shy around each other, it's your first relationship and you want to get it right.
To be honest, it's more than that. You are so in love with him that sometimes when he kisses you a little longer or when his hands find your waist you feel overwhelmed and the overflowing feelings make you nervous, not knowing what to do next.
You'd think that Hyunjae would be confident and take things in stride but the truth is that he's just as shy and scared as you are. You see him blush every time you reach out to hold his hand, every time you initiate a kiss and crawl closer into his embrace. He's never been in love with anyone like this before and yet he's been in relationships before. For him, it feels like you're his first and his last. It may be cliché but he sees himself growing old with you, getting married and having children in a nice, cosy home. He wants to call you his, to wake up with you in his arms and also...
"Angel, it's early come back to bed," his rough morning voice will always make you shiver, another thing you love about him.
When you turn around, you find him staring at you with half closed eyes, a smile and an outstretched hand. If he were the devil, you would have walked right into his trap. He hums, feeling content to have you in his arms again, kissing the top of your hair.
"Hyunjae," you whined
"I know, just a few more minutes"
As if on cue, he holds you tighter and your head is pressed against his chest, listening to his heartbeat. It's calm, but with a sudden race, as if it were about to explode. Unconsciously, your free hand comes to feel it as you give him your gaze. He's already looking at you with sparkling eyes, his beautiful eyes full of stars that sometimes you wonder if you could drown in them. Your very own starry sky.
You lean in, bathing in the warm sensation of your lips on his. The kiss is soft and tender, like a good morning greeting, but becomes intense and passionate with his hand cupping your face and gentle caresses on your waist. An open-hearted kiss into which you both pour your vulnerability and feelings. When you pull away, you feel as if your breath has been taken away, your heart flutters in ecstasy and you want to dive in again. Time has stopped for a moment. You lock eyes and suddenly feel much hotter, it's addictive but you peck his lips in a low giggle.
"We're going to be late"
"Let's call in sick then"
The change in mood startles you, he pins you to the mattress and starts kissing you all over. It's playful and you give in too easily until he starts tickling you. Oh war has begun and being late is the least of your worries.
Love is not supposed to be easy but loving Hyunjae is the easiest thing ever.
Love is as easy as a date, because no matter where you are, he will always make you feel at home. Love is as easy as giving you the key to his apartment, because he wants to come home to you. So why isn't it easy to be intimate with your loved one? When you trust each other beyond words, when love isn't enough to describe how you feel, when you want to cherish each other through all the steps of life?
Present <3 (1)
How about a movie night? Blanket fort, fried chicken, you and me I would say that you have me with you Because I am the only thing you need? Cause I want you in every way You got me baby, I am all yours
There you are, blushing like a mess at work, butterflies in your stomach. One way or another the shyness will go away, every day you feel the need to be closer to him than you already are and he shows the same needs in his own way. Hell, the first step was going to his place every day and still not moving in together.
The first time he kissed you ? You came back from your third date, it was pouring and you ran back to his place holding hands and laughing because it surprised you. He gave you his jacket since you were clad in a dress and yet you were soaking wet. He offered you to take a shower and when you came back with his clothes on, something shifted in his mind. You were so pretty and you were his. His to court and kiss. So he kissed you. Longer than intended. And you kissed back as long as he did, making him smile through the kiss.
That day and memory are still etched in your mind and you wouldn't change a thing about it or maybe make out a little longer...
So when he texted you to say he was coming back home with the chicken, you were on a mission. Doing the fort was your pleasure, the chicken his and the movie your typical friday night.
"Baby I'm home!"
Unlike usual you run up to him for a hug and a kiss, only to have him giggle at your eagerness.
"Missed me?"
"A lot. How was your day?"
"Fine, i just really need to shower"
"Kiss me? Before you go"
Another chuckle.
"You know I'm just a door away? But I'm happy to oblige"
To be honest, you want to shower with him and you have wanted to for a moment without knowing how to ask. For now you will settle for some cuddling and maybe some skinship.
"Do you need anything angel?"
"You're so clingy today, what happened?"
"I- I just want to be close to you"
"How close?"
He snuggled up against you with his question, looking at you with doe eyes. You took the opportunity to put your hands on his chest, his hair was still slightly damp from showering and he was just glowing. For you, he's the most beautiful man alive and he's yours.
Suddenly you shiver at the feel of his hands on your bare skin. The room feels too hot, it's almost like it's spinning. His giggling sends shivers down your spine and he tries to move his hands away but you block him.
You see a gleam of surprise in his eyes, wondering what your next move will be. It's his time to be confused by your hands under his shirt. He blushes hard feeling a twist in his gut, you have never been this enterprising before. He cups your head and kisses you like his life depends on it, panting and sighing.
"Jae," you let out a small moan at his roughness.
"i want to be close to you too"
"In every way?"
"In every way."
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gotham-ruaidh · 3 months
Little Bit Better Than I Used To Be
Catch up: Chapter 1 (Starry Eyes) || Chapter 2 (Save Our Souls) || Chapter 3 (Dancing On Glass)|| Chapter 4 (Merry-Go-Round)|| Backstage (1) || Backstage (2) || Chapter 5 (Danger)|| Backstage (3) || Chapter 6A (Love Walked In) || Chapter 6B (Without You) || Backstage (4) || Chapter 7 (Stick To Your Guns) || Chapter 8 (Time For Change) || Backstage (5) || Chapter 9 (Take Me To The Top) || Backstage (6) || Chapter 10 (Home Sweet Home) || Backstage (7) || Chapter 11a (Nightrain) || Chapter 11b (Nothing Else Matters) || Chapter 12a (Handle With Care) || Chapter 12b (I’m So Tired of Being Lonely) || Chapter 13a (Angel) || Chapter 13b (She’s My Addiction) || Chapter 13c (Patience) || Chapter 14a (Where Do We Go Now?) || Chapter 14b (Where Do We Go Now?) || Chapter 14c (Where Do We Go Now?) || Chapter 15a (Dreams) || Chapter 15b (I Sing A Song of Love) || Chapter 15c (You Can Do This If You Try) || Chapter 16 (Let That Feeling Grab You Deep Inside || Chapter 17A: Never Tear Us Apart || Chapter 17B: It’s Tough To Be Somebody, And It’s Hard Not To Fall Apart  || Chapter 17C: I’m Wishing, Lord, That I Was Stoned || Chapter 18: Turn The Page || Chapter 19A: When You’re Alone, Do You Let Go? || Chapter 19B: Heading For A Spin || Chapter 20A: I Don’t Need Nothing When I’m By Your Side || Chapter 20B: I’m Walkin’ Down This Rocky Road || Chapter 20C: You’re The Only One Who Gets Through To Me || Chapter 20D: Together We Can Make It A Dream || Chapter 20E: My Main Objective Is To Get You To Turn Your Mind Around ||| Also posted at AO3
Chapter 20F: Heaven Isn't Too Far Away
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I don't need to be a superman
As long as you will always be my biggest fan…
 -- “Heaven,” Warrant (1989) [click here to listen]
North Carolina || March 1989
“I’m sorry that I’ll miss you in L.A., but I’m really glad you’re going out there. for the rehearsals. Especially since you won’t be making it to Europe.”
Jenny Fraser Murray sighed into the phone. “I’m torn, Claire. On the one hand I’ll be so happy to have a few days away from the kids – Ian’s mom is a godsend. But on the other hand I don’t want to be away from them for even a minute.”
“Ian will be happy to have you to himself, though.”
Claire heard Jenny smile through the phone. “He said it will be like old times. When we were dating, and we’d sneak off behind the amps to make out before a gig.” She paused. “Something you and my brother probably do all the time now.”
Claire smiled. “When we’re together, yeah.”
“I was really surprised when Jamie told me you weren’t going out to L.A. Is this the longest you’ve been apart?”
“Yeah.” Claire twirled the long telephone cord around her wrist. “I’m not going to lie, Jenny, it’s been incredibly hard to be away from him for so long. But at the same time, it’s been really helpful.”
“How so?”
“Just…it gets intense with him. And as much as I love him, and as much as I know he loves me, we both needed the time to breathe.”
“I hear you. So what have you been up to this week?”
Claire leaned back in her chair. “There’s a clinic in town – I got in touch with them right after we moved in, and I’ve been going in every day to volunteer. Just a few hours, helping out with some of the walk-in patients. Cuts, burns, broken bones – lighter stuff.”
“Sorry. One sec.” Jenny’s voice was muffled over the phone, but Claire could still understand the words Maggie and share and your brother. Clearly the Murray kids were giving their mom a run for her money today.
“That sounds like fun, Claire. Or your idea of fun, anyway.”
“It feels so good to be a doctor again, Jenny. It’s a far cry from surgery, but – ”
“But it’s something. Something you’re good at, that you enjoy. And it’s something that’s all yours.”
“Exactly. When we get back from Europe, I want to do something more permanent at the clinic. I spoke to the woman who runs it – they’re definitely open to it. I told them everything about my past, and my license – they’re willing to work with me.”
“That’s awesome.” The line clicked. “Ah – Claire, I’ve been waiting for Ian all morning. This is probably him. I’ll call you later, OK?”
“OK. Say hello to him and the kids for me. Talk you soon.”
“Take care of yourself, sister.”
Jenny hung up.
Claire glowed a bit. Glanced up at the clock on the wall, and crossed the kitchen to make some tea.
Ten minutes later, snug on the couch that was one of the only pieces of furniture Jamie had shipped from his old house in LA, Claire dialed a 212 number on the touch-tone phone, set the receiver on the arm of the couch, and pressed the speakerphone button.
“Dr. Germain’s office. Jeanne speaking.”
“Hi Jeanne – it’s Claire.”
“Hello, Claire! Right on time, as always. I’ll transfer you over.”
A few clicks on the line, and then –
“Good afternoon, Claire!” Raymond’s voice boomed through the telephone. “Did you make it to the clinic after we spoke this morning?”
“I did!” She sipped her tea, tucking bare feet under her folded legs. “Three hours have never flown by so fast.”
“That’s wonderful. Are you still open to what I suggested in our session this morning?”
“I am. He’s not on yet, is he?”
This was the second week that Jamie, Claire, and Raymond had held their daily sessions – via telephone while Claire was home in North Carolina, Jamie was with the band in Los Angeles, and Raymond at his office in New York. Raymond had recommended they start meeting during Jamie and Claire’s time away from each other – and to help them all get comfortable working together before the Europe tour kicked off in a few weeks.
Speaking over the telephone was not as ideal as being in person – but it helped them all get into the new routine. Raymond met individually with Jamie and Claire each morning, followed by a group session in the afternoon. Claire and Jamie spoke with each other outside of their time with Raymond, of course – Claire called Jamie’s hotel room as his wake up call every morning, he spoke with her before bed every night – but the conversations with Raymond were different. Focusing on topics that were deeper than Jamie telling Claire about rehearsals or meetings with the label, and Claire telling Jamie about a patient’s antics at the clinic or how she had finally gotten around to staining the bedside table they’d picked up at a garage sale.
Raymond had approached working together in a very pragmatic way. He struck a balance between getting to know one another and probing deeper on certain topics – after all, there were many things that Jamie and Claire still didn’t know about each other. But there was no timetable – Raymond insisted they work at their own pace, because the real work would happen once they were in Europe.
Claire and Jamie actually looked forward to their time with Raymond. It helped them focus on themselves, and on each other, in a new and refreshing way. It bridged the thousands of miles between them, during their time away from each other. And having that separation – together with the telephone, and not needing to look at each other to speak – was indeed a good opportunity to explore some topics.
“I’m here. Hi, Claire.”
“Jamie,” she smiled. “Where are you?”
“I’m at the label’s office. Colum dragged me here to meet with the suits. I said yes, as long as I could get lunch delivered and an office for an hour. So excuse me if you hear some chewing.”
“What’s for lunch?” Raymond’s voice crackled through the line.
“In-N-Out. My favorite, a double double with a chocolate shake. Claire, the more I’m here, the more I don’t miss being in L.A. But this…this I miss.”
“Well, as your doctor,” she teased, “I’m also grateful for your arteries that we don’t eat that kind of food at home.”
Jamie snorted. “So what did you do at the clinic today?”
“Splinted a broken thumb and stitched up a gash on a little boy’s head.”
“You sound like you’re smiling. I love that it makes you happy, but I’ll never understand why.”
“If I may,” Raymond interjected, “there’s a little more to it than making Claire happy. She and I explored that this morning.”
“Yeah.” Claire sipped her tea. “You’re right, Jamie – it does make me happy. It makes me happy because I enjoy doing it. But more than that, it gives me a sense of purpose. I’m helping people, I’m making a difference.”
“And?” Raymond prodded gently.
Claire pursed her lips. “And, it’s something that’s only mine.”
The line was silent for a long moment.
“Jamie?” she asked gently.
“You mean, something that’s separate from our life together, Claire?”
“Jamie,” Raymond responded, “if you’re thinking that this is something meant to replace you, or any aspect of your relationship…trust me when I say it’s not. When Claire and I spoke about this earlier today, she made it clear that that’s certainly not the case. It’s a way for her to build her own identity, as Dr. Claire Fraser. Because she’s left behind who Dr. Claire Beauchamp was – the surgeon and pill addict. And she’s also built an identity as Claire Fraser – wife to Jamie Fraser.”
“And I love being Claire Fraser, Jamie. I do. God, I wish I could hold your hand right now.” She sighed. “But I need to find out who Dr. Claire Fraser is. In my time at the clinic, I’ve started doing that. And I’m still tied to you. I wear your letter and your ring on my hand, and your name on my driver’s license and my heart. This is…just…more than all of that. There’s room for more.”
Still Jamie remained silent. Claire’s heart began to race.
But Raymond let the silence stretch.
“Jamie…” he finally interjected after a while. “Do you want Claire to keep exploring this side of who she is? Who she could be?”
“Of course,” Jamie replied instantly. “I want nothing more than for Claire to be happy, and for her to be who she’s meant to be. She’s meant to be a doctor. She’s known that since she was a little girl, and that’s so awesome she knows that about herself. I still don’t know who I want to be.” He paused, chewing. “And I know that she’s also meant to be with me, to be my wife. That’s another part of who she is. Am I right, Claire? I’m not off base?”
“You’re right,” she said softly.
“OK. So – I know that she’s a doctor, and she’s my wife. I also know that there’s a huge part of her, that she hasn’t been able to grow for the entire time we’ve known each other. We’ve focused so much on our…our love, and our sobriety, and my music. But now I see that that’s been at the expense of other things. Like, her being a doctor. And I honestly feel kind of terrible that while I’ve been recording new music and touring and performing and dealing with my own shit, that’s all taken over and hasn’t given her the space to explore and grow.”
“That’s one way to look at it, Jamie.” Raymond’s voice was so focused, and Claire pictured him scribbling in his notebook. “But you can’t beat yourself up over it. Does what Jamie said, resonate with you, Claire?”
She rested her head on her arms, folded on the arm of the couch. “It does and it doesn’t, Raymond. Yes, I stepped away from medicine while I was getting clean, and then it was more important to me to figure out how to be with Jamie, and then get used to life on the road, and focus on my marriage. So I decided to push medicine to the background. To support Jamie in the way he needed, the last tour. I made that choice. Jamie didn’t force it on me – I would have said something if it wasn’t what I wanted. And now, I’m choosing to grow this side of myself again.”
“I don’t ever want you to think that I don’t support anything you want to do, Claire,” Jamie said softly.
“I don’t ever even think of that, Jamie. And if I did, I’d tell you.”
“I hope you would. I wouldn’t ever want that to be a misunderstanding between us. I will support whatever you want to do, you know that, right?”
“That’s a good segue way,” Raymond spoke softly.
Claire cleared her throat. “I’m glad you’re with Colum today, Jamie, because I’d like you to ask him something for me, for the tour.”
“Okay…he already agreed to have a doctor on standby, you know. If we get pregnant.”
“I know. I love that you did that for us, Jamie. But this is something new. When we’re in Europe, I’d like to find a way to volunteer at local clinics wherever we are. To spend time doing that in every city. I know that it won’t always be possible, of course – but I want to give back, when I’m on the road. I don’t want to just stop when we leave North Carolina – I want to keep going. I want to keep exploring this side of myself. And I know that everywhere we go, there will be people who need my help.”
“I would love for you to do that, Claire.” She could see him grinning. “God I wish I could hold you right now, so tight. I want you to do this. This is fucking awesome.”
She swallowed. “I miss you so much, Jamie. I love you, and I love being with you, and I can’t wait to be with you on tour. But I need to have something consistent that’s my own. I can’t be with you all of the time. And this helps me to do that.”
“Fuck yeah. I want this for you. Think of how cool it will be.”
“Yeah!” she grinned ear to ear. “And even if I’m pregnant, I can still do it. For a time, anyway.”
“I’ll speak to Colum about it today. The label or the local promoters have got to have connections. And I don’t want there to be any publicity. I don’t want people to think you’re doing this for the PR.”
“And you’d be OK, Jamie, with Claire being away from you during the day?”
“Yeah, Doc. Um…being here in LA without her, I’m more comfortable saying that now.”
“Versus before you left?”
“Yeah. I – Claire, I love you so much, but we were spending too much time together. It was…suffocating.” He paused, clearly uncomfortable with silence on the line. “Baby, talk to me. Fuck, I hate that I can’t see you. Talk to me. Does that make sense to you, what I said?”
“Yeah.” She sighed. “I get it, Jamie. I love you so much. I want to be with you all the time, but it’s not healthy.”
“Raymond, does that make sense?” Jamie’s voice was rushed, almost panicked. “Am I making sense? That I want to be with Claire all the time but I know that’s not a good thing?”
“It does, Jamie, and you are. You didn’t mention this to me before – is this something you’re only realizing now, in this conversation?”
“Umm…yes and no. I mean, I miss Claire so much right now that it actually hurts. But it’s been so fucking great to be here with the band. Angus’ girlfriends are out of town, so we’ve been spending a lot of time together, just me and Ian and Angus. And Colum, too. It’s been so much fun. I’ve been so busy. Almost too busy to think of anything else.”
“So – those fears we talked about during my visit. That without Claire beside you, you’d somehow fall back into addiction. That you needed her as your anchor, your constant reminder to stay sober. Do you still feel that way?”
“A little bit. But it’s not a big fear front and center every moment of the day. I mean, it sucks to come back to an empty hotel room, and it’s hard for me to sleep alone, but I know that’s temporary. And, I know that on the Europe tour I’ll be very busy during the day, probably more than I was the last tour. So even if Claire was with me all those hours, it’s not like I could really do anything with her during that time. I’ll be busy, and it’s not fair to her to just sit around without me. She can use that time more productively. Like volunteering at local clinics.”
“Good. I know that it was really difficult for you to fly out there on your own, and I’m glad you called me before you left for the trip, too, because I think we’ll all agree that you staved off a panic attack by doing that. But now that you’re there, do you understand why I had recommended you spend some time apart?”
“Yeah. Claire, did you understand from the beginning?”
“I did. But that doesn’t matter, Jamie. What matters now is that you understand. And that we have a new plan for Europe.”
“I love you so fucking much, Claire. I need you, baby. I can’t wait to see you again.”
She blew a kiss through the phone.
Jamie coughed. “Um, Claire? I need to tell you something.”
“Are you all right?” Raymond cautiously asked, after about thirty seconds of silence on the line.
“Um…yeah. I got another tattoo.”
“O..kay…” Claire replied.
“Was this planned, or impulse?” Raymond asked gently.
“Um…I’ve been thinking about it for a while, and I knew what I wanted, but I decided a bit last minute.”
“I see.” Claire spoke slowly. “What is it, and where is it?”
“It’s the outline of the state of North Carolina. On my left arm.”
Claire couldn’t help but smile. “Where? In that space between the koi fish and your mom’s name?”
Raymond chuckled. “The two of you, I swear.”
Jamie laughed. Free. “Yeah, Claire. I don’t even want to know how you guessed that.”
“What can I say,” she laughed. “The perks of being a rock star’s personal physician.”
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