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leviiackrman · 2 years ago
I was tagged by the ever so wonderful @morvaris to do this really fun tag game! Thank you sm Nico! Hopefully this’ll help me get over my procrastination lmao
Tagging: @sstewyhosseini @chuckhansen @risingsh0t @confidentandgood @simonxriley @florbelles @indorilnerevarine @faerune @nokstella @rosenhall @liurnia @arklay @roofgeese @jinfromyarikawa @statichvm @marivenah @shellibisshe @captastra @jacobseed @shadowglens @fenharel @duffmckagans @jackiesarch @queennymeria @aedvcan @baldurians @arthrmorgann @jennystahl @minaharkers @betharmon @jillvalentinesday @lucarias @cybilbennettgf @malefiicarum @brujah @necroticpetals + @solasan
RULES: make a 24-hour poll with (the names of) your wips, let it run, then complete one section/sentence for every vote the winner received!
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ruvviks · 2 years ago
ohhh, how abt mikhail + goro, panam, rogue and kerry? 👀
oc get-along asks!
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🍙 - goro takemura
NOW THIS IS INTERESTING because both of them have been part of arasaka security so they would be able to bond in a very specific way that i cannot explain but it's in the same way as how mikhail and shiro (another one of my ocs, also an old man, also ex arasaka security) and vitali and shiro bonded. they all look at the world from a specific strategic point of view which makes them see the benefits of befriending each other because of the advantages it could give them in the future so their relationship would've been strictly professional at first, and then Later they would actually become friends
mikhail and goro didn't interact a lot during the in-game events but they properly meet after the arasaka arc. vincent was very excited about goro being back so mikhail (who mostly just saw goro during the arasaka arc as an enemy since he was back with arasaka) really made an effort to go into it as unbiased as possible and it didn't take him very long to warm up to the old man. both of them are now in some sort of head of security + bodyguard position but for a different fixer so they see eye to eye on a lot of things and work very well together :]
🚙 - panam palmer
mikhail and panam don't hang out a lot but when they do, they enjoy each other's company! mikhail will probably never get used to panam's playful banter but he knows it's all just fun and games and likes tagging along when she and vincent are going out for whatever
he's less likely to go on gigs with her mainly because their fighting styles are very different and they would just spend the entire gig fearing for their lives because of the other not doing things the way they want it to go LMAO so they mostly just hang out in their free time or see each other around at vitali's office and that's about it <3
🥃 - rogue amendiares
mikhail and rogue also don't see each other very often, but they both have a lot of respect for each other. mikhail knows better than to try and start shit with rogue and admires how she handles her business as well as all the shit with the council without losing her fucking mind in the process SHGJFDGHJD
in return, rogue knows about how mikhail used to fuck over both kang tao and arasaka by passing along information between the two corporations in secret and she is very impressed that he managed to get all of it done without getting caught
so yeah it's mostly just an "admiring each other from a distance and occasionally working together" kind of relationship :] but that is ok mikhail would Not know what to talk about with rogue LMFAO
🎤 - kerry eurodyne
as already mentioned in another ask, i have not in fact met kerry in the game so i have no idea what this guy is like SHGJFDGDJ considering he doesn't really play a role in my canon as of now, i don't think he and mikhail would get along very well they would both just be the equivalent of the standing man emoji were they to ever meet each other 😭😭😭
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arklay · 2 years ago
happy birthday leah!! hope you have/had the most wonderful day!! 🎂💖
thank youuu nico ���💖
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faithchel · 2 years ago
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tagged by @inafieldofdaisies, @cassietrn & @gwynbleidd to make the fantasy/ambiguously mythical girlies in this picrew, ty beloveds!!
sending tags to the usual suspects (please let me know if you want to be added or removed i live in terror of missing someone) @unholymilf, @adelaidedrubman, @belorage, @henbased, @roofgeese, @corvosattano, @jackiesarch, @shallow-gravy, @shellibisshe, @firstaidspray, @leviiackrman, @risingsh0t, @shadowshearts, @shadowglens, @queennymeria, @chuckhansen, @morvaris, @raphaelsboudoir, @feypacts, @faerune, @mrdekarios, @shegetsburned, @poetikat, @cybilbennettgf, @indorilnerevarine, @ri-a-rose, @minaharkers, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @confidentandgood, @loriane-elmuerto, @strangefable, @purplehairsecretlair, @derelictheretic, @nightbloodbix, @teamhawkeye, @nuclearstorms, @blissfulalchemist, @playstationmademe, @jokermoreau & anyone else who changed their username in my frequent absences as of late. i am Sorry :))))
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pinkfey · 1 year ago
i was tagged by the lovely @corvosattano and lo and behold i actually have something this time !!
tagging: @malefiicarum @rosebarsoap @lvllns @ladyshar @shadowshearts @liurnia @astarien @kirnet @druidgroves @anoras @shadowglens @calenhads @mrs-theirin @nuclearstorms @flymmcargo @maxthetruman @necroticpetals @devilbrakers @morvaris @hylfystt @shellibisshe and you!!!!!!!!!!!!
i like to call this one "astarion is playing himself and he doesn't even know it. also he's bitchy."
“How did you learn such a skill, anyhow? Picking locks on doors you can’t enter?” she teased.
Astarion grumbled. What was that saying? Stones from glass houses?
“So many jokes from one asking so many favors.”
“One joke,” she corrected. “And one favor.”
Astarion listened close for the ticks of the lock, rolling his eyes. “Eugh. That’s how it always starts. ‘Pick a lock for me, Astarion! Hold my bag for me, Astarion! Rub my back for me, Astarion! Do all the hard work for me, Astarion, while I gorge myself on excess and watch’—Shhhhhhit!” The pick snapped between his fingers pathetically, as if retribution for his outburst.
If Ursula noticed his defeat, she did not reveal it. Gorge myself on excess, she mouthed with a slow nod. She shrugged, took another bite of her apple, and said nothing. Typical of her to let him complain. Some days he couldn’t decide whether she was patient or simply a stonewall. Perhaps both.
Astarion wormed the broken pick out of the lock, grateful it hadn’t been busted, and set to work with a fresh set.
He contemplated an apology—the use of it, that is. In truth, the situation between the two of them was quite the opposite and he knew it. She rarely asked anything of him. Of anyone, really. She defended him relentlessly and she allowed him to drink from her on the regular, and he didn’t need to ask. Picking a lock once in exchange for the kind of security and sustenance she provided seemed more than a fair bargain.
But Astarion was nothing if not frivolous, and Ursula did not mind, so he deigned to feel no shame in complaining, hyperbolic as he may have been. Perhaps embarrassingly so.
“You know you can get up whenever you wish, love,” Ursula said.
He tutted, tossed a sideways glance at her. Torchlight glinted off the recent puncture wounds in her neck as she leaned against the wall. Her good hand held the apple while she tucked the injured one close to her waist. He looked away quickly, lest he be reminded how she found herself injured in the first place. Lest he feel a shred of guilt, or worse: indebtment.
He can get up whenever he wishes.
The lock wasn’t exactly difficult, was it? He wasn’t doing this for her. On his knees in the dirt? Certainly not. This was a strategic move. He needed her trust. He wanted to see what was on the other side as well. Obviously.
The final tumbler clicked into place and he teased the lock to the side. He shoved the door open with a triumphant grin, only to be met with… Nothing. About ten square feet of dusty floorboards and barren wall sconces. Not even a hint of any secret passageways or loose planks. Astarion’s shoulders slumped.
Ursula poked her head inside and casually scanned the vacant room. “Huh,” she said. “Just an empty storage room. Oh well.”
“Wh—” Astarion started, but she was already marching away. “Are you kidding me?! After all that?”
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deadrlngers · 1 year ago
i was tagged by @moonmothers @devilbrakers @flymmcargo @nuclearstorms + @hibernationsuit thank you guys so much!! <3
tagging: @morvaris @faarkas @shadowglens @voerman @faerune @ladyshar @liurnia @halsin @gortash @risingsh0t @necroticpetals @druidgroves @malefiicarum @feypacts @florbelles @calenhads @thedeadthree and anyone else i missed! can't remember exactly who writes or not so if you see this just say i tagged you
disclosing my violante/ruven/gortash (pre-game events) agenda,,even if it's mainly vio here but if i added any more of the wip in here you guys would kill me bc it's already so long. anyways who doesn't like masked balls?
“Dare I ask who I'm in the presence of?” The gems nestled in the fine silver net adorning her hair made a gentle tinkling sound as Violante tilted her head forward in a courteous bow tasked to open the dance. When she rose to meet her partner’s gaze once more, she resumed: “And most of all, is it friend or is it foe?”
Even beneath the mask, the wicked shine of Enver’s dark eyes appeared brighter than the play of light on the golden wings that stretched from the front of the mask to his hair. “Vicare, the only human man that could fly.”
Vicare – Violante wished to laugh. Was his arrogance the cause of her amusement? Or perhaps it was his full, unabashed, commitment to that little theatrical play they were staging? Whichever the reason, she found that trying to conceal her smile around him was beginning to verge on the impossible. Disgraceful…but thrilling, she couldn’t wait to let Ruven hear of it.
The music carried their voices along the notes like they were part of the sheets; it was a concerto of violins, lutes and harps. Violante could hear the distinct sound of a few wind instruments as well but failed to recognize them. The melody was slow and soothing, inviting the dancers to know one another, play their coy games before dealing their full hand when the culmination of the song would strike.
They stood shoulder to shoulder, barely letting the fabrics of their clothes brush one another as they drew a circle on the floor with their steps: a dance that resembled more the stalk of two wolves ready to attack, reach for the throat and sink sharp teeth in the flesh and let fate settle who was going to bleed out first and declare the other victorious.
“The name holds a familiar sound.” She spoke calmly, voice just above a whisper but carrying confidence, pride. A pride soon betrayed; a quick glance stolen with the tail of her eye to the dark haired man, searching for any hint on his half covered face that would reveal his thoughts to her. She hoped for the stars, yet she was no astronomer at all. Whatever Enver Gortash was thinking, from amusement to annoyance, remained a well guarded secret. “I’d like to hear the tale of the man of the golden feathers, if he’s willing to share.”
The violins played a grave note and as if spells were casted, each performing pair jumped into position – facing each other, one arm up as the back of their hands brushed the one of their partner in a gentle kiss of the knuckles. His hand to her waist, her touch above his shoulder. "Do I have to tell? I'm sure you know well how the story goes. The one that dreamt of flying too high in the sky – accused of free will, punished with the amputation of his wings.” He leaned forward, a cunning smile curling his lips upwards charmingly. “They used shears, if I remember correctly, to make me never wish to fly again. Quite the gruesome spectacle it was.”
Enver’s back was straight, tense as the string of a bow ready to let its arrow strike the prey, yet the movement of his steps was nothing but light and elegant as they spun in unison with the other dancers like a gentle breeze barely caressing the marble under his feet. He was a great dancer, Violante couldn’t deny it.
“Yet you persist, don’t you? Behind those walls you still look up for the cobalt sky.” A swirl, restrained in perfect graciousness learned in years of training with a certain drow, the rich crimson fabric of her gown twisting around her body like a tail. “Which amount of punishment is enough to make you learn, I wonder.”
His eyes narrowed yet that wicked grin didn't falter. “Flying is a thought, and nothing can stop an idea. The wind reached me even when my feet were bound to the ground." They waltzed into an outside spin and moved into the next step with a final touch of the wrist, pulse against pulse. “Besides – I can take a fair amount of penance, if rewarding.” His fingers twitched against hers, nothing more than a controlled and quick brush tauntingly demure, yet just enough to make Violante wonder, take the hint of that touch and let her mind carry it on as it pleased. The power of a thought, wasn’t it? 
Enver appeared no less pleased, be it the quick flash of her surprised expression or the sudden rigidity of her muscles. “Now that I’ve answered your question, allow one for myself: who are you in turn?”
Violins stood out from the choir of instruments with a strident sound this time, separating the couples as if the touch of one another was akin to reaching for a flame with naked skin. Violante arms rose up in a fluid movement, like the fluttering of a bird’s wings or the stroke of a brush, while Enver’s form bended in a half-bow, one arm behind his back and the other circling his waist.
“Death.” She expressed sharply, excited as if her time in this play had finally come. “And if I recall correctly, even Vicare couldn’t escape Death.”
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thedeadthree · 2 years ago
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-`. TAGGED BY @minaharkers, @kingsroad, @chuckhansen, @leviiackrman and @florbelles to use this cutest picrew for my babies! ty so much!
🌞 CYTHIA vassermiller (the witcher) || 🐍 AEMMA vassermiller (the witcher)
⚔️ ENA of vicovaro (the witcher) || 🌿 ANRE an thiaffe (the witcher)
🧝‍♀️ SHIADANN aep shiadhal (the witcher) || 🦇 NYCTEMINE tenebrae (the witcher)
🐉 YVRYD zivne (the witcher) || 🩸 VIANNE de vignerot (marvel/spiderman 2099)
👼 CATIUSCIA cantarella (disenchanted if) || 👻 ISLA ishida (disenchanted if)
-`. TAGGING: @unholymilf, @griffin-wood, @leviiackrman, @gwynbleidd, @risingsh0t, @denerims, @jendoe, @fragilestorm, @queennymeria, @faeriemilf, @shadowglens, @marivenah, @aartyom, @noonfaerie, @grapecaseschoices, @leondaltons, @sstewyhosseini, @detectivelokis, @fenharel, @theviridianbunny, @morvaris, @cptcassian, @druidgroves, @anoras, @jackiesarch, @corvosattano, @fereldanwench, @cybilbennettgf, @nokstella, @nightbloodbix, @aragorngf, @morvaris, @necroticpetals, @yennas, @malefiicarum, @roofgeese, @adelaidedrubman, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @confidentandgood, @jacobseed, @loriane-elmuerto, @lavampira, @themalkavian and you!
#only if you want to! 🥀🍄#oc: cythia vassermiller#oc: aemma vassermiller#oc: ena of vicovaro#oc: anre an thiaffe#oc: shiadann aep shiadhal#oc: nyctemine tenebrae#oc: yvryd zivne#oc: vianne de vignerot#oc: catiuscia cantarella#oc: isla ishida#leg.ocs#TY TY SM this was the cutest picrew !!!!!!!#and please feel free to pass if you’ve done this already or wish not to <3#b*g3 is releasing in 3 days AHH which is an early birthday present for me as my birthday is on the 5th 🌸✨😭 !!!! <3#a few more w*itcher babies are not present here but rn it has the braincell again the hyperfixation is back with a VENGEANCE 🥀🥴#ill introduce the babies soon the witcher dears just have the braincell rn !!!!!!!!#the spark notes run down on the babies !!!!!!#cythia queen regent of e*bbing now empress of n!lfgaard 🥀🤡 // aemma first wife of emmy and mother of maxen and edrich#(faked her death and now off to murder her ex for marrying cy 🌸✨☺️)#ena is a w!tcher (viper im thinking ?) // anre is a elven sorceress beloved of i*orveth <3#shiadann is laras sister and heir of the aen elle until she was blamed for a*uberons death by e*redin 🥀😒 // THEE nyctemine is a higher vamp!#yvryd is either a golden dragon descendant of the founder of z*errikania or an heir to the throne of z*errikania im thinking??#spark notes of the disenchanted babies is !! cat is a nephilim and is wooing theo <3#and isla is a banshee and is wooing harlow!! <3 (maxens fc anar as one of harlows fcs SOLD me i was like i have to yk?)#and vianne my baby is the lonely lovely lethal vampire of the future dearest of m!guel and (maybe?) an inheritor?? idk?#(ash got the five paragraph lore essay on her ty ty dear you are a treasure for letting me yell about her AHH 🥀😭)#aem and cy got their canon hair and eyes *SCREAMS* bel and the t*witter circle besties got the lore essay about it while i was making these!#(mutuals if you read all of this you are the most dearest 🌸🥀🥹
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elle-thereafter · 10 months ago
Chapter 21 of Gate Building is up — it's a shorter one, but it still counts and it's the very rare "two updates in one month" from me.
As usual, have a teaser:
The duty of guards bicker about rules and courtesy. Wysaris loses, and demands another round in a way that reeks of bullying entitlement. Wysaris is a universally acknowledged prick, but Aemoira and Keyna are bitches who like nothing more than to get a rise out of someone who can't keep their temper. It will be the same again: Wysaris will cheat the draw of straws so he can go first and win two corners, and Aemoira and Keyna will entertain themselves by pretending for as long as they can there is no alliance between them. Fenlara doesn't begrudge them their petty entertainment any more than she sympathises with their plight. None of them want to be here. The micromanagement of Fenlara's existence makes prisoners of them all, from the guard in her Company to the company's Master and up the ranks all the way to perhaps even the Verdant Lord himself. Who knows how many people are under Cormyn Morvaris' thumb. Wysaris should thank Fenlara, really, for the single-minded dedication it's taking to steal the Watch Cryer's Cloak from him. He'll pay hell and then some for losing it, and Lafiel too for assigning it to someone who misplaced it, but if — when — Fenlara's escape is successful they'll all be set free. It has to be when now, not if. This is her last chance. Promotions are announced just before the turn of the month, less than a week away. Fenlara has seen her name added to the bottom of the Vice Protector's list, watched from animal eyes through a different window as he signed and authorised the orders. This prison is nothing compared to the one her father is building for her in Kraghammer. Eight hours, the baroness said. Promised. Two and a half hours have passed. Fenlara must be out of this room and away from the Keep before dusk. She's working on that.
Go read the chapter or start from the beginning.
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risingsh0t · 2 years ago
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WILLA (tlou) | JULIET (tlou) ANZU (jjk) | NICOLE + ash (st) MELINA (re) | CLIO (sandman) WREN + lucifurr (dc) | RIO + sunny (twc)
i was tagged ages ago by @corvosattano, @roofgeese, @chuckhansen, @detectivelokis, @jendoe, @shadowglens, @marivenah, @leviiackrman, @gwynbleidd, @morvaris, @fenharel, @aartyom to use this picrew! sorry it took me so long but thank u everyone for the tag!! ❤️
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mojaves · 2 years ago
wip choice awards thang
HII i got tagged by @nuclearstorms @hibernationsuit @morvaris and @faarkas to do this bad boy. rules: make a 24-hour poll with (the names of) your wips, let it run, then write one sentence for every vote the winner received! not tagging anyone bc everyone and their dog has been tagged now i think
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unsettlingcreature · 2 years ago
Killian Trevelyan (unusual oc associations)
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[picrew by elenaillustrate] unusual oc associations :) i couldn't find who started this off so i am technically yoinking it, but i'd still like to tag some folks!! (at the bottom ^^;) if anyone else wants to yoink this, please feel free to do so because this was actually really fun
Seasoning: salt rosemary
Weather: cloudy/overcast
Colour: dusty red
Sky: two steps past twilight, when the stars are just first beginning to peek through
Magic Power: blinking/short-distance teleportation (fade-step my beloved)
House Plant: trailing ivy
Weapon: boot knife/gambler's dagger
Subject: sociology or history
Social Media: reddit (throwaway account, mostly used for AITA)
Make-up Product: eyeliner (would be left for days, all smudged and faded)
Candy: mint humbugs (he tries to keep them until he reaches the centre but often gets impatient and cracks the hard outer candy)
Fear: tranquillity (of himself and those he teaches)
Ice Cube Shape: one of those big bags you can buy from the supermarket where they all stick together in clumps. he likes ice clumps.
Method of long-distance travel: coach
Art style: I feel like he'd enjoy abstract art
Celestial Body: stars
Mythological Creature: kelpie
Piece of stationery: regular graphite pencils
people i'm tagging: @morvaris, @miraakulous-cloud-district, @darling-leech, @argisthebulwark, @catt-crossing
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leviiackrman · 2 years ago
WIP thingy;
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I was tagged by the ever so wonderful @detectivelokis @sstewyhosseini @morvaris @jacobseed @unholymilf + @simonxriley over the span of a long af time lmao, so because I’m so slow I’m only just doing this again!! Thank you so much for the tags🤍
Recently I’ve been making moodboards of references for each of my character drawings and felt I could include these as wips cus… they technically are? BUT I’ve also been working on my new oc baby: Gigi Olalia! I plan to make an edit for her today (or just at some point soon) but am also part way through designing her pattern, so here are the icons!
Tagging: @chuckhansen @heroofpenamstan @risingsh0t @malefiicarum @denerims @florbelles @arklay @fenharel @liurnia @statichvm @indorilnerevarine @queennymeria @roofgeese @jendoe @phillipsgraves @shellibisshe @jennystahl @confidentandgood @noonfaerie @brujah @benningsthing @marivenah @nokstella @kingsroad @jinfromyarikawa @baldurrs + @minaharkers
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ruvviks · 1 year ago
TAGGED BY: @adelaidedrubman, @moonmothers & @devilbrakers, thank you so much!! TAGGING: @reaperkiller, @shadowshearts, @faarkas, @katsigian, @dickytwister, @shellibisshe, @hibernationsuit, @ncytiri, @secondsundering, @strafethesesinners, @morvaris and YOU! been a while since i've worked on cassidy's origin story and it's taking longer now because i managed to put hanan into the story BUT. chapter four is on the way >:^) here's a sneak peek and also you can catch up here if you're interested!
Cassidy was cold.
The tiny apartment was dark, lights left off and never turned on after the last sunlight of the day had sunk below the horizon. The cheap furniture scattered across the living room was starting to gather dust; none of it had been cleaned in a while now, and the lack of activity in the cramped space over the past few days had merely caused more to settle.
The lack of central heating in the place did not do much to stop Cassidy’s shivers- it was simply a safehouse, and despite the fact he had been using it for a couple of months now he had never taken the time to get a warmth source or better isolation. The fact he was sat on the cold tiles of the bathroom floor did not help either, or the fact he was lacking all of his clothes.
Or perhaps it was simply the direct consequence of the freezing cold water running down his body, raining down like hail on his skin.
He slowly raised his hand to run it through his short pink hair, fingers shaking and nails turned blue; though he cared little about it, the pain by then overwhelming to the point he could barely feel anything anymore. A curious paradox that had always confused him a little; yet in that moment he was merely glad, the relief- though temporary- larger than his own concern.
Curious, though. He had turned on the shower like he had always done. Had never noticed just how cold it was before.
Cassidy glanced at the door of the bathroom, dropping his arm back down and draping it over his knee. He had forgotten to close it, somehow; not as if it mattered much. He was alone, like always, expecting no visitors and not even unexpected ones. The safehouse was hidden away well enough in the busy streets of Watson to not draw the attention of even those actively keeping an eye out for him, and he had no reason to worry.
He shivered and closed his eyes, memories flooding back into his mind as he leaned back and allowed the cold water of the shower to fall down his face as well. For some reason he could not remember it as perfectly as he usually could- the only crystal clear vision in his mind that of the clear blue sky above him, as he lay on his back on the hard asphalt of the bridge.
He still wasn’t entirely sure what had gone wrong.
It was not the first time Cassidy had crashed with his motorcycle. And it most definitely was not the first time he had gotten injured- and had ended up with a concussion with that- either, yet something about it all was different this time, leaving him in a much bigger state of confusion than it normally did.
The cold water of his shower was just one of many instances of him suddenly realizing things were different than he had initially believed. He had never noticed it before- despite it making sense, considering the clear lack of heating in the house- just like how he seemed to no longer know how long he usually cooked his meals- how to even turn on the stove in the first place- how he paid for things, or how he dealt with people talking to him.
It had all just come naturally to him for- well, as long as he could remember.
And now, not anymore.
He slowly got up from the floor, muscles protesting with each and every move he made. Turned off the shower, grabbed a towel- carefully dried himself, the soft fabric of the towel scraping over his skin, and got dressed. He had always been sensitive to the different textures of his clothes, but lately none of them felt good anymore and he found himself having trouble wearing anything other than the softest sweatpants and t-shirts he could find.
So far it hadn’t been an issue. Were he to give the job another go, though, it would be.
Despite the fact Sebastian clearly was not so eager to kill Cassidy- thus far he had mostly tried to escape, acting out of self-defense above anything else- showing up without any combat-ready clothes would make it very easy for his target to get the upper hand. Last thing Cassidy needed was to get shot, or stabbed; he was already struggling enough as it was.
Though it did leave him wondering; it would be much easier for the gang leader to simply get rid of him. Of course Cassidy did not know what his client would do after his death- perhaps they would send someone else to do the job, or perhaps they would give up- but eliminating the direct threat himself could save Sebastian a whole lot of sleepless nights.
And yet-
Whatever it meant, it was not worth more of Cassidy’s time.
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unsettlingcreature · 2 years ago
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RAAAAGHHHH I've been listening to a lot of Ghost in general but I limited myself to two of their albums
Infestissumam - Ghost
Opus Eponymous - Ghost
Take Me Back to Eden - Sleep Token
Electra Heart (Deluxe) - Marina
I'm really bad at tagging uhhhh @catt-crossing @totally-not-deacon @full-pockets @morvaris @reapersynth
ty @minkybatz for tagging me :D
Four albums I’ve been listening to recently:
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Can I Take My Hounds to Heaven (Tyler Childers)
Western White Pines (Colby Acuff)
Restless Natives & Rarities (Big Country)
The Man From Waco (Charley Crockett)
Tagging @lethal-liability @ne-crow-mancer @dykendireckt @bastardcircus @rawbrusselsprouts @saint-magpie
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pinkfey · 1 year ago
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tagged by the angelic @shadowglens @devilbrakers and @corvosattano to make some cuties in this picrew!! tysm my loves mwah !!
made the bg3 girlies as per the trend; 🌊 ursula. ┆ 🐏 dazzle. ┆ 🩸 avalon.
tagging a buncha ppl bc it's been ages !! @malefiicarum @rosebarsoap @lvllns @solasan @astarien @necroticpetals @shadowshearts @bg3 @terendelev @kirnet @ladyshar @lavinet @mrdekarios @celticwoman @mrs-theirin @serenedy @kymal @calenhads @dameaylin @baldursgate2 @liurnia @risingsh0t @lexcanium @nuclearstorms @morvaris @hylfystt @brujah @druidgroves @anoras @sylkana @dantesparda and you!!!!!!!!!
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deadrlngers · 2 years ago
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i was tagged by @halsin to make some ocs in this picrew, thank you so much annie!! i love this picrew sooo much and since so many cool features were added i'm giving my bg3 crew another roll in it!!
Violante Waesphine | Zefyr (they/them) Camylla | Ruven DeVir Cassandrae (she/they) | Lazarus (he/they)
tagging: @arisatominakos @devilbrakers @swordcoasts @cultistbase @nuclearstorms @reaperkiller @swanfey @nokstella @katsigian @florbelles @druidgroves @risingsh0t @morvaris @faarkas @indorilnerevarine @shadowglens and idk!! whoever wants to do this <3
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