#my slice of pumpkin pie with extra whipped cream
ittybittytoasty · 2 years
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eggluverz · 1 year
halloween with the hsr boys
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pairing: dan heng; jing yuan; blade x reader
sof's note: guess who is in a halloweeny mood :> meee! and i'm sure a lot of y'all are as well so let's bask in these autumn vibes together LOL special shoutout to the anon who suggested dan heng would watch like 15 vids before he carves a pumpkin fhsjkghdf that is so accurate <3 pls enjoy and happy fall!!
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dan heng
not big on the spooky parts of halloween, but he loves getting in the halloween/autumn spirit by watching twitches and halloween town with you
you host a pumpkin carving contest on halloween eve between the two of you and dan heng 100% takes it seriously
days of prep before the big night, hours of youtube videos in his history… he even reads up on the origins of pumpkin carving—just to be fully immersed and prepared
when the time comes, dan heng has his tools lined up in the most efficient order as he readies himself to make his design
he, of course, wanted to carve a tree with maple leaves falling in the night sky
you stare at his template with wide eyes, quickly scrapping your happy face idea to think of something more creative…
noticing this, dan heng chuckles in amusement. “you don’t have to change your design to match mine”
you shake your head. “and risk losing the competition? no way”
“then may the best carver win”
when the two of you are done, you take a photo and send to your friends to vote
it was a close call, but dan heng ends up winning by two votes
“maybe i should’ve joined your pumpkin carving research…” you pout, staring between your finished product and his
“there’s always next year,” dan heng soothes, giving you a hug. “besides, you’re always the winner in my eyes.”
jing yuan
he would make all the pies for you
pumpkin pie, pecan pie, apple pie, sweet potato pie, apple crumble pie…you name it 
he doesn’t even know how to make pie he just googled a bunch of recipes and winged it
you think something tastes off but you try to encourage him anyway 
of course, jing yuan sees right through it
“it‘s not that i don’t like your baking, i really do, but i may have some suggestions for the future…”
“there is no need to sugarcoat your distaste, y/n,” he says with a laugh. “we can redo them together.”
the pies turn out even better the next time
the two of you end up picking up pie making as your fall-time hobby this year and bake pie for all your friends
he tries to make a mimi-safe pie as well
mimi hates it (pumpkin spice is not good on the lion’s tongue) 
but you think the effort is cute :> 
he ends halloween night off by sharing a yummy slice of apple crumble pie with whipped cream on top with you
“so sweet!” you state happily as he feeds you the first bite. 
jing yuan leans forward and smiles. “not as sweet as you” 
goes all in for halloween
is dead instead most of the year, comes to life for the halloween spirit
he likes to decorate the house with you, even making a mini “haunted maze” in the driveway for the trick-or-treaters
accidentally makes a kid cry in it…
really, he just went in the maze to do a quick maintenance check, but he looked so menacing in his costume that a kid saw him and started crying 
blade is too confused about what happened to feel bad 
you give the kid extra candy and apologize to their parents while stifling a laugh at blade’s blank expression
“i didn’t even say ‘boo’,” he murmurs curiously.
you just pat him on the head and give him a kiss on the cheek
after the trick-or-treat shenanigans, you and blade relax and unwind on the comfort of your couch
his definition of unwinding on halloween is watching old horror movies
[or, if you cannot handle horror like me: he watches the barbie movies with you to help you take your mind off the halloween scares and go to sleep :3]
you cuddle him as you doze off while eating leftover halloween candy 
blade carries you to bed and tucks you in for the night bc you deserve a good night’s rest <3
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countlessrealities · 10 months
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@advnterccs sent:
Morty sat down at the table next to his counterpart. In his hand was a plate of a slice of pumpkin pie with two forks. He carefully scooped up some of the pie and a little bit of whipped cream. Holding it still before those lips.
"Here, have some," Damn, this was awkward. He just wanted to romantically feed his boyfriend, but he didn't know how to start it. "Uh, i-it's good, but y-you already know that." Then came an awkward laugh.
{ To your Morty from my Morty // awkward boyfriend shenanigans uwu }
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The sound of the chair next to it being moved snapped Morty out of his thoughts. The rest of the family, aside from the Ricks, had moved into the living room, but he had lingered at the table hoping to get a couple of extra drinks without his parents noticing or Summer ratting him out.
He wasn't looking to get drunk, of course. Not when the day had been mostly pleasant so far, thanks to the fact that their counterparts from the other timeline were there too. He just wanted to loosen up, to relax a little more, and he knew that being tipsy did help him with that.
And being presented with his boyfriend trying to feed him pie was for him the proof that he had had the right idea. If he had been completely sober, he would have gotten all flustered and awkward, but the buzzing in his head made him bolder. More confident even.
Hopefully, he wouldn't come off too strong.
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"I-I know, but I bet it tastes even better w-with you making me taste it," he talked back smoothly, his tone openly flirty. "E-Everything is better if you're involved."
With that, he opened his mouth, taking the forkful in and wrapping his lips around the fork, perhaps taking just a moment to long to slid off it. He hummed around the bite, showing his appreciation as he chewed on it.
"Y-Yep, I was right. M-Much better," he claimed, once he had swallowed the pie, his hand finding his boyfriend's free one so that he could lace their fingers together. "H-Here, let me show you."
Instead of taking the fork and returning the gesture, however, he simply leant in and brought their mouths together in a kiss, deepening it almost immediately. His movements, however, remained slow and lazy, without any rush. This was about letting his counterpart having a taste too, after all. And what better way to achieve that than allowing both of them to savour it?
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Prompt 21 from this list!
Synopsis: Jac is set on getting a piece of the pie, quite literally. Little did she know, a certain Wile giant would catch her in the act.
Mild cw for some snackish teasing
Jac's eyes glistened as she beheld a marvelous sight. Her mind was in a wistful, dream-like state and her mouth watered after breathing in its freshly baked scent. A pumpkin pie fit for several giants sat atop the window sill. Steam swirled over its hot, flaky crust, which hinted that it had been brought straight out from the oven. If it were a dream, Jac would have been floating in midair as if she were pulled by its soft, hypnotic spell. Jac's mind was made up- she was cooking up a nefarious strategy, one that would involve extra cunning to pull off successfully.
After several attempts, Jac had managed to throw a bed sheet over a chair that was conveniently placed near the window. After she lowered the other end of the sheet rope by tying it around a weighted anchor, the little daredevil then proceeded to climb up the wobbly path, making sure to maintain a firm grip during her ascent. After she had gotten onto the seat, she climbed the rest of the way up via the handle and hopped squarely on the sill with a shaky landing. Her prize was within her sights, and the only thing left for her to do was feast. And with that, she made quick work of it.
It wasn't long however, before she heard a sudden creek from the door. With her mouth still filled with pumpkin pie, Jac slowly turned her head around. She was expecting Bo to check in on her and possibly give her a lecture about eating the sweet pastry when he asked her specifically not to until it cooled. Instead, someone else had walked in, and upon realizing who it was, this caused the tiny human to swallow hastily in panic.
"Well well well, what do we have here..?" Richard spoke in a sing song manner, no doubt amused by this scene. He scanned the hand prints that had been scattered all over the pastry, as well as the small crater that Jac had already chewed off of.
"A mouse!" He teased, "What a surprise."
"Richard!" Jac yelped slightly, "I wasn't expecting you to come over today!" Tried as she might, she wasn't able to hide her nervous laughter. "Where's Bo?"
"I dunno! He wasn't in here when I came in, so he must have gone out for some reason."
"Oh..." Jac replied disappointingly.
She had felt it in her bones and in the soft, slow tone of Richard's voice- the Wile giant was getting hungry, but it wasn't the pie he was after.
"Jac, you seem to be stuck! Let me help you out.." He spoke darkly with a gentle, yet just as grim smile.
Jac gulped. "I, think I'm good."
"No you're not!"
"...Why's that?"
"I feel like you're missing something..."
Without further warning, Richard made a quick-draw of a can of whipped cream that he had pulled from the counter just a moment before. Jac was given no time to react as she was sprayed head to shoe along with a quarter of the pumpkin treat that she was standing on top of.
With the tiny human secured in place for the time being, Richard gathered a safety knife and began to carve a slice for himself, the one of course with his sweet cherry on board. As the Wile giant carried his plate over to the dining table, Jac tried all she could to persuade him to change his mind, no matter how small of a percentage that would be.
"Bo's going to come in any moment, you know that right?" Jac protested as she attempted in vain to wipe away the thick coating of white sugar.
"Don't you worry about a thing, my Cherry," Richard crooned, "I'll be sure to make it quick before he even comes back!"
With that statement, the giant had begun to scoop up the pie with his spoon bit by bit, deliberately aiming it close to Jac so that it seemed to barely miss her by mere inches. Jac wasn't amused by this act of false intimidation at first, but her grumps had soon desolved into laughter as Richard began to lick the heavy cream off of her. Whether she giggled as an involuntary reaction simply because she was ticklish, or this was due to her secretly enjoying this weird form of affection is anyone's guess. To Richard it appeared to be a bit of both, which was more than enough of an excuse to keep up with his gentle slurps.
Within the excitement, they failed to hear the heavy footsteps as they made their approach to the dining room.
The two friends were startled to a halt. They immediately looked behind them with their mouths hanging agape, where they find Bo who stood near the entrance with his arms crossed. He had the look of disappointment with just a hint of seething rage within his stare. Richard stammered to put his utensils down as he simultaneously bolted from his chair. Jac had a more nuanced response, but she still couldn't hide the blush of embarrassment from her cheeks.
"Well...?" Bo said coldly.
This time Richard was the one who chuckled nervously. "Oh hi! Didn't, hear you come in!"
"Care to explain...?" Bo was looming over the smaller Wile at this point.
"Well, um, you see..." Richard gulped. "I came to check up on Jac to see if she was okay, and I found her on top of this pie. And... well, I see that she's perfectly fine! So... now that I've confirmed this I'll best be on my way! I'll see you later okay Jac? Bye!"
Richard would then ease his way past Jac's big brother before he brisk walked the rest of the way out the front door. With that out of the way, Bo faced Jac and sighed.
"Why do you let him get away with this?"
"Well, for one it's in a Wile giant's nature, and two... well..." Jac was hesitant to admit anything else but Bo had gotten the message, much to his visible displeasure.
"I'll never be able to understand.." he sighed yet again. "You're not helping this case yourself little lady, if you haven't been munching on that pumpkin pie..."
"I'm sure he would have had a different excuse," Jac said. "Well, on days when I don't feel like dealing with him, I should visit you more often, haha."
"Sounds like a plan." Bo replied with a slight smile.
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hqrbinger · 3 years
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now playing: curse's october event-  A WALK AMONG LEAVES!
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during this event, requests will be REOPENED for the fall-themed prompts and character list below! 
there will be fifteen (15) slots available! the event will be open until october 1st, and will close once all 15 slots have been filled or time is up! requests will be posted through october! 
EVENT DURATION: October 1st- October 31st REQUEST DURATION: September 20th- October 1st
tagged:  ↳˳⸙;; ❝ a walk among leaves
continue under the cut for prompts, rules, and characters!
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WITCHES BREW  (a cup of bubbling, lime-green liquid. it smells vaguely of caramel apples.) ╰─────────────── headcanons (bulleted format)
APPLE-CHIP COOKIE (a soft apple cookie with white chocolate chunks. you can taste the love baked into them) ╰─────────────── drabble (200-300 words)
A SLICE OF PUMPKIN PIE (a good-sized slice of delicious, pumpkin pie. there is a dangerous amount of whipped cream on top.) ╰─────────────── fic (600-1000 words)
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࿐໋ going to a pumpkin patch ࿐໋  chilly autumn forest walks ࿐໋  baking fall-themed desserts ࿐໋ couples costumes (give a generic example!) ࿐໋  carving pumpkins ࿐໋ candy trading ࿐໋ dancing in the rain ࿐໋ watching a thunderstorm ࿐໋ exploring an abandoned "haunted" building ࿐໋ halloween pranks (on others or on eachother) ࿐໋  asking them to help you with your halloween makeup ࿐໋ watching a horror movie together
࿐໋ xiao ࿐໋ kaedehara kazuha ࿐໋ scaramouche ࿐໋ zhongli ࿐໋ diluc ࿐໋ thoma ࿐໋ dainsleif
࿐໋ kujou sara ࿐໋ raiden shogun ࿐໋ jean ࿐໋ eula ࿐໋ hu tao ࿐໋ kamisato ayaka
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please be mindful of the openings available! i will reblog this post every day with the number of openings still available, and the number will also be on my navi!
requests require the format + prompt + character. please only request one character. 
prompts can be used multiple times! just not multiple times per character <3
i'm only writing for romantic dynamics! (minus one fic)
a few prompts require a bit of extra information (costumes + pranks) so please be sure to add specification to your request!
please limit yourself to one request! since there is a bit of limited space, i want to make sure there are enough openings :D
please remember that my regular requests are still closed. i will only be accepting event requests. non-event related requests will be deleted.
any request that doesn’t follow these rules will be deleted! 
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hope to see you on a walk with me soon ~ <3
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sew-much-to-do · 4 years
🍪 DIY Flourless Baking 🍰
You may have seen my 🥖 DIY Bread 🍞 post going around and I got feedback that a lot of you do not have access to flour or yeast in these exceptional times...
...So 🍪 DIY Flourless Baking 🍰 anyone?
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DIY Flourless Chocolate Torte
bittersweet chocolate, chopped finely
unsalted butter
granulated sugar
large eggs, room temperature
vanilla extract
almond extract
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DIY French Orange and Almond Flourless Cake
almond meal
baking powder
sliced almonds
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DIY Flourless Gluten Free Chocolate Cookies
powdered sugar
cocoa powder 
egg whites
dark chocolate, roughly chopped
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DIY Flourless Orange Pie with Hazelnuts
powdered sugar
orange juice
heavy cream
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DIY Vegan Ginger Molasses Cookies
sunflower butter
coconut sugar
aquafaba (liquid of unsalted canned chickpeas)
oat flour 
baking soda
ground ginger 
all spice
cane sugar (optional)
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DIY Flourless Walnut Cake
ground walnuts
granulated sugar
cream of tartar, optional
fresh figs, cut into wedges
crushed walnuts
powdered sugar
whipped sweetened cream
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DIY Flourless Cardamom Chickpea Blondies
a can chickpeas
extra virgin olive oil
brown sugar
baking powder
white chocolate baking chips, or morsels, for drizzling
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DIY Healthy Strawberry Cookie Bars (Keto, Vegan, Paleo)
blanched almond flour
coconut flour
granulated sweetener of choice
flax egg
almond butter (can sub for any nut or seed butter of choice)
coconut milk (can use any milk of choice)
almond extract
strawberries, chopped
keto chocolate chips
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DIY Flourless Angel Food Cake
egg whites
powdered sweetener (e.g. Lakanto Powdered Monk Fruit Sweetener)
arrowroot flour or protein powder
psyllium husk
baking powder
cream of tartar
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DIY Coconut Matcha Macaroons
egg whites
caster sugar
unsweetened desiccated coconut
matcha powder
dark chocolate
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DIY Gluten-Free Orange and Almond Cake
caster sugar
ground almonds/almond meal/almond flour
baking powder
toasted almond flakes to decorate, optional
icing sugar to decorate, optional
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DIY 3 Ingredient Peanut Butter Cookies
creamy peanut butter
granulated sugar
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DIY White Chocolate Flourless Cake
non-stick baking spray
white chocolate, chopped (not white chocolate chips)
coarse salt
pure vanilla extract
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DIY Gluten-Free Swiss Roll with Pumpkin Seeds
pumpkin seeds
pumpkin seed oil
baking powder
sour cream 
mascarpone cheese
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DIY 3 Ingredient Flourless Sugar Free Cookies
almond butter (can sub for any nut or seed butter of choice)
3/4 cup granulated sweetener of choice
1 large egg
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DIY Flourless Orange and Almond Cake
caster sugar
ground almonds, sifted
baking powder
vanilla extract
icing sugar, sifted
vanilla bean paste or extract
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DIY Flourless Matcha Cake
vegetable oil
white Chocolate
matcha Powder
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DIY Edible Cookie Dough (Flourless and Eggless)
old fashioned (rolled) oats
unsalted butter
white sugar
light brown sugar
vanilla extract
kosher salt
semisweet chocolate chips
sew-much-to-do: a visual collection of sewing tutorials/patterns, knitting, diy, crafts, recipes, etc.
Need help finding tutorials? Send me a request!
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crazy4tank · 4 years
Pumpkin Pie Dip
New Post has been published on https://foodloverrecipes.com/blog/pumpkin-pie-dip/
Pumpkin Pie Dip
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4. 88 from 8 votes
Pumpkin Pie Dip is everything you adore about pumpkin pie, made into uncomplicated, light and fluffy no cook dip. Perfect for dipping apple wedges, graham crackers or gingersnaps.
Pumpkin Pie Drop
This pumpkin quiche dip recipe is and oldie but goodie! It’s a favorite appetizer or dessert to bring to Halloween party parties because the kids (and adults) love it! It’s also so easy to generate, no cooking required! More Pumpkin desserts ideas Pumpkin Butterscotch Bars , Pumpkin Roll and Pumpkin Pie .
There’s absolutely nothing more I love than when it begins to get cooler after a hot summer season, cozy sweater weather begins, as well as the smell of pumpkin spiced lattes fill the air. Not to mention but Oct also happens to be my birthday 30 days. My kitchen begins to fill along with warm hearty Fall soups and everything sorts of pumpkin flavored desserts.
This recipe is so simple, even the kids could make it! Which is one of the reasons why I love this drop. It’s also so quick in order to whip up, simply combine canned pumpkin with brown sugar, pumpkin essence, cinnamon, vanilla, yogurt and whipped cream and let it chill. Absolutely nothing to cook, which is so great when you really need to a Fall dessert or appetizer. Bring it to your next Halloween, or even Thanksgiving gathering, the kids will love this. If you want to get extra festive designed for Halloween, serve it in a small hollowed out pumpkin!
Many pumpkin dip recipes call for Great Whip. I like using TruWhip rather also available in the freezer on most supermarket. It has cleaner ingredients, simply no high fructose corn syrup or even gmo’s. I also mix in some 0% Greek yogurt for adding proteins.
What To Serve along with Pumpkin Pie Dip
Serve them with sliced upward apple wedges, both red plus green for color.
Set out graham crackers or gingersnaps
Turn it into a pumpkin parfait by layering it in the tall glass with whipped lotion in between.
Steps to make Pumpkin Pie Dip
More Pumpkin Recipes You Might Take pleasure in:
Pumpkin Pie Dip
Prep Time: fifteen mins
Cook Period: 0 minutes
Complete Time: 15 mins
Everything you love regarding pumpkin pie, made into a light plus fluffy dip. Perfect for dipping apple company wedges, graham crackers or gingersnaps.
15 ounce can pumpkin puree
3/4 cup brown sugar , unpacked
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/8 teaspoon cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice , or even more to taste
6 ounce 0% Greek yogurt
7 oz Truwhip , frozen whipped leading, thawed
cut up apples , meant for dipping
Serving: 1 /2 cup , Calories: 105 kcal , Carbohydrates: 21 g , Protein: 2 g , Fat: 4 g , Cholesterol: 1 mg , Sodium: 10 mg , Fiber: 1 g , Sugar: 17 g
Blue Smart Factors: 4
Eco-friendly Smart Points: 5
Purple Smart Points: four
Points +: 3
Keywords: healthy pumpkin desserts, pumpkin desserts, pumpkin pie dip, pumpkin pie dip easy
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posted October 9, 2020 by Gina
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ficsnroses · 5 years
Thank You - Keanu Reeves x Reader
Hellooo! It’s Thanksgiving here in Canada today. I thought I would write a little something for you guys, as a thank you for being here, and reading my work. I love the friends I’ve made on here and how welcomed I’ve felt over the past few weeks. If you’re not Canadian, I hope you still have a fabulous day, feel the sun shining down on you and have things to be grateful for  :)
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Word count : 1566
Warnings : None! Lots of fluff from the wonderful Keanu.
Requested : No
Summary : Keanu helps cheer up reader on Thanksgiving.
      The sweet smell of ripe, fresh apples from your backyard waved through the open window of your home. It was Thanksgiving, and you had just set two pies to gold away in the oven, releasing aromas of sugar, spice, and everything nice around the house. Every year on Thanksgiving, your mother would bake her infamous pumpkin and apple pies back home to serve. You had helped her in the process, picking, coring and slicing the apples all by yourself as you watched her work her magical hands, creating the perfect pastries kissed with brown sugar, that sang a melody of autumn in your ears each time you took a bite. Year after year, all your closest relatives, and friends would join in your home for a massive evening dinner. Your family invited the entire neighbourhood over every year, it was a party everyone enjoyed. It was a rare time everyone was able to get together from their busy lives and intoxicate in the presence of loved ones. You looked forward to it every year, it meant the world to you. However, this particular year, you weren’t home with your family. You had been living away from home for a few years now, but always found your way back for Thanksgiving. This year, the odds were not in your favour. With the pressure of work, and your recent move to live with your boyfriend of three years, it all had gotten too much to be able to fly out home for the holidays.
           You weren’t sad though, because you weren’t alone. You had Keanu to spend the day with, and he was nothing short compared to the love of a thousand others. Keanu and you had invited a few of your friends over for supper, and you were excited to experience Thanksgiving differently this year. You felt at home with Keanu, there was no doubt about it. He was your family, and you were his. But you couldn’t help but feel a little empty deep down inside thinking about how far away you were from back home this year. Keanu knew this, and boy did it hurt him to know you were feeling down.
           Keanu had helped you prepare the dinner all day, like the gentlemen he was. He had done all the prep work you had asked him, washed all the dishes you repeatedly threw his way, and of course, taste tested everything, multiple times of course. Apart from sticking his finger in the whipped cream multiple times, he was actually quite helpful.
      “Babe! We’re serving this!” you would gasp, swatting his hand away. He chuckled in response. In the entire process, he had only burned himself on the stove once, which you were proud of his goofy, clumsy self for. Although you couldn’t lie, you found it adorable when he would scream a little “ow!”, before jumping around, doing a little wiggle dance around the kitchen, trying to cool it off.
           Sighing as the bulk of the cooking was done, you wiped the back of your hand across your forehead, leaning on the counter. It sure was draining to cook for people, you couldn’t help but mentally applaud your mother for doing it so cheerfully each year.
           “You did amazing, sweetheart. Thank you so much for this.” Keanu smiled, resting his hand over yours on the counter, then pulling it up to his lips to place a soft, delicate kiss on your palm.
           “Couldn’t have done it without my night in shining…” you glanced at the apron he was wearing. “Kiss the chef apron” you smirked. It was a questionable purchase, he had mainly got it as a joke for when he cooked for you, however, he couldn’t deny how much he grew to love it, due to the amount of extra kisses he got from you while he wore it.
           “Why thank you, thank you” Keanu bowed, teasingly. He chuckled as he took the apron off, setting it aside on the granite counter.
           He came closer to you, and pulled you close into his chest. He kissed the top of your head, and soothingly rubbed your back as he held you. You wrapped your arms around his waist, enjoying the first moment of relaxing and comfort thus far in the day.
           “Baby…I know you’re feeling down about being away from home today and I’m sorry hun, I really am.” He placed a gentle kiss in your hair again, hugging you tighter now, trying to provide as much comfort as possible. “I promise, as soon as possible we’ll fly out to visit your family to make up for today, okay?” He said reassuringly, as you looked up at him, locking your eyes. He started at you compassionately.
           You got lost in his eyes for a moment. Keanu never failed to show you how much he cared. He was always so caring and selfless, these were definitely the qualities that caused you to fall so deeply in love with him over the years. You smiled up at him, running your fingers through his darkly brunette locks.
           “I love you, Y/N. I hate seeing you sad.” Keanu frowned, looking down, still holding you close.
           You gently caressed his cheek, and moved his face up to look at you. He was such a big softie. Gosh, he sure knew how to pull at your heart strings.
           “Don’t be silly,” you giggled, placing a kiss just to the corner of his mouth. “I have everything I need..” you laid your head on his chest as your arms wrapped around his neck. “Right here.” You finished your sentence, closing your eyes, breathing in his scent and feeling his heartbeat. Keanu grinned, resting his head on top of yours, both melting into each other’s embrace.
           The evening was coming to an end, all your friends scattered around your living room and kitchen, laughing, drinking, having a great time. Everyone loved the food and made sure to address their compliments to you.
           You had just sat down with a glass of wine under some twinkling fairy lights you had put up for the vibe. You looked around the house and saw all your friends having a great time, and it made you smile genuinely. Keanu had just finished a conversation with one of the guests. He glanced around the room until his eyes finally landed on you. He smiled to himself, he was proud of all your hard work in making the evening special and enjoyable for everyone. You always put others before yourself, he admired that about you. Keanu walked into the kitchen, cut up a piece of pie for you two to share, when he got the idea. He wasn’t going to let his girl feel down over anything. Not over his watch.
           You felt the vacant spot beside you fill as Keanu sat down next to you, the plate of pie in his hand.
           “Hey beautiful, thought we could share.” He spoke lovingly, as he kissed your cheek.
           You smiled at him, wrapping your arms around his bicep and resting your head on his shoulder. After the hectic night of hosting, you just wanted to enjoy a few silent moments with your love.
           “There was something I wanted to show you..” Keanu whispered against your hair.
           Suddenly, he pulled his phone up from his side, putting it in your eyes view. You gasped as you saw the screen.
           “Surprise!” your family and friends from back home screamed through the phone on Facetime. They all cheered in unison. “Happy Thanksgiving, pumpkin.” Your parents smiled at you through the screen. “We miss you soooo much back here!”
           Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes as you heard them speak. Keanu smiled down at you, his heart was so full at the sight of you being so happy to see your family and friends.
           You looked at him, happy tears threatening to fall.
      “Baby...” was all you could manage to get out as you looked him in the eyes, so head over heels in love with him in this moment. He couldn’t take you home, but he made sure to bring home to you in the day of gratitude.
      “We thought we could all have dessert together!” your mom smiled at you through the phone, holding up her plate of sliced pie.
      Keanu held up the plate he had brought for you to share. “Sounds like an amazing idea.” He smiled at your mother over the phone. You watched the screen as your mom and dad flipped the camera, showing all your friends and family waving at you and Keanu, you heard a few “wish you guys were here!”, and “we miss you!’s.
      You watched the phone as everyone dug into their slices of your mom’s pie. You smiled ear to ear at the sight. It truly felt like you were home, but something told you, that sense of home was radiating off the wonderful man sat beside you. The man who had your entire heart.
    Keanu took the fork and cut a bite for you, holding it to your mouth.
    “Happy Thanksgiving, love. I’m grateful to the moon and back to have you here with me.” He smiled at you, taking a hold of your hand, lacing your fingers with his.
      “Happy Thanksgiving, babe. Thank you, for being my home.” You replied, leaning in to kiss him. 
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fangorling · 5 years
I’m thinking of doing a multi part Bucky Barnes fanfic. I write constantly in a journal and think it would be fun to share. Here’s part one of that, let me know what you think. I apologize for how long it is and I know there’s hidden typos I’ve missed and need to go back to fix, I was just excited to share.
also, there's a reason his arm isn't mentioned and I’ll get to that later. Thanks for reading!
Word count:4217
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Part One  
I watched as steam rose above the pie that had just been cut and placed before me. You couldn’t find any fresh pie anywhere in this tiny town outside of New York and none as good as Miss Genie made.
           It had become habit to stop at the sister’s diner every Friday for some peach pie. I liked my routines and never really strayed away from them.
           “You know we offer ice cream with that, right?” Olivia smiled down at me placing a hand on her hip and arching an extremely well-manicured eye brow.
           “I know you do, but that’s a whole seventy-five cents extra.” I remarked back to her while unraveling my silverware from the napkin they had been neatly wrapped in,
           “Sugar, with how often you come in here your ice cream is on the house. You’re one of the customers we can depend on to help keep us in business. Every Friday at six.” Liv’s little drawl came out much more prominent as she spoke. She was a petite woman, no older than thirty-five with the most radiant coffee colored skin and had a smile that made the sun look dull. She had a beautiful ability of making every customer feel like family and she had a personality sweeter than honey.
           “Should I be happy or offended by that statement?” I raised my brows up at her while crossing my arms in front of my chest, leaning back into the seat of the booth I had become quite familiar with over the time of my visits. I smirked at her so she knew I would never actually be offended by her teasing.
           “She rolled her eyes before letting out a light chuckle, “Not at all. I look forward to my Friday shifts since I get to see you,” She gave me a little wink before getting a serious expression on her face, “I do find it odd that a young and beautiful woman such as yourself always has her Friday nights free.” She gave me a little smile before grabbing her tray she had set down on the table upon her arrival and walked towards the kitchen calling out over her shoulder, “I’ll bring you that scoop of ice cream!”
 I let out a quiet giggle while bringing my first bite to my mouth. She did have a point. Not that I should be social or busy, but that I was becoming predictable and unexciting.
           Olivia came out of the swinging doors that separated the main floor to the kitchen with a small clear bowl as the front doors chimed announcing the arrival of a new customer.
           “Sit anywhere you want baby, I’ll be right with you.” Olivia smiled towards the door as she approached my table. “A very handsome young man just walked through that door and if I wasn’t a married woman, honey I’d be all over that.” She set down my ice cream that was hidden beneath a mountain of whipped cream.
           “Your point being?” I asked as I scooped up a heaping dollop of the new dessert looking up at her.
           “My point is,” She emphasized the is and gave me a glare before continuing, “You’re both young, good looking individuals that are here alone on a Friday night.”
           “You don’t know that he’s alone, someone could be joining him and they’re just late.” I remarked. Hoping that she would drop the whole match making thing married people tend to try to do.
           “Will anyone be joining you tonight, Sir?” Olivia shouted across the diner, none of the other customers batted an eye at her raised volume.
           “It’ll just be me.” I heard a deep, masculine voice murmur from where Olivia shouted to.    
           I wouldn’t admit it, especially to Liv, but the dude had a nice voice.
           “No one is joining him,” Olivia whispered at me as she spun around. “I’ll make sure to just grab you a single menu than.” Olivia grabbed the menu that had been left on my table to bring to this stranger she was swooning over.
           I decided to start reading one of the many books I had downloaded to my phone as I ate, bouncing between my pie and my ice cream.
           It had only been a few moments between grabbing my phone and someone settling across from me. I looked up mid bite to find the embodiment of tall, dark and handsome sitting across from me in my booth. If my mouth hadn’t already been open due to my current face stuffing, I think my jaw would have hit the floor due to this man’s good looks. He had dark scruff on his face and longer hair pulled away from his face. Normally I was into the clean cut look but there was something about him that drew me in.
           He must have misinterpreted my ogling for confusion because he gave me an awkward chuckle before stating, “The waitress told me if I wanted a good view and some good company while I ate to come join you at this table.” He glanced down at the table and resituated himself in his seat before meeting my eyes again, my heart fluttered in my chest at how blue they were.
           “I’m Bucky by the way.” He stretched his hand across the table for me to shake.
           Quickly evacuating my trance, I dropped my spoon on my plate, causing a loud clatter, before shaking his hand and giving him my name. I should have guessed the only reason some attractive stranger would give me the time of day would have to do with Olivia. “You don’t have to sit with me if you don’t want to. I know how Liv can be.” I gave him a small smile with a slight eye roll before grabbing my spoon and proceeding to eat.
           “I actually kind of hate eating alone, so if it’s alright with you I’d really like to join you.” He gave me a look that resembled one of the abandoned puppies someone left at my work just that morning.
           I gave him a small smile, “I-” But I was cut off by Olivia setting down a drink in front of Bucky.
           “Here’s that Coke and your burger should be out shortly.” She gave him her signature dazzling smiles before glancing at me, “I can’t stand you eating alone all the time baby doll, I think you both will make great company for each other. Plus, a girl as amazing and smart as you shouldn’t spend so much time alone.”
I could feel myself start to blush, “Thanks Liv…” I tried bringing my hands up to subtly cover my face to hide my embarrassment and horror from the attractive man across from me that now knew I was antisocial and a cast out.
“Of course, honey bun. Some social interaction is good for you, especially with this tall drink of water across from you.” Why was she still here AND talking? I’m not going to be able to look this guy in the eyes after this.
As I was about to ask Liv for a coffee refill to get her to leave so she’d stop making me feel more awkward than I already felt regularly, I was stopped by a deep chuckle from across the table.
I looked across at Bucky as he brought the drink to his lips to steal a sip.
Olivia turned towards him with both hands on her hips, “What is so funny about what I just said?” Her voice the epitome of sass.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend. If I’m a glass of anything it’s sewage water, especially when sat across a woman who is the vision of beauty.” Both mine and Olivia’s jaws dropped at Bucky’s statement. The dude was clearly delusional if he could see how classically handsome he was and to call me a vision of beauty, especially today of all days. I hadn’t even brushed my hair this morning in my mad rush for gods’ sakes. I woke up late, which resulted in in no makeup hair in a mess of a bun and not the cute chic kind, just a straight up mess. All wrapped up in some old worn out jeans and a hoodie we had tried selling for profit for the program a few years back. I looked like a hobo, comfy, but a hobo non the less. None of these things added up to anything close to beauty in my books.
“Are you mentally sound?” I asked as I looked across at him with both eye browns raised. “Because all of what you just said makes me question your sanity.”
Olivia gave out a slight chuckle, “Baby girl, you’re only half right about that. I’ll go check on that burger. Please keep complimenting her for me. She gets uncomfortable since she doesn’t know how to respond.” Olivia gave my shoulder a gentle squeeze before turning to head to the kitchen.
“So, you’re a pie fan?” Bucky asked gesturing to my desserts.
“Kind of, usually only from my mom’s kitchen, unless it’s pumpkin, but the pies here are to die for.” I glanced from my pie and ice cream before looking up to his face.
“you’d die for that pie and you’re concerned I’m not mentally sound?” He gave me confused look as he grabbed his drink to take a sip from.
“You only say that because you haven’t tried it.” I said as I took my final bite.
“I guess I’ll never know now.” He said chuckling and pointed at my now finished plate.
“No, now you’ll have to order your own. Which is me just being a good friend of the diner and helping them up their daily sales.” I gave him a smug look as I scooped up some of my partially melted ice cream.
He laughed quietly to himself while shaking his head at me.
“Here’s that burger for you. Can I grab either of you anything? Oliva asked folding her arms across her chest.
“More coffee if you don’t mind. And thank you for the ice cream, it really hit the spot with that pie.” I gave her a smile of appreciation before looking towards Bucky.
“Speaking of pie, could you set a slice aside for me? I’d like it for after I finish this. I’ve heard it’s to die for.” He looked from Liv to give me a wink. “Someone wouldn’t share because they said it would help you with the diner’s sales.”
Olivia let out a billowing laugh, “I have a feeling it wasn’t for the greater good of this place and everything to do with the fact that this person is just selfish.” Olivia shook her head and looked down at me. “You really didn’t share?”
“You’re surprised? You know how I am with my food, Plus I was eating my last bite when we were even talking about the pie.” I looked over at Bucky and shook my head at his dramatics.
“Well than that changes things, if someone shares their last bite of their food with you than it’s true love.” I felt my cheeks get warm at the mention of love. “I’ll go set that pie aside for you baby.” Liv stated before walking back to the kitchen. My eyes followed her before going back to look at Bucky as he squeezed some ketchup onto his plate.
“You from around here?” I decided to ask him to try and start a conversation.
He paused just before taking a bite from his burger, “I live in the heart of the city, so just an hour north of here if you get lucky with traffic. I have meetings here once a week.” He looked into my eyes before taking the worlds largest bite out of his burger.
“You in AA or something? I’m sure they have groups closer to your home so you don’t have to commute.” After I said it, I realized I should have probably kept my mouth shut. It was none of my business what the meets were or where he should be going. I must have hit a nerve because Bucky looked deep in thought and shifted in his seat slightly. “Sorry, you can disregaurd all of that. It’s none of my business. I clearly suck at basic human interaction. I work with animals, which are easier to understand and interact with compared to people. I forget how different we are as people.” That statement brought a smile back to his face and I could see him visibly relax.
He met my eyes before speaking, “It’s not AA. The best PTSD therapist lives down the road.” He started eating again and I didn’t want to try to get more information out of him. I already felt like I had gotten more than I deserved. “I’m getting back into the whole people thing too, I’m pretty rusty. I used to be able to sweep any dame off her feet but now it takes a pep talk from the friend to get me to just sit with them.” He shook his head and let out a half hearted chuckle before taking a smaller bite.
I didn’t like the sadness that was displayed on his face as he stared down at his food as if he was ashamed.
“Did you just use the term dame?” I let out a small giggle as he looked up at me confused.
Olivia came out with her coffee pot and set it on the table, giving me a subtle wink before leaving to greet some of the new customers that had walked in.
“I’ve only heard my grandpop use that when referring to my grams.” I explained.
He had a shy smile while he dipped some fries into his ketchup, “I’m older than I look.” His eyes met mine and I could see the hints of sadness and hidden haunting that was there that he tried hiding.
“So animals huh?” He asked as I grabbed the coffee pot to refill my cup. I could tell he was desperate for a subject change that wasn’t about him.
“Yeah, started out volunteering at our humane society early on in high school, for a club activity. That somehow turned later on into a full time job as the social media and event coordinator.” I smiled just thinking about what I was lucky enough to do and met Bucky’s eyes and started mixing sugar into my coffee. “I run the website, take pictures and add little bios.” I gave out a small chuckle before continueing, “Kind of like an online dating profile.” I brought my coffee up to my lips blowing slightly to try and cool it off before taking a sip.
“I wouldn’t know anything about online stuff. I’m not good with technology.” He stuffed the final bite of his burger in his mouth before bringing his napkin to his lips to wipe off any crumbs.
“Probably a smart move. It’s a massive distraction and besides mobile book apps and tumblr you aren’t missing too much. But the bio is basically just a small paragraph describing the animals in the most honest and positive light so they can have a better chance of getting adopted.” He nodded his head in understanding as he took a sip of his coke. “It gives me an excuse to spend lots of time with all the critters so I can get to know them and more accurately describe them.” I smiled down at my cup and started fiddling with the edges.
“You seem pretty passionate about it.” He said as he moved his now empty plate to the side. “How many animals have you adopted since working there?” He smiled at me as he crossed his arms across his chest, which put his bicepts on full display.
I gave him a sad smile before looking back into my coffee, “17 and counting.” I brought my mug up to my lips to steal a sip to distract the closing I could feel in my throat that came with bottled up emotion.
“Usually people are happy when they talk about their pets. You don’t seem happy, you seem sad. Why?” Most people weren’t so blunt when I reacted the way I did when asked about my adoption stories.
“I like to adopt what we call the ‘un-adoptable’. The old pets that people don’t want to get attached to, only to have them pass away after maybe a year or two. Or deal with the medical bills that comes with older pet or the pets with massive medical needs. I like to give them a good final home. The longest I’ve had one of them is 3 years before they take their trip to the rainbow bridge.” I felt my throat constrict and the burning in my eyes that came with holding in tears. I started studying the chipped nail polish on my nails to distract myself.
Bucky studied me with an unreadable expression, “Why do you do that if it makes you sad and feel pain?”
“Just because their old or sick doesn’t mean they don’t deserve a home and love that gives them a happy ending.” I met his eyes and could see a thoughtful expression on his face. “I know I can give them a happy home and they’ve been through enough already so they deserve the best final years. It’s a good kind of heartache and pain, I promise.” I moved my graze from my coffee back up to Bucky, he gave me a look of pure confusion.
“Here’s that pie for you.” The sound of Olivia’s voice made me jump, popping the bubble I hadn’t realized Bucky and I had created. “Can I grab you anything while I’m over here?” Bucky switches his gaze from me over to Liv.
“Thanks, I think I’m all good for now.” He gave her a slight upturn of the corner of his mouth before bringing his attention back to me.
I hadn’t realized I’d been so focused on Bucky until I heard Oliva clear her throat to break me out of my trance.
I met her gaze to see humor clearly displayed, “I’m all good I just need to pay you when ever you’re ready.” I gave her an embarrassed smile.
“Add hers to my bill, please.” Bucky’s voice pulled my attention away from Liv.
“No Bucky.” I looked over at him before looking back at Olivia, “Don’t do that. You don’t want to upset your favorite customer.” I batted my eyelashes at her with the cheesiest smile I could muster.
“I never said you were my favorite, I said you’re dependable and I look forward to seeing you.” She studied my face before giving me an apologetic shrug. “My husband has the honor of being my favorite customer. Sorry hun,” She gave my shoulder a small squeeze before bringing her attention back to Bucky, “I’ll add that pie and coffee to your bill.” She gave him a wink before walking away.
“Bucky, you didn’t need to do that.” I said sternly with a look of discontent.
“I wanted to, you were good company. Besides you never actually okayed me joining you, so it’s the least I could do after intruding.” He gave me a full smile before taking a bite of pie.
He closed his eyes, letting out a groan of appreciation. “This is better than my Ma’s.” He looked up at me with a look of pure shock.
I let out a heartfelt laugh, “I told you it’s to die for.” I crossed my arms atop the table in front of me.
Bucky took another heaping bite and closed his eyes, “I’m never doubting you again, Doll.”
I could feel my cheeks heating up at the term of endearment and couldn’t help the smile that reached my lips.
Olivia came back to our table holding the little black folder that contained the check, staring me down as she approached.
“I’m handing this to you and giving you a warning that you keep it out of her reach. She’s stubborn and sneaky and will grab that thing faster than you can blink and she’ll have that bill paid before you know it.” She gave Bucky a look of caution as she set the check in his awaiting hand.
I shook my head and rolled my eyes, letting out a mix between a laugh and a scoff. “You make me sound way more ninja than I actually am, Liv.” I watched as Bucky pulled out some cash and set it back inside the folder, softly telling Olivia she could keep the change.
“Thank you baby I really appreciate that.” She gave Bucky a small, but genuine smile before bringing her attention to me, “Usually you make sloths look like Olympic athletes, but when someone tries to help you, you turn into the Tasmanian devil.” She let out a laugh and shook her head. “Thanks for coming in tonight, it was a pleasure serving you.” She smiled down at Bucky while taking a step away from the table. “Well sugar plum,” She brought her focus back on me, “Same time next Friday?”
She knew the answer to that question. She had stopped asking me that after two months of me showing up the same day and same time. Which meant she was trying to hint that to Bucky so if he wanted to find me, he could.
I chuckled and shook my head, “Like clockwork, Liv.” Giving her a look that said I knew what she was trying to do.
“I’ll see you next Friday at six than.” She gave me a bright smile before looking back over to Bucky. “I better be seeing more of you around here, handsome.” Olivia pointed a finger at him like a mother disciplining her child.
“Don’t you worry. If you still have this fine dame coming in and this pie to serve, I’ll be back.” He turned from Olivia to give me a warm smile.
“That’s what I like to hear. Have a good night you two.” She gave a smile and wave before turning to go and help her other customers.
“Would offer to share but I don’t even remember finishing.” Bucky looked down at his empty plate with complete confusion.
I let a belly laugh out causing Bucky to look up at me, his expression changing from heartbreak to humor.
“That’s a common thing with their pies. I still do that all the time and I’ve been coming her for about a year.” I smiled over at him before grabbing my bag and checking to make sure I had everything.
I looked back up at Bucky, “Thank you for paying, you really didn’t have to,” Bucky went to cut me off but I held my hand up to stop him. “But, I appreciate it. You’re a real gentleman. Those are rare now a days.” I could see the hint of pink color his cheeks at my comment.
“It was my pleasure. I’m really happy I met you.” We both stood up from the booth a started making our way towards the door.
I called out a final goodbye to Olivia before walking out the door Bucky held open for me. I looked up at him and gave a quiet thanks as I walked through.
Bucky walked me to my car that now had a black Harley parked next to it. I hit my keys, causing the soft click of the locks lifting. He cleared his throat and scratched the back of his neck before looking back at me, “So I guess I’ll see ya around, doll.” His bright blue eyes met mine.
I gave him a nod and smile before going with my gut and step out of my comfort zone by asking, “Could I maybe have your number? That way we could stay in touch.”
A guilty look washed over his face, “I would love to doll,” His tone and expression warned me about the rejection I was about to receive. “But I don’t have a phone.”
I closed my eyes and looked down, hoping it would hide the hurt and humiliation I was feeling. Clearly, I had misread this whole interaction. I thought maybe we had had some kind of chemistry happening. I know he said something earlier about not liking technology, but who didn’t have a phone in todays society? If you’re going to come up with an excuse to not have to deal with me, at least come up with something a little believable.
I opened my driver side door and chucked my bag onto the passenger seat. Letting out a sarcastic laugh, “Right, okay.” I said shaking my head while still looking down at the ground.
“No really I-” Bucky tried to start, but I quickly cut him off stopping him from needing to lie further.
“Bucky, it’s fine. I get it.” I quickly got into my car and started it as fast as I could so I could get out of this moment and escape my embarrassment. I had to fight my eyes from checking the rear-view mirror to get a final glance of the really cute stranger that was nice enough to pay for my Friday night treat for probably the last time.
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themockingcrows · 5 years
Familiar Ch. 4: Birthday
This chapter is available on my AO3! John/Dave This chapter is SFW
As years pass by, surely it becomes easier to cohabitate with a former crow familiar. Right? Right?
    It was the morning of John’s sixteenth birthday, and the house was quiet save for the subtle thumps and clicks from the kitchen as Dadbert whipped up stacks of waffles for himself and the boys to celebrate. Some were confetti, sprinkles making warped colorful patterns, some were chocolate chip, and another stack was pumpkin and cinnamon. Different syrups were warmed and prepared in their containers, forks and plates ready to go. The only thing missing was the birthday boy, but if experience said anything it wouldn’t take long for him to rise and shine. Especially considering the extra help he had in the waking up section.
    John’s room has been altered to make room for the new roommate, a set of bunk beds dominating a far wall with John down below. As they’d grown, Dave eventually stopped cuddling up nightly to John in favor of nesting on the top bunk some nights, expanding into his own space as he learned and adjusted more to appreciate space and privacy when it came to his best friend. The first to wake and half the time the last to sleep was always Dave, and today was no different.
    In fact, he’d been waiting for some time for the perfect time to strike, waking near dawn and counting down time on the clock on the desk till it was a decent time to act. Six. Seven. Eight thirty. That had to be good enough time. Slowly he crept down the rungs of the ladder, wings flaring for balance on the way down before he climbed onto John’s bunk and straddled his hips. John remained deeply asleep on his back, arms flailed in different directions, lips parted so he could breathe deeply.
    Sleeping in was a thing of the past thanks to Dave, but a guy could sleep every day as if he’d get that magical extra hour in the end all the same. Just in case, he’d be ready to snooze with the best of them.
    Leaning down, Dave pecked John’s lips once, twice, three times waiting for him to wake up. He nuzzled his cheek and softly cawed, tugged the collar of his pajamas with his teeth since he lacked a beak, looking for signs of life. When he finally showed some signs of waking, Dave leaned back and cawed loudly, wings splaying, then dove back in to start tickling John’s sides with skating fingers.
    “Happy birthday!”
    Yelping, John woke all the way almost automatically and arched his back, squirming to get away from the onslaught as he laughed. Damn him for teaching Dave what tickling was, he’d literally never unlearned it and now it was a long lasting entry in his personal catalogue of tactics for attention.
    “I’m up! I’m up I’m up! Holy shit, stop ahahaha I’m awake!” he cried, swatting at the birdbrain who was perched on top of him with open hands. When the tickling didn’t stop John grew rougher, grunting and grasping Dave beneath the armpits to try wrenching him to the side. The tussle for dominance grew in intensity till there were wings and caws and laughing cries ringing out, which finally prompted the door to open, James in his apron with his own plate of waffles piled high.
    “Ah, I was wondering when he’d wake you up. Birthday waffle buffet is all set up, boys! Funfetti, chocolate chip and pumpkin. There’s also bacon and sausage on the side. Take as much as you want, there’s plenty.”
    Caught mid-fight Dave and John blinked and stared at each other in their tangled position before deciding that, yes, there WAS something more important at play here.
    “Waffles!” Dave cawed excitedly.
    “Happy birthday, John,” James said with a smile. “Let me know what you want your dinner to be, I’ll get the ingredients later on and whip it up special.”
    “Happy birthday! Happy birthday!” Dave crowed a few times more as he sat back on his heels with a playful smirk, letting John finally catch his breath as he sat upright. They made quite the sight, matching pajamas with needed alterations in place for Dave’s wings, hair wild and cheeks flushed.
    “Sixteen years old now,” chuckled James. “Quite the young gentleman now. Or are you too cool to be anything but a hip teenager.”
    Still smiling, James winked at him and swept back out of the room to go enjoy his food while it was still hot. John glanced to Dave, then sighed and shuffled out of bed to get dressed, tugging his shirt off.
    “You could’ve let me sleep in you know.”
    “Where would be the fun in that?” Dave asked.
    “It’s not fun, it’s. Come on, can’t I sleep in even on my birthday??”
    “Naps,” Dave offered as a solution, definitely to be helpful and not because naps were prime cuddling times for him to indulge in.
    "Yeah, I guess naps,” he sighed again, tugging on a clean shirt and a comfortable set of pants before leaving the space open for Dave. The blonde changed shirts with a bit of rustling before pulling on a set of sweatpants instead, feeling no sense of urgency to be well dressed for the day. All it would be was photographs probably, and he didn’t care how he looked in pictures so long as he could look at them later. Maybe this would be the year James finally trusted him with the special camera so he could take pictures of his own.
    Just because the last attempt had wound up with the lens being broken due to a butterfingers move on his part shouldn’t mean a lifelong ban. James wasn’t that kind of man, not that Dave could tell. He just needed a bit more time and practice and he’d wind up taking pictures good enough to wind up in the photo album too!
    Or maybe he’d get to have his own photo album full of things. ...Maybe he should ask about that later on after he’d eaten his fill of waffles.
    John and Dave went downstairs to the kitchen together to fix their plates, each stacking higher than they could probably finish before taking a seat near James. The kitchen was immaculate as ever from his cleaning as he cooked, and though the counters were crowded with plates and syrups and the sides things were spotless and lemony fresh underneath. He was a man who appreciated cleanliness of his home as much as he appreciated a good shave. This had led to some issues in the last few years, especially with Dave having a human form now, but he was always up for a challenge.
    “I know you’re cranky about birthday cakes still-”
    “Dad, please, tell me you didn’t do a cake,” John immediately said, horror crossing his face as he poured far too much syrup onto his plate.
    “I didn’t do a cake,” James said, watching Dave’s face fall. Darn it, he liked when James made big cakes. He always got to help lick the spoon or the bowl, and there was always crumbs to peck. ...Pick up. Not peck up anymore, pick up. The trimmings were always moist and delicious. “I made a pie instead.”
    Though John looked relaxed at first, he soon looked suspicious and cut a slice of waffle to jam into his mouth as he observed his father with narrowed eyes. “...What kind of pie.”
    “Lemon cream,” James said calmly, continuing to grin at John’s suspicion.
    Dave, confused, looked between the two of them while he happily ate. Something was going down, though he wasn’t sure what. Pies were always exciting! Would they eat it? Would they throw it? Hard to say, it depended on the mood and some unseen cue that Dave still wasn’t able to decipher, but at least it always resulted in some kind of tasty dessert even if it was whatever could be salvaged off John’s face and the pie tin before he scrambled upstairs to wash off.
    James never wound up covered in pie somehow. John’s aim was great, but with magic involved it always altered the trajectory. He trusted that someday John would deflect properly. Who knew, maybe he’d wind up covered in pie someday as well and join the family on another level that he hadn’t before.
    The two stared at each other for a moment longer before Dave interrupted.
    “John, syrup?”
    “John, can I please have the syrup,” Jame corrected with a smile.
    Dave frowned a bit, annoyed that he slipped back into basic habits. Darn it.
    “John can I please have syrup?” he asked instead, holding his plate up in offer.
    Distracted finally from the attempts at discerning his father’s potential plans with the pie, John blinked a few times before picking the syrup up and drizzling it over Dave’s plate. “Say when.”
    “John, you know he never says when,” James chuckled.
    “Oh, right. Yeah. Here, that should be enough to get everything,” John said before setting the container down. “Do you think we could have lasagna tonight for dinner, Dad?”
    “I don’t see why not. It’ll take a little doing, but there’s nothing quite like a homemade lasagna on a nice day like this.”
    The other unasked question was eating John alive. Questions, really. When would he finally get to practice with the car and get his license? Was he getting a birthday gift this year, or was he just getting money now that he was older? Would it be a surprise? Was it something he’d wanted for a long time? Would it be socks??
    There was no way it was hidden in the house somewhere, because Dave would have come across it by now during his daily scouting attempts inside and out of the house, exploring corners and crevices he hadn’t been able to when he was thumbless. John never tended to bother him when he was doing these things aside from checking up on him now and then. Dave never left without one of his toys in his pocket, so there was no cue for a meltdown, but he seemed content in tiny entrapped spaces. Once he’d even been found in the dryer, though he barely fit at the time, curled up as if inside a tire ready to take off down a hill, grinning with pleasure at his own antics.
    “Son, you’re getting older now,” James said. “An adult in your own right finally, and I’m so proud of the progress you’ve made over the years.”
    John stopped eating again, attentive, squirming in his seat.
    “And I think it’s about time I take you into town for some driving lessons, so you’re ready to use the car.”
    Dave, caught up in the excitement, lifted his hands the same way John was, fistpumping the air to share the thrill.
    “How would you like to take a spin later on? I know you already remember the basics from me teaching you outside, but if we find a nice empty parking lot we can get even more practice in. Learners permit will be easy to get afterwards, then it’s just a lot of practice till you get your license and I won’t need to be in the car at all.”
    “Dave, did you hear that? Just a while longer and we can do a road trip somewhere!”
    “Er. ...No, son. Dave has to stay here.”
    John’s face fell, though he stayed in place with his arms wrapped around Dave, simultaneously being wrapped in the same way by the bird. “Wait, what? I thought you said he could leave eventually with us..”
    “Eventually, yes. Once we figure out a good way of hiding his wings that isn’t just a simple cloaking charm,” James said. “He’d still be knocking things over left and right that way, and be showing a lump in other cases. We need something stronger, strong enough to pass detection by those keeping an eye out for things like him, before he leaves the house.”
    “Road trip! Road trip!” Dave cawed raucously. John stroked his hair, looking guilty.
    “Yeah. Road trip.”
    This was on him again, the ball once more in his court. If he wanted to be able to take Dave anywhere, he needed to find even more ways to change him. As if making him a humanoid hadn’t been enough of a blast in the face. He swallowed hard at the idea, suddenly a little less hungry than the mountain of breakfast in front of him from earlier suggested. It was his responsibility as Dave’s friend and his pseudo-owner to care for him and all his needs, and those needs would include being able to venture off the property as they got older. Even if it wasn’t  on his own, John wanted to give him a bit of the freedom he himself would be tasting soon.
    It was only fair.
    “Now now, perk up. We’ve plenty of time for that. For now, enjoy your birthday and we’ll take a drive later on.”
    “What about-”
    “...Dave can come with us,” James decided quietly. “We’ll find somewhere out of the way, and we can see about keeping his wings folded under a coat. I’m grateful they’re not bigger than they are. It’s not perfect, but it would at least let him tag along for this one time before we figure things out. So he’ll know where you’ve gone in the future.”
    That was a decent enough trade for the time being, John supposed. Dave was always a lot calmer knowing where John was at, so if he was off the property then knowing roughly where he was would probably help. Who knew, maybe the conversations Dave seemed to have with the crows outside could prove useful. Maybe the murder that seemed to shadow over the nearby town was keeping tabs on John and James both, letting Dave know what was happening where he couldn’t see, letting him know things were okay. That his humans were safe.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    John knew it was coming. He knew like he knew his own name, and there was no escape from it. The pie had been in the kitchen earlier in a metal tin instead of the glass one his dad liked to cook with best, settled on the counter after spending time in the fridge, keeping his father company as he readied pasta for the layers of lasagna in the baking dish. Then, it had been gone. James claimed he didn’t know what John was talking about, that he’d just put it back into the fridge to cool a while longer on second thought, but John knew better.
    He knew so much better.
    He’d snuck a peek around while getting a glass of milk he didn’t feel like drinking, and there had been no pie to be seen. A subtle spell from outside of the room didn’t give him extra sight to see where a cloaking was happening. It wasn’t in the laundry room or the living room, or even the car. The only places really left were the lounge and his dad’s room.. But the latter was definitely off limits.
    Especially with Dave following hot on his heels, not wanting to leave the birthday boy alone too long. Or alone at all, if the last bit of the crows entire lifetime had been any indication. Where John went, Dave was set to follow him without question or invitation.
    “Dave, you’ve got to let me know if Dad’s following us at any time,” he said urgently under his breath. “Try to focus. I know you’ve got the whole bird thing, but you’ve been around magic almost your entire life, you’ve got to have some kind of sense as my familiar.”
    “No Dad magic. Got it,” he said simply, confirming what he’d heard. It’d have to do.
    Slipping around the edge of the hallway, John slowly headed towards his father’s room, keeping an ear on the kitchen for the steady clinks and soft thunks of his cooking preparations, and quietly opened the door. His dad’s room was simple, boring in some ways, but fascinating when you looked close enough. Beneath the boring exterior were vestiges of his magic and different tools he employed while doing it. Places he’d explored, people he’d met, even memorabilia of the time he got perma-banned from Cirque de Soleil for causing a scene with magic when someone startled him with a pre-planned stage fall and he’d tried to help them while failing to cast a proper coverage spell to block the view. All they’d seen was a crazed man jumping the stage with what observers claimed was his hands on fire briefly, trying to grap at one of the aerial stunt divers.
    Truly, there was so much history in this room.
    “John, it’s you,” Dave said at a normal volume till John hissed and covered his mouth with a palm.
    “Shhhh! I- ..Oh, you’re right, these are my baby pictures,” John realized as he looked at some of the framed images. One shot with his mother made his smile  grow and soften, even now not over the empty feeling he got when he thought about what she must have been like, memory not able to go clearly as far back as she’d existed in his life. Another shot was him with Dave after he’d recovered, the crow covered in flour and John himself looking pleased as punch in the mess in the kitchen, a mixing bowl of what he was pretty sure was pancake batter on the ground where he could reach it. “Hey, this one’s you.”
    “I know,” Dave said with a grin. “I was happy.”
    “You were?”
    “Yeah,” Dave promised. “I’m always happy when you’re there. Even when I’m mad I’m happy.”
    John smiled a bit. ”Aw. That’s actually pretty swee-” He heard a creak behind them and his heart stopped, watching the door open with wide eyes. His father stood behind it with a pie in hand, the same pleasant grin on his face, and determination in his eye.
    “John, you know I don’t normally like you boys poking around my room when I’m not in here,” he chuckled. “But I wanted to let you know! It’s time for dessert.”
    “We haven’t eaten dinner yet,” John interjected, knowing his fate already.
    “Oh, no son, I think you’re plenty ready for dessert before dinner,” James said as he lifted the pie. “Happy birthday, John!”
    The pie flew with magic guided force, John raised his hands to try deflecting, but before the creamy concoction could splatter him head on.. Dave jumped in the way with both wings spread, taking the dessert full force to the face, splatters of it dispersing around his sides to catch John’s edges all the same.
    Everyone froze and blinked, watching Dave closely. That.. hadn’t happened before. Usually there was cawing or excitement, but Dave had never taken the dessert for John before. They weren’t sure how he’d react, if at all.
    “Uh. ...D. ...Dave?” John finally asked. “Are you okay?”
    “I’m sorry there son, I was aiming for John since he was expecting it,” James tried to say, as if this were somehow his fault and not from Dave leaping in front of the attack.
    Dave, still quiet, finally reached up to pull the pie tin off his face and rub his eyes clear of cream and lemon curd. He licked his lips, face a mask of sweet goo and fluffy cream, and crooned. “This is really good, Dad.”
    James exhaled a breath before laughing, stepping around them all to go find the camera, wanting to capture the moment. John still looked startled, but with Dave continuing to croon as he savored the fact he was getting to essentially eat the majority of an entire pie by himself, he supposed there wasn’t much to worry about.
    “Why’d you do that?” he had to ask.
    Dave blinked at him, licking his fingers clean. “Because you said to keep an eye out for magic and I didn’t know he was there. Then it was pie time,” he shrugged.
    “You… you didn’t have to do that,” John chuckled. “I mean, you know it wouldn’t have hurt me, right?”
    “It hurt my carpeting more than it hurt either of you boys,” James said, making sure there was film and that the lens was uncovered before coming closer to frame up the picture. “Now then. Say cheese, you two!”
    “Cheese!” Dave said, grinning beneath his mask as John leaned over to steal a taste.
    “Huh. Y’know, Dad, this was kind of a waste, it’s REALLY tasty.”
    “Good thing I’ve got another one hidden in the dishwasher then,” he said with a proud smile. “We can enjoy some slices with dinner once Dave’s all cleaned up and we’ve had our driving practice.”
    Once Dave was all cleaned up, huh? Cream was all over his wings, in his hair, probably in his ears. It’d take him a while to get clean. It’d take them both a while to get clean, he mentally corrected, as Dave reached a messy hand over to glom some of the pie onto John’s face. The camera clicked a few more times as they dissolved into flailing with shared pie goo, James laughing all the while.
    “Now, now, that’s enough, you’re grinding it into the floor haha. Both of you, go get tidied up. The Lasagna is ready for the oven now, I’ll pop it in just before we leave and it’ll be plenty ready not long after we get back. Sound good?”
    “Yes Dad,” Dave said, releasing the sides of John’s purse lipped face once he’d firmly wiped the pie off on both sides and the front of his shirt. Then, wings folding as if being coated in lemon curd was the natural state of things, Dave sauntered off to the bathroom to shower with John sighing as he followed, glasses removed and squinted eyes trailing the black and blonde cloud in front of him.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    “Dave, hold still, it’s not going to hurt you!” John complained. “It’s like when you have a blanket on.”
    “Blankets aren’t tight!” he cawed, clicking his teeth in warning for a bite before John reached up and popped the chewy into his mouth for him to angrily gnaw at instead of taking the potential injury to his hands or arms himself.
    “It’s a jacket, you big baby!”
    “Too tight! Let me use mine!” he growled around the toy in his mouth, close to spitting it back out to let it dangle around his neck so he could bite John after all.
    “John, just get him one of mine so he can have everything covered. We can’t have your wings out, remember Dave? Your jacket won’t work,” James reminded him gently from the kitchen as he applied a final last minute layer of cheese and seasonings to the top of the lasagna and covered it with tin foil while the oven preheated.
    The struggling slowly stopped as John stopped trying to shove the jacket into place and Dave folded his wings, disgruntled but willing to try alternatives. Especially if they were James’ alternatives and didn’t involve jamming his wings into small spaces. The replacement option was satisfactory, a long white trench coat whose weight weighed down on Dave’s folded wings to smooth the lump on his back considerably. It was comfortable enough, he supposed, and the added flappability of the overly long sleeves was appealing. Dave cawed softly in approval and let John securely tie the belt around his waist.
    Soon enough they all bundled into the car, John eagerly in the passenger seat and Dave buzzing in the backseat with his face pressed into the glass of the window. They drove away from their well loved house and down the bumpy dirt and gravel road to the paved road, then to the highway. Dave’s eyes were massive as he watched the other cars come close and pass them one after another, coming and going in so many colors. There was one brief moment of James needing to remember the child locks for the back seat to prevent Dave rolling the window down any further than he already had, wanting to feel the wind on his face and through his hair as if he were flying again, but otherwise the trip was simple.
    “I remember here,” Dave said as they pulled into an empty parking lot of a defunct mall. “And there too,” he added, gesturing to a McDonalds down the road. “Good food.”
    “I’m glad we took you in, your diet no doubt added to your original longevity,” James chuckled as he parked the car and turned off the ignition. “Now stay put for me. John? Come on over, son. Let’s try some starts and stops, and some parking. I’ll get in the passenger seat instead.”
    Eager as ever, John darted around to the front of the car, clumsily sliding over half the hood before slipping down onto the bumper and nearly crashing to the ground before saving himself and making it into the driver’s seat to buckle up. Dave, once again, was bouncing and cawing raucously behind them as James took his seat and did the buckle as well.
    “Right. So. Turn it on,” John murmured, running through steps in his head. “Then… brake, shift to drive.. And gas.”
    The vehicle smoothly went into motion with only a few initial anxious wobbles, the brief realization that he was piloting a thousand pound death machine with his father and his best friend inside of it catching up with John, before smoothing out and gradually picking up speed at James’ coaxing. The turn was a bit sharp at the end, making everyone tense up and hold their breaths, but subsequent attempts were more in control. By the end, John was even managing basic parking, backing up, and some parallel parking thanks to his dad and Dave both standing out marking the ends of where he was aiming.
    All in all, a successful day.
    Dave grinned and untied his coat near the end, flinging it open to stretch his wings out before the ride home, only to be nearly tackled by James tucking it back into place.
    “Ah ah ah, I’m sorry Dave but no. Not here. Not right now. I know it’s not the best, but try to hold on till we get home..”
    “Dad, can’t you just cloak him till we get back? He’ll just be in the back of the car,” John said from the driver’s seat as he parked and shut off the car to get out. Dave went wide eyed and nodded.
    “Please? Itches.”
    James sighed.. and nodded, raising a hand as he let the coat fall to apply a quick cloaking spell. As if melting away, Dave’s wings disappeared from view, leaving only the cut open back of his shirt. It was strange seeing Dave that way, John decided. No wings on his back, Dave looked naked in some way, vulnerable with his red eyes and wild hair, skinny frame and slightly stooped posture. Nothing was tethering him to the world anymore when he just looked like an out of place human instead of an out of place angel.
    “Hurry into the car though. You never know who’s watching,” James urged, handing Dave the trenchcoat before making a shoo gesture with both hands. “We’ve got lasagna waiting on us at home.”
    Dave remained outside of the car for another minute, just enjoying the wind in his hair and through his unseen feathers, savoring being somewhere familiar before he finally got into the vehicle as well and buckled up. He felt like someone was watching him and looked around, but let the feeling fall. Nobody was out there but the three of them, and besides: there were more important things afoot.
    “Lasagna!” he cawed, appetite more than awake by this time.
    “Yep. Lasagna,” John said from up front. All in all? A great birthday. He hoped the future ones could be as peaceful.
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dwyeristhicc · 5 years
Dwyer who hasn’t had much conversation with M!Corrin but thinks he’s really cute. One day he over hears a rumour that Corrin is into guys with some meat on their bones so Dwyer starts to gain steadily in hopes Corrin will notice and when ever he’s around Corrin he will just get super flustered and when Corrin looks over he just sees a flustered and tired over weight Butler. And yes Corrin falls for him immediately
Ever since Corrin rescued him from the Valla Soldiers during the raid of his deeprealm, Dwyer had fallen for the Nohrian prince, and his attraction for him has only grown bigger since then.
Dwyer never paid any mind to most of the things he said, since he never cared about what anyone but his father thinked about him, but whenever Corrin even talked to him he would become a flustered mess, stumbling over his words and his cheeks turning the same color of Corrin’s beautiful red eyes.
Whenever he tried to talk to Corrin, his mind would go blank and leave an awkward silence around him. Corrin would obviously try to lighten up the mood, but Dwyer knew he was just doing it to be nice.
He resigned himself to not winning over the Nohrian prince, after all, Corrin’s army was a very large army, and that meant a lot of options, and who would pick the insomniac asshole? That’s what he thought, at least.
Hell, how did he know Corrin wasn’t straight? He assumed that he might’ve had a thing for either Silas or for Jakob, the latter option making him shriek in disgust, but it seemed that it was nothing more but a mix of Corrin’s kindness and his adorable naivety showing whenever he’s talking to people.
Because of the seemingly impossible task of having Corrin be into him, Dwyer had fallen into a bit of a bad mood, and he did what he did best- repressing his feelings and ignoring them with work.
He spent the whole day cleaning the whole camp- Washing the dishes, dusting each room, washing all the clothes, preparing tea for at least 30 people, and a whole lot of other things that that helped Dwyer block feelings that were Corrin-related.
The day soon ended, and Dwyer was still cleaning room after room, and he had finished Keaton’s room, a room that Dwyer would classify as a clusterfuck. He then realised that there was only one room left- Corrin’s room.
He thought of simply not cleaning Corrin’s room, but he immediately thought how much his father would boast about doing what he “forgot” to do.
Dwyer would rather die than let his father enjoy winning in the butler business, so he took a deep breath, and opened the door of Corrin’s room.
The Nohrian Prince’s room wasn't very messy. It had a few things laying on the floor- A bronze sword, a bag of vulneraries, and a small diary. Besides that, only a few tables required dusting and the sheets had to be changed.
After doing all the chores, he picked up the prince’s belongings that were on the floor- Dwyer polished the sword, put the vulneraries in their right place, and he was about to pick up the diary, but a rush of curiosity took over him. If no one found out, what was wrong with some snooping around?
He opened the diary and started reading the first few pages. It was mostly battle strategies and venting about how much of a bad father Garon was, but when he got to the middle point he started to notice some notes based on how he felt about the other members of the army.
Dwyer felt a small rush of happiness when he saw notes about how some of the guys were cute, so he was definitely not straight, at least that was something that made his day a little bit better.
He continued to scroll through the pages until the notes started to focus on something very peculiar- How fat they were.
Notes about how Keaton’s gut was very hairy, how Benny’s soft stomach complemented his adorable personality, and a lot of other details that Dwyer felt kind of weird reading. He didn’t expect Corrin to be this kinky.
Dwyer suddenly heard footsteps, and he quickly placed the diary on top of the night stand that was next to Corrin’s bed.
As he made his way out of the room, he met face to face with Corrin, to his dismay. Dwyer felt his cheeks burning as he gripped his cleaning utensils.
“H-hey, Lord Corrin…”
“It’s nice to see you again Dwyer. I heard that you cleaned all the camp, so I wanted to congratulate you on being a valuable member of the army!”. He shook Dwyer’s hand firmly with a huge smile on his face.
Dwyer felt a rush of adrenaline. How could he be so adorable?
“T-thanks. I’ll go to sleep, if you don’t mind.”
“It’s no big deal, Dwyer. Just know that you can stay in your room if you desire so, you worked hard today.”
Being congratulated by Corrin made Dwyer’s heart skip a beat. He was just so nice and kind that it made it impossible to not smile whenever Corrin talked.
Dwyer opened the door to his room and he flopped into his bed. It only dawned on him how tired he was, even more than his usual sleepiness.
He then started to think about what he read in Corrin’s diary. Dwyer found it interesting- Discovering that Corrin loved men like he did, how he was infatuated by their stomachs, and how he seemingly thought that the bigger a guy was, the better.
And suddenly, he had an epiphany. Corrin was into bigger guys, so then he came into a conclusion- If he wanted to win over Corrin, he had to pack on some pounds.
It wouldn’t be hard, since he wasn’t eating “super healthy” in comparison to the rest of the army, snacking mostly on pastries, so he just had to eat a little bit more than usual to catch Corrin’s attention. He had a head start as well, since he was already a little bit chunky.
Dwyer immediately got up and headed to the kitchen. He made sure no one was there so that he could eat at his heart’s content.
The coast was clear, and he started to grab everything he needed to start baking. He used the multiple ovens to bake multiple things- A chocolate cake, a batch of chocolate chip cookies, a pumpkin pie, and a batch of blueberry muffins.
While everything was baking, he munched on some biscuits inside the pantry. He really enjoyed how his father baked them, even if he would never admit it.
Soon after, the ovens finished heating all of Dwyer’s snacks. He placed all of them in the table, and licked his lips in pleasure as his stomach grumbled.
He grabbed a fork and a knife and started with the pumpkin pie. Dwyer cut a big chunk of the pie and shoved it into his mouth. He moaned as he felt the intensely good flavor of the pie.
“Oh man, I’m such a good cook.”
Dwyer soon dug into the rest of his giant meal, his taste buds being constantly bombarded with more and more sugary flavors.
The cookies were soon gone and only left a trail of crumbs on top of Dwyer’s chest, the muffins were shoved one by one into Dwyer as he slowly chewed them, and the cake was furiously devoured by Dwyer, even grabbing some chunks with his bare hands and shoving them in his mouth.
He ate like he had never eaten before, during every single bite he thought about Corrin, and how much he would hug him and kiss him after getting fatter.
If every day was going to be like this, Dwyer was going to enjoy one hell of a lifestyle.
Dwyer woke up, and immediately headed for the kitchen. He made sure to wake up early, something that he has never done in his life, to grab as much food as he could. He wasn’t in the mood to be judged by his father.
The butler grabbed as much as he could find- A plate of scrambled eggs, pancakes with chocolate chips and whipped cream, bacon sandwiches, a plate of biscuits, and a small slice of cake.
The same thing that occured last night happened again. Dwyer ate shamelessly, thinking about how good it would feel for Corrin to squish his belly, and how it would feel even better when he got as big as Corrin wanted him to be.
By the end, Dwyer’s belly was bloated, his pajama shirt’s buttons were straining, and his face was red as a tomato as he felt a mix of pain, embarrassment, pleasure, and satisfaction as he rubbed his belly.
His stomach growled in order to protest the amount of food that was put inside of it, but Dwyer didn’t care. He was too busy planning out what he was gonna eat for lunch.
A month had passed and Dwyer had certainly packed on some extra pounds. His thighs had grown in size dramatically, his butt growing juicier and making his undies and pants struggle to contain it, a pair of moobs starting to appear that seemingly looked as big, if not bigger, than Kagero’s, but the biggest thing was his gut. He couldn’t even see his feet now, and carried his giant stomach with pride.
He noticed Corrin was starting to pay attention to him, catching him staring and freezing every time they encountered each other in the hot springs, allowing the Nohrian prince to get a good look at his giant body.
Dwyer decided to wait a few months, allowing him to grow even bigger. Just in case “competition” showed up (Keaton had started to become plump as well, but nowhere near Dwyer’s current weight)
He woke up, taking off his sleeping clothes, that were nothing but a pair of dark blue briefs that really accentuated the roundness of his butt, and put on his new butler clothes, that were custom made to accommodate to his gargantuan size.
Dwyer knocked on Corrin’s door, his bigger size giving him a boost of confidence he desperately needed.
Corrin opened the door, but his eyes widened when he saw the bigger and fatter butler towering over him. A small blush appeared on his face as he waved his hand in order to say “Hi”
“Hey Corrin…” Dwyer had a shit-eating grin in his face. He knew Corrin was currently crazy for him, since every time he cleaned his room he took a small peek into the diary of the prince. “I’m pretty hungry…”
Corrin fumbled with his words before managing to mutter “D-do you want food?”
Dwyer patted his belly. “Yeah… I’m in the mood for wyvern steak.”
Corrin ran into the kitchen embarrassed, Dwyer being able to hear the prince the phrase “Oh My God” repeatedly under his breath.
The dragon prince came with a catering cart full of multiple plates that had dishes that had a giant wyvern steak on top of it, and when he opened the door, Dwyer was laying on bed in othing but his boxers, giving him a cheeky smile.
Corrin’s face went red and he shut the door, not wanting to be seen doing something so embarassing.
Dwyer had finally stolen the Dragon prince’s heart, and his love for him was almost as big as his gut.
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57 Easy Gluten Free Recipes for Summer Picnics and Potlucks
New blog post! Now that the weather is finally (sloooowly) warming up and holidays like Memorial Day and Fourth of July are right around the corner, I know that summer picnics and potlucks are just as close. But when you have celiac disease or dietary restrictions, summer entertaining can feel a little more complicated.
That's why this year, I thought I'd scope out some of the best gluten free recipes for summer picnics and potlucks. Whether you're looking for healthy appetizers, gluten free lunches fit for a picnic or easy paleo desserts, this round up should give you some delicious ideas. Not to mention, it should make bringing a yummy and gluten free dish to every summer get-together a whole lot easier!
Gluten Free Sides
1. Bacon Cheddar Jalapeno Cornbread (Nut Free, Refined Sugar Free) - Raia's Recipes  
Trust me. If you show up with gluten free bread at a summer potluck, you're gonna be the life (or at least the taste buds) of the party.
2. Easy Potato Salad with Egg - Bubba Pie
Give your potato salad an extra boost of protein with hardboiled eggs.
3. Hawaiian Macaroni Salad (Vegan, Soy Free) - Spabettie
Pineapple, vegan mayo, sweet pickles and pickled carrots give this macaroni salad a unique, Hawaiian twist.
4. Broccoli Apple Slaw - Noshtastic
Change up the traditional cabbage slaw recipe by using broccoli and apple instead!
5. Creamy Pea Salad - Recipes From a Pantry
If you're looking for a seriously easy low carb side dish that is still sure to peas (ahem...please) a crowd...this is it! All you need to make it are fresh (or frozen!) peas, bacon, cheese and a few other ingredients for the sour cream dressing.
6. Black Bean and Corn Salad with Balsamic Vinegar (Dairy Free) - The Welcoming Table
Add grilled chicken or pork to make this gluten free salad a meal, or serve it as a side dish or dip!
7. German Cucumber Salad - Casserole Crissy
For any gardeners out there, this is the perfect recipe to use up any leftover cucumbers.
8. Asian-Inspired Sesame Cilantro Carrot Salad (Paleo and Vegetarian) - Natasha, The Artisan Life
Even carrot haters will be won over by the Asian flavors in this gluten free salad dressing.
9. Bone Broth Pesto (Nut Free) - Casey the College Celiac
Enjoy the creamy, tanginess of pesto with the added protein and nutritional benefits of bone broth. Serve with veggies, gluten free crackers or roasted sweet potato rounds (which are also included in the linked recipe above)! 
10. Watermelon Mint Salad with/out Feta (Dairy Free Option) - Finding Zest
Who knew that watermelon and balsamic vinegar made such a tasty pair?
11. White Bean Salad (Vegan, Soy-Free, Nut-Free) - Happy Healthy Mama
Fresh basil, cherry tomatoes, avocado and lemon juice turn plain white beans into a side salad everyone will be digging into.
12. Zucchini Roll-Ups (Vegan, Paleo) - Claudia Canu 
These roll-ups are super simple to make but that doesn't make this combo of veggies and gluten free hummus any less delicious!
13. Goat Cheese Cucumber Bites (Keto, Low Carb) - The Keto Option
Gluten free Everything But the Bagel Seasoning dresses up these mini goat cheese and cucumber sandwiches.
14. Creamy Sweet Potato Salad (Paleo) - Cathy's Gluten Free
Is there any occasions sweet potatoes aren't perfect for?!? I don't think so...
15. Focaccia with Olives, Sundried Tomato & Rosemary (Grain Free, Paleo, Refined Sugar Free) - Emma Eats and Explores
Like I said before...you seriously can't go wrong with bringing homemade gluten free bread.
16. 5-Minute Guacamole (Vegan, Keto, Paleo, Oil-free, Whole 30) - Veg Annie
Homemade salsa gives this homemade guac an extra kick of freshness and flavor.
17. Mexican Street Corn - Confessions of a Fit Foodie
Like corn on the cob, only a lot tastier and less messy to eat!
18. Spicy Mango Dip (Vegan) - Fun Food Frolic
Serve this gluten free and vegan dip with some gf bread or pita, and it'll disappear in no time. You can whip it up in 15, minutes, too!
19. Easy Tuna Spread - Goodnesst 
This gluten free spread only requires three ingredients, five minutes to make and is delicious when served with crackers, veggies or tossed in a salad.
20. Red Potato Salad with Avocado and Egg - Attainable Sustainable
Typical potato salad gets an upgrade with some healthy fats from avocado in this gluten free side dish.
21. Curried Cauliflower Mac and Cheese (Vegan) - Casey the College Celiac
If you want to add some hidden veggies to a family classic, you'll love my curried cauliflower mac and cheese, which only takes five ingredients to make.
Gluten Free Mains
22. Avocado, Asparagus and Chicken Salad (Paleo, Mayo Free) - Tasting Page
If mayo ain't your thang, you'll love this paleo chicken salad, which gets its creaminess from avocado and a homemade dressing.
23. Corn and Zucchini Pie - A Simple Pantry
If a quiche and a frittata had a baby, this would be it. Plus, this cheesy pie only takes an hour - including 45 minutes of it doing its thang in the oven - to make.
24. Melon Mozzarella Prosciutto Salad with Arugula - Taste and See
Combine classic Italian ingredients with a traditional Caprese salad, and you end up with an ideal summer entertaining dish.
25. Grilled Balsamic Lamb Kabobs - Foodal
I'll admit, I've never tried lamb before, but these kabobs would definitely have me digging in.
26. Quinoa Tabbouleh Salad - Spice Cravings
Traditionally, tabbouleh salad is a Middle Eastern vegetarian salad featuring ingredients like parsley, mint, Bulgar wheat, tomatoes, onion, cucumber and a lemon dressing. This gluten free version replaces the bulgar wheat with quinoa, which not only makes it allergy friendly but also packed with extra protein!
27. Zesty Smashed Chickpea Salad Sandwich (Vegan) - Moon and Spoon and Yum
The best kind of sandwiches have a mix of different textures and flavors...and this smashed chickpea salad has ALL the flavor punches you're looking for.
28. Southwest Quinoa Salad (Dairy-Free Option) - Mama Knows Gluten Free
You can't go wrong with a bowl of quinoa dressed up with avocados, black bean, corn, grape tomatoes, mozzarella and a cilantro honey lime dressing.
29. Shrimp Pasta Salad - Hot Pan Kitchen
Olives and sun-dried tomatoes give this cold gluten free salad an extra boost of flavor.
30. Spanish Waldorf Salad - Zestful Kitchen
This Spanish twist on a classic Waldorf salad complements a variety of different meals, and you can prepare all of the different ingredients ahead of the time.
31. Easy Cheesy Loaded Cauliflower Casserole (Low Carb) - Wholesome Yum
This gluten free casserole has all the flavors of a baked potato, minus the carbs. And you can't go wrong with bacon!
32. Tuscan Pasta Salad (Nut Free, Egg Free) - Meaningful Eats
Just 'cause you're gluten free doesn't mean you can't enjoy a very delicious pasta salad on a pretty summer day.
33. Cauliflower Salad (Vegan, Low Carb, Keto) - Cooking Journey
Cauliflower just got a very tasty upgrade with this easy, raw salad recipe.
34. Easy Cucumber Tomato Feta Salad (Vegetarian) - Mom Foodie
You can't go wrong with a classic...
35. Kale Quinoa Salad + Cider Vinegarette - Pass Me Some Tasty
Make sure you use gluten free cranberries and walnuts, and the sweet and savory mix of flavors will be a major winner in this salad.
36. Chickpea Thai Quinoa Salad with Peanut Dressing - V Nutrition and Wellness
Add a creamy peanut sauce to a salad with quinoa, chickpeas, carrots, cabbage and cilantro and you have a Thai feast tastier than any take-out.
37. Prawn & Avocado Salad (Whole 30, Paleo) - Recipe This
If you know Whole 30 or paleo diners will be at your summer picnic, this salad is sure to be a hit.
38. Broccoli Salad with Bacon (Keto, Low Carb) - Whole Lotta Yum
Broccoli has never looked so good...
39. Sweet Potato Black Bean Burger (Vegan) - Evolving Table
This black bean quinoa burger only takes an hour to make and is easy to personalize for whatever beans, sweet potatoes or spices you have on hand. 
40. The Best Homemade Chicken Salad (Paleo, Keto, Whole 30) - The Organic Chicken
Serve this salad on greens, gluten free bread or even half an avocado.
41. Loaded Potato Wedge Nachos (Paleo, Vegan Options) - Casey the College Celiac
'Cause who wouldn't want to dive into a plate of nachos on a beautiful summer day...especially when the base is fluffy roasted potato wedges?!?
Gluten Free Desserts
42. Paleo Strawberry Rhubarb Pie (Low Carb) - The Banana Diaries
I don't know about you, but I will always say yes to a slice of gluten free pie!
43. No Bake Peach Cheesecake Bites (Vegan) - Delightful Adventures
Make sure you use gluten free oats and almonds, and you'll have one heck of a tasty gluten free dessert.
44. Chewy Pumpkin Popcorn Balls (Vegan) - Casey the College Celiac
There's something crazy addictive about that sweet and salty combo. 
45. Pink Lemonade Cupcakes - Fearless Dining
Because is there anything more summer-y than pink lemonade anything?!?
46. Red, White & Blueberry Shortcake Parfaits (Paleo) - Living Loving Paleo
No one will believe that you whipped up these paleo shortcakes from almond flour and a handful of other ingredients you threw in your food processor!
47. Avocado Brownies (Vegan) - Vibrant Guide
Even avocado haters won't be able to get over how thick and fudgy these brownies are...
48. Cream Cheese Pound Cake (Low Carb, Keto) - Fit to Serve Group
Who says you can't eat a keto or low carb diet and eat cake too?!? 
49. Scotcharoos - My Gluten-Free Kitchen
Gluten free puffed rice cereal, peanut butter, chocolate and butterscotch combine into one heck of a tasty no-bake bar.
50. Oatmeal Creme Pies - Hunny I'm Home
Chewy gluten free oatmeal cookies + delicious buttercream icing = dessert heaven.
51. Orange Cake with Almond Meal (Dairy Free) - The Foodie Journey
This cake is only made with a few ingredients and can be prepped to bake in just 10 minutes!
52. Blueberry Muffins (Vegan) - Rhian's Recipes
You can't go wrong with a fluffy blueberry muffin, especially when it's gluten free, vegan and only takes 35 minutes to bake! Plus, there are tons of ingredient options and swaps, so you can probably whip up these muffins with whatever is already in your pantry.
53. S'mores Ice Cream Cake (Vegan) - Pink Fortitude
Ummm...a gluten free and vegan ice cream cake?!? I don't think I need to say anymore...
54. Chocolate, Beetroot & Raspberry Cupcakes - Attachment Mummy 
In case you want to sneak a few veggies into your gluten free dessert.
55. No Bake Cheesecake (Keto, Low Carb) - Low Carb Yum
You can't beat a no-bake cheesecake base topped with fresh summer berries.  
56. Chocolate Chip Coffee Cookies - Think About Such Things
Chocolate chip cookies just got a caffeinated twist! 
57. Blueberry Lemon Bundt Cake (Dairy Free) - Allergy Free Alaska 
I was sold at blueberries...
What I Hope You Remember During This Summer's Potlucks, Picnics and Parties
I know that when you have celiac disease or food allergies, the words "picnic" or "potluck" can cause more fear than excitement. But rest assured - as long as you use one of these gluten free recipes for guidance, you know you'll have at least one delicious meal you can happily enjoy. What are your favorite summer meals or recipes? Tell me in the comments! via Blogger http://bit.ly/2E6xmYR
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duchess-of-tales · 6 years
@motherofkittens94 Thank you very much Bethan! 
(Also apple chips is very slimy sliced dried apple. Nothing special, just dried apple. You can make it a little extra with chocolate but not my favourite treat either.)
Rules: Bold what you prefer and tag 10 people.
1. Go apple picking vs go on a hay ride
2. Scary vs sweet
3. Sweaters vs boots
4. Socks vs mittens
5. Bonfires vs football 
6. Trick-or-treating vs watching scary movies 
7. Bake pie vs bake cookies  
8. Rain vs fog
9. Black cats vs owls
10. Ghosts vs wizards
11. Harry Potter vs Halloweentown
12. Go hiking vs sleep in
13. Cinnamon vs nutmeg
14. Reading vs writing
15. Hot chocolate vs tea 
16. Live in a cabin in the forest vs have it be fall 24/7
17. Candy apples vs  vs what ?? theres no other option
18. Blankets vs pillows
19. Roasted marshmallows vs roasted chestnuts
20. Coffee vs apple cider
21. Red leaves vs orange leaves
22. Bob for apples vs visit a pumpkin patch
23. Braids vs bows
24. Scented candles vs the smell of fresh baked goods
25. Carve pumpkins vs make pumpkin pie
26. Pumpkin spice lattes vs chai tea lattes
27. Coats vs oversized sweaters
28. Beanies vs berets
29. Candy corn vs peanut butter cups
30. S’mores vs apple crisp 
31. Jump in a pile of leaves vs swing on a tire swing
32. Corn maze vs haunted house
33. Whipped cream on hot chocolate vs marshmallows on hot chocolate 
Im tagging @wedonnotcare @michellefairleylove and everyone else who wants to this :)
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olicitysecretsanta · 7 years
Cold December Night
Rated: T AU, College AU, Fluff, friends to lovers, pink snuggies are a thing, whipped cream is involved, pet names, teeth rotting fluff, OSS2017
For Sakhi / Cat AKA @multi-fandom-crazy-fangirl From: @sparklesannie I wrote this, it was meant to be a one shot but I couldn’t stop writing, fluffy thing for you. I divided it into five chapters thought it could be considered a long one-shot. IDK. 
Best way to summarize this is Michael Bublé, pink snuggies and sweets collide during the holidays. Merry Christmas. Enjoy!
P.S. I happen to have an Olicity playlist, actually I have two: one in English, one in Spanish.
Notes: This is my first time participating in the OSS so I’m very excited about this.
Chapter 1: White Chocolate Kit-Kat
After breaking up with his on-again-off-again girlfriend Laurel, they’d agreed to hold things off until he gets his act together. It was a clean break, amicable. Truth was that they were tired of doing the same dance, every time they pulled together something always pulled Oliver back. So when Oliver pulled back, this time, so did Laurel. She told him not to contact her during the semester, giving them roughly 16 weeks apart from each other. She said that they could revisit their thing during winter break, see if there was something still there. It was a rational decision, it made sense, it gave them space and time to think about their relationship. Worst case scenario if it didn’t work out at least they salvaged their friendship, so Oliver agreed. Friends until winter break, if it didn’t work out after that then they would remain friends. So here’s Oliver on his fifth try at college in a new city, Boston. He picked Boston simply because it was on the other side of the country, that way he wouldn’t be as tempted to crawl back to Laurel whenever he got lonely. Besides, he didn’t know anyone here so getting a lady companion wouldn’t be as easy as pulling out his phone. If he wanted to get some action he’d have to go out and meet people. That’s how he met her. Kind of. It was a total accident, really. Oliver was just coming out of his ECON 305 lecture, it was his first day and he was already regretting coming to Boston. Walking down the hall he spotted a vending machine, ever since Professor Richardson used M&Ms as an example to prove a point in class, Oliver had been craving the snack. There was a young blonde woman in front of the vending machine cursing at it. “Frack this! Just my fracking luck!” She muttered and banged her head against the machine. “I should’ve eaten at the diner.” Oliver wanted to laugh at the scene before him. The quirky young blonde was trying and failing to rattle the vending machine, apparently her snacks were stuck inside. “Come on! I just want my white chocolate Kit-Kats! I’m in a hurry here!” She whined against the glass bumping her head one last time on it. He pitied her. The poor girl just wanted a snack and appeared to be in a hurry, also he wanted his M&Ms. “Here, I got you.” He reached over her head and grabbed the top edge of the machine and shook it until her desired Kit-Kat dropped, as well as a couple extra candies that came loose too. The girl bent down and reached inside to collect her prizes. “Oh my google! This is a lot of candy. Thank you so much.” She turned around hugging the multiple bags of sugary goodness close to her chest, “Here, you can keep those.” The blue eyed blonde handed him a bag of peanut M&Ms. He grabbed them and laughed at the coincidence, just what he was craving. Talk about showing up to the right place at the right time. He was just about to try to flirt with the girl but when he looked up she was gone.
Chapter 2: The Candy Man His quest to make friends and/or find a lady companion was proving to be more difficult seeing as how no one knew who he was, therefore no one was dying for his attention. Huh, that’s different. Oliver wasn’t used to working for anything in his life everything came easy, or at least it used to. It was his first week in Boston and all he’d managed to do was go to class and head straight back to his apartment. That first weekend he decided to go out and check out the bar scene, he got drunk, alone. He had yet to make friends. On his way back to the apartment he passed by the 24 hour diner down the block and saw a couple eating some greasy delicious looking burgers, his mouth watered at the sight of it and he stepped inside. Before he could order anything he passed out in the booth. — She’d seen the guy before, she knew that much. But where? Right now Mr. GQ was struggling to stay on his feet outside the diner, staring like a total creep at the couple on table 6. After 5 minutes of staring the guy finally made up his mind and stepped inside, passing by right in front her, leaving along a trail of his aroma. The guy smelled like a distillery. As soon as he plopped down on his seat he stretched out across the table haphazardly. DRUNK! She thought as he laid his head down on the table top and started blinking slowly until he stopped blinking altogether. Yep, definitely drunk. She tended to all her tables before going over to the sleeping guy. She poked him softly with her red pen but the guy was deep asleep, even snoring a little. It was kinda cute. But she had to get him out of there though. The guy obviously wanted something to eat otherwise he wouldn’t have come in. She walked back over to the kitchen and asked Sal for a Midnight Special. “One drunken special coming up!” She laughed. The diner had created a special extra greasy meal combo for drunken customers. — A shaking motion woke him up. When he looked up amused blue eyes stared at him, the waitress placed a plate of greasy food in front of him and offered him a polite smile, he noticed her pink tinted lips. “I, um, don’t remember ordering anything.” He commented, his voice gravely and low from sleep. He didn’t remember talking to anyone in the diner. Was he that drunk? “Midnight special: Double bacon cheeseburger with a fried egg on top, a side of tater tots with bacon and cheese, and last but not least a Bloody Mary.” She replied back. “I took the liberty of ordering that for you. No offense but you look like you’re bombed right now so… I’m gonna need to see your ID if you want that Bloody Mary, sir.” He couldn’t wait to dig in, his stomach kept making gurgling noises but he couldn’t take his eyes off the waitress. She looked familiar, he was trying to figure out where he knew her from but she was talking a lot and really fast. Between his half asleep state and his drunkenness he only got like half of what she said, so he handed her his ID and a 50 dollar bill. He told her to keep the change, she’d earned it for babysitting his ass. Right there and then he knew he wanted her. Maybe it was because he was lonely, but when he saw her, he instantly decided that she would be his friend. Sure, she was easy on the eyes but he knew her type; working smart girl, she was out of his league- which is exactly why he thought she’d make a perfect friend. 20 minutes later and he was back to being sober, well mostly sober. He was trying to come up with a plan to approach her. Oliver was not good at planning that’s why he found himself asking to see the dessert menu even though he was pretty full already. “Ah, so the Candy Man does have a sweet tooth!” she mussed. He did a double take at her, suddenly it all came into focus. The candy. The blonde girl. That’s why she seemed so familiar, they’d already met. “Wait, you’re white chocolate Kit-Kat girl!” He gasped out. “Did you enjoy your candy?” “I am, I did. Thanks, again.” Her name was Felicity M. Smoak. She was a part-time waitress at the diner, full time student, and occasional tutor. They chatted for about two hours, Oliver played the new-guy-in-town-so-please-show-me-around card. It took a while to wear her down and convince her that he wasn’t looking to get into her pants, though he did offer to be there for her in case she wanted him in her pants. She laughed at that and assured him that it’d remain strictly platonic, she’d recently gotten out of a relationship and wasn’t looking for any more trouble. To his surprise they got along very easily despite the fact that they were so different. She was a total nerd and he was the complete opposite. Felicity was 20 years old, originally from Vegas. Whereas he was on his freshman year at Harvard Business School she was on her last year at MIT hoping to graduate with a double masters in cyber security and computer sciences. She was a genius and a sweet girl, very bubbly and optimistic. She was the kind of good influence Oliver needed in his life.
Chapter 3: Surprise! Oliver was having pumpkin spiced pancakes when he realized that it’d been months since he last went out drinking and partying and he didn’t miss it, not one bit. He even turned down Felicity’s offer to crash a Halloween party, he preferred to watch horror movies with her instead. Oliver liked stopping by the diner during Felicity’s morning shifts in the week and have breakfast, she would check in on him, see if he’d done his assignments. She took night classes so she could work during the day and worked the night shift during the weekends. Once Oliver learned that, he would spend the whole entirety of her night shift sitting in a booth, she told him it was sweet of him to look out for her but that it wasn’t necessary. From that point on he made sure to pick her up and give her a ride back to her dorm. By the time that Thanksgiving break rolled around Oliver didn’t want to go home. “So…what are your plans for Thanksgiving break?” Felicity asked him as she sprayed a mountain of whipped cream on his slice of pumpkin pie. Today he abandoned his regular booth and opted for a seat by the counter near the register. Oliver pondered her question and answered honestly. “I think I’m gonna stay here, I like it.” He smiled back at her, “What about you? Are you going home?” He asked and pointed his now whipped cream covered index finger and bopped her nose with it. She giggled in surprise at the sensation of the cold whipped cream. “Nope, I’m staying too.” She grabbed a napkin and wiped her nose clean, “I picked up an extra shift for Black Friday.” “Nice. We can do that Sherlock marathon we talked about on Saturday.” “A Sherlock binge sounds good. It’s a date.” Oliver was sure that she hadn’t realized what she’d said. He wondered if she meant it. They had already broached that topic early on and agreed on friendship, but he wasn’t opposed to dating her. It wasn’t a possibility for him seeing as she was so far off his league but if she wanted to revisit that conversation he’s sure he’d be open to more than friends with her. He flushed at the idea. “I said not a date right? No. Friends don’t go on dates, couples do that. Which we’re not- I mean not that you’re not suitable for- 3, 2, 1. I’m sorry my babbles keep making things weird.” Oliver chuckled, she was so adorable. That’s why he wasn’t too disappointed when she cleared up the dating debacle. It was okay if she didn’t want to date him, he could deal with that as long as they remained friends. “You have nothing to apologize for. I like your babbles, they’re endearing.” “Yeah, you say that cause you don’t have to live with foot in the mouth disease. I was almost suspended in high school because I babbled something about my science teacher and how his hair piece could be spotted from a mile away.” She lamented. Oliver laughed, glancing at his watch he needed to get going or he’d be late. “Crap! I’m gonna be late. See you on Saturday?” “Yep.” — The diner had closed down early for Thanksgiving Day. A few months ago this would’ve left Felicity wondering what to do, go back to the dorms, eat dinner by herself and binge watch Skins -she had a thing for brits- but today she had only one thing in mind. Oliver. They had grown to be close friends, best friends even, they would hang out and spend time with each other, whether it’d be working on assignments, watching TV at Oliver’s or him dropping by the diner. So today when she got off work early she didn’t hesitate to drop by unannounced. She went back to the dorm, took a shower and changed into more comfortable clothes. She had trouble deciding on what to wear, debating between her comfy panda sweater with leggings or a dress and heels, ultimately she opted for the comfy clothes. It wasn’t like she wanted to impress Oliver, even though she secretly wished he would look at her differently. Lately she’d been recognizing the signs that she was fall- crushing, she corrected herself, on her friend. For starters, she was always aware of him, of his body, where he would rest his hands, which was always close to hers. Secondly, she was noticing all of these things about him, like how good he looked after having skipped two days of shaving his jaw, or how his muscles could be greatly appreciated whenever he wore gray anything’s. Her babbles had gotten worse she was constantly making sexual innuendos and making things uncomfortable between them, it was ridiculous. And his hair -when he finally got a decent haircut she nearly jumped him- it was cropped close to his scalp but long enough to grab at it. And if that wasn’t enough to get her crushing on him, he was actually a really nice guy, he was kind of guarded with his feelings just like she was but when it came to his family he was a total softy. Oliver was a great friend and she intended to keep it that way, she wasn’t looking to repeat the Alan Danforth situation. Alan Danforth was Felicity’s first and only ever male best friend from her childhood, long story short: they’d kissed and it made things awkward. Three days later Alan stopped talking to her and that was the last of that relationship. Felicity vowed to avoid being friends with guys, then she met Cooper in college. Disastrous. They were friends for a while, then started dating, fell in love and then it ended. Felicity needed this friendship with Oliver to last. She had to believe that guys wouldn’t always leave her, just like her father had. Oliver was her shot at redemption, hope that not all guys were douche bags. So she put on her comfy clothes not bothering with putting on much makeup or spending extra time doing her hair. Felicity gathered her things and grabbed an extra can of whipped cream, because she knew he loved it, and headed over to Oliver’s apartment. — That Thanksgiving Thursday Oliver went about his day like he normally would, had breakfast at the diner with Felicity and later did some laundry, thanks to Felicity he now knew how to work the washer and dryer combo in his apartment. That afternoon was spent FaceTiming his sister Thea, who was still upset that he wasn’t going home. “I know, but I have plans, Speedy.” “Worst nickname ever, Ollie.” Oliver was briefly distracted from his video-call, a certain blonde came to mind. He considered texting Felicity to see if she had any plans for dinner or if she wanted to hang out. But then he remembered she’d mentioned she had picked up an extra shift so she probably could use some rest, besides she’d be coming over on Saturday. Suddenly the doorbell rang. Weird, he wasn’t expecting anyone…unless… No it couldn’t be. They’d agreed to keep their distance. “Hold on, Speedy. Someone’s at the door.” Oliver took a peek though the peep hole but something was blocking his view. With his phone still in hand he opened up to find Felicity, an automatic smile appeared on his face. She stood there with a couple of bags at her feet. She looked warm and domestic in her panda sweater and leggings, plus she’d finally let her hair down. “Surprise!” She squealed and practically jumped into his arms. “Happy Thanksgiving.” She mumbled against his chest. “Hi.” He squeezed her tightly crushing her by wrapping his arms around her tiny frame. “Happy Thanksgiving.” “OLLIE!!” His sister squealed over the phone. He’d almost forgotten he was still on the video-call. “WHO’S THAT?!” Without releasing his hold on Felicity, he pulled his phone back and angled it so they could both be in the frame. Felicity was still pressed against his chest, both arms circling his waist, she turned her head to face the phone. “This is a nice surprise.” Oliver murmured to Felicity, then addressed his sister, “Speedy, this is Felicity. Felicity meet my brat of a sister, Thea.” ‘Sister’ Felicity mouthed and did an awkward little hand wave towards the camera. “She’s gorgeous.” Felicity whispered but judging from the smile on his sister’s face she’d heard Felicity’s comment. “Damn. You two have the same eyes. And I see you have the same sexy mouth mole thing your brother has.” Oliver chuckled in response. Wait did that mean that she thought he was gorgeous? His sister talking again brought him out of his thoughts. “I like her, Ollie. Don’t screw this one u–” His cheeks burned with embarrassment. “Okay! Bye, Speedy!” With that he ended the call, pulling back from Felicity he bent down and grabbed two bags. “Come on, let’s go inside.” Felicity carried a small box and an emoji covered tote bag. “I brought dinner.” She announced as she unloaded the contents of each bag and set them on the table while Oliver grabbed some dishes and a bottle of wine. Felicity apologized for dropping by unannounced, Oliver assured her she could drop by anytime she felt like. They had a delicious dinner of turkey breast with cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes and gravy and pumpkin pie for dessert. Felicity cut a slice for each of them, she joked about wanting to bring him a whole pie for himself, instead she bought him his own can of whipped cream. Which brought on an epic wine induced babble about the multiple uses for the canned whipped cream, from consumption all the way to foreplay. She was flustered and to prevent herself from saying more she did the most sinful thing: she took one can and sprayed it into her mouth. Oliver could only focus on her lips and the way her tongue poked out to lick the corner of her mouth, he pushed a big piece of pie into his mouth to avoid doing something stupid like reach over and lick the excess off her lips. After two glasses of wine Oliver decided to cut her off. She made a scene at his announcement, pouting with her wine stained lips. “Whyyyyy?” Oliver almost giggled, “Just looking out for you. Not only are you underage, you also have to work in the morning.” “Underage only for a couple more months!” She stumped her tiny fists on the table and hummed, “ You make good arguments…I’ve taught you well.” He smirked at her. “Don’t gloat! I hate it when you’re right.” She got up from the table and helped him with clearing the table and doing the dishes. “You’re a good guy, Oliver Queen.” After doing the dishes and putting them away, they settled on the couch and got started on their Sherlock marathon. Oliver furrowed his brows in confusion when Felicity reached for her bag and pulled out a bright pink Snuggie and threw it on. “What?” “Nothing…just,” he cackled, “ I mean it’s funny. ‘A Study in Pink’. Get it?”
Chapter 4: Christmas Eve Oliver’s had a lot of fun with Felicity and after spending the rest of the Thanksgiving weekend by her side he thinks that he’s developed a crush on her. Actually he knows it’s not a crush, crushes fade away with time. These feelings haven’t faded if anything they’ve intensified. So the day Felicity asks him for the biggest favor ever he doesn’t hesitate to say yes. She needed a place to stay during the winter break so he offered her his apartment. In the past she would’ve stayed with her -now ex-boyfriend Cooper, but she didn’t have that now. Felicity had told him all about her relationship with Cooper, they’d met at MIT on their freshman year and became friends. Then, they started dating and went steady for years and last semester when Felicity brought up the idea of moving in together after graduation he said he was on board but his actions indicated otherwise. She had already planned out their future together and Cooper threw it all away because he proved he wasn’t ready for that kind of commitment. Felicity’s relationship with Cooper reminded Oliver so much of his and Laurel’s relationship. It was good that he kept his distance from Laurel, they too had been friends before they started dating. Oliver was sure that if he’d been pushed into something he wasn’t ready for he would have done the same as Cooper. The funny thing is that now he feels ready. Ready for commitment, he’s willing to compromise. Maybe it’s because he’s seen the other side of the picture and he’s able to understand it now, what makes a relationship work. And number one is wanting to be in said relationship. He’s glad he’s learned that, and it’s all thanks to Felicity. He’s her friend and he wants to be there for her, so of course he offered her his apartment so she could stay there during the winter break. Felicity was quick to object and to remind him that she would have to leave her dorm in a couple of weeks and didn’t want to intrude in his space. “Oh no! I could never.” “Fe-li-ci-ty, we can share the space for a while, besides I’m going home for the holidays.” “Oh…well then I suppose… I mean if you’re sure.” “I am.” He smiled reassuringly. — A couple of weeks later Oliver helped Felicity put most of her stuff in storage, packed her bags and headed back to his apartment. She immediately noted his big new couch. “It pulls out into a bed.” He explained. Felicity went to drop her bags right there to settle into the couch when Oliver pulled her short. “Umm…The couch’s for me. You can take my room.” She wanted to complain and tell him that it wasn’t necessary but he wouldn’t let her. “You’ll be more comfortable there. Come on.” Oliver pulled up a bag and grabbed her hand escorting her to his room. He showed her around and told her he’d cleared a little space in his closet in case she needed to hang some stuff up. “Also, the first drawer on the right side of the dresser is yours.” “Thank you so much, Oliver.” She threw her arms around his waist, plastering her body to his in a hug. Oliver hugged her back, his arms coming around her shoulders. Her cheek pressed up against his chest and he rested his cheek on top of her hair. Other than a couple of hugs, Oliver wasn’t that affectionate with Felicity. He pulled back a little at the same time she decided to look up at him with a smile on her face. And standing there in the middle of his bedroom, hugging her, all he wanted to do was kiss her senseless. But friends don’t do that. Her fingers were drawing some kind of spiraling pattern on his back and it was sending jolts of electricity up his back, he dropped his lips to her forehead. “You’re welcome.” He mumbled back, his lips still pressed against her forehead. This was getting out of hand, he realized. — It was Christmas Eve and Oliver was supposed to take his father’s jet back to Starling City, back to Laurel. Laurel, who he hadn’t thought about since he moved to Boston. He called her on the way to the airstrip where the Queen Consolidated jet waited for him. “Ollie, we were supposed to wait until we’re both in Starling before we talked.” She reprimanded him. “About that…Laurel, I’m -umm, I just want to be friends. And it’s not only because I’ve met someone. I think we were never right for each other.” “You’ve met someone?” “Yes. Also, I’m not coming home for Christmas.” “Oh, wow. That’s good for you, Ollie. I’m glad you found someone cause I did too. But we can talk about that later.” An overwhelming sense of relief washed over him. He was glad that Laurel had found someone else, the last thing he wanted was to break her heart for Christmas. After hanging up with Laurel he called his father to explain why he wasn’t going home for Christmas. “I understand, son. Don’t worry, I’m sure your mother will too.” Oliver released a deep sigh of relief. “Now, about this girl that has you so smitten…” Oliver inhaled sharply, “Felicity. She’s…yeah. Remarkable.” He smiled to himself. “Son, does this girl know how you feel about her?” “What do you mean, Dad?” “Well, that you love her, of course.” “Dad! I don’t- h-how do you- Huh?” “Oliver, you moved to the other side of the country to get away from your previous girlfriend of years- who you’d agreed to see this winter break. You didn’t come home for Thanksgiving. And now you want to stay in Boston with your ‘friend’ -who four months ago was a stranger- because you don’t want her to be alone this Christmas. Shall I keep going? Am I wrong to think that you have serious feelings for this girl?” “Nope. Dead on, as usual.” Oliver muttered. “But, it’s not so simple, Dad. She’s my friend, I wouldn’t know how to talk to her abut any of this. I’ve never had this problem before.” He groaned. “Crap! I didn’t get her anything for Christmas.” Oliver panicked. “Son, listen here’s what you do. Figure out her love language—” “Dad! What the hell is even that? Language of love? If you’re gonna mock me about this I’m hanging up now.” “Oliver, don’t hang up! I’m serious about this. Love language is the way you express love, like for example your mother is fond of gifts like flowers, little details maybe some earrings, a jewelry of some sort. Other times it’s actions, like me showing up on time for benefit galas or just being around for my family. What’s your girl’s love language?” Actions. For sure, he thought. “I get it now. Thanks, Dad. I gotta go.” “Let me know how it works out. Good luck.” Oliver hung up the phone, turned his car around and headed back to his apartment, not before making a quick stop though. — She was in way too deep. And she had been since Thanksgiving. That day will remain imprinted in her mind for ever. The surprised look on his face when he opened the door, plus he was wearing his grey hoodie and darker gray sweatpants. He looked absolutely gorgeous, so much so that she barreled into his arms. And of course he’d been busy on the phone with an equally stunning girl, for a second she was jealous -insanely so- only for it to turn out that the girl was in fact his sister. Embarrassing doesn’t even begin to describe the cringe worthy babble she made about whipped cream. She avoided spilling her fantasies, about his tongue running over her whipped cream cover body, by spraying an obscene amount of it in her mouth. She didn’t talk much after that. Oliver had teased her about her pink snuggie. She remembers that later that night when they settled on the couch he had sat closer to her than he normally would have, stretched his arm on the back of the couch, she could feel him play with her hair as she drifted off to sleep. He woke her up an hour before her shift started. Fast forward to a couple of weeks later, she told him about her plans to stay in town and work during the holiday break so she could make some extra bucks but in order to do so she needed a place to stay. The dorms were vacated during the break thus forcing the students to go home. Oliver kindly offered his apartment, which she objected but then reconsidered when he reminded her that he would go back to California during the break. She knew she was head over heels in love with him the day she moved in to his apartment and he told her she could have his bed. He’d cleared a drawer for her and made room in his closet for her clothes, he’d gotten a new pull out bed-couch thing and let her sleep in his bed. Also he’d kissed her forehead. Today he was going back to Starling City, back to reunite with his ex-girlfriend. It was ridiculous for her to feel this sad about something that never was. He hadn’t even been gone for an hour and she’d already changed into his gray hoodie because she missed him. Deciding she needed a distraction Felicity proceeded to bake some sugar cookies with the ready-made dough she’d bought the other day. She played a Michael Bublé cd she found already inside the radio Oliver kept in the kitchen. — Because Felicity didn’t really celebrate Christmas Oliver was surprised when he entered his apartment. Michael Bublé’s smooth voice filled his apartment backed up by Felicity’s voice. She was in the kitchen singing a romantic Christmas song. He knew this song because Oliver has the ultimate guilty pleasure: Mr.Bublé’s music. Each year I ask for many different things But now I know what my heart wants you to bring So please just fall in love with me this Christmas There’s nothing else that I will need this Christmas Won’t be wrapped under a tree I want something that lasts forever So kiss me on this cold December night Did she really feel this way or did she just like the song? Oliver was too eager to get back to his apartment and too full of nervous energy to concentrate on what he’d set out to do. Confess his feelings to her. He’d bought roses for her and white chocolate Kit-Kats. He’s never bought flowers for a girl before but the again he’s never felt this way about a girl before. Deciding that the flowers were a little too much he left them on the table by the entrance along with the candy bars and traced his steps towards the kitchen. Finally, he found her and she was baking some store bought sugar cookies. She was wearing green leggings, warm fuzzy socks with tiny bow ties and what looked to be one of his hoodies. She was humming along to the song, now he might have projected his feelings on the situation, but he could’ve sworn that she’d said his name. She may have murmured it but it was distinctly his name. He froze for a second, his mind trying to not short circuit. And he came up with a plan. A simple yet romantic way to lay it all out for her. She had yet to spot him in the doorway, he was waiting for the ending of the song to make his move. And bless his lucky stars, she turned around and came face to face with him as he walked closer. They call it the season of giving I’m here, I’m yours for the taking They call it the season of giving I’m here, I’m yours “I’m here.” He said smiling nervously as the song came to an end. “Oliver?!” Her eyes widened in surprise freezing midway to the oven. “Wh-what are you…” Oliver didn’t want to hold back anymore. His feelings for her were stronger than anything he’s ever felt before. This was not a crush, he loved her. He had way more than platonic thoughts and feelings about her. She had wiggled herself into his life and he’d let her, welcomed her. And now seeing her in his apartment, wearing his clothes, it should’ve freaked him out. Only it didn’t. It made him happy. He wanted to be honest with her. It was time to make his move. His words were not a coincidence with the music, she needed to know that. He needed to make his intentions clear. Oliver walked over and took the tray from her hands and put it aside she looked up at him in confusion. He cradled her face with both hands, “Merry Christmas.” He whispered her name before capturing her lips in a tender but passionate kiss. She was quick to respond to his kiss, softly and unhurried. Her hands came up to hold on to his wrists, he pulled away from the kiss far too quickly. Felicity looked dazed and caught off guard. “I must be dreaming.” Oliver just chuckled and shook his head. “I thought you were going home for Christmas.” She questioned as she ran her, now free, hands up his chest. “Not that I’m complaining here.” He hummed. “Is this mine?” he asked playfully tugging at the strings of his hoodie. She looked down at his hands and swatted them away. “It used to be.” She tried to follow his lead and act playfully but she couldn’t, not when he dodged her questions. She couldn’t hide her wariness. He’s come to learn how to read her tells, nail biting, lip biting, drumming her fingers, playing with pens, uncomfortable laughter, sexual innuendos, techy babbles. He knows he’s made her nervous, they need to clarify things. Grabbing the tray of cookies Oliver placed them in the oven, “Wanna sit and talk while the cookies bake?” “I’d like that.” He figures now is a good time as any to give her the flowers he’s brought her. He finds her curled up with her feet under her butt on the far end of the couch. He sits on top of the coffee table across from her, setting the roses and chocolates beside her. “I don’t know how to talk about this…I don’t know where to start.” He doesn’t but she does.“Why aren’t you going home?”
To which he responds, “I am home.” “Oliver!” She slaps his knee, “You know what I mean.” “I didn’t want to. I wanted to be here,” He says taking her hand and entwining their fingers together, “with you.” “What about Laurel?” “I already talked to her. I told her I wasn’t going back to Starling. I also told her that I just want to be friends with her.” Felicity smiled up at him and leaned in closer. “And may I ask what brought this on?” She signaled back and forth between them. “Actually, my father pointed it out. He said that I should tell you how I really feel about you, which is that I have more than platonic feelings for you.” “You talked to your father about this?!” “Yeah, he gave me some good advice. Here,” Oliver reached over and grabbed the chocolate candy bars, “I got you these.” She laughed, he loved that sound, “Kit-Kats!!” “White chocolate, your favorites.” He was a total sap.
Chapter 5: Bonus Scene- Cuddles Oliver woke up to blue eyes, pink-ish freckled cheeks and a beautiful smile. This was by far the best Christmas morning since his sister Thea was born. After a long discussion on how their feelings for each other had changed over time, last night Oliver and Felicity pulled out the couch and cuddled. Just cuddled. They also might have made out a lot. She also teased him to no end about his Bublé guilty pleasure. Whatever. It paid off in the end. This morning though, Felicity rolled over and laid herself completely on top of him, nuzzling his chest. “Hmm.” She ran her hands up his chest and back down to his abdomen, her legs entangled with his. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to have sex with her, which he did but not like this. They deserved to go out, have a real date, maybe wait a for a couple more dates before taking the next step. He wanted to do things right with Felicity. Oliver rolled them over so he hovered over her. “Merry Christmas, Kit-Kat.” “Merry Christmas, Candy Man.” She grinned back at him giving a gentle squeeze to his biceps. “I’m gonna get started on breakfast.” — After a delicious breakfast prepared by Oliver-as if he wasn’t already perfect enough- and an equally delicious make out session on the couch, Oliver played some music from his phone. Michael Bublé-god bless him- while unwrapping his present. He kept apologizing to Felicity for not getting anything else for her, she assured him that between the candy, the roses and him she was more than content with his present. Oliver tore open the box and cackled. “A pink snuggie?!” “Yeah, mine isn’t big enough for the both of us. Plus it’s extra large, like you. I mean, because of your size… OH GOD!” She face palmed herself. “I meant because you’re tall. Not because of other things, other things I have yet to see.” “Is it gonna get worse now that we’re dating? Your babbles, I mean.” He asked. “Probably! I don’t know, they’ve never been this bad.” “I’ll take that as a compliment.” — Oliver and Felicity were comfortably sharing his snuggie on the pull out bed. Oliver sat resting his back on the cushions while Felicity laid between his legs, snuggled up his chest with her head resting over his heart. Oliver was listening to Michael Bublé’s latest album with his earbuds on while Felicity took a nap when his phone rang. It was Thea requesting a video-call. “Merry Christmas, Speedy.” He whispered. “Merry Christmas!” To him it sounded like she was shouting. “And why are you whispering?” He pulled back his phone so she could see why he was being quiet. “She’s sleeping.” “OLIVER JONAS QUEEN! IS THAT-” “Yep, this is Felicity.” He brushed his lips to her forehead, “My Kit-Kat.” Felicity shifted in her sleep and pressed a kiss to the base of his neck. “Hmm. I Love you, Candy Man.” She held on to him tighter. He stiffened. Did she just? Felicity’s eyes snapped open at the realization. “Oliver.” She tried to pull away from him but he wouldn’t let her. “I didn’t mean to… blurt it out like that.” “It was very you,” He pulled his earbuds out, hanging up the call he placed the phone on the coffee table. “And for the record I love you too, Kit-Kat.” He pulled her forward to plant a kiss on her lips but she stopped him short. “Since when?” She demanded. “Halloween, I think… No, wait. Thanksgiving. I thought I had a crush on you but it wasn’t going away. Then you showed up on my doorstep with pie and I knew I was gone.” He smiled at her, reaching with his thumb to brush an errant tear off her cheek. “What about you? Since when?” “The other day, when you told me I could have your bed, you cleaned out a drawer for me and space in your closet. And yesterday when you were gone, I don’t think it had been even thirty minutes since you’ve left and I was already missing you. I went through your things and put this on, then I missed you a little less.” Oliver didn’t hold back this time, he kissed her the way he wanted to, the way he needed to. Both hands on her cheeks, mouths open and tongues exploring each other. Felicity pulled back a little to slow down the kiss, needing to savor the moment. She bit down on his lower lip, he groaned in response. “So much for trying to be ‘just friends’ with you.” She mumbled into his mouth. He chuckled, “I’ll always be your friend, Felicity. Whatever you want, whatever you need I’ll be there for you.” He kissed her again but softer this time, gentler. “I love you.” The moment was interrupted by his phone going off again. It was his sister requesting a video call. Felicity told him to answer it. “You two are just way too sweet!” It was Thea the first to speak but Oliver noticed his sister wasn’t the only one on the call. There was his father and his mother. “TOMMY!! YOU GOTTA COME SEE THIS! OLLIE’S WHIPPED!!” his sister called out. “Hey mom, dad. Merry Christmas.” Oliver waved to the phone and pulled Felicity closer to bring her into the frame. “This is Felicity. Felicity meet my mother and my father, Moira and Robert.” Felicity turned a red sweaty mess. She propped herself up from under Oliver’s arms inside the pink snuggie. “Merry Christmas. It’s nice to meet you.” “Good job, son.” His father winked and gave him a thumbs up. Moira eyed her carefully but smiled all the same, “The pleasure’s all ours, dear.” After being interrogated for another twenty minutes Oliver hung up the phone. “Your mom’s scary.” Felicity admitted. “She liked you. I can tell, she didn’t give you ‘the look’ she uses to fake politeness.” Oliver assured her kissing her temple. “That’s never happened before.’’ —- That night they went to sleep in Oliver’s bedroom instead of the couch. Felicity wore his hoodie, no bottoms. Oliver on the other hand wore only his sweatpants. The bed sheets rustled with their movements. Oliver laid on his back while Felicity straddled his hips. Her hands traveled up his torso taking her time to get acquainted with his body. She’d fantasized about doing this she couldn’t believe this was actually real. She dropped a kiss on his chest right over his heart, she could feel as it sped up. “Come here.” Oliver whispered softly and pulled her up to kiss her lips. He moved his hands from her hips up to her back hesitating a bit before delving his hands up into his hoodie she was wearing. His fingers traced her spine and he enjoyed the way goosebumps erupted across her skin. “Hmm. Felicity, where’s your bra?” He asked when he couldn’t find the fabric he was dying to tear right off her. “I’m not wearing one.” She took advantage of him closing his eyes and throwing his head back in a groan to pin him down into the mattress. “You know, it is really unfair how perfect you are. Beautiful eyes, perfect smile, sexy eyebrows and even the mole by your mouth–” she was cut off by his lips attacking hers. “My ego is thoroughly stroked.” “There’s another thing I wish to stroke.” She said back without missing a beat. Her hands left his face and made their way down to the front of his sweatpants, she toyed with the tied strings there. “Felicity!” He halted her hands from doing more, “I wanna do this right with you.” “Oliver—” “You gotta play fair, Felicity.” He warned. “Hmm, okay. How about a compromise?” “What do you suggest?” “Make out session, cuddling and second base. How’s that?” She offered. He thought about it, “Doable. We’ve got a deal Miss Smoak.” He leaned up to kiss her but she muttered something against his mouth. “Wanna seal it? The deal?” “Okay! I wanna add a clause to our terms: no sexual innuendos.” “You walked right into that one, Baby. But okay.” — THE END <3
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activeculturemag · 4 years
Ice Cream in October
Shriya Amin
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Now yes, I know, when someone says the words “autumn” and “food” in the same sentence, people usually start to think of pumpkin bread, apple pies, PSL’s and maple syrup―not ice cream...
Esopus spitzenberg. 
Egremont Russet. 
Northern Spy.
So many different types of Malus domestica that I never knew existed until about thirty seconds ago. But in the spirit of fall, I decided to educate myself on―you guessed it―apples! Foxwhelp apples, for those you who don't know, are really hearty and great for English ciders. Esopus spitzenburg apple trees grew on the Monticello estate and became a favorite of Thomas Jefferson’s. Egremont Russet apples are believed to have been cultivated by the Earl of Egremont about a hundred and fifty years ago. And the Northern Spy apple…well, you can make good pies with it, but let’s be honest: it’s on this list because it has an awesome name. 
Apples are really versatile fruits. They can be eaten plain or slathered in peanut butter, baked with the spices of fall in a plethora of desserts, sliced and stacked on brie and crackers, pureed into apple butter, sauteed into a filling…the possibilities are endless. Now that autumn has officially commenced, I've dusted off my flour-covered apron and pulled out some apple-inspired baked recipes. There are so many to choose from: pies, crumbles, cupcakes, muffins, pancakes, strudels, donuts, spruced-up cinnamon rolls, upside-down cakes…yum! Usually, these sweets are best shared after a day picking and carving pumpkins, jumping in piles of rust-colored leaves, or hiking and enjoying the cooler air. But this year, things are a little different. Even though we can't go bobbing for apples at the fall fair or enjoy candied apples on hayrides through mazes, there are a couple of ways to get your apples this time of year that don't involve going to the grocery store or dunking your head in a bucket. Sky Top Orchard in Flat Rock, North Carolina, lets you pick your own! And after a few hours spent filling your basket, you can enjoy their apple-cider donuts―an absolute must in the Upstate! Some farmer’s markets are also open, so check online for more information about where to go and what to get. Since fresh fruits are always the best ingredients, I thought I would share one of my favorite recipes that you can make with apples: apple-cinnamon ice cream. 
Now yes, I know, when someone says the words “autumn” and “food” in the same sentence, people usually start to think of pumpkin bread, apple pies, PSL’s and maple syrup―not ice cream. But as a Charleston native, I can never say no to the creamy delight. When you grow up in a place that’s 85° and up for most of the year, and you can go to the beach on Christmas eve, ice cream is a necessity. The best part about this recipe, though? It’s easy. No churning or ice cream maker needed. 
1 apple, finely diced (peeled, optional) 
4 tbsp granulated sugar 
¼ tbsp water 
1-2 tsp cinnamon 
¼ tsp nutmeg (optional) 
squeeze of lemon juice (or orange juice) 
2 cups cold heavy whipping cream 
1 can (14 oz) sweetened condensed milk 
Pick your favorite apple to core and finely dice. But to peel or not to peel: it’s up to you. 
Place the apples, sugar, water, spices, and citrus juice in a saucepan over low to medium heat. Cover the pot and let the mixture simmer for a while. I like the apples to have a little bite, so I leave the pot on the stove for about 15-20 minutes. You can cook it more if you want softer apples.
Note: this is a really easy apple filling for pies, empanadas, tartlets, crepes, etc. 
Let the apples cool and get started on the ice-cream portion. Whip the heavy cream to very soft peaks either by hand or with a mixer. If you pick up the whisk, and the cream is thick enough to stay on the metal but liquid-y enough to droop, you're golden. 
Add the sweetened condensed milk. The drizzle is so satisfying.
If you want to spruce up your dessert a bit more, add extra cinnamon, nutmeg, or other fall spices here. 
Whip the cream to stiff peaks. If you pick up the whisk and the cream doesn't flop, you're good. You don't want it clumpy like whipped butter; it should still be really smooth. 
Once the apples have cooled―that means no steam, no exuding of heat―you don't want to deflate the cream―pour the fruit into the cream mixture. 
Now, you have to fold. Take a spatula (rubber and wide works best) and circle the inside of your bowl twice, then go down the middle once. Basically, you scoop the outer edges of the cream inwards, then you make one scrape of sorts down the middle to mix in the apple. It seems kind of strange and useless at first, but the point of this is to keep as much air in the cream as possible. 
Go through the circle, circle, scrape down the middle routine until the apple is well incorporated into the cream. It might take a while, especially if you've never folded before, but don't worry: it’ll be worth it! 
Once the ice cream is mixed, pour it into a freezer-friendly container, slap on the lid, and pop it in the freezer for 5-6 hours. 
Your creamy deliciousness can hang out in the ice box for a while―it has a long shelf life―but take it out 10-15 minutes before you want to eat it so that it’s perfectly softened.
For best results, put plastic wrap on the ice cream before you put the lid on―your goal is to essentially eliminate the space between the air and the cream, so really squish down the plastic. This will stop freezer burn from happening because while the word “ice” is in “ice cream”, in all honesty, actual ice on top of the cream is really disappointing. 
If you want something to top your frozen treat, make an apple glaze: mix half a cup of powdered sugar and a dash of cinnamon with a few tablespoons of apple cider or apple juice (or calvados if you're feeling fancy―and you're legal) and drizzle away! You can heat it up, or leave it at room temperature. 
So there you have it: apple-cinnamon ice cream and as a bonus, apple glaze! Eat it plain, make it into a float with your favorite fall drink, or use it to top off your slice of pie for extra apple-ness. Now that you have some ways to get apples and a (kick-butt) recipe involving said fruit, go forth and make your kitchen smell like fall―er, rather the Charleston-inspired version! 
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