#my sister refuses to take me to get cat litter
taleswritten · 10 months
I'm really fucking annoyed but I'm gonna try to write a bit.
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random-blep · 2 years
Scarameow headcanons based from my cats
-Has very specific people he likes and doesn't, you will know who he hates immediately
-Randomly growls/hisses as other animals even tho like for an entire 2hours he was just chilling with them
-believes your food is his
-had a treat once and now he refused to eat anything else unless it's canned food or people food
-finds the worst places to sleep
-for no reason he will rip all the keys out of your keyboard
-figured out how to climb ladders but got too scared to climb down so you have to reassure him that you'll catch him and he'll be okay so he can hop down
-50/50 on if you lean your head close to him that he will bump his head against yours or try to bite you
-thinks biting is affection unless he's being violent and then biting is not affection
-enjoys being complimented
-has attachment issues. He might be a little asshole sometimes but if he cannot find you / his favorite person he will sit out in the hall and meow very loudly until they come to him. He does not like being left alone
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breedtheseed · 2 months
Some personal stuff lol
Family things going on in my life ahh OH SO FUN
My stepsister can’t take care of animals it’s a fact she has severe ADHD and has no control over herself at all. She can barely take her meds and when told she gets upset and refuses to take them. (Note: I have ADHD as well)
Because she is my step sister my dad tells me to keep my opinions to myself.
About two years ago I had wanted a cat for my birthday, I had ask my father and step mother who both said it was ok for me to get a cat. (Because I live with them and not my mom) so I had planned to adopt the cat on my 21st birthday in 2022.
When we went to the cat shelter I met all the cats and this little kitten who didn’t enjoy being touched or held, she growled and hissed in my arms if I moved and I wanted to put her back but the shelter chick had walked away. I had asked my dad to take the kitten but it was clear this kitten was very upset and so I ended up handing her off to my step sister, which was a big mistake.
Rather than see that the kitten was unhappy and did not want to be held my step sister told me she wanted her and I told her “no we can’t get two cats we only agreed to one,” but no my step sister insisted. I was really upset because this girl was doing this on my birthday and she did get the cat. I ended up also getting my cat who was very social which is what I was looking for in a cat someone to match my vibe.
After a few months of owning the kitten her attitude did not improve and grew worse because my step sister did not properly socialize the kitten and the kitten grew more scared and stressed anytime she would see us to the point my step sister locked her away in her room. I rarely see this kitten if at all she is now 1 year old turning 2 and nothing has improved in fact she had begun having seizures due to stress and her environment.
The reason I think it’s caused by her environment is because my step sister doesn’t clean her cats litter box and the smell lingers in the halls of the house.
She doesn’t take care of that cat and forces my father to take the cat to the vet constantly. We understand the responsibility of taking care of cats we can support 3 healthy cats but that has changed drastically after getting this kitten. We feel bad for this kitten but my step sister didn’t let us get close to the kitten when she was still small and able to be socialized.
We have 3 cats, 2 that are healthy and are at stable weights with very social and friendly personalities that roam the house but the one kitten is never let out she is always locked away and her body was covered in fungus that my step sister didn’t take care of. She only washed her once after the vet told her and never did it again, that cat needs help and my dad said to keep my opinions to myself.
However that’s not the end
My step sister has now gotten a bearded dragon, a lizard, who is far more complicated and needs so much more attention than a normal cat or dog not to mention expensive.
I’m very mad because I told her NO I told her we can’t get one and she refused to listen and got one that someone was giving away.
I fear for this lizard and I needed to vent.
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arvadthecursed · 4 months
Well, we tried to reintroduce Bug and Stella after several months of her living in my room. I did my best to get them used to each other's scents, I tried to create positive associations... But Bug is still aggressive toward her. I was trying to get her back downstairs, and Bug swatted at me hard. It would've been a big bloody mess but luckily I cut his claws the other day, so I just have a bunch of welts.
I feel like I've failed Stella. I don't know what to do. I don't know if my parents will have the patience it takes to try the reintroduction process again. That was the initial problem, they totally refused to properly introduce the two. And it hasn't fixed. I feel like a fuck up and I'm afraid they'll try and convince me to get rid of her.
They think I'm "keeping her cooped up" when to me, she seems happy in my room. She eats, she plays, we cuddle every night, she greets me when I come in the door. That's not an unhappy cat! But my parents think it's "cruel" to keep her in my room. Which, maybe it is, idk. But she's been fine with it -- my room is pretty large, about the size of a single-occupant college dorm. It's not like she's in a cage or something.
But also, her being in my room 24/7 isn't good for my health. I've been battling a bad cold/flu and I'm just now getting over it, after a couple days spent sleeping upstairs. I don't want to be sick all the time. I have my boards on Wednesday and I start my new job next Monday. But I also don't want Stella to suffer. And for a more selfish reason, I don't want her stressed out and having accidents in my room/on my bed. She ruined my sister's bed when she was stuck in my sister's room, and my parents have to replace the mattress (tldr, the door wasn't closed, so Bug would stalk outside the door and keep Stella from using the provided litter box). Which I'm not blaming her at all for, it's not her fault, she's a cat. I should've closed the door, but my parents thought that would stink up the room. I understand that she can't speak to me and tell me what's wrong, and I have to meet her on her level.
I just feel very frustrated and alone. My parents like her, they think she's cute, but they don't love her like I do. They didn't clean up an entire room that had been left filthy for months just so it would be acceptable for her because they didn't want her to suffer. They didn't buy her food, toys, the cat tree. They don't cut her claws and comfort her when it's storming. That was me! I made the effort!! And I feel like they don't understand that.
Idk. With my parents' track record when it comes to my pets, I'm anxious. I guess I can go to the doctor when I have money, see about stronger allergy meds, and maybe change her food to one of those "hypoallergenic" diets. I don't want to put her through being tormented by Junebug, who I also love dearly -- I mean, I raised him from a kitten! I was the one who litter box trained him and worked to socialize him (...not well enough, I guess, but he's fine with my sister's older male cat so it's weird).
If Stella went back to the pound, she'd be euthanized, I just know it. She was on the euthanasia list when Liss got her and brought her home. She's 10, she's still overweight. She wouldn't stand a chance. I couldn't do that to her. My heart breaks just thinking about it. She already spent so much of her life in the shelter, I couldn't send her back.
Idk. Thanks for reading. I just am feeling very bummed right now. I'm with her in my room again, comforting her so she hopefully doesn't have an accident.
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kaityisnthere · 2 years
What if The Three were Raised in WindClan instead of ThunderClan?
This idea isn't originally mine, i saw someone on DA a few years back with an au like this, and the idea only came back to me recently. i couldn't find the original artist. But here's my version of the AU idea and how the story would change.
Leafpool of course is pregnant with Crowfeather's Kits, and she is paranoid about the clan finding out about her pregnancy. And this is after she just cut off her relationship with Crow.
Leaf then talks to Squirrelflight about this and asks for her sister's help. Squirrel tells her that she can't take her sister's kits because how she was already struggling to have kits of her own. Having just delivered a litter of stillborns just a half-moon ago.
Leafpool then desperately looks elsewhere for answers. She was starting to show signs of her pregnancy and was running out of time.
That was till she Met Nightcloud at the WindClan border. The warrior was also showing signs of pregnancy. And from the last gathering, she knew that Nightcloud and Crowfeather had become mates. And it stings a little that Crowfeather moved on so quickly from her. But she thinks that possibly- the she-cat could help.
Leafpool tries to start a friendly conversation with her, but the WindClan queen doesn't seem interested. She was about to leave when Leafpool bursts out that shes pregnant with Crowfeathers kits.
Nightcloud says she's lying, but leafpool shows her otherwise. They were about the same time along, meaning that Crowfeather had been seeing them Both around the same time. Nightcloud feeling betrayed and hurt by this asks what Leafpool wants from her.
Leafpool says that she needs help, and that she can't keep her kits in ThunderClan. And asks Nightcloud if she would take them back to WindClan where they would be with their father, and didn't have to risk them finding out she was their mother.
Bitter, Nightcloud was about to refuse, but she remembers that Barkface had told her that her pregnacy was one of higher risk. And she was mad at Crowfeather for lying to her and his clan again.
She agrees to take the Kits as her own.
Leafpool and Nightcloud then come up with a plan to leave for a moon and come back after the kits were born. Both she-cats help each other during their births, Nightclouds was hard to get through. Leafpool almost lost the black-furred queen.
But She survived, But only one of her kits made it through the night. She named him Breezekit, after the breeze that came after he was born.
Leafpool gave birth to three kits, which she named Lionkit, Jaykit, and Hollykit.
And soon after they were born, Leafpool left. As much as it hurt, and Despite Nightcloud asking if she wanted to say goodbye to them. Leafpool says she said goodbye to the chance of having a family long ago.
So she left. Leaving Nightcloud to walk back to WindClan with all four kits alone. Which is how she planned to travel back anyways.
When Nightcloud returns home, she is checked over, and given proper care and food. And she settles down with her new kittens, mourning the ones she lost, but knowing that she is doing the right thing by taking in Leafpools kits. and this is basically how the au starts, I will probbaly elaborate more later on, but I never really thought about a full plot yet. Just the concept of the whole thing. Hope you enjoyed!
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honeystwiggypeach · 2 years
eddie x pregnant!reader "eds, im late..." "wdym babe its 8am your not late" "eds..."
Bestie I’m going to be honest incredible embarrassing of me to have taken this long to get to your request I’m so sorry about that but uhm…here it is? Sorry for the wait hon litterally just dropped all motivation when I got a cat because I love him sm???? But also now he’s my little editor😭he’s reading as I type(more like being nosey😞)Anywho enough rambling!!! Tysm for requesting I love the idea sm!!!!(…also maybe did add single mom reader in there because let me tell you…it’s my fav troupe😭)
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You and Eddie got together not long after your daughter Eden was born, she was almost eight months old when you first met and a few months later you’d found yourself in quite the predicament, you and Eddie had been practically together at this point with him living in your house and helping you care for Eden.
Tonight however, Eddie has been out forever obviously, with the sudden change everything goes haywire. Eden refused to go to sleep without Eddie there and you’ve only now noticed your period is almost three months late…
Finally when you think all hope is lost Eddie comes home hands stuffed in his pockets, he’s smiling and giggling like and idiot.
“Where have you been?” your brows are furrowed.
“Baby, “he snickers, “I was out getting you a gift!” He pulls his hands from his pocket and follows is a small dainty necklace.
“Oh Eddie it’s beautiful” you use the opportunity of taking the necklace to hand over a cranky Eden and like clock work he settles her almost in an instant and she’s asleep before you know it he’s tucking her into bed before going to shower.
When he comes to bed, you’re nervous so nervous in fact you fall asleep.
In the morning when his alarm goes off on a Saturday, he groggily turns to turn it off and you decide maybe it’s now or never or who knows what you were thinking honestly because the next thing you say is , “Ed’s I’m late…”
“Babe it’s 8am…and Saturday where do you need to go?”
“No Eddie…”
His eyes widen, “have you taken a test?” He’s seemingly wide awake.
“Not yet I haven’t had time” and with nothing else being said at 8am in his flannel pants and band t-shirt, he’s running to the local corner store for a few pregnancy tests.
They’d come back positive and looking back now, as you hold your baby girl in your arms Eden sat between you and Eddie as she sees her new baby sister for the first time, you don’t think you’d change any of it for the world.
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Anywho! Let me know if you guys want to see anything else because I want inspo or something idk😭
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Tags~ @ruinedbythehobbit @lacunaanonymoused
(Guys my fault I have no idea who’s on my taglist for just all dad Eddie content and any dad Eddie so if you aren’t tagged or are tagged randomly pls let me know or if I need to add you to the tag list just pls let me know so I can settle this!)
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pfhwrittes · 4 months
Seeing all the Cat!Dad Simon this morning is just what I needed. Cute kitties!
But it also made me realize, seeing how others found their babies, I’ve never talked about how I found my babies!
Soooo! This is Mercy, thus named for where she was found. She loves her kitty blanket.
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She was found living near a hospital being raised by a fox. No one could catch her bc the fox would obviously run away when people came around and avoided traps, thus Mercy learned these things as well.
Until she got big enough that the adult fox started becoming aggressive and trying to get rid of her. So the nurses started feeding her scraps of what they would make that night. And slowly over time she became the hospital’s unofficial mascot. Everyone knew who Mercy was and loved her. But no one could take her in for one reason or another.
Insert: younger Tats who just moved out for the first into the tiny house they just finished building and had been mentioning getting a pet.
So I was bombarded with people asking me to take her in and I thought why not. So Mercy was caught, my mother sent me a pic of her cut all to pieces with a very annoyed looking young Mercy being held. Mercy was boarded at the vet until everything was settled at my house and I had all the stuff. Then she was moved into the house and been living with her ever since.
Which brings me to Peppa…
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Mercy picked her out. I had nothing to do with her being chosen other than signing some paperwork. Mercy apparently bonded with her at the vets office and would get very upset if separated from her for to long.
I only knew of Peppa as the “ugly kitten no one wanted.” Because she was the only tortie in a litter of silver tabby kittens. She was also the only short hair amongst a bunch of long haired kittens. All of her siblings had been adopted or claimed and she was left at the vet.
Until Mercy decided she wanted a sibling and claimed her. Lmao.
tats! tats i LOVE this! i love that you've ended up with a Buy One Get One Free situation!
good job miss mercy for bringing miss peppa into tat's life! also, shame on the people that called peppa ugly! look at her little face! she's not ugly! she's a baaaaaaaaayyyyyybeeeeee! i love them both so much oh my god.
i'm sure i've told you all how i ended up with my creechurs but if i haven't i can!
mango i picked up as a kitten back in july 2020 after my mum and sister started getting Concerned about my Mental Health Situation during the pandemic (it was... Not Good). i say i picked mango. i did not pick mango. she scaled me like a tree to sit on my shoulder and shriek my ear. the people with the kittens asked me three times if i was sure i wanted her because they had sweeter kittens and i refused to let her go because i liked how spicy she was. some people (the people who have been scratched and bitten by her) would say that was a mistake. i say that they need to deal with the fact that mango is selective.
charlie came to live with me in november 2021. technically i only have joint custody of charlie as he does belong to one of my friends. but charlie came to live with me because my friend's middle aged cat absolutely could not stand charlie when he was a kitten and so i offered to take him so my friend could still see his boy whenever he wants. so at least once a month my friend comes over and spends the day with charlie. it's very sweet.
dolly-ollie is my most recent creechur. you are all probably aware that in febuary this year dolly-ollie was only supposed to stay with me for a few days while my sister moved house. which she did. and then my sister never picked her back up. since then some family drama has gone down so i guess dolly-ollie is staying with me forever!
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nightly-ruse · 2 years
For anyone wondering what I have spent my whole day one-
Have my reworked, half canon, family tree for WC. It is very large so keep that in mind (a whole 306 cats!!). Mostly for me but I also feel like it’s fun to look at. I’d suggest just searching specific cats it works out the best.
Family Tree
The Name Changes
Sparkpelt to Sparkfire
Nightheart to Nightshade
Finchlight to Finchflight
Mosskit to Mosspelt
Violetshine to Violetshade
Twigbranch to Twigsprig
Tigerheartstar to Goldenheart
Ivypool to Ivyclaw
Breezepelt to Breezestrike
Pebbleshine to Pebblepad
Stormtail to Stormgrowl
Snowfur to Snowstorm
Whitetail to Ospreytail
Finchflight (ShC) to Roachflight
Odder Changes
TreeVioletDragonfly polycule purely taken from @bonefall ‘s big brain
Ivyclaw and Rosepetal. Came to me while doing the tree and now it’s on there. Don’t ask about how they have kits the litter is just theirs alright?
WillowHeatherHollyCinder polycule will stay no one can stop me they are all lesbians and dating
Mille situation. Briarlight and Blossomfall are the slightly older siblings of Bumblestripe and non Graystripe kittens. She was just expecting and had them soon after joining Thunderclan and then a few moons later had Bumblestripe.
JayPoppy. I had a lot of trouble finding a pairing that worked as the parents for Spotfur and Sorrelstripe since I needed to move them out of the big LionCinder litter so they were tucked there. Poppyfrost just says their hers and no one is to question this.
AlderVelvetPuddle polycule and also Velvet as a church cat. Idk I liked them a lot. Also needed a change to Pouncestep’s parentage bc I wanted just Lightleap and Shadowsight as GoldenDove kittens so she’s secretly Velvet’s kitten that Dove adopted at the church.
Brokenstar. Just Brokenstar. He needed kittens and Fernshade wanted them too so the pair had Badgerkit and Batkit but once Fern saw what he was doing she tried to get them out, Batkit did and was left at the Thunderclan border soon to be swept up by a patrol but Badgerkit didn’t. He died as just a kitten in the fate Fernshade feared. Displeased by his heirs gone Broken and Newt paired up to have Rowanclaw.
Heatherstar is now the sister of Palebird and mother of Onestar. Her only kitten to survive, and we’ve seen she likes more on the nose names so she named him Onekit. Windclan has a bloodline based leadership thing going on. Onewhisker had his one-sided divorce with Firestar and got with Smoke to have Darktail and Heathertail, Smoke refused to let him abandoned her entirely and made him take Heather. He then to save face has another litter with Whitewing being Harestar and Kestrelflight
AshHawkReed bc I said so. After the death of Hawkfrost, Reedwhisker still wanted a family so he had one with Duskfur being Curlfeather and Podlight.
CrookedBlue rights. Bluestar is still aro and she gives all three of her kittens to Crookedstar at the border, Mosskit barely surviving. Moss goes on to be Mosspelt a permanent queen! CrookedWillow is still canon with Silverstream
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Get to know you 22?
22 is “best memory”
That’s gonna be a tie between one that’s more nostalgic, and one that’s slightly more recent but important!
I very very fondly remember going to a horse day camp when I was 12 or so, and messing around in the woods and trails behind the stable with my sister and the other kids that were also going. There weren’t many of us, and honestly we didn’t even all get along, but there’s something, like, magical? About it? About being completely unafraid to be In nature, and to play pretend that there’s something More, Yknow? The horses were also very cool, and the one I worked with most was an ex-racehorse who was absolutely gorgeous. I miss her.
And, more recently, though “recent” is relative, is the day I found my cat.
Me, my mom, and my sister were taking a walk through a neighborhood adjacent to ours, going to get snowballs. (Regional treat, basically a snowcone but in a cup. I think there might also be a different syrup ratio or ice texture?) Anyway, we’re almost to the stand, when we hear a weird noise. I mistake it for a bird at first. Follow the sound, and find a month old kitten hiding in a bush in the median. I refuse to leave the kitten, while my mom and sister continue on to get snowballs.
This baby is just so tiny and sweet, he’s not afraid of me at ALL. (I thought he was a she at the time, because I had a misconception about feline nipples) So ofc when my family gets back I have Bonded with this cat and insist on taking him home. This is my baby now. We already had food that we’d been using for the family of ferals we fed at the time, so that wasn’t an issue. And we had cat litter bc we used it to keep the rabbit’s crate smelling fresh.
The initial plan was to see if someone had lost a kitten, rehome him, or take him to the shelter.
This, obviously, did not happen.
Tiny baby is now 18lbs of pure cat.
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satanstruemistress · 5 months
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@technomaestro You have no idea what you’ve just unleashed 😂😂😂
Between my roommate and I, we have 6 of the little bastards! (Affectionate)
Here they all are:
That particular one is mine. Her name is Pumpkin Leigh, she’s the only girl, and she was found outside my mom’s old house. She adopted me. She’s obsessed with me. All the boys look at her like she’s the reigning queen. (She is). She has zero interest in returning to her stray ways. She takes one look at the outdoors and goes “Ew, no thanks”. Addicted to cat nip. Plays fetch. Like a weirdo.
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(Punkin on a Punkin)
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This confused looking fellow is Oliver George. He’s my roommate’s cat. I love him. He hates humans in general? He has a crumply ear because he had a boo-boo of some sort. It got fixed, and it gives him character. He likes Pumpkin and my sister. He tolerates everyone else. If he escapes the house it’s at least an hour getting him back in, and it often ends with someone (me) getting shredded. He looks at me and says “You’ll never take me alive!” And proceeds to fight with all his ten-pound might. And then is super sweet when I finally return him to the house.
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2-for-1 special, this is Jack Daniel (black) and Potter Maxwell (orange) they’re brothers from the same litter. Mom was a short haired calico and Dad was a long haired black cat. Jack got mom’s coat and dad’s color, Potter got mom’s color and dad’s coat. They’ve never been apart a day in their lives. Potter has the worst RBF I’ve ever seen on a cat, and Jack will only let you love on him while you’re trying to wash your hands. Any time Ollie escapes, Jack has a meltdown when he comes back in, because apparently he doesn’t recognize him.
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This is Sylvester James and I think he needs 3 pictures to really hit home how fuckin’ insane his transformation was. We found him outside a friend’s house, and we thought he was just a normal sized escapee, bc he looked healthy enough, but then he got fed regularly and a safe place and he turned into that enormous, majestic, long-haired beast. He’s so soft. It’s like petting a cloud. He also talks a lot for no reason. Also an occasional prison breaker. If Ollie refuses to go quietly, Sylvester is the opposite. If he escapes you can just pick him up and you can hear his little pea brain go “Rats! *finger snapping noise* Foiled again!”
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This fucking chaos gremlin is the baby, Floki Alexander. My roommate’s ex bf left him with us when he got dumped until he could get stable. He’s so sweet. He’s fucking insane. He’s almost three, and still has insane kitten energy. Loves kisses and cuddles and unattended glassware. If there’s a cup left sitting, Floki will knock it off and break it. Sits by the door, contemplates escaping. Ultimately does not.
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This is Daisy Mae, she’s technically my brother’s dog but she’s really not friendly so he couldn’t keep her where he was living, so I took her and I’m working on socializing her better. He will have to pry her out of my cold, dead hands if he ever wants her back.
She loves her kitties so much. She gets kisses and snuggles and ear cleanings from them.
She’s also fucking rotund because the only way my ex-roommate could get her to warm up to him was by human food. She’s on a diet now, and we go for walks.
I was going to add more pictures to really solidify how cute they all are, but alas there’s a 10 picture limit on mobile apparently.
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munkustance · 2 years
Headcanons, Backstory, Family, Pairings, Personality, Plotbunnies? Literally anything you want to add🥰
Favorite and least favorite foods?
If they had a human home, what would it be like?
What song(s) that aren’t canon do you think would fit their character?
What kind of cat do you think they would be if they weren’t an Anthropomorphic cat? (Example: I think Tugger would be a Russet Marble Tabby Maine Coone Cat and Cassandra would be a Dark Mink or Solid Burmese Cat)
Grizabella headcanons under the cut!
Just wanna say thank you for sending a ask for EVERY character, it´s gonna take me a while to get through them all but I´ll will do it!
As always spelling and grammar might be wrong since english is not my first language.
Grizabella was born into the tribe, she had a litter brother but he didn't make it. Her father was never there since he was a street cat and didn´t belong in a tribe. Grizabellas mother however was a beautiful grey queen adored by the other Jellicles.
Grizabella and her mother seemed to have a wonderful relationship but behind closed doors her mother would get mad at Grizabella if she ever did anything to ruin her glamorous reputaion. She would make sure Grizabella was always the most beautiful in the room.
Her mother left suddenly when her human family moved and took Grizabellas mother with them.
Later in life she mated with Old Deutoronomy and they had 3 kittens, the oldest Macavity, then Munkustrap and last Rum Tum Tugger.
Grizabellas favorite was Macavity by a long shot, his magic made him special and that in turn made her special, because well, she birthed him. However both Munkustrap and Tugger were severly neglected by her since "they had nothing to bring compared to magic".
This put a strain on her and Deutoronomys relationship and it all came ahead the day Macavity was banished. She ultimetly desided to go with him. Leaving the rest of her family and tribe betrayed and sadden.
Years later Macavity was established as the notorious criminal "The Hidden Paw". But Grizabella refused to see that part of him, delution kicking in real bad.
During her time with Macavity she would meet the two sisters Demeter and Bombalurina. They were the ones who opened Grizabellas eyes too how horrible her son really was when he started abusing them both right in front of her.
But instead of helping them, she escaped by herself and became the street cat we later see in the musical.
Of course Deuteronomy and Grizabella is my main pairing but the idea of Grizabella and Bustopher being together before Grizabella became the street cat is just *chefs kiss*
Don't really know what to say here as I've never really thought about just that. I'll just write her 3 words since that's basically how I see her.
Proud, hurt, indomitable.
Though I will add that before she left Macavity she was definitely delusional.
Definitely what happened when Macavity left and why Grizabella came with him. Another one is a fanfic with her, Demeter and Bombalurina while with Macavity. I just feel the angst flow through me.
She loves being spoiled with fancy food, so anything from humans is always a win. She however hates dry catfood and animals she needs to hunt for herself.
If they had a human home:
She would live in a villa with a rich woman who would spoil her at every turn. "Yes, my cat has her own room? So what? Don't yours?"
What song(s) would fit their character:
This one took me a while to figure out since I would say a song for her would be a more sad song... and I don't really listen to that. But one song that I found I feel like fits well with Grizabella and Deut during the musical.
I present to you: Never Forget (by Greta Salome & Jonsi). The lyrics just ✨️works✨️
What kind of cat would they be irl:
Somewhere between a Chartreux, british shorthair and selkirk rex.
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traumadump below the cut lol
when i was in third grade, my family was really poor. we weren't homeless, but we barely had enough money to pay the bills and still buy food. there was rarely any money left over for luxuries. despite really not having the money to afford it, my grandparents wanted me to go to a catholic school, at least for a while. they pitched in about half the tuition (which was already lower than normal since my grandmother worked for that school's church) and made my parents pay the rest.
sometimes i wonder if things would've happened differently if they hadn't needed to pay that tuition
in third grade, my family got another cat. his name was Blu, because his eyes were blue when he was a kitten, but they changed to a yellow-orange when he got older. his previous owner had a daughter that was allergic to cats, so they couldn't keep him.
he was a grey american longhair, if i remember correctly, and he really loved our dog, Daisy. he didn't care much for our other cat, Sasha, and she absolutely hated him. to be fair though, she hates every animal she meets.
we didn't even have him for a full year, but i loved that cat. he was the second cat my family had adopted after i was born, the first being Sasha.
a few months into having him, he got urinary crystals from the shitty water we have where we live. apple cider vinegar held it off, for a while, and i thought he had a chance.
my parents knew his time was limited
it kept getting worse. he was bleeding internally and would oftentimes refuse to use the litter box. he was in pain constantly.
near the end of his life, he rarely left the tub, let alone the bathroom. he would lay on his side in the tub and would only move if you talked to him or pet him.
we were too poor to euthanize him to give him a painless send-off
i get home from school one day, and i drop my bag on the floor, take off my shoes, and run to see Blu in the bathroom. Dad says he was in there about five minutes ago, and he was still responsive, though barely.
i get to the bathroom and lean over the edge of the tub and say hi to him. no response. i call his name. no response. i reach out and pet him. he doesn't move. he's still warm. Mom and Dad enter the bathroom after me. i call his name louder, i shake him. i call louder, louder, louder. i'm screaming. i start crying. Mom and Dad are crying, too.
i can't breathe. i'm sobbing too hard to. this isn't my first encounter with death, nor is it my last. it still hits me hard.
he wasn't even a year old
Dad buries him in the back yard. under an apple tree, with the other cats we've lost. i still miss him. i still wish we had the money back then to save him, or at least give him a relatively painless death. but we didn't, and i can't change what's already come to pass...
in retrospect, this is probably why my biggest fear is the death of loved ones. my own death scares me, sure, but death taking others? the thought is terrifying.
on multiple occasions, i've seen my sister asleep and motionless, and had to watch her for a minute to make sure she's still breathing. sometimes i'll see Sasha asleep and have to pet her to make sure she's not dead. i fear that one of my parents or grandparents will die in the middle of the night and i'd just go on with my day like nothing was wrong. i'm scared that one of my friends will die and i'll go to school and the only thing i'll think when they're not there is "huh, i guess they're sick today"
in other words, i've got death-related trauma, and i decided to make that everyone else's problem
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whelpimnauthuman · 5 months
I had a thing happen in Clangen and I need to share (and probably eventually draw/make a story about)
For background, the two main cats (Boulderlight and Dustshard) are siblings, in a mountainous Clan known as Crestedclan. Their parents are Fawnstar and Frostsnap, the two are from different litters. Boulder is older with a sneaky personality, Dustshard just graduated a few moons ago and is compassionate.
The Clan recently ended a war with a neighboring Clan; during that time Boulderlight's leg was broken from a trap that had been set. She's nest-bound while it heals, which is fine because she's expecting kits. (Dustshard sympathizes; he had broken a bone during his assessment - he'd graduated on time, and recovered just fine! But he remembers the feeling all-too well)
The kits are born, and after a few weeks Boulderlight's leg heals, although it's horribly mangled- she'll clearly have to relearn how to walk on it.
Dust offers to take his sister out on a walk outside camp - not far, he promises, just to get some air. She happily agrees, although it takes much more effort to convince her mate, Scorchbloom.
"We're not going that far, just for me to get some air. Besides, you heard Lynxstep, I need to exercise my leg-"
Scorchbloom doesn't like it ("Why can't you get some air in camp?") but eventually agrees, going to watch their kits.
I'm kinda vague on details here, but essentially the two go out and enjoy themselves, have some sibling bonding, etc. but are stopped by the smell of rogue. It puts them on edge for obvious reasons, but there's also the fact that the last moon a rogue was spotted, but fled before he could be chased off. The patrol at the time had felt very strange and off-put by how quickly he fled and agreed to keep an eye out.
The siblings now are on edge, and are suddenly confronted by a gang of 3-4 rogues, who, while they don't seem violent, immediately put Boulder on edge. They give off a weird vibe, and she tries to subtly, quietly, get Dust to go back to camp without the rogues noticing, or at least before they get more aggressive. After all, he can at least run and get help.
Dustshard refuses, until Boulderlight physically shoves him, right as one of the rogues leaps. She's forced to the ground, and he bolts, one of the attackers hard on his paws.
The sounds of Boulderlight's battle draw another patrol, but it's already too late - Boulderlight is dead.
Dustshard isn't going back to camp with this stranger behind him. He's going back to his sister as fast as possible. He realizes he knows this territory better than this intruder, so hides himself... Before ambushing the larger cat. Dustshard knows he's losing, but he can at least take this rogue with him. In a final, desperate attempt, he tackles the stranger and pushes them both into what is known to be an unstable part of the mountain...
Hearing his mate's death, Scorchbloom can't return to the nursery...
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bishiglomper · 1 year
Cannot sleeeeeep. Have to w h i i i i n e
Woke up to stabbies. Been getting these electrical stabs the last couple weeks. Figure its fibro. I dont see why it would be my new pill. But my body picks a spot and then it feels like im being STUNG. REPEATEDLY. Tonight its the opposite spot of my scar's location.
And i hear beeping. I think its bro's alarm. He does not wake up easily. If i tell him to turn it off, he will and go back to sleep.
And the nephew keeps turning on the hallway light.
And I'm obsessing over a niece issue.
Bong water has not been using a litterbox. They're upstairs, i think she just isn't going upstairs anymore.
Conversation with niece went like:
"I picked up 2 piles of poop from bong water last night."
"You can take her back to my apartment whenever you want"
"Are you going to be there?"
"If i bring a litterbox down, will you help me clean it?"
"I dont do the litterbox at MY house."
Bitch. You do not deserve a fucking cat. Or any pet. She killed her rats from neglect.
If i wasnt so against returning poor helpless furbabies to the shelter for insignificant reasons...........
But also we already have FOUR CATS. We were supposed to stop at Cinderbelle. But then Pantera, Pooka and Reno happened....
We cannot own another cat. It's already been a month. If the landlord notices... 😣 We've babysat other animals before but like i said its been a month. Niece doesnt seem to have plans for leaving either. I guess shes fine paying rent for an empty house and just sleeping on our couch forever. If we kick her out, she'll just couch surf. At least her boyfriend is in jail.....ffs
I barely have the executive function to clean MY cats litterboxes, and they're right outside my door. For just this purpose. I'm not gonna be able to do a downstairs one. I cannot tote the container of litter between flights. Just. No.
I dont think i can tell her friend (original owner of bw) to take her because she lives with a toxic af mother and i dont think the situation is safe.
Also the house is so bad. Made worse by now cat shit all over the place. But everyone is really struggling physically, and between the house and our own bodies, our mental health is fucked up too.
Moms stomach is fucked. She does not want to eat. She does. She resorts to junk food when she gets hungry but i cant complain because she wont let us feed her otherwise.
And sissy fucked up her back. I dont know what all shes doing for it but shes done muscle relaxants, back brace and tens unit occassionally. She refuses a heating pad for some reason.
Lately my symptoms are fibro shit, stomach pain, asthma, a strained/tired back, and tachycardia. The tachicardia is the worst because it kicks up when I get up. And eat. It settles down when i rest. Also the asthma. Just going up/down the stairs makes me do this dry throat clearing kind of cough for the next 10 minutes after the tiniest pinch of exertion. And I've woken up gasping a few nights.
Those two need to see some fuckin doctors. Mine can't do anything for me, but at least I jump through those fuckin hoops. I see everyone. All the specialists. I'm trying my best here. I have some major flaws that im sure frustrate the family, but this irritates me that they won't see people.
Mom especially. The only appointments she has are for literal surgical consults and she flaked on ONE situation already. Next one is for somethig else. No idea if she'll ever do anything about her previous issue she needs fixed 🙄😤
And also my sister is going blind and has high blood pressure but won't take her medicine. Her reasoning is because then she'll have to order more and go through setting it up and shit. Executive function issues i guess. Mom has been setting it up and giving it to her but i never remember and sometimes she forgets too.
Like do you know how many pills i take to have some semblance of function and not die? This is also frustrating to see.
I don't know what to do about any of this.
If we got rid of the cat, the niece would disown us. Which honestly, if she werent already riding a fine line of unsafe i wouldn't mind so much, she'd get over it eventually. Once she had the maturity to. 🙄 Because it's not like it would be out of spite. But sissy is on eggshells making sure we dont push her away. Probably into the arms of another halfway house resident. 😒
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arvadthecursed · 5 months
CW for animal abuse? Sort of? I honestly don't know. It happened like 18 years ago. My parents are shocked I'm upset and I feel like I'm going crazy. It's been a couple days and I keep thinking about it.
Okay so for context. When I was in 1st grade, I had two mice, Tom and Jerry. Jerry bit my dad through the finger one day so my dad set him outside, where a colony of feral cats lived. This I knew about.
A few days after Jerry was let outside, I came home from school and Tom was missing. My dad told me that Tom had gotten out of his cage and while he'd tried to look for him, he couldn't find him. I was devastated, but I got over it, as kids do.
Me, my mom, and my dad were sitting on the couch after my graduation dinner. My dad let slip that Tom didn't escape his cage. My dad took him outside and let him loose like he did with Jerry. I asked him why and he wouldn't tell me. I guess he just wanted to get rid of my other mouse. I was shocked and upset, and my parents were like "Why are you so mad??"
After my dad went to bed, I asked my mom if she knew. She literally said "I refuse to comment." So I'm assuming she knew and agreed with him to do this. Tom didn't even do anything.
It's like. Okay. My cat Stitch, the one I mentioned who had peed in the sink and my mom got rid of her. That still makes me sad but I barely remember Stitch because I was so little. But to know they did it AGAIN with my mice?? I don't even know what to say.
And now I'm worried all over again if they try and take Stella upstairs. If her and Junebug get into it, and she makes a mess/has an accident because STRESS TRIGGERS HER LITTER BOX ISSUES, I'm afraid they'll just blame her and not acknowledge that they purposefully stressed her out by taking her upstairs. But I think they know I'll fight tooth and nail for Stella. I'm an adult now, and she's my fucking cat.
I just. I don't know. I feel at a loss for words. My stuff is always up for getting rid of. In high school, I liked to dress up and wear bows in my hair. My mom forced me to through all my bows away because they were "childish." When I went to college at 18, they went through my clothes and got rid of all my skirts because I should "dress like a grown up." And now, twenty years later, I know they got rid of my pets. I am honestly really hurt. It feels so silly to be upset because it was almost twenty years ago but they're acting like it's some silly quirky story and not them letting my mice loose to be eaten by the feral cats next door.
They've never done this with my sister's stuff. I don't know what I did.
I have to act happy and like nothing is wrong but honestly my weekend has been kind of ruined. I have slept a lot and avoided direct convos with my parents as much as I can. I went on a walk and sat outside on the porch to watch the rain bc I just feel so sad. But I've gotta get over it because I have my boards on the 29th and tomorrow I've gotta start studying.
I feel very sad and overwhelmed. Thanks for reading. Sorry for the big long pointless rant.
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locallyloathed · 1 year
I just need to bitch and I don’t have pen and paper to angrily scratch my grievances on and then burn so I’m just gonna scream it into the void. Please disregard.
Where to start, where to start. We’ll run it through a standard day.
Wake up at 4:00 AM - not a problem, I’m an early morning person and wake up naturally around then anyway.
Have to deal with 7 fucking cats in the house. I love cats, favorite animal, but I only signed up to deal with 3.
I live in my older sisters house. When I first moved in, it was agreed that my rent would be dirt cheap if I would just take care of 3 of the cats, with her taking care of the one on her side. I agreed.
I later brought my mom’s elderly cat to save him from being given up. Not a prob, it’s my cat, I’ll deal with it.
Sister moves out to live with her boyfriend half an hour away, and doesn’t bother checking on her other cat. 5 cats. I take care of 5 cats.
Friend moves in “temporarily,” loves my cats, gets their own. Sweet, we get food and water and a litter box in their room for her. So they take care of her? No! They never refill the food/water or clean the litter box and just lock her out of their room, so I get to take care of her. 6 cats.
My fucking sister decides to adopt a special needs cats that she knows damn well I’m gonna have to take care of until she moves back in. 7 cats, one with a whole list of complications I have to watch out for.
I now take care of more than twice the number I agreed to do with no compensation.
I go to open in a fast food restaurant. Ordinarily, fine. Prep work comes naturally to me, and my coworkers leave me alone most of the time. It’s AB opening.
How the hell she hasn’t been fired is beyond anyone’s understanding. Worse manager we’ve ever had, and one used to sell weed through the window.
Once spent an understaffed 3 hour lunch rush in the managers office on her damn phone, got real pissy with me for telling her we needed help. I got pissy right back. Tried to write me up for insubordination, was shot down when the GM looked at the camera footage.
She knows I work hard to make everything run on time in the mornings and will take 6 smoke breaks an hour and has to be strong armed into doing basic tasks.
If another manager is there, they have to babysit her to make sure she does her fucking job. Exception is the GM and AM, who she acts buddy-buddy with in hopes of making them forget how horrible she is at being a manager. This always works.
The only reason she became a manager was because I refused the promotion due to the mistreatment of all of my favorite managers, who were equally if not more hardworking than me and got taken advantage of frequently as a result.
Stand over a fryer for 3 hours, then over a hotwell full of food for 3 more. I have one 15 minute break in the middle, with only the first hour and fifth hour being a break from the heat. Did I mention the AC in our store is fully broken?
I go home. It’s a mess. My roommate has left food on the table and crumbs all over the couch. At least it’s not the full bowls of food they leave in their bedroom knowing full well that I’m terrified of ants (which they find funny.) Rather than clean up after themself, they are yelling at their friends over the discord call they leave running at all times. I start to understand why their parents kicked them out.
Broaching the subject of chores just results in a woe-is-me speech about how hard they work and how I said I’d be willing to clean up the house (I specified a few minor messes when they moved in). I can’t respond, because I get pissed off quickly and have a fucking personality disorder that makes me shut down when I’m upset.
I don’t speak to them unless necessary and usually lock myself away in my room to get space due to always being upset. They attempt to guilt trip me over my behavior, give me the silent treatment when that doesn’t work, and then clean up one (1) mess and apologize. We do this again next week.
I just needed to get this whole situation off my chest. I don’t want to make them move out, they’re still my friend, and my job isn’t that bad, I love all my sisters cats, but just. I need a break. I need to go far away. I need to stop being perceived by any of these people. I need to be dead for a year or two.
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